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2 April93 ... :tJ;.~EU.A COMUNITA'ITAUANA

Soinmario • Contents Servizi Speciali Aprile • April

Organi Growth...... p. 5 AVVlSl••••••••••••••••••••••••••• p. 6 Le regole del caos .. .. p. 7 In Memoria...... p. 10 For a Rainy Day p.30 Fratelli medioevali p. 35 Sweet Zucchero ...... p.37 Diva Scala...... •...... p. 40 Regular Features Due Parole ". .. p. 4 The Hill ...... p. 12. Cronaca della Comunita' p. 16 Dall'Italia...... P. 23 Cammino con Carmelo . .. .•...... p. 24 Eurofocus ...... p. 28 An overhaul at St. Peter's. Ecclesia Nostra ". .. p. 29 See p. 5. Photo - Bruno Medici Art Lives...... p.36 Amato parla sui caos. Vedete p. 7. Foto - Salvatore Mancuso

Entertainment, Leisure & Sport To advertise in Backhill write to: Arena Musicale ". .. p. 41 Anna Sportlight p. 42. Advertising Department Italsport...... •. .. p. 43 • Backhill Magazine Tempo Libero...... P. 45 4 Back Hill Mamma's Ricetta ...... p. 46 London EC1 R 5EN 0718371966 Notices - A vvisi Chiesa di San Pietro . p. 25 © 1993 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Where to Buy . p. 34 Road, London EC1 Calendario ' . p.47 Printed by SrerIinllPrinting Co. Lid. Noticeboard . p.48 78 Bounds Green ROlld, London N.J J 2EU

Aprile 93 3 -b~ _ ~ RIVISl'A DELLA COMUNlTA' ITAUANA Due Parole Padre Roberto Russo vila di Dio: perehc' porto la risurrezi­ cntra nella mia vita: nel Vangelo chc CariAmici, onc di Cristo: la porto per mc c per possiamo leggere e mcditare insieme, per prima cosa tanti, tanti auguri gli altri. ogni voila chc 10 volete 0 che ne affelluosi per la Pasqua: sarebbe tanto Ogni giomo per mc c' una mortc avetc voglia. Perehc' c' lanto bella la bello poterei vedere e salutare uno per ed una risurrezione: uon posso esscre risurrezione di Gesu', ma si vivc uno, invece purtroppo bisogna appena diverso da Gesu': ma sono in Gesu' c insieme: Gesu' c' morto ed e' risorto stringerei la mano, direi qualche con Gesu'. Durantc, iI giomo la mia per tUlli: e noi risorgiamo ogni giomo parola oppure salutarei da lontano: io mortc.:..c' rappresentata da tutd quei per tulli: la mia risurrezione mi fa parlo di quando ci vediamo in Chiesa: bmlli momenti dellamia giomata chc portare gioia, ealore, coraggio imomo fuori Chiesa puo' essere piu' facile. mi famlo semire tristc, annoiato: chc a mc, p'erehc' Gesu' c' vissuto Ma sia in Chiesa che fuori, noi mi famlo piangerc, che spengono la facendo 11 bene: mi fa portare tanla adesso, durante iI tempo pasquale serenita' c la gioia della vita: quci fedc c aumenta la mia fede: la frase di proclamiamo quello che ci dice il momenti che mi famlo avaro, or­ San Paolo che mi dicc "Se siete Vangelo dclla Pasqua e cioc' "Gesu' goglioso, chc mi portano al peccato: risorti eon Cristo, cercatc Ic cose di non e' qui. e' risorto!": noi crediamo sono questi i momend di mortc della lassu", vuol farmi eapire proprio che Gcsu' c' risorto cd e' vivo con iI mia giomata: ma souo i momcuti chc questo e cioc' chc la mia risurrezionc Suo Corpo, oggi. Gesu' c' iI centro -mi portano alia risurrezioue:perehc' c' vivere profondamente la mia fedc della nostra fedc: noi 10 riconosciamo io non sono piu" 10 stesso: perehc' con Gesu' c con iI mio prossimo. vivo risorto, .Signorc: c' risorto pcr Gesu' c' risortO per me: pcrehc' allora La Verginc Maria, chc proprio iI me: c' un fallo chc mi interessa io capisco che mi posso fidare solo di venerdi" santo c' stata proclamata personalmentc. Gesu'. nostra Madre ci accoglic tUlli: c' Gesu' ha levato la pietra che Lo faccio entrarc uella mia vita" 10 Madrc di Gcsu'" c' nostra Madrc: copriva iI suo sepolcro ed c' risorto: sento presemc c operaute: c' vivo, c' proteggc la noslra fedc, ci aiuta nella ma con la sua risurrezione ha levato amore, non c' ragionamento: mi dicc nostra risurrczione, nel cammino con anchc la pietra dcl mio sepolcro, dcl "Ecco, faccio nuove tulle le cosc": c Dio, nella storia della mia vita con sepolcro della mia vha, del mio cuore: fa nuovo anche me: appunto gli Dio: io non sono un condannato a con iI ballcsimo io sono risorto e vivo diciamo "Signore, credo, aiutami morte, sono una persona chiamat.a alia in Gesu': Gesu' c' iI Cristo, iI Figlio nclla mia incredulita':'" voglio dire iI vita con Dio. di Dio. IJ Cristo: cioc' colui che Jnio "si" con tutto iI cuore: e viene la Auguri. compic I'opera di Dio: cia compie in risposla di Dio nclla mia vha:' perehe, mc perehc' io sono una opera dJ Dio: i1 Signorc c' buono cd c' etema la sua c la gioia della mia vha c' questa: c' miscricordia. la fede in mc stcsso pcrehc' io sono La risposta di Dio vienc nel una opera di Dio: pcrehc' porto la Vangelo che io ascolto c medito c chc

The resurrection of Jesus is a proclama­ tion that this outcast from GaJilee is thc beloved of God who calUlot be hcld in thc keep of death because someone else lakes action. Jesus did not raise himself; he was raised by God. TIle tmth Ihat God raised Jesus from thc dead gives hope and help to all thosc who want Ihat miraele repeated in thc midst of lifc. TIICY believc that God's work Contin­ ues - not least because they believc Jesus' words: '" am the resurrection and the • lifc," Today. Wc can all caleh something of thc rcality of thc resurrection when wc experi­ cncc ncw lifc in thc midst of hopelessness. We sec it in hosphal wards, when tired nurses hug people back from dcalll. We see it in 1I1e men and women who risk 1I1eir lives protesting against 1Ile mindless vio­ Ienec inflicted on their fellow human beings. We can sec it in 1Ile beloved disciples who see in thc dark what no onc elsc sees. For all this wc rejoicc. It is Easter in our midst; it is Ihe refusal to accept 1I1at EasIer: The refusal 10 accepllhlll anyone should be left for dead. anyone should bc left for dead.

4 April93


, . Organic Growth LuigiPenna

The organ of St. Peter's Ilaliana Ilalian Chnrch organ has featnred in a holes there were in dIe raeks! chureh is famons. Also, it is not nnmber of recordings by wcll known There are dtree keyboards plus the entirely the same organ that was orga%lists. Now howcvcr, it is undcr­ pedal keys, so there are in fact almost originally built in 1884 by M. Ch. going a mnch·needcd ovcrhanl at dIe 3,000 pipes. A1Uleessens of Belginm at a price of cxpen hands of .Michacl Broadway. Each pedal has a pipe: dley are all less than £2,000. Hcre are a few cxtracts from BACK·, woodcn, square and jOlllted but odler-, It was rebuilt abont 1920 after it HILL's convcrsation with Mr. Broad­ wise work in exactly dIe same way. was found to be in a very b:ld way which will givc you somc idea 'of TIle bigger dIe pipe dIe deeper dIe condilion - praetically unplayable ­ tile %nagnitude of his task " and tile note. after the Great War, by John Comp­ intricate natnre of dlc organ d,at TIle manual (hand) keyboard also tons Ltd. as a 4-mannal with pneu­ requires snch skilfnl playing: has deep notes. You would use dIe matie' action and the , pedal keyboard so addition of Tubas. that you can do all In 1959 it was sons of dlings at rebuilt by J.W. once. 11 is one of dIe Walker & Sons as a few times tllat you 3·mannal with elec· not only have to tra-pneumatic ac­ know what both tion, retaining :111 hands are doing bnt original pipework both feet. pins additions and in TIle idea of the particnlar enlarge. pedals is tllat you ment of the Pedal can play a separate Organ. The pipe. mne on the pedals as work is all on hght to what is going on pressure, nothing in the mannal key·, above 3". Walker's boards. So yon can initial ' specification play 2" 3, 4 tuncs at was for tracker" bnt once. was abandoned The non-pcdal when it was decided pipes, dlat is thc ma­ to have a "Rose jority of the pipes Window". are made of pewtcr. In 1960, in a A mixture of lead pnblication called and tin and they are ','The Organ" Cecil extrcmcly soft. If Clulton went into yon pick thcm np too significant detail hard yon can dcnt about the composi. thcm. In fact I've tion of the organ. spent a lot of time on Mnch of il is in those that have got tccllllical langualle dcnts, ronnding thcm which a non·orgamst /'ipesfor one keyboardlVhich are yet to be cleaned· photo B. Me/lici onl. . would not undcr­ ThiS organ stand: references to Qnint, Cnllnhom, '''I1lcre are pipes conncctcd to rack shonld go on forever if it's cleancd Tremnlant, NaZ:lrd, Gedeckt. What is boards Ihat hold the pipes in place. and lookcd aftcr. Il's almost all apparent is the scale and complcxity DOwnslairs is Ihc blowcr which is a natnral matcrial. Ncxt timc we may of the Ilalian Chureh's '''machinc'': to ccnt:l'ifngal fan. Jnst like a vacunm have to replace somc of the lealhcr call it a musical instrumcnt might c1ea%ICr, only in rcvcrsc rcally, blow­ undcraclion, because leathcr doesn't tcnd to underplay (if you will forgivc ing wind ont and an clectric motor last forevcr. But gcnerally thcre isn't thc pnn) the enginecring as well as with a fan on it. anylhing in it dlat can't be repaired. the arlisanship which were required to The wind comcs throngh an cnor­ TIle wood is mahogany. TIle only construct it. mous zinc tnmks and is stored in problcm is if the Church is too hot or Anneessens original work, and rcservoirs (which denate whcn too damp then it will hann tile Walker's much pmised overhaul of switchcd of/). TIlcre is one for each mechanism and the timber. 1959, led Clulton 10 conclude: man\lal i.e. for eaeh of the thrce TIlis first pao will finish before "Taken :111 ronnd, this is a .supcrb keyboards. Eastcr. TIlcn we have anothcr fonr organ. Ccrtainly it is favonrcd by a Because cach keyboard is honsed parts to do. i.e. cach kcyboard. TIlis good posilion and acoustics, whcre separatcly, sidcways almost, it mcans will be ovcr a period of time. We others have bcen Icss foonnate: but I cau gct onc bit out and go right back hope to gct it all done within thc year even so, its merils are very gre:lt to the wall, clean it and pnt it back bnt at evcry stage thcre will always indeed and I do not Ihink a more togethcr again wilhont dislnrbing thc be at least 3 keyboards in use. We effcctive organ has yet been made in rest. also appreciate that there arc Church Ihis ccntnry". ' So for thc first keyboard I disman-' fcstivals that need the complcte organ As llIany re:ldcrs will know, the tlcd 732 pipes '- Ihat's the nnmber of in lISC."

Aprile 93 5 Avvisi Dall'Ambasciata Italiana

Pensionati 11 Voto di Corrispondenza bisognerebbe arrivare ad "un numero L'!stituto Naziouale della Previ· 11 desidcrio dcgli ilaliani all'estero definilo" dei rappresentanti deglii denza Sociale Ita infonnato iI Minis· di "far selllire la loro voce nel italiani all'estero. Ha aggiunlo ancora tero degli Affari Esteri delle iuno· contesto polilico italiano" e' "del iI capo della direzione generale del­ vazioni inlerveuUle circa iI pagamento 1l1ll0 legillimo e non dcve essere l'emigrazione. delle pensioni in oggello, comuni-' ,disalleso": e' qualllo affennato Franc· Corrias Ita anclte osservato cite cando quanlo segue: esco Corrias.; capo .dclla Direzionc bisognerebbe 'orientarsi verso "il voto "Come e' nota, le reccitti hUlO.. Gcncralc dcll'Emigrazionc'dclla Far· di corrispondenza": non' essenoo vazioni legislalive iillervenute sia a nesiua.· IntcrVcnendo qucsto pomcrig· "pensabile altra ipotesi", ooprallullo livello nazionale cite intemazionale gio alia commisione estcri dclla cam· per gli ilaliani cite si trovano negli Itanno incrcmelllato iI fenomeno della era. Stati Unili 0 in sudamerica. liquidazione di pensioni di importo Si calcola cite siano allualmenle Corrias, la cui audizione fa seguito mollo esiguo, detenninando, per ovvi 60 milioni le persone di origine a quelle del Ministro Colombo e del motivi, siluazioni di disagio per gli italiana nel mondo. Tra questi vi SOllosegralario Giacovazzo, Ita affer· interessati. Per i residenti all'eslero, iI sarebbe un "potcnzialc" di circa malO di rilenere "opportune" azioni, pagamento della prestazione in valuta cinque milione di ilaliani, secondo· anclte paJamentari, 'affinclte' del Paese di residenza acuisce iI le diverse questioni degli fenomeno di cite trallasi. italiani all'eslero" divcnlino Allo scopo di contenere lali disagi, una (..'priorita"'. sono state assullle da questo Istilulo le La questione del voto iniziative cite si riportano di seguito: degli italiani aU'estero di cui , '-' 'per le pensioni iI cui prima si discute da diversi ani, e' bimestre dell'amlo risulli inferiore a stalo l'argomeJllo centrale lire 20.000, vielie disposto il paga­ della riunione della comis· melllO con cadenza amlllale alllicipala sione esteri. Tra gli altri temi ed iI reJativo assegno comprcnde gli sollevali dai membri della import; delle rate relalive all'inlero commissione e' stato quello amlo di competenza. Agli ISliluti di' della grave crisi economica Credito incaricati dei pagamenti al·, cite colpisee iI mondo indus· I'eslero sono state fomite istnJzioni tializzalo e cite potrebbe por- affinclte' diano corso al pagamelllo qualllo Ita dCllO Corrias. Coloro cltc lare moW italiani' residenti unico alia" scadenza della prima sono "registrati"" ha infonnato an.. all'estero a rientrare nel proprio cedola 1993; cora iI diplomalico. Sono poco meno paese. ,- per le, pensioni liquidate con di due milioni proprio in consegucnza Sono stati, infine, ricordali :incite i importo mensile fino a L. 1.000, viene di "un 'anagrafe estcra non certa". problemi della scuola, della pensione trasmessa agli illleressali apposita lel· Per Corrias la "massa votante"· sociale, dclla llIteJa dei' lavoratori lera nella quale .. si comunica cite, sarebbc "l1ulluallle'" e potrebbe arriv. italiani all'eslcro e anclte qucllo del·, tenuto conlo dell'esiguita' della rata, are a un massimo di due milioni e I'ampliamelllo della diffusionc dci la pensione non e' posta per iI mezzo di persone. In considerazione progranlJui della RAI nei paesi con momenlO in pagamento e si fa riserva di, !luesti mOlivi e anclte per non forte presenza italiana. di ulteriori nOlizie al riguardo." modlficare iI sistema rapprescnlativo, Itallilan London A look at the Italian Community of London First episode ofthe Dilly Down Town. series

