Lehigh University Lehigh Preserve Perspectives on business and economics Perspectives on Business and Economics 1-1-1989 Creativity or Imitation:Japanese Success in VCR Technology Jeanine M. Kasulis Lehigh University Follow this and additional works at: http://preserve.lehigh.edu/perspectives-v07 Recommended Citation Kasulis, Jeanine M., "Creativity or Imitation:Japanese Success in VCR Technology" (1989). Perspectives on business and economics. Paper 1. http://preserve.lehigh.edu/perspectives-v07/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Perspectives on Business and Economics at Lehigh Preserve. It has been accepted for inclusion in Perspectives on business and economics by an authorized administrator of Lehigh Preserve. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. CREATIVITY OR IMITATION: JAPANESE SUCCESS IN VCR TECHNOLOGY Jeanine M. Kasulis Introduction corder (VCR), a popular electronics device found Until the late 1960s, U.S. industry enjoyed in two out of five American homes, was origin a preeminent position in technology and com ally invented as a broadcasting tool by a Cali manded a significant market share in the field fornia-based American firm named Ampex in for industrial and commercial products. Dur 1956 (Television and Video Almanac, 1988, p. ing the decades that have followed, however, 433). The invention evolved over the next two competitive strides by the Japanese have made decades into a product that could be used in stunning impacts on world and domestic mar the home; but Ampex in particular, and the kets alike. Superior Japanese performance has American electronics industry in general, fell been a growing concern in a wide array of out of competition.