
PofMMt of D. S. Woother Bamon,

6,048 Pm Ot cloady and o«Mer toolglit; Member of the Aoffit Taeodoy fair. Borera ot CIrealatiaao MANCHESTER ~ A OTY OF VILLAGE CHARM




WITHOUT ALLIANCES End Comes Unexpectedly A1-. BRITISH HOUSE thongh Robber Magnate CHEERS THREAT Further Army Purge Has No Understanding On Had Been In Poor Health; Assistance To Be Gven

' His Interesting Career. TO SINK SUBS Is Seen In the Reich Or Received, And No

Miami Beach. Fla.. Feb. 7.— (AP) Eden Says Any Snbmerged Berlin, Feb. 7—(A P )—High "S.: Der Fuehrer left for his mountain Thonght Of It, Admiral S." (Guard Troopal sources express- —Harvey S. Firestone, head of the retreat by special train Saturday World-Wide rubber intereata bearing Torpedo Boat Will Be At- ed the belief today that the army night after hla Cabinet approved his Decla(jes; No Talk Of Aid. shakeup Friday which ousted a drastic governmental reorganisa- hla name, died early today at his number of conservative generals for tion. Joachim von Rlbbentrop, per- mansion on the ocean shore here. tacked; Britain To Retafi- ardent Nazis was not yet over. sonal envoy of Hitler who became The gray-haired industrialist, who Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s depar- foreign mlnlater, and Frans von Washington, Feb. 7.— (AP) was 69 years old, had suffered Inter- ture for Berchtesgaden, bis Bavar- Papen, recalled aa ambassador to Admiral William D. L u h y, mittently from poor health In recent ate For Any Air Bombings ian mountain retreat, outwardly Austria, were said to be with him. years but his death was unexpect- marked the end of the political Some quarters believed he would chief of naval operationr, toM ed. c’ orm that centralized full control defy France and Britain and launch the House Naval committee to> Shocked attendants at hla huge London. Feb. 7.— (A P )—Foreign of Germany’s armed forces and for- Germany on a series of conquests day that the Navy expects to estate closed the iron gates and the Secretary Anthony Eden told a eign office In hla hands. rivaling those of Italy in Africa and solve its defense problems family retired to strict privacy. A u However, a story was circulating Japan in Asia. Others saw the son. Russell A. Firestone, made cheering House of Commons today among the higher ranks of Hitler’s shakeup which gave him further 'without alliances” and has no known his father’s death in the fol- that British warships would attack blackshlrted lifeguards that "there power aa the first step toward aban- foreign commitments.” lowing statement on which no am- any submerged submarine in the are many more on Der Fuehrer’s donment of the Rome-Berlln Axis in Asserting he wished to clear / pllflcatlon was forUiMmlng: Mediterranean and "retail- list whose days in the army are favor of reconciliation of France up any misunderstanding that . "Harvey S. Firestone passed ate" against any further Spanish counted." and Britain. away in his sleep early this morn- Insurgent airplane aaaaults on Brit- The lifeguard sources termed the Official quarters warned against may have arisen from his pre» ing at his home here. The funeral ish ships. discharge from duly of 13 high assuming that "anything sensation- vious assertions, the Navy's will be held in Akron later this Eden did not disclose the new Carl Boettcher, bank robber suspect, is shown after he was dragged, critically wounded, from a Columbus, O., officlala a. move to cleanse tbe mili- al’’ was being planned. highest ranking officer said: ' week.” "anti-piracy’’ measures in detail, but rooming house, after a bloody gunflght. One detective was killed and two others wounded in the battle, de- tary forces of reacUonariee. (In London, sources close to the Mr. Firestone bad taken an auto- said that (Jenerallssimo Francisco scribed by police as one of Columbus’ bloodiest One o f Boettcher’s compainons was killed in the battle. “The Navy has no^ though^ With Field Marshal General Her- British government expressed fears mobile ride yesterday afternoon Franco, the Insurgent leader, had that promotion of Von Rlbbentrop, of obtaining assistance from mann Wilhelm Goerlng at the beim, with Mrs. M. E. Ake, a niece, and been informed that Britain’s pa- any further changes were expected ambassador to London, as foreign any other nation. It has no apparently was in good health at tience "now has been exhausted" by minister might wreck any chances thought of giving assistance in sinkings of British ships. to be made quietly. It waa not be- that time. lieved, however, that they would be of a BrlUsh-Oerman understanding. %fter dinner, however, he com- The government, he said, "could the solution of the problems of not continue to deal with these at- UTIUTIES COMPANIES FILE GUERRILLA WAR forthcoming before the Reichstag They ware inclined to regard Von any other nation. ; plained of indigestion and a doctor meeting Feb. 30. Rlbbentrop os antl-Britiab. was called. tacks solely by protests and claims "It has no foreign commit* for compensation." A t Berchtesgaden, Hitler planned (Experts conferred at the British Had Severe Cold He added that the United States, hU next move as dlplomaUc quar- fo ^ g n office to consider tha pos- ments. Dr. Andrew S. Robinson of Akron HOLDS UP JAP Germany and Portugal, in addition BRIEF IN HIGHEST COURT ters speculated on what It would be. sible effect on the world ettuatlon "There are no understand* •' came here last montj to treat Mr. to the ten powers subscribing to the He was expected to