Rewarding the Traveler – Synchronizing the Hospitality Industry

rewarded with hoteliercoin TRAVELER’S CLUB

WhitePaper Version 0.6 Table of Contents

SEC. 01 Executive Summary 04 SEC. 02 Introduction 05 SEC. 03 Critical Hospitality Industry Pain Points 06 SEC. 04 Market Analysis 07 4.1 overview of Key Tourism & Hospitality Sector Figures 07 4.2 market Segmentation 12 4.3 local Market Growth 12 SEC. 05 Hotelier Coin Platform 13 5.1 pRoject Goals and Mission 13 5.2 kEys to Success 13 5.3 Business Description 14 5.4 Highlights - Revenue Stream 14 5.5 Hotelier Coin - USP Hotelier Coin vs LoyaltyPoints 16 SEC. 06 Platform Functionality 17 6.1 18 6.2 Hotelier Exchange A Secondary Hotel Room marketplace - B2B 24

6.3 Brand Position 26 6.4 additional Features 30 6.5 uSER Stories 34 SEC. 07 Hotelier Coin DEX 37 SEC. 08 Hoteliercoin Tokenomics 37 8.1 Token Capital Market’s Team 38 8.2 The Value of the Utility Token 38 8.3 Hotelier’s Coin’s Ecosystem 39 8.4 uSIng Hoteliercoin as a Payment Option 40 8.5 Token Model 40 8.6 dEmand Drivers 41 8.7 B2B Tokens 41 8.8 gRoup Tokens 42 8.9 The Economy of the Token – Growth Factors 43 SEC. 09 Blockchain Technology Application 44 SEC. 10 Token Details 45 SEC. 11 Roadmap 46 SEC. 12 THE CORE TEAM 47 SEC. 13 Core Founding Partners 51 13.1 Hotel Tech Provider 51 13.2 Subsidiary Brands 53 SEC. 14 Marketing 54 14.1 pRomotion Implementation 54 14.2 pRomotion Channels 54 14.3 Target Audience 55 SEC. 15 Terms and Conditions 56 SEC. 16 Sources 56 Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 4

1. Executive Summary

Hotelier Coin’s team of international luxury booking and travel reward platform, hoteliers, blockchain and fintech experts a Decentralized & Centralized exchange where partnered with the best travel tech professional bulk hotel rooms futures can be traded, an around the globe to build a legacy that will power integrated end-to-end fintech wallet where hotel the greatest change the hospitality and travel owners, service industry has seen in decades. providers and travelers can finally have access to a platform and pay for services with no The ultimate hotel booking & travel reward middlemen, high fees or lack of efficiency. platform, where the loyalty points are replaced with loyalty coins, which can be monetized for Vacation homeowners now have access to the very first time, with a unique cash-back option integrated property management system which in HotelierCoins. Travelers and hotel owners have connects multiple booking channels, access to an unparalleled loyalty program where electronic door lock, revenue management both receive instant cashback in HotelierCoin data, and accounting module starting at as little tokens. Furthermore, you can hire city chef or city as $15/room, and HotelierCoin, the borderless host to enhance your travel experience, curated travel reward currency that will synchronize and by the virtual travel genie – Tanya. reward the entire hospitality industry. Boutique Hotels can finally outsource specialized services For the first time, in Hotelier Exchange, hotel room on demand. Independent hotels can now nights tokens can be traded as a commodity in compete with established brands. a secondary hotel room marketplace with an intuitive ask and bid process and smart contracts Join the future of hospitality where all that will simplify B2B negotiations. stakeholders in the sector, including travelers, crypto-investors, hospitality owners, operators, Together, they created a blockchain-powered 360° wholesalers, corporate travel buyers, suppliers solution comprised of a revolutionary hotel and service providers are seamlessly connected.

Mission Statement

Hotelier Coin is on a mission to disrupt the travel loyalty program by replacing loyalty points with loyalty coins.

To be the ultimate decentralized travel application by rewarding & synchronizing the hospitality & travel industry, where everyone benefits in a single place. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 5

2. Introduction

team of hospitality experts, a reality that they are now ready to disrupt with, Decentralized / Centralize Hotel Room Exchange and HotelierCoin – The Travel Reward Currency. This solution will bridge the gap and connect all stakeholders, including travelers, crypto- investors, service providers, hospitality owners and operators.

travelers, crypto-investors, service providers, hospitality owners and operators.

Hotelier Coin’s 360° solution will reshape how the entire industry works, eliminate the need for intermediaries, and empower stand-alone hotels to access the market and a variety of hospitality solutions. Hotelier Coin will simplify the hotel room booking and registration processes for customers, prevent fraudulent activities, and ensure the reliability and transparency of interactions between all market participants while opening the door to boundless opportunities for further simplification of processes, satisfaction and Every day, hotel owners, service providers and profit maximization in the hotel business. travelers around the globe find themselves immersed in a hospitality industry that hasn’t changed in decades. Endless moving parts, inefficient processes and high fees can turn the most promising of experiences or business opportunities into a true nightmare. Above all there is no single inclusive travel reward program which brings the entire hospitality & travel industry together.

Despite its exponential growth and potential, the hospitality industry lacks a comprehensive solution that simplifies operations, reduces fees and connects all the moving parts in the sector. It is an all too familiar reality for Hotelier Coin’s Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 6

OBJECTIVES Hotelier Coin aims to become a one-stop shop With core partnerships, revolutionary technology platform for independent hotel operators, and a diverse team of experts, we will empower provide substantial benefits for everyone in the small operators, hotel owners and travelers around value chain, and build a decentralized hospitality the globe to rethink and streamline the entire community of hospitality service providers, hotel hospitality infrastructure. & vacation homeowners and travelers - rewarded with HotelierCoin, the travel reward currency.

3. Critical Hospitality Industry Pain Points


Across the ecosystem, valuation of points is managed by brands, and points cannot be monetized, share or traded.

In a highly competitive industry, it is incredibly No common platform for hospitality vendors and difficult to stand out and get the attention of service providers. travelers, especially for unbranded hotels. Scattered and expensive operational High booking commissions (Online Travel infrastructure (Property Management Systems, Agencies charge up to 25% booking fee). Channel Management, Point of Sale, Purchasing and Accounting Software). High markup by the Tour Operator (ITOs charge a 30% commission). Zero monetary incentives for travelers.

High sales payroll cost for bulk room sales (B2B), Fraudulent reviews and profiles that can affect time-consuming negotiations and legacy contract hotel reputation, guest experience and the signing procedures. industry as a whole.

Bank charges (2.5-5% Credit and Payment Cluttered and duplicated traveler preferences Gateway fees). that lead to inefficient personalization and a lackluster experience. Multiple banking solutions and requirements. Cash flow (30-120 days payment terms for bulk Forex commissions (3-6%). inventory and little protection from payment default). providers are in desperate need of an -like infrastructure with real-time interactions and B2B: legacy rate & contract negotiation & effortless transactions. signing process

No loyalty and recognition programs able to align Small tour operators and other individual service independent hotels, leisure activities and guests. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 7

Being aware of these challenges and peculiarities, the Hotelier Coin team has developed a unique technological solution that will unite all the hospitality industry participants and effectively eliminate obstacles to enable an economical, safe and comfortable way of traveling.

4. Market Analysis

4.1 Overview of Key Tourism & Hospitality Sector Figures

Direct contribution Total Contribution

7.58 7.17 7.61 8 6.99 6.63 6.32 6.33 6.44 6.03 6.08 6.24 6


2.36 2.23 2.31

rs t i n tri ll on U .S. dolla 1.91 1.99 1.94 1.89 1.93 1.99 2.06 2.16 2


2014 2015 2016 i c mpac Econom 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

The graph shows the direct and total economic impact of travel and tourism on the global economy from 2006 to 2016. The direct economic travel and tourism contribution amounted to approximately 2.31 trillion U.S. dollars in 2016. The direct travel and tourism contribution include commodities, accommodation, transportation, entertainment and attractions. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 8

International Tourist Arrivals Worldwide

The graph shows the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 1996 to 2016. In 2016, the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide surpassed 1.2 billion

1 300 1 235

1 200 1 133 1 189

1 100 1 035 1 087

1 000 953 929 995 900 851 911 894 800 760 809

s i n m ll on a rri val ou rist 698 700 674

605 678 689 600 563 627 ti onal t 589 500

In ter na 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 20032004 2005 200620072008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

The number of international tourist arrivals has increased steadily almost every year. By 2030, international tourist arrivals are expected to exceed 1.8 billion. Travel and tourism made a total contribution (direct, indirect and induced) of 7.61 trillion U.S. dollars to the global economy in 2016. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 9

GLOBAL Global INTERNATIONAL Travel TOURISM REVENUE Activities Marketplace It is not surprising that global leaders have placed great emphasis on the promotion of Tours & Activities tourism in their countries. In 2016, international tourism revenue amounted to 1.22 trillion U.S. dollars. Punctuation: We delved into the state of travel activities, specif- ically tours, activities and attractions, to assess the market landscape, the challenges ahead and the opportunities for distribution in the broader travel Global Hotel marketplace.

Industry While the industry tends to focus on flights and hotels, the activities available are what truly inspires Retail Value travelers to visit a specific destination. Leisure tourist activities, the aggregate of in-destination spending on tours, activities, attractions and events, are the The global hotel industry revenue amounted to third largest segment, accounting for 10% of the 554.64 billion U.S. dollars in 2016. With the global industry revenue. emergence of new lodging sectors, including vacation homes and homestays, Currently, small suppliers are the driving force significant growth is expected. behind the sector, more than half of tours and activities suppliers generate less than $250,000 in annual revenue. From reservation to redemption, business is still mostly manual, and more than 80% of gross bookings are made offline. Hotelier Coin aims to address this by providing suppliers with an Global Hotel effective management tool that leverages the full power of technology. Industry Occupancy Rate

In 2014, the occupancy rate (the ratio of rented or used rooms to the total amount of available rooms) of hotels in all global regions had increased year on year, suggesting growing demand. Europe was the region with the highest occupancy rate in 2014, at 68.8 %, closely followed by the Asia Pacific region, at 68.6 %.

While strong post-recession gains appear to be cooling off, the hotel sector is projected to sustain strong 5-6% growth throughout 2018, setting up the industry to hit a record-breaking $170 billion in gross bookings. Healthy business and leisure demand is helping the industry achieve strong fundamentals, including peaking average daily rates (ADR) (+2.4% 2017 YTD October) and revenue per available room (RevPAR) (+3.0% 2017 YTD October). Hovering around 66%, occupancy seems to have hit a peak. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 10

Key Facts

$100 BILLION IN LOYALTY POINTS ARE UNCLAIMED. 77% of consumers participate in a retail loyalty program. 46% have joined a hotel program & 40% are part of an airline program.

