Volume: 33 Number: 1 Year: 1981 Chronicle: 109

Article: New York to Ship Sailings Author(s): Stanley B. Ashbrook Table Of Contents items marked with * cannot be viewed as an individual PDF document

Click here to view the entire Volume: 33 No: 1 Chronicle: 109 Starting Page Front Cover (1 page) Front Cover Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. Inside Front Cover Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Robson Lowe Ltd 1 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Jack E. Molesworth, Inc. 2 Masthead (1 page) 3 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: John W. Kaufmann Inc. 4 Table of Contents (1 page) 5 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Richard Wolffers Inc. 6 In Memoriam In Memoriam, Sandford M. Arnold (1 page) 7 Robert L.D. Davidson The Editor's Page Editorial (1 page) 7 Susan M. McDonald Guest Privilege Comments on the Scott Specialized Catalog: a Letter to the Editor (2 pages) 8 Calvet M. Hahn New York Postmaster's Provisionals on Sale July 14,1845 (3 pages) 9 Philip T. Wall Two Covers Bearing Unsigned Pairs of the New York Postmaster's Provisional (2 pages) 11 Philip T. Wall Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Al Zimmerman 12 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Alan T. Atkins 12 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Leonard H. Hartmann 13 Prestamp and Stampless Period Colonial Period; a Fort Chartres to Kaskaskia Trader Letter of 1770 (4 pages) 14 Richard B. Graham Postpaid Withdrawn Ship Letters - Further Notes (2 pages) 17 Susan M. McDonald Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Andrew Levitt, Inc. 18 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Richard C. Frajola Inc. 19 1847 Period Domestic Postal Rates for the 1847 Issue Period: Part II (3 pages) 20 Duane B. Garrett Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: William A. Fox Auctions, Inc. 22 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Edelman's 22 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Jacques Schiff, Jr.,,Inc. 23 1851-61 Period U.S. Postal Markings: 1851 - 1861 (2 pages) 24 Thomas J. Alexander For the Record: an 1855 EFO (1 page) 26 Z. Seron M.D. New York to Panama Ship Sailings (15 pages) 26 Stanley B. Ashbrook Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Henry M. Spelman 111 40 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Henry M. Spelman 111 40 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Stanley M. Piller & Associates 41 1861-1869 Period Earliest Known Use of 24¢ Red Lilac and Possible Earliest Known Use of 24¢ Brown Lilac (2 42 pages) William K. Herzog The Early 3¢ Grill Shades (3 pages) 43 William K. Herzog Utah and Nevada - Some Territorial Uses of the 10¢ 1861 Issue (4 pages) 45 Kenneth D. Gilbart Pacific Coast to Across the Rocky Mountains (2 pages) 48 Richard B. Graham Review: "Postal Laws and Regulations of the United States, 1852" (2 pages) 49 Richard B. Graham Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: P.M. Tepper & Co. 50 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Simmy's Stamp Co. Inc. 51 1861-1869 Period The 10¢ Transpacific Rates: Part Five (3 pages) 52 Michael Laurence Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: George Alevizos 54 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Greg Manning Company Inc. 55 Bank Note Period The Great Lake Michigan Bottle Express (3 pages) 56 Barbara J. Wallace Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Richard B. Graham 58 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Quarterman Publications Inc. 58 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: J. Randall Rare Stamps 59 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: J. Randall Rare Stamps 59 Foreign Mails Closed Mails from to Great Britain 1849 - 1860 (2 pages) 60 Walter Hubbard Corrigenda - Aachen Franco Markings on Prussian Closed Mail (1 page) 61 Allan Radin Hamburg Packet Marking on Prussian Closed Mail (2 pages) 62 Allan Radin The Cunard Line's Mail Packets on the North Atlantic 1870 - 1875 (4 pages) 63 Clifford L. Friend, Walter Hubbard Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Henry C. Hensel 67 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Danam Stamp Co. 68 Prestamp and Stampless Period Review: "United States Cancellations, 1845 - 1869" (3 pages) 69 Richard B. Graham Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: New Stamp 70 Foreign Mails Review: "Texas Postal History Handbook" (1 page) 71 Susan M. McDonald Classified (1 page) 71 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Theron Wierenga 72 Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Harmers of New York Inc. Inside Back Cover Display Advertisement (1 page) Advertiser: Raymond H. Weill Co Back Cover FOR THE RECORD: AN 1855 EFO Z. SERON, M.D. Illustrated primarily for specialists in the early U.S. classics, an 1851 3¢ Type I imperforate Scott's # 11, is shown tied to a folded notice of a note default from a notary public in Hartford , Conn. Th e letter is dated "Nov 2" (1855). When the clerk in the notary's office cut the stamp from its imperforate sheet, he very neatly and accura tely cut off the top pan el, "U.S.POSTAGE", but left the same panel from the adjoining bottom stamp int act. So now we show # 11, with two panels at the bottom, and none at topl

L Cover from Hartford in 1855 with 3¢ 1851 oddity. The folded note is addressed to Middletown, Conn. The stamp is cancelled by a fuzzy "HARTFORD,C T." town mark. On one of the flaps of the note is an endorsement of the amount and date; there are no other markings. The stamp defies my ability to plate its position or identify the plat ing. Both panels at the bottom are completely intact, clearly defining it as Type I. Comments are invited by the author at 3553 N. Orchard St., Fresno, Cal. 93726. NEW YORK TO PANAMA SHIP SAILINGS STANLEY B. ASHBROOK (Con tinue d fro m Ch ronicle 108:242) N.Y. H erald, Dec. 12, 1849. FORSAN FR ANCI SCO. per A-I Shi p Venice, havin g immed ia te despat ch. F. & D. Fow ler, 86 West SI. N.Y. Herald, Dec. 20, 1849. FOR SAN FRANCISCO , per ship Vallrlalia havin g immed iat e despatch. F. & D. Fow ler , 86 West 51. New York to Chagres Mail Ship SaiJings-1850 N.Y. H eral d , Dec. 19th. 1849. FO R KI NGST O N J AM AI CA. per 5.5. Empir« Ci ty on Wed . Jan. 2nd, 1850, wit h stop at Port Royal in J am aica o n her passage to Chagres to land pa ssenger s. J. H oward & Son, 34 B 'way, ONLY DIRECT LI NEFOR SAN FRANCISCO VIA CH AG R ES. N.Y. H erald , Dec. 14, 1849, U.S.M.5.S. Co., Departu re da te- Jan. 2, I850-S.S. EIII/,ire Ci ty Ior Chagres wit h U.S. Mails, conn ecti ng wi th Pac. Steamer or Feb. lst, N.Y. Herald, Jan. 8, 1850. NOTICE: Shippers per Stea mer Caro li na will pl ease send in their bills of lad in g at th e office of I' .M.S.S. Co. before 10:30 o'clock th is mo rn ing, ot herwise the ship will be cleared withou t rega rd to them . 54 Sou th SI. N.Y. H erald, J an . 10, 1850. Lount & Co.'s Calif. Ex press. Fro m all the principal cities in the U.S. to S.F., Sacra me nto City. Sto ckton. and a ll p arts or the gold mine, hy e"ery st ea mer. in charge of a sp ecia l messenger. Refer to Messrs. Howlan d x. Chase, W ilson & Slauso n , Geo . Me­ Bride Esq .•W . H. H owl and Esq ., W .C.Wetm or e. Esq ., New York . Ru ggles Nou rsc :" Mason , Esq., J. Kitt ridge & c o., J ..J. J arvis, Esq ., S.H. Wi llia ms, Esq ., Boston . orn« at 88 B'way, ror. Wall SI. Prop rietors W .R. Lou nt of Charlesto n , Ceo. W . Beach of New York, J .W. Wadleigh of S.F. and H .O. Ada ms of Boston . 26 Chronicle 109 /February J981 / Vol. 33, No. I N.Y. H erald , Dec. 20, 1849. Calif. through tickets at reduced rates. V.S.M.S.S. Ohio on Jan. 12th , 3 P.M ., conn ecting at Pan am a with 5.5. Isth m us in Feb . M.O . Roberts, 118 West St. FORH AVANA , N EW ORLEA NS &: CHAGRES . lJ.S.M. 5.5. Oh io to leave on Jan. 12th , 1850, 3 P.M., connecti ng wit h J an . stea me rs fro m Pan am a. Passen gers transfer red at H avan a to 5.5. Falcon, :"I .Y. H erald , Dec. IS, IS49. FOR SA:\ FRA;\1CISCO VIA CHA G RE S. 5.5. Che roke e is th e only stea me r running direct to Chag rcs on 14th of J an . IS50, 3 P.M., connecting with the U.S.P.M. stea me rs fro m Panama to 5.1'. x.v. H erald , J an . 5, IS:j O. Calif. Exp ress. T he fir st monthly messenger of Gregory's Calif. Ex­ press, will leave in th e Stea me r Ch erokee on the 14th of J an . T he undersign ed wh o has ju st retu rn ed from the mines will tak e cha rge of , a nd per son all y deliver a limited number of small parcels or packages a t 5.1'.. Sacrame nto City and the mi nes and tak e pa yment th erefor on deli very in Calif. J oseph W . Grego ry, 69 Pearl St. N.B. T he messen gers by this Express will leave N.Y. on th e 14th and S.F. on the 15th of each month . (N.Y. H erald, J an . 15. IS50 art icle torn)N.Y. H erald, Jan. 15, 1850. Notice to pa ssenge rs by the 5.5. Cherokee for Chagres. T he Cherokee is unavoidably det ai ned until Tburs. 17th inst, at 4 o'clock on account of some necessary repairs. Passengers holding tickets will receive pa yme nt of th eir board bills incurred d uring the deten tion by presenting the same at the Capt.'s office on board . Howland & Aspi nwall, 54 & 55 South St. N.Y. H erald, J an . 15, IS50. T he new and sp len di d 5.5. for Ca lif. via Chagres. The V.S.M.S.S. Co. will despatch on the 2Sth of J an . fro m th e pier foot of W arren St., N.R ., the new and spacio us 5.5. Geo rgia for Havana , Ne w Orleans, Cha gres, touch ing off th e bar at Cha rleston & Savan nah. T he Geo rgia has double engines of 1000 horse power and th e ar­ rangem ents for passengers are suc h as ca nnot fa il to give sa tisfaction. [Data on surgeon etc. elim ina ted]. Passengers for Calif. can procure th rough ticket s to sa il fro m Panama on the 5.5. Ist h m us at th e foll owing reduced prices. For freig ht or passage apply to M.O. Rob er ts liS Wall St. N.Y. H erald, J an. 15, IS50. Calif.-Not ice to ship pe rs via the Isth mus of Panama. Shippers of goods destined for Calif. or th e west coast. via th e Isthmus and di rected to Messrs. Zachrisson, Nelso n & Co ., of Pan ama or th eir agen ts at Chagres, arc hereb y notified th at all charges for forwa rding etc., have to be prepaid at New York to Ern est Zachrisson,S7 W all St. cor. Water St. N.Y. H era ld , Feb . 6, IS50. 7\lail s for Cal if.,N.Y. Post Office, Feb. 2, IS50- A mai l will be made up at th is office on the 7th inst., clo sing a t 12 M; to be despatched by the Steamer Empire Cit)'. Postage on sin gle letters to Chagres 20 cents; to Pan ama ao cents , bo th of whi ch must be prepaid . T o Calif. 40 cents, whi ch may be prepaid or not. Transie nt newspaper must be prepaid ,) cents eac h . Wm . V. Bra d) , P.M. N.Y. H erald , Feb . 7. IS50. Mails for Ca lif. Post Office N.Y., Feb . 2, 1850. A mail will be mad e up at th is office on T hu rs. 7t h inst., closing at 2 P.M. to be despa tche d by the Steamer Philadel ph ia. [Postage as in p revious uorice.] N.Y. H erald, Feb . 7, 1850. NE WS : T he 5.5. Emp ire City arrived at this port at half past II o'clock last ni gh t. She left Chagres at 5 o'cloc k P.M. Sat. J anuary 26th, an d reached Kingsto n , Jamaica on T ues. at 2 o'clock P.M. Aft er taking her coal s and stores, she sailed for N.Y. on th e 30t h ult., at abou t 2 o'clock P.M. N.Y. H erald, J an . 30t h , 1850. For San Francisco, Via Ri o J an ei ro, Valparaiso & Panam a, on T uesday 5t h Feb . The 5.5. N ew O rleans , J. D. Wo ods, Corn., 1100 to ns burthen, will leav e for S.F. direct via Rio J anei ro , Valparaiso & Pan ama from Pier # 2, N.R ., at o ne o'clock. Apply for freigh t or passage to J . H oward & Son , 34 B'way , [Data on accommo da tio ns & far e elimi nated). N.Y. H erald, J an . 30, 1850. Only th ro ugh ticket line for S.F., via Cha gres, di rect, and the U.S.M. stea me rs on the Pacific o n T hurs. 7t h Feb . Fare red uced . For Calif. via Chagrcs, The new splendid U.S.M. 5.5. Philadelphia, 1,100 ton s bu rthen , will leave for Chagres di rec t, from Pier # 4, N.R ., o n Thurs. 7th Feb. at 3 o'cloc k, P.M. The Ph iladelphia and Cheroke e are th e only stea me rs runnin g di rect to Chagres in connection with th e U.S.P.M. steamers from Pan ama to 5.1'. Passengers hy th e Ph iladel pliia will find comforts a nd accommodations UnsUI· passed by an y othe r stea me r and will he sure to conne ct with th e U.S.M. Steamer of Ma r. at Pan am a, and have pr efer ence over a ll ot hers. For freigh t 0 1 passage, app ly to M.O. Roberts, l IS West 51. [ Da ta on fare etc. el imi na ted). i\'.Y. H erald, J an . 30, IS50. For Ca lif. via Chagres. T he new and sp lendid 5.5. Ohio, Jas. F. Sche nc k, U.S.N. Comdr. T he Un ited States Mail Stea mship Co. will desp at ch th e Oh io o n Wed ., the 13th of Feb ., at 3 o'cloc k P.M., from her p ier foot of Warren St., ;\l.R., for H avana, New Orlea ns &: Chagres, to uch ing off th e bar at Cha rles to n &: Savannah . T he su per acco mmoda tio ns on the Ohio and her th or oughly tested double engines of 1.000 horse power, give passcn gers an assurance of safety and spee d not to be felt on inferior vessels running with a sing le engi ne. An ex pe rienced surgeon is att ached to th e vessel. T hrough ticke ts to S.F. can be secured on applicauon at olf ice of Co. Rates of passage Iro m :\'.Y. to Cha gres; Sta te room ber th - SIOO, Sta nd ee berth, SSO, Steer age-S50, Rat es, Panama to 5.1'.; Sta te room- $250, Chronicle lOY / February 1981 / Vol. 33, No . 1 27 Standee-$150, Steerage-. Passengers to Chagres will bo ard on sh or e during th e coaling of th e vessel at New Orlea ns, 3 days. Rat es of passage H avana to New Orlean s; Sta te R oom- $70­ $75, Standee berth forward cabin -S55.-$60., Steerage &: forward bed &: Board- $25.- S25. Fr eight to Ch agres must be p rep aid and a ll bills of lading m ust be signed o n board th e shi p . For fr eight or passage apply to M .O. R oberts, 118 W est St. N.Y. Herald, Feb. I , 1850. The U.S.M. S.S. Co. No tice is hereb y given to th e stockholde rs of th is Co., th at an electio n will be held at the office of Messrs. Brown Bros. &: Co ., at 59 Wall St., in this city on th e 12th of Feb ., next, bet ween th e hou rs of 12 M and 2 P.M . for the purpose of choosing five directors of th eir company for one yea r, hereafter. T he su hscrip tion s for th e stock of th e ab ove Co . no t yet bein g completed, the books will remain open at the ab ove pl ace till th e 12th ins t. N.Y. H erald, Feb . 13, 1850. The departure of the Steame r Cherokee will be u navoidab ly de­ layed until Sat. 16th inst., at 3 o'clock fro m her Pier 4, N. R . Passen ger s are re q uested to hav. their baggage on board the day pre vious. Howland &: Aspi nwa ll, 5 1 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, Feb . 14. 1850. Le tte r Bags for S.F., by Stea me r Cherokee will close at th e office of th e Atlas , III Nassau St. , on Sat. next at 2 o'clock. A special messen ger will leave th e Atlas O ffice wh o will proc eed immed iat ely to S.F. by th e Tel171eSSee on th e ot he r side. Sma ll parcels of ten pounds or under will be received as above. Le tters to S.F. only 30 cents .