announce it at of HItler’a consolidation of Nazi ings regarding assistance to be FIreatone for a severe cold but the Nyon "anti-piracy" accord of last U.e Reichstag session. power.) patient had improved to such an ex- September, had been Informed of ATTAffi PLANS given, or received. tent that the pbyaiclan returned to measures taken to strengthen the Electric Bond & Share With "There has been no talk of Ohio a few days ago. Nyon patrol since last week’s sink- giving, or receiving, asriat* Mr. Firestone was borrt on a farm ings of the British freighters Endy- 26 Snhsidiaries Begins LATE NEWS ance.” near Columbiana, Ohio, in 1868. mlon and Alcira. Chinese Operate Gose To REICH CLERGYMAN GUARD AHACKED Even as a boy hla business ability Outlines Policy started Specalaiioa waa pronounced and his parenta en- Eden outlined the new anti-sub- Arguments To Test Le- Captured Gties; Chiang Leahy'a refusal last week to dt*; couraged hia desire for a commer- marine policy, to which France and FLASHES! BYFRANKPALKA close publicly tbe nature of discuo- cial career. After graduating from Italy have agreed, aa: “If from GOES ON TRIAL olona Captain Robert IngeraoU, head ^ High school and business ho BOW onward a submarine ia detact- gality Of Holdrag Co. AcL of the Navy war plana dlvlskMia PROBE SOBNB SHIFTS Has Year’s Monitions De- M JOfameiged in the xone dtJOie had recently with the Britiah Ad- In Columbus In the coal business of weetem MedKeiraneaa x x x it will Watefbnry. Feb. 7— (A P )—bives- mirSRy had brought speculatieti la be considered as contemplating an John W. Taft. Washington, Feb. 7.— (A P )—The gatlon of Watorbury's niunlclpiil spHe Bombing Of Roads. Public And Press Barred Warden At Wethersfield Re- COngreealonal circles aa to a poa- Succesalvely be was bookkeeper, attack on merchant shipping. slble understanding with Britain. Electric Bond and Share Company finances centered In Hartford today, salesman and sales manager. It "His Majesty’s government will where the staff of State’s Atty. Loaby’s categorical denial of say was while demonstrating a rubber^ not tolerate submarines being sub- and 26 subsidiaries told the Supreme From Hearag; Prayer For veals The Convicted Sby- merged in this zone. Orders ac- Hugh M. Alcorn launched the seo- Shanghai, Feb. 7.— (AP) —Swift, commitment to any fo r e i^ nation tired buggy in Detroit that young Cqurt today that a brief filed by the »t®P of their official probe, fierce surprise attacks by Chinese was given In tesUraony on legiWa Firestone foresaw the vast possibil- cordingly have been given to Hla government In defense of the 1936 Although members of the Invpstl- guerrilla.-) scattered throughout the Him Offered In Churches. er Fignred In Assaults. tion to authorise a 33(XI,000,000 ities In rubber tins. Act regulating public utility holding naval expansion program. (Continued on Page Eight) gating staff had been expected In Japanese-occupied territory sur- He entered the business for him- companies was evasive and mislead- tlaterbory today, none appeared, Leahy told the committee tha self In . With an Invest ing. rounding Shanghai are delaying the and It was reported In Hartford that Berlin, Feb. 7— (AP) — The mfll- Hartford, Feb. 7.-i-(AP)—Alex- ’imost urgont improvement’’ needed ment of leas them 315,000 he devel' Preparatory to arguments late records Impounded Saturday by Japanese offensive against (Sliha’a is the nation’s air defense was aa opcsi the business and In a few yean tant Rev. Martin NIemoeller, World ander K. Hartilng, 80, guard at today, or tomorrow, on validity of County Detective Edward J. Hickey ’’lifeline’’ zone north of here. They increase In naval patrol pianos and sold out for 31.364.000. HURLEY CHARGES the leRlsIation, the. utility companies show that Japan after seven War submarine commander and un. Wethersfield state prison, who has their tenders. He also urged* au- He then moved to Akron, which were being examined In the Hart- filed a brief In reply to the govern- ford County Court House. It waa months of warfare, haa a difficult yielding opponent of Nazi church been twice assaulted by Frank thorizaUon for more minesweepecK he envisioned as the rubber memu- ment’s contentions that the legisla- task in attempting to conquei policies, went on trial today before Palka, 24, convicted slayer of a minelayers, fleet tugs, oU tankora facturlng center of tne country, and reported that Controller Shemoud China. BEFORE COUNCIL tion was constitutional. U Rowland, James O. Robinson, a secret tribunal afte/ seven months Bridgeport policeman, is In St ar*) a survey ship. . . teith a handful of employeea in a Another Indication of the size of of Imprisonment. renovated machine shop the farm- ‘T’he government’s brief’ the conducting the municipal audit, and Francis hospital. None of these types of auxiliaries utilities contended, "evades, or mis- the task came In reports that ’The 48-year-oId Protektant bred youth launched what waa des- James Purcell, city accountant, enough munitions to supply Gen- Warden Ralph H. Walker said to- a -' covered by the blU in ita pres- conceives the fundamental issue in were called to Hartford for confer- churchman was accused of msdig- ent form (uid Leahy suggested that, tined to become one of the leeiding erallsalmo Chiang Kai-Shek’s armies nant vilification of the Nazi state. day that Hartllng’a Illness may or Industrial concema in the country. State’s Legislative Group this case; misrepresents the posi- ence with Investigators