For the first time in history, in 2012, there were more than one billion tourist trips. A year-on-year growth of over 4% is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

In 2016, the revenue generated through online travel bookings amounted to 513 billion U.S. dollars, this figure is forecasted to reach 567 billion U.S. dollars by 2019.

In 2016, the sector added over $7.61 trillion U.S. dollars to the global economy – nearly 10% of the Global GDP, and significantly more than the combined GDPs of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In 2017, Expedia’s annual revenue was $10.2 billion, with the market capture of 6%. 2018, Expedia’s annual revenue reached USD 11.2 Billion. 2018, gross bookings were $99.73 billion, a 13% rise over 2017.

Leisure market potential of $129 billion with 1M activities; the potential is three times the size of the car rental market. It’s projected to reach $183 billion by 2020.

Tour & Activity Suppliers’s Technology Adoption

Have it already Not yet, plan to do so in the next year

Tickets or vouchers delivered via email

Third-party reservation system

Inventory direct connect

Automatic ticket scanning and validation

Base: Total destination activity businesses N = 1,636 Source: Phocuswright’s Tours & Activities Come of Age: The Global Travel Activities Marketplace 2014-2020 0% 35% 70% Global Tours & Activities Total & Online, 2014-2020 (US$B) Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 11

Global Tours & Activities Total & Online, 2014-2020 (US$B)

Tours & Activities Online 140



2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: Phocuswright’s Tours & Activities of Age: The Global Travel Activities Marketplace 2014-2020

The T&A landscape is bursting with small local companies. 80% of them T&A are still operating offline.82% of service providers are taking bookings by phone or email. Most typically lack the resources and/or expertise to Suppliers implement online distribution of their products.

Suppliers by Annual T&A Booking by channels Email, Phone, Fax 82% Gross Revenue 35 %

25 % 24 %

15 %

1 %

<$250k $250k-1M $1M-5M $ 5M - 100M >$100M Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 12

4.2 Market Segmentation

Wholesaler 35.7% Corporate Travel -B2B,16.2%

Crypto Holders /Travelers 13.0%

Hotel Owners 16.8% Service Provider /Vendor 18.4%

B2B - Online Sale B2B - Leisure Service Provider 4.3 LOCAL MARKET B2B - Stand-alone Supplier Growth Crypto Investor






2020 2022 2024 2026 Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 13

5. Hotelier Coin Platform is where the entire hospitality Even individual travel service providers can list ecosystem comes together in one platform. From their services. Independent hotel owners get stand-alone hotel owners, service providers, access to international talent, supplies, and the vendors and tech solution providers to casual ability to reduce costs by outsourcing specific hotel staff and travelers, everyone is connected jobs that can range from revenue management, by one borderless currency, smart contracts, and sales and marketing to a global world-class a sophisticated blockchain solution – discover reservation call center. a digital revolution unlike any other. Peer-to-peer booking, and cross border payment options are now available to everyone 5.1 project Goals – including the often-overlooked vacation rentals, freelance service providers and small Hotelier Coin’s currency, Hoteliercoin, knows tour operators – through a crypto fintech wallet no bounds. It can be used to increase both with debit card. With the help of blockchain supply and demand in the hotel business, build technology, Hotelier Coin is also set to improve a decentralized community, reward and connect guest recognition and satisfaction. All guests’ the hospitality & travel industry seamlessly. Our preference data is stored and shared in the main goal is to create a holistic hospitality blockchain, giving the operator access to the platform that will be a true win-win for all necessary information to offer a highly participants, from travelers, hotel owners, personalized experience. vendors and service providers to hotel staff. Hotelier Coin is a true technological breakthrough that bridges the gap between the current state of affairs in the hospitality 5.2 Keys to industry and the future of hospitality, connecting success the digital and utility world.

By using blockchain in its early stages of digital evolution, we are harnessing the trust, safety, and inherent to the technology to rev- olutionize the hospitality industry. By using block- chain’s potential to its full extent, we are able to reduce fees, improve processes and add value to hospitality owners, travelers and investors.

It is not limited to big brands or a single aspect of the industry. Independent hotels are now finally able to compete with more prominent brands while maintaining their unique identity. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 14

5.3 Business description

This is how our platform brings the entire hospitality industry together:

Empowers Stand-alone B2B - The Hotel Room Exchange Hotel Operators A Secondary Hotel Room Market Place Hotelier Coin B2E - Corporate Travel Booking Extranet The Travel Reward Currency B2C- Hotel & Travel Booking Platform Curated by Tanya - The Travel Genie Travolier The Travelers Club Verified City Host, Local Chef & Leisure Service Provider Global Call Centre Bespoke Travel Manager

Specialized Hospitality Services Revenue & Reservation Hotelier Coin - Stable Management Travel Payment Currency Intregrated Fintech Wallet Vacation Property Management System Hotelier Coin - Debit Card Intregrated With Various Booking Channels And Door Locks

5.4 Highlights - Revenue Stream

Beyond the rise of HotelierCoin as a travel utility currency, the Hotelier Coin platform will earn revenue from:

B2B / B2E: From the Booking fees %, the buyer and seller will each receive up to 2% cashback in HotelierCoin tokens.

Hotel 2 Vendors: From the Booking fees %, the Vendor and Hotel will each receive up to 4% cashback in HotelierCoin tokens.

B2C: From the Booking fees % fees, travelers and the hotel owner will each receive up to 4% cash- back in HotelierCoin tokens.

P2P: 0.05% fee for P2P token transfers or token resale. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 15

Payment Gateway: 0.25% of the transfer amount.

HTLC-Stable: the exchange commission is 0.1% onwards

Hotelier Exchange DEX/ Centralize: Commission from 0.1% onwards

B2B Bulk Room Nights Trading Hotels 2 Vendors

Transaction fee on all Bulk Room Nights Trading services/products/subscriptions sold to the hotel Buyer Seller Vendors Hotel

Cashback 2% Cashback 4% Platform fee 12% Platform Platform fee 6% Platform

Cashback 2% Cashback 4%

Hotelier Coin Hotelier Coin Platform Platform


Room Nights Travelers Hotel Owners

Cashback 4% Platform fee 12% Platform

Cashback 4%

Hotelier Coin Platform Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 16

5.5 Hotelier Coin - USP Hotelier Coin vs Loyalty Points Crypto Currency + Loyalty Points = Hotelier Coin


Points cannot be Traded, or Monetized or Transferred Points can only be redeemed within Coin can be Traded, Monetized, Transferred P2P - the brand’s ecosystem Points are earned through a crypto exchange / Personalized only for traveler fintech wallet

Individual brands set Unused points expires the valuation of Tokenomics drives the points Coin never expires the valuation of HotelierCoin

The smart contract Member has access to manages HotelierCoin The smart contract preferred B2C bar rates Hotelier StableCoin for emission in Ethereum manages HotelierCoin than B2B rates CROSS BORDER travel blockchain emission in Ethereum payments blockchain

Points valuations are constant as per the tier; points value doesn’t change against city Cashback in HotelierCoin for both traveler average room rate & directly contracted hotels generates demand & valuation for the HotelierCoin

Hotel brands pays the hotel owner a fixed HotelierCoin provides access to exclusive negotiated low room rate against the loyalty member deals across multiple branded points; furthermore provides a complimentary & independent hotels, vacation home room upgrade as per the loyalty tiers not limited to airlines, car rental, airport transfer, or hiring leisure operators

HOTELIER COIN VS LOYALTY POINTS Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 17 solutions and advantages

Decentralized Exchange (DEX): For the first time, Integrated end-to-end hotel property hotel rooms can be traded as a commodity in management system starting at as little as $15/ a secondary hotel room token marketplace with room with all features ranging from door locks, ask and bid options. Cancellations or cancellation accounting and channel manager to penalties may soon become a thing of the past as housekeeping management. purchased tokens can now be resold in one click. Access to a cutting-edge booking system that HotelierCoin: One travel reward currency for enables verified reviews and comprehensive the entire hospitality ecosystem. It can be used preference profiling. seamlessly to purchase room nights, leisure experiences, peer-to-peer transfers, traded Travolier - loyalty and recognition programs or monetized and so much more. tailored to travelers. Win-win transactions with cashback offers for travelers and hotels. Individual fintech wallets for all users, built-in Loyal member get access to exclusive deals and payment gateway, HTLC-Stable Euro, complete higher cashback in HTLC, as well earn HTLC for end-to-end banking solutions. posting travel contents.

Access to Millennials, Digital Natives and the Smart contracts and Blockchain technology to $250B+ cryptocurrency market. protect data, simplify negotiations and increase efficiency. Seamless access to wholesale hospitality products, specialized hospitality services and vetted hospitality staff in seconds, paid in HTLC.

Robust B2C Platform offering seamless hotel room booking and added features such as car rentals, airlines, leisure activities and packages, curated by virtual travel genie -Tanya.

6. Platform Functionality

Explore how Hotelier Coin works and what makes it an innovative solution ready to synchronize an entire industry. From the booking infrastructure, blockchain, smart contracts and a borderless utility currency to a decentralized exchange where secondary tokens can be traded and many other cutting-edge features, discover how Hotelier Coin allows hotel rooms to be traded as a commodity for the first time, simplifies operations and transforms the hospitality ecosystem. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 18

6.1 B2C / B2E – Platform

tRAVOLIER - The ultimate travel loyalty program Beyond Earning Cashback, Travelers Earns Rewards For Uploading Travel

Multi Branded & Independent Hotels, Vacation Booking Platform for VERIFIED TRAVELER Homes, Car Rentals, Airlines & Travel Packages

TRAVELER’S CLUB the travel reward currency


Hire VERIFIED CITY HOST - with similar Hire VERIFIED LOCAL CHEFS / HOMEMAKERS passion, from art, history, adventure, wide-life to culinary lovers


CURATED BY TANYA - VIRTUAL rewarded with hoteliercoin TRAVEL GENIE

B2B / B2E - BOOKING EXTRANET For Small & Medium Size Enterprise

Monetize or Trade Your Hotelier Coin Redeem Your Hotelier Coin @HotelierMart. Through Crypto Exchange com to Access to Exclusive Member’s Deal


We offer the first of its kind coin reward to our members, thanks to our implementation and Introducing Hotelier integration of blockchain technology to take Coin Rewards – luxury recreation to the next level. Travolier

Purchase More – Earn More

HotelierCoin holders don’t need to be loyal to one brand to earn loyalty rewards. Members can earn HotelierCoin by booking from multiple hotel brands, stand-alone hotels, vacation homes, airlines, car rentals, airport transfers, vacation packages, including usage of independent leisure service providers like city hosts or city chefs.