FOR CALI F., N EW ORLEANS &: CHAGRES . N.Y. H erald , Feb . 14, 1850, U.S.M.S.S. Co., De­ parture date-Feb . 28, 1850, 3 P.M ., S.S. Falcon for ab ove ports. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 9, 1850. NEWS; T he U.S.M. Stea me r Georgia has arrived fro m Chagres with 8 days lat er intelligen ce fro m tha t pl ace and two wee ks lat er in telli genc e fro m Ca lif. than th at publish ed in th e N.Y. H erald yesterday. T he Georgia sailed from her anchorage at Ch agres on the 27th of Feh. , at half pas t 4 P.M .. and anchored in Havana in 3 days &: J.1 Ins. She was detained in H avan a, 36 hours, coa ling and left her anchorage at Ha van a on Mon. eveni ng at 6 o'clock. She arrived at th e bar of N.Y. last eve ning at 7 o'clock making her run in 96 hrs, T he Georgia doubled Ca pe Hatteras in 60 hrs., af ter \ca ving H avan a. T he d is­ tan ce from H avana to Hatteras is on e th ou sand and sixty miles. This is th e most rem arkab le run on record. and but for th e heavy N.W . ga les whic h th e ship enco u n tered af ter passing H atteras. she would have run to New York in 3 days &: nin e hours. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 12. 1850. Calif. Mai ls-Post Office "'-Y.. Mar. 11th, 1850. T he reg u lar mail for Ca lif. will be made up at this office on Wed. the 13th inst. , closing at 2 P.M. to be for­ ward ed per U.S.M. Steame r Georgia. Wm . Brad y, Postm aster. FOR CALI F. VIA CHAGRES . N.Y. H erald , Mar. 4, 1850, U.S.l\1.S.S. Co .. Departure dat e­ Mar. 13, 1850, 3 P.M ., S.S. Georgia for H avana, Ne w O rlea ns &: Chagres via S.S. Falcon fro m Havan a to Ne w Orlea ns. The p u blic arc in forme d th at th e boo ks for steerage tickets for the month of May are now open. From Pan am a to S.F. app licatio n sho uld be mad e immedi ately. T he undersign ed will despatch the fo llo wing steame rs to ru n reg u larly and direct to S.F. T he new and elega n t 5.5. Isth mus, Republic, A ntelop e, Columbus. Apply to M.O . Robert s, 118 W est St. N.Y. H erald, Feb . 28, 1850. Gregory 's Ca lif. Express. Special messen gers with thro ug h tickets to S.F. will leave for th is express by th e Stea mers Falcon on 28t h inst. and Cherokee 15th Mar. as usu al , with small parcels, p ackages and messages for a ll pa rt s of Ca lif. Delivered by proprietor in per son . Juo. C. T hompson, 69 Pearl St. N.Y. H erald, Feb . 26, 1850. T hro ug h Line for S.F . Via Chagres, T he Stea me r Cherokee will sail from Pier 4, N.R .• for Cha gres on Fri. Mar. 15, at 3 o'c lock precisely. Passengers will p lace th eir baggage on board the day previou s. For passage or fre igh t apply to H owl and &: Aspi n­ wall , 54 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, Mar. 7, 1850. Emp ire City L ine for S.F. Via Chagres. The new and sp lend id S.S. Empire Cit y, 2,000 ton s bu r the n, J.D . W ilson, Comdr. wil l sail from her Pier 2, N. R., for Chagres di rect , on Mar. 15th at 3 o'cloc k. Apply to J . Howard &: Son, 34 B'way. N.Y. H erald, Ma r. 13. 1850. Gregory's Ca lif . Express. Spec ial messen gers for this express will leave by the Stea mers Empire City & Cherokee on th e 15th ins t., with packa ges, parcels &: messages for all parts of Ca lif. J ohn C. T ho mpso n, 69 Pearl St,

