Wyoming Club

Blake LegoGamerYOLO 01/13/2017 8:29 PM

Long ago, the war of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland, and magic simply ceased to exist...

I haven't pressed a single button yet, but I can already tell that I'm about to play a masterpiece. Here will be my log of the last game I want to finish before BotW, VI.

E Yeah! e5 r 98 D

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V 01/15/2017 6:45 PM Use that True Knight relic for whoever you see as your slowest but strong

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 1 of 21 character. Basically using them as a tank. And the random encounters after the cave will only get tougher once on the mountains, so stock up on some tonics.

E Yeah! e1

Blake 01/15/2017 7:06 PM Yeah, I gave it to... Uhh... The king dude. I forgot his name. I figure he can play a tank-ish role.

Also, 's riding! I wish I could post a picture right now. Even just going in circles is too much fun with these land-roving avians.

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/15/2017 7:12 PM Edgar. I couldn't check because I was riding a Chocobo.

I see what you mean in the mountain. I have 59 Tonics, I think that should be enough for the mountain, if not a good portion of the game.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/15/2017 8:49 PM Interesting... A mountain climb, a duel between rivals, and now a split path?

Do any of you have reccomendations on the path I should take?

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/15/2017 8:57 PM I went with Locke's route. I'm not sure if I'm going to go back and play through the other routes.

E Yeah! e1 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 2 of 21 Blake 01/15/2017 9:04 PM ·Spoilers "Call me a treasure hunter or I'll rip your lungs out!" -Locke, 1994

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/15/2017 9:09 PM I think I chose the right path. Stealing a merchant's clothes was just too humorous.

E Yeah! e1 D

Sciz 01/15/2017 9:18 PM *cough* Go with Sabin next. *cough*

E Yeah! e2 D

Blake 01/15/2017 9:22 PM ·Spoilers Merchant: Look! As luck would have it, I'm fresh out of merchandise! Locke's two options: (Guess I'm out of luck!) (I'm gonna pound your face!)

Personality in writing is always welcome. It's one of the few things Paper Mario: Color Splash really excels at.

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/15/2017 9:59 PM Ah, so you eventually play all three routes. I'll go with Sabin next, per Sciz's request.

E Yeah! e1 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 3 of 21 Blake 01/15/2017 11:43 PM Usually the parents of protagonists that die. It provides a nice incentive to defeat the villain all while removing the annoying fact that the you are still a dependant, but to ki|| a man's wife and child--that's cruel, Kefka.

I'm liking the substitutes to magic most characters have. Tool and Throw have been my favorite thus far. For some reason, diagnal Blitz imputs don't respond well on my

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/15/2017 11:44 PM Controller.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 01/15/2017 11:52 PM With using Blitz, the idea is to move the control stick or pad in a fluent motion, not to let up after each individual button press. For example, if the ability requires the input "right, down-right, down" (which I don't believe corresponds to any Blitz; it's just an example), you would start by pressing right, rolling your thumb downward, then pressing A.

E Yeah! e2 D

V 01/16/2017 12:18 AM ·Spoilers Ah, you've met Celes and Cyan already? Sweet. Remember what I said about having a tank character? Well Cyan's my primary pick. And oh boy, there's loads of tragedy to come as you dive deeper into each character's side plots. Kefka has no chill.

By the way, you may want to level up after all 3 scenarios are done before continuing the story. Well, that's if you've been running away from battles.

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 4 of 21 E Yeah! e2

Blake 01/16/2017 12:45 AM I have yet to run away. I usually only do that late in the game when I start to get impatient. All of my characters are around level 13-15.

E Yeah! e0 D

V 01/16/2017 12:52 AM Yeah, you're perfectly fine at your level, so go ahead and keep going. Plus, you stocked up on tons of tonics, so you have literally no reason to fail. And depending on your skill, you will need to run away in some battles later on in the game. I'll exclude the details to avoid spoilers.

E Yeah! e0

Sciz 01/16/2017 8:03 AM The diagonal inputs are poor. I understand the idea, they are supposed to work like Street Fighter inputs, but they're sketchy. Any diagonal input is instead one of the two directions it is in between, and that leads to inconsistency. I suggest finding which direction each diagonal is and sticking with that.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/16/2017 12:45 PM "I am the greatest swordsman!"

*Boss music starts playing*

*Dies in one hit*

E Yeah! e2 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 5 of 21 Blake 01/16/2017 12:59 PM ·Spoilers There's a poetic beauty in this game that you can't quite communicate with words. If you could, Square would've written a book instead of making a game. But to go from body slamming a train to seeing your wife and child board... I won't bother describing. You've all played the game and recognize how great it is.

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/16/2017 1:25 PM ·Spoilers And then you fight piranhas while falling down a waterfall. Games that don't expect you to take it TOO seriously always end up better than the games that try too hard to be serious. I guess that's why I play on Nintendo consoles.

