Chrīstum Ducem
Verbum Supernum: Lauds Hymn for the Feast of Corpus Christi composed by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) translated by Jeffrey C. Kalb, Jr. Verbum supernum prodiens, The Word supernal going forth, nec Patris linquens dexteram, yet seated at His Father’s right, ad opus suum exiens, now going out for deeds of worth, venit ad vitae vesperam. had come to life’s own vesper light. In mortem a discipulo, By Judas to His rivals sold, suis tradendus aemulis, by rivals given to the grave, prius in vitae ferculo He first in dish of Life untold se tradidit discipulis. Himself to His disciples gave. Quibus sub bina specie His Flesh and Blood He did prepare carnem dedit et sanguinem, concealed beneath a twofold sign, ut duplicis substantiae that man entire might take for fare totum cibaret hominem. His Substance human and divine. Se nascens dedit socium, When born, Himself as Friend He gave, convescens in edulium when supping, as both Food and Lord, se, moriens in pretium, when dying, as the Price to save, se regnans dat in praemium. but reigning, He is our Reward. O salutaris Hostia, O saving Victim here confessed, quae caeli pandis ostium, Who gate of Heaven open laid, bella premunt hostilia: on us, by hostile wars oppressed, da robur, fer auxilium. bestow Thy strength, confer Thine aid. Uni trinoque Domino, To Lord Almighty, One and Three, sit sempiterna gloria, let praise and glory ever tend! qui vitam sine termino May God so grant that we may see nobis donet in patria. a life in Heaven without end.
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