

The Clerk shall cause the calendars of the House to be Index to the Calendars will be included on the first legislative day of distributed each legislative day. Rule II, clause 2(e) each week the House is in session


SPECIAL ORDERS SPECIAL ORDER The Speaker’s policy with regard to special-order speeches announced on February 11, SPEECHES 1994, as clarified and reiterated by subsequent Speakers, will continue to apply in the 115th Congress, with the following modifications. The Chair may recognize Members for special-order speeches for up to 4 hours. Such speeches may not extend beyond the 4-hour limit without the permission of the Chair, which may be granted only with advance consultation between the leader- ships and notification to the House. However, the Chair will not recognize for any special-order speeches beyond 10 o’clock in the evening. The 4-hour limitation will be divided between the majority and minority parties. Each party is entitled to reserve its first hour for respective leaderships or their designees. The second hour reserved to each party will be divided into two 30- minute periods. Recognition for one-hour periods and for 30-minute periods will alter- nate initially and subsequently between the parties each day. The Chair wishes to clarify for Members that any 60- or 30-minute period that is not claimed at the appropriate time will be consideredto have expired; this includes the first 60- minute period of the day. The allocation of time within each party’s 2-hour period (or shorter period if prorated to end by 10 p.m.) will be determined by a list submitted to the Chair by the respective leaderships. Members may not sign up with their leadership for any spe- cial-order speeches earlier than one week prior to the special order. Additional guide- lines may be established for such sign-ups by the respective leaderships. Pursuant to clause 2(a) of rule V, the television cameras will not pan the Chamber, but a ‘‘crawl’’ indicating the conduct of morning-hour debate or that the House has completed its legislative business and is proceeding with special-order speeches will appear on the screen. The Chair may announce other adaptations during this period. The continuation of this format for recognition by the Speaker is without prejudice to the Speaker’s ultimate power of recognition under clause 2 of rule XVII and includes the ability to withdraw recognition for longer special-order speeches should circumstances warrant. MORNING HOUR That during the first session of the 115th Congress: (1) on legislative days of Monday DEBATE or Tuesday when the House convenes pursuant to House Resolution 9, the House shall convene 2 hours earlier than the time otherwise established by the resolution for the purpose of conducting morning-hour debate; (2) on legislative days of Wednes- day or Thursday when the House convenes pursuant to House Resolution 9, the House shall convene 2 hours earlier than the time otherwise established by the resolution for the purpose of conducting morning-hour debate; (3) when the House convenes pursuant to an order other than House Resolution 9, the House shall convene for the purpose of conducting morning-hour debate only as prescribed by such order; (4) the time for morning-hour debate shall be allocated equally between the parties and may not continue beyond 10 minutes before the hour appointed for the resumption of the session of the House; and (5) the form of proceeding for morning-hour debate shall be as follows: (a) the prayer by the Chaplain, the approval of the Journal and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag shall be postponed until resumption of the session of the House; (b) initial and subsequent recognitions for debate shall alternate between the parties; (c) recognition shall be conferred by the Speaker only pursuant to lists submitted by the Majority Leader and by the Minority Leader; (d) no Member may address the House for longer than 5 min- utes, except the Majority Leader, the Minority Leader, or the minority whip; (e) no legislative business shall be in order except the filing of privileged reports; and (f) following morning-hour debate, the Chair shall declare a recess pursuant to clause 12(a) of rule I until the time appointed for the resumption of the session of the House; and (6) the Speaker may dispense with morning-hour debate upon receipt of a notification described in clause 12(c) of rule I, or upon a change in reconvening pursuant to clause 12(e) of rule I, and notify Members accordingly. 1









The Clerk shall cause the calendars of the House to be Index to the Calendars will be included on the first legislative day of distributed each legislative day. Rule II, clause 2(e) each week the House is in session



SEC. 1


Section Page SEC. 3 Special orders ...... 0 2 Unfinished business ...... 0 3 Morning hour call of committees ...... 0 6 Calendar Wednesday business ...... 0 6 SEC. 4 Special legislative days ...... 0 6 Calendars: Union ...... 1 1 House ...... 2 1 SEC. 5 Private ...... 3 1 Motions to discharge committees ...... 4 1 Laws—numerical list by law number ...... 5 1 Titles of bills and resolutions which have become laws: SEC. 6 House bills: Public laws ...... 6 1 Private laws ...... 6 5 House joint resolutions: SEC. 7 Public laws ...... 6 6 Private laws ...... 6 8 Senate bills: Public laws ...... 6 9 SEC. 8 Private laws ...... 6 11 Senate joint resolutions: Public laws ...... 6 12 Private laws ...... 6 13 SEC. 9 Acts which failed to become laws (vetoed while Congress was in session) ...... 6 14 Acts which failed to become laws (vetoed after adjournment of Congress) ...... 6 15 Acts which were vetoed but became laws ...... 6 16 Acts which became laws without the approval of the President (while Congress was in session) ...... 6 17 SEC. 10 Pocket vetoes (during recess) ...... 6 18 Pocket vetoes (after adjournment of Congress) ...... 6 19 Bills not signed or returned to Congress notwithstanding intrasession adjournment of the two Houses ...... 6 20 SEC. 11 Numerical order of bills and resolutions which have been reported to or considered by either or both Houses: House bills ...... 7 1 Joint resolutions ...... 8 1 SEC. 12 Concurrent resolutions ...... 9 1 Resolutions ...... 10 1 Senate bills ...... 11 1 Joint resolutions ...... 12 1 SEC. 13 Concurrent resolutions ...... 13 1 Resolutions (of interest to the House) ...... 14 1 Numerical order of reported bills and resolutions which have been referred to committees under time limitations ...... 15 1 SEC. 14 Bills in conference ...... 16 1 Bills through conference ...... 17 1 Index (short titles) ...... 18 1 Index (subject) ...... 19 1 SEC. 15 Statistical recapitulation: First session ...... 19 27 Recapitulation and analysis of bills and resolutions: First session ...... 19 28 SEC. 16 Calendar of year 2017 ...... 20 1 Status of major bills (first session) ...... 20 2

SEC. 17

SEC. 18

SEC. 19

SEC. 20 2


Rule XIV, clause 4: ‘‘4. After the unfinished business has been disposed of, the Speaker shall call each standing committee in regular order and then select committees. Each committee when named may call up for consideration a bill or resolution reported by it on a previous day and on the House Calendar. If the Speaker does not complete the call of the committees before the House passes to other business, the next call shall resume at the point it left off, giving preference to the last bill or resolution under consideration. A committee that has occupied the call for two days may not call up another bill or resolution until the other committees have been called in their turn.’’ NOTE.—Call rests with the Committee on Agriculture.


Rule XV, clause 6: ‘‘6. (a) On Wednesday of each week, business shall not be in order before completion of the call of those committees (except as provided by clause 4 of rule XIV) whose chair, or other member authorized by the committee, has announced to the House a request for such call on the preceding legislative day. (b) A bill or resolution on either the House or the Union Calendar, except bills or resolutions that are privileged under the Rules of the House, may be called under this clause. A bill or resolution called up from the Union Calendar shall be considered in the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union without motion, subject to clause 3 of rule XVI. General debate on a measure considered under this clause shall be confined to the measure and may not exceed two hours equally divided between a proponent and an opponent. (c) This clause does not apply during the last two weeks of a session of Congress. (d) Precedents, rulings, or procedures in effect before the One Hundred Eleventh Congress regarding the priority of business and the availability of other business on Wednesday shall be applied only to the extent consistent with this clause.’’ NOTE.—Call rests with the Committee on Agriculture.


Calendar Wednesday ...... Wednesday of each week, when specifically noticed, except during the last 2 weeks of a session (clause 6, rule XV). Discharge Calendar ...... Second and fourth Mondays of each month, except during the last 6 days of a session (clause 2, rule XV). District of Columbia business ...... Second and fourth Mondays of each month (clause 4, rule XV). Private Calendar ...... First and third Tuesdays of each month (clause 5, rule XV). Suspension of rules ...... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and during the last 6 days of a session (clause 1, rule XV). SEC. 1


Rule XIII, clause 1(a): ‘‘(1) A Calendar of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, to which shall be referred public bills and public resolutions raising revenue, involving a tax or charge on the people, directly or indirectly making appropriations of money or property or requiring such appropriations to be made, authorizing payments out of appropriations already made, or releasing any liability to the United States for money or property.’’

2017 No. H.R. 393 Mr. Thornberry (Armed Services). To provide for an exception to a limitation against 1 Feb. 16 Rept. 115–13 appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces.

H.R. 906 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To amend title 11 of the United States Code to 6 Feb. 24 Rept. 115–18 require the public disclosure by trusts established under section 524(g) of such title, of quarterly reports that contain detailed information regard- ing the receipt and disposition of claims for inju- ries based on exposure to asbestos, and for other purposes.

Rept. 115–22 Mr. Tiberi (Joint Economic Report of the Joint Economic Committee on the 8 Feb. 28 Committee). 2017 Economic Report of the President.

Feb. 28 Referred to the Committee of the Message of the President of the United States to 9 Whole House on the State of the a Joint Session of Congress. Union. (H. Doc. 115–1)

H.R. 1387 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To reauthorize the Scholarships for Opportunity and 34 Mar. 27 Government Reform). Results Act, and for other purposes. Rept. 115–62

H.R. 369 Mr. Roe of Tennessee (Veterans’ To eliminate the sunset of the Veterans Choice Pro- 36 Mar. 29 Affairs). gram, and for other purposes. Rept. 115–65

H.R. 679 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To amend title 41, United States Code, to improve 39 Mar. 29 Government Reform). the manner in which Federal contracts for design Rept. 115–68 and construction services are awarded, to prohibit the use of reverse auctions for design and con- struction services procurements, and for other purposes.

Rept. 115–69 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and Authorization and Oversight Plans for all House 40 Mar. 29 Government Reform). Committees. (1–1) 1–2 UNION CALENDAR

2017 No.

H.R. 680 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To prohibit accessing pornographic web sites from 47 Apr. 6 Government Reform). Federal computers, and for other purposes. Rept. 115–81

H.R. 1003 Mr. Chaffetz (Oversight and To authorize the establishment of a program of vol- 48 Apr. 6 Government Reform). untary separation incentive payments for non- Rept. 115–82 judicial employees of the District of Columbia courts and employees of the District of Columbia Public Defender Service.

H.R. 1346 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To repeal the rule issued by the Federal Highway 49 Apr. 6 Infrastructure). Administration and the Federal Transit Adminis- Rept. 115–85 tration entitled ‘‘Metropolitan Planning Organiza- tion Coordination and Planning Area Reform’’.

H.R. 1258 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). To make technical corrections to the Homeland Se- 50 Apr. 12 Rept. 115–90 curity Act of 2002.

H.R. 1715 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct 76 May 16 Resources). a special resource study of the Medgar Evers Rept. 115–123 House, located in Jackson, Mississippi, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1461 Mr. Roe of Tennessee (Veterans’ To amend title 38, United States Code, to require 94 May 23 Affairs). the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit an Part I Rept. 115–146 annual report to Congress relating to the use of official time by employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to limit the instances in which official time may be granted for certain purposes to employees of the Department, and for other purposes.

May 23 Oversight and Government Reform discharged

H.R. 660 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To require the Secretary of the Interior to submit 103 June 2 Resources). to Congress a report on the efforts of the Bureau Rept. 115–156 of Reclamation to manage its infrastructure as- sets.

H.R. 2188 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to 122 June 15 Rept. 115–181 establish the major metropolitan area counterter- rorism training and exercise grant program, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2998 Mr. Dent (Appropriations). Making appropriations for military construction, the 127 June 22 Rept. 115–188 Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agen- cies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. UNION CALENDAR 1–3

2017 No.

H.R. 2548 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To reauthorize the programs and activities of the 130 June 23 Infrastructure). Federal Emergency Management Agency. Part I Rept. 115–191 June 23 Natural Resources and Financial Services discharged

H.R. 2518 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard for 133 June 26 Infrastructure). fiscal years 2018 and 2019, and for other pur- Rept. 115–194 poses.

H.R. 91 Mr. Roe of Tennessee (Veterans’ To amend title 38, United States Code, to make 134 June 28 Affairs). permanent the pilot program on counseling in re- Rept. 115–197 treat settings for women veterans newly sepa- rated from service in the Armed Forces.

H.R. 3162 Mr. Yoder (Appropriations). Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch 136 July 6 Rept. 115–199 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2868 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To protect National Flood Insurance Program policy- 148 July 11 Services). holders from unreasonable premium rates and to Rept. 115–211 require the Program to consider the unique char- acteristics of urban properties, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 1422 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To amend the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 155 July 14 Services). to require that certain buildings and personal Rept. 115–220 property be covered by flood insurance, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2565 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To require the use of replacement cost value in de- 156 July 14 Services). termining the premium rates for flood insurance Rept. 115–221 coverage under the National Flood Insurance Act, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1351 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). To amend title 49, United States Code, to direct 161 July 17 Rept. 115–226 the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to make certain improve- ments in managing TSA’s employee misconduct, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3266 Mr. Simpson (Appropriations). Making appropriations for energy and water devel- 163 July 17 Rept. 115–230 opment and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 3267 Mr. Culberson (Appropriations). Making appropriations for the Departments of Com- 164 July 17 Rept. 115–231 merce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. 1–4 UNION CALENDAR

2017 No.

H.R. 3268 Mr. Aderholt (Appropriations). Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Devel- 165 July 17 Rept. 115–232 opment, Food and Drug Administration, and Re- lated Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2875 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To make administrative reforms to the National 166 July 18 Services). Flood Insurance Program to increase fairness and Rept. 115–233 accuracy and protect the taxpayer from program fraud and abuse, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3280 Mr. Graves of Georgia Making appropriations for financial services and 167 July 18 (Appropriations). general government for the fiscal year ending Sep- Rept. 115–234 tember 30, 2018, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3353 Mr. Diaz-Balart (Appropriations). Making appropriations for the Departments of 169 July 21 Rept. 115–237 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Develop- ment, and related agencies for the fiscal year end- ing September 30, 2018, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3355 Mr. Carter of Texas Making appropriations for the Department of Home- 171 July 21 (Appropriations). land Security for the fiscal year ending September Rept. 115–239 30, 2018, and for other purposes.

S. 249 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To provide that the pueblo of Santa Clara may lease 174 July 24 Resources). for 99 years certain restricted land, and for other Rept. 115–242 purposes.

H.R. 3358 Mr. Cole (Appropriations). Making appropriations for the Departments of 176 July 24 Rept. 115–244 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Edu- cation, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 3362 Mr. Rogers of Kentucky Making appropriations for the Department of State, 184 July 24 (Appropriations). foreign operations, and related programs for the Rept. 115–253 fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2246 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To repeal the mandatory flood insurance coverage 185 July 25 Services). requirement for commercial properties located in Rept. 115–255 flood hazard areas and to provide for greater transfer of risk under the National Flood Insur- ance Program to private capital and reinsurance markets, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2053 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclama- 186 July 25 Resources). tion Act of 1977 to enhance and support mining Rept. 115–256 and mineral engineering programs in the United States by funding activities at mining schools, and for other purposes. UNION CALENDAR 1–5

2017 No.

H.R. 2939 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To prohibit the conditioning of any permit, lease, 187 July 25 Resources). or other use agreement on the transfer of any Part I Rept. 115–257 water right to the United States by the Secre- taries of the Interior and Agriculture, and for other purposes. July 25 Agriculture discharged

H.R. 2195 Mr. Gowdy (Oversight and To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide 193 July 28 Government Reform). for access of the Special Counsel to certain infor- Rept. 115–268 mation.

H.R. 2805 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). To permanently authorize the Asia-Pacific Economic 194 Aug. 8 Rept. 115–274 Cooperation Business Travel Card Program.

H.R. 1257 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to 195 Aug. 15 Services). require the Securities Exchange Commission to Rept. 115–275 refund or credit excess payments made to the Commission.

H.R. 1558 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 196 Aug. 15 Services). to ensure community accountability for areas re- Rept. 115–276 petitively damaged by floods, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 1807 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To exempt from the Lacey Act and the Lacey Act 198 Aug. 25 Resources). Amendments of 1981 certain water transfers be- Part I Rept. 115–278 tween any of the States of Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Aug. 25 Judiciary discharged

H.R. 2075 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To adjust the eastern boundary of the Deschutes 201 Aug. 29 Resources). Canyon-Steelhead Falls Wilderness Study Area in Rept. 115–281 the State of Oregon to facilitate fire prevention and response activities in order to protect adja- cent private property, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2371 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To require the Administrator of the Western Area 202 Aug. 29 Resources). Power Administration to establish a pilot project Rept. 115–282 to provide increased transparency for customers, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3202 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to 203 Sept. 1 Rept. 115–283 submit a report on cyber vulnerability disclosures, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2083 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 208 Sept. 5 Resources). 1972 to reduce predation on endangered Columbia Rept. 115–289 River salmon and other nonlisted species, and for other purposes. 1–6 UNION CALENDAR

2017 No.

H.R. 2997 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To transfer operation of air traffic services currently 213 Sept. 6 Infrastructure). provided by the Federal Aviation Administration Rept. 115–296 to a separate not-for-profit corporate entity, to re- authorize programs of the Federal Aviation Ad- ministration, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3326 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To increase accountability, combat corruption, and 214 Sept. 7 Services). strengthen management effectiveness at the Rept. 115–298 World Bank.

H.R. 2374 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To facilitate certain pinyon-juniper related projects 221 Sept. 14 Resources). in Lincoln County, Nevada, to modify the bound- Rept. 115–311 aries of certain wilderness areas in the State of Nevada, and to fully implement the White Pine County Conservation, Recreation, and Develop- ment Act.

H.R. 2423 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To implement certain measures relating to manage- 222 Sept. 14 Resources). ment of Washington County, Utah, required by Rept. 115–312 Public Law 111-11.

H.R. 3668 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To provide for the preservation of sportsmen’s herit- 224 Sept. 18 Resources). age and enhance recreation opportunities on Fed- Part I Rept. 115–314 eral land, and for other purposes.

Sept. 18 Agriculture, Judiciary, Energy and Commerce, Transportation and Infrastructure and Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 24 Mr. Gowdy (Oversight and To require a full audit of the Board of Governors 228 Sept. 21 Government Reform). of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Rept. 115–318 reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes.

H.R. 825 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To promote the development of renewable energy 231 Sept. 21 Resources). on public land, and for other purposes. Part I Rept. 115–321

Sept. 21 Agriculture discharged

H.R. 2199 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To improve Federal land management, resource con- 232 Sept. 25 Resources). servation, environmental protection, and use of Rept. 115–322 Federal real property, by requiring the Secretary of the Interior to develop a multipurpose cadastre of Federal real property and identifying inac- curate, duplicate, and out-of-date Federal land in- ventories, and for other purposes. UNION CALENDAR 1–7

2017 No.

H.R. 986 Ms. Foxx (Education and the To clarify the rights of Indians and Indian tribes 234 Sept. 25 Workforce). on Indian lands under the National Labor Rela- Rept. 115–324 tions Act.

H.R. 2775 Ms. Foxx (Education and the To amend the National Labor Relations Act to re- 235 Sept. 25 Workforce). quire that lists of employees eligible to vote in Rept. 115–325 organizing elections be provided to the National Labor Relations Board.

H.R. 2776 Ms. Foxx (Education and the To amend the National Labor Relations Act with 236 Sept. 25 Workforce). respect to the timing of elections and pre-election Rept. 115–326 hearings and the identification of pre-election issues.

H.R. 767 Mr. Walden (Energy and To establish the Stop, Observe, Ask, and Respond 237 Sept. 25 Commerce). to Health and Wellness Training pilot program Rept. 115–327 to address human trafficking in the health care system.

H.R. 2422 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend the Public Health Service Act to improve 238 Sept. 25 Commerce). essential oral health care for low-income and Rept. 115–328 other underserved individuals by breaking down barriers to care, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1222 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend the Public Health Service Act to coordi- 239 Sept. 25 Commerce). nate Federal congenital heart disease research ef- Rept. 115–329 forts and to improve public education and aware- ness of congenital heart disease, and for other purposes.

H.R. 880 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend the Public Health Service Act to facilitate 240 Sept. 25 Commerce). assignment of military trauma care providers to Rept. 115–330 civilian trauma centers in order to maintain mili- tary trauma readiness and to support such cen- ters, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3281 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to facili- 242 Sept. 27 Resources). tate the transfer to non-Federal ownership of ap- Rept. 115–334 propriate reclamation projects or facilities, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1107 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To promote conservation, improve public land man- 243 Sept. 28 Resources). agement, and provide for sensible development in Rept. 115–336 Pershing County, Nevada, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1096 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To amend title 31, United States Code, to provide 252 Oct. 16 Rept. 115–348 for transparency of payments made from the Judgment Fund.

H.R. 1769 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To affirm an agreement between the United States 253 Oct. 16 Resources). and Westlands Water District dated September Rept. 115–349 15, 2015, and for other purposes. 1–8 UNION CALENDAR

2017 No.

H.R. 1731 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclama- 255 Oct. 19 Resources). tion Act of 1977 to provide funds to States and Part I Rept. 115–351 Indian tribes for the purpose of promoting eco- nomic revitalization, diversification, and develop- ment in economically distressed communities through the reclamation and restoration of land and water resources adversely affected by coal mining carried out before August 3, 1977, and for other purposes. Oct. 19 Transportation and Infrastructure discharged

H.R. 2410 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthor- 258 Oct. 19 Commerce). ize a sickle cell disease prevention and treatment Rept. 115–354 demonstration program and to provide for sickle cell disease research, surveillance, prevention, and treatment.

H.R. 3053 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, 259 Oct. 19 Commerce). and for other purposes. Part I Rept. 115–355 Oct. 19 Natural Resources and Armed Services discharged

H.R. 3921 Mr. Walden (Energy and To extend funding for the Children’s Health Insur- 263 Oct. 19 Commerce). ance Program, and for other purposes. Part I Rept. 115–358 Oct. 23 Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 1224 Mr. Smith of Texas (Science, To amend the National Institute of Standards and 276 Oct. 31 Space, and Technology). Technology Act to implement a framework, assess- Rept. 115–376 ment, and audits for improving United States cy- bersecurity.

H.R. 3387 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to improve 279 Nov. 1 Commerce). public water systems and enhance compliance Rept. 115–380 with such Act, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3244 Mr. Gowdy (Oversight and To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide 297 Nov. 8 Government Reform). for annual surveys of Federal employees, and for Rept. 115–403 other purposes.

H.R. 659 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To amend the Clayton Act and the Federal Trade 304 Nov. 15 Rept. 115–412 Commission Act to provide that the Federal Trade Commission shall exercise authority with respect to mergers only under the Clayton Act and only in the same procedural manner as the Attorney General exercises such authority. UNION CALENDAR 1–9

2017 No.

H.R. 2907 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the Mineral Leasing Act to require the 305 Nov. 16 Resources). Secretary of the Interior to develop and publish Rept. 115–413 an all-of-the-above quadrennial Federal onshore energy production strategy to meet domestic en- ergy needs, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1735 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To direct the Administrator of the Federal Emer- 309 Nov. 21 Infrastructure). gency Management Agency to issue guidance re- Rept. 115–417 garding implementation of certain buy-outs or the acquisition of property for open space as a flood mitigation measure, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3176 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To prohibit the Federal Emergency Management 310 Nov. 21 Infrastructure). Agency from recouping certain assistance, and for Rept. 115–418 other purposes.

H.R. 3072 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To increase from $10,000,000,000 to $50,000,000,000 311 Nov. 21 Services). the threshold figure at which regulated depository Rept. 115–420 institutions are subject to direct examination and reporting requirements of the Bureau of Con- sumer Financial Protection, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 3758 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To provide immunity from suit for certain individ- 314 Nov. 28 Services). uals who disclose potential examples of financial Rept. 115–424 exploitation of senior citizens, and for other pur- poses.

H.R. 1645 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To amend the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to provide 315 Nov. 28 Services). a temporary exemption for low-revenue issuers Rept. 115–425 from certain auditor attestation requirements.

H.R. 4477 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). To enforce current law regarding the National In- 322 Dec. 5 Rept. 115–437 stant Criminal Background Check System.

H.R. 2897 Mr. Gowdy (Oversight and To authorize the Mayor of the District of Columbia 323 Dec. 4 Government Reform). and the Director of the National Park Service to Part I enter into cooperative management agreements for the operation, maintenance, and management of units of the National Park System in the Dis- trict of Columbia, and for other purposes. Dec. 5 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural Part II Resources). Rept. 115–436

H.R. 1132 Mr. Gowdy (Oversight and To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide 325 Dec. 5 Government Reform). for a 2-year prohibition on employment in a career Rept. 115–439 civil service position for any former political ap- pointee, and for other purposes.

S. 140 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water 326 Dec. 6 Resources). Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to clarify the Rept. 115–441 use of amounts in the WMAT Settlement Fund. 1–10 UNION CALENDAR

2017 No.

H.R. 1800 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to transfer 327 Dec. 6 Resources). certain Federal land to facilitate scientific re- Rept. 115–442 search supporting Federal space and defense pro- grams.

H.R. 1148 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 328 Dec. 6 Commerce). expand access to telehealth-eligible stroke services Part I Rept. 115–444 under the Medicare program. Dec. 6 Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 3271 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act in 329 Dec. 6 Commerce). order to strengthen rules in case of competition Part I Rept. 115–447 for diabetic testing strips, and for other purposes. Dec. 6 Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 3245 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend title XI of the Social Security Act to in- 330 Dec. 6 Commerce). crease civil money penalties and criminal fines Part I Rept. 115–448 for Federal health care program fraud and abuse, and for other purposes. Dec. 6 Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 2557 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 331 Dec. 6 Commerce). provide for coverage under the Medicare program Part I Rept. 115–449 of certain DNA Specimen Provenance Assay clin- ical diagnostic laboratory tests. Dec. 6 Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 1399 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To reduce temporarily the royalty required to be 337 Dec. 11 Resources). paid for sodium produced on Federal lands, and Rept. 115–455 for other purposes.

H.R. 1313 Ms. Foxx (Education and the To clarify rules relating to nondiscriminatory work- 341 Dec. 11 Workforce). place wellness programs. Part I Rept. 115–459 Dec. 11 Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 4258 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To promote the development of local strategies to 344 Dec. 13 Services). coordinate use of assistance under sections 8 and Rept. 115–464 9 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 with public and private resources, to enable eligible families to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency, and for other purposes. UNION CALENDAR 1–11

2017 No.

H.R. 4292 Mr. Hensarling (Financial To reform the living will process under the Dodd- 345 Dec. 14 Services). Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protec- Rept. 115–465 tion Act.

H.R. 3813 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To designate a human trafficking prevention coordi- 346 Dec. 18 Infrastructure). nator and to expand the scope of activities author- Rept. 115–467 ized under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Ad- ministration’s outreach and education program to include human trafficking prevention activities, and for other purposes.

H.R. 3814 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and To disqualify from operating a commercial motor 347 Dec. 18 Infrastructure). vehicle for life an individual who uses a commer- Rept. 115–468 cial motor vehicle in committing a felony involving human trafficking.

H.R. 2465 Mr. Walden (Energy and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 348 Dec. 18 Commerce). make permanent the removal of the rental cap Part I Rept. 115–469 for durable medical equipment under the Medi- care program with respect to speech generating devices.

Dec. 18 Ways and Means discharged

H.R. 1350 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To modify the boundary of Voyageurs National Park 349 Dec. 18 Resources). in the State of Minnesota, and for other purposes. Rept. 115–470

H.R. 3168 Mr. Brady of Texas (Ways and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 353 Dec. 21 Means). provide continued access to specialized Medicare Part I Rept. 115–478 Advantage plans for special needs individuals, and for other purposes.

Dec. 21 Energy and Commerce discharged

H.R. 3726 Mr. Brady of Texas (Ways and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 354 Dec. 21 Means). create alternative sanctions for technical non- Part I Rept. 115–479 compliance with the Stark rule under Medicare, and for other purposes.

Dec. 21 Energy and Commerce discharged

H.R. 3727 Mr. Brady of Texas (Ways and To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 355 Dec. 21 Means). include additional telehealth services for purposes Part I Rept. 115–480 of MA organization bids, and for other purposes.

Dec. 21 Energy and Commerce discharged 1–12 UNION CALENDAR

2017 No.

H.R. 3729 Mr. Brady of Texas (Ways and To amend titles XI and XVIII of the Social Security 356 Dec. 21 Means). Act to facilitate provider and supplier cost report- Part I Rept. 115–481 ing of ambulance services under the Medicare pro- gram, and for other purposes.

Dec. 21 Energy and Commerce discharged SEC. 2


Rule XIII, clause 1(a): ‘‘(2) A House Calendar, to which shall be referred all public bills and public resolutions not requiring referral to the Calendar of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.’’

2017 No. H. Res. 111 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). Of inquiry directing the Attorney General to trans- 18 Mar. 8 Rept. 115–28 mit certain documents to the House of Represent- (Adverse) atives relating to the financial practices of the President.

H. Res. 154 Mr. Walden (Energy and Of inquiry requesting the President of the United 24 Mar. 21 Commerce). States and directing the Secretary of Health and (Adverse) Rept. 115–54 Human Services to transmit certain information to the House of Representatives relating to plans to repeal or replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health-related meas- ures of the Health Care and Education Reconcili- ation Act of 2010.

H. Res. 186 Mr. Brady of Texas (Ways and Of inquiry directing the Secretary of the Treasury 30 Mar. 30 Means). to provide to the House of Representatives the (Adverse) Rept. 115–73 tax returns and other specified financial informa- tion of President Donald J. Trump.

H. Res. 184 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). Of inquiry requesting the President and directing 31 Mar. 31 Rept. 115–74 the Attorney General to transmit, respectively, (Adverse) certain documents to the House of Representa- tives relating to communications with the govern- ment of Russia.

H. Res. 203 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). Of inquiry requesting the President, and directing 35 Apr. 6 Rept. 115–83 the Attorney General, to transmit, respectively, (Adverse) certain documents to the House of Representa- tives relating to certain communications by the President of the United States.

H. Res. 235 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). Directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to 40 Apr. 7 Rept. 115–89 transmit certain documents to the House of Rep- (Adverse) resentatives relating to the Department of Home- land Security’s research, integration, and analysis activities relating to Russian Government inter- ference in the elections for Federal office held in 2016.

H. Res. 442 Mr. Hensarling (Financial Of inquiry directing the Secretary of the Treasury 72 July 28 Services). to provide certain documents in the Secretary’s (Adverse) Rept. 115–265 possession to the House of Representatives relat- ing to President Trump’s financial connections to Russia, certain illegal financial schemes, and re- lated information. (2–1) 2–2 HOUSE CALENDAR

2017 No. H. Res. 437 Mr. Shuster (Transportation and Of inquiry requesting the President to provide cer- 73 July 28 Infrastructure). tain documents in the President’s possession. (Adverse) Rept. 115–269

H. Res. 447 Mr. McCaul (Homeland Security). Directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to 74 July 28 Rept. 115–270 transmit certain documents to the House of Rep- (Adverse) resentatives relating to Department of Homeland Security policies and activities relating to busi- nesses owned or controlled by President Donald J. Trump.

Rept. 115–271 Mrs. Brooks of Indiana (Ethics). In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representa- 75 Aug. 1 tive Roger Williams.

Rept. 115–272 Mrs. Brooks of Indiana (Ethics). In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representa- 76 Aug. 1 tive Ben Ray Lujan.

H. Res. 446 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). Of inquiry requesting the President and directing 82 Sept. 8 Rept. 115–300 the Attorney General to transmit, respectively, certain documents to the House of Representa- tives relating to the removal of former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey.

H. Res. 479 Mr. Brady of Texas (Ways and Of inquiry directing the Secretary of the Treasury 84 Sept. 14 Means). to provide to the House of Representatives the (Adverse) Rept. 115–309 tax return information of President Donald J. Trump as well as the tax returns of each business entity disclosed by Donald J. Trump on his Office of Government Ethics Form 278e.

Rept. 115–310 Mrs. Brooks of Indiana (Ethics). In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representa- 85 Sept. 14 tive Luis V. Gutierrez.

H. Res. 488 Mr. Goodlatte (Judiciary). Of inquiry requesting the President and directing 88 Sept. 28 Rept. 115–335 the Attorney General to transmit, respectively, (Adverse) certain documents to the House of Representa- tives relating to the removal of former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey.

H. Res. 555 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural Of inquiry requesting the President and directing 93 Oct. 23 Resources). the Secretary of the Interior to transmit, respec- (Adverse) Rept. 115–364 tively, certain documents and other information to the House of Representatives relating to the executive order on the review of designations under the Antiquities Act.

H.R. 3469 Mr. Bishop of Utah (Natural To designate the bridge located in Blount County, 103 Nov. 21 Resources). Tennessee, on the Foothills Parkway (commonly Rept. 115–421 known as ‘‘Bridge 2’’) as the ‘‘Dean Stone Bridge’’.

Rept. 115–482 Mrs. Brooks of Indiana (Ethics). In the Matter Regarding the Arrests of Members 114 Dec. 21 of the House During a Protest Outside the United States Capitol on December 6, 2017. HOUSE CALENDAR 2–3



Rule XIII, clause 1(a): ‘‘(3) A Private Calendar as provided in clause 5 of rule XV, to which shall be referred all private bills and private resolutions.’’ Rule XV, clause 5: ‘‘5. (a) On the first Tuesday of a month, the Speaker shall direct the Clerk to call the bills and resolutions on the Private Calendar after disposal of such business on the Speaker’s table as requires reference only. If two or more Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commissioner object to the consideration of a bill or resolution so called, it shall be recommitted to the committee that reported it. No other business shall be in order before completion of the call of the Private Calendar on this day unless two-thirds of the Members voting, a quorum being present, agree to a motion that the House dispense with the call. ‘‘(b)(1) On the third Tuesday of month, after the disposal of such business on the Speaker’s table as requires reference only, the Speaker may direct the Clerk to call the bills and resolutions on the Private Calendar. Preference shall be given to omnibus bills containing the texts of bills or resolutions that have previously been objected to on a call of the Private Calendar. If two or more Members, Delegates, or the Resident Commissioner object to the consideration of a bill or resolution so called (other than on omnibus bill), it shall be recommitted to the committee that reported it. Two-thirds of the Members voting, a quorum being present, may adopt a motion that the House dispense with the call on this day. ‘‘(2) Omnibus bills shall be read for amendment by paragraph. No amendment shall be in order except to strike or to reduce amounts of money or to provide limitations. An item or matter stricken from an omnibus bill may not thereafter during the same session of Congress be included in an omnibus bill. Upon passage such an omnibus bill shall be resolved into the several bills and resolutions of which it is composed. The several bills and resolutions, with any amendments adopted by the House, shall be engrossed, when necessary, and otherwise considered as passed severally by the House as distinct bills and resolutions. ‘‘(c) The Speaker may not entertain a reservation of the right to object to the consideration of a bill or resolution under this clause. A bill or resolution considered under this clause shall be considered in the House as in the Committee of the Whole. A motion to dispense with the call of the Private Calendar under this clause shall be privileged. Debate on such a motion shall be limited to five minutes in support and five minutes in opposition.’’

2017 No.



Rule XV, clause 2: ‘‘2. (a) Motions to discharge committees shall be in order on the second and fourth Mondays of a month. SEC. 4 ‘‘(b)(1) A Member may present to the Clerk a motion in writing to discharge— ‘‘(A) a committee from consideration of a public bill or public resolution that has been referred to it for 30 legislative days; or ‘‘(B) the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution that has been referred to it for seven legislative days and that proposes a special order of business for the consideration of a public bill or public resolution that has been reported by a committee or has been referred to a committee for 30 legislative days.

‘‘(2) Only one motion may be presented for a bill or resolution. A Member may not file a motion to discharge the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution providing for the consideration of more than one public bill or public resolution or admitting or effecting a nongermane amendment to a public bill or public resolution. ‘‘(c) A motion presented under paragraph (b) shall be placed in the custody of the Clerk, who shall arrange a convenient place for the signatures of Members. A signature may be withdrawn by a Member in writing at any time before a motion is entered on the Journal. The Clerk shall make the signatories a matter of public record, causing the names of the Members who have signed a discharge motion during a week to be published in a portion of the Congressional Record designated for that purpose on the last legislative day of the week and making cumulative lists of such names available each day for public inspection in an appropriate office of the House. The Clerk shall devise a means for making such lists available to offices of the House and to the public in electronic form. When a majority of the total membership of the House shall have signed the motion, it shall be entered on the Journal, published with the signatories thereto in the Record, and referred to the Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees. ‘‘(d)(1) On the second and fourth Mondays of a month (except during the last six days of a session of Congress), immediately after the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, a motion to discharge that has been on the calendar for at least seven legislative days shall be privileged if called up by a Member whose signature appears thereon. When such a motion is called up, the House shall proceed to its consideration under this paragraph without intervening motion except one motion to adjourn. Privileged motions to discharge shall have precedence in the order of their entry on the Journal. ‘‘(2) When a motion to discharge is called up, the bill or resolution to which it relates shall be read by title only. The motion is debatable for 20 minutes, one-half in favor of the motion and one-half in opposition thereto. ‘‘(e)(1) If a motion prevails to discharge the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution, the House shall immediately consider the resolution, pending which the Speaker may entertain one motion that the House adjourn. After the result of such a motion to adjourn is announced, the Speaker may not entertain any other dilatory motion until the resolution has been disposed of. If the resolution is adopted, the House shall immediately proceed to its execution. ‘‘(2) If a motion prevails to discharge a committee from consideration of a public bill or public resolution, a motion that the House proceed to the immediate consideration of such bill or resolution shall be privileged if offered by a Member whose signature appeared on the motion to discharge. The motion to proceed is not debatable. If the motion to proceed is adopted, the bill or resolution shall be considered immediately under the general rules of the House. If unfinished before adjournment of the day on which it is called up, the bill or resolution shall remain the unfinished business until it is disposed of. If the motion to proceed is rejected, the bill or resolution shall be referred to the appropriate calendar, where it shall have the same status as if the committee from which it was discharged had duly reported it to the House. ‘‘(f)(1) When a motion to discharge originated under this clause has once been acted on by the House, it shall not be in order to entertain during the same session of Congress— ‘‘(A) a motion to discharge a committee from consideration of that bill or resolution or of any other bill or resolution that, by relating in substance to or dealing with the same subject matter, is substantially the same; or ‘‘(B) a motion to discharge the Committee on Rules from consideration of a resolution providing a special order of business for the consideration of that bill or resolution or of any other bill or resolution that, by relating in substance to or dealing with the same subject matter, is substantially the same. ‘‘(2) A motion to discharge on the Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees that is rendered out of order under subparagraph (1) shall be stricken from that calendar.’’

Motion No. Cal- and date Title Committee Motion filed by— endar entered No.



Motion No. Cal- and date Title Committee Motion filed by— endar entered No.




FIRST SESSION 115–33 ...... S. 496 115–66 ...... S. 327 SEC. 5 115–1...... H.R. 39 115–34...... H.R. 274 115–67 ...... S. 810 115–2 ...... S. 84 115–35 ...... H.J. Res. 66 115–68 ...... S. 1141 115–3...... H.R. 72 115–36 ...... S. 419 115–69...... H.R. 1117 115–4 ...... H.J. Res. 41 115–37 ...... S. 583 115–70 ...... S. 178 115–5 ...... H.J. Res. 38 115–38...... H.R. 366 115–71 ...... S. 652 115–6...... H.R. 255 115–39...... H.R. 375 115–72...... H.R. 2266 115–7...... H.R. 321 115–40...... H.R. 657 115–73 ...... S. 585 115–8 ...... H.J. Res. 40 115–41 ...... S. 1094 115–74 ...... H.J. Res. 111 115–9...... H.R. 609 115–42 ...... S. 1083 115–75...... H.R. 1329 115–10 ...... S. 442 115–43...... H.R. 1238 115–76...... H.R. 1616 115–11 ...... H.J. Res. 37 115–44...... H.R. 3364 115–77...... H.R. 2989 115–12 ...... H.J. Res. 44 115–45...... H.R. 3298 115–78 ...... S. 190 115–13 ...... H.J. Res. 57 115–46 ...... S. 114 115–79 ...... S. 504 115–14 ...... H.J. Res. 58 115–47...... H.R. 2210 115–80 ...... S. 920 115–15 ...... S. 305 115–48...... H.R. 3218 115–81 ...... S. 1617 115–16...... H.R. 1362 115–49...... H.R. 374 115–82 ...... S. 782 115–17 ...... H.J. Res. 42 115–50...... H.R. 510 115–83...... H.R. 304 115–18 ...... S.J. Res. 1 115–51...... H.R. 873 115–84...... H.R. 3031 115–19...... H.R. 1228 115–52...... H.R. 2430 115–85...... H.R. 194 115–20 ...... H.J. Res. 69 115–53...... H.R. 339 115–86...... H.R. 1545 115–21 ...... H.J. Res. 83 115–54 ...... H.J. Res. 76 115–87...... H.R. 1679 115–22 ...... S.J. Res. 34 115–55...... H.R. 2288 115–88...... H.R. 3243 115–23 ...... H.J. Res. 43 115–56...... H.R. 601 115–89...... H.R. 3949 115–24 ...... H.J. Res. 67 115–57...... H.R. 3732 115–90 ...... H.J. Res. 123 115–25...... H.R. 353 115–58 ...... S.J. Res. 49 115–91...... H.R. 2810 115–26 ...... S. 544 115–59...... H.R. 624 115–92...... H.R. 4374 115–27 ...... S.J. Res. 30 115–60 ...... S. 1616 115–93...... H.R. 228 115–28 ...... S.J. Res. 35 115–61...... H.R. 3110 115–94 ...... S. 371 115–29 ...... S.J. Res. 36 115–62...... H.R. 3819 115–95 ...... S. 1266 115–30 ...... H.J. Res. 99 115–63...... H.R. 3823 115–96...... H.R. 1370 115–31...... H.R. 244 115–64 ...... S. 1866 115–97...... H.R. 1 115–32...... H.R. 534 115–65...... H.R. 2519 115–98...... H.R. 4661

(5–1) 5–2 PUBLIC LAWS


FIRST SESSION—Continued 115–99 ...... S. 1536 115–100 ...... S. 2273 115–101...... H.R. 560 115–102...... H.R. 1242 115–103...... H.R. 1306 115–104...... H.R. 1927 115–105 ...... S. 1393 115–106 ...... S. 1532 115–107 ...... S. 1766 115–108...... H.R. 267 115–109...... H.R. 381 115–110...... H.R. 699 115–111...... H.R. 863 115–112...... H.R. 2142 115–113...... H.R. 2228 115–114...... H.R. 2331 115–115...... H.R. 518 115–116...... H.R. 954 115–117...... H.R. 2611 PRIVATE LAWS ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH CONGRESS



(5–1) 5–2 PRIVATE LAWS




H.R. 1 ...... An act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. Approved Dec. 22, 2017. Public Law 115–97. SEC. 6 H.R. 39 ...... An act to amend title 5, United States Code, to codify the Presidential Innovation Fellows Pro- gram, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 20, 2017. Public Law 115–1. H.R. 72 ...... An act to ensure the Government Accountability Office has adequate access to information. Ap- proved Jan. 31, 2017. Public Law 115–3. H.R. 194 ...... An act to ensure the effective processing of mail by Federal agencies, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–85. H.R. 228 ...... An act to amend the Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 to facilitate the ability of Indian tribes to integrate the employment, training, and related services from diverse Federal sources, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–93. H.R. 244 ...... An act to encourage effective, voluntary private sector investments to recruit, employ, and re- tain men and women who have served in the United States military with annual presi- dential awards to private sector employers recognizing such efforts, and for other purposes. Approved May 5, 2017. Public Law 115–31. H.R. 255 ...... An act to authorize the National Science Foundation to support entrepreneurial programs for women. Approved Feb. 28, 2017. Public Law 115–6. H.R. 267 ...... An act to redesignate the Martin Luther King, Junior, National Historic Site in the State of Georgia, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–108. H.R. 274 ...... An act to provide for reimbursement for the use of modern travel services by Federal employ- ees traveling on official Government business, and for other purposes. Approved May 16, 2017. Public Law 115–34. H.R. 304 ...... An act to amend the Controlled Substances Act with regard to the provision of emergency med- ical services. Approved Nov. 17, 2017. Public Law 115–83. H.R. 321 ...... An act to inspire women to enter the aerospace field, including science, technology, engineer- ing, and mathematics, through mentorship and outreach. Approved Feb. 28, 2017. Public Law 115–7. H.R. 339 ...... An act to amend Public Law 94-241 with respect to the Northern Mariana Islands. Approved Aug. 22, 2017. Public Law 115–53. H.R. 353 ...... An act to improve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s weather research through a focused program of investment on affordable and attainable advances in observa- tional, computing, and modeling capabilities to support substantial improvement in weather forecasting and prediction of high impact weather events, to expand commercial opportuni- ties for the provision of weather data, and for other purposes. Approved Apr. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–25. H.R. 366 ...... An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to direct the Under Secretary for Manage- ment of the Department of Homeland Security to make certain improvements in managing the Department’s vehicle fleet, and for other purposes. Approved June 6, 2017. Public Law 115–38. H.R. 374 ...... An act to remove the sunset provision of section 203 of Public Law 105-384, and for other pur- poses. Approved Aug. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–49. H.R. 375 ...... An act to designate the Federal building and United States courthouse located at 719 Church Street in Nashville, Tennessee, as the ‘‘Fred D. Thompson Federal Building and United States Courthouse’’. Approved June 6, 2017. Public Law 115–39. H.R. 381 ...... An act to designate a mountain in the John Muir Wilderness of the Sierra National Forest as ‘‘Sky Point’’. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–109. H.R. 510 ...... An act to establish a system for integration of Rapid DNA instruments for use by law enforce- ment to reduce violent crime and reduce the current DNA analysis backlog. Approved Aug. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–50. H.R. 518 ...... An act to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to exclude power supply circuits, drivers, and devices designed to be connected to, and power, light-emitting diodes or organic light-emitting diodes providing illumination from energy conservation standards for external power supplies, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 12, 2018. Public Law 115–115. (6–1) 6–2 HOUSE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PUBLIC LAWS

H.R. 534 ...... An act to require the Secretary of State to take such actions as may be necessary for the United States to rejoin the Bureau of International Expositions, and for other purposes. Ap- proved May 8, 2017. Public Law 115–32. H.R. 560 ...... An act to amend the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Improvement Act to pro- vide access to certain vehicles serving residents of municipalities adjacent to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–101. H.R. 601 ...... An act to enhance the transparency and accelerate the impact of assistance provided under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to promote quality basic education in developing coun- tries, to better enable such countries to achieve universal access to quality basic education and improved learning outcomes, to eliminate duplication and waste, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 8, 2017. Public Law 115–56. H.R. 609 ...... An act to designate the Department of Veterans Affairs health care center in Center Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Abie Abraham VA Clinic’’. Approved Mar. 13, 2017. Public Law 115–9. H.R. 624 ...... An act to restrict the inclusion of social security account numbers on documents sent by mail by the Federal Government, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 15, 2017. Public Law 115–59. H.R. 657 ...... An act to amend title 5, United States Code, to extend certain protections against prohibited personnel practices, and for other purposes. Approved June 14, 2017. Public Law 115–40. H.R. 699 ...... An act to amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to modify provisions relat- ing to certain land exchanges in the Mt. Hood Wilderness in the State of Oregon. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–110. H.R. 863 ...... An act to facilitate the addition of park administration at the Coltsville National Historical Park, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–111. H.R. 873 ...... An act to authorize the Global War on Terror Memorial Foundation to establish the National Global War on Terrorism Memorial as a commemorative work in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–51. H.R. 954 ...... An act to remove the use restrictions on certain land transferred to Rockingham County, Vir- ginia, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 12, 2018. Public Law 115–116. H.R. 1117 ...... An act to require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to submit a report regarding certain plans regarding assistance to applicants and grantees during the response to an emergency or disaster. Approved Oct. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–69. H.R. 1228 ...... An act to provide for the appointment of members of the Board of Directors of the Office of Compliance to replace members whose terms expire during 2017, and for other purposes. Ap- proved Apr. 3, 2017. Public Law 115–19. H.R. 1238 ...... An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to make the Assistant Secretary of Home- land Security for Health Affairs responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security related to food, agriculture, and veterinary defense against terrorism, and for other purposes. Approved June 30, 2017. Public Law 115–43. H.R. 1242 ...... An act to establish the 400 Years of African-American History Commission, and for other pur- poses. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–102. H.R. 1306 ...... An act to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal land in the State of Oregon, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–103. H.R. 1329 ...... An act to increase, effective as of December 1, 2017, the rates of compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled veterans, to amend title 38, United States Code, to im- prove the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, to improve the processing of claims by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–75. H.R. 1362 ...... An act to name the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Pago Pago, American Samoa, the Faleomavaega Eni Fa’aua’a Hunkin VA Clinic. Approved Mar. 31, 2017. Public Law 115–16. H.R. 1370 ...... An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the Secretary of Homeland Se- curity to issue Department of Homeland Security-wide guidance and develop training pro- grams as part of the Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign, and for other pur- poses. Approved Dec. 22, 2017. Public Law 115–96. H.R. 1545 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the authority of the Secretary of Vet- erans Affairs to disclose certain patient information to State controlled substance monitoring programs, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–86. H.R. 1616 ...... An act to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize the National Computer Forensics Institute, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–76. H.R. 1679 ...... An act to ensure that the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s current efforts to mod- ernize its grant management system includes applicant accessibility and transparency, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–87. H.R. 1927 ...... An act to amend title 54, United States Code, to establish within the National Park Service the African American Civil Rights Network, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–104. HOUSE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PUBLIC LAWS 6–3

H.R. 2142 ...... An act to improve the ability of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to interdict fentanyl, other synthetic opioids, and other narcotics and psychoactive substances that are illegally imported into the United States, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–112. H.R. 2210 ...... An act to designate the community living center of the Department of Veterans Affairs in But- ler Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Sergeant Joseph George Kusick VA Community Living Center’’. Approved Aug. 16, 2017. Public Law 115–47. H.R. 2228 ...... An act to provide support for law enforcement agency efforts to protect the mental health and well-being of law enforcement officers, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Pub- lic Law 115–113. H.R. 2266 ...... An act to amend title 28 of the United States Code to authorize the appointment of additional bankruptcy judges; and for other purposes. Approved Oct. 26, 2017. Public Law 115–72. H.R. 2288 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to reform the rights and processes relating to appeals of decisions regarding claims for benefits under the laws administered by the Sec- retary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 23, 2017. Public Law 115–55. H.R. 2331 ...... An act to require a new or updated Federal website that is intended for use by the public to be mobile friendly, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–114. H.R. 2430 ...... An act to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to revise and extend the user-fee programs for prescription drugs, medical devices, generic drugs, and biosimilar biological products, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–52. H.R. 2519 ...... An act to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint commemorative coins in recognition of the 100th anniversary of The American Legion. Approved Oct. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–65. H.R. 2611 ...... An act to modify the boundary of the Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 12, 2018. Public Law 115–117. H.R. 2810 ...... An act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 12, 2017. Public Law 115–91. H.R. 2989 ...... An act to establish the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–77. H.R. 3031 ...... An act to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide for flexibility in making withdrawals from a Thrift Savings Plan account, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 17, 2017. Public Law 115–84. H.R. 3110 ...... An act to amend the Financial Stability Act of 2010 to modify the term of the independent member of the Financial Stability Oversight Council. Approved Sept. 27, 2017. Public Law 115–61. H.R. 3218 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to make certain improvements in the laws ad- ministered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 16, 2017. Public Law 115–48. H.R. 3243 ...... An act to amend title 40, United States Code, to eliminate the sunset of certain provisions relating to information technology, to amend the National Defense Authorization Act for Fis- cal Year 2015 to extend the sunset relating to the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initia- tive, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–88. H.R. 3298 ...... An act to authorize the Capitol Police Board to make payments from the United States Capitol Police Memorial Fund to employees of the United States Capitol Police who have sustained serious line-of-duty injuries, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 4, 2017. Public Law 115–45. H.R. 3364 ...... An act to provide congressional review and to counter aggression by the Governments of Iran, the Russian Federation, and North Korea, and for other purposes. Approved Aug. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–44. H.R. 3732 ...... An act to amend section 1113 of the Social Security Act to provide authority for increased fis- cal year 2017 and 2018 payments for temporary assistance to United States citizens re- turned from foreign countries. Approved Sept. 12, 2017. Public Law 115–57. H.R. 3819 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to extend certain expiring provisions of law ad- ministered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 29, 2017. Public Law 115–62. H.R. 3823 ...... An act to amend title 49, United States Code, to extend authorizations for the airport improve- ment program, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the funding and ex- penditure authority of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, to provide disaster tax relief, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 29, 2017. Public Law 115–63. H.R. 3949 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for the designation of State approving agencies for multi-State apprenticeship programs for purposes of the educational assistance programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Approved Nov. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–89. H.R. 4374 ...... An act to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to authorize additional emergency uses for medical products to reduce deaths and severity of injuries caused by agents of war, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 12, 2017. Public Law 115–92. 6–4 HOUSE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PUBLIC LAWS

H.R. 4661 ...... An act to reauthorize the United States Fire Administration, the Assistance to Firefighters Grants program, the Fire Prevention and Safety Grants program, and the Staffing for Ade- quate Fire and Emergency Response grant program, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 3, 2018. Public Law 115–98. HOUSE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PRIVATE LAWS (EXCLUDING VETO OVERRIDES AND LAWS NOT SIGNED) ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH CONGRESS




H.J. Res. 37 ...... Joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration relating to the Federal Acquisition Regulation. Approved Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law 115–11. H.J. Res. 38 ...... Joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior known as the Stream Protection Rule. Approved Feb. 16, 2017. Public Law 115–5. H.J. Res. 40 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Imple- mentation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007. Approved Feb. 28, 2017. Pub- lic Law 115–8. H.J. Res. 41 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to ‘‘Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers’’. Approved Feb. 14, 2017. Public Law 115–4. H.J. Res. 42 ...... Joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to drug testing of unemployment compensation applicants. Approved Mar. 31, 2017. Public Law 115–17. H.J. Res. 43 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services relating to compliance with title X requirements by project recipients in selecting subrecipients. Ap- proved Apr. 13, 2017. Public Law 115–23. H.J. Res. 44 ...... Joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of the Interior relating to Bureau of Land Management regulations that establish the procedures used to prepare, revise, or amend land use plans pursuant to the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. Approved Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law 115–12. H.J. Res. 57 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to accountability and State plans under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Approved Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law 115–13. H.J. Res. 58 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to teacher prep- aration issues. Approved Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law 115–14. H.J. Res. 66 ...... Joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to sav- ings arrangements established by States for non-governmental employees. Approved May 17, 2017. Public Law 115–35. H.J. Res. 67 ...... Joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to sav- ings arrangements established by qualified State political subdivisions for non-governmental employees. Approved Apr. 13, 2017. Public Law 115–24. H.J. Res. 69 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule of the Department of the Interior relating to ‘‘Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Ref- uges in Alaska’’. Approved Apr. 3, 2017. Public Law 115–20. H.J. Res. 76 ...... Joint resolution granting the consent and approval of Congress for the Commonwealth of Vir- ginia, the State of Maryland, and the District of Columbia to a enter into a compact relating to the establishment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission. Approved Aug. 22, 2017. Public Law 115–54. H.J. Res. 83 ...... Joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to ‘‘Clar- ification of Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness’’. Approved Apr. 3, 2017. Public Law 115–21. H.J. Res. 99 ...... Joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2017, and for other purposes. Approved Apr. 28, 2017. Public Law 115–30.


H.J. Res. 111 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to ‘‘Arbitration Agreements’’. Approved Nov. 1, 2017. Public Law 115–74. H.J. Res. 123 ...... Joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes. Approved Dec. 8, 2017. Public Law 115–90. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS WHICH HAVE BECOME PRIVATE LAWS (EXCLUDING VETO OVERRIDES AND LAWS NOT SIGNED) ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH CONGRESS




S. 84 ...... An act to provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces. Approved Jan. 20, 2017. Public Law 115–2. S. 114 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit an annual report regarding performance awards and bonuses awarded to certain high-level employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Approved Aug. 12, 2017. Public Law 115–46. S. 178 ...... An act to prevent elder abuse and exploitation and improve the justice system’s response to victims in elder abuse and exploitation cases. Approved Oct. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–70. S. 190 ...... An act to provide for consideration of the extension under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of nonapplication of No-Load Mode energy efficiency standards to certain security or life safety alarms or surveillance systems, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–78. S. 305 ...... An act to amend title 4, United States Code, to encourage the display of the flag of the United States on National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Approved Mar. 28, 2017. Public Law 115–15. S. 327 ...... An act to direct the Securities and Exchange Commission to provide a safe harbor related to certain investment fund research reports, and for other purposes. Approved Oct. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–66. S. 371 ...... An act to make technical changes and other improvements to the Department of State Authori- ties Act, Fiscal Year 2017. Approved Dec. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–94. S. 419 ...... An act to require adequate reporting on the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits program, and for other purposes. Approved June 2, 2017. Public Law 115–36. S. 442 ...... An act to authorize the programs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and for other purposes. Approved Mar. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–10. S. 496 ...... An act to repeal the rule issued by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Tran- sit Administration entitled ‘‘Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and Planning Area Reform’’. Approved May 12, 2017. Public Law 115–33. S. 504 ...... An act to permanently authorize the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card Program. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–79. S. 544 ...... An act to amend the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 to modify the termination date for the Veterans Choice Program, and for other purposes. Approved Apr. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–26. S. 583 ...... An act to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to authorize COPS grantees to use grant funds to hire veterans as career law enforcement officers, and for other purposes. Approved June 2, 2017. Public Law 115–37. S. 585 ...... An act to provide greater whistleblower protections for Federal employees, increased aware- ness of Federal whistleblower protections, and increased accountability and required dis- cipline for Federal supervisors who retaliate against whistleblowers, and for other purposes. Approved Oct. 26, 2017. Public Law 115–73. S. 652 ...... An act to amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a program for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment regarding deaf and hard-of-hearing newborns, infants, and young children. Approved Oct. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–71. S. 782 ...... An act to reauthorize the National Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program, and for other purposes. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–82. S. 810 ...... An act to facilitate construction of a bridge on certain property in Christian County, Missouri, and for other purposes. Approved Oct. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–67. S. 920 ...... An act to establish a National Clinical Care Commission. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–80. S. 1083 ...... An act to amend section 1214 of title 5, United States Code, to provide for stays during a pe- riod that the Merit Systems Protection Board lacks a quorum. Approved June 27, 2017. Pub- lic Law 115–42. S. 1094 ...... An act to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the accountability of employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Approved June 23, 2017. Public Law 115–41. (6–9) 6–10 SENATE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PUBLIC LAWS

S. 1141 ...... An act to ensure that the United States promotes the meaningful participation of women in mediation and negotiation processes seeking to prevent, mitigate, or resolve violent conflict. Approved Oct. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–68. S. 1266 ...... An act to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to enter into contracts with nonprofit organizations to investigate medical centers of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Approved Dec. 20, 2017. Public Law 115–95. S. 1393 ...... An act to streamline the process by which active duty military, reservists, and veterans receive commercial driver’s licenses. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–105. S. 1532 ...... An act to disqualify from operating a commercial motor vehicle for life an individual who uses a commercial motor vehicle in committing a felony involving human trafficking. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–106. S. 1536 ...... An act to designate a human trafficking prevention coordinator and to expand the scope of ac- tivities authorized under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s outreach and education program to include human trafficking prevention activities, and for other pur- poses. Approved Jan. 3, 2018. Public Law 115–99. S. 1616 ...... An act to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Bob Dole, in recognition for his service to the nation as a soldier, legislator, and statesman. Approved Sept. 15, 2017. Public Law 115–60. S. 1617 ...... An act to designate the checkpoint of the United States Border Patrol located on United States Highway 77 North in Sarita, Texas, as the ‘‘Javier Vega, Jr. Border Patrol Checkpoint’’. Ap- proved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–81. S. 1766 ...... An act to reauthorize the SAFER Act of 2013, and for other purposes. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–107. S. 1866 ...... An act to provide the Secretary of Education with waiver authority for the reallocation rules and authority to extend the deadline by which funds have to be reallocated in the campus- based aid programs under the Higher Education Act of 1965 due to Hurricane Harvey, Hur- ricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria, to provide equitable services to children and teachers in private schools, and for other purposes. Approved Sept. 29, 2017. Public Law 115–64. S. 2273 ...... An act to extend the period during which vessels that are shorter than 79 feet in length and fishing vessels are not required to have a permit for discharges incidental to the normal op- eration of the vessel. Approved Jan. 3, 2018. Public Law 115–100. SENATE BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME PRIVATE LAWS (EXCLUDING VETO OVERRIDES AND LAWS NOT SIGNED) ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH CONGRESS




S.J. Res. 1 ...... Joint resolution approving the location of a memorial to commemorate and honor the members of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of Operation Desert Storm or Op- eration Desert Shield. Approved Mar. 31, 2017. Public Law 115–18. S.J. Res. 30 ...... Joint resolution providing for the reappointment of Steve Case as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Approved Apr. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–27. S.J. Res. 34 ...... Joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission relating to ‘‘Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services’’. Approved Apr. 3, 2017. Public Law 115–22. S.J. Res. 35 ...... Joint resolution providing for the appointment of Michael Govan as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Approved Apr. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–28. S.J. Res. 36 ...... Joint resolution providing for the appointment of Roger W. Ferguson as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Approved Apr. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–29. S.J. Res. 49 ...... Joint resolution condemning the violence and domestic terrorist attack that took place during events between August 11 and August 12, 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, recognizing the first responders who lost their lives while monitoring the events, offering deepest condo- lences to the families and friends of those individuals who were killed and deepest sym- pathies and support to those individuals who were injured by the violence, expressing sup- port for the Charlottesville community, rejecting White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups, and urging the President and the Presi- dent’s Cabinet to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups. Approved Sept. 14, 2017. Public Law 115–58.






































(6–20) HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Numerical order of bills and resolutions which have been reported to or considered by either or both Houses.

NOTE. Similar or identical bills, and bills having reference to each other, are indicated by number in parentheses.

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill


H.R. 1 (H. Res. 619) (H. Res. 667) (H. Res. 668) (S. H.R. 10 (H. Res. 375).— To create hope and opportunity 1).—To provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II for investors, consumers, and entrepreneurs by ending of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal bailouts and Too Big to Fail, holding Washington and year 2018. Referred to Ways and Means Nov. 2, 2017. Wall Street accountable, eliminating red tape to in- crease access to capital and credit, and repealing the Reported amended Nov. 13, 2017; Rept. 115–409. provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that make America Union Calendar. Considered Nov. 15, 2017. Passed less prosperous, less stable, and less free, and for other SEC. 7 House amended Nov. 16, 2017; Roll No. 637: 227–205. purposes. Referred to Financial Services and in addi- Received in Senate Nov. 27, 2017. Ordered placed on tion to Agriculture, Ways and Means, the Judiciary, the calendar Nov. 28, 2017. Considered Nov. 30, Dec. Oversight and Government Reform, Transportation 1, 2017. Passed Senate with amendment Dec. 2 (Legis- and Infrastructure, Rules, the Budget, and Education lative day of Dec. 1), 2017; Roll No. 303: 51–49. House and the Workforce Apr. 26, 2017. Reported amended disagreed to Senate amendment and asked for a con- from Financial Services May 25, 2017; Rept. 115–153, ference Dec. 4, 2017; Roll No. 653: 222–192. Senate Pt. I. Agriculture, Ways and Means, the Judiciary, insisted on its amendment and agreed to a conference Oversight and Government Reform, Transportation and Infrastructure, Rules, the Budget, and Education Dec. 6, 2017; Roll No. 306: 51–47. Conference report and the Workforce discharged May 25, 2017. Union filed in the House Dec. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–466. House Calendar. Supplemental report filed June 2, 2017; Pt. agreed to conference report Dec. 19, 2017; Roll No. II. Passed House amended June 8, 2017; Roll No. 299: 692: 227–203. Conference report considered in Senate 233–186. Received in Senate June 12, 2017. Referred Dec. 19, 2017. Senate sustained point of order against to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 13, 2017. conference report Dec. 20 (Legislative day of Dec. 19), 2017; Roll No. 322: 51–48. Senate receded from its H.R. 21 (H. Res. 5) (S. 34).— To amend chapter 8 of amendment and concurred with an amendment Dec. title 5, United States Code, to provide for en bloc con- sideration in resolutions of disapproval for ‘‘midnight 20 (Legislative day of Dec. 19), 2017; Roll No. 323: rules’’, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judici- 51–48. House agreed to Senate amendment Dec. 20, ary and in addition to Rules Jan. 3, 2017. Passed 2017; Roll No. 699: 224–201. Presented to the Presi- House Jan. 4, 2017; Roll No. 8: 238–184. Received dent Dec. 21, 2017. Approved Dec. 22, 2017. Public in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Gov- Law 115–97. ernmental Affairs Jan. 5, 2017.

H.R. 23 (H. Res. 431).— To provide drought relief in H.R. 5 (H. Res. 33).— To reform the process by which the State of California, and for other purposes. Re- Federal agencies analyze and formulate new regula- ferred to Natural Resources and in addition to Agri- tions and guidance documents, to clarify the nature culture Jan. 3, 2017. Passed House amended July 12, of judicial review of agency interpretations, to ensure 2017; Roll No. 352: 230–190. Received in Senate and complete analysis of potential impacts on small entities referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 18, of rules, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judici- 2017. ary and in addition to Oversight and Government Re- H.R. 24.— To require a full audit of the Board of Gov- form, and Small Business Jan. 3, 2017. Passed House ernors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal amended Jan. 11, 2017; Roll No. 45: 238–183. Received reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Gov- United States, and for other purposes. Referred to ernmental Affairs Jan. 12, 2017. Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 3, 2017. Re- ported Sept. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–318. Union Calendar ...... Union 228 H.R. 7 (H. Res. 55).— To prohibit taxpayer funded abor- tions. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addi- H.R. 26 (H. Res. 22) (S. 21).— To amend chapter 8 tion to Ways and Means, and the Judiciary Jan. 13, of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major 2017. Passed House Jan. 24, 2017; Roll No. 65: rules of the executive branch shall have no force or 238–183. Received in Senate and referred to Finance effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted Jan. 30, 2017. into law. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Rules, and the Budget Jan. 3, 2017. Passed House amended Jan. 5, 2017; Roll No. 23: 237–187. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Gov- ernmental Affairs Jan. 6, 2017.


No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 27.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to H.R. 69.— To reauthorize the Office of Special Counsel, require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to retain a to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide modi- copy of any reprimand or admonishment received by fications to authorities relating to the Office of Special an employee of the Department in the permanent Counsel, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight record of the employee. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs and Government Reform Jan. 3, 2017. Rules sus- Jan. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 3, pended. Passed House Jan. 4, 2017. Received in Senate 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 4, 2017. Affairs Jan. 5, 2017.

H.R. 28.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to adopt and H.R. 70.— To amend the Federal Advisory Committee implement a standard identification protocol for use Act to increase the transparency of Federal advisory in the tracking and procurement of biological implants committees, and for other purposes. Referred to Over- by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other sight and Government Reform and in addition to Ways purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 3, 2017. and Means Jan. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. Received House Jan. 4, 2017. Received in Senate and referred in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 4, to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 2017. 5, 2017.

