No 41 Friday September 29, 2017

Story P5 Police drag Alliance for Community Action director Laura Miti and singer Pilato (l) as they attempted to demonstrate against the purchase of 42 fire tenders at $42m - Picture by Tenson Mkhala POLICE ARREST LAURA MPs gang up against Kambwili in Parliament By Mukosha Funga and Kambwili on the floor Mirriam Chabala of the house, saying Several ministers on the former government Thursday overwhelmed spokesperson was Speaker of the National among the criminals Assembly Dr Patrick who were vandalising Matibini when they infrastructure in his took the opportunity to province. debate President Edgar Continues on page 3 Lungu’s speech as a chance to take jabs at for branding them thieves. Cops raid Finance minister and wife arrive at Parliament to present the 2018 budget - Picture by Tenson Mkhala. Story P4 Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo was first to take on Chibolya Mutati unveils 2018 budget, increases TV levy Page 2 2. Local News Friday September 29, 2017

By Sipilisiwe Ncube Minister of Home Affairs says he will not spare any criminals regardless of who they are. Police raid Chibolya again And Kampyongo has described Chishimba Kambwili as a drowning man trying to hang-on to others for survival. Police last night combined forces with the Drug Enforcement Commission, Immigration and other security wings to raid Chibolya compound in a continued crack down on illicit drugs in . The officers recovered drums, bags and safes filled with all sorts of narcotic drugs and apprehended the suspects among them, an ex-convict popularly known as Seven Spirits. Speaking to journalists after he inspected the narcotic drugs which were confiscated today, Kamyongo said his officers would continue raiding areas which were notorious for drug trafficking because narcotic substances are what triggered unrest in the country. “To us this is an ongoing, its work in progress and you are going to see a little bit of more. It’s like I said in Parliament the other day Home Affairs minister Stephen Kampyongo inspects drugs that were consficated by a combined team of police, immigration and drug enforcement that we are going to pursue commission officers in Chibolya Township on September 29, 2017 – Picture by Tenson Mkhala criminals where ever they are and regardless of what which we thought was which will be inclusive of ensure that our presence is for example has had Mbahwe, Lusaka province they are doing. And this is going to help him but it everybody without leaving felt and we don’t leave a gap limitations in terms of police Commissioner in the quest to bring this wasn’t to be. And so I think anyone behind. What for these criminal activities manpower and their Nelson Phiri and Police nation to order and ensure we shall continue revising we have seen of late is to take route and regroup.” presence in boarder areas. Spokesperson Esther that peace prevails because some of these programs but commercial interest, people He also said he would So we have to ensure that Mwaata Katongo among these are the substances again we also have to look going to buy-off those that tighten security at the we plan the manpower others. that trigger the breakdown at the source, where is this are in those areas where border posts to stop the aspect under the Drug Police spokesperson Esther of law and order. So am chamba coming from? You they are interested in and inflow of illicit drugs. Enforcement Commission Mwaata Katongo later proud of my officers on remember sometime back they don’t care, pay them “First of all you must know so that their presence can issued a statement saying what they have done and we used to have programs off, they don’t care about that Chibolya has been a also be equally felt. And 134 people had been like I said to them, I was of going through these where they go and end up notorious place and I think like you have put it, most of arrested. with them throughout provinces to sensitize the starting other slams. But we this is the second time we these substances are coming “During the operation, 134 their operations and I want people that are cultivating would want slum upgrade have undertaken a joint from across the borders, so persons were apprehended to make sure that we do these substances so that we that takes care of existing operation there. And am we have to make sure that out of which 42 were for everything possible to make deal with the source as well interests. In this case, those sure you are able to see for we are alert at the ports of drug related offences, 87 sure that their work is made as the market,” Kampyongo that are domicile in those yourself the armed staff that entry. were for immigration easier,” Kampyongo said. said. slums must be catered for has been recovered during He said the three security related offences while He said government would The Minister saidso that the development is the operation and there is wings would give a joint four (04) were for general continue revising some of government would expedite shared,” Kampyongo said. still more in addition to statement to give details of crimes such as possession the rehabilitation programs the process of upgrading “I think now looking at what you have seen and that how much substance had of property suspected to be for traffickers. slums. what we have discovered; is a concern to us and it’s a been confiscated as well as stolen. “It’s unfortunate that again “I know that slum upgrade we need to just maintain concern to the nation. You those apprehended. All the suspects are this one, Seven Spirits, has is a program of government our presence in this area can’t have these substances And Kampyongo described detained in Police custody. been caught up when the and I think that Chibolya and many other areas, not in huge quantities being out Kambwili as a drowning However, the quantity drug enforcement had tried has been one of those areas only Chibolya and its not there on the market. What person trying to hang on to of the seized drugs is yet to rehabilitate [him]. You but even when I was at Local only Lusaka, Copperbelt is is it doing to our children?” others for survival. to be established,” stated know he was convicted, he government and collectively equally the same. And so we Kampyongo said. “You know if you have done Katongo. served and then he was put as government, we want are just going to holistically “We know that Drug swimming lessons, they Meanwhile, just before on rehabilitation program to do the slum upgrade plan for these areas and Enforcement Commission tell you of survival skills the Minister’s arrival when you are swimming. If for the inspection of someone is drowning, you the confiscated drugs, don’t help them when they one of the suspects kept 29 sue Kabwe Council over land are still energetic, you let complaining to journalists them settle. Mr Kambwili that he was arrested despite By Diggers Reporter authority has started developing the “borrow heavily” for what they term is like a drowning person, helping police with their Bernard Chisanga and 28 others have plots without following procedure for PPP project. you know what it feels to operation. sued the Kabwe Municipal Council compensation and repossession. The Plaintiffs therefore want the be fired for corruption and “Ninebo nachilabalanga for repossessing their plots without The 29 claim that when they asked Lusaka High Court to order that the so you want to hang-on on ati umu nomu, but notice. why their slabs were erased with a reentry of the 26 commercial plots by anyone you can hang-on banchinkakilako The plaintiffs claim that in 2014, grader, the council told them that it the council is illegal null and void. [to]. Ask him to show you newakayele, abene ba Chisanga who by then held the was developing the area into a bus They also want an injunction to the proof, that is what I can fyamba aba uku (I was just position of area councilor advertised station. restrain the council, its servants say, I don’t want to engage helping the officers to show commercial plots situated along the They complained that no notification or agents from commenting on in strantums, am beyond them where the chamba prime location of Great North Road. was served on them or any the matter or issuing misleading that, av got a lot of work to was but they decided to The plaintiffs state that they applied correspondents about the council’s statements in the media. do just as you can see,” said arrest me an innocent for the plots and were offered the said intention to repossess the plots. The say the court should stop the Kampyongo. man. The owners of the piece of land to which they paid offer The plaintiffs stated that the council council from advertising, selling and The Minister wasdrugs are here). Nshishibe and development charges. had no authority to reenter the said developing the land into a transit bus accompanied by Home nga ukusunga dread In a statement of claim dated land because such power vested in the station until the determination of the Affairs Permanent Secretary ekundetelele, katwishi September 27, Chisanga and 28 others Commissioner of Lands. matter. Dr Chileshe Mulenga, (I don’t know if keeping stated that despite the land acquisition The 29 accused the Mayor and the The plaintiffs are further demanding Drug Enforcement dreads has caused this),” the being recorded at the council, the Town Clerk of using the land to for damages of unlawful occupation. Commissioner Alita suspect complained. Friday September 29, 2017 Local News. 3

President salutes his supporters who escorted him at Lusaka’s Kenneth Kaunda International Airport shortly before departure for Botswana today - PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE MPs gang up against

