Ngepan Batang Ai (Iban Women Traditional Attire) Presentation Through Light Painting Photography
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Ys ,tAALA j9 9 9ý,,, / 1 -Iqmmmlr-,. 1 ISI I r. r , 1 I I 1 NGEPAN BATANG AI (IBAN WOMEN TRADITIONAL ATTIRE) PRESENTATION THROUGH LIGHT PAINTING PHOTOGRAPHY Jusy Sambai Anak Javeril Ijazah Sarjana Muda Seni Gunaan dengan Kepujian (Seni Halus) 2018 NGEPAN BATANG Al (IBAN WOMEN TRADITIONAL ATTIRE) PRESENTATION THROUGH LIGHT PAINTING PHOTOGRAPHY JUSY SAMBAI ANAK JAVERIL This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of for degree Bachelor Applied Arts Honours the requirements the of of with (Fine Art) Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK Grade: Please tick (v) Final Year Project Report 0 Masters 0 PhD 0 DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL WORK This declaration is made on the Monday of Mei 2018. Student's Declaration: I JUSY SAMBAI ANAKJAVERIL (54330) from FACULTY OF APPLIED AND CREATIVE ARTS hereby declare that the work entitled NGEPAN BATANG Al (IBAN WOMEN TRADITIONAL ATTIRE) PRESENTATION THROUGH LIGHT PAINTING PHOTOGRAPHY is my original work. I have from due not copied from any other students' work or any other sources except where reference or has been for by acknowled a is made explicitly in the text, nor any part written me another person. Ff'rT17 8 jun 2018 WVPr/I Datei. Submitted upervisor's Declaration: I ASSOCIATE PROF. HJ. ZULKALNAIN ZAINAL ABIDIN hereby certifies that the work entitled NGEPAN BA TANG AI (IBAN WOMEN TRADITIONAL ATTIRE) PRESENTATION THROUGH LIGHT PAINTING PHOTOGRAPHY prepared by the above named student, and was submitted to the "FACULTY" as a * partial/full fulfillment for the conferment of BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS WITH HONOURS (FINE ARTS), and the aforementioned work, to the best of my knowledge, is the said student's work. ASSOC. PROFESSOR LYZ 7LfALNAIN ZAINAL N Date: ý (X i I declare that Project/Thesis is classified as (Please tick (ý) : 0 CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* E-1 RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS Validation of Project/Thesis I therefore duly affirm with free consent and willingly declare that this said Project/Thesis shall be placed officially in the Centre for Academic Information Services with the abiding interest and rights as follows: " This Project/Thesis is the sole legal property of University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). " The Centre for Academic Information Services has the lawful right to make copies for the purpose of academic and research only and not for other purpose. " The Centre for Academic Information Services has the lawful right to digitalise the content for the Local Content Database. " The Centre for Academic Information Services has the lawful right to make copies of the Project/Thesis for academic exchange between Higher Learning Institute. " No dispute or any claim shall arise from the student itself neither third party on this Project/Thesis once it becomes the sole property of UNIMAS. " This Project/Thesis or any material, data and information related to it shall not be distributed, published -disclosed to any party by the stud e xc ith UNIMAS permission. Student signature /ý) Madva Hi Zulkalnain Zainal Abidin Locturer Fakulti Seni Gunaan r1.v Kreatif Current Address: UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK LOT 1292 LORONG 4A/2, TAMAN HARMONI, 95000. SRI AMAN, SARAWAK Notes: * If the Project/Thesis is CONFIDENTIAL or RESTRICTED, please attach together as annexure a letter from the organisation with the period and reasons of confidentiality and restriction. [The instrument is duly prepared by The Centre for Academic Information Services] 11 DECLARATION The project entitled NGEPAN BATANG Al (IBAN WOMEN TRADITIONAL ATTIRE) PRESENTATION THROUGH LIGHT PAINTING PHOTOGRAPHY was prepared by JUSY SAMBAI ANAK JAVERIL and submitted to the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts in for Bachelor Applied Arts Honours (Fine partialfulfillment of the requirements a of with Art). (PROF. MADYA H UýLNAIN ZAINAL ABIDIN) Penyelia III APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE I, Jusy Sambai Anak Javeril, hereby, want to take this opportunity to thank everyone upon the completion of this Final Year Project and Final Year Project Reports. To Associate Professor Zulkalnain Zainal Abidin, thank you so much on your support and guidance throughout this semester for me to complete this Final Year Project, on giving me a lot of brilliant ideas in order for me to create an artwork. To beloved family, thank you so much for always believing in me and your endless support in terms of money and love. I am also would like to express my gratitude to Fine Art lecturers and technicians especially Mr Yassir bin Bujang, Puan Liza and Mr Mohammad Saufian bin Suhaili on their contributions on this project. To my beloved friends, especially Ms Anastasia Shirley Busan, Mr Cobasky Fenninmore, Ms Dina David, Ms Lucyana Shuma, Mr Ivor Kana and Ms Mercellinnie Paderek thank you so much on helping me doing my Final Year Projects artworks. Not forget, I also would like to thank everyone, no