

The Clerk shall cause the calendars of the House to be Index to the Calendars will be included on the first legislative day of distributed each legislative day. Rule II, clause 2(e) each week the House is in session


SPECIAL ORDERS SPECIAL ORDER The Speaker’s policy with regard to special-order speeches announced on February 11, SPEECHES 1994, as clarified and reiterated by subsequent Speakers, will continue to apply in the 114th Congress, with the following modifications. The Chair may recognize Members for special-order speeches for up to 4 hours. Such speeches may not extend beyond the 4-hour limit without the permission of the Chair, which may be granted only with advance consultation between the leader- ships and notification to the House. However, the Chair will not recognize for any special-order speeches beyond 10 o’clock in the evening. The 4-hour limitation will be divided between the majority and minority parties. Each party is entitled to reserve its first hour for respective leaderships or their designees. The second hour reserved to each party will be divided into two 30- minute periods. Recognition for one-hour periods and for 30-minute periods will alter- nate initially and subsequently between the parties each day. The Chair wishes to clarify for Members that any 60- or 30-minute period that is not claimed at the appropriate time will be considered to have expired; this includes the first 60- minute period of the day. The allocation of time within each party’s 2-hour period (or shorter period if prorated to end by 10 p.m.) will be determined by a list submitted to the Chair by the respective leaderships. Members may not sign up with their leadership for any spe- cial-order speeches earlier than one week prior to the special order. Additional guide- lines may be established for such sign-ups by the respective leaderships. Pursuant to clause 2(a) of rule V, the television cameras will not pan the Chamber, but a ‘‘crawl’’ indicating the conduct of morning-hour debate or that the House has completed its legislative business and is proceeding with special-order speeches will appear on the screen. The Chair may announce other adaptations during this period. The continuation of this format for recognition by the Speaker is without prejudice to the Speaker’s ultimate power of recognition under clause 2 of rule XVII and includes the ability to withdraw recognition for longer special-order speeches should circumstances warrant. MORNING-HOUR That during the first session of the 114th Congress: (1) on legislative days of Monday DEBATE or Tuesday when the House convenes pursuant to House Resolution 9, the House shall convene 2 hours earlier than the time otherwise established by the resolution for the purpose of conducting morning-hour debate; (2) on legislative days of Wednes- day or Thursday when the House convenes pursuant to House Resolution 9, the House shall convene 2 hours earlier than the time otherwise established by the resolution for the purpose of conducting morning-hour debate; (3) when the House convenes pursuant to an order other than House Resolution 9, the House shall convene for the purpose of conducting morning-hour debate only as prescribed by such order; (4) the time for morning-hour debate shall be allocated equally between the parties and may not continue beyond 10 minutes before the hour appointed for the resumption of the session of the House; and (5) the form of proceeding for morning-hour debate shall be as follows: (a) the prayer by the Chaplain, the approval of the Journal and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag shall be postponed until resumption of the session of the House; (b) initial and subsequent recognitions for debate shall alternate between the parties; (c) recognition shall be conferred by the Speaker only pursuant to lists submitted by the Majority Leader and by the Minority Leader; (d) no Member may address the House for longer than 5 min- utes, except the Majority Leader, the Minority Leader, or the Minority Whip; (e) no legislative business shall be in order except the filing of privileged reports; and (f) following morning-hour debate, the Chair shall declare a recess pursuant to clause 12(a) of rule I until the time appointed for the resumption of the session of the House; and (6) the Speaker may dispense with morning-hour debate upon receipt of a notification described in clause 12(c) of rule I, or upon a change in reconvening pursuant to clause 12(e) of rule I, and notify Members accordingly. 1





2015 H.R. 2822 A bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies June 25 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. (Pending in the Committee July 7 of the Whole House on the State of the Union; Graves (LA), Chair.) July 8




The Clerk shall cause the calendars of the House to be Index to the Calendars will be included on the first legislative day of distributed each legislative day. Rule II, clause 2(e) each week the House is in session



SEC. 1


Section Page SEC. 3 Special orders ...... 0 2 Unfinished business ...... 0 3 Morning hour call of committees ...... 0 6 Calendar Wednesday business ...... 0 6 SEC. 4 Special legislative days ...... 0 6 Calendars: Union ...... 1 1 House ...... 2 1 SEC. 5 Private ...... 3 1 Motions to discharge committees ...... 4 1 Laws—numerical list by law number ...... 5 1 Titles of bills and resolutions which have become laws: SEC. 6 House bills: Public laws ...... 6 1 Private laws ...... 6 5 House joint resolutions: SEC. 7 Public laws ...... 6 6 Private laws ...... 6 7 Senate bills: Public laws ...... 6 8 SEC. 8 Private laws ...... 6 10 Senate joint resolutions: Public laws ...... 6 11 Private laws ...... 6 12 SEC. 9 Acts which failed to become laws (vetoed while Congress was in session) ...... 6 13 Acts which failed to become laws (vetoed after adjournment of Congress) ...... 6 14 Acts which were vetoed but became laws ...... 6 15 Acts which became laws without the approval of the President (while Congress was in session) ...... 6 16 SEC. 10 Pocket vetoes (during recess) ...... 6 17 Pocket vetoes (after adjournment of Congress) ...... 6 18 Bills not signed or returned to Congress notwithstanding intrasession adjournment of the two Houses ...... 6 19 SEC. 11 Numerical order of bills and resolutions which have been reported to or considered by either or both Houses: House bills ...... 7 1 Joint resolutions ...... 8 1 SEC. 12 Concurrent resolutions ...... 9 1 Resolutions ...... 10 1 Senate bills ...... 11 1 Joint resolutions ...... 12 1 SEC. 13 Concurrent resolutions ...... 13 1 Resolutions (of interest to the House) ...... 14 1 Numerical order of reported bills and resolutions which have been referred to committees under time limitations ...... 15 1 SEC. 14 Bills in conference ...... 16 1 Bills through conference ...... 17 1 Index (short titles) ...... 18 1 Index (subject) ...... 19 1 SEC. 15 Statistical recapitulation: First session ...... 19 25 Recapitulation and analysis of bills and resolutions: First session ...... 19 26 SEC. 16 Calendar of year 2015 ...... 20 1 Status of major bills (first session) ...... 20 2

SEC. 17

SEC. 18

SEC. 19

SEC. 20 2


Rule XIV, clause 4: ‘‘4. After the unfinished business has been disposed of, the Speaker shall call each standing committee in regular order and then select committees. Each committee when named may call up for consideration a bill or resolution reported by it on a previous day and on the House Calendar. If the Speaker does not complete the call of the committees before the House passes to other business, the next call shall resume at the point it left off, giving preference to the last bill or resolution under consideration. A committee that has occupied the call for two days may not call up another bill or resolution until the other committees have been called in their turn.’’ NOTE.—Call rests with the Committee on Agriculture.


Rule XV, clause 6: ‘‘6. (a) On Wednesday of each week, business shall not be in order before completion of the call of those committees (except as provided by clause 4 of rule XIV) whose chair, or other member authorized by the committee, has announced to the House a request for such call on the preceding legislative day. (b) A bill or resolution on either the House or the Union Calendar, except bills or resolutions that are privileged under the Rules of the House, may be called under this clause. A bill or resolution called up from the Union Calendar shall be considered in the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union without motion, subject to clause 3 of rule XVI. General debate on a measure considered under this clause shall be confined to the measure and may not exceed two hours equally divided between a proponent and an opponent. (c) This clause does not apply during the last two weeks of a session of Congress. (d) Precedents, rulings, or procedures in effect before the One Hundred Eleventh Congress regarding the priority of business and the availability of other business on Wednesday shall be applied only to the extent consistent with this clause.’’ NOTE.—Call rests with the Committee on Agriculture.


Calendar Wednesday ...... Wednesday of each week, when specifically noticed, except during the last 2 weeks of a session (clause 6, rule XV). Discharge Calendar ...... Second and fourth Mondays of each month, except during the last 6 days of a session (clause 2, rule XV). District of Columbia business ...... Second and fourth Mondays of each month (clause 4, rule XV). Private Calendar ...... First and third Tuesdays of each month (clause 5, rule XV). Suspension of rules ...... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and during the last 6 days of a session (clause 1, rule XV). SEC. 1


Rule XIII, clause 1(a): ‘‘(1) A Calendar of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, to which shall be referred public bills and public resolutions raising revenue, involving a tax or charge on the people, directly or indirectly making appropriations of money or property or requiring such appropriations to be made, authorizing payments out of appropriations already made, releasing any liability to the United States for money or property, or referring a claim to the Court of Claims.’’

2015 No. Jan. 20 Referred to the Committee of the Message of the President of the United States to 1 Whole House on the State of the the Congress on the subject of the state of the Union. Union. (H. Doc. 114–1)

H.R. 399 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to 6 Jan. 27 Rept. 114–10 gain and maintain operational control of the inter- Part I national borders of the United States, and for other purposes.

Jan. 27 Armed Services, Natural Resources and Agriculture discharged

H.R. 629 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 9 Feb. 9 Means). make permanent the reduced recognition period Rept. 114–15 for built-in gains of S corporations.

H.R. 630 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 10 Feb. 9 Means). make permanent certain rules regarding basis ad- Rept. 114–16 justments to stock of S corporations making chari- table contributions of property.

H.R. 641 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 11 Feb. 9 Means). make permanent the special rule for contributions Rept. 114–17 of qualified conservation contributions.

H.R. 640 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 13 Feb. 9 Means). modify the tax rate for excise tax on investment Part I Rept. 114–19 income of private foundations.

Feb. 9 Budget discharged


2015 No.

H.R. 637 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 14 Feb. 9 Means). make permanent the rule allowing certain tax- Part I Rept. 114–20 free distributions from individual retirement ac- counts for charitable purposes.

Feb. 9 Budget discharged

H.R. 1021 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 29 Mar. 18 Means). improve the integrity of the Medicare program, Part I Rept. 114–46 and for other purposes.

Mar. 18 Energy and Commerce discharged

H.R. 1529 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To amend the Truth in Lending Act and the Real 38 Apr. 6 Services). Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 to mod- Rept. 114–57 ify the requirements for community financial in- stitutions with respect to certain rules relating to mortgage loans, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1563 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide 53 Apr. 14 Government Reform). that individuals having seriously delinquent tax Part I Rept. 114–73 debts shall be ineligible for Federal employment, and for other purposes. (Failed of passage under suspension of the rules Apr. 15, 2015.)

Apr. 14 House Administration discharged

Rept. 114–82 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and Oversight Plans for All House Committees. 60 Apr. 15 Government Reform).

H.R. 152 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To direct the Secretary of the Interior to enter into 62 Apr. 20 Resources). an agreement to provide for management of the Rept. 114–84 free-roaming wild horses in and around the Currituck National Wildlife Refuge.

H.R. 308 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To prohibit gaming activities on certain Indian 67 Apr. 29 Resources). lands in Arizona until the expiration of certain Rept. 114–95 gaming compacts. (Failed of passage under suspension of the rules Nov. 16, 2015.)

Rept. 114–97 Mr. Rogers of Kentucky Suballocation of Budget Allocations for Fiscal Year 68 Apr. 29 (Appropriations). 2016. UNION CALENDAR 1–3

2015 No.

H.R. 1890 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To establish congressional trade negotiating objec- 69 May 1 Means). tives and enhanced consultation requirements for Part I Rept. 114–100 trade negotiations, to provide for consideration of trade agreements, and for other purposes.

May 1 Rules and Budget discharged

H.R. 1891 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To extend the African Growth and Opportunity Act, 70 May 1 Means). the Generalized System of Preferences, the pref- Rept. 114–101 erential duty treatment program for Haiti, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1473 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to au- 74 May 8 Infrastructure). thorize appropriations for the John F. Kennedy Rept. 114–105 Center for the Performing Arts.

H.R. 1892 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To extend the trade adjustment assistance program, 76 May 8 Means). and for other purposes. Part I Rept. 114–108

May 8 Energy and Commerce and Budget discharged

H.R. 1907 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To reauthorize trade facilitation and trade enforce- 80 May 14 Means). ment functions and activities, and for other pur- Part I Rept. 114–114 poses.

May 14 Homeland Security, Foreign Affairs, Financial Services and Judiciary discharged

Rept. 114–118 Mr. Rogers of Kentucky Revised Suballocation of Budget Allocations for Fis- 84 May 18 (Appropriations). cal Year 2016.

H.R. 906 Mr. Upton (Energy and To modify the efficiency standards for grid-enabled 102 June 9 Commerce). water heaters. Rept. 114–142

H.R. 1991 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To extend the authority of the Secretary of the Inte- 109 June 12 Resources). rior and the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out Part I Rept. 114–151 the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, and for other purposes.

June 12 Agriculture discharged 1–4 UNION CALENDAR

2015 No.

H.R. 1508 Mr. Smith of Texas (Science, To promote the development of a United States com- 111 June 15 Space, and Technology). mercial space resource exploration and utilization Rept. 114–153 industry and to increase the exploration and utili- zation of resources in outer space.

H.R. 2772 Ms. Granger (Appropriations). Making appropriations for the Department of State, 112 June 15 Rept. 114–154 foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2580 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To provide for a technical change to the Medicare 113 June 16 Means). long-term care hospital moratorium exception, Rept. 114–156 and for other purposes.

H.R. 2506 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 114 June 16 Means). delay the authority to terminate Medicare Advan- Part I Rept. 114–158 tage contracts for MA plans failing to achieve minimum quality ratings.

June 16 Energy and Commerce discharged

H.R. 2579 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 116 June 16 Means). improve the risk adjustment under the Medicare Part I Rept. 114–160 Advantage program, and for other purposes.

June 16 Energy and Commerce discharged

H.R. 2581 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 117 June 16 Means). establish a 3-year demonstration program to test Part I Rept. 114–161 the use of value-based insurance design meth- odologies under eligible Medicare Advantage plans, to preserve Medicare beneficiary choice under Medicare Advantage, to revise the treat- ment under the Medicare program of infusion drugs furnished through durable medical equip- ment, and for other purposes.

June 16 Energy and Commerce discharged

H.R. 2822 Mr. Calvert (Appropriations). Making appropriations for the Department of the 125 June 18 Rept. 114–170 Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1069 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To amend title 44, United States Code, to require 133 June 25 Government Reform). information on contributors to Presidential library Rept. 114–181 fundraising organizations, and for other purposes. UNION CALENDAR 1–5

2015 No.

H.R. 690 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To require each agency, in providing notice of a 135 June 25 Rept. 114–183 rule making, to include a link to a 100 word plain language summary of the proposed rule.

H.R. 712 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To impose certain limitations on consent decrees 136 June 25 Rept. 114–184 and settlement agreements by agencies that re- quire the agencies to take regulatory action in accordance with the terms thereof, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2995 Mr. Crenshaw (Appropriations). Making appropriations for financial services and 144 July 9 Rept. 114–194 general government for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 2016, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3020 Mr. Cole (Appropriations). Making appropriations for the Departments of 145 July 10 Rept. 114–195 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Edu- cation, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other pur- poses.

Rept. 114–198 Mr. Rogers of Kentucky Revised Suballocation of Budget Allocations for Fis- 147 July 13 (Appropriations). cal Year 2016.

H.R. 3049 Mr. Aderholt (Appropriations). Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Devel- 153 July 14 Rept. 114–205 opment, Food and Drug Administration, and Re- lated Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1777 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To amend the Act of August 25, 1958, commonly 157 July 16 Government Reform). known as the ‘‘Former Presidents Act of 1958’’, Rept. 114–209 with respect to the monetary allowance payable to a former President, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2395 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to 158 July 16 Government Reform). strengthen the independence of the Inspectors Rept. 114–210 General, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3128 Mr. Carter of Texas Making appropriations for the Department of Home- 162 July 21 (Appropriations). land Security for the fiscal year ending September Rept. 114–215 30, 2016, and for other purposes.

H.R. 521 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To provide for the conveyance of certain property 163 July 22 Resources). to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation lo- Part I Rept. 114–217 cated in Bethel, Alaska. July 22 Energy and Commerce discharged

H.R. 2604 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To improve and reauthorize provisions relating to 169 July 23 Rept. 114–224 the application of the antitrust laws to the award of need-based educational aid. 1–6 UNION CALENDAR

2015 No.

H.R. 9 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To amend title 35, United States Code, and the 177 July 29 Rept. 114–235 Leahy-Smith America Invents Act to make im- provements and technical corrections, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1992 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To reduce temporarily the royalty required to be 178 July 29 Resources). paid for sodium produced on Federal lands, and Rept. 114–236 for other purposes.

H.R. 1759 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To amend title 5, united States Code, to provide 180 July 29 Government Reform). for the publication, by the Office of Information Part I and Regulatory Affairs, of information relating to rulemakings, and for other purposes.

July 29 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). Part II Rept. 114–238

H.R. 3154 Mr. Upton (Energy and To allow manufacturers to meet warranty and label- 184 Sept. 8 Commerce). ing requirements for consumer products by dis- Rept. 114–243 playing the terms of warranties on Internet websites, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1613 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To reduce the operation and maintenance costs asso- 202 Sept. 24 Government Reform). ciated with the Federal fleet by encouraging the Rept. 114–266 use of remanufactured parts, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 1880 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To require the Secretary of the Interior to take into 205 Sept. 30 Resources). trust 4 parcels of Federal land for the benefit Rept. 114–271 of certain Indian Pueblos in the State of New Mexico.

H.R. 1644 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclama- 209 Oct. 1 Resources). tion Act of 1977 to ensure transparency in the Rept. 114–277 development of environmental regulations, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2295 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the Mineral Leasing Act to require the 217 Oct. 6 Resources). Secretary of the Interior to identify and designate Rept. 114–285 National Energy Security Corridors for the con- struction of natural gas pipelines on Federal land, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2358 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the Federal Land Policy and Management 219 Oct. 6 Resources). Act of 1976 to enhance the reliability of the elec- Part I Rept. 114–287 tricity grid and reduce the threat of wildfires to and from electric transmission and distribution facilities on Federal lands by facilitating vegeta- tion management on such lands.

Oct. 6 Agriculture discharged UNION CALENDAR 1–7

2015 No.

H.R. 3442 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To provide further means of accountability of the 220 Oct. 7 Means). United States debt and promote fiscal responsi- Rept. 114–291 bility.

H.R. 598 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To provide taxpayers with an annual report dis- 227 Oct. 20 Government Reform). closing the cost and performance of Government Rept. 114–298 programs and areas of duplication among them, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2320 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To provide access to and use of information by Fed- 228 Oct. 20 Government Reform). eral agencies in order to reduce improper pay- Rept. 114–299 ments, and for other purposes.

H.R. 765 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 232 Oct. 23 Means). permanently extend the 15-year recovery period Rept. 114–306 for qualified leasehold improvement property, qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail improvement property.

H.R. 961 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 233 Oct. 23 Means). permanently extend the subpart F exemption for Rept. 114–307 active financing income.

H.R. 1270 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 234 Oct. 23 Means). repeal the amendments made by the Patient Pro- Rept. 114–308 tection and Affordable Care Act which disqualify expenses for over-the-counter drugs under health savings accounts and health flexible spending ar- rangements.

H.R. 1430 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 235 Oct. 23 Means). make permanent the look-through treatment of Rept. 114–309 payments between related controlled foreign cor- porations.

H.R. 2940 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 236 Oct. 23 Means). improve and make permanent the above-the-line Rept. 114–310 deduction for certain expenses of elementary and secondary school teachers.

H.R. 2510 Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin (Ways and To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 240 Oct. 28 Means). modify and make permanent bonus depreciation. Part I Rept. 114–317

Oct. 28 Budget discharged

H.R. 3763 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, high- 241 Oct. 29 Infrastructure). way safety programs, and transit programs, and Rept. 114–318 for other purposes. 1–8 UNION CALENDAR

2015 No.

H.R. 1575 Mr. Miller of Florida (Veterans’ To amend title 38, United States Code, to make 242 Nov. 2 Affairs). permanent the pilot program on counseling in re- Rept. 114–319 treat settings for women veterans newly sepa- rated from service in the Armed Forces.

H.R. 1927 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To amend title 28, United States Code, to improve 249 Nov. 5 Rept. 114–328 fairness in class action litigation.

H.R. 2912 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To establish a commission to examine the United 252 Nov. 16 Services). States monetary policy, evaluate alternative mon- Rept. 114–331 etary regimes, and recommend a course for mone- tary policy going forward.

H.R. 2360 Mr. Miller of Florida (Veterans’ To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve 257 Nov. 16 Affairs). the approval of certain programs of education for Rept. 114–336 purposes of educational assistance provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

H.R. 2243 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To suspend the current compensation packages for 261 Nov. 16 Services). the senior executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Part I Rept. 114–339 Mac and establish compensation for such positions in accordance with rates of pay for senior employ- ees in the Executive Branch of the Federal Gov- ernment, and for other purposes. Nov. 16 Oversight and Government Reform discharged

H.R. 2899 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to 263 Nov. 19 Rept. 114–344 authorize the Office for Countering Violent Extre- mism.

H.J. Res. 71 Mr. Upton (Energy and Providing for congressional disapproval under chap- 266 Nov. 19 Commerce). ter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule Rept. 114–348 submitted by the Environmental Protection Agen- cy relating to ‘‘Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’.

H.J. Res. 72 Mr. Upton (Energy and Providing for congressional disapproval under chap- 267 Nov. 19 Commerce). ter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule Rept. 114–349 submitted by the Environmental Protection Agen- cy relating to ‘‘Carbon Pollution Emission Guide- lines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’.

H.R. 526 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To amend title 11 of the United States Code to 271 Nov. 30 Rept. 114–352 require the public disclosure by trusts established under section 524(g) of such title, of quarterly reports that contain detailed information regard- ing the receipt and disposition of claims for inju- ries based on exposure to asbestos; and for other purposes. UNION CALENDAR 1–9

2015 No.

H.R. 3459 Mr. Kline (Education and the To clarify the treatment of two or more employers 272 Dec. 1 Workforce). as joint employers under the National Labor Rela- Rept. 114–355 tions Act.

H.R. 189 Mr. Miller of Florida (Veterans’ To extend foreclosure and eviction protections for 273 Dec. 1 Affairs). servicemembers, and for other purposes. Rept. 114–356

H.R. 3016 Mr. Miller of Florida (Veterans’ To amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify 274 Dec. 1 Affairs). the role of podiatrists in the Department of Vet- Rept. 114–358 erans Affairs.

H.R. 195 Mrs. Miller of Michigan (House To terminate the Election Assistance Commission. 275 Dec. 3 Administration). Rept. 114–361

H.R. 3106 Mr. Miller of Florida (Veterans’ To authorize Department major medical facility con- 277 Dec. 3 Affairs). struction projects for fiscal year 2015, to amend Rept. 114–364 title 38, United States Code, to make certain im- provements in the administration of Department medical facility construction projects, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2915 Mr. Miller of Florida (Veterans’ To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct 278 Dec. 3 Affairs). the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to identify men- Rept. 114–365 tal health care and suicide prevention programs and metrics that are effective in treating women veterans as part of the evaluation of such pro- grams by the Secretary.

H.R. 1107 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To require the Secretary of the Interior to submit 279 Dec. 3 Resources). to Congress a report on the efforts of the Bureau Rept. 114–366 of Reclamation to manage its infrastructure as- sets.

S. 1580 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To allow additional appointing authorities to select 280 Dec. 3 Government Reform). individuals from competitive service certificates. Rept. 114–367

S. 1629 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To revise certain authorities of the District of Co- 281 Dec. 3 Government Reform). lumbia courts, the Court Services and Offender Rept. 114–368 Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, and the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.

H.R. 974 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To direct the Secretary of the Interior to promulgate 285 Dec. 8 Resources). regulations to allow the use of hand-propelled ves- Rept. 114–373 sels on certain rivers and streams that flow in and through certain Federal lands in Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, and for other purposes. 1–10 UNION CALENDAR

2015 No.

H.R. 1452 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To authorize Escambia County, Florida, to convey 286 Dec. 8 Resources). certain property that was formerly part of Santa Rept. 114–374 Rosa Island National Monument and that was conveyed to Escambia County subject to restric- tions on use and reconveyance.

H.R. 2406 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To protect and enhance opportunities for rec- 287 Dec. 10 Resources). reational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for Part I Rept. 114–377 other purposes.

Dec. 10 Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, Transportation and Infrastructure and Judiciary discharged

H.R. 3231 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To amend title 5, United States Code, to protect 289 Dec. 18 Government Reform). unpaid interns in the Federal government from Rept. 114–383 workplace harassment and discrimination, and for other purposes.

S. 1172 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To improve the process of presidential transition. 290 Dec. 18 Government Reform). Part I Rept. 114–384

Dec. 18 Homeland Security discharged

Rept. 114–385 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and United States Secret Service: An Agency in Crisis. 291 Dec. 18 Government Reform). SEC. 2


Rule XIII, clause 1(a): ‘‘(2) A House Calendar, to which shall be referred all public bills and public resolutions not requiring referral to the Calendar of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.’’

2015 No. H.R. 1642 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To designate the building utilized as a United 30 May 8 Infrastructure). States courthouse located at 150 Reade Circle in Rept. 114–106 Greenville, North Carolina, as the ‘‘Randy D. Doub United States Courthouse’’.

Rept. 114–239 Mr. Dent (Ethics). In the Matter of Officially-Connected Travel by 53 July 31 House Members to Azerbaijan in 2013.

H.R. 2954 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To designate the Federal building located at 617 54 Sept. 8 Infrastructure). Walnut Street in Helena, Arkansas, as the ‘‘Jacob Rept. 114–247 Trieber Federal Building, United States Post Of- fice, and United States Court House’’.

Rept. 114–381 Mr. Dent (Ethics). In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representa- 81 Dec. 15 tive Jared Polis.



Rule XIII, clause 1(a): ‘‘(3) A Private Calendar as provided in clause 5 of rule XV, to which shall be referred all private bills and private resolutions.’’ Rule XV, clause 5: ‘‘5. (a) On the first Tuesday of a month, the Speaker shall direct the Clerk to call the bills and resolutions on the Private Calendar after disposal of such business on the Speaker’s table as requires reference only. If two or more Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commissioner object to the consideration of a bill or resolution so called, it shall be recommitted to the committee that reported it. No other business shall be in order before completion of the call of the Private Calendar on this day unless two-thirds of the Members voting, a quorum being present, agree to a motion that the House dispense with the call. ‘‘(b)(1) On the third Tuesday of month, after the disposal of such business on the Speaker’s table as requires reference only, the Speaker may direct the Clerk to call the bills and resolutions on the Private Calendar. Preference shall be given to omnibus bills containing the texts of bills or resolutions that have previously been objected to on a call of the Private Calendar. If two or more Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commissioner object to the consideration of a bill or resolution so called (other than on omnibus bill), it shall be recommitted to the committee that reported it. Two-thirds of the Members voting, a quorum being present, may adopt a motion that the House dispense with the call on this day. ‘‘(2) Omnibus bills shall be read for amendment by paragraph. No amendment shall be in order except to strike or to reduce amounts of money or to provide limitations. An item or matter stricken from an omnibus bill may not thereafter during the same session of Congress be included in an omnibus bill. Upon passage such an omnibus bill shall be resolved into the several bills and resolutions of which it is composed. The several bills and resolutions, with any amendments adopted by the House, shall be engrossed, when necessary, and otherwise considered as passed severally by the House as distinct bills and resolutions. ‘‘(c) The Speaker may not entertain a reservation of the right to object to the consideration of a bill or resolution under this clause. A bill or resolution considered under this clause shall be considered in the House as in the Committee of the Whole. A motion to dispense with the call of the Private Calendar under this clause shall be privileged. Debate on such a motion shall be limited to five minutes in support and five minutes in opposition.’’

2015 No.



Rule XV, clause 2: ‘‘2. (a) Motions to discharge committees shall be in order on the second and fourth Mondays of a month. SEC. 4 ‘‘(b)(1) A Member may present to the Clerk a motion in writing to discharge— ‘‘(A) a committee from consideration of a public bill or public resolution that has been referred to it for 30 legislative days; or ‘‘(B) the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution that has been referred to it for seven legislative days and that proposes a special order of business for the consideration of a public bill or public resolution that has been reported by a committee or has been referred to a committee for 30 legislative days.

‘‘(2) Only one motion may be presented for a bill or resolution. A Member may not file a motion to discharge the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution providing for the consideration of more than one public bill or public resolution or admitting or effecting a nongermane amendment to a public bill or public resolution. ‘‘(c) A motion presented under paragraph (b) shall be placed in the custody of the Clerk, who shall arrange a convenient place for the signatures of Members. A signature may be withdrawn by a Member in writing at any time before a motion is entered on the Journal. The Clerk shall make the signatories a matter of public record, causing the names of the Members who have signed a discharge motion during a week to be published in a portion of the Congressional Record designated for that purpose on the last legislative day of the week and making cumulative lists of such names available each day for public inspection in an appropriate office of the House. The Clerk shall devise a means for making such lists available to offices of the House and to the public in electronic form. When a majority of the total membership of the House shall have signed the motion, it shall be entered on the Journal, published with the signatories thereto in the Record, and referred to the Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees. ‘‘(d)(1) On the second and fourth Mondays of a month (except during the last six days of a session of Congress), immediately after the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, a motion to discharge that has been on the calendar for at least seven legislative days shall be privileged if called up by a Member whose signature appears thereon. When such a motion is called up, the House shall proceed to its consideration under this paragraph without intervening motion except one motion to adjourn. Privileged motions to discharge shall have precedence in the order of their entry on the Journal. ‘‘(2) When a motion to discharge is called up, the bill or resolution to which it relates shall be read by title only. The motion is debatable for 20 minutes, one-half in favor of the motion and one-half in opposition thereto. ‘‘(e)(1) If a motion prevails to discharge the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution, the House shall immediately consider the resolution, pending which the Speaker may entertain one motion that the House adjourn. After the result of such a motion to adjourn is announced, the Speaker may not entertain any other dilatory motion until the resolution has been disposed of. If the resolution is adopted, the House shall immediately proceed to its execution. ‘‘(2) If a motion prevails to discharge a committee from consideration of a public bill or public resolution, a motion that the House proceed to the immediate consideration of such bill or resolution shall be privileged if offered by a Member whose signature appeared on the motion to discharge. The motion to proceed is not debatable. If the motion to proceed is adopted, the bill or resolution shall be considered immediately under the general rules of the House. If unfinished before adjournment of the day on which it is called up, the bill or resolution shall remain the unfinished business until it is disposed of. If the motion to proceed is rejected, the bill or resolution shall be referred to the appropriate calendar, where it shall have the same status as if the committee from which it was discharged had duly reported it to the House. ‘‘(f)(1) When a motion to discharge originated under this clause has once been acted on by the House, it shall not be in order to entertain during the same session of Congress— ‘‘(A) a motion to discharge a committee from consideration of that bill or resolution or of any other bill or resolution that, by relating in substance to or dealing with the same subject matter, is substantially the same; or ‘‘(B) a motion to discharge the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution providing a special order of business for the consideration of that bill or resolution or of any other bill or resolution that, by relating in substance to or dealing with the same subject matter, is substantially the same. ‘‘(2) A motion to discharge on the Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees that is rendered out of order under subparagraph (1) shall be stricken from that calendar.’’

Motion No. Cal- and date Title Committee Motion filed by— endar entered No.



Motion No. Cal- and date Title Committee Motion filed by— endar entered No.




FIRST SESSION 114–33...... H.R. 891 114–66 ...... S. 994 SEC. 5 114–1...... H.R. 26 114–34...... H.R. 1326 114–67 ...... S. 1707 114–2...... H.R. 203 114–35...... H.R. 1350 114–68...... H.R. 2835 114–3...... H.R. 33 114–36...... H.R. 2620 114–69 ...... S. 986 114–4...... H.R. 240 114–37 ...... S. 179 114–70 ...... S. 1300 114–5...... H.R. 431 114–38...... H.R. 2499 114–71 ...... S. 2078 114–6...... H.R. 1213 114–39 ...... S. 971 114–72...... H.R. 3116 114–7...... H.R. 1527 114–40 ...... S. 984 114–73...... H.R. 3819 114–8...... H.R. 1092 114–41...... H.R. 3236 114–74...... H.R. 1314 114–9 ...... H.J. Res. 10 114–42...... H.R. 876 114–75...... H.R. 313 114–10...... H.R. 2 114–43...... H.R. 1626 114–76...... H.R. 322 114–11 ...... S. 535 114–44 ...... S. 1482 114–77...... H.R. 323 114–12 ...... S. 665 114–45...... H.R. 212 114–78...... H.R. 324 114–13...... H.R. 2252 114–46...... H.R. 1138 114–79...... H.R. 558 114–14...... H.R. 606 114–47...... H.R. 1531 114–80...... H.R. 623 114–15...... H.R. 651 114–48...... H.R. 2131 114–81...... H.R. 774 114–16...... H.R. 1075 114–49...... H.R. 2559 114–82...... H.R. 1442 114–17...... H.R. 1191 114–50...... H.R. 720 114–83...... H.R. 1884 114–18 ...... S. 1124 114–51 ...... S. 1359 114–84...... H.R. 3059 114–19...... H.R. 2496 114–52...... H.R. 23 114–85 ...... S. 1362 114–20...... H.R. 1690 114–53...... H.R. 719 114–86 ...... S. 2162 114–21...... H.R. 2353 114–54...... H.R. 2051 114–87...... H.R. 3996 114–22 ...... S. 178 114–55...... H.R. 3614 114–88...... H.R. 208 114–23...... H.R. 2048 114–56 ...... S. 230 114–89...... H.R. 639 114–24 ...... S. 802 114–57 ...... S. 501 114–90...... H.R. 2262 114–25 ...... S. 1568 114–58 ...... S. 2082 114–91 ...... S. 799 114–26...... H.R. 2146 114–59...... H.R. 1020 114–92 ...... S. 1356 114–27...... H.R. 1295 114–60...... H.R. 1624 114–93 ...... S. 2036 114–28...... H.R. 533 114–61...... H.R. 2617 114–94...... H.R. 22 114–29...... H.R. 615 114–62 ...... S. 136 114–95 ...... S. 1177 114–30...... H.R. 893 114–63 ...... S. 139 114–96...... H.R. 2250 114–31...... H.R. 91 114–64 ...... S. 261 114–97 ...... S. 599 114–32...... H.R. 728 114–65 ...... S. 565 114–98 ...... S. 611

(5–1) 5–2 PUBLIC LAWS


FIRST SESSION—Continued 114–99 ...... S. 1170 114–100 ...... H.J. Res. 78 114–101...... H.R. 2270 114–102...... H.R. 2297 114–103...... H.R. 2693 114–104...... H.R. 2820 114–105...... H.R. 3594 114–106...... H.R. 3831 114–107...... H.R. 4246 114–108 ...... H.J. Res. 76 114–109 ...... S. 614 114–110 ...... S. 808 114–111 ...... S. 1090 114–112 ...... S. 1461 114–113...... H.R. 2029 114–114...... H.R. 1321 114–115 ...... S. 2425 PRIVATE LAWS ONE HUNDRED FOURTEENTH CONGRESS



(5–1) 5–2 PRIVATE LAWS




H.R. 2 ...... An act to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to repeal the Medicare sustainable growth rate and strengthen Medicare access by improving physician payments and making SEC. 6 other improvements, to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and for other purposes. Approved Apr. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–10. H.R. 22 ...... An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt employees with health coverage under TRICARE or the Veterans Administration from being taken into account for purposes of determining the employers to which the employer mandate applies under the Patient Pro- tection and Affordable Care Act. Approved Dec. 4, 2015. Public Law 114–94. H.R. 23 ...... An act to reauthorize the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program, and for other pur- poses. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–52. H.R. 26 ...... An act to extend the termination date of the Terrorism Insurance Program established under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 12, 2015. Public Law 114–1. H.R. 33 ...... An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ensure that emergency services volun- teers are not taken into account as employees under the shared responsibility requirements contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Approved Feb. 27, 2015. Public Law 114–3. H.R. 91 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to issue, upon request, veteran identification cards to certain veterans. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law 114–31. H.R. 203 ...... An act to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide for the conduct of annual evalua- tions of mental health care and suicide prevention programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to require a pilot program on loan repayment for psychiatrists who agree to serve in the Veterans Health Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Approved Feb. 12, 2015. Public Law 114–2. H.R. 208 ...... An act to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to establish a pro- gram to make loans to certain businesses, homeowners, and renters affected by Superstorm Sandy. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–88. H.R. 212 ...... An act to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to provide for the assessment and management of the risk of cyanotoxins in drinking water, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–45. H.R. 240 ...... An act making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes. Approved Mar. 4, 2015. Public Law 114–4. H.R. 313 ...... An act to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide leave to any new Federal employee who is a veteran with a service-connected disability rated at 30 percent or more for purposes of undergoing medical treatment for such disability, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–75. H.R. 322 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 16105 Swingley Ridge Road in Chesterfield, Missouri, as the ‘‘Sgt. Zachary M. Fisher Post Office’’. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–76. H.R. 323 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 55 Grasso Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri, as the ‘‘Sgt. Amanda N. Pinson Post Office’’. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–77. H.R. 324 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 11662 Gravois Road in St. Louis, Missouri, as the ‘‘Lt. Daniel P. Riordan Post Office’’. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–78. H.R. 431 ...... An act to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Foot Soldiers who participated in Bloody Sunday, Turnaround Tuesday, or the final Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March in March of 1965, which served as a catalyst for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Approved Mar. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–5. H.R. 533 ...... An act to revoke the charter of incorporation of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma at the request of that tribe, and for other purposes. Approved July 6, 2015. Public Law 114–28.


H.R. 558 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 55 South Pioneer Boulevard in Springboro, Ohio, as the ‘‘Richard ’Dick’ Chenault Post Office Building’’. Ap- proved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–79. H.R. 606 ...... An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain compensation received by public safety officers and their dependents from gross income. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–14. H.R. 615 ...... An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the Under Secretary for Man- agement of the Department of Homeland Security to take administrative action to achieve and maintain interoperable communications capabilities among the components of the De- partment of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Approved July 6, 2015. Public Law 114–29. H.R. 623 ...... An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Department of Homeland Security to establish a social media working group, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–80. H.R. 639 ...... An act to amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to drug scheduling recommenda- tions by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and with respect to registration of manufacturers and distributors seeking to conduct clinical testing. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–89. H.R. 651 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 820 Elmwood Avenue in Providence, Rhode Island, as the ‘‘Sister Ann Keefe Post Office’’. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–15. H.R. 719 ...... An act to require the Transportation Security Administration to conform to existing Federal law and regulations regarding criminal investigator positions, and for other purposes. Ap- proved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–53. H.R. 720 ...... An act to improve intergovernmental planning for and communication during security inci- dents at domestic airports, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 24, 2015. Public Law 114–50. H.R. 728 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 7050 Highway BB in Cedar Hill, Missouri, as the ‘‘Sergeant First Class William B. Woods, Jr. Post Office’’. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law 114–32. H.R. 774 ...... An act to strengthen enforcement mechanisms to stop illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, to amend the Tuna Conventions Act of 1950 to implement the Antigua Convention, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–81. H.R. 876 ...... An act to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to require hospitals to provide certain notifications to individuals classified by such hospitals under observation status rather than admitted as inpatients of such hospitals. Approved Aug. 6, 2015. Public Law 114–42. H.R. 891 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 141 Paloma Drive in Floresville, Texas, as the ‘‘Floresville Veterans Post Office Building’’. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law 114–33. H.R. 893 ...... An act to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the centen- nial of Boys Town, and for other purposes. Approved July 6, 2015. Public Law 114–30. H.R. 1020 ...... An act to define STEM education to include computer science, and to support existing STEM education programs at the National Science Foundation. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–59. H.R. 1075 ...... An act to designate the United States Customs and Border Protection Port of Entry located at First Street and Pan American Avenue in Douglas, Arizona, as the ‘‘Raul Hector Castro Port of Entry’’. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–16. H.R. 1092 ...... An act to designate the Federal building located at 2030 Southwest 145th Avenue in Miramar, Florida, as the ‘‘Benjamin P. Grogan and Jerry L. Dove Federal Bureau of Investigation Miami Field Office’’. Approved Apr. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–8. H.R. 1138 ...... An act to establish certain wilderness areas in central Idaho and to authorize various land conveyances involving National Forest System land and Bureau of Land Management land in central Idaho, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–46. H.R. 1191 ...... An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ensure that emergency services volun- teers are not taken into account as employees under the shared responsibility requirements contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–17. H.R. 1213 ...... An act to make administrative and technical corrections to the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995. Approved Mar. 20, 2015. Public Law 114–6. H.R. 1295 ...... An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve the process for making deter- minations with respect to whether organizations are exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(4) of such Code. Approved June 29, 2015. Public Law 114–27. H.R. 1314 ...... An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for a right to an administrative appeal relating to adverse determinations of tax-exempt status of certain organizations. Ap- proved Nov. 2, 2015. Public Law 114–74. H.R. 1321 ...... An act to prohibit the sale or distribution of cosmetics containing synthetic plastic microbeads. Approved Dec. 28, 2015. Public Law 114–114. H.R. 1326 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2000 Mulford Road in Mulberry, Florida, as the ‘‘Sergeant First Class Daniel M. Ferguson Post Office’’. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law 114–34. HOUSE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PUBLIC LAWS 6–3

H.R. 1350 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 442 East 167th Street in Bronx, New York, as the ‘‘Herman Badillo Post Office Building’’. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law 114–35. H.R. 1442 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 90 Cornell Street in Kingston, New York, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Robert H. Dietz Post Office Building’’. Ap- proved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–82. H.R. 1527 ...... An act to accelerate the income tax benefits for charitable cash contributions for the relief of the families of New York Police Department Detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, and for other purposes. Approved Apr. 1, 2015. Public Law 114–7. H.R. 1531 ...... An act to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide a pathway for temporary seasonal em- ployees in Federal land management agencies to compete for vacant permanent positions under internal merit promotion procedures, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–47. H.R. 1624 ...... An act to amend title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to revise the definition of small employer. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–60. H.R. 1626 ...... An act to reduce duplication of information technology at the Department of Homeland Secu- rity, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 6, 2015. Public Law 114–43. H.R. 1690 ...... An act to designate the United States courthouse located at 700 Grant Street in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Joseph F. Weis Jr. United States Courthouse’’. Approved May 29, 2015. Public Law 114–20. H.R. 1884 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 206 West Com- mercial Street in East Rochester, New York, as the ‘‘Officer Daryl R. Pierson Memorial Post Office Building’’. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–83. H.R. 2029 ...... An act making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–113. H.R. 2048 ...... An act to reform the authorities of the Federal Government to require the production of certain business records, conduct electronic surveillance, use pen registers and trap and trace de- vices, and use other forms of information gathering for foreign intelligence, counterterrorism, and criminal purposes, and for other purposes. Approved June 2, 2015. Public Law 114–23. H.R. 2051 ...... An act to amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to extend the livestock mandatory price reporting requirements, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–54. H.R. 2131 ...... An act to designate the Federal building and United States courthouse located at 83 Meeting Street in Charleston, South Carolina, as the ‘‘J. Waties Waring Judicial Center’’. Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–48. H.R. 2146 ...... An act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow Federal law enforcement officers, firefighters, and air traffic controllers to make penalty-free withdrawals from governmental plans after age 50, and for other purposes. Approved June 29, 2015. Public Law 114–26. H.R. 2250 ...... An act making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 11, 2015. Public Law 114–96. H.R. 2252 ...... An act to clarify the effective date of certain provisions of the Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act of 2014, and for other purposes. Approved May 19, 2015. Public Law 114–13. H.R. 2262 ...... An act to facilitate a pro-growth environment for the developing commercial space industry by encouraging private sector investment and creating more stable and predictable regulatory conditions, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–90. H.R. 2270 ...... An act to redesignate the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, located in the State of Wash- ington, as the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, to establish the Medicine Creek Treaty National Historic Site within the wildlife refuge, and for other purposes. Ap- proved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–101. H.R. 2297 ...... An act to prevent Hezbollah and associated entities from gaining access to international finan- cial and other institutions, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–102. H.R. 2353 ...... An act to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Approved May 29, 2015. Public Law 114–21. H.R. 2496 ...... An act to extend the authorization for the replacement of the existing Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Denver, Colorado, to make certain improvements in the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014, and for other purposes. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–19. H.R. 2499 ...... An act to amend the Small Business Act to increase access to capital for veteran entre- preneurs, to help create jobs, and for other purposes. Approved July 28, 2015. Public Law 114–38. H.R. 2559 ...... An act to designate the ‘‘PFC Milton A. Lee Medal of Honor Memorial Highway’’ in the State of Texas. Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–49. H.R. 2617 ...... An act to amend the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 to postpone a scheduled increase in the minimum wage applicable to American Samoa. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–61. H.R. 2620 ...... An act to amend the United States Cotton Futures Act to exclude certain cotton futures con- tracts from coverage under such Act. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law 114–36. 6–4 HOUSE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PUBLIC LAWS

H.R. 2693 ...... An act to designate the arboretum at the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center in Rich- mond, Virginia, as the ‘‘Phyllis E. Galanti Arboretum’’. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–103. H.R. 2820 ...... An act to reauthorize the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, and for other pur- poses. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–104. H.R. 2835 ...... An act to actively recruit members of the Armed Forces who are separating from military serv- ice to serve as Customs and Border Protection Officers. Approved Oct. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–68. H.R. 3059 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4500 SE 28th Street, Del City, Oklahoma, as the James Robert Kalsu Post Office Building. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–84. H.R. 3116 ...... An act to extend by 15 years the authority of the Secretary of Commerce to conduct the quar- terly financial report program. Approved Oct. 22, 2015. Public Law 114–72. H.R. 3236 ...... An act to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, to provide resource flexi- bility to the Department of Veterans Affairs for health care services, and for other purposes. Approved July 31, 2015. Public Law 114–41. H.R. 3594 ...... An act to extend temporarily the Federal Perkins Loan program, and for other purposes. Ap- proved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–105. H.R. 3614 ...... An act to amend title 49, United States Code, to extend authorizations for the airport improve- ment program, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the funding and ex- penditure authority of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–55. H.R. 3819 ...... An act to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Approved Oct. 29, 2015. Public Law 114–73. H.R. 3831 ...... An act to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to extend the annual comment period for payment rates under Medicare Advantage. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–106. H.R. 3996 ...... An act to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 20, 2015. Public Law 114–87. H.R. 4246 ...... An act to exempt for an additional 4-year period, from the application of the means-test pre- sumption of abuse under chapter 7, qualifying members of reserve components of the Armed Forces and members of the National Guard who, after September 11, 2001, are called to ac- tive duty or to perform a homeland defense activity for not less than 90 days. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–107. HOUSE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PRIVATE LAWS (EXCLUDING VETO OVERRIDES AND LAWS NOT SIGNED) ONE HUNDRED FOURTEENTH CONGRESS




H.J. Res. 10 ...... Joint resolution providing for the reappointment of David M. Rubenstein as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Approved Apr. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–9. H.J. Res. 76 ...... Joint resolution appointing the day for the convening of the second session of the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–108. H.J. Res. 78 ...... Joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2016, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–100.





S. 136 ...... An act to amend chapter 21 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that fathers of certain permanently disabled or deceased veterans shall be included with mothers of such veterans as preference eligibles for treatment in the civil service. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–62. S. 139 ...... An act to permanently allow an exclusion under the Supplemental Security Income program and the Medicaid program for compensation provided to individuals who participate in clin- ical trials for rare diseases or conditions. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–63. S. 178 ...... An act to provide justice for the victims of trafficking. Approved May 29, 2015. Public Law 114–22. S. 179 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 14 3rd Avenue, NW, in Chisholm, Minnesota, as the ‘‘James L. Oberstar Memorial Post Office Building’’. Ap- proved July 20, 2015. Public Law 114–37. S. 230 ...... An act to provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Cor- poration located in Bethel, Alaska. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–56. S. 261 ...... An act to designate the United States courthouse located at 200 NW 4th Street in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, as the William J. Holloway, Jr. United States Courthouse. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–64. S. 501 ...... An act to make technical corrections to the Navajo water rights settlement in the State of New Mexico, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–57. S. 535 ...... An act to promote energy efficiency. Approved Apr. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–11. S. 565 ...... An act to reduce the operation and maintenance costs associated with the Federal fleet by en- couraging the use of remanufactured parts, and for other purposes. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–65. S. 599 ...... An act to extend and expand the Medicaid emergency psychiatric demonstration project. Ap- proved Dec. 11, 2015. Public Law 114–97. S. 611 ...... An act to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to reauthorize technical assistance to small pub- lic water systems, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 11, 2015. Public Law 114–98. S. 614 ...... An act to provide access to and use of information by Federal agencies in order to reduce im- proper payments, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–109. S. 665 ...... An act to encourage, enhance, and integrate Blue Alert plans throughout the United States in order to disseminate information when a law enforcement officer is seriously injured or killed in the line of duty, is missing in connection with the officer’s official duties, or an im- minent and credible threat that an individual intends to cause the serious injury or death of a law enforcement officer is received, and for other purposes. Approved May 19, 2015. Public Law 114–12. S. 799 ...... An act to combat the rise of prenatal opioid abuse and neonatal abstinence syndrome. Ap- proved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–91. S. 802 ...... An act to authorize the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to provide assistance to support the rights of women and girls in developing countries, and for other purposes. Approved June 12, 2015. Public Law 114–24. S. 808 ...... An act to establish the Surface Transportation Board as an independent establishment, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–110. S. 971 ...... An act to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for an increase in the limit on the length of an agreement under the Medicare independence at home medical practice demonstration program. Approved July 30, 2015. Public Law 114–39. S. 984 ...... An act to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide Medicare beneficiary access to eye tracking accessories for speech generating devices and to remove the rental cap for durable medical equipment under the Medicare Program with respect to speech generating devices. Approved July 30, 2015. Public Law 114–40. S. 986 ...... An act to require the Secretary of the Interior to take into trust 4 parcels of Federal land for the benefit of certain Indian Pueblos in the State of New Mexico. Approved Oct. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–69.


S. 994 ...... An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1 Walter Ham- mond Place in Waldwick, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Joseph D’Augustine Post Office Building’’. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–66. S. 1090 ...... An act to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to pro- vide eligibility for broadcasting facilities to receive certain disaster assistance, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–111. S. 1124 ...... An act to amend the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to improve the Act. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–18. S. 1170 ...... An act to amend title 39, United States Code, to extend the authority of the United States Postal Service to issue a semipostal to raise funds for breast cancer research, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 11, 2015. Public Law 114–99. S. 1177 ...... An act to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to ensure that every child achieves. Approved Dec. 10, 2015. Public Law 114–95. S. 1300 ...... An act to amend the section 221 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide relief for adoptive families from immigrant visa fees in certain situations. Approved Oct. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–70. S. 1356 ...... An act to clarify that certain provisions of the Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act of 2014 will not take effect until after the Director of the Office of Personnel Management promul- gates and makes effective regulations relating to such provisions. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–92. S. 1359 ...... An act to allow manufacturers to meet warranty and labeling requirements for consumer prod- ucts by displaying the terms of warranties on Internet websites, and for other purposes. Ap- proved Sept. 24, 2015. Public Law 114–51. S. 1362 ...... An act to amend title XI of the Social Security Act to clarify waiver authority regarding pro- grams of all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE programs). Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–85. S. 1461 ...... An act to provide for the extension of the enforcement instruction on supervision requirements for outpatient therapeutic services in critical access and small rural hospitals through 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–112. S. 1482 ...... An act to improve and reauthorize provisions relating to the application of the antitrust laws to the award of need-based educational aid. Approved Aug. 6, 2015. Public Law 114–44. S. 1568 ...... An act to extend the authorization to carry out the replacement of the existing medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Denver, Colorado, to authorize transfers of amounts to carry out the replacement of such medical center, and for other purposes. Approved June 15, 2015. Public Law 114–25. S. 1707 ...... An act to designate the Federal building located at 617 Walnut Street in Helena, Arkansas, as the ‘‘Jacob Trieber Federal Building, United States Post Office, and United States Court House’’. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–67. S. 2036 ...... An act to suspend the current compensation packages for the chief executive officers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–93. S. 2078 ...... An act to reauthorize the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, and for other purposes. Approved Oct. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–71. S. 2082 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to extend certain expiring provisions of law ad- ministered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–58. S. 2162 ...... An act to establish a 10-year term for the service of the Librarian of Congress. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–86. S. 2425 ...... An act to amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act to improve payments for com- plex rehabilitation technology and certain radiation therapy services, to ensure flexibility in applying the hardship exception for meaningful use for the 2015 EHR reporting period for 2017 payment adjustments, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 28, 2015. Public Law 114–115. SENATE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PRIVATE LAWS (EXCLUDING VETO OVERRIDES AND LAWS NOT SIGNED) ONE HUNDRED FOURTEENTH CONGRESS









H.R. 1735 ...... An act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. Vetoed Oct. 22, 2015. In House, veto referred to Armed Services Nov. 5, 2015.



S. 1 ...... An act to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Vetoed Feb. 24, 2015. Senate sustained Presi- dential veto Mar. 4, 2015; Roll No. 68: 62–37. S.J. Res. 8 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations Board relating to rep- resentation case procedures. Vetoed Mar. 31, 2015.






S.J. Res. 23 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ‘‘Stand- ards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’. Vetoed Dec. 18, 2015. S.J. Res. 24 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ‘‘Car- bon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Gener- ating Units’’. Vetoed Dec. 18, 2015.


























(6–19) 6–20 BILLS NOT SIGNED OR RETURNED TO CONGRESS HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Numerical order of bills and resolutions which have been reported to or considered by either or both Houses.

NOTE. Similar or identical bills, and bills having reference to each other, are indicated by number in parentheses.

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2 (H. Res. 173).— To amend title XVIII of the H.R. 8 (H. Res. 539) (H. Res. 542).— To modernize en- Social Security Act to repeal the Medicare sustainable ergy infrastructure, build a 21st century energy and growth rate and strengthen Medicare access by im- manufacturing workforce, bolster America’s energy se- proving physician payments and making other im- curity and diplomacy, and promote energy efficiency provements, to reauthorize the Children’s Health In- and government accountability, and for other purposes. surance Program, and for other purposes. Referred to Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways and Science, Space, and Technology, Education and the SEC. 7 Means, the Judiciary, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and the Budget Mar. 24, 2015. Passed House amended Workforce, Oversight and Government Reform, and Mar. 26, 2015; Roll No. 144: 392–37. Received in Sen- Foreign Affairs Sept. 16, 2015. Reported amended from ate Mar. 26, 2015. Passed Senate Apr. 14, 2015; Roll Energy and Commerce Nov. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–347, No. 144: 92–8. Presented to the President Apr. 16, Pt. I. Science, Space, and Technology, Education and 2015. Approved Apr. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–10. the Workforce, Oversight and Government Reform, and Foreign Affairs discharged Nov. 19, 2015. Union Cal- H.R. 3 (H. Res. 19).— To approve the Keystone XL Pipe- endar. Considered Dec. 1, 2, 2015. Passed House line. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure amended Dec. 3, 2015; Roll No. 672: 249–174. Received and in addition to Energy and Commerce, and Natural in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Re- Resources Jan. 6, 2015. Passed House Jan. 9, 2015; sources Dec. 7, 2015. Roll No. 16: 266–153. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 12, 2015. H.R. 9.— To amend title 35, United States Code, and the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act to make im- H.R. 5 (H. Res. 121) (H. Res. 125) (H. Res. 347) (S. provements and technical corrections, and for other 1177).— To support State and local accountability for purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 5, 2015. Re- public education, protect State and local authority, in- ported amended July 29, 2015; Rept. 114–235. form parents of the performance of their children’s Union Calendar ...... Union 177 schools, and for other purposes. Referred to Education and the Workforce and in addition to Financial Serv- ices Feb. 3, 2015. Reported amended from Education H.R. 10 (H. Res. 480).— To reauthorize the Scholarships and the Workforce Feb. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–24, Pt. for Opportunity and Results Act, and for other pur- I. Financial Services discharged Feb. 20, 2015. Union poses. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Calendar. Considered Feb. 25, 26, 27, 2015. Passed House amended July 8, 2015; Roll No. 423: 218–213. Oct. 5, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 16, 2015; Rept. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 114–292. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Oct. July 13, 2015. See S. 1177 for further action. 21, 2015; Roll No. 559: 240–191. Received in Senate Oct. 22, 2015. H.R. 6 (H. Res. 350).— To accelerate the discovery, devel- opment, and delivery of 21st century cures, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means May 19, 2015. Re- ported amended from Energy and Commerce July 7, 2015; Rept. 114–190, Pt. I. Ways and Means dis- charged July 7, 2015. Union Calendar. Considered July 9, 2015. Passed House amended July 10, 2015; Roll No. 433: 344–77. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions July 13, 2015.

H.R. 7 (H. Res. 42).— To prohibit taxpayer funded abor- tions. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addi- tion to Ways and Means, and the Judiciary Jan. 21, 2015. Passed House Jan. 22, 2015; Roll No. 45: 242–179. Received in Senate and referred to Finance Jan. 26, 2015.