this after- for another year have been shipped if necessary, they be provided by noon. Its leaders and Institutlona, with may not be due to Injuries received The rubber tire (.jalnesa grew tion of the defendants In general from British Hongkong to Han- In the two tuaaela with Palka. Phy- cutting down the number of ii. and In detail; and deflects attention ... violation the decree prescribing pur- stroyer tenders, repair ships and apace with the rapid growth of the Takes Up Report On Inef- kow, China’s provisional capital. poses for which tbe pulpit may be sicians, tbe ward)ln stated, are not automobile Industry and the Fire' from the real Issuea by arguing In QU.AKES IN JAPAN Japanese military sources indi- certain that Hartling's ailment, submarine tenders proposed by otM extenso for propositions that are used, and with inciting diaobedlence stone plant was expanded periodi- Tokyo, Feb. 7— (A P )—Tokyo and rectly admitted the guerrilla sit- poasibly a tumor of the brain, la a each. not challenged and against con- cally until in the boom yean of the fidency In Ifighway Dept the surrounding district was >:!iaken uation today when they announced (Continued oo Page Bight) result of UiAssaulta although the *’lf authority is not obtained now World War it employed more than tentions that are not made.” that operations had been started assaults may have aggravated tha tor these veeaels,” he said, "it will 30,000 persons. by a comparatli'ely severe earth- Referring to another document quake tonight. Many frightened against pirates and Chinese rem- condition. be necessary for tbe Navy to r a -. With the tremendous expansion nants bawd on an island In Lake quest of Congress in tbe near fu - Hartford. Feb. T.— (AP) — The citizens ran from their houses. Granted Reprieve (Continued on Page Eight) Clocks were stopped by tbe shock. Tai, west of Sbtuighal. Tbe Jap- ture, and before all the vessels au- (Continued on Page Bight) Hurley charges against the State anese said navy launches attacked WATSON NOW HELD Palka was jcbeduled to be exe- Highway Department’s administra- Early reports did not mention cuted Feb. 1, but is now at the thorized by the bill are oommenoed, the guerilla atrongbold, and asserted that authority be granted to acquire tion have been officially presented casualUee or serious damage. that guerrillaa operating near Soo- prison on a reprieve until April 13, by Gov. Cross to the Legislative * • • granted by Governor Cross. or construct these vessels in addi- chow, west of Shanghai, had been ON MURDER CHARGE tion to those authorized in tbe pres- Cotmcll which met today with the BULLETS AS CLUES CH.ARTER REVOKED wiped out. Warden Walker related today BILLS TO PREVENT governor. that on Sept. 16 Talka called Hart- ent blU." hllami, Ta., Feb. 7.— (A P )—The Foreigners Make Reports. Only EMentlals Copies of the report were turned Chinese and foreign sources dis- ling. who lives in Wethersfield, to over to John D. Thoms, secretary American Federation of Labor Although be said tbe Navy would IN R E a O R ’S DEATH Executive Council announced today closed tbe Increasing magnitude of hia ceil. Palka grabbed Hartilng. WAR PROFITEERING of the douncil who Intended to dis- guerrilla operations on the out- Hartford Man Bound Over To Hartilng yankeq himself away and need large numbers of auxiliary ves- tribute them to the members today. It had revoked the charter ot the selr in wartime, Leahy said the pro- United yilne Workers of America. skirts of Nanking, Wuhu, Chln- fell backwards to the floor bumping While the Ctouncll waa secretly klang, Soochow and Hangchow, bis head. posed program would provide only conferrtag with the governor in the cities captured by the Japanese. Re- Superior Court Without A few weeks ago. In an effort to those essential to service the fleet latter’s office. Highway Coromis- Midnight Sniper Kills Vice MARKETS AT A GLANCE. porta of similar activities are re- get some keys, Palka attacked In time of peace. Congress Soon To Debate aioner Jolui A. Macdonald and Pub- New York, Feb. 7.— (A P )— ceived almost dally from North "The maritime commission haa lic Works Commissioner Robert A. Bonds; Pleads InnoceuL (Ooottsoed on Page Two) been uiost cooperative." he said, 'in Hurley met with Attorney General Fighting Clergyman While Stocks—Easy; leaders off In China, especially Shansi province. National Defense K slow dealings. Foreigners from Nanking told of building ships that will be of use to Charles J. McLaughlin to complete four truckloads of Japanese being the Navy In the event of war. Re- the operations necessary for the Preparing His Sermon. Bonds—Mixed; secondary rails ambushed and wiped out near Hartford. Feb. 7— (A P )—Robert cently contracts have been let for Provisions Of Legislation. highway commissioner’a resumption drift lower. (hinkiang, on the lower Yangtze. George Rae Watson, 71, accused in SECREIY SHROUDS 14 cargo ships and 13 tankers; and of full control of his department. Curb—Lower; oils In supply. Japanese received word that the toe alleged slaying of Thomas Ger- 39 additional ships of various types With Commiasloner Macdonald St. Simons Island. Ga., Feb. 7.— Foreign Exchange — Steady; "Yellow Sworda" were active only ald Grogan, 29, entered a formal are planned." was Deputy Ctommissioner E. C. 30 miles from Nanking and sent a plea of Innocent, waived examina- Waablngton. Feb. ?.