Our loyalty program is Travolier. A program set aside to reward travelers, hotel and vacation homeowners, leisure service providers and travel influencers.

Earn HotelierCoin while exploring the world. Hoteliercoin With it, travelers get access to exclusive hotel as an instant cashback reward with every purchase at rates, travel managers, personalised fintech wal- Hoteliermart. let and debit cards. You can also earn cashback in HotelierCoin with every transaction within our For the first time, a blockchain powered loyalty program parent website to become a that grows and empowers the traveler in you. Loyalty is Travolier as members that hold HotelierCoin are priceless, but we do our best to reward it — piggy bank called. Hoteliercoin can be earned via activities your journey with HotelierCoin rewards! like posting travel posts, pictures and reviews for helping and growing our travel community. The most powerful travel reward currency, which can be traded, monetized, or redeem for future travel expenses.


As soon as you enter the Travolier programme, we are set to offer you exclusive deals, services and special attention while exploring with us. Whether on holiday or travelling for business, we do everything we can to meet your needs and make your trips as pleasant as possible Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 20

Start Collecting Loyalty Point

Start collecting points right away by booking directly on our brand website.

Travolier who spends over USD 5k in Hoteliercoin becomes Ultimate Travolier. A status that changes to lifetime ultimate Travolier after holding it for 5 years.

This comes with perks like:

Personal travel manager for travel plans

Increased cashback

Upgrades on services; and much more

Membership Level Earning in our loyalty program is based on membership level. The Travolier membership levels are categorized as Travolier (Member), Ultimate and Special Categories Executive and Influencers.

Travolier Everyone who enrolls to be a member and holds HotelierCoin

Benefits: Exclusive Members Rate with up to 2% Cashback in HotelierCoin

Access to global call center (travel managers) for USD 3 per reservation - travel managers to curate your vacation.

Ultimate Travolier who spends USD 5K per month in HotelierCoin for 12 months, after 5 years of Ultimate Status, automatically qualifies for lifelong Ultimate’s.

Or Ultimate membership can be bought for USD 750 per year.

Benefits: Exclusive Members Rate with up to 4% Cashback in HotelierCoin with one room night a year for USD 250 Will received HTLC via Airdrop as per the HotelierCoin spent per month.

Complimentary access to global call center - travel managers to curate your vacation.

*Ultimate program to start after 6 months launch of Travolier Program, 6 months spending will also be taken into consideration. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 21

Community Points for both Travolier and Ultimate Travolier

Earns 01 community points for every travel post & pictures with #Travolier, #Betravolier, #HotelierCoin #Cityname #hotel or restaurant name

Earn 05 Community points for assisting other travolier with travel plans – by commenting their travel blogs.

1000 Community Points qualify for 100 USD worth of Hotelier Coin which can be redeemed through

Influencers: This category are design for Travel Bloggers to monetize their contents and influence.

*Community Points program will be launched in 12 -24 months of Travolier program

Influencers: This category are design for Travel Bloggers to monetize their contents and influence.

Earns 05 community points for every travel post & pictures with #Travolier, #Betravolier, #HotelierCoin #Cityname #hotel or restaurant name

Earn 15 Community points for assisting other travolier with travel plans – by commenting their travel blogs.

1000 Community Points qualify for 100 USD worth of Hotelier Coin which can be redeemed through

*Community Points program will be launched in 12 -24 months of Travolier program

Executive Membership for USD 750 per year per company

Benefits: Exclusive Members Rate with up to 2% Cashback in HotelierCoin to the individual traveler and 2% cashback to the company.

Company will be received HTLC via Airdrop as per the HotelierCoin spent per month.

Complimentary access to global call center - travel managers to curate your business travel.

Access to B2E booking platform with company name:

*Executive program and B2E platform to start after 3 months launch of

*HotelierCoins are cryptocurrency, which can by earned for every transaction at Hotelier-, and Travolier for every travel content contribution. HTLC will be listed in crypto exchange where coins will be traded or monetized. HTLC can also be redeem at for booking hotels, vacation homes, airline tickets, airport transfers, car rental including hiring city hosts. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 22

Hotelier Coin in Numbers

600 000+ hotels in 185+ countries, over 5 000+ cities 550 Airlines Airport transfers in 120 countries Car rentals available in 140 countries 150 000+ Vacation homes through Leisure Service Providers One Loyalty Program, with One Hotelier Coin

And numbers keep growing!


Whenever we travel, it is priceless to share memories with friends and loved ones. Travolier is a travel social media hub merged with a traveler’s club, where users can share travel post, experience, or book vacation. The platform helps members to curate their perfect holiday and capture memories. The platform is a next-gen traveler’s club; where members also get instant cash back in HotelierCoin for every transaction made on the, from booking & hotels to sharing of pictures of social media travels. Beyond earning HotelierCoins, Travolier members get access to exclusive members rate, up to 40% discount! loyalty rewards like no other reward scheme. Members of the club get access to exclusive benefits, special privileges, awesome gifts as well as surprises and get rewarded in HotelierCoin for every transaction. experiences that we seek as travelers, and what drives the unwavering passion that lives within Travel to discover is not what we do, it is who we each of our club members. are. It is an essential part of our being. Travolier was created based on the conviction that the Among the most respected and luxurious hotels connections we make and the knowledge that we in the city and all over the world, we plan to gain from each travel experience is born out of provide the most beautiful and unforgettable our curious nature and desire to evolve as moments in line with the expectations of you individuals. This belief is what underpins the and your loved ones. If you wish to earn Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 23

HotelierCoin as a loyalty reward for following our incentivization of platform users across the brand between your leisure, business and different membership levels so that we can have professional commitment, then joining a truly disrupted and decentralized loyalty Travolier is a must. In addition to your free rights program of the travel & hospitality industry that to membership, we offer you special perks for all is transparent, secure and benefits everyone. assisted services including booking from multiple hotel brands, stand-alone hotels, The goal of the company is not only focused on vacation homes, airlines, car rentals, airport disrupting the loyalty program of the travel transfers, vacation packages as well as usage of & hospitality industry or challenging its biggest independent leisure service providers like city problems, but also building a legacy and hosts or chefs and we don’t stop here – we will heritage that will stand the test of time. With curate your reward you as per your passion! core partnerships, revolutionary technology and a diverse team of experts, the company is set to Hotelier Mart, a blockchain-powered hotel empower small operators, rethink the entire booking platform that is points-based is the industry infrastructure and innovate via building parent company that operates the Club and a synchronized hospitality club of service provides luxury management services to its providers, hospitality vendors and tech solutions members. Currently, the platform features over unlike any other. Travolier Loyalty program is 600K+ hotels in 185+ countries around the world designed to include independent travel and and counting, including Dubai, Cairo, Rome, hotel operators in the unified loyalty program – London, New York, Delhi and Paris among others. where everyone wins!

Travolier is set to take hospitality, recreation and luxury travel to the next level via interaction and Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 24

6.2 Hotelier Exchange A Secondary Hotel Room Marketplace - B2B

Legacy negotiation process is Corporates, Wholesale travel replaced with unique Ask agents can buy multi-branded Traditional hotel voucher system and Bid options bulk room night tokens and is replaced with Hotel tokens - redeem or resell within backed with room nights (futures) the exchange “For the first time, hotel room night’s backed tokens will be traded as a commodity and sold in a secondary marketplace - the hotel room night exchange, complete with a “bid and ask” Smart contracts and Ethereum process, and smart contracts Blockchain to protect data, that will make negotiations simplify negotiations incredibly easy”. & increase efficiency

Marriott Tokens Hilton Tokens Holiday Inn Tokens Golf Club Tokens *LHR Tokens *Leading Hotels of the World


UNLOCK THE HOTEL ROOM NIGHT FUTURE WITH HOTELIER COIN Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 25 25

For the first time, hotel room nights will be traded as a commodity, hotel owners can finally have complete control over their hotel rooms while maximizing profit and simplifying processes, and token holders can use Hoteliercoin to purchase vacations, new experiences and invest in exciting opportunities.

For bulk room nights, price negotiations have the buying price depending on demand – never been easier. Ask and bid options, cancellations or cancellation penalties may blockchain and smart contracts disrupt the soon become a thing of the past. traditional way of selling room nights through corporate channels and enable smooth Wholesalers, corporate buyers and hotels have transactions. Full or partial funds are instantly access to a KYC-verified trading platform. The transferred to the hotel’s assigned wallet in return hotel revenue manager dictates the initial sale for room night tokens. Hotels can keep their price and initiates the smart contracts. The Hoteliercoin funds in their wallet or convert them wholesaler and corporate buyer negotiate to HTL-Stable Euro Currency or fiat currency through the ask and bid process. Next, they (currency that a government has declared to be acquire hotel room tokens along with the smart legal tender, e.g., US dollar and Euro) through our contract. The hotel will also have an option to Core Partner’s payment gateway option and buy back unused hotel room night tokens using customized fintech wallet. Hotelier Coin’s trading platform.

Wholesalers and Corporate Travel Procurement At any given time, the hotel can only sell up can secure bulk rooms and get a guaranteed to 20% of its room inventory through the hotel rate for the following financial year. Additionally, room trading platform with an unlimited term. wholesalers can resell room night tokens to travel The hotel can only issue new hotel room night agents or travelers, and corporate buyers can use tokens against the redeemed tokens. The 20% the room night tokens they purchased for room cap in supply will secure the hotel room business travels for their executives or incentive night tokens price in the secondary room trips. Both wholesalers and corporate buyers will marketplace against the demand. The hotel will have access to a secondary market where they be able to benefit from additional revenue per can sell unused hotel room night tokens through available room (REVPAR) – a crucial KPI for hotel the Hotelier Coin platform, above or below performance.

Hotel room night tokens can be filtered by:

Brand Location Interests and Activities

British Columbia Boutique Marriott Worldwide tokens Golf tokens Hotels tokens

Marriott Dubai tokens Ski tokens

Marriott Americas Safari tokens

JW Marriott Marquis Times Group of resorts offering Square in New York similar activities

Room night tokens can even be gifted with our simple token transfer system that enables seamless peer-to-peer and business-to-business transactions secured with smart contracts. No back and forth, no high fees, no middlemen. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 26

6.3 Brand Position Traveler’s club, Secondary Vacation Rental Hotel & Travel Rewarding With Hotel Room Platform WITH Booking Platform Hotelier Coin Market Place Integrated Property Management System Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 27

6.4 Additional Features

Architecture Overview of the Hospitality Cloud

Windows / MAC ‘‘OUR PREFERRED ALL-IN-ONE APPROACH’’ Desktop Tablet Phone

PMS Distribution

Third Party Interface Incl. OTAs direct Premise Access Control Systems Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 28

Online Booking Platform

Architecture Overview of the Travel Cloud


B2B / B2E


Won B2B / B2C B2C Contracted Management Management


Booking Customer Processing Management CSBT

Mid Office Transfers

Vendor MIS Management Report White Label

Supplier Sightseeing Extranet CMS Management

XML Feed

Holiday Packages

Mobile Apps

Other Services Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 29

Fintech Wallets

Digital wallets to all Hotelier Coin users after KYC verification. Users will easily be able to convert Hoteliercoin to HTLC-Stable Euro or fiat currency.