H.R. 36 (H. Res. 548).— To amend title 18, United States H.R. 71.— To provide taxpayers with an annual report Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 3, 2017. disclosing the cost and performance of Government Passed House Oct. 3, 2017; Roll No. 549: 237–189. programs and areas of duplication among them, and Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Oct. for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Govern- 4, 2017. ment Reform Jan. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 4, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. H.R. 38 (H. Res. 645).— To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of 5, 2017. a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms may also do so in the State. Referred to the Judiciary H.R. 72.— To ensure the Government Accountability Of- Jan. 3, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 4, 2017; Rept. fice has adequate access to information. Referred to 115–433. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Dec. Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 3, 2017. Rules 6, 2017; Roll No. 663: 231–198. Received in Senate suspended. Passed House Jan. 4, 2017. Received in and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 7, 2017. Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- mental Affairs Jan. 5, 2017. Committee discharged. H.R. 39.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to Passed Senate Jan. 17, 2017; Roll No. 28: 99–0. Pre- codify the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program, sented to the President Jan. 23, 2017. Approved Jan. and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Gov- 31, 2017. Public Law 115–3. ernment Reform Jan. 3, 2017. Considered under sus- pension of rules Jan. 10, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 11, 2017; Roll No. 34: 386–17. Re- H.R. 73.— To amend title 44, United States Code, to ceived in Senate Jan. 12, 2017. Passed Senate Jan. require information on contributors to Presidential li- 17, 2017. Presented to the President Jan. 20, 2017. brary fundraising organizations, and for other pur- Approved Jan. 20, 2017. Public Law 115–1. poses. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 4, H.R. 46 (S. 55).— To authorize the Secretary of the Inte- 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland rior to conduct a special resource study of Fort Ontario Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 5, 2017. in the State of New York. Referred to Natural Re- sources Jan. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 30, 2017. Received in Senate Jan. 31, 2017. Re- H.R. 78 (H. Res. 40).— To improve the consideration ferred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 7, 2017. by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Reported with amendment June 14, 2017; Rept. costs and benefits of its regulations and orders. Re- 115–110. ferred to Financial Services Jan. 3, 2017. Passed House amended Jan. 12, 2017; Roll No. 51: 243–184. H.R. 58.— To require the Secretary of Homeland Secu- Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, rity to submit a study on the circumstances which and Urban Affairs Jan. 17, 2017. may impact the effectiveness and availability of first responders before, during, or after a terrorist threat H.R. 79 (H. Res. 33).— To clarify the definition of gen- or event, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- eral solicitation under Federal securities law. Referred tation and Infrastructure and in addition to Homeland to Financial Services Jan. 3, 2017. Passed House Jan. Security Jan. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House 10, 2017; Roll No. 31: 344–73. Received in Senate and amended Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and re- referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Jan. ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. 11, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–3

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 88.— To modify the boundary of the Shiloh Na- H.R. 195.— To amend title 44, United States Code, to tional Military Park located in Tennessee and Mis- restrict the distribution of free printed copies of the sissippi, to establish Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield Federal Register to Members of Congress and other as an affiliated area of the National Park System, officers and employees of the United States, and for and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform and in addition to House Administration Jan. Jan. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 27, 3, 2017. Reported from Oversight and Government Re- 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and form May 17, 2017; Rept. 115–128, Pt. I. House Ad- Natural Resources Feb. 28, 2017. Reported with ministration discharged May 17, 2017. Union Cal- amendment May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–48. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 17, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 18, 2017. Reported H.R. 91.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to Nov. 8, 2017; Rept. 115–184. Passed Senate with make permanent the pilot program on counseling in amendment Dec. 21, 2017. retreat settings for women veterans newly separated from service in the Armed Forces. Referred to Vet- erans’ Affairs Jan. 3, 2017. Reported June 28, 2017; H.R. 218 (H. Res. 454).— To provide for the exchange Rept. 115–197. of Federal land and non-Federal land in the State Union Calendar ...... Union 134 of Alaska for the construction of a road between King Cove and Cold Bay. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 3, 2017. Reported July 13, 2017; Rept. 115–218. H.R. 95.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 20, 2017; direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide Roll No. 406: 248–179. Received in Senate and referred child care assistance to veterans receiving certain med- to Energy and Natural Resources July 20, 2017. ical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 3, 2017. Re- H.R. 220 (S. 214).— To authorize the expansion of an ported amended July 28, 2017; Rept. 115–266. Union existing hydroelectric project, and for other purposes. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 3, 2017. Reported July 28, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- amended June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–154. Union Cal- erans’ Affairs July 31, 2017. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 27, 2017; Roll No. 330: 424–1. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar June 28, 2017. H.R. 115 (H. Res. 323).— To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide additional aggravating factors H.R. 228 (S. 91).— To amend the Indian Employment, for the imposition of the death penalty based on the Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of status of the victim. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 1992 to facilitate the ability of Indian tribes to inte- 3, 2017. Reported amended May 11, 2017; Rept. grate the employment, training, and related services 115–116. Union Calendar. Passed House amended May from diverse Federal sources, and for other purposes. 18, 2017; Roll No. 265: 271–143. Received in Senate Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 3, 2017. Rules sus- and referred to the Judiciary May 22, 2017. pended. Passed House amended Feb. 27, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate Feb. 28, 2017. Passed Senate Nov. 29, 2017. Presented to the President Dec. 6, 2017. H.R. 132.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior Approved Dec. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–93. to convey certain land and appurtenances of the Ar- buckle Project, Oklahoma, to the Arbuckle Master Con- servancy District, and for other purposes. Referred to H.R. 238 (H. Res. 40).— To reauthorize the Commodity Natural Resources Jan. 3, 2017. Considered under sus- Futures Trading Commission, to better protect futures customers, to provide end-users with market certainty, pension of rules Mar. 8, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed to make basic reforms to ensure transparency and ac- House Mar. 15, 2017; Roll No. 159: 407–1. Received countability at the Commission, to help farmers, in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Re- ranchers, and end-users manage risks, to help keep sources Mar. 21, 2017. consumer costs low, and for other purposes. Referred to Agriculture and in addition to Financial Services Jan. 4, 2017. Passed House amended Jan. 12, 2017; H.R. 194.— To ensure the effective processing of mail Roll No. 54: 239–182. Received in Senate and referred by Federal agencies, and for other purposes. Referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Jan. 17, 2017. to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 3, 2017. Reported Mar. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–66. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 17, 2017. H.R. 239.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 2002 to provide for innovative research and develop- ment, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland and Governmental Affairs May 18, 2017. Reported Oct. Security Jan. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House 19, 2017; Rept. 115–176. Passed Senate Nov. 8, 2017. amended Jan. 10, 2017. Received in Senate and re- Presented to the President Nov. 9, 2017. Approved ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–85. Jan. 11, 2017. 7–4 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

No. Index Key and History of Bill No. Index Key and History of Bill

HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 240.— To encourage engagement between the De- H.R. 282.— To amend the Servicemembers Civil Relief partment of Homeland Security and technology Act to authorize spouses of servicemembers to elect innovators, and for other purposes. Referred to Home- to use the same residences as the servicemembers. land Security Jan. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 4, 2017. Reported House amended Jan. 10, 2017. Received in Senate and July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–245. Union Calendar. Rules referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- suspended. Passed House July 24, 2017. Received in fairs Jan. 11, 2017. Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 25, 2017.

H.R. 244 (H. Res. 305) (H. Con. Res. 53).— To encourage H.R. 288.— To ensure that small business providers of effective, voluntary private sector investments to re- broadband Internet access service can devote resources cruit, employ, and retain men and women who have to broadband deployment rather than compliance with served in the United States military with annual presi- cumbersome regulatory requirements. Referred to En- dential awards to private sector employers recognizing ergy and Commerce Jan. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. such efforts, and for other purposes. Referred to Vet- Passed House Jan. 10, 2017. Received in Senate and erans’ Affairs Jan. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. House amended Feb. 13, 2017; Roll No. 86: 409–1. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Feb. 14, 2017. Committee dis- H.R. 289.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior charged. Passed Senate with amendments Mar. 21, and the Secretary of Agriculture to issue permits for 2017. House agreed to Senate amendments Nos. 2 and recreation services on lands managed by Federal agen- 3 and agreed to Senate amendment No. 1 with amend- cies, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Re- ment May 3, 2017; Roll No. 249: 309–118. Senate sources and in addition to Agriculture Jan. 4, 2017. agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment No. Reported amended from Natural Resources Sept. 21, 1 May 4, 2017; Roll No. 121: 79–18. Presented to the 2017; Rept. 115–320, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged President May 4, 2017. Approved May 5, 2017. Pub- Sept. 21, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. lic Law 115–31. Passed House amended Oct. 2, 2017. Received in Sen- ate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. H.R. 255.— To authorize the National Science Founda- 3, 2017. tion to support entrepreneurial programs for women. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Jan. 4, H.R. 290.— To amend the Communications Act of 1934 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 10, 2017. to provide for greater transparency and efficiency in Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science the procedures followed by the Federal Communica- and Transportation Jan. 11, 2017. Reported Feb. 1, tions Commission, and for other purposes. Referred 2017; no written report. Passed Senate Feb. 14, 2017. to Energy and Commerce Jan. 4, 2017. Rules sus- Presented to the President Feb. 16, 2017. Approved pended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2017. Received in Sen- Feb. 28, 2017. Public Law 115–6. ate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- tation Jan. 24, 2017. H.R. 267.— To redesignate the Martin Luther King, Jun- H.R. 294.— To designate the facility of the United States ior, National Historic Site in the State of Georgia, Postal Service located at 2700 Cullen Boulevard in and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Pearland, Texas, as the ‘‘Endy Nddiobong Ekpanya Jan. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Post Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Gov- Mar. 15, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to En- ernment Reform Jan. 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed ergy and Natural Resources Mar. 21, 2017. Reported House Oct. 10, 2017. Received in Senate and referred May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–49. Passed Senate Dec. 21, to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 2017. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 2017. Ap- 16, 2017. proved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–108. H.R. 302.— To provide protections for certain sports H.R. 274.— To provide for reimbursement for the use medicine professionals who provide certain medical of modern travel services by Federal employees trav- services in a secondary State. Referred to Energy and eling on official Government business, and for other Commerce Jan. 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Re- House Jan. 9, 2017. Received in Senate and referred form Jan. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Jan. 10, amended Jan. 10, 2017. Received in Senate and re- 2017. ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 11, 2017. Reported Apr. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–31. H.R. 304.— To amend the Controlled Substances Act Passed Senate May 2, 2017. Presented to the President with regard to the provision of emergency medical May 4, 2017. Approved May 16, 2017. Public Law services. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in 115–34. addition to the Judiciary Jan. 5, 2017. Rules sus- pended. Passed House Jan. 9, 2017; Roll No. 25: 404–0. H.R. 276.— A bill to amend title 49, United States Code, Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, to ensure reliable air service in American Samoa. Re- Labor, and Pensions Jan. 10, 2017. Committee dis- ferred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 4, charged. Passed Senate with amendment Oct. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Jan. 2017. House agreed to Senate amendment Nov. 2, 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Com- 2017. Presented to the President Nov. 7, 2017. Ap- merce, Science and Transportation Feb. 1, 2017. proved Nov. 17, 2017. Public Law 115–83. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–5

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 305.— To amend the Ethics in Government Act H.R. 339.— To amend Public Law 94-241 with respect of 1978 to require the disclosure of certain tax returns to the Northern Mariana Islands. Referred to Natural by Presidents and certain candidates for the office of Resources and in addition to the Judiciary Jan. 5, the President, and for other purposes. Referred to 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 30, 2017. Ways and Means and in addition to Oversight and Received in Senate Jan. 31, 2017. Referred to Energy Government Reform Jan. 5, 2017. Discharge petition and Natural Resources Feb. 1, 2017. Committee dis- filed Apr. 5, 2017; Pet. 115–1. charged. Passed Senate with amendment Aug. 1, 2017. House agreed to Senate amendment Aug. 11, 2017. H.R. 306.— To amend the Energy Independence and Se- Presented to the President Aug. 11, 2017. Approved curity Act of 2007 to promote energy efficiency via Aug. 22, 2017. Public Law 115–53. information and computing technologies, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 10, 2017. H.R. 347.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 2002 to provide for requirements relating to docu- Resources Jan. 11, 2017. mentation for major acquisition programs, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Jan. H.R. 309.— To amend the Public Health Service Act 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. to foster more effective implementation and coordina- Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security tion of clinical care for people with a complex metabolic and Governmental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. or autoimmune disease, a disease resulting from insu- lin deficiency or insulin resistance, or complications caused by such a disease, and for other purposes. Re- H.R. 353.— To improve the National Oceanic and Atmos- ferred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 5, 2017. Rules pheric Administration’s weather research through a fo- suspended. Passed House Jan. 9, 2017. Received in cused program of investment on affordable and attain- Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and able advances in observational, computing, and mod- Pensions Jan. 10, 2017. eling capabilities to support substantial improvement in weather forecasting and prediction of high impact H.R. 315.— To amend the Public Health Service Act weather events, to expand commercial opportunities to distribute maternity care health professionals to for the provision of weather data, and for other pur- health professional shortage areas identified as in need poses. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Jan. of maternity care health services. Referred to Energy 6, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 9, 2017. and Commerce Jan. 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed Received in Senate Jan. 10, 2017. Passed Senate with House Jan. 9, 2017; Roll No. 24: 405–0. Received in amendment Mar. 29, 2017. House agreed to Senate Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and amendment under suspension of the rules Apr. 4, Pensions Jan. 10, 2017. 2017. Presented to the President Apr. 6, 2017. Ap- proved Apr. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–25. H.R. 321.— To inspire women to enter the aerospace field, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, through mentorship and outreach. Re- H.R. 356.— To establish the National Commission on ferred to Science, Space, and Technology Jan. 5, 2017. Foreign Interference in the 2016 Election. Referred to Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 10, 2017. Re- Foreign Affairs Jan. 6, 2017. Discharge petition filed ceived in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science May 17, 2017; Pet. 115–2. and Transportation Jan. 11, 2017. Reported Feb. 1, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate Feb. 14, 2017. Presented to the President Feb. 16, 2017. Approved H.R. 366.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Feb. 28, 2017. Public Law 115–7. 2002 to direct the Under Secretary for Management of the Department of Homeland Security to make cer- H.R. 337.— To transfer administrative jurisdiction over tain improvements in managing the Department’s ve- certain Bureau of Land Management land from the hicle fleet, and for other purposes. Received in House Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of Veterans and referred to Homeland Security Jan. 6, 2017. Rules Affairs for inclusion in the Black Hills National Ceme- suspended. Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in tery, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Re- Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- sources and in addition to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 5, mental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. Reported with amend- 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 2017; ments Apr. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–32. Passed Senate with Roll No. 80: 407–0. Received in Senate and referred amendments May 2, 2017. House agreed to Senate to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 7 (Legislative amendments May 23, 2017. Presented to the President day of Feb. 6), 2017. May 25, 2017. Approved June 6, 2017. Public Law 115–38. H.R. 338.— To promote a 21st century energy and manu- facturing workforce. Referred to Education and the Workforce and in addition to Energy and Commerce H.R. 369 (S. 544).— To eliminate the sunset of the Vet- Jan. 5, 2017. Reported from Energy and Commerce erans Choice Program, and for other purposes. Re- June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–168, Pt. I. Rules suspended. ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 9, 2017. Reported Passed House June 12, 2017. Received in Senate and amended Mar. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–65. referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 13, Union Calendar ...... Union 36 2017. 7–6 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 372 (H. Res. 209).— To restore the application of H.R. 387.— To amend title 18, United States Code, to the Federal antitrust laws to the business of health update the privacy protections for electronic commu- insurance to protect competition and consumers. Re- nications information that is stored by third-party ferred to the Judiciary Jan. 9, 2017. Reported amended service providers in order to protect consumer privacy Mar. 15 (Legislative day of Mar. 13), 2017; Rept. interests while meeting law enforcement needs, and 115–36. Union Calendar. Considered Mar. 21, 2017. for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 9, Passed House amended Mar. 22, 2017; Roll No. 184: 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 2017. 416–7. Received in Senate and referred to the Judici- Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Feb. ary Mar. 23, 2017. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017.

H.R. 390.— To provide for emergency relief to victims H.R. 374 (S. 61).— To remove the sunset provision of of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes section 203 of Public Law 105-384, and for other pur- in Iraq and Syria, to provide accountability for per- poses. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 9, 2017. petrators of these crimes, and for other purposes. Re- Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 30, 2017; Roll ferred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to the Judici- No. 66: 388–0. Received in Senate Jan. 31, 2017. ary Jan. 10, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. Presented to the Presi- amended June 6, 2017. Received in Senate and re- dent Aug. 7, 2017. Approved Aug. 18, 2017. Public ferred to Foreign Relations June 7, 2017. Reported Law 115–49. with amendment Sept. 19, 2017; no written report.

H.R. 375.— To designate the Federal building and H.R. 393 (S. 84).— To provide for an exception to a United States courthouse located at 719 Church Street limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary in Nashville, Tennessee, as the ‘‘Fred D. Thompson of Defense within seven years of relief from active Federal Building and United States Courthouse’’. Re- duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed ferred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 9, Forces. Referred to Armed Services Jan. 10, 2017. Re- 2017. Reported Mar. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–23. House Cal- ported Feb. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–13. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 7, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 1 Received in Senate Mar. 8, 2017. Passed Senate May 24, 2017. Presented to the President May 25, 2017. H.R. 423 (S. 134).— To amend the Communications Act Approved June 6, 2017. Public Law 115–39. of 1934 to expand and clarify the prohibition on provi- sion of misleading or inaccurate caller identification H.R. 378.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to information, and for other purposes. Referred to En- enhance the authority under which Federal agencies ergy and Commerce Jan. 10, 2017. Rules suspended. may pay cash awards to employees for making cost Passed House Jan. 23, 2017; Roll No. 60: 398–5. Re- saving disclosures, and for other purposes. Referred ceived in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 9, 2017. and Transportation Jan. 24, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 10, 2017; Rept. 115–341. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended H.R. 425 (S. 1757).— To authorize the revocation or de- Oct. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to nial of passports to individuals affiliated with foreign Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 16, terrorist organizations, and for other purposes. Re- 2017. ferred to Foreign Affairs Jan. 10, 2017. Rules sus- pended. Passed House amended Nov. 1, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Nov. 2, H.R. 381.— To designate a mountain in the John Muir 2017. Wilderness of the Sierra National Forest as ‘‘Sky Point’’. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 9, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 30, 2017. Re- H.R. 428 (H. Res. 99) (S. 90).— To survey the gradient ceived in Senate Jan. 31, 2017. Referred to Energy boundary along the Red River in the States of Okla- and Natural Resources Feb. 1, 2017. Reported June homa and Texas, and for other purposes. Referred to 14, 2017; Rept. 115–111. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Natural Resources Jan. 10, 2017. Passed House Feb. Presented to the President Dec. 29, 2017. Approved 14, 2017; Roll No. 92: 250–171. Received in Senate Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–109. Feb. 15, 2017. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- sources Mar. 7, 2017.

H.R. 382.— To amend the Department of Agriculture H.R. 437.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of program for research and extension grants to increase 2002 to codify authority under existing grant guidance participation by women and underrepresented minori- authorizing use of Urban Area Security Initiative and ties in the fields of science, technology, engineering, State Homeland Security Grant Program funding for and mathematics to redesignate the program as the enhancing medical preparedness, medical surge capac- ‘‘Jeannette Rankin Women and Minorities in STEM ity, and mass prophylaxis capabilities. Referred to Fields Program’’. Referred to Agriculture Jan. 9, 2017. Homeland Security Jan. 11, 2017. Rules suspended. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 20, 2017. Re- Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and ceived in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- and Forestry Mar. 21, 2017. fairs Feb. 1, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–7

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 446.— To extend the deadline for commencement H.R. 477 (H. Res. 647).— To amend the Securities Ex- of construction of a hydroelectric project. Referred to change Act of 1934 to exempt from registration brokers Energy and Commerce Jan. 11, 2017. Reported June performing services in connection with the transfer of 12, 2017; Rept. 115–169. Union Calendar. Rules sus- ownership of smaller privately held companies. Re- pended. Passed House June 12, 2017. Received in Sen- ferred to Financial Services Jan. 12, 2017. Reported ate and ordered placed on the calendar June 13, 2017. Nov. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–431. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Dec. 7, 2017; Roll No. 669: 426–0. H.R. 447.— To extend the deadline for commencement Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, of construction of a hydroelectric project. Referred to and Urban Affairs Dec. 11, 2017. Energy and Commerce Jan. 11, 2017. Reported June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–170. Union Calendar. Rules sus- H.R. 479.— To require a report on the designation of pended. Passed House June 12, 2017. Received in Sen- the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as a state ate and ordered placed on the calendar June 13, 2017. sponsor of terrorism, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Jan. 12, 2017. Rules suspended. H.R. 452.— To designate the facility of the United States Passed House amended Apr. 3, 2017; Roll No. 210: Postal Service located at 324 West Saint Louis Street 394–1. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Re- in Pacific, Missouri, as the ‘‘Specialist Jeffrey L. White, lations Apr. 4, 2017. Jr. Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 11, 2017. Considered under suspension of rules Oct. 10, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House H.R. 494.— To expand the boundary of Fort Frederica Oct. 11, 2017; Roll No. 562: 418–0. Received in Senate National Monument in the State of Georgia, and for and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. Affairs Oct. 16, 2017. 12, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural H.R. 455.— To designate the United States courthouse Resources Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. located at 501 East Court Street in Jackson, Mis- Reported with amendments June 20, 2017; Rept. sissippi, as the ‘‘R. Jess Brown United States Court- 115–114. house’’. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 11, 2017. Reported Apr. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–84. H.R. 496.— To provide provisional protected presence House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. to qualified individuals who came to the United States 25, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Environ- as children. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 12, 2017. ment and Public Works Apr. 26, 2017. Discharge petition filed Sept. 5, 2017; Pet. 115–4. H.R. 460 (S. 96).— To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to ensure the integrity of voice communications H.R. 497.— To direct the Secretary of the Interior to and to prevent unjust or unreasonable discrimination convey certain public lands in San Bernardino County, among areas of the United States in the delivery of California, to the San Bernardino Valley Water Con- such communications. Referred to Energy and Com- servation District, and to accept in return certain ex- merce Jan. 11, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House changed non-public lands, and for other purposes. Re- Jan. 23, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Com- ferred to Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2017. Reported merce, Science and Transportation Jan. 24, 2017. amended June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–155. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June H.R. 467.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs 27, 2017; Roll No. 329: 424–0. Received in Senate and to ensure that each medical facility of the Department referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 28, of Veterans Affairs complies with requirements relat- 2017. ing to scheduling veterans for health care appoint- ments, to improve the uniform application of directives H.R. 505.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of of the Department, and for other purposes. Referred 2002 to strengthen accountability for deployment of to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition to Oversight and border security technology at the Department of Home- Government Reform Jan. 12, 2017. Reported from Vet- land Security, and for other purposes. Referred to erans’ Affairs May 23, 2017; Rept. 115–149, Pt. I. Homeland Security Jan. 12, 2017. Rules suspended. Oversight and Government Reform discharged May 23, Passed House amended Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Sen- 2017. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- of rules May 23, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House mental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. May 24, 2017; Roll No. 278: 419–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 25, 2017. H.R. 510 (S. 139).— To establish a system for integration H.R. 469 (H. Res. 577).— To impose certain limitations of Rapid DNA instruments for use by law enforcement on consent decrees and settlement agreements by to reduce violent crime and reduce the current DNA agencies that require the agencies to take regulatory analysis backlog. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 12, action in accordance with the terms thereof, and for 2017. Reported May 11, 2017; Rept. 115–117. Union other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 12, Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 16, 2017. Reported Oct. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–347. Union 2017. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Calendar. Passed House amended Oct. 25, 2017; Roll May 17, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate No. 588: 234–187. Received in Senate and referred Aug. 1, 2017. Presented to the President Aug. 7, 2017. to the Judiciary Oct. 26, 2017. Approved Aug. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–50. 7–8 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 511 (S. 190).— To provide for consideration of the H.R. 549.— To amend the Implementing Recommenda- extension under the Energy Policy and Conservation tions of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 to clarify Act of nonapplication of No-Load Mode energy effi- certain allowable uses of funds for public transpor- ciency standards to certain security or life safety tation security assistance grants and establish periods alarms or surveillance systems, and for other purposes. of performance for such grants, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 12, 2017. Referred to Homeland Security Jan. 13, 2017. Rules Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2017. Re- suspended. Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- Resources Jan. 24, 2017. mental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017.

H.R. 512.— To title 38, United States Code, to permit veterans to grant access to their records in the data- H.R. 555.— To direct the Federal Communications Com- bases of the Veterans Benefits Administration to cer- mission to amend its rules so as to prohibit the appli- tain designated congressional employees, and for other cation to amateur stations of certain private land use purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 12, 2017. restrictions, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy Rules suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 13, and Commerce Jan. 13, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ House Jan. 23, 2017. Received in Senate and referred Affairs Feb. 14, 2017. to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. 24, 2017. H.R. 518.— To amend the Energy Policy and Conserva- tion Act to exclude power supply circuits, drivers, and devices designed to be connected to, and power, light- H.R. 558.— To adjust the boundary of the Kennesaw emitting diodes or organic light-emitting diodes pro- Mountain National Battlefield Park to include the viding illumination from energy conservation stand- Wallis House and Harriston Hill, and for other pur- ards for external power supplies, and for other pur- poses. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 13, 2017. poses. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 13, Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 30, 2017. Re- 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2017. ceived in Senate Jan. 31, 2017. Referred to Energy Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural and Natural Resources Feb. 1, 2017. Reported with Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Committee discharged. amendment May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–68. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to the Presi- dent Jan. 2, 2018. Approved Jan. 12, 2018. Public Law 115–115. H.R. 560.— To amend the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Improvement Act to provide access H.R. 526.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of to certain vehicles serving residents of municipalities 2002 to establish in the Department of Homeland Se- adjacent to the Delaware Water Gap National Recre- curity a board to coordinate and integrate depart- ation Area, and for other purposes. Received in House mental intelligence, activities, and policy related to and referred to Natural Resources Jan. 13, 2017. Rules counterterrorism, and for other purposes. Referred to suspended. Passed House Jan. 30, 2017. Received in Homeland Security Jan. 13, 2017. Rules suspended. Senate Jan. 31, 2017. Referred to Energy and Natural Passed House amended Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Sen- Resources Mar. 7, 2017. Reported May 9, 2017; Rept. ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- 115–51. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to mental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. the President Dec. 27, 2017. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–101. H.R. 534.— To require the Secretary of State to take such actions as may be necessary for the United States H.R. 582 (S. 123).— To amend the Communications Act to rejoin the Bureau of International Expositions, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Jan. of 1934 to require multi-line telephone systems to have 13, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended a configuration that permits users to directly initiate Apr. 25, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to For- a call to 9-1-1 without dialing any additional digit, eign Relations Apr. 26, 2017. Reported with amend- code, prefix, or post-fix, and for other purposes. Re- ment May 3, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate ferred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 17, 2017. Rules with amendment May 4, 2017. House agreed to Senate suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2017; Roll No. 61: amendment May 4, 2017. Presented to the President 408–0. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, May 5, 2017. Approved May 8, 2017. Public Law Science and Transportation Jan. 24, 2017. 115–32. H.R. 584.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of H.R. 538.— To redesignate Ocmulgee National Monu- 2002 to enhance preparedness and response capabili- ment in the State of Georgia and revise its boundary, ties for cyber attacks, bolster the dissemination of and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources homeland security information related to cyber threats, Jan. 13, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security ed Jan. 30, 2017; Roll No. 67: 396–8. Received in Sen- Jan. 17, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. ate Jan. 31, 2017. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 1, 2017. Reported with amendment 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–50. Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–9

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 587.— To amend the Federal Power Act to provide H.R. 601 (H. Res. 502) (H. Res. 509) (S. Con. Res. 24).— that any inaction by the Federal Energy Regulatory To enhance the transparency and accelerate the impact Commission that allows a rate change to go into effect of assistance provided under the Foreign Assistance shall be treated as an order by the Commission for Act of 1961 to promote quality basic education in de- purposes of rehearing and court review. Referred to veloping countries, to better enable such countries to Energy and Commerce Jan. 17, 2017. Rules suspended. achieve universal access to quality basic education and Passed House Jan. 23, 2017. Received in Senate and improved learning outcomes, to eliminate duplication referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 24, and waste, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 2017. Affairs Jan. 23, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to For- eign Relations Jan. 30, 2017. Reported with amend- H.R. 588 (S. 102).— To direct the Federal Communica- ments June 5, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate tions Commission to conduct a study on network resil- with amendments Aug. 1, 2017. House agreed to Sen- iency during times of emergency, and for other pur- ate amendments with amendment pursuant to H. Res. poses. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 502 Sept. 6, 2017. Senate agreed to House amendment and in addition to Energy and Commerce Jan. 17, to Senate amendment with amendment Sept. 7, 2017. 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2017. Roll No. 192: 80–17. House agreed to Senate amend- Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science ment to House amendment to Senate amendment Sept. and Transportation Jan. 24, 2017. 8, 2017; Roll No. 480: 316–90. Presented to the Presi- dent Sept. 8, 2017. Approved Sept. 8, 2017. Public H.R. 589 (S. 1460).— To establish Department of Energy Law 115–56. policy for science and energy research and development programs, and reform National Laboratory manage- H.R. 609.— To designate the Department of Veterans ment and technology transfer programs, and for other Affairs health care center in Center Township, Butler purposes. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology County, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Abie Abraham VA Clin- Jan. 20, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- ic’’. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 23, 2017. Rules ed Jan. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to suspended. Passed House Feb. 13, 2017. Received in Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 30, 2017. Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Feb. 14, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2017. H.R. 590.— To foster civilian research and development Presented to the President Mar. 1, 2017. Approved of advanced nuclear energy technologies and enhance Mar. 13, 2017. Public Law 115–9. the licensing and commercial deployment of such tech- nologies. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in H.R. 612.— To establish a grant program at the Depart- addition to Science, Space, and Technology Jan. 20, ment of Homeland Security to promote cooperative re- 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2017. search and development between the United States Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Israel on cybersecurity. Referred to Homeland Se- and Transportation Jan. 24, 2017. Committee dis- curity Jan. 23, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House charged Feb. 10, 2017. Referred to Environment and Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Public Works Feb. 10, 2017. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. H.R. 597.— To take lands in Sonoma County, California, into trust as part of the reservation of the Lytton H.R. 618 (S. 280).— To authorize, direct, expedite, and Rancheria of California, and for other purposes. Re- facilitate a land exchange in El Paso and Teller Coun- ferred to Natural Resources Jan. 20, 2017. Reported ties, Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to Nat- July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–202. Union Calendar. Rules ural Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed suspended. Passed House July 11, 2017. Received in House Feb. 6, 2017. Received in Senate and referred Senate and referred to Indian Affairs July 12, 2017. to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Reported May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–56. H.R. 599.— To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to consolidate the reporting obligations of the Federal Communications Commission in order to improve con- H.R. 624.— To restrict the inclusion of social security gressional oversight and reduce reporting burdens. Re- account numbers on documents sent by mail by the ferred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 23, 2017. Rules Federal Government, and for other purposes. Received suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2017. Received in in House and referred to Oversight and Government Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- Reform Jan. 24, 2017. Reported amended May 23, portation Jan. 24, 2017. 2017; Rept. 115–150, Pt. I. Referred to Ways and Means May 23, 2017 for a period ending not later than May 23, 2017. Ways and Means discharged May H.R. 600.— To promote Internet access in developing 23, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed countries and update foreign policy toward the Inter- House amended May 24, 2017. Received in Senate and net, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs ordered placed on the calendar May 25, 2017. Passed Jan. 23, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. Senate Sept. 6, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign 8, 2017. Approved Sept. 15, 2017. Public Law Relations Jan. 30, 2017. 115–59. 7–10 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 625.— To provide for joint reports by relevant Fed- H.R. 655.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of eral agencies to Congress regarding incidents of ter- 2002 to establish the Securing the Cities program to rorism, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland enhance the ability of the United States to detect and Security Jan. 24, 2017. Reported amended June 15, prevent terrorist attacks and other high consequence 2017; Rept. 115–182. Union Calendar. Rules sus- events utilizing nuclear or other radiological materials pended. Passed House amended June 20, 2017. Re- that pose a high risk to homeland security in high- risk urban areas, and for other purposes. Referred to ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Homeland Security Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. and Governmental Affairs June 21, 2017. Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- H.R. 627.— To amend the Energy Policy and Conserva- fairs Feb. 1, 2017. tion Act to provide for the dissemination of information H.R. 657.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to regarding available Federal programs relating to en- extend certain protections against prohibited personnel ergy efficiency projects for schools, and for other pur- practices, and for other purposes. Referred to Over- poses. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 24, sight and Government Reform Jan. 24, 2017. Reported 2017. Reported June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–171. Union amended Mar. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–67. Union Cal- Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 12, endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 1, 2017; Roll No. 239: 407–0. Received in Senate and Natural Resources June 13, 2017. referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs May 2, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Sen- ate May 25, 2017. Presented to the President June H.R. 642.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2, 2017. Approved June 14, 2017. Public Law 2002 to enhance the partnership between the Depart- 115–40. ment of Homeland Security and the National Network of Fusion Centers, and for other purposes. Referred H.R. 659.— To amend the Clayton Act and the Federal to Homeland Security Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Trade Commission Act to provide that the Federal Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and Trade Commission shall exercise authority with re- spect to mergers only under the Clayton Act and only referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- in the same procedural manner as the Attorney Gen- fairs Feb. 1, 2017. eral exercises such authority. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 24, 2017. Reported Nov. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–412. H.R. 648 (S. 199).— To authorize the Secretary of the Union Calendar ...... Union 304 Interior to amend the Definite Plan Report for the H.R. 660 (S. 216).— To require the Secretary of the Seedskadee Project to enable the use of the active ca- Interior to submit to Congress a report on the efforts pacity of the Fontenelle Reservoir. Referred to Natural of the Bureau of Reclamation to manage its infrastruc- Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed ture assets. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 24, House Mar. 15, 2017; Roll No. 160: 408–0. Received 2017. Reported June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–156. in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Re- Union Calendar ...... Union 103 sources Mar. 21, 2017. H.R. 665.— To modernize and enhance airport perimeter and access control security by requiring updated risk H.R. 653.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to assessments and the development of security strate- protect unpaid interns in the Federal Government gies, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland from workplace harassment and discrimination, and Security Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Govern- Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Com- ment Reform Jan. 24, 2017. Reported Apr. 4, 2017; merce, Science and Transportation Feb. 1, 2017. Rept. 115–78. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 17, 2017. Received in Senate and H.R. 666.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish the Insider Threat Program, and for referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Jan. fairs May 18, 2017. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland H.R. 654.— To direct the Administrator of the Federal Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. Emergency Management Agency to carry out a plan H.R. 672.— To require continued and enhanced annual for the purchase and installation of an earthquake reporting to Congress in the Annual Report on Inter- early warning system for the Cascadia Subduction national Religious Freedom on anti-Semitic incidents Zone, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- in Europe, the safety and security of European Jewish tation and Infrastructure Jan. 24, 2017. Reported communities, and the efforts of the United States to amended Mar. 9, 2017; Rept. 115–30. Union Calendar. partner with European governments, the European Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 27, Union, and civil society groups, to combat anti-Semi- 2017; Roll No. 196: 395–11. Received in Senate and tism, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Af- referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House fairs Mar. 28, 2017. amended May 17, 2017. Received in Senate and re- ferred to Foreign Relations May 18, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–11

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 677.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of H.R. 690.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish chemical, biological, radiological, and 2002 to enhance certain duties of the Domestic Nuclear nuclear intelligence and information sharing functions Detection Office, and for other purposes. Referred to of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Depart- Homeland Security Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. ment of Homeland Security and to require dissemina- Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and tion of information analyzed by the Department to en- referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- tities with responsibilities relating to homeland secu- fairs Feb. 1, 2017. rity, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House H.R. 695 (S. 705).— To amend the National Child Protec- Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to tion Act of 1993 to establish a national criminal his- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 1, tory background check system and criminal history re- 2017. view program for certain individuals who, related to their employment, have access to children, the elderly, H.R. 678.— To require an assessment of fusion center or individuals with disabilities, and for other purposes. personnel needs, and for other purposes. Referred to Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 24, 2017. Reported Homeland Security Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. amended May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–138. Union Cal- Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 22, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to the Judi- fairs Feb. 1, 2017. ciary May 23, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendments Oct. 16, 2017. H.R. 679.— To amend title 41, United States Code, to improve the manner in which Federal contracts for H.R. 697.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of design and construction services are awarded, to pro- 2002 to improve the management and administration hibit the use of reverse auctions for design and con- of the security clearance processes throughout the De- struction services procurements, and for other pur- partment of Homeland Security, and for other pur- poses. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform poses. Referred to Homeland Security Jan. 24, 2017. Jan. 24, 2017. Reported amended Mar. 29, 2017; Rept. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Re- 115–68. ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Union Calendar ...... Union 39 and Governmental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017.

H.R. 680.— To prohibit accessing pornographic web sites H.R. 698 (S. 286).— To require a land conveyance involv- from Federal computers, and for other purposes. Re- ing the Elkhorn Ranch and the White River National ferred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 24, Forest in the State of Colorado, and for other purposes. 2017. Reported Apr. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–81. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Rules Union Calendar ...... Union 47 suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources H.R. 687.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Reported May 2002 to establish a process to review applications for 16, 2017; Rept. 115–69. Ordered placed on the calendar certain grants to purchase equipment or systems that May 16, 2017. do not meet or exceed any applicable national vol- untary consensus standards, and for other purposes. H.R. 699 (S. 225).— To amend the Omnibus Public Land Referred to Homeland Security Jan. 24, 2017. Rules Management Act of 2009 to modify provisions relating suspended. Passed House Jan. 31, 2017. Received in to certain land exchanges in the Mt. Hood Wilderness Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- in the State of Oregon. Referred to Natural Resources mental Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 27, 2017; Roll No. 100: 415–1. Received in Senate and H.R. 688 (S. 289).— To adjust the boundary of the Arap- referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 28, aho National Forest, Colorado, and for other purposes. 2017. Reported May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–59. Passed Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Rules Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to the President Dec. suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 2017. Received in 29, 2017. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources 115–110. Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Reported May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–57. H.R. 702.— To amend the Notification and Federal Em- ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 H.R. 689 (S. 285).— To insure adequate use and access to strengthen Federal antidiscrimination laws enforced to the existing Bolts Ditch headgate and ditch segment by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission within the Holy Cross Wilderness in Eagle County, and expand accountability within the Federal Govern- Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural ment, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed and Government Reform Jan. 27, 2017. Reported Apr. House Feb. 6, 2017; Roll No. 79: 409–1. Received in 4, 2017; Rept. 115–79. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources pended. Passed House amended July 11, 2017. Re- Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Reported May ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 9, 2017; Rept. 115–58. and Governmental Affairs July 12, 2017. 7–12 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 720 (H. Res. 180).— To amend Rule 11 of the Fed- H.R. 863.— To facilitate the addition of park administra- eral Rules of Civil Procedure to improve attorney ac- tion at the Coltsville National Historical Park, and countability, and for other purposes. Referred to the for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. Judiciary Jan. 30, 2017. Reported Feb. 24, 2017; Rept. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 27, 2017; 115–16. Union Calendar. Passed House Mar. 10, 2017; Roll No. 102: 369–42. Received in Senate and referred Roll No. 158: 230–188. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 28, 2017. Re- to the Judiciary Mar. 13, 2017. ported May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–70. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to the President Dec. 29, 2017. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–111. H.R. 725 (H. Res. 175).— To amend title 28, United States Code, to prevent fraudulent joinder. Referred H.R. 873.— To authorize the Global War on Terror Me- morial Foundation to establish the National Global to the Judiciary Jan. 30, 2017. Reported Feb. 24, 2017; War on Terrorism Memorial as a commemorative work Rept. 115–17. Union Calendar. Passed House Mar. 9, in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. 2017; Roll No. 152: 224–194. Received in Senate and Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 6, 2017. Reported referred to the Judiciary Mar. 13, 2017. July 28, 2017; Rept. 115–264. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House July 28, 2017. Received in Senate July 31, 2017. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. H.R. 732 (H. Res. 577).— To limit donations made pursu- Presented to the President Aug. 7, 2017. Approved ant to settlement agreements to which the United Aug. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–51. States is a party, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 30, 2017. Reported amended Mar. H.R. 876.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 30, 2017; Rept. 115–72. Union Calendar. Passed House 2002 to reform programs of the Transportation Secu- amended Oct. 24, 2017; Roll No. 580: 238–183. Re- rity Administration, and for other purposes. Referred ceived in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Oct. to Homeland Security Feb. 6, 2017. Reported amended 25, 2017. Apr. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–94. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 25, 2017; Roll No. 223: 409–0. Received in Senate and referred to H.R. 767.— To establish the Stop, Observe, Ask, and Commerce, Science and Transportation Apr. 26, 2017. Respond to Health and Wellness Training pilot pro- gram to address human trafficking in the health care H.R. 880.— To amend the Public Health Service Act system. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 31, to facilitate assignment of military trauma care pro- 2017. Reported amended Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. viders to civilian trauma centers in order to maintain 115–327. military trauma readiness and to support such centers, Union Calendar ...... Union 237 and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Com- merce Feb. 6, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–330. H.R. 806 (H. Res. 451).— To facilitate efficient State Union Calendar ...... Union 240 implementation of ground-level ozone standards, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce H.R. 883.— To amend title 18, United States Code, to Feb. 1, 2017. Reported amended July 14, 2017; Rept. provide a certification process for the issuance of non- 115–222. Union Calendar. Passed House amended July disclosure requirements accompanying certain admin- istrative subpoenas, to provide for judicial review of 18, 2017; Roll No. 391: 229–199. Received in Senate such nondisclosure requirements, and for other pur- and referred to Environment and Public Works July poses. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 6, 2017. Reported 19, 2017. May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–141. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 22, 2017. Received in H.R. 825.— To promote the development of renewable Senate and referred to the Judiciary May 23, 2017. energy on public land, and for other purposes. Referred H.R. 906.— To amend title 11 of the United States Code to Natural Resources and in addition to Agriculture to require the public disclosure by trusts established Feb. 2, 2017. Reported amended from Natural Re- under section 524(g) of such title, of quarterly reports sources Sept. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–321, Pt. I. Agri- that contain detailed information regarding the receipt culture discharged Sept. 21, 2017. and disposition of claims for injuries based on exposure Union Calendar ...... Union 231 to asbestos, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 7, 2017. Reported Feb. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–18. H.R. 849 (H. Res. 600).— To repeal the provisions of Union Calendar ...... Union 6 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act pro- viding for the Independent Payment Advisory Board. H.R. 910.— To direct the Securities and Exchange Com- Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to Energy mission to provide a safe harbor related to certain and Commerce, and Rules Feb. 3, 2017. Reported investment fund research reports, and for other pur- amended from Ways and Means Oct. 31, 2017; Rept. poses. Referred to Financial Services Feb. 7, 2017. Re- 115–373, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce and Rules dis- ported amended May 1, 2017; Rept. 115–102. Union charged Oct. 31, 2017. Union Calendar. Passed House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended amended Nov. 2, 2017; Roll No. 604: 307–111. Received May 1, 2017; Roll No. 237: 405–2. Received in Senate in Senate and referred to Finance Nov. 6, 2017. and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May 2, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–13

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 918.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to H.R. 984.— To extend Federal recognition to the Chicka- direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish hominy Indian Tribe, the Chickahominy Indian Tribe- mental health care to certain former members of the Eastern Division, the Upper Mattaponi Tribe, the Rap- Armed Forces who are not otherwise eligible to receive pahannock Tribe, Inc., the Monacan Indian Nation, such care, and for other purposes. Referred to Vet- and the Nansemond Indian Tribe. Referred to Natural erans’ Affairs Feb. 7, 2017. Reported amended Nov. Resources Feb. 7, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed 6, 2017; Rept. 115–390. Union Calendar. Rules sus- House May 17, 2017. Received in Senate and referred pended. Passed House amended Nov. 7, 2017. Received to Indian Affairs May 18, 2017. in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. 8, 2017. H.R. 985 (H. Res. 180).— To amend the procedures used in Federal court class actions and multidistrict litiga- H.R. 931.— To require the Secretary of Health and tion proceedings to assure fairer, more efficient out- Human Services to develop a voluntary registry to col- comes for claimants and defendants, and for other pur- lect data on cancer incidence among firefighters. Re- poses. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 9, 2017. Reported ferred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 7, 2017. Reported Mar. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–25. Union Calendar. Passed amended Sept. 8, 2017; Rept. 115–301. Union Cal- House amended Mar. 9, 2017; Roll No. 148: 220–201. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Mar. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 13, 2017. Education, Labor, and Pensions Sept. 13, 2017. H.R. 986 (S. 63).— To clarify the rights of Indians and H.R. 951.— To extend the deadline for commencement Indian tribes on Indian lands under the National of construction of a hydroelectric project. Referred to Labor Relations Act. Referred to Education and the Energy and Commerce Feb. 7, 2017. Reported June Workforce Feb. 9, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 25, 12, 2017; Rept. 115–172. Union Calendar. Rules sus- 2017; Rept. 115–324. pended. Passed House June 12, 2017. Received in Sen- Union Calendar ...... Union 234 ate and ordered placed on the calendar June 13, 2017. H.R. 995.— To direct the Secretary of Agriculture and H.R. 953 (H. Res. 348).— To amend the Federal Insecti- the Secretary of the Interior to amend regulations for cide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the Federal racial appropriateness. Referred to Natural Resources Water Pollution Control Act to clarify Congressional and in addition to Agriculture Feb. 9, 2017. Reported intent regarding the regulation of the use of pesticides amended from Natural Resources Nov. 28, 2017; Rept. in or near navigable waters, and for other purposes. 115–427, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged Nov. 28, 2017. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure and in House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House addition to Agriculture Feb. 7, 2017. Reported from amended Nov. 28, 2017. Received in Senate and re- Agriculture May 18, 2017; Rept. 115–131, Pt. I. Passed ferred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 29, 2017. House amended May 24, 2017; Roll No. 282: 256–165. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and H.R. 998 (H. Res. 150).— To provide for the establish- Public Works May 25, 2017. ment of a process for the review of rules and sets of rules, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight H.R. 954.— To remove the use restrictions on certain and Government Reform and in addition to the Judici- land transferred to Rockingham County, Virginia, and ary Feb. 9, 2017. Reported from Oversight and Govern- for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. ment Reform Feb. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–14, Pt. I. The 7, 2017. Reported July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–203. Union Judiciary discharged Feb. 21, 2017. Union Calendar. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House July 11, Considered Feb. 28, 2017. Passed House amended Mar. 2017. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 1, 2017; Roll No. 114: 240–185. Received in Senate calendar July 12, 2017. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Presented to the President Jan. 2, 2018. Approved Affairs Mar. 2, 2017. Jan. 12, 2018. Public Law 115–116. H.R. 1003.— To authorize the establishment of a pro- H.R. 965.— To redesignate the Saint-Gaudens National gram of voluntary separation incentive payments for Historic Site as the ‘‘Saint-Gaudens National Historical nonjudicial employees of the District of Columbia Park’’, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural courts and employees of the District of Columbia Pub- Resources Feb. 7, 2017. Reported amended Aug. 25, lic Defender Service. Referred to Oversight and Gov- 2017; Rept. 115–277. Union Calendar. Rules sus- ernment Reform Feb. 13, 2017. Reported Apr. 6, 2017; pended. Passed House amended Oct. 2, 2017; Roll No. Rept. 115–82. 545: 401–0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy Union Calendar ...... Union 48 and Natural Resources Oct. 3, 2017. H.R. 1004 (H. Res. 156).— To amend chapter 3 of title H.R. 974.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to 5, United States Code, to require the publication of authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in award- information relating to pending agency regulatory ac- ing a contract for the procurement of goods or services, tions, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight to give a preference to offerors that employ veterans. and Government Reform Feb. 13, 2017. Reported Feb. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Feb. 7, 2017. Rules sus- 21, 2017; Rept. 115–15. Union Calendar. Passed House pended. Passed House Feb. 13, 2017; Roll No. 87: amended Mar. 2, 2017; Roll No. 126: 246–176. Re- 407–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Affairs Feb. 14, 2017. and Governmental Affairs Mar. 2, 2017. 7–14 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1005 (S. 324).— To amend title 38, United States H.R. 1066.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Code, to improve the provision of adult day health to submit to the Committees on Veterans’ Affairs of care services for veterans. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs the Senate and the House of Representatives a report Feb. 13, 2017. Reported May 23, 2017; Rept. 115–148. regarding the organizational structure of the Depart- Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May ment of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Re- 23, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Feb. 15, 2017. Reported Affairs May 24, 2017. Nov. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–389. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 6, 2017; Roll No. 608: 399–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ H.R. 1009 (H. Res. 156).— To amend title 44, United Affairs Nov. 7, 2017. States Code, to require the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs to review regula- tions, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight H.R. 1073.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior and Government Reform and in addition to the Judici- to establish a structure for visitor services on the Ar- ary Feb. 13, 2017. Reported from Oversight and Gov- lington Ridge tract, in the area of the U.S. Marine ernment Reform Feb. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–19, Pt. I. Corps War Memorial, and for other purposes. Referred The Judiciary discharged Feb. 27, 2017. Union Cal- to Natural Resources Feb. 15, 2017. Reported May 11, 2017; Rept. 115–113. Union Calendar. Rules sus- endar. Passed House amended Mar. 1, 2017; Roll No. pended. Passed House June 27, 2017. Received in Sen- 120: 241–184. Received in Senate and referred to ate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 2, June 28, 2017. 2017.

H.R. 1074.— To repeal the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to confer H.R. 1029.— To amend the Federal Insecticide, Fun- jurisdiction on the State of Iowa over offenses com- gicide, and Rodenticide Act to improve pesticide reg- mitted by or against Indians on the Sac and Fox In- istration and other activities under the Act, to extend dian Reservation’’. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. and modify fee authorities, and for other purposes. 15, 2017. Reported Aug. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–279. Referred to Agriculture and in addition to Energy and Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. Commerce Feb. 14, 2017. Reported amended from Ag- 1, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Indian riculture Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–49, Pt. I. Energy Affairs Nov. 2, 2017. and Commerce discharged Mar. 20, 2017. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 20, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Agri- H.R. 1096.— To amend title 31, United States Code, culture, Nutrition, and Forestry Mar. 21, 2017. Re- to provide for transparency of payments made from ported with amendments June 29, 2017; no written the Judgment Fund. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. report. 15, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–348. Union Calendar ...... Union 252 H.R. 1033.— To amend titles 5 and 28, United States Code, to require the maintenance of databases on, awards of fees and other expenses to prevailing parties H.R. 1101 (H. Res. 210).— To amend title I of the Em- in certain administrative proceedings and court cases ployee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to im- prove access and choice for entrepreneurs with small to which the United States is a party, and for other businesses with respect to medical care for their em- purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 14, 2017. ployees. Referred to Education and the Workforce Feb. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 27, 2017. Re- 16, 2017. Reported amended Mar. 17, 2017; Rept. ceived in Senate Feb. 28, 2017. 115–43. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 22, 2017; Roll No. 186: 236–175. Received in Senate H.R. 1039 (H. Res. 324).— To amend section 3606 of and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- title 18, United States Code, to grant probation officers sions Mar. 23, 2017. authority to arrest hostile third parties who obstruct or impede a probation officer in the performance of H.R. 1107.— To promote conservation, improve public official duties. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 14, 2017. land management, and provide for sensible develop- Reported May 8, 2017; Rept. 115–112. Union Calendar. ment in Pershing County, Nevada, and for other pur- Passed House May 19, 2017; Roll No. 268: 229–177. poses. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May Reported Sept. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–336. 22, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 243

H.R. 1058.— To amend title 38, United States Code, H.R. 1109.— To amend section 203 of the Federal Power to clarify the role of podiatrists in the Department Act. Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 16, 2017. of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Feb. Reported June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–167. Union Cal- 14, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended endar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 12, 2017. July 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural erans’ Affairs July 25, 2017. Resources June 13, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–15

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1117.— To require the Administrator of the Federal H.R. 1164.— To condition assistance to the West Bank Emergency Management Agency to submit a report and Gaza on steps by the Palestinian Authority to regarding certain plans regarding assistance to appli- end violence and terrorism against Israeli citizens. Re- cants and grantees during the response to an emer- ferred to Foreign Affairs Feb. 16, 2017. Rules sus- gency or disaster. Referred to Transportation and In- pended. Passed House amended Dec. 5, 2017. Received frastructure Feb. 16, 2017. Reported amended Mar. in Senate Dec. 6, 2017. Ordered placed on the calendar 9, 2017; Rept. 115–31. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Dec. 7, 2017. pended. Passed House amended Mar. 27, 2017; Roll No. 195: 408–0. Received in Senate and referred to H.R. 1174.— To provide a lactation room in public build- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 28, ings. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 2017. Reported Sept. 18, 2017; Rept. 115–158. Passed Feb. 16, 2017. Reported Mar. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–24. Senate Oct. 4, 2017. Presented to the President Oct. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 6, 2017. Approved Oct. 18, 2017. Public Law amended Mar. 7, 2017. Received in Senate and re- 115–69. ferred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 8, 2017.

H.R. 1132.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to H.R. 1177.— To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide for a 2-year prohibition on employment in a release on behalf of the United States the condition career civil service position for any former political that certain lands conveyed to the City of Old Town, appointee, and for other purposes. Referred to Over- Maine, be used for a municipal airport, and for other sight and Government Reform Feb. 16, 2017. Reported purposes. Referred to Agriculture Feb. 16, 2017. Re- amended Dec. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–439. ported May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–124. Union Calendar. Union Calendar ...... Union 325 Rules suspended. Passed House May 17, 2017; Roll No. 262: 418–1. Received in Senate and referred to H.R. 1133.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry May 18, 2017. to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to pro- vide for an operation on a live donor for purposes H.R. 1180 (H. Res. 299).— To amend the Fair Labor of conducting a transplant procedure for a veteran, Standards Act of 1938 to provide compensatory time and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs for employees in the private sector. Referred to Edu- Feb. 16, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 7, 2017; Rept. cation and the Workforce Feb. 16, 2017. Reported 115–393. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed amended Apr. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–101. Union Cal- House amended Nov. 7, 2017. Received in Senate and endar. Passed House amended May 2, 2017; Roll No. referred to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. 8, 2017. 244: 229–197. Received in Senate May 3, 2017. H.R. 1181 (H. Res. 198).— To amend title 38, United H.R. 1135.— To reauthorize the Historically Black Col- States Code, to clarify the conditions under which cer- leges and Universities Historic Preservation program. tain persons may be treated as adjudicated mentally Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2017. Reported incompetent for certain purposes. Referred to Veterans’ June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–157. Union Calendar. Rules Affairs Feb. 16, 2017. Reported Mar. 10, 2017; Rept. suspended. Passed House June 27, 2017. Received in 115–33. Union Calendar. Passed House Mar. 16, 2017; Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Roll No. 169: 240–175. Received in Senate Mar. 21, June 28, 2017. 2017. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 22, 2017.

H.R. 1148.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security H.R. 1188.— To reauthorize certain programs estab- Act to expand access to telehealth-eligible stroke serv- lished by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety ices under the Medicare program. Referred to Energy Act of 2006, and for other purposes. Referred to the and Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means Judiciary Feb. 16, 2017. Reported amended May 22, Feb. 16, 2017. Reported amended from Energy and 2017; Rept. 115–142. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Commerce Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–444, Pt. I. Ways pended. Passed House amended May 22, 2017. Re- and Means discharged Dec. 6, 2017. ceived in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May Union Calendar ...... Union 328 23, 2017.

H.R. 1159.— To provide for continuing cooperation be- H.R. 1207.— To designate the facility of the United tween the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- States Postal Service located at 306 River Street in tion and the Israel Space Agency, and for other pur- Tilden, Texas, as the ‘‘Tilden Veterans Post Office’’. poses. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 16, 2017. Considered under suspension of rules Dec. 21, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 15, 18, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Dec. 20, 2017; Roll No. 700: 411–0. Received in Senate Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 16, 2017. and referred to Foreign Relations Dec. 21, 2017. H.R. 1208.— To designate the facility of the United H.R. 1162.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs States Postal Service located at 9155 Schaefer Road, to carry out a pilot program to provide access to mag- Converse, Texas, as the ‘‘Converse Veterans Post Office netic EEG/EKG-guided resonance therapy to veterans. Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Re- Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Feb. 16, 2017. Reported form Feb. 21, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House May 23, 2017; Rept. 115–147. Union Calendar. Rules Dec. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to suspended. Passed House May 23, 2017. Received in Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. 13, Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 24, 2017. 2017. 7–16 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1214.— To require the Administrator of the Federal H.R. 1238 (S. 500).— To amend the Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency to conduct a program Act of 2002 to make the Assistant Secretary of Home- to use simplified procedures to issue public assistance land Security for Health Affairs responsible for coordi- for certain projects under the Robert T. Stafford Dis- nating the efforts of the Department of Homeland Se- aster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, and for curity related to food, agriculture, and veterinary de- other purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infra- fense against terrorism, and for other purposes. Re- structure Feb. 24, 2017. Reported Mar. 9, 2017; Rept. ferred to Homeland Security and in addition to Energy 115–32. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed and Commerce, and Agriculture Feb. 28, 2017. Re- House amended Mar. 27, 2017. Received in Senate ported from Homeland Security Mar. 16, 2017; Rept. and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 115–42, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce and Agriculture Affairs Mar. 28, 2017. discharged Mar. 16, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules sus- pended. Passed House Mar. 22, 2017; Roll No. 187: H.R. 1215 (H. Res. 382).— To improve patient access 406–6. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland to health care services and provide improved medical Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 23, 2017. care by reducing the excessive burden the liability sys- Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amend- tem places on the health care delivery system. Re- ments May 24, 2017. House agreed to Senate amend- ferred to the Judiciary and in addition to Energy and ments June 20, 2017. Presented to the President June Commerce Feb. 24, 2017. Reported amended from the 27, 2017. Approved June 30, 2017. Public Law Judiciary Mar. 22, 2017; Rept. 115–55, Pt. I. Energy 115–43. and Commerce discharged Mar. 22, 2017. Union Cal- endar. Passed House amended June 28, 2017; Roll No. 337: 218–210. Received in Senate and referred to the H.R. 1242 (S. 392) (S. 1460).— To establish the 400 Judiciary June 29, 2017. Years of African-American History Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Govern- H.R. 1219 (H. Res. 242).— To amend the Investment ment Reform Feb. 28, 2017. Reported May 1, 2017; Company Act of 1940 to expand the investor limitation Rept. 115–105. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. for qualifying venture capital funds under an exemp- Passed House amended May 1, 2017. Received in Sen- tion from the definition of an investment company. ate May 2, 2017. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Pre- Referred to Financial Services Feb. 27, 2017. Reported sented to the President Dec. 27, 2017. Approved Jan. Mar. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–70. Union Calendar. Passed 8, 2018. Public Law 115–102. House Apr. 6, 2017; Roll No. 221: 417–3. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and H.R. 1249.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Urban Affairs Apr. 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. 2002 to require a multiyear acquisition strategy of the Department of Homeland Security, and for other pur- H.R. 1222.— To amend the Public Health Service Act poses. Referred to Homeland Security Feb. 28, 2017. to coordinate Federal congenital heart disease research Reported Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–46. Union Cal- efforts and to improve public education and awareness endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. of congenital heart disease, and for other purposes. 20, 2017; Roll No. 174: 409–0. Received in Senate and Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 27, 2017. Re- referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ported amended Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–329. fairs Mar. 21, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 239

H.R. 1224.— To amend the National Institute of Stand- H.R. 1252.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of ards and Technology Act to implement a framework, 2002 to provide for certain acquisition authorities for assessment, and audits for improving United States the Under Secretary of Management of the Depart- cybersecurity. Referred to Science, Space, and Tech- ment of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. nology Feb. 27, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 31, 2017; Referred to Homeland Security Feb. 28, 2017. Reported Rept. 115–376. amended Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–47. Union Cal- Union Calendar ...... Union 276 endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 20, 2017; Roll No. 175: 407–1. Received in Senate and H.R. 1228.— To provide for the appointment of members referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- of the Board of Directors of the Office of Compliance fairs Mar. 21, 2017. to replace members whose terms expire during 2017, and for other purposes. Referred to House Administra- tion Feb. 27, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed H.R. 1257.— To amend the Securities Exchange Act of House amended Mar. 15, 2017. Received in Senate 1934 to require the Securities Exchange Commission and passed Mar. 21, 2017. Presented to the President to refund or credit excess payments made to the Com- Mar. 23, 2017. Approved Apr. 3, 2017. Public Law mission. Referred to Financial Services Feb. 28, 2017. 115–19. Reported amended Aug. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–275. Union Calendar ...... Union 195 H.R. 1235.— To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in recognition of the 60th Anniversary H.R. 1258.— To make technical corrections to the Home- of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. land Security Act of 2002. Referred to Homeland Secu- Referred to Financial Services Feb. 27, 2017. Rules rity Feb. 28, 2017. Reported Apr. 12, 2017; Rept. suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2017. Re- 115–90. ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, Union Calendar ...... Union 50 and Urban Affairs Sept. 26, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–17

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1259 (H. Res. 198).— To amend title 38, United H.R. 1302.— To require an exercise related to terrorist States Code, to provide for the removal or demotion and foreign fighter travel, and for other purposes. Re- of employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs ferred to Homeland Security Mar. 2, 2017. Reported based on performance or misconduct, and for other Mar. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–40. Union Calendar. Consid- purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition ered under suspension of rules Mar. 22, 2017. Rules to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 28, 2017. suspended. Passed House Mar. 24, 2017. Received in Reported from Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 10, 2017; Rept. Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- 115–34, Pt. I. Oversight and Government Reform dis- mental Affairs Mar. 27, 2017. charged Mar. 10, 2017. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 16, 2017; Roll No. 168: 237–178. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. H.R. 1304 (H. Res. 241).— To amend the Employee Re- 21, 2017. tirement Income Security Act of 1974, the Public Health Service Act, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude from the definition of health insur- H.R. 1282 (S. 886).— To amend the Homeland Security ance coverage certain medical stop-loss insurance ob- Act of 2002 to establish Acquisition Review Boards tained by certain plan sponsors of group health plans. in the Department of Homeland Security, and for other Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. 1, 2017. Ways and Means, and Education and the Workforce Reported amended Mar. 23, 2017; Rept. 115–57. Union Mar. 2, 2017. Reported amended from Education and Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended the Workforce Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–53, Pt. I. June 21, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Passed House amended Apr. 5, 2017; Roll No. 220: Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 22, 2017. 400–16. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. H.R. 1293.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to require that the Office of Personnel Management sub- mit an annual report to Congress relating to the use H.R. 1306.— To provide for the conveyance of certain of official time by Federal employees. Referred to Over- Federal land in the State of Oregon, and for other sight and Government Reform Mar. 1, 2017. Reported purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 2, 2017. amended May 11, 2017; Rept. 115–118. Union Cal- Reported July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–204. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May endar. Rules suspended. Passed House July 11, 2017. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Received in Senate July 12, 2017. Passed Senate Dec. Security and Governmental Affairs May 25, 2017. Re- 21, 2017. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 2017. ported Oct. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–167. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–103.

H.R. 1294 (S. 906).— To amend the Homeland Security H.R. 1309.— To streamline the office and term of the Act of 2002 to provide for congressional notification Administrator of the Transportation Security Adminis- regarding major acquisition program breaches, and for tration, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. Security Mar. 2, 2017. Reported Mar. 15, 2017; Rept. 1, 2017. Reported Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–45. Union 115–37. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 20, House Mar. 20, 2017. Received in Senate and referred 2017; Roll No. 173: 408–0. Received in Senate and to Commerce, Science and Transportation Mar. 21, referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 2017. fairs Mar. 21, 2017.

H.R. 1312.— To amend the Small Business Investment H.R. 1297.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Incentive Act of 1980 to require an annual review by 2002 to make technical corrections to the requirement the Securities and Exchange Commission of the annual that the Secretary of Homeland Security submit quad- government-business forum on capital formation that rennial homeland security reviews, and for other pur- is held pursuant to such Act. Referred to Financial poses. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. 1, 2017. Services Mar. 2, 2017. Reported amended May 1, 2017; Reported Mar. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–41. Union Cal- Rept. 115–104. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. endar. Considered under suspension of rules Mar. 20, Passed House amended May 1, 2017; Roll No. 238: 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 21, 2017; 406–0. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Roll No. 181: 415–0. Received in Senate and referred Housing, and Urban Affairs May 2, 2017. to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 22, 2017. H.R. 1313.— To clarify rules relating to nondiscrim- H.R. 1301 (H. Res. 174).— Making appropriations for inatory workplace wellness programs. Referred to Edu- the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending cation and the Workforce and in addition to Energy September 30, 2017, and for other purposes. Referred and Commerce, and Ways and Means Mar. 2, 2017. to Appropriations and in addition to the Budget Mar. Reported amended from Education and the Workforce 2, 2017. Passed House Mar. 8, 2017; Roll No. 136: Dec. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–459, Pt. I. Energy and Com- 371–48. Received in Senate Mar. 9, 2017. Ordered merce and Ways and Means discharged Dec. 11, 2017. placed on the calendar Apr. 7, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 341 7–18 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1329.— To increase, effective as of December 1, H.R. 1362.— To name the Department of Veterans Af- 2017, the rates of compensation for veterans with serv- fairs community-based outpatient clinic in Pago Pago, ice-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency American Samoa, the Faleomavaega Eni Fa’aua’a and indemnity compensation for the survivors of cer- Hunkin VA Clinic. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. tain disabled veterans, to amend title 38, United 6, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 7, 2017; States Code, to improve the United States Court of Roll No. 127: 411–2. Received in Senate and referred Appeals for Veterans Claims, to improve the proc- to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 8, 2017. Committee dis- essing of claims by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, charged. Passed Senate Mar. 15, 2017. Presented to and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs the President Mar. 21, 2017. Approved Mar. 31, Mar. 2, 2017. Reported amended May 19, 2017; Rept. 2017. Public Law 115–16. 115–134. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 23, 2017. Received in Senate and H.R. 1365.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 24, 2017. Committee 2002 to require certain acquisition innovation, and for discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 25, 2017. Presented other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. to the President Nov. 2, 2017. Approved Nov. 2, 6, 2017. Reported amended Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 2017. Public Law 115–75. 115–48. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Mar. 22, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House H.R. 1343 (H. Res. 240).— To direct the Securities and amended Mar. 24, 2017; Roll No. 193: 424–0. Received Exchange Commission to revise its rules so as to in- in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Gov- crease the threshold amount for requiring issuers to ernmental Affairs Mar. 27, 2017. provide certain disclosures relating to compensatory benefit plans. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 2, H.R. 1366 (S. 484).— To amend the Investment Company 2017. Reported Mar. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–71. Union Act of 1940 to terminate an exemption for companies Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. 4, 2017; Roll located in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any No. 216: 331–87. Received in Senate and referred to other possession of the United States. Referred to Fi- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 5 (Legisla- nancial Services Mar. 6, 2017. Reported May 1, 2017; tive day of Apr. 4), 2017. Rept. 115–103. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 1, 2017. Received in Senate May 2, 2017. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- H.R. 1346.— To repeal the rule issued by the Federal fairs May 3, 2017. Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Ad- ministration entitled ‘‘Metropolitan Planning Organiza- tion Coordination and Planning Area Reform’’. Re- H.R. 1367 (H. Res. 198).— To improve the authority ferred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 2, of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to hire and retain 2017. Reported Apr. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–85. physicians and other employees of the Department of Union Calendar ...... Union 49 Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 6, 2017. Reported from Vet- H.R. 1350 (S. 502).— To modify the boundary of Voya- erans’ Affairs Mar. 10, 2017; Rept. 115–35, Pt. I. Over- geurs National Park in the State of Minnesota, and sight and Government Reform discharged Mar. 10, for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 2017. Union Calendar. Considered Mar. 16, 2017. 2, 2017. Reported Dec. 18, 2017; Rept. 115–470. Passed House amended Mar. 17, 2017; Roll No. 171: Union Calendar ...... Union 349 412–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 21, 2017. H.R. 1351.— To amend title 49, United States Code, to direct the Administrator of the Transportation Secu- H.R. 1370 (H. Res. 670).— To amend the Homeland Se- rity Administration (TSA) to make certain improve- curity Act of 2002 to require the Secretary of Home- ments in managing TSA’s employee misconduct, and land Security to issue Department of Homeland Secu- for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security rity-wide guidance and develop training programs as Mar. 2, 2017. Reported amended July 17, 2017; Rept. part of the Department of Homeland Security Blue 115–226. Campaign, and for other purposes. Referred to Home- Union Calendar ...... Union 161 land Security and in addition to the Judiciary Mar. 6, 2017. Reported amended from Homeland Security May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–143, Pt. I. The Judiciary dis- H.R. 1353.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of charged May 22, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules sus- 2002 to require certain additional information to be pended. Passed House amended May 23, 2017. Re- submitted to Congress regarding the strategic 5-year ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security technology investment plan of the Transportation Se- and Governmental Affairs May 24, 2017. Committee curity Administration. Referred to Homeland Security discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Nov. 6, Mar. 2, 2017. Reported Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–44. 2017. House agreed to Senate amendment with amend- Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules ment Dec. 21, 2017; Roll No. 708: 231–188. Senate Mar. 20, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment 21, 2017; Roll No. 178: 414–2. Received in Senate and Dec. 21, 2017. Roll No. 325: 66–32. Presented to the referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation President Dec. 21, 2017. Approved Dec. 22, 2017. Mar. 22, 2017. Public Law 115–96. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–19

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1372.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of H.R. 1430 (H. Res. 229).— To prohibit the Environ- 2002 to ensure that the needs of children are consid- mental Protection Agency from proposing, finalizing, ered in homeland security planning, and for other pur- or disseminating regulations or assessments based poses. Referred to Homeland Security and in addition upon science that is not transparent or reproducible. to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 6, 2017. Re- Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Mar. 8, ported amended from Homeland Security Apr. 24, 2017. Reported Mar. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–59. Union 2017; Rept. 115–92, Pt. I. Transportation and Infra- Calendar. Passed House Mar. 29, 2017; Roll No. 206: structure discharged Apr. 24, 2017. Union Calendar. 228–194. Received in Senate and referred to Environ- Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 25, ment and Public Works Mar. 30, 2017. 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 26, 2017. H.R. 1431 (H. Res. 233).— To amend the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authoriza- H.R. 1387.— To reauthorize the Scholarships for Oppor- tion Act of 1978 to provide for Scientific Advisory tunity and Results Act, and for other purposes. Re- Board member qualifications, public participation, and ferred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 7, for other purposes. Referred to Science, Space, and 2017. Reported Mar. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–62. Technology Mar. 8, 2017. Reported Mar. 27, 2017; Union Calendar ...... Union 34 Rept. 115–63. Union Calendar. Passed House Mar. 30, 2017; Roll No. 208: 229–193. Received in Senate and H.R. 1393.— To limit the authority of States to tax cer- referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 30, tain income of employees for employment duties per- 2017. formed in other States. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 7, 2017. Reported June 15, 2017; Rept. 115–180. Union H.R. 1461.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 20, to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Finance June an annual report to Congress relating to the use of 21, 2017. official time by employees of the Department of Vet- erans Affairs, to limit the instances in which official H.R. 1397 (S. 1460).— To authorize, direct, facilitate, time may be granted for certain purposes to employees and expedite the transfer of administrative jurisdiction of the Department, and for other purposes. Referred of certain Federal land, and for other purposes. Re- to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition to Oversight and ferred to Natural Resources and in addition to Trans- Government Reform Mar. 9, 2017. Reported amended portation and Infrastructure Mar. 7, 2017. Reported from Veterans’ Affairs May 23, 2017; Rept. 115–146, from Natural Resources July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–206, Pt. I. Oversight and Government Reform discharged Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged May 23, 2017. July 11, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Union Calendar ...... Union 94 Passed House July 11, 2017; Roll No. 345: 406–0. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural H.R. 1488.— To retitle Indiana Dunes National Lake- Resources July 12, 2017. shore as Indiana Dunes National Park, and for other H.R. 1399.— To reduce temporarily the royalty required purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 9, 2017. to be paid for sodium produced on Federal lands, and Reported amended Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–350. Union for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 7, 2017. Reported Dec. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–455. Nov. 1, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to En- Union Calendar ...... Union 337 ergy and Natural Resources Nov. 2, 2017.