— (AP) — Welden and accompanying Mr. Hur- (A P )—Rain-washed footprints and changes narrow. Emphasizing the need for effi- Congress has completed much of the two .38 caliber bullets gave slender Cotton 'Easy; liquidation; hedge column of 300 men to wipe them tion, and was bound over to Su- DESTROYER FLEET cient auxiliaries, Leahy said they ley, waa George L. Burke, hia aide perior Court without bonds by preliminary work on one of Presi- on highway matters. clues today to the noctuimal slayer selHng. out, foreigners reported. Only 15 should have a speed of 15 knots or dent Roosevelt’s national defense of Dr. Charles H. Lee. vice-fighting of the column was said to have re- Judge William J. Burke In Police more, or else they and tbe warships, ’The highway conferees expected Sugar—Barely steady; poor spot turned. 'Then a detachment of 0>urt this morning. recommendations—action to prevent little difficulty In disposing of tech- rector of historic (^rlst church. demand. which have to slow their pace to ao- profiteering in time of war. A midnight sniper, aiming from Grpgan, who told friends recently commodate the speed of the auxil- nical problems arising out of Com- Coffee—Heavy; trade selling. Warcraft Operating Off The One blU to accomplish that pur- miosioner Hurley's seven months a comer of the rectory garage, shot (Oontlnoed on Page two) he wanted "to know life" was found iaries, would bo "easy prey for sub- pose has been approved by the temporary jurisdiction over turn- the 72-year-oId rector Saturday dead at Watson’s room In a board- marines.” House unitary committee, and pro- night aa he worked over a sermon ing house here early yesterday. Balearic Islands Where pike and state-aid highways which To meet the projected 80 per ponents forecast today that the ended with the recent Supreme In his home on this vacationist haunt Galls It Aeddent cent Increase in combatant ship ton- House would debate it soon. Court opinion restoring full control off the coast of Georgia. Detective Peter F. Brandon said nage. Leahy said the Navy should ’The footprints trailed an eighth Two Vessels Were Sonk. A Senate Finance sub-committee to Commissioner Macdonald. Nose Irritation Causes Watson, after first denying knowl- have 42 addlUonal auxiliary veeseia.' baa agreed on terms of another Offlelany ’Taken Up. of a mile through moss-hung, tangled edge of the stabbing, said be acci- He segregated them aa follows: des- measure. Supporters said it would Asserting that they had not yet woddland toward the laland recrea- dentally slashed Grogan’s throat troyer tenders, 6: submarine tend- be offered as an amendment to the tion pier, then faded but in a growth while demonstrating the use of a London, Feb. 7.— (A P )— War- read the text of the Hurley report, of gooee-graas. Great Fear O f Crowds ers, 3; seaplane tenders (large), 4; firat tax bill passed by the House. members of the Council however Scotch knife called a "ahean dhus.” time secrecy covered tbe movements (small), 7; repair ships, S; mine- The bill awaiting House action Coroner J. O. Baldwin, recessing today of a powerful Anglo-French said, that they now intended to do the inquest until Tuesday, said the The police official added that the layers, 3; minesweepers, 5; fleet contains no specific tax provisions. sa New York. Feb. 7—An unexplaln-?? mainly diet and rest, with diet the 7Q-year-old Wataon was- booked on destroyer fleet operating off the tugs and store ships 3. The measure by Senator Connally prints were made by sharptoed Mr. HurleFs report said the de- "dude variety" shoes of size nine or ei fear of crowds sometimes comes most important. Surgery has been a murder charge. Balearic Islands—Spanish insurgent In denying any foreign alliancos, (Dm Tex.), which the Senate Fi- partment "as it stu d s at Hie pres- from trouble in the membrane lin- one of the regular treatments for Wataon, a bachelor who came submarine and airplane base—to Leahy said tbe Navy intends ! subMmmlttee approved would 10, and the depressed toes indicated ent time la woefully disorganized the wearer was hurrying. ing tbe nose. aggravated forms of this nasal dif- here from Scotland, usually was prevent further {.tacks on neutral "to stand on its own feet in provid- ose a graduated scale pf indlvid- and. Ob a result, Ineffleleney and This trouble, known'as vasomotor ficulty. seen on Hartford streets attired in shipping. ing protection to the United States oroe and undivided corpora- One of the two bullets, an ordinary wastefulness result” lead alug, was found Imbedded in a rhinitis, or water-logged noae, was ’The original cause of water- semi-formal clotbes. 'The House o f Ctommons, mean- and it expects to succeed." I profit taxes in event of war. ’The Legislative Council has broad wail with ita line of flight indicating described today by J. A. Halman, Friends of Grogan, son of a while, awaited Foreign Secretary He said It had been his endeavos : ."i^der both proposals, eponeora logged noses. Dr. Haiman finds, ta powers of investigation to deter- it had passed within Inches of the M.D., in the Medli^ Record. Among frequently nervous shock. Investi- chauffeur for a Hartford funeral Anthony EMen’s declsretlon of tbrougbout tbe bearing to convey Bald, the Presidmt would b ^ m e a mine the need of legislation regard- rector’s head. The other, a copper- tbe Navy’s understanding that Om' virtual dictator ot commerce and In- 651 persona wrIUi this nasal condi- gation of the nerve shock in water- establlabment, said he was deeply policy on the Mediterranean situa- ing any state d ep ^ m en t Mem- Jacketed