KambwiliFrom front page Province.” in But ParliamentKapata repeated her allegations; “Thank man can destroy it. And I would also want to “Yesterday Mr Speaker I was trying to share with When it was lands minister Jean Kapata’s turn to you Mr Speaker, the President also talked about comment that those who leave, or after they the House how the working government of His debate, she dedicated a section to the expelled corruption Mr Speaker and Chimbwi no plan have been relieved of their positions and then Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu has been PF member of parliament. Mr Speaker got a contract of building Nakonde they start to disclose some secrets in Cabinet or performing to the expectations of the people on “My debate is going to be in two parts. The Market, that’s corruption, you get a contract and whatever position they may hold is definitely the Copperbelt Province where infrastructure first part I will cover the issues that were raised you don’t go to build, that is corruption in itself. not a decent way to go. Leadership does not is concerned. Mr Speaker, the government of concerning my ministry, the second one Mr He got Mr Speaker 25 per cent local contraction tolerate that kind of behavior. Those who don’t His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu has been Speaker, I am going to call it ‘Chimbwi no plan’ on Mansa Luwingu road up to date it has never agree with the current leadership or don’t agree putting up infrastructure on the Copperbelt which means a hyena without ideas and I hope been built.” with issues in Cabinet, if they have lost interest, despite some criminals who are vandalising this that Mr Speaker, you will accept my debate Speaker Matibini: Honorable member! the best thing they can do is to resign and then infrastructure. If you go to the Copperbelt today divided into two,” Kapata said. Kapata: He did not stop at that Mr Speaker, he people will respect you,” said Nonde-Simukoko. between and Luanshya, the rail line has “Some people have chosen to have amnesia, also got a… “But when you come out and then start saying been stripped off and the people Mr Speaker some people, I think I will take honorable Speaker Matibini: I am speaking! Honorable things that are not supposed to be said, that is not who stripped off this rail line, the money which Minister of Luapula’s words that boogyman has minister, I would like you to debate. I know leadership, it is simply bad mouthing…I urge they raised from this vandalism they have told chosen Mr Speaker, to ignore…” you have already structured this so maybe you our people to stop making false accusations and us that they go to London to have coffee in the But Speaker Matibini interjected; “Honorable are having difficulties to steer off but I am not unsubstantiated claims of corruption but assist morning and come back in the afternoon to minister, you were present yesterday, that is why permitting you. The only other option I will the law enforcement agencies with real evidence come and continue living on the Copperbelt,” you have referred to that phrase and if you recall, have is to curtail the debate and I am very that may be useful in securing conviction… Lusambo said. I ruled the minister out of order. So it would not slow, extremely slow to do that. I believe there Some people are so jealous that they even look “These people Mr Speaker are the people who be appropriate for you to adopt a phrase that I are many other issues you can raise. But if ugly, because of jealousy, hatred and envy, they are bringing the development on the Copperbelt ruled out of order.” you persist, I will cut the debates…I know the look older than their age, so stop it!” down. Mr Speaker we in the government of His Kapata then went on to charge that whilst he was politics at hand… When it was Minister of Higher Education Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu want to still in government, Kambwili got numerous Kapata then went on to discuss land issues but Professor Nkandu Luo’s turn to debate, Speaker put up infrastructure where those visionless contracts which he did not fulfill. could not resist taking a last jab at Kambwili in Matibini asked her to be brief as time had run criminals who want to sabotage rail lines. Mr “Thank you Mr Speaker for your guidance. her conclusion. out. Speaker people wanted to turn the Copperbelt There is an adage Mr Speaker which says when “Mr Speaker in my preamble I did talk about Prof Luo begun by asking her health counterpart Province into an Animal Farm. Mr Speaker you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones. Mr ministers who were dealing in the government Dr to set up a clinic to treat when His Excellency the President appointed Speaker, Chimbwi no plan stands and condemns and I want to correct the impression that the those who were consumed by jealousy. me Minister of Copperbelt, we have changed government that government is so corrupt, we President actually fired the only minister who “Mr Speaker, I want to reiterate that Dr Chilufya, things. It’s a no go area Mr Speaker and it’s a want him to tell this August House to come and was corrupt. Others that were not corrupt are the Minister of Health needs to help us in this different ball game, it’s not business as usual explain, he used to get contracts when he was in still there. So the issue of calling people that they country to be able to set up a clinic where people even the authority which they were using to go government, he got a contract to build a market are corrupt Mr Speaker, it must be reported to who are suffering from a disease called CCJ and bull doze the companies to get contracts in Mwese and he never built that but he got the the Anti Corruption that’s why it is there. Any must be treated. And in my own self, I need to Mr Speaker even yourself can come freely to money,” she said. minister you think is corrupt and you have set up research Mr Speaker, to try and research the Copperbelt with your business proposal, Again, Speaker Matibini ordered her to focus on enough information, go and report to the anti on this disease. CCJ stands for Complaining, the companies will receive you as one of the policy issues. corruption…and for me Mr Speaker I think I Criticism and Jealousy. So Mr Speaker, when I Zambian citizens and you will get business on “The Speaker is speaking. Order! I am alive to will be reporting the same minister so that he listen to the debate in this House, what came to merit.” the politics that are going on but the rules of pays back the money that he got through the mind is that while there are people in this House Despite Speaker Matibini guiding Lusambo the House do not allow to debate ourselves, contracts which he didn’t execute. Thank you who are supposed to put checks and balances on to stop debating individuals, the minister I was guiding earlier on, there are other Mr Speaker, Chimbwi no plan, thank you,” said us, they are so sick that they actually did not use continued; “Mr Speaker, we have heard people platforms elsewhere where these debates can Kapata. this opportunity to give us checks and balances mentioning about corruption in here. Mr be prosecuted, many many outlets. In fact, After Kapata, Agriculture Minister Dora Siliya, but they used this opportunity to expose their Speaker this government is fighting corruption for the press men, they will jump to all these National Development Minister Lucky Mulusa hate, which the President referred to as hate and those people who are speaking louder opportunities to engage you but here, what we and National Guidance Minister Reverend speech,” said Prof Luo. in this House, I want Mr Speaker for you and are doing, a point of reminder, even the motion focused on policy issues, in “They also exposed the fact that they are not your other members to advise me because even itself says we are looking at exposition of public their debates. part of the team that wants to uphold national putting up houses in golf course and allowing policy by His Excellency the President of the However, Minister of Labour Joyce Nonde- values and principles… It is sad to find young your animals to graze there is corruption. But Republic of . Yesterday I noted that he Simukoko reignited the flame against Kambwili people insulting the President. Do they reflect to when you come to the Copperbelt today Mr has left a very loaded speech, this is the speech when it was her turn to speak. say ‘if one day I become a father, or a mother or Speaker, the Copperbelt is now a Province for we should interrogate and not the politics. But “Let’s not always occupy ourselves with hate, by accident a president, because some of them all and you can come and move there freely as I will not allow you to go that way,” Speaker jealousy, envy and hatred because this is a waste it has to be an accident and I am going to be a Zambian and as a resident of the Copperbelt Matibini said. of time. If God has given you a position, no insulted how will I feel?’” 4. Local News Friday September 29, 2017

131. Sir, I now present the 2018 175. Mr. Speaker, in line with National Budget, which lays out the the strategy of moving towards various expenditure and revenue a prosperous smart Zambia, I measures aimed at achieving propose to migrate all motor Government policy objectives. vehicles to the electronic number 132. Mr. Speaker, the Government plate system at a reduced fee of proposes to spend a total of K71.6 K500 from the current billion in 2018 or 25.9 percent of reregistration fee of K975. The GDP. Of this amount, K49.1 billion The 2018 budget system will enhance security, or 68.5 percent of the total budget these efforts, the Government community amenities. Of this 152. Sir, I propose to discontinue Support to Business Growth and enable easy payment of various will be financed by domestic will further undertake significant amount, K564.5 million is for the 5-year income tax holidays that Diversification road user charges such as road tolls revenues and K2.4 billion or 3.4 works to rehabilitate and upgrade water supply and sanitation. This is facilitated through the Zambia 164. Sir, diversification away from as well as the renewal of driver’s percent by grants from various feeder roads across the country allocation will supplement the Development Agency. In place dependence on mining is key to licences online. Cooperating Partners. The balance through the Rural Roads expenditure by commercial water of the tax holiday, I propose to attaining economic resilience. I 176. Sir, in order to ensure that of K20.1 billion or 28.1 percent Connectivity Programme. utilities. grant accelerated depreciation for therefore propose to: Government collects the much of the budget will be financed 140. Mr. Speaker, in order to Public Order and Safety capital expenditures by qualifying i) Remove customs duty on needed revenue on a cost reflective through domestic and external improve airport infrastructure in 146. Mr. Speaker, I have allocated investments in priority sectors. various inputs that are used in the basis, I propose to revise upward borrowing. the country, a total of K940.5 K2.1 billion towards the 153. Mr. Speaker, I also propose manufacture of stock feed and fish fees and charges collected by 133. Sir, in line with the Seventh million has been allocated for the maintenance of public order to remove the allowable deduction feed. various Government institutions National Development Plan, the construction of the Kenneth and safety. Key interventions for contribution to approved ii) Exempt unprocessed and semi- that have not been revised in a allocations in this budget are Kaunda and Copperbelt will include the recruitment of pension funds of K255 processed tobacco from VAT. long time. targeted at addressing the five International Airports. Once security personnel, continued per month as there is already relief 165. Mr. Speaker, in my last 177. Mr. Speaker, the total net strategic areas of economic completed, these investments will rehabilitation and construction given at the time one gets their address, I introduced a surtax on revenue gain from the various diversification and job creation, reposition Zambia into a regional of infrastructure and the lump sum payment and annuities. selected imported products that measures I have proposed above poverty and vulnerability air transport hub. modernisation of operations of law Strengthening the Tax Base are locally produced in order to is K2.9 billion. reduction,reducing developmental 141. Sir, to facilitate the provision enforcement agencies. 