Scientific Communities in the Developing World Scientific Communities in the Developing World
Scientific Communities in the Developing World Scientific Communities in the Developing World Edited by jacques Caillard V.V. Krishna Roland Waast Sage Publications New Delhiflhousand Oaks/London Copyright @) Jacques Gaillard, V.V. Krishna and Roland Waast, 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. First published in 1997 by Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd M-32, Greater Kailash Market I New Delhi 110 048 Sage Publications Inc Sage Publications Ltd 2455 Teller Road 6 Bonhill Street Thousand Oaks, California 91320 London EC2A 4PU Published by Tejeshwar Singh for Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, phototypeset by Pagewell Photosetters, Pondicherry and printed at Chaman Enterprises, Delhi. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Scientific communities in the developing world I edited by Jacques Gaillard, V.V. Krishna, Roland Waast. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Science-Developing countries--History. 2. Science-Social aspect- Developing countries--History. I. Gaillard, Jacques, 1951- . 11. Krishna, V.V. 111. Waast, Roland, 1940- . Q127.2.S44 306.4'5'091724--dc20 1996 9617807 ISBN: 81-7036565-1 (India-hb) &8039-9330-7 (US-hb) Sage Production Editor: Sumitra Srinivasan Contents List of Tables List of Figures Preface 1. Introduction: Scientific Communities in the Developing World Jacques Gaillard, V.V. Krishna and Roland Waast Part 1: Scientific Communities in Africa 2. Sisyphus or the Scientific Communities of Algeria Ali El Kenz and Roland Waast 3.
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