Hymns for Corpus Christi

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Hymns for Corpus Christi Hymns for Corpus Christi Introduction When Pope Urban IV instituted the feast of Corpus Christi in 1264 for the universal Church he commissioned St Thomas Aquinas to compose the texts for Mass and the Office. These included the hymns for the various hours of the Divine Office which are still sung to this day. One of the characteristics of all the hymns is that two verses, generally the last two, have been sung indepently of the whole text. For example, the last two verses of the hymn for Evening Prayer (Pange lingua) are familiar in their own right — Tantum ergo Sacramentum. In this document it has been indicated in the title for the Hymns. As well as St Thomas Aquinas’ original Latin texts English translations have also been provided. Where possible, two have been included. The first from one of the great translators of hymns in the 19th century; the second from James Quinn sj, who probably made the most important contribution to Catholic hymnody in these islands in the latter half of the 20th century. It is his translations which are used in the current Divine Office. Recently a collected edition of his hymns, Hymns for all seasons edited by Paul Inwood. has been published by Oregon Catholic Press (2017). A couple of additional texts have been included. Adoro te devote though not written for the Office of Corpus Christi it is understood originally to have been a private devotion of St Thomas Aquinas. O sacrum convivium is the Magnificat antiphon for Evening Prayer II and as well as an eloquent expression of the theology of the feast it is a text which has been set by many composers. At the end of each text an excerpt of the chant setting has been included. These have been taken from Gregobase [https://gregobase.selapa.net] which provides freely downloadable versions of these chants and much else. After each text a note is included about the meter and settings of the English translations. Contents Evening Prayer I & II Pange Lingua (Tantum Ergo) 2 Office of Readings Sacris Solemniis (Panis Angelicus) 4 Morning Prayer Verbum Supernum (O Salutaris) 6 Lectionary for Mass: Sequence Lauda Sion Salvatorem (Ecce Panis Angelorum) 7 Other Texts Adoro Te Devote 9 O Sacrum Convivium 11 Appendix Lauda Sion Salvatorem — chant 12 Acknowledgements Hymns by James Quinn © James Quinn sj. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Excerpts from The Divine Office © 1974, hierarchies of Australia, England and Wales, Ireland. All rights reserved. Excerpts from the English translation of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass © 1974, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. This resource was prepared by the Liturgy Office forAdoremus National Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage © Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. www.liturgyoffice.org.uk/Resources/Adoremus 1 Evening Prayer I & II Pange Lingua (Tantum Ergo) Pange, lingua, gloriosi Of the glorious body telling, Hail our Saviour’s glorious Body, Corporis mysterium, O my tongue, its myst’ries sing, which his Virgin Mother bore; Sanguinisque pretiosi, and the blood, all price excelling, hail the Blood which, shed for sinners, quem in mundi pretium which the world’s eternal king, did a broken world restore; fructus ventris generosi in a noble womb once dwelling, hail the sacrament most holy Rex effudit Gentium. shed for this world’s ransoming. flesh and Blood of Christ adore! Nobis