154. Sir, intellectual property support the growth of the domestic 178. Sir, the tax and non- inequalities, enhancing human of agricultural inputs to one Social Protection such as trademarks, patents and industry. In line with this policy, I tax revenue measures I have development and creating million beneficiaries, I have 147. Sir, to reduce vulnerability brands are assets that can be propose to extend the number of announced today will take effect a conducive governance allocated K1.8 billion to the Farmer and inequalities among our traded. However, such trades are items on which the surtax applies from 1st January, 2018. environment for a diversified and Input Support Programme, which people, I have allocated K2.3 currently not taxed unlike the and also to remove raw materials PART IV inclusive economy. will be implemented through billion for social protection case is with other properties such that were erroneously put on the CONCLUSION 134. Mr. Speaker, I now present the evoucher system. I have also related expenditures. Significant as shares, mining rights and land. surtax schedule. 179. Mr. Speaker, with the launch the 2018 budget by functions of allocated K1.1 billion to facilitate provisions under this function I, therefore, propose to introduce 166. Sir, I propose to reduce the of Seventh National Development Government. maintenance of our country’s include K1.1 billion for the Public property transfer tax at 5 percent customs duty on bricks that are Plan, our country has renewed its General Public Services strategic food reserves at 500,000 Service Pension Fund and K721.2 on the transfer of intellectual used in the formation of furnaces commitment to the attainment of 135. Sir, I propose to spend K25.9 metric tonnes. million for the Social Cash Transfer property. from 15 percent to 5 percent to the Vision 2030 to be a prosperous billion on General Public Services. 142. Mr. Speaker, in order to Scheme. The allocation to the Food 155. Mr. Speaker, to cast our tax reduce the cost of manufacturing. middle income country. We must Significant outlays under this make rural areas attractive for Security Pack has doubled to K140 net wider, I propose to impose a 167. Mr. Speaker, risk management learn from our past challenges category include K7.3 billion investment and promote rural million. property transfer tax at a rate of 5 is a crucial part of any business. As if we have to charter the desired industrialisation, Government Other Functions percent on the value attributable such, any undertaking to cover risk and K7.0 billion for external path to our destination. We must will continue with its Rural 148. Mr. Speaker, the remaining to a Zambian asset in cases where of the insured and the insurer must and domestic debt payments, strive to foster unity of purpose Electrification Programme to functions of Defence, indirect ownership or control of a be cost effective. To reduce the cost respectively. in advancing our nation’s interests ensure access to electricity for Environmental Protection and Zambian asset changes outside of insurance, I propose to remove 136. Mr. Speaker, in our resolve and the well-being of our people. rural areas. Accordingly, K251.3 Recreation, Culture and Religion the Republic. the insurance premium levy on to fiscally empower our Local We must remain resolute and million has been allocated for have a combined allocation of K4.9 156. Sir, the record of the Patriotic reinsurance. Authorities and ensure equitable patriotic, never allowing our sight rural electrification. Education and billion. Front Government in delivering 168. Sir, to discourage the use of distribution of resources, I have to slip from the development goals allocated K1.1 billion to the Local Skills Development REVENUE ESTIMATES AND infrastructure to the people is inefficient electrical appliances and we have set for ourselves. Government Equalisation Fund. 143. Sir, I propose to spend K11.6 MEASURES unmatched. To assist in mobilizing encourage the use of alternative 180. Sir, let me assure this House This represents an increase of 21.5 billion on education and skills 149. Sir, resource mobilization funds for the Infrastructure sources such as solar and gas, I that our future is bright and percent from 2017 levels. development. This will facilitate to support the 2018 Budget, Development Fund, I propose to propose to increase customs duty secure under the able leadership 137. Sir, in the same vein, I have spending on, among others, is anchored on enhancing introduce an excise duty of K2 per on electric geysers and stoves to 40 of His Excellency, Mr. Edgar allocated to the Constituency infrastructure development, tax administration through 50 Kg of cement. percent from 25 percent. Chagwa Lungu the President of Development Fund a total of student loans, teacher recruitment improved taxpayer services, risk 157. Mr. Speaker, the Government 169. Mr. Speaker, to promote the the Republic of Zambia. With His K218.4 million to support projects and procurement of school management, enforcement and in 2004 introduced a presumptive use of electronic payment devices Excellency’s visionary and at the community level. requisites. compliance. This is necessary tax for individuals operating and make it easier to collect and determined guidance, we are on Economic Affairs Health to ensure that resources are public service vehicles based on monitor taxes, I propose to remove the path to making our great 138. Mr. Speaker, the Economic 144. Mr. Speaker, I propose to mobilized in a cost effective and vehicle sitting capacity. the customs duty on point of sale nation a prosperous and more Affairs function plays a major role spend K6.8 billion on health. Of non-distortive manner. However, these amounts have machines and SIM cards. inclusive society. in our quest to achieve a diversified this amount, K1.2 billion is for 150. Mr. Speaker, taking various not been adjusted since 2004. I Streamlining of the penalty regime 181. Mr. Speaker, the Patriotic economy that delivers more jobs procurement of essential drugs demands into account, the therefore propose to adjust the 170. Sir, I propose to introduce Front Government is however, for our citizenry. and medical supplies representing Government had to find a balance presumptive tax rates upwards by penalties in the VAT Act, and cognizant of the fact that this is Accordingly, I propose to spend a 56 percent increase over the 2017 that would provide fair taxation 50 percent. the Customs and Excise Act for not an easy path. There are risks a total of K17.3 billion or 24.1 allocation. The balance will be used and at the same time garner 158. Sir, the Commissioner taxpayers that fail to furnish and challenges at every turn. We percent of the budget on the to finance health infrastructure, sufficient resources to deliver General can charge a base records upon request and similarly must therefore remain fiscally Economic Affairs function. medical equipment and staff public services and spearhead tax where there is insufficient for those who fail to issue tax 139. Sir, a significant allocation costs including the recruitment of development. information on which to estimate invoices. Submission of tax returns disciplined for us to achieve the under this function is K8.7 billion medical personnel. 151. The details of revenue and tax payable by a business. and payments. desired fiscal fitness. We must for road infrastructure. This will Housing and Community borrowing estimates are as follows: Currently, the base tax is K150 171. Mr. Speaker, I propose sacrifice and raise more of our include the continuation of the Amenities (See table on page 5) per annum and has remained so to change the due dates for own resources to finance our Link Zambia 8,000, the C400 and 145. Sir, I propose to spend a total REVENUE MEASURES since 2008. I, therefore, propose submission of the VAT returns development. We must borrow L400 projects. To complement of K816.3 million on housing and Rationalization of Tax Reliefs to adjust upwards the base tax rate from the 16th to the 18th of every less and where we need to borrow, from K150 to K365 per year. month. This will differentiate this it should be for projects that 159. Mr. Speaker, it is international date from the date for submitting will generate growth and enable practice that related parties are withholding VAT returns, which us to repay. We must ground treated the same under certain also falls on the 16th of every our aspirations on a realistic rules such as transfer pricing. month. understanding of our current Accordingly, I propose to mandate 172. Sir, I also propose to provide financial position. all businesses to disclose their for the same due date of the 14th 182. Sir, this is what the 2018 related parties for income tax and of every month, for submission Budget delivers. It provides property transfer tax purposes. and payment of withholding tax, a realistic platform for the 160. Sir, in order to provide further to ease compliance and improve attainment of our development clarity, I propose to revise the tax administration. goals under the Seventh National definition of residence for persons Housekeeping Measures Development Plan. It gives hope other than individuals as well as 173. Mr. Speaker, I propose to and practical support to our youth the definition for management or make amendments to the Income who are the key to our prosperous consultant fee. Tax, the Property Transfer Tax, the future. It protects the vulnerable 161. Mr. Speaker, in order to Value Added Tax, the Customs and