Jird Issue 7 Svh 08 15 11 3
A forum for academic, social, and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. The Journal of InterReligious Dialogue Issue 7 August 2011 www.irdialogue.org 1 To submit an article visit www.irdialogue.org/submissions A forum for academic, social, and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. Editorial Board Stephanie VarnonHughes and Joshua Zaslow Stanton, Editors‐in‐Chief Aimee Upjohn Light, Executive Editor Matthew Dougherty, Publishing Editor Sophia Khan, Associate Publishing Editor Christopher Stedman, Managing Director of State of Formation Ian Burzynski, Associate Director of State of Formation Editorial Consultants Frank Fredericks, Media Consultant Marinus Iwuchukwu, Outreach Consultant Stephen Butler Murray, Managing Editor Emeritus www.irdialogue.org 2 To submit an article visit www.irdialogue.org/submissions A forum for academic, social, and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. Board of Scholars and Practitioners Y. Alp Aslandogan, President, Institute of Interfaith Dialog Justus Baird, Director of the Center for Multifaith Education, Auburn Theological Seminary Alan Brill, Cooperman/Ross Endowed Professor in honor of Sister Rose Thering, Seton Hall University Tarunjit Singh Butalia, Chair of Interfaith Committee, World Sikh Council - America Region Reginald Broadnax, Dean of Academic Affairs, Hood Theological Seminary Thomas Cattoi, Assistant Professor of Christology and Cultures, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley/Graduate Theological Union Miriam Cooke,
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