datus, nobis natus Giv’n for us, for us descending, To the Virgin for our healing, ex intacta Virgine, of a virgin to proceed, his own Son the Father send; et in mundo conversatus, man with man in converse blending, from the Father’s love proceeding sparso verbi semine, scattered he the gospel seed, sower, seed, and Word descends; sui moras incolatus ’till his sojourn drew to ending, wondrous life of Word incarnate miro clausit ordine. which he closed in wondrous deed. with his greatest winder ends! In supremae nocte coenae At the last great supper lying, On that paschal evening see him recumbens cum fratribus circled by his brethren’s band, with the chosen twelve recline, observata lege plene meekly with the law complying, to the old law still obedient cibis in legalibus, first, he finished its command. in its feats of love divine; cibum turbae duodenae Then, immortal food supplying, love divine, the new law giving, se dat suis manibus. gave himself with his own hand. gives himself as Bread and Wine! Verbum caro, panem verum Word made flesh, by word he maketh By his word the Word almighty verbo carnem efficit: very bread his flesh to be; makes of bread his flesh indeed; fitque sanguis Christi merum, man in wine Christ’s blood partaketh, wine becomes his very life-blood; et si sensus deficit, and if senses fail to see, faith God’s living Word must heed! ad firmandum cor sincerum faith alone the true heart waketh, Faith alone may safely guide us sola fides sufficit. to behold the mystery. where the senses cannot lead! Tantum ergo Sacramentum Therefore, we before him bending, Come, adore this wondrous presence; veneremur cernui: this great sacrament revere; bow to Christ, the source of grace! et antiquum documentum types and shadows have their ending, Here is kept the ancient promise novo cedat ritui: for the newer rite is here; of God’s earthly dwelling-place! praestet fides supplementum faith, our outward sense befriending, Sight is blind before God’s glory, sensuum defectui. makes the inward vision clear. faith alone may see his face! Genitori, Genitoque Glory let us give, and blessing, Glory be to God the Father, laus et jubilatio, to the Father and the Son; praise to his co-equal Son, salus, honor, virtus quoque honour, might and praise addressing, adoration to the Spirit, sit et benedictio: while eternal ages run; bond of love, in Godhead one! Procedenti ab utroque ever too his love confessing, Blest be God by all creation compar sit laudatio. who from both, with both is one. joyously while ages run! Amen. Alleluja. St Thomas Aquinas (1225–74) tr. J. M. Neale, (1818–66) E. Caswall tr. James Quinn sj (1919–2010) (1814–78), and others Both English translations follow the same meter as the Latin 87 87 87. As Tantum ergo was traditionally always sung to accompany benediction of the Blessed Sacrament a wide variety of tunes were composed or adapted for this text. 2 Hymn. 3. ²¯ Ң ² ² à P ¢ Ange lingua glo-² ri-² ó-ң si ª Córpo-ris my²sté-²Â ² ²Â ² ᒢ  ¢ ri-² um,¸ Sangui-ní²sque² pre-ti- ó-si, Quem ²in mun- ´´¯ ¬ ² ²Â  ² ²Â ² ²¯ ª ²Â ²Â Þ ¢ di² pré-ti-² umᢥ¯ ¬ Fructus² ven² tris ge²ne-²Â ró-² si²¯ ª Rex² ef-²Â Þ ²Â ¯ ²  ²Â ²¯ à ¢ fú-² ditᢢ génti- um. ¬¬2. No-bis da-tus, no-² bis² na-ң tus ª ᢢ ² ²¯ ² ²Â ² ᒢ  ¢ ExҢ ²intá²Â cta² Vírgi-² ne,¸ Et in mun² do² conversá-tus, ²Â ´´¯ ¬ ² ²Â  ² ²Â ² ²¯ ª Ý ¢ Spar²Â so² ver² bi² sémi-² ne,ᢥ¯ ¬ Su- ²i mo-² ras ²inco-²Â lá-² tus²¯ ª Ý Â ²Â ¯ ²  ²Â ²¯ à ¢ Mi-² ro²Â clau-² sitᢢ ór-di-ne. ¬¬3. In suprémæ no²cte² cœ́ң næ ª ᢢ ² ²¯ ² ²Â ² ᒢ  ¢ ReҢcúm² bens²Â cum² frátri-² bus,¸ Observá-² ta² lege plene ²Â ´´¯ ¬ ² ²Â  ² ²Â ² ²¯ ª Ý Hymn. 3. ¢ Ci-bis² in legá-li-bus, Ci-bum ²¯turbæҢ ²du-² odénæ à P²Â ¢ ² Ange² lin²guaᢥ¯ ¬glo-² ri-²² ó-ң si ²ª Córpo-ris²Â ²Â my²²sté-²¯²Â ª Ý Â ² ²Â ²Â² ᒢ¯ ²Â  ²Â ¢ ri-Se²²datum,¸²Â´ su-San² ᢢisgui-² má-ní²squeni-²bus.pre-² ¬¬ti-4.