Architecture Overview of the Fintech Wallet & Banking Solution

Wallet & Payment Exchanges

Digital / Crypto Wallet Crypto Crypto Multi-sig Wallet Crypto Fiat Debit Card / Credit Card Fiat Fiat Crypto Traditional Instruments (stocks, bonds, etc.) NFC Payment Fiat Traditional Instruments (stocks, bonds, etc.) ATM Withdrawal

Banking Services Products & Services

P2P Banking (Regional/ Retail Education International) Advertising Food & Beverage Escrow (Regional/International) Insurance Restaurants Professional Services Courier Services & Advisory (international) Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 30

address some of the most pressing 6.4 Why problems and needs in the industry. Hotelier 3. A One-Stop Shop Coin for Everyone

1. Travolier - With Hotelier Coin, hotels can now Holistic Travel outsource specialized services on demand, travelers have access to Loyalty Program unparalleled loyalty and recognition programs, hospitality suppliers and Travolier offers an access to service providers can easily list their 4. Fraud and Debt a seamless booking infrastructure services and products, and the hotel Prevention with exclusive travel deals up to room booking, and bulk room sale 40% Hotel Discounts, Upgrades process becomes effortless. Blockchain is eliminating some and Cashback in HotelierCoins. of the most prevalent issues HotelierCoin loyalty tokens has the Access to a hotel property surrounding trust and fraud in power the revamp the travel loyalty management system with built-in a vast number of industries. For the program. channel manager, point of sale, hotel owner, our system guarantees housekeeping management and an end-to-end platform that stops HotelierCoin users and volume accounting. All hotel tech solutions withheld operator payments, bogus purchasers are eligible for an are available for as little as $15 per guest reviews, and attacks by hostile unparalleled incentive program: bedroom per month on a sliding one third (up to 4%) of the total competitors who use reviews and scale. As a result, small operators booking commission is paid back to ratings to undermine other hotels. can now compete with branded the traveler and to the hotel owners hotels. Independent hotel owners in HotelierCoin. The smart contract technology can even have access to allows for payments to be taken, a personalized landing page to For experienced travelers, lifestyle held and released automatically, dramatically reduce website building executives are available on call 24/7 within the distributed ledger of expenses. All hotel owners, travelers to assist with travel plans and the blockchain. No more damaging and even one-person travel booking on nominal fees per use, payment cycles or bankrupt tour companies can have access to paid in HotelierCoin or virtual travel a fintech wallet that can be used operators. The finances are all genie – Tanya can curate your for all banking transactions. locked in place, verifiable and travel itinerary tamper-proof. 2. Created by a Team The future is here. A future where Hotelier Coin brings hotel owners, In a similar way, reviews are of Experts service providers and travelers permanently tied to specific booking together in a single platform. experiences and individual guests. Hotelier Coin is the brainchild of Impossible to fake or alter a team of experts with decades maliciously. The current review of experience in innovation, hotel systems allow anyone to turn management, hospitality tech, blockchain and finance who understand the challenges that a garden shed into a top-rated modern hotel owners, travelers luxury restaurant. Hotelier Coin’s and all stakeholders in the industry review system changes everything. face every day. That is why they designed a new solution that will Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 31

Blockchain is the perfect way for travelers to secure their preference data. It is well-distributed, accessible and, above all, safe. Modern guests expect a consistent, individual, high-quality personal service. A stunning 93% of travelers worldwide agree that a personalized service is more important than digital services. To do that, hotels need data. With our purpose-built hospitality blockchain, Hotelier Coin’s room management system protocols and embedded data secured by the main Ethereum blockchain, owners can have access to detailed information to offer a bespoke experience designed to delight. As hotel details and booking systems are all fundamental parts of our RMS-PMS system, resorts will remain fully compatible across multiple browsers, platforms, and devices. Similarly, guests will no longer need to go through multiple steps to complete a simple booking operation. Entry, 5. Ultra management, and control of personal data will be coordinated via the Hotelier Coin’s platform and Low Fees DApp, entirely separated from the room booking process. The goal is to make the entire process As the digital revolution unfolded, travel agents as streamlined and traveler-friendly as possible – select a room, set the dates, click. and package holiday operators were gradually replaced by ever-more predatory online booking engines. Expedia and Priceline provide robust access to countless clients, but the cost is equally massive with booking fees that range from 15% to 20%. For the Wholesale segment, the margin is about 30%, considering the chain of service delivery personnel and logistic expenses. As the 7. Access brick and mortar stores crumble, the monopolistic dominance enjoyed by the decades-old internet booking giants keeps getting stronger. to a New In addition to these commissions, bank fees end up decreasing incoming revenues even more. By Generation the time the money gets to the resort owner, it is a tiny fraction of what it originally was. Hotelier Coin positively disrupts these Blockchain engineering is at the cutting edge of relationships. By operating with Hoteliercoin social technology. Innovators and Early Adopters tokens, banks and financial middlemen are of all generations are already entirely on board, no longer part of the picture. When guests with the Early Majority closely following. For purchase, the money is there, and smart Millennials and Digital Natives, this technology is a natural environment, resulting in a large contracts ensure that the agreement is clear number of excited and informed people with to the hotel and guest. As soon as the contract global connections and a deep interest in executes, the interests of all parties are secured. international affairs, foreign nations, and Hotelier Coin relies on blockchain efficiency rather authentic experiences. than legacy systems and human assets. This market segment has traditionally been challenging for resort owners to make headway. The archaic systems of the old hospitality industry 6. Data do not resonate with the thought leaders on the cutting edge. Hotelier Coin is the opportunity to gain access to this market segment of passionate Management individuals and engage them in a manner that other hit-and-miss peer-to-peer room swapping that Works platforms cannot. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 32

to keep your data secure. This protocol provides unprecedented flexibility and peace of mind.

8. Superior Currently, traditional travel agents and online booking engines do not do much to help in this regard. Data storage costs, security issues, and Guest lack of motivation keep personal data to the bare minimum. Individual hotel chains may put some Experience effort into gathering information but, due to the nature of operations and lack of an efficient For decades, travel planning has been system, it is usually an unsuccessful effort. a suboptimal experience. Before the internet, international travel involved dealing with endless Hotelier Coin allows travelers to set up agents, middlemen and service providers. Good information about their personal preferences prices often depended on who you knew at which and expectations even before their trip begins. company. Travel agents then emerged to help With the help of smart contracts, the hotel travelers negotiate, but their competence varied owner can deliver the tailored service at an added widely and there was no way to attest the quality cost or free of charge, travelers will know about of the service. that beforehand. The data is then secured using blockchain technology, ensuring that only you and The internet simplified this scenario. Internet those you previously authorized can have access travel brokers such as Expedia provided price to it. Only you can update or alter that data. comparison services and attempted to streamline We allow you to get straight to the heart of what processes. However, to this day, the experience makes a perfect stay in a fun and secure manner. remains cumbersome. There is little transparency, You can choose to provide that information or not, no cross-site functionality, no effective and fully it is completely up to you. We do not store that secure information storage systems, and limited data, it isembedded within smart contract reliable standard metrics to assess available offers. protocols, safe, perpetual, and unhackable. Reviews are often bogus, and the rating system Whenever you want to book a room, all you need can sometimes be deceptive. Hotelier Coin to do is decide what you want to share with your addresses these concerns directly to offer destination resort. a superior guest experience.

9. FULL DATA CONTROL control over your data, ensuring that it remains tamper-proof, transferable and accessible only to those you choose to share it with. For the first time, you do not need to rely on a central entity Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 33 10. Airtight Security

The smart contract system provides a rock-solid set of guarantees between two parties – travelers to hotel or business to business. No third party is ever involved, not even Hotelier Coin. The booking fee is secured by the legally-binding Ricardian contracts embedded in the blockchain ledger system and then released to the resort.

Because both parties accept the reviews in an attempt to affect the contract, the agreement between reputation of another hotel. This 13. Investment you and the hotel is always innovative review system benefits accurate and binding. Last- minute everyone, from travelers to resorts. Opportunity price changes and double bookings are all prevented by contractual terms with pre-agreed penalties. There is no middleman to add 12. FLEXIBILITY Value is an arbitrary human complexity to the situation or craftily construct. The only reason fiat undermine your rights. Schedule currencies are valuable is that we changes and cancellations are Hotelier Coin employs allowed, with pre-agreed terms agreed to assign a value to them. sophisticated inventory management and options. The process is entirely Currently, two of the main issues systems connected across all our peer-to-peer, only in the highly causing the most concern in altcoin destination resorts. They provide unlikely case of a complex dispute investment circles are sustainability will Hotelier Coin get involved. detailed, precise and unfailingly and asset intangibility. accurate data in real time, allowing The Hoteliercoin token circumvents us to give travelers unprecedented both problems due to its tangibility access to room availability and rate 11. Transparency and scalability. information on demand.