No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 22 (H.J. Res. 61) (H. Res. 507) (H. Res. 512) (H. H.R. 33.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Res. 546).— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of to ensure that emergency services volunteers are not 1986 to exempt employees with health coverage under taken into account as employees under the shared re- TRICARE or the Veterans Administration from being sponsibility requirements contained in the Patient Pro- taken into account for purposes of determining the tection and Affordable Care Act. Referred to Ways and employers to which the employer mandate applies Means Jan. 6, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Jan. 12, 2015; Roll No. 18: 401–0. Received in Senate Referred to Ways and Means Jan. 6, 2015. Rules sus- Jan. 13, 2015. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 16, 2015. Passed Senate with amendment Feb. 27, pended. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015; Roll No. 7: 412–0. 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment under sus- Received in Senate Jan. 7, 2015. Referred to Finance pension of the rules Feb. 27, 2015; Roll No. 106: Jan. 8, 2015. Reported Feb. 12, 2015; Rept. 114–3. 357–60. Presented to the President Feb. 27, 2015. Ap- Considered July 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 2015. Passed Sen- proved Feb. 27, 2015. Public Law 114–3. ate with amendments July 30, 2015; Roll No. 260: 65–34. House agreed to Senate amendment to the title H.R. 34.— To authorize and strengthen the tsunami de- Nov. 5, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment to tection, forecast, warning, research, and mitigation the text with amendment Nov. 5, 2015. House insisted program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- on its amendment to Senate amendment to the text ministration, and for other purposes. Referred to and asked for a conference Nov. 5, 2015; Roll No. 624: Science, Space, and Technology Jan. 6, 2015. Rules 371–54. Senate disagreed to House amendment to Sen- suspended. Passed House Jan. 7, 2015. Received in ate amendment to the text and agreed to a conference Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- Nov. 10, 2015. Conference report filed in the House portation Jan. 8, 2015. Reported with amendment Dec. 1, 2015; Rept. 114–357. House agreed to con- Sept. 22, 2015; Rept. 114–146. Passed Senate with ference report Dec. 3, 2015; Roll No. 673: 359–65. Sen- amendment Oct. 6, 2015. ate agreed to conference report Dec. 3, 2015; Roll No. 331: 83–16. Presented to the President Dec. 4, 2015. H.R. 35.— To increase the understanding of the health Approved Dec. 4, 2015. Public Law 114–94. effects of low doses of ionizing radiation. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Jan. 6, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 7, 2015. Received in H.R. 23.— To reauthorize the National Windstorm Im- Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources pact Reduction Program, and for other purposes. Re- Jan. 8, 2015. ferred to Science, Space, and Technology and in addi- tion to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 6, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 7, 2015; Roll No. H.R. 36 (H. Res. 38) (H. Res. 255).— To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect pain-capable unborn 10: 381–39. Received in Senate and referred to Com- children, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judi- merce, Science and Transportation Jan. 8, 2015. Re- ciary Jan. 6, 2015. Passed House amended May 13, ported with amendment June 11, 2015; Rept. 114–62. 2015; Roll No. 223: 242–184. Received in Senate May Passed Senate with amendment July 23, 2015. House 14, 2015. Ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 16, agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the 2015. rules Sept. 16, 2015. Presented to the President Sept. 21, 2015. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law H.R. 37 (H. Res. 27).— To make technical corrections 114–52. to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, to enhance the ability of small and H.R. 26.— To extend the termination date of the Ter- emerging growth companies to access capital through rorism Insurance Program established under the Ter- public and private markets, to reduce regulatory bur- rorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, and for other pur- dens, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services and in addition to Agriculture Jan. 6, 2015. poses. Referred to Financial Services and in addition Failed of passage under suspension of the rules (two- to Agriculture Jan. 6, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed thirds required) Jan. 7, 2015; Roll No. 9: 276–146. House Jan. 7, 2015; Roll No. 8: 416–5. Received in Considered Jan. 13, 2015. Passed House Jan. 14, 2015; Senate Jan. 7, 2015. Passed Senate Jan. 8, 2015; Roll Roll No. 37: 271–154. Received in Senate and referred No. 2: 93–4. Presented to the President Jan. 9, 2015. to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Jan. 16, 2015. Approved Jan. 12, 2015. Public Law 114–1. H.R. 50 (H. Res. 78).— To provide for additional safe- H.R. 30 (H. Res. 19).— To amend the Internal Revenue guards with respect to imposing Federal mandates, Code of 1986 to repeal the 30-hour threshold for classi- and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Gov- fication as a full-time employee for purposes of the ernment Reform and in addition to the Budget, Rules, employer mandate in the Patient Protection and Af- and the Judiciary Jan. 6, 2015. Reported from Over- fordable Care Act and replace it with 40 hours. Re- sight and Government Reform Feb. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–11, Pt. I. The Budget, Rules, and the Judiciary ferred to Ways and Means and in addition to the Budg- discharged Feb. 2, 2015. Union Calendar. Passed et Jan. 6, 2015. Passed House Jan. 8, 2015; Roll No. House amended Feb. 4, 2015; Roll No. 64: 250–173. 14: 252–172. Received in Senate Jan. 9, 2015. Referred Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security to Finance Jan. 12, 2015. and Governmental Affairs Feb. 5, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–3

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 91.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to H.R. 172.— To designate the United States courthouse direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to issue, upon located at 501 East Court Street in Jackson, Mis- request, veteran identification cards to certain vet- sissippi, as the ‘‘R. Jess Brown United States Court- erans. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 6, 2015. Rules house’’. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure suspended. Passed House amended May 18, 2015; Roll Jan. 6, 2015. Reported Apr. 23, 2015; Rept. 114–89. No. 240: 402–0. Received in Senate and referred to House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. Veterans’ Affairs May 19, 2015. Committee discharged. 28, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Environ- Passed Senate with amendment June 22, 2015. House ment and Public Works Apr. 29, 2015. agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules July 7, 2015; Roll No. 391: 411–0. Presented H.R. 181.— To provide justice for the victims of traf- to the President July 9, 2015. Approved July 20, ficking. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 7, 2015. Re- 2015. Public Law 114–31. ported Jan. 27, 2015; Rept. 114–7. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Jan. 27, H.R. 152.— To direct the Secretary of the Interior to 2015. Received in Senate Jan. 28, 2015. Referred to enter into an agreement to provide for management the Judiciary Feb. 4, 2015. of the free-roaming wild horses in and around the Currituck National Wildlife Refuge. Referred to Nat- H.R. 185 (H. Res. 27).— To reform the process by which ural Resources Jan. 6, 2015. Reported Apr. 20, 2015; Federal agencies analyze and formulate new regula- Rept. 114–84. tions and guidance documents. Referred to the Judici- Union Calendar ...... Union 62 ary Jan. 7, 2015. Passed House amended Jan. 13, 2015; Roll No. 28: 250–175. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- H.R. 158.— To clarify the grounds for ineligibility for fairs Jan. 16, 2015. travel to the United States regarding terrorism risk, to expand the criteria by which a country may be H.R. 189.— To extend foreclosure and eviction protec- removed from the Visa Waiver Program, to require tions for servicemembers, and for other purposes. Re- the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 7, 2015. Reported Dec. on strengthening the Electronic System for Travel Au- 1, 2015; Rept. 114–356. thorization to better secure the international borders Union Calendar ...... Union 273 of the United States and prevent terrorists and instru- ments of terrorism from entering the United States, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and H.R. 195.— To terminate the Election Assistance Com- in addition to Homeland Security Jan. 6, 2015. Re- mission. Referred to House Administration Jan. 7, ported amended from Homeland Security Dec. 7, 2015; 2015. Reported Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–361. Rept. 114–369, Pt. I. Rules suspended. Passed House Union Calendar ...... Union 275 amended Dec. 8, 2015; Roll No. 679: 407–19. Received in Senate Dec. 9, 2015. H.R. 203.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide for the conduct of annual evaluations of mental health care and suicide prevention programs H.R. 159.— To stop exploitation through trafficking. Re- of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to require a ferred to the Judiciary and in addition to Education pilot program on loan repayment for psychiatrists who and the Workforce Jan. 6, 2015. Reported from the agree to serve in the Veterans Health Administration Judiciary Jan. 27, 2015; Rept. 114–6, Pt. I. Education of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other and the Workforce discharged Jan. 27, 2015. Union purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 7, 2015. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 12, 2015; Roll Jan. 27, 2015. Received in Senate Jan. 28, 2015. Re- No. 17: 403–0. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- ferred to the Judiciary Feb. 4, 2015. erans’ Affairs Jan. 13, 2015. Reported Jan. 21, 2015; Rept. 114–34. Passed Senate Feb. 3, 2015; Roll No. H.R. 160 (H. Res. 319).— To amend the Internal Rev- 50: 99–0. Presented to the President Feb. 11, 2015. enue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on medical Approved Feb. 12, 2015. Public Law 114–2. devices. Referred to Ways and Means Jan. 6, 2015. Reported amended June 11, 2015; Rept. 114–147. H.R. 208 (S. 1811).— To require the Administrator of Union Calendar. Considered June 17, 2015. Passed the Small Business Administration to establish a pro- House amended June 18, 2015; Roll No. 375: 280–140. gram to make loans to certain businesses, home- Received in Senate June 22, 2015. Ordered placed on owners, and renters affected by Superstorm Sandy. Re- the calendar June 23, 2015. ferred to Small Business Jan. 8, 2015. Reported amended June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–186. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July H.R. 161 (H. Res. 38).— To provide for the timely consid- 13, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Small eration of all licenses, permits, and approvals required Business and Entrepreneurship July 14, 2015. Com- under Federal law with respect to the siting, construc- mittee discharged. Passed Senate with amendments tion, expansion, or operation of any natural gas pipe- Oct. 21, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendments line projects. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. under suspension of the rules Nov. 16, 2015. Presented 6, 2015. Passed House Jan. 21, 2015; Roll No. 41: to the President Nov. 19, 2015. Approved Nov. 25, 253–169. Received in Senate Jan. 22, 2015. 2015. Public Law 114–88. 7–4 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 212.— To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to H.R. 251.— To transfer the position of Special Assistant provide for the assessment and management of the for Veterans Affairs in the Department of Housing risk of cyanotoxins in drinking water, and for other and Urban Development to the Office of the Secretary, purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 8, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services 2015. Reported amended Feb. 24, 2015; Rept. 114–26. Jan. 9, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House July 14, Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 2015; Roll No. 435: 412–1. Received in Senate and amended Feb. 24, 2015; Roll No. 84: 375–37. Received referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July in Senate Feb. 25, 2015. Passed Senate Aug. 5, 2015. 15, 2015. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2015. Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–45. H.R. 280.— To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Af- fairs to recoup bonuses and awards paid to employees H.R. 216.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Vet- direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit to erans’ Affairs and in addition to Oversight and Govern- Congress a Future-Years Veterans Program and a ment Reform Jan. 12, 2015. Reported amended from quadrennial veterans review, to establish in the De- Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–32, Pt. I. partment of Veterans Affairs a Chief Strategy Officer, Oversight and Government Reform discharged Mar. 2, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs 2015. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 8, 2015. Reported amended Mar. 23, 2015; Rept. amended Mar. 2, 2015. Received in Senate and re- 114–48. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 3, 2015. of rules Mar. 23, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 24, 2015; Roll No. 134: 420–0. Received H.R. 284.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 25, Act to require State licensure and bid surety bonds 2015. for entities submitting bids under the Medicare dura- ble medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and sup- H.R. 233.— To allow reviews of certain families’ incomes plies (DMEPOS) competitive acquisition program, and every 3 years for purposes of determining eligibility for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce for certain Federal assisted housing programs. Re- and in addition to Ways and Means Jan. 12, 2015. ferred to Financial Services Jan. 8, 2015. Rules sus- Reported amended from Ways and Means Mar. 13, pended. Passed House Mar. 23, 2015. Received in Sen- 2015; Rept. 114–38, Pt. I. Rules suspended. Passed ate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- House amended Mar. 16, 2015. Received in Senate fairs Mar. 24, 2015. and referred to Finance Mar. 17, 2015.

H.R. 235.— To permanently extend the Internet Tax H.R. 285.— To amend title 18, United States Code, to Freedom Act. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 9, 2015. provide a penalty for knowingly selling advertising Rules suspended. Passed House June 9, 2015. Received that offers certain commercial sex acts. Referred to in Senate and referred to Finance June 10, 2015. the Judiciary Jan. 12, 2015. Reported Jan. 27, 2015; Rept. 114–8. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed H.R. 237.— To authorize the revocation or denial of pass- House Jan. 27, 2015. Received in Senate Jan. 28, 2015. ports and passport cards to individuals affiliated with Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 4, 2015. foreign terrorist organizations, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Jan. 9, 2015. Rules sus- H.R. 294.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to pended. Passed House amended July 21, 2015. Re- authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to enter ceived in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations July into contracts and agreements for the transfer of vet- 22, 2015. erans to non-Department medical foster homes for cer- tain veterans who are unable to live independently. H.R. 240 (H. Res. 27).— Making appropriations for the Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 13, 2015. Reported Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year amended Mar. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–35. Union Calendar. ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 2, 2015; Referred to Appropriations and in addition to the Roll No. 107: 405–0. Received in Senate and referred Budget Jan. 9, 2015. Considered Jan. 13, 2015. Passed to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 3, 2015. House amended Jan. 14, 2015; Roll No. 35: 236–191. Received in Senate Jan. 16, 2015. Ordered placed on H.R. 299.— To amend the Federal Home Loan Bank the calendar Jan. 20, 2015. Considered Feb. 26, 2015. Act to authorize privately insured credit unions to be- Passed Senate with amendment Feb. 27, 2015; Roll come members of a Federal home loan bank, and for No. 62: 68–31. House disagreed to Senate amendment other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Jan. 13, and asked for a conference Feb. 27, 2015; Roll No. 2015. Reported Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–58. Union 102: 228–191. Senate disagreed to a conference Mar. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 13, 2, 2015. House receded and concurred in Senate 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, amendment Mar. 3, 2015; Roll No. 109: 257–167. Pre- Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 14, 2015. sented to the President Mar. 4, 2015. Approved Mar. 4, 2015. Public Law 114–4. H.R. 308.— To prohibit gaming activities on certain In- dian lands in Arizona until the expiration of certain H.R. 246.— To improve the response to victims of child gaming compacts. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. sex trafficking. Referred to Education and the Work- 13, 2015. Reported Apr. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–95. force Jan. 9, 2015. Considered under suspension of Union Calendar ...... Union 67 rules Jan. 26, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Failed of passage under suspension of the rules (two- Jan. 27, 2015; Roll No. 48: 411–0. Received in Senate thirds required) Nov. 16, 2015; Roll No. 626: and referred to the Judiciary Jan. 28, 2015. 263–146. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–5

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 313 (S. 242).— To amend title 5, United States H.R. 348 (H. Res. 420).— To provide for improved coordi- Code, to provide leave to any new Federal employee nation of agency actions in the preparation and adop- who is a veteran with a service-connected disability tion of environmental documents for permitting deter- rated at 30 percent or more for purposes of undergoing minations, and for other purposes. Referred to the Ju- medical treatment for such disability, and for other diciary and in addition to Natural Resources Jan. 14, purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Re- 2015. Reported from the Judiciary July 27, 2015; Rept. form Jan. 13, 2015. Reported June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–228, Pt. I. Referral to Natural Resources extended 114–180. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed July 27, 2015 for a period ending not later than Sept. House Sept. 28, 2015. Received in Senate and referred 11, 2015. Natural Resources discharged Sept. 11, 2015. Union Calendar. Considered Sept. 24, 2015. Passed to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. House amended Sept. 25, 2015; Roll No. 518: 233–170. 29, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Oct. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 26, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 28, 2015. Public Works Sept. 28, 2015. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–75.

H.R. 350.— To direct the Interagency Task Force to Mon- H.R. 322.— To designate the facility of the United States itor and Combat Trafficking to identify strategies to Postal Service located at 16105 Swingley Ridge Road prevent children from becoming victims of trafficking in Chesterfield, Missouri, as the ‘‘Sgt. Zachary M. Fish- and review trafficking prevention efforts, to protect er Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Government and assist in the recovery of victims of trafficking, Reform Jan. 13, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and Sept. 24, 2015; Roll No. 507: 405–0. Received in Senate in addition to Foreign Affairs Jan. 14, 2015. Reported and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental from the Judiciary Jan. 27, 2015; Rept. 114–9, Pt. Affairs Sept. 25, 2015. Reported Oct. 8, 2015; no writ- I. Foreign Affairs discharged Jan. 27, 2015. Union Cal- ten report. Passed Senate Oct. 20, 2015. Presented endar. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 27, 2015. to the President Oct. 26, 2015. Approved Nov. 5, Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Jan. 2015. Public Law 114–76. 28, 2015.

H.R. 323.— To designate the facility of the United States H.R. 351 (H. Res. 48).— To provide for expedited ap- Postal Service located at 55 Grasso Plaza in St. Louis, proval of exportation of natural gas, and for other pur- Missouri, as the ‘‘Sgt. Amanda N. Pinson Post Office’’. poses. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 14, 2015. Passed House Jan. 28, 2015; Roll No. 50: Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 277–133. Received in Senate and referred to Energy 13, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, and Natural Resources Jan. 29, 2015. 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 25, 2015. Re- ported Oct. 8, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate H.R. 357.— To amend the Trafficking Victims Protection Oct. 20, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 26, Act of 2000 to expand the training for Federal Govern- 2015. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–77. ment personnel related to trafficking in persons, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Jan. 14, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 26, H.R. 324.— To designate the facility of the United States 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Rela- Postal Service located at 11662 Gravois Road in St. tions Jan. 27, 2015. Louis, Missouri, as the ‘‘Lt. Daniel P. Riordan Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 13, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. H.R. 360 (S. 710).— To reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 24, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 1996, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 25, 2015. Re- Services Jan. 14, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House ported Oct. 8, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate amended Mar. 23, 2015; Roll No. 130: 297–98. Re- Oct. 20, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 26, ceived in Senate and referred to Indian Affairs Mar. 2015. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–78. 24, 2015.

H.R. 336.— To direct the Administrator of General Serv- H.R. 361.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of ices, on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, 2002 to codify authority under existing grant guidance to convey certain Federal property located in the State authorizing use of Urban Area Security Initiative and of Alaska to the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska. State Homeland Security Grant Program funding for Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 13, enhancing medical preparedness, medical surge capac- 2015. Reported May 8, 2015; Rept. 114–103. Union ity, and mass prophylaxis capabilities. Referred to Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 1, Homeland Security Jan. 14, 2015. Rules suspended. 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Passed House Feb. 2, 2015; Roll No. 51: 377–2. Re- Security and Governmental Affairs June 2, 2015. ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 3, 2015. 7–6 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 373.— To direct the Secretary of the Interior and H.R. 427 (H. Res. 380).— To amend chapter 8 of title Secretary of Agriculture to expedite access to certain 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules Federal land under the administrative jurisdiction of of the executive branch shall have no force or effect each Secretary for good Samaritan search-and-recovery unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into missions, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural law. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Rules, Resources and in addition to Agriculture Jan. 14, 2015. and the Budget Jan. 21, 2015. Reported amended from Reported from Natural Resources Apr. 15, 2015; Rept. the Judiciary July 21, 2015; Rept. 114–214, Pt. I. Rules 114–75, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged Apr. 15, 2015. and the Budget discharged July 21, 2015. Union Cal- Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House endar. Passed House amended July 28, 2015; Roll No. 482: 243–165. Received in Senate July 29, 2015. Or- amended Apr. 28, 2015; Roll No. 174: 413–0. Received dered placed on the calendar Dec. 2, 2015. in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Re- sources Apr. 29, 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–193. H.R. 431 (S. 527).— To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Foot Soldiers who participated in Bloody Sunday, Turnaround Tuesday, or the final Selma to H.R. 387.— To provide for certain land to be taken into Montgomery Voting Rights March in March of 1965, trust for the benefit of Morongo Band of Mission Indi- which served as a catalyst for the Voting Rights Act ans, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Re- of 1965. Referred to Financial Services Jan. 21, 2015. sources Jan. 14, 2015. Reported June 23, 2015; Rept. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 11, 2015; Roll 114–173. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed No. 76: 420–0. Received in Senate and referred to House July 13, 2015. Received in Senate and referred Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Feb. 12, 2015. to Indian Affairs July 14, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Mar. 2, 2015. Presented to the President Mar. 4, 2015. Approved Mar. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–5. H.R. 398.— To provide for the development and dissemi- nation of evidence-based best practices for health care professionals to recognize victims of a severe form of H.R. 432.— To amend the Investment Advisers Act of trafficking and respond to such individuals appro- 1940 to prevent duplicative regulation of advisers of small business investment companies. Referred to Fi- priately, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy nancial Services Jan. 21, 2015. Reported July 14, 2015; and Commerce Jan. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed Rept. 114–199. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. House Jan. 27, 2015. Received in Senate and referred Passed House July 14, 2015. Received in Senate and to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Jan. 28, referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 2015. 15, 2015.

H.R. 399.— To require the Secretary of Homeland Secu- H.R. 455 (S. 1808).— To require the Secretary of Home- rity to gain and maintain operational control of the land Security to conduct a northern border threat anal- international borders of the United States, and for ysis, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Security Jan. 21, 2015. Reported amended July 28, in addition to Armed Services, Natural Resources, and 2015; Rept. 114–232. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Agriculture Jan. 16, 2015. Reported amended from pended. Passed House amended Oct. 28, 2015. Re- Homeland Security Jan. 27, 2015; Rept. 114–10, Pt. ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security I. Armed Services, Natural Resources, and Agriculture and Governmental Affairs Oct. 29, 2015. discharged Jan. 27, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 6 H.R. 460.— To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to train Department of Homeland Security personnel H.R. 404.— To authorize early repayment of obligations how to effectively deter, detect, disrupt, and prevent to the Bureau of Reclamation within the Northport human trafficking during the course of their primary Irrigation District in the State of Nebraska. Referred roles and responsibilities, and for other purposes. Re- ferred to Homeland Security and in addition to the to Natural Resources Jan. 16, 2015. Reported Apr. 15, Judiciary Jan. 21, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed 2015; Rept. 114–76. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. House Jan. 27, 2015. Received in Senate and referred Passed House June 1, 2015. Received in Senate and to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 2, 28, 2015. Reported May 14, 2015; Rept. 114–46. 2015.

H.R. 468.— To amend the Runaway and Homeless Youth H.R. 412.— To reduce Federal spending and the deficit Act to increase knowledge concerning, and improve by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential elec- services for, runaway and homeless youth who are vic- tion campaigns. Referred to Ways and Means and in tims of trafficking. Referred to Education and the addition to House Administration Jan. 20, 2015. Re- Workforce Jan. 22, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed ported from House Administration Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. House Jan. 26, 2015. Received in Senate and referred 114–362, Pt. I. to the Judiciary Jan. 27, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–7

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 469.— To amend the Child Abuse Prevention and H.R. 521.— To provide for the conveyance of certain Treatment Act to enable State child protective services property to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation systems to improve the identification and assessment located in Bethel, Alaska. Referred to Natural Re- of child victims of sex trafficking, and for other pur- sources and in addition to Energy and Commerce Jan. poses. Referred to Education and the Workforce Jan. 22, 2015. Reported amended from Natural Resources 22, 2015. Considered under suspension of rules Jan. July 22, 2015; Rept. 114–217, Pt. I. Energy and Com- 26, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 27, 2015; Roll No. 47: 410–0. Received in Senate and re- merce discharged July 22, 2015. ferred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Jan. Union Calendar ...... Union 163 28, 2015.

H.R. 471.— To improve enforcement efforts related to H.R. 526.— To amend title 11 of the United States Code prescription drug diversion and abuse, and for other to require the public disclosure by trusts established purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in under section 524(g) of such title, of quarterly reports addition to the Judiciary Jan. 22, 2015. Reported from that contain detailed information regarding the receipt Energy and Commerce Apr. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–85, and disposition of claims for injuries based on exposure Pt. I. The Judiciary discharged Apr. 20, 2015. Union to asbestos; and for other purposes. Referred to the Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Judiciary Jan. 26, 2015. Reported Nov. 30, 2015; Rept. Apr. 21, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to the 114–352. Judiciary Apr. 22, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 271 H.R. 474.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for a five-year extension to the homeless vet- H.R. 527 (H. Res. 78).— To amend chapter 6 of title erans reintegration programs and to provide clarifica- 5, United States Code (commonly known as the Regu- tion regarding eligibility for services under such pro- latory Flexibility Act), to ensure complete analysis of grams. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 22, 2015. potential impacts on small entities of rules, and for Rules suspended. Passed House May 18, 2015. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs May other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addi- 19, 2015. tion to Small Business Jan. 26, 2015. Reported from the Judiciary Feb. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–12, Pt. I. Small H.R. 487.— To allow the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma to Business discharged Feb. 2, 2015. Union Calendar. lease or transfer certain lands. Referred to Natural Passed House amended Feb. 5, 2015; Roll No. 68: Resources Jan. 22, 2015. Reported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 260–163. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 114–250. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 9, 2015. House Sept. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Indian Affairs Sept. 17, 2015. H.R. 529 (H. Res. 121).— To amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 511 (H. Res. 526) (S. 248).— To clarify the rights enue Code of 1986 to improve 529 plans. Referred to of Indians and Indian tribes on Indian lands under Ways and Means Jan. 26, 2015. Reported amended the National Labor Relations Act. Referred to Edu- cation and the Workforce Jan. 22, 2015. Reported Feb. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–25. Union Calendar. Passed amended Sept. 10, 2015; Rept. 114–260. Union Cal- House amended Feb. 25, 2015; Roll No. 90: 401–20. endar. Passed House amended Nov. 17, 2015; Roll No. Received in Senate Feb. 26, 2015. Referred to Finance 633: 249–177. Received in Senate Nov. 18, 2015. Apr. 16, 2015.

H.R. 514.— To prioritize the fight against human traf- ficking within the Department of State according to H.R. 533 (S. 321).— To revoke the charter of incorpora- congressional intent in the Trafficking Victims Protec- tion of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma at the request tion Act of 2000 without increasing the size of the of that tribe, and for other purposes. Referred to Nat- Federal Government, and for other purposes. Referred ural Resources Jan. 26, 2015. Reported Apr. 15, 2015; to Foreign Affairs Jan. 22, 2015. Rules suspended. Rept. 114–77. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 26, 2015. Received in Senate and Passed House June 1, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Jan. 27, 2015. referred to Indian Affairs June 2, 2015. Committee H.R. 515.— To protect children from exploitation, espe- discharged. Passed Senate June 24, 2015. Presented cially sex trafficking in tourism, by providing advance to the President June 26, 2015. Approved July 6, notice of intended travel by registered child-sex offend- 2015. Public Law 114–28. ers outside the United States to the government of the country of destination, requesting foreign govern- ments to notify the United States when a known child- H.R. 538 (H. Res. 466).— To facilitate the development sex offender is seeking to enter the United States, of energy on Indian lands by reducing Federal regula- and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs tions that impede tribal development of Indian lands, and in addition to the Judiciary Jan. 22, 2015. Rules and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources suspended. Passed House Jan. 26, 2015. Received in Jan. 26, 2015. Reported Oct. 1, 2015; Rept. 114–276. Senate Jan. 28, 2015. Referred to Foreign Relations Union Calendar. Passed House amended Oct. 8, 2015; Feb. 4, 2015. Reported with amendments Nov. 17, Roll No. 544: 254–173. Received in Senate and referred 2015; no written report. Passed Senate with amend- to Indian Affairs Oct. 19, 2015. ments Dec. 17, 2015. 7–8 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 558.— To designate the facility of the United States H.R. 615.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Postal Service located at 55 South Pioneer Boulevard 2002 to require the Under Secretary for Management in Springboro, Ohio, as the ‘‘Richard ‘Dick’ Chenault of the Department of Homeland Security to take ad- Post Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Gov- ministrative action to achieve and maintain interoper- ernment Reform Jan. 27, 2015. Rules suspended. able communications capabilities among the compo- Passed House Sept. 24, 2015. Received in Senate and nents of the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Jan. referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 28, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 2, 2015; fairs Sept. 25, 2015. Reported Oct. 8, 2015; no written Roll No. 52: 379–0. Received in Senate and referred report. Passed Senate Oct. 20, 2015. Presented to the to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. President Oct. 26, 2015. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. 3, 2015. Reported with amendment May 21, 2015; Public Law 114–79. Rept. 114–53. Passed Senate with amendment June 11, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules June 23, 2015. Presented to H.R. 596 (H. Res. 70).— To repeal the Patient Protection the President June 24, 2015. Approved July 6, 2015. and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provi- Public Law 114–29. sions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy H.R. 622 (H. Res. 200).— To amend the Internal Rev- and Commerce and in addition to Education and the enue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction Workforce, Ways and Means, the Judiciary, Natural of State and local general sales taxes. Referred to Resources, Rules, House Administration, Appropria- Ways and Means Jan. 30, 2015. Reported amended tions, and the Budget Jan. 28, 2015. Passed House Apr. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–51. Union Calendar. Passed amended Feb. 3, 2015; Roll No. 58: 239–186. Received House amended Apr. 16, 2015; Roll No. 159: 272–152. in Senate Feb. 4, 2015. Ordered placed on the calendar Received in Senate Apr. 20, 2015. Feb. 5, 2015. H.R. 623.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Department of Homeland Secu- H.R. 597 (H.R. 3611) (H. Res. 450).— To reauthorize rity to establish a social media working group, and the Export-Import Bank of the United States, and for for other purposes. Referred to Transportation and In- other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Jan. 28, frastructure and in addition to Homeland Security Jan. 2015. Passed House amended Oct. 27, 2015; Roll No. 30, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 2, 2015; 576: 313–118. Received in Senate Oct. 28, 2015. Or- Roll No. 53: 328–51. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. dered placed on the calendar Oct. 29, 2015. 3, 2015. Reported with amendment Sept. 21, 2015; Rept. 114–145. Passed Senate with amendment Oct. H.R. 598 (S. 282).— To provide taxpayers with an annual 7, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment under report disclosing the cost and performance of Govern- suspension of the rules Oct. 28, 2015. Presented to the President Nov. 2, 2015. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. ment programs and areas of duplication among them, Public Law 114–80. and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Gov- ernment Reform Jan. 28, 2015. Reported amended Oct. H.R. 629.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 20, 2015; Rept. 114–298. 1986 to make permanent the reduced recognition pe- Union Calendar ...... Union 227 riod for built-in gains of S corporations. Referred to Ways and Means Jan. 30, 2015. Reported amended H.R. 601.— To amend the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to Feb. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–15. Union Calendar ...... Union 9 provide an exception to the annual privacy notice re- quirement. Referred to Financial Services Jan. 28, H.R. 630.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 2015. Reported Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–59. Union 1986 to make permanent certain rules regarding basis Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 13, adjustments to stock of S corporations making chari- 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, table contributions of property. Referred to Ways and Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 14, 2015. Means Jan. 30, 2015. Reported amended Feb. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–16. Union Calendar ...... Union 10 H.R. 606 (S. 916).— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain compensation received H.R. 636 (H. Res. 101).— To amend the Internal Rev- by public safety officers and their dependents from enue Code of 1986 to permanently extend increased gross income. Referred to Ways and Means Jan. 28, expensing limitations, and for other purposes. Referred 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House May 12, 2015; to Ways and Means and in addition to the Budget Roll No. 216: 413–0. Received in Senate May 13, 2015. Feb. 2, 2015. Reported amended from Ways and Means Passed Senate May 14, 2015. Presented to the Presi- Feb. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–21, Pt. I. The Budget dis- dent May 18, 2015. Approved May 22, 2015. Public charged Feb. 9, 2015. Union Calendar. Passed House Law 114–14. amended Feb. 13, 2015; Roll No. 82: 272–142. Received in Senate Feb. 23, 2015. Ordered placed on the cal- endar Apr. 20, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–9

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 637.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of H.R. 647.— To amend title XII of the Public Health 1986 to make permanent the rule allowing certain tax- Service Act to reauthorize certain trauma care pro- free distributions from individual retirement accounts grams, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and for charitable purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Commerce Feb. 2, 2015. Reported Mar. 16, 2015; Rept. and in addition to the Budget Feb. 2, 2015. Reported 114–42. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed amended from Ways and Means Feb. 9, 2015; Rept. House Mar. 16, 2015; Roll No. 113: 389–10. Received 114–20, Pt. I. The Budget discharged Feb. 9, 2015. in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, Union Calendar ...... Union 14 and Pensions Mar. 17, 2015.

H.R. 648.— To amend title XII of the Public Health H.R. 639.— To amend the Controlled Substances Act Service Act to reauthorize certain trauma care pro- with respect to drug scheduling recommendations by grams, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and with Commerce Feb. 2, 2015. Reported Mar. 16, 2015; Rept. respect to registration of manufacturers and distribu- 114–43. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed tors seeking to conduct clinical testing. Referred to House Mar. 16, 2015; Roll No. 114: 382–15. Received Energy and Commerce and in addition to the Judiciary in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, Feb. 2, 2015. Reported amended from Energy and and Pensions Mar. 17, 2015. Commerce Mar. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–41, Pt. I. The Judiciary discharged Mar. 16, 2015. Union Calendar. H.R. 650 (H. Res. 189).— To amend the Truth in Lend- Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 16, ing Act to modify the definitions of a mortgage origi- 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Edu- nator and a high-cost mortgage. Referred to Financial cation, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 17, 2015. Committee Services Feb. 2, 2015. Reported Apr. 6, 2015; Rept. discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Oct. 26, 114–53. Union Calendar. Passed House Apr. 14, 2015; 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment Nov. 16, Roll No. 151: 263–162. Received in Senate and referred 2015. Presented to the President Nov. 19, 2015. Ap- to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 15, 2015. proved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–89. H.R. 651.— To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 820 Elmwood Avenue in Prov- H.R. 640.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of idence, Rhode Island, as the ‘‘Sister Ann Keefe Post 1986 to modify the tax rate for excise tax on invest- Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform ment income of private foundations. Referred to Ways Feb. 2, 2015. Considered under suspension of rules and Means and in addition to the Budget Feb. 2, 2015. Apr. 28, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. Reported amended from Ways and Means Feb. 9, 2015; 29, 2015; Roll No. 177: 423–0. Received in Senate and Rept. 114–19, Pt. I. The Budget discharged Feb. 9, referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 2015. fairs Apr. 30, 2015. Reported May 6, 2015; no written Union Calendar ...... Union 13 report. Passed Senate May 11, 2015. Presented to the President May 14, 2015. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–15. H.R. 641.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the special rule for contribu- H.R. 675 (S. 1493).— To increase, effective as of Decem- tions of qualified conservation contributions. Referred ber 1, 2015, the rates of compensation for veterans to Ways and Means Feb. 2, 2015. Reported amended with service-connected disabilities and the rates of de- Feb. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–17. pendency and indemnity compensation for the sur- Union Calendar ...... Union 11 vivors of certain disabled veterans, and for other pur- poses. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Feb. 3, 2015. Re- H.R. 644 (H. Res. 101) (H. Res. 305) (H. Res. 560).— ported amended July 16, 2015; Rept. 114–206. Union To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to per- Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules July manently extend and expand the charitable deduction 27, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended for contributions of food inventory. Referred to Ways July 28, 2015; Roll No. 472: 409–0. Received in Senate and Means Feb. 2, 2015. Reported amended Feb. 9, and referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 29, 2015. 2015; Rept. 114–18. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Feb. 12, 2015; Roll No. 80: 279–137. Received H.R. 685 (H. Res. 189).— To amend the Truth in Lend- in Senate Feb. 23, 2015. Ordered placed on the cal- ing Act to improve upon the definitions provided for endar Apr. 20, 2015. Passed Senate with amendments points and fees in connection with a mortgage trans- May 14, 2015; Roll No. 179: 78–20. House agreed to action. Referred to Financial Services Feb. 3, 2015. Senate amendment to the title June 12, 2015. House Reported Apr. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–54. Union Calendar. agreed to Senate amendment to the text with amend- Passed House Apr. 14, 2015; Roll No. 152: 286–140. ment June 12, 2015; Roll No. 363: 240–190. Senate Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, insisted on its amendment to the text and asked for and Urban Affairs Apr. 15, 2015. a conference June 24, 2015. House insisted on its amendment to Senate amendment to the text and H.R. 690.— To require each agency, in providing notice agreed to a conference Dec. 1, 2015; Roll No. 652: of a rule making, to include a link to a 100 word 252–170. Conference report filed in the House Dec. plain language summary of the proposed rule. Referred 9, 2015; Rept. 114–376. House agreed to conference to the Judiciary Feb. 3, 2015. Reported June 25, 2015; report Dec. 11, 2015; Roll No. 693: 256–158. Rept. 114–183. Union Calendar ...... Union 135 7–10 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 692 (H. Res. 480) (S. 2181).— To ensure the pay- H.R. 720.— To improve intergovernmental planning for ment of interest and principal of the debt of the United and communication during security incidents at do- States. Referred to Ways and Means Feb. 3, 2015. mestic airports, and for other purposes. Referred to Reported Sept. 18, 2015; Rept. 114–265. Union Cal- Homeland Security Feb. 4, 2015. Rules suspended. endar. Passed House Oct. 21, 2015; Roll No. 557: Passed House Feb. 10, 2015; Roll No. 70: 411–1. Re- 235–194. Received in Senate Oct. 22, 2015. ceived in Senate Feb. 11, 2015. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Feb. 12, 2015. Reported H.R. 702 (H. Res. 466).— To adapt to changing crude with amendment July 23, 2015; Rept. 114–92. Passed oil market conditions. Referred to Energy and Com- Senate with amendment Aug. 5, 2015. House agreed merce and in addition to Foreign Affairs Feb. 4, 2015. to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Reported amended from Energy and Commerce Sept. Sept. 16, 2015. Presented to the President Sept. 17, 25, 2015; Rept. 114–267, Pt. I. Foreign Affairs dis- 2015. Approved Sept. 24, 2015. Public Law 114–50. charged Sept. 25, 2015. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed from Energy and Commerce Oct. 1, 2015; Pt. II. Passed House amended Oct. 9, 2015; Roll No. H.R. 723.— To provide Capitol-flown flags to the imme- 549: 261–159. Received in Senate and referred to diate family of fire fighters, law enforcement officers, Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 19, 2015. members of rescue squads or ambulance crews, and public safety officers who are killed in the line of duty. Referred to House Administration Feb. 4, 2015. Rules H.R. 709.— To provide for the termination of employ- suspended. Passed House May 12, 2015. Received in ment of employees of the Internal Revenue Service Senate and referred to Rules and Administration May who take certain official actions for political purposes. 13, 2015. Referred to Ways and Means Feb. 4, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–66. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 15, H.R. 728.— To designate the facility of the United States 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Finance Apr. Postal Service located at 7050 Highway BB in Cedar 16, 2015. Hill, Missouri, as the ‘‘Sergeant First Class William B. Woods, Jr. Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and H.R. 710.— To require the Secretary of Homeland Secu- Government Reform Feb. 4, 2015. Rules suspended. rity to prepare a comprehensive security assessment Passed House June 15, 2015. Received in Senate and of the transportation security card program, and for referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Feb. fairs June 16, 2015. Reported June 24, 2015; no writ- 4, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 10, 2015. ten report. Passed Senate July 8, 2015. Presented to Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security the President July 9, 2015. Approved July 20, 2015. and Governmental Affairs Feb. 11, 2015. Committee Public Law 114–32. discharged Apr. 22, 2015. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Apr. 22, 2015. H.R. 734.— To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to consolidate the reporting obligations of the Federal H.R. 712.— To impose certain limitations on consent Communications Commission in order to improve con- decrees and settlement agreements by agencies that gressional oversight and reduce reporting burdens. Re- require the agencies to take regulatory action in ac- ferred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 4, 2015. Reported cordance with the terms thereof, and for other pur- Feb. 24, 2015; Rept. 114–27. Union Calendar. Rules poses. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 4, 2015. Reported suspended. Passed House Feb. 24, 2015; Roll No. 85: June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–184. 411–0. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Union Calendar ...... Union 136 Science and Transportation Feb. 25, 2015.

H.R. 719 (H. Res. 448).— To require the Transportation Security Administration to conform to existing Federal H.R. 749 (H. Res. 134).— To reauthorize Federal support law and regulations regarding criminal investigator po- for passenger rail programs, and for other purposes. sitions, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 5, Security Feb. 4, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House 2015. Reported Feb. 26, 2015; Rept. 114–30. Union Feb. 10, 2015; Roll No. 69: 414–0. Received in Senate Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 4, 2015; Roll Feb. 11, 2015. Referred to Commerce, Science and No. 112: 316–101. Received in Senate and referred Transportation Feb. 24, 2015. Reported with amend- to Commerce, Science and Transportation Mar. 9, ment Aug. 4, 2015; Rept. 114–111. Passed Senate with 2015. amendment Sept. 17, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment with amendment pursuant to H. Res. 434 Sept. 24, 2015. Senate agreed to House amendment H.R. 758 (H. Res. 420).— To amend Rule 11 of the Fed- to Senate amendment with amendment Sept. 30, 2015. eral Rules of Civil Procedure to improve attorney ac- Roll No. 272: 78–20. House agreed to Senate amend- countability, and for other purposes. Referred to the ment to House amendment to Senate amendment Sept. Judiciary Feb. 5, 2015. Reported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 30, 2015; Roll No. 528: 277–151. Presented to the 114–246. Union Calendar. Passed House Sept. 17, President Sept. 30, 2015. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. 2015; Roll No. 501: 241–185. Received in Senate and Public Law 114–53. referred to the Judiciary Sept. 21, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–11

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 765.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of H.R. 876 (S. 1349).— To amend title XVIII of the Social 1986 to permanently extend the 15-year recovery pe- Security Act to require hospitals to provide certain riod for qualified leasehold improvement property, notifications to individuals classified by such hospitals qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail im- under observation status rather than admitted as inpa- provement property. Referred to Ways and Means Feb. tients of such hospitals. Referred to Ways and Means 5, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 23, 2015; Rept. and in addition to Energy and Commerce Feb. 11, 2015. Reported amended from Ways and Means Mar. 114–306. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–39, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce Union Calendar ...... Union 232 discharged Mar. 13, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules sus- pended. Passed House amended Mar. 16, 2015; Roll H.R. 774 (S. 1334).— To strengthen enforcement mecha- No. 115: 395–0. Received in Senate and referred to Finance Mar. 17, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed nisms to stop illegal, unreported, and unregulated fish- Senate July 27, 2015. Presented to the President July ing, to amend the Tuna Conventions Act of 1950 to 29, 2015. Approved Aug. 6, 2015. Public Law implement the Antigua Convention, and for other pur- 114–42. poses. Referred to Natural Resources and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 5, 2015. Re- H.R. 880 (H. Res. 273).— To amend the Internal Rev- ported amended from Natural Resources July 20, 2015; enue Code of 1986 to simplify and make permanent Rept. 114–212, Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastruc- the research credit. Referred to Ways and Means Feb. ture discharged July 20, 2015. Referred to the Judici- 11, 2015. Reported amended May 14, 2015; Rept. ary July 20, 2015 for a period ending not later than 114–113. Union Calendar. Passed House amended May July 30, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- 20, 2015; Roll No. 260: 274–145. Received in Senate May 21, 2015. ed July 27, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation July 28, 2015. H.R. 887 (S. 1347).— To amend title XVIII of the Social Committee discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 21, 2015. Security Act with respect to the treatment of patient Presented to the President Oct. 26, 2015. Approved encounters in ambulatory surgical centers in deter- Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–81. mining meaningful EHR use, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means Feb. 11, 2015. Reported amended H.R. 805.— To prohibit the National Telecommunications from Ways and Means Mar. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–40, and Information Administration from relinquishing re- Pt. I. sponsibility over the Internet domain name system until the Comptroller General of the United States H.R. 889.— To amend chapter 97 of title 28, United submits to Congress a report on the role of the NTIA States Code, to clarify the exception to foreign sov- with respect to such system. Referred to Energy and ereign immunity set forth in section 1605(a)(3) of such title. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 11, 2015. Reported Commerce Feb. 5, 2015. Reported amended June 23, June 8, 2015; Rept. 114–141. Union Calendar. Rules 2015; Rept. 114–175. Union Calendar. Rules sus- suspended. Passed House June 9, 2015. Received in pended. Passed House amended June 23, 2015; Roll Senate June 10, 2015. No. 377: 378–25. Received in Senate June 24, 2015. H.R. 891.— To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 141 Paloma Drive in H.R. 810.— To authorize the programs of the National Floresville, Texas, as the ‘‘Floresville Veterans Post Aeronautics and Space Administration, and for other Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Govern- purposes. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology ment Reform Feb. 11, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed Feb. 9, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 10, House June 15, 2015. Received in Senate and referred 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June Science and Transportation Feb. 11, 2015. 16, 2015. Reported June 24, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate July 8, 2015. Presented to the President July 9, 2015. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law H.R. 874.— To amend the Department of Energy High- 114–33. End Computing Revitalization Act of 2004 to improve the high-end computing research and development pro- H.R. 893 (S. 301).— To require the Secretary of the gram of the Department of Energy, and for other pur- Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the cen- poses. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. tennial of Boys Town, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Feb. 11, 2015. Rules suspended. 11, 2015. Reported May 19, 2015; Rept. 114–122. Passed House amended June 23, 2015. Received in Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May Senate June 24, 2015. Passed Senate June 25, 2015. 19, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Energy Presented to the President June 26, 2015. Approved and Natural Resources May 20, 2015. July 6, 2015. Public Law 114–30.

H.R. 906.— To modify the efficiency standards for grid- enabled water heaters. Referred to Energy and Com- merce Feb. 11, 2015. Reported amended June 9, 2015; Rept. 114–142. Union Calendar ...... Union 102 7–12 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 907 (S. 1789).— To improve defense cooperation H.R. 998.— To establish the conditions under which the between the United States and the Hashemite King- Secretary of Homeland Security may establish dom of Jordan. Referred to Foreign Affairs Feb. 12, preclearance facilities, conduct preclearance oper- 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July ations, and provide customs services outside the 7, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign United States, and for other purposes. Referred to Relations July 8, 2015. Homeland Security and in addition to Ways and Means Feb. 13, 2015. Reported amended from Home- land Security July 22, 2015; Rept. 114–219, Pt. I. Ways H.R. 944.— To reauthorize the National Estuary Pro- and Means discharged July 22, 2015. Union Calendar. gram, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 27, tation and Infrastructure Feb. 12, 2015. Reported May 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 8, 2015; Rept. 114–104. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Security and Governmental Affairs July 28, 2015. Re- pended. Passed House June 1, 2015. Received in Sen- ported with amendment Dec. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–180. ate and referred to Environment and Public Works June 2, 2015. H.R. 1020.— To define STEM education to include com- puter science, and to support existing STEM education programs at the National Science Foundation. Referred H.R. 959.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. 20, 2015. Con- to conduct a special resource study of the Medgar sidered under suspension of rules Feb. 24, 2015. Rules Evers House, located in Jackson, Mississippi, and for suspended. Passed House Feb. 25, 2015; Roll No. 88: other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 412–8. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, 12, 2015. Reported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–251. Union Science and Transportation Feb. 26, 2015. Reported Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Aug. 4, 2015; Rept. 114–115. Passed Senate with Sept. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to amendment Sept. 24, 2015. House agreed to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Sept. 17, 2015. amendment Oct. 1, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 1, 2015. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–59. H.R. 961.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the subpart F exemption H.R. 1021.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security for active financing income. Referred to Ways and Act to improve the integrity of the Medicare program, Means Feb. 12, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 23, 2015; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Rept. 114–307. and in addition to Energy and Commerce Feb. 24, Union Calendar ...... Union 233 2015. Reported amended from Ways and Means Mar. 18, 2015; Rept. 114–46, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce discharged Mar. 18, 2015. H.R. 974.— To direct the Secretary of the Interior to Union Calendar ...... Union 29 promulgate regulations to allow the use of hand-pro- pelled vessels on certain rivers and streams that flow H.R. 1023 (S. 552).— To amend the Small Business In- in and through certain Federal lands in Yellowstone vestment Act of 1958 to provide for increased limita- National Park, Grand Teton National Park, the John tions on leverage for multiple licenses under common D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, and for other control. Referred to Small Business Feb. 24, 2015. Re- purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 13, 2015. ported June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–189. Union Calendar. Reported amended Dec. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–373. Rules suspended. Passed House July 13, 2015. Re- Union Calendar ...... Union 285 ceived in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 14, 2015. H.R. 979.— To designate a mountain in the John Muir H.R. 1026.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of Wilderness of the Sierra National Forest as ‘‘Sky 1986 to permit the release of information regarding Point’’. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 13, 2015. the status of certain investigations. Referred to Ways Reported Apr. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–81. House Calendar. and Means Feb. 24, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 13, Rules suspended. Passed House June 1, 2015. Received 2015; Rept. 114–68. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Re- Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2015. Received in Sen- sources June 2, 2015. ate and referred to Finance Apr. 16, 2015.

H.R. 984.— To amend the National Trails System Act H.R. 1029 (H. Res. 138).— To amend the Environmental to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a Research, Development, and Demonstration Authoriza- study on the feasibility of designating the Chief Stand- tion Act of 1978 to provide for Scientific Advisory ing Bear National Historic Trail, and for other pur- Board member qualifications, public participation, and poses. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 13, 2015. for other purposes. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. 24, 2015. Reported amended Mar. 2, Reported Apr. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–78. Union Calendar. 2015; Rept. 114–33. Union Calendar. Passed House Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 28, 2015. Re- amended Mar. 17, 2015; Roll No. 121: 236–181. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural ceived in Senate and referred to Environment and Resources Apr. 29, 2015. Public Works Mar. 18, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–13

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1030 (H. Res. 138) (S. 544).— To prohibit the Envi- H.R. 1075.— To designate the United States Customs ronmental Protection Agency from proposing, final- and Border Protection Port of Entry located at First izing, or disseminating regulations or assessments Street and Pan American Avenue in Douglas, Arizona, based upon science that is not transparent or reproduc- as the ‘‘Raul Hector Castro Port of Entry’’. Referred ible. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. to Ways and Means Feb. 25, 2015. Rules suspended. 24, 2015. Reported Mar. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–34. Union Passed House Apr. 28, 2015. Received in Senate and Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 18, 2015; Roll referred to Environment and Public Works Apr. 29, No. 125: 241–175. Received in Senate and referred 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate May 12, to Environment and Public Works Mar. 19, 2015. 2015. Presented to the President May 14, 2015. Ap- proved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–16.

H.R. 1031.— To reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of H.R. 1076.— To increase public safety by permitting the the United States, and for other purposes. Referred Attorney General to deny the transfer of a firearm to Financial Services Feb. 24, 2015. Discharge petition or the issuance of firearms or explosives licenses to filed Apr. 30, 2015; Pet. 114–1. a known or suspected dangerous terrorist. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 25, 2015. Discharge petition filed H.R. 1038.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Dec. 7, 2015; Pet. 114–3. to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to retain a copy of any reprimand or admonishment received H.R. 1090 (H. Res. 491).— To amend the Securities Ex- by an employee of the Department in the permanent change Act of 1934 to provide protections for retail record of the employee. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs customers, and for other purposes. Referred to Finan- Feb. 24, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House May cial Services and in addition to Education and the 18, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Workforce Feb. 25, 2015. Reported from Financial Affairs May 19, 2015. Services Oct. 22, 2015; Rept. 114–304, Pt. I. Education and the Workforce discharged Oct. 22, 2015. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Oct. 27, 2015; Roll H.R. 1047.— To authorize private nonprofit organiza- No. 575: 245–186. Received in Senate and referred tions to administer permanent housing rental assist- to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 28, 2015. ance provided through the Continuum of Care Program under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, H.R. 1092.— To designate the Federal building located and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services at 2030 Southwest 145th Avenue in Miramar, Florida, Feb. 24, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House July as the ‘‘Benjamin P. Grogan and Jerry L. Dove Federal 14, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Bureau of Investigation Miami Field Office’’. Referred Housing, and Urban Affairs July 15, 2015. to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 25, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 24, H.R. 1058.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 2015. Received in Senate Mar. 25, 2015. Passed Senate 1986 to clarify that a duty of the Commissioner of Mar. 27 (Legislative day of Mar. 26), 2015. Presented to the President Apr. 1, 2015. Approved Apr. 7, 2015. Internal Revenue is to ensure that Internal Revenue Public Law 114–8. Service employees are familiar with and act in accord with certain taxpayer rights. Referred to Ways and Means Feb. 25, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 13, 2015; H.R. 1104.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of Rept. 114–70. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 1986 to provide a deduction from the gift tax for gifts Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2015. Received in Sen- made to certain exempt organizations. Referred to ate and referred to Finance Apr. 16, 2015. Ways and Means Feb. 26, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–64. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2015. Re- H.R. 1069 (S. 558).— To amend title 44, United States ceived in Senate and referred to Finance Apr. 16, 2015. Code, to require information on contributors to Presi- dential library fundraising organizations, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Re- H.R. 1105 (H. Res. 200).— To amend the Internal Rev- form Feb. 25, 2015. Reported June 25, 2015; Rept. enue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate and generation- 114–181. skipping transfer taxes, and for other purposes. Re- Union Calendar ...... Union 133 ferred to Ways and Means Feb. 26, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–52. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. 16, 2015; Roll No. 161: H.R. 1073.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 240–179. Received in Senate Apr. 20, 2015. 2002 to secure critical infrastructure against electro- magnetic threats, and for other purposes. Referred to H.R. 1107 (S. 593).— To require the Secretary of the Homeland Security Feb. 25, 2015. Reported amended Interior to submit to Congress a report on the efforts Aug. 4, 2015; Rept. 114–240. Union Calendar. Rules of the Bureau of Reclamation to manage its infrastruc- suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 16, 2015. Re- ture assets. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 26, ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 2015. Reported amended Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–366. and Governmental Affairs Nov. 17, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 279 7–14 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1119.— To improve the efficiency of Federal re- H.R. 1168 (S. 184).— To amend the Indian Child Protec- search and development, and for other purposes. Re- tion and Family Violence Prevention Act to require ferred to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. 26, 2015. background checks before foster care placements are Reported May 19, 2015; Rept. 114–121. Union Cal- ordered in tribal court proceedings, and for other pur- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May poses. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 27, 2015. 19, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Com- Reported Apr. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–79. Union Calendar. merce, Science and Transportation May 20, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House June 1, 2015. Received in Senate June 2, 2015. H.R. 1138 (S. 583).— To establish certain wilderness areas in central Idaho and to authorize various land H.R. 1190 (H. Res. 319).— To repeal the provisions of conveyances involving National Forest System land the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act pro- and Bureau of Land Management land in central viding for the Independent Payment Advisory Board. Idaho, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Re- Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to Energy sources Feb. 26, 2015. Reported July 27, 2015; Rept. and Commerce, and Rules Mar. 2, 2015. Reported from 114–229. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Ways and Means June 12, 2015; Rept. 114–150, Pt. House July 27, 2015. Received in Senate July 27, 2015. I. Energy and Commerce and Rules discharged June Passed Senate Aug. 4, 2015. Presented to the Presi- 12, 2015. Union Calendar. Considered June 18, 2015. dent Aug. 6, 2015. Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Passed House amended June 23, 2015; Roll No. 376: Law 114–46. 244–154. Received in Senate and referred to Finance June 24, 2015. H.R. 1152.— To prohibit officers and employees of the H.R. 1191.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of Internal Revenue Service from using personal email 1986 to ensure that emergency services volunteers are accounts to conduct official business. Referred to Ways not taken into account as employees under the shared and Means Feb. 27, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 13, responsibility requirements contained in the Patient 2015; Rept. 114–69. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Protection and Affordable Care Act. Referred to Ways Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2015. Received in Sen- and Means Mar. 2, 2015. Considered under suspension ate and referred to Finance Apr. 16, 2015. of rules Mar. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 17, 2015; Roll No. 118: 415–0. Received H.R. 1155.— To provide for the establishment of a proc- in Senate Mar. 18, 2015. Ordered placed on the cal- ess for the review of rules and sets of rules, and for endar Mar. 19, 2015. Considered Apr. 23, 27, 28, 29, other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government 30, May 5, 6, 2015. Passed Senate with amendments Reform and in addition to the Judiciary Feb. 27, 2015. May 7, 2015; Roll No. 174: 98–1. House agreed to Reported from the Judiciary July 10, 2015; Rept. Senate amendments under suspension of the rules 114–196, Pt. I. May 14, 2015; Roll No. 226: 400–25. Presented to the President May 18, 2015. Approved May 22, 2015. H.R. 1156.— To authorize the establishment of a body Public Law 114–17. under the National Science and Technology Council to identify and coordinate international science and H.R. 1195 (H. Res. 200).— To amend the Consumer Fi- technology cooperation opportunities. Referred to nancial Protection Act of 2010 to establish advisory Science, Space, and Technology Feb. 27, 2015. Re- boards, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial ported May 19, 2015; Rept. 114–123. Union Calendar. Services Mar. 2, 2015. Reported Apr. 6, 2015; Rept. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 19, 114–55. Union Calendar. Considered Apr. 21, 2015. 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Rela- Passed House amended Apr. 22, 2015; Roll No. 167: tions May 20, 2015. 235–183. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 23, 2015. H.R. 1158.— To improve management of the National H.R. 1210 (H. Res. 529).— To amend the Truth in Lend- Laboratories, enhance technology commercialization, ing Act to provide a safe harbor from certain require- facilitate public-private partnerships, and for other ments related to qualified mortgages for residential purposes. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology mortgage loans held on an originating depository insti- Feb. 27, 2015. Reported amended May 19, 2015; Rept. tution’s portfolio, and for other purposes. Referred to 114–124. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Financial Services Mar. 3, 2015. Reported Nov. 16, House amended May 19, 2015. Received in Senate and 2015; Rept. 114–330. Union Calendar. Passed House referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 20, amended Nov. 18, 2015; Roll No. 636: 255–174. Re- 2015. ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 19, 2015. H.R. 1162.— To make technical changes to provisions authorizing prize competitions under the Stevenson- H.R. 1213.— To make administrative and technical cor- Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980. Referred rections to the Congressional Accountability Act of to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. 27, 2015. Re- 1995. Referred to House Administration Mar. 3, 2015. ported amended May 19, 2015; Rept. 114–125. Union Committee discharged. Passed House Mar. 4, 2015. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Received in Senate and passed Mar. 9, 2015. Presented May 19, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Com- to the President Mar. 12, 2015. Approved Mar. 20, merce, Science and Transportation May 20, 2015. 2015. Public Law 114–6. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–15

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1214.— To amend the Small Tracts Act to expand H.R. 1295 (H. Res. 338).— To amend the Internal Rev- the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture to sell enue Code of 1986 to improve the process for making or exchange small parcels of National Forest System determinations with respect to whether organizations land to enhance the management of the National For- are exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(4) of est System, to resolve minor encroachments, and for such Code. Referred to Ways and Means Mar. 4, 2015. other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in Reported amended Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–71. Union addition to Agriculture Mar. 3, 2015. Reported amend- Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2015. Received in Senate Apr. 16, 2015. Or- ed from Natural Resources June 8, 2015; Rept. dered placed on the calendar Apr. 20, 2015. Passed 114–140, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged June 8, 2015. Senate with amendments May 14, 2015; Roll No. 178: Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 97–1. House agreed to Senate amendment to the title amended Sept. 16, 2015; Roll No. 495: 403–0. Received June 11, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and to the text with amendment June 11, 2015; Roll No. Forestry Sept. 17, 2015. 345: 397–32. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment to the text with an amendment June 24, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment H.R. 1259.— To provide for an application process for to House amendment to Senate amendment to the text interested parties to apply for an area to be designated June 25, 2015; Roll No. 388: 286–138. June 26, 2015. as a rural area, and for other purposes. Referred to Approved June 29, 2015. Public Law 114–27. Financial Services Mar. 4, 2015. Reported Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–60. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 13, 2015; Roll No. 145: 401–1. Re- H.R. 1300.— To direct the Secretary of Homeland Secu- ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, rity to make anthrax vaccines and antimicrobials and Urban Affairs Apr. 14, 2015. available to emergency response providers, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and in addition to Energy and Commerce Mar. 4, 2015. H.R. 1265.— To apply the requirements of the Federal Reported amended from Homeland Security July 22, Advisory Committee Act to the Bureau of Consumer 2015; Rept. 114–222, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce dis- Financial Protection. Referred to Financial Services charged July 22, 2015. Union Calendar. Considered and in addition to Oversight and Government Reform under suspension of rules July 27, 2015. Rules sus- Mar. 4, 2015. Reported from Financial Services Apr. pended. Passed House amended July 29, 2015; Roll 6, 2015; Rept. 114–56, Pt. I. Oversight and Govern- No. 485: 424–0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 30, ment Reform discharged Apr. 6, 2015. Union Calendar. 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 13, 2015; Roll No. 146: 401–2. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 14, 2015. H.R. 1313.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance the treatment of certain small business concerns for purposes of Department of Veterans Af- H.R. 1270.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of fairs contracting goals and preferences. Referred to 1986 to repeal the amendments made by the Patient Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 4, 2015. Rules suspended. Protection and Affordable Care Act which disqualify Passed House May 18, 2015; Roll No. 241: 403–0. Re- expenses for over-the-counter drugs under health sav- ceived in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs May ings accounts and health flexible spending arrange- 19, 2015. ments. Referred to Ways and Means Mar. 4, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 23, 2015; Rept. 114–308. H.R. 1314 (H. Res. 305) (H. Res. 495).— To amend the Union Calendar ...... Union 234 Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for a right to an administrative appeal relating to adverse deter- H.R. 1289.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior minations of tax-exempt status of certain organiza- to acquire approximately 44 acres of land in Martinez, tions. Referred to Ways and Means Mar. 4, 2015. Re- California, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural ported amended Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–67. Union Resources Mar. 4, 2015. Reported amended July 21, Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2015. Received in Senate Apr. 16, 2015. Or- 2015; Rept. 114–213. Union Calendar. Rules sus- dered placed on the calendar Apr. 20, 2015. Considered pended. Passed House amended Sept. 16, 2015. Re- May 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2015. Passed Senate with ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural amendment May 22, 2015; Roll No. 193: 62–37. House Resources Sept. 17, 2015. failed to agree to Senate amendment June 12, 2015. House motion to reconsider laid on table June 25, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment with amend- ment Oct. 28, 2015; Roll No. 579: 266–167. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment Oct. 30, 2015. Roll No. 294: 64–35. Presented to the President Nov. 2, 2015. Approved Nov. 2, 2015. Pub- lic Law 114–74. 7–16 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1315.— To amend section 1105(a) of title 31, United H.R. 1335 (H. Res. 274).— To amend the Magnuson- States Code, to require that annual budget submis- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act sions of the President to Congress provide an estimate to provide flexibility for fishery managers and stability of the cost per taxpayer of the deficit, and for other for fishermen, and for other purposes. Referred to Nat- purposes. Referred to the Budget Mar. 4, 2015. Rules ural Resources Mar. 4, 2015. Reported amended May suspended. Passed House Oct. 20, 2015. Received in 15, 2015; Rept. 114–116. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 1, 2015; Roll No. 267: 225–152. Senate and referred to the Budget Oct. 21, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation June 2, 2015. H.R. 1317.— To amend the Commodity Exchange Act H.R. 1338.— To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to specify to conduct a study on matters relating to the burial how clearing requirements apply to certain affiliate of unclaimed remains of veterans in national ceme- transactions, and for other purposes. Referred to Fi- teries, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ nancial Services and in addition to Agriculture Mar. Affairs Mar. 6, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 26, 2015; 4, 2015. Reported amended from Agriculture Oct. 26, Rept. 114–312. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 2015; Rept. 114–311, Pt. I. Reported amended from Passed House amended Nov. 16, 2015; Roll No. 627: Financial Services Nov. 16, 2015; Pt. II. Union Cal- 409–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. Affairs Nov. 17, 2015. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Agri- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry Nov. 17, 2015. H.R. 1344.— To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a program for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment regarding deaf and hard-of-hearing H.R. 1321.— To prohibit the sale or distribution of cos- newborns, infants, and young children. Referred to En- metics containing synthetic plastic microbeads. Re- ergy and Commerce Mar. 10, 2015. Reported amended ferred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 4, 2015. Re- Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–241. Union Calendar. Rules ported amended Dec. 7, 2015; Rept. 114–371. Union suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 8, 2015. Re- Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended ceived in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Dec. 7, 2015. Received in Senate Dec. 8, 2015. Passed Labor, and Pensions Sept. 9, 2015. Senate Dec. 18, 2015. Presented to the President Dec. H.R. 1350.— To designate the facility of the United 22, 2015. Approved Dec. 28, 2015. Public Law States Postal Service located at 442 East 167th Street 114–114. in Bronx, New York, as the ‘‘Herman Badillo Post Of- fice Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 10, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House H.R. 1324.— To adjust the boundary of the Arapaho June 15, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to National Forest, Colorado, and for other purposes. Re- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 16, ferred to Natural Resources Mar. 4, 2015. Reported 2015. Reported June 24, 2015; no written report. Apr. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–80. Union Calendar. Rules Passed Senate July 8, 2015. Presented to the President suspended. Passed House Apr. 28, 2015; Roll No. 175: July 9, 2015. Approved July 20, 2015. Public Law 381–30. Received in Senate and referred to Energy 114–35. and Natural Resources Apr. 29, 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–194. H.R. 1367.— To amend the Expedited Funds Availability Act to clarify the application of that Act to American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands. Referred H.R. 1326.— To designate the facility of the United to Financial Services Mar. 16, 2015. Reported Apr. States Postal Service located at 2000 Mulford Road 13, 2015; Rept. 114–61. Union Calendar. Rules sus- in Mulberry, Florida, as the ‘‘Sergeant First Class pended. Passed House Apr. 13, 2015. Received in Sen- Daniel M. Ferguson Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight ate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- and Government Reform Mar. 4, 2015. Rules sus- fairs Apr. 14, 2015. pended. Passed House June 15, 2015. Received in Sen- H.R. 1382.— To amend title 38, United States Code, ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in mental Affairs June 16, 2015. Reported June 24, 2015; awarding a contract for the procurement of goods or no written report. Passed Senate July 8, 2015. Pre- services, to give a preference to offerors that employ sented to the President July 9, 2015. Approved July veterans. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 16, 2015. 20, 2015. Public Law 114–34. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 18, 2015; Roll No. 242: 404–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 19, 2015. H.R. 1334.— To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to make the shareholder threshold for registra- H.R. 1384.— To amend title 38, United States Code, tion of savings and loan holding companies the same to recognize the service in the reserve components of as for bank holding companies. Referred to Financial certain persons by honoring them with status as vet- Services Mar. 4, 2015. Reported July 14, 2015; Rept. erans under law. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 114–200. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 16, 2015. Reported Oct. 21, 2015; Rept. 114–302. Union House July 14, 2015. Received in Senate and referred Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 16, to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 15, 2015. 2015; Roll No. 628: 407–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. 17, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–17

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1408.— To require certain Federal banking agencies H.R. 1478.— To provide for notice to, and input by, State to conduct a study of the appropriate capital require- insurance commissioners when requiring an insurance ments for mortgage servicing assets for nonsystemic company to serve as a source of financial strength banking institutions, and for other purposes. Referred or when the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to Financial Services Mar. 17, 2015. Rules suspended. places a lien against an insurance company’s assets, Passed House amended July 14, 2015. Received in Sen- and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services ate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Mar. 19, 2015. Reported amended Nov. 16, 2015; Rept. fairs July 15, 2015. 114–338. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. H.R. 1428.— To extend Privacy Act remedies to citizens 17, 2015. of certified states, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Oversight and Gov- H.R. 1480.— To ensure access to certain information ernment Reform Mar. 18, 2015. Reported from the Ju- for financial services industry regulators, and for other diciary Oct. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–294, Pt. I. Oversight purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 19, 2015. and Government Reform discharged Oct. 20, 2015. Reported Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–62. Union Calendar. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 13, 2015; Roll 20, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to the Judi- No. 147: 401–0. Received in Senate and referred to ciary Oct. 21, 2015. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 14, 2015.