E Yeah! e3 D

Blake 01/16/2017 3:02 PM ·Spoilers I forgot to take the Sprint Shoes off of Cyan... Oops. I hope there's a relic shop nearby.

E Yeah... e0 D

Blake 01/16/2017 3:07 PM ·Spoilers Or they could just show up now?

Now I wonder what happens if you choose Terra and Edgar first.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 01/16/2017 3:28 PM Nothing different. After making it through the mines, you go back to the scenario select screen.

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 6 of 21 ♥

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/16/2017 3:53 PM ·Spoilers KefKAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Taking him on with only Sabin and Terra probably wasn't the best idea, but it was the best party I had open. Aurabolt, Cure, and an occasional Fenix down brought him down on my second try.

But he escaped! Mrrgrrgrr...

E Yeah... e2 D

Blake 01/16/2017 4:09 PM ·Spoilers And then Terra went Super-Saiyan and now I have to choose a party. Hmm.

I want to choose Locke because he's a good character and can steal, but he's not too helpful in combat. Sabin is great in combat, so I have to keep him. I'll keep Celes, even though I want to replace her with Terra late in the game. Cyan is decent in combat, but his moves take too much time to pull off. But he needs

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/16/2017 4:09 PM ·Spoilers Revenge... I can't say I care much for Gou, but I want to explore Edgar's tool-use ability. But I'm not sure if he or Locke be useful later in the game...

Agh! Why does the hardest part of the game involve me staring at a menu!

E Yeah e1 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 7 of 21 Stagger 01/16/2017 4:20 PM Out of context, that last comment sums up why I just flat out don't play turned based RPGs anymore. Menu time. I know that's not what you meant, Mister Golden Sun. :p

You are reminding me just how great FFVI (FF3 to my America-centric younger self) though. Blind nostalgia is probably the reason I still hold IV (FF2 on the SNES) above it.

E Yeah! e1

Blake 01/16/2017 4:37 PM I finally decided on Locke, Edgar, Ceres, and Sabin. Now it's off too wherever! I wasn't really listening to hear if they mentioned an exact location...

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/16/2017 6:24 PM The random encounter rate is off the charts in Zozo...

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/16/2017 6:59 PM ·Spoilers I see my party choice paid off. I got a sick chainsaw and a couple upgrades for Locke.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/16/2017 7:05 PM ·Spoilers This is interesting. Is Magicite taking the place of a class system? That's something I approve of.

E Yeah! e1 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 8 of 21 Vellus 01/16/2017 7:59 PM ·Spoilers Aww... But Gau is so cute.

If it wasn't clear from my notification request, Gau is probably my favorite. Give him a chance sometime.

E Yeah... e2

Sciz 01/16/2017 8:09 PM Forgot I was on my 3DS, but my spoiler is for those not yet at your point.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/16/2017 9:13 PM ·Spoilers Well, I played nine hours today and I flew across the ocean on an airship. I'll probably regret replacing Sabin with Cyan, but I was wanting a challenge.

And man, that Opera house scene was great!

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/20/2017 8:37 PM ·Spoilers Celes YOU LITTLE--

Wait, she technically saved everyone's life and we get to keep the Magicite. She's not too bad in my book. I was planning on using her as a dedicated healer late in the game, but oh well...

I could elaborate on that scene, but it was overshadowed by Terra's origins.

Which was then overshadowed by the fact that I get to ride around on an airship. Masterfully done, FFVI.

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 9 of 21 E Yeah! e1 D

V 01/20/2017 8:59 PM ·Spoilers Just curious: you are switching around the Magicite/Espers with other party members so everyone can learn different magic, right?

E Yeah! e1

Blake 01/20/2017 9:10 PM Yep! Locke has all of the first four Magicites mastered.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/20/2017 10:10 PM ·Spoilers To ND (or anyone able to answer):

Are there any major missables I need to be worried about? I'm mainly worried about characters and espresso.

No, espressos.

No, espers! Autocorrect, you seem to get worse with every iOS update...

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 01/20/2017 10:20 PM There is an optional character you can get at this point, where you are presented with a choice between the character and a useful relic. If you choose the relic, you can still get the character later, but by the time you do, you will have lost the opportunity to learn one of their abilities.

Way later in the game, you will be presented with the choice of either an Esper or one of the best...

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Nintendoer 01/20/2017 10:23 PM ...weapons in the game. In the GBA version, it's recommended you take the Esper, as the weapon can be earned elsewhere, but the original version, it's really up to you.

On a similar note, you can find an esper in a late-game dungeon. If you go a bit further into a secret passage, you will lose that Esper in favor of another one. Both have spells that are unique to them.