H.R. 1404.— To provide for the conveyance of certain H.R. 1491.— To reaffirm the action of the Secretary of land inholdings owned by the United States to the the Interior to take land into trust for the benefit Tucson Unified School District and to the Pascua of the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians, Yaqui Tribe of Arizona. Referred to Natural Resources and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 7, 2017. Reported July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–205. Mar. 10, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 21, 2017; Rept. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House July 115–319. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 11, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy House amended Nov. 28, 2017. Received in Senate and and Natural Resources July 12, 2017. referred to Indian Affairs Nov. 29, 2017.

H.R. 1422.— To amend the Flood Disaster Protection H.R. 1492.— To amend the Controlled Substances Act Act of 1973 to require that certain buildings and per- to direct the Attorney General to register practitioners sonal property be covered by flood insurance, and for to transport controlled substances to States in which other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. the practitioner is not registered under the Act for 8, 2017. Reported amended July 14, 2017; Rept. the purpose of administering the substances (under 115–220. applicable State law) at locations other than principal Union Calendar ...... Union 155 places of business or professional practice. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to the Judici- H.R. 1428 (S. 583).— To amend the Omnibus Crime ary Mar. 10, 2017. Reported from Energy and Com- Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to authorize merce June 23, 2017; Rept. 115–192, Pt. I. The Judici- COPS grantees to use grant funds to hire veterans ary discharged June 23, 2017. Union Calendar. Consid- as career law enforcement officers, and for other pur- ered under suspension of rules July 11, 2017. Rules poses. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 8, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House July 12, 2017; Roll No. 349: suspended. Passed House May 16, 2017. Received in 416–2. Received in Senate and referred to the Judici- Senate and referred to the Judiciary May 17, 2017. ary July 13, 2017. 7–20 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1500.— To redesignate the small triangular prop- H.R. 1616.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of erty located in Washington, DC, and designated by 2002 to authorize the National Computer Forensics the National Park Service as reservation 302 as ‘‘Rob- Institute, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judi- ert Emmet Park’’, and for other purposes. Referred ciary and in addition to Homeland Security Mar. 17, to Natural Resources Mar. 10, 2017. Reported May 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 11, 2017; Rept. 115–114. House Calendar. Considered 16, 2017; Roll No. 258: 408–3. Received in Senate and under suspension of rules June 27, 2017. Rules sus- referred to the Judiciary May 17, 2017. Committee pended. Passed House June 28, 2017; Roll No. 338: 423–0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Oct. 2, Natural Resources June 29, 2017. 2017. House agreed to Senate amendment Oct. 12, 2017. Presented to the President Oct. 24, 2017. Ap- H.R. 1541.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior proved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–76. to acquire certain property related to the Fort Scott National Historic Site in Fort Scott, Kansas, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. H.R. 1624.— To require the appropriate Federal banking 15, 2017. Reported July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–207. agencies to treat certain municipal obligations as level Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House July 2A liquid assets, and for other purposes. Referred to 11, 2017. Received in Senate and ordered placed on Financial Services Mar. 20, 2017. Reported amended the calendar July 12, 2017. Sept. 12, 2017; Rept. 115–306. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 3, 2017. Re- H.R. 1545.— To amend title 38, United States Code, ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, to clarify the authority of the Secretary of Veterans and Urban Affairs Oct. 4, 2017. Affairs to disclose certain patient information to State controlled substance monitoring programs, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 15, H.R. 1625.— To amend the State Department Basic Au- 2017. Reported May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–144. Union thorities Act of 1956 to include severe forms of traf- Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 23, ficking in persons within the definition of 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ transnational organized crime for purposes of the re- Affairs May 24, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed wards program of the Department of State, and for Senate Nov. 15, 2017. Presented to the President Nov. 17, 2017. Approved Nov. 21, 2017. Public Law other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Mar. 20, 115–86. 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House May 22, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations H.R. 1547.— To provide for the unencumbering of title May 23, 2017. to non-Federal land owned by the city of Tucson, Ari- zona, for purposes of economic development by convey- ance of the Federal reversionary interest to the City. H.R. 1628 (H. Res. 228) (H. Res. 254) (H. Res. 308).— Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 15, 2017. Reported To provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of Aug. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–280. Union Calendar. Rules the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year suspended. Passed House Oct. 2, 2017; Roll No. 544: 2017. Reported from the Budget Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 401–0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 115–52. Union Calendar. Considered Mar. 24, 2017. Natural Resources Oct. 3, 2017. Passed House amended May 4, 2017; Roll No. 256: 217–213. Received in Senate June 7, 2017. Ordered H.R. 1551.— To amend the Internal Revenue Code of placed on the calendar June 8, 2017. Considered July 1986 to modify the credit for production from advanced 25, 26, 27, 2017. Returned to the calendar July 28 nuclear power facilities. Referred to Ways and Means (Legislative day of July 27), 2017. Mar. 15, 2017. Reported amended June 20, 2017; Rept. 115–183. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 20, 2017. Received in Senate H.R. 1638 (H. Res. 658).— To require the Secretary of June 21, 2017. the Treasury to submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the estimated total assets H.R. 1558.— To amend the National Flood Insurance under direct or indirect control by certain senior Ira- Act of 1968 to ensure community accountability for areas repetitively damaged by floods, and for other nian leaders and other figures, and for other purposes. purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 16, 2017. Referred to Financial Services and in addition to For- Reported amended Aug. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–276. eign Affairs Mar. 20, 2017. Reported amended from Union Calendar ...... Union 196 Financial Services Dec. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–453, Pt. I. Foreign Affairs discharged Dec. 7, 2017. Union Cal- H.R. 1585.— To amend the Securities Act of 1933 to endar. Passed House amended Dec. 13, 2017; Roll No. codify certain qualifications of individuals as accredited 680: 289–135. Received in Senate and referred to investors for purposes of the securities laws. Referred Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 14, 2017. to Financial Services Mar. 16, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 31, 2017; Rept. 115–375. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 1, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 2, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–21

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1644.— To enhance sanctions with respect to trans- H.R. 1677.— To halt the wholesale slaughter of the Syr- actions relating to North Korea, and for other pur- ian people, encourage a negotiated political settlement, poses. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to and hold Syrian human rights abusers accountable for Ways and Means, Financial Services, Transportation their crimes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addi- and Infrastructure, Oversight and Government Re- tion to Financial Services, and the Judiciary Mar. 22, form, and the Judiciary Mar. 21, 2017. Reported 2017. Reported amended from Foreign Affairs May 11, amended from Foreign Affairs Apr. 28, 2017; Rept. 2017; Rept. 115–115, Pt. I. Financial Services and the 115–98, Pt. I. Ways and Means, Financial Services, Judiciary discharged May 11, 2017. Union Calendar. Transportation and Infrastructure, Oversight and Gov- Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 17, ernment Reform, and the Judiciary discharged Apr. 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Rela- 28, 2017. Union Calendar. Considered under suspen- tions May 18, 2017. sion of rules May 2, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 4, 2017; Roll No. 257: 419–1. H.R. 1678.— To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Relief and Emergency Assistance Act concerning the May 4, 2017. statute of limitations for actions to recover disaster or emergency assistance payments, and for other pur- H.R. 1645.— To amend the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 poses. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure to provide a temporary exemption for low-revenue Mar. 22, 2017. Reported Apr. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–100. issuers from certain auditor attestation requirements. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Referred to Financial Services Mar. 21, 2017. Reported May 2, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–425. May 3, 2017; Roll No. 250: 423–0. Received in Senate Union Calendar ...... Union 315 and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 4, 2017.

H.R. 1654 (H. Res. 392).— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to coordinate Federal and State permit- H.R. 1679.— To ensure that the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s current efforts to modernize its ting processes related to the construction of new sur- grant management system includes applicant accessi- face water storage projects on lands under the jurisdic- bility and transparency, and for other purposes. Re- tion of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary ferred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 22, of Agriculture and to designate the Bureau of Reclama- 2017. Reported May 2, 2017; Rept. 115–107. Union tion as the lead agency for permit processing, and for Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 2, other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 2017; Roll No. 242: 419–0. Received in Senate and 21, 2017. Reported amended June 12, 2017; Rept. referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 115–166. Union Calendar. Passed House amended fairs May 3, 2017. Reported Sept. 18, 2017; Rept. June 22, 2017; Roll No. 319: 233–180. Received in 115–159. Passed Senate Nov. 13, 2017. Presented to Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources the President Nov. 15, 2017. Approved Nov. 21, June 26, 2017. 2017. Public Law 115–87.

H.R. 1665.— To ensure that Administrator of the Federal H.R. 1684.— To direct the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency considers severe local Emergency Management Agency to provide technical impact in making a recommendation to the President assistance to common interest communities regarding for a major disaster declaration. Referred to Transpor- eligibility for disaster assistance, and for other pur- tation and Infrastructure Mar. 22, 2017. Reported poses. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure amended Apr. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–99. Union Calendar. Mar. 22, 2017. Reported amended June 26, 2017; Rept. Considered under suspension of rules May 2, 2017. 115–193. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 3, 2017; House amended June 26, 2017. Received in Senate Roll No. 248: 425–0. Received in Senate and referred and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May Affairs June 27, 2017. 4, 2017.

H.R. 1690 (S. 114).— To amend title 38, United States H.R. 1667.— To amend title 11 of the United States Code, to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Code in order to facilitate the resolution of an insol- submit an annual report regarding performance vent financial institution in bankruptcy. Referred to awards and bonuses awarded to certain high-level em- the Judiciary Mar. 22, 2017. Reported Apr. 5, 2017; ployees of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Re- Rept. 115–80. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 22, 2017. Reported Passed House amended Apr. 5, 2017. Received in Sen- amended July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–249. Union Cal- ate and referred to the Judiciary Apr. 6 (Legislative endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July day of Apr. 4), 2017. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 25, 2017. 7–22 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1694 (H. Res. 280).— To require additional entities H.R. 1726.— To amend title 14, United States Code, to be subject to the requirements of section 552 of to improve the organization of such title and to incor- title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as porate certain transfers and modifications into such the Freedom of Information Act), and for other pur- title, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- poses. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform tation and Infrastructure Mar. 27, 2017. Reported May Mar. 23, 2017. Reported amended Apr. 24, 2017; Rept. 18, 2017; Rept. 115–132. Union Calendar. Rules sus- 115–93. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. pended. Passed House June 26, 2017. Received in Sen- 27, 2017; Roll No. 233: 425–0. Received in Senate and ate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- referred to the Judiciary Apr. 28, 2017. tation June 27, 2017. H.R. 1695 (H. Res. 275).— To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide additional responsibilities for H.R. 1730.— To amend title 18, United States Code, the Register of Copyrights, and for other purposes. to provide for the protection of community centers with Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 23, 2017. Reported religious affiliation, and for other purposes. Referred amended Apr. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–91. Union Calendar. to the Judiciary Mar. 27, 2017. Reported amended Dec. Passed House amended Apr. 26, 2017; Roll No. 227: 11, 2017; Rept. 115–456. Union Calendar. Rules sus- 378–48. Received in Senate and referred to Rules and pended. Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2017; Roll Administration Apr. 27, 2017. No. 673: 402–2. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 12, 2017. H.R. 1698.— To expand sanctions against Iran with re- spect to the ballistic missile program of Iran, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in ad- H.R. 1731.— To amend the Surface Mining Control and dition to Financial Services, the Judiciary, Ways and Reclamation Act of 1977 to provide funds to States Means, and Oversight and Government Reform Mar. and Indian tribes for the purpose of promoting eco- 23, 2017. Considered under suspension of rules Oct. nomic revitalization, diversification, and development 25, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended in economically distressed communities through the Oct. 26, 2017; Roll No. 590: 423–2. Received in Senate reclamation and restoration of land and water re- and referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 30, 2017. sources adversely affected by coal mining carried out H.R. 1699 (H. Res. 635).— To amend the Truth in Lend- before August 3, 1977, and for other purposes. Re- ing Act to modify the definitions of a mortgage origi- ferred to Natural Resources and in addition to Trans- nator and a high-cost mortgage, to amend the Secure portation and Infrastructure Mar. 27, 2017. Reported and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of amended from Natural Resources Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. 2008 to modify the definition of a loan originator, and 115–351, Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure dis- for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. charged Oct. 19, 2017. 23, 2017. Reported Nov. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–416. Union Calendar ...... Union 255 Union Calendar. Passed House amended Dec. 1, 2017; Roll No. 651: 256–163. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 4, 2017. H.R. 1733.— To direct the Secretary of Energy to review and update a report on the energy and environmental H.R. 1715 (S. 644).— To authorize the Secretary of the benefits of the re-refining of used lubricating oil. Re- Interior to conduct a special resource study of the ferred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 27, 2017. Re- Medgar Evers House, located in Jackson, Mississippi, ported Dec. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–457. Union Calendar. and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 12, 2017. Re- Mar. 23, 2017. Reported May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–123. ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Union Calendar ...... Union 76 Resources Dec. 13, 2017.

H.R. 1719 (S. 729).— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire approximately 44 acres of land in H.R. 1735.— To direct the Administrator of the Federal Martinez, California, and for other purposes. Referred Emergency Management Agency to issue guidance re- to Natural Resources Mar. 24, 2017. Reported amend- garding implementation of certain buy-outs or the ac- ed July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–208. Union Calendar. quisition of property for open space as a flood mitiga- Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 11, tion measure, and for other purposes. Referred to 2017; Roll No. 346: 401–15. Received in Senate and Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 27, 2017. Re- ordered placed on the calendar July 13, 2017. ported amended Nov. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–417. Union Calendar ...... Union 309 H.R. 1725.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the treatment of medical evidence provided by non-Department of Veterans Affairs medical profes- H.R. 1758.— To amend the Comprehensive Environ- sionals in support of claims for disability compensation mental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of under the laws administered by the Secretary of Vet- 1980 to modify provisions relating to brownfield reme- erans Affairs, and for other purposes. Referred to Vet- diation grants, and for other purposes. Referred to En- erans’ Affairs Mar. 24, 2017. Reported amended May ergy and Commerce and in addition to Transportation 19, 2017; Rept. 115–133. Union Calendar. Rules sus- and Infrastructure Mar. 28, 2017. Reported amended pended. Passed House amended May 23, 2017. Re- from Transportation and Infrastructure Nov. 21, 2017; ceived in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs May Rept. 115–419, Pt. I. 24, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–23

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1761 (H. Res. 352).— To amend title 18, United H.R. 1843.— To amend title 31, United States Code, States Code, to criminalize the knowing consent of the to prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from carrying visual depiction, or live transmission, of a minor en- out seizures relating to a structuring transaction un- gaged in sexually explicit conduct, and for other pur- less the property to be seized derived from an illegal poses. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 28, 2017. Re- source or the funds were structured for the purpose ported amended May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–137. Union of concealing the violation of another criminal law or Calendar. Passed House amended May 25, 2017; Roll regulation, to require notice and a post-seizure hearing No. 284: 368–51. Received in Senate and referred to for such seizures, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary June 5, 2017. Ways and Means and in addition to Financial Services Mar. 30, 2017. Reported amended from Ways and Means Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–286, Pt. I. Financial H.R. 1769.— To affirm an agreement between the United Services discharged Sept. 5, 2017. Union Calendar. States and Westlands Water District dated September Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 5, 15, 2015, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Finance Sept. Resources Mar. 28, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 16, 6, 2017. 2017; Rept. 115–349. Union Calendar ...... Union 253 H.R. 1848.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program on the use of medical scribes in Department of Veterans Affairs medical cen- H.R. 1800.— To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to ters. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Apr. 3, 2017. Re- transfer certain Federal land to facilitate scientific re- ported May 23, 2017; Rept. 115–151. Union Calendar. search supporting Federal space and defense pro- Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 24, grams. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 30, 2017. 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Reported amended Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–442. Affairs July 25, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 327 H.R. 1858.— To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 4514 Williamson Trail H.R. 1807.— To exempt from the Lacey Act and the in Liberty, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Ryan Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 certain water transfers Scott Ostrom Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and between any of the States of Texas, Arkansas, and Government Reform Apr. 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Louisiana. Referred to Natural Resources and in addi- Passed House Oct. 10, 2017; Roll No. 558: 397–0. Re- tion to the Judiciary Mar. 30, 2017. Reported from ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Natural Resources Aug. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–278, Pt. and Governmental Affairs Oct. 16, 2017. I. The Judiciary discharged Aug. 25, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 198 H.R. 1862.— To amend title 18, United States Code, to expand the scope of certain definitions pertaining to unlawful sexual conduct, and for other purposes. H.R. 1808 (S. 1312).— To amend and improve the Miss- Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 3, 2017. Reported May ing Children’s Assistance Act, and for other purposes. 22, 2017; Rept. 115–139. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Referred to Education and the Workforce Mar. 30, pended. Passed House May 22, 2017; Roll No. 269: 2017. Reported amended May 4, 2017; Rept. 115–110. 372–30. Received in Senate and referred to the Judici- Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House ary May 23, 2017. amended May 23, 2017. Received in Senate and re- ferred to the Judiciary May 24, 2017. H.R. 1873 (H. Res. 392).— To amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to enhance the reliability of the electricity grid and reduce the threat H.R. 1809 (S. 860).— To reauthorize and improve the of wildfires to and from electric transmission and dis- Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of tribution facilities on Federal lands by facilitating 1974, and for other purposes. Referred to Education vegetation management on such lands. Referred to and the Workforce Mar. 30, 2017. Reported amended Natural Resources and in addition to Agriculture Apr. May 4, 2017; Rept. 115–111. Union Calendar. Rules 4, 2017. Reported amended from Natural Resources suspended. Passed House amended May 23, 2017. Re- June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–165, Pt. I. Agriculture dis- ceived in Senate May 24, 2017. charged June 12, 2017. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 21, 2017; Roll No. 315: 300–118. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural H.R. 1842.— To amend title 18, United States Code, Resources June 22, 2017. to include State crimes of violence as grounds for an enhanced penalty when sex offenders fail to register H.R. 1892.— To amend title 4, United States Code, to or report certain information as required by Federal provide for the flying of the flag at half-staff in the law, to include prior military offenses for purposes of event of the death of a first responder in the line recidivist sentencing provisions, and for other pur- of duty. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 4, 2017. Re- poses. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 30, 2017. Re- ported May 15, 2017; Rept. 115–119. Union Calendar. ported May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–140. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules May 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House May 22, 2017; Roll Rules suspended. Passed House May 18, 2017; Roll No. 270: 371–30. Received in Senate and referred to No. 266: 411–1. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May 23, 2017. the Judiciary May 22, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Nov. 28, 2017. 7–24 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 1900.— To designate the Veterans Memorial and H.R. 1988.— To designate the facility of the United Museum in Columbus, Ohio, as the National Veterans States Postal Service located at 1730 18th Street in Memorial and Museum, and for other purposes. Re- Bakersfield, California, as the ‘‘Merle Haggard Post ferred to Veterans’ Affairs and in addition to Natural Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Govern- Resources Apr. 4, 2017. Reported amended from Vet- ment Reform Apr. 6, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed erans’ Affairs Nov. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–399, Pt. I. Nat- House July 11, 2017. Received in Senate and referred ural Resources discharged Nov. 7, 2017. House Cal- to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 12, 2017. 7, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 8, 2017. H.R. 2006.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the procurement practices of the Depart- H.R. 1913.— To establish the Clear Creek National ment of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Re- Recreation Area in San Benito and Fresno Counties, ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Apr. 6, 2017. Reported July California, to designate the Joaquin Rocks Wilderness 24, 2017; Rept. 115–246. Union Calendar. Rules sus- in such counties, and for other purposes. Referred to pended. Passed House July 24, 2017. Received in Sen- Natural Resources Apr. 5, 2017. Reported July 11, ate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 25, 2017. 2017; Rept. 115–209. Union Calendar. Rules sus- pended. Passed House July 11, 2017. Received in Sen- H.R. 2052.— To amend the Uniform Code of Military ate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources July Justice to prohibit the wrongful broadcast or distribu- 12, 2017. tion of intimate visual images. Referred to Armed Services Apr. 6, 2017. Considered under suspension of rules May 23, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House H.R. 1918.— To oppose loans at international financial May 24, 2017; Roll No. 277: 418–0. Received in Senate institutions for the Government of Nicaragua unless and referred to Armed Services May 25, 2017. the Government of Nicaragua is taking effective steps to hold free, fair, and transparent elections, and for H.R. 2053.— To amend the Surface Mining Control and other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in ad- Reclamation Act of 1977 to enhance and support min- dition to Financial Services Apr. 5, 2017. Rules sus- ing and mineral engineering programs in the United pended. Passed House amended Oct. 3, 2017. Received States by funding activities at mining schools, and for in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 4, other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 2017. 6, 2017. Reported amended July 25, 2017; Rept. 115–256. H.R. 1927.— To amend title 54, United States Code, Union Calendar ...... Union 186 to establish within the National Park Service the Afri- can American Civil Rights Network, and for other pur- H.R. 2056.— To amend the Small Business Act to pro- poses. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 5, 2017. Re- vide for expanded participation in the microloan pro- ported amended July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–241. Union gram, and for other purposes. Referred to Small Busi- Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended ness Apr. 6, 2017. Reported amended July 12, 2017; July 26, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to En- Rept. 115–214. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. ergy and Natural Resources July 27, 2017. Committee Passed House amended July 24, 2017. Received in Sen- discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented ate and referred to Small Business and Entrepreneur- to the President Dec. 27, 2017. Approved Jan. 8, ship July 25, 2017. 2018. Public Law 115–104. H.R. 2061.— To reauthorize the North Korean Human H.R. 1967.— To amend the Reclamation Project Act of Rights Act of 2004, and for other purposes. Referred 1939 to authorize pumped storage hydropower develop- to Foreign Affairs Apr. 6, 2017. Rules suspended. ment utilizing multiple Bureau of Reclamation res- Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2017; Roll No. 531: ervoirs. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 6, 2017. 415–0. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Re- Reported amended June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–158. Union lations Sept. 26, 2017. Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 27, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to H.R. 2075.— To adjust the eastern boundary of the Energy and Natural Resources June 28, 2017. Deschutes Canyon-Steelhead Falls Wilderness Study Area in the State of Oregon to facilitate fire prevention and response activities in order to protect adjacent H.R. 1973 (H. Res. 352) (S. 534).— To prevent the sexual private property, and for other purposes. Referred to abuse of minors and amateur athletes by requiring Natural Resources Apr. 6, 2017. Reported amended the prompt reporting of sexual abuse to law enforce- Aug. 29, 2017; Rept. 115–281. ment authorities, and for other purposes. Referred to Union Calendar ...... Union 201 the Judiciary and in addition to Education and the Workforce Apr. 6, 2017. Reported amended from the H.R. 2083.— To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Judiciary May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–136, Pt. I. Edu- Act of 1972 to reduce predation on endangered Colum- cation and the Workforce discharged May 22, 2017. bia River salmon and other nonlisted species, and for Union Calendar. Passed House amended May 25, 2017; other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. Roll No. 285: 415–3. Received in Senate and referred 8, 2017. Reported Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–289. to the Judiciary June 5, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 208 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–25

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2105 (S. 770).— To require the Director of the Na- H.R. 2154.— To rename the Red River Valley Agricul- tional Institute of Standards and Technology to dis- tural Research Center in Fargo, North Dakota, as the seminate guidance to help reduce small business cyber- Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center. Re- security risks, and for other purposes. Referred to ferred to Agriculture Apr. 26, 2017. Reported amended Science, Space, and Technology Apr. 20, 2017. Rules May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–125. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 11, 2017. Re- suspended. Passed House amended May 17, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science ceived in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Transportation Oct. 16, 2017. and Forestry May 18, 2017. H.R. 2122 (S. 710).— To reinstate and extend the dead- H.R. 2156.— To provide for the establishment of a na- line for commencement of construction of a hydro- tional memorial and national monument to commemo- electric project involving Jennings Randolph Dam. Re- rate those killed by the collapse of the Saint Francis ferred to Energy and Commerce Apr. 25, 2017. Re- Dam on March 12, 1928, and for other purposes. Re- ported June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–175. Union Calendar. ferred to Natural Resources Apr. 26, 2017. Reported Rules suspended. Passed House June 12, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–210. Union Calendar. Rules June 13, 2017. suspended. Passed House July 11, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources H.R. 2123.— To amend title 38, United States Code, July 12, 2017. to improve the ability of health care professionals to treat veterans through the use of telemedicine, and H.R. 2169.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Apr. 2002 to enhance information sharing in the Depart- 25, 2017. Reported Nov. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–394. Union ment of Homeland Security State, Local, and Regional Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 7, Fusion Center Initiative, and for other purposes. Re- 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ ferred to Homeland Security Apr. 26, 2017. Reported Affairs Nov. 8, 2017. amended May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–120. Union Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May H.R. 2131.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 17, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 2002 to direct the Chief Human Capital Officer of the Security and Governmental Affairs May 18, 2017. Department of Homeland Security to improve consist- ency regarding discipline and adverse actions in the H.R. 2182.— To require the Comptroller General of the Department’s workforce, and for other purposes. Re- United States to submit a report to Congress on the ferred to Homeland Security Apr. 25, 2017. Rules sus- alternatives for the final disposition of Plum Island, pended. Passed House amended June 21, 2017. Re- including preservation of the island for conservation, ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security education, and research, and for other purposes. Re- and Governmental Affairs June 22, 2017. ferred to Homeland Security Apr. 26, 2017. Rules sus- H.R. 2132.— To require the implementation of a redress pended. Passed House July 25, 2017. Received in Sen- process and review of the Transportation Security Ad- ate July 26, 2017. ministration’s intelligence-based screening rules for aviation security, and for other purposes. Referred to H.R. 2188.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Homeland Security Apr. 25, 2017. Rules suspended. 2002 to establish the major metropolitan area counter- Passed House amended June 20, 2017. Received in terrorism training and exercise grant program, and Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Apr. portation June 21, 2017. 27, 2017. Reported amended June 15, 2017; Rept. 115–181. H.R. 2142.— To improve the ability of U.S. Customs Union Calendar ...... Union 122 and Border Protection to interdict fentanyl, other syn- thetic opioids, and other narcotics and psychoactive H.R. 2190.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of substances that are illegally imported into the United 2002 to direct the Under Secretary for Management States, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland of the Department of Homeland Security to make cer- Security Apr. 25, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 21, tain improvements in managing the Department’s real 2017; Rept. 115–317. Union Calendar. Considered property portfolio, and for other purposes. Referred to under suspension of rules Oct. 23, 2017. Rules sus- Homeland Security Apr. 27, 2017. Reported amended pended. Passed House amended Oct. 24, 2017; Roll June 20, 2017; Rept. 115–184. Union Calendar. Rules No. 574: 412–3. Received in Senate Oct. 25, 2017. suspended. Passed House amended June 20, 2017. Re- Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to the Presi- ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security dent Dec. 29, 2017. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public and Governmental Affairs June 21, 2017. Law 115–112.

H.R. 2148.— To amend the Federal Deposit Insurance H.R. 2192 (H. Res. 308).— To amend the Public Health Act to clarify capital requirements for certain acquisi- Service Act to eliminate the non-application of certain tion, development, or construction loans. Referred to State waiver provisions to Members of Congress and Financial Services Apr. 26, 2017. Reported amended congressional staff. Referred to Energy and Commerce Nov. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–392. Union Calendar. Rules and in addition to House Administration Apr. 27, 2017. suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 7, 2017. Re- Passed House May 4, 2017; Roll No. 255: 429–0. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Urban Affairs Nov. 8, 2017. and Governmental Affairs June 7, 2017. 7–26 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2195.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to H.R. 2227.— To modernize Government information provide for access of the Special Counsel to certain technology, and for other purposes. Referred to Over- information. Referred to Oversight and Government sight and Government Reform and in addition to Ap- Reform Apr. 27, 2017. Reported amended July 28, propriations Apr. 28, 2017. Reported from Oversight 2017; Rept. 115–268. and Government Reform May 17, 2017; Rept. 115–129, Union Calendar ...... Union 193 Pt. I. Appropriations discharged May 17, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended H.R. 2196.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to May 17, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to allow whistleblowers to disclose information to certain Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 18, recipients. Referred to Oversight and Government Re- 2017. form Apr. 27, 2017. Reported Oct. 10, 2017; Rept. 115–342. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed H.R. 2228 (S. 867).— To provide support for law enforce- House amended Oct. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and ment agency efforts to protect the mental health and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- well-being of law enforcement officers, and for other fairs Oct. 16, 2017. purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 28, 2017. Re- ported Nov. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–428. Union Calendar. H.R. 2199.— To improve Federal land management, re- Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 28, source conservation, environmental protection, and use 2017. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary of Federal real property, by requiring the Secretary Nov. 29, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate of the Interior to develop a multipurpose cadastre of Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to the President Dec. 29, Federal real property and identifying inaccurate, dupli- 2017. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–113. cate, and out-of-date Federal land inventories, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. H.R. 2229.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to 27, 2017. Reported Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–322. provide permanent authority for judicial review of cer- Union Calendar ...... Union 232 tain Merit Systems Protection Board decisions relating to whistleblowers, and for other purposes. Referred to H.R. 2200.— To reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Pro- Oversight and Government Reform and in addition to tection Act of 2000, and for other purposes. Referred the Judiciary Apr. 28, 2017. Reported from Oversight to Foreign Affairs and in addition to the Judiciary, and Government Reform Oct. 2, 2017; Rept. 115–337, Oversight and Government Reform, Ways and Means, Pt. I. The Judiciary discharged Oct. 2, 2017. Union Transportation and Infrastructure, Energy and Com- Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 11, merce, Armed Services, and Education and the Work- 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland force Apr. 27, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 16, 2017. amended July 12, 2017. Received in Senate and re- ferred to Foreign Relations July 13, 2017. H.R. 2246.— To repeal the mandatory flood insurance coverage requirement for commercial properties located H.R. 2201 (H. Res. 609).— To amend the Securities Act in flood hazard areas and to provide for greater trans- of 1933 to exempt certain micro-offerings from the reg- fer of risk under the National Flood Insurance Pro- istration requirements of such Act, and for other pur- gram to private capital and reinsurance markets, and poses. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 27, 2017. for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Apr. Reported Nov. 1, 2017; Rept. 115–383. Union Cal- 28, 2017. Reported amended July 25, 2017; Rept. endar. Passed House amended Nov. 9, 2017; Roll No. 115–255. 622: 232–188. Received in Senate and referred to Union Calendar ...... Union 185 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 13, 2017.

H.R. 2210.— To designate the community living center H.R. 2254.— To designate the facility of the United of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Butler Town- States Postal Service located at 2635 Napa Street in ship, Butler County, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Sergeant Vallejo, California, as the ‘‘Janet Capello Post Office Joseph George Kusick VA Community Living Center’’. Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Re- Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Apr. 27, 2017. Rules sus- form Apr. 28, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House pended. Passed House July 17, 2017; Roll No. 379: Oct. 10, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to 401–0. Received in Senate July 18, 2017. Passed Sen- Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 16, ate Aug. 1, 2017. Presented to the President Aug. 7, 2017. 2017. Approved Aug. 16, 2017. Public Law 115–47. H.R. 2258 (S. 1393).— To require that certain standards H.R. 2213 (H. Res. 374) (S. 595).— To amend the Anti- for commercial driver’s licenses applicable to former Border Corruption Act of 2010 to authorize certain members of the armed services or reserves also apply polygraph waiver authority, and for other purposes. to current members of the armed services or reserves. Referred to Homeland Security Apr. 27, 2017. Reported Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure May 1, amended May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–121. Union Cal- 2017. Reported amended June 23, 2017; Rept. endar. Passed House amended June 7, 2017; Roll No. 115–189. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 294: 282–137. Received in Senate and referred to House amended June 26, 2017; Roll No. 324: 409–0. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 8, Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science 2017. and Transportation June 27, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–27

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2266 (H. Res. 569) (H. Con. Res. 85) (S. 1107).— H.R. 2292 (S. 734).— To extend a project of the Federal To amend title 28 of the United States Code to author- Energy Regulatory Commission involving the ize the appointment of additional bankruptcy judges; Cannonsville Dam. Referred to Energy and Commerce and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary May May 2, 2017. Reported June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–174. 1, 2017. Reported amended May 17, 2017; Rept. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 115–130. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 12, 2017; Roll No. 300: 400–1. Received in Senate and House amended May 17, 2017. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar June 13, 2017. referred to the Judiciary May 18, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 27, H.R. 2302.— To designate the facility of the United 2017. House agreed to Senate amendment with amend- States Postal Service located at 259 Nassau Street, ment pursuant to H.Res. 569 Oct. 12, 2017. Senate Suite 2 in Princeton, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Dr. John agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment F. Nash, Jr. Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Oct. 24, 2017. Roll No. 248: 82–17. Presented to the Government Reform May 2, 2017. Rules suspended. President Oct. 25, 2017. Approved Oct. 26, 2017. Passed House Oct. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and Public Law 115–72. referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs Oct. 16, 2017.

H.R. 2274.— To amend the Federal Power Act to provide H.R. 2316.— To amend the Mineral Leasing Act and for extended periods relating to preliminary permits the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to repeal provisions and commencement of construction, and for other pur- relating only to the Allegheny National Forest. Re- poses. Referred to Energy and Commerce May 1, 2017. ferred to Natural Resources May 3, 2017. Reported Reported June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–173. Union Cal- Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–288. Union Calendar. Rules endar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 12, 2017. suspended. Passed House Oct. 2, 2017. Received in Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 13, 2017. Oct. 3, 2017.

H.R. 2331.— To require a new or updated Federal H.R. 2281 (S. 1199).— To amend the Homeland Security website that is intended for use by the public to be Act of 2002 to reauthorize the Border Enforcement mobile friendly, and for other purposes. Referred to Security Task Force program within the Department Oversight and Government Reform May 3, 2017. Re- of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Referred ported amended Nov. 13, 2017; Rept. 115–406. Union to Homeland Security May 2, 2017. Reported amended Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Nov. May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–122. Union Calendar. Rules 13, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended suspended. Passed House amended May 17, 2017. Re- Nov. 15, 2017; Roll No. 634: 423–0. Received in Senate ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Nov. 16, 2017. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented and Governmental Affairs May 18, 2017. to the President Dec. 29, 2017. Approved Jan. 10, 2018. Public Law 115–114. H.R. 2283.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of H.R. 2333.— To amend the Small Business Investment 2002 to improve morale within the Department of Act of 1958 to increase the amount of leverage made Homeland Security workforce by conferring new re- available to small business investment companies. Re- sponsibilities to the Chief Human Capital Officer, es- ferred to Small Business May 3, 2017. Reported tablishing an employee engagement steering com- amended July 12, 2017; Rept. 115–215. Union Cal- mittee, requiring action plans, and authorizing an an- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July nual employee award program, and for other purposes. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Small Referred to Homeland Security May 2, 2017. Rules Business and Entrepreneurship July 25, 2017. suspended. Passed House amended June 20, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security H.R. 2353.— To reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Governmental Affairs June 21, 2017. and Technical Education Act of 2006. Referred to Edu- cation and the Workforce May 4, 2017. Reported H.R. 2288 (S. 1024).— To amend title 38, United States amended June 7, 2017; Rept. 115–164. Union Cal- Code, to reform the rights and processes relating to endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June appeals of decisions regarding claims for benefits 22, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Health, under the laws administered by the Secretary of Vet- Education, Labor, and Pensions June 26, 2017. erans Affairs, and for other purposes. Referred to Vet- erans’ Affairs May 2, 2017. Reported May 19, 2017; H.R. 2364.— To amend the Small Business Investment Rept. 115–135. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Act of 1958 to increase the amount that certain banks Passed House amended May 23, 2017; Roll No. 273: and savings associations may invest in small business 418–0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ investment companies, subject to the approval of the Affairs May 24, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed appropriate Federal banking agency, and for other pur- Senate with amendment Aug. 1, 2017. House agreed poses. Referred to Small Business May 4, 2017. Re- to Senate amendment Aug. 11, 2017. Presented to the ported July 12, 2017; Rept. 115–216. Union Calendar. President Aug. 11, 2017. Approved Aug. 23, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House July 24, 2017. Re- Public Law 115–55. ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 25, 2017. 7–28 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2370.— To authorize Escambia County, Florida, to H.R. 2423.— To implement certain measures relating convey certain property that was formerly part of to management of Washington County, Utah, required Santa Rosa Island National Monument and that was by Public Law 111-11. Referred to Natural Resources conveyed to Escambia County subject to restrictions May 16, 2017. Reported Sept. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–312. on use and reconveyance. Referred to Natural Re- Union Calendar ...... Union 222 sources May 4, 2017. Reported July 20, 2017; Rept. 115–236. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed H.R. 2427.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of House July 26, 2017. Received in Senate and referred 2002, to direct the Assistant Secretary for State and to Energy and Natural Resources July 27, 2017. Local Law Enforcement to produce and disseminate an annual catalog on Department of Homeland Secu- H.R. 2371.— To require the Administrator of the West- rity training, publications, programs, and services for ern Area Power Administration to establish a pilot State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, and project to provide increased transparency for cus- for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and tomers, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural in addition to the Judiciary May 16, 2017. Rules sus- Resources May 4, 2017. Reported Aug. 29, 2017; Rept. pended. Passed House amended Sept. 12, 2017. Re- 115–282. ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Union Calendar ...... Union 202 and Governmental Affairs Sept. 13, 2017. H.R. 2372 (H. Res. 379).— To amend the Internal Rev- enue Code of 1986 to clarify the rules relating to vet- H.R. 2430 (S. 934).— To amend the Federal Food, Drug, eran health insurance and eligibility for the premium and Cosmetic Act to revise and extend the user-fee tax credit. Referred to Ways and Means May 4, 2017. programs for prescription drugs, medical devices, ge- Reported amended June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–159. Union neric drugs, and biosimilar biological products, and for Calendar. Passed House amended June 15, 2017. Re- other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce ceived in Senate June 15, 2017. May 16, 2017. Reported amended July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–201. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed H.R. 2374.— To facilitate certain pinyon-juniper related House amended July 12, 2017. Received in Senate July projects in Lincoln County, Nevada, to modify the 13, 2017. Ordered placed on the calendar July 17, boundaries of certain wilderness areas in the State 2017. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017; Roll No. 187: 94–1. of Nevada, and to fully implement the White Pine Presented to the President Aug. 7, 2017. Approved County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Aug. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–52. Act. Referred to Natural Resources May 4, 2017. Re- ported Sept. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–311. H.R. 2433.— To direct the Under Secretary of Homeland Union Calendar ...... Union 221 Security for Intelligence and Analysis to develop and disseminate a threat assessment regarding terrorist H.R. 2396 (H. Res. 657).— To amend the Gramm-Leach- use of virtual currency. Referred to Homeland Security Bliley Act to update the exception for certain annual May 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. notices provided by financial institutions. Referred to 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Financial Services May 4, 2017. Reported amended Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 13, 2017. Dec. 4, 2017; Rept. 115–434. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Dec. 14, 2017; Roll No. 682: 275–146. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, H.R. 2442.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of and Urban Affairs Dec. 18, 2017. 2002 to require an annual report on the Office for State and Local Law Enforcement. Referred to Home- H.R. 2408.— To enhance the transparency, improve the land Security and in addition to the Judiciary May coordination, and intensify the impact of assistance 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended to support access to primary and secondary education Sept. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to for displaced children and persons, including women Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 13, and girls, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 2017. Affairs May 11, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 3, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to For- H.R. 2443.— To require an inventory of all facilities cer- eign Relations Oct. 4, 2017. tified by the Department of Homeland Security to host infrastructure or systems classified above the Secret H.R. 2410.— To amend the Public Health Service Act level, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland to reauthorize a sickle cell disease prevention and Security May 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House treatment demonstration program and to provide for amended Sept. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and re- sickle cell disease research, surveillance, prevention, ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and treatment. Referred to Energy and Commerce May Sept. 13, 2017. 11, 2017. Reported Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–354. Union Calendar ...... Union 258 H.R. 2453.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of H.R. 2422.— To amend the Public Health Service Act 2002 to establish the Intelligence Rotational Assign- to improve essential oral health care for low-income ment Program in the Department of Homeland Secu- and other underserved individuals by breaking down rity, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland barriers to care, and for other purposes. Referred to Security May 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Energy and Commerce May 15, 2017. Reported amend- Sept. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to ed Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–328. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 13, Union Calendar ...... Union 238 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–29

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2454.— To direct the Secretary of Homeland Secu- H.R. 2473.— To ensure compliance with the Justice for rity to establish a data framework to provide access Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015, to make strides for appropriate personnel to law enforcement and other toward eradicating human trafficking, and for other information of the Department, and for other purposes. purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition Referred to Homeland Security May 16, 2017. Rules to Education and the Workforce May 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 12, 2017. Re- suspended. Passed House amended May 23, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security ceived in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May and Governmental Affairs Sept. 13, 2017. 24, 2017.

H.R. 2457.— To extend the deadline for commencement H.R. 2480.— To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and of construction of certain hydroelectric projects. Re- Safe Streets Act of 1968 to include an additional per- ferred to Energy and Commerce May 16, 2017. Re- missible use of amounts provided as grants under the ported amended June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–176. Union Byrne JAG program, and for other purposes. Referred Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended to the Judiciary May 17, 2017. Rules suspended. June 12, 2017; Roll No. 301: 402–1. Received in Senate Passed House July 12, 2017. Received in Senate and and referred to Energy and Natural Resources June referred to the Judiciary July 13, 2017. 13, 2017. H.R. 2484 (S. 1141).— To ensure that the United States H.R. 2464.— To designate the facility of the United promotes the meaningful participation of women in States Postal Service located at 25 New Chardon mediation and negotiation processes seeking to pre- Street Lobby in Boston, Massachusetts, as the ‘‘John vent, mitigate, or resolve violent conflict. Referred to Fitzgerald Kennedy Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight Foreign Affairs and in addition to Armed Services May and Government Reform May 16, 2017. Rules sus- 17, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House June 20, pended. Passed House Oct. 10, 2017; Roll No. 559: 2017. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 395–0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland calendar June 21, 2017. Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 16, 2017. H.R. 2518.— To authorize appropriations for the Coast H.R. 2465.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Guard for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, and for other Act to make permanent the removal of the rental cap purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastruc- for durable medical equipment under the Medicare ture May 18, 2017. Reported amended June 26, 2017; program with respect to speech generating devices. Re- Rept. 115–194. ferred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Union Calendar ...... Union 133 Ways and Means May 16, 2017. Reported from Energy and Commerce Dec. 18, 2017; Rept. 115–469, Pt. I. H.R. 2519 (S. 1182).— To require the Secretary of the Ways and Means discharged Dec. 18, 2017. Treasury to mint commemorative coins in recognition Union Calendar ...... Union 348 of the 100th anniversary of The American Legion. Re- ferred to Financial Services May 18, 2017. Rules sus- pended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2017. Re- H.R. 2468.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of ceived in Senate Sept. 26, 2017. Passed Senate Sept. 2002 to establish a homeland intelligence doctrine for 28, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2017. the Department of Homeland Security, and for other Approved Oct. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–65. purposes. Referred to Homeland Security May 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland H.R. 2521.— To amend the Farm Security and Rural Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 13, 2017. Investment Act of 2002 to include South Carolina as a part of the Virginia/Carolina peanut producing re- gion for purposes of appointment to the Peanut Stand- H.R. 2470.— To require an annual homeland threat as- ards Board. Referred to Agriculture May 18, 2017. Re- sessment, and for other purposes. Referred to Home- ported Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–352. Union Calendar. land Security May 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 31, 2017; Roll House Sept. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred No. 591: 394–1. Received in Senate and referred to to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Nov. 1, 2017. 13, 2017. H.R. 2547.— To expand the Department of Veterans Af- H.R. 2471.— To direct the Secretary of Homeland Secu- fairs medical professionals who may qualify to perform rity to share with State, local, and regional fusion physical examinations on eligible veterans and issue centers release information from a Federal correctional medical certificates required for operation of a commer- facility, including name, charging date, and expected cial motor vehicle, and for other purposes. Referred place and date of release, of certain individuals who to Transportation and Infrastructure May 18, 2017. may pose a terrorist threat, and for other purposes. Reported amended June 23, 2017; Rept. 115–190. Referred to Homeland Security May 16, 2017. Rules Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 12, 2017. Re- amended June 26, 2017; Roll No. 323: 409–0. Received ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and and Governmental Affairs Sept. 13, 2017. Transportation June 27, 2017. 7–30 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2548.— To reauthorize the programs and activities H.R. 2601.— To amend the Veterans Access, Choice, and of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Re- Accountability Act of 2014 to improve the access of ferred to Transportation and Infrastructure and in ad- veterans to organ transplants, and for other purposes. dition to Natural Resources, and Financial Services Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 23, 2017. Reported May 19, 2017. Reported amended from Transportation amended Nov. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–395. Union Cal- and Infrastructure June 23, 2017; Rept. 115–191, Pt. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. I. Natural Resources and Financial Services discharged 7, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ June 23, 2017. Affairs Nov. 8, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 130 H.R. 2611.— To modify the boundary of the Little Rock H.R. 2557.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Central High School National Historic Site, and for Act to provide for coverage under the Medicare pro- other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May gram of certain DNA Specimen Provenance Assay clin- 23, 2017. Reported Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–290. Union ical diagnostic laboratory tests. Referred to Energy and Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 12, Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means May 2017; Roll No. 485: 390–0. Received in Senate Sept. 19, 2017. Reported amended from Energy and Com- 13, 2017. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to merce Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–449, Pt. I. Ways and the President Jan. 2, 2018. Approved Jan. 12, 2018. Means discharged Dec. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–117. Union Calendar ...... Union 331

H.R. 2565.— To require the use of replacement cost H.R. 2615.— To authorize the exchange of certain land value in determining the premium rates for flood in- located in Gulf Islands National Seashore, Jackson surance coverage under the National Flood Insurance County, Mississippi, between the National Park Serv- Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial ice and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and for other Services May 19, 2017. Reported amended July 14, purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May 23, 2017. 2017; Rept. 115–221. Reported Sept. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–302. Union Cal- Union Calendar ...... Union 156 endar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 28, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural H.R. 2579 (H. Res. 379).— To amend the Internal Rev- Resources Nov. 29, 2017. enue Code of 1986 to allow the premium tax credit with respect to unsubsidized COBRA continuation cov- H.R. 2626.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of erage. Referred to Ways and Means May 19, 2017. 2002 and the Immigration and Nationality Act to im- Reported amended June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–160. Union prove visa security, visa applicant vetting, and for Calendar. Passed House amended June 15, 2017; Roll other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addi- No. 308: 267–144. Received in Senate June 15, 2017. tion to Homeland Security May 24, 2017. Reported amended from Homeland Security Aug. 8, 2017; Rept. H.R. 2581 (H. Res. 378).— To amend the Internal Rev- 115–273, Pt. I. enue Code of 1986 to require the provision of social security numbers as a condition of receiving the health H.R. 2658.— To provide humanitarian assistance for the insurance premium tax credit. Referred to Ways and Venezuelan people, to defend democratic governance Means and in addition to Energy and Commerce May and combat widespread public corruption in Venezuela, 22, 2017. Reported amended from Ways and Means and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs June 2, 2017; Rept. 115–161, Pt. I. Energy and Com- and in addition to the Judiciary May 25, 2017. Consid- merce discharged June 2, 2017. Union Calendar. ered under suspension of rules Dec. 5, 2017. Rules Passed House amended June 13, 2017; Roll No. 306: suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 7, 2017; Roll 238–184. Received in Senate and referred to Finance No. 671: 388–29. Received in Senate and referred to June 14, 2017. Foreign Relations Dec. 11, 2017.

H.R. 2582.— To authorize the State of Utah to select H.R. 2664.— To direct the Secretary of Labor to train certain lands that are available for disposal under the certain Department of Labor personnel how to effec- Pony Express Resource Management Plan to be used tively detect and assist law enforcement in preventing for the support and benefit of State institutions, and human trafficking during the course of their primary for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May roles and responsibilities, and for other purposes. Re- 22, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 12, 2017; Rept. ferred to Education and the Workforce May 25, 2017. 115–305. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Rules suspended. Passed House July 12, 2017. Re- House amended Oct. 2, 2017. Received in Senate and ceived in Senate and referred to Health, Education, referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 3, 2017. Labor, and Pensions July 13, 2017. H.R. 2600.— To provide for the conveyance to the State of Iowa of the reversionary interest held by the United H.R. 2672.— To designate the facility of the United States in certain land in Pottawattamie County, Iowa, States Postal Service located at 520 Carter Street in and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Fairview, Illinois, as the ‘‘Sgt. Douglas J. Riney Post May 23, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 24, 2017; Rept. Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 115–368. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed May 25, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. House amended Nov. 1, 2017. Received in Senate and 15, 2017; Roll No. 636: 423–0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 2, referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 2017. fairs Nov. 16, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–31

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2706.— To provide requirements for the appropriate H.R. 2775.— To amend the National Labor Relations Federal banking agencies when requesting or ordering Act to require that lists of employees eligible to vote a depository institution to terminate a specific cus- in organizing elections be provided to the National tomer account, to provide for additional requirements Labor Relations Board. Referred to Education and the related to subpoenas issued under the Financial Insti- Workforce June 6, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 25, tutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 2017; Rept. 115–325. 1989, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Union Calendar ...... Union 235 Services May 25, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–414. Union Calendar. Rules sus- pended. Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2017; Roll H.R. 2776.— To amend the National Labor Relations No. 672: 395–2. Received in Senate and referred to Act with respect to the timing of elections and pre- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 12, 2017. election hearings and the identification of pre-election issues. Referred to Education and the Workforce June H.R. 2742.— To amend title IV of the Social Security 6, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. Act to require States to adopt an electronic system 115–326. to help expedite the placement of children in foster Union Calendar ...... Union 236 care or guardianship, or for adoption, across State lines, and to provide funding to aid States in devel- oping such a system, and for other purposes. Referred H.R. 2781.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Ways and Means May 25, 2017. Rules suspended. to certify the sufficient participation of small business Passed House June 20, 2017. Received in Senate June concerns owned and controlled by veterans and small 21, 2017. business concerns owned by veterans with service-con- nected disabilities in contracts under the Federal Stra- H.R. 2749.— To amend title 38, United States Code, tegic Sourcing Initiative, and for other purposes. Re- to improve the oversight of contracts awarded by the ferred to Veterans’ Affairs June 6, 2017. Reported Secretary of Veterans Affairs to small business con- amended July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–250. Union Cal- cerns owned and controlled by veterans, and for other endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 26, 2017. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Reported July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–243. Union Cal- Affairs July 25, 2017. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 25, 2017. H.R. 2786.— To amend the Federal Power Act with re- spect to the criteria and process to qualify as a quali- fying conduit hydropower facility. Referred to Energy H.R. 2763.— To amend the Small Business Act to im- and Commerce June 6, 2017. Reported amended July prove the Small Business Innovation Research pro- gram and Small Business Technology Transfer pro- 12, 2017; Rept. 115–213. Union Calendar. Rules sus- gram, and for other purposes. Referred to Small Busi- pended. Passed House amended July 18, 2017; Roll ness and in addition to Science, Space, and Technology No. 384: 420–2. Received in Senate and referred to May 30, 2017. Reported amended from Small Business Energy and Natural Resources July 19, 2017. Sept. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–313, Pt. I. Reported amended from Science, Space, and Technology Sept. 14, 2017; Pt. II. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed H.R. 2792 (H. Res. 533) (H.R. 2824).— To amend the House amended Oct. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and Social Security Act to make certain revisions to provi- referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Oct. sions limiting payment of benefits to fugitive felons 16, 2017. under titles II, VIII, and XVI of the Social Security Act. Referred to Ways and Means June 6, 2017. Re- ported amended Sept. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–316. Union H.R. 2768.— To designate certain mountain peaks in the State of Colorado as ‘‘Fowler Peak’’ and ‘‘Boskoff Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 28, 2017; Roll Peak’’. Referred to Natural Resources May 30, 2017. No. 543: 244–171. Received in Senate and referred Reported Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–291. House Cal- to Finance Sept. 28, 2017. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 28, 2017; Roll No. 638: 409–0. Received in Senate and referred H.R. 2805 (S. 504).— To permanently authorize the Asia- to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 29, 2017. Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card Program. Referred to Homeland Security June 7, 2017. H.R. 2772.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Reported amended Aug. 8, 2017; Rept. 115–274. to provide for requirements relating to the reassign- Union Calendar ...... Union 194 ment of Department of Veterans Affairs senior execu- tive employees. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs June 6, 2017. Reported July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–248. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 28, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- erans’ Affairs July 31, 2017. 7–32 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2810 (H. Res. 431) (H. Res. 440) (H. Res. 616) H.R. 2828.— To extend the deadline for commencement (S. 1519).— To authorize appropriations for fiscal year of construction of a hydroelectric project. Referred to 2018 for military activities of the Department of De- Energy and Commerce June 8, 2017. Rules suspended. fense and for military construction, to prescribe mili- Passed House July 18, 2017. Received in Senate and tary personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 19, other purposes. Referred to Armed Services June 7, 2017. 2017. Reported amended July 6, 2017; Rept. 115–200. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed July 11, H.R. 2834.— To improve the well-being of, and improve 2017; Pt. II. Considered July 12, 13, 2017. Passed permanency outcomes for, children and families af- House amended July 14, 2017; Roll No. 378: 344–81. fected by heroin, opioids, and other substance abuse. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Referred to Ways and Means June 8, 2017. Rules sus- July 18, 2017. Considered Sept. 13, 14, 2017. Passed pended. Passed House amended June 20, 2017. Re- Senate with amendment Sept. 18, 2017; Roll No. 199: ceived in Senate and referred to Finance June 21, 89–8. House disagreed to Senate amendment and 2017. asked for a conference Oct. 12, 2017. Senate insisted on its amendment and agreed to a conference Oct. 17, 2017. Conference report filed in the House Nov. H.R. 2842 (H. Res. 396).— To provide for the conduct 9, 2017; Rept. 115–404. House agreed to conference of demonstration projects to test the effectiveness of report Nov. 14, 2017; Roll No. 631: 356–70. Senate subsidized employment for TANF recipients. Referred agreed to conference report Nov. 16, 2017. Presented to Ways and Means June 8, 2017. Reported amended to the President Nov. 30, 2017. Approved Dec. 12, June 20, 2017; Rept. 115–185. Union Calendar. Passed 2017. Public Law 115–91. House amended June 23, 2017; Roll No. 322: 377–34. Received in Senate and referred to Finance June 26, H.R. 2815.— To designate the facility of the United 2017. States Postal Service located at 30 East Somerset Street in Raritan, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Sergeant John H.R. 2847.— To make improvements to the John H. Basilone Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Gov- Chafee Foster Care Independence Program and related ernment Reform June 7, 2017. Considered under sus- provisions. Referred to Ways and Means June 8, 2017. pension of rules Dec. 12, 2017. Rules suspended. Rules suspended. Passed House June 20, 2017; Roll Passed House amended Dec. 14, 2017. Received in Sen- No. 309: 391–8. Received in Senate and referred to ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- Finance June 21, 2017. mental Affairs Dec. 18, 2017. H.R. 2857.— To support foster care maintenance pay- H.R. 2823.— To amend the Employee Retirement Income ments for children with parents in a licensed residen- Security Act of 1974 and the Internal Revenue Code tial family-based treatment facility for substance of 1986 to ensure that retirement investors receive abuse. Referred to Ways and Means June 8, 2017. advice in their best interests, and for other purposes. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 20, Referred to Education and the Workforce and in addi- 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Finance June tion to Ways and Means June 8, 2017. Reported 21, 2017. amended from Education and the Workforce Oct. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–371, Pt. I. Referral to Ways and Means extended Oct. 25, 2017 for a period ending not H.R. 2864.— To direct the Securities and Exchange Com- later than Jan. 10, 2018. mission to allow certain issuers to be exempt from registration requirements, and for other purposes. Re- H.R. 2824 (H. Res. 533) (H.R. 2792).— To amend title ferred to Financial Services June 8, 2017. Reported V of the Social Security Act to extend the Maternal, amended Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–292. Union Cal- Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program. endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to Energy 5, 2017; Roll No. 440: 403–3. Received in Senate and and Commerce June 8, 2017. Reported amended from referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Sept. Ways and Means Sept. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–315, Pt. 6, 2017. I. Energy and Commerce discharged Sept. 21, 2017. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed from Ways H.R. 2866.— To review and improve licensing standards and Means Sept. 25, 2017; Pt. II. Passed House for placement in a relative foster family home. Re- amended Sept. 26, 2017; Roll No. 537: 214–209. Re- ferred to Ways and Means June 8, 2017. Rules sus- ceived in Senate and referred to Finance Sept. 28, pended. Passed House amended June 20, 2017; Roll 2017. No. 310: 382–19. Received in Senate and referred to Finance June 21, 2017. H.R. 2825.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to make certain improvements in the laws admin- istered by the Secretary of Homeland Security, and H.R. 2868.— To protect National Flood Insurance Pro- for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security gram policyholders from unreasonable premium rates June 8, 2017. Reported amended June 28, 2017; Rept. and to require the Program to consider the unique 115–198. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed characteristics of urban properties, and for other pur- House amended July 20, 2017; Roll No. 403: 386–41. poses. Referred to Financial Services June 8, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Reported July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–211. and Governmental Affairs July 20, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 148 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–33

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2872.— To amend the Federal Power Act to pro- H.R. 2897.— To authorize the Mayor of the District of mote hydropower development at existing nonpowered Columbia and the Director of the National Park Serv- dams, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and ice to enter into cooperative management agreements Commerce June 12, 2017. Reported amended from En- for the operation, maintenance, and management of ergy and Commerce Dec. 12, 2017; Rept. 115–461, Pt. units of the National Park System in the District of I. Referred to Natural Resources and Transportation Columbia, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural and Infrastructure Dec. 12, 2017 for a period ending Resources and in addition to Oversight and Govern- not later than Dec. 12, 2017. Natural Resources and ment Reform June 13, 2017. Reported from Oversight Transportation and Infrastructure discharged Dec. 12, and Government Reform Dec. 4, 2017; Rept. 115–436, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Pt. I. Reported from Natural Resources Dec. 5, 2017; amended Dec. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and re- Pt. II. ferred to Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 13, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 323 H.R. 2873.— To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 207 Glenside Avenue H.R. 2907.— To amend the Mineral Leasing Act to re- in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Staff Sergeant Peter quire the Secretary of the Interior to develop and pub- Taub Post Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and lish an all-of-the-above quadrennial Federal onshore Government Reform June 12, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 15, 2017. Received in Senate and energy production strategy to meet domestic energy referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- needs, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Re- fairs Nov. 16, 2017. sources June 15, 2017. Reported Nov. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–413. H.R. 2874 (H. Res. 616).— To achieve reforms to improve Union Calendar ...... Union 305 the financial stability of the National Flood Insurance Program, to enhance the development of more accurate estimates of flood risk through new technology and H.R. 2910 (H. Res. 454).— To provide for Federal and better maps, to increase the role of private markets State agency coordination in the approval of certain in the management of flood insurance risks, and to authorizations under the Natural Gas Act, and for provide for alternative methods to insure against flood other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce peril, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial June 15, 2017. Reported July 17, 2017; Rept. 115–223. Services June 12, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 11, Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 19, 2017; 2017; Rept. 115–304. Union Calendar. Passed House Roll No. 402: 248–179. Received in Senate and referred amended Nov. 14, 2017; Roll No. 630: 237–189. Re- to Commerce, Science and Transportation July 20, ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, 2017. and Urban Affairs Nov. 15, 2017.

H.R. 2875.— To make administrative reforms to the Na- H.R. 2921.— To establish a vegetation management pilot tional Flood Insurance Program to increase fairness program on National Forest System land to better pro- and accuracy and protect the taxpayer from program tect utility infrastructure from passing wildfire, and fraud and abuse, and for other purposes. Referred to for other purposes. Referred to Agriculture and in ad- Financial Services June 12, 2017. Reported July 18, dition to Natural Resources June 15, 2017. Reported 2017; Rept. 115–233. from Agriculture Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–357, Pt. I. Union Calendar ...... Union 166 Natural Resources discharged Oct. 19, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 31, H.R. 2880.— To amend the Federal Power Act to pro- 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Agriculture, mote closed-loop pumped storage hydropower, and for Nutrition, and Forestry Nov. 1, 2017. other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce June 12, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–458. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed H.R. 2936 (H. Res. 595).— To expedite under the Na- House amended Dec. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and tional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and improve referred to Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 13, forest management activities on National Forest Sys- 2017. tem lands, on public lands under the jurisdiction of H.R. 2883 (H. Res. 454).— To establish a more uniform, the Bureau of Land Management, and on Tribal lands transparent, and modern process to authorize the con- to return resilience to overgrown, fire-prone forested struction, connection, operation, and maintenance of lands, and for other purposes. Referred to Agriculture international border-crossing facilities for the import and in addition to Natural Resources, Education and and export of oil and natural gas and the transmission the Workforce, and Transportation and Infrastructure of electricity. Referred to Energy and Commerce and June 20, 2017. Reported amended from Agriculture in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure, and Oct. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–370, Pt. I. Reported amended Natural Resources June 12, 2017. Reported amended from Natural Resources Oct. 25, 2017; Pt. II. Edu- from Energy and Commerce July 17, 2017; Rept. cation and the Workforce and Transportation and In- 115–225, Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure and frastructure discharged Oct. 25, 2017. Union Calendar. Natural Resources discharged July 17, 2017. Union Passed House amended Nov. 1, 2017; Roll No. 598: Calendar. Passed House amended July 19, 2017; Roll 232–188. Received in Senate and referred to Agri- No. 398: 254–175. Received in Senate and referred culture, Nutrition, and Forestry Nov. 2, 2017. to Energy and Natural Resources July 20, 2017. 7–34 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 2937.— To amend the Surface Mining Control and H.R. 3017 (H. Res. 631).— To amend the Comprehensive Reclamation Act of 1977 to authorize partnerships be- Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability tween States and nongovernmental entities for the Act of 1980 to reauthorize and improve the brownfields purpose of reclaiming and restoring land and water program, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy resources adversely affected by coal mining activities and Commerce and in addition to Transportation and before August 3, 1977, and for other purposes. Re- Infrastructure June 22, 2017. Reported from Energy ferred to Natural Resources June 20, 2017. Reported and Commerce Sept. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–303, Pt. I. July 26, 2017; Rept. 115–260. Union Calendar. Rules Referral to Transportation and Infrastructure extended suspended. Passed House Oct. 2, 2017. Received in Sept. 11, 2017 for a period ending not later than Oct. Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources 13, 2017. Referral to Transportation and Infrastructure Oct. 3, 2017. extended Oct. 12, 2017 for a period ending not later than Nov. 9, 2017. Transportation and Infrastructure H.R. 2939.— To prohibit the conditioning of any permit, discharged Nov. 9, 2017. Union Calendar. Passed lease, or other use agreement on the transfer of any House amended Nov. 30, 2017; Roll No. 649: 409–8. water right to the United States by the Secretaries Received in Senate Dec. 1, 2017. of the Interior and Agriculture, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in addition to Agri- H.R. 3031 (S. 873).— To amend title 5, United States culture June 20, 2017. Reported from Natural Re- Code, to provide for flexibility in making withdrawals sources July 25, 2017; Rept. 115–257, Pt. I. Agriculture from a Thrift Savings Plan account, and for other pur- discharged July 25, 2017. poses. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Union Calendar ...... Union 187 June 23, 2017. Reported Oct. 10, 2017; Rept. 115–343. H.R. 2941.— To provide for the conveyance of certain Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House National Forest System land within Kisatchie National amended Oct. 11, 2017. Received in Senate Oct. 16, Forest in the State of Louisiana. Referred to Agri- 2017. Passed Senate Nov. 6, 2017. Presented to the culture June 20, 2017. Reported Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. President Nov. 8, 2017. Approved Nov. 17, 2017. 115–353. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Public Law 115–84. House Oct. 31, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Nov. 1, 2017. H.R. 3043 (H. Res. 607).— To modernize hydropower policy, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and H.R. 2989.— To establish the Frederick Douglass Bicen- Commerce and in addition to Oversight and Govern- tennial Commission. Referred to Oversight and Gov- ment Reform June 23, 2017. Reported amended from ernment Reform June 21, 2017. Reported amended Energy and Commerce Oct. 31, 2017; Rept. 115–377, Oct. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–340. Union Calendar. Rules Pt. I. Oversight and Government Reform discharged suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 11, 2017. Re- Oct. 31, 2017. Union Calendar. Passed House amended ceived in Senate Oct. 16, 2017. Passed Senate Oct. Nov. 8, 2017; Roll No. 620: 257–166. Received in Sen- 18, 2017. Presented to the President Oct. 24, 2017. ate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–77. 9, 2017.