Hoteliercoin’s supply and demand Another significant area of concern If it is in the system, you can book it, is the unreliable review process. pay with your Hoteliercoin balance will be governed by public trade Positive and negative ratings and and, through smart contracts, guidelines, this works as a security reviews are incredibly easy to create guarantee that your room will be measure for the Hoteliercoin token and edit. As a result, travelers never as an investment vehicle. In the really know whether the reviews are available when you get to your close to reality. This situation can favorite destination. future, Hotelier Coin will provide dramatically affect the guest investors with the chance to trade experience, the reputation of hotels If you choose to use Hotelier in Room Night Futures backed by and the entire industry. Hotelier Coin, you can set up incredibly utility for B2B. HOTEL-backed Coin’s system eliminates this flexible alerts to inform you token instruments with a pre- problem. Reviews are only allowed whenever specific criteria are within the scope of a smart contract specified fulfillment date will be matched. You can easily customize which means that each review made available for select highly reflects a genuine stay and is location, dates, amenities and price desirable hotel room nights. attributable to a real user. All range in Hoteliercoin or fiat currency information is then stored in our equivalent. Whether you are looking These strictly limited instruments will sidechain protocols and secured for 5-star hotels in Dubai for less operate up to a year in advance and by the main Ethereum blockchain, than 400 Hoteliercoin tonight or will be tradable in the same way as where it is impossible for anyone, want to get notified when an air- other than the reviewer, to alter. any other cryptocurrency. Backed by conditioned room with a 40” flat Brand managers cannot pressure guaranteed occupancy mediated by screen TV is available for any May Hotelier Coin to alter, hide, promote guest-flexible smart contracts, they 2019 Tuesday in a Southeast Asian or misuse review data, as we have will provide an excellent opportunity no access to it. Competitor brands hotel for less than $200, Hotelier for investors. cannot create countless negative Coin can make that happen. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 34

14. 1. Travelers Bob and Alice Beyond purchased some Hoteliercoin tokens during the private sale. They log into Hotel the Hotelier Coin platform, their wal- let shows their current Hoteliercoin Room balance and its approximate fiat equivalent. After quickly customizing Leisure their search, they find themselves looking at hotels in Bali available in Partners August. Several hotels look good to them, so they read some of the reviews with real photos and compare the overall scores. They know that this information is real, provided by genuine guests. They decide on a hotel called The Tudor Grand, look over the smart contract terms and book. Within moments, the smart contract is activated, and the Hotelier Coin will offer more than appropriate amount of Hoteliercoin just rooms. We intend to provide is debited from their balance. a full suite of travel and leisure Alternatively, Bob and Alice can options. Your Hoteliercoin tokens simply pay with their Hotelier Coin will be able to get you from your debit card. In August, they arrive at doorstep to your favorite hotel room The Tudor Grand and their room is or your favorite restaurant at your fully tailored to them. Bob and Alice dream destination. As we expand, made we will be seeking out and a special request for this in their incorporating all sorts of leisure profile, a fruit basket on the bedside activities, from museums and table, feather pillows, and reserved galleries to adventure tours and spots in the hotel’s restaurant for extreme sports. every other night of their stay.

With our dedicated travel club, we They have a lovely time and, when will also allow our users to access they leave, they are only too happy discounted special offer promotions to give Hotelier Coin and The Tudor directly from our tourism partners, Grand a glowing review. Bob and maximizing the value and rewards Alice will also have an option to that come with using Hotelier Coin redeem Hoteliercoin tokens with a as your preferred reservation world-class concierge (call center), partner. a dedicated lifestyle executive is arranged on request to orchestrate the travel requirements. The ultimate objective of the lifestyle executive is to meet/exceed travelers’ 6.5 USER expectations. STORIES Mobile Check-in was done via our Decentralized App, KYC verification The following case studies illustrate included, Hoteliercoin was used for the way that Hotelier Coin and payment, preference updates before Hoteliercoin will function in the trip and requests during the real-world situations. stay were communicated via DApp. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 35

Satisfaction Manager has already Satisfaction Manager has already been notified of their requirements. been notified of their requirements. 2. Manager In their morning meeting, she In their morning meeting, she informs Helen that everything is in informs Helen that everything is in Helenruns The Tudor Grand place. Since Bob and Alice have no place. Since Bob and Alice have no Hotel in Bali. The morning of Bob further requests, Helen does not further requests, Helen does not and Alice’s arrival, her property need to worry about them during need to worry about them during management system checks to verify their stay. When they leave, the their stay. When they leave, the feather pillows in the room, assigns smart contract executes, and the smart contract executes, and the the task to the housekeeping hotel bank account is hotel bank account is credited with attendant and informs room service credited with the appropriate sum in the appropriate sum in US dollars or that the room will need a fruit US dollars or Hoteliercoin transferred Hoteliercoin transferred to the hotel basket. The hotel restaurant already to the hotel wallet. wallet. has the required bookings for their chosen evenings. Should there be a late cancellation Should there be a late cancellation or no-show, the manager does not or no-shows, the manager does not The property management system need to charge the credit card. need to charge the credit card. The does not automatically handle a few The smart contract will be written smart contract will be written to of the more individual preferences to secure the interests of both the secure the interests of both in Bob’s and Alice’s smart contract Traveler and Manager, avoiding Traveler and Manager, avoiding – Alice would like a red sun lounger disputes. Partial payment as per the disputes. Partial payment as per reserved for her during daylight terms of booking can be written via the terms of booking can be written hours – but Helen’s Guest smart contracts. via smart contracts.

for next year as Tudor coins for B2B at $125 per room night inclusive of 3. Owner breakfast and taxes, they also list a live event for B2C, connected with Craigis the CEO of Woods, the channel manager and sold as Inc., a large chain of luxury per availability on the best available hotels in the Asia Pacific region, rate. The hotel downloads the including The Tudor Grand. Hoteliercoin wallet. Craig swiftly Hotelier Coin approaches him observes a noticeable uptick of im- regarding listing his resorts and mediate cash flow, no bank charges, an agreement is reached. Property and low Management System specialists from booking fees. Craig decides to both Hotelier Coin and Woods, Inc. convert most Hoteliercoin to work together to write the smart HTL-Stable Euro or fiat currency and contract as per the agreed details, keeps 25% in Hoteliercoin to pay his and very soon Craig’s hotels are vendor or for business travel across listed on the system, for B2C and Hotelier Coin’s network. B2B. Tudor lists 1,000 room nights

Sometime later, he receives an alert notifying him that Hotelier Coin is opening a room futures instrument 4. Investor for next May for a group of Woods, Inc. hotels on North America’s West is enthusiastic about Jacob Coast. He knows that there’s an cryptocurrencies and sees the important blockchain conference potential for Hoteliercoin to do well. being organized in Seattle at He buys into the private sale and a specific time and that this includes holds onto his stock. A year later, he hotels close to the venue. Rooms are is pleased to see that Hoteliercoin going to be difficult to get, close to has increased significantly in value the date. He chooses to and that there is a lively market in purchase multiple branded - hotel both the token and the leisure room tokens - night futures at options available for redemption. a standard rate over the conference He is not currently in the market for period using some of his a holiday but, looking at his home Hoteliercoin balance. He activates city, he sees that there is a Saturday an alert to inform him when the course on fusion cookery running futures hit twice their current value, tomorrow with an open slot at a or when there are less than two very tempting weeks left for the conference. Jacob price. He decides to book it, so also has an opportunity to trade his clicks a button and, the next day multiple branded hotel tokens within learns several new culinary tricks. the Hotelier Coin platform. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 36

Justin Co. Pvt. Ltd. needs 5,000 room contracts get updated, and Tudor nights for his employees for the tokens are exchanged against the 5. B2B following year. They have budgeted HOTEL token of value $1,000,000 Travel travel room expenses to be 5,000 From the 6% fees, 2% are room nights x $ 200 per night, rewarded as cash back for the Industry with the total value of $1,000,000. buyer and another 2% rewarded Justin Co.’s budget is subject to the as cash back for the seller. Tudor Wholesaler market price at the time of booking tokens are then redeemed by Justin & Travel Agent or has a contract with the hotel in Co. employees for business travel the form of an MOU on goodwill via Hotelier Coin DApp. If only 4,000 Mark, from Virtue Tours, wants to terms to comply to 5,000 room room nights are used, instead of the secure only 500 room nights for the nights/year - a corporate rate with original 5,000, Justin Co. will able following year at $125 per night, blackout dates is assigned after a to sell the remaining 1,000 Tudor inclusive of taxes and breakfast. series of negotiations with the hotel tokens for market price and Mark sends the bid, Tudor Hotel’s company. The hotel company is at possibly profit from the remaining revenue manager evaluates the risk, should Justin Co. only comply room nights. to 4,000 room nights at $200/night, business demands and adds $5 to the rate for 500 room nights, as the original rate was for 1,000 room nights. Mark accepts the amendment in the smart contract, 500 room night tokens get transferred to Virtue Tours’ wallet against HOTEL ($130 X 500 room nights= $65,000 worth of HOTEL). After deduction of the 6% transaction fees, Tudor Hotel gets $61,100, Virtue Tours gets $1,300. Hoteliercoin cashback: Tudor Hotel gets an additional 2% ($1,300) for loyalty and the Hotelier Coin platform keeps $1,300 for the transaction. Mark then sells 300 Tudor room nights to another small operator for $150 per night, inclusive of taxes and breakfast, and the then remaining contractual terms are remaining 200 room nights for $180 usually ignored by both parties on 7. Supplier per room night, inclusive of taxes goodwill or, the following year, the Value Chain and breakfast. Tudor Hotel ends up price increases considering Justin buying back 200 rooms for $180 per Co.’s performance. It includes all stakeholders in the night, inclusive of taxes and In the Hotelier Coin platform, Tudor hospitality network, from travelers, breakfast, due to high demand, and Hotel Group uploads 5,000 room hotel owners, service & tech then sells it via the regular channel night tokens as Tudor tokens, room solution providers, vendors, for $250 per night. night = 1 Tudor token at the average wholesalers, corporate travel rate of $225 per token, backed procurement, freelance leisure by a smart contract. Justin Co. is a service providers (e.g., golf KYC-approved company, and they 6. B2B instructors, tour guides, chefs) bid for 5,000 Tokens at $200 per to branded and unbranded hotel token. Bid notification goes back Corporate operators. All business owners will to Tudor Hotel’s revenue have access to a corporate banking & Business manager, considering all KPIs, solution Travel the hotel accepts the bid, smart Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 37

7. HotelierCoin 8. Hoteliercoin Decentralized Tokenomics Exchange

The implementation of a decentralized crypto- We worked closely with Token Capital Market, an exchange will take place on the Ethereum innovative consulting firm determined to bridge blockchain. The source code will be open and the gap between traditional finance and the world available for anyone to check, a protection of Blockchain, to define HotelierCoin’s token against all possible attacks will be built and ecosystem. a very simple interface will be offered, resulting in massive usability simplification.

The purpose of Hotelier Coin DEX is to provide more opportunities for trading tokens that cannot be launched on large trading platforms. Hotelier Coin DEX will provide a guaranteed opportunity to sell/purchase hotel tokens at any time. One of the main advantages is the guaranteed reserve, hotel owners will be able to auto-buy tokens from the exchange at the best price if all their tokens are sold out.

Hotelier Coin DEX will enable the sale and purchase of both HotelierCoin tokens and the digital assets of other HTL-tokenized hotels in a peer-to-peer process. Digital asset owners who want to sell or purchase will only need to enter the amount and price in the respective currency pair, confirm the information, and sign the transaction to create the corresponding order by metamasks. The details then go to the blockchain (in the exchange contract) and get into the list of orders, while the specified number of tokens are frozen until order execution or cancellation.

