Newsletter January - June 2018

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Newsletter January - June 2018 Newsletter January - June 2018 President Lungu takes a swipe at Law Enforcement Agencies OAG strategic plan launched Zambia Hosts 2nd working group on Extractive Industries Taskforce Meeting OAG joins the rest of Zambia to commemorate IWD C O N T E N T S Foreword I will not shield anyone abusing Public Resources t is with profound gratitude that I says President Lungu 3 welcome you all to the January to June Some Civil Servants Suspended 4 2 0 1 8 p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e O A G News.I OAG strategic plan launched 5 2018 Planning Meeting held as AG gives strategic directives to Senior Management for the year 6 May I wish you a Happy 2018 and I hope that this year we will continue to work Ireland donates vehicles and forensic equipment to the Office of the Auditor General 7 together for the betterment of our great nd nation Zambia. Zambia Hosts 2 working group on Extractive Industries Taskforce Meeting 8 AG's Partners in good governance 9 In this edition, we have a number of articles from the 2018 Big Data challenge 10 Planning Meeting, OAG strategic plan Corruption fight key to PFM 11 Launch, Zambia Hosts working group on Extractive Industries Taskforce Meeting to OAG's participation in the International PAC sends away Works PS, delegation 12 Women's Day commemorations among others. PAC shocked with over k2.6 million used to purchase a vehicle and office furniture 13 There are also some articles from the sittings of the Public Ministry of Health bought expired medicine worth US$10 Million 14 Accounts Committtee as well as Ministers and Controlling Officers workshop on Prudent Financial Management. PAC disappointed with works on dip tanks 15 Use Eurobonds money to people's expectations - Pac 16 It is therefore my considered view that you will take time to read IDC CEO fails to justify wastage of K670,000 at Indeni 17 this publication so as to keep abreast with our work and the NATSAVE tells parley committee it will recover happenings in the Office and abroad. it's K3m lost in defaulted loans 18 Parliamentary Committee on Parastatals hears how Pleasant reading! Savenda defrauded PSPF 19 OAG joins the rest of Zambia to commemorate IWD 21 IWD Commemorations in pictures 21 OAG participates in Labour Day celebrations 22 Ron Mwambwa (Mr.) OAG participates in youth day celebrations 22 AUDITOR GENERAL The Structure of the Office of the Auditor General 23 Training in network security audit held in Oslo, Norway 24 Message from the 5th International Training Programme On Introduction To Environmental Auditing 25 DAG-CSD OAG Staff attends the seven weeks Prestigious Mandela Washington fellow in Washington Dc, U.S.A 27 From the Corporate Services Division, we Peer-to-Peer collaboration and Networking are pleased yet again to interact with Experiences 30 you through this publication. Parliamentary Committees that deliberated various This publication continues to be a reports of The Auditor General sittings in pictures 31 platform for you our staff and Photo Focus 34 stakeholders to remain informed about our work and the goings on of the Office. To those who are reading this publication for the very first time I wish to welcome you and urge you to make this publication a 'must read'. I hope that you will partner with us in ensuring that public resources are accounted for in the nation so as to make it a better place to live in. ORIAL TEAM Ms Ellen M. Chikale Ms Mwila Munkanta Further, in a bid to serve you better, we encourage you to make Editor -In-Chief Editor EDIT suggestions to us through email ( or CONTRIBUTORS physically through our various offices dotted all over the country. Emmanuel Chisalu Mable Nyambe Davison K. Mendamenda Marvin Banda Deputy Auditor General – Corporate Services Division Chilekwa Monje OAG News Writer Guest Writer Mr. Chilekwa Monje Editor DISCLAIMER The views expressed are those of individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the Office of the Auditor General or indeed that of the Editor-in-Chief. I WILL NOT SHIELD ANYONE ABUSING PUBLIC RESOURCES SAYS PRESIDENT LUNGU… AS HE TAKES A SWIPE AT LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES Republican President Mr. Edgar Lungu officiating at the Ministers and Controlling Officers Workshop By OAG News Writer he Republican President Mr. Finance Management Bill into And speaking at the same Edgar Lungu says he will not law in its sitting which would result workshop, the then Finance Minister shield anyone cited for abuse i n p r u d e n t f i n a n c i a l Felix Mutati said there was need to T management by controlling of public resources. change the way public resources officers. were