H.R. 2997.— To transfer operation of air traffic services H.R. 3050.— To amend the Energy Policy and Conserva- currently provided by the Federal Aviation Administra- tion Act to provide Federal financial assistance to tion to a separate not-for-profit corporate entity, to States to implement, review, and revise State energy reauthorize programs of the Federal Aviation Adminis- security plans, and for other purposes. Referred to En- tration, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- ergy and Commerce June 23, 2017. Reported amended tation and Infrastructure June 22, 2017. Reported July 17, 2017; Rept. 115–224. Union Calendar. Rules amended Sept. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–296. suspended. Passed House amended July 18, 2017. Re- Union Calendar ...... Union 213 ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 19, 2017. H.R. 2998 (H.R. 3219).— Making appropriations for mili- tary construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, H.R. 3053.— To amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act and related agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- of 1982, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy tember 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported and Commerce and in addition to Natural Resources, from Appropriations June 22, 2017; Rept. 115–188. and Armed Services June 26, 2017. Reported amended Union Calendar ...... Union 127 from Energy and Commerce Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. H.R. 3003 (H. Res. 414).— To amend the Immigration 115–355, Pt. I. Natural Resources and Armed Services and Nationality Act to modify provisions relating to discharged Oct. 19, 2017. assistance by States, and political subdivision of Union Calendar ...... Union 259 States, in the enforcement of Federal immigration laws, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary H.R. 3071.— To require executive agencies to consider June 22, 2017. Passed House June 29, 2017; Roll No. equipment rental in any cost-effectiveness analysis for 342: 228–195. Received in Senate July 10, 2017. equipment acquisition, and for other purposes. Re- ferred to Oversight and Government Reform June 27, H.R. 3004 (H. Res. 415).— To amend section 276 of the 2017. Reported Nov. 8, 2017; Rept. 115–402. Union Immigration and Nationality Act relating to reentry Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended of removed aliens. Referred to the Judiciary June 22, Nov. 13, 2017; Roll No. 624: 396–0. Received in Senate 2017. Passed House June 29, 2017; Roll No. 344: and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 257–167. Received in Senate July 10, 2017. Affairs Nov. 14, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–35

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3072.— To increase from $10,000,000,000 to H.R. 3122.— To protect individuals who are eligible for $50,000,000,000 the threshold figure at which regu- increased pension under laws administered by the Sec- lated depository institutions are subject to direct exam- retary of Veterans Affairs on the basis of need of reg- ination and reporting requirements of the Bureau of ular aid and attendance from dishonest, predatory, or Consumer Financial Protection, and for other pur- otherwise unlawful practices, and for other purposes. poses. Referred to Financial Services June 27, 2017. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs June 29, 2017. Reported Reported Nov. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–420. amended Nov. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–385. Union Cal- Union Calendar ...... Union 311 endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 6, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans’ H.R. 3093.— To amend the Volcker Rule to permit cer- Affairs Nov. 7, 2017. tain investment advisers to share a similar name with a private equity fund, subject to certain restrictions, H.R. 3162 (H.R. 3219) (S. 1648).— Making appropria- and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services tions for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year June 28, 2017. Reported Nov. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–426. ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. Reported from Appropriations July 6, 2017; Rept. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 115–199. Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 12, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 136

H.R. 3101.— To enhance cybersecurity information shar- H.R. 3168.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security ing and coordination at ports in the United States, Act to provide continued access to specialized Medicare and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Advantage plans for special needs individuals, and for and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means and in June 28, 2017. Reported from Homeland Security Oct. addition to Energy and Commerce July 6, 2017. Re- 19, 2017; Rept. 115–356, Pt. I. Transportation and In- ported amended from Ways and Means Dec. 21, 2017; frastructure discharged Oct. 19, 2017. Union Calendar. Rept. 115–478, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce discharged Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 24, Dec. 21, 2017. 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Union Calendar ...... Union 353 Science and Transportation Oct. 25, 2017. H.R. 3176.— To prohibit the Federal Emergency Man- H.R. 3109.— To designate the facility of the United agement Agency from recouping certain assistance, States Postal Service located at 1114 North 2nd Street and for other purposes. Referred to Transportation and in Chillicothe, Illinois, as the ‘‘Sr. Chief Ryan Owens Infrastructure July 11, 2017. Reported amended Nov. Post Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Gov- 21, 2017; Rept. 115–418. ernment Reform June 29, 2017. Considered under sus- Union Calendar ...... Union 310 pension of rules Nov. 15, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 16, 2017. Received in Senate and H.R. 3178.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Act to improve the delivery of home infusion therapy fairs Nov. 27, 2017. and dialysis and the application of the Stark rule H.R. 3110.— To amend the Financial Stability Act of under the Medicare program, and for other purposes. 2010 to modify the term of the independent member Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to of the Financial Stability Oversight Council. Referred Ways and Means July 11, 2017. Reported amended to Financial Services June 29, 2017. Reported Sept. from Ways and Means July 25, 2017; Rept. 115–254, 5, 2017; Rept. 115–293. Union Calendar. Rules sus- Pt. I. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July pended. Passed House Sept. 5, 2017; Roll No. 439: 25, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Finance 407–1. Received in Senate Sept. 6, 2017. Passed Sen- July 26, 2017. ate Sept. 19, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 26, 2017. Approved Sept. 27, 2017. Public Law H.R. 3180 (H. Res. 481) (S. 1761).— To authorize appro- 115–61. priations for fiscal year 2018 for intelligence and intel- ligence-related activities of the United States Govern- H.R. 3115.— To provide for a land exchange involving ment, the Community Management Account, and the Federal land in the Superior National Forest in Min- Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability nesota acquired by the Secretary of Agriculture System, and for other purposes. Referred to Intel- through the Weeks Law, and for other purposes. Re- ligence July 11, 2017. Reported amended July 24, ferred to Natural Resources June 29, 2017. Reported 2017; Rept. 115–251. Union Calendar. Failed of pas- amended Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–287. Union Cal- sage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds re- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. quired) July 24, 2017; Roll No. 407: 241–163. Passed 28, 2017; Roll No. 639: 309–99. Received in Senate House amended July 28, 2017; Roll No. 437: 380–35. and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Received in Senate and referred to Intelligence July Nov. 29, 2017. 31, 2017.

H.R. 3120.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security H.R. 3202.— To require the Secretary of Homeland Secu- Act to reduce the volume of future electronic health rity to submit a report on cyber vulnerability disclo- record-related significant hardship requests. Referred sures, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland to Ways and Means and in addition to Energy and Security July 12, 2017. Reported Sept. 1, 2017; Rept. Commerce June 29, 2017. Reported from Energy and 115–283. Commerce Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–445, Pt. I. Union Calendar ...... Union 203 7–36 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3210.— To require the Director of the National H.R. 3245.— To amend title XI of the Social Security Background Investigations Bureau to submit a report Act to increase civil money penalties and criminal fines on the backlog of personnel security clearance inves- for Federal health care program fraud and abuse, and tigations, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and Government Reform July 12, 2017. Reported and in addition to Ways and Means July 14, 2017. amended July 25, 2017; Rept. 115–258. Union Cal- Reported from Energy and Commerce Dec. 6, 2017; endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July Rept. 115–448, Pt. I. Ways and Means discharged Dec. 26, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 6, 2017. Security and Governmental Affairs July 27, 2017. Re- Union Calendar ...... Union 330 ported with amendment Nov. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–185. H.R. 3262.— To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs H.R. 3218 (S. 1598).— To amend title 38, United States to carry out a pilot program to provide educational Code, to make certain improvements in the laws ad- assistance to certain former members of the Armed ministered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and Forces for education and training as physician assist- for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs and ants of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to estab- in addition to Armed Services July 13, 2017. Reported lish pay grades and require competitive pay for physi- amended from Veterans’ Affairs July 24, 2017; Rept. cian assistants of the Department, and for other pur- 115–247, Pt. I. Armed Services discharged July 24, poses. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs July 17, 2017. Re- 2017. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House ported amended July 28, 2017; Rept. 115–267. Union amended July 24, 2017; Roll No. 409: 405–0. Received Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended in Senate July 25, 2017. Passed Senate Aug. 2, 2017. July 28, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- Presented to the President Aug. 7, 2017. Approved erans’ Affairs July 31, 2017. Aug. 16, 2017. Public Law 115–48.

H.R. 3263.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security H.R. 3219 (H. Res. 473) (H. Res. 478) (H.R. 2998) (H.R. Act to extend the Medicare independence at home 3162) (H.R. 3266) (H.R. 3354).— Making appropria- medical practice demonstration program. Referred to tions for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year Ways and Means and in addition to Energy and Com- ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. merce July 17, 2017. Reported amended from Energy Reported from Appropriations July 13, 2017; Rept. and Commerce Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–446, Pt. I. 115–219. Union Calendar. Considered July 26, 2017. Passed House amended July 27, 2017; Roll No. 435: 235–192. Received in Senate July 31, 2017. Ordered H.R. 3266 (H.R. 3219) (S. 1609).— Making appropria- placed on the calendar Aug. 1, 2017. tions for energy and water development and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, H.R. 3229 (S. 1584).— To protect the safety of judges and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations by extending the authority of the Judicial Conference July 17, 2017; Rept. 115–230. to redact sensitive information contained in their fi- Union Calendar ...... Union 163 nancial disclosure reports, and for other purposes. Re- ferred to the Judiciary July 13, 2017. Reported Sept. H.R. 3267 (H.R. 3354) (S. 1662).— Making appropria- 26, 2017; Rept. 115–332. Union Calendar. Rules sus- tions for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, pended. Passed House amended Sept. 27, 2017. Re- Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year end- ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security ing September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Re- and Governmental Affairs Sept. 28, 2017. ported from Appropriations July 17, 2017; Rept. 115–231. H.R. 3243.— To amend title 40, United States Code, Union Calendar ...... Union 164 to eliminate the sunset of certain provisions relating to information technology, to amend the National De- H.R. 3268 (H.R. 3354) (S. 1603).— Making appropria- fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 to extend tions for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and the sunset relating to the Federal Data Center Consoli- Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs dation Initiative, and for other purposes. Referred to for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and Oversight and Government Reform July 14, 2017. Re- for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July ported Oct. 10, 2017; Rept. 115–344. Union Calendar. 17, 2017; Rept. 115–232. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 11, 2017; Roll Union Calendar ...... Union 165 No. 563: 418–0. Received in Senate Oct. 16, 2017. Passed Senate Nov. 8, 2017. Presented to the Presi- dent Nov. 9, 2017. Approved Nov. 21, 2017. Public H.R. 3271.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Law 115–88. Act in order to strengthen rules in case of competition for diabetic testing strips, and for other purposes. Re- H.R. 3244.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to ferred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to provide for annual surveys of Federal employees, and Ways and Means July 17, 2017. Reported amended for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Govern- from Energy and Commerce Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. ment Reform July 14, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 115–447, Pt. I. Ways and Means discharged Dec. 6, 8, 2017; Rept. 115–403. 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 297 Union Calendar ...... Union 329 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–37

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3279.— To amend the Mineral Leasing Act to pro- H.R. 3326.— To increase accountability, combat corrup- vide that extraction of helium from gas produced under tion, and strengthen management effectiveness at the a Federal mineral lease shall maintain the lease as World Bank. Referred to Financial Services July 20, if the helium were oil and gas. Referred to Natural 2017. Reported amended Sept. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–298. Resources July 18, 2017. Reported Oct. 23, 2017; Rept. Union Calendar ...... Union 214 115–365. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 1, 2017. Received in Senate and referred H.R. 3328.— To require a study regarding security meas- to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 2, 2017. ures and equipment at Cuba’s airports, require the standardization of Federal Air Marshal Service agree- H.R. 3280 (H.R. 3354).— Making appropriations for fi- ments, require efforts to raise international aviation nancial services and general government for the fiscal security standards, and for other purposes. Referred year ending September 30, 2018, and for other pur- to Homeland Security and in addition to Foreign Af- poses. Reported from Appropriations July 18, 2017; fairs, and Transportation and Infrastructure July 20, Rept. 115–234. 2017. Reported from Homeland Security Sept. 13, Union Calendar ...... Union 167 2017; Rept. 115–308, Pt. I. Foreign Affairs and Trans- portation and Infrastructure discharged Sept. 13, 2017. H.R. 3281.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. to facilitate the transfer to non-Federal ownership of 23, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Com- appropriate reclamation projects or facilities, and for merce, Science and Transportation Oct. 24, 2017. other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources July 18, 2017. Reported Sept. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–334. H.R. 3329 (S. 1595).— To amend the Hizballah Inter- Union Calendar ...... Union 242 national Financing Prevention Act of 2015 to impose additional sanctions with respect to Hizballah, and for H.R. 3284.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in ad- 2002 to establish a Joint Counterterrorism Awareness dition to Financial Services, and the Judiciary July Workshop Series, and for other purposes. Referred to 20, 2017. Reported amended from Foreign Affairs Oct. Homeland Security July 18, 2017. Reported Sept. 1, 24, 2017; Rept. 115–366, Pt. I. Financial Services and 2017; Rept. 115–284. Union Calendar. Considered the Judiciary discharged Oct. 24, 2017. Union Cal- under suspension of rules Sept. 12, 2017. Rules sus- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. pended. Passed House amended Sept. 14, 2017; Roll 25, 2017. Received in Senate and ordered placed on No. 529: 398–4. Received in Senate and referred to the calendar Oct. 26, 2017. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 18, 2017. H.R. 3342.— To impose sanctions on foreign persons that are responsible for gross violations of internationally H.R. 3298.— To authorize the Capitol Police Board to recognized human rights by reason of the use by make payments from the United States Capitol Police Hizballah of civilians as human shields, and for other Memorial Fund to employees of the United States Cap- purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition itol Police who have sustained serious line-of-duty inju- to the Judiciary July 20, 2017. Reported from Foreign ries, and for other purposes. Referred to House Admin- Affairs Oct. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–367, Pt. I. The Judici- istration July 19, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed ary discharged Oct. 24, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules House amended July 24, 2017. Received in Senate and suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 25, 2017. Re- referred to Rules and Administration July 24, 2017. ceived in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Oct. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amend- 26, 2017. ment July 27, 2017. House agreed to Senate amend- ment July 27, 2017. Presented to the President July 27, 2017. Approved Aug. 4, 2017. Public Law H.R. 3353 (H.R. 3354) (S. 1655).— Making appropria- 115–45. tions for the Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies H.R. 3312 (H. Res. 667).— To amend the Dodd-Frank for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July specify when bank holding companies may be subject 21, 2017; Rept. 115–237. to certain enhanced supervision, and for other pur- Union Calendar ...... Union 169 poses. Referred to Financial Services July 19, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–423. H.R. 3354 (H. Res. 500) (H. Res. 504) (H.R. 3219) (H.R. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Dec. 19, 2017; 3267) (H.R. 3268) (H.R. 3280) (H.R. 3353) (H.R. 3355) Roll No. 694: 288–130. Received in Senate and referred (H.R. 3358) (H.R. 3362).— Making appropriations for to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 20, 2017. the Department of the Interior, environment, and re- lated agencies for the fiscal year ending September H.R. 3317.— To amend title 18, United States Code, 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported from Appro- to increase the penalty for female genital mutilation, priations July 21, 2017; Rept. 115–238. Union Cal- and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary July endar. Considered Sept. 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 2017. Passed 19, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended House amended Sept. 14, 2017; Roll No. 528: 211–198. Dec. 5, 2017; Roll No. 656: 409–0. Received in Senate Received in Senate Sept. 25, 2017. Ordered placed on and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 6, 2017. the calendar Sept. 27, 2017. 7–38 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3355 (H.R. 3354).— Making appropriations for the H.R. 3388.— To provide for information on highly auto- Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year mated driving systems to be made available to prospec- ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. tive buyers. Referred to Energy and Commerce July Reported from Appropriations July 21, 2017; Rept. 25, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–239. 115–294. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed Union Calendar ...... Union 171 House amended Sept. 6, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation H.R. 3358 (H.R. 3354) (S. 1771).— Making appropria- Sept. 7, 2017. tions for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies H.R. 3441 (H. Res. 607).— To clarify the treatment of for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and two or more employers as joint employers under the for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor 24, 2017; Rept. 115–244. Standards Act of 1938. Referred to Education and the Union Calendar ...... Union 176 Workforce July 27, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 1, 2017; Rept. 115–379. Union Calendar. Passed House H.R. 3359.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of amended Nov. 7, 2017; Roll No. 614: 242–181. Received 2002 to authorize the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure in Senate Nov. 8, 2017. Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Secu- rity, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland H.R. 3469.— To designate the bridge located in Blount Security and in addition to Energy and Commerce, County, Tennessee, on the Foothills Parkway (com- Oversight and Government Reform, and Transpor- monly known as ‘‘Bridge 2’’) as the ‘‘Dean Stone tation and Infrastructure July 24, 2017. Reported from Bridge’’. Referred to Natural Resources July 27, 2017. Homeland Security Dec. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–454, Pt. Reported Nov. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–421. I. Energy and Commerce, Oversight and Government House Calendar ...... House 103 Reform, and Transportation and Infrastructure dis- charged Dec. 11, 2017. Union Calendar. Rules sus- H.R. 3551.— To amend the Security and Accountability pended. Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2017. Re- for Every Port Act of 2006 to reauthorize the Customs- ceived in Senate and referred to Homeland Security Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Program, and for and Governmental Affairs Dec. 12, 2017. other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security July 28, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. H.R. 3362 (H.R. 3354) (S. 1780).— Making appropria- 115–323. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed tions for the Department of State, foreign operations, House amended Oct. 23, 2017; Roll No. 569: 402–1. and related programs for the fiscal year ending Sep- Received in Senate and referred to Finance Oct. 24, tember 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported 2017. from Appropriations July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–253. Union Calendar ...... Union 184 H.R. 3562.— To amend title 38, United States Code, H.R. 3364.— To provide congressional review and to to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to fur- counter aggression by the Governments of Iran, the nish assistance for adaptations of residences of vet- Russian Federation, and North Korea, and for other erans in rehabilitation programs under chapter 31 of purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition such title, and for other purposes. Referred to Vet- to Intelligence, the Judiciary, Oversight and Govern- erans’ Affairs July 28, 2017. Reported Nov. 6, 2017; ment Reform, Armed Services, Financial Services, Rept. 115–386. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Rules, Ways and Means, and Transportation and In- Passed House Nov. 6, 2017; Roll No. 607: 400–0. Re- frastructure July 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed ceived in Senate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. House July 25, 2017; Roll No. 413: 419–3. Received 7, 2017. in Senate July 26, 2017. Passed Senate July 27, 2017; Roll No. 175: 98–2. Presented to the President July H.R. 3567.— To authorize the purchase of a small parcel 28, 2017. Approved Aug. 2, 2017. Public Law of Natural Resources Conservation Service property in 115–44. Riverside, California, by the Riverside Corona Re- source Conservation District, and for other purposes. H.R. 3369.— To designate the facility of the United Referred to Agriculture July 28, 2017. Reported Oct. States Postal Service located at 225 North Main Street 26, 2017; Rept. 115–372. Union Calendar. Rules sus- in Spring Lake, North Carolina, as the ‘‘Howard B. pended. Passed House Oct. 31, 2017. Received in Sen- Pate, Jr. Post Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Gov- ate and referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- ernment Reform July 24, 2017. Rules suspended. estry Nov. 1, 2017. Passed House Nov. 15, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- H.R. 3634.— To amend title 38, United States Code, fairs Nov. 16, 2017. to ensure that individuals may access documentation verifying the monthly housing stipend paid to the indi- H.R. 3387.— To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act vidual under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Pro- to improve public water systems and enhance compli- gram of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred ance with such Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Aug. 1, 2017. Reported Nov. 7, to Energy and Commerce July 25, 2017. Reported 2017; Rept. 115–396. Union Calendar. Rules sus- amended Nov. 1, 2017; Rept. 115–380. pended. Passed House Nov. 7, 2017. Received in Sen- Union Calendar ...... Union 279 ate and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. 8, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–39

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3638.— To designate the facility of the United H.R. 3705.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs States Postal Service located at 1100 Kings Road in to require the use of certified mail and plain language Jacksonville, Florida, as the ‘‘Rutledge Pearson Post in certain debt collection activities. Referred to Vet- Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Govern- erans’ Affairs Sept. 7, 2017. Reported amended Nov. ment Reform Aug. 1, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed 7, 2017; Rept. 115–397. Union Calendar. Considered House Dec. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred under suspension of rules Nov. 7, 2017. Rules sus- to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. pended. Passed House amended Nov. 8, 2017; Roll No. 13, 2017. 621: 422–0. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- erans’ Affairs Nov. 9, 2017. H.R. 3655.— To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1300 Main Street in H.R. 3726.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Belmar, New Jersey, as the ‘‘Dr. Walter S. McAfee Act to create alternative sanctions for technical non- Post Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Gov- compliance with the Stark rule under Medicare, and ernment Reform Aug. 15, 2017. Rules suspended. for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Passed House Dec. 12, 2017. Received in Senate and and in addition to Ways and Means Sept. 11, 2017. referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Reported amended from Ways and Means Dec. 21, fairs Dec. 13, 2017. 2017; Rept. 115–479, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce dis- charged Dec. 21, 2017. H.R. 3656.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Union Calendar ...... Union 354 to provide for a consistent eligibility date for provision of Department of Veterans Affairs memorial H.R. 3727.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security headstones and markers for eligible spouses and de- Act to include additional telehealth services for pur- pendent children of veterans whose remains are un- poses of MA organization bids, and for other purposes. available. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Aug. 18, 2017. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to Energy Reported amended Nov. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–387. Union and Commerce Sept. 11, 2017. Reported amended from Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Ways and Means Dec. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–480, Pt. Nov. 6, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- I. Energy and Commerce discharged Dec. 21, 2017. erans’ Affairs Nov. 7, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 355 H.R. 3729.— To amend titles XI and XVIII of the Social H.R. 3657.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Security Act to facilitate provider and supplier cost to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to pro- reporting of ambulance services under the Medicare vide headstones and markers for the graves of spouses program, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and children of veterans who are buried in tribal ceme- and Means and in addition to Energy and Commerce teries. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Aug. 18, 2017. Sept. 11, 2017. Reported amended from Ways and Reported amended Nov. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–388. Union Means Dec. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–481, Pt. I. Energy Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended and Commerce discharged Dec. 21, 2017. Nov. 6, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Vet- Union Calendar ...... Union 356 erans’ Affairs Nov. 7, 2017. H.R. 3731.— To provide overtime pay for employees of H.R. 3668.— To provide for the preservation of sports- the United States Secret Service, and for other pur- men’s heritage and enhance recreation opportunities poses. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to on Federal land, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 11, 2017. Re- Natural Resources and in addition to Agriculture, the ported from Oversight and Government Reform Dec. Judiciary, Energy and Commerce, Transportation and 4, 2017; Rept. 115–435, Pt. I. Rules suspended. Passed Infrastructure, and Ways and Means Sept. 1, 2017. House amended Dec. 5, 2017; Roll No. 655: 407–4. Reported amended from Natural Resources Sept. 18, Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 2017; Rept. 115–314, Pt. I. Agriculture, the Judiciary, 6, 2017. Energy and Commerce, Transportation and Infrastruc- ture, and Ways and Means discharged Sept. 18, 2017. H.R. 3732.— To amend section 1113 of the Social Secu- Union Calendar ...... Union 224 rity Act to provide authority for increased fiscal year 2017 and 2018 payments for temporary assistance to H.R. 3669.— To improve and streamline security proce- United States citizens returned from foreign countries. dures related to general aviation and commercial char- Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to the ter air carrier utilizing risk-based security standards, Budget Sept. 11, 2017. Committees discharged. Passed and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security House Sept. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and passed Sept. 1, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 12, 2017; Rept. Sept. 11, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 11, 115–346. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 2017. Approved Sept. 12, 2017. Public Law 115–57. House amended Dec. 11, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Dec. H.R. 3739.— To amend the Act of August 25, 1958, com- 12, 2017. monly known as the ‘‘Former Presidents Act of 1958’’, with respect to the monetary allowance payable to a H.R. 3697 (H. Res. 513).— To amend the Immigration former President, and for other purposes. Referred to and Nationality Act with respect to aliens associated Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 12, 2017. Re- with criminal gangs, and for other purposes. Referred ported Nov. 13, 2017; Rept. 115–407. Union Calendar. to the Judiciary Sept. 7, 2017. Passed House amended Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 13, Sept. 14, 2017; Roll No. 517: 233–175. Received in 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Senate and referred to the Judiciary Sept. 18, 2017. Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 14, 2017. 7–40 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3758.— To provide immunity from suit for certain H.R. 3823 (H. Res. 538).— To amend title 49, United individuals who disclose potential examples of financial States Code, to extend authorizations for the airport exploitation of senior citizens, and for other purposes. improvement program, to amend the Internal Revenue Referred to Financial Services Sept. 13, 2017. Reported Code of 1986 to extend the funding and expenditure Nov. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–424. authority of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, to Union Calendar ...... Union 314 provide disaster tax relief, and for other purposes. Re- ferred to Ways and Means and in addition to Transpor- tation and Infrastructure, Energy and Commerce, Fi- H.R. 3759 (S. 1028).— To provide for the establishment nancial Services, and the Budget Sept. 25, 2017. Failed and maintenance of a Family Caregiving Strategy, and of passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds for other purposes. Referred to Education and the required) Sept. 25, 2017; Roll No. 530: 245–171. Con- Workforce Sept. 13, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed sidered Sept. 27, 2017. Passed House amended Sept. House amended Dec. 18, 2017. Received in Senate and 28, 2017; Roll No. 542: 264–155. Received in Senate referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and passed with amendment Sept. 28, 2017. House Dec. 19, 2017. agreed to Senate amendment Sept. 28, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2017. Approved Sept. 29, 2017. Public Law 115–63. H.R. 3813 (S. 1536).— To designate a human trafficking prevention coordinator and to expand the scope of ac- tivities authorized under the Federal Motor Carrier H.R. 3893.— To designate the facility of the United Safety Administration’s outreach and education pro- States Postal Service located at 100 Mathe Avenue gram to include human trafficking prevention activi- in Interlachen, Florida, as the ‘‘Robert H. Jenkins Post ties, and for other purposes. Referred to Transpor- Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform tation and Infrastructure Sept. 21, 2017. Reported Dec. Sept. 28, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- ed Nov. 15, 2017. Received in Senate and referred 18, 2017; Rept. 115–467. to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. Union Calendar ...... Union 346 16, 2017.

H.R. 3814 (S. 1532).— To disqualify from operating a H.R. 3897.— To amend title 10, United States Code, commercial motor vehicle for life an individual who to provide for the issuance of the Gold Star Installation uses a commercial motor vehicle in committing a fel- Access Card to the surviving spouse, dependent chil- ony involving human trafficking. Referred to Transpor- dren, and other next of kin of a member of the Armed tation and Infrastructure Sept. 21, 2017. Reported Dec. Forces who dies while serving on certain active or 18, 2017; Rept. 115–468. reserve duty, to ensure that a remarried surviving Union Calendar ...... Union 347 spouse with dependent children of the deceased mem- ber remains eligible for installation benefits to which H.R. 3819.— To amend title 38, United States Code, the surviving spouse was previously eligible, and for to extend certain expiring provisions of law adminis- other purposes. Referred to Armed Services Oct. 2, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House Nov. 7, tered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Armed Serv- other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs and in ices Nov. 8, 2017. addition to the Budget, and Armed Services Sept. 25, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 25, 2017. Received in Senate Sept. 26, 2017. Passed Senate Sept. H.R. 3898.— To require the Secretary of the Treasury 27, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 28, 2017. to place conditions on certain accounts at United Approved Sept. 29, 2017. Public Law 115–62. States financial institutions with respect to North Korea, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Oct. 2, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 23, 2017; H.R. 3821.— To designate the facility of the United Rept. 115–361. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. States Postal Service located at 430 Main Street in Passed House amended Oct. 24, 2017; Roll No. 581: Clermont, Georgia, as the ‘‘Zachary Addington Post 415–2. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Re- Office’’. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform lations Oct. 25, 2017. Sept. 25, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amend- ed Nov. 15, 2017; Roll No. 635: 420–0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- H.R. 3903.— To amend the Securities Act of 1933 to expand the ability to use testing the waters and con- mental Affairs Nov. 16, 2017. fidential draft registration submissions, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Oct. 2, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 31, 2017; Rept. 115–374. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 1, 2017; Roll No. 599: 419–0. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 2, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–41

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 3905 (H. Res. 631).— To require congressional ap- H.R. 3972.— To clarify that family offices and family proval of any mineral withdrawal or monument des- clients are accredited investors, and for other purposes. ignation involving the National Forest System lands Referred to Financial Services Oct. 5, 2017. Reported in the State of Minnesota, to provide for the renewal amended Oct. 23, 2017; Rept. 115–362. Union Cal- of certain mineral leases in such lands, and for other endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Oct. 2, 2017. 24, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Reported Nov. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–422. Union Cal- Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 25, 2017. endar. Considered Nov. 29, 2017. Passed House amended Nov. 30, 2017; Roll No. 643: 216–204. Re- H.R. 3973.— To amend the Securities Exchange Act of ceived in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 1934 to require certain entities to develop internal risk Resources Dec. 1, 2017. control mechanisms to safeguard and govern the stor- age of market data. Referred to Financial Services Oct. H.R. 3911.— To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 5, 2017. Reported Nov. 9, 2017; Rept. 115–405. Union 1934 with respect to risk-based examinations of Na- Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, tionally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations. 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Referred to Financial Services Oct. 2, 2017. Reported Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 14, 2017. Nov. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–384. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 7, 2017; Roll No. 615: H.R. 3979.— To amend the Fish and Wildlife Act of 389–32. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 1956 to reauthorize the volunteer services, community Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 8, 2017. partnership, and refuge education programs of the Na- tional Wildlife Refuge System, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Oct. 5, 2017. Reported H.R. 3921.— To extend funding for the Children’s Health amended Dec. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–438. Union Calendar. Insurance Program, and for other purposes. Referred Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 18, to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways 2017; Roll No. 687: 371–14. Received in Senate Dec. and Means Oct. 3, 2017. Reported amended from En- 19, 2017. ergy and Commerce Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–358, Pt. I. Referral to Ways and Means extended Oct. 19, 2017 H.R. 4010.— To amend the Revised Statutes of the for a period ending not later than Oct. 23, 2017. Ways United States and title 28, United States Code, to and Means discharged Oct. 23, 2017. enhance compliance with requests for information pur- Union Calendar ...... Union 263 suant to legislative power under Article I of the Con- stitution, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judi- H.R. 3922 (H. Res. 601).— To extend funding for certain ciary Oct. 11, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 23, 2017; public health programs, and for other purposes. Re- Rept. 115–360. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. ferred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Passed House amended Oct. 23, 2017. Received in Sen- Ways and Means Oct. 3, 2017. Reported amended from ate and referred to the Judiciary Oct. 24, 2017. Energy and Commerce Oct. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–359, Pt. I. Ways and Means discharged Oct. 19, 2017. Union H.R. 4015 (H. Res. 657).— To improve the quality of Calendar. Passed House amended Nov. 3, 2017; Roll proxy advisory firms for the protection of investors No. 606: 242–174. Received in Senate and referred and the U.S. economy, and in the public interest, by to Finance Nov. 6, 2017. fostering accountability, transparency, responsiveness, and competition in the proxy advisory firm industry. H.R. 3949.— To amend title 38, United States Code, Referred to Financial Services Oct. 11, 2017. Reported to provide for the designation of State approving agen- Dec. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–451. Union Calendar. Passed cies for multi-State apprenticeship programs for pur- House amended Dec. 20, 2017; Roll No. 702: 238–182. poses of the educational assistance programs of the Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Veterans’ and Urban Affairs Dec. 21, 2017. Affairs Oct. 4, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–398. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. H.R. 4038.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of Passed House amended Nov. 7, 2017. Received in Sen- 2002 to reassert article I authorities over the Depart- ate Nov. 8, 2017. Passed Senate Nov. 15, 2017. Pre- ment of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. sented to the President Nov. 17, 2017. Approved Nov. Referred to Homeland Security Oct. 12, 2017. Rules 21, 2017. Public Law 115–89. suspended. Passed House Oct. 23, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- mental Affairs Oct. 24, 2017. H.R. 3971 (H. Res. 647).— To amend the Truth in Lend- ing Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures H.R. 4042.— To designate the facility of the United Act of 1974 to modify the requirements for community States Postal Service located at 1415 West Oak Street, financial institutions with respect to certain rules re- in Kissimmee, Florida, as the ‘‘Borinqueneers Post Of- lating to mortgage loans, and for other purposes. Re- fice Building’’. Referred to Oversight and Government ferred to Financial Services Oct. 5, 2017. Reported Reform Oct. 12, 2017. Considered under suspension Nov. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–432. Union Calendar. Passed of rules Dec. 12, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House House amended Dec. 12, 2017; Roll No. 675: 294–129. Dec. 14, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. 18, and Urban Affairs Dec. 13, 2017. 2017. 7–42 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 4171.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to H.R. 4285.— To designate the facility of the United extend the authority to conduct telework travel ex- States Postal Service located at 123 Bridgeton Pike penses test programs, and for other purposes. Referred in Mullica Hill, New Jersey, as the ‘‘James C. ‘Billy’ to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 31, 2017. Johnson Post Office Building’’. Referred to Oversight Reported Dec. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–460. Union Cal- and Government Reform Nov. 7, 2017. Rules sus- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. pended. Passed House Dec. 12, 2017. Received in Sen- 12, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland ate and referred to Homeland Security and Govern- Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. 13, 2017. mental Affairs Dec. 13, 2017.

H.R. 4292.— To reform the living will process under H.R. 4173.— To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer to conduct a study on the Veterans Crisis Line. Re- Protection Act. Referred to Financial Services Nov. 7, ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Oct. 31, 2017. Reported 2017. Reported amended Dec. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–465. amended Nov. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–400. Union Cal- Union Calendar ...... Union 345 endar. Considered under suspension of rules Nov. 7, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. H.R. 4300.— To authorize Pacific Historic Parks to es- 8, 2017; Roll No. 618: 420–0. Received in Senate and tablish a commemorative display to honor members referred to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. 9, 2017. of the United States Armed Forces who served in the Pacific Theater of World War II, and for other pur- poses. Referred to Natural Resources Nov. 8, 2017. H.R. 4174.— To amend titles 5 and 44, United States Reported Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–450. Union Calendar. Code, to require Federal evaluation activities, improve Passed House Dec. 7, 2017. Received in Senate and Federal data management, and for other purposes. Re- referred to Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 11, ferred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 31, 2017. 2017. Reported Nov. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–411. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended H.R. 4323.— To promote veteran involvement in STEM Nov. 15, 2017. Received in Senate and referred to education, computer science, and scientific research, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 16, and for other purposes. Referred to Science, Space, 2017. and Technology Nov. 9, 2017. Reported Dec. 18, 2017; Rept. 115–473. Union Calendar. Considered under sus- H.R. 4182 (H. Res. 635).— To amend title 5, United pension of rules Dec. 18, 2017. Rules suspended. States Code, to modify probationary periods with re- Passed House amended Dec. 19, 2017; Roll No. 693: spect to positions within the competitive service and 420–1. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, the Senior Executive Service, and for other purposes. Science and Transportation Dec. 20, 2017. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. H.R. 4324 (H. Res. 658).— To require the Secretary of 31, 2017. Reported Nov. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–415. the Treasury to make certifications with respect to Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed Nov. 28, United States and foreign financial institutions’ air- 2017; Pt. II. Passed House amended Nov. 30, 2017; craft-related transactions involving Iran, and for other Roll No. 648: 213–204. Received in Senate and referred purposes. Referred to Financial Services Nov. 9, 2017. to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. Reported amended Dec. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–452. Union 1, 2017. Calendar. Considered Dec. 13, 2017. Passed House amended Dec. 14, 2017; Roll No. 684: 252–167. Re- H.R. 4254.— To amend the National Science Foundation ceived in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, Authorization Act of 2002 to strengthen the aerospace and Urban Affairs Dec. 18, 2017. workforce pipeline by the promotion of Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program and National Aero- H.R. 4374.— To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and nautics and Space Administration internship and fel- Cosmetic Act to authorize additional emergency uses lowship opportunities to women, and for other pur- for medical products to reduce deaths and severity of poses. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology Nov. injuries caused by agents of war, and for other pur- 6, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 18, 2017; Rept. poses. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addi- 115–472. Union Calendar. Considered under suspen- tion to Armed Services Nov. 13, 2017. Rules sus- sion of rules Dec. 18, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed pended. Passed House Nov. 15, 2017. Received in Sen- House amended Dec. 19, 2017; Roll No. 690: 409–17. ate Nov. 15, 2017. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2017. Pre- Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science sented to the President Nov. 30, 2017. Approved Dec. and Transportation Dec. 20, 2017. 12, 2017. Public Law 115–92. H.R. 4375.— To provide for a study on broadening par- H.R. 4258.— To promote the development of local strate- ticipation in certain National Science Foundation re- gies to coordinate use of assistance under sections 8 search and education programs, to collect data on Fed- and 9 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 with eral research grants to science agencies, and for other public and private resources, to enable eligible families purposes. Referred to Science, Space, and Technology to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency, Nov. 13, 2017. Reported Dec. 18, 2017; Rept. 115–471. and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 6, 2017. Reported Dec. 13, 2017; Rept. 115–464. amended Dec. 18, 2017; Roll No. 686: 376–9. Received Union Calendar ...... Union 344 in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Dec. 20, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 7–43

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HOUSE BILLS—Continued H.R. 4477.— To enforce current law regarding the Na- tional Instant Criminal Background Check System. Re- ferred to the Judiciary Nov. 29, 2017. Reported amend- ed Dec. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–437. Union Calendar ...... Union 322

H.R. 4478.— To amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveil- lance Act of 1978 to improve foreign intelligence collec- tion and the safeguards, accountability, and oversight of acquisitions of foreign intelligence, to extend title VII of such Act, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Intelligence, Oversight and Government Reform, and Homeland Security Nov. 29, 2017. Reported amended from Intelligence Dec. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–475, Pt. I.

H.R. 4641.— To authorize the President to award the Medal of Honor to John L. Canley for acts of valor during the Vietnam War while a member of the Ma- rine Corps. Referred to Armed Services Dec. 13, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House Dec. 21, 2017. Received in Senate Dec. 21, 2017.

H.R. 4661.— To reauthorize the United States Fire Ad- ministration, the Assistance to Firefighters Grants pro- gram, the Fire Prevention and Safety Grants program, and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant program, and for other purposes. Re- ferred to Science, Space, and Technology Dec. 15, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 18, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate Dec. 19, 2017. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Presented to the President Jan. 2, 2018. Approved Jan. 3, 2018. Public Law 115–98.

H.R. 4667 (H. Res. 670).— Making further supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, for disaster assistance for Hurricanes Har- vey, Irma, and Maria, and calendar year 2017 wildfires, and for other purposes. Referred to Appro- priations and in addition to the Budget Dec. 18, 2017. Passed House amended Dec. 21, 2017; Roll No. 709: 251–169. Received in Senate Dec. 21, 2017. 7–44 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H.J. Res. 3 (S.J. Res. 1).— Approving the location of H.J. Res. 42 (H. Res. 99).— Disapproving the rule sub- a memorial to commemorate and honor the members mitted by the Department of Labor relating to drug of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in testing of unemployment compensation applicants. Re- support of Operation Desert Storm or Operation Desert ferred to Ways and Means Jan. 30, 2017. Passed Shield. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 3, 2017. House Feb. 15, 2017; Roll No. 97: 236–189. Received Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 4, 2017. Received in Senate Feb. 16, 2017. Considered Mar. 13, 2017. in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Re- Passed Senate Mar. 14, 2017; Roll No. 87: 51–48. Pre- sources Jan. 5, 2017. sented to the President Mar. 21, 2017. Approved Mar. 31, 2017. Public Law 115–17. H.J. Res. 36 (H. Res. 74).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States H.J. Res. 43 (H. Res. 123).— Providing for congressional Code, of the final rule of the Bureau of Land Manage- disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States ment relating to ‘‘Waste Prevention, Production Sub- Code, of the final rule submitted by Secretary of ject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation’’. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 30, 2017. Passed House Feb. Health and Human Services relating to compliance 3, 2017; Roll No. 78: 221–191. Received in Senate Feb. with title X requirements by project recipients in se- 3, 2017. lecting subrecipients. Referred to Energy and Com- merce Jan. 30, 2017. Passed House Feb. 16, 2017; Roll No. 99: 230–188. Received in Senate Feb. 17 (Legisla- H.J. Res. 37 (H. Res. 74).— Disapproving the rule sub- tive day of Feb. 16), 2017. Passed Senate Mar. 30, mitted by the Department of Defense, the General 2017; Roll No. 101: 51–50. Presented to the President SEC. 8 Services Administration, and the National Aeronautics Apr. 5, 2017. Approved Apr. 13, 2017. Public Law and Space Administration relating to the Federal Ac- 115–23. quisition Regulation. Referred to Oversight and Gov- ernment Reform Jan. 30, 2017. Passed House Feb. 2, 2017; Roll No. 76: 236–187. Received in Senate Feb. H.J. Res. 44 (H. Res. 91).— Disapproving the rule sub- 2, 2017. Considered Mar. 2, 2017. Passed Senate Mar. mitted by the Department of the Interior relating to 6, 2017; Roll No. 81: 49–48. Presented to the President Bureau of Land Management regulations that estab- Mar. 16, 2017. Approved Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law lish the procedures used to prepare, revise, or amend 115–11. land use plans pursuant to the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. Referred to Natural Re- H.J. Res. 38 (H. Res. 70).— Disapproving the rule sub- sources Jan. 30, 2017. Passed House Feb. 7, 2017; mitted by the Department of the Interior known as Roll No. 83: 234–186. Received in Senate Feb. 8 (Legis- the Stream Protection Rule. Referred to Natural Re- lative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Considered Mar. 6, 2017. sources Jan. 30, 2017. Passed House Feb. 1, 2017; Passed Senate Mar. 7, 2017; Roll No. 82: 51–48. Pre- Roll No. 73: 228–194. Received in Senate Feb. 1, 2017. sented to the President Mar. 16, 2017. Approved Considered Feb. 1, 2017. Passed Senate Feb. 2, 2017; Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law 115–12. Roll No. 43: 54–45. Presented to the President Feb. 6, 2017. Approved Feb. 16, 2017. Public Law 115–5. H.J. Res. 57 (H. Res. 91).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States H.J. Res. 40 (H. Res. 71).— Providing for congressional Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Edu- disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States cation relating to accountability and State plans under Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Ad- the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ministration relating to Implementation of the NICS Referred to Education and the Workforce Feb. 1, 2017. Improvement Amendments Act of 2007. Referred to Passed House Feb. 7, 2017; Roll No. 84: 234–190. Re- the Judiciary Jan. 30, 2017. Passed House Feb. 2, ceived in Senate Feb. 8 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017; Roll No. 77: 235–180. Received in Senate Feb. 2017. Considered Mar. 8, 2017. Passed Senate Mar. 2, 2017. Considered Feb. 14, 2017. Passed Senate Feb. 9, 2017; Roll No. 84: 50–49. Presented to the President 15, 2017; Roll No. 66: 57–43. Presented to the Presi- Mar. 16, 2017. Approved Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law dent Feb. 16, 2017. Approved Feb. 28, 2017. Public 115–13. Law 115–8.

H.J. Res. 58 (H. Res. 91).— Providing for congressional H.J. Res. 41 (H. Res. 71).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Securities and Ex- Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Edu- change Commission relating to ‘‘Disclosure of Pay- cation relating to teacher preparation issues. Referred ments by Resource Extraction Issuers’’. Referred to Fi- to Education and the Workforce Feb. 1, 2017. Passed nancial Services Jan. 30, 2017. Passed House Feb. 1, House Feb. 7, 2017; Roll No. 85: 240–181. Received 2017; Roll No. 72: 235–187. Received in Senate Feb. in Senate Feb. 8 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. 1, 2017. Considered Feb. 2, 2017. Passed Senate Feb. Considered Mar. 7, 2017. Passed Senate Mar. 8, 2017; 3, 2017; Roll No. 51: 52–47. Presented to the President Roll No. 83: 59–40. Presented to the President Mar. Feb. 6, 2017. Approved Feb. 14, 2017. Public Law 16, 2017. Approved Mar. 27, 2017. Public Law 115–4. 115–14. 8–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H.J. Res. 66 (H. Res. 116).— Disapproving the rule sub- H.J. Res. 92.— Granting the consent and approval of mitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings Congress for the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State arrangements established by States for non-govern- of Maryland, and the District of Columbia to amend mental employees. Referred to Education and the the Washington Area Transit Regulation Compact. Re- Workforce Feb. 7, 2017. Passed House Feb. 15, 2017; ferred to the Judiciary Mar. 28, 2017. Reported July Roll No. 96: 231–193. Received in Senate Feb. 16, 17, 2017; Rept. 115–228. House Calendar. Rules sus- 2017. Passed Senate May 3, 2017; Roll No. 120: 50–49. pended. Passed House July 17, 2017; Roll No. 380: Presented to the President May 5, 2017. Approved 402–0. Received in Senate and referred to the Judici- May 17, 2017. Public Law 115–35. ary July 18, 2017. H.J. Res. 99 (H. Res. 289).— Making further continuing H.J. Res. 67 (H. Res. 116).— Disapproving the rule sub- appropriations for fiscal year 2017, and for other pur- mitted by the Department of Labor relating to savings poses. Referred to Appropriations Apr. 26, 2017. arrangements established by qualified State political Passed House Apr. 28, 2017; Roll No. 236: 382–30. subdivisions for non-governmental employees. Referred Received in Senate and passed Apr. 28, 2017. Pre- to Education and the Workforce Feb. 7, 2017. Passed sented to the President Apr. 28, 2017. Approved Apr. House Feb. 15, 2017; Roll No. 95: 234–191. Received 28, 2017. Public Law 115–30. in Senate Feb. 16, 2017. Considered Mar. 29, 2017. Passed Senate Mar. 30, 2017; Roll No. 99: 50–49. Pre- H.J. Res. 111 (H. Res. 468).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States sented to the President Apr. 5, 2017. Approved Apr. Code, of the rule submitted by Bureau of Consumer 13, 2017. Public Law 115–24. Financial Protection relating to ‘‘Arbitration Agree- ments’’. Received in House and referred to Financial H.J. Res. 69 (H. Res. 123).— Providing for congressional Services July 20, 2017. Passed House July 25, 2017; disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Roll No. 412: 231–190. Received in Senate July 25, Code, of the final rule of the Department of the Inte- 2017. Passed Senate Oct. 24, 2017; Roll No. 249: rior relating to ‘‘Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and 51–50. Presented to the President Oct. 25, 2017. Ap- Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on Na- proved Nov. 1, 2017. Public Law 115–74. tional Wildlife Refuges in Alaska’’. Referred to Natural H.J. Res. 123 (H. Res. 647).— Making further continuing Resources Feb. 7, 2017. Passed House Feb. 16, 2017; appropriations for fiscal year 2018, and for other pur- Roll No. 98: 225–193. Received in Senate Feb. 17 (Leg- poses. Referred to Appropriations Dec. 4, 2017. Passed islative day of Feb. 16), 2017. Passed Senate Mar. House Dec. 7, 2017; Roll No. 670: 235–193. Received 21, 2017; Roll No. 92: 52–47. Presented to the Presi- in Senate and passed Dec. 7, 2017; Roll No. 311: dent Mar. 27, 2017. Approved Apr. 3, 2017. Public 81–14. Presented to the President Dec. 8, 2017. Ap- Law 115–20. proved Dec. 8, 2017. Public Law 115–90.

H.J. Res. 76 (H. Res. 469) (S.J. Res. 22).— Granting the consent and approval of Congress for the Common- wealth of Virginia, the State of Maryland, and the District of Columbia to a enter into a compact relating to the establishment of the Washington Metrorail Safe- ty Commission. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 16, 2017. Reported amended July 17, 2017; Rept. 115–227. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 17, 2017; Roll No. 381: 399–5. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 18, 2017. House requested return of papers pursuant to H.Res. 469 July 24, 2017. Senate returned papers to House Aug. 4, 2017. Received in Senate and passed Aug. 4, 2017. Presented to the President Aug. 11, 2017. Approved Aug. 22, 2017. Public Law 115–54.

H.J. Res. 83 (H. Res. 150).— Disapproving the rule sub- mitted by the Department of Labor relating to ‘‘Clari- fication of Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness’’. Referred to Education and the Workforce Feb. 21, 2017. Passed House Mar. 1, 2017; Roll No. 121: 231–191. Received in Senate Mar. 2, 2017. Passed Senate Mar. 22, 2017; Roll No. 93: 50–48. Presented to the President Mar. 27, 2017. Approved Apr. 3, 2017. Public Law 115–21. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 8–3

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Con. Res. 1.— Regarding consent to assemble outside H. Con. Res. 69.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol the seat of government. Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. Grounds for the District of Columbia Special Olympics Received in Senate Jan. 4, 2017. Law Enforcement Torch Run. Referred to Transpor- tation and Infrastructure July 19, 2017. Reported Sept. H. Con. Res. 18.— Permitting the use of the rotunda 1, 2017; Rept. 115–285. House Calendar. Passed House of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemo- Sept. 5, 2017. Received in Senate Sept. 6, 2017. Passed ration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Senate Sept. 7, 2017. Holocaust. Referred to House Administration Feb. 1, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House Feb. 6, H. Con. Res. 71 (H. Res. 553) (H. Res. 580) (S. Con. 2017. Received in Senate Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Res. 25).— Establishing the congressional budget for Feb. 6), 2017. Passed Senate Feb. 10, 2017. the United States Government for fiscal year 2018 and H. Con. Res. 23.— Providing for a joint session of Con- setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal gress to receive a message from the President. Passed years 2019 through 2027. Reported from the Budget House Feb. 14, 2017. Received in Senate Feb. 15, 2017. July 21, 2017; Rept. 115–240. Union Calendar. Consid- Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2017. ered Oct. 4, 2017. Passed House Oct. 5, 2017; Roll No. 557: 219–206. Received in Senate and ordered H. Con. Res. 33.— Designating the George C. Marshall placed on the calendar Oct. 16, 2017. Considered Oct. Museum and George C. Marshall Research Library in 17, 18, 2017. Passed Senate with amendment Oct. 19, Lexington, Virginia, as the National George C. Mar- 2017; Roll No. 245: 51–49. House agreed to Senate shall Museum and Library. Referred to Education and amendment Oct. 26, 2017; Roll No. 589: 216–212. the Workforce Mar. 15, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House June 7, 2017. Received in Senate and referred H. Con. Res. 85 (H.R. 2266).— Providing for a correction to Energy and Natural Resources June 8, 2017. in the enrollment of H.R. 2266. Passed House Oct. 12, 2017. Received in Senate Oct. 16, 2017. Passed H. Con. Res. 35.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol Senate Oct. 25, 2017. Grounds for the National Peace Officers Memorial SEC. 9 Service and the National Honor Guard and Pipe Band H. Con. Res. 90.— Condemning ethnic cleansing of the Exhibition. Referred to Transportation and Infrastruc- Rohingya and calling for an end to the attacks in and ture Mar. 20, 2017. Reported Apr. 6, 2017; Rept. an immediate restoration of humanitarian access to 115–87. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed the state of Rakhine in Burma. Referred to Foreign House Apr. 25, 2017. Received in Senate Apr. 26, 2017. Affairs Nov. 7, 2017. Considered under suspension of Passed Senate Apr. 27, 2017. rules Dec. 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House H. Con. Res. 36.— Authorizing the use of the Capitol amended Dec. 6, 2017; Roll No. 664: 423–3. Received Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Dec. 7, Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 20, 2017. 2017. Reported Apr. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–86. House Cal- endar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 25, 2017. H. Con. Res. 92.— Recognizing the deep and abiding Received in Senate Apr. 26, 2017. Passed Senate Apr. friendship between the United States and Israel. Re- 27, 2017. ferred to Foreign Affairs Nov. 13, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House amended Nov. 15, 2017. Re- H. Con. Res. 43.— Providing official recognition of the ceived in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations massacre of 11 African-American soldiers of the 333rd Nov. 16, 2017. Field Artillery Battalion of the United States Army who had been captured in Wereth, Belgium, during H. Con. Res. 95.— Expressing support for the use of the Battle of the Bulge on December 17, 1944. Referred public-private partnerships to bring computer science to Armed Services Apr. 4, 2017. Committee discharged. education to more K-12 classrooms. Referred to Edu- Passed House Nov. 1, 2017. Received in Senate and cation and the Workforce Dec. 1, 2017. Rules sus- referred to Armed Services Nov. 2, 2017. pended. Passed House amended Dec. 18, 2017. Re- ceived in Senate and referred to Health, Education, H. Con. Res. 48.— Providing for a conditional adjourn- Labor, and Pensions Dec. 19, 2017. ment of the House of Representatives. Passed House Apr. 6, 2017. Received in Senate Apr. 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017.

H. Con. Res. 53 (H.R. 244).— Providing for a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 244. Passed House May 3, 2017. Received in Senate May 3, 2017. Passed Senate May 4, 2017.

H. Con. Res. 67.— Urging the Government of the Peo- ple’s Republic of China to unconditionally release Liu Xiaobo, together with his wife Liu Xia, to allow them to freely meet with friends, family, and counsel and seek medical treatment wherever they desire. Referred to Foreign Affairs June 28, 2017. Committee dis- charged. Passed House June 29, 2017. Received in Sen- ate and referred to Foreign Relations July 10, 2017. 9–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 1.— Electing officers of the House of Representa- H. Res. 33 (H.R. 5) (H.R. 79).— Providing for consider- tives. Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. ation of the bill (H.R. 5) to reform the process by which Federal agencies analyze and formulate new H. Res. 2.— To inform the Senate that a quorum of regulations and guidance documents, to clarify the na- the House has assembled and of the election of the ture of judicial review of agency interpretations, to Speaker and the Clerk. Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. ensure complete analysis of potential impacts on small entities of rules, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 79) to clarify the H. Res. 3.— Authorizing the Speaker to appoint a com- definition of general solicitation under Federal securi- mittee to notify the President of the assembly of the ties law. Reported from Rules Jan. 9, 2017; Rept. Congress. Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. 115–2. House Calendar. Passed House Jan. 10, 2017; Roll No. 27: 233–183. H. Res. 4.— Authorizing the Clerk to inform the Presi- H. Res. 34.— Electing Members to Certain Standing dent of the election of the Speaker and the Clerk. Committees of the House of Representatives. Passed Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. House Jan. 9, 2017.

H. Res. 5 (H.R. 21).— Adopting rules for the One Hun- H. Res. 36.— Electing Members to certain standing com- dred Fifteenth Congress. Passed House Jan. 3, 2017; mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Roll No. 6: 234–193. Jan. 10, 2017. H. Res. 37.— Providing for the attendance of the House H. Res. 6.— Electing Members to certain standing com- at the Inaugural Ceremonies of the President and Vice mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House President of the United States. Passed House Jan. 10, Jan. 3, 2017. 2017.

H. Res. 7.— Electing Members to certain standing com- H. Res. 39.— Electing a Member to a certain standing mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Committee of the House of Representatives. Passed Jan. 3, 2017. House Jan. 10, 2017. SEC. 10 H. Res. 40 (H.R. 78) (H.R. 238).— Providing for consider- H. Res. 8.— Providing for the designation of certain mi- ation of the bill (H.R. 78) to improve the consideration nority employees. Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the costs and benefits of its regulations and orders; pro- H. Res. 9.— Fixing the daily hour of meeting of the viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 238) to reau- First Session of the One Hundred Fifteenth Congress. thorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Passed House Jan. 3, 2017. to better protect futures customers, to provide end- users with market certainty, to make basic reforms to ensure transparency and accountability at the Com- H. Res. 11 (H. Res. 22).— Objecting to United Nations mission, to help farmers, ranchers, and end-users man- Security Council Resolution 2334 as an obstacle to age risks, to help keep consumer costs low, and for Israeli-Palestinian peace, and for other purposes. Re- other purposes; and for other purposes. Reported from ferred to Foreign Affairs Jan. 3, 2017. Passed House Rules Jan. 10, 2017; Rept. 115–3. House Calendar. Jan. 5, 2017; Roll No. 11: 342–80. Passed House Jan. 11, 2017; Roll No. 33: 233–170.

H. Res. 22 (H. Res. 11) (H.R. 26).— Providing for consid- H. Res. 45.— Electing Members to certain standing com- eration of the bill (H.R. 26) to amend chapter 8 of mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules Jan. 11, 2017. of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into H. Res. 48 (S. 84) (S. Con. Res. 3).— Providing for consid- law, and providing for consideration of the resolution eration of the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 3) (H. Res. 11) objecting to United Nations Security setting forth the congressional budget for the United Council Resolution 2334 as an obstacle to Israeli-Pales- States Government for fiscal year 2017 and setting tinian peace, and for other purposes. Reported from forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years Rules Jan. 4, 2017; Rept. 115–1. House Calendar. 2018 through 2026, and providing for consideration Passed House Jan. 5, 2017; Roll No. 10: 231–187. of the bill (S. 84) to provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active H. Res. 25.— Electing a Member to a certain standing duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed committee of the House of Representatives. Passed Forces. Reported from Rules Jan. 12, 2017; Rept. House Jan. 5, 2017. 115–4. House Calendar. Passed House Jan. 13, 2017; Roll No. 56: 235–188. H. Res. 29.— Electing Members to certain standing com- mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House H. Res. 51.— Electing Members to certain standing com- Jan. 6, 2017. mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Jan. 13, 2017. 10–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 52.— Electing Members to certain standing com- H. Res. 91 (H.J. Res. 44) (H.J. Res. 57) (H.J. Res. 58).— mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Jan. 13, 2017. Res. 44) disapproving the rule submitted by the De- partment of the Interior relating to Bureau of Land H. Res. 54.— Reaffirming the United States-Argentina Management regulations that establish the procedures partnership and recognizing Argentina’s economic re- used to prepare, revise, or amend land use plans pur- forms. Referred to Foreign Affairs Jan. 23, 2017. Rules suant to the Federal Land Policy and Management suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 3, 2017. Act of 1976; providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 57) providing for congressional H. Res. 55 (H.R. 7).— Providing for consideration of the disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States bill (H.R. 7) to prohibit taxpayer funded abortions. Re- Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Edu- ported from Rules Jan. 23, 2017; Rept. 115–5. House cation relating to accountability and State plans under Calendar. Passed House Jan. 24, 2017; Roll No. 63: the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965; 236–183. and providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 58) providing for congressional disapproval H. Res. 56.— Electing Members to a certain standing under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the committee of the House of Representatives. Passed rule submitted by the Department of Education relat- House Jan. 24, 2017. ing to teacher preparation issues. Reported from Rules Feb. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–9. House Calendar. Passed H. Res. 59.— Electing Members to certain standing com- House Feb. 7, 2017; Roll No. 82: 233–186. mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House H. Res. 92.— Condemning North Korea’s development Jan. 24, 2017. of multiple intercontinental ballistic missiles, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in ad- H. Res. 70 (H.J. Res. 38).— Providing for consideration dition to Armed Services Feb. 6, 2017. Rules sus- of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 38) disapproving the pended. Passed House amended Apr. 3, 2017; Roll No. rule submitted by the Department of the Interior 209: 398–3. known as the Stream Protection Rule. Reported from Rules Jan. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–6. House Calendar. H. Res. 95.— Electing Members to certain standing com- Passed House Jan. 31, 2017; Roll No. 69: 236–186. mittees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Feb. 7, 2017. H. Res. 71 (H.J. Res. 40) (H.J. Res. 41).— Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 41) H. Res. 98.— Ranking a certain Member of a certain providing for congressional disapproval under chapter standing committee of the House of Representatives. 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted Passed House Feb. 7, 2017. by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to ‘‘Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction H. Res. 99 (H.R. 428) (H.J. Res. 42).— Providing for Issuers’’, and providing for consideration of the joint consideration of the bill (H.R. 428) to survey the gra- resolution (H.J. Res. 40) providing for congressional dient boundary along the Red River in the States of disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Oklahoma and Texas, and for other purposes, and pro- Code, of the rule submitted by the Social Security Ad- viding for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. ministration relating to Implementation of the NICS Res. 42) disapproving the rule submitted by the De- Improvement Amendments Act of 2007. Reported from partment of Labor relating to drug testing of unem- Rules Jan. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–7. House Calendar. ployment compensation applicants. Reported from Passed House Feb. 1, 2017; Roll No. 71: 231–191. Rules Feb. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–10. House Calendar. Passed House Feb. 14, 2017; Roll No. 89: 225–187. H. Res. 74 (H.J. Res. 36) (H.J. Res. 37).— Providing H. Res. 111.— Of inquiry directing the Attorney General for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 36) to transmit certain documents to the House of Rep- providing for congressional disapproval under chapter resentatives relating to the financial practices of the 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule of President. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 9, 2017. Re- the Bureau of Land Management relating to ‘‘Waste ported amended, adversely, Mar. 8, 2017; Rept. Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Re- 115–28. source Conservation’’, and providing for consideration House Calendar ...... House 18 of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 37) disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Defense, the Gen- H. Res. 116 (H.J. Res. 66) (H.J. Res. 67).— Providing eral Services Administration, and the National Aero- for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 66) nautics and Space Administration relating to the Fed- disapproving the rule submitted by the Department eral Acquisition Regulation. Reported from Rules Jan. of Labor relating to savings arrangements established 31, 2017; Rept. 115–8. House Calendar. Passed House by States for non-governmental employees, and pro- Feb. 2, 2017; Roll No. 75: 232–190. viding for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 67) disapproving the rule submitted by the De- H. Res. 82.— Electing Members to the Joint Committee partment of Labor relating to savings arrangements of Congress on the Library and the Joint Committee established by qualified State political subdivisions for on Printing. Referred to House Administration Feb. non-governmental employees. Reported from Rules 2, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House Feb. 2, Feb. 13, 2017; Rept. 115–11. House Calendar. Passed 2017. House Feb. 14, 2017; Roll No. 91: 227–188. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–3

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 123 (H.J. Res. 43) (H.J. Res. 69).— Providing H. Res. 156 (H.R. 1004) (H.R. 1009).— Providing for for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 43) consideration of the bill (H.R. 1004) to amend chapter providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 3 of title 5, United States Code, to require the publica- 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule sub- tion of information relating to pending agency regu- mitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services latory actions, and for other purposes, and providing relating to compliance with title X requirements by for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1009) to amend title project recipients in selecting subrecipients; providing 44, United States Code, to require the Administrator for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 69) of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs providing for congressional disapproval under chapter to review regulations, and for other purposes. Reported 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule of from Rules Feb. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–21. House Cal- the Department of the Interior relating to ‘‘Non-Sub- endar. Passed House Mar. 1, 2017; Roll No. 116: sistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and 234–180. Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska’’; and providing for proceedings during the pe- H. Res. 173.— Providing for the expenses of certain com- mittees of the House of Representatives in the One riod from February 17, 2017, through February 24, Hundred Fifteenth Congress. Referred to House Ad- 2017. Reported from Rules Feb. 14, 2017; Rept. ministration Mar. 7, 2017. Reported Mar. 15, 2017; 115–12. House Calendar. Passed House Feb. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–38. House Calendar. Passed House Mar. 17, Roll No. 94: 233–188. 2017.