H.R. 1493.— To protect and preserve international cul- H.R. 1430.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of tural property at risk due to political instability, armed 1986 to make permanent the look-through treatment conflict, or natural or other disasters, and for other of payments between related controlled foreign cor- purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition porations. Referred to Ways and Means Mar. 18, 2015. to Ways and Means, Armed Services, and the Judiciary Reported amended Oct. 23, 2015; Rept. 114–309. Mar. 19, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- Union Calendar ...... Union 235 ed June 1, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations June 2, 2015. H.R. 1442.— To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 90 Cornell Street in H.R. 1508.— To promote the development of a United Kingston, New York, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Robert States commercial space resource exploration and utili- H. Dietz Post Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight zation industry and to increase the exploration and and Government Reform Mar. 18, 2015. Rules sus- utilization of resources in outer space. Referred to pended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2015. Received in Sen- Science, Space, and Technology Mar. 19, 2015. Re- ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- ported amended June 15, 2015; Rept. 114–153. mental Affairs Sept. 25, 2015. Reported Oct. 8, 2015; Union Calendar ...... Union 111 no written report. Passed Senate Oct. 20, 2015. Pre- sented to the President Oct. 26, 2015. Approved Nov. H.R. 1525.— To require the Securities and Exchange 5, 2015. Public Law 114–82. Commission to make certain improvements to form 10- K and regulation S-K, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 23, 2015. Reported Oct. 6, H.R. 1452.— To authorize Escambia County, Florida, to 2015; Rept. 114–279. Union Calendar. Rules sus- convey certain property that was formerly part of pended. Passed House Oct. 6, 2015. Received in Senate Santa Rosa Island National Monument and that was and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs conveyed to Escambia County subject to restrictions Oct. 7, 2015. on use and reconveyance. Referred to Natural Re- sources Mar. 18, 2015. Reported Dec. 8, 2015; Rept. H.R. 1527.— To accelerate the income tax benefits for 114–374. charitable cash contributions for the relief of the fami- Union Calendar ...... Union 286 lies of New York Police Department Detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, and for other pur- poses. Referred to Ways and Means Mar. 23, 2015. H.R. 1462 (S. 799).— To combat the rise of prenatal Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 25, 2015. Re- opioid abuse and neonatal abstinence syndrome. Re- ceived in Senate Mar. 26, 2015. Passed Senate Mar. ferred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 19, 2015. Re- 27 (Legislative day of Mar. 26), 2015. Presented to ported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–244. Union Calendar. the President Apr. 1, 2015. Approved Apr. 1, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 8, 2015. Received Public Law 114–7. in Senate Sept. 9, 2015. H.R. 1529.— To amend the Truth in Lending Act and H.R. 1473.— To amend the John F. Kennedy Center the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 Act to authorize appropriations for the John F. Ken- to modify the requirements for community financial nedy Center for the Performing Arts. Referred to institutions with respect to certain rules relating to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 19, 2015. Re- mortgage loans, and for other purposes. Referred to ported May 8, 2015; Rept. 114–105. Financial Services Mar. 23, 2015. Reported Apr. 6, Union Calendar ...... Union 74 2015; Rept. 114–57. Union Calendar ...... Union 38 7–18 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1531.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to H.R. 1561.— To improve the National Oceanic and At- provide a pathway for temporary seasonal employees mospheric Administration’s weather research through in Federal land management agencies to compete for a focused program of investment on affordable and vacant permanent positions under internal merit pro- attainable advances in observational, computing, and motion procedures, and for other purposes. Referred modeling capabilities to support substantial improve- to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 23, 2015. ment in weather forecasting and prediction of high Reported June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–182. Union Cal- impact weather events, to expand commercial opportu- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House July 7, 2015. nities for the provision of weather data, and for other Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security purposes. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology and Governmental Affairs July 8, 2015. Reported Aug. Mar. 24, 2015. Reported amended May 19, 2015; Rept. 4, 2015; Rept. 114–123. Passed Senate Aug. 5, 2015. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2015. Approved 114–126. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–47. House amended May 19, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation May 20, 2015. H.R. 1541.— To amend title 54, United States Code, to make Hispanic-serving institutions eligible for tech- nical and financial assistance for the establishment H.R. 1562.— To prohibit the awarding of a contract or of preservation training and degree programs. Referred grant in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold to Natural Resources Mar. 23, 2015. Reported amend- unless the prospective contractor or grantee certifies ed Sept. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–275. Union Calendar. in writing to the agency awarding the contract or grant Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 30, that the contractor or grantee has no seriously delin- 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and quent tax debts, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Dec. 1, 2015. Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 24, 2015. Re- ported Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–72. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 15, 2015; Roll H.R. 1553.— To amend the Federal Deposit Insurance No. 156: 424–0. Received in Senate and referred to Act to specify which smaller institutions may qualify for an 18-month examination cycle. Referred to Finan- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 16, cial Services Mar. 23, 2015. Reported Oct. 6, 2015; 2015. Rept. 114–280. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 6, 2015; Roll No. 534: 411–0. Re- H.R. 1563.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, provide that individuals having seriously delinquent and Urban Affairs Oct. 7, 2015. tax debts shall be ineligible for Federal employment, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Gov- H.R. 1554 (S. 1942).— To require a land conveyance ernment Reform and in addition to House Administra- involving the Elkhorn Ranch and the White River Na- tion Mar. 24, 2015. Reported from Oversight and Gov- tional Forest in the State of Colorado, and for other ernment Reform Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–73, Pt. I. purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 23, House Administration discharged Apr. 14, 2015. 2015. Reported Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–257. Union Union Calendar ...... Union 53 Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 16, Failed of passage under suspension of the rules (two- 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and thirds required) Apr. 15, 2015; Roll No. 157: Natural Resources Sept. 17, 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 266–160. 2015; Rept. 114–195.

H.R. 1575.— To amend title 38, United States Code, H.R. 1557.— To amend the Notification and Federal Em- to make permanent the pilot program on counseling ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 in retreat settings for women veterans newly separated to strengthen Federal antidiscrimination laws enforced from service in the Armed Forces. Referred to Vet- by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission erans’ Affairs Mar. 24, 2015. Reported Nov. 2, 2015; and expand accountability within the Federal govern- Rept. 114–319. ment, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight Union Calendar ...... Union 242 and Government Reform Mar. 24, 2015. Reported May 15, 2015; Rept. 114–117. Union Calendar. Rules sus- pended. Passed House July 21, 2015; Roll No. 448: H.R. 1599 (H. Res. 369).— To amend the Federal Food, 403–0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to food produced Security and Governmental Affairs July 22, 2015. from, containing, or consisting of a bioengineered orga- nism, the labeling of natural foods, and for other pur- H.R. 1560 (H. Res. 212) (H.R. 1731).— To improve cyber- poses. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addi- security in the United States through enhanced shar- tion to Agriculture Mar. 25, 2015. Reported amended ing of information about cybersecurity threats, and for from Agriculture July 16, 2015; Rept. 114–208, Pt. I. other purposes. Referred to Intelligence Mar. 24, 2015. Supplemental report filed July 21, 2015; Pt. II. Passed Reported amended Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–63. Union House amended July 23, 2015; Roll No. 462: 275–150. Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. 22, 2015; Roll Received in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutri- No. 170: 307–116. Received in Senate Apr. 27, 2015. tion, and Forestry July 24, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–19

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1607.— To amend title 38, United States Code, H.R. 1634.— To strengthen accountability for deploy- to improve the disability compensation evaluation pro- ment of border security technology at the Department cedure of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for veterans of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Referred with mental health conditions related to military sex- to Homeland Security Mar. 25, 2015. Reported amend- ual trauma, and for other purposes. Referred to Vet- ed July 27, 2015; Rept. 114–226. Union Calendar. erans’ Affairs Mar. 25, 2015. Reported amended July Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 27, 16, 2015; Rept. 114–207. Union Calendar. Rules sus- 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland pended. Passed House amended July 27, 2015. Re- Security and Governmental Affairs July 28, 2015. ceived in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 28, 2015. H.R. 1637.— To require annual reports on the activities and accomplishments of federally funded research and development centers within the Department of Home- H.R. 1613 (S. 565).— To reduce the operation and main- land Security, and for other purposes. Referred to tenance costs associated with the Federal fleet by en- Homeland Security Mar. 25, 2015. Reported June 11, couraging the use of remanufactured parts, and for 2015; Rept. 114–149. Union Calendar. Rules sus- other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government pended. Passed House June 23, 2015. Received in Sen- Reform Mar. 25, 2015. Reported Sept. 24, 2015; Rept. ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- 114–266. mental Affairs June 24, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 202 H.R. 1640.— To direct the Secretary of Homeland Secu- rity to submit to Congress a report on the Department H.R. 1615.— To direct the Chief FOIA Officer of the of Homeland Security headquarters consolidation Department of Homeland Security to make certain im- project in the National Capital Region, and for other provements in the implementation of section 552 of purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. 25, title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the 2015. Reported amended June 17, 2015; Rept. Freedom of Information Act), and for other purposes. 114–166. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Referred to Homeland Security Mar. 25, 2015. Re- House amended June 23, 2015. Received in Senate ported amended June 11, 2015; Rept. 114–148. Union and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules June Affairs June 24, 2015. 23, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 25, 2015; Roll No. 387: 423–0. Received in Senate H.R. 1642.— To designate the building utilized as a and referred to the Judiciary July 7, 2015. United States courthouse located at 150 Reade Circle in Greenville, North Carolina, as the ‘‘Randy D. Doub United States Courthouse’’. Referred to Transportation H.R. 1624.— To amend title I of the Patient Protection and Infrastructure Mar. 26, 2015. Reported May 8, and Affordable Care Act and title XXVII of the Public 2015; Rept. 114–106. Health Service Act to revise the definition of small House Calendar ...... House 30 employer. Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 25, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. H.R. 1644.— To amend the Surface Mining Control and 28, 2015. Received in Senate Sept. 29, 2015. Passed Reclamation Act of 1977 to ensure transparency in Senate Oct. 1, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. the development of environmental regulations, and for 5, 2015. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–60. other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 26, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 1, 2015; Rept. H.R. 1626.— To reduce duplication of information tech- 114–277. nology at the Department of Homeland Security, and Union Calendar ...... Union 209 for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. 25, 2015. Reported amended June 17, 2015; Rept. H.R. 1646.— To require the Secretary of Homeland Secu- 114–162. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed rity to research how small and medium sized un- manned aerial systems could be used in an attack, House amended June 23, 2015. Received in Senate how to prevent or mitigate the effects of such an at- and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental tack, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Affairs June 24, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Security and in addition to Transportation and Infra- Senate July 23, 2015. Presented to the President July structure Mar. 26, 2015. Reported amended from 27, 2015. Approved Aug. 6, 2015. Public Law Homeland Security June 18, 2015; Rept. 114–169, Pt. 114–43. I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged June 18, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed H.R. 1633.— To provide for certain improvements relat- House amended June 23, 2015. Received in Senate ing to the tracking and reporting of employees of the and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Department of Homeland Security placed on adminis- Affairs June 24, 2015. trative leave, or any other type of paid non-duty status without charge to leave, for personnel matters, and H.R. 1656.— To provide for additional resources for the for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Secret Service, and to improve protections for re- Mar. 25, 2015. Reported amended June 17, 2015; Rept. stricted areas. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 26, 2015. 114–163. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Reported amended July 27, 2015; Rept. 114–231. House amended June 23, 2015. Received in Senate Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental amended July 27, 2015; Roll No. 468: 365–16. Received Affairs June 24, 2015. in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Gov- ernmental Affairs July 28, 2015. 7–20 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1690.— To designate the United States courthouse H.R. 1734 (H. Res. 369).— To amend subtitle D of the located at 700 Grant Street in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- Solid Waste Disposal Act to encourage recovery and vania, as the ‘‘Joseph F. Weis Jr. United States Court- beneficial use of coal combustion residuals and estab- house’’. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure lish requirements for the proper management and dis- Mar. 26, 2015. Reported Apr. 23, 2015; Rept. 114–90. posal of coal combustion residuals that are protective House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. of human health and the environment. Referred to 28, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Environ- Energy and Commerce Apr. 13, 2015. Reported June ment and Public Works Apr. 29, 2015. Committee dis- 9, 2015; Rept. 114–143. Union Calendar. Passed House charged. Passed Senate May 21, 2015. Presented to amended July 22, 2015; Roll No. 458: 258–166. Re- the President May 26, 2015. Approved May 29, 2015. ceived in Senate July 23, 2015. Public Law 114–20. H.R. 1735 (H. Res. 255) (H. Res. 260) (H. Res. 340) H.R. 1694.— To amend MAP-21 to improve contracting (H. Res. 449).— To authorize appropriations for fiscal opportunities for veteran-owned small business con- year 2016 for military activities of the Department cerns, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe tation and Infrastructure and in addition to Small military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and Business Mar. 26, 2015. Considered under suspension for other purposes. Referred to Armed Services Apr. of rules Nov. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House 13, 2015. Reported amended May 5, 2015; Rept. Nov. 17, 2015; Roll No. 631: 285–138. Received in Sen- 114–102. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed ate and referred to Environment and Public Works May 12, 2015; Pt. II. Considered May 13, 14, 2015. Nov. 18, 2015. Passed House amended May 15, 2015; Roll No. 239: 269–151. Received in Senate and ordered placed on H.R. 1698.— To amend design and content requirements the calendar May 21, 2015. Considered June 3, 4, 8, for certain gold and silver coins, and for other pur- 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 2015. Passed Senate with amendment poses. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 26, 2015. June 18, 2015; Roll No. 215: 71–25. Papers returned Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 23, to Senate pursuant to H. Res. 340 June 25, 2015. 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Senate returned papers to House June 25, 2015. House Housing, and Urban Affairs June 24, 2015. disagreed to Senate amendment and asked for a con- ference June 25, 2015. Senate agreed to a conference H.R. 1723.— To direct the Securities and Exchange Com- July 9, 2015. Conference report filed in the House mission to revise Form S-1 so as to permit smaller Sept. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–270. House agreed to con- reporting companies to use forward incorporation by ference report Oct. 1, 2015; Roll No. 532: 270–156. reference for such form. Referred to Financial Services Conference report considered in Senate Oct. 6, 2015. Mar. 26, 2015. Reported July 14, 2015; Rept. 114–201. Senate agreed to conference report Oct. 7, 2015; Roll Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House July No. 277: 70–27. Presented to the President Oct. 21, 14, 2015; Roll No. 437: 426–0. Received in Senate and 2015. Vetoed Oct. 22, 2015. In House, veto referred referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July to Armed Services Nov. 5, 2015. 15, 2015. H.R. 1737 (H. Res. 526).— To nullify certain guidance H.R. 1725.— To amend and reauthorize the controlled of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection and substance monitoring program under section 399O of to provide requirements for guidance issued by the the Public Health Service Act, and for other purposes. Bureau with respect to indirect auto lending. Referred Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 26, 2015. Re- to Financial Services Apr. 13, 2015. Reported Nov. 9, ported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–245. Union Calendar. 2015; Rept. 114–329. Union Calendar. Passed House Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 8, amended Nov. 18, 2015; Roll No. 637: 332–96. Received 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Edu- in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and cation, Labor, and Pensions Sept. 9, 2015. Urban Affairs Nov. 19, 2015.

H.R. 1731 (H. Res. 212).— To amend the Homeland Se- H.R. 1755.— To amend title 36, United States Code, curity Act of 2002 to enhance multi-directional sharing to make certain improvements in the congressional of information related to cybersecurity risks and charter of the Disabled American Veterans. Referred strengthen privacy and civil liberties protections, and to the Judiciary Apr. 13, 2015. Reported Nov. 30, 2015; for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Apr. Rept. 114–350. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 13, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 17, 2015; Rept. Passed House amended Nov. 30, 2015. Received in 114–83. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. Senate and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 1, 2015. 23, 2015; Roll No. 173: 355–63. Laid on the table pur- suant to H. Res. 212 Apr. 23, 2015. See H.R. 1560 H.R. 1759.— To amend title 5, united States Code, to for further action. provide for the publication, by the Office of Informa- tion and Regulatory Affairs, of information relating H.R. 1732 (H. Res. 231).— To preserve existing rights to rulemakings, and for other purposes. Referred to and responsibilities with respect to waters of the Oversight and Government Reform and in addition to United States, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 13, 2015. Reported from Oversight Transportation and Infrastructure Apr. 13, 2015. Re- and Government Reform July 29, 2015; Rept. 114–238, ported amended Apr. 27, 2015; Rept. 114–93. Union Pt. I. Reported from the Judiciary July 29, 2015; Pt. Calendar. Passed House amended May 12, 2015; Roll II. No. 219: 261–155. Received in Senate May 13, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 180 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–21

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1777.— To amend the Act of August 25, 1958, com- H.R. 1853.— To direct the President to develop a strat- monly known as the ‘‘Former Presidents Act of 1958’’, egy to obtain observer status for Taiwan in the Inter- with respect to the monetary allowance payable to a national Criminal Police Organization, and for other former President, and for other purposes. Referred to purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Apr. 16, 2015. Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 14, 2015. Re- Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 2, 2015; Roll No. ported amended July 16, 2015; Rept. 114–209. 582: 392–0. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Union Calendar ...... Union 157 Relations Nov. 3, 2015.

H.R. 1806 (H. Res. 271).— To provide for technological H.R. 1880 (S. 986).— To require the Secretary of the innovation through the prioritization of Federal invest- Interior to take into trust 4 parcels of Federal land ment in basic research, fundamental scientific dis- for the benefit of certain Indian Pueblos in the State covery, and development to improve the competitive- of New Mexico. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. ness of the United States, and for other purposes. Re- 16, 2015. Reported Sept. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–271. ferred to Science, Space, and Technology and in addi- Union Calendar ...... Union 205 tion to Education and the Workforce, and Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 15, 2015. Reported H.R. 1884.— To designate the facility of the United amended from Science, Space, and Technology May States Postal Service located at 206 West Commercial 8, 2015; Rept. 114–107, Pt. I. Oversight and Govern- Street in East Rochester, New York, as the ‘‘Officer ment Reform and Education and the Workforce dis- Daryl R. Pierson Memorial Post Office Building’’. Re- charged May 8, 2015. Union Calendar. Supplemental ferred to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 16, report filed May 14, 2015; Pt. II. Passed House amend- 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2015. ed May 20, 2015; Roll No. 258: 217–205. Received in Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- and Governmental Affairs Sept. 25, 2015. Reported portation May 21, 2015. Oct. 8, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate Oct. 20, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 26, 2015. H.R. 1816.— To exclude from consideration as income Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–83. under the United States Housing Act of 1937 pay- ments of pension made under section 1521 of title 38, United States Code, to veterans who are in need of H.R. 1890.— To establish congressional trade negotiating regular aid and attendance. Referred to Financial objectives and enhanced consultation requirements for Services Apr. 15, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House trade negotiations, to provide for consideration of trade amended May 18, 2015. Received in Senate and re- agreements, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways ferred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May and Means and in addition to Rules, and the Budget 19, 2015. Apr. 17, 2015. Reported amended from Ways and Means May 1, 2015; Rept. 114–100, Pt. I. Rules and the Budget discharged May 1, 2015. H.R. 1831 (S. 991).— To establish the Commission on Union Calendar ...... Union 69 Evidence-Based Policymaking, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 16, 2015. Reported amended July 16, 2015; Rept. H.R. 1891.— To extend the African Growth and Oppor- 114–211. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed tunity Act, the Generalized System of Preferences, the House amended July 27, 2015. Received in Senate July preferential duty treatment program for Haiti, and for 28, 2015. other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Apr. 17, 2015. Reported May 1, 2015; Rept. 114–101. Union Calendar ...... Union 70 H.R. 1839.— To amend the Securities Act of 1933 to exempt certain transactions involving purchases by ac- credited investors, and for other purposes. Referred H.R. 1892.— To extend the trade adjustment assistance to Financial Services Apr. 16, 2015. Reported amended program, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways Oct. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–281. Union Calendar. Rules and Means and in addition to Energy and Commerce, suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 6, 2015; Roll and the Budget Apr. 17, 2015. Reported amended from No. 535: 404–0. Received in Senate and referred to Ways and Means May 8, 2015; Rept. 114–108, Pt. I. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 7, 2015. Energy and Commerce and the Budget discharged May 8, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 76 H.R. 1847.— To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authori- H.R. 1907.— To reauthorize trade facilitation and trade ties to obtain access to swap data required to be pro- enforcement functions and activities, and for other pur- vided by swaps entities under such Acts. Referred to poses. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition Agriculture and in addition to Financial Services Apr. to Homeland Security, Foreign Affairs, Financial Serv- 16, 2015. Reported amended from Financial Services ices, and the Judiciary Apr. 21, 2015. Reported amend- July 14, 2015; Rept. 114–202, Pt. I. Agriculture dis- ed from Ways and Means May 14, 2015; Rept. charged July 14, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules sus- 114–114, Pt. I. Homeland Security, Foreign Affairs, pended. Passed House amended July 14, 2015. Re- Financial Services, and the Judiciary discharged May ceived in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, 14, 2015. and Forestry July 15, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 80 7–22 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1927.— To amend title 28, United States Code, H.R. 2028 (H. Res. 223).— Making appropriations for to improve fairness in class action litigation. Referred energy and water development and related agencies to the Judiciary Apr. 22, 2015. Reported amended Nov. for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and 5, 2015; Rept. 114–328. for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations Apr. Union Calendar ...... Union 249 24, 2015; Rept. 114–91. Union Calendar. Considered Apr. 29, 30, 2015. Passed House amended May 1, 2015; H.R. 1937 (H. Res. 481).— To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more Roll No. 215: 240–177. Received in Senate and referred efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals to Appropriations May 5, 2015. Reported with amend- and mineral materials of strategic and critical impor- ment May 21, 2015; Rept. 114–54. tance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. Referred to Nat- H.R. 2029 (H. Res. 223) (H. Res. 566).— Making appro- ural Resources and in addition to the Judiciary Apr. 22, 2015. Reported from Natural Resources Sept. 8, priations for military construction, the Department of 2015; Rept. 114–253, Pt. I. The Judiciary discharged Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal Sept. 8, 2015. Union Calendar. Passed House amended year ending September 30, 2016, and for other pur- Oct. 22, 2015; Roll No. 565: 254–177. Received in Sen- poses. Reported from Appropriations Apr. 24, 2015; ate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. Rept. 114–92. Union Calendar. Considered Apr. 29, 26, 2015. 2015. Passed House amended Apr. 30, 2015; Roll No. 193: 255–163. Received in Senate and referred to Ap- H.R. 1949.— To provide for the consideration and sub- propriations May 4, 2015. Reported with amendment mission of site and design proposals for the National May 21, 2015; Rept. 114–57. Considered Nov. 5, 9, Liberty Memorial approved for establishment in the 2015. Passed Senate with amendment Nov. 10, 2015; District of Columbia. Referred to Natural Resources Roll No. 302: 93–0. House agreed to Senate amend- Apr. 22, 2015. Reported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–252. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House ment with amendment No. 2 Dec. 17, 2015; Roll No. amended Sept. 16, 2015; Roll No. 496: 402–0. Received 703: 318–109. House agreed to Senate amendment in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Re- with amendment No. 1 Roll No. 705: 316–113. Senate sources Sept. 17, 2015. agreed to House amendments to Senate amendment Dec. 18, 2015. Roll No. 339: 65–33. Presented to the H.R. 1987 (H.R. 4188) (S. 1611).— To authorize appro- President Dec. 18, 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. priations for the Coast Guard for fiscal years 2016 Public Law 114–113. and 2017, and for other purposes. Referred to Trans- portation and Infrastructure Apr. 23, 2015. Reported amended May 15, 2015; Rept. 114–115. Union Cal- H.R. 2042 (H. Res. 333).— To allow for judicial review endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May of any final rule addressing carbon dioxide emissions 18, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Com- from existing fossil fuel-fired electric utility generating merce, Science and Transportation May 19, 2015. units before requiring compliance with such rule, and to allow States to protect households and businesses H.R. 1991.— To extend the authority of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to from significant adverse effects on electricity rate- carry out the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement payers or reliability. Referred to Energy and Com- Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Re- merce Apr. 28, 2015. Reported June 19, 2015; Rept. sources and in addition to Agriculture Apr. 23, 2015. 114–171. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Reported from Natural Resources June 12, 2015; Rept. June 24, 2015; Roll No. 384: 247–180. Received in 114–151, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged June 12, 2015. Senate June 25, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 109

H.R. 1992.— To reduce temporarily the royalty required H.R. 2048 (H. Res. 255).— To reform the authorities to be paid for sodium produced on Federal lands, and of the Federal Government to require the production for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. of certain business records, conduct electronic surveil- 23, 2015. Reported July 29, 2015; Rept. 114–236. lance, use pen registers and trap and trace devices, Union Calendar ...... Union 178 and use other forms of information gathering for for- eign intelligence, counterterrorism, and criminal pur- H.R. 1994 (H. Res. 388).— To amend title 38, United poses, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judici- States Code, to provide for the removal or demotion ary and in addition to Intelligence, and Financial Serv- of employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs based on performance or misconduct, and for other ices Apr. 28, 2015. Reported from the Judiciary May purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition 8, 2015; Rept. 114–109, Pt. I. Financial Services and to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 23, 2015. Intelligence discharged May 8, 2015. Union Calendar. Reported amended from Veterans’ Affairs July 23, Passed House amended May 13, 2015; Roll No. 224: 2015; Rept. 114–225, Pt. I. Oversight and Government 338–88. Received in Senate May 14, 2015. Ordered Reform discharged July 23, 2015. Union Calendar. placed on the calendar May 18, 2015. Considered May Supplemental report filed from Veterans’ Affairs July 31, June 1, 2015. Passed Senate June 2, 2015; Roll 27, 2015; Pt. II. Passed House amended July 29, 2015; No. 201: 67–32. Presented to the President June 2, Roll No. 489: 256–170. Received in Senate and referred 2015. Approved June 2, 2015. Public Law 114–23. to Veterans’ Affairs July 30, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–23

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2051.— To amend the Agricultural Marketing Act H.R. 2130 (H. Res. 556).— To provide legal certainty of 1946 to extend the livestock mandatory price report- to property owners along the Red River in Texas, and ing requirements, and for other purposes. Referred to for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. Agriculture Apr. 28, 2015. Reported amended May 29, 30, 2015. Reported amended Nov. 4, 2015; Rept. 2015; Rept. 114–132. Union Calendar. Rules sus- 114–327. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Dec. pended. Passed House amended June 9, 2015. Received 9, 2015; Roll No. 686: 253–177. Received in Senate in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Dec. Forestry June 10, 2015. Reported with amendment 10, 2015. Sept. 17, 2015; Rept. 114–206. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 21, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 28, H.R. 2131.— To designate the Federal building and 2015. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2015. Ap- United States courthouse located at 83 Meeting Street proved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–54. in Charleston, South Carolina, as the ‘‘J. Waties Waring Judicial Center’’. Referred to Transportation H.R. 2061.— To amend section 5000A of the Internal and Infrastructure Apr. 30, 2015. Reported June 4, Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an additional reli- 2015; Rept. 114–137. House Calendar. Rules sus- gious exemption from the individual health coverage pended. Passed House June 15, 2015. Received in Sen- mandate, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways ate and referred to Environment and Public Works and Means Apr. 28, 2015. Reported amended Sept. June 16, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 28, 2015; Rept. 114–268. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Aug. 5, 2015. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2015. pended. Passed House amended Sept. 28, 2015. Re- Approved Aug. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–48. ceived in Senate and referred to Finance Sept. 29, 2015. H.R. 2146 (H. Res. 321).— To amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 2064.— To amend certain provisions of the securi- enue Code of 1986 to allow Federal law enforcement ties laws relating to the treatment of emerging growth officers, firefighters, and air traffic controllers to make companies. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 28, penalty-free withdrawals from governmental plans 2015. Reported amended July 14, 2015; Rept. 114–203. after age 50, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House and Means Apr. 30, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed amended July 14, 2015. Received in Senate and re- House amended May 12, 2015; Roll No. 220: 407–5. ferred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July Received in Senate and referred to Finance May 13, 15, 2015. 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment June 4, 2015. House agreed to Senate H.R. 2088.— To amend the United States Grain Stand- amendment with amendment June 18, 2015; Roll No. ards Act to improve inspection services performed at 374: 218–208. Senate agreed to House amendment to export elevators at export port locations, to reauthorize Senate amendment June 24, 2015. Roll No. 219: 60–38. certain authorities of the Secretary of Agriculture Presented to the President June 24, 2015. Approved under such Act, and for other purposes. Referred to June 29, 2015. Public Law 114–26. Agriculture Apr. 29, 2015. Reported May 29, 2015; Rept. 114–133. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 9, 2015. Received in Sen- H.R. 2168.— To make the current Dungeness crab fish- ate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- ery management regime permanent and for other pur- estry June 10, 2015. poses. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 30, 2015. Reported Sept. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–274. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. H.R. 2091.— To amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act 6, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, to clarify the ability to request consumer reports in certain cases to establish and enforce child support Science and Transportation Oct. 7, 2015. payments and awards. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 29, 2015. Reported Oct. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–282. H.R. 2200.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 2002 to establish chemical, biological, radiological, and 6, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, nuclear intelligence and information sharing functions Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 7, 2015. of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Depart- ment of Homeland Security and to require dissemina- H.R. 2127.— To direct the Administrator of the Trans- tion of information analyzed by the Department to en- portation Security Administration to limit access to tities with responsibilities relating to homeland secu- expedited airport security screening at an airport secu- rity, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland rity checkpoint to participants of the PreCheck pro- Security May 1, 2015. Reported amended June 17, gram and other known low-risk passengers, and for 2015; Rept. 114–164. Union Calendar. Considered other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Apr. under suspension of rules June 23, 2015. Rules sus- 30, 2015. Reported amended July 22, 2015; Rept. pended. Passed House amended June 25, 2015; Roll 114–220. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed No. 389: 420–2. Received in Senate and referred to House amended July 27, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation July Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 7, 28, 2015. 2015. 7–24 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2206.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of H.R. 2252 (S. 1356).— To clarify the effective date of 2002 to require recipients of State Homeland Security certain provisions of the Border Patrol Agent Pay Re- Grant Program funding to preserve and strengthen form Act of 2014, and for other purposes. Referred interoperable emergency communications capabilities, to Oversight and Government Reform May 12, 2015. and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Committee discharged. Passed House May 14, 2015. May 1, 2015. Reported amended June 17, 2015; Rept. Received in Senate May 18, 2015. Passed Senate May 114–165. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 19, 2015. Presented to the President May 19, 2015. House amended July 27, 2015. Received in Senate and Approved May 19, 2015. Public Law 114–13. referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs July 28, 2015. H.R. 2256.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit an annual report on the Veterans Health Administra- H.R. 2212.— To take certain Federal lands located in tion and the furnishing of hospital care, medical serv- Lassen County, California, into trust for the benefit ices, and nursing home care by the Department of of the Susanville Indian Rancheria, and for other pur- Veterans Affairs. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May poses. Referred to Natural Resources May 1, 2015. Re- 12, 2015. Reported amended July 7, 2015; Rept. ported amended Oct. 27, 2015; Rept. 114–314. Union 114–191. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended House amended July 21, 2015; Roll No. 449: 408–0. Nov. 30, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to In- Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs dian Affairs Dec. 1, 2015. July 22, 2015.

H.R. 2223 (S. 1941).— To authorize, direct, expedite, and H.R. 2262 (H. Res. 273).— To facilitate a pro-growth facilitate a land exchange in El Paso and Teller Coun- environment for the developing commercial space in- ties, Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to Nat- dustry by encouraging private sector investment and ural Resources May 1, 2015. Reported Sept. 9, 2015; creating more stable and predictable regulatory condi- Rept. 114–258. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. tions, and for other purposes. Referred to Science, Passed House Sept. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and Space, and Technology May 12, 2015. Reported amend- referred to Energy and Natural Resources Sept. 17, ed May 18, 2015; Rept. 114–119. Union Calendar. 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–196. Passed House amended May 21, 2015; Roll No. 262: 284–133. Received in Senate and referred to Com- H.R. 2241.— To direct the Administrator of the United merce, Science and Transportation May 22, 2015. Com- States Agency for International Development to submit mittee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment to Congress a report on the development and use of Nov. 10, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment global health innovations in the programs, projects, under suspension of the rules Nov. 16, 2015. Presented and activities of the Agency. Referred to Foreign Af- to the President Nov. 19, 2015. Approved Nov. 25, fairs May 5, 2015. Considered under suspension of 2015. Public Law 114–90. rules Dec. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House H.R. 2270.— To redesignate the Nisqually National amended Dec. 18, 2015. Received in Senate and re- Wildlife Refuge, located in the State of Washington, ferred to Foreign Relations Dec. 18, 2015. as the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Ref- uge, to establish the Medicine Creek Treaty National H.R. 2243 (S. 2036).— To suspend the current compensa- Historic Site within the wildlife refuge, and for other tion packages for the senior executives of Fannie Mae purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May 12, 2015. and Freddie Mac and establish compensation for such Reported amended Nov. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–335. positions in accordance with rates of pay for senior Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House employees in the Executive Branch of the Federal Gov- amended Nov. 30, 2015; Roll No. 645: 413–2. Received ernment, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial in Senate Dec. 1, 2015. Passed Senate Dec. 14, 2015. Services and in addition to Oversight and Government Presented to the President Dec. 16, 2015. Approved Reform May 8, 2015. Reported amended from Finan- Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–101. cial Services Nov. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–339, Pt. I. Over- sight and Government Reform discharged Nov. 16, H.R. 2285.— To improve enforcement against trafficking 2015. in cultural property and prevent stolen or illicit cul- Union Calendar ...... Union 261 tural property from financing terrorist and criminal networks, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways H.R. 2250 (H. Res. 271) (H. Res. 560).— Making appro- and Means and in addition to Homeland Security, and priations for the Legislative Branch for fiscal year end- the Judiciary May 13, 2015. Reported amended from ing September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Re- Homeland Security Dec. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–380, Pt. ported from Appropriations May 12, 2015; Rept. I. 114–110. Union Calendar. Passed House amended May H.R. 2288.— To remove the use restrictions on certain 19, 2015; Roll No. 247: 357–67. Received in Senate land transferred to Rockingham County, Virginia, and and referred to Appropriations May 20, 2015. Reported for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May with amendment June 11, 2015; Rept. 114–64. Passed 13, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 6, 2015; Rept. Senate with amendments Dec. 10, 2015. House agreed 114–286. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed to Senate amendments Dec. 11, 2015. Presented to House amended Nov. 30, 2015; Roll No. 644: 407–0. the President Dec. 11, 2015. Approved Dec. 11, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Public Law 114–96. Resources Dec. 1, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–25

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2289 (H. Res. 288).— To reauthorize the Commodity H.R. 2360.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Futures Trading Commission, to better protect futures to improve the approval of certain programs of edu- customers, to provide end-users with market certainty, cation for purposes of educational assistance provided to make basic reforms to ensure transparency and ac- by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred to countability at the Commission, to help farmers, Veterans’ Affairs May 15, 2015. Reported amended ranchers, and end-users manage risks, to help keep Nov. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–336. consumer costs low, and for other purposes. Referred Union Calendar ...... Union 257 to Agriculture May 13, 2015. Reported amended May 29, 2015; Rept. 114–134. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 9, 2015; Roll No. 309: 246–171. H.R. 2390.— To require a review of university-based cen- Received in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutri- ters for homeland security, and for other purposes. tion, and Forestry June 10, 2015. Referred to Homeland Security and in addition to Science, Space, and Technology May 18, 2015. Re- H.R. 2295 (See H.R. 8).— To amend the Mineral Leasing ported from Homeland Security June 18, 2015; Rept. Act to require the Secretary of the Interior to identify 114–168, Pt. I. Science, Space, and Technology dis- and designate National Energy Security Corridors for charged June 18, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules sus- the construction of natural gas pipelines on Federal pended. Passed House amended June 23, 2015. Re- land, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Re- sources May 13, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 6, 2015; ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Rept. 114–285. and Governmental Affairs June 24, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 217

H.R. 2297.— To prevent Hezbollah and associated enti- H.R. 2393 (H. Res. 303).— To amend the Agricultural ties from gaining access to international financial and Marketing Act of 1946 to repeal country of origin label- other institutions, and for other purposes. Referred to ing requirements with respect to beef, pork, and chick- Foreign Affairs and in addition to Financial Services en, and for other purposes. Referred to Agriculture May 13, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House May May 18, 2015. Reported amended May 29, 2015; Rept. 14, 2015; Roll No. 227: 423–0. Received in Senate and 114–131. Union Calendar. Passed House amended referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May June 10, 2015; Roll No. 333: 300–131. Received in 18, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with Senate June 11, 2015. amendments Nov. 17, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendments under suspension of the rules Dec. 16, 2015; Roll No. 698: 425–0. Presented to the President H.R. 2394.— To reauthorize the National Forest Founda- Dec. 18, 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law tion Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Agri- 114–102. culture May 18, 2015. Reported amended June 4, 2015; Rept. 114–138. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. H.R. 2320 (S. 614).— To provide access to and use of Passed House amended June 9, 2015. Received in Sen- information by Federal agencies in order to reduce ate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- improper payments, and for other purposes. Referred estry June 10, 2015. to Oversight and Government Reform May 14, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–299. Union Calendar ...... Union 228 H.R. 2395 (S. 579).— To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to strengthen the independence of the In- H.R. 2353 (H. Res. 271) (H.R. 3038).— To provide an spectors General, and for other purposes. Referred to extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, Oversight and Government Reform May 18, 2015. Re- motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs fund- ported July 16, 2015; Rept. 114–210. ed out of the Highway Trust Fund, and for other pur- Union Calendar ...... Union 158 poses. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure and in addition to Ways and Means, Natural Re- sources, Science, Space, and Technology, and Energy H.R. 2406.— To protect and enhance opportunities for and Commerce May 15, 2015. Passed House May 19, recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for 2015; Roll No. 249: 387–35. Received in Senate May other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in 20, 2015. Ordered placed on the calendar May 21, addition to Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, Trans- 2015. Passed Senate May 23 (Legislative day of May portation and Infrastructure, and the Judiciary May 22), 2015. Presented to the President May 26, 2015. 19, 2015. Reported amended from Natural Resources Approved May 29, 2015. Public Law 114–21. Dec. 10, 2015; Rept. 114–377, Pt. I. Agriculture, En- ergy and Commerce, Transportation and Infrastruc- H.R. 2358 (See H.R. 8).— To amend the Federal Land ture, and the Judiciary discharged Dec. 10, 2015. Policy and Management Act of 1976 to enhance the Union Calendar ...... Union 287 reliability of the electricity grid and reduce the threat of wildfires to and from electric transmission and dis- tribution facilities on Federal lands by facilitating H.R. 2482.— To amend the Low-Income Housing Preser- vegetation management on such lands. Referred to vation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990. Re- Natural Resources and in addition to Agriculture May ferred to Financial Services May 20, 2015. Rules sus- 15, 2015. Reported amended from Natural Resources pended. Passed House July 14, 2015. Received in Sen- Oct. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–287, Pt. I. Agriculture dis- ate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- charged Oct. 6, 2015. fairs July 15, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 219 7–26 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2494.— To support global anti-poaching efforts, H.R. 2510.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of strengthen the capacity of partner countries to counter 1986 to modify and make permanent bonus deprecia- wildlife trafficking, designate major wildlife trafficking tion. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition countries, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign to the Budget May 21, 2015. Reported amended from Affairs and in addition to the Judiciary, and Natural Ways and Means Oct. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–317, Pt. Resources May 21, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed I. The Budget discharged Oct. 28, 2015. House amended Nov. 2, 2015. Received in Senate and Union Calendar ...... Union 240 referred to Foreign Relations Nov. 3, 2015. H.R. 2559.— To designate the ‘‘PFC Milton A. Lee Medal H.R. 2496.— To extend the authorization for the replace- of Honor Memorial Highway’’ in the State of Texas. ment of the existing Department of Veterans Affairs Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure May 21, Medical Center in Denver, Colorado, to make certain 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House June 15, 2015; improvements in the Veterans Access, Choice, and Ac- Roll No. 365: 389–0. Received in Senate and referred countability Act of 2014, and for other purposes. Re- to Environment and Public Works June 16, 2015. Com- ferred to Veterans’ Affairs May 21, 2015. Committee mittee discharged. Passed Senate Aug. 5, 2015. Pre- discharged. Passed House May 21, 2015. Received in sented to the President Aug. 6, 2015. Approved Aug. Senate May 21, 2015. Passed Senate May 22, 2015. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–49. Presented to the President May 22, 2015. Approved May 22, 2015. Public Law 114–19. H.R. 2570.— To establish a demonstration program re- H.R. 2499.— To amend the Small Business Act to in- quiring the utilization of Value-Based Insurance De- crease access to capital for veteran entrepreneurs, to sign to demonstrate that reducing the copayments or help create jobs, and for other purposes. Referred to coinsurance charged to Medicare beneficiaries for se- Small Business May 21, 2015. Reported amended June lected high-value prescription medications and clinical 25, 2015; Rept. 114–187. Union Calendar. Rules sus- services can increase their utilization and ultimately pended. Passed House amended July 13, 2015; Roll improve clinical outcomes and lower health care ex- No. 434: 410–1. Received in Senate and ordered placed penditures. Referred to Ways and Means and in addi- on the calendar July 14, 2015. Passed Senate with tion to Energy and Commerce May 22, 2015. Rules amendment July 23, 2015. House agreed to Senate suspended. Passed House amended June 17, 2015. Re- amendment under suspension of the rules July 27, ceived in Senate and referred to Finance June 18, 2015. Presented to the President July 27, 2015. Ap- 2015. proved July 28, 2015. Public Law 114–38. H.R. 2576.— To modernize the Toxic Substances Control H.R. 2505.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Act to require the annual reporting of data on enroll- Commerce May 26, 2015. Reported amended June 23, ment in Medicare Advantage plans. Referred to Ways 2015; Rept. 114–176. Union Calendar. Rules sus- and Means and in addition to Energy and Commerce pended. Passed House amended June 23, 2015; Roll May 21, 2015. Reported amended from Ways and No. 378: 398–1. Received in Senate June 24, 2015. Means June 12, 2015; Rept. 114–152, Pt. I. Energy Ordered placed on the calendar July 8, 2015. Passed and Commerce discharged June 12, 2015. Union Cal- Senate with amendment Dec. 17, 2015. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 17, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Finance June 18, 2015. H.R. 2577 (H. Res. 287).— Making appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies for the fiscal H.R. 2506.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security year ending September 30, 2016, and for other pur- Act to delay the authority to terminate Medicare Ad- poses. Reported from Appropriations May 27, 2015; vantage contracts for MA plans failing to achieve min- Rept. 114–129. Union Calendar. Considered June 3, imum quality ratings. Referred to Ways and Means 4, 2015. Passed House amended June 9, 2015; Roll and in addition to Energy and Commerce May 21, No. 329: 216–210. Received in Senate and referred 2015. Reported amended from Ways and Means June to Appropriations June 10, 2015. Reported with 16, 2015; Rept. 114–158, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce amendment June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–75. Considered discharged June 16, 2015. Nov. 18, 19, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 114

H.R. 2507.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security H.R. 2578 (H. Res. 287).— Making appropriations for Act to establish an annual rulemaking schedule for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, payment rates under Medicare Advantage. Referred to and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Ways and Means and in addition to Energy and Com- tember 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Reported merce May 21, 2015. Reported amended from Ways from Appropriations May 27, 2015; Rept. 114–130. and Means June 16, 2015; Rept. 114–159, Pt. I. Energy Union Calendar. Considered June 2, 2015. Passed and Commerce discharged June 16, 2015. Union Cal- House amended June 3, 2015; Roll No. 297: 242–183. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June Received in Senate and referred to Appropriations 17, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Finance June 8, 2015. Reported with amendment June 16, June 18, 2015. 2015; Rept. 114–66. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–27

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2579.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security H.R. 2604 (S. 1482).— To improve and reauthorize provi- Act to improve the risk adjustment under the Medicare sions relating to the application of the antitrust laws Advantage program, and for other purposes. Referred to the award of need-based educational aid. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to Energy and to the Judiciary June 2, 2015. Reported July 23, 2015; Commerce May 29, 2015. Reported amended from Rept. 114–224. Ways and Means June 16, 2015; Rept. 114–160, Pt. Union Calendar ...... Union 169 I. Energy and Commerce discharged June 16, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 116 H.R. 2617.— To amend the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 to postpone a scheduled increase in the min- H.R. 2580.— To provide for a technical change to the imum wage applicable to American Samoa. Referred Medicare long-term care hospital moratorium excep- to Education and the Workforce June 2, 2015. Rules tion, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 28, 2015. Re- Means May 29, 2015. Reported amended June 16, ceived in Senate Sept. 29, 2015. Passed Senate with 2015; Rept. 114–156. amendments Sept. 30, 2015. House agreed to Senate Union Calendar ...... Union 113 amendments Oct. 1, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 1, 2015. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law H.R. 2581.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security 114–61. Act to establish a 3-year demonstration program to test the use of value-based insurance design meth- H.R. 2620.— To amend the United States Cotton Futures odologies under eligible Medicare Advantage plans, to Act to exclude certain cotton futures contracts from preserve Medicare beneficiary choice under Medicare coverage under such Act. Referred to Agriculture June Advantage, to revise the treatment under the Medicare 2, 2015. Reported amended June 23, 2015; Rept. program of infusion drugs furnished through durable 114–174. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed medical equipment, and for other purposes. Referred House amended June 23, 2015. Received in Senate to Ways and Means and in addition to Energy and June 24, 2015. Passed Senate July 9, 2015. Presented Commerce May 29, 2015. Reported amended from to the President July 14, 2015. Approved July 20, Ways and Means June 16, 2015; Rept. 114–161, Pt. 2015. Public Law 114–36. I. Energy and Commerce discharged June 16, 2015. Union Calendar ...... Union 117 H.R. 2643.— To direct the Attorney General to provide State officials with access to criminal history informa- H.R. 2582.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security tion with respect to certain financial service providers Act to improve the risk adjustment under the Medicare required to undergo State criminal background checks, Advantage program, to delay the authority to termi- and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services nate Medicare Advantage contracts for MA plans fail- and in addition to the Judiciary June 3, 2015. Re- ing to achieve minimum quality ratings, and for other ported from Financial Services Oct. 28, 2015; Rept. purposes. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition 114–316, Pt. I. The Judiciary discharged Oct. 28, 2015. to Energy and Commerce May 29, 2015. Rules sus- Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. pended. Passed House amended June 17, 2015. Re- 28, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, ceived in Senate and referred to Finance June 18, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 29, 2015. 2015. H.R. 2647 (H. Res. 347).— To expedite under the Na- H.R. 2583.— To amend the Communications Act of 1934 tional Environmental Policy Act and improve forest to provide for greater transparency and efficiency in management activities in units of the National Forest the procedures followed by the Federal Communica- System derived from the public domain, on public tions Commission, and for other purposes. Referred lands under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land to Energy and Commerce May 29, 2015. Reported Management, and on tribal lands to return resilience amended Oct. 22, 2015; Rept. 114–305. Union Cal- to overgrown, fire-prone forested lands, and for other endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. purposes. Referred to Agriculture and in addition to 16, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Com- Natural Resources June 4, 2015. Reported amended merce, Science and Transportation Nov. 17, 2015. from Agriculture June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–185, Pt. I. Reported amended from Natural Resources June 25, H.R. 2596 (H. Res. 315) (H.R. 4127) (S. 1705).— To au- 2015; Pt. II. Union Calendar. Passed House amended thorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for intel- July 9, 2015; Roll No. 428: 262–167. Received in Sen- ligence and intelligence-related activities of the United ate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- States Government, the Community Management Ac- estry July 13, 2015. count, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes. Re- H.R. 2670 (S. 1857).— To amend the Small Business ferred to Intelligence and in addition to the Budget Act to provide for expanded participation in the June 1, 2015. Reported amended from Intelligence microloan program, and for other purposes. Referred June 9, 2015; Rept. 114–144, Pt. I. The Budget dis- to Small Business June 4, 2015. Reported June 25, charged June 9, 2015. Union Calendar. Passed House 2015; Rept. 114–188. Union Calendar. Rules sus- amended June 16, 2015; Roll No. 369: 247–178. Re- pended. Passed House July 13, 2015. Received in Sen- ceived in Senate and referred to Intelligence June 17, ate and referred to Small Business and Entrepreneur- 2015. ship July 14, 2015. 7–28 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2685 (H. Res. 303).— Making appropriations for H.R. 2791.— To require that certain Federal lands be the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending held in trust by the United States for the benefit of September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Reported certain Indian tribes in Oregon, and for other pur- from Appropriations June 5, 2015; Rept. 114–139. poses. Referred to Natural Resources June 16, 2015. Union Calendar. Considered June 10, 2015. Passed Reported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–254. Union Cal- House amended June 11, 2015; Roll No. 358: 278–149. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Received in Senate Sept. 17, 2015. June 15, 2015.

