CSDP Missions and Operations- Lessons Learned
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DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR EXTERNAL POLICIES OF THE UNION DIRECTORATE B POLICY DEPARTMENT STUDY CSDP MISSIONS AND OPERATIONS: LESSONS LEARNED PROCESSES Abstract The first Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission was launched in 2003. Since then the EU has launched 24 civilian missions and military operations. Despite the tendency of military operations to attract more attention, the majority of CSDP (Common Security and Defence Policy) interventions have been civilian missions. Since the beginning the actors involved in CSDP recognised the need to learn from the different aspects of missions and operations. The tools and methodologies to guarantee a successful learning process have evolved over time together with the evolution of CSDP. This study represents a first stock-taking exercise of the lessons learned processes at the EU level. The study is divided in three major components. The first component looks at the available literature on the subject of knowledge management with regard to CSDP missions and operations. The study then draws upon short case-studies from the 21 missions and operations to-date with a specific focus on the lessons identified and (possibly) learned in practice. The study concludes with a number of recommendations targeted at how the lessons learning processes could be improved including specific recommendations on the role of the European Parliament. EXPO/B/SEDE/FWC/2009-01/Lot6/16 APRIL 2012 PE 457.062 EN This study was requested by the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Defence AUTHORS: DARI, Elisa, Research Consultant, Clingendael Institute of International Relations, The NETHERLANDS PRICE, Megan, Research Consultant, Clingendael Institute of International Relations, The NETHERLANDS VAN DER WAL, Jense, Research Assistant, Clingendael Institute of International Relations, The NETHERLANDS GOTTWALD, Marlene, Marie Curie EXACT Researcher, THE TRANS EUROPEAN POLICY STUDIES ASSOCIATION, BELGIUM KOENIG, Nicole, Marie Curie EXACT Researcher, THE TRANS EUROPEAN POLICY STUDIES ASSOCIATION, BELGIUM ADMINISTRATOR RESPONSIBLE: Gerrard, QUILLE Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union Policy Department WIB 06 M 081 rue Wiertz 60 Editorial Assistant: Delphine FUMEY LINGUISTIC VERSIONS Original: EN ABOUT THE EDITOR Editorial closing date: 13 April 2012. © European Union, 2012 Printed in Belgium ISBN: 978-92-823-3756-1 Doi: 10.2861/8670 The Information Note is available on the Internet at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/activities/committees/studies.do?language=EN If you are unable to download the information you require, please request a paper copy by e-mail : [email protected] DISCLAIMER Any opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. Reproduction and translation, except for commercial purposes, are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and provided the publisher is given prior notice and supplied with a copy of the publication. 2 CSDP Missions and Operations: Lessons Learned Processes TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 COMPONENT I: CSDP LESSONS LEARNED – THEORY AND PRACTICE 17 1. INTRODUCTION 17 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 18 2.1 WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DO LESSONS LEARNED? 18 2.2 EU DOCUMENTS 19 2.3 INDEPENDENT LITERATURE 21 2.4 EVOLUTION IN THE LEARNING PROCESSES 22 3. THE PROCESS OF LEARNING LESSONS 24 3.1 AREAS OF LEARNING 24 3.2 DIFFERENT ACTORS, DIFFERENT METHODS 27 3.2.1 The European Union Military Staff (EUMS) 27 3.2.2 Civilian Planning and Conduct Capabilities (CPCC) 29 3.2.3 The Crisis Management Planning Directorate (CMPD) 31 4. CONCLUSIONS 32 COMPONENT II: REVIEW OF CSDP MISSIONS AND OPERATIONS 34 1. EUROPEAN UNION POLICE MISSION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (EUPM BIH) 35 1.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 35 1.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 35 1.2.1 The planning phase of EUPM 36 1.2.2 The mandate of EUPM and the co-ordination of EU actors in BiH 36 1.2.3 The execution of the mandate of EUPM 36 1.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 36 3 2. EUFOR CONCORDIA IN THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA (FYROM) 38 2.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 38 2.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 38 2.2.1 Cooperation with NATO within the Berlin Plus arrangements 38 2.2.2 Co-ordination of EU efforts in FYROM 39 2.2.3 Financial mechanism of Concordia 39 2.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 39 3. OPERATION ARTEMIS IN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO 41 3.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 41 3.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 41 3.2.1 Rapid reaction capacity 41 3.2.2 Framework Nation Concept 42 3.2.3 Scope and duration of the Operation 42 3.2.4 Operational assets 42 3.2.5 Comprehensive approach and civil-military coordination 42 3.2.6 EU-UN cooperation and handover 43 3.