H. Res. 127.— Electing Members to certain standing H. Res. 174 (H.R. 1301).— Providing for consideration committees of the House of Representatives. Passed of the bill (H.R. 1301) making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending Sep- House Feb. 15, 2017. tember 30, 2017, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Mar. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–26. House Cal- H. Res. 131.— Electing Members to certain standing endar. Passed House Mar. 8, 2017; Roll No. 133: committees of the House of Representatives. Passed 233–185. House Feb. 16, 2017. H. Res. 175 (H.R. 725).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 725) to amend title 28, United States H. Res. 145.— Expressing the sense of the House of Code, to prevent fraudulent joinder. Reported from Representatives regarding the fight against corruption Rules Mar. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–27. House Calendar. in Central America. Referred to Foreign Affairs Feb. Passed House Mar. 8, 2017; Roll No. 130: 235–185. 16, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 17, 2017. H. Res. 180 (H.R. 720) (H.R. 985).— Providing for consid- eration of the bill (H.R. 720) to amend Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to improve attor- H. Res. 150 (H.R. 998) (H.J. Res. 83).— Providing for ney accountability, and for other purposes, and pro- consideration of the bill (H.R. 998) to provide for the viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 985) to amend establishment of a process for the review of rules and the procedures used in Federal court class actions and sets of rules, and for other purposes, and providing multidistrict litigation proceedings to assure fairer, for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 83) more efficient outcomes for claimants and defendants, disapproving the rule submitted by the Department and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Mar. 8, of Labor relating to ‘‘Clarification of Employer’s Con- 2017; Rept. 115–29. House Calendar. Passed House tinuing Obligation to Make and Maintain an Accurate Mar. 9, 2017; Roll No. 139: 233–184. Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness’’. Re- ported from Rules Feb. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–20. House H. Res. 184.— Of inquiry requesting the President and Calendar. Passed House Feb. 28, 2017; Roll No. 104: directing the Attorney General to transmit, respec- 225–188. tively, certain documents to the House of Representa- tives relating to communications with the government of Russia. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 9, 2017. Re- H. Res. 151.— Honoring the life of former Minority Lead- ported amended, adversely, Mar. 31, 2017; Rept. er of the House of Representatives, Robert Henry 115–74. ‘‘Bob’’ Michel. Passed House Feb. 27, 2017. House Calendar ...... House 31

H. Res. 186.— Of inquiry directing the Secretary of the H. Res. 154.— Of inquiry requesting the President of Treasury to provide to the House of Representatives the United States and directing the Secretary of the tax returns and other specified financial informa- Health and Human Services to transmit certain infor- tion of President Donald J. Trump. Referred to Ways mation to the House of Representatives relating to and Means Mar. 9, 2017. Reported adversely Mar. 30, plans to repeal or replace the Patient Protection and 2017; Rept. 115–73. Affordable Care Act and the health-related measures House Calendar ...... House 30 of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 27, H. Res. 187.— Relating to efforts to respond to the fam- 2017. Reported adversely Mar. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–54. ine in South Sudan. Referred to Foreign Affairs Mar. House Calendar ...... House 24 9, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 25, 2017; Roll No. 222: 411–2. 10–4 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 198 (H.R. 1181) (H.R. 1259) (H.R. 1367).— Pro- H. Res. 230 (S.J. Res. 34).— Providing for consideration viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1259) to of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 34) providing for con- amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for gressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, the removal or demotion of employees of the Depart- United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Fed- ment of Veterans Affairs based on performance or mis- eral Communications Commission relating to ‘‘Pro- conduct, and for other purposes; providing for consider- tecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and ation of the bill (H.R. 1367) to improve the authority Other Telecommunications Services’’. Reported from of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to hire and retain Rules Mar. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–61. House Calendar. physicians and other employees of the Department of Passed House Mar. 28, 2017; Roll No. 200: 231–189. Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1181) to amend title H. Res. 233 (H.R. 1431).— Providing for consideration 38, United States Code, to clarify the conditions under of the bill (H.R. 1431) to amend the Environmental which certain persons may be treated as adjudicated Research, Development, and Demonstration Authoriza- mentally incompetent for certain purposes. Reported tion Act of 1978 to provide for Scientific Advisory from Rules Mar. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–39. House Cal- Board member qualifications, public participation, and endar. Passed House Mar. 16, 2017; Roll No. 163: for other purposes. Reported from Rules Mar. 28, 2017; 229–187. Rept. 115–64. House Calendar. Passed House Mar. 29, 2017; Roll No. 204: 232–188. H. Res. 203.— Of inquiry requesting the President, and directing the Attorney General, to transmit, respec- H. Res. 235.— Directing the Secretary of Homeland Se- tively, certain documents to the House of Representa- curity to transmit certain documents to the House of tives relating to certain communications by the Presi- Representatives relating to the Department of Home- dent of the United States. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 16, 2017. Reported amended, adversely, Apr. 6, land Security’s research, integration, and analysis ac- 2017; Rept. 115–83. tivities relating to Russian Government interference House Calendar ...... House 35 in the elections for Federal office held in 2016. Re- ferred to Homeland Security Mar. 30, 2017. Reported H. Res. 209 (H.R. 372).— Providing for consideration adversely Apr. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–89. of the bill (H.R. 372) to restore the application of the House Calendar ...... House 40 Federal antitrust laws to the business of health insur- ance to protect competition and consumers. Reported H. Res. 240 (H.R. 1343).— Providing for consideration from Rules Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–50. House Cal- of the bill (H.R. 1343) to direct the Securities and endar. Passed House Mar. 21, 2017; Roll No. 177: Exchange Commission to revise its rules so as to in- 234–182. crease the threshold amount for requiring issuers to provide certain disclosures relating to compensatory H. Res. 210 (H.R. 1101).— Providing for consideration benefit plans. Reported from Rules Apr. 3, 2017; Rept. of the bill (H.R. 1101) to amend title I of the Employee 115–75. House Calendar. Passed House Apr. 4, 2017; Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to improve Roll No. 214: 238–177. access and choice for entrepreneurs with small busi- nesses with respect to medical care for their employ- H. Res. 241 (H.R. 1304).— Providing for consideration ees. Reported from Rules Mar. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–51. of the bill (H.R. 1304) to amend the Employee Retire- House Calendar. Passed House Mar. 21, 2017; Roll ment Income Security Act of 1974, the Public Health No. 180: 233–186. Service Act, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude from the definition of health insurance cov- H. Res. 221.— Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of erage certain medical stop-loss insurance obtained by rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain reso- certain plan sponsors of group health plans. Reported lutions reported from the Committee on Rules, and from Rules Apr. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–76. House Cal- providing for consideration of motions to suspend the endar. Passed House Apr. 4, 2017; Roll No. 212: rules. Reported from Rules Mar. 22, 2017; Rept. 234–184. 115–56. House Calendar. Passed House Mar. 23, 2017; Roll No. 189: 227–189. H. Res. 242 (H.R. 1219).— Providing for consideration H. Res. 228 (H.R. 1628).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1219) to amend the Investment Com- of the bill (H.R. 1628) to provide for reconciliation pur- pany Act of 1940 to expand the investor limitation suant to title II of the concurrent resolution on the for qualifying venture capital funds under an exemp- budget for fiscal year 2017. Reported from Rules Mar. tion from the definition of an investment company, 24, 2017; Rept. 115–58. House Calendar. Passed House and providing for proceedings during the period from Mar. 24, 2017; Roll No. 192: 230–194. April 7, 2017, through April 24, 2017. Reported from Rules Apr. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–77. House Calendar. H. Res. 229 (H.R. 1430).— Providing for consideration Passed House Apr. 5, 2017; Roll No. 218: 240–181. of the bill (H.R. 1430) to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from proposing, finalizing, or dis- H. Res. 254 (H.R. 1628).— Providing for further consider- seminating regulations or assessments based upon ation of the bill (H.R. 1628) to provide for reconcili- science that is not transparent or reproducible. Re- ation pursuant to title II of the concurrent resolution ported from Rules Mar. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–60. House on the budget for fiscal year 2017. Reported from Rules Calendar. Passed House Mar. 28, 2017; Roll No. 198: Apr. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–88. House Calendar. Laid on 231–185. the table pursuant to H. Res. 275 Apr. 26, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–5

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 259.— Expressing concern and condemnation H. Res. 308 (H.R. 1628) (H.R. 2192).— Providing for over the political, economic, social, and humanitarian consideration of the bill (H.R. 2192) to amend the Pub- crisis in Venezuela. Referred to Foreign Affairs Apr. lic Health Service Act to eliminate the non-application 6, 2017. Considered under suspension of rules Dec. of certain State waiver provisions to Members of Con- 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. gress and congressional staff, and providing for further 7, 2017; Roll No. 667: 419–8. consideration of the bill (H.R. 1628) to provide for rec- onciliation pursuant to title II of the concurrent resolu- tion on the budget for fiscal year 2017. Reported from H. Res. 275 (H.R. 1695) (H. Res. 254).— Providing for Rules May 3, 2017; Rept. 115–109. House Calendar. consideration of the bill (H.R. 1695) to amend title Passed House May 4, 2017; Roll No. 253: 235–192. 17, United States Code, to provide additional respon- sibilities for the Register of Copyrights, and for other H. Res. 311.— Recognizing that for 50 years the Associa- purposes. Reported from Rules Apr. 25, 2017; Rept. tion of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has worked 115–95. House Calendar. Passed House Apr. 26, 2017; toward stability, prosperity, and peace in Southeast Roll No. 225: 237–186. Asia. Referred to Foreign Affairs May 3, 2017. Consid- ered under suspension of rules Sept. 25, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 27, 2017; Roll H. Res. 280 (H.R. 1694).— Providing for consideration No. 540: 413–0. of the bill (H.R. 1694) to require additional entities to be subject to the requirements of section 552 of H. Res. 317.— Calling for the unconditional release of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as United States citizens and legal permanent resident the Freedom of Information Act), and for other pur- aliens being held for political purposes by the Govern- poses; providing for consideration of motions to sus- ment of Iran. Referred to Foreign Affairs May 4, 2017. pend the rules; and waiving a requirement of clause Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 26, 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain 2017. resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules. Re- ported from Rules Apr. 26, 2017; Rept. 115–96. House H. Res. 323 (H.R. 115).— Providing for consideration Calendar. Passed House Apr. 27, 2017; Roll No. 230: of the bill (H.R. 115) to amend title 18, United States 226–192. Code, to provide additional aggravating factors for the imposition of the death penalty based on the status of the victim. Reported from Rules May 16, 2017; Rept. H. Res. 289 (H.J. Res. 99).— Providing for consideration 115–126. House Calendar. Passed House May 17, 2017; of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 99) making further Roll No. 260: 233–184. continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2017, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Apr. 27, 2017; H. Res. 324 (H.R. 1039).— Providing for consideration Rept. 115–97. House Calendar. Passed House Apr. 28, of the bill (H.R. 1039) to amend section 3606 of title 2017; Roll No. 235: 235–178. 18, United States Code, to grant probation officers au- thority to arrest hostile third parties who obstruct or impede a probation officer in the performance of offi- H. Res. 299 (H.R. 1180).— Providing for consideration cial duties. Reported from Rules May 16, 2017; Rept. of the bill (H.R. 1180) to amend the Fair Labor Stand- 115–127. House Calendar. Passed House May 18, 2017; ards Act of 1938 to provide compensatory time for Roll No. 264: 230–184. employees in the private sector; providing for pro- ceedings during the period from May 5, 2017, through H. Res. 336.— Reaffirming a strong commitment to the May 15, 2017; and for other purposes. Reported from United States-Mexico partnership. Referred to Foreign Rules May 1, 2017; Rept. 115–106. House Calendar. Affairs May 18, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Passed House May 2, 2017; Roll No. 241: 231–193. Dec. 12, 2017.

H. Res. 348 (H.R. 953).— Providing for consideration H. Res. 303.— Electing a Member to certain standing of the bill (H.R. 953) to amend the Federal Insecticide, committees of the House of Representatives. Passed Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the Federal Water House May 2, 2017. Pollution Control Act to clarify Congressional intent regarding the regulation of the use of pesticides in H. Res. 305 (H.R. 244).— Providing for consideration or near navigable waters, and for other purposes. Re- of the Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. 244) to ported from Rules May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–145. House encourage effective, voluntary investments to recruit, Calendar. Passed House May 23, 2017; Roll No. 272: 232–189. employ, and retain men and women who have served in the United States military with annual Federal awards to employers recognizing such efforts, and for H. Res. 350.— Permitting official photographs of the other purposes. Reported from Rules May 2, 2017; House of Representatives to be taken while the House Rept. 115–108. House Calendar. Passed House May is in actual session on a date designated by the Speak- er. Referred to House Administration May 22, 2017. 3, 2017; Roll No. 247: 240–186. Committee discharged. Passed House May 24, 2017. 10–6 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 351.— Condemning the violence and persecution H. Res. 375 (H.R. 10).— Providing for consideration of in Chechnya. Referred to Foreign Affairs May 23, 2017. the bill (H.R. 10) to create hope and opportunity for Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 27, investors, consumers, and entrepreneurs by ending 2017. bailouts and Too Big to Fail, holding Washington and Wall Street accountable, eliminating red tape to in- H. Res. 352 (H.R. 1761) (H.R. 1973).— Providing for crease access to capital and credit, and repealing the consideration of the bill (H.R. 1973) to prevent the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that make America sexual abuse of minors and amateur athletes by re- less prosperous, less stable, and less free, and for other quiring the prompt reporting of sexual abuse to law purposes. Reported from Rules June 6, 2017; Rept. enforcement authorities, and for other purposes; pro- 115–163. House Calendar. Passed House June 7, 2017; viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1761) to Roll No. 291: 231–188. amend title 18, United States Code, to criminalize the knowing consent of the visual depiction, or live trans- mission, of a minor engaged in sexually explicit con- H. Res. 378 (H.R. 2581) (S. 1094).— Providing for consid- duct, and for other purposes; and providing for pro- eration of the bill (H.R. 2581) to amend the Internal ceedings during the period from May 26, 2017, through Revenue Code of 1986 to require the provision of social June 5, 2017. Reported from Rules May 23, 2017; Rept. security numbers as a condition of receiving the health 115–152. House Calendar. Passed House May 24, 2017; insurance premium tax credit, and providing for con- Roll No. 276: 239–179. sideration of the bill (S. 1094) to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the accountability of H. Res. 354.— Condemning the violence against peaceful employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and protesters outside the Turkish Ambassador’s residence for other purposes. Reported from Rules June 12, 2017; on May 16, 2017, and calling for the perpetrators to Rept. 115–177. House Calendar. Passed House June be brought to justice and measures to be taken to 13, 2017; Roll No. 303: 229–190. prevent similar incidents in the future. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to the Judiciary May 24, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended H. Res. 379 (H.R. 2372) (H.R. 2579).— Providing for June 6, 2017; Roll No. 286: 397–0. consideration of the bill (H.R. 2372) to amend the In- ternal Revenue Code of 1986 to clarify the rules relat- H. Res. 355.— Condemning in the strongest terms the ing to veteran health insurance and eligibility for the terrorist attacks in Manchester, United Kingdom, on premium tax credit, and providing for consideration May 22, 2017, expressing heartfelt condolences, and of the bill (H.R. 2579) to amend the Internal Revenue reaffirming unwavering support for the special rela- Code of 1986 to allow the premium tax credit with tionship between our peoples and nations in the wake respect to unsubsidized COBRA continuation coverage. of these attacks. Referred to Foreign Affairs May 24, Reported from Rules June 12, 2017; Rept. 115–178. 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June House Calendar. Passed House June 15, 2017. 6, 2017; Roll No. 287: 397–0.

H. Res. 381.— Electing Members to certain standing H. Res. 357.— Reaffirming the strategic partnership be- committees of the House of Representatives. Passed tween the United States and Canada, recognizing bi- House June 13, 2017. lateral cooperation that advances United States na- tional interests, and urging increased bilateral co- operation on security, economic issues, and energy, and H. Res. 382 (H.R. 1215).— Providing for consideration for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and of the bill (H.R. 1215) to improve patient access to in addition to Ways and Means May 25, 2017. Rules health care services and provide improved medical care suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 12, 2017. by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system. Reported H. Res. 359.— Urging the European Union to designate from Rules June 13, 2017; Rept. 115–179. House Cal- Hizballah in its entirety as a terrorist organization endar. Passed House June 27, 2017; Roll No. 326: and increase pressure on it and its members. Referred 235–186. to Foreign Affairs May 25, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 25, 2017. H. Res. 385.— Expressing gratitude for the heroic ac- tions of the United States Capitol Police and other H. Res. 374 (H.R. 2213).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2213) to amend the Anti-Border Cor- first responders in the attack on Members of Congress ruption Act of 2010 to authorize certain polygraph on June 14, 2017, and expressing hope for a full recov- waiver authority, and for other purposes. Reported ery for the injured. Passed House June 15, 2017. from Rules June 6, 2017; Rept. 115–162. House Cal- endar. Passed House June 7, 2017; Roll No. 289: 231–185. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–7

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 392 (H.R. 1654) (H.R. 1873).— Providing for H. Res. 415 (H.R. 3004).— Providing for consideration consideration of the bill (H.R. 1873) to amend the Fed- of the bill (H.R. 3004) to amend section 276 of the eral Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to en- Immigration and Nationality Act relating to reentry hance the reliability of the electricity grid and reduce of removed aliens, and providing for proceedings dur- the threat of wildfires to and from electric trans- ing the period from July 3, 2017, through July 10, mission and distribution facilities on Federal lands by 2017. Reported from Rules June 27, 2017; Rept. facilitating vegetation management on such lands, and 115–196. House Calendar. Passed House June 29, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1654) to 2017; Roll No. 340: 236–191. authorize the Secretary of the Interior to coordinate Federal and State permitting processes related to the H. Res. 422.— Urging adherence to the ‘‘one country, construction of new surface water storage projects on two systems’’ policy as prescribed in the Joint Declara- lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the tion between the Government of the United Kingdom Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture and to des- of Great Britain and the Government of the People’s ignate the Bureau of Reclamation as the lead agency Republic of China on the Question of the Hong Kong. Referred to Foreign Affairs June 29, 2017. Rules sus- for permit processing, and for other purposes. Reported pended. Passed House amended Nov. 1, 2017. from Rules June 20, 2017; Rept. 115–186. House Cal- endar. Passed House June 21, 2017; Roll No. 313: H. Res. 431 (H.R. 23) (H.R. 2810).— Providing for consid- 230–185. eration of the bill (H.R. 2810) to authorize appropria- tions for fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the H. Res. 396 (H.R. 2842).— Providing for consideration Department of Defense and for military construction, of the bill (H.R. 2842) to provide for the conduct of to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal demonstration projects to test the effectiveness of sub- year, and for other purposes, and providing for consid- sidized employment for TANF recipients, and pro- eration of the bill (H.R. 23) to provide drought relief viding for consideration of motions to suspend the in the State of California, and for other purposes. Re- ported from Rules July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–212. House rules. Reported from Rules June 21, 2017; Rept. Calendar. Passed House July 12, 2017; Roll No. 348: 115–187. House Calendar. Passed House June 22, 232–187. 2017; Roll No. 317: 233–179. H. Res. 437.— Of inquiry requesting the President to H. Res. 397.— Solemnly reaffirming the commitment of provide certain documents in the President’s posses- the United States to the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- sion. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure zation’s principle of collective defense as enumerated July 12, 2017. Reported adversely July 28, 2017; Rept. in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. Referred 115–269. to Foreign Affairs June 21, 2017. Rules suspended. House Calendar ...... House 73 Passed House June 27, 2017; Roll No. 328: 423–4. H. Res. 439.— Electing a Member to a certain standing committee of the House of Representatives. Passed H. Res. 407.— Condemning the persecution of Christians House July 12, 2017. around the world. Referred to Foreign Affairs June 26, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House amended H. Res. 440 (H.R. 2810).— Providing for further consider- Dec. 12, 2017. ation of the bill (H.R. 2810) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the De- partment of Defense and for military construction, to H. Res. 410.— Electing Members to certain standing prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal committees of the House of Representatives. Passed year, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules July House June 27, 2017. 13 (Legislative day of July 12), 2017; Rept. 115–217. House Calendar. Passed House July 13, 2017; Roll No. 355: 230–190. H. Res. 411.— Adjusting the amount of the Members’ Representational Allowance. Passed House June 27, H. Res. 442.— Of inquiry directing the Secretary of the 2017. Treasury to provide certain documents in the Sec- retary’s possession to the House of Representatives re- H. Res. 412.— Electing a Member to a certain standing lating to President Trump’s financial connections to committee of the House of Representatives. Passed Russia, certain illegal financial schemes, and related House June 27, 2017. information. Referred to Financial Services July 13, 2017. Reported adversely July 28, 2017; Rept. 115–265. House Calendar ...... House 72 H. Res. 414 (H.R. 3003).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3003) to amend the Immigration and H. Res. 446.— Of inquiry requesting the President and Nationality Act to modify provisions relating to assist- directing the Attorney General to transmit, respec- ance by States, and political subdivision of States, in tively, certain documents to the House of Representa- the enforcement of Federal immigration laws, and for tives relating to the removal of former Federal Bureau other purposes. Reported from Rules June 27, 2017; of Investigation Director James Comey. Referred to Rept. 115–195. House Calendar. Passed House June the Judiciary July 14, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 28, 2017; Roll No. 332: 235–190. 8, 2017; Rept. 115–300. House Calendar ...... House 82 10–8 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 447.— Directing the Secretary of Homeland Se- H. Res. 478 (H.R. 3219).— Providing for further consider- curity to transmit certain documents to the House of ation of the bill (H.R. 3219) making appropriations Representatives relating to Department of Homeland for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year end- Security policies and activities relating to businesses ing September 30, 2018, and for other purposes, and owned or controlled by President Donald J. Trump. providing for consideration of motions to suspend the Referred to Homeland Security July 14, 2017. Reported rules. Reported from Rules July 26, 2017; Rept. adversely July 28, 2017; Rept. 115–270. 115–261. House Calendar. Passed House July 27, 2017; House Calendar ...... House 74 Roll No. 427: 230–196.

H. Res. 451 (H.R. 806).— Providing for consideration H. Res. 479.— Of inquiry directing the Secretary of the Treasury to provide to the House of Representatives of the bill (H.R. 806) to facilitate efficient State imple- the tax return information of President Donald J. mentation of ground-level ozone standards, and for Trump as well as the tax returns of each business other purposes. Reported from Rules July 17, 2017; entity disclosed by Donald J. Trump on his Office of Rept. 115–229. House Calendar. Passed House July Government Ethics Form 278e. Referred to Ways and 18, 2017; Roll No. 383: 235–188. Means July 27, 2017. Reported adversely Sept. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–309. H. Res. 453.— Electing a Member to certain standing House Calendar ...... House 84 committees of the House of Representatives. Passed House July 18, 2017. H. Res. 480 (S. 114).— Providing for consideration of the bill (S. 114) to amend title 38, United States Code, H. Res. 454 (H.R. 218) (H.R. 2883) (H.R. 2910).— Pro- to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2910) to pro- an annual report regarding performance awards and vide for Federal and State agency coordination in the bonuses awarded to certain high-level employees of the approval of certain authorizations under the Natural Department of Veterans Affairs. Reported from Rules Gas Act, and for other purposes; providing for consider- July 27, 2017; Rept. 115–262. House Calendar. Passed ation of the bill (H.R. 2883) to establish a more uni- House July 28, 2017. form, transparent, and modern process to authorize the construction, connection, operation, and mainte- H. Res. 481 (H.R. 3180).— Providing for consideration nance of international border-crossing facilities for the of the bill (H.R. 3180) to authorize appropriations for import and export of oil and natural gas and the trans- fiscal year 2018 for intelligence and intelligence-related mission of electricity; providing for consideration of the activities of the United States Government, the Com- bill (H.R. 218) to provide for the exchange of Federal munity Management Account, and the Central Intel- land and non-Federal land in the State of Alaska for ligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes; waiving a requirement of clause the construction of a road between King Cove and 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain Cold Bay; and for other purposes. Reported from Rules resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules; and July 18, 2017; Rept. 115–235. House Calendar. Passed providing for proceedings during the period from July House July 19, 2017; Roll No. 394: 234–194. 31, 2017, through September 4, 2017. Reported from Rules July 27, 2017; Rept. 115–263. House Calendar. H. Res. 458.— Providing for consideration of the bill Passed House July 28, 2017; Roll No. 436: 224–186. (H.R. 1436) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget for H. Res. 488.— Of inquiry requesting the President and fiscal year 2017. Referred to Rules July 19, 2017. Dis- directing the Attorney General to transmit, respec- charge petition filed Aug. 11, 2017; Pet. 115–3. tively, certain documents to the House of Representa- tives relating to the removal of former Federal Bureau H. Res. 468 (H.J. Res. 111).— Providing for consideration of Investigation Director James Comey. Referred to of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 111) providing for the Judiciary July 28, 2017. Reported amended, ad- congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, versely, Sept. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–335. United States Code, of the rule submitted by Bureau House Calendar ...... House 88 of Consumer Financial Protection relating to ‘‘Arbitra- tion Agreements’’. Reported from Rules July 24, 2017; H. Res. 500 (H.R. 3354).— Providing for consideration Rept. 115–252. House Calendar. Passed House July of the bill (H.R. 3354) making appropriations for the 25, 2017; Roll No. 411: 233–188. Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, H. Res. 469 (H.J. Res. 76).— Requesting the Senate to and for other purposes; providing for consideration of return to the House of Representatives House Joint motions to suspend the rules; and waiving a require- Resolution 76. Passed House July 24, 2017. ment of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consid- eration of certain resolutions reported from the Com- mittee on Rules. Reported from Rules Sept. 5, 2017; H. Res. 473 (H.R. 3219).— Providing for consideration Rept. 115–295. House Calendar. Passed House Sept. of the bill (H.R. 3219) making appropriations for the 6, 2017; Roll No. 443: 230–191. Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported H. Res. 502 (H.R. 601).— Providing for the concurrence from Rules July 25, 2017; Rept. 115–259. House Cal- by the House in the Senate amendments to H.R. 601, endar. Passed House July 26, 2017; Roll No. 415: with an amendment. Rules suspended. Passed House 232–192. Sept. 6, 2017; Roll No. 441: 419–3. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–9

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 504 (H.R. 3354).— Providing for further consider- H. Res. 553 (H. Con. Res. 71).— Providing for consider- ation of the bill (H.R. 3354) making appropriations ation of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 71) for the Department of the Interior, environment, and establishing the congressional budget for the United related agencies for the fiscal year ending September States Government for fiscal year 2018 and setting 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years Sept. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–297. House Calendar. Passed 2019 through 2027. Reported from Rules Oct. 3, 2017; House Sept. 7, 2017; Roll No. 458: 222–190. Rept. 115–339. House Calendar. Passed House Oct. 4, 2017; Roll No. 552: 232–188. H. Res. 508.— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1084) to address slow economic growth and spur investment and development in underserved commu- H. Res. 555.— Of inquiry requesting the President and nities across America. Referred to Rules Sept. 7, 2017. directing the Secretary of the Interior to transmit, re- Discharge petition filed Sept. 25, 2017; Pet. 115–5. spectively, certain documents and other information to the House of Representatives relating to the execu- H. Res. 509 (H.R. 601).— Providing for consideration tive order on the review of designations under the of the Senate amendment to the House amendment Antiquities Act. Referred to Natural Resources Oct. to the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 601) to 4, 2017. Reported amended, adversely, Oct. 23, 2017; enhance the transparency and accelerate the impact Rept. 115–364. of assistance provided under the Foreign Assistance House Calendar ...... House 93 Act of 1961 to promote quality basic education in de- veloping countries, to better enable such countries to H. Res. 562 (S. 585).— Providing for consideration of achieve universal access to quality basic education and the bill (S. 585) to provide greater whistleblower pro- improved learning outcomes, to eliminate duplication tections for Federal employees, increased awareness and waste, and for other purposes. Reported from of Federal whistleblower protections, and increased ac- Rules Sept. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–299. House Calendar. countability and required discipline for Federal super- Passed House Sept. 8, 2017. visors who retaliate against whistleblowers, and for other purposes; providing for proceedings during the H. Res. 513 (H.R. 3697).— Providing for consideration period from October 16, 2017, through October 20, of the bill (H.R. 3697) to amend the Immigration and 2017; and providing for consideration of motions to Nationality Act with respect to aliens associated with suspend the rules. Reported from Rules Oct. 10, 2017; criminal gangs, and for other purposes, and providing Rept. 115–345. House Calendar. Passed House Oct. for proceedings during the period from September 15, 11, 2017; Roll No. 561: 234–185. 2017, through September 22, 2017. Reported from Rules Sept. 12, 2017; Rept. 115–307. House Calendar. Passed House Sept. 13, 2017; Roll No. 487: 222–186. H. Res. 569 (H.R. 2266).— Providing for the concurrence by the House in the Senate amendment to H.R. 2266, H. Res. 533 (H.R. 2792) (H.R. 2824).— Providing for with an amendment. Rules suspended. Passed House consideration of the bill (H.R. 2824) to amend title Oct. 12, 2017; Roll No. 566: 353–69. V of the Social Security Act to extend the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program; H. Res. 577 (H.R. 469) (H.R. 732).— Providing for consid- providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2792) to eration of the bill (H.R. 469) to impose certain limita- amend the Social Security Act to make certain revi- tions on consent decrees and settlement agreements sions to provisions limiting payment of benefits to fugi- by agencies that require the agencies to take regu- tive felons under titles II, VIII, and XVI of the Social latory action in accordance with the terms thereof, Security Act; and for other purposes. Reported from and for other purposes, and providing for consideration Rules Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–331. House Calendar. of the bill (H.R. 732) to limit donations made pursuant Passed House Sept. 26, 2017; Roll No. 533: 230–190. to settlement agreements to which the United States is a party, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules H. Res. 538 (H.R. 3823).— Providing for consideration Oct. 23, 2017; Rept. 115–363. House Calendar. Passed of the bill (H.R. 3823) to amend title 49, United States House Oct. 24, 2017; Roll No. 573: 227–190. Code, to extend authorizations for the airport improve- ment program, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the funding and expenditure author- H. Res. 579.— Electing a Member to a certain standing ity of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, to provide committee of the House of Representatives. Passed disaster tax relief, and for other purposes, and pro- House Oct. 24, 2017. viding for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. Reported from Rules Sept. 26, 2017; Rept. H. Res. 580 (H. Con. Res. 71).— Providing for consider- 115–333. House Calendar. Passed House Sept. 27, ation of the Senate amendment to the concurrent reso- 2017; Roll No. 539: 223–190. lution (H. Con. Res. 71) establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal H. Res. 548 (H.R. 36).— Providing for consideration of year 2018 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary the bill (H.R. 36) to amend title 18, United States levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027. Reported Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for from Rules Oct. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–369. House Cal- other purposes. Reported from Rules Oct. 2, 2017; endar. Passed House Oct. 25, 2017; Roll No. 583: Rept. 115–338. House Calendar. Passed House Oct. 233–188. 3, 2017; Roll No. 547: 233–187. 10–10 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 595 (H.R. 2936).— Providing for consideration H. Res. 616 (H.R. 2810) (H.R. 2874).— Providing for of the bill (H.R. 2936) to expedite under the National consideration of the bill (H.R. 2874) to achieve reforms Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and improve forest to improve the financial stability of the National Flood management activities on National Forest System Insurance Program, to enhance the development of lands, on public lands under the jurisdiction of the more accurate estimates of flood risk through new Bureau of Land Management, and on Tribal lands to technology and better maps, to increase the role of private markets in the management of flood insurance return resilience to overgrown, fire-prone forested risks, and to provide for alternative methods to insure lands, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules against flood peril, and for other purposes, and pro- Oct. 31, 2017; Rept. 115–378. House Calendar. Passed viding for consideration of the conference report to ac- House Nov. 1, 2017; Roll No. 593: 232–184. company the bill (H.R. 2810) to authorize appropria- tions for fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and H. Res. 599.— Expressing the sense of the House of for defense activities of the Department of Energy, Representatives with respect to United States policy to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal towards Yemen, and for other purposes. Referred to year, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Nov. Foreign Affairs Nov. 1, 2017. Passed House Nov. 13, 13, 2017; Rept. 115–408. House Calendar. Passed 2017; Roll No. 623: 366–30. House Nov. 14, 2017; Roll No. 627: 233–187.

H. Res. 619 (H.R. 1).— Providing for consideration of H. Res. 600 (H.R. 849).— Providing for consideration the bill (H.R. 1) to provide for reconciliation pursuant of the bill (H.R. 849) to repeal the provisions of the to title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act providing for fiscal year 2018, and providing for proceedings dur- for the Independent Payment Advisory Board. Re- ing the period from November 17, 2017, through No- ported from Rules Nov. 1, 2017; Rept. 115–381. House vember 27, 2017. Reported from Rules Nov. 15, 2017; Calendar. Passed House Nov. 2, 2017; Roll No. 601: Rept. 115–410. House Calendar. Passed House Nov. 240–178. 15, 2017; Roll No. 633: 235–191. H. Res. 630.— Requiring each Member, officer, and em- H. Res. 601 (H.R. 3922).— Providing for consideration ployee of the House of Representatives to complete of the bill (H.R. 3922) to extend funding for certain a program of training in workplace rights and respon- sibilities each session of each Congress, and for other public health programs, and for other purposes. Re- purposes. Referred to House Administration Nov. 28, ported from Rules Nov. 1, 2017; Rept. 115–382. House 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 29, 2017. Calendar. Passed House Nov. 2, 2017; Roll No. 603: 231–192. H. Res. 631 (H.R. 3017) (H.R. 3905).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3017) to amend the Com- prehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, H. Res. 607 (H.R. 3043) (H.R. 3441).— Providing for and Liability Act of 1980 to reauthorize and improve consideration of the bill (H.R. 3043) to modernize hy- the brownfields program, and for other purposes, and dropower policy, and for other purposes, and providing providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3905) to for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3441) to clarify the require congressional approval of any mineral with- treatment of two or more employers as joint employers drawal or monument designation involving the Na- under the National Labor Relations Act and the Fair tional Forest System lands in the State of Minnesota, Labor Standards Act of 1938. Reported from Rules to provide for the renewal of certain mineral leases Nov. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–391. House Calendar. Passed in such lands, and for other purposes. Reported from House Nov. 7, 2017; Roll No. 611: 233–182. Rules Nov. 28, 2017; Rept. 115–429. House Calendar. Passed House Nov. 29, 2017; Roll No. 641: 228–186.

H. Res. 609 (H.R. 2201).— Providing for consideration H. Res. 634.— Electing Members to certain standing of the bill (H.R. 2201) to amend the Securities Act committees of the House of Representatives. Passed House Nov. 29, 2017. of 1933 to exempt certain micro-offerings from the reg- istration requirements of such Act, and for other pur- H. Res. 635 (H.R. 1699) (H.R. 4182).— Providing for poses. Reported from Rules Nov. 7, 2017; Rept. consideration of the bill (H.R. 4182) to amend title 115–401. House Calendar. Passed House Nov. 8, 2017; 5, United States Code, to modify probationary periods Roll No. 617: 233–190. with respect to positions within the competitive service and the Senior Executive Service, and for other pur- poses, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. H. Res. 615.— Designating the Democratic Cloakroom 1699) to amend the Truth in Lending Act to modify in the Hall of the House of Representatives as the the definitions of a mortgage originator and a high- ‘‘Gabrielle Giffords-Leo J. Ryan Cloakroom’’. Referred cost mortgage, to amend the Secure and Fair Enforce- to Transportation and Infrastructure and in addition ment for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 to modify to House Administration, and Foreign Affairs Nov. 13, the definition of a loan originator, and for other pur- 2017. Committees discharged. Passed House Nov. 14, poses. Reported from Rules Nov. 29, 2017; Rept. 2017. 115–430. House Calendar. Passed House Nov. 30, 2017; Roll No. 645: 226–186. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 10–11

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HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued HOUSE RESOLUTIONS—Continued H. Res. 636.— Relating to the exercise of the authority H. Res. 667 (H.R. 1) (H.R. 3312).— Providing for consid- of the ranking minority member of the Committee on eration of the conference report to accompany the bill the Judiciary. Passed House Nov. 30, 2017. (H.R. 1) to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018; providing for consideration of the H. Res. 645 (H.R. 38).— Providing for consideration of bill (H.R. 3312) to amend the Dodd-Frank Wall Street the bill (H.R. 38) to amend title 18, United States Reform and Consumer Protection Act to specify when Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of bank holding companies may be subject to certain en- a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms hanced supervision, and for other purposes; and for may also do so in the State. Reported from Rules Dec. other purposes. Reported from Rules Dec. 18, 2017; 5, 2017; Rept. 115–440. House Calendar. Passed House Rept. 115–474. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. Dec. 6, 2017; Roll No. 660: 232–194. 19, 2017; Roll No. 689: 233–193.

H. Res. 668 (H.R. 1).— Providing for consideration of H. Res. 646.— Impeaching Donald John Trump, Presi- the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 1) to provide dent of the United States, of high misdemeanors. Laid for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the on table Dec. 6, 2017; Roll No. 658: 364–58. concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018. Reported from Rules Dec. 20, 2017; Rept. H. Res. 647 (H.R. 477) (H.R. 3971) (H.J. Res. 123).— 115–476. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 20, 2017; Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 477) to Roll No. 698: 232–190. amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to exempt from registration brokers performing services in con- H. Res. 669.— Electing a Member to a certain standing nection with the transfer of ownership of smaller pri- committee of the House of Representatives. Passed vately held companies; providing for consideration of House Dec. 20, 2017. the bill (H.R. 3971) to amend the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act H. Res. 670 (H.R. 1370) (H.R. 4667).— Providing for of 1974 to modify the requirements for community fi- consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill nancial institutions with respect to certain rules relat- (H.R.1370) to amend the Homeland Security Act of ing to mortgage loans, and for other purposes; and 2002 to require the Secretary of Homeland Security providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. to issue Department of Homeland Security-wide guid- Res. 123) making further continuing appropriations for ance and develop training programs as part of the fiscal year 2018, and for other purposes. Reported from Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign, Rules Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–443. House Calendar. and for other purposes; providing for consideration of Passed House Dec. 7, 2017; Roll No. 666: 238–188. the bill (H.R. 4667) making further supplemental ap- propriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, for disaster assistance for Hurricanes Harvey, H. Res. 657 (H.R. 2396) (H.R. 4015).— Providing for Irma, and Maria, and calendar year 2017 wildfires, consideration of the bill (H.R. 2396) to amend the and for other purposes; and providing for proceedings Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to update the exception for during the period from December 22, 2017, through certain annual notices provided by financial institu- January 7, 2018. Reported from Rules Dec. 21, 2017; tions, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. Rept. 115–477. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 4015) to improve the quality of proxy advisory firms 21, 2017; Roll No. 705: 228–188. for the protection of investors and the U.S. economy, and in the public interest, by fostering accountability, transparency, responsiveness, and competition in the proxy advisory firm industry. Reported from Rules Dec. 12, 2017; Rept. 115–462. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 13, 2017; Roll No. 679: 240–184.

H. Res. 658 (H.R. 1638) (H.R. 4324).— Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1638) to require the Secretary of the Treasury to submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the estimated total assets under direct or indirect control by certain senior Iranian leaders and other figures, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4324) to require the Secretary of the Treasury to make certifications with respect to United States and foreign financial institutions’ aircraft-related transactions involving Iran, and for other purposes. Reported from Rules Dec. 12, 2017; Rept. 115–463. House Calendar. Passed House Dec. 13, 2017; Roll No. 677: 238–182. 10–12 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1 (H.R. 1).— To provide for reconciliation pursuant S. 81.— To establish an advisory office within the Bu- to title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget reau of Consumer Protection of the Federal Trade for fiscal year 2018. Reported from the Budget Nov. Commission to prevent fraud targeting seniors, and 28, 2017; no written report. for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. 10, 2017. Reported Aug. 1, 2017; S. 12.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to im- Rept. 115–141. Passed Senate Aug. 2, 2017. Received prove the accountability of employees of the Depart- in House and referred to Energy and Commerce Aug. ment of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. Re- 4, 2017. ferred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 3, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate amended May 25, 2017. Re- S. 84 (H. Res. 48) (H.R. 393).— To provide for an excep- ceived in House and referred to Veterans’ Affairs May tion to a limitation against appointment of persons 26, 2017. as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of S. 19.— To provide opportunities for broadband invest- the Armed Forces. Referred to Armed Services Jan. ment, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 10, 2017. Reported Jan. 12, 2017; no written report. Science and Transportation Jan. 3, 2017. Reported Passed Senate Jan. 12, 2017; Roll No. 27: 81–17. Re- amended Mar. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–4. Passed Senate ceived in House and held at desk Jan. 12, 2017. Passed amended Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and held House Jan. 13, 2017; Roll No. 59: 268–151. Presented at desk Aug. 4, 2017. to the President Jan. 20, 2017. Approved Jan. 20, S. 21 (H.R. 26).— To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United 2017. Public Law 115–2. States Code, to provide that major rules of the execu- tive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint S. 88.— To ensure appropriate spectrum planning and resolution of approval is enacted into law. Referred interagency coordination to support the Internet of to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. Things. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- 4, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 16, 2017; Rept. tation Jan. 10, 2017. Reported June 5, 2017; Rept. 115–169. 115–90. Passed Senate amended Aug. 3, 2017. Re- ceived in House and referred to Energy and Commerce S. 34 (H.R. 21).— To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United Aug. 4, 2017. States Code, to provide for the en bloc consideration in resolutions of disapproval for ‘‘midnight rules’’, and S. 89.— To amend title 46, United States Code, to ex- for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and empt old vessels that only operate within inland water- Governmental Affairs Jan. 5, 2017. Reported Oct. 5, ways from the fire-retardant materials requirement if SEC. 11 2017; Rept. 115–164. the owners of such vessels make annual structural alterations to at least 10 percent of the areas of the S. 35.— To transfer administrative jurisdiction over cer- vessels that are not constructed of fire-retardant mate- tain Bureau of Land Management land from the Sec- rials and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, retary of the Interior to the Secretary of Veterans Af- Science and Transportation Jan. 10, 2017. Reported fairs for inclusion in the Black Hills National Ceme- Mar. 21, 2017; Rept. 115–5. Passed Senate Apr. 3, tery, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 2017; Roll No. 102: 85–12. Received in House and held Natural Resources Jan. 5, 2017. Reported amended at desk Apr. 4, 2017. May 3, 2017; Rept. 115–35. Passed Senate amended Dec. 21, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 22, 2017. S. 90 (H.R. 428).— To survey the gradient boundary along the Red River in the States of Oklahoma and S. 39.— To extend the Federal recognition to the Little Texas, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judici- Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana, and for ary Jan. 10, 2017. Committee discharged Feb. 28, other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 5, 2017. 2017. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. Reported May 22, 2017; Rept. 115–75. 28, 2017.

S. 55 (H.R. 46).— To authorize the Secretary of the Inte- S. 91 (H.R. 228).— To amend the Indian Employment, rior to conduct a special resource study of Fort Ontario Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of in the State of New York. Referred to Energy and 1992 to facilitate the ability of Indian tribes to inte- Natural Resources Jan. 5, 2017. Reported amended grate the employment, training, and related services June 13, 2017; Rept. 115–104. from diverse Federal sources, and for other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 10, 2017. Reported Apr. S. 61 (H.R. 374).— To remove the sunset provision of 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017; Rept. 115–26. section 203 of Public Law 105-384 and for other pur- poses. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- S. 96 (H.R. 460).— To amend the Communications Act tation Jan. 9, 2017. Reported June 5, 2017; Rept. of 1934 to ensure the integrity of voice communications 115–88. and to prevent unjust or unreasonable discrimination S. 63 (H.R. 986).— To clarify the rights of Indians and among areas of the United States in the delivery of Indian tribes on Indian lands under the National such communications. Referred to Commerce, Science Labor Relations Act. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. and Transportation Jan. 11, 2017. Reported Mar. 21, 9, 2017. Reported Feb. 17 (Legislative day of Feb. 16), 2017; Rept. 115–6. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. Re- 2017; Rept. 115–3. ceived in House and held at desk Aug. 4, 2017. 11–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 97.— To enable civilian research and development S. 123 (H.R. 582).— To amend the Communications Act of advanced nuclear energy technologies by private and of 1934 to require multi-line telephone systems to have public institutions, to expand theoretical and practical a default configuration that permits users to directly knowledge of nuclear physics, chemistry, and materials initiate a call to 9-1-1 without dialing any additional science, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy digit, code, prefix, or post-fix, and for other purposes. and Natural Resources Jan. 11, 2017. Reported June Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 21, 2017; Rept. 115–115. Jan. 12, 2017. Reported July 10, 2017; Rept. 115–124. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Aug. 4, 2017. S. 99.— To require the Secretary of the Interior to study the suitability and feasibility of designating the Presi- S. 129.— To reauthorize and amend the National Sea dent James K. Polk Home in Columbia, Tennessee, Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes. as a unit of the National Park System, and for other Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2017. Reported Mar. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–15. Jan. 11, 2017. Reported May 3, 2017; Rept. 115–36. Passed Senate amended Sept. 14, 2017. Received in House and referred to Natural Resources Sept. 18, 2017. S. 102 (H.R. 588).— To direct the Federal Communica- tions Commission to commence proceedings related to S. 131.— To provide for the exchange of certain National the resiliency of critical communications networks dur- Forest System land and non-Federal land in the State ing times of emergency, and for other purposes. Re- of Alaska, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy ferred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. and Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2017. Reported amend- 11, 2017. Reported amended Apr. 5 (Legislative day ed May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–117. of Apr. 4), 2017; Rept. 115–24. Passed Senate amended Sept. 11, 2017. Received in House and held at desk S. 133.— To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2017 Sept. 12, 2017. for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Manage- ment Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Re- S. 110.— To require the Secretary of Commerce, acting tirement and Disability System, and for other pur- through the Administrator of the National Oceanic and poses. Referred to Intelligence Jan. 12, 2017. Reported Atmospheric Administration, to establish a con- Jan. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–2. stituent-driven program to provide a digital informa- tion platform capable of efficiently integrating coastal S. 134 (H.R. 423).— To expand the prohibition on mis- data with decision-support tools, training, and best leading or inaccurate caller identification information, practices and to support collection of priority coastal and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science geospatial data to inform and improve local, State, and Transportation Jan. 12, 2017. Reported amended regional, and Federal capacities to manage the coastal June 6, 2017; Rept. 115–91. Passed Senate amended region, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Science and Transportation Jan. 12, 2017. Reported Aug. 4, 2017. Mar. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–14. Passed Senate May 25, 2017. Received in House and held at desk May 26, S. 139 (H.R. 510).— To implement the use of Rapid 2017. DNA instruments to inform decisions about pretrial release or detention and their conditions, to solve and prevent violent crimes and other crimes, to exonerate S. 114 (H. Res. 480) (H.R. 1690).— To amend title 38, the innocent, to prevent DNA analysis backlogs, and United States Code, to require the Secretary of Vet- for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 12, erans Affairs to submit an annual report regarding 2017. Reported May 11, 2017; no written report. performance awards and bonuses awarded to certain Passed Senate May 16, 2017. Received in House and high-level employees of the Department of Veterans held at desk May 16, 2017. Affairs. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Jan. 12, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate May 25, 2017. S. 140.— To amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Received in House and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Water Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to clarify the May 26, 2017. Failed of passage under suspension of use of amounts in the WMAT Settlement Fund. Re- the rules (two-thirds required) July 24, 2017; Roll No. ferred to Indian Affairs Jan. 12, 2017. Reported Mar. 408: 219–186. Passed House with amendments July 21, 2017; Rept. 115–7. Passed Senate May 8, 2017. 28, 2017; Roll No. 438: 414–0. Senate agreed to House Received in House and referred to Natural Resources amendments Aug. 1, 2017. Presented to the President May 11, 2017. Reported Dec. 6, 2017; Rept. 115–441. Aug. 7, 2017. Approved Aug. 12, 2017. Public Law Union Calendar ...... Union 326 115–46. S. 141.— To improve understanding and forecasting of space weather events, and for other purposes. Referred S. 117.— To designate a mountain peak in the State to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. 12, of Montana as ‘‘Alex Diekmann Peak’’. Referred to En- 2017. Reported amended Mar. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–21. ergy and Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2017. Reported Passed Senate amended May 2, 2017. Received in amended June 8, 2017; Rept. 115–94. Passed Senate House and referred to Science, Space, and Technology amended Dec. 20, 2017. Received in House and re- and in addition to Armed Services, Transportation and ferred to Natural Resources Dec. 21, 2017. Infrastructure, Foreign Affairs, and Intelligence May 3, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–3

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 154.— To amend the Small Business Act to ensure S. 190 (H.R. 511).— To provide for consideration of the small businesses affected by the onset of transmissible extension under the Energy Policy and Conservation diseases are eligible for disaster relief. Referred to Act of nonapplication of No-Load Mode energy effi- Small Business and Entrepreneurship Jan. 17, 2017. ciency standards to certain security or life safety Reported Aug. 2, 2017; no written report. alarms or surveillance systems, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 23, 2017. Reported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–76. Passed S. 167.— To designate a National Memorial to Fallen Senate Aug. 1, 2017. Received in House and held at Educators at the National Teachers Hall of Fame in desk Aug. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Emporia, Kansas. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- Oct. 11, 2017. Presented to the President Oct. 24, sources Jan. 17, 2017. Reported amended June 8, 2017; 2017. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–78. Rept. 115–95. Passed Senate amended Dec. 21, 2017. Received in House and referred to Natural Resources S. 199 (H.R. 648).— To authorize the use of the active Dec. 22, 2017. capacity of the Fontenelle Reservoir. Referred to En- ergy and Natural Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Reported June 8, 2017; Rept. 115–96. S. 168.— To amend and enhance certain maritime pro- grams of the Department of Transportation. Referred S. 204.— To authorize the use of unapproved medical to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. 17, products by patients diagnosed with a terminal illness 2017. Reported Mar. 30, 2017; Rept. 115–16. in accordance with State law, and for other purposes. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Jan. 24, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate S. 171.— To reauthorize and amend the National Oce- amended Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and referred anic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned to Energy and Commerce Aug. 4, 2017. Officer Corps Act of 2002, to reauthorize the Hydro- graphic Services Improvement Act of 1998, and for S. 213.— To designate the wilderness within the Lake other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Clark National Park and Preserve in the State of Alas- Transportation Jan. 17, 2017. Reported amended Nov. ka as the Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Area. Referred 7, 2017; Rept. 115–181. to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Re- ported June 14, 2017; Rept. 115–108.

S. 174.— To amend the Communications Act of 1934 S. 214 (H.R. 220).— To authorize the expansion of an to consolidate the reporting obligations of the Federal existing hydroelectric project. Referred to Energy and Communications Commission in order to improve con- Natural Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Reported June 13, gressional oversight and reduce reporting burdens. Re- 2017; Rept. 115–105. ferred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. 17, 2017. Reported May 11, 2017; Rept. 115–61. Passed S. 215.— To authorize the Federal Energy Regulatory Senate Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and held at Commission to issue an order continuing a stay of desk Aug. 4, 2017. a hydroelectric license for the Mahoney Lake hydro- electric project in the State of Alaska, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources S. 178.— To prevent elder abuse and exploitation and Jan. 24, 2017. Reported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–77. improve the justice system’s response to victims in elder abuse and exploitation cases. Referred to the Ju- S. 216 (H.R. 660).— To require the Secretary of the diciary Jan. 20, 2017. Reported Mar. 23, 2017; Rept. Interior to submit to Congress a report on the efforts 115–9. Passed Senate amended Aug. 1, 2017. Received of the Bureau of Reclamation to manage its infrastruc- in House and referred to the Judiciary and in addition ture assets. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources to Energy and Commerce Aug. 4, 2017. Rules sus- Jan. 24, 2017. Reported June 8, 2017; Rept. 115–97. pended. Passed House Oct. 3, 2017. Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2017. Approved Oct. 18, 2017. Pub- S. 217.— To amend the Denali National Park Improve- lic Law 115–70. ment Act to clarify certain provisions relating to the natural gas pipeline authorized in the Denali National Park and Preserve. Referred to Energy and Natural S. 188.— To prohibit the use of Federal funds for the Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Reported June 14, 2017; costs of painting portraits of officers and employees Rept. 115–109. of the Federal Government. Referred to Homeland Se- curity and Governmental Affairs Jan. 23, 2017. Re- S. 218.— To restrict the inclusion of social security ac- ported Apr. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–28. Passed Senate count numbers on documents sent by mail by the Fed- Sept. 18, 2017. Received in House and held at desk eral Government, and for other purposes. Referred to Sept. 21, 2017. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 24, 2017. Reported amended May 15, 2017; Rept. 115–62.

S. 189.— To modify the boundary of the Fort Scott Na- S. 225 (H.R. 699).— To amend the Omnibus Public Land tional Historic Site in the State of Kansas, and for Management Act of 2009 to modify provisions relating other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- to certain land exchanges in the Mt. Hood Wilderness sources Jan. 23, 2017. Reported amended May 3, 2017; in the State of Oregon. Referred to Energy and Nat- Rept. 115–37. ural Resources Jan. 24, 2017. Reported May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–52. 11–4 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 226.— To exclude power supply circuits, drivers, and S. 285 (H.R. 689).— To ensure adequate use and access devices to be connected to, and power, light-emitting to the existing Bolts Ditch headgate and ditch segment diodes or organic light-emitting diodes providing illu- within the Holy Cross Wilderness in Eagle County, mination or ceiling fans using direct current motors Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy from energy conservation standards for external power and Natural Resources Feb. 2, 2017. Reported May supplies. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 9, 2017; Rept. 115–53. Jan. 24, 2017. Reported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–78. Passed Senate Oct. 24, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Oct. 25, 2017. S. 286 (H.R. 698).— To require a land conveyance involv- ing the Elkhorn Ranch and the White River National Forest in the State of Colorado, and for other purposes. S. 239.— To amend the National Energy Conservation Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 2, Policy Act to encourage the increased use of perform- 2017. Reported June 7, 2017; Rept. 115–92. ance contracting in Federal facilities, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 30, 2017. Reported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–79. S. 287.— To update the map of, and modify the max- imum acreage available for inclusion in, the Florissant S. 245.— To amend the Indian Tribal Energy Develop- Fossil Beds National Monument. Referred to Energy ment and Self Determination Act of 2005, and for and Natural Resources Feb. 2, 2017. Reported May other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 30, 3, 2017; Rept. 115–38. 2017. Reported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–84. Passed Senate Nov. 29, 2017. Received in House and referred S. 289 (H.R. 688).— To adjust the boundary of the Arap- to Natural Resources and in addition to Energy and aho National Forest, Colorado, and for other purposes. Commerce Nov. 30, 2017. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 2, 2017. Reported May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–54. S. 249.— To provide that the pueblo of Santa Clara may lease for 99 years certain restricted land, and for other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. 1, S. 302.— To enhance tribal road safety, and for other 2017. Reported Mar. 22, 2017; Rept. 115–8. Passed purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. 3, 2017. Re- Senate May 8, 2017. Received in House and referred ported Apr. 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017; Rept. to Natural Resources May 11, 2017. Reported July 24, 115–27. Passed Senate Nov. 29, 2017. Received in 2017; Rept. 115–242. House and held at desk Nov. 30, 2017. Union Calendar ...... Union 174 S. 304.— To amend the Indian Health Care Improve- S. 254.— To amend the Native American Programs Act ment Act to allow the Indian Health Service to cover of 1974 to provide flexibility and reauthorization to the cost of a copayment of an Indian or Alaska Native ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native veteran receiving medical care or services from the American languages. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other pur- 1, 2017. Reported Apr. 4, 2017; Rept. 115–23. Passed poses. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. 3, 2017. Re- Senate amended Nov. 29, 2017. Received in House and ported June 15, 2017; Rept. 115–112. referred to Education and the Workforce Nov. 30, 2017. S. 305.— To amend title 4, United States Code, to en- S. 267.— To provide for the correction of a survey of courage the display of the flag of the United States certain land in the State of Alaska. Referred to Energy on National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Passed Sen- and Natural Resources Feb. 1, 2017. Reported June ate Feb. 3, 2017. Received in House and referred to 8, 2017; Rept. 115–98. the Judiciary Feb. 6, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House Mar. 21, 2017. Presented to the Presi- S. 269.— To provide for the conveyance of certain prop- dent Mar. 23, 2017. Approved Mar. 28, 2017. Public erty to the Tanana Tribal Council located in Tanana, Law 115–15. Alaska, and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corpora- tion located in Dillingham, Alaska, and for other pur- poses. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. 1, 2017. Re- S. 317.— To provide taxpayers with an annual report ported Mar. 27, 2017; Rept. 115–11. disclosing the cost and performance of Government programs and areas of duplication among them, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and S. 274.— To nullify the effect of the recent executive Governmental Affairs Feb. 6, 2017. Reported amended order that temporarily restricted individuals from cer- May 1, 2017; Rept. 115–34. tain countries from entering the United States. Or- dered placed on the calendar Feb. 2, 2017. S. 324 (H.R. 1005).— To amend title 38, United States S. 280 (H.R. 618).— To authorize, direct, expedite, and Code, to improve the provision of adult day health facilitate a land exchange in El Paso and Teller Coun- care services for veterans. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs ties, Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to En- Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Committee ergy and Natural Resources Feb. 2, 2017. Reported discharged. Passed Senate amended Nov. 9, 2017. Re- May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–45. ceived in House and held at desk Nov. 13, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–5

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 327.— To direct the Securities and Exchange Commis- S. 396.— To make technical amendments to certain ma- sion to provide a safe harbor related to certain invest- rine fish conservation statutes, and for other purposes. ment fund research reports, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Feb. Feb. 15, 2017. Reported Sept. 19, 2017; Rept. 115–160. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Reported amended Passed Senate Oct. 2, 2017. Received in House and Mar. 13, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate referred to Natural Resources Oct. 3, 2017. amended Sept. 11, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 12, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House S. 416.— To amend the Small Business Investment In- Sept. 27, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 29, centive Act of 1980 to require an annual review by 2017. Approved Oct. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–66. the Securities and Exchange Commission of the annual government-business forum on capital formation. Re- S. 331.— To remove the use restrictions on certain land ferred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Feb. transferred to Rockingham County, Virginia, and for 16, 2017. Committee discharged Mar. 7, 2017. Referred other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Mar. 7, 2017. sources Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Re- Committee discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 11, 2017. ported May 3, 2017; Rept. 115–39. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 12, 2017. S. 419.— To require adequate reporting on the Public S. 343.— To repeal certain obsolete laws relating to Indi- Safety Officers’ Benefits program, and for other pur- ans. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. 8 (Legislative day poses. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 16, 2017. Re- of Feb. 6), 2017. Reported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–85. ported Mar. 9, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate Passed Senate Nov. 29, 2017. Received in House and amended May 16, 2017. Received in House May 17, referred to Natural Resources Nov. 30, 2017. 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House May 17, 2017. Presented to the President May 22, 2017. Approved S. 346.— To provide for the establishment of the Na- June 2, 2017. Public Law 115–36. tional Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring System. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 8 (Leg- S. 432.— To designate the Cerro del Yuta and Rio San islative day of Feb. 6), 2017. Reported amended June Antonio Wilderness Areas in the State of New Mexico, 15, 2017; Rept. 115–113. and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Nat- ural Resources Feb. 16, 2017. Reported May 3, 2017; S. 363.— To revise the authorized route of the North Rept. 115–40. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Received Country National Scenic Trail in northeastern Min- in House and referred to Natural Resources Dec. 22, nesota and to extend the trail into Vermont to connect 2017. with the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Re- S. 442.— To authorize the programs of the National Aer- sources Feb. 13, 2017. Reported June 8, 2017; Rept. onautics and Space Administration, and for other pur- 115–99. poses. Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2017. Received in House and referred to Science, Space, and Technology Feb. 27, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 7, 2017. S. 371.— To make technical changes and other improve- Presented to the President Mar. 9, 2017. Approved ments to the Department of State Authorities Act, Fis- Mar. 21, 2017. Public Law 115–10. cal Year 2017. Referred to Foreign Relations Feb. 14, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate amended S. 444.— To amend the Investment Company Act of 1940 May 1, 2017. Received in House and referred to For- to expand the investor limitation for qualifying venture eign Affairs May 2, 2017. Committee discharged. capital funds under an exemption from the definition Passed House with amendment July 28, 2017. Senate of an investment company. Referred to Banking, Hous- agreed to House amendment Dec. 4, 2017. Presented ing, and Urban Affairs Feb. 27, 2017. Reported Mar. to the President Dec. 6, 2017. Approved Dec. 18, 13, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate Sept. 11, 2017. Public Law 115–94. 2017. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 12, 2017. S. 381.— To repeal the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to confer jurisdiction on the State of Iowa over offenses com- S. 447.— To require reporting on acts of certain foreign mitted by or against Indians on the Sac and Fox In- countries on Holocaust era assets and related issues. dian Reservation’’. Referred to Indian Affairs Feb. 15, Referred to Foreign Relations Feb. 27, 2017. Reported 2017. Reported June 28, 2017; Rept. 115–122. amended Dec. 5, 2017; no written report. Passed Sen- ate amended Dec. 12, 2017. Received in House and S. 385.— To promote energy savings in residential build- referred to Foreign Affairs Dec. 12, 2017. ings and industry, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 15, 2017. Re- S. 459.— To designate the area between the intersections ported May 10, 2017; Rept. 115–60. of Wisconsin Avenue, Northwest and Davis Street, Northwest and Wisconsin Avenue, Northwest and Edmunds Street, Northwest in Washington, District S. 392 (H.R. 1242).— To establish the 400 Years of Afri- of Columbia, as ‘‘Boris Nemtsov Plaza’’, and for other can-American History Commission, and for other pur- purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- poses. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. mental Affairs Feb. 27, 2017. Reported June 26, 2017; 15, 2017. Reported May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–63. Rept. 115–119. 11–6 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 462.— To require the Securities and Exchange Com- S. 501.— To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to mission to refund or credit certain excess payments designate certain segments of East Rosebud Creek in made to the Commission. Referred to Banking, Hous- Carbon County, Montana, as components of the Wild ing, and Urban Affairs Feb. 28, 2017. Reported Mar. and Scenic Rivers System. Referred to Energy and 13, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate Sept. 11, Natural Resources Mar. 2, 2017. Reported May 3, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 12, 2017; Rept. 115–42. Passed Senate Dec. 20, 2017. Re- 2017. ceived in House and referred to Natural Resources Dec. 21, 2017. S. 466.— A bill to clarify the description of certain Fed- eral land under the Northern Arizona Land Exchange S. 502 (H.R. 1350).— To modify the boundary of Voya- and Verde River Basin Partnership Act of 2005 to geurs National Park in the State of Minnesota, and include additional land in the Kaibab National Forest. for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 28, Resources Mar. 2, 2017. Reported May 16, 2017; Rept. 2017. Reported May 3, 2017; Rept. 115–41. Passed 115–64. Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Received in House and referred to Natural Resources Dec. 22, 2017. S. 504 (H.R. 2805).— To permanently authorize the Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Card S. 484 (H.R. 1366).— To amend the Investment Company Program. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- Act of 1940 to terminate an exemption for companies mental Affairs Mar. 2, 2017. Reported Aug. 1, 2017; located in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any Rept. 115–140. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26, 2017. other possession of the United States. Referred to Received in House and held at desk Sept. 27, 2017. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Mar. 1, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 23, 2017; Roll Reported amended Mar. 13, 2017; no written report. No. 570: 401–2. Presented to the President Oct. 26, Passed Senate amended Sept. 11, 2017. Received in 2017. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law 115–79. House and held at desk Sept. 12, 2017. S. 508.— To provide for the conveyance of certain Fed- S. 488.— To increase the threshold for disclosures re- eral land in the State of Oregon, and for other pur- quired by the Securities and Exchange Commission poses. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. relating to compensatory benefit plans, and for other 2, 2017. Reported May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–65. purposes. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Mar. 1, 2017. Reported Mar. 13, 2017; no writ- S. 512.— To modernize the regulation of nuclear energy. ten report. Passed Senate Sept. 11, 2017. Received Referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 2, in House and held at desk Sept. 12, 2017. 2017. Reported amended May 25, 2017; Rept. 115–86.

S. 490.— To reinstate and extend the deadline for com- S. 513.— To designate the Frank and Jeanne Moore mencement of construction of a hydroelectric project Wild Steelhead Special Management Area in the State involving the Gibson Dam. Referred to Energy and of Oregon. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Natural Resources Mar. 2, 2017. Reported amended Mar. 2, 2017. Reported May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–66. June 8, 2017; Rept. 115–100. S. 518.— To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control S. 491.— To reinstate and extend the deadline for com- Act to provide for technical assistance for small treat- mencement of construction of a hydroelectric project ment works. Referred to Environment and Public involving Clark Canyon Dam. Referred to Energy and Works Mar. 2, 2017. Reported amended May 17, 2017; Natural Resources Mar. 2, 2017. Reported amended Rept. 115–71. June 8, 2017; Rept. 115–101. S. 534 (H.R. 1973).— To prevent the sexual abuse of S. 496.— To repeal the rule issued by the Federal High- minors and amateur athletes by requiring the prompt way Administration and the Federal Transit Adminis- reporting of sexual abuse to law enforcement authori- tration entitled ‘‘Metropolitan Planning Organization ties, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Coordination and Planning Area Reform’’. Referred to Mar. 6, 2017. Reported amended June 8, 2017; no writ- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Mar. 2, 2017. ten report. Passed Senate amended Nov. 14, 2017. Re- Committee discharged. Passed Senate Mar. 8, 2017. ceived in House and held at desk Nov. 15, 2017. Received in House and referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 9, 2017. Considered under suspen- S. 544 (H.R. 369).— To amend the Veterans Access, sion of rules Apr. 25, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 to modify the House Apr. 27, 2017; Roll No. 231: 417–3. Presented termination date for the Veterans Choice Program, and to the President May 2, 2017. Approved May 12, for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs Mar. 2017. Public Law 115–33. 7, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Apr. 3, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Apr. S. 500 (H.R. 1238).— To amend the Homeland Security 3, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 5, 2017. Act of 2002 to make the Assistant Secretary of Home- Presented to the President Apr. 7, 2017. Approved land Security for Health Affairs responsible for coordi- Apr. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–26. nating the efforts of the Department of Homeland Se- curity related to food, agriculture, and veterinary de- S. 566.— To withdraw certain land in Okanogan County, fense against terrorism, and for other purposes. Re- Washington, to protect the land, and for other pur- ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs poses. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. Mar. 2, 2017. Reported Apr. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–29. 8, 2017. Reported June 13, 2017; Rept. 115–106. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–7

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 576.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to extend S. 590.— To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to certain protections against prohibited personnel prac- maintain or replace certain facilities and structures tices, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland for commercial recreation services at Smith Gulch in Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 8, 2017. Re- Idaho, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and ported Apr. 24, 2017; Rept. 115–30. Natural Resources Mar. 9, 2017. Reported May 16, 2017; Rept. 115–67. S. 577.— To require each agency, in providing notice of a rule making, to include a link to a 100 word S. 595 (H.R. 2213).— To provide U.S. Customs and Bor- plain language summary of the proposed rule. Referred der Protection with additional flexibility to expedite to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. the hiring process for applicants for law enforcement 8, 2017. Reported amended June 28, 2017; Rept. positions, and for other purposes. Referred to Home- 115–120. land Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 9, 2017. Reported amended July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–133. S. 579.— To require agencies to publish an advance no- S. 597.— To increase Federal Pell Grants for the children tice of proposed rule making for major rules. Referred of fallen public safety officers, and for other purposes. to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 8, 2017. Reported amended June 28, 2017; Rept. Mar. 9, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 115–121. Sept. 7, 2017. Received in House and referred to Edu- cation and the Workforce and in addition to the Judici- S. 581.— To include information concerning a patient’s ary, and the Budget Sept. 7, 2017. opioid addiction in certain medical records. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 8, S. 607.— To establish a business incubators program 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate amended within the Department of the Interior to promote eco- Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and referred to En- nomic development in Indian reservation communities. ergy and Commerce Aug. 4, 2017. Referred to Indian Affairs Mar. 13, 2017. Reported Sept. 26, 2017; Rept. 115–163. S. 582.— To reauthorize the Office of Special Counsel, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security S. 617.— To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to and Governmental Affairs Mar. 8, 2017. Reported designate certain segments of the Farmington River amended May 18, 2017; Rept. 115–74. Passed Senate and Salmon Brook in the State of Connecticut as com- amended Aug. 1, 2017. Received in House and referred ponents of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Sys- to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 4, 2017. tem, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 14, 2017. Reported May 9, S. 583 (H.R. 1428).— To amend the Omnibus Crime 2017; Rept. 115–55. Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to authorize COPS grantees to use grant funds to hire veterans S. 644 (H.R. 1715).— To authorize the Secretary of the as career law enforcement officers, and for other pur- Interior to conduct a special resource study of the poses. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 8, 2017. Reported Medgar Evers House, located in Jackson, Mississippi, May 11, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate May and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Nat- 16, 2017. Received in House and passed May 17, 2017. ural Resources Mar. 15, 2017. Reported amended May Presented to the President May 22, 2017. Approved 9, 2017; Rept. 115–46. June 2, 2017. Public Law 115–37. S. 650.— To amend the Small Business Act to expand S. 584.— To amend chapter 6 of title 5, United States tax credit education and training for small businesses Code (commonly known as the Regulatory Flexibility that engage in research and development, and for Act), to ensure complete analysis of potential impacts other purposes. Referred to Small Business and Entre- on small entities of rules, and for other purposes. Re- preneurship Mar. 15, 2017. Reported Aug. 2, 2017; ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs no written report. Mar. 8, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 14, 2017; Rept. S. 652.— To amend the Public Health Service Act to 115–194. reauthorize a program for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment regarding deaf and hard-of-hearing S. 585 (H. Res. 562).— To provide greater whistleblower newborns, infants, and young children. Referred to protections for Federal employees, increased awareness Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 15, 2017. of Federal whistleblower protections, and increased ac- Reported amended May 1, 2017; no written report. countability and required discipline for Federal super- Passed Senate amended Sept. 6, 2017. Received in visors who retaliate against whistleblowers, and for House and referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and 7, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 3, 2017. Governmental Affairs Mar. 8, 2017. Reported amended Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2017. Approved May 4, 2017; Rept. 115–44. Passed Senate amended Oct. 18, 2017. Public Law 115–71. May 25, 2017. Received in House and referred to Over- sight and Government Reform and in addition to Vet- S. 654.— To revise section 48 of title 18, United States erans’ Affairs May 26, 2017. Passed House Oct. 12, Code, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 2017; Roll No. 568: 420–0. Presented to the President Mar. 15, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 24, 2017. Approved Oct. 26, 2017. Public Law Dec. 14, 2017. Received in House and referred to the 115–73. Judiciary Dec. 15, 2017. 11–8 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 669.— To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to S. 713.— To establish the Mountains to Sound Greenway assess sanitation and safety conditions at Bureau of National Heritage Area in the State of Washington. Indian Affairs facilities that were constructed to pro- Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 23, vide affected Columbia River Treaty tribes access to 2017. Reported amended June 26, 2017; Rept. traditional fishing grounds and expend funds on con- 115–118. struction of facilities and structures to improve those conditions, and for other purposes. Referred to Indian S. 714.— To amend Public Law 103-434 to authorize Affairs Mar. 21, 2017. Reported Aug. 2, 2017; Rept. Phase III of the Yakima River Basin Water Basin 115–143. Passed Senate amended Nov. 29, 2017. Re- Water Enhancement Project for the purposes of im- ceived in House and referred to Natural Resources proving water management in the Yakima River basin, Nov. 30, 2017. and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Nat- ural Resources Mar. 23, 2017. Reported June 13, 2017; S. 675.— To amend and reauthorize certain provisions Rept. 115–107. relating to Long Island Sound restoration and steward- ship. Referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 21, 2017. Reported May 17, 2017; Rept. 115–72. S. 717.— To promote pro bono legal services as a critical way in which to empower survivors of domestic vio- S. 690.— To extend the eligibility of redesignated areas lence. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 23, 2017. Com- as HUBZones from 3 years to 7 years. Referred to mittee discharged. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2017. Re- Small Business and Entrepreneurship Mar. 21, 2017. ceived in House and referred to the Judiciary Aug. Reported Aug. 2, 2017; no written report. 4, 2017.