H.R. 2795.— To require the Secretary of Homeland Secu- H.R. 2693.— To designate the arboretum at the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Vir- rity to submit a study on the circumstances which ginia, as the ‘‘Phyllis E. Galanti Arboretum’’. Referred may impact the effectiveness and availability of first to Veterans’ Affairs June 9, 2015. Committee dis- responders before, during, or after a terrorist threat charged. Passed House Dec. 8, 2015. Received in Sen- or event. Referred to Homeland Security June 16, ate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Dec. 9, 2015. 2015. Reported amended Dec. 7, 2015; Rept. 114–370. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 10, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Presented to the President Dec. 11, 2015. Approved amended Dec. 10, 2015; Roll No. 689: 396–12. Received Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–103. in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Gov- ernmental Affairs Dec. 14, 2015. H.R. 2722.— To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in recognition of the fight against breast H.R. 2820.— To reauthorize the Stem Cell Therapeutic cancer. Referred to Financial Services and in addition and Research Act of 2005, and for other purposes. to the Budget June 10, 2015. Considered under sus- Referred to Energy and Commerce June 18, 2015. Re- pension of rules July 14, 2015. Rules suspended. ported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–242. Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 15, 2015; Roll No. 442: Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 8, 2015. Received 421–9. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 16, 2015. and Pensions Sept. 9, 2015. Reported with amendment Dec. 3, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate with H.R. 2750.— To reform programs of the Transportation amendment Dec. 9, 2015. House agreed to Senate Security Administration, streamline transportation se- amendment under suspension of the rules Dec. 16, curity regulations, and for other purposes. Referred 2015; Roll No. 695: 421–0. Presented to the President to Homeland Security June 12, 2015. Reported amend- Dec. 18, 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law ed July 27, 2015; Rept. 114–227. Union Calendar. 114–104. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 27, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation July 28, 2015. H.R. 2822 (H. Res. 333).— Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and re- H.R. 2770.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of lated agencies for the fiscal year ending September 2002 to require certain maintenance of security-related 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Reported from Appro- technology at airports, and for other purposes. Re- priations June 18, 2015; Rept. 114–170. ferred to Homeland Security June 15, 2015. Reported Union Calendar ...... Union 125 amended July 22, 2015; Rept. 114–218. Union Cal- Considered June 25, July 7, 8, 2015. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 27, 2015; Roll No. 469: 380–0. Received in Senate and H.R. 2835.— To actively recruit members of the Armed referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation July Forces who are separating from military service to 28, 2015. serve as Customs and Border Protection Officers. Re- ferred to Homeland Security and in addition to Armed H.R. 2772.— Making appropriations for the Department Services June 18, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed of State, foreign operations, and related programs for House amended Sept. 28, 2015; Roll No. 519: 410–0. the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for Received in Senate Sept. 29, 2015. Passed Senate Oct. other purposes. Reported from Appropriations June 15, 1, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 7, 2015. Ap- 2015; Rept. 114–154. proved Oct. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–68. Union Calendar ...... Union 112

H.R. 2843.— To require certain improvements in the H.R. 2786.— To require the Commissioner of U.S. Cus- toms and Border Protection to submit a report on Transportation Security Administration’s PreCheck ex- cross-border rail security, and for other purposes. Re- pedited screening program, and for other purposes. Re- ferred to Homeland Security June 15, 2015. Reported ferred to Homeland Security June 19, 2015. Reported July 28, 2015; Rept. 114–233. Union Calendar. Rules amended July 22, 2015; Rept. 114–221. Union Cal- suspended. Passed House Sept. 28, 2015; Roll No. 520: endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 412–0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 27, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Com- Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 29, 2015. merce, Science and Transportation July 28, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–29

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2898 (H. Res. 362).— To provide drought relief in H.R. 3009 (H. Res. 370).— To amend section 241(i) of the State of California, and for other purposes. Re- the Immigration and Nationality Act to deny assist- ferred to Natural Resources and in addition to Agri- ance under such section to a State or political subdivi- culture June 25, 2015. Reported amended from Nat- sion of a State that prohibits its officials from taking ural Resources July 13, 2015; Rept. 114–197, Pt. I. certain actions with respect to immigration. Referred Agriculture discharged July 13, 2015. Union Calendar. to the Judiciary July 9, 2015. Passed House July 23, Supplemental report filed from Natural Resources July 2015; Roll No. 466: 241–179. Received in Senate and 14, 2015; Pt. II. Passed House amended July 16, 2015; referred to the Judiciary July 24, 2015. Roll No. 447: 245–176. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 21, 2015. H.R. 3016.— To amend title 38, United States Code, H.R. 2899.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of to clarify the role of podiatrists in the Department 2002 to authorize the Office for Countering Violent of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs July Extremism. Referred to Homeland Security June 25, 9, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 1, 2015; Rept. 2015. Reported amended Nov. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–344. 114–358. Union Calendar ...... Union 263 Union Calendar ...... Union 274

H.R. 2912.— To establish a commission to examine the H.R. 3020.— Making appropriations for the Departments United States monetary policy, evaluate alternative of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, monetary regimes, and recommend a course for mone- and related agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- tary policy going forward. Referred to Financial Serv- tember 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Reported ices June 25, 2015. Reported Nov. 16, 2015; Rept. from Appropriations July 10, 2015; Rept. 114–195. 114–331. Union Calendar ...... Union 145 Union Calendar ...... Union 252

H.R. 2915.— To amend title 38, United States Code, H.R. 3032.— To amend the Securities Exchange Act of to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to identify 1934 to repeal a certain reporting requirement of the mental health care and suicide prevention programs Securities and Exchange Commission. Referred to Fi- and metrics that are effective in treating women vet- nancial Services July 10, 2015. Reported Nov. 16, erans as part of the evaluation of such programs by 2015; Rept. 114–337. Union Calendar. Rules sus- the Secretary. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs June 25, pended. Passed House Nov. 16, 2015. Received in Sen- 2015. Reported amended Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–365. ate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Union Calendar ...... Union 278 fairs Nov. 17, 2015.

H.R. 2940.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve and make permanent the above-the- H.R. 3033.— To require the President’s annual budget line deduction for certain expenses of elementary and request to Congress each year to include a line item secondary school teachers. Referred to Ways and for the Research in Disabilities Education program of Means June 25, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 23, the National Science Foundation and to require the 2015; Rept. 114–310. National Science Foundation to conduct research on Union Calendar ...... Union 236 dyslexia. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology July 13, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- H.R. 2954 (S. 1707).— To designate the Federal building ed Oct. 26, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to located at 617 Walnut Street in Helena, Arkansas, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Oct. 27, 2015. as the ‘‘Jacob Trieber Federal Building, United States Post Office, and United States Court House’’. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure July 7, 2015. Re- H.R. 3038 (H. Res. 362) (H.R. 2353).— To provide an ported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–247. extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, House Calendar ...... House 54 motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs fund- ed out of the Highway Trust Fund, and for other pur- H.R. 2995 (S. 1910).— Making appropriations for finan- poses. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure cial services and general government for the fiscal year and in addition to Ways and Means, Natural Re- ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. sources, Science, Space, and Technology, Energy and Reported from Appropriations July 9, 2015; Rept. Commerce, Homeland Security, and Education and the 114–194. Workforce July 13, 2015. Passed House July 15, 2015; Union Calendar ...... Union 144 Roll No. 441: 312–119. Received in Senate July 16, 2015. Ordered placed on the calendar July 21, 2015. H.R. 2997.— To authorize the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to carry out a demonstration pro- H.R. 3049 (S. 1800).— Making appropriations for Agri- gram to enter into budget-neutral, performance-based culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Adminis- contracts for energy and water conservation improve- tration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal ments for multifamily residential units. Referred to year ending September 30, 2016, and for other pur- Financial Services July 9, 2015. Rules suspended. poses. Reported from Appropriations July 14, 2015; Passed House July 14, 2015; Roll No. 436: 395–28. Rept. 114–205. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, Union Calendar ...... Union 153 and Urban Affairs July 15, 2015. 7–30 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3059.— To designate the facility of the United H.R. 3128 (S. 1619).— Making appropriations for the States Postal Service located at 4500 SE 28th Street, Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year Del City, Oklahoma, as the James Robert Kalsu Post ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Office Building. Referred to Oversight and Government Reported from Appropriations July 21, 2015; Rept. Reform July 14, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House 114–215. Sept. 24, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Union Calendar ...... Union 162 Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 25, 2015. Reported Oct. 8, 2015; no written report. Passed H.R. 3134 (H. Res. 421).— To provide for a moratorium Senate Oct. 20, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. on Federal funding to Planned Parenthood Federation 26, 2015. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law of America, Inc. Referred to Energy and Commerce 114–84. July 21, 2015. Passed House amended Sept. 18, 2015; Roll No. 505: 241–187. Received in Senate Sept. 21, 2015. Ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 22, 2015. H.R. 3089 (S. 1115).— To close out expired grants, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Govern- H.R. 3144.— To require consultation with the Aviation ment Reform July 16, 2015. Reported amended Sept. Security Advisory Committee regarding modifications 18, 2015; Rept. 114–264. Union Calendar. Rules sus- to the prohibited item list, require a report on the pended. Passed House amended Sept. 28, 2015. Re- Transportation Security Oversight Board, and for other ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security purposes. Referred to Homeland Security July 21, and Governmental Affairs Sept. 29, 2015. 2015. Reported amended Nov. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–320. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and re- H.R. 3102.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of ferred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Nov. 2002 to reform programs of the Transportation Secu- 17, 2015. rity Administration, streamline transportation security regulations, and for other purposes. Referred to Home- H.R. 3154 (S. 1359).— To allow manufacturers to meet land Security July 16, 2015. Reported amended Oct. warranty and labeling requirements for consumer 6, 2015; Rept. 114–283. Union Calendar. Rules sus- products by displaying the terms of warranties on pended. Passed House amended Oct. 6, 2015. Received Internet websites, and for other purposes. Referred to in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Energy and Commerce July 22, 2015. Reported Sept. Transportation Oct. 7, 2015. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–243. Union Calendar ...... Union 184

H.R. 3106.— To authorize Department major medical H.R. 3189 (H. Res. 529).— To amend the Federal Reserve facility construction projects for fiscal year 2015, to Act to establish requirements for policy rules and amend title 38, United States Code, to make certain blackout periods of the Federal Open Market Com- improvements in the administration of Department mittee, to establish requirements for certain activities medical facility construction projects, and for other of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys- purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 16, 2015. tem, and to amend title 31, United States Code, to Reported amended Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–364. reform the manner in which the Board of Governors Union Calendar ...... Union 277 of the Federal Reserve System is audited, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services and in addi- H.R. 3114.— To provide funds to the Army Corps of tion to Oversight and Government Reform July 23, Engineers to hire veterans and members of the Armed 2015. Reported amended from Financial Services Nov. Forces to assist the Corps with curation and historic 16, 2015; Rept. 114–332, Pt. I. Oversight and Govern- preservation activities, and for other purposes. Re- ment Reform discharged Nov. 16, 2015. Union Cal- ferred to Transportation and Infrastructure July 20, endar. Considered Nov. 18, 2015. Passed House 2015. Reported amended Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–249. amended Nov. 19, 2015; Roll No. 641: 241–185. Re- Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules ceived in Senate Nov. 30, 2015. Referred to Banking, Nov. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 17, 2015. ed Nov. 17, 2015; Roll No. 632: 422–3. Received in H.R. 3192 (H. Res. 462).— To provide for a temporary Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works safe harbor from the enforcement of integrated disclo- Nov. 18, 2015. sure requirements for mortgage loan transactions under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of H.R. 3116 (S. 1868).— To extend by 15 years the author- 1974 and the Truth in Lending Act, and for other ity of the Secretary of Commerce to conduct the quar- purposes. Referred to Financial Services July 23, 2015. terly financial report program. Referred to Oversight Reported Oct. 1, 2015; Rept. 114–278. Union Calendar. and Government Reform July 20, 2015. Reported July Passed House Oct. 7, 2015; Roll No. 540: 303–121. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–237. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Received in Senate Oct. 8, 2015. pended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2015. Received in Sen- ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- H.R. 3231.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to mental Affairs Sept. 25, 2015. Committee discharged. protect unpaid interns in the Federal government from Passed Senate with amendment Oct. 6, 2015. House workplace harassment and discrimination, and for agreed to Senate amendment Oct. 21, 2015. Presented other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government to the President Oct. 22, 2015. Approved Oct. 22, Reform July 28, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–72. 2015; Rept. 114–383. Union Calendar ...... Union 289 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–31

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3236 (H. Res. 388).— To provide an extension of H.R. 3460 (H. Res. 412).— To suspend until January Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier 21, 2017, the authority of the President to waive, sus- safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the pend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit Highway Trust Fund, to provide resource flexibility the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement to the Department of Veterans Affairs for health care related to the nuclear program of Iran. Referred to services, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- Foreign Affairs and in addition to Financial Services, tation and Infrastructure and in addition to Ways and the Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform, and Means, Energy and Commerce, Science, Space, and Ways and Means Sept. 9, 2015. Passed House Sept. Technology, Natural Resources, Veterans’ Affairs, Edu- 11, 2015; Roll No. 494: 247–186. Received in Senate cation and the Workforce, the Budget, and Homeland Sept. 15, 2015. Security July 28, 2015. Passed House July 29, 2015; Roll No. 486: 385–34. Received in Senate and passed H.R. 3461 (H. Res. 412).— To approve the Joint Com- July 30, 2015; Roll No. 261: 91–4. Presented to the prehensive Plan of Action, signed at Vienna on July President July 31, 2015. Approved July 31, 2015. 14, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iran. Re- Public Law 114–41. ferred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to Financial Services, the Judiciary, Oversight and Government Re- H.R. 3279.— To amend titles 5 and 28, United States form, and Ways and Means Sept. 9, 2015. Considered Code, to require annual reports to Congress on, and Sept. 10, 2015. Failed of passage Sept. 11, 2015; Roll the maintenance of databases on, awards of fees and No. 493: 162–269. other expenses to prevailing parties in certain adminis- trative proceedings and court cases to which the H.R. 3490.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of United States is a party, and for other purposes. Re- 2002 to authorize the National Computer Forensics ferred to the Judiciary July 29, 2015. Reported Nov. Institute, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judi- 30, 2015; Rept. 114–351. Union Calendar. Rules sus- ciary and in addition to Homeland Security Sept. 11, pended. Passed House amended Nov. 30, 2015. Re- 2015. Reported amended from the Judiciary Nov. 19, ceived in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 2015; Rept. 114–345, Pt. I. Reported amended from 1, 2015. Homeland Security Nov. 30, 2015; Pt. II. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. H.R. 3350.— To require a terrorism threat assessment 30, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to the Judi- regarding the transportation of chemical, biological, ciary Dec. 1, 2015. nuclear, and radiological materials through United States land borders and within the United States, and H.R. 3493.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security July 2002 to establish the Securing the Cities program to 29, 2015. Reported Oct. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–296. Union enhance the ability of the United States to detect and Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 20, prevent terrorist attacks and other high consequence 2015; Roll No. 551: 416–0. Received in Senate and events utilizing nuclear or other radiological materials referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- that pose a high risk to homeland security in high- fairs Oct. 21, 2015. risk urban areas, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Sept. 11, 2015. Reported amended H.R. 3361.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Oct. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–295. Union Calendar. Rules 2002 to establish the Insider Threat Program, and for suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 20, 2015; Roll other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security July No. 550: 411–4. Received in Senate and referred to 29, 2015. Reported amended Nov. 2, 2015; Rept. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 21, 114–321. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 2015. House amended Nov. 2, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- H.R. 3495 (H. Res. 444).— To amend title XIX of the fairs Nov. 3, 2015. Social Security Act to allow for greater State flexibility with respect to excluding providers who are involved H.R. 3442.— To provide further means of accountability in abortions. Referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. of the United States debt and promote fiscal responsi- 11, 2015. Passed House amended Sept. 29, 2015; Roll bility. Referred to Ways and Means Sept. 8, 2015. Re- No. 524: 236–193. Received in Senate Sept. 30, 2015. ported Oct. 7, 2015; Rept. 114–291. Union Calendar ...... Union 220 H.R. 3503.— To require an assessment of fusion center personnel needs, and for other purposes. Referred to H.R. 3457 (H. Res. 449).— To prohibit the lifting of sanc- Homeland Security Sept. 11, 2015. Reported amended tions on Iran until the Government of Iran pays the Nov. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–322. Union Calendar. Rules judgments against it for acts of terrorism, and for suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 2, 2015. Re- other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Sept. 9, ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 2015. Passed House amended Oct. 1, 2015; Roll No. and Governmental Affairs Nov. 3, 2015. 533: 251–173. Received in Senate and referred to For- eign Relations Oct. 5, 2015. H.R. 3504 (H. Res. 421).— To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from H.R. 3459.— To clarify the treatment of two or more failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the employers as joint employers under the National Labor case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted Relations Act. Referred to Education and the Work- abortion. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 15, 2015. force Sept. 9, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 1, 2015; Passed House Sept. 18, 2015; Roll No. 506: 248–177. Rept. 114–355. Received in Senate Sept. 21, 2015. Ordered placed on Union Calendar ...... Union 272 the calendar Sept. 22, 2015. 7–32 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3505.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of H.R. 3614.— To amend title 49, United States Code, 2002 to improve the management and administration to extend authorizations for the airport improvement of the security clearance processes throughout the De- program, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 partment of Homeland Security, and for other pur- to extend the funding and expenditure authority of poses. Referred to Homeland Security Sept. 15, 2015. the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, and for other Reported Nov. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–323. Union Cal- purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastruc- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 2, 2015. ture and in addition to Ways and Means, and Science, Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Space, and Technology Sept. 25, 2015. Rules sus- and Governmental Affairs Nov. 3, 2015. pended. Passed House Sept. 28, 2015. Received in Sen- ate and passed Sept. 29, 2015. Presented to the Presi- H.R. 3510.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of dent Sept. 30, 2015. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Pub- 2002 to require the Secretary of Homeland Security lic Law 114–55. to develop a cybersecurity strategy for the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Referred H.R. 3654.— To require a report on United States strat- to Homeland Security Sept. 15, 2015. Reported amend- egy to combat terrorist use of social media, and for ed Oct. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–284. Union Calendar. Rules other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in ad- suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 6, 2015. Re- dition to the Judiciary, and Intelligence Sept. 30, 2015. ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Considered under suspension of rules Dec. 15, 2015. and Governmental Affairs Oct. 7, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland H.R. 3572.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. 17, 2015. 2002 to reform, streamline, and make improvements to the Department of Homeland Security and support H.R. 3750.— To waive the passport fees for first respond- the Department’s efforts to implement better policy, ers proceeding abroad to aid a foreign country suf- planning, management, and performance, and for other fering from a natural disaster. Referred to Foreign purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Sept. 18, Affairs Oct. 9, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House 2015. Reported amended Oct. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–297. amended Dec. 16, 2015; Roll No. 699: 421–2. Received Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Dec. 17, amended Oct. 20, 2015. Received in Senate and re- 2015. ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 21, 2015. H.R. 3762 (H. Res. 483).— To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 2002 of the concurrent resolution H.R. 3578.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of on the budget for fiscal year 2016. Reported from the 2002 to strengthen and make improvements to the Budget Oct. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–293. Union Calendar. Directorate of Science and Technology of the Depart- Passed House amended Oct. 23, 2015; Roll No. 568: ment of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. 240–189. Received in Senate Nov. 18, 2015. Ordered Referred to Homeland Security Sept. 18, 2015. Re- placed on the calendar Nov. 19, 2015. Considered Dec. ported amended Dec. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–372. Union 1, 2, 2015. Passed Senate with amendment Dec. 3, Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 2015; Roll No. 329: 52–47. Dec. 10, 2015; Roll No. 687: 416–0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental H.R. 3763.— To authorize funds for Federal-aid high- Affairs Dec. 14, 2015. ways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. Referred to Transportation and H.R. 3594.— To extend temporarily the Federal Perkins Infrastructure Oct. 20, 2015. Reported amended Oct. Loan program, and for other purposes. Referred to 29, 2015; Rept. 114–318. Education and the Workforce Sept. 24, 2015. Rules Union Calendar ...... Union 241 suspended. Passed House Sept. 28, 2015. Received in Senate Sept. 29, 2015. Passed Senate with amendment H.R. 3766 (S. 2184).— To direct the President to estab- Dec. 16, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment lish guidelines for United States foreign development Dec. 17, 2015. Presented to the President Dec. 18, and economic assistance programs, and for other pur- 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–105. poses. Referred to Foreign Affairs Oct. 20, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 8, 2015. Re- H.R. 3598.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of ceived in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 2002 to enhance the partnership between the Depart- Dec. 9, 2015. ment of Homeland Security and the National Network of Fusion Centers, and for other purposes. Referred H.R. 3819 (S. 1350).— To provide an extension of Fed- to Homeland Security Sept. 24, 2015. Reported amend- eral-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, ed Nov. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–324. Union Calendar. Rules transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 2, 2015. Re- Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Referred to Trans- ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security portation and Infrastructure and in addition to Energy and Governmental Affairs Nov. 3, 2015. and Commerce, Ways and Means, Natural Resources, and Science, Space, and Technology Oct. 23, 2015. H.R. 3611 (H. Res. 450) (H.R. 597) (S. 2183).— To reau- Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 27, 2015. Re- thorize and reform the Export-Import Bank of the ceived in Senate Oct. 27, 2015. Passed Senate Oct. United States, and for other purposes. Referred to Fi- 28, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 29, 2015. nancial Services Sept. 25, 2015. Approved Oct. 29, 2015. Public Law 114–73. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–33

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3831.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security H.R. 3996.— To provide an extension of Federal-aid Act to extend the annual comment period for payment highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, rates under Medicare Advantage. Referred to Ways and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust and Means and in addition to Energy and Commerce Fund, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- Oct. 26, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- tation and Infrastructure and in addition to Energy ed Dec. 10, 2015. Received in Senate Dec. 14, 2015. and Commerce, Ways and Means, Natural Resources, Passed Senate Dec. 16, 2015. Presented to the Presi- and Science, Space, and Technology Nov. 16, 2015. dent Dec. 18, 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 16, 2015. Re- Law 114–106. ceived in Senate Nov. 17, 2015. Passed Senate Nov. 19, 2015. Presented to the President Nov. 19, 2015. Approved Nov. 20, 2015. Public Law 114–87. H.R. 3842.— To improve homeland security, including domestic preparedness and response to terrorism, by H.R. 4038 (H. Res. 531).— To require that supplemental reforming Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers certifications and background investigations be com- to provide training to first responders, and for other pleted prior to the admission of certain aliens as refu- purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and in addi- gees, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary tion to the Judiciary Oct. 28, 2015. Reported amended Nov. 17, 2015. Passed House Nov. 19, 2015; Roll No. from Homeland Security Nov. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–343, 643: 289–137. Received in Senate and ordered placed Pt. I. The Judiciary discharged Nov. 19, 2015. Union on the calendar Nov. 19, 2015. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 8, 2015; Roll No. 680: 420–2. Received in Senate H.R. 4127 (H.R. 2596) (S. 1705).— To authorize appro- and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 9, 2015. priations for fiscal year 2016 for intelligence and intel- ligence-related activities of the United States Govern- ment, the Community Management Account, and the H.R. 3859.— To make technical corrections to the Home- Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability land Security Act of 2002. Referred to Homeland Secu- System, and for other purposes. Referred to Intel- rity Oct. 29, 2015. Reported Nov. 16, 2015; Rept. ligence and in addition to the Budget Nov. 30, 2015. 114–333. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 1, 2015; Roll No. House amended Dec. 8, 2015. Received in Senate and 649: 364–58. Received in Senate and ordered placed referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- on the calendar Dec. 2, 2015. fairs Dec. 9, 2015. H.R. 4188 (H.R. 1987) (S. 1611).— To authorize appro- priations for the Coast Guard for fiscal years 2016 H.R. 3869.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of and 2017, and for other purposes. Referred to Trans- 2002 to require State and local coordination on cyber- portation and Infrastructure Dec. 8, 2015. Rules sus- security with the national cybersecurity and commu- pended. Passed House Dec. 10, 2015. Received in Sen- nications integration center, and for other purposes. ate Dec. 14, 2015. Passed Senate with amendment Dec. Referred to Homeland Security Nov. 2, 2015. Reported 18, 2015. Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–363. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 10, 2015. Re- H.R. 4239.— To require intelligence community reporting ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security on foreign fighter flows to and from terrorist safe ha- and Governmental Affairs Dec. 14, 2015. vens abroad, and for other purposes. Referred to Intel- ligence Dec. 11, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 16, 2015; Roll No. 700: 423–0. Received H.R. 3875.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of in Senate and referred to Intelligence Dec. 17, 2015. 2002 to establish within the Department of Homeland Security a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, H.R. 4246.— To exempt for an additional 4-year period, and Explosives Office, and for other purposes. Referred from the application of the means-test presumption to Homeland Security Nov. 2, 2015. Reported amended of abuse under chapter 7, qualifying members of re- Nov. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–334. Union Calendar. Rules serve components of the Armed Forces and members suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 10, 2015. Re- of the National Guard who, after September 11, 2001, ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security are called to active duty or to perform a homeland and Governmental Affairs Dec. 14, 2015. defense activity for not less than 90 days. Referred to the Judiciary Dec. 15, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 16, 2015; Roll No. 696: 419–1. Re- H.R. 3878.— To enhance cybersecurity information shar- ceived in Senate and passed Dec. 17, 2015. Presented ing and coordination at ports in the United States, to the President Dec. 18, 2015. Approved Dec. 18, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security 2015. Public Law 114–107. and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure Nov. 2, 2015. Reported amended from Homeland Secu- rity Dec. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–379, Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged Dec. 15, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and referred to Com- merce, Science and Transportation Dec. 17, 2015. 7–34 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H.J. Res. 10.— Providing for the reappointment of David H.J. Res. 76.— Appointing the day for the convening M. Rubenstein as a citizen regent of the Board of of the second session of the One Hundred Fourteenth Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Referred to Congress. Passed House Dec. 15, 2015. Received in House Administration Jan. 7, 2015. Committee dis- Senate Dec. 16, 2015. Passed Senate Dec. 17, 2015. charged. Passed House Mar. 26, 2015. Received in Sen- Presented to the President Dec. 18, 2015. Approved ate Mar. 26, 2015. Passed Senate Mar. 27 (Legislative Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–108. day of Mar. 26), 2015. Presented to the President Apr. 1, 2015. Approved Apr. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–9. H.J. Res. 78.— Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2016, and for other purposes. Referred to Appropriations Dec. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. H.J. Res. 35 (H. Res. 129).— Making further continuing Passed House Dec. 16, 2015. Received in Senate and appropriations for fiscal year 2015, and for other pur- passed Dec. 16, 2015. Presented to the President Dec. poses. Referred to Appropriations Feb. 26, 2015. Failed 16, 2015. Approved Dec. 16, 2015. Public Law of passage Feb. 27, 2015; Roll No. 104: 203–224. 114–100.

H.J. Res. 43 (H. Res. 231).— Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act of 2014. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 13, 2015. Reported Apr. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–99. House Calendar. Passed House Apr. 30, 2015; SEC. 8 Roll No. 194: 228–192. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 4, 2015.

H.J. Res. 61 (H.R. 22).— Amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt employees with health cov- erage under TRICARE or the Veterans Administration from being taken into account for purposes of deter- mining the employers to which the employer mandate applies under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to the Budget July 23, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House July 27, 2015. Received in Senate July 28, 2015. Ordered placed on the calendar July 29, 2015. Consid- ered Sept. 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, 2015.

H.J. Res. 64 (H. Res. 408).— Disapproving of the agree- ment transmitted to Congress by the President on July 19, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iran. Re- ferred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to Financial Services, the Judiciary, Oversight and Government Re- form, and Ways and Means Aug. 4, 2015.

H.J. Res. 71 (S.J. Res. 23).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Pro- tection Agency relating to ‘‘Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’. Referred to Energy and Commerce Oct. 26, 2015. Reported Nov. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–348. Union Calendar ...... Union 266

H.J. Res. 72 (S.J. Res. 24).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Pro- tection Agency relating to ‘‘Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’. Referred to Energy and Commerce Oct. 26, 2015. Reported Nov. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–349. Union Calendar ...... Union 267 8–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Con. Res. 1.— Regarding consent to assemble outside H. Con. Res. 34.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation the seat of government. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to Received in Senate Jan. 7, 2015. present the Congressional Gold Medal to the American Fighter Aces. Referred to House Administration Apr. H. Con. Res. 7.— Providing for a joint session of Con- 13, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed House Apr. gress to receive a message from the President. Passed 13, 2015. Received in Senate Apr. 14, 2015. Passed House Jan. 12, 2015. Received in Senate and passed Senate Apr. 20, 2015. Jan. 13, 2015. H. Con. Res. 43.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds, the rotunda of the Capitol, and Emancipation H. Con. Res. 9.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for official Congres- Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony as sional events surrounding the visit of His Holiness part of the commemoration of the days of remembrance Pope Francis to the United States Capitol. Referred of victims of the Holocaust. Referred to House Admin- to House Administration and in addition to Transpor- istration Jan. 26, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed tation and Infrastructure Apr. 28, 2015. Committees House Apr. 13, 2015. Received in Senate and passed discharged. Passed House Apr. 30, 2015. Received in Apr. 14, 2015. Senate Apr. 30, 2015. Passed Senate May 18, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 12.— Authorizing the use of the rotunda H. Con. Res. 47 (S. 178).— To correct the enrollment of the United States Capitol for a ceremony to present of S. 178. Passed House May 20, 2015. Received in the Congressional Gold Medal to Jack Nicklaus. Re- Senate and passed May 20, 2015. ferred to House Administration Jan. 30, 2015. Com- mittee discharged. Passed House Feb. 2, 2015. Re- H. Con. Res. 48.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation ceived in Senate Feb. 3, 2015. Passed Senate Feb. Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to 4, 2015. commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam SEC. 9 War. Referred to House Administration May 20, 2015. H. Con. Res. 21.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol Committee discharged. Passed House June 1, 2015. Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. Received in Senate June 2, 2015. Passed Senate June Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 3, 3, 2015. 2015. Reported Apr. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–86. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 21, H. Con. Res. 54.— Authorizing the reprinting of the 25th 2015. Received in Senate Apr. 22, 2015. Passed Senate edition of the pocket version of the United States Con- Apr. 23, 2015. stitution. Referred to House Administration June 1, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed House June 10, H. Con. Res. 25.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol 2015. Received in Senate and passed June 11, 2015. Grounds for the National Peace Officers Memorial Service and the National Honor Guard and Pipe Band H. Con. Res. 55.— Directing the President, pursuant Exhibition. Referred to Transportation and Infrastruc- to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution, to remove ture Mar. 19, 2015. Reported Apr. 20, 2015; Rept. United States Armed Forces deployed to Iraq or Syria 114–87. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed on or after August 7, 2014, other than Armed Forces House Apr. 21, 2015; Roll No. 162: 410–0. Received required to protect United States diplomatic facilities in Senate Apr. 22, 2015. Passed Senate Apr. 23, 2015. and personnel, from Iraq and Syria. Referred to For- eign Affairs June 4, 2015. Failed of passage June 17, 2015; Roll No. 370: 139–288. H. Con. Res. 27 (H. Res. 163) (S. Con. Res. 11).— Estab- lishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2016 and setting forth appropriate budg- H. Con. Res. 64.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation etary levels for fiscal years 2017 through 2025. Re- Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to ported from the Budget Mar. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–47. present the Congressional Gold Medal to the Monu- Union Calendar. Considered Mar. 24, 2015. Passed ments Men. Referred to House Administration July House amended Mar. 25, 2015; Roll No. 142: 228–199. 22, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed House July Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 27, 2015. Received in Senate and passed July 28, 2015. Apr. 13, 2015. See S. Con. Res. 11 for further action. H. Con. Res. 70.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the District of Columbia Special Olympics H. Con. Res. 31.— Providing for a conditional adjourn- Law Enforcement Torch Run. Referred to Transpor- ment of the House of Representatives. Passed House tation and Infrastructure July 31, 2015. Committee Mar. 26, 2015. Received in Senate Mar. 26, 2015. discharged. Passed House Sept. 8, 2015. Received in Passed Senate Mar. 27 (Legislative day of Mar. 26), Senate Sept. 9, 2015. Passed Senate Sept. 16, 2015. 2015. H. Con. Res. 72.— Providing for a conditional adjourn- H. Con. Res. 32.— Providing for a conditional recess ment of the House of Representatives and a conditional or adjournment of the Senate. Passed House Mar. 26, recess or adjournment of the Senate. Passed House 2015. Received in Senate Mar. 26, 2015. Passed Senate Aug. 4, 2015. Received in Senate Aug. 4, 2015. Passed Mar. 27 (Legislative day of Mar. 26), 2015. Senate Aug. 5, 2015. 9–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Con. Res. 73.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the 2nd Annual Fallen Firefighters Con- gressional Flag Presentation Ceremony. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 8, 2015. Com- mittee discharged. Passed House Sept. 8, 2015. Re- ceived in Senate Sept. 9, 2015. Passed Senate Sept. 16, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 74.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for an event to commemorate the 20th Anni- versary of the Million Man March. Referred to Trans- portation and Infrastructure Sept. 8, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 8, 2015. Received in Senate Sept. 9, 2015. Passed Senate Sept. 16, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 79 (H. Res. 448).— Directing the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make corrections in the enrollment of H.R. 719. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to House Administration Sept. 29, 2015. Passed House Sept. 30, 2015; Roll No. 527: 241–185. Received in Senate and referred to Fi- nance Sept. 30, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 81 (H.R. 1735).— Providing for corrections to the enrollment of the bill H.R. 1735. Passed House Oct. 1, 2015. Received in Senate Oct. 1, 2015. Passed Senate Oct. 7, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 90 (S. 1356).— Directing the Secretary of the Senate to make a technical correction in the enroll- ment of S. 1356. Passed House Nov. 5, 2015. Received in Senate Nov. 5, 2015. Passed Senate with amend- ment Nov. 10, 2015. House agreed to Senate amend- ment Nov. 16, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 91.— Providing for a conditional adjourn- ment of the House of Representatives. Passed House Nov. 5, 2015. Received in Senate Nov. 5, 2015. Indefi- nitely postponed Dec. 16, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 92.— Providing for a conditional adjourn- ment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. Passed House Nov. 5, 2015. Received in Senate and passed Nov. 5, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 93 (S. Con. Res. 21).— Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the 13th Amendment. Referred to House Administration Nov. 16, 2015. Committee dis- charged. Passed House Nov. 16, 2015. Received in Sen- ate Nov. 17, 2015. Passed Senate Nov. 18, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 95.— Providing for a conditional adjourn- ment of the House of Representatives and a conditional recess or adjournment of the Senate. Passed House Nov. 19, 2015. Received in Senate and passed Nov. 19, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 102.— Providing for a joint session of Con- gress to receive a message from the President. Passed House Dec. 15, 2015. Received in Senate Dec. 16, 2015. Passed Senate Dec. 17, 2015.

H. Con. Res. 104.— Providing for the sine die adjourn- ment of the first session of the One Hundred Four- teenth Congress. Passed House Dec. 18, 2015. Received in Senate and passed Dec. 18, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 9–3

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 1.— Electing officers of the House of Representa- H. Res. 30.— Electing Members to certain standing com- tives. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Jan. 13, 2015. H. Res. 2.— To inform the Senate that a quorum of the House has assembled and of the election of the H. Res. 37.— Expressing the sense of the House of Rep- Speaker and the Clerk. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. resentatives condemning the recent terrorist attacks in Paris that resulted in the deaths of seventeen inno- H. Res. 3.— Authorizing the Speaker to appoint a com- cent persons and offering condolences to those person- mittee to notify the President of the assembly of the ally affected by this cowardly act. Referred to Foreign Congress. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. Affairs Jan. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House H. Res. 4.— Authorizing the Clerk to inform the Presi- Jan. 20, 2015. dent of the election of the Speaker and the Clerk. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. H. Res. 38 (H.R. 36) (H.R. 161).— Providing for consider- ation of the bill (H.R. 161) to provide for the timely H. Res. 5.— Adopting rules for the One Hundred Four- consideration of all licenses, permits, and approvals teenth Congress. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015; Roll No. required under Federal law with respect to the siting, 6: 234–172. construction, expansion, or operation of any natural gas pipeline projects, and providing for consideration H. Res. 6.— Electing Members to certain standing com- of the bill (H.R. 36) to amend title 18, United States mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for Jan. 6, 2015. other purposes. Reported from Rules Jan. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–3. House Calendar. Passed House Jan. 21, H. Res. 7.— Electing Members to certain standing com- 2015; Roll No. 39: 238–181. mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. H. Res. 39.— Electing Members to certain standing com- H. Res. 8.— Providing for the designation of certain mi- mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House nority employees. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. Jan. 21, 2015. H. Res. 40.— Electing Members to certain standing com- H. Res. 9.— Fixing the daily hour of meeting of the SEC. 10 First Session of the One Hundred Fourteenth Con- mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House gress. Passed House Jan. 6, 2015. Jan. 21, 2015.

H. Res. 19 (H.R. 3) (H.R. 30).— Providing for consider- H. Res. 42 (H.R. 7).— Providing for consideration of the ation of the bill (H.R. 3) to approve the Keystone XL bill (H.R. 7) to prohibit taxpayer funded abortions. Re- Pipeline, and providing for consideration of the bill ported from Rules Jan. 21, 2015; Rept. 114–4. House (H.R. 30) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Calendar. Passed House Jan. 22, 2015; Roll No. 43: to repeal the 30-hour threshold for classification as 242–179. a full-time employee for purposes of the employer man- date in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care H. Res. 48 (H.R. 351).— Providing for consideration of Act and replace it with 40 hours. Reported from Rules the bill (H.R. 351) to provide for expedited approval Jan. 7, 2015; Rept. 114–1. House Calendar. Passed of exportation of natural gas, and for other purposes. House Jan. 8, 2015; Roll No. 12: 244–181. Reported from Rules Jan. 26, 2015; Rept. 114–5. House Calendar. Passed House Jan. 27, 2015; Roll No. 46: H. Res. 20.— Authorizing the Speaker to administer the 241–169. oath of office. Passed House Jan. 7, 2015. H. Res. 50.— Calling for the release of Ukrainian fighter H. Res. 27 (H.R. 37) (H.R. 185) (H.R. 240).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 37) to make technical pilot Nadiya Savchenko, who was captured by Russian corrections to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and forces in Eastern Ukraine and has been held illegally Consumer Protection Act, to enhance the ability of in a Russian prison since July 2014. Referred to For- small and emerging growth companies to access capital eign Affairs Jan. 26, 2015. Committee discharged. through public and private markets, to reduce regu- Passed House amended Sept. 22, 2015. latory burdens, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 185) to reform the proc- H. Res. 53.— Condemning the cowardly attack on inno- ess by which Federal agencies analyze and formulate cent men, women, and children in the northeastern new regulations and guidance documents; and pro- Nigerian town of Baga. Referred to Foreign Affairs viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 240) making Jan. 27, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- appropriations for the Department of Homeland Secu- ed Mar. 23, 2015. rity for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Jan. 12, H. Res. 70 (H.R. 596).— Providing for consideration of 2015; Rept. 114–2. House Calendar. Passed House Jan. the bill (H.R. 596) to repeal the Patient Protection 13, 2015; Roll No. 21: 242–180. and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provi- sions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation H. Res. 29.— Electing Members to certain standing com- Act of 2010, and for other purposes. Reported from mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Rules Feb. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–13. House Calendar. Jan. 13, 2015. Passed House Feb. 3, 2015; Roll No. 55: 242–178. 10–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 71.— Electing Members to a certain standing H. Res. 129 (H.J. Res. 35).— Providing for consideration committee of the House of Representatives. Passed of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 35) making further House Feb. 2, 2015. continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2015, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Feb. 26, 2015; H. Res. 77.— Electing Members to certain standing com- Rept. 114–31. House Calendar. Passed House Feb. 27, mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House 2015; Roll No. 101: 240–183. Feb. 3, 2015. H. Res. 132 (H. Res. 152).— Providing for the expenses H. Res. 78 (H.R. 50) (H.R. 527).— Providing for consider- of certain committees of the House of Representatives ation of the bill (H.R. 527) to amend chapter 6 of in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. Referred title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the to House Administration Mar. 2, 2015. Reported Mar. Regulatory Flexibility Act), to ensure complete analysis 16, 2015; Rept. 114–44. House Calendar. Passed House of potential impacts on small entities of rules, and amended Mar. 19, 2015. for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 50) to provide for additional safeguards H. Res. 134 (H.R. 749).— Providing for consideration with respect to imposing Federal mandates, and for of the bill (H.R. 749) to reauthorize Federal support other purposes. Reported from Rules Feb. 3, 2015; for passenger rail programs, and for other purposes, Rept. 114–14. House Calendar. Passed House Feb. 4, and providing for proceedings during the period from 2015; Roll No. 60: 243–179. March 6, 2015, through March 13, 2015. Reported from Rules Mar. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–36. House Calendar. H. Res. 99.— Expressing the condolences of the House Passed House Mar. 3, 2015. of Representatives on the death of the Honorable Alan Nunnelee, a Representative from the State of Mis- H. Res. 138 (H.R. 1029) (H.R. 1030).— Providing for sissippi. Passed House Feb. 10, 2015. consideration of the bill (H.R. 1029) to amend the En- vironmental Research, Development, and Demonstra- H. Res. 100 (S. 1).— Providing for consideration of the tion Authorization Act of 1978 to provide for Scientific bill (S. 1) to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, and Advisory Board member qualifications, public partici- providing for proceedings during the period from Feb- pation, and for other purposes, and providing for con- ruary 16, 2015, through February 23, 2015. Reported sideration of the bill (H.R. 1030) to prohibit the Envi- from Rules Feb. 10, 2015; Rept. 114–22. House Cal- ronmental Protection Agency from proposing, final- endar. Passed House Feb. 11, 2015; Roll No. 72: izing, or disseminating regulations or assessments 248–177. based upon science that is not transparent or reproduc- ible. Reported from Rules Mar. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–37. H. Res. 101 (H.R. 636) (H.R. 644).— Providing for consid- House Calendar. Passed House Mar. 17, 2015; Roll eration of the bill (H.R. 644) to amend the Internal No. 117: 236–180. Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend and ex- pand the charitable deduction for contributions of food H. Res. 152 (H. Res. 132) (S.J. Res. 8).— Providing for inventory, and providing for consideration of the bill consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 132) providing (H.R. 636) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of for the expenses of certain committees of the House 1986 to permanently extend increased expensing limi- of Representatives in the One Hundred Fourteenth tations, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Congress, and providing for consideration of the joint Feb. 10, 2015; Rept. 114–23. House Calendar. Passed resolution (S.J. Res. 8) providing for congressional dis- House Feb. 12, 2015; Roll No. 78: 233–163. approval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the National Labor H. Res. 121 (H.R. 5) (H.R. 529).— Providing for consider- Relations Board relating to representation case proce- ation of the bill (H.R. 529) to amend the Internal Rev- dures. Reported from Rules Mar. 17, 2015; Rept. enue Code of 1986 to improve 529 plans; providing 114–45. House Calendar. Passed House Mar. 19, 2015; for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to support State Roll No. 127: 233–181. and local accountability for public education, protect State and local authority, inform parents of the per- H. Res. 155.— Electing a Member to a certain standing formance of their children’s schools, and for other pur- committee of the House of Representatives. Passed poses; and for other purposes. Reported from Rules House Mar. 18, 2015. Feb. 24, 2015; Rept. 114–28. House Calendar. Passed House Feb. 25, 2015; Roll No. 87: 243–178. H. Res. 162.— Calling on the President to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend its sov- H. Res. 124.— Electing Members to certain standing ereignty and territorial integrity. Referred to Foreign committees of the House of Representatives. Passed Affairs Mar. 23, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House House Feb. 25, 2015. Mar. 23, 2015; Roll No. 131: 348–48.

H. Res. 125 (H.R. 5).— Providing for further consider- H. Res. 163 (H. Con. Res. 27).— Providing for consider- ation of the bill (H.R. 5) to support State and local ation of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 27) accountability for public education, protect State and establishing the budget for the United States Govern- local authority, inform parents of the performance of ment for fiscal year 2016 and setting forth appropriate their children’s schools, and for other purposes. Re- budgetary levels for fiscal years 2017 through 2025. ported from Rules Feb. 25, 2015; Rept. 114–29. House Reported from Rules Mar. 23, 2015; Rept. 114–49. Calendar. Passed House Feb. 26, 2015; Roll No. 93: House Calendar. Passed House Mar. 24, 2015; Roll 234–184. No. 133: 237–180. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–3

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 165.— Electing Members to certain standing H. Res. 212 (H.R. 1560) (H.R. 1731).— Providing for committees of the House of Representatives. Passed consideration of the bill (H.R. 1560) to improve cyber- House Mar. 24, 2015. security in the United States through enhanced shar- ing of information about cybersecurity threats, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the H. Res. 171.— Electing Members to the Joint Committee bill (H.R. 1731) to amend the Homeland Security Act of Congress on the Library and the Joint Committee of 2002 to enhance multi-directional sharing of infor- on Printing. Referred to House Administration Mar. mation related to cybersecurity risks and strengthen 25, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed House Mar. privacy and civil liberties protections, and for other 26, 2015. purposes. Reported from Rules Apr. 21, 2015; Rept. 114–88. House Calendar. Passed House Apr. 22, 2015; Roll No. 164: 238–182. H. Res. 172.— Electing a Member to a certain standing committee of the House of Representatives. Passed H. Res. 219.— Electing a Member to a certain standing House Mar. 25, 2015. committee of the House of Representatives. Passed House Apr. 22, 2015. H. Res. 173 (H.R. 2).— Providing for consideration of H. Res. 223 (H.R. 2028) (H.R. 2029).— Providing for the bill (H.R. 2) to amend title XVIII of the Social consideration of the bill (H.R. 2028) making appropria- Security Act to repeal the Medicare sustainable growth tions for energy and water development and related rate and strengthen Medicare access by improving agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, physician payments and making other improvements, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Pro- the bill (H.R. 2029) making appropriations for military gram, and for other purposes, and providing for pro- construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and ceedings during the period from March 27, 2015, related agencies for the fiscal year ending September through April 10, 2015. Reported from Rules Mar. 25, 30, 2016, and for other purposes; and providing for 2015; Rept. 114–50. House Calendar. Passed House proceedings during the period from May 4, 2015, Mar. 26, 2015; Roll No. 143: 402–12. through May 11, 2015. Reported from Rules Apr. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–94. House Calendar. Passed House H. Res. 189 (H.R. 650) (H.R. 685) (S. Con. Res. 11).— Apr. 29, 2015; Roll No. 176: 240–186. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 650) to amend the Truth in Lending Act to modify the defini- H. Res. 229.— Electing Members to certain standing tions of a mortgage originator and a high-cost mort- committees of the House of Representatives. Passed gage, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 685) House Apr. 29, 2015. to amend the Truth in Lending Act to improve upon H. Res. 231 (H.R. 1732) (H.J. Res. 43) (S. Con. Res. the definitions provided for points and fees in connec- 11).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. tion with a mortgage transaction, and providing for 1732) to preserve existing rights and responsibilities the adoption of the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. with respect to waters of the United States, and for 11) setting forth the congressional budget for the other purposes; providing for consideration of the con- United States Government for fiscal year 2016 and ference report to accompany the concurrent resolution setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal (S. Con. Res. 11) setting forth the congressional budget years 2017 through 2025. Reported from Rules Apr. for the United States Government for fiscal year 2016 13, 2015; Rept. 114–65. House Calendar. Passed House and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for Apr. 14, 2015; Roll No. 149: 237–185. fiscal years 2017 through 2025; and providing for con- sideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 43) dis- H. Res. 199.— Electing Members to certain standing approving the action of the District of Columbia Coun- committees of the House of Representatives. Passed cil in approving the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimi- House Apr. 14, 2015. nation Amendment Act of 2014. Reported from Rules Apr. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–98. House Calendar. Passed House Apr. 30, 2015; Roll No. 181: 242–181. H. Res. 200 (H.R. 622) (H.R. 1105) (H.R. 1195).— Pro- viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 622) to amend H. Res. 233.— Expressing the sense of the House of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent Representatives that Iran should immediately release the deduction of State and local general sales taxes; the three United States citizens that it holds, as well providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1105) to as provide all known information on any United States amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal citizens that have disappeared within its borders. Re- the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, and ferred to Foreign Affairs Apr. 29, 2015. Rules sus- for other purposes; and providing for consideration of pended. Passed House June 15, 2015; Roll No. 364: the bill (H.R. 1195) to amend the Consumer Financial 391–0. Protection Act of 2010 to establish advisory boards, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Apr. 14, H. Res. 254.— Expressing the condolences of the House 2015; Rept. 114–74. House Calendar. Passed House of Representatives on the death of the Honorable Apr. 15, 2015; Roll No. 155: 242–182. James Claude Wright, Jr., a Representative from the State of Texas. Passed House May 12, 2015. 10–4 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 255 (H.R. 36) (H.R. 1735) (H.R. 2048).— Pro- H. Res. 274 (H.R. 1335).— Providing for consideration viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1735) to au- of the bill (H.R. 1335) to amend the Magnuson-Stevens thorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military Fishery Conservation and Management Act to provide activities of the Department of Defense and for mili- flexibility for fishery managers and stability for fisher- tary constructions, to prescribe military personnel men, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules May strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes; 19, 2015; Rept. 114–128. House Calendar. Considered providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 36) to May 20, 2015. Passed House May 21, 2015; Roll No. amend title 18, United States Code, to protect pain- capable unborn children, and for other purposes; pro- 263: 237–174. viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2048) to re- form the authorities of the Federal Government to re- H. Res. 287 (H.R. 2577) (H.R. 2578).— Providing for quire the production of certain business records, con- consideration of the bill (H.R. 2577) making appropria- duct electronic surveillance, use pen registers and trap and trace devices, and use other forms of information tions for the Departments of Transportation, and gathering for foreign intelligence, counterterrorism, Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies and criminal purposes, and for other purposes; and for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and providing for consideration of motions to suspend the for other purposes, and providing for consideration of rules. Reported from Rules May 12, 2015; Rept. the bill (H.R. 2578) making appropriations for the De- 114–111. House Calendar. Passed House May 13, 2015; partments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Re- Roll No. 221: 240–186. lated Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules H. Res. 260 (H.R. 1735).— Providing for further consider- June 1, 2015; Rept. 114–135. House Calendar. Passed ation of the bill (H.R. 1735) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the De- House June 2, 2015; Roll No. 268: 242–180. partment of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal H. Res. 288 (H.R. 2289).— Providing for consideration year, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules May of the bill (H.R. 2289) to reauthorize the Commodity 13, 2015; Rept. 114–112. House Calendar. Passed House May 14, 2015; Roll No. 225: 243–181. Futures Trading Commission, to better protect futures customers, to provide end-users with market certainty, H. Res. 271 (H.R. 1806) (H.R. 2250) (H.R. 2353).— Pro- to make basic reforms to ensure transparency and ac- viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1806) to pro- countability at the Commission, to help farmers, vide for technological innovation through the ranchers, and end-users manage risks, to help keep prioritization of Federal investment in basic research, consumer costs low, and for other purposes. Reported fundamental scientific discovery, and development to from Rules June 2, 2015; Rept. 114–136. House Cal- improve the competitiveness of the United States, and endar. Passed House June 3, 2015; Roll No. 274: for other purposes; providing for consideration of the 243–182. bill (H.R. 2250) making appropriations for the Legisla- tive Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes; and providing for consid- H. Res. 292.— Permitting official photographs of the eration of the bill (H.R. 2353) to provide an extension House of Representatives to be taken while the House of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier is in actual session on a date designated by the Speak- safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Reported er. Referred to House Administration June 3, 2015. from Rules May 18, 2015; Rept. 114–120. House Cal- Committee discharged. Passed House June 10, 2015. endar. Passed House May 19, 2015; Roll No. 243: 242–179. H. Res. 293.— Expressing concern over anti-Israel and H. Res. 272.— Electing Members to certain standing anti-Semitic incitement within the Palestinian Author- committees of the House of Representatives. Passed ity. Referred to Foreign Affairs June 3, 2015. Rules House May 19, 2015. suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 2, 2015.

H. Res. 273 (H.R. 880) (H.R. 2262).— Providing for con- sideration of the bill (H.R. 2262) to facilitate a pro- H. Res. 295.— Supporting local law enforcement agencies growth environment for the developing commercial in their continued work to serve our communities, and space industry by encouraging private sector invest- supporting their use of body worn cameras to promote ment and creating more stable and predictable regu- transparency to protect both citizens and officers alike. latory conditions, and for other purposes; providing for Referred to the Judiciary June 3, 2015. Considered consideration of the bill (H.R. 880) to amend the Inter- under suspension of rules June 9, 2015. Rules sus- nal Revenue Code of 1986 to simplify and make perma- pended. Passed House June 10, 2015; Roll No. 331: nent the research credit; providing for consideration 421–6. of motions to suspend the rules; and providing for pro- ceedings during the period from May 22, 2015, through May 29, 2015. Reported from Rules May 19, 2015; H. Res. 299.— On the passing of Joseph Robinette Biden, Rept. 114–127. House Calendar. Passed House May III. Passed House June 4, 2015. 20, 2015; Roll No. 251: 240–185. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–5

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 303 (H.R. 2393) (H.R. 2685).— Providing for H. Res. 333 (H.R. 2042) (H.R. 2822).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2685) making appropria- consideration of the bill (H.R. 2822) making appropria- tions for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year tions for the Department of the Interior, environment, ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2393) tember 30, 2016, and for other purposes; providing to amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2042) to allow for repeal country of origin labeling requirements with re- judicial review of any final rule addressing carbon di- spect to beef, pork, and chicken, and for other pur- oxide emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired electric poses. Reported from Rules June 9, 2015; Rept. utility generating units before requiring compliance 114–145. House Calendar. Passed House June 10, with such rule, and to allow States to protect house- 2015; Roll No. 330: 244–187. holds and businesses from significant adverse effects on electricity ratepayers or reliability; and providing for proceedings during the period from June 26, 2015, H. Res. 304.— Electing certain Members to standing through July 6, 2015. Reported from Rules June 23, committees of the House of Representatives. Passed 2015; Rept. 114–177. House Calendar. Passed House House June 10, 2015. June 24, 2015; Roll No. 380: 244–178.

