Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 47: 77–84 (2010) New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad Region, Russia Irina S. Stepanchikova1, 2, Martin Kukwa3, Ekaterina S. Kuznetsova1, 2, Jurga Motiejūnaitė4 & Dmitry E. Himelbrant1, 2 1Department of Botany, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya emb. 7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mails:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] 2Laboratory of Lichenology and Bryology, Komarov Botanical Institute, Professor Popov St. 2, 197376 St. Petersburg, Russia 3Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Protection, Gdansk University, Al. Legionów 9, PL-80-441 Gdansk, Poland. E-mail:
[email protected] 4Laboratory of Mycology, Nature Research Center, Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų Ežerų 49, LT–08406 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: Twelve species of lichenized and two lichenicolous fungi, and one non-lichenized calicioid fungus are reported from the Leningrad Region (Eastern, Western or Saint-Petersburg). Lecanora norvegica and Opegrapha lamyi are reported for the first time for Russia. Six taxa are also new to the whole Leningrad Region; four,Lecidella flavosorediata, Ochrolechia bahusiensis, Phaeocalicium praecedens and Tremella lichenicola – to North-Western European Russia, and one, the anamorphic lichen Dictyocatenulata alba is new to European Russia. Brief discussions on the species are included. Kokkuvõte: Samblike ja nendega seotud seente uued leiud Leningradi regioonist, Venemaalt Leningradi regiooni ida- ja lääneosast ning Sankt-Peterburgist teatatakse 12 lihheniseerunud, kahe lihhenikoolse ning ühe mittelihheniseerunud, kalitsioidse seene leidudest. Lecanora norvegica ja Opegrapha lamyi on esmasleiud Venemaal; anamo- rfne samblik Dictyocatenulata alba on esmasleid Venemaa Euroopa-osas; Lecidella flavosorediata, Ochrolechia bahusiensis, Phaeocalicium praecedens ja Tremella lichenicola on uued Venemaa Euroopa-osa loodepiirkonnale ning veel kuus liiki on uued Leningradi regioonile.