2([}tllll ApriJI at 1l9,,8([) ([)1Jl lIT

6 April93 - :if:.~Fn.A COMUNITA'ITAlJANA

Le regole del caos F. Spirito

Due leader ehe uon se la passano Alia domanda se bene: Jollll Major, if prima ministro avrebbe polulO fare qual· britamlieo e Giuliano Amato, presi. cosa per impedire 0 per dente del Coniglio. Si sono incolllrati frenare la catastrofica cor­ domenica I marzo a Chequers per ruzione del vecchio sistema parlare dei problemi comnni - reces. Amalo ha risposto ehe sione, l'Europa, partiti. questo aspeno del problema 11 giomo seguente, dopo un iucon­ conceme la dignita' di tro di rito con Douglas Hnrd, Ministro molte persone in Italia. "10 agli Esteri britallllico, if presidellle del rilengo • ha affennato· ehe Consiglio si e' recato alia famosa ben poche persone erano al London School of Economics per correule delle cose che tenere un breve discorso proprio snl stiamo scopreudo adesso. tema: "Italia e Europa: le regole del Molti di nOI sapevauo che i caos" . partiti disponevano di mag­ 11 suo messaggio (in un onimo giori fondi rispellO a quanlo iuglese) cra semplice: i progeni dei !a !egge c


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Aprile 93 9 :ft~Fll.A COMUNlTA'ITALIANA

In Memoria Amici Defunti Don Elio Sidoli

Si sono svolti, nell Chiesa di S. Anlonino, domenica 24 gellllaio, con la partecipazione del Vescovo della Diocesi, di una quaranlina di sacerdoli e di tanli fedeli i funerali di Don Elio Sidoli, decedulo improvvisamenle nella sua abitazione di Borgolaro alcuni giomi prima Nalo a Lezzara (Bardi) iI 6 giugno 1930, ordinalo sacerdole iI 30 maggio 1953, esercilo' iI suo minislero sacerdotale per due alllli in Borgonovo Val Tidone, snccessivamellle a Branzone (1955-1964) e infine a S. Pietro, S. Martino, Caffaraccia. La morte di Don Elio e'·slala particolannellle sofferta dalle nostre comunila' crisliane, dai sacerdoli confralelli, dagli insegnanti ed alulllli deII'Islilulo Tecnico eommerciale; dalla rcdazione di Voce del Taro ehe per lanli almi 10 hallllo avulo eollaboralore ed amico.

Frank e Margherita Cavaciuti

Frank Cavaciuti e sua sorella Margherila Cavaciuli in Pelopida sono scomparsi neII'aprile del 1992. La famiglia di Frank e Margherila desidera ringraziare lulli i parenli e amici che harlllo·partecipalo e parteCipano IUll'ora alloro'dolore e grande perdila. AII'almiversario della 10ro scomparsa sara' celebrala alia Chicsa di S. pietro una messa di soffraggio, ore 10.00 18 aprile 1993. .

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- -- ~- -~~ :~

10 April93 :t;~1LA COMUNITA'ITALlANA

At the recent funeral of Augusto Collini, in the Italian Church, his son Armo paid this tribute (printed in full below) to him, an honest hardworking man. The tribute is, in a way, a tribute to many like Augusto who made their way to this country and lived decently, committed to their families and the Church. We could do with more of their like in these more wordly times.

"Our Dad was a good man. Trentino, 10 Pinzolo and tile moun­ simple things too. Just a few simple words seem so tains and we were spellbound and fell Our Dad had 14 grandehildren and Iinle to say about someoue we all in love witl. everytiling, and we still I great grandson and he loved tllem loved so much. And yet tltat was what are, and tllat pleased him and made all and when they think of Nonno he was -A Good Man, a gcntle man, him happy. tlley will smile too because he was so a kind man, and always a happy man. And now he is gone. But I shall kiud and he never grumbled and He arrived in England in 1913 smile again as I remember him on a because he made them laugh. almost 80 years ago.· Hc rctuOled 10 Saturday evening with his friends Ycs our Dad was a good man and Italy in 1930 to gel married and plaYing tri-set. Witll Tin and Fredo as eaeh day I walk tile streets of this allogelher lived in this area of Linle and Bramo and Pirrot and Belsaglier city and worship in tltis ehurc~,.as he Italy for over 70 years. In Whiskin and tile Guvnor, and all tile otllers. did for SO many years,the tradlllon of Street, in Kings Cross Road, in New On Suudays we shall remember service aud love for our Community North Streel aud. of coursc. wilh him: Holy Mass, roast beef, poleuta, will continue because we will always Mum al 109 Guildford Strcct for more baked jam roll. TIle grappa in his remember. than 53 years, wonderful ycars, with coffee he loved so much. And we Our Dad was a Good Man. n so many memories and so many shall smile because we love those cOlUtections with tile Church. his church: "La Taliana" J as he foudly callcd il. . For the last five years he was confined 10 a wheelchair aud was carcd for by some good people al Valc Fann House, a few of whom arc with us today and 10 whom we say thank you so much. Our Dad was a good man. Like so many of his fellow counlrymen he worked hard and made mauy sacrificcs. In Ihose limcs that was Ihe way it was. Today as we mouOl him and are sad we are joincd in spirit by Ihe rest of the family from Romc, from Treuto, and from Pinwlo and we Ihank God for haviug had our Dad. Today also 1 shall smile. becansc he would wanI mc 10 do so. 1 shall smile when I remcmber all the iniponaut things he taught us in his own way. Things thal the Press, thc Media, the T.V. all sccm 10 have forgonen. ,How always 10 say please and tlmnk you. How always to try and help evcry­ onc. How always 10 wake np singing and happy to go to work. Yes, our DlId WllS 1I good nHIII. He took US 10 Italy•. 10 the

AllgIlS{O Clnd the wife he went to /ICIly /(I marry III t/Ieir 60th wedding anniversay.


The Hill Olive Besagni

I hope. you 'enjoyed last mOlllh's view Witll his C.O.. He asked tile C.O. saved from intemment by Nicola's story 'Famlglia Nastri' as I enjoyed if anytiling could be done to save his sacrifice. writing it. If you recall we left fatller from being intemed. The C.O. Approximately nine montlls later, Famiglia Nastri in the year 1955, with said "he would look into tile matter". Private Nastri arrived home on four tile untimely deatll of Alfonso Senior. TIle next day, Nieola reported back to days leave Victor recalls tllat he was Trofimena lived to see all of her tile C.O.. He was told tllat, if he wearing a very impressive full kit. sons marry, witll tile exception of would be prepared to volunteer for a However, Nicola said notlling about Johnny (Shorty) who remained at "Special Service Unit", tlley would tile special assiglllllent upon which he home with her nlllil her death at tile "see what they could do", with regards was about to embark. He simply told grand age of 88 years. The family tllem when he left were devastated in 1976, when that he would write Nicola, (whose adventnres I'm about to them as usual. to relate) suffered a fatal stroke, you Pasqua, clearly reme­ can imagine tile heart-break for his mbers going to wife and Trofimena,: for he was only King's Cross station 59.years·old. Witll his brother Jolm 1982 brought more sorrow, to see him off. TIley Giuseppe Ooe Joe) died of a heart said tlleir farewells, attack leaving his wife Pat and little t1look after mum" daughter Natalie who was only 6-. was tile last tiling he years·old. Two years later they lost said as he embraced Jolm, and as Victor said to me, "as brotller Jolm. TIley wonderful as it is to be part of a large never dreamed that It family, you get a double share ofgrief would be five years as you lose them, particularly if you before tlley would sct are one of the youngest". eyes on him again. In the course of my joumey back Little did Trooper illlo tile early days of '11 Quartiere Nastri envisage what Italiano' with Victor and Pasqua, a lay before him on revelation regarding son No 2 came to tllat fateful day when light. I was fascinated by this heart· he agreed to volun· wanlling tale of adventnre, which in teer for this "Special its telling reveals a son's great love Service Unit". TIle for his father. Unit was in fact tile beginnings of the S.A.S.. TIle first ink­ Nicola's Story ling tile volunteers September 2nd 1939, at the com· had of what to fol-. mencement of World War 2, Nicola low, was when tlley was among the first cOlllingeJits of were sent to the Cen­ young men called up to serve in the tral Landing School, British Anny. As with most of the where they were in­ yonng conscripts, he, apart from hav­ formed that they ing to leave his beloved parents and were now "X Troop, brothers, settled down to the training no. 2 Commando" etc. and got on Witll it. Natnrally like and were to be all serving Anglo.ltalians, he was trained as parachut­ hoping that Italy, if they came illlO ists. TIley were in· tile war, would come in on the side of Trooper Naslri stmcted never to talk about any of Britain and France. Alas, on June IOtll their training or activities and that it 1940 to tile constemation of tile to keeping his father ont of the was all top secret. TIle training was Italian Community in England, Italy intenunent camps. He volunteered rigorons and the squad were encour· entered on tile side of Germany. witholll a second thonght. Back in agcd to believe that tlley were nnique Many of our readers know the dire London in the Nastri home, tearful and that they were fittest men in tile consequences for Italians thronghout preparations were being made for anny. Following their ground training Britain in tile ensuing panic. The Papa's imminent arrest. Instead, tile they began training to jump from infamons "Collar the Lot" came into authorities came and told Alfonso tl13t aircraft, "it's as easy as falling out of being, bringing in its wake tllC horror he was to register as an·alien, to bed" they were told. "All you have to of tile "Arandora Star", and many report to the police station once a do is jnmp". otller unjustified incarcerations. week, and he was not to go ontside a One of tile men was killed when Nicola received a letter from five mile radius of "11 Quartiere his parachute failed to open. TIle home, telling him, that there was a Italiano'·' and they also removed the training jumps stopped for a while, "very real threat" that his father family's wireless. You can imagine whilst new methodS of folding tile Alfonso was about to be illlemed. He their relief. TIle family rejoiced, but chutes were tested. After a short while was appalled, and reqnested an inter. tlley had no idea that Papa' had been tllC jumping recommenced, no doubt

12 April93 with some trepidation 'on the part of In tile early hours of the moming ClIIne floating down through the stars. tile men. There were no furtller easu. of 10lh February, tile Whitley's set off I called my mother, and some of the alties. on tlleir mission. TIle terrain sur·' other children. TIley came running out The next step was to FortWilliam ronnding tile aquednet was desolate, as did the other fanners in tile area. in Scotland, to join "The School of dangerous and mountainous, far worse We all gazed up=at the sky, not Irregular Warfare". Herc further train­ tllan the officers had been led to nnderstanding at all. Then someone ing was carried out in tile fonn of expect. TIle quiet still moonlit night, said tllat tlley were angels floating mountain climbing, swimming carry' made the descent almost magical. down from heaven. Some fell to tlleir ing full kit and the use of weapons of TIle chutes floated silently and grace· knces and genuflected. It was a sight war etc~ We bear in mind tllat until fnlly down. Major Pritehard landed on tllat I have never forgotten. tllis time tile word "Paratrooper" had tile bank of tile river. He quickly Witll the mission accomplished, never been heard of. (A book written fonnd Nicola, 'whom he had dnbbed tile only casualty was a Corporal by Raymond Foxall on the subject of his "Cockney Italian Shadow". TIley Bonlter who had fractured his ankle tile raid that X Troop finally carried made tlleir way to tile objective. TIley On landing. TIle group knew that tllCy out is entitled "The Gninea-Pigs"). arrived at the scene to find some of had to leave him behind, becanse tllC And that is where young Trooper the otllers already tllere. TIle first jonmey on which tlley were about to Nastri 'found himself early in 1941, arrivals had fonnd the aqneduet un· embark was too long and dangerous after nine moutlls lraining, one of guarded with the exception of one to allow for passengers. Nicola knew, lIlirty-six specially selected volunteers Italian soldier, whom they had taken as did the rest of tile group, that tlleir who were about to take part in prisoner. Seveml peasants who had chances of making tile 60 mile jour. "Operation Colossus". left their famls to see what was going ney to tile proposed rendezvous on tile "Operation Colossus" involved X on were persuaded to assist tllem in coast, (where a submarine should be Troop being flown from Malta in collecting the chutes and olher con· waiting on tile 15t11 and 16t11), were Whilley aircraft and dropped sixly tainers that"had been dropped. TIley slim. TIley had 5 days in which to get miles inland of the coast of Southcm helpcd willingly as tllis was an adven·, there. First they had to gct out of the Italy. The objective was to blow up au ture in lIleir hitherto uneventful lives. Tragino Valley. It was trial and error cnonnous aqueduct, which was in the When Major Pritehard realised that all the way, always climbing, an region of Campagna, about thirty the chief engineer had not arrived avalanche of mud and slime at one miles from Salemo. The aquednct (apParently he had been dropped into point seriously hampered the ascent. spalUled a gorgc over the Tragino the wrong valley), it became clear Two days and two nights the river. It was in the hean of difficult that the junior offieer who was sup· climbed, stopping only for nourish­ and mountainous teffitin, and was the posed to assist him would have to do ment and a little rest. TIley decidcd to main water supply for the region of the best he could. He was surprised at risk marching along a road, in order and other surrounding prov·' the size and the strength of tile .to make np tile time lost. They formed inees where there were dockyards and aqueduct but said that he would do a column, and had Nicola marching annament factories. his best. He eenainly did. After the alongside side calling out No qui, No In the final stages of the training explosion the main piers had gone and qui, (Left Right etc.). If tlley were an Italian civilian" Fortunato Piechi, the water cascaded down into the stopped Nieola was to say tllat they joined the group. He was a British valley., TIley even managed to blow were Austrian troops on secret m· citizen and an anti·fascist. He and up a small bridge which would have anoeuvres, troops on a secret mission. Trooper Nastri were to be the inter­ been extremely useful to lIle Ger-' And there my friends, I will leave preters. For their own safety the mans,as well. No Italian suffered any you to ponder on what happened next, interpreters names had to be changed. hanu from the operatiou. On the nntil nextmonlhs issue. Nicola was to become Trooper John whole it was an event which the Tristan (an anagram of Nastri). Picchi locaIs werc to enjoy recounting for became Trooper Pierre Dupont" and many years to come. he was told that" in the event of his 'Years' after the war; Victor, Nico· being captured, he should say that he la's younger brother, went to visit the was of French extraction • the rcason scene. He found an old contadino who for this being that he had a strong renlcmbered the event well. He told Old cracked photograph of X Troop accent. Victor, "It was such a bright moon· before leaving Great Britain. Nicola Major Pritchard, head of the co­ light night, when suddenly these Nastri can be seen seated in the nnnand, instmcted Nicola to "stick to white frolhy graceful apparitions second row. third from right. me like a limpct, no malter who else gets cut off from me, once we land you are my ears and my only means of communication. On the 3rd Febnmry 1941, "X" Troop left England and flew to Malta. Here they were filted out with special clothing, Italian cnrrency had been. sewn into the lining of their tunics, and silk maps, into the sleeves. Each man was given a metal collar stub and told not to lose it, because there was a tiny compass inserted in the back which would reveal when the white paint was scraped off. They were issued with special nttions enough to last them for six days.