utilized and that there was And President Lungu has taken a need to eliminate negative vices swipe at law enforcement He warned those entrusted with that hinder national development. agencies for their slow pace in management of public funds investigating and prosecuting that no one will find refuge in him And Acting Auditor General Ron individuals cited in the Auditor when found wanting, adding Mwambwa added that over the General's report. that he wanted to work with y e a r s , m i s a p p r o p r i a t i o n , honest and accountable misapplication and misuse of public Speaking in Lusaka during the people. funds had continued in public Ministers and Controlling Officers offices. Workshop on Prudent Financial President Lungu has since Management organized by the assured the Office of the Auditor Mr. Mwambwa hoped that political Ministry of Finance, President Lungu General of his administration's will from the Top most Office will said he was concerned that the support as they try to promote assist in reducing the these law enforcement agencies were prudent financial management irregularities going forward. slow in following up cases relating in public offices. to misuse of public funds. The Head of State said he was hoping that the courts of law would expedite the process of hearing cases relating to misuse of public funds so as to deter would-be offenders. He said law enforcement agencies should not wait for him to act saying it was not his duty to bring to book those abusing public resources. President Lungu was hopeful that parliament will enact the Public Cabinet Ministers from Left to Right: Hon. Dora Siliya, Hon. Margaret Mwanakatwe and Hon. Nickson Chilangwa 3 OAG Newsletter January-June 2018 OAG STRATEGIC PLAN LAUNCHED …. SOME CIVIL SERVANTS SUSPENDED As PAC Implores Government to Operationalize the State Audit Commission Act of 2016 and the Public Audit Act of 2016 PAC Chairperson Hon. Howard Kunda congratulating the Acting Auditor General on the launch of the Office's Strategic Plan By OAG News Writer he Strategic Plan for the Office Mr. Kunda urged Government And speaking at the same function, of the Auditor General for the not to relent in supporting the Acting Auditor General Mr. Ron period 2017-2021 has been Office in its capacity building Mwambwa said the strategic plan T programme as auditing was a launched. sets out the office's strategic dynamic field which was imperatives for the next five years. changing all the times. A n d t h e P u b l i c A c c o u n t s Acting Auditor General Mr. Ron Mwambwa being interviewed on the Sunday Interview Committee (PAC) Chairperson Mr. Howard Kunda has implored H e o b s e r v e d t h a t b y Mr. Mwambwa said the Strategic G o v e r n m e n t t o q u i c k l y strengthening the Office of the Plan was developed in alignment operationalize the State Audit Auditor General, Government with the goals of the Seventh By OAG News Writer Commission Act of 2016 and the would improve its public financial National Development Plan. CTING Auditor General Mr. r e v e a l e d y e t b e c a u s e He was hopeful that action would Public Audit Act of 2016 if the Office management in the country. is to operate at its optimal. R o n M w a m b w a h a s investigations were on going. be taken so that this may serve as a r e v e a l e d t h a t s o m e A He said the responsibility was now deterrent to other would-be officers who were cited for o n t h e A n t i - C o r r u p t i o n offenders. Speaking in Lusaka during the financial irregularities in the Auditor Commission (ACC) and the Drug launch of the 2017-2021 strategic General's Report for the financial The report of the Auditor General for plan, Mr. Kunda emphasised on the st Enforcement Commission (DEC) year ended 31 December 2016 the financial year ended 31st need for Government to create an to follow up the matter to ensure from various government ministries December 2016 revealed glaring Audit Division in the Office that will and departments have been that erring officers were brought be responsible for the audit of all financial irregularities in various suspended. to book. Local Authorities in the country. ministries, provinces and spending Speaking when he featured on the Mr. Mwambwa said his mandate agencies. Zambia National Broadcasting ends when he submits the report He also called upon the Office to Corporation (ZNBC) Morning Live and that it was upto the other law The Acting Auditor General also continue upholding the core news and current affairs segment, enforcement agencies to take featured on the Sunday Interview to values of integrity, professionalism, Mr Mwambwa said the number of action on the issues raised in the explain the findings of the report.
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