Devops-Notes Documentation Release 2.0.0

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Devops-Notes Documentation Release 2.0.0 DevOps-Notes Documentation Release 2.0.0 Vinay Hegde Aug 15, 2020 Basic-Concepts 1 Overview 1 1.1 Tech Stack:................................................1 1.2 How-To-Use...............................................1 1.3 Please Note:...............................................2 i ii CHAPTER 1 Overview Welcome to my notes on various topics related to the DevOps / SRE terminology such as - • Linux Operating Systems • Networking • Web / Email / DNS / Database Servers • GIT • Configuration Management Tools (Chef, Ansible, Puppet) • Programming (Python, Ruby, Shell Scripting)..and many more 1.1 Tech Stack: • reStructuredText (RST) - To write .rst files for the formatting. You can start learning via this • Sphinx - The engine generating content in HTML, LaTeX, ePub. A beginner’s guide can be found on their page • GitHub - For maintaining the source code in version control. • ReadTheDocs - Hosting my documentation. Refer this excellent document to help you get up and running in no time. 1.2 How-To-Use • Please click on any link on the Left Hand side of this webpage to read more on it such as Utilities, CPU, Monitoring among others. • Once you do so, you will find subsections (varies upon topics) that can be expanded by clicking on the + icon to read them. 1 DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 • You can also enter your keywords in the Search Box present in the top Left Corner of this webpage to return relevant results. 1.3 Please Note: • Due to dynamic content for any topic in here, this will forever be a work in progress. Feedback, suggestions and queries are always appreciated! • For contributions, please read the guidelines on how to share Contributing to this project. • At all times, please refer to the Code-of-Conduct guidelines on interacting with other community members in a respectful and cordial manner. 1.3.1 Boot Process Some useful links to explain the concepts of the Boot Process Concepts Overview of the Linux Boot process • • • • • • • • Difference between commands for bringing down a linux server • Difference between GRUB / LILO • Is a separate boot partition necessary in Linux OS? • 2 Chapter 1. Overview DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 1.3. Please Note: 3 DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 Commands Configuration • • • • • Troubleshooting & Log Parsing 1.3.2 CPU Some useful links to explain the concepts of CPU processing Concepts • • 4 Chapter 1. Overview DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 1.3. Please Note: 5 DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 Types of Processes • Output of ps command - Explained • • 6 Chapter 1. Overview DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 Commands NoHUP & • • 1.3. Please Note: 7 DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 8 Chapter 1. Overview DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 top • • • • • • • • • • • • • SAR • • • • • • • • • Nice / Renice / IOnice • • KILL • • • • 1.3. Please Note: 9 DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 • • • • HTop Visual representation of all HTop parameters • 10 Chapter 1. Overview DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 HTop command - Explained • • • • • • SysDig • • • • 1.3. Please Note: 11 DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 • • Configuration Troubleshooting & Log Parsing • Find the most number of processes running on the system 1 sudo ps -AL --no-headers | awk -F: '{print $3}' | cut -d'' -f2 | sort | uniq -c | ,!sort -n | tail -10 • Check for zombie processes with PPID 1 sudo ps axo stat,ppid,pid,comm | grep -w defunct • View Column Headers in ps output 1 sudo ps aux | head -1&& sudo ps aux | grep <process-name> | grep -v grep 1.3.3 Memory Some useful links to explain the concepts of Memory Concepts • • Commands Free Command - Explained • • • • Other Commands • 12 Chapter 1. Overview DevOps-Notes Documentation, Release 2.0.0 • Configuration • Create a RAM Disk •
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