within our midst so that no one is prevent revenue leakages through Excise, and the Skills Development left behind. misclassification, I propose to: Levy Acts. This is intended to 183. Mr. Speaker, a new Zambia is i) Align the excise duty at update, strengthen and remove possible where we can all adopt a 125 percent on methylated ambiguities in certain provisions broad-based development agenda. spirits, denatured alcohol and of tax legislation to make tax A Zambia where everyone is undenatured alcohol of heading administration more effective. accountable for their actions; 2207; and These measures are revenue where the leadership governs ii) Introduce registration of all neutral. justly, invests in its citizens and importers of methylated spirit Non – Tax Revenue Measures 174. creates opportunities for all; and and denatured alcohol. Sir, in order to improve service citizens rise to the occasion to 162. Sir, I propose to increase the delivery of public broadcasting perform their civic duties and customs duty on unmanufactured and promote growth of the media responsibilities. tobacco and tobacco refuse to 25 industry, I propose to: 184. Sir, the percent from 15 percent. This will i) Introduce a landing rights charge Government has always placed harmonise the tax treatment with at the rate of K3, 150 per television national interest at the centre all other types of tobacco which are channel which has less of its development agenda. The currently attracting a customs duty than 35 percent local content 2018 Budget provides practical of 25 percent. except for educational and measures to diversify the economy, 163. Mr. Speaker, I further propose scientific channels. create jobs, reduce poverty, to introduce specific excise duty on ii) Increase the TV levy to K5 per protect the vulnerable and reduce manufactured tobacco and provide month. I further propose to change inequalities among our people. for a separate tariff classification the current collection through The 2018 Budget is therefore, for for other manufactured tobacco electricity bills to subscriber all Zambians and I commend it to which are currently classified management service licensing this august House. together with cigarettes. system. 185. Mr. Speaker, I beg to move. Friday September 29, 2017 Local News. 5 Lusambo, CK exchange bitter words on radio By Mirriam Chabala know that he has been court Copperbelt Province concerning bad activities minister Bowman Lusambo on the Copperbelt and I can says member of assure him that I know a lot parliament Chishimba about Kambwili and he is Kambwili is behaving like a just a human being like any mad dog. other person, he can’t boast And Lusambo threatens that he is as clean as Dr to release a dossier on Kaunda’s handkerchief, he Kambwili’s corrupt is just fooling himself and activities. he is an embarrassment to But Kambwili calls himself, his soul and to his Lusambo a lunatic whom family,” Lusambo said. he cannot greet. And Lusambo said he would Speaking when he featured soon release a dossier to on Radio Phoenix’s Let the expose Kambwili’s corrupt People Talk today, Lusambo activities. said Kambwili had become “I don’t have to ask other desperate and bitter after people about Kambwili being fired. because I know him within “Imbwa nga yapena iyafye myself and very soon I am ilesumaula bantu (when going to release a dossier a dog goes mad, it goes about him which I want him around biting people) so to come and deny because the only way to stop that he can’t be behaving like a Resourse Envelope for the 2018 Budget dog from biting people is mad dog and the people of by asking the veterinary Zambia should differentiate officers to come andbetween leaders and cripple it. There is nothing jokers. Kambwili is joking like what honourable and there is nothing that Kambwili is talking about Zambians should take because if there anything serious about him. Luchi Police arrest, detain Laura like it, Kambwili was in (Let the People Talk host) government just yesterday just go to Luanshya, I was sitting in Cabinet next just coming from there to the President, he had and for a person who has access to the President 24/7 claimed that he has a lot and if he wanted to advice of money to enable him go the President, he should to London to have tea and have advised him then. If come back, go and see how he wanted to talk about the people who voted for the corruption which he him are suffering. He has is talking about today, he failed to give even women would have talked about it empowerment to the when he was in government. women in his constituency, And the people of Zambia and he wants people to could have taken him start worshiping him. seriously but what is There is nothing he has happening now is that done in Luanshya, there Kambwili is desperate and is no development,” said bitter because he was fired Lusambo. from a position that he was Meanwhile, when Kambwili using to bulldoze in a lot of called the station to defend works on the Copeprbelt,” himself, he called Lusambo Lusambo said. a lunatic. Lusambo advised “I don’t greet lunatics excuse Zambians not waste me, that chap (Lusambo) their time listening to on the radio is a lunatic. Let Kambwili saying if the me say this Luchi, where I Roan parliamentarian was come from they say ‘uwawa serious about corruption, tabula kabepesho (one he could have exposed it who has fallen will always while in government. find an excuse). If that By Sipilisiwe Ncube to sit peacefully on a pavement near because they were strategically “Kambwili has even chap Bowman Lusambo Police in Lusaka have arrested the entrance to Parliament building. scheduled for today when Minister of moved that he wants to be has got a dossier of what I Alliance for Community Action However, a horde of PF cadres arrived Finance would present the national President, I don’t even know have done, I can challenge executive director Laura Miti, PeP a few minutes later chanting, “let the budget. where that will be because him that I can pay for a president Sean Tembo, singer Chama police do their work, get out of here”, After the arrest of the protesters, Zambia cannot have a mad radio programme for him Fumba (Pilato) and several other among other rantings. Police issued a statement saying they President. But I can assure this afternoon to bring all protesters who marched to Parliament Police then moved on to arrest Miti, would keep Miti and other protesters you that Kambwili is just the things that he thinks I to demonstrate against the purchase Pilato, Tembo and others. in detention until they were charged. frustrated and I want to have done and for him to of 42 fire tenders at a cost of US$42 As they were being led to a police “Six persons were today arrested at appeal to the people of go to the police and Anti million. van, Miti was heard shouting, “Let us Parliament by Police. Those arrested Zambia not to waste their corruption commission The protesters gathered at Puma protest, it is our money! Why are you are: Laura Miti aged 52 of PHI in time to start listening to to report me. Me I am Filling Station at Arcades around arresting us when you have left the PF Lusaka who is Director of Alliance Kambwili’s issues because raising specific issues,12:30 led by Tembo, singer Pilato cadres just standing there?” for Community Action, Female if he really knew that there Bowman went and lied to and ZCSD executive director Lewis Earlier police summoned Miti to Mika Mwambazi aged 30 of NRDC was corruption in Edgar the people of Chingola that Mwape and were later joined by Miti Force Headquarters to warn her and a freelance consultant, male Sean Lungu’s government, he Mwanawasa gave him an who had been summoned by police. against protesting. Tembo aged 37 of Lusaka’s Avondale would have pointed out open pit mine in the area Miti and her fellow protesters carried “Mrs Katongo, Esther Katongo (Police who is party president for Patriots all those issues when he that he was working wtih placards inscribed “The President Spokesperson) called me and said I for Economic Progress (PeP), Male was still in government Edgar Lungu so that he doesn’t know, the Minister doesn’t was invited for a meeting with the Fumba Chama aged 33 of Kansenshi but he wants to show the can get close to Lungu and know, who knows?” Other banners Deputy IG before 12,” said Miti. in Ndola, Lewis Mwape aged 44 people as if he the most they got $1million from were written, “wake up Zambia, it’s Earlier, Police delivered a letter to of Balastone Villa who is Executive intelligent person now those poor people of which our money. Miti’s office in which they requested Director for Zambia Council for that out of government? Bowman got $250 from As they approached the National her to schedule the protest for another Social Development (ZCSD) and No, Kambwili should not that amount and I have Assembly entrance, police officers time saying they did not have adequate Male Bonwell Mwewa aged 43 of even be claiming that he is got the file with me about grabbed and destroyed their placards, manpower to facilitate. PHI in Lusaka.They are detained in as clean as Dr [Kenneth] that information,” said but resolved to go ahead with their But in her reply, Miti stated that the custody and will soon be charged,” Kaunda’s handkerchief, we Kambwili. protest, Miti and her colleagues went protests could not be postponed stated Katongo. 6. Court News Friday September 29, 2017

