12 February 2020 The Chief Executive Officer City of Gold Coast PO Box 5042 GCMC QLD 9729 Via email:
[email protected] Dear Mr Dickson Submission during round 2 of public consultation - proposed Major Update 2 & 3 to the Gold Coast City Plan - Our City Our Plan The Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) is the national body representing the planning profession, and planning more broadly, championing the role of planning in shaping Australia’s future. PIA facilitates this through strong leadership, advocacy and contemporary planning education. The Gold Coast Branch of the Queensland Division of PIA had the opportunity to review the proposed Major Update 2 & 3 (the proposed amendment) to the Gold Coast City Plan (City Plan) and provide comment to the City of Gold Coast (CoGC) as part of the first round of public consultation in November 2019. Similarly, we have also reviewed the changed aspects of the proposed amendment which are subject to round 2 of public consultation. Council is commended for responding to the initial round of public consultation by making some significant changes to the proposed amendment and providing the community with the ability to further review and comment on those changes. The introduction of updated environmental mapping to the amendment is also a positive inclusion. As acknowledged in our initial submission, it is understood that CoGC’s program of amendments to the City Plan are being undertaken on a staged basis, with numerous amendment packages underway. The changes contained within the proposed amendment form part of the broader delivery of CoGC’s program and pave the way toward ensuring the City Plan continues to support good planning outcomes for the Gold Coast.