ó- Ver² si,bumQuem²ca-ro,²in pámun²nem²di Ý ´¯ ¬ ²  ᢢ ²Â ²¯ ²Â ²²¯²Â ª  ² ᒢ ² ² Þ ¢ ve-rum²¯ VerҢ bo² car²Â nem² éffi-² cit:¸ Fitque san² guis² Chri- ¢ pré-ң ti-² umᢥª ¯ ¬ Fructus² ven² ²tris ge´´²¯ne-²Â¬ ró-²² si²²¯Â ª Rex² Âef²Â fú-² ditᢢ² Þ ²Â ¯ ²  ²Â Ý ¢ génsti² ti-me-um.² rum,²¯ ª Et²Â si² sen² sus² dé-fi-² cit,ᢥ¯ ¬ Ad fir-² Þ ᢢ ² ²¯ ¬¬  ²Â ¯ ²  • ¢ mán² dum cor² sin²Â cé-² rum²¯ ª So-² la²Â fi-² desᢢ súf-fi-cit. ¬¬ ²Â ᢢ ² ²¯ Þ ²¯ Ң ² ² ² ¢ * 5. Tantum ergo Sa²cra²ménң tum ª Vene-ré mur² cér²Â nu- Þ ² ²Â ² ᒢ  ² ¢ ¸i:´´¯ ¬ Et² an²Â tíquum²Â do²cu²mén² tum²¯ ª No²Â vo² ce²dat² rí-tu-² ᢥi: ¯ ¬   ²Â ¯ Þ ¢ Prǽstet² fi-² des sup² ple²Â mén² tum²¯ ª Sén² su-²Â um² de-ᢢ fé-ctu- i. ¬¬ ²  ²Â ᢢ ² ²¯ Þ ²¯ Ң ² ² ² ¢ 6. Ge-ni-tó-ri, Ge-² ni-² tóңque ª Laus et ju- bi-² lá-²Â ti- o,¸´´¯ ¬Þ ² ²Â ² ᒢ  ² ¢ Sa-² lus,²Â honor,²Â vir² tus² quo²que²¯ ª Sit²Â et² be²ne-² dícti-² o:ᢥ¯ ¬   ²Â ¯ Þ ¢ Pro-ce²dén² ti ab² u²Â tró²que²¯ ª Com² par²Â sit² lau-ᢢ dá-ti- o. ¬¬ ²  ²Â ᢢ ² ²¯ Þ ¢ A- men. ¬¬ 㲧 Ң¯ 3 Hymn for Office of Readings Sacris solemniis (Panis Angelicus) Sacris solemniis Welcome with jubilee At this great feast of love iuncta sint gaudia, this glad solemnity let joyful praise resound, et ex praecordiis from the full heart which sings let heartfelt homage now ascend sonent praeconia; both clear and high; to heaven’s height: recedant vetera, let the old types of grace ring out the reign of sin; nova sint omnia, to the new things give place, ring in the reign of grace; corda, voces, et opera.
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    Welcome to Saints Alive For centuries the faith of our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers has been fashioned, refined, colored and intensified by the sheer variety and passion of the lives of the great Christian saints. Their passions, their strengths and weaknesses, the immense variety of their lives have intrigued children young and old for ages. You may even have been named for a particular saint – Dorothy, Dolores, Anne or Elizabeth; Malachi, Francis or even Hugh. So why not celebrate some of those remarkable people through music? As we resume our trek along the Mission Road, we high- light music written in the Americas to celebrate the life and work of our city’s patron saint, Francis, as well as the lives and mission of other men and women venerated by the great musical masters. Saint Cecilia, patroness of music, is very much alive and present in a setting of “Resuenen los cla- rines” by the Mexican Sumaya. Bassani, an Italian who thrived in Bolivia when it was still called Upper Peru, pays homage to Saint Joseph in a Mass setting bearing his name. Its blend of self-taught craftsmanship and mastery of orchestration is fascinating, intriguing, even jolly. It’s as if Handel and the young Mozart had joined hands, jumped on a boat and headed to the heart of South America. What a nice addition to our library! Chants taught by the zealous, mission-founding Sancho have been sent our way – chants in his own hand, no less. Ignatius Loyola is represented by three short motets (that’s almost too glamorous a name for them, they are more folkish in their style) from Bolivia.
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