Pre-submission document March 2013

Objectives Objective 6 – Infrastructure PP11 Community Investigate the need for new road 14.1 Specifi c objectives to be addressed infrastructure to address congestion Network Area in planning for the Bodmin Community and air quality issues and to allow Network Area include: continued growth of Bodmin, support Objective 1 – Housing drainage infrastructure and promote Identify the level and location of ICT infrastructure. Introduction new growth. Create a better balance Objective 7 – Inequalities 14.0 The Bodmin Community Network Area covers the seven parishes of between the amount of housing Address deprivation in education, , Bodmin, Cardinham, , , and . and jobs and enable the delivery of training, skills, and health as well as Bodmin is the key settlement within this area, and acts as the local service aff ordable housing. issues relating to disability. centre to the smaller settlements surrounding it. Objective 2 – Travel Address the traffi c congestion that leads Development strategy Key facts to the air quality issues in the town 14.2 The preferred option stage of this centre at Bodmin. Promote walking and Population 2007: 19,100 plan included two options for growth. cycling links to Lanhydrock. The fi rst for 1,000 homes over the Dwellings 2010: 8,201 (3.2% ) Objective 3 – Employment plan period and the second for 5,000 Past housing build rates 1991-2010: 1,631 Promote better quality jobs to create a homes based upon proposals in the Bodmin masterplan which included the Bodmin completions 2006-2009 – 262 (87pa) more balanced economy. concept of a northern distributor road. Housing need (preferred area): 555 (Band A-D) plus 628 (Band E) Objective 4 – Services and Facilities The consultation response highlighted equates to 4.8% and 4.3% of Cornwall total respectively To expand Bodmin town centre to help a number of views and issues. These included support for growth in Bodmin Existing housing commitments 2010-2012: 580 to retain a greater level of comparison shopping trips. Maintain and enhance to achieve a number of key objectives Bodmin employees estimate (2011): Full time: 6,068 Part-time: 2,635 local shops, facilities and services as well as diff erent views refl ecting with the aim of providing for local concerns about the scale and speed of communities. possible growth and the impact of any proposed northern distributor road and Objective 5 – Environment its deliverability. Ensure development is sensitive to the natural, built and historic environment of the area. 109 Cornwall Local Plan 2010 - 2030

Figure 17: Bodmin CNA map Bodmin Community Network Area - Environmental Designations Town Centre Notation - Bodmin Key Key AONB Town centre boundary SAC Primary retail frontages SSSI Primary shopping area (PSA) Flood Zone 2, 3a & 3b version 1.1 © Crown copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance Survey 100049047. Blisland

30 A




010020050 Metres 0241 Km N © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. , 100049047, 2011

14.3 In responding to these issues town centre traffi c management solution Employment development of new sites and the an alternative approach is proposed. to both mitigate air quality issues redevelopment of exiting employment This will no longer include a northern and provide greater opportunities for 14.5 Bodmin supports a number of sites. distributor road in the plan for this development of the town centre. successful employers with a surplus of period due to the diffi culties in likely jobs over resident working population. 14.4 These proposals will be developed Housing Requirements delivery. Transport solutions can The position of Bodmin on the junction and brought forward as part of the 14.6 The area should plan for around however be developed to resolve of the main trunk roads brings with it Cornwall allocations development plan 3,200 dwellings (about 160 dwellings specifi c issues of pinch points and opportunities to continue to strengthen document. per year) between 2010 and 2030, further work is currently being the employment role through subject to transport infrastructure developed to identify an alternative improvements in Bodmin. 110 Pre-submission document March 2013

14.7 As the main settlement Policy PP11 – Bodmin d. Prioritisation of sustainable transport growth should be of a size, nature withgood employment and transport solutions and include measures to and scale appropriate to the needs, provision, Bodmin will be required to CNA address air quality issues in the town; character, role and services available accommodate the majority of those of the settlement. 1. Development will be permitted e. Promote better quality jobs to create dwellings. The overall level of housing where it can be demonstrated that a more balanced local economy; b. Development should help rebalance proposed for Bodmin will require a the following priorities for Bodmin the communities by providing step change in building rates and the f. Address deprivation in education, can be satisfi ed: facilities, economic development or provision of signifi cant infrastructure training and skills. housing for local needs of a scale that improvements. As a result it is a. The protection of the vitality and 2. In the remainder of the is appropriate to the settlement and envisaged that taking into account viability of Bodmin town centre Community Network Area reduces the need to travel; completions since 2010 and current through the promotion of retail, development will be permitted infrastructure constraints an annual offi ce and leisure uses. Proposals for where it supports the following c. Development should deliver building rate between 2013 and 2018 of change of use or redevelopment will priorities: community benefi ts in the form of 70 per annum rising to 200 per annum only be permitted within the Primary aff ordable housing for local people for the remaining 12 years to 2030 is an Shopping Area if the proposal adds to a. The provision of around 200 and contributions to requirements for appropriate target. the attractiveness of the centre and dwellings in the period up to 2030. facilities, services and infrastructure does not reduce the predominance of Additional housing and employment identifi ed locally. 14.8 Co-ordination will be needed A1 retail use; amongst the remaining parishes within the CNA to ensure that housing needs b. The need for the provision of around are met. The Council will support the 7,700sqm of B1a offi ce accommodation preparation of Neighbourhood Plans as and 8,800sqm of Industrial space has a way of planning for the needs of those been identifi ed. This has the potential areas with a focus on meeting local of accommodating 650 jobs in the CNA needs and aff ordable housing. over the plan period; c. The provision of around 3,000 dwellings in Bodmin in the period up to 2030 to be phased in relation to infrastructure requirements;