During the transaction, the exchange commission is 0.5%. The system of parsers will initiate automatic closing of orders when two identical orders in price, but different in type are found in one pair (e.g., one for sale and another for purchase). Information about the closing of orders will be kept in the blockchain through special events.

Hotelier Coin DEX will be trading secondary tokens (not directly from the hotel owner).

Buying tokens at the original price directly from the owner (primary tokens) will only be possible through the Hotelier Coin platform website and only for internal HotelierCoin tokens, with the possibility of being withdrawn in the exchange. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 38

8.1. Token Capital Market’s Team

CEO COO & Token & Tokenomics Investment Expert Expert Reyan Lamrani Abdelhalim Ouadah

Reyan Lamrani studied Financial Engineering at Abdelhalim Ouadah studied Asset Management Paris-Dauphine University. His background includes at Paris-Dauphine University. His background Private Equity - BPI France (Paris), Equity Research includes Financial Analysis - Mazars (Luxembourg), - Trecento AM (Paris) and Investment Banking - Investors Relations - Amundi Asset Management Mid-Market Securities (New York). Reyan primarily (London-Paris) and Fund Structuration - BNP Paribas works on Token Model Design and Token Valuation (Paris). Now, Abdelhalim helps start-ups define for ICOs and has helped several start-ups launch a clear Token ecosystem with value creation successful ICOs and create thriving at its heart. Token ecosystems.

8.2. The Value of the Utility Token

When considering issuing a utility token, it is essential to clearly define the utility of the token by understanding:

What is it redeemable for? What privileges does it provide to token holders? Does it grant access to a service?

The value of the token will be based on demand, as a result, demand sources must be clearly identified. The token value can then be modeled according to demand for goods/services involving the token and the velocity of circulation. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 39

The theoretical fundamental value of a token acting as an internal currency can be modeled using the Quantity Theory of Money which primary equation is:

M = P * Q / V

M: Total Supply (in USD) V: Velocity of Circulation (per year) P: Price (in USD) Q: Quantity (per year)

The Market Value of a token is determined by demand and supply on the crypto-exchange, it is the empirical trading price and will fluctuate on a daily basis.

The Fundamental Value of a token results from its use within the ecosystem, it is tied to what the token can be used for and to the Token Flow (where velocity and privileges play a key role).

Without speculation, the tokens acquired on the crypto-exchange are used within the token ecosystem and the Market Value equals to the Fundamental Value.

8.3. Hotelier Coin’s Ecosystem

Hotelier Coin’s ecosystem is comprised of five groups of stakeholders:

Hotels – classified by different categories (branded/unbranded), location, rating, etc. Leisure operators – e.g., wholesale operators, tour operators (inbound/outbound), online travel agencies, individual/corporate operators. End users – e.g., individual/corporate travelers, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions). Independent hospitality professionals – e.g., tour guides and instructors. Vendors – e.g., goods and services providers, technology providers.

Stakeholders interact as follow:

Hotels issue room night tokens (hotel room tokenization). Leisure operators buy room night tokens from Hotels and sell them to End users. End users buy room night tokens from Leisure operators and spend them at Hotels. Independent hospitality professionals provide leisure services to End users. Vendors provide goods and services to Hotels.

The ecosystem enables several use cases, including:

Leisure operators buy room night tokens from Hotels (B2B). End users buy room night tokens from Leisure operators. Hotels buy goods and services from Vendors (Hotel 2 Vendors). Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 40

End users buy goods and services as well as hotel room night tokens on the Hotelier Coin platform (B2C). End users buy leisure services from Independent hospitality professionals (P2P). Standalone hotels buy services from technology providers.

8.4. Using Hoteliercoin as a Payment Option

Leisure operators will accept fiat currency and Hoteliercoin. The price for each item/product/service is set in fiat currency while the price in Hoteliercoin will vary according to the exchange rate:

Price ($) Price (HTL) = Exchange rate (HTL / $)

With token price appreciation, the price for items/products/services in Hoteliercoin will decrease.

8.5. Token Model Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 41

8.6. Demand Drivers

Hotel Room Hotel 2 Vendors Leisure Activities/ Tokenization Airlines/Car Rentals

B2B / B2E : Hotels use Hoteliercoin Travelers use Wholesalers, Corporates to pay, on average, Hoteliercoin to pay, and Groups buy room $75,000 per year to on average, $2,500 night tokens from Hotels. Vendors such as goods per year to and services providers. Independent hospitality professionals, airlines and other service providers.

B2C: Travelers buy room night tokens directly from Hotels.

8.7. B2B Tokens

After passing KYC and AML, each hotel will be able to emit tokens with the hotel name. Using their respective tokens, users can book rooms at any time as long as rooms are available for the required dates.

B2B Emitted Tokens are calculated by the formula:

(Number of rooms in the hotel) *365*20%

The first creation of tokens will be limited to 150M Hoteliercoin.

Subsequently, token production will be limited to significant platform developments and a schedule of Coin Offerings. Additionally, 50M Hoteliercoin tokens will be released after completion of MVP v.3, issuance of tokens will be done in tranches – subject to supply and demand in order to sustain the utility traits of Hoteliercoin.

Thereafter, 10M Hoteliercoin tokens will be issued for every new 100K users in B2C or for every new 10K hotels or businesses in B2B. Token issuance will be audited by a reputable audit firm. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 42

8.8 Group Tokens

In situations when hotels are grouped by location or grade/class, it is possible to pay for their services with one dedicated token. For example, a number of 5-star hotels in Abu Dhabi (e.g., InterContinental, Hilton, etc.) may choose to create a group token and send their tokens to a group contract. The contract will freeze their tokens and emit new tokens under the newly-created Abu Dhabi 5-star hotels token (i.e., group token). With this new group token, customers can buy room nights at any of the hotels that took part in the group contract creation.

8.8.1 Association and emission of group tokens

Any hotel manager can initiate group contract creation and send participation offers to other hotels on 1 the platform, specifying the participation requirements and terms for the application.

2 Participation offer recipients, once satisfied with the group token price and requirements, send part of their tokens to the group contract. The number of tokens emitted by the contract will be equivalent to the total number of tokens received by the group contract.

8.8.2 Group token acquisition

Customers can buy group tokens with Hoteliercoin. Hoteliercoin tokens are then distributed among the hotels in proportion to their initial token contribution during group token creation.

8.8.3 Booking with group tokens

To book a room, the group tokens must be sent back to the smart contract where they will be “burnt”. After token burning, the equivalent sum will be transferred to the hotels, in proportion to the hotels’ token contribution in deposit initially required for contract creation.


1 Hotel A deposited 70% of the total group token pool. As an example, we will assume it equals to 70 tokens (70 room nights at Hotel A).

2 Two more hotels deposited 10 (Hotel B) and 20 (Hotel C), a total of 30 tokens.

3 The user returned 1 group token back to the contract. Hotel A will receive 0.7 of the token, Hotels B and C will receive 0.1 and 0.2, respectively. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 43

8.8.4 Custom group smart contract variants include:

To book a room, the group tokens must be sent back to the smart contract where they will be “burnt”. After token burning, the equivalent sum will be transferred to the hotels, in proportion to the hotels’ token contribution in deposit initially required for contract creation.

1 By location and hotel rating/grades (e.g., Dubai, five stars);

2 By location, hotel rating and room class (e.g., Dubai, five stars, luxury/standard/economy);

3 By location and hotel rating with the ability to create several groups (initiated by the hotel manager, not included in other groups for their rating and location);

4 Custom variants (may be initiated by hotel managers).

8.9 The economy of the token - Growth factors

There are 500,000 hotels in the world, a minimum of 2% of the market results in 10,000 hotels. On average, each hotel has 100 rooms.

Hotelier Coin can only tokenize 20% of the total hotel room inventory to cap supply.

One Hotel: 100 (rooms) * 365 (nights) * 20% (tokenized percentage) = 7,300 room nights/per hotel/per year.

Average room rate = $100

10,000 (hotels) * $100 (average room rate) * 7,300 (R/N) = $ 7,300,000,000 (turnover)

Long-term holders represent 20% of all token holders, 33% of tokens are in reserve.

*Half of the team tokens will be put into circulation, tokens received in the form of a commission are “burned” by a smart contract. As a result, a year later, half of the issued (emitted) tokens will be in circulation.

Trading Volume: $ 7,300,000,000 Tokens in Circulation: 70,000,000 Daily Trading Limit: $ 30,000,000

According to CoinMarketCap’s data, capitalization of coins with a trade limit of $30 million is $1.2 billion. Since the $1.2 billion capitalization is calculated on condition that tokens are used only by hotels, we can safely assume that the capitalization will be $3.6 billion as our platform users also include tour operators and other vendors.

Tokenization of hotels alone will result in a 17-fold increase in token price (1,200,000,000 / 750,000,000). Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 44

9. Blockchain Technology Application

these gas fees power HotelierCoin’s protocols and HotelierCoin runs entirely on a purpose-built smart contracts, they keep them alive in the broad hospitality blockchain, resulting in maximum hospitality blockchain environment. While gas costs can quickly market compatibility, security, and scalability. Inves- outweigh small transactions entirely, they will be tors and travelers acquire HotelierCoin, paid securely effectively invisible for HotelierCoin-based purchases. through smart contracts, which are then released to hotel owners and other leisure providers on contract Between its Solidity, Serverless Architecture and Py- completion. thon programming environments, HotelierCoin’s smart contracts allow for Some owners may choose to have their contracts turing complete computing for the hospitality industry. automatically trade HotelierCoin for another currency, while others may maintain a HotelierCoin balance. For In other words, smart contracts can contain any B2B room nights transactions, these smart contracts will arbitrarily complex programming that a computer also be paid for and return value in Hoteliercoin. It is could be expected to process – they are fully also possible that consultants and other specialists may functional programs. This allows for extremely prefer HotelierCoin as a payment option for their work, sophisticated protocols to be embedded into them with an option to convert it to HTLC-Stable Euro. – protocols at the heart of HotelierCoin’s disruptive power. Add data flexibility, security, and openness Unlike some other tokens, HotelierCoin can be used for of embedding, and you have a rock-solid distributed relatively large single purchases. Gas costs are just a tiny data protection environment that allows for perfect fraction of the overall transaction values as the token is control on the user end. It is an incredibly powerful powered by a customized blockchain. Small as they are, winning combination. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 45

10. Token Details

Name: Hoteliercoin Symbol: HTLC Decimal: 8

Total supply: 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty million) – tokens are stored on the contract. 50,000,000 (fifty million) – tokens will be stored for future sale after MVP v.3.