H. Res. 305 (H.R. 644) (H.R. 1314).— Providing for con- H. Res. 337.— Calling for substantive dialogue, without sideration of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. preconditions, in order to address Tibetan grievances 1314) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and secure a negotiated agreement for the Tibetan to provide for a right to an administrative appeal relat- people. Referred to Foreign Affairs June 24, 2015. ing to adverse determinations of tax-exempt status of Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 8, 2015. certain organizations, and providing for consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 644) to H. Res. 338 (H.R. 1295).— Providing for consideration amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to perma- of the Senate amendment to the House amendment nently extend and expand the charitable deduction for to the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 1295) to contributions of food inventory. Reported from Rules extend the African Growth and Opportunity Act, the June 11, 2015; Rept. 114–146. House Calendar. Passed Generalized System of Preferences, the preferential House June 11, 2015; Roll No. 359: 217–212. duty treatment program for Haiti, and for other pur- poses. Reported from Rules June 24, 2015; Rept. 114–179. House Calendar. Passed House June 25, H. Res. 310.— Expressing the sense of the House of 2015; Roll No. 386: 251–176. Representatives regarding Srebrenica. Referred to For- eign Affairs June 12, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed H. Res. 340 (H.R. 1735).— Returning to the Senate H.R. House July 8, 2015. 1735, a bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the Department of De- H. Res. 315 (H.R. 2596).— Providing for consideration fense, for military construction, and for defense activi- of the bill (H.R. 2596) to authorize appropriations for ties of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military fiscal year 2016 for intelligence and intelligence-related personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other activities of the United States Government, the Com- purposes, with the Senate amendment thereto. Passed munity Management Account, and the Central Intel- House June 25, 2015. ligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and H. Res. 341.— Raising a question of the privileges of for other purposes. Reported from Rules June 15, 2015; the House. Referred to House Administration June 25, Rept. 114–155. House Calendar. Passed House June 2015; Roll No. 385: 240–184. 16, 2015; Roll No. 366: 236–189. H. Res. 347 (H.R. 5) (H.R. 2647).— Providing for further H. Res. 319 (H.R. 160) (H.R. 1190).— Providing for con- consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to support State and sideration of the bill (H.R. 160) to amend the Internal local accountability for public education, protect State Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on med- and local authority, inform parents of the performance ical devices, and providing for consideration of the bill of their children’s schools, and for other purposes, and (H.R. 1190) to repeal the provisions of the Patient providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2647) to Protection and Affordable Care Act providing for the expedite under the National Environmental Policy Act Independent Payment Advisory Board. Reported from and improve forest management activities in units of Rules June 16, 2015; Rept. 114–157. House Calendar. the National Forest System derived from the public Passed House June 17, 2015; Roll No. 372: 241–186. domain, on public lands under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, and on tribal lands to H. Res. 321 (H.R. 2146).— Providing for consideration return resilience to overgrown, fire-prone forested of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 2146) to lands, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow July 7, 2015; Rept. 114–192. House Calendar. Passed Federal law enforcement officers, firefighters, and air House July 8, 2015; Roll No. 392: 242–185. traffic controllers to make penalty-free withdrawals H. Res. 348.— Supporting the right of the people of from governmental plans after age 50, and for other Ukraine to freely elect their government and deter- purposes. Reported from Rules June 17, 2015; Rept. mine their future. Referred to Foreign Affairs July 114–167. House Calendar. Passed House June 18, 7, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 2015; Roll No. 373: 244–181. 20, 2015; Roll No. 552: 413–4. 10–6 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 350 (H.R. 6).— Providing for consideration of H. Res. 387.— Electing a Member to a certain standing the bill (H.R. 6) to accelerate the discovery, develop- committee of the House of Representatives. Passed ment, and delivery of 21st century cures, and for other House July 28, 2015. purposes. Reported from Rules July 8, 2015; Rept. 114–193. House Calendar. Passed House July 9, 2015; H. Res. 388 (H.R. 1994) (H.R. 3236).— Providing for Roll No. 430: 244–183. consideration of the bill (H.R. 1994) to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for the removal H. Res. 354.— Expressing the sense of the House of or demotion of employees of the Department of Vet- Representatives regarding the safety and security of erans Affairs based on performance or misconduct, and Jewish communities in Europe. Referred to Foreign for other purposes, and providing for consideration of Affairs July 9, 2015. Considered under suspension of the bill (H.R. 3236) to provide an extension of Federal- rules Nov. 2, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, amended Nov. 3, 2015; Roll No. 585: 418–0. transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, to provide resource flexibility to the De- H. Res. 355.— Raising a question of the privileges of partment of Veterans Affairs for health care services, the House. Committed to House Administration July and for other purposes. Reported from Rules July 28, 9, 2015; Roll No. 426: 238–176. 2015; Rept. 114–234. House Calendar. Passed House July 29, 2015; Roll No. 484: 243–183. H. Res. 362 (H.R. 2898) (H.R. 3038).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2898) to provide drought H. Res. 408 (H.J. Res. 64).— Providing for consideration relief in the State of California, and for other purposes, of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 64) disapproving of and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3038) the agreement transmitted to Congress by the Presi- to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, high- dent on July 19, 2015, relating to the nuclear program way safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other of Iran; and for other purposes. Reported from Rules programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–256. House Calendar. Laid for other purposes. Reported from Rules July 14, 2015; on the table pursuant to H. Res. 421 Sept. 17, 2015. Rept. 114–204. House Calendar. Passed House July 15, 2015; Roll No. 439: 245–183. H. Res. 411 (H. Res. 412).— Finding that the President has not complied with section 2 of the Iran Nuclear H. Res. 369 (H.R. 1599) (H.R. 1734).— Providing for Agreement Review Act of 2015. Referred to Foreign consideration of the bill (H.R. 1599) to amend the Fed- Affairs and in addition to Financial Services, the Judi- eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to ciary, Oversight and Government Reform, and Ways food produced from, containing, or consisting of a bio- and Means Sept. 9, 2015. Passed House Sept. 10, 2015; engineered organism, the labeling of natural foods, and Roll No. 492: 245–186. for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1734) to amend subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act to encourage recovery and bene- H. Res. 412 (H. Res. 411) (H.R. 3460) (H.R. 3461).— ficial use of coal combustion residuals and establish Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. requirements for the proper management and disposal 411) finding that the President has not complied with of coal combustion residuals that are protective of section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act human health and the environment. Reported from of 2015; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. Rules July 21, 2015; Rept. 114–216. House Calendar. 3461) to approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Ac- Passed House July 22, 2015; Roll No. 451: 242–175. tion, signed at Vienna on July 14, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iran; and providing for consid- H. Res. 370 (H.R. 3009).— Providing for consideration eration of the bill (H.R. 3460) to suspend until January of the bill (H.R. 3009) to amend section 241(i) of the 21, 2017, the authority of the President to waive, sus- Immigration and Nationality Act to deny assistance pend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit under such section to a State or political subdivision the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement of a State that prohibits its officials from taking cer- related to the nuclear program of Iran. Reported from tain actions with respect to immigration. Reported Rules Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–259. House Calendar. from Rules July 22, 2015; Rept. 114–223. House Cal- Passed House Sept. 10, 2015; Roll No. 491: 243–186. endar. Passed House July 23, 2015; Roll No. 464: 243–174. H. Res. 420 (H.R. 348) (H.R. 758).— Providing for consid- eration of the bill (H.R. 348) to provide for improved H. Res. 380 (H.R. 427).— Providing for consideration coordination of agency actions in the preparation and of the bill (H.R. 427) to amend chapter 8 of title 5, adoption of environmental documents for permitting United States Code, to provide that major rules of determinations, and for other purposes; providing for the executive branch shall have no force or effect un- consideration of the bill (H.R.758) to amend Rule 11 less a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law; of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to improve providing for proceedings during the period from July attorney accountability, and for other purposes; and 30, 2015, through September 7, 2015; and for other providing for consideration of motions to suspend the purposes. Reported from Rules July 27, 2015; Rept. rules. Reported from Rules Sept. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–230. House Calendar. Passed House July 28, 2015; 114–261. House Calendar. Passed House amended Roll No. 471: 240–167. Sept. 17, 2015; Roll No. 499: 238–183. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–7

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 421 (H.R. 3134) (H.R. 3504) (H. Res. 408) (S. H. Res. 450 (H.R. 597).— Providing for the consideration 764) (S. 1603).— Providing for consideration of the of the bill (H.R. 597) to reauthorize the Export-Import bill (H.R. 3134) to provide for a moratorium on Federal Bank of the United States, and for other purposes. funding to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Referred to Rules Sept. 30, 2015. Discharge petition Inc.; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3504) filed Oct. 9, 2015; Pet. 114–2. Required signatures at- to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a tained and entered Oct. 9, 2015. Discharge Calendar. health care practitioner from failing to exercise the Considered Oct. 26, 2015. Passed House Oct. 27, 2015; proper degree of care in the case of a child who sur- Roll No. 573: 275–154. vives an abortion or attempted abortion; and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Sept. 16, 2015; Rept. H. Res. 461.— Establishing a Select Investigative Panel 114–262. House Calendar. Passed House Sept. 17, of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Reported 2015; Roll No. 503: 246–179. from Rules Oct. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–288. House Cal- endar. Passed House amended Oct. 7, 2015; Roll No. 538: 242–184. H. Res. 434 (H.R. 719).— Providing for the concurrence by the House in the Senate amendment to H.R. 719, H. Res. 462 (H.R. 3192).— Providing for consideration with an amendment. Rules suspended. Passed House of the bill (H.R. 3192) to provide for a temporary safe Sept. 24, 2015. harbor from the enforcement of integrated disclosure requirements for mortgage loan transactions under the H. Res. 442.— Electing a Member to certain standing Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 and committees of the House of Representatives. Passed the Truth in Lending Act, and for other purposes, and House Sept. 25, 2015. providing for proceedings during the period from Octo- ber 12, 2015, through October 19, 2015. Reported from H. Res. 444 (H.R. 3495).— Providing for consideration Rules Oct. 6, 2015; Rept. 114–289. House Calendar. of the bill (H.R. 3495) to amend title XIX of the Social Passed House Oct. 7, 2015; Roll No. 537: 238–181. Security Act to allow for greater State flexibility with H. Res. 466 (H.R. 538) (H.R. 702).— Providing for consid- respect to excluding providers who are involved in eration of the bill (H.R. 538) to facilitate the develop- abortions, and waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) ment of energy on Indian lands by reducing Federal of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain regulations that impede tribal development of Indian resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. Re- lands, and for other purposes, and providing for consid- ported from Rules Sept. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–269. eration of the bill (H.R. 702) to adapt to changing House Calendar. Passed House Sept. 29, 2015; Roll crude oil market conditions. Reported from Rules Oct. No. 522: 242–183. 7, 2015; Rept. 114–290. House Calendar. Passed House Oct. 8, 2015; Roll No. 542: 244–185. H. Res. 448 (H.R. 719) (H. Con. Res. 79).— Providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. H. Res. 480 (H.R. 10) (H.R. 692).— Providing for consid- Res. 79) directing the Clerk of the House of Represent- eration of the bill (H.R. 10) to reauthorize the Scholar- atives to make corrections in the enrollment of H.R. ships for Opportunity and Results Act, and for other 719, and providing for consideration of the Senate purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill amendment to the House amendment to the Senate (H.R. 692) to ensure the payment of interest and prin- amendment to the bill (H.R. 719) to require the Trans- cipal of the debt of the United States. Reported from portation Security Administration to conform to exist- Rules Oct. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–300. House Calendar. ing Federal law and regulations regarding criminal Passed House Oct. 21, 2015; Roll No. 554: 245–182. investigator positions, and for other purposes. Re- ported from Rules Sept. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–272. H. Res. 481 (H.R. 1937).— Providing for consideration House Calendar. Passed House Sept. 30, 2015; Roll of the bill (H.R. 1937) to require the Secretary of the No. 525: 239–187. Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more effi- ciently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance H. Res. 449 (H.R. 1735) (H.R. 3457).— Providing for to United States economic and national security and consideration of the bill (H.R. 3457) to prohibit the manufacturing competitiveness. Reported from Rules lifting of sanctions on Iran until the Government of Oct. 20, 2015; Rept. 114–301. House Calendar. Passed Iran pays the judgments against it for acts of ter- House Oct. 21, 2015; Roll No. 556: 244–185. rorism, and for other purposes; providing for consider- ation of the conference report to accompany the bill H. Res. 483 (H.R. 3762).— Providing for consideration (H.R. 1735) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year of the bill (H.R. 3762) to provide for reconciliation pur- 2016 for military activities of the Department of De- suant to section 2002 of the concurrent resolution on fense, for military construction, and for defense activi- the budget for fiscal year 2016; waiving a requirement ties of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on purposes; and providing for consideration of motions Rules; and providing for consideration of motions to to suspend the rules. Reported from Rules Sept. 30, suspend the rules. Reported from Rules Oct. 21, 2015; 2015; Rept. 114–273. House Calendar. Passed House Rept. 114–303. House Calendar. Passed House Oct. Oct. 1, 2015; Roll No. 530: 241–181. 22, 2015; Roll No. 567: 240–187. 10–8 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 491 (H.R. 1090).— Providing for consideration H. Res. 526 (H.R. 511) (H.R. 1737) (S. 1177).— Providing of the bill (H.R. 1090) to amend the Securities Ex- for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1737) to nullify cer- change Act of 1934 to provide protections for retail tain guidance of the Bureau of Consumer Financial customers, and for other purposes. Reported from Protection and to provide requirements for guidance Rules Oct. 26, 2015; Rept. 114–313. House Calendar. issued by the Bureau with respect to indirect auto Passed House Oct. 27, 2015; Roll No. 571: 244–186. lending; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 511) to clarify the rights of Indians and Indian tribes H. Res. 495 (H.R. 1314).— Providing for consideration on Indian lands under the National Labor Relations of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 1314) to Act; and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Nov. amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 16, 2015; Rept. 114–340. House Calendar. Passed for a right to an administrative appeal relating to ad- House Nov. 17, 2015; Roll No. 630: 243–181. verse determinations of tax-exempt status of certain organizations. Reported from Rules Oct. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–315. House Calendar. Passed House Oct. H. Res. 529 (H.R. 1210) (H.R. 3189).— Providing for 28, 2015; Roll No. 578: 392–37. consideration of the bill (H.R. 1210) to amend the Truth in Lending Act to provide a safe harbor from certain requirements related to qualified mortgages for H. Res. 503.— Authorizing the Clerk to inform the Presi- residential mortgage loans held on an originating de- dent of the election of the Speaker. Passed House Oct. pository institution’s portfolio, and for other purposes; 29, 2015. providing for consideration of the bill (H.R 3189) to amend the Federal Reserve Act to establish require- H. Res. 504.— To inform the Senate the election of the ments for policy rules and blackout periods of the Fed- Speaker. Passed House Oct. 29, 2015. eral Open Market Committee, to establish require- ments for certain activities of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and to amend title H. Res. 507 (H.R. 22).— Providing for consideration of 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 22) to amend the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt employ- ees with health coverage under TRICARE or the Vet- is audited, and for other purposes; and providing for erans Administration from being taken into account proceedings during the period from November 20, for purposes of determining the employers to which 2015, through November 27, 2015. Reported from the employer mandate applies under the Patient Pro- Rules Nov. 17, 2015; Rept. 114–341. House Calendar. tection and Affordable Care Act; providing for pro- Passed House Nov. 18, 2015; Roll No. 634: 243–184. ceedings during the period from November 6, 2015, through November 13, 2015; and providing for consid- eration of motions to suspend the rules. Reported from H. Res. 531 (H.R. 4038).— Providing for consideration Rules Nov. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–325. House Calendar. of the bill (H.R. 4038) to require that supplemental Passed House amended Nov. 3, 2015; Roll No. 584: certifications and background investigations be com- 248–171. pleted prior to the admission of certain aliens as refu- gees, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Nov. 18, 2015; Rept. 114–342. House Calendar. Passed H. Res. 512 (H.R. 22).— Providing for further consider- House Nov. 19, 2015; Roll No. 639: 242–183. ation of the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 22) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt employees with health coverage under TRICARE or H. Res. 536.— Supporting freedom of the press in Latin the Veterans Administration from being taken into ac- America and the Caribbean and condemning violations count for purposes of determining the employers to of press freedom and violence against journalists, which the employer mandate applies under the Patient bloggers, and individuals exercising their right to free- Protection and Affordable Care Act. Reported from dom of speech. Referred to Foreign Affairs Nov. 19, Rules Nov. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–326. House Calendar. 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. Passed House Nov. 4, 2015; Roll No. 598: 243–183. 15, 2015; Roll No. 694: 399–2.

H. Res. 517.— Electing Members to a certain standing committee of the House of Representatives. Passed House Nov. 5, 2015.

H. Res. 524.— Condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, on November 13, 2015, that resulted in the loss of at least 129 lives. Referred to Foreign Affairs Nov. 16, 2015. Rules sus- pended. Passed House amended Nov. 17, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–9

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 539 (H.R. 8) (S.J. Res. 23) (S.J. Res. 24).— Pro- H. Res. 566 (H.R. 2029).— Providing for consideration viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8) to mod- of the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 2029) mak- ernize energy infrastructure, build a 21st century en- ing appropriations for military construction, the De- ergy and manufacturing workforce, bolster America’s partment of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for energy security and diplomacy, and promote energy the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for efficiency and government accountability, and for other other purposes; providing for proceedings during the purposes; providing for consideration of the joint reso- period from December 19, 2015, through January 4, lution (S.J. Res. 23) providing for congressional dis- 2016; and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Dec. approval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States 16, 2015; Rept. 114–382. House Calendar. Passed Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Pro- House Dec. 17, 2015; Roll No. 702: 240–185. tection Agency relating to ‘‘Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’; and providing for consideration of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 24) providing for congres- sional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ‘‘Carbon Pollution Emis- sion Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Elec- tric Utility Generating Units’’. Reported from Rules Nov. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–353. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 1, 2015; Roll No. 647: 243–181.

H. Res. 542 (H.R. 8) (S. 1177).— Providing for further consideration of the bill (H.R. 8) to modernize energy infrastructure, build a 21st century energy and manu- facturing workforce, bolster America’s energy security and diplomacy, and promote energy efficiency and gov- ernment accountability, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the conference report to accompany the bill (S. 1177) to reauthorize the Ele- mentary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to en- sure that every child achieves. Reported from Rules Dec. 1, 2015; Rept. 114–359. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 2, 2015; Roll No. 654: 240–181.

H. Res. 546 (H.R. 22).— Providing for consideration of the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 22) to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Dec. 2, 2015; Rept. 114–360. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 3, 2015; Roll No. 667: 384–40.

H. Res. 555.— Electing a Member to a certain standing committee of the House of Representatives. Passed House Dec. 8, 2015.

H. Res. 556 (H.R. 2130).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2130) to provide legal certainty to property owners along the Red River in Texas, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. Reported from Rules Dec. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–375. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 9, 2015; Roll No. 683: 241–183.

H. Res. 560 (H.R. 644) (H.R. 2250).— Providing for con- sideration of the conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 644) to reauthorize trade facilitation and trade enforcement functions and activities, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 2250) making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other pur- poses. Reported from Rules Dec. 10, 2015; Rept. 114–378. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 11, 2015; Roll No. 691: 236–174. 10–10 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1 (H. Res. 100).— To approve the Keystone XL Pipe- S. 142.— To require the Consumer Product Safety Com- line. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 7, 2015. mission to promulgate a rule to require child safety Considered Jan. 13, 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 2015. packaging for liquid nicotine containers, and for other Passed Senate amended Jan. 29, 2015; Roll No. 49: purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- 62–36. Received in House and held at desk Jan. 30, portation Jan. 8, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 13, 2015. Passed House Feb. 11, 2015; Roll No. 75: 2015; Rept. 114–12. Passed Senate amended Dec. 10, 270–152. Presented to the President Feb. 24, 2015. 2015. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 11, Vetoed Feb. 24, 2015. Senate sustained Presidential 2015. veto Mar. 4, 2015; Roll No. 68: 62–37. S. 143.— To allow for improvements to the United States S. 32.— To provide the Department of Justice with addi- Merchant Marine Academy and for other purposes. Re- tional tools to target extraterritorial drug trafficking ferred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. activity, and for other purposes. Referred to Finance 9, 2015. Reported May 21, 2015; Rept. 114–51. Passed Jan. 6, 2015. Committee discharged Jan. 13, 2015. Re- Senate July 9, 2015. Received in House and held at ferred to the Judiciary Jan. 13, 2015. Reported Sept. desk July 13, 2015. 17, 2015; no written report. Ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 17, 2015. Passed Senate Oct. 7, 2015. S. 145.— To require the Director of the National Park Received in House and referred to the Judiciary and Service to refund to States all State funds that were in addition to Energy and Commerce Oct. 8, 2015. used to reopen and temporarily operate a unit of the National Park System during the October 2013 shut- S. 35.— To extend the Federal recognition to the Little down. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana, and for 12, 2015. Reported Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–124. other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 6, 2015. Reported Sept. 10, 2015; Rept. 114–139. S. 147.— To approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Reported from Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2015; S. 95.— To terminate the $1 presidential coin program. Rept. 114–1. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs Jan. 7, 2015. Committee discharged Apr. 14, S. 152.— To prohibit gaming activities on certain Indian 2015. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs land in Arizona until the expiration of certain gaming Apr. 14, 2015. compacts. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 13, 2015. Reported Dec. 18, 2015; Rept. 114–199. S. 125.— To amend title I of the Omnibus Crime Control S. 165.— To extend and enhance prohibitions and limita- SEC. 11 and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to extend the authoriza- tions with respect to the transfer or release of individ- tion of the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Pro- uals detained at United States Naval Station, Guanta- gram through fiscal year 2020, and for other purposes. namo Bay, Cuba, and for other purposes. Referred to Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 8, 2015. Reported Mar. Armed Services Jan. 13, 2015. Reported amended Feb. 26, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate amended 23, 2015; no written report. May 6, 2015. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary May 8, 2015. S. 166.— To stop exploitation through trafficking. Re- ferred to the Judiciary Jan. 13, 2015. Reported amend- S. 136.— To amend chapter 21 of title 5, United States ed Mar. 2, 2015; no written report. Code, to provide that fathers of certain permanently disabled or deceased veterans shall be included with S. 178 (H. Con. Res. 47).— To provide justice for the mothers of such veterans as preference eligibles for victims of trafficking. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. treatment in the civil service. Referred to Homeland 13, 2015. Reported amended Mar. 2, 2015; no written Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 8, 2015. Re- report. Considered Mar. 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, ported May 5, 2015; Rept. 114–35. Passed Senate May Apr. 14, 16, 20, 21, 2015. Passed Senate amended Apr. 11, 2015. Received in House and referred to Oversight 22, 2015; Roll No. 163: 99–0. Received in House and and Government Reform May 12, 2015. Reported Sept. held at desk Apr. 23, 2015. Considered under suspen- 18, 2015; Rept. 114–263. Union Calendar. Rules sus- sion of rules May 18, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed pended. Passed House Sept. 28, 2015. Presented to House May 19, 2015; Roll No. 244: 420–3. Presented the President Sept. 30, 2015. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. to the President May 21, 2015. Approved May 29, Public Law 114–62. 2015. Public Law 114–22.

S. 139.— To permanently allow an exclusion under the S. 179.— To designate the facility of the United States Supplemental Security Income program and the Med- Postal Service located at 14 3rd Avenue, NW, in Chis- icaid program for compensation provided to individuals holm, Minnesota, as the ‘‘James L. Oberstar Memorial who participate in clinical trials for rare diseases or Post Office Building’’. Referred to Homeland Security conditions. Referred to Finance Jan. 8, 2015. Com- and Governmental Affairs Jan. 13, 2015. Reported May mittee discharged. Passed Senate July 16, 2015. Re- 6, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate May 11, ceived in House and referred to Ways and Means and 2015. Received in House and referred to Oversight and in addition to Energy and Commerce July 20, 2015. Government Reform May 12, 2015. Rules suspended. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 28, 2015. Pre- Passed House July 13, 2015. Presented to the Presi- sented to the President Sept. 30, 2015. Approved Oct. dent July 14, 2015. Approved July 20, 2015. Public 7, 2015. Public Law 114–63. Law 114–37. 11–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 184 (H.R. 1168).— To amend the Indian Child Protec- S. 248 (H.R. 511).— To clarify the rights of Indians and tion and Family Violence Prevention Act to require Indian tribes on Indian lands under the National background checks before foster care placements are Labor Relations Act. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. ordered in tribal court proceedings, and for other pur- 22, 2015. Reported Sept. 10, 2015; Rept. 114–140. poses. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 16, 2015. Re- ported May 11, 2015; Rept. 114–37. Passed Senate June 1, 2015. Received in House and held at desk S. 253.— To amend the Communications Act of 1934 June 1, 2015. to consolidate the reporting obligations of the Federal Communications Commission in order to improve con- S. 192.— To reauthorize the Older Americans Act of gressional oversight and reduce reporting burdens. Re- 1965, and for other purposes. Referred to Health, Edu- ferred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. cation, Labor, and Pensions Jan. 20, 2015. Reported 26, 2015. Reported amended May 22, 2015; Rept. Feb. 3, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate July 114–58. Passed Senate amended June 10, 2015. Re- 16, 2015. Received in House and referred to Education ceived in House and held at desk June 11, 2015. and the Workforce July 20, 2015. S. 261.— To designate the United States courthouse lo- S. 209.— To amend the Indian Tribal Energy Develop- cated at 200 NW 4th Street in Oklahoma City, Okla- ment and Self-Determination Act of 2005, and for homa, as the William J. Holloway, Jr. United States other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 21, Courthouse. Referred to Environment and Public 2015. Reported Sept. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–149. Passed Works Jan. 27, 2015. Reported May 4, 2015; no written Senate amended Dec. 10, 2015. Received in House and report. Passed Senate May 21, 2015. Received in referred to Natural Resources and in addition to En- House and referred to Transportation and Infrastruc- ergy and Commerce Dec. 11, 2015. ture May 22, 2015. Reported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. S. 227.— To strengthen the Federal education research 114–248. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed system to make research and evaluations more timely House Sept. 24, 2015. Presented to the President Sept. and relevant to State and local needs in order to in- 29, 2015. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law crease student achievement. Referred to Health, Edu- 114–64. cation, Labor, and Pensions Jan. 21, 2015. Reported Feb. 4, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate amend- S. 267.— To authorize the transfer of certain items ed Dec. 17, 2015. Received in House and referred to under the control of the Omar Bradley Foundation Education and the Workforce Dec. 18, 2015. to the descendants of General Omar Bradley. Referred to Armed Services Jan. 27, 2015. Committee dis- S. 230.— To provide for the conveyance of certain prop- charged. Passed Senate Aug. 4, 2015. Received in erty to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation lo- House and referred to Armed Services Sept. 8, 2015. cated in Bethel, Alaska. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 21, 2015. Reported May 11, 2015; Rept. 114–38. Passed Senate amended June 25, 2015. Received in House S. 272.— Making appropriations for the Department of and held at desk June 25, 2015. Rules suspended. Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- Passed House Sept. 16, 2015. Presented to the Presi- tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes. Ordered dent Sept. 21, 2015. Approved Sept. 30, 2015. Pub- placed on the calendar Jan. 28, 2015. lic Law 114–56.

S. 238.— To amend title 18, United States Code, to au- S. 280.— To improve the efficiency, management, and thorize the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to issue interagency coordination of the Federal permitting oleoresin capsicum spray to officers and employees of process through reforms overseen by the Director of the Bureau of Prisons. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. the Office of Management and Budget, and for other 22, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- 16, 2015. Received in House and referred to the Judici- mental Affairs Jan. 28, 2015. Reported amended Aug. ary Dec. 16, 2015. 4, 2015; Rept. 114–113.

S. 242 (H.R. 313).— To amend title 5, United States S. 282 (H.R. 598).— To provide taxpayers with an annual Code, to provide leave to any new Federal employee report disclosing the cost and performance of Govern- who is a veteran with a service-connected disability ment programs and areas of duplication among them, rated at 30 percent or more for purposes of undergoing and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security medical treatment for such disability, and for other and Governmental Affairs Jan. 28, 2015. Reported purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- amended June 24, 2015; Rept. 114–71. mental Affairs Jan. 22, 2015. Reported July 23, 2015; Rept. 114–89. Passed Senate July 28, 2015. Received in House and held at desk July 29, 2015. S. 284.— To impose sanctions with respect to foreign persons responsible for gross violations of internation- S. 246.— To establish the Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter ally recognized human rights, and for other purposes. Soboleff Commission on Native Children, and for other Referred to Foreign Relations Jan. 28, 2015. Reported purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 22, 2015. amended July 29, 2015; no written report. Passed Sen- Reported amended May 11, 2015; Rept. 114–39. Passed ate amended Dec. 17, 2015. Received in House and Senate amended June 1, 2015. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 18, 2015. referred to Natural Resources June 1, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–3

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 286.— To amend the Indian Self-Determination and S. 339.— To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Education Assistance Act to provide further self-gov- Care Act and the Health Care and Education Rec- ernance by Indian tribes, and for other purposes. Re- onciliation Act of 2010 entirely. Ordered placed on the ferred to Indian Affairs Jan. 28, 2015. Reported May calendar Feb. 3, 2015. 22, 2015; Rept. 114–60. Passed Senate amended July 7, 2015. Received in House and held at desk July 8, 2015. Referred to Natural Resources July 22, 2015. S. 349.— To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to empower individuals with disabilities to establish S. 295.— To amend section 2259 of title 18, United their own supplemental needs trusts. Referred to Fi- States Code, and for other purposes. Referred to the nance Feb. 3, 2015. Reported July 30, 2015; Rept. Judiciary Jan. 28, 2015. Reported Feb. 9, 2015; no 114–99. Passed Senate Sept. 9, 2015. Received in written report. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. House and referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. 9, 2015. Passed Senate amended Feb. 11, 2015; Roll 10, 2015. No. 55: 98–0. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary Feb. 12, 2015. S. 373.— To provide for the establishment of nationally S. 301 (H.R. 893).— To require the Secretary of the uniform and environmentally sound standards gov- Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the cen- erning discharges incidental to the normal operation tennial of Boys Town, and for other purposes. Referred of a vessel. Referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Jan. 29, 2015. portation Feb. 4, 2015. Reported amended July 29, Committee discharged. Passed Senate Mar. 24, 2015. 2015; Rept. 114–96. Received in House and held at desk Mar. 25, 2015.

S. 304.— To improve motor vehicle safety by encouraging S. 403.— To revise the authorized route of the North the sharing of certain information. Referred to Com- Country National Scenic Trail in northeastern Min- merce, Science and Transportation Jan. 29, 2015. Re- nesota and to extend the trail into Vermont to connect ported amended Apr. 13, 2015; Rept. 114–13. Passed with the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, and for Senate amended Apr. 28, 2015. Received in House and other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- referred to Energy and Commerce Apr. 29, 2015. sources Feb. 5, 2015. Reported amended Sept. 9, 2015; S. 310.— To prohibit the use of Federal funds for the Rept. 114–125. costs of painting portraits of officers and employees of the Federal Government. Referred to Homeland Se- S. 405 (S. 556).— To protect and enhance opportunities curity and Governmental Affairs Jan. 29, 2015. Re- for recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for ported July 27, 2015; Rept. 114–93. other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. S. 313.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security 9, 2015. Act to add physical therapists to the list of providers allowed to utilize locum tenens arrangements under S. 465.— To extend Federal recognition to the Chicka- Medicare. Referred to Finance Jan. 29, 2015. Reported hominy Indian Tribe, the Chickahominy Indian Tribe- amended July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–98. Eastern Division, the Upper Mattaponi Tribe, the Rap- S. 321 (H.R. 533).— To revoke the charter of incorpora- pahannock Tribe, Inc., the Monacan Indian Nation, tion of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma at the request and the Nansemond Indian Tribe. Referred to Indian of that tribe, and for other purposes. Referred to In- Affairs Feb. 11, 2015. Reported Sept. 10, 2015; Rept. dian Affairs Jan. 29, 2015. Reported May 11, 2015; 114–141. Rept. 114–40.

S. 329.— To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to S. 466.— To amend title XI of the Social Security Act designate certain segments of the Farmington River to improve the quality, health outcomes, and value and Salmon Brook in the State of Connecticut as com- of maternity care under the Medicaid and CHIP pro- ponents of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Sys- grams by developing maternity care quality measures tem, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and and supporting maternity care quality collaboratives. Natural Resources Feb. 2, 2015. Reported amended Referred to Finance Feb. 11, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–182. July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–100.

S. 335.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve 529 plans. Referred to Finance Feb. 2, S. 481.— To amend the Controlled Substances Act and 2015. Reported amended May 21, 2015; Rept. 114–56. the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to drug scheduling recommendations by the Secretary S. 337.— To improve the Freedom of Information Act. of Health and Human Services, and with respect to Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 2, 2015. Reported Feb. registration of manufacturers and distributors seeking 9, 2015; Rept. 114–4. to conduct clinical testing, and for other purposes. Re- ferred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Feb. S. 338.— To permanently reauthorize the Land and 12, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 1, 2015; no written Water Conservation Fund. Ordered placed on the cal- report. endar Feb. 3, 2015. 11–4 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 501.— To make technical corrections to the Navajo S. 556 (S. 405).— To protect and enhance opportunities water rights settlement in the State of New Mexico, for recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for and for other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- 12, 2015. Reported May 11, 2015; Rept. 114–41. Passed sources Feb. 25, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 16, Senate May 21, 2015. Received in House and referred 2015; Rept. 114–183. to Natural Resources May 22, 2015. Reported Sept. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–255. Union Calendar. Rules sus- S. 558 (H.R. 1069).— To amend title 44, United States pended. Passed House Sept. 16, 2015. Presented to Code, to require information on contributors to Presi- the President Sept. 21, 2015. Approved Sept. 30, dential library fundraising organizations, and for other 2015. Public Law 114–57. purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- mental Affairs Feb. 25, 2015. Reported June 15, 2015; S. 521.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Rept. 114–65. conduct a special resource study of President Station in Baltimore, Maryland, and for other purposes. Re- S. 565 (H.R. 1613).— To reduce the operation and main- ferred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 12, 2015. tenance costs associated with the Federal fleet by en- Reported amended Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–126. couraging the use of remanufactured parts, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 25, 2015. Reported May 22, S. 527 (H.R. 431).— To award a Congressional Gold 2015; Rept. 114–59. Ordered placed on the calendar Medal to the Foot Soldiers who participated in Bloody May 22, 2015. Passed Senate June 15, 2015. Received Sunday, Turnaround Tuesday, or in the final Selma in House and referred to Oversight and Government to Montgomery Voting Rights March in March of 1965, Reform June 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House which served as a catalyst for the Voting Rights Act Sept. 28, 2015. Presented to the President Sept. 30, of 1965. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- 2015. Approved Oct. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–65. fairs Feb. 12, 2015. Reported Feb. 24, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate Feb. 26, 2015. Received in House S. 571.— To amend the Pilot’s Bill of Rights to facilitate and held at desk Feb. 27, 2015. appeals and to apply to other certificates issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, to require the S. 534.— To prohibit funds from being used to carry revision of the third class medical certification regula- out certain Executive actions related to immigration tions issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science Feb. 24, 2015. and Transportation Feb. 25, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–198. Passed Senate amended S. 535.— To promote energy efficiency. Ordered placed Dec. 15, 2015. Received in House and referred to on the calendar Feb. 24, 2015. Passed Senate Mar. Transportation and Infrastructure Dec. 16, 2015. 27 (Legislative day of Mar. 26), 2015. Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce Apr. 13, S. 579 (H.R. 2395).— To amend the Inspector General 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 21, 2015. Act of 1978 to strengthen the independence of the In- Presented to the President Apr. 23, 2015. Approved spectors General, and for other purposes. Referred to Apr. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–11. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 26, 2015. Reported amended May 5, 2015; Rept. 114–36. S. 544 (H.R. 1030).— To prohibit the Environmental Pro- tection Agency from proposing, finalizing, or dissemi- S. 583 (H.R. 1138).— To establish certain wilderness nating regulations or assessments based upon science areas in central Idaho and to authorize various land that is not transparent or reproducible. Referred to conveyances involving National Forest System land Environment and Public Works Feb. 24, 2015. Re- and Bureau of Land Management land in central ported amended June 22, 2015; Rept. 114–69. Idaho, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 26, 2015. Reported Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–127. S. 546.— To establish the Railroad Emergency Services Preparedness, Operational Needs, and Safety Evalua- S. 593 (H.R. 1107).— To require the Secretary of the tion (RESPONSE) Subcommittee under the Federal Interior to submit to Congress a report on the efforts Emergency Management Agency’s National Advisory of the Bureau of Reclamation to manage its infrastruc- Council to provide recommendations on emergency re- ture assets. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources sponder training and resources relating to hazardous Feb. 26, 2015. Reported amended Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. materials incidents involving railroads, and for other 114–128. purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- mental Affairs Feb. 24, 2015. Reported July 21, 2015; S. 599.— To extend and expand the Medicaid emergency Rept. 114–85. psychiatric demonstration project. Referred to Finance Feb. 26, 2015. Reported amended July 30, 2015; Rept. S. 552 (H.R. 1023).— To amend the Small Business In- 114–101. Passed Senate amended Sept. 28, 2015. Re- vestment Act of 1958 to provide for increased limita- ceived in House and held at desk Sept. 29, 2015. Rules tions on leverage for multiple licenses under common suspended. Passed House with amendment Nov. 16, control. Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneur- 2015. Senate agreed to House amendment Nov. 19, ship Feb. 24, 2015. Reported amended June 10, 2015; 2015. Presented to the President Dec. 1, 2015. Ap- no written report. proved Dec. 11, 2015. Public Law 114–97. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–5

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 607.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security S. 653.— To amend the Water Resources Research Act Act to provide for a five-year extension of the rural of 1984 to reauthorize grants for and require applied community hospital demonstration program, and for water supply research regarding the water resources other purposes. Referred to Finance Feb. 27, 2015. Re- research and technology institutes established under ported amended July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–102. that Act. Referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 4, 2015. Reported May 18, 2015; Rept. 114–48. Passed Senate June 9, 2015. Received in House and S. 610.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to referred to Natural Resources June 10, 2015. conduct a special resource study of P.S. 103 in West Baltimore, Maryland and for other purposes. Referred S. 665.— To encourage, enhance, and integrate Blue to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 27, 2015. Re- Alert plans throughout the United States in order to ported Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–129. disseminate information when a law enforcement offi- cer is seriously injured or killed in the line of duty, is missing in connection with the officer’s official du- S. 611.— To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to ties, or an imminent and credible threat that an indi- reauthorize technical assistance to small public water vidual intends to cause the serious injury or death systems, and for other purposes. Referred to Environ- of a law enforcement officer is received, and for other ment and Public Works Feb. 27, 2015. Reported May purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 4, 2015. Re- 18, 2015; Rept. 114–47. Passed Senate June 9, 2015. ported Mar. 26, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate Received in House and referred to Energy and Com- Apr. 30, 2015. Received in House and referred to the merce June 10, 2015. Reported Nov. 19, 2015; Rept. Judiciary May 5, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House 114–346. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed May 12, 2015. Presented to the President May 14, House Nov. 30, 2015. Presented to the President Dec. 2015. Approved May 19, 2015. Public Law 114–12. 2, 2015. Approved Dec. 11, 2015. Public Law 114–98. S. 697.— To amend the Toxic Substances Control Act to reauthorize and modernize that Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works S. 612.— To designate the Federal building and United Mar. 10, 2015. Reported amended June 17, 2015; Rept. States courthouse located at 1300 Victoria Street in 114–67. Ordered placed on the calendar June 17, 2015. Laredo, Texas, as the ‘‘George P. Kazen Federal Build- ing and United States Courthouse’’. Referred to Envi- S. 704.— To establish a Community-Based Institutional ronment and Public Works Feb. 27, 2015. Reported Special Needs Plan demonstration program to target May 4, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate May home and community-based care to eligible Medicare 21, 2015. Received in House and referred to Transpor- beneficiaries. Referred to Finance Mar. 11, 2015. Re- tation and Infrastructure May 22, 2015. ported amended July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–103. S. 710 (H.R. 360).— To reauthorize the Native American S. 614 (H.R. 2320).— To provide access to and use of Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of information by Federal agencies in order to reduce 1996, and for other purposes. Referred to Indian Af- improper payments, and for other purposes. Referred fairs Mar. 11, 2015. Reported amended June 4, 2015; to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. Rept. 114–117. Referred to Banking, Housing, and 27, 2015. Reported July 21, 2015; Rept. 114–86. Passed Urban Affairs June 4, 2015. Committee discharged. Senate amended July 28, 2015. Received in House and Ordered placed on the calendar Aug. 5, 2015. held at desk July 29, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 7, 2015. Presented to the President Dec. S. 720.— To promote energy savings in residential build- 9, 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law ings and industry, and for other purposes. Referred 114–109. to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 11, 2015. Re- ported amended Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–130.

S. 615 (S. 625).— To provide for congressional review S. 750.— To achieve border security on certain Federal and oversight of agreements relating to Iran’s nuclear lands along the Southern border. Referred to Home- program, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign land Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 17, 2015. Relations Feb. 27, 2015. Reported amended Apr. 14, Reported amended Oct. 1, 2015; Rept. 114–150. 2015; no written report. S. 754.— To improve cybersecurity in the United States through enhanced sharing of information about cyber- S. 625 (S. 615).— To provide for congressional review security threats, and for other purposes. Reported from and oversight of agreements relating to Iran’s nuclear Intelligence Mar. 17, 2015; Rept. 114–32. Considered program, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on Oct. 20, 21, 22, 2015. Passed Senate amended Oct. the calendar Mar. 4, 2015. 27, 2015; Roll No. 291: 74–21. Received in House and held at desk Oct. 28, 2015.

S. 627.— To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs S. 756.— To require a report on accountability for war to revoke bonuses paid to employees involved in elec- crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria. Referred tronic wait list manipulations, and for other purposes. to Foreign Relations Mar. 17, 2015. Reported June Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 3, 2015. Reported 11, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate July 14, amended Sept. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–148. 2015. Received in House and referred to Foreign Af- fairs July 15, 2015. 11–6 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 764.— To reauthorize and amend the National Sea S. 834.— To amend the law relating to sport fish restora- Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes. tion and recreational boating safety, and for other pur- Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation poses. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- Mar. 17, 2015. Reported amended July 23, 2015; Rept. tation Mar. 23, 2015. Reported amended July 23, 2015; 114–90. Passed Senate amended July 28, 2015. Re- Rept. 114–91. ceived in House and referred to Natural Resources July 29, 2015. Passed House with amendment pursu- S. 861.— To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social ant to H. Res. 421 Sept. 18, 2015. Security Act to curb waste, fraud, and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Referred to Finance S. 766.— To limit the retrieval of data from vehicle event Mar. 25, 2015. Reported amended July 30, 2015; Rept. data recorders, and for other purposes. Referred to 114–104. Commerce, Science and Transportation Mar. 17, 2015. Reported Sept. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–147. S. 873.— To designate the wilderness within the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve in the State of Alas- S. 782.— To direct the Secretary of the Interior to estab- ka as the Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Area. Referred lish a bison management plan for Grand Canyon Na- to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 26, 2015. Re- tional Park. Referred to Environment and Public ported amended Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–131. Works Mar. 18, 2015. Committee discharged Apr. 22, S. 903.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 2015. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. to improve access and administration of the United 22, 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–184. States Tax Court. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–14. S. 792.— To expand sanctions imposed with respect to Iran and to impose additional sanctions with respect S. 904.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Iran, and for other purposes. Reported from Bank- to remove bond requirements and extend filing periods ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs Mar. 18, 2015; no for certain taxpayers with limited excise tax liability. written report. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–15.

S. 799 (H.R. 1462).— To combat the rise of prenatal S. 905.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 opioid abuse and neonatal abstinence syndrome. Re- to increase the limitation on eligibility for the alter- ferred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. native tax for certain small insurance companies. Re- 19, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 1, 2015; no written ported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–16. report. Passed Senate amended Oct. 22, 2015. Received in House and held at desk Oct. 22, 2015. Rules sus- S. 906.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 pended. Passed House Nov. 16, 2015. Presented to the to modify the types of wines taxed as hard cider. Re- President Nov. 19, 2015. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. ported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–17. Public Law 114–91. S. 907.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 S. 802.— To authorize the Secretary of State and the to prevent the extension of the tax collection period Administrator of the United States Agency for Inter- merely because the taxpayer is a member of the Armed national Development to provide assistance to support Forces who is hospitalized as a result of combat zone the rights of women and girls in developing countries, injuries. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations 114–18. Mar. 19, 2015. Reported amended May 21, 2015; no written report. Ordered placed on the calendar May S. 908.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 21, 2015. Passed Senate amended May 23 (Legislative to provide for the deductibility of charitable contribu- day of May 22), 2015. Received in House and held tions to agricultural research organizations, and for at desk May 26, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House other purposes. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; June 1, 2015. Presented to the President June 3, 2015. Rept. 114–19. Approved June 12, 2015. Public Law 114–24. S. 909.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt private foundations from the tax on excess S. 808.— To establish the Surface Transportation Board business holdings in the case of certain philanthropic as an independent establishment, and for other pur- enterprises which are independently supervised, and poses. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- for other purposes. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, tation Mar. 19, 2015. Reported May 21, 2015; Rept. 2015; Rept. 114–20. 114–52. Passed Senate June 18, 2015. Received in House and held at desk June 23, 2015. Rules sus- S. 910.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 pended. Passed House Dec. 10, 2015. Presented to the to clarify the special rules for accident and health President Dec. 15, 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. plans of certain governmental entities, and for other Public Law 114–110. purposes. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–21. S. 833.— To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out certain major medical facility projects for S. 912.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which appropriations were made for fiscal year 2015, to exclude payments received under the Work Colleges and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Program from gross income, including payments made Mar. 23, 2015. Reported amended Aug. 6, 2015; no from institutional funds. Reported from Finance Apr. written report. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–22. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–7

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 913.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 S. 971.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security to provide an investment tax credit for waste heat Act to provide for an increase in the limit on the to power technology. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, length of an agreement under the Medicare independ- 2015; Rept. 114–23. ence at home medical practice demonstration program. Referred to Finance Apr. 16, 2015. Committee dis- S. 914.— To amend title 31, United States Code, to clar- charged. Passed Senate amended Apr. 22, 2015. Re- ify the use of credentials by enrolled agents. Reported ceived in House and referred to Ways and Means and from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–24. in addition to Energy and Commerce Apr. 22, 2015. Reported from Ways and Means June 23, 2015; Rept. S. 915.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 114–172, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce discharged June to exempt certain stock of real estate investment trusts 23, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed from the tax on foreign investments in United States House July 15, 2015. Presented to the President July real property interests, and for other purposes. Re- 22, 2015. Approved July 30, 2015. Public Law ported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–25. 114–39.

S. 916 (H.R. 606).— To amend the Internal Revenue S. 984.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Code of 1986 to exclude certain compensation received Act to provide Medicare beneficiary access to eye track- by public safety officers and their dependents from ing accessories for speech generating devices and to gross income. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; remove the rental cap for durable medical equipment Rept. 114–26. under the Medicare Program with respect to speech generating devices. Ordered placed on the calendar S. 917.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Apr. 20, 2015. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2015. Received to equalize the excise tax on liquefied petroleum gas in House and referred to Energy and Commerce and and liquefied natural gas. Reported from Finance Apr. in addition to Ways and Means Apr. 22, 2015. Re- 14, 2015; Rept. 114–27. ported from Ways and Means June 24, 2015; Rept. S. 918.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 114–178, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce discharged July to provide notice to charities and other nonprofit orga- 15, 2015. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed nizations before their tax-exempt status is automati- House July 15, 2015. Presented to the President July cally revoked. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; 22, 2015. Approved July 30, 2015. Public Law Rept. 114–28. 114–40.

S. 919.— To exclude from gross income certain clean S. 986 (H.R. 1880).— To require the Secretary of the coal power grants to non-corporate taxpayers. Reported Interior to take into trust 4 parcels of Federal land from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–29. for the benefit of certain Indian Pueblos in the State of New Mexico. Referred to Indian Affairs Apr. 16, S. 920.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 2015. Reported Aug. 4, 2015; Rept. 114–114. Passed to allow a credit against income tax for amounts paid Senate Sept. 22, 2015. Received in House and held by a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces for at desk Sept. 24, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House a new State license or certification required by reason Oct. 6, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 8, 2015. of a permanent change in the duty station of such Approved Oct. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–69. member to another State. Reported from Finance Apr. 14, 2015; Rept. 114–30. S. 991 (H.R. 1831).— To establish the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking, and for other purposes. S. 957.— To increase access to capital for veteran entre- Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- preneurs to help create jobs. Referred to Small Busi- fairs Apr. 16, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 1, 2015; ness and Entrepreneurship Apr. 15, 2015. Reported Rept. 114–151. June 10, 2015; no written report. S. 993.— To increase public safety by facilitating collabo- S. 958.— To amend the Small Business Act to provide ration among the criminal justice, juvenile justice, vet- for team and joint venture offers for certain contracts. erans treatment services, mental health treatment, Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Apr. and substance abuse systems. Referred to the Judici- 15, 2015. Reported amended June 10, 2015; no written ary Apr. 16, 2015. Reported Apr. 30, 2015; no written report. report. Passed Senate amended Dec. 10, 2015. Re- ceived in House and referred to the Judiciary Dec. S. 966.— To extend the low-interest refinancing provi- 11, 2015. sions under the Local Development Business Loan Pro- gram of the Small Business Administration. Referred S. 994.— To designate the facility of the United States to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Apr. 15, Postal Service located at 1 Walter Hammond Place 2015. Reported amended June 10, 2015; no written in Waldwick, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Jo- report. seph D’Augustine Post Office Building’’. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 16, S. 967.— To require the Small Business Administration 2015. Reported May 6, 2015; no written report. Passed to make information relating to lenders making cov- Senate May 11, 2015. Received in House and referred ered loans publicly available, and for other purposes. to Oversight and Government Reform May 12, 2015. Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Apr. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2015. Pre- 15, 2015. Reported amended June 10, 2015; no written sented to the President Sept. 29, 2015. Approved Oct. report. 7, 2015. Public Law 114–66. 11–8 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 995.— To establish congressional trade negotiating S. 1104.— To extend the deadline for commencement objectives and enhanced consultation requirements for of construction of a hydroelectric project involving the trade negotiations, to provide for consideration of trade Gibson Dam. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- agreements, and for other purposes. Referred to Fi- sources Apr. 27, 2015. Reported Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. nance Apr. 16, 2015. Reported amended May 11, 2015; 114–133. Rept. 114–42.

S. 999.— To amend the Small Business Act to provide S. 1109.— To require adequate information regarding for improvements to small business development cen- the tax treatment of payments under settlement agree- ters. Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship ments entered into by Federal agencies, and for other Apr. 16, 2015. Reported amended June 10, 2015; no purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- written report. mental Affairs Apr. 28, 2015. Reported July 7, 2015; Rept. 114–76. Passed Senate amended Sept. 21, 2015. S. 1000.— To strengthen resources for entrepreneurs by Received in House and referred to Oversight and Gov- improving the SCORE program, and for other pur- ernment Reform Sept. 22, 2015. poses. Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneur- ship Apr. 16, 2015. Reported amended June 10, 2015; S. 1115 (H.R. 3089).— To close out expired, empty grant no written report. accounts. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- mental Affairs Apr. 28, 2015. Reported amended Nov. S. 1001.— To establish authorization levels for general 30, 2015; Rept. 114–169. Passed Senate amended Dec. business loans for fiscal years 2015 and 2016. Referred 18, 2015. to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Apr. 16, 2015. Reported June 10, 2015; no written report. S. 1124.— To amend the Workforce Innovation and Op- S. 1004.— To amend title 36, United States Code, to portunity Act to improve the Act. Reported from encourage the nationwide observance of two minutes Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 28, 2015; of silence each Veterans Day. Referred to the Judiciary no written report. Passed Senate amended May 6, Apr. 16, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 2015. Received in House and referred to Education Nov. 9, 2015. Received in House and referred to Vet- and the Workforce May 8, 2015. Committee dis- erans’ Affairs Nov. 16, 2015. charged. Passed House May 12, 2015. Presented to the President May 14, 2015. Approved May 22, 2015. S. 1034.— To designate the United States courthouse Public Law 114–18. located at 501 East Court Street in Jackson, Mis- sissippi, as the ‘‘Charles Clark United States Court- house’’. Referred to Environment and Public Works S. 1137.— To amend title 35, United States Code, and Apr. 21, 2015. Reported May 4, 2015; no written re- the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act to make im- port. provements and technical corrections, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 29, 2015. Re- S. 1035.— To extend authority relating to roving surveil- ported amended Sept. 8, 2015; no written report. lance, access to business records, and individual terror- ists as agents of foreign powers under the Foreign S. 1140.— To require the Secretary of the Army and Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 and for other pur- the Administrator of the Environmental Protection poses. Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 22, 2015. Agency to propose a regulation revising the definition of the term ‘‘waters of the United States’’, and for S. 1082.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public provide for the removal or demotion of employees of Works Apr. 30, 2015. Reported amended July 16, 2015; the Department of Veterans Affairs based on perform- Rept. 114–84. ance or misconduct, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Apr. 23, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–163. Ordered placed on the S. 1169.— To reauthorize and improve the Juvenile Jus- calendar Oct. 19, 2015. tice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 30, S. 1090.— To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster 2015. Reported amended Dec. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–181. Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide eligi- bility for broadcasting facilities to receive certain dis- S. 1170.— To amend title 39, United States Code, to aster assistance, and for other purposes. Referred to extend the authority of the United States Postal Serv- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 27, ice to issue a semipostal to raise funds for breast can- 2015. Reported Sept. 15, 2015; Rept. 114–142. Passed cer research, and for other purposes. Referred to Senate Sept. 17, 2015. Received in House and referred Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 30, to Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 17, 2015. 2015. Reported Sept. 17, 2015; Rept. 114–144. Ordered Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 16, 2015; Roll placed on the calendar Sept. 17, 2015. Passed Senate No. 697: 420–1. Presented to the President Dec. 17, Sept. 22, 2015. Received in House and referred to 2015. Approved Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–111. Oversight and Government Reform and in addition to Energy and Commerce, and Armed Services Sept. 24, S. 1103.— To reinstate and extend the deadline for com- 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 1, 2015; mencement of construction of a hydroelectric project involving Clark Canyon Dam. Referred to Energy and Roll No. 648: 422–1. Presented to the President Dec. Natural Resources Apr. 27, 2015. Reported Sept. 9, 3, 2015. Approved Dec. 11, 2015. Public Law 2015; Rept. 114–132. 114–99. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–9

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1172.— To improve the process of presidential transi- S. 1251.— To implement the Amendment to the Conven- tion. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental tion on Future Multilateral Cooperation in the North- Affairs Apr. 30, 2015. Reported amended July 27, west Atlantic Fisheries, as adopted at Lisbon, Portugal 2015; Rept. 114–94. Passed Senate amended July 30, on September 28, 2007. Referred to Commerce, Science 2015. Received in House and referred to Oversight and and Transportation May 7, 2015. Reported Aug. 28, Government Reform and in addition to Homeland Se- 2015; Rept. 114–120. curity July 31, 2015. Reported with amendment from Oversight and Government Reform Dec. 18, 2015; S. 1253.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Rept. 114–384, Pt. I. Homeland Security discharged Act to provide coverage of certain disposable medical Dec. 18, 2015. technologies under the Medicare program, and for Union Calendar ...... Union 290 other purposes. Referred to Finance May 7, 2015. Re- ported amended July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–105. S. 1177 (H.R. 5) (H. Res. 542).— To reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to S. 1267.— To extend the African Growth and Oppor- ensure that every child achieves. Reported from tunity Act, the Generalized System of Preferences, the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 30, 2015; preferential duty treatment program for Haiti, and for no written report. Considered July 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, other purposes. Reported from Finance May 11, 2015; 15, 2015. Passed Senate amended July 16, 2015; Roll Rept. 114–43. No. 249: 81–17. Received in House and held at desk July 21, 2015. Passed House with amendment pursu- S. 1268.— To extend the trade adjustment assistance ant to H. Res. 526 Nov. 17, 2015. House insisted on program, and for other purposes. Reported from Fi- its amendment and asked for a conference Nov. 17, nance May 11, 2015; Rept. 114–44. 2015. Senate disagreed to House amendment and agreed to a conference Nov. 18, 2015. Conference re- S. 1269.— To reauthorize trade facilitation and trade port filed in the House Nov. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–354. enforcement functions and activities, and for other pur- House agreed to conference report Dec. 2, 2015; Roll poses. Reported from Finance May 11, 2015; Rept. No. 665: 359–64. Conference report considered in Sen- 114–45. ate Dec. 3, 8, 2015. Senate agreed to conference report Dec. 9, 2015; Roll No. 334: 85–12. Presented to the S. 1292.— To amend the Small Business Act to treat President Dec. 9, 2015. Approved Dec. 10, 2015. certain qualified disaster areas as HUBZones and to Public Law 114–95. extend the period for HUBZone treatment for certain base closure areas, and for other purposes. Referred S. 1180.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to Small Business and Entrepreneurship May 12, to direct the Administrator of the Federal Emergency 2015. Reported June 10, 2015; no written report. Management Agency to modernize the integrated pub- lic alert and warning system of the United States, S. 1297.— To update the Commercial Space Launch Act and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security by amending title 51, United States Code, to promote and Governmental Affairs May 4, 2015. Reported competitiveness of the U.S. commercial space sector, amended June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–73. Passed Senate and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science amended July 9, 2015. Received in House and held and Transportation May 12, 2015. Reported amended at desk July 13, 2015. July 22, 2015; Rept. 114–88. Passed Senate amended Aug. 4, 2015. Received in House and held at desk S. 1203.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to Sept. 8, 2015. improve the processing by the Department of Veterans Affairs of claims for benefits under laws administered S. 1298.— To provide nationally consistent measures of by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other performance of the Nation’s ports, and for other pur- purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 6, 2015. poses. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- Reported amended Oct. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–153. tation May 12, 2015. Reported amended Nov. 5, 2015; Passed Senate amended Nov. 10, 2015. Received in Rept. 114–164. House and referred to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition to Armed Services, Education and the Workforce, and S. 1300.— To amend the section 221 of the Immigration the Budget Nov. 16, 2015. and Nationality Act to provide relief for adoptive fami- lies from immigrant visa fees in certain situations. Referred to the Judiciary May 12, 2015. Reported July S. 1240.— To designate the Cerro del Yuta and Rio San 9, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate July 14, Antonio Wilderness Areas in the State of New Mexico, 2015. Received in House and held at desk July 15, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Nat- 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 6, 2015. ural Resources May 7, 2015. Reported amended Sept. Presented to the President Oct. 8, 2015. Approved 9, 2015; Rept. 114–134. Oct. 16, 2015. Public Law 114–70.

S. 1250.— To encourage States to require the installation S. 1305.— To amend the Colorado River Storage Project of residential carbon monoxide detectors in homes, and Act to authorize the use of the active capacity of the for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Fontenelle Reservoir. Referred to Energy and Natural Transportation May 7, 2015. Reported amended Dec. Resources May 12, 2015. Reported amended Sept. 9, 14, 2015; Rept. 114–179. 2015; Rept. 114–135. 11–10 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1315.— To protect the right of law-abiding citizens S. 1357.— To extend authority relating to roving surveil- to transport knives interstate, notwithstanding a lance, access to business records, and individual terror- patchwork of local and State prohibitions. Referred to ists as agents of foreign powers under the Foreign Commerce, Science and Transportation May 13, 2015. Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 until July 31, Reported Aug. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–121. 2015, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar May 18, 2015. S. 1318.— To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for protection of maritime navigation and pre- vention of nuclear terrorism, and for other purposes. S. 1359 (H.R. 3154).— To allow manufacturers to meet Referred to the Judiciary May 13, 2015. Reported warranty and labeling requirements for consumer amended Dec. 15, 2015; no written report. products by displaying the terms of warranties on Internet websites, and for other purposes. Referred to S. 1324.— To require the Administrator of the Environ- Commerce, Science and Transportation May 14, 2015. mental Protection Agency to fulfill certain require- Reported July 7, 2015; Rept. 114–77. Passed Senate ments before regulating standards of performance for amended July 9, 2015. Received in House and referred new, modified, and reconstructed fossil fuel-fired elec- to Energy and Commerce July 13, 2015. Rules sus- tric utility generating units, and for other purposes. pended. Passed House Sept. 8, 2015; Roll No. 490: Referred to Environment and Public Works May 13, 388–2. Presented to the President Sept. 15, 2015. Ap- 2015. Reported Oct. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–159. proved Sept. 24, 2015. Public Law 114–51. S. 1326.— To amend certain maritime programs of the Department of Transportation, and for other purposes. S. 1362.— To amend title XI of the Social Security Act Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation to clarify waiver authority regarding programs of all- May 13, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 27, 2015; Rept. inclusive care for the elderly (PACE programs). Re- 114–158. ferred to Finance May 18, 2015. Reported amended July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–108. Passed Senate amended S. 1334 (H.R. 774).— To strengthen enforcement mecha- Aug. 5, 2015. Received in House and referred to Ways nisms to stop illegal, unreported, and unregulated fish- and Means and in addition to Energy and Commerce ing, to amend the Tuna Conventions Act of 1950 to Sept. 8, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. implement the Antigua Convention, and for other pur- 21, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 26, 2015. poses. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law 114–85. tation May 13, 2015. Reported amended July 28, 2015; Rept. 114–166. S. 1376.— To authorize appropriations for fiscal year S. 1347 (H.R. 887).— To amend title XVIII of the Social 2016 for military activities of the Department of De- Security Act with respect to the treatment of patient fense, for military construction, and for defense activi- encounters in ambulatory surgical centers in deter- ties of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military mining meaningful EHR use, and for other purposes. personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other Referred to Finance May 14, 2015. Reported amended purposes. Reported from Armed Services May 19, 2015; July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–106. Passed Senate amended Rept. 114–49. Aug. 5, 2015. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 8, 2015. S. 1400.— To amend the Small Business Act to direct S. 1349 (H.R. 876).— To amend title XVIII of the Social the task force of the Office of Veterans Business Devel- Security Act to require hospitals to provide certain opment to provide access to and manage the distribu- notifications to individuals classified by such hospitals tion of excess or surplus property to veteran-owned under observation status rather than admitted as inpa- small businesses. Referred to Small Business and En- tients of such hospitals. Referred to Finance May 14, trepreneurship May 20, 2015. Reported amended Sept. 2015. Reported July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–107. 15, 2015; no written report.

S. 1350 (H.R. 3819).— To provide a short-term extension S. 1417.— To reauthorize the United States Grain Stand- of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier ards Act, and for other purposes. Reported from Agri- safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the culture, Nutrition, and Forestry May 21, 2015; no writ- Highway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Ordered ten report. placed on the calendar May 18, 2015.