missile, had crashed tion he found nearly 20 different logged persona led Dr. Halman to Interested in . human belnga and tion. made serious again by the proposed legislstion “is simply to dustry in time of war. b m were non-committal at this authorise a sufficient Navy to pro^ ' Can Flx Prtces through hla brain and ranged past symptoms. conclude also that all cases of wanted to know persona of ail sinking last week of two British time when oaked if there would be the walls of two rooms. A few, he said, had Jitters. Some vide protection to tbe United States He could fix maximum and mini- any Council action on the Hurley asthma are. In part, of nervous ori- elaaaes and types, believing that it freighters. The weapon from which the bul- were bothered by moist palms. waa necessary If be were "to know EMen waa expected to disclose de- and its island poeaeasiona against . mum prices for aU commodities. He report. gin. * attack by any single foreign '-i lets were discharged. Police (3ilef Others had feelings ot inferiority Similarly, he said, hla studies led life.” tails o f his strong note to General naval could estabUsh quotaa for tha sale All four members ot the Council L. O. Godwin said, "apparently waa power, an increase having beeB" of commodities, and coulc draft bito were present They were: Repre- and hopeleasneaa. ’These were the to evidence that allergies are often Francisco Franco, bead of ihe Span- a revolver because we fpund oo eject- mildest of the consequences. There TltEASURY BALANCE made necessary because of tbe in- the dvlUan goverament sendee any- smtative Noah Swayne. Senator E. ed shells." the result of nervous shock. Al- ish insurgent government, which creased naval programa of o t l ^ one managing an Industrial estab- Gaimor Brennan, Republican lead- Friend’s Theory were several cases o f fear of crowds. leigies Include hay fever and tnabil- demanded Immediate cessation of natlona." ?. Ushment. One man was tempted to run fro(Q_ Ity to take certain foods or touch Waablngton, Feb. 7.—(AP)— ’The attaclu on neutral vessels and com- of the General Aatembly and A friend of the rector, G. C. Dur- He said tbe navy did not hava The CUaf Executive a|ao eould the two Democratic leaders, Mr. qisd. headmaster of Sea crowded restaurants even w bM i some substances without distress. pnolUon of the Treasury February pensation for the freighter AJclra. mind any psrtlinilar possible foqulre any clasa of Industry or Thoms and Senator Raymond J. s^ool. said Dr. Lee had been dis- with a party of Mends. C3ooe InvMtlgatipn, Dr. Haiman ra- 4: sunk by aerial bomba Fridsjr off but does consider all foreign oommerce to operate under a Fed- Devlin. turbed over what he described i Dr. Hsimsn reported the results ported, will give a record, wherever Receipts 334,846374.00; expendi- Baroalona. in its study of naceosary defeoi (pal license, cooditiwts ot whiefa ha Agitation for near state taxes. vice conditions in the region. He of four years of a new treatment, the allergy is not traced to heredity, tures 383,068.490.01; balance 33,- ’The other veaseli tbe Ehidymion, Replying to a question from virtually without medieioc, for the of some severe shock to the autono- 972306,020.40; customs receipts tor Off P s g e Umi "J JUsatiMsd oggraga Xwo> nasal condition. This treatmant Is mous Bervous system. the montty38390383.99. .(Osattaxsi on Page Two) « Os

..J. I TW O V OtAlVCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIANCHESTBR. CONN, MONDAT, FEBROAKT 7,1088 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAT. FEBRUARY 7.193S P A G E TH B E B Tbs w aU r reached to the tope of posed by some o f the best of the house trallere, long since abandoned. Fred Hope, Walter Tedford, Bert soma wor|( on young Burgess’ teeth. the body after It had floated to the Ellen P. MacOonnae, 66, form ar National Guard PLANNING INFORMAL' enemy's troops. • Inman. Clyde Beckwith, Eidward Clothing on the body also hors the CUL1VRE, FLOWERS Village Under Water GUERRILLA WAR STATE AGAIN FREE Manchester Y-D YETS RECALL surface near locks of a dam across dean o f Commercial High aehool Scientist Finds Squaws Sixty miles northward the Sebe- Local Stocks The Setoheprey BoM Frazier, Jeff Blanchard and Archie name ''Burgese.” the lower basin of the river about Kllpatricic. and widely known in the state as an waing river, retarded by ice Jams at — News — . Comrade Inman also revealed, Police unsuccessfully drugged the a mile downstream from where educator, died Sunday after a long SEEN INSEPARABLE Ita mouth into Saginaw Bay and at Fmmtehed by Eddy Brothers R Co, CHAMBER SESSIONS Date Book and cleared up the m3ratery, con- To Bolator Membership river and a diver explored the floor Burgess' clothing waa found. tllnem. Survivors of Lost Tribe HOLDS UP JAP OF FATAL MISHAPS cerning other orders that were A concerted drive to bolster the of the stream without finding any bridges eo route, flooded the town is Lewis St. WAR INCIDENTS She was dean o f tbe school from By DANNY SHEA given to the Manchester men 30 trace of the body. o f Sebewslng. In 19SS a flood Hartford, Coaa. Hiya, Buddies: TUa Week membership o f the unit before the EDUOATCm DIES shortly after It opened In 1930 untfl years ago. Hs gave on interesting National cionventlOD of the YD As- The orew of tbe lee breaker found New Haven, Ft)>. 7— (A P )—^Hlas l^served, four, including the leader, caused $160,000 loss ttaera Sixty Wllllain B. Martin NOTICE—Major PhUip Hawley Feb. 11—Father and Son banquet ahe retired In 1936. , OeufUa. ArU^ Feb. T.