N.Y. Herald, Mar. 17, 1850. Em pire City Lino-The boo ks for th rough tickets to S.F. to leav e per S.S. Empire City in May are no w open. Early app licatio n is necessary to secure berths. For passage on ly. J. H oward &: Son, 34 B'way. N.Y. Herald, Feb. 28, 1850. T he S.S. Ph iladelp hia will succee d th e Chao/we, leaving on Sat. 23rd at 4 o'clock. Pa ssengers will place their baggage on board th e day previou s. Apply LO Howland & Aspinwall, 54 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, Feb. 27, 1850. Through Line for S.F., Via Chagres. T he new and favor ite S.S. Cherokee, 1,300 tons. Capt. H . W indle. th e Philadelphia, 1,100 ton s, Ca pt. J .Y. Nic ho lson , form th e only direct line bet ween N.Y. and Chagres, an d ill connec tion with the U.S.M. Stea m Packets in th e Pa cific, a semi-mo n th ly lin e th rough to S.F. Red uced ra tes of fare to Chagres. 28 Chronicle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33, No. I Cherokee Philadelphia Aft er saloon state room $125 $125 Forward saloon D 100 100 Lower cabin 90 All th e ab ove dine at same ta ble and have privil ege of the saloon. Freig ht to Chagres 70 cen ts per foot. Expenses on th e Ist hmus are borne by th e passen gers. For heigh t & passage apply to H owland & Asp in wall , 54 Sou th St. PAC. MAILS 5.5. CO. T he V .S.M. Steam Packets Panama I,U87 ton s, Capt. David W. Barley; Oregon 1,099 ton s, Capt. Carlisle P. Patterson ; California 1,050 tons, Cap t. T homas A. Budd; T en nessee 1,300 ton s, Cap t. Geo . A. Cole; Carolina 600 to ns; Unicorn 600 tons, are in tende d to form a semi -mo nt h ly lin e between Panam a an d ports in Calif. [Dat a on what passengers ale fu rnished etc .] All passenger s wi ll be alowed space for persona l baggage to the extent of 250 Ibs., weigh t, not exceed ing in measu rement s ten cu bic feet. Packages sho u ld not exceed 125 Ibs. weight [or mule carriage. Passage fro m Panama to San BIas or Maza tlan ; Ca bin $125.,Steera ge $100.; San Diego, Ca bi n S2iJO., Steerage $125.; San Fra ncisco. Cabin ·5300., Stee rage $100. Apply at office of Company, 54 Sou th St. FOR CALI F. VIACHAGRES . N.Y. H erald, Mar. 14, 1850, V.S .M.S.S. Co., Departure da te­ Mar. 28, 1850. 5.5. Ohio for New Orlea ns via Havan a . Passengers will be tran sfer red a t H avana to 5.5. Falcon for Chagres, pro ceeding withou t delay. [This Ad conclude d with th e following:] The undersigned wiII despatch th e foll owing stea mers to run regu larly to S.F. The new S.S. Isthmus, 5.5. A n tel ope, 5.5. R epublic, and S.S. Colu m bus. Ap p ly to M.O. Roberts, 118 West St. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 17, 1850. Through line for S.F. via Ch agr es direct. 5.5. Philadelphia to sail on Mar. 28th, 4 P .M. p recisely. Apply to H owland & Aspi nwall, 54 Sou th St. N.Y. H erald , April I, 1850. Gregory's Ca lif. Express to be despatc hed by Steamer Oh io 28th and Crescent Cit)' lst of April. J . C. T ho mpson , Agents. NEWS : The sp lendid 5.5. Crescent Cit)' arrived yeste rday af ternoon fro m Chagres , whence she sailed on the 13th inst., at 4 P.M., and Kin gston , J am aica, whenc e she sailed on the 18th ins t., at 2 P.M . The Crescent Cit)' mad e th e run fro m to Chagres in 6 days, and th ence to Kingston in 2 days. N.Y. H erald , Mar. 28, 1850. Empire City Line for S.F. Via Chagres, by 5.5. Crescent City, to leav e on Apr. Ist, 3 P.M., Pier 2, N.R., J. Howard & Son. N.Y. Herald, Notice April I, 1850. 5.5. Crescen t City will sail this aftern oon at 3 o'cl ock nre­ cisely. J . Howard & Son , 34 B'way, N.Y. H erald, Ap r. 14, 1850. Gregor y's Calif. Express being conveyed by Steamers Cherokee & Georgia 13th and Em pi re Ci ty 15th in st. Jno. C. Thompson, 69 Pearl St. FOR CALIF. VIA CHAGRES. N.Y. H erald , Mar. 31, 1850, u.S.M.S.S. Co., Departure dat e­ Apr. 13, 1850. 5.5. Geo rgia for New Orleans & H avan a, connecting with regular stea mers of this company from Cha gres. N.Y. H erald, Apr. 5, 1850. 5.5. Cherokee will leave for Chagres di rect on Sat. Ap ril 15th at 3 o'clock. Apply How land & Aspi nwall, 54 So. St. N.Y. H erald , Apr. 12, 1850, Emp ire City Line for S.F. direct Via Chagres per 5.5. Empire City on the 15th of April, 3 o'clock . Apply for pa ssage to J . H oward & Son , 34 B'way, N.Y. H erald, Apr. 28, 1850. Gregory's Calif. Express by Steamer Ohio 27th Apr., Crescent City May Ist ,'l.: Ph ilad elphia May 4th. Apply at offic e, 69 Pearl St.

THROUGH LINE TO CALIF. VIA CHAGRES WITH V .S. MAIL. N.Y. H erald , Apr. 16, 1850, V .S.M .S.S. Co., Departure date- Apr. 27, 1850, 3 P.M.,S.S. Ohio Via 5.5. Falcon at Havana to Chagres. N.Y. H erald, Apr. 10, 1850, FOR CALIF. A through ticket for Steame r Crescent City from N.Y. May 1st to connect with Sarah Sands to leave Pan am a abo u t th e 20th of May. Apoly to No 5, Platt St. N.Y. H erald, April 16, 1850. Empire City Line for S.F. Via Chagres by 5.5. Crescent City to sa il on May lst, 3 P.M. J . H oward & Son, 34 B'way. N.Y. H erald, Apr. 17, 1850. Through Line for S.F. Via Chagres direct, per 5.5. Philadelphia on May 4th, 4 P.~1. H owla nd & Aspinwall, 54 South St. N.Y. H erald, May 10, 1850. Gregory 's Calif. Express by Steamers Georgia & Cheroke e 13th of May and Em pire City th e 15th of May.

N.Y. H erald , May I , 1850. Throu gh Line to Calif. Via Chagres carrying th e V .S. Mails. Mon . May 13th at 3 P .M. the 5.5. Georgia wiII be despatch ed as above with th e Gov't Ma ils for th e West Indies and th e Pacific. T he books ar e now open for pa ssage to Charleston, Savanna h, Havana, New Orleans & Chagres, and for through tickets to S.F. [data on tickets, surgeon & Chronicle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33, No . I 29 accommodations eliminated). Pa ssengers for New Orleans are transferred at H avan a to 5.5. Falcon and proceed to New Orleans fro m H avana [eliminated rates on freight etc .] M.O. Roberti, 118 West St. N.Y. Herald, Ma y 8, 1850. Through Line for S.F. Via Chag res direct , per 5.5. Chero kee to sail for Chagres May 13th, 3 P.M. H owland & Aspi nwa ll. 54 Sou th St. N .Y. Herald, May 3, 1850. Empire City Line for S.F. per S.S. Em /lire City to sail for Ch agres May 15th 3 P.M. J . Howard & Son . . N.Y. Herald, May 10, 1850. Empire City Line for S.F. Via Chagrcs direct , per S.S. Empire City on or about the 20th of May, 3 P.M. J . Howard &Son. 34 B'wa y.

Gregory's Calif. Express to go by S.S. Empire City on 20th of May . Agent Thompson & Hitch- cock. .

Adams & Co 's Package Express per Steamer Empire City for Chagres direct. 16 & 18 Wall St. N.Y. Herald, May 21, 1850. Gregory's Ca lif. Express by Ste amer Empire City on th e 22nd inst , [This is obviously a change of sailing date from th e 20th.] N.Y. H erald, May 22, 1850. NOTICE: Gives sailing date positively as of this da y for Em pire City, at 3 P.M. N.Y. Herald, May II, 1850. NEWS: V.S.M.S.S. Co. The books of subscription s to th e Capital Stock of the U .S.M.S.S. Co ., to the amou nt of on e million five hundred thousa nd dollars, will be opened on Tues. the 15th da y of Ma y, at the Merchants Exchange Bank in th e City of New York, and the two ensuing da ys from 12 o'clock M. to 2 P.M . George Law, Marshall O. Roberts, James Van Nostrand, Commissioner. New York May 3, 1850. [PLEASE NOTE: Although it said "T ues. May 15" this date actually falls on Wednesday, wh er eas Tuesday is the 14th of May .] Through Line to Calif. via Chagres carrying th e U.S. Mails,N .Y. Herald , May 14, 1850, U.S.M.S.S. Co. , Departure date-May 2~ , 1850, 3 P.M. S.S. Oh io via S.S. Falcon from Havana direct to Chagres.

Gregory's Calif. Express by each of th e Steame rs Oh io &: Crescent City to sail on the 28th inst. and 1st of June respectively. Apply to Thompson & Hitchc ock , Agents. 149 Pearl St. [PLEASE NOTE. From May 20th to Ma y 31st, all front sheets arc torn off th is paper , so you must make allowance for d ate di screp an cies if a nv.] N.Y. Herald, May 23, 1850. Empire City Line for S.F. via Chagres direct. Per S.S. Crescent Cit» to sail from Pier 2, N .R ., June 1st. Apply to Howard &: Son , 34 B'way. N.Y. Herald, Ma y 31, 1850. NEWS: Calif. letters-Post Office, N.Y. Ma y 30, 1850. The stat e­ ment in several of the morning papers th at letters for Calif. deposited in th e Post Office would not be taken by th e Crescent City, is entire ly unauthorized . All letters deposited in this office marked to go per Crescent City will be forwarded by th at steamer. The mail for that steamer will close at 2 P.M. on June 1st. Wm. V. Brady, Po stmaster. N.Y. Herald, June II, 1850. Empire City Line lists on this sam e date th e same stea mer Crescent City to leave for Chagres direct, on sam e date of dep arture. THROUGH LINE TO CALIF. VIA CHAGRES. N.Y. Herald, Ma y 31, 1850., U .S.M.S.S. co., Departure date-June 13, 1850, 3 P.M. S.S. Georgia with Cov 't Mails via S.S. Falcon from Havana to New Orleans. N.Y. Herald, May 23, 1850. Through Line for S.F. via Chagres by 5.5. Ph iladelphia to leave Pier 4, N.R., June 13th, 3 P.M. Apply to H owland & Aspinwall, 54 & 55 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, June 7th, 1850. REMOVAL NOTICE U.S.M.5.S. Co. (5.S. Ohio, Georgia, Falcon ) have removed their office to cor. of Wa rren & W est St. N.R . Georgia leaves for Ch agres direct, June 13, at 3 P.M., foot of Warren St. M.O . Rober ts. The N.Y. Herald Tribune, Jonrnal of Commerce, Courier, Enquirer and Express pl ease copy . [Pages of N .Y. Herald June 10th and 12th are missing.] N.Y. Herald, June 20, 1850. THROUGH LINE TO CALI F. The V.S.M.5 .S. Co .. betw een New York, Havana, Ne w Orleans & Chagres touching off Cha rleston and Savan na h to land and receive passengers and mails. Office at 177 West St ., cor. \Varren St. The S.S. Oh io, Cap t. J ames Schenck, U .S.N., 3000 tons; Georgia, Cap t. Da vid Porter , U.S.N ., 3000 tons: Falcon, Capt. H.J. Hartsteine, U.S.N ., 1,000 tons. All vessels of this Co. hav e double engines and best con­ struction and accommodations. The S.S. Ohio will sail on he r regular day , Fri . June 28th, 3 P.M. from Pier foot of Warren St. The passenger s by th e Oh io to Chagres wiII he trans­ ferred at Havana to the Falcon and proceed direct from Ha vana to Cha gres. Fr eight to New Orleans 25 cents per cubic foot. Specie to Havana half percent. For freight or passage apply to office, corner, West & Warren St. M.O. Roberts. [Eliminated data on rat es and passag e]. 30 Chronicle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33, No. I N.Y. H era ld, June 11. 1850. FOR KI NGSTON J AMAI CA. The well known S.S. Crescent City , Ca pt. Charles Stoddard will lea ve for Kin gston from her Pi er 2 N .R ., on Mon. July Ist, 3 P.M. [. Howa rd & Son. 34 B'way. N.Y. H erald, June 19. 1850. (Wed. ) T H ROUGH LI NE FOR S.F. VIA CHAGRES . 5.5. Ch erokee will leave her Pi er 4 N .R .• for Chagres d ir ect, on July 8t h, 3 P.M. Passengers H e req uested to have baggage on board th e Sat. previous. FO R CALIF. VIA CH AG RES. N .Y. H erald, July 3. 1850. U.S.M.S.S. Co ., Departure d a te­ July 13. 1850. 3 P .M.• 5.5. Geo rgia with U .S. Ma ils. touching a t Charlesto n. Sava nnah , H avan a. Ne w Orleans & Ch agres, th rough pa ssage to San Francisco. Through Line for S.F.• via Chagres d irect. T he splendid 5.5. Philadelphia will leav e July 13. J P .~I. H owland & Asp inwall. 54 Sou th St. N.Y. Hera ld, July 16, 1850. For Calif. Via Chagres, on J ul y 27t h . 3 P.M . by U.S.M.S.S. Ohio with GOV'! Mail. for West Ind ies a nd Ca lif. T he book s are now ope n a nd passage can be secured on applica tion a t office of U.S.l\f .S.S. Co.• 177 West St. via 5.5. Falcon fro m H avana to Chagres .