S. 1356 (H.R. 2252).— To clarify that certain provisions S. 1461.— To provide for the extension of the enforce- of the Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act of 2014 ment instruction on supervision requirements for out- will not take effect until after the Director of the Office patient therapeutic services in critical access and small of Personnel Management promulgates and makes ef- rural hospitals through 2015. Referred to Finance May fective regulations relating to such provisions. Passed 22, 2015. Reported amended July 30, 2015; Rept. Senate May 14, 2015. Received in House and held 114–109. Passed Senate amended Sept. 10, 2015. Re- at desk May 14, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House ceived in House and referred to Energy and Commerce with amendment Nov. 5, 2015; Roll No. 618: 370–58. and in addition to Ways and Means Sept. 11, 2015. Senate agreed to House amendment Nov. 10, 2015. Committees discharged. Passed House Dec. 8, 2015. Roll No. 301: 91–3. Presented to the President Nov. Presented to the President Dec. 9, 2015. Approved 17, 2015. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law Dec. 18, 2015. Public Law 114–112. 114–92. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–11

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1463.— To amend the Veterans Access, Choice, and S. 1523.— To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Accountability Act 0f 2014 to modify the distance re- Act to reauthorize the National Estuary Program, and quirement for expanded availability of hospital care for other purposes. Referred to Environment and Pub- and medical services for veterans through the use of lic Works June 8, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed agreements with non-Department of Veterans Affairs Senate amended Aug. 5, 2015. Received in House and entities. Passed Senate May 22, 2015. Received in held at desk Sept. 8, 2015. House and referred to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition to the Budget May 26, 2015. S. 1550.— To amend title 31, United States Code, to establish entities tasked with improving program and S. 1470.— To amend the Small Business Act to provide project management in certain Federal agencies, and additional assistance to small business concerns for for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and disaster recovery, and for other purposes. Referred to Governmental Affairs June 10, 2015. Reported amend- Small Business and Entrepreneurship May 31, 2015. ed Nov. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–162. Passed Senate amend- Reported amended June 10, 2015; no written report. ed Nov. 19, 2015. Received in House and referred to S. 1482 (H.R. 2604).— To improve and reauthorize provi- Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 30, 2015. sions relating to the application of the antitrust laws to the award of need-based educational aid. Referred S. 1558.— Making appropriations for Department of De- to the Judiciary June 2, 2015. Reported July 9, 2015; fense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, no written report. Ordered placed on the calendar July and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 9, 2015. Passed Senate July 14, 2015. Received in June 11, 2015; Rept. 114–63. House and held at desk July 15, 2015. Rules sus- pended. Passed House July 27, 2015; Roll No. 467: S. 1568.— To extend the authorization to carry out the 378–0. Presented to the President July 29, 2015. Ap- replacement of the existing medical center of the De- proved Aug. 6, 2015. Public Law 114–44. partment of Veterans Affairs in Denver, Colorado, to authorize transfers of amounts to carry out the re- S. 1483.— To direct the Secretary of the Interior to study placement of such medical center, and for other pur- the suitability and feasibility of designating the James poses. Passed Senate June 11, 2015. Received in House K. Polk Home in Columbia, Tennessee, as a unit of and passed June 12, 2015. Presented to the President the National Park System, and for other purposes. Re- June 15, 2015. Approved June 15, 2015. Public ferred to Energy and Natural Resources June 2, 2015. Law 114–25. Reported amended Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–136. S. 1573.— To establish regional weather forecast offices, S. 1484.— To improve accountability and transparency and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science in the United States financial regulatory system, pro- and Transportation June 15, 2015. Reported amended tect access to credit for consumers, provide sensible Oct. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–154. relief to financial institutions, and for other purposes. Reported from Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 2, 2015; no written report. S. 1576.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to pre- vent fraud by representative payees. Referred to S. 1493 (H.R. 675).— To provide for an increase, effective Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 15, December 1, 2015, in the rates of compensation for 2015. Reported amended July 27, 2015; Rept. 114–95. veterans with service-connected disabilities and the Passed Senate amended Aug. 5, 2015. Received in rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for House and referred to Oversight and Government Re- the survivors of certain disabled veterans, and for form Sept. 8, 2015. other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs June 3, 2015. Reported Aug. 28, 2015; Rept. 114–122. Passed S. 1580.— To allow additional appointing authorities to Senate Oct. 22, 2015. Received in House and held at select individuals from competitive service certificates. desk Oct. 26, 2015. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs June 16, 2015. Reported Sept. 15, 2015; Rept. S. 1495.— To curtail the use of changes in mandatory 114–143. Passed Senate Sept. 17, 2015. Received in programs affecting the Crime Victims Fund to inflate House and referred to Oversight and Government Re- spending. Referred to the Budget June 3, 2015. Re- form Sept. 17, 2015. Reported Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. ported July 21, 2015; Rept. 114–87. 114–367. Union Calendar ...... Union 280 S. 1500.— To clarify Congressional intent regarding the regulation of the use of pesticides in or near navigable S. 1583.— To authorize the expansion of an existing waters, and for other purposes. Referred to Environ- hydroelectric project. Referred to Energy and Natural ment and Public Works June 3, 2015. Reported Oct. Resources June 16, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 16, 29, 2015; Rept. 114–160. 2015; Rept. 114–185. S. 1519.— To amend the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947 to address slowdowns, strikes, and lock-outs S. 1592.— To clarify the description of certain Federal occurring at ports in the United States, and for other land under the Northern Arizona Land Exchange and purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- Verde River Basin Partnership Act of 2005 to include portation June 4, 2015. Committee discharged June additional land in the Kaibab National Forest. Re- 17, 2015. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and ferred to Energy and Natural Resources June 17, 2015. Pensions June 17, 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–186. 11–12 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1596.— To designate the facility of the United States S. 1635.— To authorize the Department of State for fis- Postal Service located at 2082 Stringtown Road in cal year 2016, and for other purposes. Reported from Grove City, Ohio, as the ‘‘Specialist Joseph W. Riley Foreign Relations June 18, 2015; no written report. Post Office Building’’. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 17, 2015. Reported S. 1643.— To require a report on actions to secure the July 29, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate Aug. safety and security of dissidents housed at Camp Lib- 5, 2015. Received in House and referred to Oversight erty, Iraq. Referred to Foreign Relations June 23, and Government Reform Sept. 8, 2015. 2015. Reported amended June 25, 2015; no written report. S. 1599.— To provide anti-retaliation protections for S. 1645.— Making appropriations for the Department antitrust whistleblowers. Referred to the Judiciary of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for June 17, 2015. Reported amended July 16, 2015; no the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for written report. Passed Senate amended July 22, 2015. other purposes. Reported from Appropriations June 23, Received in House and held at desk July 23, 2015. 2015; Rept. 114–70.

S. 1603.— To actively recruit members of the Armed S. 1647.— To amend title 23, United States Code, to Forces who are separating from military service to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways and highway serve as Customs and Border Protection Officers. Re- safety construction programs, and for other purposes. ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Referred to Environment and Public Works June 23, June 17, 2015. Reported amended Aug. 5, 2015; Rept. 2015. Reported amended July 15, 2015; Rept. 114–80. 114–116. Passed Senate amended Sept. 9, 2015. Re- ceived in House and referred to Homeland Security S. 1694.— To amend Public Law 103-434 to authorize and in addition to Armed Services Sept. 10, 2015. Phase III of the Yakima River Basin Water Enhance- Passed House with amendment pursuant to H. Res. ment Project for the purposes of improving water man- 421 Sept. 18, 2015. agement in the Yakima River basin, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources S. 1611 (H.R. 1987) (H.R. 4188).— To authorize appro- June 25, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. priations for the Coast Guard for fiscal years 2016 114–187. and 2017, and for other purposes. Referred to Com- merce, Science and Transportation June 18, 2015. Re- S. 1695.— Making appropriations for the Departments ported amended Nov. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–168. of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- S. 1616.— To provide for the identification and preven- tember 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Reported tion of improper payments and the identification of from Appropriations June 25, 2015; Rept. 114–74. strategic souring opportunities by reviewing and ana- lyzing the use of Federal agency charge cards. Referred S. 1698.— To exclude payments from State eugenics com- to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June pensation programs from consideration in determining 18, 2015. Reported Dec. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–174. Passed eligibility for, or the amount of, Federal public bene- Senate amended Dec. 16, 2015. Received in House and fits. Ordered placed on the calendar July 7, 2015. referred to Oversight and Government Reform Dec. Passed Senate Nov. 30, 2015. Received in House and 17, 2015. referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 30, 2015. S. 1619 (H.R. 3128).— Making appropriations for the S. 1704.— To amend the Indian Tribal Justice Act to Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year secure urgent resources vital to Indian victims of ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. crime, and for other purposes. Referred to Indian Af- Reported from Appropriations June 18, 2015; Rept. fairs July 7, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 3, 2015; 114–68. Rept. 114–172.

S. 1629.— To revise certain authorities of the District S. 1705 (H.R. 2596) (H.R. 4127).— To authorize appro- of Columbia courts, the Court Services and Offender priations for fiscal year 2016 for intelligence and intel- Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, and ligence-related activities of the United States Govern- the Public Defender Service for the District of Colum- ment, the Community Management Account, and the bia, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Se- Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability curity and Governmental Affairs June 18, 2015. Re- System, and for other purposes. Reported from Intel- ported Aug. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–110. Passed Senate ligence July 7, 2015; Rept. 114–83. Sept. 10, 2015. Received in House and referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 11, 2015. Re- S. 1707 (H.R. 2954).— To designate the Federal building ported Dec. 3, 2015; Rept. 114–368. located at 617 Walnut Street in Helena, Arkansas, Union Calendar ...... Union 281 as the ‘‘Jacob Trieber Federal Building, United States Post Office, and United States Court House’’. Referred S. 1632.— To require a regional strategy to address the to Environment and Public Works July 7, 2015. Com- threat posed by Boko Haram. Referred to Foreign Rela- mittee discharged. Passed Senate Aug. 5, 2015. Re- tions June 18, 2015. Reported amended July 29, 2015; ceived in House and held at desk Sept. 8, 2015. Rules no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 22, suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2015. Presented 2015. Received in House and referred to Foreign Af- to the President Sept. 29, 2015. Approved Oct. 7, fairs and in addition to Intelligence Sept. 24, 2015. 2015. Public Law 114–67. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–13

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1719.— To provide for the establishment and mainte- S. 1857 (H.R. 2670).— To amend the Small Business nance of a National Family Caregiving Strategy, and Act to provide for expanded participation in the for other purposes. Referred to Health, Education, microloan program, and for other purposes. Referred Labor, and Pensions July 8, 2015. Reported amended to Small Business and Entrepreneurship July 23, Dec. 1, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate amend- 2015. Reported Sept. 15, 2015; no written report. ed Dec. 8, 2015. Received in House and referred to Education and the Workforce Dec. 9, 2015. S. 1861 (S. 1881).— To prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Ordered S. 1725.— Making appropriations for the Department placed on the calendar July 26, 2015. of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for S. 1864.— To improve national security by developing other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 9, metrics to measure the effectiveness of security be- 2015; Rept. 114–79. tween ports of entry, at points of entry, and along the maritime border. Referred to Homeland Security S. 1731.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to and Governmental Affairs July 27, 2015. Reported waive the minimum period of continuous active duty amended Oct. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–152. in the Armed Forces for receipt of certain benefits S. 1866.— To establish the veterans’ business outreach for homeless veterans, to authorize the Secretary of center program, to improve the programs for veterans Veterans Affairs to furnish such benefits to homeless of the Small Business Administration, and for other veterans with discharges or releases from service in purposes. Referred to Small Business and Entrepre- the Armed Forces with other than dishonorable condi- neurship July 27, 2015. Reported amended Sept. 15, tions, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ 2015; no written report. Affairs July 9, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate amended Oct. 29, 2015. Received in House and S. 1868 (H.R. 3116).— To extend by 15 years the author- referred to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. 2, 2015. ity of the Secretary of Commerce to conduct the quar- terly financial report program. Referred to Homeland S. 1756.— To help small businesses take advantage of Security and Governmental Affairs July 27, 2015. Re- energy efficiency. Referred to Small Business and En- ported amended Oct. 22, 2015; Rept. 114–157. trepreneurship July 14, 2015. Reported Sept. 15, 2015; no written report. S. 1875.— To support enhanced accountability for United States assistance to Afghanistan, and for other pur- S. 1789 (H.R. 907).— To improve defense cooperation poses. Referred to Foreign Relations July 28, 2015. between the United States and the Hashemite King- Reported amended July 30, 2015; no written report. dom of Jordan. Referred to Foreign Relations July 16, 2015. Reported Oct. 27, 2015; no written report. S. 1881 (S. 1861).— To prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Ordered S. 1800 (H.R. 3049).— Making appropriations for Agri- placed on the calendar July 29, 2015. culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Adminis- tration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal S. 1893.— To reauthorize and improve programs related year ending September 30, 2016, and for other pur- to mental health and substance use disorders. Referred poses. Reported from Appropriations July 16, 2015; to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions July 29, Rept. 114–82. 2015. Reported amended Oct. 1, 2015; no written re- port. Passed Senate amended Dec. 18, 2015. S. 1808 (H.R. 455).— To require the Secretary of Home- land Security to conduct a Northern Border threat S. 1910 (H.R. 2995).— Making appropriations for finan- analysis, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland cial services and general government for the fiscal year Security and Governmental Affairs July 21, 2015. Re- ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. ported amended Oct. 19, 2015; Rept. 114–155. Reported from Appropriations July 30, 2015; Rept. 114–97. S. 1811 (H.R. 208).— To require the Administrator of S. 1941 (H.R. 2223).— To authorize, direct, expedite, and the Small Business Administration to establish a pro- facilitate a land exchange in El Paso and Teller Coun- gram to make loans to certain businesses, home- ties, Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to En- owners, and renters affected by Superstorm Sandy. Re- ergy and Natural Resources Aug. 5, 2015. Reported ferred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship July Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–188. 21, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 8, 2015; no written report. S. 1942 (H.R. 1554).— To require a land conveyance involving the Elkhorn Ranch and the White River Na- S. 1826.— To designate the facility of the United States tional Forest in the State of Colorado, and for other Postal Service located at 99 West 2nd Street in Fond purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources du Lac, Wisconsin, as the Lieutenant Colonel James Aug. 5, 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–189. ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas Post Office. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 22, 2015. Re- S. 1946.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ported July 29, 2015; no written report. Passed Senate to extend certain expiring provisions, and for other Aug. 5, 2015. Received in House and referred to Over- purposes. Reported from Finance Aug. 5, 2015; Rept. sight and Government Reform Sept. 8, 2015. 114–118. 11–14 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 2011.— To provide for reforms of the administration S. 2083.— To extend the deadline for commencement of the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States, of construction of a hydroelectric project. Referred to and for other purposes. Reported from Energy and Energy and Natural Resources Sept. 28, 2015. Re- Natural Resources Sept. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–137. ported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–192.

S. 2012.— To provide for the modernization of the energy S. 2089.— To provide for investment in clean energy, policy of the United States, and for other purposes. to empower and protect consumers, to modernize en- Reported from Energy and Natural Resources Sept. ergy infrastructure, to cut pollution and waste, to in- 9, 2015; Rept. 114–138. vest in research and development, and for other pur- S. 2032.— To adopt the bison as the national mammal poses. Ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 29, 2015. of the United States. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 15, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. S. 2093.— To provide that the Secretary of Transpor- 3, 2015. Received in House and referred to Oversight tation shall have sole authority to appoint Federal Di- and Government Reform Dec. 7, 2015. rectors to the Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Referred to S. 2035.— To provide for the compensation of Federal Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 29, employees affected by a lapse in appropriations. Or- 2015. Reported Nov. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–170. dered placed on the calendar Sept. 16, 2015. S. 2109.— To direct the Administrator of the Federal S. 2036 (H.R. 2243).— To suspend the current compensa- Emergency Management Agency to develop an inte- tion packages for the chief executive officers of Fannie grated plan to reduce administrative costs under the Mae and Freddie Mac, and for other purposes. Passed Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- Senate Sept. 15, 2015. Received in House and held sistance Act, and for other purposes. Referred to at desk Sept. 16, 2015. Rules suspended. Passed House Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 30, Nov. 16, 2015. Presented to the President Nov. 19, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 7, 2015; Rept. 114–173. 2015. Approved Nov. 25, 2015. Public Law 114–93.

S. 2044.— To prohibit the use of certain clauses in form S. 2116.— To improve certain programs of the Small contracts that restrict the ability of a consumer to Business Administration to better assist small busi- communicate regarding the goods or services offered ness customers in accessing broadband technology, and in interstate commerce that were the subject of the for other purposes. Referred to Small Business and contract, and for other purposes. Referred to Com- Entrepreneurship Oct. 1, 2015. Reported amended Oct. merce, Science and Transportation Sept. 16, 2015. Re- 7, 2015; no written report. ported amended Dec. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–175. Passed Senate amended Dec. 14, 2015. Received in House and S. 2123.— To reform sentencing laws and correctional referred to Energy and Commerce Dec. 15, 2015. institutions, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 1, 2015. Reported amended Oct. 26, S. 2046.— To authorize the Federal Energy Regulatory 2015; no written report. Commission to issue an order continuing a stay of a hydroelectric license for the Mahoney Lake hydro- S. 2126.— To reauthorize the women’s business center electric project in the State of Alaska, and for other program of the Small Business Administration, and purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources for other purposes. Referred to Small Business and Sept. 17, 2015. Reported Dec. 16, 2015; Rept. 114–190. Entrepreneurship Oct. 1, 2015. Reported amended Oct. S. 2069.— To amend the Omnibus Public Land Manage- 8, 2015; no written report. ment Act of 2009 to modify provisions relating to cer- tain land exchanges in the Mt. Hood Wilderness in S. 2128.— To require the Council of Inspectors General the State of Oregon. Referred to Energy and Natural on Integrity and Efficiency to submit to Congress a Resources Sept. 22, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 16, report on Inspector General mandates. Referred to 2015; Rept. 114–191. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 5, 2015. Reported amended Nov. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–171. S. 2078.— To reauthorize the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, and for other pur- S. 2129.— Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural poses. Reported from Foreign Relations Sept. 24, 2015; Development, Food and Drug Administration, Energy no written report. Passed Senate Sept. 30, 2015. Re- and Water Development, and Departments of Trans- ceived in House and held at desk Oct. 1, 2015. Rules portation, and Housing and Urban Development, and suspended. Passed House Oct. 6, 2015. Presented to related programs for the fiscal year ending September the President Oct. 8, 2015. Approved Oct. 16, 2015. 30, 2016, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on Public Law 114–71. the calendar Oct. 6, 2015. S. 2082.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to extend certain expiring provisions of law administered S. 2130.— Making appropriations for Department of De- by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other fense, energy and water development, Department of purposes. Passed Senate amended Sept. 25, 2015. Re- Homeland Security, military construction, Department ceived in House and held at desk Sept. 28, 2015. Rules of Veterans Affairs, and Department of State, foreign suspended. Passed House Sept. 30, 2015; Roll No. 526: operations, and related programs for the fiscal year 423–0. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2015. Ap- ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. proved Sept. 30, 2015. Public Law 114–58. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 6, 2015. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–15

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 2131.— Making appropriations for Departments of S. 2181 (H.R. 692).— To provide guidance and priorities Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agen- for Federal Government obligations in the event that cies and Department of Homeland Security for the fis- the debt limit is reached. Ordered placed on the cal- cal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other endar Oct. 20, 2015. purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 6, 2015. S. 2182.— To cut, cap, and balance the Federal budget. S. 2132.— Making appropriations for financial services Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 20, 2015. and general government, Department of the Interior, environment, and Departments of Labor, Health and S. 2183 (H.R. 3611).— To reauthorize and reform the Human Services, and Education, and related programs Export-Import Bank of the United States, and for for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 20, 2015. Oct. 6, 2015.

S. 2136.— To establish the Regional SBIR State Collabo- S. 2184 (H.R. 3766).— To direct the President to estab- rative Initiative Pilot Program, and for other purposes. lish guidelines for United States foreign development Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Oct. and economic assistance programs, and for other pur- 6, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 3, 2015; no written poses. Referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 20, 2015. report. Reported amended Nov. 17, 2015; no written report.

S. 2138.— To amend the Small Business Act to improve S. 2193.— To amend the Immigration and Nationality the review and acceptance of subcontracting plans, and Act to increase penalties for individuals who illegally for other purposes. Referred to Small Business and reenter the United States after being removed and Entrepreneurship Oct. 6, 2015. Reported amended for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 3, 2015; no written report. Oct. 22, 2015.

S. 2139.— To amend the Small Business Act to prohibit S. 2200.— To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of the use of reverse auctions for the procurement of cov- 1938 to strengthen equal pay requirements. Ordered ered contracts. Referred to Small Business and Entre- placed on the calendar Oct. 26, 2015. preneurship Oct. 6, 2015. Reported amended Dec. 2, 2015; no written report. S. 2232.— A bill to require a full audit of the Board S. 2146.— To hold sanctuary jurisdictions accountable of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the for defying Federal law, to increase penalties for indi- Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of viduals who illegally reenter the United States after the United States, and for other purposes. Ordered being removed, and to provide liability protection for placed on the calendar Nov. 4, 2015. State and local law enforcement who cooperate with Federal law enforcement and for other purposes. Or- S. 2261.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security dered placed on the calendar Oct. 7, 2015. Act to improve the way beneficiaries are assigned under the Medicare shared savings program by also S. 2152.— To establish a comprehensive United States basing such assignment on services furnished by Fed- Government policy to encourage the efforts of countries erally qualified health centers and rural health clinics. in sub-Saharan Africa to develop an appropriate mix Referred to Finance Nov. 9, 2015. Committee dis- of power solutions, including renewable energy, for charged. Passed Senate Dec. 17, 2015. Received in more broadly distributed electricity access in order to House and referred to Ways and Means and in addi- support poverty reduction, promote development out- tion to Energy and Commerce Dec. 18, 2015. comes, and drive economic growth, and for other pur- poses. Referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 7, 2015. Re- S. 2280.— Promote pro bono legal services as a critical ported amended Nov. 5, 2015; Rept. 114–176. Passed way in which to empower survivors of domestic vio- Senate amended Dec. 18, 2015. Received in House and lence. Passed Senate Nov. 10, 2015. Received in House referred to Foreign Affairs Dec. 18, 2015. and referred to the Judiciary Nov. 16, 2015.

S. 2162.— To establish a 10-year term for the service S. 2288.— To prohibit members and staff of the Federal of the Librarian of Congress. Passed Senate Oct. 7, Reserve System from lobbying for or against legisla- 2015. Received in House and referred to House Admin- tion, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the istration Oct. 8, 2015. Committee discharged. Passed calendar Nov. 18, 2015. House Oct. 20, 2015. Presented to the President Oct. 26, 2015. Approved Nov. 5, 2015. Public Law S. 2308.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 114–86. to clarify the treatment of church pension plans, and for other purposes. Referred to Finance Nov. 19, 2015. S. 2165.— To amend title 54, United States Code, to Committee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 10, 2015. permanently authorize the Land and Water Conserva- Received in House and held at desk Dec. 11, 2015. tion Fund. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 19, 2015. S. 2328.— To reauthorize and amend the National Sea S. 2169.— To amend title 54, United States Code, to Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes. extend the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Or- Passed Senate Nov. 19, 2015. Received in House and dered placed on the calendar Oct. 19, 2015. referred to Natural Resources Nov. 30, 2015. 11–16 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 2329.— To prevent the entry of extremists into the United States under the refugee program, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 30, 2015.

S. 2359.— To restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia. Ordered placed on the calendar Dec. 7, 2015.

S. 2368.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve the efficiency of the Medicare appeals process, and for other purposes. Reported from Finance Dec. 8, 2015; Rept. 114–177.

S. 2393.— To extend temporarily the extended period of protection for members of uniformed services relat- ing to mortgages, mortgage foreclosure, and eviction, and for other purposes. Passed Senate Dec. 10, 2015. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 11, 2015.

S. 2425.— To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act to improve payments for complex rehabili- tation technology and certain radiation therapy serv- ices, to ensure flexibility in applying the hardship ex- ception for meaningful use for the 2015 EHR reporting period for 2017 payment adjustments, and for other purposes. Passed Senate Dec. 18, 2015. Received in House and passed Dec. 18, 2015. Presented to the President Dec. 23, 2015. Approved Dec. 28, 2015. Public Law 114–115. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–17

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SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS S.J. Res. 8 (H. Res. 152).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the National Labor Relations Board relating to representation case proce- dures. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- sions Feb. 9, 2015. Committee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 23, 2015. Passed Senate Mar. 4, 2015; Roll No. 67: 53–46. Received in House and held at desk Mar. 4, 2015. Passed House Mar. 19, 2015; Roll No. 128: 232–186. Presented to the President Mar. 27, 2015. Vetoed Mar. 31, 2015.

S.J. Res. 19.— To express the disfavor of Congress re- garding the proposed agreement for cooperation be- tween the United States and the People’s Republic of China transmitted to the Congress by the President on April 21, 2015, pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Referred to Foreign Relations July 15, 2015. Committee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar July 21, 2015.

S.J. Res. 20.— Relating to the approval of the proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Korea Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Referred to Foreign Relations July 28, 2015. Com- mittee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 29, 2015.

S.J. Res. 22.— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Corps of Engineers and the En- vironmental Protection Agency relating to the defini- tion of ‘‘waters of the United States’’ under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Referred to Environment and Public Works Sept. 17, 2015. Committee dis- charged. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 30, 2015. Passed Senate Nov. 4, 2015; Roll No. 297: 53–44. Re- SEC. 12 ceived in House and held at desk Nov. 16, 2015.

S.J. Res. 23 (H.J. Res. 71) (H. Res. 539).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ‘‘Stand- ards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’. Referred to Environment and Public Works Oct. 26, 2015. Com- mittee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 16, 2015. Passed Senate Nov. 17, 2015; Roll No. 307: 52–46. Received in House and held at desk Nov. 18, 2015. Passed House Dec. 1, 2015; Roll No. 651: 235–188. Presented to the President Dec. 18, 2015. Vetoed Dec. 18, 2015.

S.J. Res. 24 (H.J. Res. 72) (H. Res. 539).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ‘‘Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units’’. Referred to Environment and Public Works Oct. 26, 2015. Com- mittee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 16, 2015. Passed Senate Nov. 17, 2015; Roll No. 306: 52–46. Received in House and held at desk Nov. 18, 2015. Passed House Dec. 1, 2015; Roll No. 650: 242–180. Presented to the President Dec. 18, 2015. Vetoed Dec. 18, 2015. 12–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued S. Con. Res. 2.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation S. Con. Res. 20.— Recognizing and honoring the 25th Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to anniversary of the date of enactment of the Americans present the Congressional Gold Medal to the First Spe- with Disabilities Act of 1990. Passed Senate July 28, cial Service Force, in recognition of its superior service 2015. Received in House and referred to Education during World War II. Passed Senate Jan. 8, 2015. Re- and the Workforce and in addition to Transportation ceived in House and held at desk Jan. 9, 2015. Passed and Infrastructure, the Judiciary, and Energy and House Jan. 12, 2015. Commerce July 29, 2015.

S. Con. Res. 3.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation S. Con. Res. 21 (H. Con. Res. 93).— Authorizing the Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for an event to cele- use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center brate the birthday of King Kamehameha I. Referred for a ceremony to commemorate the 150th Anniversary to Rules and Administration Feb. 5, 2015. Committee of the ratification of the 13th Amendment. Referred discharged. Passed Senate Apr. 23, 2015. Received in to Rules and Administration Oct. 5, 2015. Committee House and referred to House Administration Apr. 27, discharged. Passed Senate amended Oct. 8, 2015. Re- 2015. Committee discharged. Passed House May 18, ferred to House Administration Oct. 13, 2015. 2015. S. Con. Res. 22.— Recognizing the 50th anniversary of the White House Fellows program. Passed Senate Oct. S. Con. Res. 7.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation 6, 2015. Received in House and referred to Oversight Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to and Government Reform Oct. 7, 2015. award the Congressional Gold Medal to the World War II members of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders. Referred S. Con. Res. 24.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation to Rules and Administration Mar. 3, 2015. Committee Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for the unveiling discharged. Passed Senate Mar. 12, 2015. Received in of the marble bust of Vice President Richard Cheney House and passed Mar. 16, 2015. on December 3, 2015. Passed Senate Nov. 5, 2015. Received in House and passed Nov. 16, 2015. S. Con. Res. 10.— Supporting the designation of the year of 2015 as the ‘‘International Year of Soils’’ and supporting locally led soil conservation. Referred to Ag- riculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Mar. 17, 2015. Com- mittee discharged. Passed Senate amended May 13, 2015. Received in House and held at desk May 14, 2015.

S. Con. Res. 11 (H. Res. 189) (H. Con. Res. 27) (H. Res. 231).— Setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2016 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2017 through 2025. Reported from the Budget Mar. 20, 2015; no written report. Considered Mar. 23, 24, 25, 26, 2015. Passed Senate amended Mar. 27 (Leg- SEC. 13 islative day of Mar. 26), 2015; Roll No. 135: 52–46. Received in House and held at desk Apr. 13, 2015. Passed House with amendment Apr. 14, 2015. House insisted on its amendment and asked for a conference Apr. 14, 2015. Senate disagreed to House amendment and agreed to a conference Apr. 15, 2015. Roll No. 145: 54–43. Conference report filed in the House Apr. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–96. House agreed to conference report Apr. 30, 2015; Roll No. 183: 226–197. Senate agreed to conference report May 5, 2015; Roll No. 171: 51–48.

S. Con. Res. 16.— Stating the policy of the United States regarding the release of United States citizens in Iran. Ordered placed on the calendar May 7, 2015. Passed Senate May 11, 2015; Roll No. 175: 90–0. Received in House and referred to Foreign Affairs May 12, 2015.

S. Con. Res. 19.— Providing for a conditional adjourn- ment or recess of the Senate and an adjournment of the House of Representatives. Passed Senate June 24, 2015. Received in House and held at desk June 24, 2015. Passed House June 25, 2015. 13–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill


No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. Res. 2.— Informing the House of Representatives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled. Passed Senate Jan. 6, 2015.

S. Res. 19.— Relative to the death of Edward W. Brooke, III, former United States Senator for the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. Passed Senate Jan. 6, 2015.

S. Res. 38.— Relative to the death of Wendell H. Ford, former United States Senator for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Passed Senate Jan. 23, 2015.

S. Res. 191.— Relative to the death of Joseph Robinette Biden, III. Passed Senate June 3, 2015.

S. Res. 250.— Relative to the death of Richard Schultz Schweiker, former United States Senator for the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania. Passed Senate Sept. 9, 2015.

S. Res. 309.— Relative to the death of Fred Thompson, former United States Senator for the State of Ten- nessee. Passed Senate Nov. 5, 2015.


No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill


No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

SEC. 15


No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill BILLS IN CONFERENCE

Jefferson’s Manual, sec. XLVI (Rules and Manual of the House of Representatives, sec. 555): ‘‘And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, etc., the conferees of the House asking it are to leave the papers with the conferees of the other * * *.’’


SEC. 16


FIRST SESSION H.R. 22—Continued House Conferees—Continued ference: Messrs. Thompson of Pennsylvania, H.R. 22—To amend the Internal Revenue LaHood, and Grijalva. Code of 1986 to exempt employees with As additional conferees from the Committee on Over- health coverage under TRICARE or the Vet- sight and Government Reform, for consideration of erans Administration from being taken into secs. 5106, 5223, 5504, 5505, 61003, and 61004 of account for purposes of determining the em- the House amendment and secs. 12004, 21019, ployers to which the employer mandate ap- 31203, 32401, 32508, 32606, 35203, 35311, and plies under the Patient Protection and Af- 35312 of the Senate amendment, and modifications fordable Care Act. committed to conference: Messrs. Mica, Hurd of House asked for a conference: Texas, and Connolly. Nov. 5, 2015. As additional conferees from the Committee on House Conferees: Science, Space, and Technology, for consideration From the Committee on Transportation and Infra- of secs. 3008, 3015, 4003, and title VI of the House structure, for consideration of the House amend- amendment and secs. 11001, 12001, 12002, 12004, ment and the Senate amendment, and modifications 12102, 21009, 21017, subtitle B of title XXXI, secs. committed to conference: Messrs. Shuster, Duncan 35105 and 72003 of the Senate amendment, and of Tennessee, Graves of Missouri, Mrs. Miller of modifications committed to conference: Mr. Smith Michigan, Messrs. Crawford, Barletta, Farenthold, of Texas, Mrs. Comstock, and Ms. Edwards. Gibbs, Denham, Ribble, Perry, Woodall, Katko, As additional conferees from the Committee on Ways Babin, Hardy, Graves of Louisiana, DeFazio, Ms. and Means, for consideration of secs. 31101, 31201, Norton, Mr. Nadler, Mses. Brown of Florida, Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, Messrs. Cummings, Lar- and 31203 of the House amendment, and secs. sen of Washington, Capuano, Mrs. Napolitano, 51101, 51201, 51203, 52101, 52103-05, 52108, Messrs. Lipinski, Cohen, and Sires. 62001, and 74001 of the Senate amendment, and Nov. 17, 2015. modifications committed to conference: Messrs. As additional conferees from the Committee on Armed Brady of Texas, Reichert, and Levin. Services, for consideration of sec. 1111 of the House Senate agreed to a conference: amendment, and modifications committed to con- Nov. 10, 2015. ference: Messrs. Thornberry, Rogers of Alabama, and Ms. Loretta Sanchez of California. Senate Conferees: As additional conferees from the Committee on En- Messrs. Inhofe, Thune, Hatch, Mses. Murkowski, ergy and Commerce, for consideration of secs. 1109, Fischer, Messrs. Barrasso, Cornyn, Mrs. Boxer, 1201, 1202, 3003, Division B, secs. 31101, 31201, Messrs. Brown, Nelson, Wyden, Durbin, and Schu- and Division F of the House amendment and secs. mer. 11005, 11006, 11013, 21003, 21004, subtitles B and House Report filed: D of title XXXIV, secs. 51101 and 51201 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to Dec. 1, 2015; Rept. 114–357. conference: Messrs. Upton, Mullin, and Pallone. Report agreed to in House: As additional conferees from the Committee on Finan- Dec. 3, 2015. cial Services, for consideration of sec. 32202 and Division G of the House amendment and secs. Report agreed to in Senate: 52203 and 52205 of the Senate amendment, and Dec. 3, 2015. modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Hen- Presented to the President Dec. 4, 2015. sarling, Neugebauer, and Ms. Maxine Waters of California. (Approved Dec. 4, 2015; Public Law 114–94.) As additional conferees from the Committee on the Judiciary, for consideration of secs. 1313, 24406, f and 43001 of the House amendment and secs. 32502 and 35437 of the Senate amendment, and modifica- H.R. 240—Making appropriations for the De- tions committed to conference: Messrs. Goodlatte, partment of Homeland Security for the fiscal SEC. 17 Marino, and Ms. Lofgren. year ending September 30, 2015, and for As additional conferees from the Committee on Nat- other purposes. ural Resources, for consideration of secs. 1114-16, 1120, 1301, 1302, 1304, 1305, 1307, 1308, 1310- House asked for a conference: 13, 1316, 1317, 10001, and 10002 of the House Feb. 27, 2015. amendment and secs. 11024-27, 11101-13, 11116- 18, 15006, 31103-05, and 73103 of the Senate Senate disagreed to a conference Mar. 2, 2015. amendment and modifications committed to con- (17–1) 17–2 BILLS THROUGH CONFERENCE

H.R. 240—Continued H.R. 1735—Continued House receded and concurred in Senate amendment House Conferees—Continued Mar. 3, 2015. the Senate amendment, and modifications com- mitted to conference: Messrs. Upton, Barton, and Presented to the President Mar. 4, 2015. Pallone. As additional conferees, from the Committee on For- (Approved Mar. 4, 2015; Public Law 114–4.) eign Affairs, for consideration of secs. 1011, 1059, f 1090, 1092, 1201, 1203-05, 1215, 1221, 1223, 1226, H.R. 644—To amend the Internal Revenue 1234-36, 1247-49, 1253, 1257, 1263, 1264, 1267, 1270, 1301, 1532, 1541, 1542, 1663, 1668-70, 2802, Code of 1986 to permanently extend and ex- 3118, and 3119 of the House bill and secs. 1011, pand the charitable deduction for contribu- 1012, 1082, 1201-05, 1207, 1209, 1223, 1225, 1228, tions of food inventory. 1251, 1252, 1261, 1264, 1265, 1272, 1301, 1302, Senate asked for a conference: 1531-33, 1631, 1654, and 1655 of the Senate amend- June 24, 2015. ment, and modifications committed to conference: Senate Conferees: Messrs. Royce, Marino, and Engel. Messrs. Hatch, Cornyn, Thune, Isakson, Wyden, Schu- As additional conferees, from the Committee on mer, and Ms. Stabenow. Homeland Security, for consideration of secs. 589 and 1041 of the Senate amendment, and modifica- House agreed to a conference: tions committed to conference: Mr. McCaul, Mrs. Dec. 1, 2015. Miller of Michigan, and Mr. Thompson of Mis- House Conferees: sissippi. Dec. 2, 2015. As additional conferees, from the Committee on the Messrs. Brady of Texas, Reichert, Tiberi, Levin, and Judiciary, for consideration of secs. 1040, 1052, Ms. Linda T. Sanchez of California. 1085, 1216, 1641, and 2862 of the House bill and House Report filed: secs. 1032, 1034, 1090, and 1227 of the Senate Dec. 9, 2015; Rept. 114–376. amendment, and modifications committed to con- ference: Messrs. Goodlatte, Issa, and Conyers. Report agreed to in House: As additional conferees, from the Committee on Nat- Dec. 11, 2015. ural Resources, for consideration of secs. 312, 632, f 634, 2841, 2842, 2851-53, and 2862 of the House bill and secs. 313, 601, and 632 of the Senate H.R. 1735—To authorize appropriations for amendment, and modifications committed to con- fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the ference: Messrs. Cook, Hardy, and Grijalva. Department of Defense and for military con- As additional conferees, from the Committee on Over- struction, to prescribe military personnel sight and Government Reform, for consideration of strengths for such fiscal year, and for other secs. 602, 631, 634, 838, 854, 855, 866, 871, 1069, purposes. and 1101-05 of the House bill and secs. 592, 593, 631, 806, 830, 861, 1090, 1101, 1102, 1104, 1105, House asked for a conference: 1107-09, 1111, 1112, 1114, and 1115 of the Senate June 25, 2015. amendment, and modifications committed to con- House Conferees: ference: Messrs. Hurd of Texas, Russell, and Cum- From the Committee on Armed Services, for consider- mings. ation of the House bill and the Senate amendment, As additional conferees, from the Committee on Rules, and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. for consideration of sec. 1032 of the Senate amend- Thornberry, Forbes, Miller of Florida, Wilson of ment, and modifications committed to conference: South Carolina, LoBiondo, Bishop of Utah, Turner, Messrs. Sessions, Byrne, and Ms. Slaughter. Kline, Rogers of Alabama, Shuster, Conaway, Lam- As additional conferees, from the Committee on born, Wittman, Hunter, Mrs. Hartzler, Messrs. Science, Space, and Technology, for consideration Heck of Nevada, Wenstrup, Ms. Stefanik, Mr. Smith of sec. 3136 of the House bill and sec. 1613 of the of Washington, Ms. Loretta Sanchez of California, Senate amendment, and modifications committed to Mrs. Davis of California, Messrs. Langevin, Larsen conference: Messrs. Lucas, Knight, and Ms. Eddie of Washington, Cooper, Ms. Bordallo, Mr. Courtney, Bernice Johnson of Texas. Ms. Tsongas, Messrs. Garamendi, Johnson of Geor- As additional conferees, from the Committee on Small gia, Ms. Speier, Mr. Castro of Texas, and Ms. Business, for consideration of secs. 831-34, 839, 840, Duckworth. 842-46, 854, and 871 of the House bill and secs. July 10, 2015. 828, 831, 882, 883, and 885 of the Senate amend- As additional conferees, from the Permanent Select ment, and modifications committed to conference: Committee on Intelligence, for consideration of mat- Messrs. Chabot, Hanna, and Ms. Velazquez. ters within the jurisdiction of that committee under As additional conferees, from the Committee on clause 11 of rule X: Messrs. Nunes, King of New Transportation and Infrastructure, for consideration York, and Schiff. of secs. 302, 562, 569, 570a, 591, 1060a, 1073, 2811, As additional conferees, from the Committee on Edu- and 3501 of the House bill and secs. 601, 642, 1613, cation and the Workforce, for consideration of secs. 3504, and 3505 of the Senate amendment, and 571 and 573 of the House bill and secs. 561-63 modifications committed to conference: Messrs. of the Senate amendment, and modifications com- Graves of Louisiana, Curbelo of Florida, and Ms. mitted to conference: Messrs. Rokita, Bishop of Edwards. Michigan, and Scott of Virginia. As additional conferees, from the Committee on Vet- As additional conferees, from the Committee on En- erans Affairs, for consideration of secs. 565, 566, ergy and Commerce, for consideration of secs. 314, 592, 652, 701, 721, 722, 1105, and 1431 of the 632, 634, 3111-13, 3119, 3133, and 3141 of the House bill and secs. 539, 605, 633, 719, 1083, 1084, House bill and secs. 601, 632, 3118, and 3119 of 1089, 1091, and 1411 of the Senate amendment, BILLS THROUGH CONFERENCE 17–3

H.R. 1735—Continued House Conferees—Continued and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Roe of Tennessee, Bilirakis, and Ms. Brown of Flor- ida. S. Con. Res. 11—Setting forth the congres- Senate agreed to a conference: sional budget for the United States Govern- July 9, 2015. ment for fiscal year 2016 and setting forth Senate Conferees: the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal Messrs. McCain, Inhofe, Sessions, Wicker, Mses. years 2017 through 2025. Ayotte, Fischer, Messrs. Cotton, Rounds, Graham, Reed, Nelson, Manchin, Mrs. Gillibrand, Mr. Don- House asked for a conference: nelly, Ms. Hirono, and Mr. Kaine. Apr. 14, 2015. House Conferees: House Report filed: Messrs. Tom Price of Georgia, Rokita, Diaz-Balart, Sept. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–270. Mrs. Black, Messrs. Moolenaar, Van Hollen, Yar- muth, and Ms. Moore. Report agreed to in House: Oct. 1, 2015. Senate agreed to a conference: Apr. 15, 2015. Report agreed to in Senate: Senate Conferees: Oct. 7, 2015. Messrs. Enzi, Grassley, Sessions, Crapo, Graham, Presented to the President Oct. 21, 2015. Portman, Toomey, Johnson, Ms. Ayotte, Messrs. Wicker, Corker, Perdue, Sanders, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Vetoed Oct. 22, 2015. Wyden, Ms. Stabenow, Messrs. Whitehouse, War- ner, Merkley, Ms. Baldwin, Messrs. Kaine, and King. In House, veto referred to Armed Services Nov. 5, 2015. House Report filed: f Apr. 29, 2015; Rept. 114–96. S. 1177—To reauthorize the Elementary and Report agreed to in House: Apr. 30, 2015. Secondary Education Act of 1965 to ensure that every child achieves. Report agreed to in Senate: May 5, 2015. House asked for a conference: Nov. 17, 2015. House Conferees: Mr. Kline, Ms. Foxx, Messrs. Roe of Tennessee, Thompson of Pennsylvania, Guthrie, Rokita, Messer, Grothman, Russell, Curbelo of Florida, Scott of Virginia, Mrs. Davis of California, Ms. Fudge, Mr. Polis, Mses. Wilson of Florida, Bonamici, and Clark of Massachusetts. Senate agreed to a conference: Nov. 18, 2015. Senate Conferees: Messrs. Alexander, Enzi, Burr, Isakson, Paul, Mses. Collins, Murkowski, Messrs. Kirk, Scott, Hatch, Roberts, Cassidy, Mmes. Murray, Mikulski, Messrs. Sanders, Casey, Franken, Bennet, Whitehouse, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Murphy, and Ms. Warren. House Report filed: Nov. 30, 2015; Rept. 114–354. Report agreed to in House: Dec. 2, 2015. Conference report considered in Senate: Dec. 3, 8, 2015. Report agreed to in Senate: Dec. 9, 2015. Presented to the President Dec. 9, 2015. (Approved Dec. 10, 2015; Public Law 114–95.) 17–4 BILLS THROUGH CONFERENCE INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

Access to Community Care for Veterans Act...... S. 1463 Border Jobs for Veterans Act...... S. 1603, H.R. 2835

Access to Life-Saving Trauma Care for All Border Security Technology Accountability Americans Act ...... H.R. 647 Act ...... H.R. 1634

Adoptive Family Relief Act ...... S. 1300 Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act ...... H.R. 3504 Affordable Reliable Electricity Now Act...... S. 1324 Boys Town Centennial Commemorative Coin AFIRM Act...... S. 2368 Act...... S. 301, H.R. 893

AGOA Extension and Enhancement Act ...... H.R. 1891 Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Act ...... H.R. 2722 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Breast Cancer Research Stamp Reauthorization Appropriations Act, 2016 ...... H.R. 3049, S. 1800 Act...... S. 1170

Airport Access Control Security Improvement Bring Accountability Now to the Fed Act ...... S. 2288 Act ...... H.R. 3102 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program Airport and Airway Extension Act...... H.R. 3614 Reauthorization Act ...... S. 125

Albuquerque Indian School Land Transfer Act...... S. 986, Bullion and Collectible Coin Production Efficiency H.R. 1880 and Cost Savings Act...... H.R. 1698

ALERT Act ...... H.R. 1759 Bureau Advisory Commission Transparency Act ...... H.R. 1265 Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission on Native Children Act...... S. 246 Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Advisory Boards Act ...... H.R. 1195 America COMPETES Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 1806 Bureau of Reclamation Transparency Act ...... S. 593, America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act ...... H.R. 636 H.R. 1107 American Energy Innovation Act ...... S. 2089 Capital Access for Small Community Financial American Research and Competitiveness Act.....H.R. 880 Institutions Act ...... H.R. 299

American SAFE Act...... H.R. 4038 Career-Ready Student Veterans Act ...... H.R. 2360

American Soda Ash Competitiveness Act...... H.R. 1992 CBRN Intelligence and Information Sharing Act ...... H.R. 2200 American Super Computing Leadership Act...... H.R. 874 Centennial Monetary Commission Act ...... H.R. 2912 Amy and Vicky Child Pornography Victim Restitution Improvement Act ...... S. 295 Cerros del Norte Conservation Act...... S. 1240

Arapaho National Forest Boundary Adjustment Charitable Agricultural Research Act ...... S. 908 Act ...... H.R. 1324 Child Nicotine Poisoning Prevention Act...... S. 142 Arizona Borderlands Protection and Preservation Act...... S. 750 Child Support Assistance Act ...... H.R. 2091

Billy Frank Jr. Tell Your Story Act ...... H.R. 2270 Church Plan Clarification Act...... S. 2308

Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Cider Investment and Development through Excise Accountability Act ...... H.R. 1890, S. 995 Tax Reduction (CIDER) Act...... S. 906

Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act ...... S. 405, S. 556 CIPA ...... H.R. 1073 SEC. 18

Boosting Rates of American Veteran Employment Clarification of Waiver Authority Regarding PACE Act ...... H.R. 1382 Programs ...... S. 1362


Clay Hunt SAV Act ...... H.R. 203 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2016 ...... S. 1558 CLEAR SBA Act...... S. 967 Department of Energy Laboratory Modernization Coast Guard Authorization Act ...... H.R. 1987, S. 1611, and Technology Transfer Act ...... H.R. 1158 H.R. 4188 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Combat Terrorist Use of Social Media Act ...... H.R. 3654 Act, 2015 ...... H.R. 240, S. 272

Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016...... H.R. 2578 Act, 2016 ...... S. 1619, H.R. 3128

Commercial Real Estate and Economic Department of Homeland Security Border Security Development Act...... S. 966 Metrics Act...... S. 1864

Commodity End-User Relief Act...... H.R. 2289 Department of Homeland Security CBRNE Defense Act...... H.R. 3875 Community Based Independence for Seniors Act...... S. 704 Department of Homeland Security Clearance Management and Administration Act ...... H.R. 3505 Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act .....H.R. 1529 Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Competitive Service Act ...... S. 1580 Strategy Act...... H.R. 3510

Comprehensive Justice and Mental Health Act ...... S. 993 Department of Homeland Security Headquarters Consolidation Accountability Act...... H.R. 1640 Conservation Easement Incentive Act ...... H.R. 641 Department of Homeland Security Insider Threat Construction Authorization and Choice and Mitigation Act ...... H.R. 3361 Improvement Act...... H.R. 2496 Department of Homeland Security Interoperable Construction Reform Act...... H.R. 3106 Communications...... H.R. 615 Department of Homeland Security Support to Consumer Review Freedom Act...... S. 2044 Fusion Centers Act ...... H.R. 3503 Contracting and Tax Accountability Act...... H.R. 1562 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, Corolla Wild Horses Protection Act...... H.R. 152 2016 ...... H.R. 2772, S. 1725

Countering Violent Extremism Act...... H.R. 2899 Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act...... S. 286 Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act...H.R. 2393 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Craft Beverage Bond Simplification Act ...... S. 904 Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016 ...... H.R. 2822, S. 1645 Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act ...H.R. 2223, S. 1941 Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act ...... S. 1599 Act...... S. 1082

Cross-Border Rail Security Act...... H.R. 2786 Department of Veterans Affairs Budget Planning Reform Act...... H.R. 216 Cut, Cap, and Balance Act ...... S. 2182 Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act ...... S. 754 Authorities Act...... S. 2082

Death Tax Repeal Act ...... H.R. 1105 Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility Earthquake Protection and Improvement Act .....S. 833 Debt Management and Fiscal Responsibility Act ...... H.R. 3442 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Default Prevention Act ...... H.R. 692, S. 2181 Appropriations Act, 2016 ...... S. 1695, H.R. 3020

Defend Our Capital Act...... S. 2359 Detaining Terrorists to Protect America Act ...... S. 165

Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for Act ...... H.R. 2146 the Economy Act...... S. 1647

Defund Planned Parenthood Act ...... H.R. 3134 DHS FOIA Efficiency Act...... H.R. 1615

Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous DHS Headquarters Reform and Improvement Terrorists Act ...... H.R. 1076 Act ...... H.R. 3572 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–3

DHS IT Duplication Reduction Act ...... H.R. 1626 Ensuring Access to Clinical Trials Act...... S. 139

DHS Paid Administrative Leave Accountability Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Act ...... H.R. 1633 Enforcement Act...... H.R. 471

DHS Science and Technology Reform and Ensuring VA Employee Accountability Act ...... H.R. 1038 Improvement Act...... H.R. 3578 EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act ...... H.R. 1029 Dignified Interment of Our Veterans Act...... H.R. 1338 Equitable Access to Care and Health Act...... H.R. 2061 Directing Dollars to Disaster Relief Act...... S. 2109 Equity in Government Compensation Act ...... S. 2036, Disclosure Modernization and Simplification H.R. 2243 Act ...... H.R. 1525 Eric Williams Correctional Officer Protection District of Columbia Courts, Public Defender Act...... S. 238 Service, and Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Act ...... S. 1629 Essential Transportation Worker Identification Credential Assessment Act...... H.R. 710 Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters Act...... H.R. 805 Every Child Achieves Act ...... S. 1177

Don’t Tax Our Fallen Public Safety Heroes Act.....S. 916, Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission H.R. 606 Act...... H.R. 1831, S. 991

Drinking Water Protection Act...... H.R. 212 Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization Act...... S. 2183, H.R. 3611 Driver Privacy Act ...... S. 766 Fair Treatment for All Donations Act...... H.R. 1104 E-Warranty Act of 2015...... S. 1359, H.R. 3154 Fairness for Crime Victims Act ...... S. 1495 Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act ...... H.R. 1344 Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act...... H.R. 1927

Economic Development Through Tribal Land Fairness to Veterans for Infrastructure Investment Exchange Act...... H.R. 387 Act ...... H.R. 1694 Educator Tax Relief Act ...... H.R. 2940 Fallen Heroes Flag Act...... H.R. 723 EGO Act...... S. 310 Fed Oversight Reform and Modernization Election Assistance Commission Termination Act ...... H.R. 3189 Act ...... H.R. 195 Federal Communications Commission Consolidated Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Reporting Act...... H.R. 734, S. 253 Act ...... H.R. 2358 Federal Communications Commission Process Electrify Africa Act ...... S. 2152 Reform Act...... H.R. 2583

Electronic Health Fairness Act...... H.R. 887, S. 1347 Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act...... H.R. 1557

Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act...... H.R. 601 Federal Employee Fair Treatment Act ...... S. 2035

Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act...... H.R. 1563 Conveyance Act...... H.R. 1554, S. 1942 Federal Improper Payments Coordination Act...... S. 614, Emergency Information Improvement Act...... S. 1090 H.R. 2320

Energy and Water Development and Related Federal Intern Protection Act...... H.R. 3231 Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016...... H.R. 2028 Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act Energy Efficiency Improvement Act...... S. 535 Extension Act ...... H.R. 1991

Energy Policy Modernization Act ...... S. 2012 Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers Reform and Improvement Act...... H.R. 3842 Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act...... S. 720 Federal Permitting Improvement Act ...... S. 280

Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act...... H.R. 3009 Federal Reserve Transparency Act...... S. 2232

Enhancing Services for Runaway and Homeless Federal Vehicle Repair Cost Savings Act ...... S. 565, Victims of Youth Trafficking Act ...... H.R. 468 H.R. 1613 18–4 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

Federal Water Quality Protection Act...... S. 1140 Highway and Transportation Funding Act, Part II ...... H.R. 3038 Federally Funded Research and Development Sunshine Act ...... H.R. 1637 Hire More Heroes Act ...... H.R. 22, H.J.Res. 61

Female Veteran Suicide Prevention Act ...... H.R. 2915 Holding Company Registration Threshold Equalization Act...... H.R. 1334 Financial Regulatory Improvement Act ...... S. 1484 Homebuyers Assistance Act...... H.R. 3192 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2016 ...... H.R. 2995, S. 1910 Homeland Security Drone Assessment and Analysis Act...... H.R. 1646 First Responder Anthrax Preparedness Act...... H.R. 1300 Homeland Security University-based Centers First Responder Identification of Emergency Needs Review Act ...... H.R. 2390 in Disaster Situations...... H.R. 2795 Homeless Veterans Services Protection Act ...... S. 1731 First Responders Passport Act ...... H.R. 3750 Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Programs FOIA Improvement Act ...... S. 337 Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 474

Foreclosure Relief and Extension for Homes for Heroes Act...... H.R. 251 Servicemembers Act ...... S. 2393 Honor America’s Guard-Reserve Retirees Act...H.R. 1384 Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act...... S. 2184, H.R. 3766 Housing Assistance Efficiency Act ...... H.R. 1047

Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional HSA Technical Corrections Act ...... H.R. 3859 Immunity Clarification Act ...... H.R. 889 HUBZone Revitalization Act...... S. 1292 Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act...... S. 697 Human Trafficking Detection Act ...... H.R. 460

FTO Passport Revocation Act...... H.R. 237 Human Trafficking Prevention Act ...... H.R. 357 Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Human Trafficking Prevention, Intervention, and Act ...... H.R. 526 Recovery Act ...... H.R. 350 Fusion Center Enhancement Act ...... H.R. 3598 Human Trafficking Prioritization Act...... H.R. 514 General of the Army Omar Bradley Property Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Transfer Act ...... S. 267 Enforcement Act ...... H.R. 774, S. 1334 Gerardo Hernandez Airport Security Act ...... H.R. 720 Immigration Rule of Law Act...... S. 534 Global Anti-Poaching Act...... H.R. 2494 Improved Security Vetting for Aviation Workers Global Health Innovation Act...... H.R. 2241 Act ...... H.R. 2750

Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Improving Access to Capital for Emerging Growth Act...... S. 284 Companies Act...... H.R. 2064

Gold Star Fathers Act...... S. 136 Improving Access to Emergency Psychiatric Care Act...... S. 599 GONE Act...... H.R. 3089, S. 1115 Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Act ...... H.R. 373 Act ...... H.R. 1734

Grand Canyon Bison Management Act...... S. 782 Improving Regulatory Transparency for New Medical Therapies Act ...... H.R. 639, S. 481 Grassroots Rural and Small Community Water Systems Assistance Act...... S. 611 Improving Small Business Innovative Research and Technologies Act...... S. 2136 Helping Expand Lending Practices in Rural Communities Act...... H.R. 1259 Increasing Regulatory Fairness Act...... H.R. 2507

Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self- Act ...... H.R. 2297 Determination Act Amendments...... S. 209

Higher Education Extension Act ...... H.R. 3594 Innovation Act...... H.R. 9

Highway and Transportation Funding Act...... H.R. 2353 Inspector General Empowerment Act ...S. 579, H.R. 2395 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–5

Inspector General Mandates Reporting Act...... S. 2128 Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild and Scenic River Act ...... S. 329 Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Modernization Act ...... S. 1180 LTCH Technical Correction Act ...... H.R. 2580

Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Mandatory Price Reporting Act...... H.R. 2051 2016 ...... H.R. 2596, S. 1705, H.R. 4127 Maritime Administration Enhancement Act ...... S. 1326 International Megan’s Law to Prevent Demand for Child Sex Trafficking...... H.R. 515 Medgar Evers House Study Act ...... H.R. 959

International Science and Technology Cooperation Medical Preparedness Allowable Use Act...... H.R. 361 Act ...... H.R. 1156 Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act ....H.R. 2 Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act ...... S. 615, S. 625 Medicare Advantage Coverage Transparency IRS Bureaucracy Reduction and Judicial Review Act ...... H.R. 2505 Act ...... H.R. 1295 Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding James K. Polk Presidential Home Study Act ...... S. 1483 Improvement Act...... H.R. 284

Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Act ...... S. 873 Medicare Independence at Home Medical Practice Demonstration Improvement Act...... S. 971 John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act ...... H.R. 1289 Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act...... S. 1893 Judicial Redress Act ...... H.R. 1428 Microbead-Free Waters Act ...... H.R. 1321 Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act ....H.R. 3457 Microloan Modernization Act ...... H.R. 2670, S. 1857 Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act...... H.R. 181, S. 178 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016...H.R. 2029 Reauthorization Act ...... S. 1169 Military Spouse Job Continuity Act ...... S. 920 Kate’s Law ...... S. 2193 Mortgage Choice Act...... H.R. 685 Keep the Promise Act...... H.R. 308 Mortgage Servicing Asset Capital Requirements Keep the Promise Act of 2015...... S. 152 Act ...... H.R. 1408

Keeping our Travelers Safe and Secure Act...... H.R. 2770 Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act...... S. 304

Keystone XL Pipeline Act...... H.R. 3, S. 1 Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clarification Act...... S. 2069 Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act ...... S. 147 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Knife Owners’ Protection Act...... S. 1315 Authorization Act...... H.R. 810

Know the CBRN Terrorism Threats to National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Transportation Act...... H.R. 3350 Reporting Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 1725

Land Management Workforce Flexibility Act ...H.R. 1531 National Bison Legacy Act ...... S. 2032

Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act...... H.R. 758 National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act ...... H.R. 1731 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2016....H.R. 2250 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Librarian of Congress Succession Modernization 2016 ...... H.R. 1735, S. 1376 Act...... S. 2162 National Energy Security Corridors Act...... H.R. 2295 Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restoration Act...... S. 35 National Forest Foundation Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 2394 LNG and LPG Excise Tax Equalization Act...... S. 917 National Forest Small Tracts Act Amendments LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act ...... H.R. 1214 Act ...... H.R. 351 National Guard and Reservist Debt Relief Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act ...... H.R. 294 Extension Act ...... H.R. 4246

Low-Dose Radiation Research Act...... H.R. 35 National Liberty Memorial Clarification Act ....H.R. 1949 18–6 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

National Park Access Act ...... S. 145 Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act ...... S. 2425

National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Patient Access to Disposable Medical Technology Act ...... S. 764, S. 2328 Act...... S. 1253

National Strategic and Critical Minerals Permanent CFC Look-Through Act...... H.R. 1430 Production Act...... H.R. 1937 Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act...... H.R. 235 National Windstorm Impact Reduction Act Reauthorization...... H.R. 23 Permanent IRA Charitable Contribution Act...... H.R. 637

Native American Children’s Safety Act ...... H.R. 1168, Permanent S Corporation Built-in Gain S. 184 Recognition Period Act...... H.R. 629

Native American Energy Act ...... H.R. 538 Permanent S Corporation Charitable Contribution Act ...... H.R. 630 Native American Housing Assistance and Self- Determination Reauthorization Act.....H.R. 360, S. 710 Philanthropic Enterprise Act ...... S. 909

Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act .....H.R. 161 Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2...... S. 571

Need-Based Educational Aid Act...... H.R. 2604, S. 1482 Policyholder Protection Act...... H.R. 1478

New Mexico Navajo Water Settlement Technical Portfolio Lending and Mortgage Access Act ...... H.R. 1210 Corrections Act ...... S. 501 PORTS Act...... S. 1519 Nicholas and Zachary Burt Memorial Carbon POWER Act ...... S. 2280 Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act ...... S. 1250 Preclearance Authorization Act...... H.R. 998 No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act...... H.R. 7 Preservation Enhancement and Savings Opportunity Act...... H.R. 2482 North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act ...... H.R. 8 Preservation of Access for Seniors in Medicare Advantage Act ...... H.R. 2581 North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjustment Act...... S. 403 Preservation Research at Institutions Serving Minorities Act...... H.R. 1541 Northern Border Security Review Act...H.R. 455, S. 1808 Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Convention Act ...... H.R. 650 Amendments Act ...... S. 1251 President Street Station Study Act ...... S. 521 NOTICE Act ...... H.R. 876, S. 1349 Presidential Allowance Modernization Act...... H.R. 1777 Notice for Organizations That Include Charities is Essential (NOTICE) Act ...... S. 918 Presidential Library Donation Reform Act ...... S. 558, H.R. 1069 Nuclear Terrorism Conventions Implementation and Safety of Maritime Navigation Act...... S. 1318 Presidential Transitions Improvements Act ...... S. 1172

Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act ...... S. 792 Prevent Interruptions in Physical Therapy Act ...... S. 313

ObamaCare Repeal Act ...... S. 339 Prevent Targeting at the IRS Act ...... H.R. 709

Office of Compliance Administrative and Technical Prevent Trafficking in Cultural Property Act ...H.R. 2285 Corrections Act...... H.R. 1213 Preventing and Reducing Improper Medicare and Offshore Production and Energizing National Medicaid Expenditures Act...... S. 861 Security Act...... S. 2011 Private Investment in Housing Act...... H.R. 2997 Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act...... S. 192 Program Management Improvement Accountability Open Book on Equal Access to Justice Act...... H.R. 3279 Act...... S. 1550

Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act...... H.R. 36 Promoting Job Creation and Reducing Small Business Burdens Act...... H.R. 37 Partners for Aviation Security Act...... H.R. 3144 Promoting U.S. Jobs Through Exports Act ...... H.R. 1031 Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act...... H.R. 749 Protect and Preserve International Cultural PATENT Act...... S. 1137 Property Act...... H.R. 1493 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–7

Protect Medical Innovation Act ...... H.R. 160 Retail Investor Protection Act ...... H.R. 1090

Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Rural ACO Provider Equity Act ...... S. 2261 Act ...... H.R. 1624 Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Protecting Cyber Networks Act ...... H.R. 1560 Extension Act...... S. 607

Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act ...... H.R. 3459 Ruth Moore Act...... H.R. 1607

Protecting Our Infants Act...... H.R. 1462, S. 799 SAFE Act Confidentiality and Privilege Enhancement Act...... H.R. 1480 Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act ...... H.R. 1190 Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act ...... H.R. 1599 Protecting the Integrity of Medicare Act ...... H.R. 1021 SAVE Act...... H.R. 285 Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act...... H.R. 33, H.R. 1191 Save American Workers Act ...... H.R. 30

Providing Accountability Through Transparency Saving Federal Dollars Through Better Use of Act ...... H.R. 690 Government Purchase and Travel Cards Act ....S. 1616

Quality Care for Moms and Babies Act ...... S. 466 Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act...... H.R. 1138, S. 583 Quarterly Financial Report Reauthorization Act...... H.R. 3116, S. 1868 SBIC Advisers Relief Act ...... H.R. 432

Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Alert Act...... S. 665 Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 10

RAISE Act ...... H.R. 1839 Science Prize Competitions Act ...... H.R. 1162

RAISE Family Caregivers Act ...... S. 1719 SCORE for Small Business Act ...... S. 1000

RAPID Act...... H.R. 348 Searching for and Cutting Regulations That are Unnecessarily Burdensome Act of 2015 or as the Ratepayer Protection Act ...... H.R. 2042 ‘‘SCRUB’’ Act of 2015...... H.R. 1155 READ Act ...... H.R. 3033 Secret Science Reform Act...... H.R. 1030, S. 544 Real Estate Investment and Jobs Act ...... S. 915 Secret Service Improvements Act...... H.R. 1656 Recovery Improvements for Small Entities After Disaster Act ...... S. 1470 SECURE Act ...... S. 2329

Red River Private Property Protection Act ...... H.R. 2130 Secure Our Borders First Act ...... H.R. 399

Reform Exports and Expand the American Securing Care for Seniors Act ...... H.R. 2579 Economy Act ...... H.R. 597 Securing Expedited Screening Act ...... H.R. 2127 Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act ...... H.R. 1737 Securing Fairness in Regulatory Timing Act ....H.R. 3831

Regulations From the Executive in Need of Securing Senior’s Health Care Act...... H.R. 2582 Scrutiny Act...... H.R. 427 Securing the Cities Act ...... H.R. 3493 Regulatory Accountability Act ...... H.R. 185 Securing Urgent Resources Vital to Indian Victim Regulatory Integrity Protection Act ...... H.R. 1732 Empowerment Act ...... S. 1704

Representative Payee Fraud Prevention Act...... S. 1576 Securities and Exchange Commission Reporting Modernization Act...... H.R. 3032 Research and Development Efficiency Act ...... H.R. 1119 Seniors’ Health Care Plan Protection Act ...... H.R. 2506 Resilient Federal Forests Act ...... H.R. 2647 Sensible Environmental Protection Act ...... S. 1500 RESPONSE Act...... S. 546 Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Restaurant and Retail Jobs and Growth Act ...... H.R. 765 Relief Act ...... H.R. 1313

Restoring Access to Medication Act ...... H.R. 1270 Servicemember Foreclosure Protections Extension Act ...... H.R. 189 Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act...... H.R. 3762 Small Bank Exam Cycle Reform Act ...... H.R. 1553 18–8 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

Small Business Broadband and Emerging Strengthening Fishing Communities and Information Technology Enhancement Act ...... S. 2116 Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act ...... H.R. 1335 Small Business Development Centers Improvement Act ...... S. 999 Strengthening State and Local Cyber Crime Fighting Act...... H.R. 3490 Small Business Energy Efficiency Act ...... S. 1756 Student Success Act ...... H.R. 5 Small Business Fairness Act...... S. 958 Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Small Business Investment Capital Company Act ...... H.R. 712 Act...... S. 552, H.R. 1023 Superstorm Sandy Relief and Disaster Loan Small Business Lending Reauthorization Act ...... S. 1001 Program Improvement Act ...... H.R. 208, S. 1811

Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Supporting Transparent Regulatory and Improvements Act ...... H.R. 527 Environmental Actions in Mining Act...... H.R. 1644 Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Small Business Subcontracting Transparency Choice Improvement Act ...... H.R. 3236 Act...... S. 2138 Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act Small Company Simple Registration Act ...... H.R. 1723 of 2015 ...... S. 808

Small Contractors Improve Competition Act...... S. 2139 Surface Transportation Extension Act ...... S. 1350, H.R. 3819 Social Media Working Group Act ...... H.R. 623 Surface Transportation Extension Act, Part SPACE Act ...... H.R. 2262 II ...... H.R. 3996

Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Act ...... H.R. 1508 Reform Act...... H.R. 3763

Special Needs Trust Fairness Act...... S. 349 Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act...... H.R. 1847 Sport Fish Restoration and Recreational Boating Safety Act...... S. 834 Syrian War Crimes Accountability Act ...... S. 756

Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Tax Relief Extension Act...... S. 1946 Enhancement Act...... H.R. 2406 Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act...... H.R. 1058 State and Local Cyber Protection Act...... H.R. 3869 Taxpayer Knowledge of IRS Investigations State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act ...... H.R. 1026 Act ...... H.R. 622 Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act ...... S. 282, H.R. 598 State Licensing Efficiency Act ...... H.R. 2643 Tenant Income Verification Relief Act...... H.R. 233 State Wide Interoperable Communications Enhancement Act...... H.R. 2206 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 26 Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 2820 Federal Recognition Act...... S. 465

STEM Education Act...... H.R. 1020 Thurgood Marshall’s Elementary School Study Act...... S. 610 Steve Gleason Act ...... S. 984 Tracking Foreign Fighters in Terrorist Safe Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act ...... H.R. 159, Havens Act...... H.R. 4239 S. 166 Trade Act...... H.R. 1314 Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act...... S. 2146 Trade Adjustment Assistance Act (TAA) ...... H.R. 1892

Strengthening Child Welfare Response to Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Trafficking Act...... H.R. 469 Act...... S. 1268

Strengthening Cybersecurity Information Sharing Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement and Coordination in Our Ports Act...... H.R. 3878 Act...... H.R. 644, S. 1269, H.R. 1907

Strengthening Education through Research Act.....S. 227 Trade Preferences Extension Act...... S. 1267, H.R. 1295 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–9

Trafficking Awareness Training for Health Care Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act ...... H.R. 398 Act...... H.R. 675, S. 1493

Transnational Drug Trafficking Act...... S. 32 Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act...... H.R. 158

Transportation, and Housing and Urban Vulnerable Veterans Housing Reform Act...... H.R. 1816 Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016...... H.R. 2577 Water Resources Research Amendments Act ...... S. 653

Trauma Systems and Regionalization of Weather Alerts for a Ready Nation Act ...... S. 1573 Emergency Care Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 648 Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Treatment of Certain Payments in Eugenics Act ...... H.R. 1561 Compensation Act...... S. 1698 West Coast Dungeness Crab Management Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act...... S. 248, H.R. 511 Act ...... H.R. 2168 Truth in Settlements Act of 2015 ...... S. 1109 Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act ...... H.R. 2791 TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act...... H.R. 719 Western Water and American Food Security TSA PreCheck Expansion Act ...... H.R. 2843 Act ...... H.R. 2898

TSCA Modernization Act ...... H.R. 2576 Women’s Public Health and Safety Act ...... H.R. 3495

Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Women’s Small Business Ownership Act...... S. 2126 Act ...... H.R. 34 Workplace Advancement Act ...... S. 2200 Twenty-First Century Cures Act...... H.R. 6 Wounded Warrior Tax Equity Act ...... S. 907 Twenty-First Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act...... S. 1203 Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act ....H.R. 313, S. 242

U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Act...... S. 1297 Phase III Act...... S. 1694

Unfunded Mandates Information and Yellowstone and Grand Teton Paddling Act ...... H.R. 974 Transparency Act ...... H.R. 50

United States Grain Standards Act Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 2088

United States Merchant Marine Academy Improvements Act of 2015 ...... S. 143

United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2015 ...... H.R. 907, S. 1789

Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act...... H.R. 2048

VA Accountability Act ...... H.R. 1994

VA Provider Equity Act...... H.R. 3016

Value Based Insurance Design for Better Care Act ...... H.R. 2570

Vessel Incidental Discharge Act ...... S. 373

Veteran’s I.D. Card Act ...... H.R. 91

Veterans Day Moment of Silence Act...... S. 1004

Veterans Entrepreneurship Act...... S. 957, H.R. 2499

Veterans Information Modernization Act ...... H.R. 2256

Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act...... S. 1400

Veterans Small Business Ownership Improvements Act ...... S. 1866 18–10 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES INDEX

Subject index of all legislation, House and Senate, which has been reported to or considered by either or both Houses (except Senate resolutions not of interest to the House), and special House reports. Complete legislative history of each bill is carried under the number of the bill in the History of Bills and Resolutions section. In this section the title, number, and name of the Member introducing bill is printed.




SEC. 19 (19–1) 19–2 INDEX

A APPROPRIATIONS—Continued Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Adjournments (see CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF FY 2016. H.R. 3020; Mr. Cole. S. 1695. CONGRESS). Legislative Branch, FY 2016. H.R. 2250; Mr. Graves of Georgia. Adoptive Family Relief Act. S. 1300. Making Appropriations for Law Enforcement and for Other Purposes, 2016. S. 2131. AGRICULTURE: Making Appropriations for National Security and for Charitable Agricultural Research Act. S. 908. Other Purposes, 2016. S. 2130. Commodity End-User Relief Act. H.R. 2289; Mr. Con- Making Appropriations to Improve the Nation’s Infra- away et al. structure and for Other Purposes, 2016. S. 2129. Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act. H.R. Making Appropriations to Stop Regulatory Excess 2393; Mr. Conaway et al. and for Other Purposes, 2016. S. 2132. Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act. H.R. Military Construction, VA, FY 2016. H.R. 2029; Mr. 2358; Mr. Zinke et al. Dent. Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act Exten- State, Foreign Operations, FY 2016. H.R. 2772; Ms. sion Act. H.R. 1991; Mr. Bishop of Utah et al. Granger. S. 1725. Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Act. H.R. 373; Transportation, HUD, FY 2016. H.R. 2577; Mr. Diaz- Mr. Heck of Nevada et al. Balart. ‘‘International Year of Soils’’. S. Con. Res. 10. Mandatory Price Reporting Act. H.R. 2051; Mr. Con- ARMED FORCES: away et al. Border Jobs for Veterans Act. H.R. 2835; Ms. McSally National Forest Small Tracts Act Amendments Act. et al. S. 1603. H.R. 1214; Mr. Amodei et al. Counseling in Retreat Settings for Women Veterans National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Newly Separated From Service in the Armed Act. H.R. 1937; Mr. Amodei et al. Forces. H.R. 1575; Ms. Brown of Florida et al. Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act. H.R. 1599; Mr. Foreclosure Relief and Extension for Servicemembers Pompeo et al. Act. S. 2393. United States Cotton Futures Act Amendment. H.R. General of the Army Omar Bradley Property Transfer 2620; Mr. David Scott of Georgia et al. Act. S. 267. United States Grain Standards Act Reauthorization. Homeless Veterans Services Protection Act. S. 1731. S. 1417. Military Spouse Job Continuity Act. S. 920. United States Grain Standards Act Reauthorization National Guard and Reserve: Act. H.R. 2088; Mr. Conaway et al. National Guard and Reservist Debt Relief Exten- sion Act. H.R. 4246; Mr. Cohen et al. ALERT Act. H.R. 1759; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. Training and Employment for Veterans and Members of Armed Forces in Curation and Histroic Preserva- American SAFE Act. H.R. 4038; Mr. McCaul et al. tion Activities. H.R. 3114; Mrs. Napolitano et al. Wounded Warrior Tax Equity Act. S. 907. American Soda Ash Competitiveness Act. H.R. 1992; Mr. Cook et al. Authority Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Extension. S. 1035. APPROPRIATIONS: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Ad- ministration, FY 2016. H.R. 3049; Mr. Aderholt. S. 1800. B Commerce, Justice, Science, FY 2016. H.R. 2578; Mr. Culberson. Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Account- Continuing, Further, FY 2015. H.J. Res. 35; Mr. Rog- ability Act. H.R. 1890; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin et al. ers of Kentucky. S. 995. Continuing, Further, FY 2016. H.J. Res. 78; Mr. Rog- ers of Kentucky. Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act. S. 405. S. 556. Defense Department, FY 2016. H.R. 2685; Mr. Frelinghuysen. S. 1558. Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act, Clarification of Cer- Energy and Water Development, FY 2016. H.R. 2028; tain Provisions. S. 1356. Mr. Simpson. Correct Enrollment. H. Con. Res. 90; Mr. Thornberry. Financial Services, FY 2016. H.R. 2995; Mr. Cren- shaw. S. 1910. Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. H.R. 3504; Homeland Security, FY 2015. H.R. 240; Mr. Rogers Mr. Franks of Arizona et al. of Kentucky. S. 272. Homeland Security, FY 2016. H.R. 3128; Mr. Carter Breast Cancer Research Stamp Reauthorization Act. S. of Texas. S. 1619. 1170. Interior, Environment, FY 2016. H.R. 2822; Mr. Cal- vert. S. 1645. Bring Accountability Now to the Fed Act. S. 2288. INDEX 19–3

BUDGET: COMMEMORATIONS AND MEMORIALS: Budget Reconciliation, 2016. H.R. 3762; Mr. Tom Coins: Price of Georgia. Boys Town Centennial Commemorative Coin Act. Congressional Budget, FY 2016. H. Con. Res. 27; Mr. H.R. 893; Mr. Fortenberry et al. S. 301. Tom Price of Georgia. S. Con. Res. 11. Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Cut, Cap, and Balance Act. S. 2182. Act. H.R. 2722; Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of Fairness for Crime Victims Act. S. 1495. New York et al. Requirement in Budget Submission With Respect to Presidential $1 Coin Program, Termination of. S. the Cost Per Taxpayer of the Deficit. H.R. 1315; 95. Mr. Messer. Commemorations: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 25th An- Bullion and Collectible Coin Production Efficiency and niversary. S. Con. Res. 20. Cost Savings Act. H.R. 1698; Mr. Huizenga of Michigan Fallen Firefighters Congressional Flag Presen- et al. tation Ceremony, 2nd Annual, Use of the Cap- itol Grounds. H. Con. Res. 73; Mr. King of New York et al. Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Advisory ‘‘International Year of Soils’’. S. Con. Res. 10. Boards Act. H.R. 1195; Mr. Pittenger et al. Million Man March, 20th Anniversary, Use of the Capitol Grounds. H. Con. Res. 74; Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois. National Bison Legacy Act. S. 2032. C White House Fellows Program, 50th Anniver- sary. S. Con. Res. 22. Centennial Monetary Commission Act. H.R. 2912; Mr. Memorials and Monuments: Brady of Texas et al. ‘‘Badillo Post Office Building, Herman’’. H.R. 1350; Mr. Serrano et al. Child Support Assistance Act. H.R. 2091; Mr. Poliquin ‘‘Brown United States Courthouse, R. Jess’’. H.R. et al. 172; Mr. Thompson of Mississippi. ‘‘Castro Port of Entry, Raul Hector’’. H.R. 1075; CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES: Mr. Grijalva et al. Adoptive Family Relief Act. S. 1300. ‘‘Chenault Post Office Building, Richard ‘Dick’ ’’. Amy and Vicky Child Pornography Victim Restitution H.R. 558; Mr. Chabot et al. Improvement Act. S. 295. ‘‘Clark United States Courthouse, Charles’’. S. Child Nicotine Poisoning Prevention Act. S. 142. 1034. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act. H.R. ‘‘D’Augustine Post Office Building, Staff Sergeant 1344; Mr. Guthrie et al. Joseph’’. S. 994. Enhancing Services for Runaway and Homeless Vic- ‘‘Dietz Post Office Building, Staff Sergeant Rob- tims of Youth Trafficking Act. H.R. 468; Mr. Heck ert H.’’. H.R. 1442; Mr. Gibson et al. of Nevada et al. ‘‘Doub United States Courthouse, Randy D.’’. Every Child Achieves Act. S. 1177. H.R. 1642; Mr. Jones et al. Human Trafficking Prevention, Intervention, and Re- ‘‘Ferguson Post Office, Sergeant First Class Dan- covery Act. H.R. 350; Mrs. Noem et al. iel M.’’. H.R. 1326; Mr. Ross et al. International Megan’s Law to Prevent Demand for ‘‘Fisher Post Office, Sgt. Zachary M.’’. H.R. 322; Child Sex Trafficking. H.R. 515; Mr. Smith of New Mrs. Wagner et al. Jersey et al. ‘‘Floresville Veterans Post Office Building’’. H.R. Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. H.R. 36; 891; Mr. Cuellar et al. Mr. Franks of Arizona et al. ‘‘Galanti Arboretum, Phyllis E.’’. H.R. 2693; Mr. Protecting Our Infants Act. H.R. 1462; Ms. Clark of Brat et al. Massachusetts et al. S. 799. ‘‘Grogan, Benjamin P. and Jerry L. Dove, Federal RAISE Family Caregivers Act. S. 1719. Bureau of Investigation Miami Field Office’’. H.R. 1092; Ms. Wilson of Florida et al. Strengthening Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act. H.R. 469; Ms. Bass et al. ‘‘Holloway, Jr. United States Courthouse, Wil- liam J.’’. S. 261. Tenant Income Verification Relief Act. H.R. 233; Mr. Perlmutter et al. ‘‘J. Waties Waring Judicial Center’’. H.R. 2131; Mr. Clyburn et al. Victims of Child Sex Trafficking, Improve the Re- sponse to. H.R. 246; Mrs. Beatty et al. ‘‘Kalsu Post Office Building, James Robert’’. H.R. 3059; Mr. Russell et al. ‘‘Kazen Federal Building and United States Church Plan Clarification Act. S. 2308. Courthouse, George P.’’. S. 612. ‘‘Keefe Post Office, Sister Ann’’. H.R. 651; Mr. Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015. H.R. 1987; H.R. Cicilline et al. 4188; Mr. Hunter et al. S. 1611. ‘‘Megellas Post Office, Lieutenant Colonel James ‘‘Maggie’’’’. S. 1826. Combat Terrorist Use of Social Media Act. H.R. 3654; Mr. ‘‘Oberstar Memorial Post Office Building, James Poe of Texas et al. L.’’. S. 179. 19–4 INDEX

COMMEMORATIONS AND MEMORIALS—Continued CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS—Contin- Memorials and Monuments—Continued ued ‘‘PFC Milton A. Lee Medal of Honor Memorial Ceremony to Present the Congressional Gold Medal Highway’’. H.R. 2559; Mr. Smith of Texas to Jack Nicklaus, Use of Capitol Rotunda. H. Con. et al. Res. 12; Mr. Tiberi. ‘‘Pierson Memorial Post Office Building, Officer Ceremony to Present the Congressional Gold Medal Daryl R.’’. H.R. 1884; Ms. Slaughter et al. to the American Fighter Aces, Use of Emancipation ‘‘Pinson Post Office, Sgt. Amanda N.’’. H.R. 323; Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center. H. Con. Res. 34; Mrs. Wagner et al. Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas. ‘‘Riley Post Office Building, Specialist Joseph Ceremony to Present the Congressional Gold Medal W.’’. S. 1596. to the First Special Service Force, World War II, ‘‘Riordan Post Office, Lt. Daniel P.’’. H.R. 324; Use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Mrs. Wagner et al. Center. S. Con. Res. 2. ‘‘Trieber Federal Building, United States Post Of- Ceremony to Present the Congressional Gold Medal fice, and United States Court House, Jacob ’’. to the Monuments Men, Use of Emancipation Hall H.R. 2954; Mr. Crawford et al. S. 1707. in the Capitol Visitor Center. H. Con. Res. 64; Ms. ‘‘Weis, Jr. United States Courthouse, Joseph F.’’. Granger. H.R. 1690; Mr. Michael F. Doyle of Pennsyl- Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by vania et al. EPA on Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for ‘‘Woods, Jr. Post Office, Sergeant First Class Wil- Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Gener- liam B.’’. H.R. 728; Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. ating Units. H.J. Res. 72; Mr. Whitfield et al. S.J. Postage Stamps: Res. 24. Breast Cancer Research Stamp Reauthorization Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Act. S. 1170. EPA on Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Recon- Commodity Exchange Act and the Securities Exchange structed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Gener- Act Amendment, Treatment of Affiliate Transactions. ating Units. H.J. Res. 71; Mr. Whitfield et al. S.J. H.R. 1317; Ms. Moore et al. Res. 23. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Community Based Independence for Seniors Act. S. 704. the Corps of Engineers and the EPA Relating to the Definition of ‘Waters of the United States‘ Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act. H.R. 1529; Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Mr. Sherman et al. S.J. Res. 22. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Competitive Service Act. S. 1580. the National Labor Relations Board Relating to Representation Case Procedures. S.J. Res. 8. CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: Convening Day of Second Session, One Hundred Adjournments: Fourteenth Congress. H.J. Res. 76; Mr. McCarthy. March and April 2015, House. H. Con. Res. 31; District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforce- Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois. ment Torch Run, Use of the Capitol Grounds. H. March and April 2015, Senate. H. Con. Res. 32; Con. Res. 70; Ms. Norton. Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois. Fallen Firefighters Congressional Flag Presentation June and July 2015, House and Senate. S. Con. Ceremony, 2nd Annual, Use of the Capitol Res. 19. Grounds. H. Con. Res. 73; Mr. King of New York August and September 2015, House and Senate. et al. H. Con. Res. 72; Mr. Denham. Fallen Heroes Flag Act. H.R. 723; Mr. King of New November 2015, House. H. Con. Res. 91; Ms. York et al. Foxx. FOIA Improvement Act. S. 337. November 2015, House and Senate. H. Con. Res. Holocaust Days of Remembrance Ceremony, Use of 92; Mr. Woodall. H. Con. Res. 95; Mr. Graves Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center. of Louisiana. H. Con. Res. 9; Mr. Meehan et al. Sine Die Adjournment, First Session. H. Con. Res. 104; Mr. Tom Price of Georgia. House of Representatives: Assemble Outside the Seat of Government. H. Con. Clerk Election, Senate Notification. H. Res. 2; Res. 1; Mr. Sessions. Mr. McCarthy. Award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Foot Sol- Committee Membership: diers who Participated in Bloody Sunday, Turn- Majority. H. Res. 6; Mrs. McMorris Rodgers. around Tuesday, or the Final Selma to Montgomery H. Res. 29; Mr. Messer. H. Res. 39; Ms. Voting Rights March in March of 1965. H.R. 431; Foxx. H. Res. 155; Mr. Sessions. H. Res. Ms. Sewell of Alabama et al. S. 527. 165; H. Res. 199; H. Res. 229; Ms. Foxx. Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Ac- H. Res. 272; Mrs. McMorris Rodgers. H. countability Act. H.R. 1890; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin Res. 304; H. Res. 442; H. Res. 517; H. Res. et al. 555; Ms. Foxx. Ceremony to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Minority. H. Res. 7; H. Res. 30; H. Res. 40; the Vietnam War, Use of Emancipation Hall in the H. Res. 71; H. Res. 77; H. Res. 124; H. Capitol Visitor Center. H. Con. Res. 48; Mr. Miller Res. 172; H. Res. 219; H. Res. 387; Mr. of Florida et al. Becerra. INDEX 19–5

CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS—Contin- CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS—Contin- ued ued House of Representatives—Continued Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Committees: Act. H.R. 427; Mr. Young of Indiana et al. Committee Funding. H. Res. 132; Mrs. Miller Senate: of Michigan. Brooke, III, Honorable Edward W., Death of. S. Select Investigative Panel of the Committee Res. 19. on Energy and Commerce, Establishing. H. Ford, Honorable Wendell H., Death Of. S. Res. Res. 461; Ms. Foxx. 38. Hour of Meeting. H. Res. 9; Mr. Sessions. Librarian of Congress Succession Modernization Minority Employees Designation. H. Res. 8; Mr. Act. S. 2162. Becerra. Quorum Assembled. S. Res. 2. Nunnelee, Honorable Alan, Death of. H. Res. 99; Schweiker, Richard Schultz. S. Res. 250. Mr. Thompson of Mississippi. Thompson, Honorable Fred, Death of. S. Res. Oath of Office Authorization. H. Res. 20; Ms. 309. Foxx. Soap Box Derby, Use of the Capitol Grounds. H. Con. Officers Election. H. Res. 1; Mrs. McMorris Rod- Res. 21; Mr. Hoyer et al. gers. Unveiling of the Marble Bust of Vice President Rich- Official Photographs of the House. H. Res. 292; ard Cheney, Use of Emancipation Hall in the Cap- Mrs. Miller of Michigan. itol Visitor Center. S. Con. Res. 24. Presidential Notification of Assembly of Con- Visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the United gress. H. Res. 3; Mr. McCarthy. States Capitol, Use of the Capitol Grounds, the Ro- Presidential Notification of Election of Speaker. tunda of the Capitol, and Emancipation Hall in the H. Res. 503; Mr. McCarthy. Capitol Visitor Center. H. Con. Res. 43; Mr. Barletta et al. Presidential Notification of Election of Speaker and Clerk. H. Res. 4; Mr. Lewis. World War II Members of the Doolittle Tokyo Raid- ers, Award the Congressional Gold Medal to, Use Question of the Privileges of the House. H. Res. of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center. 341; Mr. Thompson of Mississippi. H. Res. 355; S. Con. Res. 7. Ms. Pelosi. Quorum Assembled, Senate Notification. H. Res. Consumer Review Freedom Act. S. 2044. 2; Mr. McCarthy. Rules of the House. H. Res. 5; Mr. McCarthy. Contracting and Tax Accountability Act. H.R. 1562; Mr. Rules Two-Thirds Vote Waiver. H. Res. 121; Mr. Chaffetz et al. Woodall. H. Res. 444; Ms. Foxx. Rules, Motions to Suspend. H. Res. 121; Mr. COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE: Woodall. H. Res. 273; Mr. Stivers. H. Res. 420; AFIRM Act. S. 2368. Mr. Collins of Georgia. Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act. H.R. 1927; Speaker Election, Senate Notification. H. Res. 2; Mr. Goodlatte et al. H. Res. 504; Mr. McCarthy. Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Wright Jr., The Honorable James Claude, Death Act. H.R. 526; Mr. Farenthold et al. of. H. Res. 254; Mr. Burgess. Improve Access and Administration of the United Joint Committees: States Tax Court. S. 903. Library. H. Res. 171; Mrs. Miller of Michigan. Judicial Redress Act. H.R. 1428; Mr. Sensenbrenner Printing. H. Res. 171; Mrs. Miller of Michigan. et al. Joint Session, President’s State of the Union. H. Con. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reau- Res. 7; Mrs. Comstock. H. Con. Res. 102; Mr. thorization Act. S. 1169. McCarthy. Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act. H.R. 758; Mr. Smith King Kamehameha I Birthday Celebration, Use of of Texas et al. Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center. Open Book on Equal Access to Justice Act. H.R. 3279; S. Con. Res. 3. Mr. Collins of Georgia et al. Million Man March, 20th Anniversary, Use of the POWER Act. S. 2280. Capitol Grounds. H. Con. Res. 74; Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois. Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act. H.R. 427; Mr. Young of Indiana et al. Peace Officers Memorial Service and the National Honor Guard and Pipe Band Exhibition, Use of Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. S. 2123. Capitol Grounds. H. Con. Res. 25; Mr. Barletta et al. CRIMES AND CRIME PREVENTION: Printing: Amy and Vicky Child Pornography Victim Restitution Pocket Version of the United States Constitution, Improvement Act. S. 295. 25th Edition. H. Con. Res. 54; Mrs. Miller of Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program Reau- Michigan. thorization Act. S. 125. Ratification of the 13th Amendment, 150th Anniver- Comprehensive Justice and Mental Health Act. S. sary, Use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Vis- 993. itor Center. H. Con. Res. 93; Mr. Butterfield et al. Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act. H.R. 3009; S. Con. Res. 21. Mr. Hunter et al. 19–6 INDEX

CRIMES AND CRIME PREVENTION—Continued Defund Planned Parenthood Act. H.R. 3134; Mrs. Black Enhancing Services for Runaway and Homeless Vic- et al. tims of Youth Trafficking Act. H.R. 468; Mr. Heck of Nevada et al. Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Eric Williams Correctional Officer Protection Act. S. Act. H.R. 1076; Mr. King of New York et al. 238. Fairness for Crime Victims Act. S. 1495. Detaining Terrorists to Protect America Act. S. 165. Human Trafficking Prevention Act. H.R. 357; Mr. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York et al. Directing Dollars to Disaster Relief Act. S. 2109. Human Trafficking Prevention, Intervention, and Re- covery Act. H.R. 350; Mrs. Noem et al. DISCHARGE PETITIONS: Human Trafficking Prioritization Act. H.R. 514; Mr. Pursuant to clause 2, rule XV: Smith of New Jersey et al. 1. Promoting U.S. Jobs Through Exports Act; International Megan’s Law to Prevent Demand for Filed Apr. 30, 2015. H.R. 1031; Mr. Heck of Child Sex Trafficking. H.R. 515; Mr. Smith of New Washington. Jersey et al. 2. Providing for consideration of H.R. 597, Re- Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. H.R. 181; Mr. form Exports and Expand the American Econ- Poe of Texas et al. S. 178. omy Act; Filed October 9, 2015. Required sig- Correct Enrollment (S. 178). H. Con. Res. 47; Mr. natures attained and entered on October 9, Poe of Texas. 2015. H. Res. 450; Mr. Fincher. Native American Children’s Safety Act. H.R. 1168; 3. Providing for consideration of H.R. 1076, Deny- Mr. Cramer. S. 184. ing Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Ter- rorists Act; Filed Dec. 7, 2015. H.R. 1076; Mr. Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Thompson of California. Act. S. 665. Securing Urgent Resources Vital to Indian Victim DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Empowerment Act. S. 1704. Appointment of Directors of the Washington Metro- Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. S. 2123. politan Area Transit Authority. S. 2093. State Licensing Efficiency Act. H.R. 2643; Mr. Wil- Defend Our Capital Act. S. 2359. liams et al. Disapproving the Action of the District of Columbia Stop Advertising Victims of Exploitation Act. H.R. Council in Approving the Reproductive Health Non- 285; Mrs. Wagner et al. Discrimination Amendment Act of 2014. H.J. Res. Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act. H.R. 159; 43; Mrs. Black et al. Mr. Paulsen et al. S. 166. District of Columbia Courts, Public Defender Service, Strengthening Child Welfare Response to Trafficking and Court Services and Offender Supervision Agen- Act. H.R. 469; Ms. Bass et al. cy Act. S. 1629. Transnational Drug Trafficking Act. S. 32. District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforce- Victims of Child Sex Trafficking, Improve the Re- ment Torch Run, Use of the Capitol Grounds. H. sponse to. H.R. 246; Mrs. Beatty et al. Con. Res. 70; Ms. Norton. National Liberty Memorial Clarification Act. H.R. Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act. S. 1599. 1949; Mr. Butterfield et al.

Cross-Border Rail Security Act. H.R. 2786; Mr. Vela et al. Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters Act. H.R. 805; Mr. Shimkus et al. Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. S. 754.

E D E-Warranty Act of 2015. H.R. 3154; Mr. Mullin et al. S. Debt Management and Fiscal Responsibility Act. H.R. 1359. 3442; Mr. Marchant et al. EDUCATION: Default Prevention Act. H.R. 692; Mr. McClintock et al. Educator Tax Relief Act. H.R. 2940; Mr. Reichert S. 2181. et al. Every Child Achieves Act. S. 1177. Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act. H.R. Higher Education Extension Act. H.R. 3594; Mr. 2146; Mr. Reichert et al. Bishop of Michigan et al. National Sea Grant College Program Amendments DEFENSE DEPARTMENT: Act. S. 764. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Need-Based Educational Aid Act. H.R. 2604; Mr. 2016. H.R. 1735; Mr. Thornberry et al. S. 1376. Smith of Texas et al. S. 1482. Return Papers to Senate (H.R. 1735). H. Res. Preservation Research at Institutions Serving Minori- 340; Mr. Boustany. ties Act. H.R. 1541; Mr. Grijalva et al. Correct Enrollment (H.R. 1735). H. Con. Res. 81; Strengthening Education through Research Act. S. Mr. Thornberry. 227. INDEX 19–7

EDUCATION—Continued Ensuring Access to Clinical Trials Act. S. 139. Student Success Act. H.R. 5; Mr. Kline et al. Work Colleges Program, Exclusion for Amounts Re- Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement ceived Under. S. 912. Act. H.R. 471; Mr. Marino et al.

Effective Date of Certain Provisions of the Border Patrol ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CONSERVA- Agent Pay Reform Act, Clarification of. H.R. 2252; Mr. TION: Hurd of Texas et al. Affordable Reliable Electricity Now Act. S. 1324. EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act. H.R. 1029; Election Assistance Commission Termination Act. H.R. Mr. Lucas et al. 195; Mr. Harper. Federal Water Quality Protection Act. S. 1140. Emergency Information Improvement Act. S. 1090. Land and Water Conservation Fund Extension. S. 2169. ENERGY AND FUELS: Land and Water Conservation Fund Permanent Au- Affordable Reliable Electricity Now Act. S. 1324. thorization. S. 2165. American Energy Innovation Act. S. 2089. Secret Science Reform Act. H.R. 1030; Mr. Smith of American Super Computing Leadership Act. H.R. Texas et al. S. 544. 874; Mr. Hultgren et al. Sensible Environmental Protection Act. S. 1500. Clark Canyon Dam, Extension of Time for a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project Involving. Equitable Access to Care and Health Act. H.R. 2061; Mr. S. 1103. Rodney Davis of Illinois et al. Crude Oil Market Conditions. H.R. 702; Mr. Barton et al. Equity in Government Compensation Act. H.R. 2243; Mr. Royce et al. S. 2036. Deadline for Hydroelectric Project Extension. S. 2083. Department of Energy Laboratory Modernization and Eric Williams Correctional Officer Protection Act. S. 238. Technology Transfer Act. H.R. 1158; Mr. Hultgren et al. Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act. H.R. Energy Efficiency Improvement Act. S. 535. 1831; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin et al. S. 991. Energy Policy Modernization Act. S. 2012. Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act. S. 720. Gibson Dam, Extension of Time for Federal Energy F Regulatory Commission Project Involving. S. 1104. Gross Income Certain Clean Coal Power Grants to Fallen Heroes Flag Act. H.R. 723; Mr. King of New York Non-Corporate Taxpayers, to Exclude From. S. 919. et al. Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Act. H.R. 1734; Mr. McKinley et al. Federal Communications Commission Consolidated Re- porting Act. H.R. 734; Mr. Scalise et al. S. 253. Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Deter- mination Act Amendments. S. 209. Federal Communications Commission Process Reform Kodiak Electric Association Upper Hidden Basin Di- Act. H.R. 2583; Mr. Walden et al. version Authorization. S. 1583. LNG and LPG Excise Tax Equalization Act. S. 917. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act. Combat Terrorist Use of Social Media Act. H.R. 3654; H.R. 351; Mr. Johnson of Ohio et al. Mr. Poe of Texas et al. National Energy Security Corridors Act. H.R. 2295; Competitive Service Act. S. 1580. Mr. MacArthur et al. Default Prevention Act. H.R. 692; Mr. McClintock Native American Energy Act. H.R. 538; Mr. Young et al. S. 2181. of Alaska et al. Department of State Operations Authorization and Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act. H.R. Embassy Security Act, Fiscal Year 2016. S. 1635. 161; Mr. Pompeo et al. EGO Act. S. 310. North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act. H.R. Act. H.R. 8; Mr. Upton. 1831; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin et al. S. 991. Offshore Production and Energizing National Secu- Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act. H.R. 1557; rity Act. S. 2011. Mr. Cummings et al. Private Investment in Housing Act. H.R. 2997; Mr. Ross et al. Federal Improper Payments Coordination Act. H.R. 2320; Mr. Mulvaney et al. S. 614. Ratepayer Protection Act. H.R. 2042; Mr. Whitfield et al. Federal Intern Protection Act. H.R. 3231; Mr. Cum- mings et al. Small Business Energy Efficiency Act. S. 1756. Federal Permitting Improvement Act. S. 280. Stay and Reinstatement of FERC License No. 11393 for the Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project. S. Federal Vehicle Repair Cost Savings Act. H.R. 1613; 2046. Mr. Huizenga of Michigan et al. S. 565. GONE Act. H.R. 3089; Mr. Walberg et al. S. 1115. Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act. H.R. 3009; Mr. Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Act. H.R. 373; Hunter et al. Mr. Heck of Nevada et al. 19–8 INDEX

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT—Continued FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCIAL SERV- Human Trafficking Prevention Act. H.R. 357; Mr. ICES—Continued Sean Patrick Maloney of New York et al. Mortgage Choice Act. H.R. 685; Mr. Huizenga of Inspector General Mandates Reporting Act. S. 2128. Michigan et al. Program Management Improvement Accountability Mortgage Servicing Asset Capital Requirements Act. Act. S. 1550. H.R. 1408; Mr. Perlmutter et al. Quarterly Financial Report Reauthorization Act. H.R. Policyholder Protection Act. H.R. 1478; Mr. Posey 3116; Mr. Ted Lieu of California. S. 1868. et al. RAPID Act. H.R. 348; Mr. Marino et al. Portfolio Lending and Mortgage Access Act. H.R. Regulatory Accountability Act. H.R. 185; Mr. Good- 1210; Mr. Barr et al. latte et al. RAISE Act. H.R. 1839; Mr. McHenry et al. Saving Federal Dollars Through Better Use of Gov- Reform Exports and Expand the American Economy ernment Purchase and Travel Cards Act. S. 1616. Act. H.R. 597; Mr. Fincher et al. SCRUB Act. H.R. 1155; Mr. Smith of Missouri et al. Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act. H.R. 598; Mr. Walberg Act. H.R. 1737; Mr. Guinta et al. et al. S. 282. SAFE Act Confidentiality and Privilege Enhancement Transnational Drug Trafficking Act. S. 32. Act. H.R. 1480; Mr. Dold et al. Truth in Settlements Act of 2015. S. 1109. Securities and Exchange Commission Reporting Mod- ernization Act. H.R. 3032; Ms. Sinema et al. Unfunded Mandates Information and Transparency Act. H.R. 50; Ms. Foxx et al. Small Bank Exam Cycle Reform Act. H.R. 1553; Mr. Tipton et al. Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Small Company Simple Registration Act. H.R. 1723; Monitoring Act. H.R. 2048; Mr. Sensenbrenner Mrs. Wagner et al. et al. State Licensing Efficiency Act. H.R. 2643; Mr. Wil- White House Fellows Program, 50th Anniversary. S. liams et al. Con. Res. 22. FOIA Improvement Act. S. 337. Federal Reserve Transparency Act. S. 2232. FOREIGN RELATIONS AND POLICY: Female Veteran Suicide Prevention Act. H.R. 2915; Ms. Afghanistan. S. 1875. Brownley of California et al. AGOA Extension and Enhancement Act. H.R. 1891; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin et al. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCIAL SERV- Boko Haram. S. 1632. ICES: Bosnia and Herzegovina. H. Res. 310; Mr. Smith of Bring Accountability Now to the Fed Act. S. 2288. New Jersey et al. Bureau Advisory Commission Transparency Act. H.R. Cuba. S. 165. 1265; Mr. Duffy et al. Department of State Operations Authorization and Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Advisory Embassy Security Act, Fiscal Year 2016. S. 1635. Boards Act. H.R. 1195; Mr. Pittenger et al. Eastern Ukraine. H. Res. 50; Mr. Levin et al. Capital Access for Small Community Financial Insti- Electrify Africa Act. S. 2152. tutions Act. H.R. 299; Mr. Stivers et al. First Responders Passport Act. H.R. 3750; Mr. Issa Centennial Monetary Commission Act. H.R. 2912; et al. Mr. Brady of Texas et al. Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act. Child Support Assistance Act. H.R. 2091; Mr. H.R. 3766; Mr. Poe of Texas et al. S. 2184. Poliquin et al. Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act. H.R. Clarification Act. H.R. 889; Mr. Chabot et al. 1529; Mr. Sherman et al. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, Exten- Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act. H.R. 601; sion of. S. 1357. Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. FTO Passport Revocation Act. H.R. 237; Mr. Poe of Enrolled Agent Credentials, Clarification of. S. 914. Texas et al. Equity in Government Compensation Act. H.R. 2243; Girls Count Act of 2015. S. 802. Mr. Royce et al. S. 2036. Global Health Innovation Act. H.R. 2241; Mr. Sires Expedited Funds Availability Act Amendment. H.R. et al. 1367; Mrs. Radewagen et al. Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act. Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization S. 284. Act. H.R. 3611; Mr. Fincher et al. S. 2183. Haiti. S. 1267. Fed Oversight Reform and Modernization Act. H.R. Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act. 3189; Mr. Huizenga of Michigan et al. H.R. 2297; Mr. Royce et al. Financial Regulatory Improvement Act. S. 1484. International Megan’s Law to Prevent Demand for Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act. Child Sex Trafficking. H.R. 515; Mr. Smith of New H.R. 2297; Mr. Royce et al. Jersey et al. Holding Company Registration Threshold Equali- Iran. H. Res. 233; Mr. Kildee et al. H. Res. 411; Mr. zation Act. H.R. 1334; Mr. Womack et al. Pompeo et al. H.R. 3460; Mr. Roskam et al. H.R. Homebuyers Assistance Act. H.R. 3192; Mr. Hill 3461; Mr. Boehner. H.J. Res. 64; Mr. Royce et al. et al. S. Con. Res. 16. INDEX 19–9

FOREIGN RELATIONS AND POLICY—Continued HEALTH—Continued Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. S. 615. S. 625. Clarification of Waiver Authority Regarding PACE Iraq. H. Con. Res. 55; Mr. McGovern et al. S. 1643. Programs. S. 1362. Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act. H.R. Clay Hunt SAV Act. H.R. 203; Mr. Walz et al. 3457; Mr. Meehan et al. Community Based Independence for Seniors Act. S. Latin America and the Caribbean. H. Res. 536; Mr. 704. Sires et al. Comprehensive Justice and Mental Health Act. S. Nigeria. H. Res. 53; Ms. Kelly of Illinois et al. 993. Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act. S. 792. Defund Planned Parenthood Act. H.R. 3134; Mrs. Palestinian Authority. H. Res. 293; Ms. Ros-Lehtinen Black et al. et al. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act. H.R. Paris. H. Res. 37; Mr. Poe of Texas et al. 1344; Mr. Guthrie et al. Paris, France, Terrorist Attacks 2015. H. Res. 524; Electronic Health Fairness Act. H.R. 887; Mrs. Black Mr. Royce et al. et al. S. 1347. People’s Republic of China. S.J. Res. 19. Enforcement Instruction on Supervision Require- Republic of Korea. S.J. Res. 20. ments for Outpatient Therapeutic Services in Crit- ical Access and Small Rural Hospitals through Russian Prison Since July 2014, Release of Ukrainian 2015, Extension of. S. 1461. Fighter Pilot Nadiya Savchenko. H. Res. 50; Mr. Levin et al. Ensuring Access to Clinical Trials Act. S. 139. Safety and Security of Jewish Communities in Eu- Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforce- rope. H. Res. 354; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. ment Act. H.R. 471; Mr. Marino et al. Syria. H. Con. Res. 55; Mr. McGovern et al. First Responder Anthrax Preparedness Act. H.R. 1300; Mr. King of New York et al. Syrian War Crimes Accountability Act. S. 756. Hire More Heroes Act. H.R. 22; H.J. Res. 61; Mr. Rod- Taiwan. H.R. 1853; Mr. Salmon et al. ney Davis of Illinois et al. Tibetan grievences. H. Res. 337; Mr. Engel et al. Improving Access to Emergency Psychiatric Care Act. Tracking Foreign Fighters in Terrorist Safe Havens S. 599. Act. H.R. 4239; Mr. LoBiondo et al. Improving Regulatory Transparency for New Medical Ukraine. H. Res. 162; Mr. Engel et al. H. Res. 348; Therapies Act. H.R. 639; Mr. Pitts et al. S. 481. Mr. Cicilline et al. Increasing Regulatory Fairness Act. H.R. 2507; Mr. United States Commission on International Religious Brady of Texas et al. Freedom Reauthorization. S. 2078. Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act. H.R. 294; Mr. United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of Miller of Florida et al. 2015. H.R. 907; Ms. Ros-Lehtinen et al. S. 1789. Low-Dose Radiation Research Act. H.R. 35; Mr. Hultgren et al. Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Cen- tury Act. S. 697. LTCH Technical Correction Act. H.R. 2580; Mr. Bou- stany. Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Act. Medical Preparedness Allowable Use Act. H.R. 361; H.R. 526; Mr. Farenthold et al. Mr. Bilirakis et al. Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act. H.R. 2; Mr. Burgess et al. Medicare Advantage Coverage Transparency Act. G H.R. 2505; Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania et al. Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Improve- Gerardo Hernandez Airport Security Act. H.R. 720; Mr. ment Act. H.R. 284; Mr. Tiberi et al. Katko et al. Medicare Independence at Home Medical Practice Demonstration Improvement Act. S. 971. Global Anti-Poaching Act. H.R. 2494; Mr. Royce et al. Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act. S. 1893. GONE Act. H.R. 3089; Mr. Walberg et al. S. 1115. National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Re- porting Reauthorization Act. H.R. 1725; Mr. Whit- Grid-Enabled Water Heaters, to Modify Efficiency Stand- field et al. ards.. H.R. 906; Mr. Whitfield et al. No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion In- surance Full Disclosure Act. H.R. 7; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. H NOTICE Act. H.R. 876; Mr. Doggett et al. S. 1349. ObamaCare Repeal Act. S. 339. HEALTH: Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act. S. 192. Access to Community Care for Veterans Act. S. 1463. Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act. S. 2425. Access to Life-Saving Trauma Care for All Americans Patient Access to Disposable Medical Technology Act. Act. H.R. 647; Mr. Burgess et al. S. 1253. AFIRM Act. S. 2368. PPACA and Health Care-Related Provisions in the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. H.R. Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 3504; Mr. Franks of Arizona et al. 2010, Repeal of. H.R. 596; Mr. Byrne et al. 19–10 INDEX

HEALTH—Continued HOMELAND SECURITY—Continued Preservation of Access for Seniors in Medicare Advan- Border Jobs for Veterans Act. H.R. 2835; Ms. McSally tage Act. H.R. 2581; Mr. Brady of Texas. et al. S. 1603. Prevent Interruptions in Physical Therapy Act. S. Border Security Technology Accountability Act. H.R. 313. 1634; Ms. McSally et al. Preventing and Reducing Improper Medicare and CBRN Intelligence and Information Sharing Act. Medicaid Expenditures Act. S. 861. H.R. 2200; Ms. McSally et al. Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act. Countering Violent Extremism Act. H.R. 2899; Mr. H.R. 1624; Mr. Guthrie et al. McCaul et al. Protecting Our Infants Act. H.R. 1462; Ms. Clark of Critical Infrastructure Protection Act. H.R. 1073; Mr. Massachusetts et al. S. 799. Franks of Arizona et al. Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act. H.R. Cross-Border Rail Security Act. H.R. 2786; Mr. Vela 1190; Mr. Roe of Tennessee et al. et al. Protecting the Integrity of Medicare Act. H.R. 1021; Department of Homeland Security Border Security Mr. Brady of Texas et al. Metrics Act. S. 1864. Quality Care for Moms and Babies Act. S. 466. Department of Homeland Security CBRNE Defense Restoring Access to Medication Act. H.R. 1270; Ms. Act. H.R. 3875; Mr. McCaul et al. Jenkins of Kansas et al. Department of Homeland Security Clearance Man- Rural ACO Provider Equity Act. S. 2261. agement and Administration Act. H.R. 3505; Mr. Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Extension Thompson of Mississippi. Act. S. 607. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Securing Care for Seniors Act. H.R. 2579; Mrs. Black Strategy Act. H.R. 3510; Mr. Richmond et al. et al. Department of Homeland Security Headquarters Securing Fairness in Regulatory Timing Act. H.R. Consolidation Accountability Act. H.R. 1640; Mr. 3831; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. Walker et al. Securing Senior’s Health Care Act. H.R. 2582; Mr. Department of Homeland Security Insider Threat and Buchanan et al. Mitigation Act. H.R. 3361; Mr. King of New York et al. Seniors’ Health Care Plan Protection Act. H.R. 2506; Mr. Buchanan et al. Department of Homeland Security Interoperable Communications. H.R. 615; Mr. Payne et al. Special Rules for Accident and Health Plans of Cer- tain Governmental Entities, Clarification of. S. 910. Department of Homeland Security Support to Fusion Centers Act. H.R. 3503; Ms. McSally et al. Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act. H.R. 2820; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. DHS FOIA Efficiency Act. H.R. 1615; Mr. Carter of Georgia et al. Steve Gleason Act. S. 984. DHS Headquarters Reform and Improvement Act. Trafficking Awareness Training for Health Care Act. H.R. 3572; Mr. McCaul et al. H.R. 398; Mrs. Ellmers et al. DHS IT Duplication Reduction Act. H.R. 1626; Mr. Trauma Systems and Regionalization of Emergency Hurd of Texas et al. Care Reauthorization Act. H.R. 648; Mr. Burgess et al. DHS Paid Administrative Leave Accountability Act. H.R. 1633; Mr. Loudermilk et al. Twenty-First Century Cures Act. H.R. 6; Mr. Upton et al. DHS Science and Technology Reform and Improve- ment Act. H.R. 3578; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. Value Based Insurance Design for Better Care Act. H.R. 2570; Mrs. Black et al. Directing Dollars to Disaster Relief Act. S. 2109. Women’s Public Health and Safety Act. H.R. 3495; Essential Transportation Worker Identification Cre- Mr. Duffy et al. dential Assessment Act. H.R. 710; Ms. Jackson Lee et al. Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Conveyance of Property, Bethel, Alaska. H.R. 521; Mr. Young Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers Reform of Alaska. and Improvement Act. H.R. 3842; Mr. Carter of Georgia et al. Helping Expand Lending Practices in Rural Communities Federally Funded Research and Development Sun- Act. H.R. 1259; Mr. Barr et al. shine Act. H.R. 1637; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. First Responder Anthrax Preparedness Act. H.R. HISTORIC SITES AND PRESERVATION: 1300; Mr. King of New York et al. Chief Standing Bear National Historic Trail Feasi- First Responder Identification of Emergency Needs bility Study. H.R. 984; Mr. Fortenberry et al. in Disaster Situations. H.R. 2795; Ms. Jackson Lee John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act. H.R. et al. 1289; Mr. DeSaulnier et al. Fusion Center Enhancement Act. H.R. 3598; Mr. Barletta et al. Homebuyers Assistance Act. H.R. 3192; Mr. Hill et al. Gerardo Hernandez Airport Security Act. H.R. 720; Mr. Katko et al. HOMELAND SECURITY: Homeland Security Drone Assessment and Analysis Airport Access Control Security Improvement Act. Act. H.R. 1646; Mrs. Watson Coleman et al. H.R. 3102; Mr. Katko et al. Homeland Security University-based Centers Review American SAFE Act. H.R. 4038; Mr. McCaul et al. Act. H.R. 2390; Mr. Thompson of Mississippi et al. Arizona Borderlands Protection and Preservation Act. HSA Technical Corrections Act. H.R. 3859; Mr. Perry S. 750. et al. INDEX 19–11

HOMELAND SECURITY—Continued HOUSE REPORTS—Continued Human Trafficking Detection Act. H.R. 460; Mr. Polis, In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Rep- Walker et al. resentative Jared. H. Rept. 114–381; Mr. Dent. Improved Security Vetting for Aviation Workers Act. United States Secret Service: An Agency in Crisis. H.R. 2750; Mr. Katko et al. H. Rept. 114–385; Mr. Chaffetz. Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Mod- ernization Act. S. 1180. HOUSING: Kate’s Law. S. 2193. Foreclosure Relief and Extension for Servicemembers Keeping our Travelers Safe and Secure Act. H.R. Act. S. 2393. 2770; Miss Rice of New York et al. Homes for Heroes Act. H.R. 251; Mr. Al Green of Know the CBRN Terrorism Threats to Transportation Texas et al. Act. H.R. 3350; Mr. Higgins et al. Housing Assistance Efficiency Act. H.R. 1047; Mr. Medical Preparedness Allowable Use Act. H.R. 361; Peters et al. Mr. Bilirakis et al. Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Deter- National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act. mination Reauthorization Act. H.R. 360; Mr. Pearce H.R. 1731; Mr. McCaul et al. et al. S. 710. Northern Border Security Review Act. H.R. 455; Mr. Preservation Enhancement and Savings Opportunity Katko et al. S. 1808. Act. H.R. 2482; Mr. Paulsen. Partners for Aviation Security Act. H.R. 3144; Mr. Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act. H.R. Payne et al. 650; Mr. Fincher et al. Preclearance Authorization Act. H.R. 998; Mr. Mee- Private Investment in Housing Act. H.R. 2997; Mr. han et al. Ross et al. Prevent Trafficking in Cultural Property Act. H.R. Tenant Income Verification Relief Act. H.R. 233; Mr. 2285; Mr. Keating et al. Perlmutter et al. RESPONSE Act. S. 546. Vulnerable Veterans Housing Reform Act. H.R. 1816; SECURE Act. S. 2329. Mr. Heck of Nevada. Secure Our Borders First Act. H.R. 399; Mr. McCaul Human Trafficking Prioritization Act. H.R. 514; Mr. et al. Smith of New Jersey et al. Securing the Cities Act. H.R. 3493; Mr. Donovan et al. Social Media Working Group Act. H.R. 623; Mrs. Brooks of Indiana et al. I State and Local Cyber Protection Act. H.R. 3869; Mr. Hurd of Texas et al. Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Enforce- State Wide Interoperable Communications Enhance- ment Act. H.R. 774; Ms. Bordallo et al. S. 1334. ment Act. H.R. 2206; Mr. Payne et al. Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act. Immigration Rule of Law Act. S. 534. S. 2146. Improved Security Vetting for Aviation Workers Act. H.R. Strengthening Cybersecurity Information Sharing 2750; Mr. Katko et al. and Coordination in Our Ports Act. H.R. 3878; Mrs. Torres et al. Improving Access to Capital for Emerging Growth Compa- Strengthening State and Local Cyber Crime Fighting nies Act. H.R. 2064; Mr. Fincher et al. Act. H.R. 3490; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Improving Access to Emergency Psychiatric Care Act. S. Act. H.R. 26; Mr. Neugebauer et al. 599. TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act. H.R. 719; Mr. Katko et al. Improving Regulatory Transparency for New Medical House agreed to Senate amendment with amend- Therapies Act. S. 481. ment. H. Res. 434; Mr. Katko. Correct Enrollment. H. Con. Res. 79; Mrs. Roby. Innovation Act. H.R. 9; Mr. Goodlatte et al. TSA PreCheck Expansion Act. H.R. 2843; Mr. Katko et al. Inspector General Empowerment Act. H.R. 2395; Mr. Chaffetz et al. S. 579. Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act. H.R. 158; Mrs. Miller of Michigan et al. Inspector General Mandates Reporting Act. S. 2128. HOUSE REPORTS: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016. H.R. Budget Allocations: 2596; Mr. Nunes. H.R. 4127; Mr. Nunes et al. S. 1705. Appropriations. H. Rept. 114–97; H. Rept. 114–118; H. Rept. 114–198; Mr. Rogers of Ken- Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, President tucky. has not Complied With Section 2. H. Res. 411; Mr. In the Matter of Officially-Connected Travel by House Pompeo et al. Members to Azerbaijan in 2013. H. Rept. 114–239; Mr. Dent. Oversight Plans for All House Committees. H. Rept. 114–82; Mr. Chaffetz. J 19–12 INDEX

John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act. H.R. 1473; MARINE AND MARITIME: Mr. Barletta et al. Fish and Fisheries: Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing En- Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Approval. H.R. 3461; forcement Act. H.R. 774; Ms. Bordallo et al. Mr. Boehner. S. 1334. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Convention Amend- ments Act. S. 1251. Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. H.R. 181; Mr. Poe of Texas et al. S. 178. Sport Fish Restoration and Recreational Boating Safety Act. S. 834. Correct Enrollment (S. 178). H. Con. Res. 47; Mr. Poe of Texas. Strengthening Fishing Communities and In- creasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act. H.R. 1335; Mr. Young of Alaska et al. West Coast Dungeness Crab Management Act. H.R. 2168; Ms. Herrera Beutler et al. K Maritime Administration Enhancement Act. S. 1326. Nuclear Terrorism Conventions Implementation and Kate’s Law. S. 2193. Safety of Maritime Navigation Act. S. 1318. Port Performance Freight Statistics Program. S. Keystone XL Pipeline Act. H.R. 3; Mr. Cramer et al. S. 1298. 1. Strengthening Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Coordination in Our Ports Act. H.R. 3878; Mrs. Torres et al. Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act. S. 147. Medgar Evers House Study Act. H.R. 959; Mr. Thompson of Mississippi.

L Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act. S. 1893.

LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT: Microbead-Free Waters Act. H.R. 1321; Mr. Pallone et al. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the National Labor Relations Board Relating to Representation Case Procedures. S.J. Res. 8. Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act. S. 1599. N DHS Paid Administrative Leave Accountability Act. H.R. 1633; Mr. Loudermilk et al. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Author- ization Act. H.R. 810; Mr. Palazzo et al. Federal Employees: Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act. H.R. National Energy Security Corridors Act. H.R. 2295; Mr. 1557; Mr. Cummings et al. MacArthur et al. Federal Employee Fair Treatment Act. S. 2035. Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act. H.R. National Estuary Program Reauthorization. H.R. 944; Mr. 1563; Mr. Chaffetz et al. LoBiondo et al. S. 1523. Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act. H.R. 313; Mr. Lynch et al. S. 242. National Guard and Reservist Debt Relief Extension Act. Land Management Workforce Flexibility Act. H.R. H.R. 4246; Mr. Cohen et al. 1531; Mr. Connolly et al. PORTS Act. S. 1519. National Liberty Memorial Clarification Act. H.R. 1949; Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act. H.R. Mr. Butterfield et al. 3459; Mr. Kline et al. Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Re- National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act. sponders Act. H.R. 33; Mr. Barletta et al. S. 2328. Save American Workers Act. H.R. 30; Mr. Young of National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act. Indiana et al. H.R. 1937; Mr. Amodei et al. Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act. H.R. 511; Mr. Rokita et al. S. 248. NATIVE AMERICANS: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Amend- Indians: ment. S. 1124. Albuquerque Indian School Land Transfer Act. Workplace Advancement Act. S. 2200. H.R. 1880; Ms. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico et al. S. 986. Librarian of Congress Succession Modernization Act. S. Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commis- 2162. sion on Native Children Act. S. 246. Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Govern- ance Act. S. 286. Economic Development Through Tribal Land Ex- M change Act. H.R. 387; Mr. Ruiz et al. INDEX 19–13

NATIVE AMERICANS—Continued Open Book on Equal Access to Justice Act. H.R. 3279; Indians—Continued Mr. Collins of Georgia et al. Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-De- termination Act Amendments. S. 209. Keep the Promise Act. H.R. 308; Mr. Franks of Arizona et al. P Keep the Promise Act of 2015. S. 152. Land into Trust for the Susanville Indian Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. H.R. 36; Mr. Rancheria. H.R. 2212; Mr. LaMalfa et al. Franks of Arizona et al. Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restora- tion Act. S. 35. PATENT Act. S. 1137. Miami Tribe of Oklahoma. H.R. 487; Mr. Mullin. Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act. S. 2425. Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, to Revoke the Charter of Incorporation. H.R. 533; Mr. Mullin et al. Patient Access to Disposable Medical Technology Act. S. S. 321. 1253. Native American Children’s Safety Act. H.R. 1168; Mr. Cramer. S. 184. Permanent CFC Look-Through Act. H.R. 1430; Mr. Bou- Native American Energy Act. H.R. 538; Mr. stany et al. Young of Alaska et al. New Mexico Navajo Water Settlement Technical Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2. S. 571. Corrections Act. S. 501. Securing Urgent Resources Vital to Indian Vic- Planned Parenthood Federation of America Prohibition of tim Empowerment Act. S. 1704. Federal Funding. S. 1861. S. 1881. Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act. S. 465. Policyholder Protection Act. H.R. 1478; Mr. Posey et al. Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act. H.R. 511; Mr. Rokita et al. S. 248. POWER Act. S. 2280. Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act. H.R. 2791; Mr. DeFazio et al. PPACA and Health Care-Related Provisions in the Health Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Deter- Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Repeal mination Reauthorization Act. H.R. 360; Mr. Pearce of. H.R. 596; Mr. Byrne et al. et al. S. 710. Preservation Research at Institutions Serving Minorities Act. H.R. 1541; Mr. Grijalva et al. Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act. H.R. 161; Mr. Pompeo et al. PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS: Need-Based Educational Aid Act. H.R. 2604; Mr. Smith John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act. H.R. of Texas et al. S. 1482. 1473; Mr. Barletta et al. Joint Session, President’s State of the Union. H. Con. Nicholas and Zachary Burt Memorial Carbon Monoxide Res. 7; Mrs. Comstock. H. Con. Res. 102; Mr. Poisoning Prevention Act. S. 1250. McCarthy. Presidential $1 Coin Program, Termination of. S. 95. No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insur- Presidential Allowance Modernization Act. H.R. 1777; ance Full Disclosure Act. H.R. 7; Mr. Smith of New Jer- Mr. Chaffetz et al. sey et al. Presidential Library Donation Reform Act. H.R. 1069; Mr. Duncan of Tennessee et al. S. 558. North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjustment Presidential Transitions Improvements Act. S. 1172. Act. S. 403. Termination of Taxpayer Financing of Presidential Election Campaigns. H.R. 412; Mr. Cole et al. Nuclear Program of Iran, Disapproving of the Agreement Unveiling of the Marble Bust of Vice President Rich- Transmitted to Congress by the President. H.J. Res. ard Cheney, Use of Emancipation Hall in the Cap- 64; Mr. Royce et al. itol Visitor Center. S. Con. Res. 24. White House Fellows Program, 50th Anniversary. S. Con. Res. 22.

O Prevent Trafficking in Cultural Property Act. H.R. 2285; Mr. Keating et al. ObamaCare Repeal Act. S. 339. Preventing and Reducing Improper Medicare and Med- Office of Compliance Administrative and Technical Cor- icaid Expenditures Act. S. 861. rections Act. H.R. 1213; Mrs. Miller of Michigan et al. Program Management Improvement Accountability Act. Offshore Production and Energizing National Security S. 1550. Act. S. 2011. Promoting U.S. Jobs Through Exports Act. H.R. 1031; Ms. Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act. S. 192. Maxine Waters of California et al. 19–14 INDEX

Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act. PUBLIC LANDS—Continued H.R. 1493; Mr. Engel et al. Parks—Continued Yellowstone and Grand Teton Paddling Act. H.R. Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act. H.R. 974; Mrs. Lummis. 1624; Mr. Guthrie et al. Rockingham County, Virginia, Removal of use Re- striction. H.R. 2288; Mr. Goodlatte. Protecting Cyber Networks Act. H.R. 1560; Mr. Nunes Scenic Rivers System: et al. Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild and Scenic River Act. S. 329. Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act. H.R. 3459; Mr. Kline et al. Wilderness and Wildlife: Billy Frank Jr. Tell Your Story Act. H.R. 2270; Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Re- Mr. Heck of Washington et al. sponders Act. H.R. 1191; Mr. Barletta et al. Cerros del Norte Conservation Act. S. 1240. Corolla Wild Horses Protection Act. H.R. 152; Mr. Providing Accountability Through Transparency Act. H.R. Jones. 690; Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. Global Anti-Poaching Act. H.R. 2494; Mr. Royce et al. PUBLIC LANDS: Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Act. S. 873. Forests: Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clari- Arapaho National Forest Boundary Adjustment fication Act. S. 2069. Act. H.R. 1324; Mr. Polis et al. Clarification Relating to a Certain Land Descrip- tion Under the Northern Arizona Land Ex- change and Verde River Basin Partnership Act. Q S. 1592. Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act. H.R. 2223; Quality Care for Moms and Babies Act. S. 466. Mr. Lamborn et al. S. 1941. Designate a Mountain in the John Muir Wilder- ness of the Sierra National Forest as ‘Sky Point’. H.R. 979; Mr. McClintock et al. R Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act. H.R. 2358; Mr. Zinke et al. Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act. National Forest Foundation Reauthorization Act. S. 665. H.R. 2394; Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania et al. RAISE Family Caregivers Act. S. 1719. National Forest Small Tracts Act Amendments Act. H.R. 1214; Mr. Amodei et al. RAPID Act. H.R. 348; Mr. Marino et al. Resilient Federal Forests Act. H.R. 2647; Mr. Westerman et al. Ratepayer Protection Act. H.R. 2042; Mr. Whitfield et al. Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act. H.R. 1138; Mr. READ Act. H.R. 3033; Mr. Smith of Texas et al. Simpson. S. 583. Land and Water Conservation Fund Reauthorization. Red River Private Property Protection Act. H.R. 2130; Mr. S. 338. Thornberry et al. Land Conveyance: Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Reform Exports and Expand the American Economy Act. Conveyance Act. H.R. 1554; Mr. Tipton et al. H.R. 597; Mr. Fincher et al. S. 1942. Escambia County, Florida, Conveyance of Prop- Regulatory Accountability Act. H.R. 185; Mr. Goodlatte erty. H.R. 1452; Mr. Miller of Florida. et al. Land into Trust for the Susanville Indian Rancheria. H.R. 2212; Mr. LaMalfa et al. Repayment of Obligations to the Bureau of Reclamation Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska, Land Convey- Within the Northport Irrigation District in the State ance. H.R. 336; Mr. Young of Alaska. of Nebraska, to Authorize. H.R. 404; Mr. Smith of Ne- braska. Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Bethel, Alaska, Land Conveyance. S. 230. Representative Payee Fraud Prevention Act. S. 1576. Land Management Workforce Flexibility Act. H.R. 1531; Mr. Connolly et al. Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015 (H.R. 2647): consid- Parks: eration of. H. Res. 347; Mr. Newhouse. Grand Canyon Bison Management Act. S. 782. James K. Polk Presidential Home Study Act. S. Restaurant and Retail Jobs and Growth Act. H.R. 765; 1483. Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania et al. National Park Access Act. S. 145. North Country National Scenic Trail Route Ad- Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation justment Act. S. 403. Act. H.R. 3762; Mr. Tom Price of Georgia. INDEX 19–15

RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- TIONS): TIONS)—Continued America COMPETES Reauthorization Act (H.R. Disapproving the Action of the District of Columbia 1806): consideration of. H. Res. 271; Mr. Newhouse. Council in Approving the Reproductive Health Non- Discrimination Amendment Act of 2014 (H.J.Res. America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 636): 43): consideration of. H. Res. 231; Mr. Woodall. consideration of. H. Res. 101; Mr. Cole. Energy and Water, 2016 (H.R. 2028): consideration American Research and Competitiveness Act (H.R. of. H. Res. 223; Mr. Woodall. 880): consideration of. H. Res. 273; Mr. Stivers. Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act (H.R. 3009): American SAFE Act (H.R. 4038): consideration of. H. consideration of. H. Res. 370; Mr. Collins of Geor- Res. 531; Mr. Collins of Georgia. gia. Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act (H.R. 1029): 3504): consideration of. H. Res. 421; Ms. Foxx. consideration of. H. Res. 138; Mr. Burgess. Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Advisory Every Child Achieves Act (S. 1177): consideration of Boards Act (H.R. 1195): consideration of. H. Res. the conference report. H. Res. 542; Mr. Burgess. 200; Mr. Stivers. Fed Oversight Reform and Modernization Act (H.R. Commerce, Justice, Science, FY 2016 ( H.R. 2578): 3189): consideration of. H. Res. 529; Mr. Stivers. consideration of. H. Res. 287; Mr. Sessions. Fighting Hunger Incentive Act (H.R. 644): consider- Committee Funding (H.Res. 132): consideration of. H. ation of. H. Res. 101; Mr. Cole. Res. 152; Ms. Foxx. Highway and Transportation Funding Act (H.R. Commodity End-User Relief Act (H.R. 2289): consid- 2353): consideration of. H. Res. 271; Mr. Newhouse. eration of. H. Res. 288; Mr. Newhouse. Highway and Transportation Funding Act, Part II Congressional Budget, FY 2016 (H.Con.Res. 27): con- (H.R. 3038): consideration of. H. Res. 362; Mr. sideration of. H. Res. 163; Mr. Woodall. Newhouse. Congressional Budget, FY 2016 (S.Con.Res. 11): Hire More Heroes Act (H.R. 22): consideration of Sen- Adopts an amendment in the nature of a substitute ate amendments. H. Res. 507; H. Res. 512; Mr. consisting of the text of (H.Con.Res. 27) as adopted Woodall. by the House. H. Res. 189; Mr. Sessions. Hire More Heroes Act (H.R. 22): consideration of the Congressional Budget, FY 2016 (S.Con.Res. 11): con- conference report. H. Res. 546; Mr. Woodall. sideration of the conference report. H. Res. 231; Mr. Homebuyers Assistance Act (H.R. 3192): consider- Woodall. ation of. H. Res. 462; Mr. Stivers. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Homeland Security, FY 2015 (H.R. 240): consider- EPA on Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for ation of. H. Res. 27; Mr. Sessions. Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Gener- Improvement of 529 Plans (H.R. 529): consideration ating Units (S.J.Res. 24): consideration of. H. Res. of. H. Res. 121; Mr. Woodall. 539; Mr. Burgess. Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Act Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by (H.R. 1734): consideration of. H. Res. 369; Mr. EPA on Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Byrne. Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Recon- Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 structed Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Gener- (H.R. 2596): consideration of. H. Res. 315; Mr. Col- ating Units (S.J.Res. 23): consideration of. H. Res. lins of Georgia. 539; Mr. Burgess. Interior, Environment, FY 2016 (H.R. 2822): consider- Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by ation of. H. Res. 333; Mr. Burgess. the National Labor Relations Board Relating to Iran (H.R. 3460): consideration of. H. Res. 412; Mr. Representation Case Procedures (S.J.Res. 8): con- Sessions. sideration of. H. Res. 152; Ms. Foxx. Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, Presi- Continuing, Further, FY 2015 (H.J.Res. 35): consider- dent has not Complied With Section 2 (H.Res. 411): ation of. H. Res. 129; Mr. Sessions. consideration of. H. Res. 412; Mr. Sessions. Correct Enrollment (H.Con.Res. 79): consideration of. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Approval (H.R. H. Res. 448; Mr. Cole. 3461): consideration of. H. Res. 412; Mr. Sessions. Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act (H.R. Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act (H.R. 2393): consideration of. H. Res. 303; Mr. Newhouse. 3457): consideration of. H. Res. 449; Mr. Byrne. Crude Oil Market Conditions (H.R. 702): consider- Keystone XL Pipeline Act (H.R. 3): consideration of. ation of. H. Res. 466; Mr. Byrne. H. Res. 19; Mr. Burgess. Death Tax Repeal Act (H.R. 1105): consideration of. Keystone XL Pipeline Act (S.1): consideration of. H. H. Res. 200; Mr. Stivers. Res. 100; Mr. Woodall. Default Prevention Act (H.R. 692): consideration of. Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act (H.R. 758): consider- H. Res. 480; Ms. Foxx. ation of. H. Res. 420; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act Legislative Branch, FY 2016 (H.R. 2250): consider- (H.R. 2146): consideration of the Senate amend- ation of. H. Res. 271; Mr. Newhouse. ment with amendment. H. Res. 321; Mr. Sessions. Legislative Branch, FY 2016 (H.R. 2250): consider- Defense Department, FY 2016 (H.R. 2685): consider- ation of Senate amendments. H. Res. 560; Mr. Cole. ation of. H. Res. 303; Mr. Newhouse. LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 3134): consid- (H.R. 351): consideration of. H. Res. 48; Mr. Ses- eration of. H. Res. 421; Ms. Foxx. sions. 19–16 INDEX

RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- TIONS)—Continued TIONS)—Continued Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (H.R. RAPID Act (H.R. 348): consideration of. H. Res. 420; 2): consideration of. H. Res. 173; Mr. Burgess. Mr. Collins of Georgia. Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Re- Ratepayer Protection Act (H.R. 2042): consideration lated Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016 (H.R. of. H. Res. 333; Mr. Burgess. 2029): consideration of Senate amendment with Red River Private Property Protection Act (H.R. amendments. H. Res. 566; Mr. Cole. 2130): consideration of. H. Res. 556; Mr. Newhouse. Military Construction, 2016 (H.R. 2029): consider- Reform Exports and Expand the American Economy ation of. H. Res. 223; Mr. Woodall. Act (H.R. 597): consideration of. H. Res. 450; Mr. Mortgage Choice Act (H.R. 685): consideration of. H. Fincher. Res. 189; Mr. Sessions. Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act Act (H.R. 1737): consideration of. H. Res. 526; Mr. (H.R. 1731): consideration of. H. Res. 212; Mr. Col- Cole. lins of Georgia. Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Act (H.R. 427): consideration of. H. Res. 380; Mr. 2016 (H.R. 1735): consideration of (Debate only). Collins of Georgia. H. Res. 255; Ms. Foxx. Regulatory Accountability Act (H.R. 185): consider- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year ation of. H. Res. 27; Mr. Sessions. 2016 (H.R. 1735): consideration of conference re- Regulatory Integrity Protection Act (H.R. 1732): con- port. H. Res. 449; Mr. Byrne. sideration of. H. Res. 231; Mr. Woodall. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconcili- 2016 (H.R. 1735): further consideration. H. Res. ation Act (H.R. 3762): consideration of. H. Res. 483; 260; Mr. Byrne. Mr. Woodall. National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Retail Investor Protection Act (H.R. 1090): consider- Act (H.R. 1937): consideration of. H. Res. 481; Mr. ation of. H. Res. 491; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Newhouse. Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (H.R. 1599): Native American Energy Act (H.R. 538): consider- consideration of. H. Res. 369; Mr. Byrne. ation of. H. Res. 466; Mr. Byrne. Save American Workers Act (H.R. 30): consideration of. H. Res. 19; Mr. Burgess. Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act (H.R. 161): consideration of. H. Res. 38; Ms. Foxx. Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Reauthor- ization Act (H.R. 10): consideration of. H. Res. 480; No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion In- Ms. Foxx. surance Full Disclosure Act (H.R. 7): consideration of. H. Res. 42; Ms. Foxx. Secret Science Reform Act (H.R. 1030): consideration of. H. Res. 138; Mr. Burgess. North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 8): consideration of. H. Res. 542; Mr. Bur- Select Investigative Panel of the Committee on En- gess. ergy and Commerce, Establishing. H. Res. 461; Ms. Foxx. North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act (H.R. 8): consideration of (general debate only). Act (H.R. 527): consideration of. H. Res. 78; Ms. H. Res. 539; Mr. Burgess. Foxx. Nuclear Program of Iran, Disapproving of the Agree- SPACE Act (H.R. 2262): consideration of. H. Res. 273; ment Transmitted to Congress by the President Mr. Stivers. (H.J.Res. 64): consideration of. H. Res. 408; Mr. Sessions. State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act (H.R. 622): consideration of. H. Res. 200; Mr. Stiv- Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36): ers. consideration of. H. Res. 38; H. Res. 255; Ms. Foxx. Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act (H.R. Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act (H.R. 749): consideration of. H. Res. 134; Mr. Woodall. 1335): consideration of. H. Res. 274; Mr. Byrne. Portfolio Lending and Mortgage Access Act (H.R. Student Success Act (H.R. 5): consideration of. H. 1210): consideration of. H. Res. 529; Mr. Stivers. Res. 121; Mr. Woodall. H. Res. 125; Ms. Foxx. PPACA and Health Care-Related Provisions in the Student Success Act (H.R.5): consideration of. H. Res. Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 347; Mr. Newhouse. 2010, Repeal of (H.Res. 70): consideration of. H. Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Res. 70; Mr. Burgess. Choice Improvement Act (H.R. 3236): consideration Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act of. H. Res. 388; Mr. Sessions. (H.R. 650): consideration of. H. Res. 189; Mr. Ses- Trade Act (H.R. 1314): consideration of Senate sions. amendment. H. Res. 305; Mr. Sessions. Promoting Job Creation and Reducing Small Busi- Trade Act (H.R. 1314): consideration of Senate ness Burdens Act (H.R. 37): consideration of. H. amendment with amendment. H. Res. 495; Mr. Res. 27; Mr. Sessions. Cole. Protect Medical Innovation Act (H.R. 160): consider- Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (H.R. ation of. H. Res. 319; Mr. Burgess. 644): consideration of the conference report. H. Res. Protecting Cyber Networks Act (H.R. 1560): consider- 560; Mr. Cole. ation of. H. Res. 212; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (H.R. Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act (H.R. 644): consideration the Senate amendments. H. 1190): consideration of. H. Res. 319; Mr. Burgess. Res. 305; Mr. Sessions. INDEX 19–17

RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY—Continued TIONS)—Continued Research and Development Efficiency Act. H.R. 1119; Trade Preferences Extension Act (H.R. 1295): consid- Mrs. Comstock et al. eration of the Senate amendment to House amend- Science Prize Competitions Act. H.R. 1162; Mr. Beyer ment to Senate amendment.. H. Res. 338; Mr. Ses- et al. sions. Secret Science Reform Act. H.R. 1030; Mr. Smith of Transportation, HUD, FY 2016 (H.R. 2577): consider- Texas et al. S. 544. ation of. H. Res. 287; Mr. Sessions. Small Business Broadband and Emerging Informa- Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act (H.R. 511): consider- tion Technology Enhancement Act. S. 2116. ation of. H. Res. 526; Mr. Cole. SPACE Act. H.R. 2262; Mr. McCarthy et al. TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act (H.R. Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act. H.R. 719): consideration of the Senate amendment to 1508; Mr. Posey et al. House amendment to Senate amendment. H. Res. 448; Mr. Cole. Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act. H.R. 34; Ms. Bonamici et al. Twenty-Frist Century Cures Act (H.R. 6): consider- ation of. H. Res. 350; Mr. Burgess. Twenty-First Century Cures Act. H.R. 6; Mr. Upton et al. Unfunded Mandates Information and Transparency Act (H.R. 50): consideration of. H. Res. 78; Ms. U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act. Foxx. S. 1297. Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act. Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over H.R. 1561; Mr. Lucas et al. Monitoring Act (H.R. 2048): consideration of. H. Res. 255; Ms. Foxx. Secret Service Improvements Act. H.R. 1656; Mr. Good- latte et al. VA Accountability Act (H.R. 1994): consideration of. H. Res. 388; Mr. Sessions. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION: Western Water and American Food Security Act (H.R. 2898): consideration of. H. Res. 362; Mr. Disclosure Modernization and Simplification Act. Newhouse. H.R. 1525; Mr. Garrett. Women’s Public Health and Safety Act (H.R. 3495): Holding Company Registration Threshold Equali- consideration of. H. Res. 444; Ms. Foxx. zation Act. H.R. 1334; Mr. Womack et al. Promoting Job Creation and Reducing Small Busi- Ruth Moore Act. H.R. 1607; Ms. Pingree et al. ness Burdens Act. H.R. 37; Mr. Fitzpatrick et al. Retail Investor Protection Act. H.R. 1090; Mrs. Wag- ner et al. Securities and Exchange Commission Reporting Mod- S ernization Act. H.R. 3032; Ms. Sinema et al. Small Company Simple Registration Act. H.R. 1723; Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act. H.R. 1599; Mr. Mrs. Wagner et al. Pompeo et al. Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indem- nification Correction Act. H.R. 1847; Mr. Crawford Saving Federal Dollars Through Better Use of Govern- et al. ment Purchase and Travel Cards Act. S. 1616. SMALL BUSINESS: Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Reauthorization Act. H.R. 10; Mr. Boehner et al. CLEAR SBA Act. S. 967. Commercial Real Estate and Economic Development SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Act. S. 966. America COMPETES Reauthorization Act. H.R. Fairness to Veterans for Infrastructure Investment 1806; Mr. Smith of Texas et al. Act. H.R. 1694; Mr. Fitzpatrick et al. American Super Computing Leadership Act. H.R. HUBZone Revitalization Act. S. 1292. 874; Mr. Hultgren et al. Improving Small Business Innovative Research and Department of Energy Laboratory Modernization and Technologies Act. S. 2136. Technology Transfer Act. H.R. 1158; Mr. Hultgren Microloan Modernization Act. H.R. 2670; Mr. Moulton et al. et al. S. 1857. DHS Science and Technology Reform and Improve- Promoting Job Creation and Reducing Small Busi- ment Act. H.R. 3578; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. ness Burdens Act. H.R. 37; Mr. Fitzpatrick et al. EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act. H.R. 1029; Recovery Improvements for Small Entities After Dis- Mr. Lucas et al. aster Act. S. 1470. International Science and Technology Cooperation SBIC Advisers Relief Act. H.R. 432; Mr. Luetkemeyer Act. H.R. 1156; Mr. Lipinski et al. et al. Low-Dose Radiation Research Act. H.R. 35; Mr. SCORE for Small Business Act. S. 1000. Hultgren et al. Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Re- National Sea Grant College Program Amendments lief Act. H.R. 1313; Mr. McNerney. Act. S. 764. Small Business Broadband and Emerging Informa- National Windstorm Impact Reduction Act Reauthor- tion Technology Enhancement Act. S. 2116. ization. H.R. 23; Mr. Neugebauer et al. Small Business Development Centers Improvement READ Act. H.R. 3033; Mr. Smith of Texas et al. Act. S. 999. 19–18 INDEX

SMALL BUSINESS—Continued STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued Small Business Energy Efficiency Act. S. 1756. Arizona—Continued Small Business Fairness Act. S. 958. Clarification Relating to a Certain Land Descrip- tion Under the Northern Arizona Land Ex- Small Business Investment Capital Company Act. change and Verde River Basin Partnership Act. H.R. 1023; Mr. Chabot et al. S. 552. S. 1592. Small Business Lending Reauthorization Act. S. 1001. Grand Canyon Bison Management Act. S. 782. Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Keep the Promise Act. H.R. 308; Mr. Franks of Act. H.R. 527; Mr. Chabot et al. Arizona et al. Small Business Subcontracting Transparency Act. S. Keep the Promise Act of 2015. S. 152. 2138. Arkansas: Small Contractors Improve Competition Act. S. 2139. ‘‘Trieber Federal Building, United States Post Of- Superstorm Sandy Relief and Disaster Loan Program fice, and United States Court House, Jacob ’’. Improvement Act. H.R. 208; Ms. Velazquez et al. H.R. 2954; Mr. Crawford et al. S. 1707. S. 1811. California: Veterans Entrepreneurship Act. H.R. 2499; Mr. Designate a Mountain in the John Muir Wilder- Chabot et al. ness of the Sierra National Forest as ‘Sky Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act. S. 1400. Point’. H.R. 979; Mr. McClintock et al. Veterans Small Business Ownership Improvements John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act. Act. S. 1866. H.R. 1289; Mr. DeSaulnier et al. Women’s Small Business Ownership Act. S. 2126. Land into Trust for the Susanville Indian Rancheria. H.R. 2212; Mr. LaMalfa et al. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: Western Water and American Food Security Act. Board of Regents: H.R. 2898; Mr. Valadao et al. Rubenstein, David M.. H.J. Res. 10; Mr. Sam Colorado: Johnson of Texas et al. Arapaho National Forest Boundary Adjustment Act. H.R. 1324; Mr. Polis et al. Social Media Working Group Act. H.R. 623; Mrs. Brooks Colorado River Storage Project Act Amendments. of Indiana et al. S. 1305. Construction Authorization and Choice Improve- Special Needs Trust Fairness Act. S. 349. ment Act. H.R. 2496; Mr. Coffman. Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act. H.R. 2223; Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act. Mr. Lamborn et al. S. 1941. H.R. 2406; Mr. Wittman et al. Department of Veterans Affairs Major Medical Facility Project Previously Authorized, Exten- State and Local Cyber Protection Act. H.R. 3869; Mr. sion of. S. 1568. Hurd of Texas et al. Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Conveyance Act. H.R. 1554; Mr. Tipton et al. STATES AND TERRITORIES: S. 1942. Alabama: Connecticut: Award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Foot Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild Soldiers who Participated in Bloody Sunday, and Scenic River Act. S. 329. Turnaround Tuesday, or the Final Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March in March of Delaware: 1965. H.R. 431; Ms. Sewell of Alabama et al. Biden, III, Joseph Robinette, Death of. H. Res. S. 527. 299; Mr. McCarthy. S. Res. 191. Alaska: Florida: Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Act. S. 873. Escambia County, Florida, Conveyance of Prop- Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska, Land Convey- erty. H.R. 1452; Mr. Miller of Florida. ance. H.R. 336; Mr. Young of Alaska. ‘‘Ferguson Post Office, Sergeant First Class Dan- Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Bethel, iel M.’’. H.R. 1326; Mr. Ross et al. Alaska, Land Conveyance. S. 230. ‘‘Grogan, Benjamin P. and Jerry L. Dove, Federal Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Convey- Bureau of Investigation Miami Field Office’’. ance of Property, Bethel, Alaska. H.R. 521; Mr. H.R. 1092; Ms. Wilson of Florida et al. Young of Alaska. Hawaii: American Samoa: King Kamehameha I Birthday Celebration, Use Expedited Funds Availability Act Amendment. of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor H.R. 1367; Mrs. Radewagen et al. Center. S. Con. Res. 3. Fair Minimum Wage Act Amendment. H.R. 2617; Idaho: Mrs. Radewagen. Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Arizona: Peak Wilderness Additions Act. H.R. 1138; Mr. Arizona Borderlands Protection and Preservation Simpson. S. 583. Act. S. 750. Kentucky: ‘‘Castro Port of Entry, Raul Hector’’. H.R. 1075; Ford, Honorable Wendell H., Death Of. S. Res. Mr. Grijalva et al. 38. INDEX 19–19

STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued Maryland: North Carolina—Continued President Street Station Study Act. S. 521. ‘‘Doub United States Courthouse, Randy D.’’. H.R. 1642; Mr. Jones et al. Thurgood Marshall’s Elementary School Study Act. S. 610. Northern Mariana Islands: Massachusetts: Expedited Funds Availability Act Amendment. H.R. 1367; Mrs. Radewagen et al. Brooke, III, Honorable Edward W., Death of. S. Res. 19. Ohio: Minnesota: ‘‘Chenault Post Office Building, Richard ‘Dick’ ’’. ‘‘Oberstar Memorial Post Office Building, James H.R. 558; Mr. Chabot et al. L.’’. S. 179. ‘‘Riley Post Office Building, Specialist Joseph Mississippi: W.’’. S. 1596. ‘‘Brown United States Courthouse, R. Jess’’. H.R. Oklahoma: 172; Mr. Thompson of Mississippi. Chief Standing Bear National Historic Trail Fea- ‘‘Clark United States Courthouse, Charles’’. S. sibility Study. H.R. 984; Mr. Fortenberry et al. 1034. ‘‘Holloway, Jr. United States Courthouse, Wil- Medgar Evers House Study Act. H.R. 959; Mr. liam J.’’. S. 261. Thompson of Mississippi. ‘‘Kalsu Post Office Building, James Robert’’. H.R. Nunnelee, Honorable Alan, Death of. H. Res. 99; 3059; Mr. Russell et al. Mr. Thompson of Mississippi. Miami Tribe of Oklahoma. H.R. 487; Mr. Mullin. Missouri: Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, to Revoke the Charter ‘‘Fisher Post Office, Sgt. Zachary M.’’. H.R. 322; of Incorporation. H.R. 533; Mr. Mullin et al. Mrs. Wagner et al. S. 321. ‘‘Pinson Post Office, Sgt. Amanda N.’’. H.R. 323; Oregon: Mrs. Wagner et al. Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clari- ‘‘Riordan Post Office, Lt. Daniel P.’’. H.R. 324; fication Act. S. 2069. Mrs. Wagner et al. Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act. H.R. 2791; ‘‘Woods, Jr. Post Office, Sergeant First Class Wil- Mr. DeFazio et al. liam B.’’. H.R. 728; Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. Pennsylvania: Montana: Schweiker, Richard Schultz. S. Res. 250. Clark Canyon Dam. S. 1103. ‘‘Weis, Jr. United States Courthouse, Joseph F.’’. Gibson Dam. S. 1104. H.R. 1690; Mr. Michael F. Doyle of Pennsyl- vania et al. Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restora- tion Act. S. 35. Rhode Island: Nebraska: ‘‘Keefe Post Office, Sister Ann’’. H.R. 651; Mr. Cicilline et al. Boys Town Centennial Commemorative Coin Act. H.R. 893; Mr. Fortenberry et al. S. 301. South Carolina: Chief Standing Bear National Historic Trail Fea- ‘‘J. Waties Waring Judicial Center’’. H.R. 2131; sibility Study. H.R. 984; Mr. Fortenberry et al. Mr. Clyburn et al. Repayment of Obligations to the Bureau of Rec- Tennessee: lamation Within the Northport Irrigation Dis- James K. Polk Presidential Home Study Act. S. trict in the State of Nebraska, to Authorize. 1483. H.R. 404; Mr. Smith of Nebraska. Thompson, Honorable Fred, Death of. S. Res. New Jersey: 309. ‘‘D’Augustine Post Office Building, Staff Sergeant Texas: Joseph’’. S. 994. ‘‘Floresville Veterans Post Office Building’’. H.R. New Mexico: 891; Mr. Cuellar et al. Albuquerque Indian School Land Transfer Act. ‘‘Kazen Federal Building and United States H.R. 1880; Ms. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Courthouse, George P.’’. S. 612. Mexico et al. S. 986. ‘‘Lee Medal of Honor Memorial Highway, PFC Cerros del Norte Conservation Act. S. 1240. Milton A.’’. H.R. 2559; H.R. 2559; Mr. Smith New Mexico Navajo Water Settlement Technical of Texas et al. Corrections Act. S. 501. Red River Private Property Protection Act. H.R. New York: 2130; Mr. Thornberry et al. ‘‘Badillo Post Office Building, Herman’’. H.R. Wright Jr., The Honorable James Claude, Death 1350; Mr. Serrano et al. of. H. Res. 254; Mr. Burgess. ‘‘Dietz Post Office Building, Staff Sergeant Rob- Virginia: ert H.’’. H.R. 1442; Mr. Gibson et al. ‘‘Galanti Arboretum, Phyllis E.’’. H.R. 2693; Mr. ‘‘Pierson Memorial Post Office Building, Officer Brat et al. Daryl R.’’. H.R. 1884; Ms. Slaughter et al. Rockingham County, Virginia, Removal of use North Carolina: Restriction. H.R. 2288; Mr. Goodlatte. Corolla Wild Horses Protection Act. H.R. 152; Mr. Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Jones. Federal Recognition Act. S. 465. 19–20 INDEX

STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued TAXATION AND TAXES—Continued Washington: Don’t Tax Our Fallen Public Safety Heroes Act. H.R. Billy Frank Jr. Tell Your Story Act. H.R. 2270; 606; Mr. Paulsen et al. S. 916. Mr. Heck of Washington et al. Educator Tax Relief Act. H.R. 2940; Mr. Reichert Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project et al. Phase III Act. S. 1694. Equitable Access to Care and Health Act. H.R. 2061; Wisconsin: Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois et al. ‘‘Megellas Post Office, Lieutenant Colonel James Fair Treatment for All Donations Act. H.R. 1104; Mr. ‘‘Maggie’’’’. S. 1826. Roskam et al. Wyoming: Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act. H.R. 1563; Colorado River Storage Project Act Amendments. Mr. Chaffetz et al. S. 1305. Gross Income Certain Clean Coal Power Grants to Non-Corporate Taxpayers, to Exclude From. S. 919. Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act. Improve Access and Administration of the United H.R. 2820; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. States Tax Court. S. 903. Improvement of 529 Plans. H.R. 529; Ms. Jenkins of STEM Education Act. H.R. 1020; Mr. Smith of Texas Kansas et al. et al. Increase in Limitation on Eligibility for Alternative Tax for Certain Small Insurance Companies. S. Stop Advertising Victims of Exploitation Act. H.R. 285; 905. Mrs. Wagner et al. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve 529 plans, Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act. H.R. 159; Mr. amend.. S. 335. Paulsen et al. S. 166. Investment Tax Credit for Waste Heat to Power Tech- nology. S. 913. Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act. S. IRS Bureaucracy Reduction and Judicial Review Act. 2146. H.R. 1295; Mr. Holding et al. IRS Employees Prohibited From Using Personal Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act. Email Accounts for Official Business. H.R. 1152; H.R. 712; Mr. Collins of Georgia et al. Mr. Marchant et al. LNG and LPG Excise Tax Equalization Act. S. 917. Supporting Local Law Enforcment Agencies and Body- Worn Cameras. H. Res. 295; Mr. Al Green of Texas Military Spouse Job Continuity Act. S. 920. et al. Notice for Organizations That Include Charities is Essential (NOTICE) Act. S. 918. Supporting Transparent Regulatory and Environmental Permanent CFC Look-Through Act. H.R. 1430; Mr. Actions in Mining Act. H.R. 1644; Mr. Mooney of West Boustany et al. Virginia et al. Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act. H.R. 235; Mr. Goodlatte et al. Permanent IRA Charitable Contribution Act. H.R. 637; Mr. Schock et al. T Permanent S Corporation Built-in Gain Recognition TAXATION AND TAXES: Period Act. H.R. 629; Mr. Reichert et al. America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act. H.R. 636; Permanent S Corporation Charitable Contribution Mr. Tiberi et al. Act. H.R. 630; Mr. Reichert et al. American Research and Competitiveness Act. H.R. Permanent Subpart F Exemption for Active Financ- 880; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. ing Income. H.R. 961; Mr. Tiberi et al. Bonus Depreciation Modified and Made Permanent. Philanthropic Enterprise Act. S. 909. H.R. 2510; Mr. Tiberi et al. Prevent Targeting at the IRS Act. H.R. 709; Mr. Charitable Agricultural Research Act. S. 908. Renacci et al. Church Plan Clarification Act. S. 2308. Protect Medical Innovation Act. H.R. 160; Mr. Paul- sen et al. Cider Investment and Development through Excise Tax Reduction (CIDER) Act. S. 906. Real Estate Investment and Jobs Act. S. 915. Conservation Easement Incentive Act. H.R. 641; Mr. Restaurant and Retail Jobs and Growth Act. H.R. Kelly of Pennsylvania et al. 765; Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania et al. Contracting and Tax Accountability Act. H.R. 1562; Restoring Access to Medication Act. H.R. 1270; Ms. Mr. Chaffetz et al. Jenkins of Kansas et al. Craft Beverage Bond Simplification Act. S. 904. Save American Workers Act. H.R. 30; Mr. Young of Indiana et al. Death Tax Repeal Act. H.R. 1105; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. Special Rules for Accident and Health Plans of Cer- tain Governmental Entities, Clarification of. S. 910. Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act. H.R. 2146; Mr. Reichert et al. State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act. H.R. 622; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. Detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, New York Police Department, Income Tax Benefits for Chari- Tax Relief Extension Act. S. 1946. table Cash Contributions, Relief of the Families of. Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act. H.R. 1058; Mr. Roskam H.R. 1527; Mr. Jeffries et al. et al. INDEX 19–21

TAXATION AND TAXES—Continued TRANSPORTATION AND TRAVEL—Continued Taxpayer Knowledge of IRS Investigations Act. H.R. Highways: 1026; Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania et al. Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for Termination of Taxpayer Financing of Presidential the Economy Act. S. 1647. Election Campaigns. H.R. 412; Mr. Cole et al. Driver Privacy Act. S. 766. The Tax Rate for the Excise Tax on Investment In- Highway and Transportation Funding Act. H.R. come of Private Foundations, Modification of. H.R. 2353; Mr. Shuster et al. 640; Mr. Paulsen et al. Highway and Transportation Funding Act, Part Trade Act. H.R. 1314; Mr. Meehan et al. II. H.R. 3038; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin et al. Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act. H.R. ‘‘Lee Medal of Honor Memorial Highway, PFC 644; Mr. Reed et al. Milton A.’’. H.R. 2559; Mr. Smith of Texas Truth in Settlements Act of 2015. S. 1109. et al. Work Colleges Program, Exclusion for Amounts Re- Surface Transportation and Veterans Health ceived Under. S. 912. Care Choice Improvement Act. H.R. 3236; Mr. Wounded Warrior Tax Equity Act. S. 907. Shuster et al. Surface Transportation Extension Act. H.R. 3819; Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act. H.R. 598; Mr. Walberg Mr. Shuster et al. S. 1350. et al. S. 282. Surface Transportation Extension Act, Part II. H.R. 3996; Mr. Shuster et al. Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act. Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Re- H.R. 26; Mr. Neugebauer et al. form Act. H.R. 3763; Mr. Shuster et al. Knife Owners’ Protection Act. S. 1315. Thurgood Marshall’s Elementary School Study Act. S. Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act. S. 304. 610. Port Performance Freight Statistics Program. S. 1298. Tracking Foreign Fighters in Terrorist Safe Havens Act. Railroads: H.R. 4239; Mr. LoBiondo et al. Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act. H.R. 749; Mr. Shuster et al. Trade Adjustment Assistance Act (TAA). H.R. 1892; Mr. Reichert et al. President Street Station Study Act. S. 521. RESPONSE Act. S. 546. Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act. S. Sport Fish Restoration and Recreational Boating 1268. Safety Act. S. 834. Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act. H.R. 1907; 2015. S. 808. Mr. Tiberi et al. S. 1269. Treatment of Certain Payments in Eugenics Compensa- Trade Preferences Extension Act. H.R. 1295; Mr. Holding tion Act. S. 1698. et al. S. 1267.

Trafficking Awareness Training for Health Care Act. H.R. TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act. H.R. 719; Mr. 398; Mrs. Ellmers et al. Katko et al. House agreed to Senate amendment with amend- ment. H. Res. 434; Mr. Katko. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAVEL: Correct Enrollment. H. Con. Res. 79; Mrs. Roby. Appointment of Directors of the Washington Metro- politan Area Transit Authority. S. 2093. Aviation: TSCA Modernization Act. H.R. 2576; Mr. Shimkus et al. Airport Access Control Security Improvement Act. H.R. 3102; Mr. Katko et al. Airport and Airway Extension Act. H.R. 3614; Mr. Shuster et al. U Keeping our Travelers Safe and Secure Act. H.R. 2770; Miss Rice of New York et al. U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act. S. Partners for Aviation Security Act. H.R. 3144; 1297. Mr. Payne et al. Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2. S. 571. Securing Expedited Screening Act. H.R. 2127; Unfunded Mandates Information and Transparency Act. Mr. Thompson of Mississippi et al. H.R. 50; Ms. Foxx et al. TSA PreCheck Expansion Act. H.R. 2843; Mr. Katko et al. United States Merchant Marine Academy Improvements Department of Transportation: Act of 2015. S. 143. Maritime Administration Enhancement Act. S. 1326. Federal Vehicle Repair Cost Savings Act. H.R. 1613; Mr. Huizenga of Michigan et al. V 19–22 INDEX

VACANCIES (House Members): VETERANS—Continued First Session: Homeless Veterans Services Protection Act. S. 1731. Illinois: Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Programs Reau- 18th District, Vacated by Aaron Schock, thorization Act. H.R. 474; Mr. Wenstrup et al. March 31, 2015; (Resigned). Homes for Heroes Act. H.R. 251; Mr. Al Green of Filled by Darin LaHood Sept. 17, 2015. Texas et al. Mississippi: Honor America’s Guard-Reserve Retirees Act. H.R. 1384; Mr. Walz et al. 1st District, Vacated by Alan Nunnelee, Feb. 6, 2015; (Deceased). Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act. H.R. 294; Mr. Miller of Florida et al. Filled by Trent Kelly June 9, 2015. Recoup Bonuses or Awards Paid to Employees of the New York: Department of Veterans Affairs. H.R. 280; Mr. Mil- 11th District, Vacated by Michael G. Grimm, ler of Florida et al. Jan. 5, 2015; (Resigned). Return of Bonuses Awarded to Employees of Depart- Filled by Daniel M. Donovan, Jr. May 12, ment of Veterans Affairs for Performance They 2015. Misrepresented. S. 627. Ohio: Ruth Moore Act. H.R. 1607; Ms. Pingree et al. 8th District, Vacated by John A. Boehner, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Re- Oct. 31, 2015; (Resigned). lief Act. H.R. 1313; Mr. McNerney. Servicemember Foreclosure Protections Extension Vessel Incidental Discharge Act. S. 373. Act. H.R. 189; Mr. Grayson et al. Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Veteran’s I.D. Card Act. H.R. 91; Mr. Buchanan et al. Choice Improvement Act. H.R. 3236; Mr. Shuster et al. VETERANS: Training and Employment for Veterans and Members Access to Community Care for Veterans Act. S. 1463. of Armed Forces in Curation and Histroic Preserva- Boosting Rates of American Veteran Employment tion Activities. H.R. 3114; Mrs. Napolitano et al. Act. H.R. 1382; Miss Rice of New York et al. Twenty-First Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Career-Ready Student Veterans Act. H.R. 2360; Mr. Act. S. 1203. Takano et al. VA Accountability Act. H.R. 1994; Mr. Miller of Flor- Clay Hunt SAV Act. H.R. 203; Mr. Walz et al. ida et al. Congressional Charter of Disabled American Vet- VA Provider Equity Act. H.R. 3016; Mr. Wenstrup erans. H.R. 1755; Mr. Miller of Florida. et al. Construction Authorization and Choice Improvement Veterans Day Moment of Silence Act. S. 1004. Act. H.R. 2496; Mr. Coffman. Veterans Entrepreneurship Act. H.R. 2499; Mr. Construction Reform Act. H.R. 3106; Mr. Miller of Chabot et al. S. 957. Florida et al. Veterans Information Modernization Act. H.R. 2256; Counseling in Retreat Settings for Women Veterans Mr. Benishek. Newly Separated From Service in the Armed Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act. S. 1400. Forces. H.R. 1575; Ms. Brown of Florida et al. Veterans Small Business Ownership Improvements Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability Act. Act. S. 1866. S. 1082. Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Department of Veterans Affairs Budget Planning Re- Act. H.R. 675; Mr. Abraham et al. S. 1493. form Act. H.R. 216; Ms. Brown of Florida et al. Vulnerable Veterans Housing Reform Act. H.R. 1816; Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Mr. Heck of Nevada. Act. S. 2082. Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act. H.R. 313; Mr. Department of Veterans Affairs Major Medical Facil- Lynch et al. S. 242. ity Project Previously Authorized, Extension of. S. 1568. VETOES: Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility First Session: Earthquake Protection and Improvement Act. S. 833. House Bills: Dignified Interment of Our Veterans Act. H.R. 1338; National Defense Authorization Act for Fis- Mr. Shuster et al. cal Year 2016. H.R. 1735. Ensuring VA Employee Accountability Act. H.R. Senate Bills: 1038; Mr. Costello of Pennsylvania. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Sub- Fairness to Veterans for Infrastructure Investment mitted by EPA on Carbon Pollution Emis- Act. H.R. 1694; Mr. Fitzpatrick et al. sion Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units. Female Veteran Suicide Prevention Act. H.R. 2915; S.J. Res. 24. Ms. Brownley of California et al. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Sub- ‘‘Floresville Veterans Post Office Building’’. H.R. 891; mitted by EPA on Standards of Perform- Mr. Cuellar et al. ance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Gold Star Fathers Act. S. 136. New, Modified, and Reconstructed Sta- Hire More Heroes Act. H.R. 22; H.J. Res. 61; Mr. Rod- tionary Sources: Electric Utility Gener- ney Davis of Illinois et al. ating Units. S.J. Res. 23. INDEX 19–23

VETOES—Continued Y First Session—Continued Senate Bills—Continued Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Sub- mitted by the National Labor Relations Z Board Relating to Representation Case Procedures. S.J. Res. 8. Keystone XL Pipeline Act. S. 1.

Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act. H.R. 158; Mrs. Miller of Michigan et al.


WATER AND WATER RESOURCES: Bureau of Reclamation Transparency Act. H.R. 1107; Mr. Gosar et al. S. 593. Colorado River Storage Project Act Amendments. S. 1305. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the Corps of Engineers and the EPA Relating to the Definition of ‘Waters of the United States‘ Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. S.J. Res. 22. Drinking Water Protection Act. H.R. 212; Mr. Latta et al. Federal Water Quality Protection Act. S. 1140. Grassroots Rural and Small Community Water Sys- tems Assistance Act. S. 611. Land and Water Conservation Fund Extension. S. 2169. Land and Water Conservation Fund Permanent Au- thorization. S. 2165. Land and Water Conservation Fund Reauthorization. S. 338. National Estuary Program Reauthorization. H.R. 944; Mr. LoBiondo et al. S. 1523. New Mexico Navajo Water Settlement Technical Cor- rections Act. S. 501. Regulatory Integrity Protection Act. H.R. 1732; Mr. Shuster et al. Sensible Environmental Protection Act. S. 1500. Water Resources Research Amendments Act. S. 653. Western Water and American Food Security Act. H.R. 2898; Mr. Valadao et al. Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Phase III Act. S. 1694. Yellowstone and Grand Teton Paddling Act. H.R. 974; Mrs. Lummis.

Weather Alerts for a Ready Nation Act. S. 1573.

Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act. H.R. 1561; Mr. Lucas et al.

Women’s Public Health and Safety Act. H.R. 3495; Mr. Duffy et al.

Women’s Small Business Ownership Act. S. 2126.



First Session, First Session, First Session, First Session, First Session, One Hundred One Hundred One Hundred One Hundred One Hundred Fourteenth Thirteenth Twelfth Con- Eleventh Con- Tenth Con- Congress Congress gress gress gress

Convened ...... Jan. 6, 2015 Jan. 3, 2013 Jan. 5, 2011 Jan. 6, 2009 Jan. 4, 2007 Adjourned ...... Dec. 18, 2015 Jan. 3, 2014 Jan. 3, 2012 Dec. 23, 2009 Dec. 19, 2007

Calendar days in session ...... 157 161 177 162 167 Legislative days in session ...... 157 160 175 159 164

Bills introduced ...... 4,302 3,796 3,756 4412 4,930 Joint resolutions introduced ...... 79 104 97 66 75 Simple resolutions introduced..... 574 448 508 996 911 Concurrent resolutions intro- duced ...... 105 72 95 225 278 Total bills and resolutions 5,060 4,420 4,456 5,699 6,194

Public laws: Approved ...... 115 72 90 125 179 Over veto...... 0 0 0 0 1 Without approval...... 0 0 0 0 0 Total, public laws ...... 115 72 90 125 180

Private laws...... 0 0 0 0 0

Grand total, public and private laws ...... 115 72 90 125 180

Committee reports: Union calendar...... 285 211 200 218 301 House calendar ...... 80 74 97 144 174 Private calendar...... 0 0 0 0 0 Conference reports ...... 5 0 3 11 12 Special reports...... 7 30 50 10 8 Not assigned to a calendar ... 8 5 10 5 12 Total ...... 385 320 360 388 507

Reported bills acted upon: Union calendar...... 207 130 121 174 257 House calendar ...... 78 71 91 128 168 Private calendar...... 0 0 0 0 0 Conference reports ...... 5 0 3 11 12 Special reports...... 0 0 0 0 0 Total acted upon...... 290 201 215 313 437

Special reports, conference re- ports, reported bills pending, and not assigned ...... 95 119 145 75 70 Total reported...... 385 320 360 388 507

Resolutions agreed to: Simple ...... 122 96 132 454 453 House concurrent...... 28 16 23 68 94 Senate concurrent...... 6 15 7 11 9


The total laws of the 1st session, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, numbered 115, which were divided as follows: House bills, 75; House joint resolutions, 3; Senate bills, 37; Senate joint resolutions, 0; public laws, 115; private laws, 0.

The House passed 323 House bills, 5 House joint resolutions, 28 House concurrent resolutions, 122 simple reso- lutions, and 38 Senate bills, 3 Senate joint resolutions, and 6 Senate concurrent resolutions.

The Senate passed 82 House bills, 3 House joint resolutions, 24 House concurrent resolutions, and 98 Senate bills, 4 Senate joint resolutions, 11 Senate concurrent resolutions, and 217 simple resolutions.

Vetoed, 5. Total House bills vetoed, 1; Total Senate bills vetoed, 4; House bills vetoed, 1; Senate bills vetoed, 1; House joint resolutions vetoed, 0; Senate joint resolutions vetoed, 3; House bills pocket vetoed, 0; Senate bills pocket vetoed, 0; House joint resolutions pocket vetoed, 0; Senate joint resolutions pocket vetoed, 0.

0 House bills and 0 Senate bills were vetoed and passed House and Senate over Presidential veto, and became law.

There were introduced in the Senate, 2,427 bills, 28 joint resolutions, 26 concurrent resolutions, and 342 simple resolutions.

There were introduced in the House, 4,302 bills, 79 joint resolutions, 105 concurrent resolutions, and 574 simple resolutions.

The Senate committees issued 289 reports.

The House committees issued 385 reports.

3 Senate bills were pending on the House calendars.

There were *705 rollcalls, divided as follows: 2 quorum calls, 300 yeas and nays, and *403 recorded votes.

3 motions to discharge committees from consideration of bills pursuant to Clause 2, rule XV were filed, 1 of which received a sufficient number of signatures for entry on the calendar of such motions.

The president transmitted to the House 32 messages, 1 of which was referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and 31 of which were referred to committees and 4 veto messages which were not referred to committees.

Executive departments transmitted 3,840 communications.

Petitions filed numbered 39.

Memorials filed numbered **164.

* Totals include roll call 300 which was vacated by unanimous consent on June 4, 2015.

** Totals reflect the absence of a Memorial number 7 which was skipped in error.

(19–26) 1

SSS2015 SSS JANUARY JULY Sun M Tu W Th F Sat Sun M Tu W Th F Sat

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 5 —–6 —–7 —–8 —–9 10 5 6 —–7 —–8 —–9 —–10 11 11 —–12 —–13 —–14 15 —–16 17 12 —–13 —–14 —–15 —–16 17 18 18 19 —–20 —–21 —–22 23 24 19 —–20 —–21 —–22 —–23 24 25 25 —–26 —–27 —–28 29 —–30 31 26 —–27 —–28 —–29 30 —–31 FEBRUARY AUGUST

1 —–2 —–3 —–4 —–5 6 7 1 8 —–9 —–10 —–11 —–12 —–13 14 2 3 —–4 5 6 7 8 15 16 —–17 18 19 —–20 21 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 —–24 —–25 —–26 —–27 28 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MARCH SEPTEMBER

1 —–2 —–3 —–4 5 —–6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 —–10 11 12 —–13 14 6 7 —–8 —–9 —–10 —–11 12 15 —–16 —–17 —–18 —–19 20 21 13 14 —–15 —–16 —–17 —–18 19 22 —–23 —–24 —–25 —–26 27 28 20 21 —–22 23 —–24 —–25 26 29 30 31 27 —–28 —–29 —–30 APRIL OCTOBER

1 2 3 4 —–1 —–2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 —–5 —–6 —–7 —–8 —–9 10 12 —–13 —–14 —–15 —–16 —–17 18 11 12 —–13 14 15 —–16 17 19 —–20 —–21 —–22 —–23 24 25 18 19 —–20 —–21 —–22 —–23 24 26 —–27 —–28 —–29 —–30 25 —–26 —–27 —–28 —–29 30 31 MAY NOVEMBER

—–1 2 1 —–2 —–3 —–4 —–5 6 7 3 4 —–5 6 7 —–8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 —–12 —–13 —–14 —–15 16 15 —–16 —–17 —–18 —–19 20 21 17 —–18 —–19 —–20 —–21 —–22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 25 —–26 27 28 —–29 30 29 —–30 31 JUNE DECEMBER

—–1 —–2 —–3 —–4 5 6 —–1 —–2 —–3 4 5 7 —–8 —–9 —–10 —–11 —–12 13 6 —–7 —–8 —–9 —–10 —–11 12 14 —–15 —–16 —–17 —–18 —–19 20 13 14 —–15 —–16 —–17 —–18 19 21 22 —–23 —–24 —–25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

* Marked dates indicate days House in session. ** House adjourned 113th Congress, 2nd Total Legislative Days 157. Session Sine Die on Jan. 2, 2015. Total Calendar Days 157.

SEC. 20 STATUS OF MAJOR BILLS—FIRST SESSION (For more detailed information see History of Bills and Resolutions section)

Conference report Number of Passed Reported Passed Sent to agreed to in— Date bill Title Reported House in Senate Senate confer- approved Law No. ence House Senate

LEGISLATIVE BILLS 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 H.R. 1314 Relating to Adverse Determination of Tax Exempt Apr. 13 Apr. 15 ...... May 22(4) ...... Nov. 2 114–74 Status (H. Rept. 114–67). H.R. 3762 Budget Reconciliation (Americans’ Healthcare Oct. 16 Oct. 23 ...... Dec. 3 ...... Freedom) (H. Rept. 114–293). H.Con.Res. Congressional Budget, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–47) ...... Mar. 20 Mar. 25 ...... 27 S.Con.Res. 11 Congressional Budget, 2016 ...... Apr. 14 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Apr. 15 Apr. 30 May 5 ...... APPROPRIATION BILLS H.R. 33 Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency ...... Jan. 12 ...... Feb. 27(1) ...... Feb. 27 114–3 Responders. H.R. 240 Homeland Security, 2015 ...... Jan. 14 ...... Feb. 27 (2) ...... Mar. 4 114–4 H.R. 719 TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act of 2015 ...... Feb. 10 Aug. 4 Sept. 17 ...... Sept. 30(3) 114–53 H.R. 2028 Energy and Water, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–91) ...... Apr. 24 May 1 May 21 ...... H.R. 2029 Military Construction, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–92) ...... Apr. 24 Apr. 30 May 21 Nov. 10(6) ...... Dec. 18 114–113 H.R. 2250 Legislative Branch, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–110) ...... May 12 May 19 June 11 Dec. 10(5) ...... Dec. 11 114–96 H.R. 2577 Transportation, HUD, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–129) ...... May 27 June 9 June 25 ...... H.R. 2578 Commerce, Justice, Science, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–130) .... May 27 June 3 June 16 ...... H.R. 2685 Defense, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–139) ...... June 5 June 11 ...... H.R. 2772 State, Foreign Operations, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–154) ...... June 15 ...... H.R. 2822 Interior, Environment, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–170) ...... June 18 ...... H.R. 2995 Financial Services, General Government, 2016 July 9 ...... (H. Rept. 114–194). H.R. 3020 Labor, Health, Human Services, and Education, 2016 July 10 ...... (H. Rept. 114–195). H.R. 3049 Agriculture, 2016 (H. Rept. 114–205) ...... July 14 ...... H.R. 3128 Homeland Security, FY 2016 (H. Rept. 114–215) ...... July 21 ...... H.J. Res. 78 Continuing, Further, 2016 ...... Dec. 16 ...... Dec. 16 ...... Dec. 16 114–100

1 Passed Senate with an amendment providing for FY 2015 continuing appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security. House agreed to Senate amendment Feb. 27, 2015. 2 House asked for a conference Feb. 27, 2015. Senate disagreed to House request for a conference Mar. 2, 2015. House receded and concurred in Senate amendment Mar. 3, 2015. 3 Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment with an amendment providing for FY 2016 continuing appropriations Sept. 30, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment to House amendment to Senate amendment Sept. 30, 2015. 4 Passed Senate with amendment. House agreed to Senate amendment with amendment providing for the Bipartisan Budget Act Oct. 28, 2015. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment Oct. 30, 2015. 5 Passed Senate with amendments providing for further FY 2016 continuing appropriations. House agreed to Senate amendments Dec. 11, 2015. 6 Passed Senate with amendment. House agreed to Senate amendment with amendment No. 2 Dec. 17, 2015. House agreed to Senate amendment with amendment No. 1 Dec. 18, 2015. Senate agreed to House amendments to Senate amendment Dec. 18, 2015. Æ 1