matter directly and indirectly who had helped me out in this journey. May the Lord God bless you all. iv Contents Page 1 111 Declaration - Appreciation iv Contents v- vi Abstract vii Abstrak viii Chapter 1 : Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Statement 2 1.2 Research Questions 2 1.3 Objectives 2 1.4 Scope of Research 3 1.5 Significant of the Research 3 Chapter II : Literature Review 4 2.1 Culture 4 2.2 Than Ethnic 5 2.3 Than traditional costumes 6 2.4 Ngepan Batang Ai 7 2.5 Uniqueness 9 2.6 Light painting photography 10 2.7 How photography act as visual message 11 2.8. Visual arts 12 V Contents Page Chapter III : Research Methodology Introduction 13 Source(s) 14 - 15 Chapter IV : Research Findings 4.1 Introduction 16 4.2 Impact of the photography on the Than culture 16 fundamental Ngepan 4.3 The Art on Batang Ai analysis 17 - 18 4.4 The process of photographing light painting 19-21 4.5 Materials used 22 4.6 Technical process on photographing light painting 22 4.7 The Ngepan Batang Ai presentation through light painting photography 23 - 30 Chapter V : Conclusion 31 References 32 - 33 Attachments 34 - 36 VI ABSTRACT in This research is about the connection between photography and the Than culture Sarawak. Light painting photography technique was applied in presenting the Than traditional attire in Sarawak. This research was also to analyze the art fundamentals on the Ngepan Iban. Other than that, this research was aimed to come out with an artwork by using photography approach from books, internets, presenting Iban's culture. The data would be collected online newspapers, for light and interviews. For instance, the data collection theories and concepts of painting indeed photography was done through reading of books and online websites. The researcher interview understood more about the light painting photography. Meanwhile, an session was information conducted between the researcher and the Ngepan owner in Sarawak to get the on the costume. The interview process helped the researcher to get an accurate and reliable source of information from the respondent. Using all the accumulated data, the researcher utilized and created a new interpretation and intellectual perspective throughout the whole research. KEYWORDS fundamentals, Light painting photography, cultural object, visual art, art presentation VII ABSTRAK Kajian ini adalah tentang hubungkait fotografi dan budaya Than di Sarawak. Lukisan fotografi cahaya akan digunakan bagi mempersembahkan pakaian tradisional masyarakat Than di Sarawak. Seterusnya, untuk menganalisis elemen seni yang terdapat pada ngepan tersebut. Akhir sekali, adalah untuk menghasilkan dan mempersembahkan karya seni yang menggunakan dan data berkaitan diperolehi daripada pendekatan fotografi lukisan cahaya. Segala maklumat buku, internet, suratkhabar dalam talian, dan juga temuramah. Sebagai contoh, teori dan konsep fotografi lukisan cahaya boleh didapati dalam bentuk buku dan juga di laman web. Dengan itu, kaedah demikian, pengkaji akan lebih faham akan fotografi lukisan cahaya. Dalam pada betul ternuramah pengkaji bersama pemilik ngepan tersebut dalam mendapatkan maklumat yang dan dan juga sah ih. Dengan menggunakan data-data yang terkumpul, pengkaji akan menggunakan iritelektual di dalam kajian ini. mengolah pemahaman baru dalam bentuk seluruh KATA KUNCI : Fotografi lukisan cahaya, objek budaya, seni visual, asas seni, persembahan VIII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This research was about the light painting photography and the reflection of art fundamentals on the Ngepan Batang Ai (Iban lady traditional costume). Light painting photography technique would be applied on a portrait of a lady wearing Ngepan Batang Ai. This is Sri Aman district in traditional costume is mainly from Lubok Antu. Lubok Antu a part of Kain Sungkit (Pua Kumbu Sarawak. The people are famous for the productions of Kain Kebat and like Gawai Antu Than woven skirt). Kain Kebat are normally worn during special occasions (the festival for departed souls). Meanwhile, Kain Kebat woven skirt is one of the Ngepan attires for Pekit Kumang (beauty Gawai Dayak special occasions also, for example, wedding, pageant), and celebration. The elements of art are the basic components of art-making. It is impossible to create the form, artwork of art without using at least one of the element. Those elements are line, shape, Ai is value, space, color and texture. Ngepan Batang traditional costume a unique attire enriched form be Chapter IV. with textures, lines, color, shape, and which will analyzed at the 1 1.1 Problem statement a) This research is conducted because there is lack of portrait photography (light painting that emphasize on culture in the contemporary art world. .photography) production 1.2 Research Questions Ibans " What is the impact of photography towards the culture? " What is the art fundamentals have on the Ngepan Batang Al ? " How to come out with an artwork using light painting photography technique? 1.3 Objectives " To identify the impact of photography towards the Ibans culture Ai " To analyze the art fundamentals on the Ngepan Batang light " To come out with an artwork using painting photography technique.