N .Y. H erald, July 28. 1850. Gregory's Calif. Exp ress to go pe r Crescent City, August l st . Thompson & H it ch cock. 149 Pearl St. N.Y. H erald, July [30?] , 1850. For S.F., via Chagres. O n Aug. 1st per 5.5. Crescent City sue­ reed ed by Empire City on Aug. 13th . N.Y. H erald, A ug. 3. 1850.U.S.M.S.S. Co. T h ro ugh pa ssage to Ca lif. The p ublic will be ~rat i ­ fied to lea rn tha t th e lJ .S.M.S.S. Co.• are ena bled to a n no u nce tha t their arrange me n ts ar e now com plete for sen di ng passenge rs through from N.Y. to S.F. a nd back . In the fir st at ­ tempts of this Co., to meet the wants of travel to Calif. by pro vid ing shi ps on the Pacific, in con nection with th eir sh ips from N.Y. to Chagres , th ey were p revail ed upon a t th e urgent solicita tio n of th e great n umber the n desirous to go out to sell the ticket s for through pa ssage fro m Panama in ad van ce for their ships then go in g rou nd. This was d one from a desir e to accommo da te th ose who cou ld procure passages in no other quaner . a nd by which wha tever m igh t be the det ention. t hey wou ld reac h S.F. soo ne r th a n by any o ther lin e. Unforeseen d iffi cul ties, a nd th e p revalen ce of fever a t R io de J anei ro a t th e time, p revented their ships fro m reach in g Panam a as soo n as was an tici pated . and cause d det en tio n at the Isthmus. whi ch was inc reased by th e impatien ce of passenge rs in go ing forward. aga ins t th e adv ice of the Co. a t a n earlie r da y than th e ships could possibl y reach Panama. These in terruption s are no w a ll rem oved . T hree of th e fou r sh ips of the Co . in tended for the Pacific service; Georgia, Cap t. Porter . U.S.N .• Ohio, Cap t. Sche nck. U.S.N ., Falcon , Cap t. H artstein .U.S.N.T he con­ nection be tween the two lines will be carefu lly and regul arly kept up. so th at no delay be­ yond the usual stay of th e ship in port at Pan am a will arise. T he la rge size. well known speed , a nd su perior acco m moda tions of their N.Y. a nd Chagres Li ne a nd th e speed and ac­ com mo dations of the sh ips of th eir Pacific Li ne, offer th e most certain . rapid and pl easant th ro ugh passage to Ca lif. T he Geo rgia lea ves Au g. 13th , :: P.M . H . O. Roberts. cor. Warren ,I.:. West St. N.Y. H erald, July 14. 1850. Through Line for S.F. via Chagres direct, by 5.5. Cherok ee to sail on Aug . 13t h . H owla nd & Aspin wall. 54 So uth St. N.Y. H erald. July 25. 1850. Through Li ne for S.F., via Chagres d ir ect. 5.5. Cher-okee will lea ve for Chag res on Aug. 13, 3 P. M., 5.5. Ph iladelphia will succeed the Cherokee a nd sail Aug. 17th. 3 P.M. H o wland & Aspin wa ll. 54 South St. N .Y. H erald, Aug . 8. 1850. Special Exp ress for Ca lif. s.u. Su tton & Co . 84 Wall St. will despatch a confidential messen ger by the Ste amer Cherokee on the 13th inst., wi th letters & packages for Chagres, Panam a. S.F.. Stoc kto n & Sacrame n to City. By this co n veyance. lett ers will be received one or two days in advance of th e m ail deli very. Terms reasona ble. K B. Su tton, 84 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, Aug. 5. 1850. Em p ire City Line for Cha gr es direct , by sp lendid 5.5. Empire Cit), to leave for Chagres on A ug . 13th . 3 1'.1\1 . J. H oward & 50 11 . 34 B'wa y. NOT E: The a bove boat is also listed to go to Ki ngston . J amaica. leavin g sa me da te, by sa me line. [PLEASE NOTE. Dat e of Aug. 16 was missing in New York H erald.] N.Y. H erald, Aug. 19. 1850. CA LIF. MAILS- CHANGE OF DA YS. Pos t Office, N.Y., Aug. 17, 1850. Notice is hereby given that th e days of sai ling of th e U .5.1\1. stea mers for Ca lif. ar e cha nged to the I I th and 26th of each month in stead 01 the 13th a nd 28th. T he nex t regular mail will be despa tch ed per Oh io on the 26t h of Aug. W m . V. Brady. Postmaste r. N.Y. H erald , Aug. 15. 1850. U.S.M.S.S. Co. Cha nge in th e day of saili ng to Mon. Aug. 26th at 3 P.M. from the p ier at the foot of Warren St. , of th e U.S.M. 5.5. Ohio, jas, F. Schenck. U.S. Co m ma nder. The sp le nd id 5.5. will sail as a bo ve with th e Gov't ma ils for the W est Indi es and Ca lif. T he arrangem en ts for th e tran sportat ion of pa ssengers to S.F. without delay on th e Isthmus. being now co mp le te, the Com pa ny are prepared to issue th rou gh tickets to Chronicle 109 / Fe bruary 1981 / Vol. 33. No. I 31 all classes at reduced rate of passage. The book s for th e O hio on the 26t h ins t., are now ope n and tickets through ca n be obtained a t foll o win g prices-[th is da ta elim ina ted ] Freigh t 10 New O rl eans 25 cents per cu bic foot [and more dat a on frei ght elim ina ted ]. Apply at office, 177 West St., M.O . Roberts. N .Y. Herald, Aug. 8, 1850. In con sequence of stress of wea ther in th e severe storm of July 16th , the departure of 5.5. Philad elphia on her nex t voya ge to Chagres will be delayed until Wed. Aug. 28th, 3 P.M. The 5.5. Caroli lla will be detain ed at Pa nama until th e arrival of her passengers at that place. N.Y. Herald, Aug. 21. 1850. Throu gh Line for S.F. via Ch agr es d irect, a nd by the V.S.M. steamers o n the Pacific.T he spl endid 5.5. Philad elph ia, Robt, H . Pearson , Com. . will leave her dock. Pi er #2. N .R ., for Chagres direct , on Wed. Aug. 28th, at 3 o'clock. Passen gers must have their baggage on board the day previous. Ap ply to Howland &: Aspin wa ll , 54 Sout h St. N.Y. Herald, Aug. 20, 1850. For Calif. & Oregon. The fin e new double engi ne 5.5. Colu m bia will be despatched for S.F ., Calif. & Asto ria, Oregon a u Mon. Sep t. 2nd . I' .M.S.S. Co. , 54 South St. N.Y. Herald, Aug. 8, 1850. T he 5.5. Crescen t City will succeed the Empire Ctiy a nd leave on Mon. Sept. 2nd. J. H oward &: Sou, 34 B'wa y. N.Y. Herald, Aug. 14, 1850. Empire City Lin e-Through tick et to S.F.• via Chagres, per 5.5. Cresce nt City to leave for Ch agr es on Mon . Sep t. 2nd , at 3 P .M. Ap p ly to J. H owa rd &: Son, 34 B'way. N.Y. H erald, Aug. 26. 1850. Empire City Line- I'h rough tickets to S.J·. via Chagres. The sp lendid 5.5. Empire City will leave her dock, Pi er 2 N. R. for Chagres on Sep t. 10th , 3 P.M. [data on fare etc. elim inated ] J. H oward 5.: Son. 34 B'way. N .Y. H erald, Sept. 4. 1850. The U.S. &: Ca lif. Ex press will despat ch t he nex t express lor S.F. on Sep t. 10. per Steam er Empire City . con necting with th e Northerner from Pan ama, Sept. 25th . This is th e on ly ex press compan y. be tween N.Y. &: S.F. th oroughly orga nized on the Isthmus, having hot els, wareho us es, at Cbagres, Cru ces. Gorgo na &: Panama, with the ir ow n boats on th e riv er, th ereby re q u iring no spec ia l messen gers who generally retard rather than expedite goods, between Chagres &: Panam a . [directi on s a bo u t goo ds to be packed &: custom house clearance e tc. ob tai ned free of charge.]H . B. Mill er Co ., 2 Wall SI. l' rn prie tors Harndens Express. N.Y. H erald, Au g. 28, 1850. For Calif. via Chagres withou t de tc nr io n a t Pan am a. T he V.S.M.S.S. Co. will despat ch th e sp lend id 5.5. Georgia o n Wed . Sep t. l l th , at 3 o 'clock 1'.:'\1. from the pier foo t of \ Varren St., N .R.. wit h the Cov 'timails a nd pa ssengers for S.F. and intermediate ports. T he con nectio n a t Pan am a will be ca refully kept np so as to pr eHnt :1I1 Y detention beyond th e usual stay in por t. T he books a rc now o pen a nd passage ca n be sc­ cured at following ra tes. [eliminated] To secure freight or passage ap pl y a t office uf com­ pan y. 177 Wes t St. cor. of Warren , M.a. Roberts, N .Y. Herald, Sept. 6. 1850. Through Line for S.F. by C .S.M. stea me rs o n th e Pacific. S.S. Cherokee to leav e for Chagres Sept. lSth, 3 P.M. Howland &: Aspi n wa ll , 54 &: 55 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, Sep t. 8, 1850 . Through Line for S.F., via Chagres di rect , a nd by the 1'.S.M . steamer on the Pacific. T he splendid 5.5. Ch erok ee, Windle, Co m., will lea ve Pier 4, :-l.R ., on Sept. 13th. 3 P.M . The Cherokee &: Philadel phia ar e th e on ly steamers ru nning direct, to Chagres, in connection with th e U.S.M. stea mer s from Panam a to S.F. Passen ger s by t he Cheroke e will find comforts a nd acco m modatio ns u nsurpassed by a ny o ther stea me r a nd will be sure to connect with the favorite 5.5. Oregon at Pan am a. Howland &: Aspinwa ll , 54 Sou th St . FOR CALIF. VIA CHAGRES. N. Y. H erald, Sept. H , 18:; 0.,U.S.M.S.S. Co .• Departure uat c­ Sept. 26th, 1850, 3 P.M . S.S. Ohio, con nec ting a t Pana ma with stea me rs to 5.1".