«-(AP)— Local Bepreseotatlve account o f what happened In the sociation to be held In Providence were women. percent of the village was under AHAffi PLANS will eonduct an inspection o f the at Concordia Lutheran church. Oraabat end the eletnenU b»ve re- Horicaltore Expert Is Speak lfl)0 p. m. Qnotatloas Woold Hold Regolar Month* regimental headquarters on tbe in May will be started at once. , "The man was the wildest of the water today. company tonight, the last official No Auto Deaths Reported Feb. 11—M. H. S.-Weat Hartford Banquet *'20 Years A fter" Is doMd the “leat tribe” of Apache When water crept into Sebewa- Bid Asked (OoatlBDed fioos Pags One) check-up before Federal inspection game at State Armory. morning of the famous rhid on a There are 118 men in town eligible IMtaaa to a oommunlty composed adults, and only the woman leader Inenraaeo Stocks section o f the regiment at Seiche- to membership In the unit, it was would congsrse. er At KiwaaisJleeting At ing's main itreeta, merchants put s week from Wednesday. For this ly Meetings In Form Of Feb. 13— Informal CAbaret dance eaaenUally of women— the only one up planking before their windows Aetna Casualty . . . . . 88 88 500 waa sent out snd only 135 came reason, the uniform has been For Second Week Bot at Rainbow In Bolton, auspices of OccaslOB For Rehting prey when 1,000 Germans conducted stated. Plana for attending tbe con- "I am convinced only luck and a sudden raid on the town. o f ita Mnd eo the North American for protection. Many residents, Aetna Plro ...... 48 45 back. changed to the new aerge complete. American Legion. vention will be made at later meet- months of work would make poash- "(Jolonel Parker ordered the office oaKtinent— Dr. Helire Infstad. Nor- Noon Today. with basements flooded, resorted to Aetna Life ...... 38 25 BomMug Blockade Falla. The Inspection will get imderway at Fireside Get-Togethers. ings of the club. ble fratemixatlon with the band and Oomlng Events staff to bold the post at all costa. wegian tebnologlat, reported here acndle light and oil lamps after Automobile ...... 35 27 Ajm a shipments from Hongkong 7:30. Three Meet Violent End: Many Events; Elects ADen Elio Falcetta with his accordion a close study of it." Feb. 13— Police beneflt at State W e were given flve band grenades and Leon Bradley at the piano led beat the recession! tod^. Conn. General ...... 24^ 26% to Hankow were said to have been On February 14 we bid adieu te a turning off electrical switches In theater. The tribe fled below the Mexican The scientist said he felt be Hartford Fire ...... 68 65 completed despite Japanese efforts great soldier when Father Time each and the Ctolonel said he had the veterans in singing many of ( Culture and love of flowers go fear of abort circuits. Furnace Regular monthly all-mambanhlp Feb. 16—Annual banquet of Lu- border Into the Sierra Madre moun- would have been taking bis life In Hartford .Steam Bolter 66 67 to sever the Canton-Haakow rail- beckons him away from the khaki (By the Aseodsted Presa.) After twenty yeara many of the mined the office with dynamite so the old time war songs. hand In hand, according to Clemens Area were extinguished. meetlnga of the Chamber o f Com- ther League of Emanuel Lutheran taina whan Ita chieftain. Geronimo, bis bands bad he tried to photo- National Fire ...... 57 59 way with frequent bombardroents. division o f the rad, whits and blue war-time secrets concerning move- that in the event the Boche succeed, The ChUdsdale dam, north of merce ' are being planned during Omnectlcut emerged today from church. Have Your C ar Repaired N o w . . . aurrendered to U. S. troops in 1880. graph the band. Mortenson, president o f the New Phoenix ...... 74 H 76% Cuatoma officlala eatlmatsd the forces. Colonel Orville Patty has ed In breaking through, the office Grand Rapids, Mich., gave way last jjlta second successive week-end with- Feb. 16—Annypl. Father and Son ments o f units In and out o f the line Or. Ingatad returned Saturday Almost every conceivable method England unit of the Society of Travelers ...... 405 425 huge extent o f the munitions ship- reached tha age of retirement and 1938, tbia being one of tha recom- records would not fall into their night. Dwellers along Grand river, banquet at South Methodist church. during the U. 8. participation in the bands," Inman said. from a three-month expedition into was utilized in bringing about even American Florists and associated Public UtIUtles ments, the Hongkong oorreapond- la obliged to realgn his poslUon mendations made by the works pro-, j Lout on automobile fatality. In spite YOUTH’S BODY TAKEN also north of Grand Rapids left Feb. 17,18,19— St. Bridget’a pre- World W ar were reveled to the Inman described the anxiety In the Bountaina. a brief meeting with the untamed with the A. N. Pierson nurseries of Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 51 55 ent of the North China Dally News after many years o f faithful servica. gram coinmittee at last weeirt' _a heavy fog and rain wUch thel)r homes. Conn. Pow...... 42 The colonel luu the reputation of meeting pf the Board of Dlrectr driving perilous, Lenten Mardi Oraa. members o f the Yankee Division the regimental post on that morn- PAY ONLY FOR PARTS USED ”I aaw flve adult Apachea and a survivors of the "Lost Tribe." Cromwell, who was the epesker at Scores Rescued 44 reported. The arms were said to FROM CHARLES RIVER Htfd. Elec. L t ...... 