By Diggers Reporter Tanzanian High Commissioner to Zambia has sued a Zambian company Tanzanian envoy sues for defaulting on remitting rentals from their property. High Commissioner Grace Mujuma of 5200 United Nations company over rentals Avenue is demanding for payment of U$12,600.00 being the outstanding rentals and service charges. High Commissioner Mujuma sued Macdonald Liveline Technology Zambia Limited and Donald George Mwakamela for abrogating the lease agreement which they entered into for stand number 131, Mwambula road in Jesmondine. The respondents agreed to pay rent in the sum U$600.00 per month but have defaulted and refused to vacate the house. High Commissioner Mujuma stated that all efforts to have the said rentals and service charges settled had failed hence seeking the ’s High Commissioner courts indulgence. to Zambia Grace Mujima Kamanga’s abuse of authority case withdrawn on technicalities By William Chileshe FAZ president Andrew Kamanga’s abuse of authority case has been withdrawn on technicalities. In this matter, it was alleged that Kamanga between January 1, 2016 and December 2016 did pay or directed to be paid from funds belonging to FAZ and in abuse of office of the president of FAZ lawyer Ivan pre-institute,” Mulenga the sum of K24,552.00 to Mulenga informed said. Savoy Hotel. court that they were still Kamanga’s lawyer David In the said sum is in waiting for instructions Chakoleka did not object respect to bills incurred from the DPP. to the application. by James Mpombo, “The matter was“This is a matter that came Hamalabi Nyirenda and scheduled for plea, as a way of complaint Zebron Nkhoma who however, we still await and in that respect it is at the time were non the consent of the DPP within the prerogative executive members of to private prosecute of the complainant to FAZ. this matter in the withdraw the matter. We The complainant in this meantime there are have no objection,” said case are Kelvin Chipili some technicalities that Chakoleka. and Damiano Mutale. we have noted and feel Magistrate Mbuzi When the matter that for now it will be granted the application came up before Ndola best that the matter be and discharged the magistrate John Mbuzi, withdrawn and we will accused. Friday September 29, 2017 Business News. 7 Youth unemployment is at 16.3% - CSO By Sipilisiwe Ncube estimated at 11.9 per cent. In Central Statistical Officerural areas, the unemployment Director of Census and rate was slightly higher at 12 Statistics John Kalumbi says per cent than urban areas,” youth unemployment in the Kalumbi said. first quarter of 2017 stood at He also highlighted that of 16.3 per cent. 9,034,435 citizens who were And Kalumbi says the annual in the ‘working age’, only inflation rate for September 3,481,964 were in the labour 2017 has increased to 6.6 per force while 5,552,471 were cent from 6.3 percent recorded outside the labour force. last month. “58 per cent of the labour force During the CSO monthly were in urban areas and 42 per briefing today, Kalumbi said cent were in rural areas. It is youth unemployment was worth noting that 40 per cent, estimated at 16.3 per cent. about 2.1 million persons, “Youth (15-35 years) were males and 60 per cent unemployment rate is the were females,” Kalumbi said. number of unemployed youths “The employed population expressed as a percentage of was estimated at 3,066,470 the youth labour force. Youth persons of which 33.3 per cent, unemployment rate in the first 1,021,889, were in the formal quarter of 2017 was estimated sector, 36.1 per cent, 1,107,712, at 16.3 per cent. In urban were in the informal sector areas, youth unemployment while 30.6 per cent, 936,869, rate stood at 17.0 per cent were in the households sector.” while rural areas recorded a And Kalumbi attributed rate of 15.5 per cent,” Kalumbi the slight rise in inflation to said. the upward adjustment of Central Statistics Office Director of Census John Kalumbi addresses journalists during a monthly bulletin update on He also revealed that electricity tariffs. unemployment stood at 11.9 “The year on year inflation September 28, 2017 per cent. rate as measured by all percentage points,” Kalumbi percentage points each to the contribution of 0.9 percentage recorded a trade deficit valued “According to a strict items Consumer Price Index said. overall annual inflation rate points. Luapula province had at K484.3 million from a trade definition of unemployment, (CPI) for September 2017 Kalumbi said that the price of 6.6 percent recorded in the lowest contribution of 0.2 surplus pf K410.6 million the unemployment rate in has increased to 6.6 percent movements in Lusaka and September 2017. This implies percentage point,” he said. recorded in July 2017. This Zambia remains relatively compared to 6.3 percent Copperbelt provinces had that the price movements Kalumbi further revealed that represents a 218.0 percent low. It is worth noting that recorded in August 2017. the greatest influence on the in Lusaka and Copperbelt the country imported more decrease in the trade balance. most countries often use strict This means that on average, overall annual rate of inflation. provinces had the greatest in the month of August 2017 This means that the country definition of unemployment prices increased by 6.6 percent “Lusaka and Copperbelt influence overall annualthan it exported in nominal imported more in August 2017 for international comparison between September 2016 and provinces had the highest inflation. Eastern province had terms. than it exported in nominal purposes as opposed to a September 2017. The increase provincial contribution of 1.6 the second largest provincial “In August 2017, Zambia terms,” said Kalumbi. relaxed or broad definition of in the annual inflation rate unemployment which is used was mainly attributed to to achieve national targets. price increase in electricity Further, note that consensus tariffs. Of the total 6.6 percent It’s illegal for KCM to transfer employees - Minister among stakeholders is annual inflation rate recorded By Mukosha Funga Spokesperson Kampamba and outplace workers to any agencies in the Ministry of being built to measure in September 2017, Food Minister of Labour Joyce Mulenga says as far as contractors, defying opposition Labour who have brought to be the relaxed definition of and Non-alcoholic beverages Nonde-Simukoko says the government is concerned, KCM from unions and Minister of agents. Ministry of Labour has unemployment. Using strict accounted for 2.7 percentage employee transfers at Konkola agreed to reverse all transfers. Mines Christopher Yaluma. to have the names of where they definition of unemployment, points while non-food items Copper Mines are illegal. KCM has gone ahead to The mine says President Edgar (KCM) are outsourcing and the unemployment rate was accounted for a total of 3.9 And Chief Government outsource its operations Lungu and Vedanta Resources we’ll see whether those people chairman Anil Argawal have certificates. So, we expect discussed the matter. KCM to follow the law and But at a media briefing in Lusaka do what is correct; there is no today, Nonde-Simukoko said jungle law here! We don’t even the transfers were illegal. know as Ministry of Labour “I think the issue here is that as who they are outsourcing to. far as the Ministry of Labour is So, whatever they are doing is concerned, the negotiations are illegal and they are educated still ongoing and no conclusions people; I don’t expect them to have been made. Because if any give us problems,” said Nonde- agreements have been made, Simukoko. I expect management and the And at the same briefing, unions to send me a signed Mulenga said as far as copy of the collective agreement government was concerned, or dispute. None of those KCM had reversed all transfers. documents have reached my “However, as the Minister office so as far as the Ministry of Mines, Hon. Christopher of Labour is concerned; the Yaluma put it, KCM were told negotiations are on-going. to reverse the transfer of 4,000 That is what is on the ground. employees before concluding However, I still emphasise, if negotiations with the unions. what we are hearing is correct As far as Government is that KCM has already made concerned, KCM agreed these transfers is correct, those to abide by the directive to transfers are illegal. If what we reverse all the transfers that are hearing, because I haven’t it had already made before gotten official notification, that discussions with the unions. transfer is illegal,” she said. Of course outsourcing is not Agro dealers at government complex in Lusaka during a meeting with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture on She also said any outsourcing illegal but KCM can only September 27, 2017 - Picture by Tenson Mkhala without a certificate which outsource if the contractor has adheres to the Employment Act an employment licence and was illegal. abides by the provisions of Govt improves farmer registration process “They (KCM) came for section 56 of the Employment By Tenson Mkhala that will address the past challenges of you agro dealers is that you should consultation and we guided; Amendment Act No. 15 of 2015 Agriculture minister Dora Siliya says inaccurate farmer identification details participate actively on the market side I was with my labour which deals with employment government has developed an integrated leading to delays in card creation activation in order to develop the sector through commissioner [Chanda agency permits and this can system for accurate famer registration, and redeeming, unavailability of inputs contract farming and value addition, Kaziya]. So, KCM must respect only be done after negotiations capturing of farmer deposits and activation stocks to operation areas, capacity of agro stock all inputs that will encourage crop the law; I urge the two parties between management and of farmer cards for quick transaction. dealers to procure inputs and transport to diversification in line with government to go back on the table, agree the unions. So KCM are In a speech read on her behalf by acting farmers cost effectively and poor targeting policy,” said Siliya. or agree to disagree. If there is hereby reminded again to stop outsourcing anywhere, we’ll those transfers if they have permanent secretary Peter Lungu in of beneficiaries,” Siliya said. The meeting was meant to share with agro be going round and where the started effecting them before Lusaka during an agro dealers meeting Siliya said government expected agro dealers the road map government set up agency has no certificate attested conclusion of discussions and yesterday, Siliya said the new system dealers to deliver all required inputs to to improve their participation as partners by the Ministry of Labour, any we urge both parties to sit and would allow farmers to know what inputs famers at profitable but reasonable prices in the delivery of various agro inputs to kind of that outsourcing is also negotiate matters that relate to to buy from agro dealers. that would enable famers make profit. the business oriented small scale farmers illegal and I don’t think we have outsourcing,” said Mulenga. “This new system is the only solution “Our expectation as government from country wide. 8. Opinion Friday September 29, 2017

