Coase's Penguin, Or, Linux and the Nature of the Firm
Articles Coase's Penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm Yochai Benklert CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........... ......... ........ .................... 371 I. PEER PRODUCTIONALL AROUND ...................................................... 381 A. Content......................................................................................... 384 B. Relevance/Accreditation...........................................................390 C. Value-AddedDistribution ............................................................396 D. Summ ary ......................................................................................399 t Professorof Law, New York UniversitySchool of Law. Researchfor this Article was partlysupported by a grantfrom the FilomenD'Agostino and Max E. GreenbergResearch Fund at the New York UniversitySchool of Law. I owe thanksto many for commentson this and earlierdrafts, including: Bruce Ackerman, Ed Baker,Elazar Barkan, Jamie Boyle, Dan Burk,Ben Damstedt,Bob Ellickson,Terry Fisher, Natalie Jeremijenko,David Johnson,Dan Kahan,Niva Elkin Koren,Tara Lemmey, Larry Lessig, Doug Lichtman,Jerry Mashaw, Eben Moglen, Mark Nadel,Helen Nissenbaum, George Priest, Peggy Radin,Carol Rose, ChuckSabel, Alan Schwartz, Clay Shirky,Richard Stallman, and Kenji Yoshino.I owe special thanksto Steve Snyderfor his invaluableresearch assistance on the peerproduction enterprises described here. I have gotten many questionsabout the "Coase'sPenguin" portion of the title. It turnsout that the geek culturethat easily recognizes"Coase" doesn't recognizethe
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