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14 April93 ;tt;4f!!!!f!:FJLA COMUNlTA'ITAUANA ,t,-

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Cronaca attivita' della comunita' ( Catholic Women's Association )

- The company of Henry Cooper - Dinner cooked and served by the ladies of the CatllOlic Women's Associa­ tion. - TIle music of Robert Collini. Who could resist such a combination? Well over 100 "paesani" certainly • could IIOt. On Saturday 27t11 February tlley crammed into tile Red Room of tile Casa Palloui to enjoy tile evening. TIley were not disappointed. . TIlis event had a real family aunos­ phere. Evcryonc kncw evcryonc clsc. On onc tablc tllcre wcrc 20 pcople from tllC Above:.Guests. ofHonour HenlY, & Albina Cooper same family.. Grey haired mcn proudly pointed out grown up sons and tllcir Below: Stalwarts ofthe C. W.A. led by Mrs Ray Wilson second from right wives, to equally grey-haired old school frieuds. (St. Peter's school of eoursc). TIle meal was excellent - sceond helpings (or even tllirds) were eagcrly awaited. TIle ladies, admirably lcd by Mrs Ray Wilson and aided by Viuorio and his staff, had done it again. It has to be admiued tllat tile success of tllC evcning owed a lot to the prescnec of Hcnry Cooper. TI1C opportunity to invite him to tllis dinner was takcn whilc he was opening the Bazaar in Dcccmber: it was an inspircd momcnt. After tllC meal and tllC ubiquitous rafflc and auction tllere was time for dancing and more convcrsation until Viuorio was forccd to almost physically cjcct thc final stragglcrs. TI1C icing on tllC cake of such a fine evening was tile fact tllat tile CatllOlics Womcn's Association was able to make large donations to both tllC Social Club and tllC Church itsclf. Wcll douc ladics and tllanks for a lovcly evcniug!

Above: Just goodfriends! Left: Robert Collini and friends ready to entertain.

16 April93 -- :tJ;.~EUA COMUNlTA'rrAIJANA

( Circolo

11 Circolo Vcncto, Scuola di San Marco in Albion, ha dedicato iI prima weekend in febbraio all'aJmnale" doppio appuntamcnto dclla Ccna c della Asscmblea (jenerale. La Ccna c Ballo ha avuto Inogo sabato 6 febbraio al Centro Scalabrini, con la parteeipazione di 180 persone, soei cd amici dcl Circolo. Alcuni vcnuti da lontano, <1a Bonmemoutll, da Nouingham, da Granlham. Ncl corso dclla scrata iI Presidcntc dell'.Associazione Bepi Giacon ha pnre consegnato dne diplomi della Regione Vcneto a Ivano Bcmardcllc c Gabriclla Nicro in HeIUlessy per aver onorato all'estero con lrentaeinqne anni di lavoro la prescnza cd iI prestigio della Rcgionc. E' stato inoltre celebrata la medaglia d'oro di Luigi Camcran, dircllore del Cecconi's Restaurant, confcrita dalla Camera di Commcrcio di Padova per 45 almi di scrvizio a Londra ncll'industria albcrghiera. La cerimonia della conscgna avcva avuto luogo a Padova il 12 novembre 1992. 11 giomo succcssivo, domcnica 7 febbraio, sempre al Centro Scalabrini" il Circolo ha tenuto I'Assemblea Generale, con la partccipazionc di una cinquantina di soci. Alllpio spazio ha dato I'asscmblca alIa presentazione ed al diballito sulla tcrza confercnza rcgionale deU'emigrazione vencla. 11 ConsuUore Umbcrto Ballarini ha riferito sopratnUo sui lavori della tcrza cOlllmissionc, chc ha trallato di iniziative istilnzionali, cdilizia, cconolllia, ricntri, assistcnza socialc, stages cuUurali, horse di studio. Ballarini ha ricordato I'insistcnza con cni ill scde di conferenza c" stato rilcvato comc dcbbano csscre sopraUutto i Comnni a dover dare i scrvizi c Ic rispostc adcquatc allc csigcnzc dei corrcgionali che vivono all'cstcro., L'assclllblca ha riconfcnnato all'unanimila' il Comilato del Circolo. Nuovo mcmbro c' il signor Ivano Bemardelle, mentra ha Luigi Cameran (sinis/raf. dire/tore del Cec­ dato Ic dimissioni Giovanni Barazzuol. coni's Res/aurant. con il presidente, Giacon.

.. I Fnnd (presidente Lord Norwich). , [ LSa erenlsslma AI Camevale, la maggioranza c' in costume, anehe se '------' diversi haIUlO preferilo 10 smoking/abilo da sera:' c'e' iI 11 wcck-cnd '26-27-28 febbraio I'Associazionc CuUn·, Doge, nn paio di Dogaressc, dame c eavalieri, seeriffi, ralc Scrcnissima di Londra" in collabonlzione con la ealiffe, eunichi e baiadere" reverendi e beverendi, iI consorclla di Vcnczia, ha organiz2ato una scrie di ineontri barbnlo Moro di Venezia" Arlecchini, Pierrot c Fate, cd cscursioni culminantc nclla 1I1a cdizionc del Camevale dancenses e pagliacci, nna farandola di costume, colori ed Vcneziano a Londra nci locali dcl Cafc" Royal in Regent animazione. Strcct. Allc 20 tnUi a tavola nella snggestiva comice del L'Associazionc Scrcnissima in passalo aveva organiz.' Salone Dauphin.Dubarry dando cosi' inizio al bancheuo zto, oUrc al Camcvalc, una regata dcllc quauro Rcpubbli· aecompagnato da un trio in sodina. Alle 21.30, con chc Marinare suI Tamigi, un'csposizione di senUori e orchestra al completo, haIUlo inizio Ic danzc, prccednte da pillori vcncziani presso il Polytcchnic, of Central London, nn intervento del Presidentc della Serenissima, I'archileuo divcrsi incontri e confcrcnze suI tcma Venezia, con; GiaJuti Gomiero, e del Professor Gianfranco Bouazzo: un tribuendo con i provcnti dcl Camcvalc al Vcnicc in Pcril saluto brcveissimo a S.E. I'Ambasciatorc Dr Giacomo Anolico, ai tre Addeni, agli ospiti ed a tuni, con un ceIUlO alle finalita' dell'As-, sociazionc c del Centro Ricerche Immu­ nologiche di Londra. Passano le signorine a vendere i biglieni della loueria (erociera per due nel medilerraneo offerta dalla Costa Line, I, diversi week-end a Venezia, Firenzc e Londra, una motoreua, cristalli di Mar­ auo c tanti aUri bellissimi premi). Vengono premiate le Ire migliori maschere (singole 0 a coppie): iI prima premiova alia dogaressa Adriana Danesin, il sccondo ai coniugi Maueoda (eunuco e Pierrot), iI terzo ai coniugi Gallo (cavaliere e dama del seuccento)

Prof. Gian/ranco [Jollazzo, al centra. con altri ospi/i. Ringraziamo Salvatore Mancuso, P. Roberto Russo e P. Gaetano Parolin per le fotografie. April 93 17 :tJ;~ELLACOMUNITA'ITAUANA

~ (, " ~\I r,L l" e ll,,' ~,,""'<-),. 4qS~ "" _~-:.-r.\.' sliat> &~

ChildLine Italian Ball '93 Patron: Maria Carmela Viscountess Hambleden CHILDLINE , ITALIAN BALL on Saturday 15th May 1993 at Grosvenor House Hotel Champagne Reception 5 Course Meal £60 inc wine Black tie

Celebrities On The Night

For tickets and more information telephone:­ Stefana Lavarini 071-6379941 EIsa Vignali 081-9585729 Joanna Giacon 081-204 508l(ansafone) Enrichetta Sozzi 081-9405513 1 Helen Cohen 081-420 428l(ansafone) I ChildUnc © 08001111

Italian Ball Committee: Chairman:- Stefana Lavarini Secretary: Nadia Rastelli Treasurer: Helen Cohen Committee: La Prineipessa di Belmonte, Peter Egerton·Warburton, Joanna Giaeon, Fiona lIealey·Hutchinson; Dr. Barry Mair, Enriea Sozzi, Eisa Vignali, Elizabeth Zottola. . ChildLine Chairman: Esther Rantzen OBE. Executive Director: Valerie Howarth Reg. Charity No. 1003758 ChildLine,2nd Floor, Royal Mail Building, Studd Street, NI OQW

18 April93


Cronaca Continua da pagina 17 ( Villa Scalabrini ) Villa Scalabrini. la casa di riposo pcr gli anziani italiani, ha in pr?gramma nuovi pro.getti di sviluppo. Lo ha alUlUnciat

\..[ C_()_m_i_t_at_o_d_i_H_a_r_in...:g~e::...y ____') \..[ C_a_l_ab_r_i_tt_o__~l

San Valenlino - amore da lullC le parli. Sabato 13 febbraio, il Comitato' Questo earo Calabrillo e' un paese Gcnilori Scuola Italiana di Haringey ha organizzato una bella Fesla di San veramenle gcneroso e affezionalo alia Valcntino alia Bishop Douglass School, Finehley. Chicsa. La haec delle eandcle c I'ottima musica dell'Orcheslra Vesuvio hanno HamlO avuto la loro messa la prima iIIumina!o una bcllissima serala. proprio da ripetersi I'amlo venturo. domenica di marw, come c· loro abitu-. Grazac sono dOVUIC a tulli i mcmbri del Comitato, i quali si sono dine da tanti almi; ed c' la slessa dedicati con cnlusiasmo alia buoua uscila della scrala,' c a tulli i par­ domenica della mcssa di Monastero. Don tccipanti. Un ringraziamento parlicolare a eoloro i quali hanno regalalo Romano, il parroeo di Monastero, e' mollo premi per la lotteria. Ira cui,. Bnmo Mcdici, Vclina Dclicatessen, Negroni, bravo: c· lui ehe dice la mcssa per tUlli c Tcrroni Dclieatesscn; Clerkenwcll's Rcslaumlll e Comitato San Miehcle. due i paesi c ei fa scntire lanto uniti. Don Romano sa' rinnire Monastero e Ca· labrillo. Dopo la messa, Calabrillo ha avuto il lunch al Social CIulI. Punroppo ncssun Le Saccrdotc dclla Chicsa c' potuto essere prepartlzione presenlc e qucsto ei e' dispiaciuto moll-' per San issimo perchc" l'Associazionc di Maria Valentina Santissima di Calabrillo, e' mallo unita alia Comunita' italiaua, inollre fa tanto benc, aiuta c non crca problemi. Calabrillo ha fallo la fcsta in favore dci res!auri dclla Chicsa c sono stale raccolle 900 slerlinc. Grazic Calabrillo per tullO il bene ehe fai e per la tua umilla' di euore: ehc il Signore protcgga lulli i tuoi associati e li bcncdica. i April 93 19 Cronaca Continua da pagina 19 .[ Comites e F.A.S.FA. ) '------_...:....~ 11' 14 marzo 1993 si e' tenuto, della Fasfa Comm. Giuseppe Giacon e illlercssi passivi e all'aumelllo delle presso iI Ceniro Scalabrini di Londra, del Consigliere d'Ambasciata DOIl.ssa spese di gestione; un Convegno indellO congiulIlamente Chicco Ferraro in rappresenlanza del ,3. Ha evidenziato I'apporto anche dal Comites di Londra, iI Coasit e la .' Ministero Affari Esteri. , finanziario,:gia' dato dai genitori (ca, Fasfa (Federazione 'Associazioni , AI· ,diballito asSembleare ,halUlo 50 lhila sterline ~r iI '92) alle'spese, Scnola-Famiglia) sill lema; "Coisi' di 'dalo iI loro', contrib'uto: gcnitori dei di gestione dei coisi e la ,disponibilita" Lingua e Cultura Ilaliana: problemi e comilali-scuola" insegnallli e dirigellli a rieercare, in collaborazione con tUlle prospellive". scolastici" membri del Coasit ed allri le forze operallli nel campo della AI Convegno sono illlervenuli 01­ esponenti della comunita'. scuola; le, soluzioni piu' 'idonee onde tre 300 cOJUlazionali, in rappresen­ L'Assmeblea, preso allO delle dif­ mantenere e possibilmente incremen­ tanza dei comilati scuola-famiglia, ficolta" finanziarie del Coasil, che tare iI servizio scolstico per i figli dei associazioni, patronati, insegnanti, potrebbero compromellere iI servizio COIU13ziona1i; dirigenti scolastici, organi di stampa e scolastico reso dagli alluali corsi di 4. Ha chiesto che tUlle le decisioni altre forze sociali che operano ncl lingua e cuiIura italiana nella circo­ relative alia apertuTa, chiusura e ac­ mondodclla scuola. ' scrizione consolare di Londra: corpamelllo dei corsi non siano im­ I lavori del Convegno sono stati I. Ha ribadito la validita' dell'allu­ poste dall'alto" ma vengano,

[.... A_S_S_o_c-:ia,..z_i_o_n_e_C."...a_c_c_ia_t_o_r_i ----') [.... M_o_n_a_st_e_r_o ~) Monastero ha fallo proprio una bella festa al Nella stupenda cornice del Mariioll Hotel si e" svolto I'anlluale Marrioll Hotel. E' stata elegallle, senza diventare Dinner Danee dell'Associazione Cacciatori. In questa Associazione noiosa. 11 Comitato e' stato bravo: ha aiutato c'e' la rappreselllanza di tulla l'llalia perehe' quelli che amano 10 senza mellersi in mostra, lavorando sempre sport della caccia arrivano da tUlle le regioni d'llalia. nell'ombra. Mollissimi i giovani: e' bello vederne Riferendomi a questa Associazione, non posso proprio dire cosa sempre tanli con noi, pcrche'., insieme, ci aiu­ e' 10 sport della caccia. Infalli i nostri cacciatori amano andare per i tiamo a godere la gioia che viene da Dio e ci boschi e per la mOlllagna con del buon vino e del buon mangiare. La diamo lanto' ailllo nella vita di ogni giorno. fotografia di tUlli questi vincitori (SOIlO) che halUlO la coppa, non e' perche' hanno ucciso degli animali, ma perche' halUlo tirato al piallello. Auguri a tUlli questi vincitori, auguri a IIl1to iI Comitato che ha saputo organizzare una fcsta proprio bella e che ci ha saputo regalare qualche ora di serenita' nel nome del Signore.

20 April93 ::if:~u.ACOMIJNITA'rrAUANA .,

( Lunch di Amici Un Innch domcnicalc, scmplicc c coruiale, si e' svolto nei locali del Soeial Club. Erano prescnli pochi, ma buoni amiei. Abbiamo mangialo, bcvnto e parlato. Era tullO bello e buono, pcrlino la TV chc ci ha fallo saperc la villoria del Napoli. Qucsla fesla c' stala organizzala PCI' raccogliere qnalche $Oldarello PCI' iI Club: ed infalli 10 ha porlato.