S. 691.— To extend Federal recognition to the Chicka- S. 722.— To impose sanctions with respect to Iran in hominy Indian Tribe, the Chickahominy Indian Tribe- relation to Iran’s ballistic missile program, support for Eastern Division, the Upper Mattaponi Tribe, the Rap- acts of international terrorism, and violations of pahannock Tribe, Inc., the Monacan Indian Nation, human rights, and for other purposes. Referred to For- and the Nansemond Indian Tribe. Referred to Indian eign Relations Mar. 23, 2017. Reported amended May Affairs Mar. 21, 2017. Reported June 28, 2017; Rept. 25, 2017; no written report. Considered June 12, 13, 115–123. 14, 2017. Passed Senate amended June 15, 2017; Roll S. 692.— To provide for integrated plan permits, to es- No. 147: 98–2. Received in House and held at desk tablish an Office of the Municipal Ombudsman, to pro- June 16, 2017. Senate request return of papers June mote green infrastructure, and to require the revision 29, 2017. of financial capability guidance. Referred to Environ- ment and Public Works Mar. 21, 2017. Reported S. 723.— To extend the deadline for commencement of amended May 25, 2017; Rept. 115–87. Passed Senate construction of a hydroelectric project. Referred to En- amended Oct. 5, 2017. Received in House and referred ergy and Natural Resources Mar. 27, 2017. Reported to Transportation and Infrastructure and in addition amended May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–80. to Energy and Commerce Oct. 10, 2017. S. 724.— To amend the Federal Power Act to modernize S. 696.— To amend title 5, United States Code, to appro- authorizations for necessary hydropower approvals. Re- priately limit the authority to award bonuses to Fed- ferred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 27, 2017. eral employees. Referred to Homeland Security and Reported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–81. Governmental Affairs Mar. 22, 2017. Reported amend- ed July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–127. S. 729 (H.R. 1719).— To authorize the Secretary of the S. 703.— To extend the authority of the Secretary of Interior to acquire approximately 44 acres of land in the Interior to carry out the Equus Beds Division of Martinez, California, for inclusion in the John Muir the Wichita Project. Referred to Energy and Natural National Historic Site, and for other purposes. Re- Resources Mar. 22, 2017. Reported June 8, 2017; Rept. ferred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 27, 2017. 115–102. Reported May 9, 2017; Rept. 115–47.

S. 705 (H.R. 695).— To amend the National Child Protec- S. 730.— To extend the deadline for commencement of tion Act of 1993 to establish a national criminal his- construction of certain hydroelectric projects. Referred tory background check system and criminal history re- to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 27, 2017. Re- view program for certain individuals who, related to ported May 24, 2017; Rept. 115–82. their employment, have access to children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities, and for other purposes. S. 733.— To protect and enhance opportunities for rec- Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 23, 2017. Reported reational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and for other amended Sept. 11, 2017; no written report. Passed purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Senate amended Oct. 16, 2017. Received in House and Mar. 27, 2017. Reported June 22, 2017; Rept. 115–116. held at desk Oct. 19, 2017.

S. 710 (H.R. 2122).— To reinstate and extend the dead- S. 734 (H.R. 2292).— To extend a project of the Federal line for commencement of construction of a hydro- Energy Regulatory Commission involving the electric project involving Jennings Randolph Dam. Re- Cannonsville Dam. Referred to Energy and Natural ferred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 23, 2017. Resources Mar. 27, 2017. Reported amended May 24, Reported amended June 8, 2017; Rept. 115–103. 2017; Rept. 115–83. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–9

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 756.— To reauthorize and amend the Marine Debris S. 810.— To facilitate construction of a bridge on certain Act to promote international action to reduce marine property in Christian County, Missouri, and for other debris, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works Science and Transportation Mar. 29, 2017. Reported Apr. 4, 2017. Reported amended Aug. 2, 2017; Rept. July 24, 2017; Rept. 115–135. Passed Senate amended 115–142. Passed Senate amended Aug. 3, 2017. Re- Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and referred to Trans- ceived in House and referred to Transportation and portation and Infrastructure and in addition to Nat- Infrastructure Aug. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed ural Resources Aug. 4, 2017. House Sept. 25, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 28, 2017. Approved Oct. 6, 2017. Public Law 115–67. S. 760.— To expand the Government’s use and adminis- tration of data to facilitate transparency, effective gov- S. 822.— To amend the Comprehensive Environmental ernance, and innovation, and for other purposes. Re- Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 to ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs modify provisions relating to grants, and for other pur- Mar. 29, 2017. Reported amended July 24, 2017; Rept. poses. Referred to Environment and Public Works Apr. 115–134. 4, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–148.

S. 763.— To improve surface and maritime transpor- S. 825.— To provide for the conveyance of certain prop- tation security. Referred to Commerce, Science and erty to the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consor- Transportation Mar. 29, 2017. Reported amended Oct. tium located in Sitka, Alaska, and for other purposes. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–178. Referred to Indian Affairs Apr. 4, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 17, 2017; Rept. 115–173. Passed Senate amended Nov. 29, 2017. Received in House and re- S. 765.— To amend title 18, United States Code, to pro- ferred to Natural Resources and in addition to Energy vide for penalties for the sale of any Purple Heart and Commerce Nov. 30, 2017. awarded to a member of the Armed Forces. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 29, 2017. Committee discharged. S. 826.— To reauthorize the Partners for Fish and Wild- Passed Senate amended Aug. 3, 2017. Received in life Program and certain wildlife conservation funds, House and referred to the Judiciary Aug. 4, 2017. to establish prize competitions relating to the preven- tion of wildlife poaching and trafficking, wildlife con- servation, the management of invasive species, and S. 770 (H.R. 2105).— To require the Director of the Na- the protection of endangered species, and for other tional Institute of Standards and Technology to dis- purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works seminate resources to help reduce small business cy- Apr. 4, 2017. Reported amended May 17, 2017; Rept. bersecurity risks, and for other purposes. Referred to 115–73. Passed Senate amended June 8, 2017. Re- Commerce, Science and Transportation Mar. 29, 2017. ceived in House and held at desk June 12, 2017. Re- Reported amended Sept. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–153. ferred to Natural Resources and in addition to Agri- Passed Senate amended Sept. 28, 2017. Received in culture, Transportation and Infrastructure, and House and held at desk Oct. 2, 2017. Science, Space, and Technology Aug. 8, 2017. S. 829.— To reauthorize the Assistance to Firefighters S. 772.— To amend the PROTECT Act to make Indian Grants program, the Fire Prevention and Safety tribes eligible for AMBER Alert grants. Referred to Grants program, and the Staffing for Adequate Fire Indian Affairs Mar. 29, 2017. Reported Sept. 5, 2017; and Emergency Response grant program, and for other Rept. 115–147. Passed Senate Nov. 29, 2017. Received purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- in House and referred to the Judiciary Nov. 30, 2017. mental Affairs Apr. 5 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. Reported amended July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–128. Passed Senate amended Aug. 2, 2017. Received in S. 782 (S. Con. Res. 28).— To reauthorize the National House and referred to Science, Space, and Technology Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program, Aug. 4, 2017. and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 30, 2017. Reported June 8, 2017; no written report. S. 831.— To designate the facility of the United States Passed Senate June 15, 2017. Received in House and Postal Service located at 120 West Pike Street in referred to the Judiciary June 20, 2017. Rules sus- Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Police Officer Scott pended. Passed House with amendment Oct. 3, 2017; Bashioum Post Office Building’’. Referred to Homeland Roll No. 550: 417–3. Senate agreed to House amend- Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 5 (Legislative ment Oct. 26, 2017. Presented to the President Nov. day of Apr. 4), 2017. Reported May 17, 2017; no writ- 2, 2017. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law ten report. Passed Senate June 13, 2017. Received in 115–82. House and referred to Oversight and Government Re- form June 14, 2017.

S. 807.— To provide anti-retaliation protections for anti- S. 832.— To enhance the transparency and accelerate trust whistleblowers. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. the impact of programs under the African Growth and 4, 2017. Reported Nov. 2, 2017; no written report. Opportunity Act and the Millennium Challenge Cor- Passed Senate Nov. 15, 2017. Received in House and poration, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign held at desk Nov. 16, 2017. Relations Apr. 5 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. Re- ported amended Oct. 17, 2017; no written report. 11–10 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 842.— To prohibit Federal agencies and Federal con- S. 905.— To require a report on, and to authorize tech- tractors from requesting that an applicant for employ- nical assistance for, accountability for war crimes, ment disclose criminal history record information be- crimes against humanity, and genocide in Syria, and fore the applicant has received a conditional offer, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Apr. for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and 7, 2017. Reported amended June 12, 2017; no written Governmental Affairs Apr. 5 (Legislative day of Apr. report. 4), 2017. Reported amended Sept. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–162. S. 906 (H.R. 1294).— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide for congressional notification S. 849.— To support programs for mosquito-borne and regarding major acquisition program breaches, and for other vector-borne disease surveillance and control. Re- other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and ferred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. Governmental Affairs Apr. 7, 2017. Reported amended 5 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. Reported amended Oct. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–165. Passed Senate amended May 1, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate amend- Nov. 9, 2017. Received in House and held at desk ed Sept. 6, 2017. Received in House and referred to Nov. 13, 2017. Energy and Commerce Sept. 7, 2017. S. 916.— To amend the Controlled Substances Act with S. 860 (H.R. 1809).— To reauthorize and improve the regard to the provision of emergency medical services. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 1974, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 24, 2017. Reported amended May 1, 2017; no Apr. 5 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. Committee written report. discharged. Passed Senate amended Aug. 1, 2017. Re- ceived in House and held at desk Aug. 4, 2017. S. 917.— To amend title 36, United States Code, to des- ignate May 1 as ‘‘Silver Star Service Banner Day’’. S. 861.— To provide for the compensation of Federal Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 24, 2017. Committee employees affected by lapses in appropriations. Or- discharged. Passed Senate May 25, 2017. Received in dered placed on the calendar Apr. 7, 2017. House and held at desk May 26, 2017. S. 867 (H.R. 2228).— To provide support for law enforce- S. 920.— To establish a National Clinical Care Commis- ment agency efforts to protect the mental health and well-being of law enforcement officers, and for other sion. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 6 (Legislative sions Apr. 24, 2017. Reported May 1, 2017; no written day of Apr. 4), 2017. Committee discharged. Passed report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 6, 2017. Received Senate May 16, 2017. Received in House and referred in House and held at desk Sept. 7, 2017. Rules sus- to the Judiciary May 17, 2017. pended. Passed House Oct. 11, 2017. Presented to the President Oct. 24, 2017. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. S. 870.— To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Public Law 115–80. Act to implement Medicare payment policies designed to improve management of chronic disease, streamline S. 929.— To improve the HUBZone program. Referred care coordination, and improve quality outcomes with- to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Apr. 25, out adding to the deficit. Referred to Finance Apr. 2017. Reported amended Aug. 2, 2017; no written re- 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. Reported amended port. Aug. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–146. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26, 2017. Received in House and referred to S. 934 (H.R. 2430).— To amend the Federal Food, Drug, Ways and Means and in addition to Energy and Com- and Cosmetic Act to revise and extend the user-fee merce Sept. 27, 2017. programs for prescription drugs, medical devices, ge- neric drugs, and biosimilar biological products, and for S. 873 (H.R. 3031).— To amend section 8433 of title other purposes. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, 5, United States Code, to provide for flexibility in mak- and Pensions Apr. 25, 2017. Reported amended May ing withdrawals from the Thrift Savings Fund. Re- 11, 2017; no written report. ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. Reported S. 938.— To require notice of cost-free Federal procure- amended Nov. 8, 2017; Rept. 115–183. ment technical assistance in connection with registra- tion of small business concerns in procurement sys- S. 875.— To require the Comptroller General of the tems. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- United States to conduct a study and submit a report mental Affairs Apr. 25, 2017. Reported Oct. 5, 2017; on filing requirements under the Universal Service Rept. 115–166. Fund programs. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Apr. 6 (Legislative day of Apr. 4), 2017. S. 1015.— To require the Federal Communications Com- Reported amended Dec. 11, 2017; Rept. 115–192. mission to study the feasibility of designating a simple, easy-to-remember dialing code to be used for a national S. 886 (H.R. 1282).— To amend the Homeland Security suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline sys- Act of 2002 to establish an Acquisition Review Board tem. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- in the Department of Homeland Security, and for other tation May 3, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 31, 2017; purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- no written report. Passed Senate amended Nov. 7, mental Affairs Apr. 6, 2017. Reported Oct. 16, 2017; 2017. Received in House and referred to Energy and Rept. 115–170. Passed Senate amended Nov. 9, 2017. Commerce and in addition to Veterans’ Affairs Nov. Received in House and held at desk Nov. 13, 2017. 8, 2017. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–11

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1024 (H.R. 2288).— To amend title 38, United States S. 1096.— To amend and enhance certain maritime pro- Code, to reform the rights and processes relating to grams of the Department of Transportation, and for appeals of decisions regarding claims for benefits other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and under the laws administered by the Secretary of Vet- Transportation May 11, 2017. Reported amended July erans Affairs, and for other purposes. Referred to Vet- 24, 2017; Rept. 115–136. erans’ Affairs May 3, 2017. Reported amended July 10, 2017; Rept. 115–126. S. 1099.— To provide for the identification and preven- S. 1028 (H.R. 3759).— To provide for the establishment tion of improper payments and the identification of and maintenance of a National Family Caregiving strategic sourcing opportunities by reviewing and ana- Strategy, and for other purposes. Referred to Health, lyzing the use of Federal agency charge cards. Referred Education, Labor, and Pensions May 3, 2017. Reported to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May May 11, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate 11, 2017. Reported July 11, 2017; Rept. 115–129. amended Sept. 26, 2017. Received in House and re- Passed Senate amended Aug. 3, 2017. Received in ferred to Education and the Workforce Sept. 27, 2017. House and referred to Oversight and Government Re- form Aug. 4, 2017. S. 1038.— To require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to submit to Congress a re- port on the utilization of small businesses with respect S. 1103.— To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to certain Federal contracts. Referred to Small Busi- to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to issue ness and Entrepreneurship May 4, 2017. Reported Department-wide guidance and to develop training amended Aug. 2, 2017; no written report. programs as part of the Department of Homeland Se- curity Blue Campaign, and for other purposes. Re- S. 1052.— To strengthen the use of patient-experience ferred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs data within the benefit-risk framework for approval May 11, 2017. Reported Sept. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–157. of new drugs. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, Passed Senate Oct. 5, 2017. Received in House and and Pensions May 4, 2017. Committee discharged. held at desk Oct. 10, 2017. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce Aug. 4, 2017. S. 1107 (H.R. 2266).— To amend title 28, United States S. 1057.— To amend the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hy- Code, to authorize the appointment of additional bank- poxia Research and Control Act of 1998 to address ruptcy judges, and for other purposes. Referred to the harmful algal blooms, and for other purposes. Referred Judiciary May 11, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed to Commerce, Science and Transportation May 4, 2017. Senate amended Sept. 5, 2017. Received in House and Reported amended Aug. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–145. held at desk Sept. 6, 2017. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 27, 2017. S. 1116.— To amend the Native American Business De- S. 1083.— To amend section 1214 of title 5, United velopment, Trade Promotion, and Tourism Act of 2000, States Code, to provide for stays during a period that the Buy Indian Act, and the Native American Pro- the Merit Systems Protection Board lacks a quorum. grams Act of 1974 to provide industry and economic Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- development opportunities to Indian communities. Re- fairs May 10, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed ferred to Indian Affairs May 11, 2017. Reported Senate May 11, 2017. Received in House and referred amended Oct. 17, 2017; Rept. 115–174. to Oversight and Government Reform May 16, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House with amendment S. 1118.— To reauthorize the North Korea Human May 25, 2017. Senate agreed to House amendment Rights Act of 2004, and for other purposes. Referred June 14, 2017. Presented to the President June 15, to Foreign Relations May 11, 2017. Reported amended 2017. Approved June 27, 2017. Public Law 115–42. Dec. 11, 2017; no written report. S. 1088.— To require the collection of voluntary feedback on services provided by agencies, and for other pur- S. 1129.— To authorize appropriations for the Coast poses. Referred to Homeland Security and Govern- Guard, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, mental Affairs May 10, 2017. Reported amended Sept. Science and Transportation May 16, 2017. Reported 14, 2017; Rept. 115–156. Passed Senate amended Nov. amended June 5, 2017; Rept. 115–89. 7, 2017. Received in House and referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 8, 2017. S. 1141 (H.R. 2484).— To ensure that the United States S. 1094 (H. Res. 378).— To amend title 38, United States promotes the meaningful participation of women in Code, to improve the accountability of employees of mediation and negotiation processes seeking to pre- the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other pur- vent, mitigate, or resolve violent conflict. Referred to poses. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 11, 2017. Re- Foreign Relations May 16, 2017. Reported June 8, ported amended May 24, 2017; no written report. 2017; Rept. 115–93. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. Re- Passed Senate amended June 6, 2017. Received in ceived in House and held at desk Aug. 4, 2017. Rules House and held at desk June 7, 2017. Passed House suspended. Passed House Sept. 25, 2017. Presented June 13, 2017; Roll No. 307: 368–55. Presented to the to the President Sept. 28, 2017. Approved Oct. 6, President June 22, 2017. Approved June 23, 2017. 2017. Public Law 115–68. Public Law 115–41. 11–12 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1153.— To prohibit or suspend certain health care S. 1282.— To redesignate certain clinics of the Depart- providers from providing non-Department of Veterans ment of Veterans Affairs located in Montana. Referred Affairs health care services to veterans, and for other to Veterans’ Affairs May 25, 2017. Committee dis- purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 17, 2017. charged. Passed Senate amended Aug. 2, 2017. Re- Committee discharged. Passed Senate Nov. 9, 2017. ceived in House and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Aug. Received in House and referred to Veterans’ Affairs 4, 2017. Nov. 13, 2017. S. 1285.— To allow the Confederated Tribes of Coos, S. 1165.— To designate the medical center of the Depart- Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, the Confed- ment of Veterans Affairs in Huntington, West Virginia, erated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Or- as the Hershel ‘‘Woody’’ Williams VA Medical Center. egon, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Or- Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 17, 2017. Committee egon, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, and discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 7, 2017. Received in the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians to House and referred to Veterans’ Affairs Sept. 7, 2017. lease or transfer certain lands. Referred to Indian Af- fairs May 25, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 17, 2017; Rept. 115–175. Passed Senate amended Nov. 29, 2017. S. 1182 (H.R. 2519).— To require the Secretary of the Received in House and referred to Natural Resources Treasury to mint commemorative coins in recognition Nov. 30, 2017. of the 100th anniversary of The American Legion. Re- ferred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May S. 1311.— To provide assistance in abolishing human 18, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate trafficking in the United States. Referred to the Judici- amended Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and held ary June 7, 2017. Reported amended Aug. 1, 2017; at desk Aug. 4, 2017. no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 11, 2017. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary S. 1199 (H.R. 2281).— To amend the Homeland Security and in addition to Foreign Affairs, Energy and Com- Act of 2002 to reauthorize the Border Enforcement merce, and Homeland Security Sept. 12, 2017. Security Task Force program within the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Referred S. 1312 (H.R. 1808).— To prioritize the fight against to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May human trafficking in the United States. Referred to 22, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 30, 2017; Rept. the Judiciary June 7, 2017. Reported amended Aug. 115–179. 1, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 11, 2017. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Education and the Work- S. 1208.— To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security force, and Foreign Affairs Sept. 12, 2017. to provide for an option under the Secure Mail Initia- tive under which a person to whom a document is S. 1322.— To establish the American Fisheries Advisory sent under that initiative may elect to have the United Committee to assist in the awarding of fisheries re- States Postal Service use the Hold for Pickup service search and development grants, and for other pur- or the Signature Confirmation service in delivering the poses. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- document, and for other purposes. Referred to Home- tation June 8, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 11, 2017; land Security and Governmental Affairs May 23, 2017. Rept. 115–193. Reported amended Oct. 16, 2017; Rept. 115–171. Passed Senate amended Dec. 21, 2017. Received in S. 1333.— To provide for rental assistance for homeless House and held at desk Dec. 22, 2017. or at-risk Indian veterans. Referred to Indian Affairs June 12, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 20, 2017; Rept. S. 1221.— To counter the influence of the Russian Fed- 115–198. eration in Europe and Eurasia, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations May 24, 2017. Reported S. 1359.— To amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act amended June 6, 2017; no written report. to authorize appropriations for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and for other purposes. S. 1223.— To repeal the Klamath Tribe Judgment Fund Referred to Environment and Public Works June 14, Act. Referred to Indian Affairs May 24, 2017. Reported 2017. Reported Aug. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–144. Passed amended Dec. 5, 2017; Rept. 115–190. Senate Sept. 6, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 7, 2017.

S. 1266.— To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs S. 1393 (H.R. 2258).— To streamline the process by to enter into contracts with nonprofit organizations to which active duty military, reservists, and veterans investigate medical centers of the Department of Vet- receive commercial driver’s licenses. Referred to Com- erans Affairs. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs May 25, merce, Science and Transportation June 21, 2017. Re- 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Nov. 9, ported Aug. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–161. Passed Senate 2017. Received in House and referred to Veterans’ Af- Sept. 14, 2017. Received in House and held at desk fairs Nov. 13, 2017. Considered under suspension of Sept. 18, 2017. Considered under suspension of rules rules Dec. 5, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 19, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. Dec. 6, 2017; Roll No. 661: 423–0. Presented to the 21, 2017; Roll No. 706: 418–0. Presented to the Presi- President Dec. 8, 2017. Approved Dec. 20, 2017. dent Dec. 27, 2017. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Public Law 115–95. Law 115–105. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–13

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1395.— To revise the boundaries of certain John H. S. 1536 (H.R. 3813).— To designate a human trafficking Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System units in prevention coordinator and to expand the scope of ac- Delaware. Referred to Environment and Public Works tivities authorized under the Federal Motor Carrier June 21, 2017. Reported Sept. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–149. Safety Administration’s outreach and education pro- gram to include human trafficking prevention activi- S. 1425.— To reauthorize the Integrated Coastal and ties, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Ocean Observation System Act of 2009, and for other Science and Transportation July 12, 2017. Reported purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Trans- amended Aug. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–177. Passed Senate portation June 22, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 27, amended Sept. 14, 2017. Received in House and re- 2017; Rept. 115–186. ferred to Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 18, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 19, 2017; S. 1428.— To amend section 21 of the Small Business Roll No. 695: 418–1. Presented to the President Dec. Act to require cyber certification for small business 22, 2017. Approved Jan. 3, 2018. Public Law development center counselors, and for other purposes. 115–99. Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship S. 1557.— Making appropriations for military construc- June 26, 2017. Reported Aug. 2, 2017; no written re- tion, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related port. agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations S. 1438.— To redesignate the Jefferson National Expan- July 13, 2017; Rept. 115–130. sion Memorial in the State of Missouri as the ‘‘Gate- way Arch National Park’’. Referred to Energy and Nat- S. 1584 (H.R. 3229).— To amend the Ethics in Govern- ural Resources June 26, 2017. Committee discharged. ment Act of 1978 to reauthorize the Judicial Con- Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Received in House and ference of the United States to redact sensitive infor- referred to Natural Resources Dec. 22, 2017. mation contained in financial disclosure reports of judi- cial officers and employees, and for other purposes. S. 1447.— To reauthorize the diesel emissions reduction Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- program, and for other purposes. Referred to Environ- fairs July 19, 2017. Reported Oct. 16, 2017; Rept. ment and Public Works June 27, 2017. Reported Sept. 115–172. 13, 2017; Rept. 115–155. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Proceedings vacated Dec. 21, 2017. Returned to the S. 1586.— To require the Under Secretary for Oceans calendar Dec. 22, 2017. and Atmosphere to update periodically the environ- mental sensitivity index products of the National Oce- anic and Atmospheric Administration for each coastal S. 1460 (H.R. 589) (H.R. 1242) (H.R. 1397).— To provide area of the Great Lakes, and for other purposes. Re- for the modernization of the energy and natural re- ferred to Commerce, Science and Transportation July sources policies of the United States, and for other 19, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 31, 2017; Rept. purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar June 29, 115–180. 2017. S. 1591.— To impose sanctions with respect to the Demo- S. 1514.— To amend certain Acts to reauthorize those cratic People’s Republic of Korea, and for other pur- Acts and to increase protections for wildlife, and for poses. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public fairs July 19, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 16, 2017; Works June 29, 2017. Reported amended Oct. 5, 2017; no written report. Rept. 115–168. S. 1595 (H.R. 3329).— To amend the Hizballah Inter- S. 1519 (H.R. 2810).— To authorize appropriations for national Financing Prevention Act of 2015 to impose fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the Depart- additional sanctions with respect to Hizballah, and for ment of Defense, for military construction, and for de- other purposes. Referred to Banking, Housing, and fense activities of the Department of Energy, to pre- Urban Affairs July 20, 2017. Committee discharged. scribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, Passed Senate amended Oct. 5, 2017. Received in and for other purposes. Reported from Armed Services House and held at desk Oct. 10, 2017. Referred to July 10, 2017; Rept. 115–125. Foreign Affairs and in addition to the Judiciary, and Financial Services Oct. 12, 2017. S. 1532 (H.R. 3814).— To disqualify from operating a S. 1598 (H.R. 3218).— To amend title 38, United States commercial motor vehicle for life an individual who Code, to make certain improvements in the laws ad- uses a commercial motor vehicle in committing a fel- ministered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and ony involving human trafficking. Referred to Com- for other purposes. Referred to Veterans’ Affairs July merce, Science and Transportation July 12, 2017. Re- 20, 2017. Reported Aug. 2, 2017; no written report. ported Aug. 3, 2017; Rept. 115–188. Passed Senate Sept. 14, 2017. Received in House and referred to S. 1603 (H.R. 3268).— Making appropriations for Agri- Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 18, 2017. Con- culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Adminis- sidered under suspension of rules Dec. 19, 2017. Rules tration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal suspended. Passed House Dec. 21, 2017; Roll No. 710: year ending September 30, 2018, and for other pur- 393–0. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 2017. Ap- poses. Reported from Appropriations July 20, 2017; proved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–106. Rept. 115–131. 11–14 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1609 (H.R. 3266).— Making appropriations for energy S. 1761 (H.R. 3180).— To authorize appropriations for and water development and related agencies for the fiscal year 2018 for intelligence and intelligence-related fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other activities of the United States Government, the Com- purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 20, 2017; munity Management Account, and the Central Intel- Rept. 115–132. ligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes. Reported from Intelligence Aug. S. 1616.— To award the Congressional Gold Medal to 18, 2017; Rept. 115–151. Bob Dole, in recognition for his service to the nation as a soldier, legislator, and statesman. Referred to S. 1766.— To reauthorize the SAFER Act of 2013, and Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 24, 2017. for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 6, Committee discharged. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. 2017. Reported amended Sept. 28, 2017; no written Received in House and referred to Financial Services report. Passed Senate amended Oct. 23, 2017. Received Aug. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. in House and referred to the Judiciary Oct. 25, 2017. 5, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 11, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 21, 2017. Pre- Approved Sept. 15, 2017. Public Law 115–60. sented to the President Dec. 27, 2017. Approved Jan. 8, 2018. Public Law 115–107.

S. 1617.— To designate the checkpoint of the United S. 1769.— To require a new or updated Federal website States Border Patrol located on United States Highway that is intended for use by the public to be mobile 77 North in Sarita, Texas, as the ‘‘Javier Vega, Jr. friendly, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Border Patrol Checkpoint’’. Referred to Homeland Se- Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 7, 2017. Re- curity and Governmental Affairs July 24, 2017. Com- ported amended Dec. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–195. mittee discharged. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2017. Re- ceived in House and referred to Transportation and S. 1771 (H.R. 3358).— Making appropriations for the Infrastructure Aug. 4, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, House Oct. 10, 2017. Presented to the President Oct. and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year 24, 2017. Approved Nov. 2, 2017. Public Law ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. 115–81. Reported from Appropriations Sept. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–150. S. 1631.— To authorize the Department of State for Fis- cal Year 2018, and for other purposes. Referred to S. 1780 (H.R. 3362).— Making appropriations for the Foreign Relations July 25, 2017. Reported amended Department of State, foreign operations, and related Sept. 6, 2017; no written report. programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported from Appro- priations Sept. 7, 2017; Rept. 115–152. S. 1648 (H.R. 3162).— Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending Sep- S. 1827.— To extend funding for the Children’s Health tember 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported Insurance Program, and for other purposes. Referred from Appropriations July 27, 2017; Rept. 115–137. to Finance Sept. 18, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 20, 2017; Rept. 115–197. S. 1655 (H.R. 3353).— Making appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, and Housing and S. 1848.— To amend the Trafficking Victims Protection Urban Development, and related agencies for the fiscal Act of 2000 to modify the criteria for determining year ending September 30, 2018, and for other pur- whether countries are meeting the minimum standards poses. Reported from Appropriations July 27, 2017; for the elimination of human trafficking, and for other Rept. 115–138. purposes. Reported from Foreign Relations Sept. 19, 2017; no written report.

S. 1662 (H.R. 3267).— Making appropriations for the S. 1866.— To provide the Secretary of Education with Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and waiver authority for the reallocation rules and author- Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September ity to extend the deadline by which funds have to 30, 2018, and for other purposes. Reported from Appro- be reallocated in the campus-based aid programs under priations July 27, 2017; Rept. 115–139. the Higher Education Act of 1965 due to Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria, to pro- S. 1697.— To condition assistance to the West Bank vide equitable services to children and teachers in pri- and Gaza on steps by the Palestinian Authority to vate schools, and for other purposes. Passed Senate end violence and terrorism against Israeli citizens and Sept. 26, 2017. Received in House and held at desk United States Citizens. Referred to Foreign Relations Sept. 27, 2017. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. Aug. 1, 2017. Reported amended Sept. 6, 2017; no writ- 28, 2017. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2017. ten report. Approved Sept. 29, 2017. Public Law 115–64.

S. 1869.— To reauthorize and rename the position of S. 1757 (H.R. 425).— To strengthen border security, in- Whistleblower Ombudsman to be the Whistleblower crease resources for enforcement of immigration laws, Protection Coordinator. Referred to Homeland Security and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar and Governmental Affairs Sept. 27, 2017. Reported Sept. 5, 2017. amended Dec. 14, 2017; Rept. 115–196. HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 11–15

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SENATE BILLS—Continued SENATE BILLS—Continued S. 1885.— To support the development of highly auto- S. 2155.— To promote economic growth, provide tailored mated vehicle safety technologies, and for other pur- regulatory relief, and enhance consumer protections, poses. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transpor- and for other purposes. Referred to Banking, Housing, tation Sept. 28, 2017. Reported amended Nov. 28, and Urban Affairs Nov. 16, 2017. Reported amended 2017; Rept. 115–187. Dec. 18, 2017; no written report.

S. 1886.— To amend subchapter I of chapter 31 of title S. 2192.— To strengthen border security, increase re- 5, United States Code, to authorize agencies to make sources for enforcement of immigration laws, and for noncompetitive temporary and term appointments in other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Dec. the competitive service. Referred to Homeland Security 6, 2017. and Governmental Affairs Sept. 28, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 1, 2017; Rept. 115–189. S. 2193.— To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve health care for veterans, and for other pur- S. 1894.— To exempt Puerto Rico from the coastwise poses. Reported from Veterans’ Affairs Dec. 5, 2017; laws of the United States (commonly known as the no written report. Ordered placed on the calendar Dec. ‘‘Jones Act’’). Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 2, 5, 2017. 2017.

S. 1901.— To require global economic and political pres- S. 2199.— To authorize appropriations for border infra- sure to support diplomatic denuclearization of the Ko- structure construction, to provide conditional resident rean Peninsula, including through the imposition of status to certain aliens, and to amend the Immigration sanctions with respect to the Government of the Demo- and Nationality Act to include grounds of inadmis- cratic People’s Republic of Korea and any enablers of sibility and deportability for alien members of criminal the activities of that Government, and to reauthorize gangs and cartels, and for other purposes. Ordered the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, and placed on the calendar Dec. 7, 2017. for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 2, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 7, 2017; no written S. 2273.— To extend the period during which vessels report. that are shorter than 79 feet in length and fishing vessels are not required to have a permit for dis- S. 1928.— To establish a review of United States multi- charges incidental to the normal operation of the ves- lateral aid. Referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 5, 2017. sel. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Received in House Reported amended Nov. 28, 2017; no written report. and passed Dec. 22, 2017. Presented to the President Jan. 3, 2018. Approved Jan. 3, 2018. Public Law S. 2010.— To extend the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 115–100. for 8 years, and for other purposes. Reported from Intelligence Oct. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–182.

S. 2030.— To deem the compliance date for amended energy conservation standards for ceiling light kits to be January 21, 2020, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 30, 2017. Com- mittee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 21, 2017. Re- ceived in House and referred to Energy and Commerce Dec. 22, 2017.

S. 2070.— To amend the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, to reauthorize the Missing Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Alert Program, and to pro- mote initiatives that will reduce the risk of injury and death relating to the wandering characteristics of some children with autism. Referred to the Judiciary Nov. 2, 2017. Reported amended Dec. 1, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate amended Dec. 21, 2017. Re- ceived in House and referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Education and the Workforce, Oversight and Government Reform, and House Administration Dec. 22, 2017.

S. 2099.— To provide for the management by the Sec- retary of Agriculture of certain Federal land, and for other purposes. Referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Nov. 8, 2017. Reported Nov. 16, 2017; no written report.

S. 2146.— To extend the full Federal medical assistance percentage to urban Indian organizations. Referred to Indian Affairs Nov. 16, 2017. Committee discharged Dec. 6, 2017. Referred to Finance Dec. 6, 2017. 11–16 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS—Continued S.J. Res. 1 (H.J. Res. 3).— Approving the location of S.J. Res. 36.— Providing for the appointment of Roger a memorial to commemorate and honor the members W. Ferguson as a citizen regent of the Board of Re- of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in gents of the Smithsonian Institution. Referred to Rules support of Operation Desert Storm or Operation Desert and Administration Mar. 8, 2017. Committee dis- Shield. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. charged. Passed Senate Mar. 27, 2017. Received in 3, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Mar. House and referred to House Administration Mar. 28, 8, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Mar. 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House Apr. 6, 9, 2017. Passed House Mar. 15, 2017. Presented to 2017. Presented to the President Apr. 7, 2017. Ap- the President Mar. 20, 2017. Approved Mar. 31, proved Apr. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–29. 2017. Public Law 115–18. S.J. Res. 41.— Resolution providing for an exception to the limitation on the appointment of certain persons S.J. Res. 19.— Providing for congressional disapproval as the United States Trade Representative. Reported under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the from Finance Apr. 25, 2017; no written report. rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to prepaid accounts under the Elec- S.J. Res. 45.— Condemning the deadly attack on May tronic Fund Transfer Act and the Truth in Lending 26, 2017, in Portland, Oregon, expressing deepest con- Act. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs dolences to the families and friends of the victims, Feb. 1, 2017. Committee discharged. Ordered placed and supporting efforts to overcome hatred, bigotry, and on the calendar Mar. 30, 2017. violence. Passed Senate June 8, 2017. Received in House and referred to Oversight and Government Re- S.J. Res. 22 (H.J. Res. 76).— Granting the consent and form June 12, 2017. approval of Congress to the Commonwealth of Vir- ginia, the State of Maryland, and the District of Co- S.J. Res. 49.— Condemning the violence and domestic lumbia to enter into a compact relating to the estab- terrorist attack that took place during events between lishment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commis- August 11 and August 12, 2017, in Charlottesville, sion. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 15, 2017. Com- Virginia, recognizing the first responders who lost mittee discharged. Passed Senate May 16, 2017. Re- their lives while monitoring the events, offering deep- ceived in House and held at desk May 17, 2017. est condolences to the families and friends of those individuals who were killed and deepest sympathies and support to those individuals who were injured by S.J. Res. 30.— Providing for the reappointment of Steve the violence, expressing support for the Charlottesville Case as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of community, rejecting White nationalists, White su- the Smithsonian Institution. Referred to Rules and Ad- premacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other ministration Mar. 2, 2017. Committee discharged. hate groups, and urging the President and the Presi- Passed Senate Mar. 27, 2017. Received in House and dent’s Cabinet to use all available resources to address referred to House Administration Mar. 28, 2017. Com- the threats posed by those groups. Ordered placed on mittee discharged. Passed House Apr. 6, 2017. Pre- SEC. 12 the calendar Sept. 7, 2017. Passed Senate Sept. 11, sented to the President Apr. 7, 2017. Approved Apr. 2017. Received in House and passed Sept. 12, 2017. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–27. Presented to the President Sept. 14, 2017. Approved Sept. 14, 2017. Public Law 115–58. S.J. Res. 34 (H. Res. 230).— Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Federal Commu- nications Commission relating to ‘‘Protecting the Pri- vacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Tele- communications Services’’. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Mar. 7, 2017. Committee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 15, 2017. Considered Mar. 22, 2017. Passed Senate Mar. 23, 2017; Roll No. 94: 50–48. Received in House and held at desk Mar. 23, 2017. Passed House Mar. 28, 2017; Roll No. 202: 215–205. Presented to the Presi- dent Mar. 30, 2017. Approved Apr. 3, 2017. Public Law 115–22.

S.J. Res. 35.— Providing for the appointment of Michael Govan as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Referred to Rules and Administration Mar. 8, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Mar. 27, 2017. Received in House and referred to House Administration Mar. 28, 2017. Com- mittee discharged. Passed House Apr. 6, 2017. Pre- sented to the President Apr. 7, 2017. Approved Apr. 19, 2017. Public Law 115–28. 12–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—Continued S. Con. Res. 1.— Extending the life of the Joint Congres- S. Con. Res. 31.— Authorizing the use of the rotunda sional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Passed of the Capitol for a ceremony to award the Congres- Senate Jan. 3, 2017. Received in House and passed sional Gold Medal to Bob Dole. Passed Senate Dec. Jan. 3, 2017. 20 (Legislative day of Dec. 19), 2017. Received in House and passed Dec. 21, 2017. S. Con. Res. 2.— To provide for the counting on January 6, 2017, of the electoral votes for President and Vice President of the United States. Passed Senate Jan. 3, 2017. Received in House and passed Jan. 3, 2017.

S. Con. Res. 3 (H. Res. 48).— Setting forth the congres- sional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. Referred to the Budget Jan. 3, 2017. Committee dis- charged. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 3, 2017. Considered Jan. 4, 5, 9, 10, 2017. Passed Senate Jan. 12 (Legislative day of Jan. 11), 2017; Roll No. 26: 51–48. Received in House and held at desk Jan. 12, 2017. Passed House Jan. 13, 2017; Roll No. 58: 227–198.

S. Con. Res. 14.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for an event to cele- brate the birthday of King Kamehameha I. Passed Senate Apr. 27, 2017. Received in House and referred to House Administration Apr. 28, 2017. Committee dis- charged. Passed House May 24, 2017.

S. Con. Res. 15.— Expressing support for the designation of October 28, 2017, as ‘‘Honoring the Nation’s First Responders Day’’. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 18, 2017. Reported amend- ed July 27, 2017; no written report. Passed Senate amended Aug. 3, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Aug. 4, 2017.

S. Con. Res. 23.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to present the Congressional Gold Medal to the Filipino Veterans of World War II. Passed Senate Sept. 6, 2017. Received in House and referred to House Administra- SEC. 13 tion Sept. 7, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 12, 2017.

S. Con. Res. 24 (H.R. 601).— Providing for a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 601. Passed Senate Sept. 7, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 7, 2017. Passed House Sept. 8, 2017.

S. Con. Res. 25 (H. Con. Res. 71).— Setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Govern- ment for fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appro- priate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027. Reported from the Budget Oct. 13, 2017; no writ- ten report.

S. Con. Res. 26.— Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for the unveiling of the American Prisoners of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) Chair of Honor. Passed Senate Oct. 16, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Oct. 19, 2017. Passed House Oct. 25, 2017.

S. Con. Res. 28 (S. 782).— Providing for a correction in the enrollment of S. 782. Passed Senate Oct. 26, 2017. Received in House and held at desk Oct. 31, 2017. Passed House Nov. 2, 2017. 13–2 HISTORY OF BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

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SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. Res. 2.— Informing the House of Representatives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled. Passed Senate Jan. 3, 2017.

S. Res. 27.— Honoring the life and achievements of Eu- gene A. ‘‘Gene’’ Cernan. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 24, 2017. Committee discharged. Passed Senate amended Feb. 2, 2017.

S. Res. 184.— Relative to the death of James Paul David ‘‘Jim’’ Bunning, former United States Senator for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Passed Senate June 5, 2017.

S. Res. 254.— Relative to the death of Pietro ‘‘Pete’’ Vichi Domenici, former United States Senator for the State of New Mexico. Passed Senate Sept. 13, 2017.


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HOUSE BILLS H.R. 2823.—To amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ensure that retirement investors receive advice in their best interests, and for other purposes. Referred to Education and the Workforce and in addi- tion to Ways and Means June 8, 2017. Reported amended from Education and the Workforce Oct. 25, 2017; Rept. 115–371, Pt. I. Referral to Ways and Means extended Oct. 25, 2017 for a period ending not later than Jan. 10, 2018.

SEC. 15


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Jefferson’s Manual, sec. XLVI (Rules and Manual of the House of Representatives, sec. 555): ‘‘And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, etc., the conferees of the House asking it are to leave the papers with the conferees of the other * * *.’’


SEC. 16


FIRST SESSION H.R. 2810—Continued House Conferees: H.R. 1—To provide for reconciliation pursu- From the Committee on Armed Services, for consider- ation of the House bill and the Senate amendment, ant to title II of the concurrent resolution on and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. the budget for fiscal year 2018. Thornberry, Wilson of South Carolina, LoBiondo, House asked for a conference: Bishop of Utah, Turner, Rogers of Alabama, Franks Dec. 4, 2017. of Arizona, Shuster, Conaway, Lamborn, Wittman, House Conferees: Coffman, Mrs. Hartzler, Messrs. Austin Scott of From the Committee on Ways and Means, for consid- Georgia, Cook, Ms. Stefanik, Messrs. Knight, Bacon, eration of the House bill and the Senate amend- Smith of Washington, Brady of Pennsylvania, Mrs. ment, and modifications committed to conference: Davis of California, Messrs. Langevin, Larsen of Messrs. Brady of Texas, Nunes, Roskam, Mmes. Washington, Cooper, Ms. Bordallo, Mr. Courtney, Black, Noem, Messrs. Neal, Levin, and Doggett. Ms. Tsongas, Mr. Garamendi, Ms. Speier, Mr. From the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for Veasey, and Ms. Gabbard. consideration of sec. 20003 of the Senate amend- From the Permanent Select Committee on Intel- ment, and modifications committed to conference: ligence, for consideration of matters within the ju- Messrs. Upton, Shimkus, and Ms. Castor of Florida. risdiction of that committee under clause 11 of rule From the Committee on Natural Resources, for con- X: Messrs. Nunes, Stewart, and Schiff. sideration of secs. 20001 and 20002 of the Senate From the Committee on the Budget, for consideration amendment, and modifications committed to con- of sec. 1262 of the House bill, and sec. 4 of the ference: Messrs. Bishop of Utah, Young of Alaska, Senate amendment, and modifications committed to and Grijalva. conference: Messrs. Johnson of Ohio, Bergman, and Yarmuth. Senate agreed to a conference: From the Committee on Education and the Workforce, Dec. 6, 2017. for consideration of secs. 221, 551, 555, and 3509 Senate Conferees: of the House bill, and secs. 236, 551-53, 3116, 5508, Dec. 7, 2017. and 6001 of the Senate amendment, and modifica- Messrs. Hatch, Enzi, Ms. Murkowski, Messrs. Cornyn, tions committed to conference: Ms. Foxx, Messrs. Thune, Portman, Scott, Toomey, Wyden, Sanders, Byrne, and Scott of Virginia. Mrs. Murray, Mses. Cantwell, Stabenow, Messrs. From the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for Menendez, and Carper. consideration of secs. 313, 314, 601, 723, 727, 729, House Report filed: 732, 3118, and 3122 of the House bill, and secs. Dec. 15, 2017; Rept. 115–466. 601, 701, 725, 732, 1089A, 1625, and 3114 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to Report agreed to in House: conference: Messrs. Shimkus, Barton, and Pallone. Dec. 19, 2017. From the Committee on Financial Services, for consid- Conference report considered in Senate: eration of sec. 862 of the Senate amendment, and Dec. 19, 2017. modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Barr, Williams, and Ms. Maxine Waters of Cali- fornia. Senate sustained point of order against conference re- From the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for consider- port Dec. 20 (Legislative day of Dec. 19), 2017. ation of secs. 864, 1032, 1039, 1040, 1058, 1201, Senate receded from its amendment and concurred with 1203-05, 1211, 1222, 1223, 1231, 1232, 1234, 1243, an amendment 1246, 1247, 1265, 1270A, 1272, 1276, 1278, 1280, Dec. 20 (Legislative day of Dec. 19), 2017. 1301, 1302, 1521, 1522, 1687, 2841, and 3117 of House agreed to Senate amendment Dec. 20, 2017. the House bill, and secs. 111, 861, 867, 1011, 1203- 05, 1212, 1213, 1231-33, 1241-45, 1250, 1261-63, 1270B, 1270C, 1282, 1283, 1301, 1302, 1531, and Presented to the President Dec. 21, 2017. 1651 of the Senate amendment, and modifications (Approved Dec. 22, 2017; Public Law 115–97.) committed to conference: Messrs. Royce of Cali- f fornia, Donovan, and Engel. From the Committee on the Judiciary, for consider- H.R. 2810—To authorize appropriations for ation of secs. 515, 1062, 1063, 1067, 1080, 1695, SEC. 17 fiscal year 2018 for military activities of the 2843, and 3510 of the House bill, and secs. 520A, Department of Defense and for military con- 529, 1035, 1081, 1083, 1217, 1264, and 14013 of struction, to prescribe military personnel the Senate amendment, and modifications com- strengths for such fiscal year, and for other mitted to conference: Messrs. Goodlatte, Issa, and Conyers. purposes. From the Committee on Natural Resources, for con- House asked for a conference: sideration of secs. 601, 1062, 1265, 2827, 2828, Oct. 12, 2017. 2831, 2832, 2844, subtitle F of title XXVIII, and (17–1) 17–2 BILLS THROUGH CONFERENCE

H.R. 2810—Continued House Conferees—Continued sec. 2863 of the House bill, and secs. 311, 338, 601, 1263, 1264, 2850, and 12801 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to con- ference: Mr. Westerman, Ms. Cheney, and Mr. Gri- jalva. From the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, for consideration of secs. 323, 501, 801, 803, 859-860A, 873, and 1101-09 of the House bill, and secs. 218, 544, 557, 801, 812, 821, 822, 829, 852, 902, 931, 934, 938, 1045, 1093, 1094, 1101, 1102, 1104-06, 1111-13, 2821, 2822, 6005, 6012, 10804, 11023-25, and 11603 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Meadows, Ross, and Lynch. From the Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- nology, for consideration of sec. 223 of the House bill and secs. 897, 898, 1662-64, and 6002 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Smith of Texas, Lucas, and Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas. From the Committee on Small Business, for consider- ation of secs. 801, 860B, 867, 1701-04, 1711-13, 1721-23, 1731-37, and 1741 of the House bill, and secs. 854, 862, 897, 898, 899C, 10801, and 10802 of the Senate amendment, and modifications com- mitted to conference: Messrs. Chabot, Kelly of Mis- sissippi, and Ms. Velazquez. From the Committee on Transportation and Infra- structure, for consideration of secs 122, 311, 546, 601, 1082, 1617, 1695, 3501, 3502, 3505, and 3507- 10 of the House bill, and secs. 331, 601, 1048, 6002, 13501, 13502, 13508, 13513, 13607, and 14013 of the Senate amendment, and modifications com- mitted to conference: Messrs. Graves of Missouri, Hunter, and Mrs. Bustos. From the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, for consid- eration of secs. 572, 573, 576, 578, 1077, and 2841 of the House bill, and secs. 731, 1084, 1088, 1264, 11001, 11008, and 14004 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Roe of Tennessee, Bilirakis, and Walz. From the Committee on Ways and Means, for consid- eration of sec. 701 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Mr. Tiberi, Mrs. Walorski, and Mr. Neal. Senate agreed to a conference: Oct. 17, 2017. Senate Conferees: Messrs. McCain, Inhofe, Wicker, Mrs. Fischer, Messrs. Cotton, Rounds, Mrs. Ernst, Messrs. Tillis, Sullivan, Perdue, Cruz, Graham, Sasse, Strange, Reed, Nel- son, Mmes. McCaskill, Shaheen, Gillibrand, Messrs. Blumenthal, Donnelly, Ms. Hirono, Messrs. Kaine, King, Heinrich, Ms. Warren, and Mr. Peters. House Report filed: Nov. 9, 2017; Rept. 115–404. Report agreed to in House: Nov. 14, 2017. Report agreed to in Senate: Nov. 16, 2017. Presented to the President Nov. 30, 2017. (Approved Dec. 12, 2017; Public Law 115–91.) INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

100 Years of Women in Congress Act ...... H.R. 382 Anti-Spoofing Act...... H.R. 423

21st Century AIRR Act ...... H.R. 2997 APEC Business Travel Cards Reauthorization Act...... S. 504 21st Century Flood Reform Act ...... H.R. 2874 Arapaho National Forest Boundary Adjustment 21st Century Respect Act...... H.R. 995 Act...... H.R. 688, S. 289

400 Years of African-American History Arbuckle Project Maintenance Complex and Commission Act ...... H.R. 1242, S. 392 District Office Conveyance Act ...... H.R. 132

Abolish Human Trafficking Act ...... S. 1311 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Cards Act ...... H.R. 2805 Accelerating Individuals into the Workforce Act ...... H.R. 2842 Aviation Employee Screening and Security Enhancement Act...... H.R. 876 Action for Dental Health Act ...... H.R. 2422 Bankruptcy Judgeship Act ...... H.R. 2266, S. 1107 Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 1188 Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow ADVANCE Act ...... H.R. 2258 our Economy Act ...... H.R. 496

Advanced Nuclear Technology Development BENEFIT Act ...... S. 1052 Act ...... H.R. 590 Biological Implant Tracking and Veteran Safety Affordable Retirement Advice for Savers Act....H.R. 2823 Act ...... H.R. 28

AFG and SAFER Program Reauthorization Act .....S. 829 Black Hills National Cemetery Boundary Expansion Act...... H.R. 337, S. 35 African American Civil Rights Network Act .....H.R. 1927 Bob Dole Congressional Gold Medal Act...... S. 1616 African Growth and Opportunity Act and Millennium Challenge Act Modernization Act.....S. 832 Bolts Ditch Access and Use Act ...... H.R. 689, S. 285

Airport Perimeter and Access Control Security Bonuses for Cost-Cutters Act...... H.R. 378 Act ...... H.R. 665 Boosting Rates of American Veteran Employment Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Exchange Act ...... H.R. 974 Act...... S. 131 Boots on the Border Act ...... S. 595 Alex Diekmann Peak Designation Act ...... S. 117 Border Enforcement Security Task Force All Circuit Review Act...... H.R. 2229 Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 2281, S. 1199

Amateur Radio Parity Act...... H.R. 555 Border Security Technology Accountability Act ...... H.R. 505 AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act...... S. 772 Broader Options for Americans Act ...... H.R. 2579 American Fisheries Advisory Committee Act...... S. 1322 Brownfields Enhancement, Economic American Health Care Act...... H.R. 1628 Redevelopment, and Reauthorization Act...... H.R. 3017

American Law Enforcement Heroes Act...... H.R. 1428, Brownfields Reauthorization Act...... H.R. 1758 S. 583 Brownfields Utilization, Investment, and Local American Soda Ash Competitiveness Act...... H.R. 1399 Development Act...... S. 822

American Vision for Safer Transportation through Building Supportive Networks for Women Advancement of Revolutionary Technologies Veterans Act ...... H.R. 91 SEC. 18 Act...... S. 1885 Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Anti-Border Corruption Reauthorization Act ....H.R. 2213 Examination and Reporting Threshold Act ...H.R. 3072


Bureau of Reclamation Pumped Storage Congressional Subpoena Compliance and Hydropower Development Act...... H.R. 1967 Enforcement Act...... H.R. 4010

Bureau of Reclamation Transparency Act...... H.R. 660, Connected Government Act...... H.R. 2331, S. 1769 S. 216 Construction Consensus Procurement C-TPAT Reauthorization Act...... H.R. 3551 Improvement Act...... H.R. 679

Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act ...... H.R. 1677 Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act ...... H.R. 2792

Caring for Our Veterans Act...... S. 2193 Cooperative Management of Mineral Rights Act ...... H.R. 2316 CBRN Intelligence and Information Sharing Act ...... H.R. 677 Coordinated Ocean Monitoring and Research Act...... S. 1425 Ceiling Fan Energy Conservation Harmonization Act...... S. 2030 Corporate Governance Reform and Transparency Act ...... H.R. 4015 Cerros del Norte Conservation Act...... S. 432 Countering America’s Adversaries Through CHAMPION Act...... H.R. 3922 Sanctions Act...... H.R. 3364

Child Protection Improvements Act ...... H.R. 695, S. 705 Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act ...... S. 722

Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act...... S. 597 Countering Russian Influence in Europe and Eurasia Act ...... S. 1221 Clarifying Commercial Real Estate Loans ...... H.R. 2148 Counterterrorism Advisory Board Act ...... H.R. 526 Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act ...... H.R. 1913 Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act ...... H.R. 618, S. 280

Clyde-Hirsch-Sowers RESPECT Act ...... H.R. 1843 Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Coast Guard Authorization Act ...... S. 1129, H.R. 2518 Act...... S. 870

Coast Guard Improvement and Reform Act...... H.R. 1726 Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act ...... H.R. 3697

Columbia River In-Lieu and Treaty Fishing Access Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act ...... S. 807 Sites Improvement Act...... S. 669 Crooked River Ranch Fire Protection Act ...... H.R. 2075 Combating European Anti-Semitism Act...... H.R. 672 Cuban Airport Security Act ...... H.R. 3328 Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act...... S. 1536, H.R. 3813 Cyber Preparedness Act ...... H.R. 584

Commercial Vessel Incidental Discharge Act ...... S. 168 Cyber Vulnerability Disclosure Reporting Act ...... H.R. 3202 Commodity End-User Relief Act...... H.R. 238 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Community Counterterrorism Preparedness Act ...... H.R. 3359 Act ...... H.R. 2188 Department of Energy Research and Innovation Community Empowerment for Mitigated Act ...... H.R. 589 Properties Act...... H.R. 1735 Department of Homeland Security Acquisition Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act .....H.R. 3971 Innovation Act ...... H.R. 1365

Community Reclamation Partnerships Act ...... H.R. 2937 Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act ...... H.R. 2825 Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act ...... H.R. 372 Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Comprehensive Operations, Sustainability, and Authorization Act ...... H.R. 1370, S. 1103 Transport Act ...... H.R. 3729 Department of Homeland Security Classified Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act ...... H.R. 38 Facility Inventory Act...... H.R. 2443

Confirming State Land Grants for Education Department of Homeland Security Clearance Act ...... H.R. 2582 Management and Administration Act ...... H.R. 697

Congenital Heart Futures Reauthorization Department of Homeland Security Data Act ...... H.R. 1222 Framework Act...... H.R. 2454 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–3

Department of Homeland Security Insider Threat Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act ...... S. 652 and Mitigation Act ...... H.R. 666 Early Participation in Regulations Act ...... S. 579 Department of Homeland Security Morale, Recognition, Learning and Engagement East Rosebud Wild and Scenic Rivers Act...... S. 501 Act ...... H.R. 2283 Eastern Nevada Economic Development and Land Department of Homeland Security Support to Management Improvement Act...... H.R. 2374 Fusion Centers Act ...... H.R. 678 Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Department of State Authorities Act, Fiscal Year Consumer Protection Act ...... S. 2155 2017, Improvements Act ...... S. 371 EGO Act...... S. 188 Department of State Authorities Act, Fiscal Year 2018 ...... S. 1631 Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act...... S. 178

Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Whistleblower Protection Act ...... S. 1094 Act ...... H.R. 1873

Department of Veterans Affairs Bonus Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act ...... H.R. 680 Transparency Act ...... S. 114, H.R. 1690 Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Conveyance Act...... H.R. 698, S. 286 Authorities Act ...... H.R. 3819 Email Privacy Act...... H.R. 387 Developing Innovation and Growing the Internet of Things Act...... S. 88 Emergency Aid to American Survivors of Hurricanes Irma and Jose Overseas Act...... H.R. 3732 DHS Accountability Enhancement Act ...... H.R. 4038 Employee Privacy Protection Act ...... H.R. 2775 DHS Acquisition Authorities Act...... H.R. 1252 Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex DHS Acquisition Documentation Integrity Act...H.R. 347 Trafficking Demand Act ...... H.R. 2480

DHS Acquisition Review Board Act ...... H.R. 1282, S. 886 Encouraging Employee Ownership Act...... S. 488, H.R. 1343 DHS FIRM Act...... H.R. 2131 Encouraging Public Offerings Act ...... H.R. 3903 DHS Intelligence Rotational Assignment Program Act ...... H.R. 2453 Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act...... H.R. 2083 DHS Multiyear Acquisition Strategy Act ...... H.R. 1249 Energy and Natural Resources Act ...... S. 1460 DHS SAVE Act ...... H.R. 366 Energy Efficient Government Technology Act ....H.R. 306 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act ...... S. 1447 Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Digital Coast Act...... S. 110 Act...... S. 385

Digital GAP Act ...... H.R. 600 Energy Savings Through Public-Private Partnerships Act...... S. 239 Disaster Assistance Fairness and Accountability Act ...... H.R. 3176 Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act ...... H.R. 2664 Disaster Assistance Support for Communities and Homeowners Act ...... H.R. 1684 Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act...... H.R. 3050 Disaster Declaration Improvement Act ...... H.R. 1665 Enhancing Veteran Care Act ...... S. 1266 Disaster SAVE Act ...... H.R. 1214 Ensuring a Qualified Civil Service Act...... H.R. 4182 Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Extension Act ...... H.R. 3823 Ensuring VA Employee Accountability Act ...... H.R. 27

District of Columbia Courts and Public Defender Ensuring Veteran Enterprise Participation in Service Voluntary Separation Incentive Strategic Sourcing Act ...... H.R. 2781 Payments Act...... H.R. 1003 EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act ...... H.R. 1431 Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act...... S. 585 EPS Improvement Act...... H.R. 518

Drinking Water System Improvement Act ...... H.R. 3387 Escambia County Land Conveyance Act ...... H.R. 2370 18–4 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

Esther Martinez Native American Languages Financial Institution Living Will Improvement Preservation Act ...... S. 254 Act ...... H.R. 4292

Fair Access to Investment Research Act...... S. 327, Financial Stability Oversight Council Insurance H.R. 910 Member Continuity Act ...... H.R. 3110

Fair Chance Act ...... S. 842 Firefighter Cancer Registry Act ...... H.R. 931

Fair Investment Opportunities for Professional First Responder Access to Innovative Technologies Experts Act ...... H.R. 1585 Act ...... H.R. 687

Fair Ratepayer Accountability, Transparency, and First Responder Identification of Emergency Needs Efficiency Standards Act ...... H.R. 587 in Disaster Situations...... H.R. 58

Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act...... H.R. 1174 FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act...... S. 2010, H.R. 4478 Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act...... H.R. 985 FITARA Enhancement Act ...... H.R. 3243 Family Office Technical Correction Act ...... H.R. 3972 Fix NICS Act...... H.R. 4477 Family Self-Sufficiency Act...... H.R. 4258 Flood Insurance Market Parity and Modernization Fannie and Freddie Open Records Act ...... H.R. 1694 Act ...... H.R. 1422

FAST Act ...... H.R. 1148 Follow the Rules Act...... H.R. 657, S. 576

FDA Reauthorization Act ...... S. 934, H.R. 2430 Fort Frederica National Monument Boundary Expansion Act...... H.R. 494 Federal Acquisition Savings Act...... H.R. 3071 Fort Ontario Study Act...... H.R. 46, S. 55 Federal Advisory Committee Act Amendments ....H.R. 70 Fort Scott National Historic Site Boundary Federal Agency Customer Experience Act...... S. 1088 Modification Act...... S. 189

Federal Agency Mail Management Act...... H.R. 194 Fostering Innovation Act ...... H.R. 1645

Federal Communications Commission Consolidated Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Reporting Act...... H.R. 599, S. 174 Act ...... H.R. 4174

Federal Communications Commission Process Fowler and Boskoff Peaks Designation Act...... H.R. 2768 Reform Act...... H.R. 290 Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act...... H.R. 702 Management Area Designation Act ...... S. 513

Federal Employee Fair Treatment Act ...... S. 861 Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act ...... H.R. 2989 Federal Information Resource to Strengthen Ties with State and Local Law Enforcement Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention Act ...... H.R. 2442 and Protection Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 2200

Federal Intern Protection Act...... H.R. 653 FTO Passport Revocation Act...... H.R. 425

Federal Land Asset Inventory Reform Act...... H.R. 2199 Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Act ...... H.R. 906 Federal Land Management Act ...... S. 2099 Fusion Center Enhancement Act ...... H.R. 642 Federal Register Printing Savings Act ...... H.R. 195 Gaining Responsibility on Water Act...... H.R. 23 Federal Reserve Transparency Act ...... H.R. 24 Gains in Global Nuclear Detection Architecture FEMA Accountability, Modernization and Act ...... H.R. 690 Transparency Act ...... H.R. 1679 GAO Access and Oversight Act ...... H.R. 72 FEMA Reauthorization Act...... H.R. 2548 Gateway Arch National Park Designation Act...... S. 1438 Financial CHOICE Act...... H.R. 10 Global Child Protection Act ...... H.R. 1862 Financial Institution Bankruptcy Act...... H.R. 1667 Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act...... H.R. 873 Financial Institution Customer Protection Act ...... H.R. 2706 GO Act ...... H.R. 289 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–5

Gold Star Family Support and Installation Access Increasing the Department of Veterans Affairs Act ...... H.R. 3897 Accountability to Veterans Act...... S. 12

Grow Our Own Directive: Physician Assistant Indian Economic Enhancement Act...... S. 1116 Employment and Education Act ...... H.R. 3262 Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Gulf Islands National Seashore Land Exchange Consolidation Act...... H.R. 228, S. 91 Act ...... H.R. 2615 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self- HALOS Act...... H.R. 79 Determination Act Amendments...... S. 245

Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Indiana Dunes National Park Act...... H.R. 1488 Control Amendments Act...... S. 1057 Innocent Party Protection Act ...... H.R. 725 Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act...... H.R. 3218, S. 1598 Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women HEALTHY KIDS Act...... H.R. 3921 Act ...... H.R. 321

Helium Extraction Act ...... H.R. 3279 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 ...... H.R. 3180, S. 1761 HELP for Wildlife Act...... S. 1514 INTERDICT Act ...... H.R. 2142 HIRE Vets Act ...... H.R. 244 Invest in Rural Small Business Act ...... S. 929 Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act ...... S. 1595, H.R. 3329 Investing in Main Street Act ...... H.R. 2364

Homeland Security Assessment of Terrorists Use Investor Clarity and Bank Parity Act...... H.R. 3093 of Virtual Currencies Act...... H.R. 2433 Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Homeland Security for Children Act...... H.R. 1372 Enforcement Act...... H.R. 1698

Homeland Threat Assessment Act ...... H.R. 2470 Iranian Leadership Asset Transparency Act.....H.R. 1638

Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Act ...... H.R. 1430 Accountability Act ...... H.R. 390

Honoring Hometown Heroes Act ...... H.R. 1892 J. Bennett Johnston Waterway Hydropower Extension Act ...... H.R. 2457 HSA Technical Corrections Act ...... H.R. 1258 James K. Polk Presidential Home Study Act ...... S. 99 HUBZone Investment Protection Act ...... S. 690 Javier Vega, Jr. Memorial Act ...... S. 1617 Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria Education Relief Act...... S. 1866 Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Act ...... S. 213

Hydropower Policy Modernization Act...... H.R. 3043 Jessie’s Law ...... S. 581

HYPE Act ...... H.R. 2274 Jobs for Our Heroes Act ...... S. 1393

Impeding North Korea’s Access to Finance John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act...... S. 1359 Act ...... H.R. 3898 John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Improving Access to Capital Act ...... H.R. 2864 Act...... S. 729, H.R. 1719

Improving Access to Maternity Care Act...... H.R. 315 John P. Smith Act...... S. 302

Improving Fusion Centers’ Access to Information Joint Counterterrorism Awareness Workshop Act ...... H.R. 2169 Series Act...... H.R. 3284

Improving Rural Call Quality and Reliability Judgment Fund Transparency Act...... H.R. 1096 Act...... H.R. 460, S. 96 Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today Improving Services for Older Youth in Foster Care (JUST) Act ...... S. 447 Act ...... H.R. 2847 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Improving Support for Missing and Exploited Reauthorization Act ...... S. 860 Children Act ...... H.R. 1808 Juvenile Justice Reform Act ...... H.R. 1809 Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act...... H.R. 2824 Kari’s Law Act...... H.R. 582, S. 123 18–6 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

Kate’s Law...... H.R. 3004 MGT Act ...... H.R. 2227

Keep America’s Refuges Operational Act ...... H.R. 3979 Micro Offering Safe Harbor Act...... H.R. 2201

Keep Kids’ Insurance Dependable and Secure Microloan Modernization Act...... H.R. 2056 Act...... S. 1827 Midnight Rules Relief Act ...... H.R. 21, S. 34 Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Boundary Adjustment Act ...... H.R. 558 Military Injury Surgical Systems Integrated Operationally Nationwide to Achieve ZERO Kevin and Avonte’s Law...... S. 2070 Preventable Deaths Act ...... H.R. 880

King Cove Road Land Exchange Act ...... H.R. 218 Military Residency Choice Act...... H.R. 282

Kisatchie National Forest Land Conveyance Mining School Enhancement Act ...... H.R. 2053 Act ...... H.R. 2941 Minnesota’s Economic Rights in the Superior Klamath Tribe Judgment Fund Repeal Act...... S. 1223 National Forest Act...... H.R. 3905

Korean Interdiction and Modernization of Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Sanctions Act...... H.R. 1644 Act ...... H.R. 1393

Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Modernizing Government Travel Act...... H.R. 274 Act...... S. 867, H.R. 2228 Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act...... H.R. 720 in Foster Care Act...... H.R. 2742

LEED Act...... S. 1901 Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clarification Act...... H.R. 699, S. 225 Leveraging Emerging Technologies Act...... H.R. 240 Multilateral Aid Review Act ...... S. 1928 Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site Boundary Modification Act...... H.R. 2611 Municipal Finance Support Act...... H.R. 1624 Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restoration Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Act...... S. 39 Commemorative Coin Act...... H.R. 1235 Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship National Clinical Care Commission Act ...... H.R. 309, Act...... S. 675 S. 920 Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year and Scenic River Act ...... S. 617 2018 ...... H.R. 2810, S. 1519 Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act ...... H.R. 597 National Flood Insurance Program Administrative MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act ...... S. 770 Reform Act...... H.R. 2875

Making Opportunities for Broadband Investment National Flood Insurance Program Policyholder and Limiting Excessive and Needless Obstacles Protection Act ...... H.R. 2868 to Wireless Act...... S. 19 National Forest System Vegetation Management Maritime Administration Authorization and Pilot Program Act...... H.R. 2921 Enhancement Act for Fiscal Year 2018 ...... S. 1096 National Heritage Area Authorization Act ...... S. 713 Market Data Protection Act...... H.R. 3973 National Memorial to Fallen Educators Act...... S. 167 Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act ...... H.R. 267 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps Amendments and Medgar Evers House Study Act...... S. 644, H.R. 1715 Hydrographic Services Improvement Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act...... S. 171 Medical Controlled Substances Transportation Act ...... H.R. 1492 National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act...... S. 129 Medical Preparedness Allowable Use Act...... H.R. 437 National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act...... S. 1015 Medicare Civil and Criminal Penalties Update Act ...... H.R. 3245 National Veterans Memorial and Museum Act ...... H.R. 1900 Medicare Part B Improvement Act ...... H.R. 3178 National Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring Methow Headwaters Protection Act ...... S. 566 System Act ...... S. 346 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–7