Hakainde Hichilema, president of the opposition UPND strikes us as a man who can restore order if he went into State House. HH must stop flaunting his In many respects, he is a decent politician; too decent in fact because he embraces dignity, which is not a necessary prerequisite for Zambian politics. We wealth and join the struggle strongly feel that given a aggression. We expected chance, Mr Hichilema can that when the controversial bring back law and order in fire-tender story was Zambia. brought out, Mr Hichilema In saying this, we are and his MPs would be in the not insinuating that the forefront demonstrating. UPND leader would create But according to the latest paradise in this country if statement from his office, elected President. There the opposition leader asked is no one who will get the police to allow those into State House and turn who wanted to demonstrate Zambia around, away – not interested enough to from the rampant abuse of join the protests himself. office and public resources We urge Mr Hichilema to – for as long as we remain watch the Roan PF member with the current ill-given of parliament very closely Constitution. The amount and learn one or two things of power that a Head of General’s office and the Anti restrict their actions to We have to do something political venom that our from him. Kambwili is not State wields under the Corruption Commission, what is permissible under and we are committed biggest opposition leader likely to win the election in Constitution of Zambia is there is nothing that can the law. Our view is that Mr to doing something. Just had. 2021, but no one can deny too dangerous. It makes it change. To fix Zambia’s Hichilema might be that watch what we are going to Prison gave HH what the fact that he is already impossible for anyone who governance problems, we leader. do in a couple of days and he was lacking in politics – such a force to reckon. He takes over office to manifest need a one-term head of The problem however, months, just watch. There simplicity. It transformed is already a fierce factor in self-discipline and respect state to go in and remove is that much as he might are many people who were him from a boardroom Zambian politics and at the the separation of powers. all the unnecessary powers make a better president, saying ‘oh, azachoka mu politician to a common pace he is going, Kambwili They will all be the same. from the presidency, at Mr Hichilema seems to jele obeba (he will come hustler on the street. Those We recall that in 2010 the expense of re-election. be struggling to weather out of prison a tired man)’, who viewed Mr Hichilema may be the kingmaker. during president Rupiah That way, any person who the storm as an opposition Hakainde oyembela ng’ombe as a rich elitist started Those who have remained Banda’s reign, goes into State House leader. His diplomacy is good angabebe? [Hakainde who considering him as one of in PF know that Kambwili who is now Republican would find a considerably for a sitting President, but his herds cattle can get tired)? I their own. But what has has gone away with a lot of Vice-President condemned weak presidency, but lack of aggression is bad for want to assure you that we happened? The rich man their votes, but the UPND the MMD regime for an exceptionally strong a person seeking power in a are stronger now than before, has continued to flaunt should not make the being corrupt. Under the governance system. Zambian political setup. we are 10 times stronger than his wealth, posing at his mistake of thinking their armpits of Michael Sata, Our point is that, bad as We say this because, just before we were incarcerated,” cattle ranches on Facebook, support base will remain Wina vigorously took on our Constitution is, we need like many Zambians, we said Hichilema. holding press briefings from intact, because Lusaka and Banda for abusing the a leadership that can uphold thought after leaving prison, It has been a month and his billionaire mansion. Copperbelt are politically Public Order Act and for it. It’s sad enough that our Mr Hichilema was going to half now, Zambians are still Of course there is nothing fluid provinces where threatening to shut down laws are designed to benefit turn the tables and capitalise waiting to “watch” what wrong with that, expect it voters are not loyal. private media. Today, we those who are in control of on the overwhelming he will do. They are still does not portray a man who It will be really don’t even know what Wina political power, but to see a public sympathy that wondering ngati sanachoke understands the sufferings unfortunate if Mr has to say about what her government oppress its own prevailed while he was in mu jele obeba. So far, it is of the Zambians he seeks to Hichilema will gain own government has done citizens in the manner that incarceration. As a matter clear that he has not come serve. nothing out of his 127 and continues to do. the PF has been doing is of fact, he promised that he out of prison 10 times We expected that after days illegal imprisonment. So therefore, under unacceptable. That is why we would do so when he held his stronger. And that is where leaving prison, Mr Hichilema We know he would be a a Constitution that feel Zambia needs a leader first press briefing following the problem lies. Unless would gather everyone in better man in State House, gives power to a sitting who can, at least, uphold the his release from jail. there is a secret strategy that the opposition, including given the limited options President to decide who rule of law; a president who “It is not correct for our he is scheming with other Chishimba Kambwili, and we have, but the mountain leads the electoral body, can uphold the constitution people to continue living UPND leaders, prison seems demand accountability seems a little too tall for the judiciary, the Auditor in its current state and in the manner they do. to have sucked out the little from the PF with double the him to climb. The ruining down of Kabulonga Boys Secondary School Dear Editor qualified for the position that there is no money in on how it was allocated that “you will not be paid language towards teachers We are teachers from as he is just a degree holder the coffers and yet pupils as the school is still in your wages because of in front of pupils at their Kabulonga Boys in Physical Education are paying and some of a pathetic state and has your useless Government’ own will. secondary school who are (P.E) suspected not to have them are even asked to become unfavorable for pronouncement of not Please I urge all sectors tired and frustrated of the graduated as yet he also stay away from classes for both teachers and pupils chasing pupils”. Other and other people in higher current administration. is Heading a Department nonpayment. Yet we see as there also has been a schools including our twin offices to intervene in this First and foremost, the which is centrally to what the said cartel drawing number of things that have school Kabulonga Girls matter and we challenge all Head of the school has he has/is pursuing and unknown and unexplained not been accommodated Secondary (which we must of you concerned to come only been here for 3.5years equally in-charge of pupils allowances from the funds for by the Head and the commend) are running forth and investigate on and already he has; ID’s because of the money raised from A.P.U, DODE Deputy for this school. smoothly with capital this matter scrupulously i. He has brought obtained from the said as well as the Night School The Head has reached projects yet our school is as these people have given division in the school ID’s. classes. an extent of removing drastically going down as themselves loans yet not amongst workers as there This man has ruined the Former Kabulonga Boys some of teachers namely it is now a family business indicated anywhere. The are his favorites and others school to an extent that the Secondary School pupils Kapinda (of course his kind of arrangement. This trend now is that money are considered as useless, man in question is a true A.P.U otherwise known and different cooperate friend) from the timetable finishes before the year which has in turn led to, definition of a failure, as Afternoon classes are entities including various and gave him an indefinite ends and this has never ii. Hate and Anger children are even planning not being taught due to banks donated huge leave and he has engaged been experienced in the amongst teachers to riot as this was evident a number of us that have amounts of money towards himself in different history of Kabulonga iii. He has brought to the almost burning withdrawn our labor the maintenance of the businesses. Boys. nepotism, has he only down of the school in the because we are not being school which till now The Head has gone as far as gives key positions to first week of this term. We Help saving the school paid as we are being told has not been explained telling the general workers only his friends and as teachers are foreseeing before the administration distant relations (of course bad results being produced which is money hungry descending from the same Land developer poluting Silverest Gardens by this school as pupils are completely destroys it. region/village) not learning neither are Yours faithfully iv. He has only given Dear editor proved to be toothless hand now and there they taking any practical Kabulonga Boys housing units only to his I would love to invite in dealing with the seems to be no one with for sciences. We are also Secondary School friends and friends’ friend. you to Silverest Gardens land developers who enough courage to stop worried because both Teachers v. He has given very which is located on the have been discharging this rot. the Head and his Deputy Cc: PS Education vital and key position to great East road. raw sewer around the We have reported this take out teachers off the Cc: Director Education his friend and bootlicker We have an on going environment and into matter to ZEMA but timetable but still get Cc: P.E.O Lusaka specifically the coordinator similar problem for three the open stream. there is no action. Please paid by the Government Cc: P.E.SO Lusaka for the afternoon classes years now. ZEMA has This is getting out of help us! for almost a year, Cc: DEBS Lusaka who surprisingly isn’t even furthermore, use repulsive Cc:DESO Lusaka Friday September 29, 2017 International News. 9 UN failures on Rohingya revealed The UN leadership in Myanmar tried to stop the Rohingya rights issue being raised with the government, sources in the UN and aid community told the BBC. One former UN official said the head of the UN in Myanmar (Burma) tried to prevent human rights advocates from visiting sensitive Rohingya areas. More than 500,000 Rohingya have fled an offensive by the military, with many now sheltering in camps in Bangladesh. The UN in Myanmar “strongly disagreed” with the BBC findings. In the month since Rohingya Muslims began flowing into Bangladesh, the UN has been at the forefront of the response. It has delivered aid and made robust statements condemning the Burmese