E Yeah! e0

Nintendoer 01/20/2017 10:26 PM ·Spoilers This next one is important. Later on, you'll go through an escape sequence. Once you reach the end, you are presented with the choice to escape, or to wait. If you do not wait, you WILL lose a character permanently!

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head. Numerous other items found in chests and the like are also missable, though, as well as abilities for Gau (if you don't...

E Yeah! e1

Nintendoer 01/20/2017 10:27 PM ...encounter missable monsters, they won't show up at the Veldt) and a couple characters you don't have yet.

I hope that was clear enough. I tried to be as spoiler free as possible.

E Yeah! e0

Nintendoer 01/20/2017 10:28 PM ·Spoilers

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 11 of 21 Let me be more specific. The escape sequence has a countdown timer. You MUST say to wait when given the option, and you need to wait around until the timer nearly runs out, at which point, you will automatically escape.

E Yeah! e1

Blake 01/20/2017 10:35 PM Okay. I was getting to the point where I was wondering if Shadow would ever come back, and missables can ruin late-game experiences if skipped. Thanks!

E Yeah! e0 D

Sciz 01/22/2017 1:39 PM Nintendoer is slightly mistaken. The first of the two Espers in the late game dungeon does not teach a unique spell, though only one other Esper teaches it. The second does teach a unique spell.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/22/2017 10:13 PM ·Spoilers I'm starting to feel like I just opened Pandora's Box... Uh oh.

E Yeah!? e0 D

Nintendoer 01/22/2017 10:30 PM Oops! You're right, Sciz. The level up bonus is unique to the first esper, though...

Furthermore, if you're playing the GBA version, the spell learned from the second dungeon isn't unique, either. Not like that applies to you. =P

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https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 12 of 21 Sciz 01/23/2017 9:39 AM Likewise, the first Esper's stat boost is not unique in the GBA version...

Speaking of which, if I can ever get my hands on a copy of the GBA version, I'm going to try and 100% it. I don't see much of a point with anything before that version. I might end up buying the Steam version just to do that despite the way it looks.

E Yeah! e1 D

Sciz 01/24/2017 9:23 AM So I started up my copy on the PlayStation, and it pulls up the load screen like normal, but instead of one of the playable characters walking on screen (as they do in this version), an Onion Knight appears. Interesting to see in PS/SNES graphics.

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/25/2017 7:17 PM ·Spoilers The utilitarian inside of me is screaming, but I just decided to leave Kefka in jail.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 01/25/2017 7:48 PM ·Spoilers At the conference with Gestahl, right? Your decisions there matter, but not in the way you think. The choices you make actually gain (or lose) favor with the emperor, determining your reward at the end of the meeting.

I am curious what the outcome was, though.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/25/2017 7:53 PM ·Spoilers

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 13 of 21

Oh... I believe troops withdrew from Doma and one other place.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 01/25/2017 8:00 PM ·Spoilers South Figaro, yes. No storehouse goodies, eh? I guess you didn't kiss up to the empire. =P

E Yeah e2 D

Blake 01/25/2017 8:08 PM ·Spoilers Heck no. We've only been on the same side for, what, one short feast and a little over four minutes?

E Yeah e2 D

Blake 01/25/2017 9:39 PM ·Spoilers Grr... KefKAAAAA!!!!

I know I should've had you executed.

Although nothing actually would've happened.

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/25/2017 11:04 PM ·Spoilers The random encounter rate in this floating island are off the charts.

This game confuses me. A boss dies in three turns when the effective Magic is used, and then the random encounters in the next area are tougher then the previous boss. The RPGs that I have played have the difficulty come from their bosses.

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 14 of 21 Thank goodness for Osmose.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 01/25/2017 11:18 PM ·Spoilers And you heeded my warning earlier, I hope?

Enjoy the next part...

E Yeah! e1 D

V 01/25/2017 11:26 PM ·Spoilers ... And this is the part where listening to Nintendoer's tips will help you a lot depending on your actions. If you don't feel ready for the floating continent, there's always the Warp spell to get you out.

E Yeah! e1

Blake 01/27/2017 3:26 PM ·Spoilers That's upsetting. After that entire beautiful scene, I walk outside and get OHKO'd as Celes. I'm back before the entire scenario now.

The scene was good though.

E Yeah... e0 D

Blake 01/27/2017 5:25 PM ·Spoilers So basically, the world is 300% more cruel, Shadow is awesome, and Kefka became a god.

And Terra lost her will to fight... I see why people like this game.

E Yeah! e2 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 15 of 21 Nintendoer 01/27/2017 5:33 PM ·Spoilers And Cid's fate? What ended up happening there?

Celes's regression to almost a childlike state to protect herself from what she believed to be a fact they were the last two surviving people in the world is handled brilliantly. And if you managed to save the old engineer, as cruel as it may be, you really need to look up what happens if Cid dies. Far, far better scene than if he lives...