54 being one of the most learned man It Is possible that these,^mee" fatal stabbing and a suicide Feb. 19— Pre-Lenten dance of Zip- d u b o f Manchester at the annual ing twenty yeara ago when all com. baby with my own eyes," be said. Finally, Dr. Ingstad said, one at the weekly noonday meeting of the Rescuers in rowboats removed 66 have come to Hongkong from Uiumlnatlng Sbs. . . . 49 61 in the regiment. His regular duties will be esUed "Fireside Get-1 were'*reported, however, and a three- aer Qub at Sub-Alpine clubhouse. banquet yesterday afternoon at munlcation between the front line "1 will not basard a guess as to the guides, Edwin Ta Noza, elderly Klwanle Club at the T. M. C. A. to- scores of persons from flooded Czechoslovakia on orders placed When Job Is Completed day. Mr, Mortenson gave a most New Britain Gas . . . 36H 28% os minister are eanied out daily as gethers.” snd InfonnsUty win bs - year-old girl died In Torrington Feb. 36—Annual Masonic Ball at Osano's Bolton Lake resort. The and tbe p.c. was broken off after the how many more there are, but in Apache scout, struck up a friendship homee in southern and central Wis- last summer by Dr. H. H. Rung, welcome Information was given by Identified As Frederick' Bur- Interesting talk on "Value of Flow- So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 138 145 now president of the Executive they have for numerous yaara Tha stressed to allow members the op- (Saturday o f burns suffered tbe day Masonic Temple. Selcheprey raid. . ^ my opinion Jiere are not very with an old Mexican who once had consin yesterday. Red CroM work- Bert Inman of 160 Henry street. gess, Harvard Law Student, ers”. Western Mass...... 36 39 Yuan (Premier.) entire regiment wiU donaU to a portunity to express their views on before. Alao 3-act comedy, "Remember A cadi to 'live, eat and sleep YD" many. 1 am convinced the only con- been a prisoner of the band. To- ers and Coast Guardsmen in Racine prise to lie given him tha day of hb the Day” , by Sock and Buskin club was given the members of the club Missing For Months. gether they located the survivors The speaker pointed out that the Industrials Japanese announced today that Chamber activities. Gerald Grogan, 29, of Hartford, tacts they have bad with so called took 13 persona, including eight retlremsnt by a delegation com- Plans are also going forward to at High school hall. by Gardiner Hall of WUlIngton, a and brought about the meeting with people of Europe have a greater Acms W ire ...... 38 31 their warships had ahellsd the Chu- whose body was found In a rooming civilised men during the past SU fondness for flowers than Americans children, from a cottage. Five fam- Am. Hardware ...... 30 posed of a representative o f each launch tbe extensive program sug- bouse Sunday morning, waa atab- March 1— Rural comedy, "Simple guest at the party. Comrade Hall Boston, Feb. 7— (A P ) — Police PAY LABOR CHARGE IN the scientist. 33 anpt forts, near China's Booea Ti- years has been in combat." and those who can afford them never ilies bad evacuated their homes in company in the 169th Infantry regl- gested In the lengthy report of bed to deatb. Detective Peter F. Simple Simon," at North Methodist urged the members to recruit the today awaited the urrival o f rela- Dr. Ingstad said he found a wealth Arrow H and H, Com. 87% 89% gris fortifleationa which defend the The loss o. man power obviously alt down to s meal without flowprs the same vicinity. BilUngt and Spencer. 3% menL Charles W. Kimball and his com- Brandon said Robert Rae Watson, church. club membership to full strength tives to claim the body of a youth of i^cbaeological material and evi- 4% river route from Hongicong to Can- Rumors have it that "slacks will brought women Into control of on the dinner table. He said that An estimated ten square miles of Bristol Brass ...... 8S 85 mittee, Including organization of a 70, in whose room Grogan's body and to continue to matntalfi the posi- Identified as Frederick W. Burgess, dence a tribe of pygmies once in- ton. soon be worn by the members of SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS the 'L ost Tribe," be said. Of the Connecticut Is ideally adapted for farm land in Wisconsin were under Colt’s Pat. Firearms. 55 58 Junior Chamber and a Women'z waa found, admitted the stabbing, tion among veteran organizations in 21, of Cincinnati, a Harvard law Days of intensive' flgbting have the local Guard at drills. hand o f flve which Dr. Ingstad ob- habited the region. the growing of nursery stock In water and ten highways in eastern Bagla Lock ...... 16 18 Auxiliary to supplement the aetivi- bat claimed it waa accidental. the state to which It Is rightfully student, recovered from Cbules paved the way for a Japaneae drive A bill has been introduced into greenhouses and told of the work Racine county iVere closed. The Fafnir Bearings .... 96 106 Ue:i of the parent body. Tbe com- entitled. The members remained in River yesterday by the crew of an against Suchow, heart o f tha Lung- Congress petitioning that the U. S. Gottlieb F. Ansebeutz. 