Token Sale and Bonuses: Price: 1 HTLC = 1.20 USD

Packages / Travel Wholesaler: Private Sale Innovator USD 25K = 25% Bonus Tokens Executive USD 50K = 35% Bonus Tokens Ultimate USD 100K = 50% Bonus Tokens

Basic distribution of tokens: Cashback,Sales,IEO,Rewards, Airdrop 70,000,000 Hotelier Coin Foundation: 3,000,000 (Bounty and Travel Blogger)

Team: 23,000,000

Advisors: 4,000,000

Reserve: 50,000,000 50,000,000 New Tokens Once the reserve falls below 5 million of the contracts has special functionality to mint new tokens for the purpose of HotelierCoin Rewards

Smart Contract Flow and Briefing

Team Distribution 1.5 Millions (3%) (23 Millions)

Community Building 3.5 Millions (7%) (4 Millions) Smart Contract (150 Million Advisors Tokens) (3 Millions)

Cashbacks (70 Millions) If Cashback<1000 Reserves Use Reserve If Minting (50 Millions) Ye s Reserve<5 of New Millions 50 Millions Tokens 5%

Private Sales (2.5 Millions)


45 Millions in Reserve (90%)

Use Reserve Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 46 11. Roadmap Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 47

Company Ownership, Legal Entity, Location

The company is a Singapore Pte. Ltd., with a corporate office in Dubai. In the near future, we aim to establish regional offices in Singapore, London, New York and Sydney.

12. THE CORE Founder & CEO TEAM Rana Mukherji

Rana has been managing, operating and running luxury hotels across the Dubai, India, Canada, Kenya and South Africa for nearly 20 years. He has worked with some of the leading brands in the hospitality industry, including Marriott, Regent International by Carlson Hospitality, and Fairmont Raffles Hotels International. Most recently, Rana served as the General Manager Hospitality for IFA Hotel Investments and spearheaded a Bespoke Hotels Middle East & Africa joint venture.

Fascinated by the enormous potential that blockchain brings to the hospitality industry, he decided to create Hotelier Coin on a mission to rethink the industry, challenge ineffective processes and find solutions to the plethora of challenges he encountered over the years.

Rana Mukherji Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 48

When he is not building thriving business relation- ships or helping organizations grow, Vipin can be CHIEF found traveling, exploring local cultures, growing STRATEGIST his network or embracing new experiences. TECHNOLOGY John Bardis

Experienced technology executive, start-up consultant, product manager, and entrepreneur. John Bardis’ career reveals a demonstrated history working with innovations, platform applications and mobile applications across sectors that include Chief e-commerce, healthcare, travel, real estate, and media. Hospitality Officer John Bardis holds an MBA with a focus on IT Christoph Ganster Management from the Florida Institute of Technology, is highly skilled in server architecture, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, ITIL, Agile With over 25 years of experience as an methodologies, digital marketing and, above international hotelier, Christoph Ganster is a luxury all, in making ideas a reality. hospitality industry veteran who has worked in senior management positions for some of the top luxury hospitality brands across the Maldives, Mauritius, Switzerland, the United States, and Germany. COO-Travel Vipin Mahasayan It was in the United Arab Emirates, while serving as Founder, Search Hotel Manager at Raffles Dubai, where Christoph stays, India hired and worked with Rana. Now, Christoph joins Rana and the Hotelier Coin team to innovate and reorganize the hospitality industry with win-win

With over 10 years of experience in the travel solutions for all stakeholders. tech and vacation rental industry. Vipin started his career with, Rategain, and TI Christoph Ganster graduated from the School of Infotech. Tourism & Hotel Management Schloss Klessheim, Salzburg, Austria and went on to build a thriving Vipin is a dynamic business and strategic alliance career in the luxury hospitality industry. He has development professional whose experience served as Managing Director of Laucala Island, Fiji, permeates multiple areas of the industry. He works and worked with FRHI Hotels & Resorts for over closely with hoteliers, vacation rental companies, a decade, serving as General Manager at Raffles travel agencies, tour operators, destination Seychelles, Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv, Ukraine, and management companies, global distribution Fairmont Heliopolis & Towers Cairo, Egypt. systems, and other suppliers around the globe Christoph is also an active member of the Board to build successful partnerships. of the World Luxury Hotel Awards. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 49

on to work with several financial, real estate and hotel investment companies. Vice President Technology Over the years, Stefan has cemented diversified knowledge ranging from risk, control and Ravi Raj Singhail consulting services to asset management across a wide range of industry sectors, including oil & gas, finance, insurance, retail, facilities management, and hospitality. Rana and Stefan Ravi is an ex-IBM, a blockchain specialist and worked together at IFA Hotel Investments, and co-founder of Plebiscite IT Services, India. He loves both share the highest integrity, passion for to code and mastered in everything he picks. Ravi excellence and a positive outlook. spearheaded Hotelier Coin smart contract formation and worked closed with Plebiscite team to incorporate serverless architecture in

Backend development: NodeJs, PHP, Python, AWS Lambda

Blockchain: Bitcoin Blockchain, Ethereum, OMNI Creative Blockchain, TRON, Multichain Director Tool: PuTTY, Sublime Database: MongoDB, Kat Gaidukova DynamoDB, CouchDB, MySql server Operating Account Director, Tad Systems: UNIX (Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04) Network Communications, Server: Nginx,Apache Dubai, U.A.E

For the past 10+ years, Kat Gaidukova has been Stacks : MEAN,MERN Web Based Application : immersed in the world of Business Development, AWS Lambda, AWS SES, AWS SNS, AWS API Account Management and Advertising. Currently, Gateway, AWS DynamoDB she is the driving force behind KT Alignment, the go-to advertising agency for some of UAE/GCC’s top luxury hospitality brands, including Fairmont Hotels & Resorts and Emaar Leisure Clubs.

Recently, Kat has expanded her business by Chief Finance merging with Tad Network Communications – Officer an agency specializing in sales promotion and Stefan Hanekon corporate events management for international Director of Finance, Real Estate FMCG brands –, allowing her to execute complex and Asset Management, Jumeirah projects and expand her reach. Hotels & Resorts, Dubai Since 2000, Kat has built a multidimensional career ranging from retail, entrepreneurship, Stefan is a qualified Chartered Accountant with and hospitality to business development and 13 years of experience in senior leadership roles advertising, combining her sharp creative mind, in the world of finance. Stefan Hanekon started his vast experience and skills to execute complex career with PWC, where he laid the foundations of projects and establish successful relationships his finance and accounting career. He then went with some of the region’s finest brands. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 50

strategic consulting and promotion of cross-border collaborations (JVs, M&A) between Chinese and PR international shipping companies, and international groups looking for strategic collaboration in Director commodities, agricultural and international James Rhodes commercial/tourism properties. Co-founder, BrandGenes, USA In recent years, this has expanded to include the field of international trade (commodities) and James Rhodes is an entrepreneur, inbound facilitating deals in high-value assets, specifically marketer, brand strategist, growth hacker, in real estate (hotels and office buildings) in graphic designer and content creator who has off-market transactions. been building brands for the past 10 years. At the age of 15, he built a fitness blog to over 10,000 monthly views and then went on to pursue a Marketing degree at Emerson College where he Head of Legal started a software company. Now, James specializes in helping brands grow massive &Compliance followings on social media and is the co-founder officer of BrandGenes, a digital marketing agency Malcolm Tan world-renowned for its branded content and Chairman and General innovative inbound strategy. Counsel of Gravitas International

Chairman and General Counsel of Gravitas International, an end-to-end full-service provider with capabilities that range from corporate Director, structuring to tokenomics, Malcolm Tan is an Investment established Singaporean lawyer-entrepreneur with Asia extensive experience in the areas of litigation, corporate law, and mergers & acquisitions. Ferdi Stolzenberg Owner, Stolzenberg Over the years, Malcolm has held legal counsel & Associates, Hong Kong positions in both global and regional capacities across the Asia-Pacific region, MENA, and North With over 50 years of experience in the areas of America in industries that include corporate communications, marketing and crisis telecommunications, engineering, IT and finance. management, Ferdi’s business experience has been to focus on helping companies develop their Malcolm has done regulatory reviews, consulted business growth strategies - specifically in the with multiple governments and is a speaker and global and regional shipping markets - under thought leader for Distributed Ledger Technology, the MTI Network banner, providing a unique ICOs, and Cryptocurrency. He is the author of How reputation/crisis management consulting service to ICO/ITO – Legal and Regulatory Framework in for shipowners, operators, ship managers, offshore Singapore (2017) and is currently advising over 30 operators, and terminals. companies intending to ICO/ITO around the globe.

Self-employed since 1978, his skills permeate the With extensive international experience in the ICO, areas of corporate communications, marketing, and Cryptocurrency and Blockchain space, Malcolm Tan crisis management, and have since expanded to now joins Hotelier Coin as Head of Legal. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 51

distribution and property 13. Core Currently, RMS supports over 6,000 management features, external properties across 30 countries, third-party channel managers and Founding enabling them to complete online GDS providers. Overall costs of bookings, maintain channel distribution will be reduced, and Partners management and operate a front room availability is automatically office system in a single application. updated in real-time across the distribution network. Enabling booking process simplification Key Features Include: with rates and availability clearly 13.1 Hotel Property Management displayed on the property’s Tech Solutions website. Secure deposit payments can be collected at the time of The RMS Property Management booking with built-in credit card Provider System strives to incorporate the security and PCI-DSS compliance. latest advances in technology within a fully integrated cloud-based system. This system has been developed to easily handle the Impressive POS Abilities complexities of property management. The easy-to-use, An all-in-one solution, POS helps fully integrated system takes care businesses manage their inventory RMS Cloud of every crucial front and back-end and accounts, generate real-time Australia detail, from bookings to payments sales reports and simplifies customer and beyond. interactions. Additionally, POS Website: automates tedious manual tasks, RMS, The Hospitality Cloud, is monitors stock movements, reduces a world-renowned software company Channel Management theft and wastage, and improves headquartered in Australia. RMS The RMS Channel Manager overall customer service. All these specializes in producing and improves the efficiency of this features are integrated into RMS supporting Online Booking, Channel Channel Management process with Property Management System. Management and Front Office real-time distribution, connecting Systems to the world’s businesses to all the world’s major hospitality industry. booking channels, without the need for a third-party channel manager. RMS Enterprise RMS has been at the forefront It makes it possible to automatically of property and reservations update rates, rules and availability, The complete Property Management management systems development modify layout, refine content to solution for multiple properties and for over 30 years for the Holiday positively influence and improve groups. This essential feature Park, Caravan and RV Park, Hotel, online rankings (SEO), and securely seamlessly combines data from all or Motel and Apartment segments with store credit card details obtained a selection of properties to generate specialty applications for the Mining, with the RMS Vault. substantial, accurate and timely Defense, Facility and Shopping reports. It accurately and Center industries. consistently records guest details Bookings Directly from and statistics regardless of which Your Website The RMS Property Management property they stay in. RMS System offers the unique ability to The RMS Book Now Button (IBE) acts Enterprise automatically links all provide a real-time online booking as the business’ own Online Booking properties to eliminate duplication functionality, enabling the collection Office without restrictions on time or of guests. And allows businesses to of bookings from a property’s location. Reducing OTA dependency, have control over how information website, global distribution system the Book Now Button comes fully is viewed, enabling security of and an expansive variety of integrated to all other RMS sensitive and confidential third-party travel websites. information with ease. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 52