N.Y. Herald, Sept. 12. 1850. Empi re Ci ty Li ne -Throug h ti ckets for 5.1" . via Chagrcs, by 5.S. Crescent Cit y to sail on Sept. 28th. Ap ply to J . H oward & Son. N.Y. Herald, Sept. 14. 1850 . Through Line for 5.1". Direct , a nd by th e V.S.M . stea mers on th e Pacific. on Sat. Sept. 28th.T he splendi d 5.5. Philad elphia, R.H. Pearson , Cmd ., will leave her do ck, Pier 4. N.R.• for Chagr es di rect on Sept. 28th at " o'cloc k. T he Ph iladel ph ia & Cherokee are the on ly stea mers running direct to Chagres in con nec tion with the U.S. Pacifi c Mail steamers from Panama, to 5.1". Passen ger s by th e Philadelphla will co nnect a t Panam a with the splendid 5.5. T ennessee. H owland &: Aspi nwa ll. 54 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, Sep t. 25, 1850. Through Line for Calif. &: O regon via Chagres Direct. T he new and favorite 5.5. Ch erokee, 1.30lJ ton s, Capt. H . Wind le. a nd Ph ilad el p hia, 1,100 ton s, Capt. R .H . Pearson , fonn th e d ir ect lin e bet ween N.Y. a nd Chagres, and in con nect ion with the V .S.M . Stea m Pa ckets on th e Pa cilic-a sem i-mo n thl v lin e th ro ugh to S.F. a nd a monrhlv line through to O regon. They lea ve N .Y. a bout th e 13th &: 28tll of each month. [d a ta (Ii'] fares to Chagres et c. eliminated] Howla nd & Aspinwall, :)01 Sout h St. 32 Chronicle 109 / Fe bruary 1981 / Vol. 33, No . I P.M.S.S. Co. The V.S.M . Steam Packet s: O regon 1.099 tons, Capt. C.E . Patterson . Pana ma 1.087 ton s Ca pt. D.G . Bailey. Cali fornia I o.~ O tons, Capt. T ,A. Bud d . T'en nesscr 1300 tons, Capt. G .A. Cole, Carolina 600 tons. Capt. R. L. Whit in ~ . Ull iwrI/ liOO tons, Capt. J .Y. Niche l­ so n. From a semi -mon th ly line between Pan am a a nd ports in Ca lif. and a m onthly belwee n 5.1'. & O regon. Passe ngers arc furnish ed heddings, hut not wines & liquors. etc. Pa ssag e [ron, San Bias or Mazatlan; Cabin $22"., Steerage S IOO. Passage fro m Panama to San Diego; Ca bin $250., Stee rage S125. Passage from Pan ama to 5.1'.; Ca bi n S300., Stee rage $ 150. Ap ply 54 South 5t. N.Y. H erald, Sept. 15, 1850. Gre gory's Cali f. Package Ex p ress per Steamer Crescent City on Sept. 28t h. N. Y. H erald, Oct. 1850. U.S. Ma ils fo r Ca li f. Post Office, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1850. T he regular mail for Ca lif., Chag res, Pan am a, etc ., per U.5 .M. Stea me r Georgia will be made up at thi s office on Fr i. th e II th inst., c1 osin ~ a t 2 P .M . Le tters to Chagres 20 cen ts, to Panama 30 cents, both of which must he p repai d. Wm . Brad y, Postm aster. FOR CA LI F. VIA CHAGRES. N.Y. H erald , Sep t. 28, 1850., U.S.M .S.S. Co ., Dep arture date­ Oct. I I, 1850, 3 P. M. 5.5. Ceorgia with m ails, con necting at Pan ama with Steamers to 5.1'. T HR OUGH LI NE FOR CA LI F. & OREGON . N. Y. H erald, O ct. 2, 1850, U.S.M.S.S. Co .De­ parture d ate- O ct. 12, 18';0, 3 P. M. 5.5 . Cherokee, con nec ting a t Panama with regular mail packet of Nov ., 5.5. Calijornia fo r 5.1'.

N.Y . H erald, Oct. I , 1850. Empire City Line. T h ro ugh tickets to 5.1'., via Cha gres by S.S. Empire City to leave on Oct. 12th. J . H ow ard & So n, 34 B'wa y. N .Y. H erald, Oct. 9, 1850. 5.5. Colu mbia will be d esp at ch ed for 5.1'., Ca lif. & Astoria, Oregon on Sal. Oct. 12th . Ap p ly to P.M .5.S. Co ., 54 Sou th St. FOR CA LI F. VIA CHAGRE5. N. Y. H erald , O ct. 13, 1850, V .5.M .5.5. Co ., Departure d at e­ Oc t. 26, 1850, 3 P.M. S.S. Ohio for Chagres. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 16, 1850. Em p ire C ity Line th rough tickets to 5.1'., via Chagres di rect, by 5.5. Crescent Ci ty to lea ve Oct. 28th, 3 P.M . J . H ow ard & Son, 34 B·wa y. N.Y. H erald , Nov. I , 1850. P .M .5.5. Co . The public arc informed th at under th e arrangem ents o f th is Co ., steame rs inspected a nd approved by th e Navy Dep t. a nd carrying the U.S. Mails will co n tinue to leave Pana ma .\: 5.1'. on th e fir st and 15th day of eac h month, unless detained by unavo idable accident or non -arri val of th e mails a t Pan ama. T he stea me rs of th e 1st of th e month will tou ch at Aca p u lco, [up to here this par t is id entical with th e very fir st ad , as of July I, 1851 (?) ] , Sa n Bias, Mazatlan, San Diego & Mon terey. The steamers of th e 15th of the month will touch a t Aca p u lco , but a t n o other Mexi can ports. The new 5.S. Colu m bia will ply reg u larly, a fte r her arrival in the Paci fic, between 5.1'. a nd ports in Oregon, awa it ing a t th e form er port th e arriva l o f mails a nd passengers from Pan ama, and re tu rn ing withou t d elay wi th mails a nd passengers for th e foll owing stea me r from Sa n Francisco. A regu la r line of p ropell ers will be ke p t up for th e tr ansmissio n of freight and transient passen gers between Pan am a & 5.1'. T he con nec t ion in the Atlantic will be m aintained by th e ste am ­ sh ips Em/lire City, leaving i\'.Y. o n th e 13th a nd Cherokee lea ving N. Y. on th e 28th of ea ch month for Chagres. A third boat wi ll a lso be kept in N.Y. as a spa re stea me r. The new 5.5. Cari b bean & Ph iladelphia will form a d irec t line between Ne w Orleans Ii.: Ch agres, leaving a t suc h peri od s as will ens u re as little d et en tion as poss ible on th e Isthmus a nd fonning wit h th e Pacifi c stea ms h ips a th rough line to and from Ne w Orleans and ports in , Ca lif. & O reg on. Through ticket s for a ny month ca n be secn red on a pp lica tion to th e Co., 54 So. St. N. Y. Applica tions for passage from Ne w Orleans shou ld be m ade to Armstrong, Laura son [?] & Co. FOR CALI F. VIA CHAGRES. N.Y . H erald, Oct. 27, 1850., U.5. M.S.5 . Co ., Dep arture date­ Nov. II , 1850, 3 P.M. 5.5. Georgia for Chagres via 5.5. Pacif ic from H avana to Ne w Orleans. N. Y. H erald, O ct. 30, 1850. Rat es of Fa re reduced. Empire City Line to S.F. via Chagres by 5.5 . Empire Cit y on Nov. 13th, 3 P .M . J. Howard & Son, 34 n'way. FOR CA LI F. VIA CHAGR E5. N.Y. H erald, Nov. 13, 18,,0., V.5.M .S.S. Co., Dep arture date­ Nov. 26, 1850. S.S. Ohio, connecting wi th 5.5. Pacific in H avana. N.Y. H erald, Nov. 26th , 1850. Post Office Inform ation. Mails for th e V .5.M . Steame r Ohio will be m ad e up a t this office on Tues. 26th in st ., closing a t 2 P.M. PL EASE NO T E: On Nov. 19th & Nov. 23rd, the Gre gory's Ca lif. Express a nd th e U.S. & Calif. Express Co. , res pe ctively list th eir goo ds to be shipped by 5.5. Cherokee on Nov. 25th [not 28th] Both en tries were correctly cop ied from th e N .Y. H erald . N. Y. H erald, Nov. 14, 1850. Fa res red uced . Thro u gh Line for 5.1'., via Chagres direct, by the U.5.1\f. stea me rs on th e Pacif ic. 5.5. Cherokee to sail for Chagres Nov. 28, 3 P .M. , con ne cting with 5.5. T ennessee. H owland & Asp in wa ll.

N.Y. H erald , Dec. 5, 1850. Ste ame rs Georgia on Dec. I Jth a nd Crescent City on Dec. 13th, will connect fro m Pan ama with Mail Ste amer Calif. for 5.F., J an. 1st. Chron icle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33, No . I 33 FOR CALIF. VIA CHAGRES. N.Y. H erald , Nov. 29, 1850., V.S.M.S.S. Co., Dep arture c1ate­ Dec. 11. 1850. 3 P .M.• S.S. Georgia. N.Y. Herald , Nov. 27, 1850. Empire City Line connecting with th e U.S.P .M. steamer at Pan ama. T hro ugh tick ets to S.F. via Chagres, on Dec. 13th, 3 P .M., by S.S. Crescen t Cit y . J. H oward & Son , 34 B'way. FOR CALIF. VIA CHAGRES. N.Y. H erald, Dec . 14, 1850, V.S.M.S.S. Co., Dep arture dat e- ­ Dec. 26, 1850. S.S. Ohio via S.S. Falcon from H avana.

N .Y. Herald, Dec. 15, 1850. Through Line to Ca liforn ia for Chagres direct via H avan a. The U.S.M.S.S. Co. will despatch as above th e sp lend id double engine 5.5. Falcon , H.J. Hartstein, U.s. Com., on Thurs. Dec. 26th, at 3 o'clock P .M., from th e p ier foot of W arren St., N .R . Freight etc . Cabin $100. Steerage $50.-1'0 Ha vana; Ca bin $90. Steerage $25. T he Fa lcon will connect with on e of th e Pa cific steame rs of th is line and passengers having through ticket s will not be delayed at Panama be yond the usual stay in port. Passage fro m Panam a to 5.1'.; Cabin $300. Steerage $150. The Falcon ha s just been thoroughly overhauled . She is furnished with new boilers, and has a new saloon and stat e room deck. H er cabins are newl y furnished throughout and he r accom moda tions for passen ger s are now equal to those of any other steamer afloat. For freight or passage apply at offi ce of Co., 177 West 51. cor. Wa rre n St., M.O. Roberts. N.Y. Herald, ---- V.S.M.S.S. Co., Departure date-Dec. 28, 1850, 3 P.M. 5.5. Cheroke e, con ­ necting at Panama with 5.5. Cali fornia, leaving on or about Jan. 15th, 1851. NEWS; N.Y. H erald, Dec. 29, I850-Norfo lk , Dec. 26. The S.S. Ohio, of N.Y., just anchored in thi s H arbor , on Wed . mornin g, ou r stea m was up, anchors weighed and all the pa ssengers consisting of more than 300 in number , anx ious to start for N .Y., among th em were ladies from New Orlea ns & H avana. T he stea mer had p ro ­ ceeded a few yards on her way when a violent jolt was felt over the whole vessel, as tho ugh striking against some heavy substance in the water. At once th e engines were stopped, for an accident had occurred . Som ething had broken abou t th e machiner y and on exa mination it proved to be the bursting of a cylinder head of th e starboard engine, wh ich rendered it useless until rep aired; it requ ired severa l hours of cooling of wat er and met al before th e ex ten t of damage cou ld be ascertained but whe n th e exact sta te of affairs was known, it was pronounced impossible to rep air the damaged engine before reachi ng N.Y. Cap t. Sche nck however after mature consultation det ermined to proceed to sea.