authorities. But sources within the UN and the aid community both in Myanmar and outside Many Rohingya fled by night into Banglsdesh leaving everything behind have told the BBC that, in the four years before the current a Rohingya militant group. Who will help Myanmar’s So I asked why and there the memo, the UN confirmed being expelled in 2007). crisis, the head of the United Attempts to deliver aid to Rohingya? was not an answer in any that Ms Dessallien was being He said the UN’s response to Nations Country Team the Rohingya have been Ms Vandenabeele said it soon respect, there was just the “rotated” but stressed it the Rohingya over the past (UNCT), a Canadian called complicated by Rakhine became clear to everyone stance of not trying to bring was nothing to do with her few years had been confused Renata Lok-Dessallien: Buddhists who resent the that raising the Rohingyas’ trouble with the authorities, performance. Three months and that Ms Dessallien hadn’t tried to stop human rights supply of aid for the Rohingya, problems, or warning of basically,” he said. on Ms Dessallien is still the been given the mandate to activists travelling to at times blocking it and even ethnic cleansing in senior “This is just one story, but it UN’s top official there after bring all of the key areas Rohingya areas attacking aid vehicles. UN meetings, was simply not demonstrates what was the the Burmese government together. attempted to shut down public It presented a complex acceptable. strategy of the UN Country rejected her proposed “I think the key lesson for advocacy on the subject emergency for the UN and “Well you could do it but Team in regards to the issue successor. Myanmar from Sri Lanka isolated staff who tried to aid agencies, who needed it had consequences,” she of the Rohingya.” “She has a fair view and is not is the lack of a focal point. warn that ethnic cleansing the co-operation of the said. “And it had negative Mr Quintana still went to biased,” Shwe Mann, a former A senior level focal point might be on the way. government and the Buddhist consequences, like you were northern Rakhine but said senior general and close ally addressing the situation in One aid worker, Caroline community to get basic aid to no longer invited to meetings Ms Dessallien “disassociated” of Myanmar’s de facto leader Myanmar in its totality - the Vandenabeele, had seen the the Rohingya. and your travel authorisations herself from his mission and Aung San Suu Kyi, told me. political, the human rights, warning signs before. She At the same time they were not cleared. Other staff he didn’t see her again. “Whoever is biased towards the humanitarian and the worked in Rwanda in the knew that speaking up were taken off jobs - and One senior UN staffer told the Rohingyas, they won’t like development. It remains run-up to the genocide in about the human rights and being humiliated in meetings. me: “We’ve been pandering her and they will criticise her.” diffuse. And that means late 1993 and early 1994 and statelessness of the Rohingya An atmosphere was created to the Rakhine community at Ms Dessallien declined to over the last few years there says when she first arrived would upset many Buddhists. that talking about these issues the expense of the Rohingya. give an interview to the BBC have been almost competing in Myanmar she noticed So the decision was made to was simply not on.” “The government knows how to respond to this article. agendas.” worrying similarities. focus on a long-term strategy. Repeat offenders, like the head to use us and to manipulate us The UN in Myanmar said So might a different “I was with a group of expats The UN and the international of the UN’s Office for the Co- and they keep on doing it - we its approach was to be “fully approach from the UN and Burmese business people community prioritised long- ordination for Humanitarian never learn. And we can never inclusive” and ensure the and the international talking about Rakhine and term development in Rakhine Assistance (UNOCHA) were stand up to them because we participation of all relevant community have averted the Rohingya and one of the in the hope that eventually deliberately excluded from can’t upset the government.” experts. humanitarian disaster we are Burmese people just said increased prosperity would discussions. The UN’s priorities in“We strongly disagree seeing now? It’s hard to see ‘we should kill them all as if lead to reduced tensions Ms Vandenabeele told me Rakhine were examined in a with the accusations that how it might have deterred they are just dogs’. For me, between the Rohingya and she was often instructed to report commissioned by the the resident co-ordinator the Burmese army’s massive this level of dehumanisation the Buddhists. find out when the UNOCHA UN in 2015 entitled “Slippery ‘prevented’ internal response following the 25 of humans is one sign that For UN staff it meant that representative was out of town Slope: Helping Victims or discussions. The resident co- August Rohingya militant you have reached a level of publicly talking about the so meetings could be held Supporting Systems of Abuse”. ordinator regularly convenes attack. acceptance in society that this Rohingya became almost at those times. The head of Leaked to the BBC, it is all UN agencies in Myanmar Ms Vandenabeele said she is normal.” taboo. Many UN press UNOCHA declined to speak damning of the UNCT to discuss how to support at least believed an early For more than a year I have releases about Rakhine to the BBC but it has been approach. peace and security, human warning system she proposed been corresponding with avoided using the word confirmed by several other “The UNCT strategy with rights, development and might have provided some Ms Vandenabeele, who has completely. The Burmese UN sources inside Myanmar. respect to human rights humanitarian assistance in indications of what was about served in conflict areas such government does not even Ms Vandenabeele said she focuses too heavily on the Rakhine state,” a statement to unfold. as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri use the word Rohingya or was labelled a troublemaker over-simplified hope that from a UN spokesperson in “It’s hard to say which action Lanka, Rwanda and Nepal. recognise them as a distinct and frozen out of her job for development investment Yangon said. would have been able to Between 2013 and 2015 she group, preferring to call them repeatedly warning about itself will reduce tensions, On Tomas Quintana’s visits prevent this,” she told me. had a crucial job in the UNCT “Bengalis”. the possibility of Rohingya failing to take into to Rakhine, the spokesperson “But what I know for sure is in Myanmar. She was head of During my years reporting ethnic cleansing. This version account that investing in a said Ms Dessallien had that the way it was done was office for what is known as from Myanmar, very few of events has not been discriminatory structure run “provided full support” in never going to prevent it. The the resident co-ordinator, the UN staff were willing to challenged by the UN. by discriminatory state actors terms of personnel, logistics way it was done was simply top UN official in the country, speak frankly on the record Attempts to restrict those is more likely to reinforce and security. ignoring the issue.” currently Ms Dessallien. about the Rohingya. Now talking about the Rohingya discrimination than change Ten ambassadors, including Mr Quintana said he wished The job gave Ms Vandenabeele an investigation into the extended to UN officials it .” from Britain and the United the international community a front-row seat as the UN internal workings of the UN visiting Myanmar. Tomas There have been other States, wrote unsolicited had pushed harder for some grappled with how to respond in Myanmar has revealed that Quintana is now the UN documents with similar emails to the BBC when they sort of transitional justice to rising tensions in Rakhine even behind closed doors the special rapporteur for human conclusions. With António heard we were working on system as part of the move state. Rohingyas’ problems were rights in North Korea but for Guterres as the new secretary this report, expressing their to a hybrid democratic Back in 2012, clashes between put to one side. six years, until 2014, held that general in New York, a former support for Ms Dessallien. government. Rohingya Muslims and Multiple sources in same role for Myanmar. senior member of the UN was There are those who see One source said the UN now Rakhine Buddhists left more Myanmar’s aid community Speaking from Argentina, asked to write a memo for his similarities between the UN’s appeared to be preparing than 100 dead and more than have told the BBC that at he told me about being met team in April. much-criticised role in Sri itself for an inquiry into its 100,000 Rohingya Muslims high-level UN meetings at Yangon airport by Ms Titled “Repositioning the UN” Lanka and what has happened response to Rakhine, and in camps around the state in Myanmar any question Dessallien. the two-page document was in Myanmar. Charles Petrie this could be similar to the capital, Sittwe. of asking the Burmese “I received this advice from damning in its assessment, wrote a damning report into inquiry that came after the Since then, there have been authorities to respect the her - saying you should not calling the UN in Myanmar the UN and Sri Lanka, and controversial end to Sri periodic flare-ups and, in the Rohingyas’ human rights go to northern Rakhine “glaringly dysfunctional”. also served as the UN’s top Lanka’s civil war - and which past year, the emergence of became almost impossible. state - please don’t go there. In the weeks that followed official in Myanmar (before found it wanting. BBC News 10. Lifestyle Friday September 29, 2017 5 ‘fat’ women are ‘unapologetically’ embracing their beauty