Sopra a dcstra: alcuni ospiti. SOllo a dcslm: In brindisi allegro. SOllO: aUri amici


Associazione Trentini nel Mondo Circolo Trentino di Londra La Provinc;a Autonoma di Trcnto c I'Associazione Trentini nel Mondo halUlO organizzato dei $Oggiomi culturali PCI' i giovani Trentini di cta' tra i 18 cd i 30 anni. 11 $Oggiomo non sara" un viaggio turistico ma un espcrieuza ricca di conlcnuli cultnrali c sociali dove gli inleressi individuali devono coucigiarsi con quelli del gruppo. Date: 9·19 agoslo 1993· prima $Oggiomo I .' 11 sellembre 1993 • secondo $Oggiomo Ad ogni soggiomo vi potranno parlccip~lrc il massimo di cinquc pcrsonc ed in ca$O eccezionale un partecipallle oUre i ,30 anni. 11 costa dcl biglicllo diviaggio sara' a carico dcl partccipallle. La Provincia provvedera' al pagamcnlo dcUc aUrc spcsc: VillO, aUoggio, servizi di transfer, allivila' culturali, ricrcativc e luristiehe rientranli ncl programma. PCI' parlccip:lrvi dovctc infolluarci illllllcdialamentc c noi vi spcdiremo un mOOulo da riempire chiamato "modcUo G I"· snl qualc f:lretc la dom;\llda di partecipazione. Alia domanda di partecipazione vi dovra' essere aUcgala la documcnlazionc comprov:lI11e I'origine Trentina del candidalo ed iI curriculum pcrsonalc. Sc non P:lfl:llc I'i!aliano 0 iI dialcllo lrenlino non c' gmve ma una certa prefcrenza si dara' a chi Ii parlano. Vi pr~ghiamo di fare la nHlssima pubblicila" tm i Trentini ed inoltre di telefonarci 0 scriverci p!ima del 7 nm~lO. P:lOlo TminoUi 081 8048730 (casa) 081207 40()() (ufficio) Albcrlo Zanoll 081 3632913 (casa) 071 5888461 (ufficio) Maria Sartori 081 883 6110 (casa) 0:110 iI gr:mdc succcsso sia dci soggiorni chc dell a scampagnata in Inghilterra abbiamo deci$O di ripclere anche la sc.aJllpagnala. Tcnclcvi Iibcri la doillcnica 6 gingno 1993. 11 posto, l'ora cd i dCllagli verrallllO pubblicati in scgmto. Maria Sartori Lowe

April 93 21 [ ~ ~~--- ". 1

.. ~ 'I:: -~

II ~ ~ I ~

Units 1&2, Ital Buildings, Cambridge Road, Harlow, Essex CM20 2HE ~ Tel: 0279 439735 Fax: 0279 417014 :t::~FlJ..A CO~IUNITA' ITAIJANA

,. Dall'Italia news from Italy

oltalllo iI 36%, delhi, famiglie olk singers AI Bano and Romina cientists are on lhe brink of one italiane si serve di' carte di Power won an important stage in of U1C medical breaklhroughs of S credilo 0 di debilo per fare F a year.long banle wiU. rock SUIC ccnlury. A liny community in acquisti. E' iI risultato della ,snperslarMichael ]ackson. The • northern Italy holds lhe secret 10 ricerea Nielsen su un campione di 10 a cure for Europe's number one killer: mila famiglie ilaliane. 11 noslro Paese coronary heart disease. c' fanalino di coda in Europa:' in A unique genelic' ,mutation has particolare" iI 20% dellc famiglie given 40 of Ule village's inhabitantS utilizza soltanto carte bancomat, mcn­ immuity to cholesterol; blam'cd 'as a Ire iI 16,6% si scrvc di' cartc di principal, causc of heart attacks. The credito. Ncl noslro Paesc solo iI 3,7% genc produces a protein which clears del volume totalc dei pagamcl1li non arteries of Ule fany substance. in contanle viene cffelluato:con carle, Researehers claim lhal a common contro una pcrccllluale dcl -16,3% nel 17Ul ceiilury ancestor of lhe 40 resi­ Rcgno Unilo c dcl 15,8% in~ francia. denls of Limone. ,on Lakc Garda, passed Ule 'gene on. 10 successive nnnontera' a circa 19.000 mil-' gcnerations. Now pharmaceutical iardi di lire I'oncre ammo me. companies from Belgium, Sweden and A dio che 10 Stalo dovra' sop-, Japan are racing 10 mass produce lhc prtarc in seguito alia trasfor-, protein and markel the world's first mazionc dellc Fcrrovic in Spa. A dmg to kcep the body's cholestcrol to riferirlo c' SlalO iI ministro'dcl Bilan­ acceptable levcls. cio, Franco Reviglio, dural1lc una Scienlists stumblcd on lhe choles-, audizionc al scnalo sull'a'ndamcl1lO lerol-proof community after a routine della finanza pubblica. medical check up on local inhabilant, Valerio O'Agnoli,in 1974. 11 showed onlinental women who walll a husband-and·wifc team havc accused a cholesterol levcl so far above lhe husband prepared to -do some­ ]ackson of stealing one of their songs recommendcd levels Ulat Ule 42 year old man was laken 10 hospital. C thing approaching his fair share and using il on his recenl hit album, of Ule houscwork had bellcr Tests revealed Ulat far from being Dangerous. ill, O'Agnoli was Ule carrier of a cross lhc English Chamlcl. When asked by a Romc conrt to According to a ncw survcy, Eng­ givc his opinion on thc similarily of Illntant gene which kept his arteries lislnnen are thc most housc-traincd in clcar. Checks showed Ulat 40 villagcrs the lwo pieces, composer and mnsi-, carried lhe same gene. Europc, whilc Italians confonn 10 lhc cologist Luciano Chailly said that 36 Mcditcrranean slcrotypc arid hardly of lhe 40 notcs in Jackson's lraCl lift a finger around lhc homc; "Will You Be TIlcre?'" are identical I ghiacciaio della Mannolada resta Thc Latin repUlation is slightly 10 AI Bano's song '''TIle Swans of territorialmentc c giuridicamenle redccmcd by thc Spaniard, howcvcr, Balaka"" released on thcir Frecdom I sono il COlllune di Canazei, nel who docs more houscwork than thc album in 1987. Trcntino Allo Adigc. Lo ha stabil­ Frenclunan or Gcnnan and is Eu-, But lhe key qneslion which lhc ilO la Corte Coslituzionale che per la ropc's bcst food-shoppcr, Sadly" Romc conrt has 10 answcr is how seconda voila in cinqnc amd ha though, hc is also lhc lazicst gardcncr.' ]ackson obtaincd lhc music, since it is rispinto il ricorso del comunc di . Thc. Hcnlcy CClllre rcport, Fron­ no\ printed. Chailly c1aimcd that il Rocca Pietore, in provincia di Bel­ "crs, IS bad ncws for Europc's would not be difficull for a musician luno, iI qualc vantava ~irini sulla womcn, who makc up 39% of thc of Jackson's abilily to hear'a simplc cima dolomilica. workforec. According to thc associalc lheme a few limes and to rework it. cdilor lhc findings indicatc lhal limc ]ackson's album has sold 20 mil­ pressures will act as "a bOlllencck to lion copies sincc ilS launch lasl year. na chicsa mprestrc di CIa' biz­ women's progress'" at work. uThe Al Bano's Frecdom albnm has sold a antina c' stata scoperta a Ra­ cxpansion of (womcu's) prcscncc in total of half a million copies in lhc Ugusa nell'antico rione di Ibla lhc workforec has nol bccn accompa­ past six years. durantc lavori di scavo esegnili nicd by signific:ullly altcrcd bchav. dal Comune, in via Onaviano. nei iour pallcms in lhc homc". pressi del convento e della Chicsa And lhcre are a numbcr of young a banca britannica Barelays ha Santa Maria del Gesu'. mcn OUl thcre who should bc hanging organiu.alo un finanzimento per lhcir hcads in shamc '- a third of L circa 200 milioni di dollari (piu' Europcan mcn bctwccn thc agcs of di 320 miliardi in lire) a favorc ivil servants, notorious for be­ 16-24 admil lhcy ncvcr clcan up aftcr deU'Alitalia. 11 denaro servira" alia ing ncithcr civil nor servilc, meals. compagnia di bandiera per soslenere Chavc becn ordered 10 bmsh up I'acqnislo di quanro aeromobili lheir lclephonc malUlcrs when t Icasl four pcoplc wcrc killcd MDSO c di un MOll dall'americana dealing wilh memhcrs of lhc public. whcn lhrcc cars plungcd illlo a McDonnell Douglas. L'operazionc TIley havc becn lold to SlOP ansering A strcam aftcr a bridgc on thc avverra' in due fasi. L'ammontare del lhc phone with a bmsqne:"Whal do Messina-Palcnno slatc highway ,finanziamento vcrra' erogato da Bar- yOIl want?" and instcad to give Uleir collapscd. chtys Bank a New York. ' nalllc and officc.

23 :#~~ COMUNITA'ITALIANA In Cammino Con Carmelo

Carissimi Fratelli e Sorelle, la cultura comtemporanea va inseg­ vita eterna - afferma ancora it Con­ stiamo rivivendo in questi giorni it uendo, in larga misura, it miraggio di cilio - la dignita' umana viene lesa in Grande Mistero della Pasqua. Non e' un umanesimo senza Oio, e presume ~aniera assai grave". un ripetersi di cerimonie vuote e di affermare i dirilli dell'uomo, di­ Consentitemi di gridarlo forte: "E' sempre le stesse, ma. e' un fallo menticando, anzi talora conculcando, i ora di tornare a Oio!". A chi non ba sempre nuovo cbe puo' cambiare la ccdiritti di Dio"? ancora la gioia della fede, e' chiesto it nostra vita. E' ora di tornare a Oio! Si', coraggio di cercaria con fiducia, per­ Pasqua, significa "pass over". cioe' carissimi Fratelli e Sorelle, it mondo severanza e disponibilita'. A cbi ba passare da una situazione di scbiavitu' ba bisogno di Oio, spesso. cosi' poco gia' la grazia di possederla, e' doman­ e di peeeato, alia Iiberta' e alia creduto e adorato. cosi' poco amato e dato di apprezzarla come i1 tesoro comumone con i1 Signore. piu' prezioso della sua esistenza, , Cbe cosa rende la nostra vita vivendola fino in fondo e testimonian­ scbiava e spesso infelice? Cbi e' it dola con passione. Oi fede, di fede nostto faraone? autentica e profonda ba sete il nostro Ognuno di noi porta la sua Croce mondo, percbe' solo Oio puo' soddis­ e Cristo Risorto non vieue a toglierla fare appieno le aspirazioni del cuore dalla nostra vita, ma ·iIIuminarla e a umauo. farci capire it motivo di essa. Sento imperioso it dovere di ri­ In questo contesto abbiamo in­ cordare a tUlli i responsabili del iziato la catecbesi per adulti e gio­ dramma baleanico cbe la guerra di vani. Si apre un cammino di Fede, per aggressione e' indegna dell'uomo e cbi ne ba 0 ne ba poca. Oi Speranza, grida vendetta al COSpellO di Oio; cbe per i disperati e i delusi e per cbi e' la distruzione fisica 0 morale del­ contento. Oi Gioia per cbi e' nella I'avversario c' un crimine; e che la angoscia. conquista territoriale alluata con la Voglio riportare alcune parole del forza e' inaccettabite. In nome di Oio, Papa cbe ci possano aiutare. obbedito Egli non tace, ma cbiede invito tUlli a deporre le armi! Non e' "Carissimi Fratelli e Sorelle! I'umite sitenzio dell'ascolto. I1 Suo mai troppo tardl per riparare it male L'occhio del Signore veglia su cbi infinito rispello per la nostra liberta' compiuto e per ricostmire una nuova 10 teme, su cbi spera uella sua non e' debolezza: Egli ci tralla da patria!" grazia". Queste parole, tralle dalla figli. L'uomo a volte pensa: I1 Signore lilurgia dell'odierna domcnica di Lasciamo cbe la sua parola toccbi mi ba abbandonato, it Signore mi ba Quaresima, ci invitano ad esssere it nostto cuore. Egli e' la speranza dimenticato (Is 49: 14). E Dio ris­ allenti allo sguardo di Oio. Ne ab­ dell'uomo ed it foudamento della sua ponde con le parole del grande pro­ biamo immenso bisogno! Ne ba bi­ autentica dignita'. feta "Si dimentica forse una donna sogno I'intera umanita' cbe sta viv­ Alia prova dei falli. si e' dimos­ del proprio bambino cosi' da non endo un'ora veramente difficite. trata cieca ogni ideologia cbe ba commuoversi per it figlio del suo Come, infalli, tacere dinanzi al triste voluto· porre I'uomo in alternativa a sellO? Anche se ci fosse una donna spettacolo di sopruse e inaudite Oio, la creatura al Creatore, "Senza it cbe si dimenticasse, io invece non ti crudelta' cbe sembrano gellare indivi-' Creatore - ammouisce i1 Concilio - la dimenticbero' mai. Ecco ti ho diseg­ dui e popolazioni sull'orlo del bara­ creatura svanisce" nato sulle palme delle mie mani" (Is tro? Come puo' accadere cbe nel Certo, e' ,giusto e doveroso affer­ 49: 15-16). nostro secolo, secolo della scienza e maree difender i "dirilli dell'uomo'" Si', sulle palme delle mani di della tecnica, capace di penetrare i ma prima ancora occorre ricouoscere Cristo, trafille dai chiodi della croci-' misteri dello spazio, ci si possa rilo­ e rispellare i "dirilli di Oio". Tras­ fissione. I1 nOllle di ognuno di noi e' vare impotenti testimoni di raccapric­ curando questi, si riscbia, oltretullo, di scrillo su queste palme. cianti violazioni dell'umana dignita'? vanificare ancbe quelli: "Se manca it Un abbraccio di Pace ad ognuno. Non dipende, forse, dal fallo cbe fondamento divino e la speranza della Buona Pasqua. Catechesi per Adulti Ogni Iunecli' e giovedi' ore 20.00 presso 4 Back Hill, Eel Siete tutu benvenuti!

24 April93 I La Vita dellanostra Parrocchia 11

Sono nati alia "ita di Dio con il Santo Battesimo

Rosanna Gabriclla Mauro: Salvatore Mauro e Assuntina Monchello Nicola Maria Barbara Croci: Andrew Croci e Christine Parker Rebecca Cristina Campagna: Michele Campagna e Tracy Redwood Franccsca Linda Moglia: Tullio Moglia e Lorella Angella Sara DeIJanzo: Adclmo Dellanzo e Luciana Solari Luke Antony Gargiulo: Romano e Caroline Gargiulo Francc.'ica Sanna: Roberto Sanna e Sandra Solari CharJone Mary Amelia Sells: John Arthur Sells e Louise McGee

Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore Salvo Boccuzzi Tonino Collucci :~~t Mario Terroni

~< Augusto Collini Adelina Tezzani ~'. Metilda Pini Mary Ghirardani Rosa Boggia Cardinale ltume celebra la Santa Messa alia Chiesa Italiana di San Pietro

Dornenica 9 inaggio Ore 11.00

April 93 25 .. !


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Aprile 93 27 I :tf;~EILA COMUNITA' ITALIANA I Eurofocus notizie dalla C.E.E.