Inde pende nt Ships to Chagres and Direct to San Francisco From New York N.Y. H erald, Feb. I, 1850. Steam sh ip from Pan am a for 5.1'., Calif. The new and substa ntial S.S. W est Point built in N.Y. last year expressly for th e Pacifi c trad e, will leave Pan am a as ab ove ab out th e 5th of Mar. and can acco mmoda te a few mor e cabin passen gers who shou ld leave N.Y. by th e 13th in st. William L. Youl e at E.K.Collins, 74 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, Feb. 2. 1850 (Wed .) For Cha gres or Porto Bello (12 mi les belo w). rhe fin e fast sailing coppered Bark Ella, 360 ton s bu rthen, two years old will sail as above on Sat. or Mon. next. Apply, Pillsbury & San ford, 39 South St. N.Y. Herald, Feb. 28, 1850. Steamship W est Point will .leave Panama for 5.1'. abo ut th e 5th of April. Wm. L . You Ie, 74 South St. N.Y. Herald, Mar. 20. 1850. S.S. W est Point from Panama to S.F., Calif. T he above stea mer will leave Panama abou t th e 15th of Apr., expected to make passage in 15 da ys. Will . You le at E.K. Collins. 74 South St. N.Y. Herald, Mar. 6. 1850. Passage fr om Pan am a to S.F. S.S. N ew W orld. Tickets for passage in th e above sh ip which will leave Panama on th e lst of Apr. may be had on app licat ion at th e office of Messrs. Moses Taylor & Co ., 44 South St. The N ell' W orld will accommod at e a large number of passengers and from her great speed it is confide nt lv believed will make the passage in from ten to twelve days . W .H . Bro wn . ' N.Y. Herald, Mar. 9. 1850. For S.F., Calif. via Strait s of Magellan & Pan am a, stopping at Ri o Janiero & Valparaiso. The new and elegan t S.S. R epublic will be dispatched as above on Thurs. Mar. 21st. at 3 o'clock P.M ., fro m pi er at th e foo t of Warren St., N.R., for th e Pa cific Ocean . H er accommodations are unsurpassed by any stea mer afloa t, ha vin g double oscillating engines of great power and sllper workma nship . H er burthen is 1,200 ton s and expected to make the run in 70 da ys. Apply to M.O . Rob erts, 118 West St. N.Y. H era ld, Mar. 10, 1850. [Change of sailing date] For San Francisco, Calif. via Stra its of Magellan & Panama, stopping at R io J an eiro & Valpar ai so. S.S. R ep ub lic will be d ispatched Mar. 25th. 3 P.M . CHANGE OF SAILING DATE FOR llepublic-N.Y. H erald , Mar. 27, 1850. NOTICE: T he sailing of the 8.S. Republic for S.F. is postponed to Mon . next , April lst. N.Y. Herald, Apr. 11. 1850 (Thurs.) Notice to pass eng er s S.S. R epu blic for Ca lif. T hey mu st 34 Chronicle 109 / Februar y 1981 / Vol. 33. No . 1 be on board on Sat. morning, 13th inst., by II o'clock. The. Republic will sail a t 12 o'clock pr ecisely. M.O . R oberts. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 10, 1850. For S.F., Calif. via the Straits of Magella n , touching at Rio Janeiro. Valparaiso &: Panama. T he sn perior fast sailing S.S. Ge1l eral Wa rren will be dis ­ pat ched from N .Y. for th e a bov e port s on Ap ril 4th. The Genera l W an-en has 2 powerful engines and for streng th of co ns truction and sea go in g qualities is unsurpassed. She has 500 ton s b u rt he n . Passen gers by this steame r will avoid th e sickly months on the Isthmus a nd arrive a t S.F. as early as by any th rough con veyance now obtainable. The Commodore Preb le will succ eed th e General W arreu a nd sail May 1st. Apply to Agents Do le & Co., 63 Front St. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 31, 1850. Stea mer General Warren to leave on April 10th for San Francisco . CHANGE OF SAILING DATE-N.Y. H erald, Apr. 5. 1850. The sailing of the Steamer Gen­ eral Wa rren for S.F. is postpon ed till Sat. Apr. 13th. Do le &: Co . N.Y. H erald, Ma r. 27. 1850. For San Franci sco via R io de Jan eiro, Valparaiso &: Panama. The sple nd id S.S. Northerner, 1,300 tons burthen , will leave for S.F. via Stra its of Magellan on Thurs. Ap r. 4th at 3 o'cloc k fro m Pi er No .2, N.R., Apply to J . Howard &: Son , 34 B'way. N .Y. Herald, Sep t. I, 1850. Panama to S.F. in the spl endid S.S. Northerner. Firs t ca bi n 5300., Second cabin (u p per) $200., second cabin (lower) same table as upper. $150 . Ap ply to J . Howard &: Son , 34 B'way. N.Y . H erald, Mar. 30, 1850. Tri-monrhly Line for Ca lif. via Chagres, W ed . Apr . l Oth, lyin g at Pier 9, E.R . T he splend id cop pered &: copper fas tened Clipper Bark Bogota, Thomas, Master , will posit ively sail as above on her regular d ay. The vessel has made one of the quic kest passages to Chagres on record and having been a regular packet. hence to Carthagena, a neighboring port, Cap t. Thomas has a n advan tageous ex pe rie nce for the passage. Passengers will do well to exam ine this vessel before det ermining to go otherwise. For freight or passage at reduced rates a p ply to Ru ssel & Norton. 31 Old Slip Office of Chagres sailing packets or to Livingston, Well s &: Co.'s Express., 10 Wall St . This is th e on ly line th at has despatched a succe ssion of sailing vessels all of whi ch are firs t class, fast sailors, a nd com ma nd ed by ex­ peri enced men . In con nec tion w it h this lin e, the su bscribers are prepared to sell tickets for passage from Panam a to S.F., per fir st class vesse ls. price of passage $135. T he splendid fast sa ili ng Br ig Oceola will succeed th e Rogota and sail on the 20th April, her regular d ay. N.Y. Herald, Aug. 10, 1850. S.F. &: Ma zatlan Steam Pa cket. The new elega nt S.S. Gold Hunter, Capt. Couillard, will commence to run regul arly, bet ween San Francisco. Maz atlan and San BIas. tou ch in g a t Mon ter ey, San Ped ro &: San Dieg o, leavin g S.F. Mon. of July next, arriving a t Maza th an &: Sa n BIas, regu larly every 24 days from th e dat e of her fir st arrival. The Gold Hunt er, from her light d raught, ca n go into the inner harbor of Mazatlan for the conven ien ce of pa ssen gers &: a fter th ey are landed will proceed to San Blas, remaining o nly a su ffici ent tim e for pa ssen gers to land a nd em ba rk, a nd return to Ma zar lan. This steamship is only 6 months old, has proved to be an exce llent sea boat. in regards to speed and safety is eq ual to any stea mer in th e Paci fic Ocean. She is ins u re d a t the low est rates in the bes t offices in N.Y. T he establis h ment of a steams hi p on this route will ensu re to travelers who are ab out to leav e the U.S. and Mex ico for Ca lif. a safe regular &: expe d itious means of con veyance from the western coa st. San Francisco Ma y 30, 1850. Simmons, Hutchinson &: Co. S.F. Mot t, Talbot Co. Mazatlan. N.Y. Herald, Apr. 12. 1850. Tri-month ly Li ne for Chagres a nd through to S.F. First vessel sails Sat. April 20th . Goes to the tow n with a ll her cargo. T he sple nd id cop pered &: cop per fastened Ba rk N acooclia will sail as above on her reg u lar d ay. Passengers are invited to ex­ amine this vessel before engaging to go o therwise. For fre igh t or passage apply to Russel &: Norton , 31 Old Slip. CHANGE OF SAILING DATE for N.Y. H erald, Apr. 18. Bark N acoochee [not e d iffe re n t spelling this time, wh er eas before it was " Nacoocha"] to leave on Apr. 25th. In con nec tio n with this line first cla ss sailing vessels will be despatched from Pa nama to S.F. a nd through tickets may be had on application at this office. [Da ta on ra tes eliminated .] N.Y. H era ld , Apr. 25. 1850. Through Line for Ca lif. via Chagres in Brig John Fre nch, to sail Ma y 8th. Russell &: Norton. N.Y. H erald, May 9, 1850. For S.F., Benicia &: Sacramento City, via R io de Janeiro. Valpara iso .1.: Panama. To lea ve Philadelphia in June. S.S. Con stitution will sail as a bove. For freight or passage apply to Ward &: Price, 40 Wall St. [P lease note date of Ma y 17th re same vessel ). N.Y. H erald, May 17, 1850. For S.F., Benicia &: Sacramento City. via Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso & Panama to clear ear ly in june. The splend id S.S. Constitu tion will sai l as above. Ward & Price, 40 W all St. [As per notice of Ma y 9th, N .Y. H erald-This vessel was to sail from Ph iladelphia, but on this date no mention from which port was rnade.] N.Y. H erald, June 6t h, 1850. NOT IC E: Shippers of goods per Constitution for S.F. are re­ quested to hand in th eir ap p lica tion in the course of th e present week to Ward &: Price. 40 Wall St. The Cons tit ution will sail on the 15th inst. Ch ro ni cle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33. No .I 35 N.Y. H erald, J u ne 16, 1850. The 5.5. COllstitution is now load ing at Philadelphia and will sail for San Francisco, Benicia & Sacramento City on Sat. 22nd inst. Goods destined for th e COli­ stit ution will be sent to Phila. Cree of ex pe nse to the shippers and are requested to hand in .their receipt of the Camden & Amboy R.R. and Transportati on Co. 0 11 or before ' Ved . next th e 19th. CHANGE OF SAILING DATE for J u ne 22, 1850. S.S. Consti tution to sail on the 25th ins t. N.Y. Herald, Nov . II , 1850. T O CALI FO RN IANS- Important reduction in th e price of passage from Panama to S.F. T he new and sp lendi d double eng ine 5.5. Com:ilulioll, S. Biset, U.S.:-:. Cmd .• will leave Panama. for S.F. on th e 15th of Dec., next , 10 meet the stea me rs of th e 26th and 28th inst. T he Constitut ion was bu ilt under th e sa me supe ri nte nde nce as th e Caro li ne and the Unioll, whose admir abl e acco mmodations and sai ling qualities ar e well kn own. Apply to Wa rd & Price, 40 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, Nov . 30, 1850. Steame r COllstitllti oll will leave from Pan am a abou t Dec. 20th , for S.F. N.Y. to S.F.• via Chagres. N.Y. H erald , May 15, 1850., Tri-monthly Line. Dep ar tu re da te­ May 20th, 1850.(Mon.) Brig A llo nzo , [ No othe r information given .] N.Y. H erald, May 22. 1850. For S.F. per S.S. Gen eral Zacha ry Ta yl or to leave Peck Slip for above port on th e 27th inst. , via Gre nada, Pernambuco , Rio Janei ro , Montevideo. Valparaiso & Panama. Apply to J os.T . Martin, 37 Sou th St. N.Y. Herald, June 29, 1850. T he S.S. General Zacha ry Ta ylor for Calif. via Panama , on he r rou te now, is expected to reach Panama abou t the 15th of Aug ust. J oseph Ma rt in , 37 South 51. N.Y. Herald, May 25. 1850. N.Y. & S.F. sailing pa cket s via Chagres for June 1st by splendid fast sailing Brig Empire. R ussell & Norton, 31 Old Slip. N.Y. H erald , May 25. 1850. Passage from Pan ama to S.F. by the A-I Stea mer Goliah, expecting to leave for S.F. by the 1st of Aug. next. Wm . H . Furman, 87 Sou th St. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 26. 1850. For S.l-'. by Steamer Wm. J. Pease from Pan am a to 5.1". , leavin g on or about the 15th of May. App ly to Sta nto n R: Spi cer , 86 Wcst St. N.Y. H erald, June 27. 1850. Through Line for 5.1"., Ca lif. by Steam &: sailing pa ckets, via Chagres and Pan ama. The tim e th ro ugh by this lin e is about 15 da ys, no ex pense in debark­ in g or embarking to pa ssen gers. Ap p ly to Her dic &: Wright, 130 Ceda r St. N.Y. H erald, J u ly 8. 1850. T hroug h Li ne for 5.1-'., Calif. by steam and sailing vessels. To leave for Chagres on July 13th. N.Y. H erald, July 17. says will leave for Chugrcs on July 27t h. &: July lfith, N.Y. H eral d says will leave on July 18th. [the nam e of boa t not give n] N.Y. H erald, Sept. 5. 1850. Steamer for San Fr an cisco, Calif. by A-I new and last douhie engine stea mship Ullio ll, to leave Oct. lst, touchin g at Rio J aneiro , Valparaiso &: Pan am a. E. l achrisson &: Co., 87 Wall St. N.Y. H erald. Oct. 1. 1850. 5.5. Union will lea ve for 5.F. via Rio J aneiro , Valparaiso &: Pan am a on or about 15th Oct. E. Zach risson & Co., 87 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 23. 1850. CHANGE OF SAILING DATE: 5.5. Ullio1l to sail on 28th in st. N.Y. H erald, Nov. 23. 1850. For Chagres direct on Monda)'. Dec. ~ nd , by superior fast sai lin g dou ble engine. screw stea mer On tario. H . H old rege, j r., 93 Wall St.