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/27/2017 5:39 PM ·Spoilers He didn't make it... Grandpa...

I agree, beautifully done. The only problem is that if I talk about everything in this game that is beautifully done, I would spend more time logging than actually playing the game!

E Yeah... e0 D

Blake 01/27/2017 7:05 PM ·Spoilers It's nice to finally get more weapons for Setzer and tool for Edgar. Like the card that's weapon name is "Trump."

I may or may not have then promptly equipped the Wall Ring.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/27/2017 7:21 PM ·Spoilers Apparently the world is square and I need to find an experience egg in the back room of the third basement.

And I have to fight Dullahan? Uh oh...

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 16 of 21 ♥

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/27/2017 8:47 PM ·Spoilers Now THAT'S a boss fight! Seven dragons left... I can't help but imagine that fighting the Storm Dragon is optional, at least at this point in the game. If it is, it is brilliant . Challenge the tougher players, but don't make the boss mandatory.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 01/27/2017 9:04 PM ·Spoilers Welcome to what I call The Gathering. It's that segment of the game a lot of RPGs seemed to do around that time where you can enter the final dungeon at any time, but you usually can't make much progress until you claim all the useful goodies the open world has to offer. This one is the largest, and in my opinion, the best, as it spans about half the game. Have fun!

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/27/2017 9:20 PM ·Spoilers So basically all of BotW will be The Gathering.

I can't say I don't like this.

E Yeah e1 D

Nintendoer 01/27/2017 9:24 PM ·Spoilers Pretty much. Seriously, if you want to get a feel of what you're in for; gauge just how strong you're gonna be at the end of the game, try entering Kefka's Tower now. Save first, of course...=P

E Yeah! e1 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 17 of 21 ♥

Blake 01/27/2017 9:26 PM ^Uhh, you might not want to read that Stagger. It has to do a bit with BotW, but I'm not sure if it's something you've heard or not.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/27/2017 9:27 PM Not ND's comment, my comment. You should be fine though.

Off to Kefka's tower!

E Yeah e1 D

Blake 01/27/2017 9:34 PM I ran into a SrBehemoth on the Veldt.

And I didn't have Gau...

E Yeah... e0 D

Blake 01/27/2017 11:46 PM ·Spoilers Well, I didn't make it past one random encounter in Kefka's tower.

I did find the Moogle party member, however!

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/28/2017 1:14 PM ·Spoilers Talk to the Emperor twice. There's a dragon in the forest north of the Veldt. Shadow went to the Colosseum. Locke is searching treasure. Hmm...

I'll probably write things I'm likely to forget about here.

E Yeah! e1 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 18 of 21 Blake 01/28/2017 2:23 PM ·Spoilers Doom gaze can't restore his HP after battle. The treasure is hidden where the mountains meet a star. There's good stuff at the auction.

I'm liking the hints this game gives.

E Yeah! e1 D

Blake 01/28/2017 4:06 PM ·Spoilers The way I see things, each character has their own separate arc to complete in The Gathering. Sabin's arc gave him the final Blitz. Cyan' arc unlocked all of his sword skills. Gau's arc saw him meeting up with his dad. Celes' arc saw Cid dying...

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/28/2017 4:30 PM ·Spoilers And I defeated Doom Gaze without having to leave the battle!

I'm not sure how I triggered the fight though. It was probably just the act of flying around really quickly.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/28/2017 4:47 PM ·Spoilers Interesting. Seemingly defeating the enemies that look like the Imprisoned unlock dances for the Moogle.

I need to explore Kefka and his Cult's tower, find six dragons, explore the Colosseum, finish this cave thing I'm in, find four more characters, and unlock Narshe. These are all of the objectives I can think of at the moment.

E Yeah! e0 D

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fp4EwynQ 11/8/17, 1250 AM Page 19 of 21 Nintendoer 01/28/2017 9:44 PM Actually, the method for learning more dances for Mog is much different than what you're thinking.

And unfortunately, since you did not get the character in the World of Balance, you missed your chance to learn one dance.

E Yeah! e0 D

Blake 01/29/2017 12:14 AM I just noticed a pattern. I killed two sucky things and got two dances.

I'm not too disappointed about that one dance, as long as there isn't a massive superboss that requires every character to have every ability unlocked--which I highly doubt is the case.

The next time I start the game, I'll launch a new post. I'll use one of the remaining comments here to announce the post.

E Yeah! e2 D

Blake 01/30/2017 10:39 PM Part II of my log is up! It's my latest post, in this community, and accompanied by a very bland hook. All of the good lines would've spoiled something, and a spoiler tag wouldn't deter most of my friends and followers in this community.

E Yeah! e2 D

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