Boschi Danneggiati Energie Alternative Divieto dei CFC Nei boschi europei piu' di un Tre anni fa, per comballcrc I'au­ Si e' guadagnato un aJlJlo: durantc albero su cinque, ossia iI 22,2% dcl mCIllO della tcmpcratura dcll'atmos­ la loro ultima riunionc a Bruxelles, i totale, c' chiaramcllle dalllleggiato, fera lcrrestre dovuto all'cffello-scrra, i ministri dcll'ambicnte dci Dodici con una pcrdila di foglie 0 di aghi chc minislri dei Dodici dcll'euergia e hallllO trovato un accordo per antici­ supera dcl 25% la caduta abituale, dell'ambiellle si erano fissati comc pare al 1 gCJlJlaio 1995 la data-Iimitc mentre iI dallllO toccava ucl 1990 obiellivo per il 2000 di stabilizzarc Ic pcr I'uso dei CFC (Cloronuoroear­ solamellle iI 20,8% dcllc piallle. 11 cmissioni di biossido di carbonio buri) ed allri gas usati nci sistcmi di quano rappono allllllale dclla Com­ (C02) cntro i valori dcl 1990 e di raffrcddamcnto e da molli espcni missiouc curopca rivela un aggrava­ ridurlc di. 180 milioni di tOllllclllalc considerati come i grandi responsabili mcnlO dcllo stato, di salutc dclle per iI 2005. dclla 'diminuzionc dclla fasda foreste curopee. Uno dei mczzi pcr Ollcncrc 10 d'ozono chc protcggc iI piancla e gli L'osscrvazionc per campioni scopo, e' qucllo di favorirc la uomini dai raggi ultraviolclli. La riguarda 83.000 albcri nci dodici produzione di cncrgie allcnlalive piUI-, stessa data c' stata scclla per i paesi della CEE piu' sellc pacsi lerzi losto di qucllc "lradizionali", (pClrO­ tClraclomri di carbonio, un'altra pro­ c si basa anche sui rapporti nazionali Iio, carbonc), piu' inquinanti. La posta chc va ollre quella avanzata di allri 33 paesi. La prinicipalc causa Commissionc ha quindi dalla Con­ di dctcrioramcnto c' I'aggravarsi crcato un programma quin­ fcrenza IlIlema­ dcll'inquinamcnto atmosfcrico, chc qucnnalc (1993/97), chia­ zionale di Co­ provoca acidificazionc cd impoveri­ mato ..ALTENER", dcsti-, pcnaghcn, alia mClllo dcl tcrrcno boschivo. nalo a incoraggiare 10 svi­ finc dcllo scorso E' chiaro chc sc iI grado di luppo dcllc euergic novembre, chc inquinamcnto allualc cOlllinuasse in­ "IUlove". I ministri deU'cn" prevcdcva la variato, 0 pcggio si aggravasse, ergia dci Dodici. hallllo assi­ scadcnza al sarcbbc minacciala la sopravvivcnza curalO iI loro sostcgno al primo gcnnaio dcllc foreslc su gran panc dcl tcrrito­ varo di questo programma, 1996. rio europco, cd alia finc si avrebbc, con un bilancio di 40 mil­ Ma cntro la con allri problcmi, un aumCIllO dclla ioni di ccu. In concreto, finc di frequcnza dcllc ondatc di siccita'. ..ALTENER"; prcvcdc vari quest'alUlo ne e' Iivelli di azionc pcr svilup­ previsla la mas­ pare I'uso di cncrgic riJlllo­ siccia riduzionc vabili. hlllanzitullo cssa in­ (cioc' icrvcrra' per dcfinire nonnc dcll'85%): I'in­ Inquinamento di qualita" elevate, chc sicmc dci pacsi dovranno csscrc rispcllalc dclla CE vi si e' AutomobiIistico dai divcrsi sistcmi di produzioncdi impcgnata pcr iI I gCllllaio 1994, con Per I'inquinamclllo causalO dallc cncrgic allcmativc (cncrgia idraulica" la sola cccczionc dclla Grecia, chc ha aUlo, l'Europa vicuc da 10lllano: Ic eolica, solare, bi~arburanti, gcotcr-' ollcnulo una dcroga a causa dclla nomIc comunitaric cntratc in vigore iI mica). ' situazione spccifica dclla sua industria ,31 diccmbre scorso rispello ai Iivclli Sono prcvisli anchc alcuni illlcr­ c chc Iimitcra' la riduzionc al 75%. dcl 1979, riducono dall'85 al 90% gli vcnli suI piano finanziario cd ceo-' Ancora una voila, i Dodici hallllo scarichi inquinanti dci gas di scappa­ Ilomico: per cscmpio. una "ccotassa" voluto andarc ollrc Ic propostc fallc a mClllo dcllc auto. Ma iI numcro di sullc cncrgic inquiuauli, aiuli finan­ Copcnaghcn, che pcr la stcssa data vcicoli in cireolazionc e', in contimio ziari dclla CE pcr la costiluzionc di prcvcdcvano pcr hllli una riduzionc aumcnto c pcr non aggravare I'avve­ Fondi di garanzia pcr coprirc i rischi dcI75%. Icnamclllo aunosfcrico (e addirillura finanziari Icgali allo sfmllamclllo di pcr farlo diminuire) in futuro bisogn­ fOllli cncrgctichc allcmalivc (per cra' chc ogni auto inquini ancora quella gcotcnnica il rischio di trovare Furgoni mcno. Alia finc dcllo scorso diccm­ risorsc sufficcnti c" allo) 0 aiuti a Anchc pcr un'allra dceisionc im­ brc, la Commissione europca ha pro­ progclli locali pcr 10 sviluppo di porlantc, quclla chc riguarda I'in­ posto ai Dodici di ridurrc'(dcl 35% in qucllc allcmalivc. quinamlllo provocalo dai furgoni, i mcdia) i Iivclli massimi dcgli scarichi La Commissionc sostcra' anchc Ic Dodici sono arrivati ad un accordo inquinanti autorizzati. iniziativc pcr una migliorc c piu' politico pcr la riiluzionc dci gas di Questa riduzionc dovrcbbc csscrc ampia infonuazionc dcl grandc pub­ scappamclllo dal I ollobrc 1994 in applicata dal 1 gCllllaio 1996 ai nnovi blico cd allrc pcr la fonnazione lulla la Comunita'. I furgoni illlcres­ modclli di auto e dal 1 gCllllaio 1997 all'uso dcllc nuovc cncrgic. Si insist­ sati dall'accordo (chiamati anchc a tUllC Ic auto nuove vcndllle Ilella era' particolanncntc sulla fonnazionc "vcicoli utililari Icggcri") sono quclli Comunita'. La Commissionc riticnc dcgli architclli ncl sCllorc dcll'cncrgia chc non supcrano Ic Ire tollllcllate c che gli cvcntuali aumcnti di prczzo, solare "passiva": iI corrcUo oricnta.. mczzo di peso c non lrasponano piu' chc finircbbcro col ripcrcuotcrsi suI mCIllO dcgli cdifici 0 ,la scclla guid­ di novc pcrsonc. Finora qucsti vcicoli consumatore, rcstcranno Iimitali, iziosa dcllc supcrfici vctratc possono hanno potuto bcncficiare dcl regimc pcrche' i fabbricallli di auto potranno far diminuire di mollo iI consumo transitorio applicato allc auto privatc, ammonizzarc i loro invcstimcllli cncrgclico con poca, se' non addirit­ mcno scvcro in matcria di Iona anti-' ncll'insicmc dcl grandc mcrcato. Iura ncssuna, spcsa supplclncntarc. inquinamcnto.

28 April93 ::iJ;~FJJ..A COMUNlTA'ITAIJANA ., l?cclesia PVostra Gloria On 8th December'" 1992 Pope John Paul 11 formally promul- gated the new Catechism of the Catholic Church. We examine the background and the significance of this work.

The recent publicatiou of the echism"· (so called because it cost a observations of a variety of other Frcnch edition of the Catcchism, pelUly) towards the end of tile 19t11 experts, and most importantly of all ahead of the official promulgation, century whieh was written not for the bishops of the whole world. created a flurry of intercst, spurred on, those tcaehing tile faith but, primarily.. TIle English version will be pub. no doubt, by a previous leak of the for tllOse leaming it. TIle "penny Iished very shortly, but tllcre have text in preparation in Rome. Whilst catechism"· begins:- "Who made me? already been.record sales of the the media were keen to dwell on the God made me. Why did God make French text. TIle strueture of the topie of sin as eovered by the text, it yon? To know Him, to love Him and catechism is a traditional one: creed, must not be forgollen that the original to serve Him in the world, and to be sacraments, commandments and tile purpose of this new work, as ex· happy Witll Him for ever in the next". Lord's Prayer. Book One, "The Pro· pounded by the Extraordinary Synod fession of Faith", presents God's of Bishops eonvened by the Pope in revelation to us and our response in 1985 was that: "The presentation of faith: it tllen develops our baptismal doctrine should be biblieal and Iiturgi., faith in tile one God: Father, Son and eal, presenting sure teaehing adapted Holy Spirit. Book Two, "TIle Cel· to the aClllallife of Christians". ebration of Faitll", explains how In November 1986, at the first God's Salvation is made present in meeting of thc commission of cardi. the Church's liturgy, especially nals and bishops appointed to start through the seven saeraments. Book preparing tile text, certain general TIrree, "TIle Life of Faitll", discusses aims were agrecd: that the text would tile goal of our creation in God's be an organie prescntation of tmths image and how we may reach it that Catholics would believe and live through freely chosen right conduct, out if tlley were to profess their faith and through living according to the intcgrally; that the text should be twin commandments of love already prepared in tile light of the Second outlined in tile Ten Commandments. Vatiean Couneil, in continuity with Book Four, "Prayer in tile Life of the Chnrch's tradition as an expres·· Faith", discusses the place of prayer sion of lhe Chnrch's magisterinm; that in tile believer's life and gives a it shonld be prepared in thc light of commentary on the Lord's Prayer. tile demands posed for faith by the On tile occasion of tile publicalion eontemporary world; and that in the of the official text in Freneh on 81h preparation of the text there shonld bc December the Pope declared: "TIlis wide consnltation. Book l/: do we Teac/like St. Thomas catechism is not intended to replace So, what is a "catechism"? His·· tile local catechisms duly approved by torically, tile instmction and explana·· The changes instilUted by tile tile ecclesiaslical authorities, tile dioc·· tion of thc basic tmths of the faith Second Vatican Council in 1965 had esan bishops and the episcopal confer·. givcn.to candidatcs for baptism ("a a profound effect on the Church, and enees, especially if they have been catechises") was done omlly. AI· by 1985 the extraordinary assembly of approved by the Apostolic See. It is though the first wrillen version was the synod of bishops recognised that: meant 10 encourage and assisl in Ihe probably composed in Syria between "very many have expressed the desire writing of new local catechisms, 80AD and 120AD, it was only with that a catechism or compendium of all which mnst take into account various the advent of printing on a large scale CaUlolic Doctrine regarding both faith situations and cullures, while care· in the 16th centnry that the wrillen and morals be composed, that it might fully preserving Ihe unity of faith and fonn of instruction that we now know be, as it were, a point of reference for fidelity of Catholic Doctrine". as a catechism became widely avail· the catechisms or compendiums that Bishop David Konstanl, a member able. Varions local texts appeared and are prcpared in various regions. TIle of Ihe edilorial conunittee was asked became very popnlar, but pcrhaps the presentation of doctrine must be bibli· what would happen to the new text, most influential was "The Roman cal and liturgical. It must be sonnd and he replied: "It will probably be Catechism" preparcd immediately af. dOctrine suited to the present life of attacked for six months by those who ter the Council of Trent (1545·63) Christians"• are going to attack it whatever it is which, at some 400 pages long, was The work commenced in 1986 by like; tllen people will begin to realise an emdite work wrillen in the style of the commission of twelve cardinals what a major event it is in Ihe life of St Augustine, and designed to educate and bishops, assisted by an edilorial the Chureh". the pricsts who would thcn be able to cOlnmittee of seven dioccsan bishops, educate Ihe people. experts in ·theology and catcchises Bishop Richard Challoner pro·· wcnt through nine drafts. At cach duced the well known "penny cat· stage consideration was given to the

.. Aprile 93 29 -.• . - , .1 , :#~UA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA I

For aRainy Day Richard Silvio

Protecting your Family from fire to tlleir car or house. Whcre the main,breadwiJmcr is tile However, their most precious asset ­ husband/father, his wife would be through Life Assurance tllcir earning power - is often ignored faccd with tile prospect of relying on and they ovcrlook buying life assnr­ tile state for support or having to The purpose of life assurancc is to ance to protcct against tllis potemial leave tile children with somcone to go offsct or mitigatc financial loss loss to tlleir family. Such people out to work, in tile absence of life cansed by death. It is a tool dcsigncd clcarly nced the financial hazards of assurance. In tllis particular cxample to create cash, instamly, where none death explained to tllcm. tllere is a logical justification for tile existcd before 'in ordcr to sccure If you have depcndants (a spouse, wife/motller who is not employed, but financial protection. Furthcnnore, this children or relatives) who rely on you looks after tile home and children, to financial security is obtained at, a for tlleir maintenanec you should be covered by life assurance also. discounted price: thc alUllIal cost of insnre yonr life for tllem. Most pcople Should she die her husband would the premium, in relation to the snm of hold very elosc to thcir hcarts tile have to employ a housekeeper and money payable on the death of the welfare of those they love. Ifyoil are childminder in order for him to con­ life 'assured during tile tenn of the the main incomc camcr, and you wcre tinue to work and provide for his policy; usually costs no ,more than, a to dic" 'yonr family would be faced family. Once again, life assurance 'few pence a year for every -pound of with tile problem of no income or" at could benscd to provide tile required cover. fuuds, if a policy were effected on tile Life assurance has enonnous po· life of the wife. temial for mceting,the financial aspi. Even where people acknowlcdge rations of all sections'of the commu· tile nced for life assurance, tllcy are nity'·, simply becanse evcryone has a oftcn reluctant to act, despite realising problcm, in one fonn or another, that tllat it will be for their own good, only life assurailce can solve. The TIley find it hard to reconcile tlleir concept of life assurance, as a mcans desire to give tlleir family security of protecting you from potcntial fi·, 'and the limitations of tllcir budget. nancial loss can be equally applicd to Most could, with some careful consid­ both busincss and personal financial eration, arrange thcir expenses in a plalUling 'sitnations. In a business malUler ,which would enablc tllcm to partnership, for example, the death of afford thc cost of tile premiums onc partncr conld close down the without upsetting tlleir bank balance. business unlcss tile surviving part­ TIle casiest thing to do is nothing ­ ncr(s) have an agreement to purehase but tile problcm of unpaid bills and and' sufficiem money to' buy out thc reduced income will still exist for deccascd partner's imerest. Life assur­ your, family to inherit and cope witll. ance ,can provide tile required money. TIlere is a natural reluctance to tllink The death of a key 'employee in a about onr own deatll; we like to business organisation, with the conse· considcr ourselves as bcing almost qucm loss of his skill, may cause immortal. Howevcr" you owe it to scrious financial loss. Life assurance your family to make sure tllat they can provide the orgauisation with an can cope financially should you die amount of cash to act as a "buffer" prematurely. Most family·minded umil such a time as an adcquate Continlling SlIpport? people would give their life for their replacement is found and the required family - yet fail to consider tile mcrits Icvel of profit is resnmed. thc very ·best, a greatly reduccd in- of insnring it for them. Life assnrance This article will concentrate on, a come. Not being insurcd, or even provides guarameed financial protec­ spccific application of life assurance, suffiCiently insnred, will make yonr tion to hclp your family manage after namcly as a nlcans of protecting your dcpcndams vulncrable to financial your death, whcnevcr tl13t may ,be. family. If dcath occurs to the main hardship. TIU'Onghout onr working TIle peace of miJid tl13t Iifc,assurance income eamcr, the surviving membcrs lives we strive to create and maimain bnys allows you to plall into the of the family are faccd with the a standard of living for our family, yct futnre, safe in tile knowlcdgc that problcm Of no income or a greatly lillle considcration is evcr givcn'to the shonld the, worst happcn, your de­ reduced income. The various life potcntial problcm of our family's pendams are protcctcd. " assurance policies that can be uscd wclfare in thc unfortunate evcm of the ' TIlcre are a number of lifc assur­ are also explained. Finally, I will premature dcath of the main bread- ance policies that can be used to bric/ly outline all important distinc­ winncr. protect your family, cach with tile tion that nccds to be made bctwecn The act of dying creatcs many ability to crcate tax free cash on tllC the use oflife assuralice as a means of problcms. 'The (Icath of a husbalid/ 'dcath' ofthc life assured' during the protection compared 'to a savings/ fatllcr or wifc/mother has obvious ,tcnn ofthe policy. A bricf summary is investment vchiele. emotional ramifications which no.'given bclow: Pcople are gencrally relnctam to, ainonnt of moncy can rectify. How- acccpt the necd of life asSnrance as a ever, by cffccting'sufficiem life cover I) Whole of life: Provides gnaran­ l' mcans of protcction. Such' pcople during his/her lifctime, thc main teed and pcnnancnt financial protec­ conld not, dream of being withont breadwinncr C!1Il guarantec tile fam- lion for thc whole of the life of the insurance to cover loss or, damage i1y's contimicd financial security. person taking' ont the policy. A tax 30 Api-il93 :if:.~FJJ..A COMUNlTA' ITAUANA

