Evaluation of Irrigation System to Support Implementation of Food Security Policy

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Evaluation of Irrigation System to Support Implementation of Food Security Policy International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018, pp. 600–614, Article ID: IJCIET_09_09_059 Available online at http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJCIET?Volume=9&Issue=9 ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 ©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed EVALUATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION OF FOOD SECURITY POLICY *Sinar Indra Kesuma, Yusak Maryunianta and Iskandar Muda Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia *Correspondence Email : sinar@usu.ac.id ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze whether Condition of Irrigation Area (DI) in North Sumatra and evaluation of Irrigation System to Support Food Security Program in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The research sites were determined by purposive sampling in 6 regencys in North Sumatera Province representing the Highlands. Each sample irrigation area, 30 samples consist of 28 water-use farmers and 2 SKPD staff or officials associated with the irrigation system. The results of the study showed that The evaluation of the role of irrigation system in supporting food security in North Sumatra is found that the share or role of irrigation to rice production in North Sumatera is 64.64% or in other words, most of rice production in North Sumatera is the contribution from irrigation area with Toba Samosir Regency having the highest share or contribution of irrigation to the rice production reaching 93.51% and Labuhan Batu Regency is area which has the lowest share that is only about 2.42%. Key words: Condition of Irrigation Area, Civil Works, Food Security System. Cite this Article: Sinar Indra Kesuma, Yusak Maryunianta and Iskandar Muda, Evaluation of Irrigation System to Support Implementation of Food Security Policy. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(9), 2018, pp. 600-614. http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJCIET?Volume=9&Issue=9 1. INTRODUCTION Indonesia is an agrarian country so that development in agriculture becomes the main priority with the development of food security as a strategic component in national development. In Law No. 18 of 2012 on Food explained that food security is defined as the condition of the fulfillment of food for households which is reflected from the availability of adequate food, either in quantity or quality, which is safe, equitable, and affordable. Various ways have been done in development in agriculture to increase food production in an effort to achieve food security, among others by extensification through efforts to increase food production by expanding planting areas and intensification through efforts to increase food production in intensive ways on existing land, such as with the use of quality seeds, the provision of appropriate fertilizers and the provision of effective and efficient irrigation water. Irrigation is http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 600 editor@iaeme.com Evaluation of Irrigation System to Support Implementation of Food Security Policy one of the important factors in food production. It cannot be separated from the effort of irrigation technique that is to provide water with the right conditions of quality, appropriate space and on time in an effective and economical way (Sudjarwadi, 1990). The contribution of irrigation infrastructure and facilities to food security has been considerable which is at 84 percent of national rice production from irrigated areas (Hasan, 2005). At the same time, in some countries in the world, irrigation system plays an important role in food production which reaches 50-80% of food produced from irrigation land (Ghumman, et al, 2011). Ministry of Public Works every year has tried to increase production by at least 7% per year. These efforts include, among others: the provision of water that must be in accordance with the time, space, quantity, quality, condition of facilities/infrastructure of natural resources, and management of natural resources based on the regulation. Of all irrigation areas throughout Indonesia, 70% is the authority of the local government and 2.6 million hectares must be improved (Syaifuddin, et al., 2013). One of the main problems in irrigation water supply is the increasing scarcity of water at certain times. On the other hand demand for water for various needs tends to increase as a result of population increase, diversity of water utilization, development of construction, and the tendency of decreasing water quality due to pollution by various activities (Bustomi, 2003). Other problems in the provision of irrigation water are in terms of arrangement and distribution or operation and maintenance. Technically the arrangement and distribution of irrigation water can be planned and done accurately and optimally based on existing technology. The condition of irrigation infrastructure in Indonesia is considered worrying so it is doubtful to contribute to the agricultural sector in order to realize national food self- sufficiency. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia (2014) stated that at least 52 percent of irrigation in Indonesia or about 3.3 million hectares are damaged and even many of these irrigation channels have not been treated well for 20 years so that their ability to irrigate agricultural land decreases. The problem of irrigation damage is also occurring in North Sumatra, where irrigation channel damage is often complained by farmers who do not get adequate water supply to facilitate cultivation activities (Waspada Newspaper, November 27, 2014). On the other hand, the institution of farmers who take care of the irrigation, who are members of the Irrigation Commission and Water-Use Farmers Association (P3A) in North Sumatra has not been running optimally as a result of lack of counseling and guidance conducted by related institutions so that irrigation water management is not running effectively and efficiently. On the other side, the fulfillment of people's food needs in recent years is increasingly dependent on imports and shifting consumption patterns of society, so to achieve food self-sufficiency in the future must be done through concerted efforts concentrated on increasing the production of food planned from the region. To increase agricultural production in addition to improving the quality of seeds, fertilization, pest control, and plant diseases, the role of irrigation also needs to be considered. Efforts to utilize water through irrigation require a good management system, so that water utilization can be implemented effectively and efficiently (Ansori et al., 2013). The Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2006 clearly states that irrigation development and management aims to realize the benefits of water in agriculture which is held in a participatory way to support farm productivity in order to increase agricultural production in the framework of national food security and society welfare, especially farmers, realized through the sustainability of a participatory irrigation system. In line with this, the Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia through the Decree of the Minister of Public Works No. 293 of 2014 on Stipulation of the Status of Irrigation Area, has established the irrigation system in North Sumatra Province developed in three categories of management authority namely irrigation area (DI); The Central Government administers 12 DI, Provincial Government of 64 DI and the Regency/City Government of 932 DI. http://iaeme.com/Home/journal/IJCIET 601 editor@iaeme.com Sinar Indra Kesuma, Yusak Maryunianta and Iskandar Muda The irrigation network in North Sumatera until 2013 is approximately 420,364 hectares with details as follows: Water Resources Management Department (PSDA) of North Sumatra Province manages 88,773 hectares, River Region (BWS) of Sumatera II covering 70,530 hectares and Regency/city manages an area of 261,061 hectares. The details of irrigation conditions handled by PSDA of North Sumatera Province in 2013 were 44.44% (38,662 hectares) with good condition, 15.63% (13,597 hectares) with light damaged, 20.49% (17,826 hectares) with moderate damaged and 19.44% (16,912 hectares) with severe damage. Irrigation channels that are severely damaged according to the PSDA of North Sumatra Province mainly occur due to many agricultural areas in some regencys that have been converted into oil palm plantations, thus making irrigation networks dry due to unlogged water (Harian Waspada, January 12, 2014). The extent of this irrigation area is very instrumental to support North Sumatra as a national food barn area. Through the role of the PSDA and the Department of Agriculture of North Sumatra Province in the field of irrigation and agriculture make North Sumatra into 5 (five) major self-sufficiency in rice and national corn in 2013. In an effort to realize the 95 percent steady irrigation network target by 2018 as mandated in the RPJMD of North Sumatra Province 2014-2018, it is necessary to revise the existing irrigation system in North Sumatra. One of them is through evaluation of irrigation system in North Sumatra. So far, the role of irrigation systems in the development of food security in this area has not been accurately evaluated and assessed. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Food Security In Law No. 18 of 2012 on Food it is explained that food security is the condition of the fulfillment of food for the State up to individuals, which is reflected from the availability of adequate food, both quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, equitable, and affordable and not contradictory with religion, belief, and culture of society, to be able to live healthy, active, and productive in a sustainable manner. The fulfillment of food for individuals is illustrated by the level of rice consumption per capita. Indonesia's per capita rice consumption rate based on the 2010 Census is 139 kg/year and it continues to decline (BPS, 2010). According to the Minister of Agriculture, Suswono, our rice per capita consumption of rice is still high, which is 316 grams of rice consumption per capita per day, whereas according to the Standard of Food Expectation Pattern (PPH) it is enough with 275 grams per capita per day.
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