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 43 4. EUROPEAN UNION POLICE MISSION (EUPOL) PROXIMA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION POLICE ADVISORY TEAM (EUPAT) FYROM 44 4.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 44 4.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 44 4.2.1 The planning phase of EUPOL Proxima 45 4.2.2 The co-ordination between ESDP missions and other EU instruments 45 4.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 45 5. EUFOR ALTHEA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 47 5.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 47 5.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 47 5.2.1 The planning phase of EUFOR Althea 47 5.2.2 The co-ordination and coherence of EU efforts in BiH 48 5.2.3 The military execution of EUFOR Althea 48 4 CSDP Missions and Operations: Lessons Learned Processes 5.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 49 6. EU MISSION TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE FOR SECURITY SECTOR REFORM, RD CONGO (EUSEC RD CONGO) & EU POLICE MISSION, RD CONGO (EUPOL RD CONGO) 50 6.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 50 6.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 50 6.2.1 Addressing Political Challenges 51 6.2.2 Local Ownership 51 6.2.3 Coordination among multiple SSR actors 52 6.2.4 Quick (Visible) Impact vs. Long Term Reform 53 6.2.5 Staffing 53 6.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 54 7. EUROPEAN UNION RULE OF LAW MISSION FOR IRAQ (EUJUST LEX- IRAQ) 55 7.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 55 7.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 55 7.2.1 Design of the mission mandate 55 7.2.2 Adequacy of the training curricula 56 7.2.3 Impact of the mission 56 7.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 56 8. EU SUPPORT TO AMIS II (SUDAN) 58 8.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 58 8.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 58 8.2.1 EU-AU cooperation 58 8.2.2 EU-UN-NATO cooperation 59 8.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 59 9. ACEH MONITORING MISSION (AMM) 60 9.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 60 9.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 60 9.2.1 The fast deployment of the AMM 60 9.2.2 EU-ASEAN cooperation 61 5 9.2.3 The position of the AMM in relation to the conflicting parties 61 9.2.4 The human rights component of the AMM mandate 61 9.2.5 Lessons learned? 62 10. EU BORDER ASSISTANCE MISSIONS (EUBAM RAFAH) 63 10.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 63 10.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 63 10.2.1 Implementation of the mission mandate 64 10.2.2 Impact of the mission 64 10.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 65 11. EUROPEAN BORDER ASSISTANCE MISSION (EUBAM) MOLDOVA- UKRAINE 66 11.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 66 11.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 66 11.2.1 The financial mechanism during the first six months of the mission 67 11.2.2 The strategic underpinning of the EUBAM 67 11.2.3 The legal advisory capacity of EUBAM 67 11.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 67 12. EU POLICE MISSION FOR THE PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES (EUPOL COPPS) 69 12.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 69 12.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 69 12.2.1 The mission mandate and its implementation 69 12.2.2 Internal and external cooperation 70 12.2.3 Support and impact 70 12.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 70 13. EUFOR RD CONGO 72 13.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 72 13.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 72 13.2.1 Command of the Operation 72 13.2.2 Time frame of the Operation 73 13.2.3 EU-UN cooperation 73 6 CSDP Missions and Operations: Lessons Learned Processes 13.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 73 14. EUROPEAN UNION POLICE MISSION (EUPOL) AFGHANISTAN 75 14.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 75 14.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 75 14.2.1 Adequacy of the mission mandate 76 14.2.2 Deployment 76 14.2.3 Leadership 76 14.2.4 Corruption and gender sensitivity 77 14.2.5 Cooperation with other actors 77 14.2.6 Best practices 78 14.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 78 15. EUFOR TCHAD/RCA 80 15.1 PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 80 15.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 81 15.2.1 Adequacy of the mandate 81 15.2.2 Operational design 81 15.2.3 Resourcing (budget, troops and capabilities) 81 15.2.4 Logistics 82 15.2.5 Intelligence 82 15.2.6 Comprehensive approach and civil-military coordination 82 15.2.7 Lack of a comprehensive strategy 83 15.2.8 EU-UN cooperation and hand-over 83 15.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 83 16. EUROPEAN UNION SECURITY SECTOR REFORM (EU SSR) GUINEA- BISSAU 85 16.1 FORMAL PROCESS OF IDENTIFYING LESSONS 85 16.2 IDENTIFIED LESSONS THAT HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTED 85 16.2.1 The planning phase of EU SSR Guinea-Bissau 86 16.2.2 The coherence of the activities of the Commission and the Council in Guinea-Bissau 86 16.2.3 The SSR policy of the EU in Guinea-Bissau 86 16.3 LESSONS LEARNED? 86 7 17.