New York to -IaSO FOR SAN J UAN DE NICARAGUA. [Date ?] T he fast saili ng coppercd an d copper fastened schooner ente rprise will sail 13th inst., F. & D. Fowler . 86 West St. N.Y. H erald, Dec. 17, 1850. For Havana. San J uan & Chagres. The new do u bl e eng ine S.S. Prometheus, E. L. Pinklepaugh, Commande r. will leave N.Y. for the above ports, from Pier 2. N.R .• on Dec. 25th, 4 P.M. [Freight & p assage rates elimina ted .] Apply to D.B. Alle n, 9 Ba t­ tery PI. CHANGE OF SAI LING DATE for Prom etheus to leave on Dec. ~6t h instea d of 25th. Clipper Ships New York to San Francisco Via Cape Horn-laSO FOR SAN FRANCISCO. N.Y. H era ld, Dec. 22, 1849, Dispatch Li ne, Dep arture date-Immediate despatch, Clipper Ship John Q. A dams. N.Y. H erald, Dec. 23, 1849. FOR SAC RA MENTO CITY. Brig Lowell will sail as abo ve. Ap pl y on board foot of Dov er St. or LB. Gager, 120 Wall St. [Please not e: this ad is as was in th e paper. givi ng no sp ecific date] FOR SAN FRANCISCO & SACRAMENTO CITY, CALIF. "Old Line" to sail in a few days Brig Lowell. Apply to J .R . Gager, 120 Wall St. 36 Chronicle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33. No. I N.Y. H emld, Dec. 22. 1849 FOR SACR AME NTO CI T Y, CAL. DI SPATCH LINE. Clipper Bark Sea Gull is now loading at Pier No. 12 N.R. Ap p ly to E. Su tton, 84 Wall St. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. N.Y. Herald , Dec. 23, 1849. T o leave on th e 20th of J an . 185G-A-I Packet Ship Saratoga. James Smi th , 116 Wall St. N .Y. H erald, Jan. 17, 1850. FOR SAN FR ANCI SCO , Calif. T he elega n t Clipper Ship Saratoga will be di sp atched for the above por t on th e 25th of Jan. hav in g a grea t part of her cargo engaged . Slat e, Gardiner Howell , 114 Sou th SI. or J am es Smi th & Son, 116 West St. As p er not ice of Jan. 23, 1850, N.Y. H erald, Clip pe r Ship Saratoga will be disp atche d for S.F. on Feb . 1st. N.Y. H erald, Jan. 6, 1850. Passage only- For S.F., Calif . T he sp lend id fast saili ng live oak built ship Virg inian has all her cargo on board and will sail on the 12th inst, App ly on board foot of Wall St. or to E.W. Kimball & Co., 92 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, J an . 16, 1850. For Pernambuco. Passage only. The favorably kn own & commodious Bark Isabelit o H yne will sail tomorrow (Thurs) for Pernambuco wh en ce communication with Rio J an eiro is consta n t both by stea me rs and saili ng vessels. Alle n & Paxson, 131 Fron t St. N.Y. H erald, J an. 23, 1850. For Calif. Regul ar Packet Line. Freigh t and passengers for S.F. can be tak en in first class vessels at lowest ra tes. F. & D. Fowl er. 86 West St. An A- I Clipper built Canton shi p will be di spat ch ed in fifteen da ys. N.Y. H erald, Jan. 23, 1850. For San Fran cisco, Calif. The sp lendid fast saili ng newly coppered Sh ip Albania having a large part of her cargo engaged will have th e same prompt di spatch as th e othe r vessels her etofore loaded by the su bscriber. For freight only (it being intended to proceed direct) Apply to H . H oldrege J r. 93 Wall St. N.Y. Herald, Ma r. 7, 1850. For San Fran cisco by Shi p Albania to sail this week . H. H oldrege J r. , 93 Wall St. N.Y. H erald , J an . 25, 1850. For San Francisco, Ca lif. Merch ant's Li ne. The A-I new Clipper Ship T elassar will sail in a few days; for freig h t app ly on b oard Pier 38 E.R ., or J am es W . Elwell, 57 South St. N.Y. H erald, J an . 25, New York built A-No .I Sh ip Christian a will meet wit h d ispatch . [no dat e given ] Apply to Boyd & Hincken , 88 Wall St. or J as. W. El well, 57 Sou th St. N.Y. H eral d, J an . 26, 18.,0. For Calif. Direct. Dispat ch Li ne . Cli pper Ship W iscon sin at Pi er 26 E.R. T his is one of the fine Liverpool packets and is well known as a flee t sailor. A few bales, boxes etc., ca n be take n. Shi ppers desirin g to meet th e h igh prices of th e S.F. mark et will find th is a favorable opportu nity. E.H. Sutton & Co., 84 Wall St. or J ohn Ogden , 116 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, J an . 30, 1850. For Calif. direct. The sp lend id packet Sh ip Sh erid an having been withd rawn fr om th e Liverpool Line and th orough ly overhau led and reco ppered, will be desp atched immed iat ely for S.F. un der the command of Ca pt. Ceo. B. Co rnish , and it is in­ te nded tha t she will go direct to Ca lif., witho u t sto pping on either side of th e Cape , thus avoiding the great delay which freq uently occurs fro m th at cause. For freigh t, app ly as well as pa ssage, to Spofford & Tileston & Co., 48 Sou th St. [D ata on cabin, sta te roo m etc ., elimina ted] N.Y. H erald , Feb. 4, 1850. For Calif.-Dispatch Line. Clipper ship W iscon sin will positivel y sail for S.F. dir ect on Mon. 18th; nothing can be taken after Sat. 16th . E.R . Su tton & Co., 84 Wa ll St. N.Y. H erald , Feb . 9, 1850. For San Fra ncisco, Calif. The new and splendid Schooner Yacht Bet ty Bliss, h avin g the grea ter portion of her cargo engaged will sail on th e 20th inst., pre­ ceed ing direct for th e above port witho ut any intermediat e sto ppi ngs . Apply to Jam es Bishop k Co., 3 Heaver St. N.Y. H erald, Feb . 13, 1850. Immediate despatch by A-I Can to n Sh ip Houiqua . Apply to F. & D. Fowl er , 86 West St. cor Alba ny St. N.Y. H erald , Ma r . I. 1850. Regular Pa cket Li ne for San Fra ncis co. T he A-No. I Can ton Ship H ouiqua will sail on th e 6th inst. F. & D.Fowler. 86 West St. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 7. 1850. T he A- I Pa cket Ship St. Patrick now load ing at Pi er 8, N.R.• will su cceed the H ouiqua [whi ch was schedu led to sail on th e 6t h of Mar.] H . D. Fowler. 86 West St. N.Y. H erald, Feb. 25. 1850. For Calif. Dispa tch Line. Fin e Ship Hindoo, Miller . Master. is loading at Pier 26 East Side Peck Slip , E.R. Sh ippers will hurry do wn th eir freight as there will be uo delay. E.B. Su tto n, 84 Wall St. N.Y. Herald, Mar. 29. 1850. Ship Hindoo for Calif. to sail Ma r. 30. at 10 o'clock fro m Pier 26 E.R., z.n. Su tton & Co.• 84 Wall si. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 10. 1850. Old Li ne- For San Francisco to sai l wi th des pa tch . T he sp len did fast sailing A- I Li verp ool Pa cket Ship St. Pat rick, 1.000 to ns burthen, is now loading. Apply to David Ogd en, 66 Wa ll St. Chronicle 109 / Feb ru ary 1981 / Vol. 33. No. 1 S7 N.Y. H eral d, Feb . 22, 1850. Schooner Yach t, Betty Bl iss will sa il for S.F ., Ca lif. on th e 26th in st. Jam es Bishop, 3 Beaver St. New Yo rk H erald, Feb . 26, Betty Bl iss to sa il in a few d ays. N .Y. H erald , Mar. 5, 1850. For Ca lif. by new Yacht Schooner Isett» Bliss, to sail 9th ins t. James Bishop & Co. , 3 Beaver St. N .Y. H erald, Fe b. 16, 1850. For Ca lif.-Di sp atch Line. New Ship R ealm , Steve ns , Mast er , a t P ier I I, N. R . Sh ip pers pl ea se sen d ba lance of freigh t at once, n one tak en aft er Sa t. 23rd, in st. Fi ne shi p Hin doo will fo llow an d have the usu al despatch . E.B. Sutton , 84 Wall St. N.Y . H era ld, Feb . 19, 1850. For San Fran cisco-Regula r Line. T he fi ne newly cop pered, very fast sa iling shi p Massachusetts, Pier 6, E.R. , ca n take th e b u lk of ,,00 bbls., if o ffered im ­ medi a tel y.T he ce lebrated cli pper sh ip R ome, Capt. Mason , Pier 5 E.R., havin g th ree fourt h of her cargo engaged w ill foll ow wi th quick despatch . Appl y to Isaac T . Sm ith , lOl W all St. N.Y. H erald, Fe b. 19, 1850. For Sacramento Citv , Cali f. T he bc a u t.ifu l lig ht fast sai ling bark Onyx, at Pi er 14 E.R., wi ll sail in a few days. T he cli pper ba rk T.] . Southard h avin g a large part of he)' ca rgo en ga ged wi ll h a ve good desp a tch. Apply to Isaac T . Smith . N .Y. H eral d , Feb . 2 1, 1850. Passa ge to Sa n Francisco by way of Mo n tevid eo an d Val pa ra iso. By Ba rk Patriot lyi ng at J ames Sli p, sai ling on Sun. 24th , in th e morni ng . Apply to Capta iu on board. N .Y. H erald, Feb . 21, 1850. Steamboat Paddle W l.eel by Will . A. Crocker rea dy for trial tod ay betwee n h ou rs of 12 M and :1 P.M ., if weat her is unfavora ble, the fi rst fai r day. N .Y. H erald, Mar. 5, 1850. For S.F., 7th insr., by new Clip per Ba rk Eli zab et h , Apply to E. Go od win & Bro., 153 South St. or J as. Sm ith &,. Son , II fi Wall SI. N .Y. H erald, Ma r. 8, 1850. Fo r S.F., Ca lif. by fast sa iling Clipper Ba rk Eli zab eth to sa il on 9th inst. E. Goodwin & Bro ., 153 South St. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 5, 1850. For S.F., Ca lif. by 'new Clipper Bar k H iero, now load ing and having immediate d ispatch . Apply to H old rege J r. , 93 Wall St. N .Y. H erald , Mar. 12, 1850. T h e fi ne packet ship Sh a h/a ll will sail on the 161h inst. Spofford, Tileston & Co ., 48 South St. N.Y. H era ld, Ma r. 17, 1850. Despa tch Line. First vessel. T he new , fast sail ing Br ig »«: El y; P ike,Mast er, will sai l as above on Mar. 21st. for frC'ight or passage apply to R ussel & Norton , 31 O ld Slip , Office of the Ch agres Packets. N.Y. H eral d, Mar. 19. 1850. DI SP AT CH LINE. Ship L ad)' A ra bella, G lover, Master , is now loading at Pier 10, N .R. Pa rticu la r a tt ention is requ est ed to the ver y comfortab le a rra n gemen ts for passengers. A limited num ber o n ly wi ll be tak e n. E.n . Su tton & Co ., iH Wall St. N .Y. H erald, Ap ril 10, 1850. Passen gers per sh ip Lady Arabella for 5.1'. wi ll please be on board at Pi er No 10 N .R . on Mon. th e 15th ins t. 12 M. LB. Sulton & Co., 8·\ W a ll St.