These five strong women women around me singing models and photographer of the photoshoot, who aren’t where I am yet you’re special — you are. are gaining momentum on alongside me, but I wanted can definitely be felt and Gebrehiwot says, “It took is my life goal. I hold room Comparison kills. Affirm social media for a powerful them to look like me as seen in the resulting images, me by surprise but I’m for them until they can hold yourself in a way you feel body-positive photo shoot I’ve never seen fat black and many are praising the supergrateful to have the room for themselves. ” comfortable,” she says. that celebrates all the things bodies together dressed unique shoot on Instagram. work recognized by so TiKa, for her part, offers “Make it a point to change society has said is wrong in all white. It’s so angelic One commenter wrote, many people in such a some advice to people the language that you use to about them. and beautiful and soft. So “Everything about this oh, unique community.” who might struggle to find describe yourself and take Although the photos alone I asked my beautiful fat wow.” Another commenter Ruddock adds, “I’m so themselves beautiful. back words like ‘fat’ and use are beautiful, it’s the caption femme sisters to join me.” added, “this also brought grateful and proud to “Take long breaks from them in positive references. that makes the powerful One of TiKa’s “fat femme me to tears. this looks like a have been able to bring social media, as it makes Love on yourself because statement that much sisters” is Sashagai (Sasha) painting, so beautiful.” that imagery to the world. you question yourself, your the world won’t do it for stronger. It reads, “We are Ruddock, who joined her On the successful reception Making room for women abilities, and whether or not y ou .” Yahoo News everything the world hates. for this special shoot. She Fat. Black. Woman. And yet, tells Yahoo Lifestyle she we exist. Unapologetically decided to participate in Kim Kardashian confirms third baby on the way and without shame. F*** the shoot because she has you. We love on ourselves.” always believed in TiKa’s In the series of photos, effort to uplift women no the five women look matter their race, age, size, fierce and are wearing or orientation. monochromatic white Ruddock explains, “Being a outfits — they stand proud, black woman who is also a embracing one another fat woman, I relate heavily against a natural green to the struggles that women background. of the same community Professional photographer deal with. I wanted to be Anthony Gebrehiwot was a part of anything that contacted by one of the spoke to those women and models, TiKa, who wanted encouraged those women. to do a body-positive Representation still lacks photoshoot. in the media for fat black Gebrehiwot shares with women. ” Yahoo Lifestyle, “TiKa On what inspired her is a friend of mine and controversial caption we’ve been meaning to TiKa says, “I’m black. I’m collaborate on a project a woman. I also happen together. She reached out to identify as queer and to me and I proposed doing I’m fat. We’re living in a a group photoshoot with very political time, and I women that resembled her just so happen to be all of shape and figure as a body- the things that the world positivity shoot.” devalues or hates.” She The team of creatives adds, “This photo shoot was decided to execute the a major ‘f*** you’ to anyone Kim Kardashian has confirmed three of the Kardashian siblings are have neither confirmed nor denied photo shoot in Edwards and everyone who has ever reports that she and husband Kanye expecting children around the same the reports. Gardens in Toronto. tried to invalidate me. I’m a West are having a third baby, with the time. Kim Kardashian and West were TiKa, who is a musician, human being and I matter couple expected to use a surrogate for Multiple media reports in the rumored in June to have hired a tells Yahoo Lifestyle the just like everyone else. I was the birth. past week have said that Khloe surrogate because of serious health photo shoot’s vision will grateful to have friends who Kardashian’s confirmation, in a trailer Kardashian, 33, and Kylie Jenner, at 20 complications with Kardashian’s first accompany one of her next were brave enough to stand released on Thursday for the new the youngest member of the celebrity two pregnancies and the birth of music videos. She says, w it h m e .” series of reality show “Keeping Up family, are pregnant for the first time. children North, 4, and one-year-old “I had a vision of black The magic between the With the Kardashians,” means that The women and their representatives Saint. Reuters Friday September 29, 2017 Sports. 11

The Premier League side will check over the forward amid reports that he could be missing for two months following the accident in the Netherlands Manchester City have confirmed that striker Sergio Aguero was involved in a car crash on Thursday. Goal can confirm that Aguero has suffered a broken rib as a result of the accident that happened in the Netherlands, with the Argentine to be assessed by City medical staff on Friday. Reports have suggested that the striker could be out for as much as eight weeks after the accident in Amsterdam, but the club have said they need to assess the state of the forward. Aguero was in Holland attending a concert put on by Colombian singer Maluma, and posted on Instagram before the accident happened. A statement from the club reads: “Sergio Aguero will be assessed by Club doctors today after being involved in a road accident on Aguero suffers broken Thursday. “The City forward was in Holland on his day off and has sustained injuries. “He will return to Manchester this morning rib after car accident and his status will be checked ahead of Independiente have since recovery. All Independiente chasing City’s all-time netted 177 times for the impressive start to the tomorrow’s Premier League sent a tweet wishing the is with you in this difficult scoring record, lying just club between 1927 and 2017-18 campaign, scoring clash at Chelsea.” forward well, saying: t i m e”. one strike behind the mark 1940. seven goals in eight games Aguero’s former club “Strength and quick The 29-year-old is currently set by Eric Brook, who Aguero has made an for Pep Guardiola’s men. FAZ approves Ghana camp for Chipolopolo

By Diggers Reporter after their earlier plans to set up of training camp on Thursday. showdown in Uyo where the Chipolopolo will hold a three- camp in Spain en route to fell “The local players summoned for match will be staged at Akwa Ibom day training camp in Ghana trough due to operational reasons. duty will leave for Ghana on Sunday Stadium .” before heading to Nigeria for next The Football Association of Zambia and set up base in Accra where Meanwhile, Zambia coach Wedson weekend’s 2018 FIFA World Cup said in a statement on Thursday that foreign based players will join them Miranda is set to announce his list Group B qualifier against the Super the home-based call-ups’ will fly out there,” FAZmedia stated. of foreign based players on Friday Eagles. to Accra this Sunday from Lusaka “On Wednesday the team will at briefing at Football House in Zambia will camp in West Africa where as they wrap-up the first week head to Nigeria ahead of Saturday’s Lusaka. Manchester City’s Aguero suffers broken rib after

No 41 Friday September 29, 2017 car accident P11

By Diggers Reporter in his final who was also Zambia Under-20 midfielder 23-member squad. overlooked for September’s Edward Chilufya is finally Meanwhile, Nyirenda Group B doubleheader. set for his senior debut has snubbed captain and “They are Zambian players after missing last month’s midfielder Rainford Kalaba for and the door has always been dates against Algeria due a second successive date, while open for every other player,” to administrative reasons insisting that the TP Mazembe Nyirenda said. WADA PICKS following his move to Swedish playmaker is still part of his “But for this encounter, we have club Djurgårdens. plans. chosen these 23 that we feel we And Under-20 striker Fashion Kalaba was ignored for the will use. They will be called in Sakala is back from suspension September 5 Group B away date the future.” to face Nigeria after picking a against Algeria after missing Zambia head in to their must- red card against Algeria earlier the September 2 first leg match win clash in 2nd in Group B on this month. against The North Africans due 7 points, three points behind Chipolopolo coach Wedson to a one-match suspension. Nigeria. FINAL SQUAD Nyirenda has also maintained Also not picked for the trip Third placed Cameroon and brace hero Brian Mwila and to Nigeria is Kalaba’s club bottom of the log Algeria are Fashion, Patson, Mwepu, Chilufya, Mwila listed against Nigeria another Under-20 star striker mate and fellow midfielder out of the race on 3 and 1 point respectively. The manager’s reign with the Meanwhile, Zambia departs Bavarian giants became “impossible” for Ghana this Sunday where once five players turned against him, they will set up a four-day according the to club’s president training camp while in transit Bayern Munich president Uli to Nigeria. Hoeness revealed Carlo Ancelotti’s All the 11 foreign based call- position at the club became ups will link-up with their 12 untenable after a group of players domestic counterparts in Accra turned against the Italian. starting on Sunday. Ancelotti was sacked on Thursday GOALKEEPERS: Kennedy following a comprehensive 3-0 defeat Mweene (Mamelodi Sundowns, to former club Paris Saint-Germain ), Toaster Nsabata in the Champions League, the (Zanaco), Allan Chibwe latest chapter in an underwhelming (Power Dynamos) start to the campaign at home and DEFENDERS: Simon abroad. Silwimba, Fackson Kapumbu In announcing the decision, Bayern (both Zesco United), Adrian Chama (Green Buffaloes), CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge Stoppilla Sunzu (Arsenal Tula, claimed Ancelotti’s dismissal was Russia), Ziyo Tembo (Zanaco), due to the team’s performances Isaac Shamujompa (Power failing to meet expectations. Dynamos) But Hoeness indicated that dressing- MIDFIELDERS: Chisamba room fractions played a key part in Lungu (Alanyaspor, the manager’s downfall. Turkey), Edward Chilufya “There were five players against (Djurgårdens, Sweden), Ancelotti,” Hoeness told Donashano Malama (Nkana), Westfalenpost. Kondwani Mtonga, Misheck “It was impossible to get out of that.” Chaila (both Zesco United), Star trio Robert Lewandowski, Augustine Mulenga (Zanaco), Thomas Muller and Arjen Robben Enock Mwepu (FC Liefering, have all voiced their discontent at Austria), Emmanuel Banda various stages of the season, with (KV Oostende, Belgium), the latter refusing to back Ancelotti Roderick Kabwe (Ajax Cape after the defeat in Paris. Town ,South Africa), Ernest When questioned on Thursday, Mbewe (Zanaco) the 58-year-old former AC Milan, STRIKERS: Justin Shonga Real Madrid and Chelsea boss told (Orlando Pirates, South reporters: “I don’t want to speak but Africa), Fashion Sakala I will be writing a statement.” 5 players turned against (Spartak Moscow, Russia), Former France defender Willy Brian Mwila (Platinum Stars, Sagnol has been installed as manager South Africa), Patson Daka on an interim basis. Ancelotti - Bayern President (Red Bull Salzburg, Austria)