PROVINCE OF THE EASTERN CAPE IPHONDO LEMPUMA KOLONI PROVINSIE OOS-KAAP Provincial Gazette Igazethi Yephondo Provinsiale Koerant Extraord i nary BISHO/KING WILLIAM'S TOWN Vol: 28 8 March 2021 No: 4520 8 Maart 202 1 2 No. 4520 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, EXTRAORDINARY 8 MARCH 2021 Contents Gazette Page No. No. No. PROVINCIAL NOTICES • PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS 33 Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (56/2003): Senqu Local Municipality: Adjustment Budget and SDBIP Notice, 2020/2021 financial year ......................................................................................... 4520 3 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, BUITENGEWOON 8 MAART 2021 No. 4520 3 PROVINCIAL NOTICES • PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS PROVINCIAL NOTICE 33 OF 2021 SI.NQU Senqu Local Municipality NOTICE 28/2021 ADJUSTMENT BUDGET AND SDBIP NOTICE, 2020/2021 FINANCIAL YEAR Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) and Section 23 of the Municipal Budget and Reporting Regulations respectively, that an Adjustment Budget was approved during the Council Meeting held on the 26th February 2021, Council Resolution 009/SCM/21, for the 2020/2021 Financial Year. Due to the adjustments made to the budget, the SDBIP will be amended as well to reflect these changes in line with the applicable legislations. The said Council Resolution and all other relevant documents may be inspected at the under- mentioned offices of the Senqu Local Municipality during normal office hours from 12 March 2021, and are also available on the Senqu Local Municipality website at In accordance with Municipal Budget & Reporting Regulations section 26 further information on the abovementioned adjustments are obtainable from Mr M Nolan, telephone number (051) 603 1319 or e-mail
[email protected], during business hours.