free capital sum is paid out on death, This article so far has discussed financial plan.· 1 merely wish- to whenever that occurs. . life assurance as a means of protec­ emphasise to you the paramount need to safeguard your family's financial : ' tion in tile event of financial loss 2) Tenn Assurance: Exists in vari­ caused by deatIl in a family situation. future in the unfortunate event of your ous fonns and pays a death benefit Various policies have been discussed death as being a more important only if the life assured dies within the objective tenn selected for the policy. If the life which you assured lives beyond the end of the should attain before allocat· tenn selected, no benefit would be ing any of your paid. disposable in­ 2.1) Level Tenn Assurance: The come for the amount payable at death, any time putpOse of ac­ ~ithin cumulating the selected tenn of the policy, capital. .s a fixed amount which never in­ In the ab­ creases or decreases. sence of ad­ 2.2) Convertible Tenn Assurance: equate protec­ Includes an option giving the life tion through assured a contractual right to replace life assurance his original policy by a whole of life your family is or endowment policy before the ex­ liable to inherit piry of the selected tenn. your debts in J I addition to a 2.3) Renewable Tenn Assurance: reduced in­ Gives the policy holder an option to come. Not only convert an existing policy into an­ Who ~on know what Ihe future may bring? is it important, other one, of the same type, before for your fami· tile end of tile original policy. which are able to create tax free ly's sake, for you to take out adequate money to resolve this problem. Be-. cover; you must also choose the right 2.4) Decreasing Tenn Assurance: yond tIlis basic concept, tIlere are policy for your particular circum· The sum assured payable on death additional life assurance policies (e.g. stances. Your must regularly assess decreases each year until, at the end endowments and investment bonds) your life assurance needs to make of tile tenn, no benefit is payable. which, in addition to a sum payable at sure tIlat they keep pace with your Often nsed to cover the repayment of deatll within tile tenn of tile policy, changing circumstances. loans. also contain provisions for an element Richard Si/\io is with: Guardian Royal of savings and invesunents that are Exchange Financial Monag.menJ Umiltd. Dove 3) Family Income Benefit: TIle payable if tile life assured does not House, Arcadia A).'t'1We. Finchle:y. LiJnd01l NJ die.· It should be noted that, witIl such 2JU (081.3434556).· . policies discussed so far in 1 to 2 all IippoinJed Rrpresising on and selling assurance, it does not payout a lump capital gains. If your main aim is to lIfe assurance, pmsion. unillrUSl and personal afford your family tile maximum pro·· equity plan products btaring Guardian Royal sum, but a regular tax free income. £:«hange"s name). TIle amount of aJutual income is teetion at the cheapest cost possible, payable from tile date of the life these policies will not give you value assured's death for the remaining tenn for money. 11lis is not to say tItat tIley of the policy. do not have a place in your overall




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Aprile 93 33 $~u.A COMUNIT~'rrAUANA


Ambasciata d'ltalia St. Peter's Italian Church Villa Scalabrini. 14 Three Kings yard, Oavies 4 Back Hill, Green Street, Street, London E.C.1. Shenley, Herts. London W.1. 1 lIS' 071 837 1528 lIS'081 2075713 ; lIS' 071 639 8200 , Scalabrini Fathers FAI.E. Consolato Generale d'ltalia 20 Brixton Road, 248 Vauxhall Bridge Road 38 Eaton Place, London S.W.9. London SW1V 1AH London S.W.1 lIS' 081 735 8235 lIS'071·8342157 lIS' 07J 235 9371 Xaverian Fathers. F.A.S.F.A. E.N.I.T. 260 Nether Street, 5 Southern Street, , 1Princes Street. 1 London N3 London N.1. i LondonW.l lIS' 081 3460428 lIS' 071 837 1966 lIS' 071 408 1254 Consolata Fathers. Uffici Scolastici Italian Trade Centre 29 North Villas, 4 Upper Tackbrook Street, 37 Sackville Street, London NW.ll. London S.W.1. London W.1. lIS' 081 485 5097- lIS' 071 828 1605 Dir.Didanica lIS' 071 734 2412 lIS'071 8281813 Presidenza Stigmatine Fathers. Istituto di Cultura 5 Hanover Road, A.C.L.I. 39 Belgrave Square, London N.W,10 134 Clerkenwell Road, London S.W.l lIS'081 451 1408 London E.C.l. W0717342412 li'S' 071 278 0083/4 Missione Cattolica Italiana Camera di Commercio 1970urants'Road, I.N.A.S. Walmare House. Room 418, Enfield, Middx. Vauxhall Bridge Road 296 Regent Street, li'S' 081 804 2307 London SWl 1AH London W.l. li'S' 071 8342157 W071 6373153 Centro Giovanile Italiano St. Patrick's School, Alitalia 24 Great Chapel Street, 205 Holland Park Avenue, London W.1. London W.ll li'S' 071 7342156 li'S' 071 7592510 ~ Verona Fathers, -~)\~-~.;~ Comboni House, ~ -- ...... 16 Dawson Place. ~ --- ~~...... - London W.2. li'S' 071 229 7059

34 April 93 :tJ:.~FllA COMUNITA'ITALIANA

Fratelli medioevali Umberto Mdrio Bianchi Londra e' molto fiera della sua di terrore e le parole nuirono rapida­ dedicato ad Esulapio, con un pozzo origine romana; la considera una mente mentre parlava al suo Dio, d'acqua salutare. patente di nobilta' piu' antica di perche' pensava di essere suI punto di Sui luogo del tempio fu edificata qualunque blasone familiare dell'isola morire. Le lacrime SCOTTCvano sui suo nel Medioevo una ehiesa nel 997, e la ostento' di fronte al potere regio, viso, mentre apriva il suo cuore al dopo aver espugnata Benevento I'im-' citta" mercantile la cui continuita' di Creatore, dicendo cbe si pentiva dei peratore porto' a'Roma il coro di san vha ne fa una delle pocbe eccezioni suoi peccali trascorsi e cbe, se gli Bartolomeo insieme a queUo di san alia legge di PirelUle della sparizione fosse stato dato di guarire, sarebbe Paolino di Nola. Le reliquie deU'Ap· della vita urbana, oltre le Alpi, nel· tomato subilO in Ingbilterra e vi ostolo avrebbero dovuto proseguire I'Alto Medioevo. ' avrebbe fondato un ospedale per per la Gennania, sicche' la nuova . Le vecchia Londra, la vera Londra, risanare i poveri...'" chiesa fu intitolata semplieemente a la City conserva dunqne gelosamente sant' Adalberto, il vescovo di Praga le sue vestigie romane: e al Barbican morto martire; ma la prematura morte ha concesso la sede, in nn edifieio dell'imperaotore interruppe il viaggio nuovissimo, al piu' bel museo storico e le ossa di san Bartolomeo rimasero cittadino dcl mondo. qui. 11 papa Pasquale 11 nel 1113 e Ma non lontano da qui si lrova un cioe' poehi mmi prima deU'arrivo di allrO dei gioielli di questa citta': la Rahenus aveva falto ineidere I'is· chiesa di St. Bartholomew the Great, crizione che ancora si legge suU'ar· la piu' antica, piu' snggestiva e forse chitrave del portale maggiore e che meno conosciuta dai turisti fra le assicura essere qui non soltanto san chiese londinesi. Paolino da Nola ma anche san Bar· St. Bartholomew tbe Great fu tolomeo; e cosi', neU'uso coTTCnte, fondata, sembra, nel 1123 e consac­ questo piu' ilIustre santo si affianco' rata, forse, nel 1127. Fondatore e prima agli altri due titolari e poi li primo priore fu un tal Raherius, del soppianto' neUa denominazione deUa qnale una leggenda affenna che fosse cbiesa. stato, in passato, musicista e "jong­ Qui, dunque, poebi anni dopo cbe leur" del re d'lnghilterra, Enrico I. era stala posta la lapide per ordine di Certo, egli era un uomo di corte e, Pasqule 11, giunse Raherius e qui fu come gli altri, resto' straordinari­ verosimilmente curato.Di questa fun­ amente tnrbato dalla disgrazia che LOareo ehe poria a SI. Bartholomew zione ospedaliera del luogo, durante il avvelUle verso la fine del 1119, Cosi' nacquero, a Londra, I'os­ Medioevo gli autori in genere tac' quando re Enrico salpo' dalla Franeia pedale di San Bartolomeo e I'a,messa ciono; ma il D'Onofrio seguala qui per 1'1nghilterra, seguito, a poche ore chiesa. 11 citato autore inglese sup­ sull'isola la presenza di un antico di distanza, dalla "Blanche Nef", la pone cbe la malaria avesse cOlpito ospizio, teslimonialo da una iscrizione nave che portava I'erede al tfOno, altri Rahcrius mentre visilava la chiesa di del IX secolo. D'altra parte la chiesa conginnti !Iel re e, iI fiore della San Bartolomeo, dove riposano Ic di San Bartolomeo conserva una gioventu' patrizia anglo·nonllalUla. La ossa di questo apostolo, 0, per dirla spleudida vera di pozw scopila cbe Nave bianea non giunse mai in porto: alia maniera di noi Romani, a San reca, la figura di Oltone III insieme a incappo' in una delle terribili tem­ Bartolomeo aU'lsola: e di 'qui la queUe di sant'Adalberto e san Bar· peste del Canale ed affondo' con tutti decisione di dare il nome di quel tolomeo. i suoi passeggen. Raherius decise santo, cbe del resto e' neU'agiografia In questo luogo dove ininterrotta allora di abbandonare la vita grivola cristiana uno dei santi guaritori, al· e' la tradizione sanitaria daU'auticbi­ della corte e, come prima gesto di I'erigendo istituto caritativo di ta' aU'epoea nostra dobbiamo duuque pieta', di compiere un pellegrinaggio Londra; ma converra'" penso, rcltifi· pensare cbe fu ricoverato Raberius: e aRoma: e velUle nella nostra cilta' fra care I'ipolesi nel senso cbe piultosto a la cbiesa loudinese di St. Bar· 1'31ulO 1120 e iI 1121. Qui 10 colpi' la San Bartolomeo all'lsola Tiberina il tbolomew tbe Great e' quindi figlia malaria e giunse iI momento della pelIegrino inglese sia slato ricovcrato deUa nostra cbiesa di San Bartolomeo grande decisione. T. Winyard" autore e curato c qui abbia avuto la crisi cd aU'isola. Se poi vogliamo conlinuare d'una piccola, preziosa guida storico abbia falto il voto di fondare a Londra in questo geuere di genealogie pos' artistiea della chiesa, deserive cosi" la UIl ospedale con la sua chiesa. siamo SOSleuere anebe cbe I'ospedale crisi: - A lUlti i Romani e' nota la di Sau Giova,mi Calibita dei Fatebeu· "n peUegrino giaceva agitandosi vocazione sanilaria deU'lsola Tibe· efratelli e il royal Hospital of St. incessantemente su un Ielto di paglia, rina, legata ai Fatebenefratelli e al Bartbolomew di Londra sono fralelli, rivoletti di sudore scendevano dalla loro Ospedale, intitolato a San Gio· discendendo entrambi daU'antico os· sua faecia, a volte egli borboltava vamli Calibita, patrono dell'altigna pizio mediovevale. sconclusionatamente... L'uomo era in chiesa, un ospedale cbe, nell'ultimo Cbissa' che, in questi tempi cbe preda alia malaria, 0 febbre romana, secolo, si e' ingrandito fino a coprire va,mo di moda i gemeUaggi, qualcuno come la si chiamava allora. Per un tlltta la meta' a montc dell'isola; ma i non abbia approfiltato gia' di questi momento iI corpo contralto ,dalla Fatebenefralelli sono H' sollanto dalla ricordi. In caso contrario ecco uno febbre si rilasso', la febbre cadde e fine del Cinquecneto e la tradizione spunto buono per rimediare aUa prima I'uomo apri' gli'occhi, che per un ospedaHera e' in questi Inogbi infini· occasione e ingiovanire uno dei tanti momeJllo erano sgomberi daUe nebbie lanlcnte piu· antica. legami culturali, di queUa millenaria del delirio. Improvvisamente la lingua E' ben noto cbe in ela' pagana si unila' europea che in Roma ha il suo impastata si mosse, iI pellegrino urlo' trovava sull'isola un celebre tempio centro prima e maggiore.