N .Y. H erald, Ma r. 20, 1850. For S.F. Regu lar Packet Line by Clip pe r Ship Rome to sai l in a few days. Isaac T . Smit h, 10 1 Wall St. N.Y . H erald, Mar. 28 , 1850. For S.F. d ir ect by fast sailing Clip per Ship Sea W ilch 10 sa il abo ut the 5th o f April. Apply to H owla nd & Aspinwa ll "i South 51. N .Y. H erald. April 13, 1850. Shi p Sea W itch lor S.F. The steame r Un it ed Stat es will lea ve Wh it e H all Slip at 8 o 'clock th is morning to co n n 'y passengers abo a rd th e a bove shi p . N.Y. H erald , Mar. 29, 1850. Semi -mon th ly Line- Far e redu ced. The new packet Josep h H em )' will sa il on W ed . A pr. 10th . This vessel is hut six months o ld a nd a very fast sa iler. Capt. Morgan is an o ld experi enced Co mdr., havin g hec n lon g employed in th e Gu lf trade. T hose a bo ut to procee d to th e Gold Region s will find it greatly to thei r advantag e to exam ine th e accom mod ations as th ey will find the m eq ua l to any other mode o f cOlweya nce, a nd ra tes of passage m u ch low er. Being in the re gu lar line, she will sail punctual to her day . Pr ice of passage to Chagres ; Ca b in S50 . Seco nd Cabin $30 . Fo r freigh t a p p ly to O lney & Sessio ns, 6 1 South St. or N .L. McCread y & Co ., 36 Sou th St. A firs t class vesse l will succe ed th e a bove an d sa il o n her regular day, th e 25 th of Apr. Passen gers by this lin e ca n secu re a th rough passage to S.F. without detentio n . a nd a t a very low ra te. N.Y. H erald, Ma r. 30. 1850. For Ca li f. Di spa tch Li ne per Sh ip El em ent at Pier 6 N.R., to have quick d espat ch . E.B. Su tton & Co., 84 Wall St. N.Y. H era ld, Ap ril IS. 1850. For Ca lif.-Dispa tch Line, by fast sa iling sh ip El ement. to sai l in a few d ays. E .B. Sutton & Co ., 84 Wall SI. N.Y. H erald, Mar. 31, 1850. Packet Sh ip Vic tor ia for S.F. to sa il ou Ap r il 2nd . J. Be lknap Smith, 88 W all St. N .Y. H erald. April I , 1850. T he Brig Sophia for S.F. an d Sacramento City.[ No dep arture date given .] T hos. L. Brayn ard, 81 W all St. 38 Chronicle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. :13, No . I N.Y. H erald, May 8, 1850. For S.F. and Sacramento City by th e Brig Sop h ia to sail soon. Thomas L. Brayn ard , 81 Wall St. FOR SAN FRANCISCO , CALIF. N.Y. H erald, Apr. 16, 1850, Despat ch Li ne, Dep arture da te­ Immed iate despat ch , Clipper Sh ip Carri ngton . [No ot her in formation given.] FOR SACRAM EN T O CITY, CALI F. N.Y. H erald, April 17, 1850, Despat ch Line, Departure date-On or abo u t Apr. 20. Br ig China [wi th ot her in form a tion]. N.Y. H erald, Ap ril 29, 1850. For S.F. per Clippe r Sh ip Nisida Steuiart whic h has immed iat e desp at ch . H . H oldrege, jr., 93 Wa ll St. N.Y. H erald, May I, 1850. Regular Packet Line will desp at ch sho rtly per Ship H aidee for Calif. App ly to Isaac T . Sm ith, 101 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, May 25, 1850. Packet Shi p Haid ee will (weather continuing fair) sail pos it ively 1st of June. Isaac T . Smith. N.Y. Herald, May 8, 1850. For S.F. First vessel. Dispatch Line, Fast sai ling sh ip Grea t B ritain hav ing a large po rt ion of her cargo engaged and now going on board at Pier No 6, N.R . will have qu ick dispatch for th e above por t. The sailing qualities of th is vessel is well kn own, having ju st returned from China in 96 days. Im medi a te app lica tion sho uld be made for balance of cargo. Shippers wishi ng to avo id delay, will find it m uc h to th eir in terest to observe th e di spatch given by this lin e. Freigh t take n a t low ra tes . E.B. Sutton, 84 Wall St. For San Fran cisco & Sacram ento City. N.Y. H erald, May 19, 1850. By Baltimo re Clipper built Schooner L a Be lla Francisca. Apply to F. & D. Fowler, B6 West St. N.Y. H erald, May 31, 1850. Schooner L a Bella Francisco will positively sail on 10th of June for Sacrame n to City. F. & D. Fow ler, 86 West St. N.Y. H erald , June 8, 1850. CHANGE SAILING DATE: Schooner La Be lla Fra ncisca will posi tively sail on th e 12th inst. N.Y. Herald, May 19, 1850. For San Francisco with Disp at ch by Sh ip Talbot, to have im­ medi at e di spat ch . Ap ply on hoard a t Pie r 7 N.R ., or J oh n Ogdon , 116 Wall St. N .Y. Herald, July 19, 1850. For San Francisco by Canton Packet Sh ip Claren don to sa il soon. Hunt er, 80 B'way. N.Y. H erald, July 24, 1850. For S.F. by new Shi p White Squall to sail in a few days. Booth & Edgar, 95 Fron t St. N.Y. H erald, Aug . 30, 1850. T he Ship W hi te Squa ll to sail soon. Booth & Edgar, 95 Front St. N.Y. H eral d, Aug. 13, 1850. For Calif. Dispa tch Line. T he very fast sailing new and newl y coppered Sh ip M ary & Adeline, is loadi ng a t Pier 5 N.R. The most com forta ble arrange me n ts are p rovided for fam ilies, some of which are already engaged .Immedia te application will be necessary for passage and balance of cargo. E.B . Sulton & Co ., 84 Wall St. N .Y. H erald , Aug. 18, 1850. For S.F. T he Ship Heber, Capt. .l.W . Pa tt erson will be despatched immed iate ly for th e above port direct. T he ship is engaged regularl y in the Chi na trade, and having more than half her cargo engaged and goi ng on board, shi p pe rs may rely on he r sailing soon. Booth & Edgar , 95 Fro nt St. N.Y. H erald, Aug . 28, 1850. D ESPAT CH LI NEFOR SAN FRANCI SCO. No freigh t rec 'd afte r Friday evening . The sple ndid A- I Clipper Ship Anstiss, Steele, Master, has three fou rths of her cargo engaged and going on board , foot of Rector St., N .R . T his sh ip is nearly new, built ex pressly for the China trade, and has proved herself one of the fas test vessels in th e U. S. For freigh t only, John Ogden , I IG Wa ll St. N.Y. H erald, Sept. 7, 1850. For S.F. di rect, by Bark E. Corning, to h ave prompt despatch. App ly to H . B. Corning , 7·1 South St. N.Y. H erald, Sept. 8, 1850. For S.F. by do ub le eng ine Bark rigged S.S. Fanny, will be desp atched on or about 1st of October. Ap p ly to Ward &: Price, 40 Wa ll St. N.Y. H erald, Sept. 16, 1850. For S.F. First Vessel. T he favori te Clip per Shi p H elen a will have immediate d ispatch. Nath'l L. & Geo. Gr iswold , 71 Sout h St. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 6, 1850. Clip pe r Sh ip H elena will re ceive freigh t for a few da ys at Pier 18 E.R. and have qui ck des patch , full or not ful l. Nath'l L & G. Gris wold, 71 Sou th St. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 6, 1850. For S.F. di rect by Cli p pe r Bark Southerner, for immedi­ a te despatch . App ly on boa rd at Pine St. W harf to Everett & Bro wn , 68 South St. or Isaac T . Sm ith, 101 Wa ll St. N.Y. H erald , Oc t. 10, 1850. For S.F. direct, by ne w clip per shi p Sea N ym ph having prompt dispatch. Ap p ly to Aymar & Co., 34 Sou th St. [n ame indi stinct]. Chronicle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33, No. I 39 N.Y. H erald, Oct. 18, 1850. For S.F.-Dispatch Line. By A-I Ship Uriel, to sail soon. E.B. Sut­ ton & Co., 84 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 20, 1850. For S.F. by Cli ppe r built Ba rk Guilford having immediate despatch. John Osborn, II I Wall St. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 23, 1850. Gui lfor d will sail in a coup le of weeks for Sacramento City, Calif. N.Y. He rald, Dec. 7, 1850 . For Sacramento City di rect by Clipper Bark Gui lford at an y early day, will rece ive no goo ds af ter Dec. II th o John & Rob. Osborn, III Wall SI. N.Y. Herald, Dec. 12, 1850. T o clear positively on Mon. 16th inst., Cli ppe r Bark Gu ilfor d . FOR SAN FRANCISCO. N .Y. H erald, Oct. 22, 1850. Despatch Li ne , Departure dat e-in a few day s Packet Ship W ash in gt oll Irv ing. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 22, 1850. San Francisco by A-I new Clipper Ship A udub on to sail soo n. J. VI'. Elwe ll , 57 Sou th St. N.Y. H erald, Oct. 28, 1850. For San Francisco by S.S. Bothnio to sail in a few days. Isaac T . Smit h , 101 Wall St. N.Y. H erald, Nov . 14, 1850. Packet Shi p Bothnia will sail on Nov . 19th, for San Francisco. N.Y. H erald, Dec. 10, 1850. For San Francisco on Dec. 20th , by Sh ip Seth Sprague. Booth & Edgar, 95 Fron t St. CHANGE OF SAILING DATE FOR Seth Spragu e on Dec. 21st, in stead of 20th. N.Y. H erald, Dec. 10, 1850. For San Francisco direct by new Cli ppe r Ship Eclipse, to be despatche d immedia tely. Booth & Edgar. N.Y. H erald, Dec. 21, 1850. To Californ ians. The best and cheapest way of getting to San Francisco is by S.s . Prom eto to sail th is mon th . Apply to Brain & Mountain, 104 Sou th St. N.Y. H erald, Dec. 21, 1850. For San Francisco Di rect, by Clipper Bark Delawarian to leave in a few days. F. & D. Fowler, 86 West St. N .Y. H erald, Dec. 27, 1850. For San Francisco, Calif., by Clipper Ship Ino to be ready for fre igh t on Jan. 5th , 1851. Gurd on S. Coit, 106 Wa ll St .

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40 Chronicle 109 / February 1981 / Vol. 33, No. I