Dynamic Pricing everything is cleaned, maintained RMS Rates set up refer to: video1, video2, video3, video4, video5 and organized. Entirely cloud-based, By using Dynamic Pricing to set the Housekeeping module comes RMS Housekeeping refer to: video1, video2 rates based on predetermined with a vast array of automated occupancy levels, it maximizes functions designed to assist RMS Guest Portal refer to revenue potential. As the occupancy the property’s housekeeping RMS Housekeeping module, refer fluctuates automated pricing rules to Tickets, Local Tours and department through the completion Attractions module will adjust and update rates instantly. of everyday tasks. Rates are automatically adjusted by RMS Event Management, refer to: video1, video2, video3, video4, the rules that were previously set, video5, video6 Event Management increasing occupancy and yield Solutions Campaign Promotions Video independently or together. It results in the ability to increase yields Cloud-based operations ensure the during high demand and maximize Events Module can organize complex occupancy during quiet periods. seminars, meetings and conferences with ease through continuous Owner/Trust Accounting access. Hotels benefit from the simple event builder, task The Trust Accounting module is easy assignment and operational to use and provides full mobility reporting functions to manage through access from any device. internal staff and suppliers. Combining innovative solutions Furthermore, purpose-built financial such as guest and owner portals reports provide a comprehensive and with a 20-year heritage in management solution to conduct trust accounting compliance, The all event types. Hospitality Cloud is a proven solution for any business requiring trust accounting. Full PCI DSS Compliant

The Owner’s Accounting module Payment Card Industry Data Security seamlessly fits in the Hospitality Standards (PCI DSS) refers to the Cloud to provide a convenient and global information standard set by effective system for managing all the payment card industry to assist transactions between owners and with the prevention of payment card managers. Use the Owner’s fraud. To achieve compliance, accounting module to record and a company must successfully report revenue and expenses for demonstrate it has met stringent all the owners and the manager’s measures in enforcing the data accounts. security of the companies with The Trust Accounting module allows which it conducts business. RMS property managers to maintain secure payment gateways enable individual owners funds in a customers to process card payments separate (trust) accounts or through in a PCI-compliant way, thereby the Owner Accounting function benefiting from a safe and where funds are managed through completely secure method of a single bank account. storing and processing credit card transactions.

Housekeeping Overviews: Using a dynamic range of features, RMS Housekeeping improves RMS Reservation Module refer to: video1, video2, video3, efficiency for hotel managers, video4, video5 department heads and RMS Group Reservations housekeeping staff, by ensuring refer to: video1, video2, video3 Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 53 Vacation Rentals for Groups 13.2 Pet-Friendly Vacation Rentals Subsidiary Vacation Rentals in Canada Brands Vacation Rentals in Florida Vacation Rentals in New York Vacation Rentals in California Vacation Rentals in North Car- olina

Vacation Rentals in Illinois

Vacation Rentals in Alabama

Vacation Rentals in Arkansas

US based, vacation home rental Holiday Rentals in Europe platform, with 15+ international web Vaca- tion Rentals for Extended Stays portals to generate demand

Over 50,000 directly contracted vacation homes

Over 150K worldwide vacation homes are featured in the searchstays platform

Searchstays - property management system, integrated with various booking channels, door lock, & revenue management data for as low as USD 15 per apartment per month

Verified traveler to book verified apartment and earn rewards in HotelierCoin One Travel Reward Currency Global Website Where to Fish…Where to Stay Vacation Rentals near Golf Des- tinations Vacation Rentals near Ski Luxury upscale Vacation Homes Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 54

geographic locations to facilitate and enhance business development. Everything from white 14. papers and pitch decks to blog posts, email marketing and explainer videos, available in Marketing multiple languages, will work in unison to inform, build awareness and engage our target audience. The Hotelier Coin platform will also be available in multiple languages to maximize Budget allocation: our reach.

B2B - 70% Blogs B2C - 30% Our blog will be the foundation of our content marketing strategy and will allow our ICO to 14.1 Promotion implementation reach a highly targeted audience. Readers will Determining priority sales markets by analyzing have access to the latest updates on the web search query trends for specific regions in progress of our project and the blog will also a specific period work as an archive where potential contributors can find valuable posts related to their interests. New markets with growing dynamics – prioritize expansion AMA (Ask Me Anything) Markets familiar with the product – easier to sell Markets that do not have an established demand Our Dubai office will embrace the Ask Me for the product – creating demand is an Anything format with an AMA webinar where expensive activity, but with the financial stability the audience will be able to ask questions, of the company and enough financing, the share comments and concerns. With a strong expansion of the sales market will become business model, clear customer segments and necessary solutions with a clear path to revenue, we will Target audience segmentation – for each product answer their questions and be able to and country understand their doubts. The key is to be USP creation – based on the needs of the target honest and transparent with our community. audience and the market we will adapt We will use hashtags to increase social media accordingly awareness and our representatives will be able Building and maintaining company recognition to answer queries in multiple languages, Implementation of tactical plans for the promotion including Russian, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese of each product and platform and English.

Social Media 14.2 Promotion channels: All social media engagement will be centralized, Landing Page aligned with a consistent narrative and Affiliate Program strategy. We will target specific countries and Social Events use all available channels to grow and cement Listings, Trackers, Calendars our global reach. PR, SEO, SMM Community Management Public Relations Banner and Video Ads We will craft a solid narrative shared in E-mail, Articles and Reviews Publication reputable media outlets that will help us reach a diversified audience. Third-party Project Audits endorsements from several ICO and hospitality Bounty Campaign, Blockchain Community partners, press releases and both online and Travel Bloggers to stay in over 100,000 hotel traditional distribution across crypto news rooms using Hoteliercoin coins outlets will expand our reach CPA Ads, Social Media Ads and influence.

Email Marketing Content Strategy Email marketing still reigns supreme. With the Dubai advertising agency and design firm tools to personalize our email marketing Tad Network Communications will be responsible campaigns and the valuable help of multiple for the content team. We will reach our target strategic regional blockchain/ICO partners, we audience through ICOs, hotel roadshows, and will target a hospitality marketplace database conferences, social and digital media. We will and reach our target audience with precision. also create strategic partnerships in key Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 55


As 2018 comes to an end, the ever-changing regulatory landscape will continue to unfold. With an airtight marketing strategy and execution, we will be ready and able to launch a successful ICO that will stand out from the competition. Our core goal is to provide a sustainable commercial product that engages industry professionals and ensures a win-win scenario for all stakeholders.

Audience: All crypto community members who travel for business or pleasure. Early adopters and crypto investors. Stand-alone hotel owners looking for a one-stop shop solution to operate the hotel. Branded and unbranded hotel operators that want to attract a new market segment and subsequently improve the profitability of the business. Hotel vendors looking for a comprehensive platform to reach hotel owners and operators. Wholesale and Corporate Travel Procurement looking to bulk purchase room nights. Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd - july 2019 56

Mirai 104-more-than-on-the-hotel-website-expedia-31-more/ 15. Terms Statista - The Statistics Portal For Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies, and Conditions european-cities-hotel-forecast-2016-2017.pdf ber-firms/united-kingdom/pdf/publication/2016/emerg- ing-clouds-in-hotel-technology.pdf Company Ownership / Legal Entity / Location. The company is a Singapore Pte Ltd., with a corporate sites/2/2017/07/The-Global-Hotel-Report-17- office in Dubai. Hotelier Coin aims to establish regional Sample.pdf offices in Singapore, London, New York and Sydney in partnership with key organizations. Hotelier Coin’s Whitepaper was prepared to inform Documents/consumer-business/us-cb-2018-travel-hos- potential participants and investors about pitality-industry-outlook.pdf functional details and plans for further developments. The information in this document is not a call to action, agreement or contract of any kind. Its main hospitality-in-the-digital-era-codex2543.pdf purpose is to provide preliminary information about the platform’s token emission. the-world-are-there-anyway-booking-com-keeps- This document does not constitute an offer to sell or adding-them/ plea to purchase tokens in any jurisdiction in which such offer or plea would be forbidden, or to any entity for which such acquisition would be forbidden by law. Violation of such restrictions may result in a violation of law in countries where they apply. This document was not created in accordance with any jurisdiction’s laws or regulations and does not depend on them. All statements, predictions and financial information regarding the expectation of possible future activity are forecast statements. Disclaimer We do not provide and cannot provide guarantees of any sort, nor do we hold any responsibility for the execution of the above conditions. Readers, potential Hoteliercoin and the token economy are at the buyers or participants are obligated to personally cutting edge of social and technological advances make sure that token sale is not forbidden by their country’s laws. This document was created in English that are shaping the future. Although the token and, in the future, it may be translated into other economy is incredibly innovative and fascinating, languages. In the event of any inconsistency between it is also a potentially turbulent territory. the translated versions and the English version, the Governments may consider regulatory action that English version shall prevail. might ultimately impact token development or deployment, or even restrict ownership and use. Legal requirements and related circumstances may force Hotelier Coin to adapt and alter plans, processes or other elements described in this 16. Sources document. We comply with existing laws and regulations, and strongly believe that planned regulations we currently know about will not alter our Expedia Group business in any significant manner. Nonetheless, it is important to point out that situations might change. 4383-82a4-f27946e379eb We fully expect Hoteliercoin will rise steadily in value, Hotel & Distribution Report 2016 – Author: Macy Marvel but there is no way for us to guarantee this. In line Loyalty Traveler with the typical advice given to potential investors across multiple industries, please do not invest marriott-and-starwood-2016-room-rates-brand-size/ money you cannot afford to lose. THE TRAVEL REWARD CURRENCY

Global Hotelier Pte. Ltd 28C Stanley Street Singapore 068737 rewarded with hoteliercoin TRAVELER’S CLUB