Native American Business Incubators Program Pesticide Registration Enhancement Act...... H.R. 1029 Act...... S. 607 Planning for American Energy Act ...... H.R. 2907 Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act...... H.R. 1918 Plum Island Preservation Act...... H.R. 2182 NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Assessment, and Auditing Act ...... H.R. 1224 Political Appointee Burrowing Prevention Act ...... H.R. 1132 NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act ...... H.R. 2105 POWER Act ...... S. 717 No Hero Left Untreated Act ...... H.R. 1162 Power And Security Systems (PASS) Act...... H.R. 511, No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act...... S. 1532, S. 190 H.R. 3814 Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing No Sanctuary for Criminals Act ...... H.R. 3003 Act ...... H.R. 1699

No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act...H.R. 1313 Insurance Full Disclosure Act...... H.R. 7 Presidential Allowance Modernization Act...... H.R. 3739 North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjustment Act...... S. 363 Presidential Library Donation Reform Act...... H.R. 73

North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Presidential Tax Transparency Act...... H.R. 305 Act...... H.R. 2061, S. 1118 Privacy Notification Technical Clarification Northern Mariana Islands Economic Expansion Act ...... H.R. 2396 Act ...... H.R. 339 PRIVATE Act ...... H.R. 2052 Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act...... S. 512 Private Corrado Piccoli Purple Heart Preservation Act...... S. 765 Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act ...... S. 97 Probation Officer Protection Act...... H.R. 1039 Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act ...... H.R. 3053 Procurement Fraud Prevention Act...... S. 938 Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park Boundary Revision Act ...... H.R. 538 Promoting Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Hydropower Act...... H.R. 2880 Office of Special Counsel Reauthorization Act ...... S. 582 Promoting Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure OIRA Insight, Reform, and Accountability Act ...... H.R. 2883 Act ...... H.R. 1009 Promoting Hydropower Development at Existing Open Book on Equal Access to Justice Act...... H.R. 1033 Nonpowered Dams Act ...... H.R. 2872

OPEN Government Data Act ...... S. 760 Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act...... H.R. 2910 Oregon Tribal Economic Development Act ...... S. 1285 Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act ...... H.R. 255 OSC Access Act...... H.R. 2195 Prostate Cancer Misdiagnosis Elimination Ozone Standards Implementation Act ...... H.R. 806 Act ...... H.R. 2557

Pacific Northwest Earthquake Preparedness PROTECT Our Children Act...... S. 782 Act ...... H.R. 654 Protecting Access to Care Act...... H.R. 1215 PACT Act ...... S. 654 Protecting Access to Diabetes Supplies Act...... H.R. 3271 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act...... H.R. 36 Protecting Against Child Exploitation Act ...... H.R. 1761 Partnership Grants to Strengthen Families Affected by Parental Substance Abuse Act....H.R. 2834 Protecting Business Opportunities for Veterans Act ...... H.R. 2749 Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act...... H.R. 1404 Protecting Girls’ Access to Education Act...... H.R. 2408 Pathways to Improving Homeland Security At the Local Level Act...... H.R. 2427 Protecting Our Democracy Act ...... H.R. 356

Pershing County Economic Development and Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Conservation Act ...... H.R. 1107 Medications Act ...... H.R. 304, S. 916 18–8 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

Protecting Religiously Affiliated Institutions Risk-Based Credit Examination Act ...... H.R. 3911 Act ...... H.R. 1730 Robert Emmet Park Act...... H.R. 1500 Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act ...... H.R. 849 SAFE Act...... H.R. 3317 Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act...... H.R. 1973, S. 534 Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research In Vehicle Evolution Act ...... H.R. 3388 Providing Accountability Through Transparency Act...... S. 577 SAFER Act...... S. 1766

Public Land Renewable Energy Development Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act ...... H.R. 825 Act ...... H.R. 2156

Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park Act...... S. 419 Redesignation Act ...... H.R. 965

Public Water Supply Invasive Species Compliance San Luis Unit Drainage Resolution Act ...... H.R. 1769 Act ...... H.R. 1807 Sanctioning Hizballah’s Illicit Use of Civilians as Put Trafficking Victims First Act...... H.R. 2473 Defenseless Shields Act ...... H.R. 3342

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Technical Santa Ana River Wash Plan Land Exchange Corrections Act...... H.R. 1297 Act ...... H.R. 497

Quicker Veterans Benefits Delivery Act...... H.R. 1725 Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Land Affirmation Act...... H.R. 1491 RAISE Family Caregivers Act ...... S. 1028, H.R. 3759 Save Local Business Act ...... H.R. 3441 Rapid DNA Act...... H.R. 510, S. 139 Save Our Seas Act ...... S. 756 READ Act ...... H.R. 601 Saving Federal Dollars Through Better Use of RECLAIM Act ...... H.R. 1731 Government Purchase and Travel Cards Act ....S. 1099

Reclamation Title Transfer and Non-Federal Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Infrastructure Incentivization Act...... H.R. 3281 Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 1387

Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act ...... H.R. 428, SCRUB Act...... H.R. 998 S. 90 SEA Act ...... H.R. 2772 Reducing Barriers for Relative Foster Parents Act ...... H.R. 2866 SEC Regulatory Accountability Act ...... H.R. 78

Reducing DHS Acquisition Cost Growth Act ...H.R. 1294, SECRET Act...... H.R. 3210 S. 906 Secret Service Recruitment and Retention Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act ...... H.R. 953 Act ...... H.R. 3731

Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability SECURE Act ...... S. 2192 Act ...... H.R. 1695 Securing Access to Networks in Disasters Act...H.R. 588, Regulations from the Executive in Need of S. 102 Scrutiny Act ...... H.R. 26, S. 21 Securing Electronic Records for Veterans’ Ease Regulatory Accountability Act ...... H.R. 5 Act ...... H.R. 3634

Regulatory Integrity Act ...... H.R. 1004 Securing General Aviation and Commercial Charter Air Carrier Service Act...... H.R. 3669 Removing Outdated Restrictions to Allow for Job Growth Act...... H.R. 1177 Securing our Agriculture and Food Act ...... H.R. 1238, S. 500 Repealing Existing Substandard Provisions Encouraging Conciliation with Tribes Act ...... S. 343 Securing the Cities Act...... H.R. 655

Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Securities and Exchange Commission Act ...... H.R. 1558 Overpayment Credit Act ...... S. 462, H.R. 1257

REPORT Act ...... H.R. 625 Self-Insurance Protection Act ...... H.R. 1304

Resilient Federal Forests Act ...... H.R. 2936 Senior Safe Act ...... H.R. 3758 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–9

Seniors Fraud Prevention Act...... S. 81 Stop Improper Federal Bonuses Act...... S. 696

SHARE Act...... H.R. 3668 Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act ...... H.R. 732

Shiloh National Military Park Boundary Streamlining DHS Overhead Act ...... H.R. 2190 Adjustment and Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield Designation Act ...... H.R. 88 Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act ...... H.R. 627 Sickle Cell Disease Research, Surveillance, Prevention, and Treatment Act ...... H.R. 2410 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act...... H.R. 2353 Silver Star Service Banner Day Act...... S. 917 Strengthening Children’s Safety Act...... H.R. 1842 Small and Rural Community Clean Water Technical Assistance Act ...... S. 518 Strengthening Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Coordination in Our Ports Act...... H.R. 3101 Small Business Broadband Deployment Act ...... H.R. 288 Strengthening Oversight of Iran’s Access to Finance Act...... H.R. 4324 Small Business Capital Formation Enhancement Act...... S. 416, H.R. 1312 Strengthening Oversight of TSA Employee Misconduct Act ...... H.R. 1351 Small Business Cyber Training Act ...... S. 1428 Strengthening State and Local Cyber Crime Small Business Health Fairness Act...... H.R. 1101 Fighting Act...... H.R. 1616

Small Business Innovation Research and Small Strengthening the Department of Homeland Business Technology Transfer Improvements Security Secure Mail Initiative Act ...... S. 1208 Act ...... H.R. 2763 Strong Visa Integrity Secures America Act...... H.R. 2626 Small Business Investment Opportunity Act....H.R. 2333 Sunshine for Regulations and Regulatory Decrees Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and and Settlements Act...... H.R. 469 Brokerage Simplification Act ...... H.R. 477 Superior National Forest Land Exchange Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act ...... H.R. 3115 Improvements Act ...... S. 584 Support for Rapid Innovation Act ...... H.R. 239 Small Business Relief From Disease Induced Economic Hardship Act...... S. 154 Support Small Business R & D Act...... S. 650

SMASH Act...... S. 849 Supporting America’s Innovators Act....S. 444, H.R. 1219

SOAR to Health and Wellness Act...... H.R. 767 Supporting Families in Substance Abuse Treatment Act ...... H.R. 2857 Social Security Fraud Prevention Act .....S. 218, H.R. 624 Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act ...... H.R. 4323 South Carolina Peanut Parity Act ...... H.R. 2521 Surface and Maritime Transportation Security Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium Act...... S. 763 Land Transfer Act ...... S. 825 Syrian War Crimes Accountability Act ...... S. 905 Space Weather Research and Forecasting Act ...... S. 141 Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act ...H.R. 3312 Spoofing Prevention Act ...... S. 134 TALENT Act ...... H.R. 39 Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act ...... H.R. 302 TARGET Act ...... H.R. 1625

Sportsmen’s Act...... S. 733 Targeting Child Predators Act...... H.R. 883

Standard Merger and Acquisition Reviews Through Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ...... H.R. 1 Equal Rules Act...... H.R. 659 Taxpayer Exposure Mitigation Act ...... H.R. 2246 Stark Administrative Simplification Act ...... H.R. 3726 Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act ...... H.R. 71, S. 317 State Veterans Home Adult Day Health Care Improvement Act ...... S. 324 Taylor Force Act...... S. 1697, H.R. 1164

STEM Research and Education Effectiveness and Temporary and Term Appointments Act ...... S. 1886 Transparency Act ...... H.R. 4375 Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Steve Gleason Enduring Voices Act ...... H.R. 2465 Act ...... H.R. 1302 18–10 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES

Terrorist Release Announcements to Counter VALOR Act...... H.R. 3949 Extremist Recidivism Act ...... H.R. 2471 Vasey, Admiral Lloyd R. ‘‘Joe’’, Pacific War The American Legion 100th Anniversary Commemorative Display Establishment Commemorative Coin Act ...... S. 1182, H.R. 2519 Act ...... H.R. 4300

Thin Blue Line Act ...... H.R. 115 Venezuela Humanitarian Assistance and Defense of Democratic Governance Act ...... H.R. 2658 Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Federal Recognition Act...... H.R. 984, S. 691 Verify First Act ...... H.R. 2581

Thoroughly Investigating Retaliation Against VET Protection Act...... H.R. 1461 Whistleblowers Act ...... H.R. 69 VETERAN Act ...... H.R. 2372 Trafficking Victims Protection Act ...... S. 1312 Veteran Urgent Access to Mental Healthcare Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act ...... H.R. 918 Act...... S. 1848 Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act ...... H.R. 1181 Transit Security Grant Program Flexibility Act ...... H.R. 549 Veterans ACCESS Act...... S. 1153

Transparency in Technological Acquisitions Veterans Affairs Medical Scribe Pilot Act ...... H.R. 1848 Act ...... H.R. 1353 Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Traveler Redress Improvement Act ...... H.R. 2132 Act...... H.R. 2288, S. 1024

Tribal HUD-VASH Act ...... S. 1333 Veterans Care Financial Protection Act ...... H.R. 3122

Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act...... S. 63, H.R. 986 Veterans Crisis Line Study Act...... H.R. 4173 Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act .....S. 304 Act ...... H.R. 2123 Trickett Wendler Right to Try Act ...... S. 204 Veterans Expanded Trucking Opportunities Act ...... H.R. 2547 TSA Administrator Modernization Act ...... H.R. 1309 Veterans Fair Debt Notice Act ...... H.R. 3705 TSP Modernization Act...... H.R. 3031, S. 873 Veterans Increased Choice for Transplanted U.S. Territories Investor Protection Act ...... S. 484, Organs and Recovery Act ...... H.R. 2601 H.R. 1366 Veterans Transplant Coverage Act ...... H.R. 1133 U.S. Wants to Compete for a World Expo Act ....H.R. 534 Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act ...... H.R. 95 Udall Park Land Exchange Completion Act...... H.R. 1547 Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Unifying DHS Intelligence Enterprise Act ...... H.R. 2468 Act ...... H.R. 1329

United States and Israel Space Cooperation Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act ...... S. 305 Act ...... H.R. 1159 Washington County, Utah, Public Lands United States Fire Administration, AFG, and Management Implementation Act ...... H.R. 2423 SAFER Program Reauthorization Act...... H.R. 4661 Water Infrastructure Flexibility Act ...... S. 692 United States-Israel Cybersecurity Cooperation Enhancement Act...... H.R. 612 Water Rights Protection Act ...... H.R. 2939

Urban Indian Health Parity Act...... S. 2146 Water Supply Permitting Coordination Act ...... H.R. 1654

VA Accountability First Act...... H.R. 1259 Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act ...... H.R. 353 VA Management Alignment Act...... H.R. 1066 Western Area Power Administration Transparency VA Prescription Data Accountability Act ...... H.R. 1545 Act ...... H.R. 2371

VA Procurement Efficiency and Transparency Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act.....S. 508, H.R. 1306 Act ...... H.R. 2006 Whistleblower Protection Coordination Act...... S. 1869 VA Provider Equity Act...... H.R. 1058 Wichita Project Equus Beds Division Authorization VA Scheduling Accountability Act...... H.R. 467 Extension Act...... S. 703 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES 18–11

WILD Act...... S. 826

WINGMAN Act ...... H.R. 512

Women in Aerospace Education Act ...... H.R. 4254

Women, Peace, and Security Act ...... S. 1141, H.R. 2484

Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act ...... H.R. 2776

Working Families Flexibility Act ...... H.R. 1180

World Bank Accountability Act ...... H.R. 3326

Wounded Officers Recovery Act...... H.R. 3298

Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Phase III Act...... S. 714 18–12 INDEX OF SHORT TITLES INDEX

Subject index of all legislation, House and Senate, which has been reported to or considered by either or both Houses (except Senate resolutions not of interest to the House), and special House reports. Complete legislative history of each bill is carried under the number of the bill in the History of Bills and Resolutions section. In this section the title, number, and name of the Member introducing bill is printed.



SEC. 19 (19–1) 19–2 INDEX

A ARMED FORCES—Continued Gold Star Family Support and Installation Access AFG and SAFER Program Reauthorization Act. S. 829. Act. H.R. 3897; Mr. Bacon et al. Jobs for Our Heroes Act. S. 1393. AGRICULTURE: Limitation Against Appointment of Persons as Sec- Commodity End-User Relief Act. H.R. 238; Mr. Con- retary of Defense within Seven Years of Relief from away et al. Active Duty as Regular Commissioned Officers of National Forest System Vegetation Management the Armed Forces, Exception to. H.R. 393; Mr. Pilot Program Act. H.R. 2921; Mr. Cramer et al. Thornberry. S. 84. Pesticide Registration Enhancement Act. H.R. 1029; Military Injury Surgical Systems Integrated Oper- Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois. ationally Nationwide to Achieve ZERO Preventable Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act. H.R. 953; Mr. Deaths Act. H.R. 880; Mr. Burgess et al. Gibbs et al. Military Residency Choice Act. H.R. 282; Ms. Stefanik Removing Outdated Restrictions to Allow for Job et al. Growth Act. H.R. 1177; Mr. Poliquin. Operation Desert Storm or Operation Desert Shield Securing our Agriculture and Food Act. H.R. 1238; Memorial. H.J. Res. 3; Mr. Roe of Tennessee. S.J. Mr. Young of Iowa et al. S. 500. Res. 1. South Carolina Peanut Parity Act. H.R. 2521; Mr. PRIVATE Act. H.R. 2052; Ms. McSally et al. Wilson of South Carolina et al. Recognition of Massacre of 11 African-American Sol- diers during Battle of Bulge. H. Con. Res. 43; Mr. Amateur Radio Parity Act. H.R. 555; Mr. Kinzinger et al. McKinley et al. Silver Star Service Banner Day Act. S. 917. American Soda Ash Competitiveness Act. H.R. 1399; Mr. Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act. S. 305. Cook et al.

Anti-Spoofing Act. H.R. 423; Ms. Meng et al. B APPROPRIATIONS: Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Ad- BUDGET: ministration, FY 2018. H.R. 3268; Mr. Aderholt. S. Congressional Budget, FY 2017. S. Con. Res. 3. 1603. Congressional Budget, FY 2018. H. Con. Res. 71; Mrs. Commerce, Justice, Science, FY 2018. H.R. 3267; Mr. Black. S. 1. S. Con. Res. 25. Culberson. S. 1662. Continuing, Further, FY 2017. H.J. Res. 99; Mr. Bureau of Reclamation Transparency Act. H.R. 660; Mr. Frelinghuysen. Gosar et al. S. 216. Continuing, Further, FY 2018. H.J. Res. 123; Mr. Frelinghuysen. Defense, FY 2017. H.R. 1301; Mr. Frelinghuysen. Defense, FY 2018. H.R. 3219; Ms. Granger. C Disaster Assistance, FY 2018. H.R. 4667; Mr. Freling- huysen. CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES: Energy and Water Development, FY 2018. H.R. 3266; AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act. S. 772. Mr. Simpson. S. 1609. Child Protection Improvements Act. H.R. 695; Mr. Financial Services, FY 2018. H.R. 3280; Mr. Graves Schiff et al. S. 705. of Georgia. Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act. S. 597. Homeland Security, FY 2018. H.R. 3355; Mr. Carter Family Office Technical Correction Act. H.R. 3972; of Texas. Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York. Interior, Environment, FY 2018. H.R. 3354; Mr. Cal- Family Self-Sufficiency Act. H.R. 4258; Mr. Duffy vert. et al. Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Global Child Protection Act. H.R. 1862; Mrs. Roby FY 2018. H.R. 3358; Mr. Cole. S. 1771. et al. Legislative Branch, FY 2018. H.R. 3162; Mr. Yoder. Improving Services for Older Youth in Foster Care S. 1648. Act. H.R. 2847; Mr. Faso et al. Military Construction, VA, FY 2018. H.R. 2998; Mr. Improving Support for Missing and Exploited Chil- Dent. S. 1557. dren Act. H.R. 1808; Mr. Guthrie et al. S. 1312. State, Foreign Operations, FY 2018. H.R. 3362; Mr. Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Rogers of Kentucky. S. 1780. Home Visiting Act. H.R. 2824; Mr. Smith of Ne- Transportation, HUD, FY 2018. H.R. 3353; Mr. Diaz- braska et al. Balart. S. 1655. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reau- thorization Act. S. 860. ARMED FORCES: Juvenile Justice Reform Act. H.R. 1809; Mr. Lewis ADVANCE Act. H.R. 2258; Mr. Aguilar et al. of Minnesota et al. Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act. H.R. Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children in 873; Mr. Gallagher et al. Foster Care Act. H.R. 2742; Mrs. Walorski et al. INDEX 19–3

CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES—Continued COMMEMORATIONS AND MEMORIALS—Continued Partnership Grants to Strengthen Families Affected Memorials and Monuments—Continued by Parental Substance Abuse Act. H.R. 2834; Mr. ‘‘Kusick VA Community Living Center, Sergeant Danny K. Davis of Illinois et al. Joseph George’’. H.R. 2210; Mr. Kelly of Penn- PROTECT Our Children Act. S. 782. sylvania et al. Correct Enrollment. S. Con. Res. 28; Mr. Cornyn. ‘‘McAfee Post Office Building, Dr. Walter S.’’. Protecting Against Child Exploitation Act. H.R. 1761; H.R. 3655; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. Mr. Johnson of Louisiana et al. ‘‘Nash Jr. Post Office, Dr. John F.’’. H.R. 2302; Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act. Mrs. Watson Coleman et al. H.R. 1973; Mrs. Brooks of Indiana et al. S. 534. ‘‘Ostrom Post Office, Staff Sergeant Ryan Scott’’. RAISE Family Caregivers Act. H.R. 3759; Mr. Harper H.R. 1858; Mr. Marino et al. et al. S. 1028. ‘‘Owens Post Office Building, Sr. Chief Ryan’’. Reducing Barriers for Relative Foster Parents Act. H.R. 3109; Mr. LaHood et al. H.R. 2866; Mr. Smucker et al. ‘‘Pate, Jr. Post Office, Howard B.’’. H.R. 3369; Mr. Strengthening Children’s Safety Act. H.R. 1842; Mr. Hudson et al. Ratcliffe et al. ‘‘Pearson Post Office Building, Rutledge’’. H.R. Supporting Families in Substance Abuse Treatment 3638; Mr. Lawson of Florida et al. Act. H.R. 2857; Mrs. Noem et al. ‘‘Riney Post Office, Sgt. Douglas J.’’. H.R. 2672; Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act. H.R. 95; Ms. Mrs. Bustos et al. Brownley of California et al. Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act. H.R. 2156; Mr. Knight et al. COMMEMORATIONS AND MEMORIALS: ‘‘Taub Post Office, Staff Sergeant Peter’’. H.R. Bob Dole Congressional Gold Medal Act. S. 1616. 2873; Mr. Brendan F. Boyle of Pennsylvania Coins: et al. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame ‘‘Thompson Federal Building and United States Commemorative Coin Act. H.R. 1235; Mr. Neal Courthouse, Fred D.’’. H.R. 375; Mrs. Black- et al. burn et al. The American Legion 100th Anniversary Com- ‘‘Tilden Veterans Post Office’’. H.R. 1207; Mr. memorative Coin Act. H.R. 2519; Mr. Walz Cuellar et al. et al. S. 1182. ‘‘White Jr. Post Office, Specialist Jeffrey L.’’. H.R. Commemorations: 452; Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. Canley, John L., Medal of Honor. H.R. 4641; Ms. Williams VA Medical Center, Hershel ‘‘Woody’’. Brownley of California. S. 1165. ‘‘Converse Veterans Post Office Building’’. H.R. Operation Desert Storm or Operation Desert Shield 1208; Mr. Cuellar et al. Memorial. H.J. Res. 3; Mr. Roe of Tennessee. S.J. Res. 1. Vasey, Admiral Lloyd R. ‘‘Joe’’, Pacific War Com- memorative Display Establishment Act. H.R. Recognition of Massacre of 11 African-American Sol- 4300; Ms. Hanabusa et al. diers during Battle of Bulge. H. Con. Res. 43; Mr. McKinley et al. ‘‘Honoring the Nation’s First Responders Day’’. S. Con. Res. 15. Community Empowerment for Mitigated Properties Act. Memorials and Monuments: H.R. 1735; Mr. Babin et al. ‘‘Abraham VA Clinic, Abie’’. H.R. 609; Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania et al. Community Reclamation Partnerships Act. H.R. 2937; ‘‘Addington Post Office, Zachary’’. H.R. 3821; Mr. Mr. LaHood et al. Collins of Georgia et al. ‘‘Basilone Post Office, Sergeant John’’. H.R. 2815; Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. H.R. 38; Mr. Hudson Mr. Lance et al. et al. ‘‘Borinqueneers Post Office Building’’. H.R. 4042; Mr. Soto et al. CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: ‘‘Capello Post Office Building, Janet’’. H.R. 2254; Adjournments: Mr. Thompson of California et al. April 2017, House. H. Con. Res. 48; Mr. Sessions. ‘‘Ekpanya Post Office Building, Endy Appointment of Members of Board of Directors of Of- Nddiobong’’. H.R. 294; Mr. Olson et al. fice of Compliance. H.R. 1228; Mr. Harper et al. ‘‘Faleomavaega Eni Fa’aua’a Hunkin VA Clinic’’. Assemble Outside the Seat of Government. H. Con. H.R. 1362; Mrs. Radewagen et al. Res. 1; Mr. Sessions. Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act. Attack on Members of Congress; Gratitude for Ac- H.R. 873; Mr. Gallagher et al. tions of Capitol Police. H. Res. 385; Mr. McCarthy. ‘‘Haggard Post Office Building, Merle’’. H.R. Bob Dole Congressional Gold Medal Act. S. 1616. 1988; Mr. McCarthy et al. Ceremony for Commemoration of the Days of ‘‘Jenkins Post Office, Robert H.’’. H.R. 3893; Mr. Rememberance of Victims of the Holocaust, Use of Yoho et al. the rotunda in Capitol. H. Con. Res. 18; Mr. Mee- ‘‘Johnson Post Office Building, James C. ’Billy’’’. han et al. H.R. 4285; Mr. LoBiondo et al. Ceremony to Award Congresional Gold Medal to Bob ‘‘Kennedy Post Office, John Fitzgerald’’. H.R. Dole, Use of Rotunda of the Capitol. S. Con. Res. 2464; Mr. Lynch et al. 31. 19–4 INDEX

CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS—Contin- CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS—Contin- ued ued Ceremony to Present Congressional Gold Medal to Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Filipino Veterans of World War II, Use of Emanci- the Federal Communications Commission Relating pation Hall in the Capitol Visitors Center. S. Con. to ‘‘Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Res. 23. Broadband and Other Telecommunication Serv- Congressional Disapproval of a Rule Submitted by ices’’. S.J. Res. 34. the Securities and Exchange Commission Relating Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by to ‘‘Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction the Social Security Administration Relating to Im- Issuers’’. H.J. Res. 41; Mr. Huizenga et al. plementation of the NICS Improvement Amend- Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule of the ments Act of 2007. H.J. Res. 40; Mr. Sam Johnson Bureau of Land Management Relating to ‘‘Waste of Texas et al. Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Congressional Disapproval Under Chapter 8 of Title Resource Conservation’’. H.J. Res. 36; Mr. Bishop 5, United States Code, of the Rule Submitted by of Utah et al. the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Re- Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule of the lating to Prepaid Accounts under the Electronic Department of the Interior Relating to ‘‘Non-Sub- Fund Transfer Act and the Truth in Lending Act. sistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation S.J. Res. 19. and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Ref- Congressional Subpoena Compliance and Enforce- uges in Alaska’’. H.J. Res. 69; Mr. Young of Alaska ment Act. H.R. 4010; Mr. Issa et al. et al. District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforce- Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule Sub- ment Torch Run, Use of Capitol Grounds. H. Con. mitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services Res. 69; Ms. Norton. Relating to Compliance with Title X Requirements by Project Recipients in Selecting Subrecipients. Electoral Vote Count. S. Con. Res. 2. H.J. Res. 43; Mrs. Black et al. Elimination of Non-Application of Certain State Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Waiver Provisions to Members of Congress and the Department of Defense, the General Services Congressional Staff. H.R. 2192; Ms. McSally et al. Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Greater Washington Soap Box Derby, Use of the Cap- Space Administration Relating to the Federal Ac- itol Grounds. H. Con. Res. 36; Mr. Hoyer et al. quisition Regulation. H.J. Res. 37; Ms. Foxx et al. House of Representatives: Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Adjusting Amount of Members’ Representational the Department of Education Relating to Account- Allowance. H. Res. 411; Mr. Harper. ability and State Plans Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. H.J. Res. 57; Mr. Clerk Election, Senate Notification. H. Res. 2; Rokita et al. Mr. McCarthy. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Committee Membership: the Department of Education Relating to Teacher Authority of the Ranking Minority Member Preparation Issues. H.J. Res. 58; Mr. Guthrie et al. of the Committee on the Judiciary, Relat- Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by ing to the Exercise of. H. Res. 636; Mr. the Department of Labor Relating to ‘‘Clarification Crowley. of Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Majority. H. Res. 6; Mrs. McMorris Rodgers. Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable H. Res. 29; Mr. Smith of Missouri. H. Res. Injury and Illness’’. H.J. Res. 83; Mr. Byrne et al. 36; Mr. Collins of Georgia. H. Res. 51; Mrs. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by McMorris Rodgers. H. Res. 131; Mr. the Department of Labor Relating to Drug Testing Bishop of Utah. H. Res. 303; Mr. Byrne. of Unemployment Compensation Applicants. H.J. H. Res. 381; H. Res. 410; Mr. Buck. H. Res. Res. 42; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. 579; Mr. Collins of Georgia. H. Res. 634; Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Ms. Cheney. the Department of Labor Relating to Savings Ar- Minority. H. Res. 7; H. Res. 25; H. Res. 34; rangements Established by Qualified State Polit- H. Res. 39; H. Res. 45; H. Res. 52; H. Res. ical Subdivisions for Non-Governmental Employ- 56; H. Res. 59; H. Res. 95; H. Res. 98; H. ees. H.J. Res. 67; Mr. Francis Rooney of Florida Res. 127; Mr. Crowley. H. Res. 412; Ms. et al. Sanchez. H. Res. 439; H. Res. 453; H. Res. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by 669; Mr. Crowley. the Department of Labor Relating to Savings Ar- Committees: rangements Established by States for Non-Govern- Committee Funding. H. Res. 173; Mr. Har- mental Employees. H.J. Res. 66; Mr. Walberg et al. per. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Designating Democratic Cloakroom as the the Department of the Interior known as the ‘‘Gabrielle Giffords-Leo J. Ryan Cloakroom’’. H. Stream Protection Rule. H.J. Res. 38; Mr. Johnson Res. 615; Ms. Speier et al. of Ohio et al. Hour of Meeting. H. Res. 9; Mr. Sessions. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the Department of the Interior Related to the Pro- Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the cedures Used to Prepare, Revise, or Amend Land United States, of High Misdemeanors. H. Res. Use Plans Pursuant to the Federal Land Policy and 646; Mr. Al Green of Texas. Management Act of 1976. H.J. Res. 44; Ms. Cheney Inaugural Ceremonies, Attendance of. H. Res. 37; et al. Mr. Collins of Georgia. INDEX 19–5

CONGRESS AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS—Contin- COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE: ued All Circuit Review Act. H.R. 2229; Mr. Cummings House of Representatives—Continued et al. Mandatory Completion of Program of Training in Bankruptcy Judgeship Act. H.R. 2266; Mr. Conyers Workplace Rights and Responsbilities. H. Res. et al. S. 1107. 630; Mrs. Comstock et al. House Agree to Senate Amendment with an Michel, Honorable Robert Henry ‘‘Bob’’, Death of. Amendment (H.R. 2266). H. Res. 569; Mr. H. Res. 151; Mr. LaHood. Frelinghuysen. Minority Employees Designation. H. Res. 8; Mr. Correct Enrollment (H.R. 2266). H. Con. Res. 85; Crowley. Mr. Frelinghuysen. Officers Election. H. Res. 1; Mrs. McMorris Rod- Congressional Subpoena Compliance and Enforce- gers. ment Act. H.R. 4010; Mr. Issa et al. Official Photographs of the House. H. Res. 350; Extension of Authority of Judicial Conference to Re- Mr. Harper. dact Sensitive Information. H.R. 3229; Mr. Jeffries Presidential Notification of Assembly of Con- et al. S. 1584. gress. H. Res. 3; Mr. McCarthy. Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act. H.R. 985; Mr. Presidential Notification of Election of Speaker Goodlatte et al. and Clerk. H. Res. 4; Mr. Conyers. Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Quorum Assembled, Senate Notification. H. Res. Act. H.R. 906; Mr. Farenthold et al. 2; Mr. McCarthy. Innocent Party Protection Act. H.R. 725; Mr. Buck Rules of the House. H. Res. 5; Mr. McCarthy. et al. Rules Two-Thirds Vote Waiver. H. Res. 221; Mr. Judgment Fund Transparency Act. H.R. 1096; Mr. Sessions. H. Res. 280; Mr. Woodall. H. Res. Stewart et al. 299; Mr. Byrne. H. Res. 481; Ms. Cheney. H. Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act. H.R. 720; Mr. Smith Res. 500; Mr. Cole. H. Res. 667; Mr. Sessions. of Texas et al. Rules, Motions to Suspend. H. Res. 221; Mr. Ses- Open Book on Equal Access to Justice Act. H.R. 1033; sions. H. Res. 280; Mr. Woodall. H. Res. 299; Mr. Collins of Georgia et al. Mr. Byrne. H. Res. 396; Mr. Cole. H. Res. 481; POWER Act. S. 717. Ms. Cheney. H. Res. 500; Mr. Cole. H. Res. 538; Mr. Sessions. H. Res. 562; Mr. Collins of Geor- Standard Merger and Acquisition Reviews Through gia. H. Res. 667; Mr. Sessions. Equal Rules Act. H.R. 659; Mr. Farenthold et al. Speaker Election, Senate Notification. H. Res. 2; Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act. H.R. 732; Mr. Mr. McCarthy. Goodlatte et al. Joint Committees: Inaugural Ceremonies. S. Con. Res. 1. CRIMES AND CRIME PREVENTION: Library. H. Res. 82; Mr. Harper. Abolish Human Trafficking Act. S. 1311. Printing. H. Res. 82; Mr. Harper. Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act. H.R. 1188; Mr. Joint Session, Message from the President. H. Con. Sensenbrenner et al. Res. 23; Mr. Burgess. AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act. S. 772. King Kamehameha I Birthday Celebration, Use of American Law Enforcement Heroes Act. H.R. 1428; Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitors Center. Mr. Hurd et al. S. 583. S. Con. Res. 14. Authorize Appropriations for Border Infrastructure National Peace Officers Memorial Service and the Construction, Provide Conditional Resident Status National Honor Guard and Pipe Band Exhibition, to Certain Aliens, and Amend the Immigration and Use of the Capitol Grounds. H. Con. Res. 35; Mr. Nationality Act to Include Grounds of Inadmis- Barletta et al. sibility for Criminal Gangs and Cartels. S. 2199. Providing for Congressional Disapproval Under Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, of the Economy Act. H.R. 496; Mr. Coffman et al. Rule Submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial Child Protection Improvements Act. H.R. 695; Mr. Protection Relating to ’’Arbitration Agreements‘‘. Schiff et al. S. 705. H.J. Res. 111; Mr. Rothfus et al. Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehi- Senate: cles Act. S. 1536. Bunning, Honorable James Paul David ‘‘Jim’’, Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act. H.R. Death of. S. Res. 184. 3697; Mrs. Comstock et al. Cernan, Eugene A. ‘‘Gene’’. S. Res. 27. Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act. S. 807. Congressional Budget, FY 2017. S. Con. Res. 3. Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act. S. 178. Domenici, Pietro ‘‘Pete’’ Vichi., Death of. S. Res. Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex Traf- 254. ficking Demand Act. H.R. 2480; Mrs. Hartzler Quorum Assembled. S. Res. 2. et al. Unveiling of the American Prisoners of War/Missing Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act. H.R. in Action (POW/MIA) Chair of Honor, Use of Eman- 2664; Mr. Walberg et al. cipation Hall in the Capitol Visitors Center. S. Con. Fix NICS Act. H.R. 4477; Mr. Culberson et al. Res. 26. Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention Wounded Officers Recovery Act. H.R. 3298; Mr. Bar- and Protection Reauthorization Act. H.R. 2200; Mr. ton et al. Smith of New Jersey et al. 19–6 INDEX

CRIMES AND CRIME PREVENTION—Continued DISCHARGE PETITIONS: Global Child Protection Act. H.R. 1862; Mrs. Roby Pursuant to clause 2, rule XV: et al. 1. Providing for consideration of H.R. 305, Presi- Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reau- dential Tax Transparency Act; Filed Apr. 5, thorization Act. S. 860. 2017. H.R. 305; Ms. Eshoo. Juvenile Justice Reform Act. H.R. 1809; Mr. Lewis 2. Providing for consideration of H.R. 356, Pro- of Minnesota et al. tecting Our Democracy Act; Filed May 17, Kevin and Avonte’s Law. S. 2070. 2017. H.R. 356; Mr. Swalwell of California. Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act. 3. Providing for consideration of H.R. 1436, to H.R. 2228; Mrs. Brooks of Indiana et al. S. 867. Provide for Reconciliation Pursuant to Title II MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act. S. 770. of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act. S. 1532. Fiscal Year 2017; Filed Aug. 11, 2017. H. Res. 458; Mr. Garrett. No Sanctuary for Criminals Act. H.R. 3003; Mr. Good- latte et al. 4. Providing for consideration of H.R. 496, Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow PACT Act. S. 654. our Economy Act; Filed Sep. 5, 2017. H.R. 496; Private Corrado Piccoli Purple Heart Preservation Mr. Coffman. Act. S. 765. 5. Providing for consideration of H.Res 508, a res- Probation Officer Protection Act. H.R. 1039; Mr. olution providing for consideration of the bill Reichert et al. (H.R. 1084) to address slow economic growth PROTECT Our Children Act. S. 782. and spur investment and development in un- Correct Enrollment. S. Con. Res. 28; Mr. Cornyn. derserved communities across America; Filed Sep. 25, 2017. H. Res. 508; Ms. Michelle Lujan Protecting Against Child Exploitation Act. H.R. 1761; Grisham of New Mexico. Mr. Johnson of Louisiana et al. Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act. H.R. 1973; Mrs. Brooks of Indiana et al. S. 534. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Act. S. Designation of Boris Nemtsov Plaza. S. 459. 419. District of Columbia and National Park Service, Au- Put Trafficking Victims First Act. H.R. 2473; Mrs. thorization to Enter into Cooperative Management Wagner et al. Agreements. H.R. 2897; Ms. Norton et al. Rapid DNA Act. H.R. 510; Mr. Sensenbrenner et al. District of Columbia Courts and Public Defender S. 139. Service Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments Act. H.R. 1003; Ms. Norton. SAFE Act. H.R. 3317; Mr. Trott et al. Global War on Terrorism War Memorial Act. H.R. SAFER Act. S. 1766. 873; Mr. Gallagher et al. SECURE Act. S. 2192. Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to Vir- Strengthen Border Security, Increase Resources for ginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia to Enforcement of Immigration Laws. S. 1757. Enter into a Compact Relating to the Establish- Strengthening Children’s Safety Act. H.R. 1842; Mr. ment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commis- Ratcliffe et al. sion. H.J. Res. 76; Mr. Hoyer et al. H.J. Res. 92; Strengthening State and Local Cyber Crime Fighting Mrs. Comstock et al. S.J. Res. 22. Act. H.R. 1616; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to Vir- Targeting Child Predators Act. H.R. 883; Mr. ginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia to DeSantis et al. Enter into a Compact Relating to the Establish- ment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commis- Thin Blue Line Act. H.R. 115; Mr. Buchanan et al. sion (H.J. Res. 76): return of papers. H. Res. 469; Mr. Buck. John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act. S. 1359. D Robert Emmet Park Act. H.R. 1500; Mr. Crowley et al. Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Reauthor- DEFENSE DEPARTMENT: ization Act. H.R. 1387; Mr. Chaffetz et al. Limitation Against Appointment of Persons as Sec- retary of Defense within Seven Years of Relief from Active Duty as Regular Commissioned Officers of Drinking Water System Improvement Act. H.R. 3387; Mr. the Armed Forces, Exception to. H.R. 393; Mr. Harper. Thornberry. S. 84. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. H.R. 2810; Mr. Thornberry et al. S. 1519. E

Disaster Assistance Fairness and Accountability Act. H.R. Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Pro- 3176; Mr. MacArthur et al. tection Act. S. 2155.

Disaster Assistance Support for Communities and Home- EDUCATION: owners Act. H.R. 1684; Mr. Nadler et al. Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act. S. 597. INDEX 19–7

EDUCATION—Continued ENERGY AND FUELS—Continued Historically Black Colleges and Universities Historic Hydroelectric Project Extension. H.R. 446; H.R. 447; Preservation Program, Reauthorization. H.R. 1135; Mr. Griffith. H.R. 951; Ms. Foxx. H.R. 2122; Mr. Mr. Clyburn et al. McKinley et al. H.R. 2828; Mr. Newhouse. S. 490. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria Education Re- S. 491. S. 710. S. 723. S. 730. lief Act. S. 1866. Hydropower Policy Modernization Act. H.R. 3043; National Memorial to Fallen Educators Act. S. 167. Mrs. McMorris Rodgers. Protecting Girls’ Access to Education Act. H.R. 2408; HYPE Act. H.R. 2274; Mr. Peters. Mr. Chabot et al. J. Bennett Johnston Waterway Hydropower Exten- Public-Private Partnerships to Bring Computer sion Act. H.R. 2457; Mr. Johnson of Louisiana. Science Education to More K-12 Classrooms, Sup- Modernizing Authorizations for Necessary Hydro- port of. H. Con. Res. 95; Mr. Taylor et al. power Approvals. S. 724. Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Reauthor- Modification of Credit for Production from Advanced ization Act. H.R. 1387; Mr. Chaffetz et al. Nuclear Power Facilities. H.R. 1551; Mr. Rice of STEM Research and Education Effectiveness and South Carolina et al. Transparency Act. H.R. 4375; Mrs. Comstock et al. Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act. Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act. H.R. S. 512. 627; Mr. Cartwright et al. Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act. S. 97. Strengthening Career and Technical Education for Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act. H.R. 3053; the 21st Century Act. H.R. 2353; Mr. Thompson Mr. Shimkus et al. of Pennsylvania et al. Planning for American Energy Act. H.R. 2907; Mr. Women in Aerospace Education Act. H.R. 4254; Mr. Tipton et al. Knight et al. Power And Security Systems (PASS) Act. H.R. 511; Mr. Welch et al. S. 190. Promoting Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Hydropower Email Privacy Act. H.R. 387; Mr. Yoder et al. Act. H.R. 2880; Mr. Griffith. Promoting Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure Act. Emergency Aid to American Survivors of Hurricanes Irma H.R. 2883; Mr. Mullin et al. and Jose Overseas Act. H.R. 3732; Mr. Reichert. Promoting Hydropower Development at Existing Nonpowered Dams Act. H.R. 2872; Mr. Bucshon. Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of ENERGY AND FUELS: Natural Gas Pipelines Act. H.R. 2910; Mr. Flores Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Act. H.R. et al. 590; Mr. Latta et al. Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act. Application of Energy Conservation Standards to Cer- H.R. 825; Mr. Gosar et al. tain External Power Supplies. S. 226. Qualifying Conduit Hydropower Facilities. H.R. 2786; Bureau of Reclamation Pumped Storage Hydropower Mr. Hudson et al. Development Act. H.R. 1967; Mr. Lamborn et al. Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act. H.R. Ceiling Fan Energy Conservation Harmonization Act. 627; Mr. Cartwright et al. S. 2030. Western Area Power Administration Transparency Clarification of Facility Merger Authorization of the Act. H.R. 2371; Mr. Gosar et al. Federal Power Act. H.R. 1109; Mr. Walberg et al. Department of Energy Research and Innovation Act. Energy Savings from Lubricating Oil, Study of. H.R. 1733; H.R. 589; Mr. Smith of Texas et al. Mrs. Brooks of Indiana et al. Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. S. 1447. Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act. H.R. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CONSERVA- 1873; Mr. LaMalfa et al. TION: Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development. Brownfields Enhancement, Economic Redevelopment, H.R. 338; Mr. Rush et al. and Reauthorization Act. H.R. 3017; Mr. McKinley Energy and Natural Resources Act. S. 1460. et al. Energy Efficient Government Technology Act. H.R. Brownfields Reauthorization Act. H.R. 1758; Ms. Esty 306; Ms. Eshoo et al. et al. Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act. Brownfields Utilization, Investment, and Local Devel- S. 385. opment Act. S. 822. Energy Savings Through Public-Private Partnerships Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conserva- Act. S. 239. tion Act. H.R. 1913; Mr. Panetta et al. Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act. H.R. 1431; Emergency Preparedness Act. H.R. 3050; Mr. Mr. Lucas et al. Upton et al. HELP for Wildlife Act. S. 1514. EPS Improvement Act. H.R. 518; Ms. DeGette et al. Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act. Fair Ratepayer Accountability, Transparency, and Ef- H.R. 1430; Mr. Smith of Texas et al. ficiency Standards Act. H.R. 587; Mr. Kennedy Update Enviromental Sensitivity Index Products of et al. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Hydroelectric Project Expansion. H.R. 220; Mr. Young for Great Lakes. S. 1586. of Alaska. S. 214. WILD Act. S. 826. 19–8 INDEX

Executive Order Restricting Individuals from Certain FEDERAL GOVERNMENT—Continued Countries Entering the United States, nullification of. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by S. 274. the Department of Labor Relating to Savings Ar- rangements Established by Qualified State Polit- ical Subdivisions for Non-Governmental Employ- ees. H.J. Res. 67; Mr. Francis Rooney of Florida et al. F Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the Department of Labor Relating to Savings Ar- rangements Established by States for Non-Govern- FDA Reauthorization Act. S. 934. mental Employees. H.J. Res. 66; Mr. Walberg et al. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Federal Communications Commission Consolidated Re- the Department of the Interior known as the porting Act. H.R. 599; Mr. Scalise et al. Stream Protection Rule. H.J. Res. 38; Mr. Johnson of Ohio et al. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Federal Communications Commission Process Reform the Department of the Interior Related to the Pro- Act. H.R. 290; Mr. Walden et al. cedures Used to Prepare, Revise, or Amend Land Use Plans Pursuant to the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. H.J. Res. 44; Ms. Cheney FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: et al. Annual Report to Congress Relating to Use of Official Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Time by Federal Employees, To Require. H.R. 1293; the Federal Communications Commission Relating Mr. Ross. to ‘‘Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Bonuses for Cost-Cutters Act. H.R. 378; Mr. Broadband and Other Telecommunication Serv- Fleischmann et al. ices’’. S.J. Res. 34. Congressional Disapproval of a Rule Submitted by Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission Relating the Social Security Administration Relating to Im- to ‘‘Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction plementation of the NICS Improvement Amend- Issuers’’. H.J. Res. 41; Mr. Huizenga et al. ments Act of 2007. H.J. Res. 40; Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas et al. Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule of the Bureau of Land Management Relating to ‘‘Waste Congressional Disapproval Under Chapter 8 of Title Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and 5, United States Code, of the Rule Submitted by Resource Conservation’’. H.J. Res. 36; Mr. Bishop the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Re- of Utah et al. lating to Prepaid Accounts under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act and the Truth in Lending Act. Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule of the S.J. Res. 19. Department of the Interior Relating to ‘‘Non-Sub- sistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation Connected Government Act. H.R. 2331; Ms. Kelly of and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Ref- Illinois et al. S. 1769. uges in Alaska’’. H.J. Res. 69; Mr. Young of Alaska Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act. et al. S. 585. Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule Sub- Early Participation in Regulations Act. S. 579. mitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services EGO Act. S. 188. Relating to Compliance with Title X Requirements Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act. H.R. by Project Recipients in Selecting Subrecipients. 680; Mr. Meadows et al. H.J. Res. 43; Mrs. Black et al. Ensuring a Qualified Civil Service Act. H.R. 4182; Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Mr. Comer et al. the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Fair Chance Act. S. 842. Space Administration Relating to the Federal Ac- Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act. H.R. 1174; quisition Regulation. H.J. Res. 37; Ms. Foxx et al. Ms. Norton et al. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Fannie and Freddie Open Records Act. H.R. 1694; Mr. the Department of Education Relating to Account- Chaffetz et al. ability and State Plans Under the Elementary and Federal Acquisition Savings Act. H.R. 3071; Mr. Car- Secondary Education Act of 1965. H.J. Res. 57; Mr. ter of Georgia et al. Rokita et al. Federal Advisory Committee Act Amendments. H.R. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by 70; Mr. Clay et al. the Department of Education Relating to Teacher Federal Agency Customer Experience Act. S. 1088. Preparation Issues. H.J. Res. 58; Mr. Guthrie et al. Federal Agency Mail Management Act. H.R. 194; Mr. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Russell et al. the Department of Labor Relating to ‘‘Clarification Federal Communications Commission Consolidated of Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and Reporting Act. S. 174. Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable Injury and Illness’’. H.J. Res. 83; Mr. Byrne et al. Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act. H.R. 702; Mr. Cummings et al. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the Department of Labor Relating to Drug Testing Federal Employee Fair Treatment Act. S. 861. of Unemployment Compensation Applicants. H.J. Federal Employee Surveys. H.R. 3244; Mr. Meadows Res. 42; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. et al. INDEX 19–9

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT—Continued FEDERAL GOVERNMENT—Continued Federal Intern Protection Act. H.R. 653; Mr. Cum- TSP Modernization Act. H.R. 3031; Mr. Cummings mings et al. et al. S. 873. Federal Register Printing Savings Act. H.R. 195; Mr. Whistleblower Protection Coordination Act. S. 1869. Russell. FITARA Enhancement Act. H.R. 3243; Mr. Connolly FEMA Reauthorization Act. H.R. 2548; Mr. Barletta et al. et al. Follow the Rules Act. H.R. 657; Mr. Duffy et al. S. 576. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCIAL SERV- ICES: GAO Access and Oversight Act. H.R. 72; Mr. Carter of Georgia. Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Examina- tion and Reporting Threshold Act. H.R. 3072; Mr. MGT Act. H.R. 2227; Mr. Hurd et al. Clay et al. Midnight Rules Relief Act. H.R. 21; Mr. Issa et al. Clarifying Commercial Real Estate Loans. H.R. 2148; S. 34. Mr. Pittenger et al. Modernizing Government Travel Act. H.R. 274; Mr. Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act. H.R. Moulton et al. 3971; Ms. Tenney et al. OIRA Insight, Reform, and Accountability Act. H.R. Congressional Disapproval Under Chapter 8 of Title 1009; Mr. Mitchell et al. 5, United States Code, of the Rule Submitted by OPEN Government Data Act. S. 760. the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Re- Political Appointee Burrowing Prevention Act. H.R. lating to Prepaid Accounts under the Electronic 1132; Mr. Buck et al. Fund Transfer Act and the Truth in Lending Act. Presidential Library Donation Reform Act. H.R. 73; S.J. Res. 19. Mr. Duncan of Tennessee et al. Corporate Governance Reform and Transparency Act. Procurement: H.R. 4015; Mr. Duffy et al. Construction Consensus Procurement Improve- Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act. S. 807. ment Act. H.R. 679; Mr. Meadows et al. Encouraging Employee Ownership Act. H.R. 1343; Procurement Fraud Prevention Act. S. 938. Mr. Hultgren et al. Providing Accountability Through Transparency Act. Encouraging Public Offerings Act. H.R. 3903; Mr. S. 577. Budd et al. Providing for Congressional Disapproval Under Fair Access to Investment Research Act. H.R. 910; Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, of the Mr. Hill et al. Rule Submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial Fair Investment Opportunities for Professional Ex- Protection Relating to ’’Arbitration Agreements‘‘. perts Act. H.R. 1585; Mr. Schweikert et al. H.J. Res. 111; Mr. Rothfus et al. Family Office Technical Correction Act. H.R. 3972; Recipients of Whistleblower Disclosures. H.R. 2196; Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York. Mr. Russell et al. Federal Reserve Transparency Act. H.R. 24; Mr. Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act. H.R. 953; Mr. Massie et al. Gibbs et al. Financial CHOICE Act. H.R. 10; Mr. Hensarling Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny et al. Act. H.R. 26; Mr. Collins of Georgia et al. S. 21. Financial Institution Bankruptcy Act. H.R. 1667; Mr. Regulatory Accountability Act. H.R. 5; Mr. Goodlatte Marino et al. et al. Financial Institution Customer Protection Act. H.R. Regulatory Integrity Act. H.R. 1004; Mr. Walberg 2706; Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. et al. Financial Institution Living Will Improvement Act. Saving Federal Dollars Through Better Use of Gov- H.R. 4292; Mr. Zeldin et al. ernment Purchase and Travel Cards Act. S. 1099. Financial Stability Oversight Council Insurance SCRUB Act. H.R. 998; Mr. Smith of Missouri et al. Member Continuity Act. H.R. 3110; Mr. Hultgren SECRET Act. H.R. 3210; Mr. Knight et al. et al. Social Security Fraud Prevention Act. H.R. 624; Mr. Flood Insurance Market Parity and Modernization Valadao et al. S. 218. Act. H.R. 1422; Mr. Ross et al. Stays During Period that Merit Systems Protection Fostering Innovation Act. H.R. 1645; Ms. Sinema Board Lacks Quorum, To Provide for. S. 1083. et al. Stop Improper Federal Bonuses Act. S. 696. HALOS Act. H.R. 79; Mr. Chabot et al. Strengthening Oversight of TSA Employee Mis- Investor Clarity and Bank Parity Act. H.R. 3093; Mr. conduct Act. H.R. 1351; Mr. Perry et al. Capuano et al. Sunshine for Regulations and Regulatory Decrees Market Data Protection Act. H.R. 3973; Mr. Davidson and Settlements Act. H.R. 469; Mr. Collins of Geor- et al. gia et al. Micro Offering Safe Harbor Act. H.R. 2201; Mr. Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act. H.R. 71; Mr. Walberg Emmer et al. et al. S. 317. Municipal Finance Support Act. H.R. 1624; Mr. Telework Travel Expense Test Programs. H.R. 4171; Messer et al. Mr. Gianforte et al. National Flood Insurance Program Administrative Temporary and Term Appointments Act. S. 1886. Reform Act. H.R. 2875; Ms. Velazquez et al. Thoroughly Investigating Retaliation Against Whis- Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act. H.R. tleblowers Act. H.R. 69; Mr. Blum et al. 1699; Mr. Barr et al. 19–10 INDEX

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCIAL SERV- FOREIGN RELATIONS AND POLICY—Continued ICES—Continued Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention Privacy Notification Technical Clarification Act. H.R. and Protection Reauthorization Act. H.R. 2200; Mr. 2396; Mr. Trott et al. Smith of New Jersey et al. Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Act. FTO Passport Revocation Act. H.R. 425; Mr. Poe of H.R. 1558; Mr. Royce of California et al. Texas et al. Risk-Based Credit Examination Act. H.R. 3911; Mrs. Hizballah International Financing Prevention Wagner et al. Amendments Act. H.R. 3329; Mr. Royce of Cali- SEC Regulatory Accountability Act. H.R. 78; Mrs. fornia et al. S. 1595. Wagner et al. Hong Kong. H. Res. 422; Mr. Engel et al. Senior Safe Act. H.R. 3758; Ms. Sinema et al. Impeding North Korea’s Access to Finance Act. H.R. Seniors Fraud Prevention Act. S. 81. 3898; Mr. Barr et al. Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Iran. H. Res. 317; Ms. Ros-Lehtinen et al. Brokerage Simplification Act. H.R. 477; Mr. Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Huizenga et al. Enforcement Act. H.R. 1698; Mr. Royce of Cali- 21st Century Flood Reform Act. H.R. 2874; Mr. Duffy. fornia et al. Strengthening Oversight of Iran’s Access to Finance Iranian Leadership Asset Transparency Act. H.R. Act. H.R. 4324; Mr. Williams et al. 1638; Mr. Poliquin. Supporting America’s Innovators Act. H.R. 1219; Mr. Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Ac- McHenry et al. S. 444. countability Act. H.R. 390; Mr. Smith of New Jer- Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act. H.R. sey et al. 3312; Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. Israel. H. Con. Res. 92; Mr. Graves of Georgia et al. Taxpayer Exposure Mitigation Act. H.R. 2246; Mr. Israeli-Palestinian. H. Res. 11; Mr. Royce of Cali- Luetkemeyer. fornia et al. U.S. Territories Investor Protection Act. H.R. 1366; Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Ms. Velazquez et al. Act. S. 447. World Bank Accountability Act. H.R. 3326; Mr. Barr Korean Interdiction and Modernization of Sanctions et al. Act. H.R. 1644; Mr. Royce of California et al. LEED Act. S. 1901. FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act. H.R. 4478; Mr. Nunes et al. S. 2010. Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia. H. Con. Res. 67; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. FOREIGN RELATIONS AND POLICY: Mexico. H. Res. 336; Mr. Engel et al. African Growth and Opportunity Act and Millennium Multilateral Aid Review Act. S. 1928. Challenge Act Modernization Act. S. 832. Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act. H.R. Argentina. H. Res. 54; Mr. Sires et al. 1918; Ms. Ros-Lehtinen et al. ASEAN. H. Res. 311; Mr. Castro of Texas et al. North Korea. H. Res. 92; Mr. Wilson of South Caro- Burma. H. Con. Res. 90; Mr. Crowley et al. lina et al. H.R. 479; Mr. Poe of Texas et al. S. 1591. Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act. H.R. 1677; Mr. Engel et al. North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act. H.R. 2061; Ms. Ros-Lehtinen et al. S. 1118. Canada. H. Res. 357; Mr. Duncan of South Carolina et al. Persecution of Christians Worldwide, Condemnation. H. Res. 407; Mr. Grothman et al. Central America. H. Res. 145; Mrs. Torres et al. Chechnya. H. Res. 351; Ms. Ros-Lehtinen et al. Protecting Our Democracy Act. H.R. 356; Mr. Swalwell of California et al. Combating European Anti-Semitism Act. H.R. 672; Mrs. Lowey et al. READ Act. H.R. 601; Mrs. Lowey et al. Condemning Terrorist Attacks in Manchester and House Agree to Senate Amendments with an London, United Kingdom. H. Res. 355; Mr. Meeks Amendment. H. Res. 502; Mr. Frelinghuysen. et al. Correct Enrollment. S. Con. Res. 24; Mr. McCon- Condemning Violence Outside Turkish Ambassador’s nell. Residence. H. Res. 354; Mr. Royce of California Reaffirming Commitment of United States to NATO; et al. Article 5. H. Res. 397; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin et al. Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Sanctioning Hizballah’s Illicit Use of Civilians as De- Act. H.R. 3364; Mr. Royce of California et al. fenseless Shields Act. H.R. 3342; Mr. Gallagher Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act. S. 722. et al. Countering Russian Influence in Europe and Eurasia South Sudan. H. Res. 187; Ms. Bass et al. Act. S. 1221. Syrian War Crimes Accountability Act. S. 905. Cuban Airport Security Act. H.R. 3328; Mr. Katko TARGET Act. H.R. 1625; Mr. Royce of California et al. et al. Department of State Authorities Act, Fiscal Year Taylor Force Act. H.R. 1164; Mr. Lamborn et al. S. 2017, Improvements Act. S. 371. 1697. Department of State Authorities Act, Fiscal Year Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act. 2018. S. 1631. S. 1848. Digital GAP Act. H.R. 600; Mr. Royce of California U.S. Wants to Compete for a World Expo Act. H.R. et al. 534; Mr. Emmer et al. INDEX 19–11

FOREIGN RELATIONS AND POLICY—Continued HEALTH—Continued Urging European Union to Designate Hizballah a Keep Kids’ Insurance Dependable and Secure Act. S. Terrorist Organization. H. Res. 359; Mr. Deutch 1827. et al. Medical Controlled Substances Transportation Act. Venezuela. H. Res. 259; Mr. DeSantis et al. H.R. 1492; Mr. Sessions. Venezuela Humanitarian Assistance and Defense of Medical Preparedness Allowable Use Act. H.R. 437; Democratic Governance Act. H.R. 2658; Mr. Engel Mr. Bilirakis et al. et al. Medicare Civil and Criminal Penalties Update Act. Yemen. H. Res. 599; Mr. Khanna et al. H.R. 3245; Mr. Bilirakis et al. Medicare Part B Improvement Act. H.R. 3178; Mr. Fort Ontario Study Act. H.R. 46; Mr. Katko et al. S. 55. Brady of Texas et al. Military Injury Surgical Systems Integrated Oper- Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act. H.R. ationally Nationwide to Achieve ZERO Preventable 4174; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin et al. Deaths Act. H.R. 880; Mr. Burgess et al. National Clinical Care Commission Act. H.R. 309; Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission Act. H.R. Mr. Olson et al. S. 920. 2989; Ms. Norton et al. National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act. S. 1015. No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion In- surance Full Disclosure Act. H.R. 7; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. G Prostate Cancer Misdiagnosis Elimination Act. H.R. 2557; Mr. Bucshon et al. GO Act. H.R. 289; Mr. LaMalfa et al. Protecting Access to Care Act. H.R. 1215; Mr. King of Iowa et al. Protecting Access to Diabetes Supplies Act. H.R. 3271; Ms. DeGette et al. H Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act. H.R. 304; Mr. Hudson et al. S. 916. HEALTH: Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act. H.R. 849; Action for Dental Health Act. H.R. 2422; Ms. Kelly Mr. Roe of Tennessee et al. of Illinois et al. RAISE Family Caregivers Act. S. 1028. Additional Emergency Uses for Medical Products to Reduce Deaths and Severity of Injuries Caused by Self-Insurance Protection Act. H.R. 1304; Mr. Roe of Agents of War. H.R. 4374; Mr. Walden. Tennessee et al. American Health Care Act. H.R. 1628; Mrs. Black. Sickle Cell Disease Research, Surveillance, Preven- tion, and Treatment Act. H.R. 2410; Mr. Danny K. BENEFIT Act. S. 1052. Davis of Illinois et al. CHAMPION Act. H.R. 3922; Mr. Walden. Small Business Health Fairness Act. H.R. 1101; Mr. Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act. H.R. 372; Sam Johnson of Texas et al. Mr. Gosar et al. SMASH Act. S. 849. Comprehensive Operations, Sustainability, and SOAR to Health and Wellness Act. H.R. 767; Mr. Transport Act. H.R. 3729; Mr. Nunes et al. Cohen et al. Congenital Heart Futures Reauthorization Act. H.R. Specialized Medicare Advantage Plans for Special 1222; Mr. Bilirakis et al. Needs Individuals. H.R. 3168; Mr. Tiberi et al. Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Nec- Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act. H.R. 302; Mr. essary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act. Guthrie et al. S. 870. Stark Administrative Simplification Act. H.R. 3726; Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act. S. 652. Mr. Marchant et al. Electronic Health Record-Related Significant Hard- Steve Gleason Enduring Voices Act. H.R. 2465; Mrs. ship Requests. H.R. 3120; Mr. Burgess et al. McMorris Rodgers et al. Elimination of Non-Application of Certain State Telehealth Services. H.R. 3727; Mrs. Black et al. Waiver Provisions to Members of Congress and Congressional Staff. H.R. 2192; Ms. McSally et al. Trickett Wendler Right to Try Act. S. 204. Extending Medicare Independence at Home Dem- VETERAN Act. H.R. 2372; Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas onstration Program. H.R. 3263; Mr. Burgess et al. et al. Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act. H.R. 1174; Ms. Norton et al. Helium Extraction Act. H.R. 3279; Mr. Cook. FAST Act. H.R. 1148; Mr. Griffith et al. FDA Reauthorization Act. H.R. 2430; Mr. Walden HISTORIC SITES AND PRESERVATION: et al. Fort Scott National Historic Site. H.R. 1541; Ms. Jen- Firefighter Cancer Registry Act. H.R. 931; Mr. Collins kins of Kansas et al. of New York et al. Fort Scott National Historic Site Boundary Modifica- HEALTHY KIDS Act. H.R. 3921; Mr. Burgess. tion Act. S. 189. Improving Access to Maternity Care Act. H.R. 315; Historically Black Colleges and Universities Historic Mr. Burgess et al. Preservation Program, Reauthorization. H.R. 1135; Jessie’s Law. S. 581. Mr. Clyburn et al. 19–12 INDEX

HISTORIC SITES AND PRESERVATION—Continued HOMELAND SECURITY—Continued John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act. H.R. DHS Acquisition Authorities Act. H.R. 1252; Mr. Hig- 1719; Mr. DeSaulnier et al. S. 729. gins of Louisiana et al. Little Rock Central High School National Historic DHS Acquisition Documentation Integrity Act. H.R. Site Boundary Modification Act. H.R. 2611; Mr. Hill 347; Mrs. Watson Coleman et al. et al. DHS Acquisition Review Board Act. H.R. 1282; Mr. Garrett et al. S. 886. HOMELAND SECURITY: DHS FIRM Act. H.R. 2131; Mr. Higgins of Louisiana Airport Perimeter and Access Control Security Act. et al. H.R. 665; Mr. Keating et al. DHS Intelligence Rotational Assignment Program Anti-Border Corruption Reauthorization Act. H.R. Act. H.R. 2453; Mr. Gallagher et al. 2213; Ms. McSally et al. DHS Multiyear Acquisition Strategy Act. H.R. 1249; APEC Business Travel Cards Reauthorization Act. S. Mr. Fitzpatrick et al. 504. DHS SAVE Act. H.R. 366; Mr. Perry et al. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Travel Disaster Declaration Improvement Act. H.R. 1665; Cards Act. H.R. 2805; Miss Rice of New York et al. Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois et al. Authorize Appropriations for Border Infrastructure Disaster SAVE Act. H.R. 1214; Mr. Barletta et al. Construction, Provide Conditional Resident Status Federal Information Resource to Strengthen Ties to Certain Aliens, and Amend the Immigration and with State and Local Law Enforcement Act. H.R. Nationality Act to Include Grounds of Inadmis- 2442; Ms. Jackson Lee. sibility for Criminal Gangs and Cartels. S. 2199. FEMA Accountability, Modernization and Trans- Aviation Employee Screening and Security Enhance- parency Act. H.R. 1679; Mr. Graves of Louisiana ment Act. H.R. 876; Mr. Katko et al. et al. Boots on the Border Act. S. 595. First Responder Access to Innovative Technologies Border Enforcement Security Task Force Reauthor- Act. H.R. 687; Mr. Payne et al. ization Act. H.R. 2281; Mr. Vela et al. S. 1199. First Responder Identification of Emergency Needs Border Security Technology Accountability Act. H.R. in Disaster Situations. H.R. 58; Ms. Jackson Lee 505; Ms. McSally et al. et al. C-TPAT Reauthorization Act. H.R. 3551; Ms. McSally Fusion Center Enhancement Act. H.R. 642; Mr. et al. Barletta et al. CBRN Intelligence and Information Sharing Act. Gains in Global Nuclear Detection Architecture Act. H.R. 677; Ms. McSally et al. H.R. 690; Mr. Richmond. Community Counterterrorism Preparedness Act. H.R. Homeland Security Assessment of Terrorists Use of 2188; Mr. McCaul et al. Virtual Currencies Act. H.R. 2433; Miss Rice of Counterterrorism Advisory Board Act. H.R. 526; Mr. New York et al. Katko et al. Homeland Security for Children Act. H.R. 1372; Mr. Cyber Preparedness Act. H.R. 584; Mr. Donovan Payne et al. et al. Homeland Threat Assessment Act. H.R. 2470; Mr. Cyber Vulnerability Disclosure Reporting Act. H.R. Rogers of Alabama et al. 3202; Ms. Jackson Lee. HSA Technical Corrections Act. H.R. 1258; Mr. Perry Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency et al. Act. H.R. 3359; Mr. McCaul et al. Improving Fusion Centers’ Access to Information Act. Department of Homeland Security Acquisition Inno- H.R. 2169; Mr. Katko et al. vation Act. H.R. 1365; Mr. Correa et al. INTERDICT Act. H.R. 2142; Ms. Tsongas et al. Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act. Joint Counterterrorism Awareness Workshop Series H.R. 2825; Mr. McCaul et al. Act. H.R. 3284; Mr. Fitzpatrick et al. Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Leveraging Emerging Technologies Act. H.R. 240; Mr. Authorization Act. H.R. 1370; Mr. McCaul et al. Ratcliffe et al. S. 1103. Medical Preparedness Allowable Use Act. H.R. 437; Department of Homeland Security Classified Facility Mr. Bilirakis et al. Inventory Act. H.R. 2443; Mr. Barletta et al. Pathways to Improving Homeland Security At the Department of Homeland Security Clearance Man- Local Level Act. H.R. 2427; Mrs. Demings. agement and Administration Act. H.R. 697; Mr. Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Technical Thompson of Mississippi. Corrections Act. H.R. 1297; Mrs. Watson Coleman. Department of Homeland Security Data Framework Reducing DHS Acquisition Cost Growth Act. H.R. Act. H.R. 2454; Mr. Hurd et al. 1294; Mr. Rutherford et al. S. 906. Department of Homeland Security Insider Threat and REPORT Act. H.R. 625; Mr. Aguilar et al. Mitigation Act. H.R. 666; Mr. King of New York Requiring the Administrator of the Federal Emer- et al. gency Management Act to Submit Report Regard- Department of Homeland Security Morale, Recogni- ing Certain Plans Regarding Assistance in Re- tion, Learning and Engagement Act. H.R. 2283; Mr. sponse to Emergency or Disaster. H.R. 1117; Mrs. Thompson of Mississippi et al. Hartzler. Department of Homeland Security Support to Fusion SECURE Act. S. 2192. Centers Act. H.R. 678; Ms. McSally et al. Securing General Aviation and Commercial Charter DHS Accountability Enhancement Act. H.R. 4038; Air Carrier Service Act. H.R. 3669; Mr. Estes of Mr. McCaul et al. Kansas et al. INDEX 19–13

HOMELAND SECURITY—Continued HOUSE REPORTS—Continued Securing our Agriculture and Food Act. H.R. 1238; Inquiry Directing Secretary of Health and Human Mr. Young of Iowa et al. S. 500. Services to Transmit Information Relating to Plans Securing the Cities Act. H.R. 655; Mr. Donovan et al. to Repeal or Replace the Patient Protection and Af- fordable Care Act and Health-Related Measures of Streamlining DHS Overhead Act. H.R. 2190; Mr. the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. Rutherford et al. H. Res. 154; Mr. Kennedy et al. Strengthening Cybersecurity Information Sharing Inquiry Directing the Attorney General to Transmit and Coordination in Our Ports Act. H.R. 3101; Mrs. Certain Documents to the House of Representatives Torres et al. Relating to the Financial Practices of the President. Strengthening State and Local Cyber Crime Fighting H. Res. 111; Mr. Nadler et al. Act. H.R. 1616; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. Inquiry Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to Strengthening the Department of Homeland Security Provide Certain Documents in the Secretary’s Pos- Secure Mail Initiative Act. S. 1208. session Relating to President Trump’s Financial Strong Visa Integrity Secures America Act. H.R. Connections to Russia, Certain Illegal Financial 2626; Mr. Hurd et al. Schemes, and Related Information. H. Res. 442; Ms. Maxine Waters of California et al. Support for Rapid Innovation Act. H.R. 239; Mr. Ratcliffe et al. Inquiry Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to Provide to the House of Representatives the Tax Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act. Returns and Other Specified Financial Information H.R. 1302; Ms. McSally et al. of President Donald J. Trump. H. Res. 186; Mr. Terrorist Release Announcements to Counter Ex- Pascrell et al. tremist Recidivism Act. H.R. 2471; Mr. Rutherford Inquiry Requesting the President and Directing the et al. Attorney General to Transmit, Respectively, Cer- Transit Security Grant Program Flexibility Act. H.R. tain Document to the House of Representatives Re- 549; Mr. Donovan et al. lating to the Removal of Former Federal Bureau Transparency in Technological Acquisitions Act. H.R. of Investigation Director James Comey. H. Res. 1353; Miss Rice of New York et al. 446; Ms. Jayapal et al. Traveler Redress Improvement Act. H.R. 2132; Mr. Inquiry Requesting the President and Directing the Katko et al. Attorney General to Transmit, Respectively, Cer- TSA Administrator Modernization Act. H.R. 1309; tain Documents to the House of Representatives Mr. Katko et al. Relating to Communications with the Government of Russia. H. Res. 184; Mr. Jeffries et al. Unifying DHS Intelligence Enterprise Act. H.R. 2468; Mr. Perry. Inquiry Requesting the President and Directing the Attorney General to Transmit, Respectively, Cer- United States-Israel Cybersecurity Cooperation En- tain Documents to the House of Representatives hancement Act. H.R. 612; Mr. Langevin et al. Relating to the Removal of Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey. H. Res. 488; Mr. Cicilline et al. Honoring Hometown Heroes Act. H.R. 1892; Mr. Larson of Connecticut et al. Inquiry Requesting the President and Directing the Secretary of the Interior to Transmit, Respectively, Certain Documents and Other Information to the HOUSE REPORTS: House of Representatives Relating to Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act. H. Res. Directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to 555; Mr. Grijalva et al. Transmit Certain Documents to the House of Rep- resentatives Relating to Department of Homeland Inquiry Requesting the President to Provide Certain Security Policies and Activities Relating to Busi- Documents in the President’s Possession. H. Res. nesses Owned or Controlled by President Donald 437; Mr. DeFazio et al. J. Trump. H. Res. 447; Mrs. Watson Coleman et al. Inquiry Requesting the President, and Directing the Directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to Attorney General, to Transmit, Respectively, Cer- Transmit Certain Documents to the House of Rep- tain Documents to the House of Representatives resentatives Relating to the Department of Home- Relating to Certain Communications by the Presi- land Security’s Research, Integration, and Analysis dent of the United States. H. Res. 203; Mr. Quigley Activities Relating to Russian Government Inter- et al. ference. H. Res. 235; Mr. Thompson of Mississippi Lujan, In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Rep- et al. resentative Ben Ray. H. Rept. 115–272; Mrs. Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to Provide Brooks of Indiana. to House of Representatives the Tax Return Infor- Oversight Plans for all House Committees. H. Rept. mation of President Donald Trump and the Tax Re- 115–69; Mr. Chaffetz. turns of Each Business Entity Disclosed by Donald Report of the Joint Economic Committee on the 2017 Trump on Office of Government Ethics Form 278e. Economic Report of the President. H. Rept. 115–22; H. Res. 479; Mr. Pascrell et al. Mr. Tiberi. Gutierrez, In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Williams, In the Matter of Allegations Relating to Representative Luis. H. Rept. 115–310; Mrs. Representative Roger. H. Rept. 115–271; Mrs. Brooks of Indiana. Brooks of Indiana. In the Matter Regarding the Arrests of Members of the House During a Protest Outside the United HOUSING: States Capitol on December 6, 2017. H. Rept. Family Self-Sufficiency Act. H.R. 4258; Mr. Duffy 115–482; Mrs. Brooks of Indiana. et al. 19–14 INDEX

I MARINE AND MARITIME—Continued Discharges Incidental to Vessels Shorter than 79 Improving Rural Call Quality and Reliability Act. H.R. Feet, Extension of Period. S. 2273. 460; Mr. Young of Iowa et al. S. 96. Fish and Fisheries: Dungeness Crab Fishery Management, Removing Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. S. Sunset Provision. H.R. 374; Ms. Herrera 133. Beutler et al. S. 61. Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018. H.R. Prevention Act. H.R. 2083; Ms. Herrera 3180; Mr. Nunes et al. S. 1761. Beutler et al. Marine Fish Conservation Statutes. S. 396. Maritime Administration Authorization and En- hancement Act for Fiscal Year 2018. S. 1096. J National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act. S. 129. Save Our Seas Act. S. 756. K Strengthening Cybersecurity Information Sharing and Coordination in Our Ports Act. H.R. 3101; Mrs. Kari’s Law Act. H.R. 582; Mr. Gohmert et al. S. 123. Torres et al. Surface and Maritime Transportation Security Act. Kate’s Law. H.R. 3004; Mr. Goodlatte et al. S. 763.