'Aprile 93 35 : :iJ;.~U.A COMUNITA'ITALIANA

Art Lives E.H. Wilkins This month we look at Dante's practices which would makc it prob­ of incontinence - sins tllat result from most famous work: La Divina Com­ able tllat his spirit would be, at death, lack of control. TIlose punished in die media. in hannony with God. .Lower Hell are sins of evil disposi­ TIle protagonist of La Divina Since he was writing for ordinary tion. TIlere 'are tlrree classes: Heresy, Commedia is,the writer himself. men, he chose Italian ratller tllan Latin Violence, and Fraud. Fraud, in tum, is Fonnally, the poem is divided into as linguistic medium. Sincc he was divided into Deceit and Treachery. three parts, or canticles;' each canticle forever and essentially a poet, he In every circle, Dante beholds is divided into cantos; and each canto chose poetry as his literary fonn. hordes of spirits and in almost every is divided into tercets. TIle thrce region Dante converses widl one or canticles are ofcourse the Infcmo, the more of diem. TIle spirits witll whom Purgatorio, and the Paradiso. The he does converse are presented in an Inferno has thiny-four cantos, and the amazing variety of ways. They tell, in Purgatorio and tile Paradiso tlliny­ general, of the most significant or tile three each: a hnndred in all. The most moving of tlleir· experiences on metrical scheme, invented for this earth, though Franeesca da Rimini poem, and so successful tllat is has prefaces her own story by saying to been used by hosts of later poets, may 'Dante: be seen in the six opening lines: "Nessun maggior dolore "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita ehe ricordarsi del tempo felice mi ritrovai per nna selva oscura, nella miseria" che' la diritta via era smarrita. (11lere is no greater grief tllan to All quanto a dir qual era e"·cosa dura remember, in suffering, OIie's time of . esta selva selvagllia e aspra e forte happiness). . che nel pensier TIImova la paural'" By one of tile greatest of all his i , TIle first and third lines rhyllle great intnitions, Dante chooses as his I together, and enclose a line that does representative suffering spirits indi­ I, not rhyme 'with them but ends with a vidnals whom he regarded as wortlly . new rhyme~ ihat is to become the The title of the poem is "Incipit of esteem bad of affection. These enclosing ~:rhynle of die following Commedia Dantis Aligherii norentini were noble spirits, yet tlleir nobility tercet. TIlis:inetrical scheme is called natione, non moribns": "Here begins could not save them from eternal terza rima: • '" ' the Comedy of Dante Alighieri, a damnation. Dante and his age believed that for Florentine by birth but. not by con­ 'By a mighty act of poetic' genius every Jllunan being a·finite period of duct". The title does not contain any Dante created for his Purgatory an life on eanh would be followed by an word "divine". It was not until 1555 immensely high moimtain and infinte peiOd of life after death; that if that an Italian editor set the word presents an ntter contrast to his sub­ a man .at tile moment of his death "divina", on his title page, before the terranean Hell. Here are tile peaceful were in harmony with God, his spirit, word commedia: the ilUlOvation won open air and the light of sun and stars, after. a finite perpd in Purgatory, immediate and lasting favonr. TIle instead of the dark and stonny abyss. wonld' thereafter 'dwell forever in word "comedy'" meant any poetic Here too are songs instead of cries of blessedness with God in Heaven; and work which, begilUling in uuhappi­ woe. that if a man at the moment of his ness, ends in happiness and to signify By' a similar creative act, Dante death were out of hannony with God, also "a song of the people". calls into being a region not previ­ his spirit would dwell forever in Hell, While the action of the "Comme­ ously known to poetry: Antepurga­ deprived of the sight of God. dia" begins in its first sentence, the tory, wherein the spirits of those who, Dante's conception of this matter first two cantos of the Infemo serve though in hannony witll God at tile differed in two vital respects, how­ mainly as a prologue for the whole moment of death, had died under ever, from that of the ordinary man: poem. In Canto Ill" Virgil and Dante excommunieations. Therefore tile first in the first. place, the ordinary man come to the gate of Hcll, with its nine cantos of the "Purgatorio" are did not grasp the difficult concept of famous inscription ending: "Abandon completely free from any sccne of eternity" whereas to Dante that con­ all hope, ye who cnter here". suffering. Had Dante not achieved cept was marvellonsly clear; and in Dante imagines Hell as an im­ this imagination the result wonld have die second place, the ordinary man, mense cavity, its axes nmning from a been monotony and anticlimax. while he had an idea that a spirit point directly below Jcmsalem to the Dante finds the climbing hard; but would be very happy in Heaven or center of the earth. This is divided he is given new strength by Virgil's H very unhappy in Hell, had no clear into ucircles • assnrance that he shall sce Beatriee, concept of such happiness and unhap­ The first circle, Limbus, has spirits smiling and happy,. at tile mountain'S piness, whereas to Dante this concept who werc not sinful: if Christians, sununit. also was marvellously clear. TIle ordi­ they lackcd baptism;' if pagans, they When the pilgrims reach the sum­ nary man could take chances: the "did not duly worship God,'" They mit of the mountain of Purgatory contrast between life before death and suffer only in that they cannot attain Virgil has come to tile end of his life after death was for him not so the Heaven they long for - in that" range of knowlcdge and of his task as sharp as to compel his constant attcn­ withont hope, they live in desire. guidc. tion, and thc momcnt of death sccmed Hell is divided into two parts: so far away that it was casy for him to Upper Hell and Lower Hell. The sins Continued next month. ncglcct those religious attitudcs aUd punished in the Upper Hcll are those

36 April93 :tJ;at/f11f!;FlLA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA

Sweet Z'ucchero Ivano Oddi

Zucchero "Sugar" Fomaciari. Ita­ Western band to play inside tile into caramel witll '''It's Alight (1be Iy's most successful rock artist this Krcllllin •I have an album at home Promise)" and "Come Back The year should have been given the lead which disproves tllat. I was also one Sun", both from his latest album, in Francis Ford Coppola's "Dracula". of tlle many who bought his latest before tile stirring rendition of his if his singing is anything to go by. record·breaking album "Miserere". It classic "11 Marc Impetuoso AI Tra· A rotund dead ringer doppelganger sold an average of 300,000 copies a monto..:', and tile infamous line for Gary Oldman in the latest horror week in tile first month, back home. "Voglio vederti ballare...'· epic, he showed less bite than a Not bad for a fonner goal·keeper Maybe he was trying to tell us fonner rmnk singer. who sucked most for 'Scrie B's "Milanesque'" table·, sometlling. of the hfe from the screaming Italians toppers. Reggiana, who teamed up But it wasn't until "Con Le packing Hammersmith Odeon on Feb· witl1 fonner striker Pavarotti on Mani" "Devil In Me'" and Paul ruary I. at the start of his European "Miserere" to record a single of tile Young:s "SurPrise" • we all must tour. same name as tile album's title !rack., have known h would join Zueehero Hot·blooded Latin generosity Only Julio Iglesias was missing on stage at some time • and his when Paul Young -I thought he had from tile hat·trick of footballers who renditon of "Senza Una Donna", that been laid to rest at crossroads and a started sing. the evening felt stake drivcn through his heart years ing for thcir anything like ago - comes back from the dead and suppers in the otller times gets the loudest cheer when the duo the wrong I've paid and groaned their way through their (al. eareer. And queued to see most) chart·topping hit "Without A where was him. Woman"? pub licity· I've prob·, Drac "without a woman'" " what hungry". ably been spoilt would Bram Stoker say!? Ga zza", by him in tile Or was it an off·night for Sugar? with his past, aJtllOugh I In keeping with the vampire myth, a burping and do understand non·reflection on his ability? ' flatUlence? tllat even this He did however see the light and When "., concert put finished his howling before midnight, Zazza" and back from No·' entering into the spirit of things "Pazza" vember 25, was witllOut leaving too many wounds. w ere at risk because Legend has it that a corpse laid to greeted Witll ofa back injury rest witll its mouth open', is a dead classic foot·, to tile star. give away for it coming back to life ball terrace All due re· as a vampire. chanting spect to Eileen One way of stopping tile painful during the Dennis, who groanings of the tonnented soul and op euiug had replaced releasing it into peaceful repose is to number" a Lisa Hunt as stuff tile open orifice with clay. I video pre· Zucchero's wouldn't go as far as doing that with match kick· backing singer, Sugar '- that would be me just being about of but I really did too bitter - as the concert was not one their top 20 miss Lisa's long nightmare. hit. the contribution in But after two hours of soul search·, m u c h "Mamma (Ma" ing, I do wish he had remembered awaited No' woman for Dracula dre Dolcis" tltat vampires are not supposcd to concert was sima)". I've al· cross water., let alone the English under way. ways found that her unique perfonn· chamleJ. Gazza's burp made way for Zuc· ance alone, has been worth paying TItat. or sung better. ehero's more pleasaut "Urlo·... well over·the·top to buy a ticket. Zucchero is, of course, Italy's "(Povero) Cristo'" and "Brick", al·, "Diamante" and old·time fave's greatest: he has played with Clapton, though there was little crowd reaction, "Pippo" and "Donne'" all made the Bono, Sting. ]00 Cocker, and, mad and not one bum got off a seat to evening one that will live on in the Michael ]ackson's less' celebrated cheer. memory. "Wonderful World" left me brother. the rational Randy. I like Zuechero •I don't adhere to feeling that it was. Add to those Clarence Clements, this increasingly "Sugar.free" society And he couldn't have chosen a Randy Crawford the famous Memphis - but tllcre is a limit to my fanaticism. more fitting song to end with tllan Homs, tile legendary Pavarotti, the Instead of fceling like I was watching "Hai Scclto Me" after leaving tile fact that hc was the only Italian callcd AC. at San Siro, it fclt like I stage three times, as his final encore. to grace the Freddy Mercury Tribute was watching Wimbledon. I hope Zucchero comes back at Wembley. and much, much more. Was I the only one wondering pretty soou, but I guess it all depends and you begin to understand the why he chose to sing "Brick'" in on Coppola's plaus for "Dracula 2". respect fellow artists hold him in. Italian, rather that the usual English And don't believe the rccent Press text? Perhaps he was worried about report in onc of the tabloids that minding his p's and q's. "Guns n' Roses" will be the first Sugar then mellowed" and melted

Aprile 93 37 ------=----=--=-:c--c:------=----=-- --_. -

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38 April93 :tJ;~Fn.A COMUNlTA'ITAlJANA

Photographer & Video Producer WEDDINGS * BANQUETS COMMERCIAL * STUDIO PORTRAITS CHILDR£N PHOTOGRAPHEDAT HOME Good selection oftop quality frames and albums a'Vailable on request

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Aprile93 39 -b~ _ .,.&:> RIVlSTA DELLA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA

Diva Scala Peter Bertoncini It is hard enongh trying to remove Institnte. Most of the collection is the after the curtain drop? 35 words from an article for ,BACK­ work of 1Ile photographer Erio Pic­ , I could not but come away feeling HILL so can yon imagine the diffi­ cagliani whose work covers 1Ile years lImt litis was somewhat of a miss culty of discarding almost 350,000 1949 - 1979. opportunity. Why were 1Ilere not photographs from the La Scala Opera A daunting task indeed. but also many more such as the one below House photographic collection? an envious one. Just 1Ilink of all 1I1Ose willl Di Sabata talking with To­ This was the dannting task facing '''unofficial'' poses. The tension be­ seanini, a personal favourite? Silvana Turzio 'in preparing for an fore going on stage. The reactions Now after all 1I1at would 'you exhibition of photographs from 1Ile when 1I1e curtain has fallen. believe me if I said 1I1at it was still arehives of La Scala in Milan which , TIle exhibition has a 1950s feel. A WOrlll a visit. It always is worthwhile can be seen at 1Ile 'Italian' Cnltnral time,when La Scala nded 1I1e operatic seeing archival material never pub­ world. With Bergonzi. Tebaldi. Callas licly viewed before. Besides, there and the Maestro Toscanini. An era was Tebaldi (albeit only once), Cal­ , oozing willl talent; never to be seen las, Pavarolli. Di Stefano. Callas, again. _ ViscOllti, Gnelfi. Caballe' and Callas. "I Some of the photographs are very Anyway. you know what we opera natural and unnsual with pllotOS of the lovers are a tough lot and like ,most ticket office. the painting' of the opera loverS I know none of you will ceiling, the foyer. stalls, hairdressers take the slightest notice of what I etc. But I must admit to a great deal have just said bnt will go and decide of disappointment with Silvana Tnr­ for yourselves. TIlere are some photo­ zio's selection. graphs,worth the visit. Where were all the people 1I1at made La Scala what it was? Where Scala Diva was Bergonzi., Gobbi and Bastianini? 23 March - 23 April Where were the nnnsual poses? And Mon-Fri 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. why some almost duplicated ones? Admission Free Where were the photographs of sing-' Italian Cnltnral Institute ers tense and nervous just before 39 Belgrave Square going on stage.? Where was 1I1e relief London SW1 Tel: 071-235 1461 Tamara Toumanova. Janine Charrae


Arena Musicale Mario Reniullo

Morc talcs from thc Iittlc bouom Gershwiu's hcre. And havc I a trcat to tcll you "Porgy & Bcss'" about tllis month. A re·issuc from touring Vicnna, RCA records of a sct of discs which Bcrliu and Paris. havc gonc down in aml3ls of tI,C In 1955 shc sang gramophonc as beiug ouc of thc the rolc of Tosca classic collcctions of soprano arias on NCB tclcvi· recordcd. TI,C soprano in qncstion sion. 'I11C great bcing the Icgcndary Amcrican so· Hcrbcrt von Ka· prano Lcontyne Price. rajan wcnt mad Price had onc of ti,e grcatcst Iirico ovcr hcr and spinto voices of the age. It has bccn brought her to dcscribcd as husky, dusky, smokcy, Vienna to sing '!1isty (O!' a bad day, foggy!!). At Aida. 'I11is was tunes ti,e shccr opulcnce of sound can the same role bc too much, Iikc thick cream on top that introduced of a rich chocolate pUdding. hcr to Coveut Shc was bOn! in deep SOUtll Mis· Ga rden aud sissippi in 1927. Not ti,e best of timcs again at thc for a young black girl. Hcr mothcr, Arcna di Verona who was a midwife, also had a undcr Tullio Ser' bcautiful soprano voicc and workcd afin, where she ovcrtime to kecp up paymcnts on tllC roused thc family piano. Hcr fathcr was a saw crowds to a •mill worker. Hcr aunt worked in thc frenzy. Karajan homc of a promincnt Mississippi fam. used hcr again at i1y called Chisholm. TIley hclped ti,e Salzburg fes-' Leontyne to acccpt the scholarship tival the follow-' she had won to tI,C luilliard School in iug ycar and she Ncw York. madc a most In the early 1950s all a scrions wclcomc debut black singcr cou.ld hope for was to in 1960 at La havc a carecr as a recitalist or in Scala. concerts, such as ti,e great black In 1955 Ru· Amcrican contralto Marian Andcrson. dolf'.Biug invited Leontyne Price a glory to wade through But for Pricc it would be grand opera Manan Anderson ' or bust. Shc spcnt thc first ycars on to be thc first black siuger cngaged by classic example of Verdian singing at Broadway in "all black" American ti,e Metropolitan Opera, against con· its best, a full round tone able to opcras such as Thomson's "Four sidcrablc opposition, in ti,e relativcly command a true diminuendo and Saints in TItrcc Acts" and Bcss in small role of Ulrica in Un Ballo in pianissimo and still be able to use tile Maschera. A barricr was down. In word to convey tile meaning of tile Von Karajan mad about Price 1961 Pricc madc her awaited debut at text, complete with a stunning top E. the Mct in 11 Trovatorc. She receivcd At times ti,e voice can be a linlc a 42·minutc ovatiou, a record at tI,C too much as' in "caro nome" from .house. Since tllen Pricc became Rigoleno, which loses its innocence Amcrica's prima donna assoluta. Shc in such a vibrant voice. Or· tile badc her farewell to tile Met in 1985 coloratura is not up ,to scratch as in in what many consider her greatest "Non mi dir'" from Mozart's Don role, Aida. Giovanni. But this is just nit picking Betwccn 1965 and 1979 Pricc when there are so many glories to recorded a series of fivc albums titlcd wade tluough. One aria I must pick Prima DOlma. And tllat is what has out is from Komgold's opera' Die tote now becn re-released on to four Stadt. 'I1lis aria is one of ti,e sugariest well·filled CDs. 'I11e composers range gooey pieces of music it has been my frolll Purccll through to Handel, Bell· pleasure to discovcr, I can't beg you ini to Vcrdi, Puccini to Wagncr, enough to hear it. And when you have Konlgold to zandouai. And what a voice like Pricc's to siug it for you, stllluling singing there is contained in wcll... a desert islaud disc of mine! t1lis set. Just listen to "10 son I'umile Now all you have to do is gct the ancella" from Cilca's Adriana Lecou· set and listen. . vreur and hear how Price can float - tone aftcr golden tone and shape a Leontyne Price:The Prima Donna _ phrase. 'I1le uniqucly compelling way Collection RCA 09026 12362 she has with Vcrdi • the aria from I LOIllbardi "Se vauo e iI pregare" is a

Aprile 93 41 :t::~EU.A COMUNITA'ITALlANA

Sportlight RichardEvans

It has been a depressing month if minded us Utat Gooch had you are an England cricket supportcr. similar "facial hair" when he I After a 3·0 defeat iu U,e Test series very nearly beat Len HUllon's ,: against India Ulen having a 3·1 lead record test score bUl no one in Ule one day series pegged back to a passed comment about his draw, Ule besieged England tourists, appearance at Lord's on Uml wiUtout their Captain Graham Gooch, day. must have felt that Sri Lanka would For my part, I believe be easier meat. All Utat ensued was a appearance and discipline are depressing defeat in the one Test important. I would expecl an match played 'and a humiliating loss England leam to wear blaz­ I jn Ule final one day intemalionat So crs, collar, tie and be smartly what has gone wrong? tumed out. It is showing a Firsl of all, I believe poor old sad lack of lhe priorilies of Keith Flelcher and Graham Gooch life, however, if the absence must now concede thal lhe Iikcs of of these disciplines is lhen David Gower and Jack Russell may blamed on the poor perfonn. just have been more than a Iillle ance of the leam. One musl useful out on the Indian sub·conlineut look a good dear furUler than (as may have becn a qualified doctor). lhe lack of razor blades. Nevertheless, if the team's per-' Addilionally, I think il is fonnance has been depressing, lhe regrellable lhat critical com­ commcnls of our Counly Chainnen al ment is now being passed their recent imerrogation of the man about the team's ri~orous pre· responsible for the scleclions, Ted lour training at Lllleshall. It Dexter have becn cvcn morc so. Their is being said that lhis addic­ main concem appears 10 have been tion 10 fillless is not the the dishevelled appearance of many .correcl f

Lewis • the genlline article


I ! Italsport Sandro Pratoli

Rally Un'auto uscit::! di strada Atletica GelUlaro Di Napoli Atletica Ai Mondiali Indoor di ha fcrito ,5 spettatori vicino a Bastia (sotto) ha regalalo all'ltalia una med· Toronto, nel medagliere finale domi· dnrante iI Rally della Giraglia. aglia d'oro ai campionati mondiali di nato da Russia (7 ori, 4 argenti, 3 atletica indoor, conelusisi a Toromo. bronzi) e Stati Uniti (5·3·6), I'ltalia Pallavolo La Miscura Milano L'azzurro ha conquistato iI tilolo nei ha figurato all'undicesimo posto gra­ ha vinto la Coppa delle Coppe, bat­ 3.000. Medaglia di bronzo alia Salva· zie alia viuoria di Di Napoli e al tendo in finale i francesi del Camles. dor lIeUa 3 chilometri di mareia. bronzo della mareiatrice Salvador.