Keep America’s Refuges Operational Act. H.R. 3979; Mr. Mining School Enhancement Act. H.R. 2053; Ms. McSally Jeffries et al. et al.


LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT: National Flood Insurance Program Policyholder Protec- Accelerating Individuals into the Workforce Act. H.R. tion Act. H.R. 2868; Mr. Zeldin et al. 2842; Mr. Curbelo of Florida et al. Affordable Retirement Advice for Savers Act. H.R. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Com- 2823; Mr. Roe of Tennessee et al. missioned Officer Corps Amendments and Hydro- Employee Privacy Protection Act. H.R. 2775; Mr. Wil- graphic Services Improvement Act Reauthorization and son of South Carolina et al. Amendments Act. S. 171. Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development. H.R. 338; Mr. Rush et al. National Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring System Act. S. 346. Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act. H.R. 1393; Mr. Bishop of Michigan et al. NATIVE AMERICANS: Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act. H.R. 1313; Ms. Foxx et al. AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act. S. 772. Save Local Business Act. H.R. 3441; Mr. Byrne et al. Columbia River In-Lieu and Treaty Fishing Access Sites Improvement Act. S. 669. Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. H.R. 2353; Mr. Thompson Conveyance of Property to the Tanana Tribal Council. of Pennsylvania et al. S. 269. Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act. H.R. 2776; Esther Martinez Native American Languages Preser- Mr. Walberg et al. vation Act. S. 254. Working Families Flexibility Act. H.R. 1180; Mrs. Indian Economic Enhancement Act. S. 1116. Roby et al. Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Consolidation Act. H.R. 228; Mr. Young of Alaska. S. 91. Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Deter- M mination Act Amendments. S. 245. John P. Smith Act. S. 302. MARINE AND MARITIME: Klamath Tribe Judgment Fund Repeal Act. S. 1223. American Fisheries Advisory Committee Act. S. 1322. Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians Restoration Coast Guard Authorization Act. H.R. 2518; Mr. Hun- Act. S. 39. ter et al. S. 1129. Native American Business Incubators Program Act. Coast Guard Improvement and Reform Act. H.R. S. 607. 1726; Mr. Hunter et al. Oregon Tribal Economic Development Act. S. 1285. Commercial Vessel Incidental Discharge Act. S. 168. Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act. H.R. 1404; Coordinated Ocean Monitoring and Research Act. S. Mr. Grijalva et al. 1425. Repealing Existing Substandard Provisions Encour- Digital Coast Act. S. 110. aging Conciliation with Tribes Act. S. 343. INDEX 19–15

NATIVE AMERICANS—Continued PUBLIC LANDS—Continued Sac and Fox Indian Reservation. H.R. 1074; Mr. Blum Energy and Natural Resources Act. S. 1460. et al. S. 381. Federal Land Asset Inventory Reform Act. H.R. 2199; Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Land Affirma- Mr. Cramer et al. tion Act. H.R. 1491; Mr. LaMalfa et al. Federal Land Management Act. S. 2099. Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia Fed- Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. S. 287. eral Recognition Act. H.R. 984; Mr. Wittman et al. S. 691. Forests: To Amend the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Exchange Act. Rights Quantification Act of 2010 to Clarify the Use S. 131. of Amounts in the WMAT Settlement Fund. S. 140. Arapaho National Forest Boundary Adjustment To provide that the Pueblo of Santa Clara May Lease Act. H.R. 688; Mr. Polis et al. S. 289. for 99 Years Certain Restricted Land. S. 249. Cooperative Management of Mineral Rights Act. Tribal HUD-VASH Act. S. 1333. H.R. 2316; Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act. H.R. 986; Mr. Rokita et al. et al. S. 63. Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act. S. Conveyance Act. H.R. 698; Mr. Tipton et al. 304. S. 286. Urban Indian Health Parity Act. S. 2146. Minnesota’s Economic Rights in the Superior Na- tional Forest Act. H.R. 3905; Mr. Emmer et al. National Forest System Vegetation Management Pilot Program Act. H.R. 2921; Mr. Cramer O et al. Northern Arizona Land Exchange, Clarification Office of Special Counsel Reauthorization Act. S. 582. of Federal Land. S. 466. OSC Access Act. H.R. 2195; Mr. Blum et al. Resilient Federal Forests Act. H.R. 2936; Mr. Westerman et al. Ozone Standards Implementation Act. H.R. 806; Mr. Superior National Forest Land Exchange Act. Olson et al. H.R. 3115; Mr. Nolan et al. Wasatch-Cache National Forest. H.R. 1800; Mr. Bishop of Utah. Fort Frederica National Monument Boundary Expan- P sion Act. H.R. 494; Mr. Carter of Georgia et al. Pacific Northwest Earthquake Preparedness Act. H.R. King Cove Road Land Exchange Act. H.R. 218; Mr. 654; Mr. DeFazio. Young of Alaska. Land Conveyance: Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. H.R. 36; Mr. Escambia County Land Conveyance Act. H.R. Franks of Arizona et al. 2370; Mr. Gaetz et al. Gulf Islands National Seashore Land Exchange Plum Island Preservation Act. H.R. 2182; Mr. Zeldin Act. H.R. 2615; Mr. Palazzo. et al. Kisatchie National Forest Land Conveyance Act. H.R. 2941; Mr. Abraham et al. PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS: James K. Polk Presidential Home Study Act. S. 99. Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act. H.R. 1404; Mr. Grijalva et al. Presidential Allowance Modernization Act. H.R. 3739; Mr. Jody B. Hice of Georgia et al. Pottawattamie County Land Conveyance. H.R. 2600; Mr. Young of Iowa. Presidential Library Donation Reform Act. H.R. 73; Mr. Duncan of Tennessee et al. Santa Ana River Wash Plan Land Exchange Act. H.R. 497; Mr. Cook et al. Presidential Tax Transparency Act. H.R. 305; Ms. Eshoo et al. Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium Land Transfer Act. S. 825. Protecting Religiously Affiliated Institutions Act. H.R. Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project Boundary. S. 1730; Mr. Kustoff of Tennessee et al. 267. Udall Park Land Exchange Completion Act. H.R. Providing for an Exception to the Limitation on the Ap- 1547; Ms. McSally et al. pointment of Certain Persons as the United States Trade Representative. S.J. Res. 41. Wasatch-Cache National Forest. H.R. 1800; Mr. Bishop of Utah. PUBLIC LANDS: Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act. H.R. 1306; African American Civil Rights Network Act. H.R. Mr. DeFazio et al. S. 508. 1927; Mr. Clay et al. North Country National Scenic Trail Route Adjust- Black Hills National Cemetery Boundary Expansion ment Act. S. 363. Act. H.R. 337; Mrs. Noem. Parks: District of Columbia and National Park Service, Au- Coltsville National Historical Park, to Facilitate thorization to Enter into Cooperative Management the Addition of Park Administration. H.R. 863; Agreements. H.R. 2897; Ms. Norton et al. Mr. Larson of Connecticut. 19–16 INDEX

PUBLIC LANDS—Continued RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- Parks—Continued TIONS): Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Accelerating Individuals into the Workforce Act (H.R. Improvement Act Amendment. H.R. 560; Mr. 2842): consideration of. H. Res. 396; Mr. Cole. Marino et al. American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628): consideration Gateway Arch National Park Designation Act. S. of. H. Res. 228; Mr. Sessions. 1438. American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628): further con- Indiana Dunes National Park Act. H.R. 1488; Mr. sideration of. H. Res. 254; Mr. Sessions. H. Res. Visclosky et al. 308; Mr. Collins of Georgia. James K. Polk Presidential Home Study Act. S. Anti-Border Corruption Reauthorization Act (H.R. 99. 2213): consideration of. H. Res. 374; Ms. Cheney. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Broader Options for Americans Act (H.R. 2579): con- Boundary Adjustment Act. H.R. 558; Mr. sideration of. H. Res. 379; Mr. Cole. Loudermilk et al. Brownfields Enhancement, Economic Redevelopment, Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park and Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3017): consideration Act. H.R. 267; Mr. Lewis of Georgia et al. of. H. Res. 631; Ms. Cheney. Modification of Boundary of Voyageurs National CHAMPION Act (H.R. 3922): consideration of. H. Park. S. 502. Res. 601; Mr. Burgess. Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park Commodity End-User Relief Act (H.R. 238): consider- Boundary Revision Act. H.R. 538; Mr. Bishop ation of. H. Res. 40; Mr. Newhouse. of Georgia et al. Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act (H.R. Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park Redesig- 3971): consideration of. H. Res. 647; Mr. Woodall. nation Act. H.R. 965; Ms. Kuster of New Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act (H.R. 372): Hampshire et al. consideration of. H. Res. 209; Mr. Collins of Geor- Voyageurs National Park, Modification of. H.R. gia. 1350; Mr. Nolan. Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38): consider- Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act. ation of. H. Res. 645; Mr. Collins of Georgia. H.R. 825; Mr. Gosar et al. Congressional Budget, FY 2017 (S.Con.Res. 3): con- Scenic Rivers System: sideration of. H. Res. 48; Mr. Woodall. Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild Congressional Budget, FY 2018 (H. Con. Res. 71): and Scenic River Act. S. 617. consideration of. H. Res. 553; Mr. Woodall. Shiloh National Military Park Boundary Adjustment Congressional Budget, FY 2018 (H. Con. Res. 71): and Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield Designation consideration of Senate amendment. H. Res. 580; Act. H.R. 88; Mrs. Blackburn. Mr. Woodall. U.S. Marine Corps Memorial, Arlington Ridge. H.R. Congressional Disapproval of a Rule Submitted by 1073; Mr. Beyer et al. the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to ‘‘Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Wilderness and Wildlife: Issuers’’ (H.J. Res. 41): consideration of. H. Res. 71; Cerros del Norte Conservation Act. S. 432. Mr. Buck. Crooked River Ranch Fire Protection Act. H.R. Congressional Disapproval of Rule Submitted by the 2075; Mr. Walden. Department of Labor Relating to ‘‘Clarification of Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Act. S. 213. Employer’s Continuing Obligation to Make and John Muir Wilderness of the Sierra National For- Maintain an Accurate Record of Each Recordable est. H.R. 381; Mr. McClintock et al. Injury and Illness’’ (H.J. Res. 83): consideration of. H. Res. 150; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clari- fication Act. H.R. 699; Mr. Walden et al. S. Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule of the 225. Bureau of Land Management relating to ‘‘Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation’’ (H.J. Res. 36): consider- ation of. H. Res. 74; Mr. Cole. Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule of the Q Department of the Interior Relating to ‘‘Non-Sub- sistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Ref- uges in Alaska’’ (H.J. Res. 69): consideration of. H. R Res. 123; Mr. Burgess. Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule Sub- RECLAIM Act. H.R. 1731; Mr. Rogers of Kentucky et al. mitted by Secretary of Health and Human Services Relating to Compliance with Title X Requirements by Project Recipients in Selecting Subrecipients Reclamation Title Transfer and Non-Federal Infrastruc- (H.J. Res. 43): consideration of. H. Res. 123; Mr. ture Incentivization Act. H.R. 3281; Mr. Lamborn et al. Burgess. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act. H.R. 428; Mr. the Department of Defense, the General Services Thornberry et al. S. 90. Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration relating to the Federal Ac- Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act. quisition Regulation (H.J. Res. 37): consideration H.R. 1695; Mr. Goodlatte et al. of. H. Res. 74; Mr. Cole. INDEX 19–17

RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- TIONS)—Continued TIONS)—Continued Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and the Department of Education Relating to Account- Whistleblower Protection Act (S. 1094): consider- ability and State Plans under the Elementary and ation of. H. Res. 378; Mr. Buck. Secondary Education Act of 1965 (H.J. Res. 57): Department of Veterans Affairs Bonus Transparency consideration of. H. Res. 91; Mr. Byrne. Act (S. 114): consideration of. H. Res. 480; Mr. Col- Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by lins of Georgia. the Department of Education Relating to Teacher Department of Veterans Affairs, Improve Authority Preparation Issues (H.J. Res. 58): consideration of. of Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Hire and Retain H. Res. 91; Mr. Byrne. Physicians and Other Employees (H.R. 1367): con- Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by sideration of. H. Res. 198; Mr. Buck. the Department of Labor Relating to Drug Testing Disaster Assistance, FY 2018 (H.R. 4667): consider- of Unemployment Compensation Applicants (H.J. ation of. H. Res. 670; Mr. Woodall. Res. 42): consideration of. H. Res. 99; Mr. Cole. Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Exten- Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by sion Act (H.R. 3823): consideration of. H. Res. 538; the Department of Labor Relating to Savings Ar- Mr. Sessions. rangements Established by Qualified State Polit- Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act ical Subdivisions for Non-Governmental Employees (S. 585): consideration of. H. Res. 562; Mr. Collins (H.J. Res. 67): consideration of. H. Res. 116; Mr. of Georgia. Byrne. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act (H.R. the Department of Labor Relating to Savings Ar- 1873): consideration of. H. Res. 392; Mr. Newhouse. rangements Established by States for Non-Govern- Elimination of Non-Application of Certain State mental Employees (H.J. Res. 66): consideration of. Waiver Provisions to Members of Congress and H. Res. 116; Mr. Byrne. Congressional Staff (H.R. 2192): consideration of. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule submitted by H. Res. 308; Mr. Collins of Georgia. the Department of the Interior known as the Encouraging Employee Ownership Act (H.R. 1343): Stream Protection Rule (H.J. Res. 38): consider- consideration of. H. Res. 240; Mr. Buck. ation of. H. Res. 70; Mr. Newhouse. Ensuring a Qualified Civil Service Act (H.R. 4182): Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by consideration of. H. Res. 635; Mr. Woodall. the Dept. of the Interior Related to the Procedures EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act (H.R. 1431): used to Prepare, Revise, or Amend Land Use Plans consideration of. H. Res. 233; Mr. Newhouse. pursuant to the Federal Land Policy and Manage- Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act (H.R. 985): ment Act of 1976 (H.J. Res. 44): consideration of. consideration of. H. Res. 180; Mr. Collins of Geor- H. Res. 91; Mr. Byrne. gia. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by Fannie and Freddie Open Records Act (H.R. 1694): the Federal Communications Commission Relating consideration of. H. Res. 280; Mr. Woodall. to ‘‘Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Financial CHOICE Act (H.R. 10): consideration of. H. Broadband and Other Telecommunication Services’’ Res. 375; Mr. Buck. (S.J. Res. 34): consideration of. H. Res. 230; Mr. Burgess. Gaining Responsibility on Water Act (H.R. 23): con- sideration of. H. Res. 431; Mr. Byrne. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Im- HALOS Act (H.R. 79): consideration of. H. Res. 33; plementation of the NICS Improvement Amend- Mr. Collins of Georgia. ments Act of 2007 (H.J. Res. 40): consideration of. HIRE Vets Act (H.R. 244): consideration of Senate H. Res. 71; Mr. Buck. amendments. H. Res. 305; Mr. Cole. Continuing, Further, FY 2017 (H.J. Res. 99): consid- Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act eration of. H. Res. 289; Mr. Sessions. (H.R. 1430): consideration of. H. Res. 229; Mr. Continuing, Further, FY 2018 (H.J.Res. 123): consid- Woodall. eration of. H. Res. 647; Mr. Woodall. Hydropower Policy Modernization Act (H.R. 3043): Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act (H.R. 2792): consideration of. H. Res. 607; Mr. Byrne. consideration of. H. Res. 533; Mr. Burgess. Increasing Opportunity through Evidence-Based Corporate Governance Reform and Transparency Act Home Visiting Act (H.R. 2824): consideration of. H. (H.R. 4015): consideration of. H. Res. 657; Mr. Res. 533; Mr. Burgess. Woodall. Innocent Party Protection Act (H.R. 725): consider- Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act (H.R. ation of. H. Res. 175; Mr. Buck. 3697): consideration of. H. Res. 513; Mr. Collins of Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 Georgia. (H.R. 3180): consideration of. H. Res. 481; Ms. Che- Defense, FY 2017 (H.R. 1301): consideration of. H. ney. Res. 174; Ms. Cheney. Interior, Environment, FY 2018 (H.R. 3354): consider- Defense, FY 2018 (H.R. 3219): consideration of. H. ation of. H. Res. 500; Mr. Cole. Res. 473; Mr. Cole. Interior, Environment, FY 2018 (H.R. 3354): further Defense, FY 2018 (H.R. 3219): further consideration. consideration. H. Res. 504; Mr. Woodall. H. Res. 478; Mr. Newhouse. Iranian Leadership Asset Transparency Act (H.R. Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign 1638): consideration of. H. Res. 658; Mr. Buck. Authorization Act (H.R. 1370): consideration of Kate’s Law (H.R. 3004): consideration of. H. Res. 415; Senate amendment. H. Res. 670; Mr. Woodall. Mr. Sessions. 19–18 INDEX

RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- TIONS)—Continued TIONS)—Continued King Cove Road Land Exchange Act (H.R. 218): con- Providing for Congressional Disapproval Under sideration of. H. Res. 454; Ms. Cheney. Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, of the Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act (H.R. 720): consider- Rule Submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial ation of. H. Res. 180; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Protection Relating to ’’Arbitration Agreements‘‘ (H.J. Res. 111): consideration of. H. Res. 468; Mr. Limitation Against Appointment of Persons as Sec- Buck. retary of Defense within Seven Years of Relief from Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 1436) Active Duty as Regular Commissioned Officers of to Provide for Reconciliation Pursuant to Title II the Armed Forces, Exception to (S. 84): consider- of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fis- ation of. H. Res. 48; Mr. Woodall. cal Year 2017. H. Res. 458; Mr. Garrett et al. Micro Offering Safe Harbor Act (H.R. 2201): consider- READ Act (H.R. 601): House Agreed to Senate ation of. H. Res. 609; Mr. Buck. Amendment to House Amendment to Senate Minnesota’s Economic Rights in the Superior Na- Amendment. H. Res. 509; Mr. Sessions. tional Forest Act (H.R. 3905): consideration of. H. Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act (H.R. 428): Res. 631; Ms. Cheney. consideration of. H. Res. 99; Mr. Cole. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act (H.R. 953): consid- 2018 (H.R. 2810): consideration of. H. Res. 431; Mr. eration of. H. Res. 348; Mr. Woodall. Byrne. Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act (H.R. 1695): consideration of. H. Res. 275; Mr. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Collins of Georgia. 2018 (H.R. 2810): consideration of conference re- port. H. Res. 616; Mr. Byrne. Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (H.R. 26): consideration of. H. Res. 22; Mr. Col- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year lins of Georgia. 2018 (H.R. 2810): further consideration of. H. Res. Regulatory Accountability Act (H.R. 5): consideration 440; Mr. Byrne. of. H. Res. 33; Mr. Collins of Georgia. No Sanctuary for Criminals Act (H.R. 3003): consider- Regulatory Integrity Act (H.R. 1004): consideration ation of. H. Res. 414; Mr. Collins of Georgia. of. H. Res. 156; Mr. Sessions. No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion In- Resilient Federal Forests Act (H.R. 2936): consider- surance Full Disclosure Act (H.R. 7): consideration ation of. H. Res. 595; Mr. Newhouse. of. H. Res. 55; Ms. Cheney. Save Local Business Act (H.R. 3441): consideration Objecting to United Nations Security Council Resolu- of. H. Res. 607; Mr. Byrne. tion 2334 as an Obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian SCRUB Act (H.R. 998): consideration of. H. Res. 150; Peace (H.Res. 11): consideration of. H. Res. 22; Mr. Mr. Collins of Georgia. Collins of Georgia. SEC Regulatory Accountability Act (H.R. 78): consid- OIRA Insight, Reform, and Accountability Act (H.R. eration of. H. Res. 40; Mr. Newhouse. 1009): consideration of. H. Res. 156; Mr. Sessions. Self-Insurance Protection Act (H.R. 1304): consider- Ozone Standards Implementation Act (H.R. 806): con- ation of. H. Res. 241; Mr. Byrne. sideration of. H. Res. 451; Mr. Burgess. Small Business Health Fairness Act (H.R. 1101): con- sideration of. H. Res. 210; Mr. Byrne. Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36): consideration of. H. Res. 548; Ms. Cheney. Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Brokerage Simplification Act (H.R. 477): consider- Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act ation of. H. Res. 647; Mr. Woodall. (H.R. 1699): consideration of. H. Res. 635; Mr. 21st Century Flood Reform Act (H.R. 2874): consider- Woodall. ation of. H. Res. 616; Mr. Byrne. Privacy Notification Technical Clarification Act (H.R. Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act (H.R. 732): consid- 2396): consideration of. H. Res. 657; Mr. Woodall. eration of. H. Res. 577; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Probation Officer Protection Act (H.R. 1039): consid- Strengthening Oversight of Iran’s Access to Finance eration of. H. Res. 324; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Act (H.R. 4324): consideration of. H. Res. 658; Mr. Promoting Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure Act Buck. (H.R. 2883): consideration of. H. Res. 454; Ms. Che- Sunshine for Regulations and Regulatory Decrees ney. and Settlements Act (H.R. 469): consideration of. H. Res. 577; Mr. Collins of Georgia. Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act (H.R. 2910): consider- Supporting America’s Innovators Act (H.R. 1219): ation of. H. Res. 454; Ms. Cheney. consideration of. H. Res. 242; Mr. Buck. Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act (H.R. Protecting Access to Care Act (H.R. 1215): consider- 3312): consideration of. H. Res. 667; Mr. Sessions. ation of. H. Res. 382; Mr. Burgess. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1): consideration of con- Protecting Against Child Exploitation Act (H.R. ference report. H. Res. 667; Mr. Sessions. 1761): consideration of. H. Res. 352; Mr. Buck. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1): consideration of Sen- Protecting Seniors’ Access to Medicare Act (H.R. 849): ate amendment. H. Res. 668; Mr. Sessions. consideration of. H. Res. 600; Mr. Burgess. Thin Blue Line Act (H.R. 115): consideration of. H. Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act Res. 323; Mr. Buck. (H.R. 1973): consideration of. H. Res. 352; Mr. Today’s American Dream Act (H.R. 1084): consider- Buck. ation of. H. Res. 508; Ms. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico. INDEX 19–19

RULES (SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLU- Securing Access to Networks in Disasters Act. H.R. 588; TIONS)—Continued Mr. Pallone. S. 102. VA Accountability First Act (H.R. 1259): consider- ation of. H. Res. 198; Mr. Buck. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION: Verify First Act (H.R. 2581): consideration of. H. Res. Encouraging Employee Ownership Act. H.R. 1343; 378; Mr. Buck. Mr. Hultgren et al. S. 488. VETERAN Act (H.R. 2372): consideration of. H. Res. Fair Access to Investment Research Act. S. 327. 379; Mr. Cole. HALOS Act. H.R. 79; Mr. Chabot et al. Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act (H.R. 1181): Improving Access to Capital Act. H.R. 2864; Ms. consideration of. H. Res. 198; Mr. Buck. Sinema et al. Water Supply Permitting Coordination Act (H.R. SEC Regulatory Accountability Act. H.R. 78; Mrs. 1654): consideration of. H. Res. 392; Mr. Newhouse. Wagner et al. Working Families Flexibility Act (H.R. 1180): consid- Securities and Exchange Commission Overpayment eration of. H. Res. 299; Mr. Byrne. Credit Act. H.R. 1257; Mr. Meeks et al. S. 462. Small Business Capital Formation Enhancement Act. H.R. 1312; Mr. Poliquin et al. S U.S. Territories Investor Protection Act. H.R. 1366; Ms. Velazquez et al. S. 484. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: SHARE Act. H.R. 3668; Mr. Duncan of South Carolina Authorize Programs of the National Aeronautics and et al. Space Administration. S. 442. Congressional Disapproval of the Rule Submitted by SMALL BUSINESS: the Federal Communications Commission Relating HUBZone Investment Protection Act. S. 690. to ‘‘Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunication Serv- Invest in Rural Small Business Act. S. 929. ices’’. S.J. Res. 34. Investing in Main Street Act. H.R. 2364; Ms. Judy Developing Innovation and Growing the Internet of Chu of California et al. Things Act. S. 88. Microloan Modernization Act. H.R. 2056; Mrs. Mur- Digital Coast Act. S. 110. phy of Florida et al. EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act. H.R. 1431; NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act. H.R. 2105; Mr. Lucas et al. Mr. Webster of Florida et al. Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Protecting Business Opportunities for Veterans Act. Control Amendments Act. S. 1057. H.R. 2749; Mr. Bergman et al. Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act. Regulatory Accountability Act. H.R. 5; Mr. Goodlatte H.R. 1430; Mr. Smith of Texas et al. et al. Report on the Utilization of Small Businesses with Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Re- Respect to Certain Federal Contracts, Require Ad- searchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act. ministrator of Small Business Administration. S. H.R. 321; Mrs. Comstock et al. 1038. MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act. S. 770. Small Business Broadband Deployment Act. H.R. Making Opportunities for Broadband Investment and 288; Mr. Walden et al. Limiting Excessive and Needless Obstacles to Wire- Small Business Capital Formation Enhancement Act. less Act. S. 19. H.R. 1312; Mr. Poliquin et al. S. 416. NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Assessment, and Small Business Cyber Training Act. S. 1428. Auditing Act. H.R. 1224; Mr. Abraham et al. Small Business Health Fairness Act. H.R. 1101; Mr. NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act. H.R. 2105; Sam Johnson of Texas et al. Mr. Webster of Florida et al. Small Business Innovation Research and Small Busi- Small Business Broadband Deployment Act. H.R. ness Technology Transfer Improvements Act. H.R. 288; Mr. Walden et al. 2763; Mr. Knight et al. Small Business Innovation Research and Small Busi- Small Business Investment Opportunity Act. H.R. ness Technology Transfer Improvements Act. H.R. 2333; Mr. Knight et al. 2763; Mr. Knight et al. Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Space Weather Research and Forecasting Act. S. 141. Brokerage Simplification Act. H.R. 477; Mr. STEM Research and Education Effectiveness and Huizenga et al. Transparency Act. H.R. 4375; Mrs. Comstock et al. Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act. H.R. Act. S. 584. 4323; Mr. Dunn et al. Small Business Relief From Disease Induced Eco- United States and Israel Space Cooperation Act. H.R. nomic Hardship Act. S. 154. 1159; Mr. Kilmer et al. Support Small Business R & D Act. S. 650. Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act. H.R. 353; Mr. Lucas et al. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: Women in Aerospace Education Act. H.R. 4254; Mr. Board of Regents: Knight et al. Case, Steve. S.J. Res. 30. Secret Service Recruitment and Retention Act. H.R. 3731; Ferguson, Roger W.. S.J. Res. 36. Mr. Katko et al. Govan, Michael. S.J. Res. 35. 19–20 INDEX

Spoofing Prevention Act. S. 134. STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued California—Continued Sportsmen’s Act. S. 733. Santa Ana River Wash Plan Land Exchange Act. H.R. 497; Mr. Cook et al. Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Land Af- 21st Century Respect Act. H.R. 995; Mr. Jeffries et al. firmation Act. H.R. 1491; Mr. LaMalfa et al. ‘‘Sky Point’’. H.R. 381; Mr. McClintock et al. STATES AND TERRITORIES: Colorado: Alaska: Arapaho National Forest Boundary Adjustment Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Exchange Act. Act. H.R. 688; Mr. Polis et al. S. 289. S. 131. Bolts Ditch Access and Use Act. H.R. 689; Mr. Congressional Disapproval of the Final Rule of Polis et al. S. 285. the Department of the Interior Relating to ‘‘Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Crags, Colorado Land Exchange Act. H.R. 618; Participation and Closure Procedures, on Na- Mr. Lamborn et al. S. 280. tional Wildlife Refuges in Alaska’’. H.J. Res. Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest 69; Mr. Young of Alaska et al. Conveyance Act. H.R. 698; Mr. Tipton et al. Conveyance of Property to the Tanana Tribal S. 286. Council. S. 269. Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. S. Denali National Park and Preserve Natural Gas 287. Pipeline. S. 217. Fowler and Boskoff Peaks Designation Act. H.R. Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Act. S. 213. 2768; Mr. Tipton. King Cove Road Land Exchange Act. H.R. 218; Connecticut: Mr. Young of Alaska. Coltsville National Historical Park, to Facilitate Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project. S. 215. the Addition of Park Administration. H.R. 863; Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium Mr. Larson of Connecticut. Land Transfer Act. S. 825. Lower Farmington River and Salmon Brook Wild Swan Lake Hydroelectric Project Boundary. S. and Scenic River Act. S. 617. 267. Delaware: American Samoa: Replacement of John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier ‘‘Faleomavaega Eni Fa’aua’a Hunkin VA Clinic’’. Resources System Map. S. 1395. H.R. 1362; Mrs. Radewagen et al. Florida: Reliable Air Service in American Samoa. H.R. ‘‘Borinqueneers Post Office Building’’. H.R. 4042; 276; Mrs. Radewagen et al. Mr. Soto et al. Arizona: Escambia County Land Conveyance Act. H.R. Northern Arizona Land Exchange, Clarification 2370; Mr. Gaetz et al. of Federal Land. S. 466. ‘‘Jenkins Post Office, Robert H.’’. H.R. 3893; Mr. Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act. H.R. Yoho et al. 1404; Mr. Grijalva et al. ‘‘Pearson Post Office Building, Rutledge’’. H.R. Udall Park Land Exchange Completion Act. H.R. 3638; Mr. Lawson of Florida et al. 1547; Ms. McSally et al. Georgia: Arkansas: ‘‘Addington Post Office, Zachary’’. H.R. 3821; Mr. Little Rock Central High School National His- Collins of Georgia et al. toric Site Boundary Modification Act. H.R. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park 2611; Mr. Hill et al. Boundary Adjustment Act. H.R. 558; Mr. California: Loudermilk et al. ‘‘Capello Post Office Building, Janet’’. H.R. 2254; Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Mr. Thompson of California et al. Act. H.R. 267; Mr. Lewis of Georgia et al. Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Con- Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park servation Act. H.R. 1913; Mr. Panetta et al. Boundary Revision Act. H.R. 538; Mr. Bishop Gaining Responsibility on Water Act. H.R. 23; of Georgia et al. Mr. Valadao et al. Idaho: ‘‘Haggard Post Office Building, Merle’’. H.R. Maintenance or Replacement of Facilities and 1988; Mr. McCarthy et al. Structures at Smith Gulch. S. 590. John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act. Illinois: H.R. 1719; Mr. DeSaulnier et al. S. 729. Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act. H.R. 597; Mr. Michel, Honorable Robert Henry ‘‘Bob’’, Death of. Denham. H. Res. 151; Mr. LaHood. Natural Resources Conservation Service Prop- ‘‘Owens Post Office Building, Sr. Chief Ryan’’. erty, Riverside County, California. H.R. 3567; H.R. 3109; Mr. LaHood et al. Mr. Calvert et al. ‘‘Riney Post Office, Sgt. Douglas J.’’. H.R. 2672; Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Mrs. Bustos et al. Act. H.R. 2156; Mr. Knight et al. Indiana: San Luis Unit Drainage Resolution Act. H.R. Indiana Dunes National Park Act. H.R. 1488; Mr. 1769; Mr. Valadao. Visclosky et al. INDEX 19–21

STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued Iowa: Missouri: Pottawattamie County Land Conveyance. H.R. Gateway Arch National Park Designation Act. S. 2600; Mr. Young of Iowa. 1438. Sac and Fox Indian Reservation. H.R. 1074; Mr. Riverside Bridge Project. S. 810. Blum et al. S. 381. ‘‘White Jr. Post Office, Specialist Jeffrey L.’’. H.R. Kansas: 452; Mr. Luetkemeyer et al. Bob Dole Congressional Gold Medal Act. S. 1616. Montana: Ceremony to Award Congresional Gold Medal to Alex Diekmann Peak Designation Act. S. 117. Bob Dole, Use of Rotunda of the Capitol. S. East Rosebud Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. S. 501. Con. Res. 31. Redesignation of Certain Department of Veterans Fort Scott National Historic Site. H.R. 1541; Ms. Affairs Clinics in Montana. S. 1282. Jenkins of Kansas et al. Nevada: Fort Scott National Historic Site Boundary Modi- Eastern Nevada Economic Development and fication Act. S. 189. Land Management Improvement Act. H.R. National Memorial to Fallen Educators Act. S. 2374; Mr. Kihuen et al. 167. Pershing County Economic Development and Wichita Project Equus Beds Division Authoriza- Conservation Act. H.R. 1107; Mr. Amodei et al. tion Extension Act. S. 703. New Hampshire: Kentucky: Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park Redesig- Bunning, Honorable James Paul David ‘‘Jim’’, nation Act. H.R. 965; Ms. Kuster of New Death of. S. Res. 184. Hampshire et al. Louisiana: New Jersey: J. Bennett Johnston Waterway Hydropower Ex- ‘‘Basilone Post Office, Sergeant John’’. H.R. 2815; tension Act. H.R. 2457; Mr. Johnson of Lou- Mr. Lance et al. isiana. ‘‘Johnson Post Office Building, James C. ’Billy’’’. Kisatchie National Forest Land Conveyance Act. H.R. 4285; Mr. LoBiondo et al. H.R. 2941; Mr. Abraham et al. ‘‘McAfee Post Office Building, Dr. Walter S.’’. Maine: H.R. 3655; Mr. Smith of New Jersey et al. Removing Outdated Restrictions to Allow for Job ‘‘Nash Jr. Post Office, Dr. John F.’’. H.R. 2302; Growth Act. H.R. 1177; Mr. Poliquin. Mrs. Watson Coleman et al. Maryland: New Mexico: Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to Cerros del Norte Conservation Act. S. 432. Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Colum- Domenici, Pietro ‘‘Pete’’ Vichi., Death of. S. Res. bia to Enter into a Compact Relating to the 254. Establishment of the Washington Metrorail To provide that the Pueblo of Santa Clara May Safety Commission. H.J. Res. 76; Mr. Hoyer Lease for 99 Years Certain Restricted Land. S. et al. H.J. Res. 92; Mrs. Comstock et al. S.J. 249. Res. 22. New York: Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to Extension of Project Involving Cannonsville Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Colum- Dam. H.R. 2292; Mr. Faso et al. S. 734. bia to Enter into a Compact Relating to the Establishment of the Washington Metrorail Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship Safety Commission (H.J. Res. 76): return of pa- Act. S. 675. pers. H. Res. 469; Mr. Buck. North Carolina: Massachusetts: ‘‘Pate, Jr. Post Office, Howard B.’’. H.R. 3369; Mr. ‘‘Kennedy Post Office, John Fitzgerald’’. H.R. Hudson et al. 2464; Mr. Lynch et al. North Dakota: Minnesota: Schafer, Edward T. Agricultural Research Cen- Minnesota’s Economic Rights in the Superior Na- ter. H.R. 2154; Mr. Cramer. tional Forest Act. H.R. 3905; Mr. Emmer et al. Northern Mariana Islands: Modification of Boundary of Voyageurs National Northern Mariana Islands Economic Expansion Park. S. 502. Act. H.R. 339; Mr. Sablan. Superior National Forest Land Exchange Act. Oklahoma: H.R. 3115; Mr. Nolan et al. Arbuckle Project Maintenance Complex and Dis- Voyageurs National Park, Modification of. H.R. trict Office Conveyance Act. H.R. 132; Mr. Cole. 1350; Mr. Nolan. Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act. H.R. Mississippi: 428; Mr. Thornberry et al. S. 90. ‘‘Brown United States Courthouse, R. Jess’’. H.R. Oregon: 455; Mr. Thompson of Mississippi. Crooked River Ranch Fire Protection Act. H.R. Gulf Islands National Seashore Land Exchange 2075; Mr. Walden. Act. H.R. 2615; Mr. Palazzo. Deadly Attack in Portland, Oregon. S.J. Res. 45. Medgar Evers House Study Act. H.R. 1715; Mr. Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild Steelhead Special Thompson of Mississippi. S. 644. Management Area Designation Act. S. 513. 19–22 INDEX

STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued STATES AND TERRITORIES—Continued Oregon—Continued Virginia—Continued Mount Hood Cooper Spur Land Exchange Clari- Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to fication Act. H.R. 699; Mr. Walden et al. S. Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Colum- 225. bia to Enter into a Compact Relating to the Oregon Tribal Economic Development Act. S. Establishment of the Washington Metrorail 1285. Safety Commission. H.J. Res. 76; Mr. Hoyer et al. H.J. Res. 92; Mrs. Comstock et al. S.J. Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act. H.R. 1306; Res. 22. Mr. DeFazio et al. S. 508. Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to Pennsylvania: Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Colum- Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area bia to Enter into a Compact Relating to the Improvement Act Amendment. H.R. 560; Mr. Establishment of the Washington Metrorail Marino et al. Safety Commission (H.J. Res. 76): return of pa- ‘‘Kusick VA Community Living Center, Sergeant pers. H. Res. 469; Mr. Buck. Joseph George’’. H.R. 2210; Mr. Kelly of Penn- Interagency Transfer of Land Along George sylvania et al. Washington Memorial Parkway. H.R. 1397; ‘‘Ostrom Post Office, Staff Sergeant Ryan Scott’’. Mrs. Comstock. H.R. 1858; Mr. Marino et al. Marshall, George C. Museum and Research Li- brary. H. Con. Res. 33; Mr. Goodlatte et al. ‘‘Police Officer Scott Bashioum Post Office Build- ing’’. S. 831. Rockingham County, Removal of Use Restriction. H.R. 954; Mr. Goodlatte. S. 331. ‘‘Taub Post Office, Staff Sergeant Peter’’. H.R. 2873; Mr. Brendan F. Boyle of Pennsylvania Thomasina E. Jordan Indian Tribes of Virginia et al. Federal Recognition Act. H.R. 984; Mr. Witt- man et al. S. 691. Puerto Rico: U.S. Marine Corps Memorial, Arlington Ridge. Puerto Rico, Exempt from ‘‘Jones Act’’. S. 1894. H.R. 1073; Mr. Beyer et al. South Carolina: Washington: South Carolina Peanut Parity Act. H.R. 2521; Methow Headwaters Protection Act. S. 566. Mr. Wilson of South Carolina et al. National Heritage Area Authorization Act. S. South Dakota: 713. Black Hills National Cemetery Boundary Expan- Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project sion Act. S. 35. Phase III Act. S. 714. Tennessee: West Virginia: ‘‘Dean Stone Bridge’’. H.R. 3469; Mr. Duncan of Williams VA Medical Center, Hershel ‘‘Woody’’. Tennessee. S. 1165. James K. Polk Presidential Home Study Act. S. Wyoming: 99. Authority to Make Entire Active Capacity of Fontenelle Reservoir Available for Use. H.R. Shiloh National Military Park Boundary Adjust- 648; Ms. Cheney. S. 199. ment and Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield Des- ignation Act. H.R. 88; Mrs. Blackburn. ‘‘Thompson Federal Building and United States Statute of Limitations for Actions to Recover Disaster or Courthouse, Fred D.’’. H.R. 375; Mrs. Black- Emergency Assistance Payments. H.R. 1678; Ms. burn et al. Frankel of Florida et al. Texas: ‘‘Converse Veterans Post Office Building’’. H.R. 1208; Mr. Cuellar et al. T ‘‘Ekpanya Post Office Building, Endy Nddiobong’’. H.R. 294; Mr. Olson et al. TALENT Act. H.R. 39; Mr. McCarthy. Javier Vega, Jr. Memorial Act. S. 1617. Red River Gradient Boundary Survey Act. H.R. 428; Mr. Thornberry et al. S. 90. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1): consideration of. H. Res. 619; Mr. Sessions. ‘‘Tilden Veterans Post Office’’. H.R. 1207; Mr. Cuellar et al. TAXATION AND TAXES: Utah: Broader Options for Americans Act. H.R. 2579; Mr. Confirming State Land Grants for Education Act. Tiberi. H.R. 2582; Mrs. Love. Clyde-Hirsch-Sowers RESPECT Act. H.R. 1843; Mr. Wasatch-Cache National Forest. H.R. 1800; Mr. Roskam et al. Bishop of Utah. Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act. H.R. 2792; Washington County, Utah, Public Lands Man- Mrs. Noem et al. agement Implementation Act. H.R. 2423; Mr. Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Exten- Stewart. sion Act. H.R. 3823; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. Virginia: Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Chrlottesville. S.J. Res. 49. Act. H.R. 1393; Mr. Bishop of Michigan et al. INDEX 19–23

TAXATION AND TAXES—Continued TRANSPORTATION AND TRAVEL—Continued Modification of Credit for Production from Advanced Transit Security Grant Program Flexibility Act. H.R. Nuclear Power Facilities. H.R. 1551; Mr. Rice of 549; Mr. Donovan et al. South Carolina et al. Veterans Expanded Trucking Opportunities Act. H.R. Presidential Tax Transparency Act. H.R. 305; Ms. 2547; Mr. Woodall et al. Eshoo et al. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. H.R. 1; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. Verify First Act. H.R. 2581; Mr. Barletta et al. U VETERAN Act. H.R. 2372; Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas United States Fire Administration, AFG, and SAFER Pro- et al. gram Reauthorization Act. H.R. 4661; Mrs. Comstock et al. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAVEL: ADVANCE Act. H.R. 2258; Mr. Aguilar et al. Universal Service Fund Programs, Study of. S. 875. American Vision for Safer Transportation through Advancement of Revolutionary Technologies Act. S. Use of Replacement Cost Value in Determining the Pre- 1885. mium Rates for Flood Insurance. H.R. 2565; Mr. Aviation: Luetkemeyer. Airport Perimeter and Access Control Security Act. H.R. 665; Mr. Keating et al. Aviation Employee Screening and Security En- V hancement Act. H.R. 876; Mr. Katko et al. Reliable Air Service in American Samoa. H.R. VACANCIES (House Members): 276; Mrs. Radewagen et al. First Session: Securing General Aviation and Commercial Arizona: Charter Air Carrier Service Act. H.R. 3669; Mr. Estes of Kansas et al. 8th District, Vacated by Trent Franks, Dec. 8, 2017; (Resigned). Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehi- cles Act. H.R. 3813; Ms. Esty of Connecticut et al. California: S. 1536. 34th District, Vacated by Xavier Becerra, Department of Transportation: Jan. 24, 2017; (Resigned). Commercial Vessel Incidental Discharge Act. S. Filled by Jimmy Gomez Jul. 11, 2017. 168. Georgia: Disaster Tax Relief and Airport and Airway Exten- 6th District, Vacated by Tom Price, Feb. 10, sion Act. H.R. 3823; Mr. Brady of Texas et al. 2017; (Resigned). FEMA Accountability, Modernization and Trans- Filled by Karen Handel Jun. 26, 2017. parency Act. H.R. 1679; Mr. Graves of Louisiana Kansas: et al. 4th District, Vacated by Mike Pompeo, Jan. Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to Vir- 23, 2017; (Resigned). ginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia to Filled by Ron Estes Apr. 25, 2017. Enter into a Compact Relating to the Establish- ment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commis- Michigan: sion. H.J. Res. 76; Mr. Hoyer et al. H.J. Res. 92; 13th District, Vacated by John Conyers, Jr., Mrs. Comstock et al. S.J. Res. 22. Dec. 5, 2017; (Resigned). Granting Consent and Approval of Congress to Vir- Montana: ginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia to At Large, Vacated by Ryan Zinke, Mar. 1, Enter into a Compact Relating to the Establish- 2017; (Resigned). ment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commis- Filled by Greg Gianforte Jun. 21, 2017. sion (H.J. Res. 76): return of papers. H. Res. 469; Pennsylvania: Mr. Buck. 18th District, Vacated by Tim Murphy, Oct. Jobs for Our Heroes Act. S. 1393. 21, 2017; (Resigned). ‘‘Metropolitan Planning Organziation Coordination South Carolina: and Planning Area Reform’’, repeal of. H.R. 1346; Mr. Lipinski et al. 5th District, Vacated by Mick Mulvaney, Feb. 16, 2017; (Resigned). No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act. H.R. 3814; Mr. Katko et al. S. 1532. Filled by Ralph Norman Jun. 26, 2017. Rule Issued by the Federal Highway Administration Utah: and Federal Transit Adminstration entitled ‘‘Met- 3rd District, Vacated by Jason Chaffetz, Jun. ropolitan Planning Organization Coordination and 30, 2017; (Resigned). Planning Area Reform’’, Repeal. S. 496. Filled by John Curtis Nov. 13, 2017. Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Re- search In Vehicle Evolution Act. H.R. 3388; Mr. VETERANS: Latta et al. ‘‘Abraham VA Clinic, Abie’’. H.R. 609; Mr. Kelly of 21st Century AIRR Act. H.R. 2997; Mr. Shuster et al. Pennsylvania et al. To Exempt Old Vessels from Fire-Retardant Mate- Adaptations to Residences of Veterans in Rehabilita- rials Requirement. S. 89. tion Progams. H.R. 3562; Mr. Arrington et al. 19–24 INDEX

VETERANS—Continued VETERANS—Continued Adult Day Health Care Services for Veterans, Im- VA Management Alignment Act. H.R. 1066; Mr. Kil- provement of. H.R. 1005; Mr. Zeldin et al. mer et al. Biological Implant Tracking and Veteran Safety Act. VA Prescription Data Accountability Act. H.R. 1545; H.R. 28; Mr. Roe of Tennessee. Ms. Kuster of New Hampshire et al. Boosting Rates of American Veteran Employment VA Procurement Efficiency and Transparency Act. Act. H.R. 974; Miss Rice of New York et al. H.R. 2006; Mr. Coffman. Building Supportive Networks for Women Veterans VA Provider Equity Act. H.R. 1058; Mr. Wenstrup Act. H.R. 91; Ms. Brownley of California et al. et al. Caring for Our Veterans Act. S. 2193. VA Scheduling Accountability Act. H.R. 467; Mrs. Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Walorski et al. Whistleblower Protection Act. S. 1094. VALOR Act. H.R. 3949; Mr. Khanna et al. Department of Veterans Affairs Bonus Transparency VET Protection Act. H.R. 1461; Mr. Arrington. Act. H.R. 1690; Ms. Tenney et al. S. 114. VETERAN Act. H.R. 2372; Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities et al. Act. H.R. 3819; Mr. Mast et al. Veteran Urgent Access to Mental Healthcare Act. Department of Veterans Affairs, Improve Authority H.R. 918; Mr. Coffman et al. of Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Hire and Retain Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act. H.R. 1181; Physicians and Other Employees. H.R. 1367; Mr. Mr. Roe of Tennessee et al. Wenstrup et al. Veterans ACCESS Act. S. 1153. Enhancing Veteran Care Act. S. 1266. Veterans Affairs Medical Scribe Pilot Act. H.R. 1848; Ensuring VA Employee Accountability Act. H.R. 27; Mr. Roe of Tennessee et al. Mr. Costello of Pennsylvania et al. Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Ensuring Veteran Enterprise Participation in Stra- Act. H.R. 2288; Mr. Bost et al. S. 1024. tegic Sourcing Act. H.R. 2781; Mr. Dunn et al. Veterans Care Financial Protection Act. H.R. 3122; Grow Our Own Directive: Physician Assistant Em- Mr. Cartwright et al. ployment and Education Act. H.R. 3262; Ms. Veterans Choice Program, Eliminate Sunset. H.R. Kuster of New Hampshire et al. 369; Mr. Roe of Tennessee et al. S. 544. Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Veterans Crisis Line Study Act. H.R. 4173; Mr. Banks Act. H.R. 3218; Mr. Roe of Tennessee et al. S. 1598. of Indiana et al. Headstones and Markers for Graves of Spouses and Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support Act. Children, Tribal Cemeteries. H.R. 3657; Mr. H.R. 2123; Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania et al. Poliquin. Veterans Expanded Trucking Opportunities Act. H.R. HIRE Vets Act. H.R. 244; Mr. Cook et al. 2547; Mr. Woodall et al. Correct Enrollment. H. Con. Res. 53; Mr. Freling- Veterans Fair Debt Notice Act. H.R. 3705; Ms. Pin- huysen. gree et al. Increasing the Department of Veterans Affairs Ac- Veterans Increased Choice for Transplanted Organs countability to Veterans Act. S. 12. and Recovery Act. H.R. 2601; Mr. Dunn et al. Jobs for Our Heroes Act. S. 1393. Veterans Transplant Coverage Act. H.R. 1133; Mr. Carter of Texas et al. Memorial Headstones and Markers for Eligible Spouses and Dependent Children. H.R. 3656; Mr. Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act. H.R. 95; Ms. Banks of Indiana et al. Brownley of California et al. National Veterans Memorial and Museum Act. H.R. Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment 1900; Mr. Stivers et al. Act. H.R. 1329; Mr. Bost et al. No Hero Left Untreated Act. H.R. 1162; Mr. Knight Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act. S. 305. et al. WINGMAN Act. H.R. 512; Mr. Yoho et al. Protecting Business Opportunities for Veterans Act. H.R. 2749; Mr. Bergman et al. Quicker Veterans Benefits Delivery Act. H.R. 1725; W Mr. Walz et al. Redesignation of Certain Department of Veterans Af- WATER AND WATER RESOURCES: fairs Clinics in Montana. S. 1282. Gaining Responsibility on Water Act. H.R. 23; Mr. SEA Act. H.R. 2772; Mr. Taylor et al. Valadao et al. Securing Electronic Records for Veterans’ Ease Act. Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship Act. H.R. 3634; Mr. Himes et al. S. 675. State Veterans Home Adult Day Health Care Im- Public Water Supply Invasive Species Compliance provement Act. S. 324. Act. H.R. 1807; Mr. Gohmert et al. Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act. H.R. Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act. H.R. 953; Mr. 4323; Mr. Dunn et al. Gibbs et al. Tribal HUD-VASH Act. S. 1333. Small and Rural Community Clean Water Technical Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement Act. S. Assistance Act. S. 518. 304. Water Infrastructure Flexibility Act. S. 692. VA Accountability First Act. H.R. 1259; Mr. Roe of Water Rights Protection Act. H.R. 2939; Mr. Tipton Tennessee et al. et al. INDEX 19–25

WATER AND WATER RESOURCES—Continued Water Supply Permitting Coordination Act. H.R. 1654; Mr. McClintock et al.

Women, Peace, and Security Act. H.R. 2484; Mrs. Noem et al. S. 1141.





First Session, First Session, First Session, First Session, First Session, One Hundred One Hundred One Hundred One Hundred One Hundred Fifteenth Fourteenth Thirteenth Twelfth Con- Eleventh Con- Congress Congress Congress gress gress

Convened ...... Jan. 3, 2017 Jan. 6, 2015 Jan. 3, 2013 Jan. 5, 2011 Jan. 6, 2009 Adjourned ...... Jan. 3, 2018 Dec. 18, 2015 Jan. 3, 2014 Jan. 3, 2012 Dec. 23, 2009

Calendar days in session ...... 193 157 161 177 162 Legislative days in session ...... 192 157 160 175 159

Bills introduced...... 4,724 4,302 3,796 3,756 4412 Joint resolutions introduced ...... 124 79 104 97 66 Simple resolutions introduced..... 674 574 448 508 996 Concurrent resolutions intro- duced ...... 97 105 72 95 225 Total bills and resolutions 5,619 5,060 4,420 4,456 5,699

Public laws: Approved ...... 117 115 72 90 125 Over veto...... 0 0 0 0 0 Without approval...... 0 0 0 0 0 Total, public laws ...... 117 115 72 90 125

Private laws...... 0 0 0 0 0

Grand total, public and private laws ...... 117 115 72 90 125

Committee reports: Union calendar...... 353 285 211 200 218 House calendar ...... 110 80 74 97 144 Private calendar...... 0 0 0 0 0 Conference reports...... 2 5 0 3 11 Special reports ...... 6 7 30 50 10 Not assigned to a calendar ... 11 8 5 10 5 Total ...... 482 385 320 360 388

Reported bills acted upon: Union calendar...... 255 207 130 121 174 House calendar...... 96 78 71 91 128 Private calendar...... 0 0 0 0 0 Conference reports...... 2 5 0 3 11 Special reports...... 0 0 0 0 0 Total acted upon...... 353 290 201 215 313

Special reports, conference re- ports, reported bills pending, and not assigned ...... 129 95 119 145 75 Total reported...... 482 385 320 360 388

Resolutions agreed to: Simple ...... 146 122 96 132 454 House concurrent...... 16 28 16 23 68 Senate concurrent...... 9 6 15 7 11


The total laws of the 1st session, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, numbered 117, which were divided as follows: House bills, 64; House joint resolutions, 17; Senate bills, 30; Senate joint resolutions, 6; public laws, 117; private laws, 0.

The House passed 441 House bills, 20 House joint resolutions, 16 House concurrent resolutions, 146 simple res- olutions, and 30 Senate bills, 6 Senate joint resolutions, and 9 Senate concurrent resolutions.

The Senate passed 67 House bills, 17 House joint resolutions, 8 House concurrent resolutions, and 114 Senate bills, 8 Senate joint resolutions, 10 Senate concurrent resolutions, and 213 simple resolutions.

Vetoed, 0. Total House bills vetoed, 0; Total Senate bills vetoed, 0; House bills vetoed, 0; Senate bills vetoed, 0; House joint resolutions vetoed, 0; Senate joint resolutions vetoed, 0; House bills pocket vetoed, 0; Senate bills pocket vetoed, 0; House joint resolutions pocket vetoed, 0; Senate joint resolutions pocket vetoed, 0.

0 House bills and 0 Senate bills were vetoed and passed House and Senate over Presidential veto, and became law.

There were introduced in the Senate, 2,265 bills, 51 joint resolutions, 31 concurrent resolutions, and 366 simple resolutions.

There were introduced in the House, 4,724 bills, 124 joint resolutions, 97 concurrent resolutions, and 674 simple resolutions.

The Senate committees issued 271 reports.

The House committees issued 482 reports.

2 Senate bills were pending on the House calendars.

There were 710 rollcalls, divided as follows: 1 quorum calls, 354 yeas and nays, and 355 recorded votes.

5 motions to discharge committees from consideration of bills pursuant to Clause 2, rule XV were filed, 0 of which received a sufficient number of signatures for entry on the calendar of such motions.

The president transmitted to the House 23 messages, 1 of which was referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and 22 of which were referred to committees and 0 veto messages which were not referred to committees.

Executive departments transmitted 3,578 communications.

Petitions filed numbered 73.

Memorials filed numbered 158.

(19–28) 1

SSS2017 SSS JANUARY JULY Sun M Tu W Th F Sat Sun M Tu W Th F Sat 1 2 ===3 —– 4 —–5 —–6 7 1 8 —–9 —–10 —–11 —–12 —–13 14 2 —–3 4 5 —–6 7 8 15 16 —–17 18 19 —–20 21 9 —–10 —–11 —–12 —–13 —–14 15 22 —–23 —–24 25 26 —–27 28 16 —–17 —–18 —–19 —–20 21 22 29 —–30 —–31 23 —–24 —–25 —–26 —–27 —–28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY AUGUST

—–1 —–2 —–3 4 —–1 2 3 —–4 5 5 —–6 —–7 8 —–9 10 11 6 7 —–8 9 10 —–11 12 12 —–13 —–14 —–15 —–16 —–17 18 13 14 —–15 16 17 —–18 19 19 20 —–21 22 23 —–24 25 20 21 —–22 23 24 —–25 26 26 —–27 —–28 27 28 —–29 30 31 MARCH SEPTEMBER

—–1 —–2 3 4 —–1 2 5 —–6 —–7 —–8 —–9 —–10 11 3 4 —–5 —–6 —–7 —–8 9 12 —–[13 —–14 15===] —– 1 6 —–17 18 10 —–11 —–12 —–13 —–14 15 16 19 —–20 —–21 —–22 —–23 —–24 25 17 —–18 19 20 —–21 22 23 26 —–27 —–28 —–29 —–30 31 24 —–25 —–26 —–27 —–28 29 30 APRIL OCTOBER 1 1 —–2 —–3 —–4 —–5 —–6 7 2 —–3 —–4 —–5 —–6 7 —–8 8 9 —–10 —–11 —–12 13 14 9 10 11 —–12 13 —–14 15 15 —–16 17 18 —–19 20 21 16 —–17 18 19 —–20 21 22 22 —–23 —–24 —–25 —–26 —–27 28 23 —–24 —–25 —–26 —–27 —–28 29 29 30 —–31 30


—–1 —–2 —–3 —–4 5 6 —–1 —–2 —–3 4 7 —–8 9 10 —–11 12 13 5 —–6 —–7 —–8 —–9 —–10 11 14 —–15 —–16 —–17 —–18 —–19 20 12 —–13 —–14 —–15 —–16 —–17 18 21 —–22 —–23 —–24 —–25 —–26 27 19 20 —–21 22 23 —–24 25 28 29 —–30 31 26 27 —–28 —–29 —–30 JUNE DECEMBER

1 —–2 3 —–1 2 4 5 —–6 —–7 —–8 9 10 3 —–4 —–5 —–6 —–7 8 9 11 —–12 —–13 —–14 —–15 —–16 17 10 —–11 —–12 —–13 —–14 —–15 16 18 19 —–20 —–21 —–22 —–23 24 17 —–18 —–19 —–20 —–21 —–22 23 25 —–26 —–27 —–28 —–29 30 24 25 —–26 27 28 —–29 30 31

* Marked dates indicate days House in session. * The House met twice on Jan. 3, 2017 Total Legislative Days 192. to adjourn the 114th Congress Sine Die Total Calendar Days 193. and convene the 115th Congress. * Totals include Jan. 2 and 3, 2018. * Mar. 13, 14 and 15 were one legislative day. * Mar. 15 contains two legislative days. SEC. 20 STATUS OF MAJOR BILLS—FIRST SESSION (For more detailed information see History of Bills and Resolutions section)

Conference report Number of Passed Reported Passed Sent to agreed to in— Date bill Title Reported House in Senate Senate confer- approved Law No. ence House Senate

LEGISLATIVE BILLS 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 H.R. 1 Budget Reconciliation (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) Nov. 13 Nov. 16 ...... Dec. 2(7) Dec. 6 Dec. 19(8) ...... Dec. 22 115–97 (H. Rept. 115–409). H.R. 1628 Budget Reconciliation (American Health Care Act) Mar. 20 May 4 ...... (H. Rept. 115–52). H.Con.Res. Congressional Budget, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–240) ...... July 21 Oct. 5 ...... Oct. 19(6) ...... 71 S.Con.Res. 3 Congressional Budget, 2017 ...... Jan. 13 ...... Jan. 12 ...... APPROPRIATION BILLS H.R. 244 HIRE Vets Act ...... Feb. 13 ...... Mar. 21(1) ...... May 5 115–31(3) H.R. 601 READ Act ...... Jan. 24 June 5 Aug. 1(4) ...... Sept. 8 115–56 H.R. 1301 Defense, 2017 ...... Mar. 8 ...... H.R. 1370 Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign May 22 May 23 ...... Nov. 6(9) ...... Dec. 22 115–96 Authorization Act (H. Rept. 115–143). H.R. 2998 Military Construction, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–188) ...... June 22 (2) ...... H.R. 3162 Legislative Branch, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–199) ...... July 6 (2) ...... H.R. 3219 Defense, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–219) ...... July 13 July 27(5) ...... H.R. 3266 Energy and Water, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–230) ...... July 17 (2) ...... H.R. 3267 Commerce, Justice, Science, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–231) .... July 17 (5) ...... H.R. 3268 Agriculture, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–232) ...... July 17 (5) ...... H.R. 3280 Financial Services, General Government, 2018 July 18 (5) ...... (H. Rept. 115–234). H.R. 3353 Transportation, HUD, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–237) ...... July 21 (5) ...... H.R. 3354 Interior, Environment, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–238) ...... July 21 Sept. 14 ...... H.R. 3355 Homeland Security, FY 2018 (H. Rept. 115–239) ...... July 21 (5) ...... H.R. 3358 Labor, Health, Human Services, and Education, 2018 July 24 (5) ...... (H. Rept. 115–244). H.R. 3362 State, Foreign Operations, 2018 (H. Rept. 115–253) ...... July 24 (5) ...... H.R. 4667 Supplemental, FY 2018 (Disaster Assistance, 2017) ...... Dec. 21 ...... H.J. Res. 99 Continuing, Further, 2017 ...... Apr. 28 ...... Apr. 28 ...... Apr. 28 115–30 H.J. Res. 123 Continuing, Further, 2018 ...... Dec. 7 ...... Dec. 7 ...... Dec. 8 115–90

1 Passed Senate with amendments. House agreed to Senate amendment Nos. 2 and 3 and agreed to Senate amendment No. 1 with amendment providing for the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2017 and Intelligence Authorization Act 2017 May 3, 2017. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment No. 1 May 4, 2017. Enrollment corrected pursuant to H.Con.Res. 53. 2 Provisions added as text to H.R. 3219. 3 Provisions included in H.R. 244, which became Public Law 115–31. 4 Passed Senate with amendments. House agreed to Senate amendments with amendment (Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Requirements Act, 2017) pursuant to H.Res. 502 Sept. 6, 2017. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment with amendment (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2018) Sept. 7, 2017. House agreed to Senate amendment to House amendment to Senate amendment Sept. 8, 2017. Enrollment corrected pursuant to S.Con.Res. 24. 5 Provisions added as text to H.R. 3354. 6 Passed Senate with amendment. House agreed to Senate amendment Oct. 26, 2017. 7 Passed Senate with amendment Dec. 2 (Legislative day of Dec. 1), 2017. House disagreed to Senate amendment and asked for conference Dec. 4, 2017. Senate insisted on its amendment and agreed to conference Dec. 6, 2017. 8 Senate sustained point of order against conference report Dec. 20 (Legislative day Dec. 19), 2017. Senate receded from its amendment and concurred with an amendment Dec. 20 (Legislative day Dec. 19), 2017. House agreed to Senate amendment Dec. 20, 2017. 9 House agreed to Senate amendment with amendment (Continuing, Further, 2018) Dec. 21, 2017. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment Dec. 21, 2017. Æ 1