I Calcio Finalmellle il Milan ha Biathlon A Oestersund, in perso: iI momelllo storico e' successo Svezia, la staffetta maschile azzurra allo stadio Olimpico di Roma mer­ di bia~don. si e' classifieata terza coledi' 10 marzo nella semifinale nella 4 x 7,5 km, valida per la Coppa d'andata di Coppa Italia. I rossoneri del mondo e vinla dalla Gennania non perdevano del 14 aprile 1992. E' davanti alia Bielomssia. Nella c1assi· solo la seconda sconfitta della squadra fiea gencrale l'Italia con 84 pumi e' in 78 partite. "For the Record" ecco al comando davanti a Svezia e Ger­ I'elenco lunghissimo delle partite del mania, appaiate con 80. periodo d'oro del Supcnnilan:

Data Partita L'ASlon Villa ha deciSo 14/4/92 Juve-Mi/an /.0 Calcio 18/4/92 Milan-IlIler 1-0 di restituire al Pisa Henrik Larsen, 25/4/92 Torino-Milan 2-2 campione d'Europa con la Danimarca 3/5/92 Milan· 2-0 nel '92, cedUIO in prestito due mesi 10/5/92 Napoli-Milan I-I fa. 17/5/92 Milan-Verona 4-0 24/5/92 Foggia·Milan 2-8 26-8-92 Milan·Temana 4-0 Boxe Vincenzo Nardiello vuole 30/8/92 Milan·Panna 2-1 la rivincila: il romano, sconfitto per 219/92 Temana·Milan 2·6 k.o.t. al 10 dall'irlandese Close in un 619/92 Milan-Foggia 1·0 match per I'europco dei supennedi, 13/9/92 Pescara·Milan 4·5 accusa iI rivale di avergli infeIto una 16/9/92 Milan·Lubiana 4·0 teslala volomaria. 20/9/92 Milan·Atalanta 2-0 30/9/92 Lnbiana·Milan 0·3 4/10/92 Fioclllina-Milan 3.7 Calcio 11 Presideme della 7/10/92 Milan.Cagliari 3·0 F.I.F.A., Sepp B1atter, ha amlUnciato 18/10/92 Milan·Lazio 5-3 Vela Ufficializzata a Roma la spolIsorizzazione Q8 per iI "one ton·, alcnni cambiamenti dclle regole dopo 21/10/92 Slovan-Milan 0·1 le Mondiali del 1994. Le rimesse 25/10/92 Panna·Milan 0-2 ner". Brava di Pasquale LondoUi, campione mondiale in carica. 11 team latcrali verrano sostituiti da calci 28/10/92 Cagliari-Milan 0·0 latcrali. Questi cambiamenti verralUlO , 1/11/92 Milan-Torino 0·0 ha illgaggiato Paul Cayard come tal· tico. Brava·Q8 paItecipera' anche al· effcuuati pure per le Mondiali Under· l 4/11/92 Milan-Slovan 4.0 17 ad agoslo. 8/11/92 Napoli-Milan 1·5 I'Admiral's Cup e nell'occasione Ca·, f 22/11/92 Milan-IlIler I-I yard la timonera'. 25/11/92 Milan·Goteborg 4-0 Calcio Ollre al Milan, iI quale I 29/11/92 Jnventns-Milan 0-1 6/12/92' Milan-Udinese I-I Mauro Galvano e' tomato Sla sull'orlo della finale dclla Coppa Boxe dci Campioni, allre squadre italiane 9/12/92 Psv-Milan 1-2 in Italia con I'amaro in bocca: iI 13/12/92 Milan·Ancona 2-0 famlO progressi nelle competizioni verdctto ai punti che ha pennesso curopee. La Juvenlus si trova nella 23/12/92 Sampdoria·Milan 1·2 all'illglese di colore Nigel Beml di semifinale della Coppa UEFA, e iI 3/1/93 Roma·Milan (J·l conservare iI mondiale Woo dei su· Panna, vincitori dClI'inconlro con la 10/1/93 Milan·Cagliari 1·0 pennedi non I'ha convinlo. Galvano si 17/1/93 Brescia·Milan 0-1 e' anche lamcnlalo di aver ricevuto SpaIta Praga, c' arrivata nella scmifi­ 24/1/93 Milan·Genoa 1·(J una gomitata ("Beml 10 fa spesso") 'riale della Coppa dclle Coppe. 27/1/93 Milan·Intcr 0·0 che gli ha procurato un'incrinalura di 31/1/93 Foggia-Milan 2·2 una 0'due costole. Nonostante do' ha 7/2/93 Milan-Pescara 4·0 proseguilo. "E se all'ullimo round la Ippica Lanfranco Dcttori si e' 10/2/93 Inter-Milan (J·3 campana, suonala forse in anticipo, laureato per la scconda voila. eampi. 14/2/93 Atalallla·Milan 1-1 nOli avesse salvato Benn. L'inglese one mondiale tra i giovani fanlini nel 28/2/93 Milan.Sampdoria 4·0 sarcbbe finito al tappeto". Galvano tomco dispulatosi a Nakayama.· Dct·, 3/3/93 Porto·Milan 0·1 vorrebbe una tcrza chance contro di tori junior ha preceduto iI eampione 7/3/93 Milan·Fiorelllina 2-(J Ini "ma ho iI sospeno '- conclude " di easa e I'alfiere irlandese classifica·' /0/3/93 Roma·Mi/cm 2.0 che adesso mi tema troppo". tosi al tcrzo posto. Aprile 93 43 AT 3 BACK HILL YOU WILL FIND:

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44 April93 ( :IJ:.~EU.A COMUNITA'ITALIANA Tempo Libero DAVVERO? NON Cl CREDOI WHAT IS IT? Non lutti i pesei depongollO uova: quelli di varie specie ossee la maggior parte degli squali mettono al mondo piccoli gia' formali, il cui numero e' estremamente variabile: ad esempio, la verdesca, comune nei nostri mari, puo' aveme anehe pui' di lrenta per volta. Alia notizia della scomparsa di Robespierre, l'implacabile rivoluzion­ ario francese, un nobile, miracolosa­ meme scampato alia ghigliollina, pro­ pose che slllla slla tomba venisse incisa la seglleme epigrafe: «Pas-. .same, non piangere la mia morte: se fossi vissllto io,. saresti morto tll».

CHBRISATA! DD Cc o • • Il giovane Umbcrto deve • affrontare un csame mollO ",,: .. :~ difficile. I genilori auendono = ~~­ ansiosi che rientri con i ri· sultati. Alia fine, iI ragazzo -U- arriva, IUUO sorridcnte. .~. e aUora? - ehiedono . ' . all'lInisono padre e madre. ':":"':" ..... "'.: :..,....:"1'8~ .-. Oh, sapete: finche' '. L" ' .••~~-•• c·'e·' la salllte...... "., ... ;: .... _.. -.:;,.--~ ...: "..".:;. .. - ...-_ .... '::l' ~"_ . I shollldn't foul anyone - he's a IOlIgh referee)

In Francia, il gioco delle bocee fu a lungo osteggiato, sia pure senza grande successo, sia dalla Chicsa ehe c- ~ dalla Corte, le vedevano in esso una continua fonte di dislrazione cd un tII J O pericoloso ineelltivo alle seommesse. 1.. La secolarc eontraversia fu infine t- risolta da un autorevole intervento J """ della faeolta' di Jlledieina dell'univer­ () O( sita' di Monlpellier, ehe diehiaro' il gioeo utilissimo per la eura e preven­ zione dei dolori rcllJllatiei. Secondo la tradizione indl/, l'lImanita' vive in cieli, ciascuno dei \ quali e'· costilllito da ben 4,320,000 u anni. Allualmeme,. noi ci troveremmo 11 piauo riprodouo in dimensioni ridoue nell'lIltima parte del primo cielo e, al centro del riquadro si e' spezzato in scue poiclle' la fine del mondo e' prevista '------' degli ouo frammenti numerali disposti al· dopo 72 milioni di cicli,. essa ver­ Answers to the March edi· lomo ad esso, per cui uno dei tali frammenti ifichera'fra circa 311,OOO miliardi di lion ofSpot the Difference. non fa parte del piatto stesso. anni. Sapreste indicare tale frammento?

Aprile 93 45 :tJ;~u.A·COMUNlTA' ITALIANA

Mamma's Ricetta MrsM.G. Agnello di Pasqua all'Irene Irene's Easter Lamb

Ingredienti: Ingredients: ,

1 kg di agnello tagliato a pezzi 21b lamb cut into pieees ~ , 3 cucchiai olio d'oliva 3 tablespoons olive oil 3 spicchi d'aglio ,3 eloves of garlic nn ramellO di rosmarino 1 sprig of rosemary 1 piccola scatola di accinghc 1 small tin of anchiovies 3 cucchiai di accto bianco 3 tablespoons of white vincgar salelpepe salt & pepper

Metodo: Method: . Schiacciatc 2 spicchi d'aglio e fateli soffrigere Cmsh 2 cloves of garlic and lightly fry in oil. Add tile nell'olio. Aggiungete i pezzi di agnello, sale e pepe e pieces of lamb, salt and pepper and cook ove~!a moderate .fateli rosolare a fuoco moderato per circa 30 minuti 0 heat for abont 30 minntes or until cooked. Finely chop ,the finche' siano cOlli. Tritate finemente gli aghi del rosma·, rosemary,: anchiovies and half a clove of garlic. Add tile ri!IO, le acciughe. e mezw spicehio d'aglio. Aggiungete vinegar and the oil of the anchovies and blend together. I'aeeto e I'olio delle aeeiughe e meseolate. Versate questa Ponr this mixture onto the lamb and allow the vinegar to salsina sulla came. Laseiate sfumare l'aceto a fuoco evaporate on a high heat. vivaee. Versate snl piallo di portata e servite. Place on a dish and serve. 1 If Torta di Limone alia Rina Rina's Easy Lemon Cake ~ ~ Ingredienti: Ingredient~: 1 350 gr farina col Iievito 120z self raising flour 2 cneehiaini di Iievito 2 teaspoons baking powder 225 gr zucchero 80z sugar 225 gr burro 0 margarina tagliati a pezzelli 80z bnller or margarine softed and cnt into pieces 4 uova leggennente sbannte 4 eggs lightly beaten 8 cneehiai di lalle 8 dessertspoons of milk I' 1/2 Iimone (la bneeia granugiata) 1 1/2 lemons (gmted rind)

Metodo: Method: Lavorate insieme tuni gli ingredienti finehe' siano ben Mix all the ingredients together making snre that they .. amalgamati. Versate iI composto in un torticm imbumta are all well blended. Pour into a 9.5" greased cake tin di 23cm con iI .cerchio apribile. Passatelo net fomo preferably with a loose bottom. Place in preheated oven i• 1 prescaldato no.4/180C per 50 minnti. no.4/180C. for 50 minutes. j I .., Glassato Topping Ingredienti: Inl:redients: 3 cucchiai di zucchero a velo 3 dessertspoons icing sngar 3 cucchiai di zncchero 3 dessertspoons sngar 1 1/2 Iimone (succo) 1 1/2 lemons (juice)

Metodo: Method: Mescolate insieme tuni gli ingredienti finche' 10 Mix all the ingredients together until sugar is dis­ zncchero sia sciolto. Con un fcrro da maglia fate dei solved. bncchelli nella torta. Quando sara' aneora ealda" versatevi With a skewer or knining needle make holes into the sopra iI composto di zucchero. cake and while still' wann ponr the sugar mixture over it.

N.B. Se desidemte non adoperare iI Iimone, potete N.B. If desired yon can omit the lemon juice and peel usare: I. 3 cuechiaini di essenza di mandorle and use 1. 3 teaspoons of almond essence; 2. 3 cncchiani di essenza di vaniglia 2. 3 teaspoons of vanilla essencc; 3. 1nvcce del lalle, 8 cucchiai di Marsala 0 \ Vennoulh 3. Instead of milk use 8 dessertspoons of Marsala. o qnalsiasi altro Iiquore Vennonth or any other Iiquenr.

46 April93 Sabato 17 Lunigianesi Uniti Cena e Ballo, Cafe Royal, Regent Street ore 19.00 Biglietti £35 compreso vino. Suonera' iI complesso "Sospiri', Tel: Dino Albertelli 081·6746369, Angelo Venturini 071·385 2903.

Domenica 18 Lunigianesi Uniti • Messa Pontificate, Chiesa Italiana di San' Pietro,. ore 11.00

Domenica 25 Associazione A.M.te.O. Pranzo e Ballo, Ristorante Dell'Lucia, 94 Bond Street £20 inc 1/2 bottiglia vino ore 13.00, Tel: Luigi Basanese 081·699 2718 .[1';:(M9gg!Q'::i1 ti ~~..m·l1rr~:4·H"'~AAi~~~~

8 Banchello della Solidarieta' 'La Voce degli Italiani' 19.15 for 19.45 Royal Lancaster Hotel, Orchestra Allodi, Ticket £35 Telephone 071-735 5164 or 071·7358235

15 Childline Italian Ball, Grosvenor House Hotel See'advert on page 18 for further details

Sabato 22 Associazione Piacentini di G.B. Dinner & Dance, Orchestra Volare Bishop Douglass School ore 19.00, £20 inc 1/2 bottle wine, Tel: Mr. Perolli 071·6292063

L'abbonnl11~nto nnnuale (10 ediz.ioni) con sptSe postali, solo ptr l1te annual subscription (10 issues) including postage, UK only, it la GB, costa £10.00. Ricordatevi ('he BACKHILLvitne prodollo £10.00. Please remember that BACKIULL is a voluntary and n0!1 da volontari e non ha scopo di protiUo. Qualunque vostro dono profit making publication, and any additional donation you make ci aiuttra' a continuare a strvire la comunUal Italiana.' will htlp us to continue this strvict to the lIalian Community.

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