77. retir- BOARD TO CLEAN UP that has made Piersons’ the largest Fox and White rivets coursed Gray Tel Pay Station mittee lIsM 54 projMtz, covering ed Meriden gunsmith, sent a bullet silence for one minute In respect for ice breaking boat. • N O INCREASE IN PRICES 0% hai railway corridor, from three di- Arm y be reatored their blue dress those who died in service. secretary of state, who proposed and beat known growers In the busi- across a two-mile strip for about 12 ...... )lw _____ 180 300 civic, governmental, educational, - through his right temple yesterday. Identification of the body o f the changes in the form of ballots and ness in this country. rections. uniforms. These uniforms were dis- commercial, tnduatrial an i agricul- youth, who had been missing since HURLEY CHARGES miles on each side of Burlington. Hendey Mach. B...... 8% 10% carded during the war suid have Dr. John F. Buffam, acting medical Officers Elected method of counting in future elec- Mr. Mortenson revealed the origin The Klckapoo river surged over the Landers, Frary A Clk. 24 36 Japanese troops based at Tsinlng tural Interests, In which the Cham- examiner, said It was a suicide. LEFT-OVERS TONIGHT WlUlam Allen of Henry street w-as November, was announced by medi. • N O F IN A N C E CHARGES of many flowers, lilies coming from never come back. tions. north and south portions of the New B rit Mch., Com. 18% 20% had Kweiter, 100 miles west of Su- ber should assist and support. Three-year-old Shirley Furlln, elected president of the club for the cal examiner WlUlam J. Brlcley af- The attorney general's opinion on Japan, polnsettaa from Mexico, illy A regular monthly bualnesa meet- ter checking charta furnished by a BEFORE COUNCIL town of Gays Mills. • do., pfd “ ...... 90 100 chow, as their objective. Between ing will be held after drill tonight, The entire Chamber membership Torrington child, waa burned fatal, year. Other officers elected were: the legality of the proposed change of the valley from Hamburg, Ger- Suchow and Nanking,'a second col- Cincinnati dentist, who had done The Thames river, rising writhln North and Judd . . . . 24% 26% after which refreshments will be win be divided Into committees, one ly when her clothing caught fire Chesterfield Pirie, vice president; was asked by Mr. Darley. many, and gardenias from Indo- Peck. Stow A Wilcox 5 umn waa aimed northward against for each project, to be called- Into (Osattoned from Page One) china. He told how plants are com- four feet of the top o f a protective 7 served. Sergeant James Bayliaa from a candle Friday shortly after Matters That Have Filed Up Edward Morgan, treasurer; Frank EXAMPLE: The councU also took Initial steps breakwater, forced scorea of subur- Ruasell Mfg. Co...... 24 28 the railway center. From the win be In charge of the eats. action whenever there la cause or a priest had blessed her parents' McCaugbey, assistant treasurer; to eliminate about 60 minor special bined to produce uniuual and beau- ban west London, Ont., residents to Scovill Mfg. Co...... 24 Shangtung province coast, Japan- The lockers will be Inspected this opportunity for work In any one of new home. Clyde Beckwith, secretary. After heralding another legislative strug- funds segregated for speclflc uses. tiful blooms and how Pierson’s have ese based at Tstngtao were driv- GRIND VALVES — CLEAN CARBON — AND TUNE-UP flea from their homes. Several Stanley W ork s...... 38 '40 week. the various fields of activity. On Calendar To Take Up the business meeting a turkey din- WINTER DRIVING HINT gle for 1939 was reported at the Finance Commissioner Edward F. developed several unique kinds of ing southwest toward a spot be- FOR THE FOLLOWING CARS: m sitinf as coming from a commit- roses. He had a large number of western Ontario towns suffered do., pfd...... 27% 29% ner waa served 50 members and Hall and Budget Director Beniamin Torrin^on ...... 24 % 26% tween Suchow and Haichow, the guests by Osano. tee of school supe^tendents. P. Whitaker, appeared before the rut flowers vvith him and presented minor damage, a dam bursting at Lunghal’a eastern terminus. SHOOTS GIRL, SELF Selectmen’s Session. them to Klwanlans who answered his preston. Veeder Root, new ... 43 45 POUCE SEEK VANDALS Club guests at the annual meet- Hudson Terraplane. Hudson Sii Dodge, Plymouth, DeSoto— 'Rie superintendents, through a Council and explained the bookkeep- New Vork Banks Near Pengfu, Chinese were in- SECRECY SHROUDS ing and banquet were Herman If cauaht In a eoBBittee, have petitioned the questions correctly. ing and accounting difficulties In Banks of New York ... 348 trenched along the north iMuk of "Dutch” Schaeffer of Watorbury, aoowKlrift, do 1933 to ixtuncll to prepare legislation pro- The attendance prize, donated by 368 IN LOVERS’ QUARREL maintaining these numerous segre- Bankers T r u s t ...... 45% 47% the Hwal river.' They reported that MeeUng tonight in execuUve w former Flrat Sergeant of Company not race rear $8.00 1937— 9 0 a D U vidlng nsw avenues of state revenue gated special funds. R. K. Andereon, was won by Jod thus far all Japanese attempts to IN THIRD SCHOOL FIRE DESTROYER FLEET Nichols. AGED WOMAN MAY WED Central Hanover . , ... 92 96 alon for a diacuaaion and aettlement G. 102nd Regiment In the front wheels. This wastes both rob- tot educational purposes. The re- Minor changes in some of the Chase ...... 30 cross had failed. lines, Frank Downs, Jerry Griffin ansst eras discussed and placed on 32 Both Die Of Wounds After of a long Hat o f queaUons which ber and (aioline and tends to state's licensing agencies, like the Chemical ...... Bridgeport. Feb. 7.— (A P )— Van- (Conttnaed from Pago Om ) and W alter Bolin, all of VVateibury, B B fo r future meetings. An opinion .. 40 42 have piled up on the calendar of the have wheels cut deeper Into liquor and barber's commissions, FARM BOY THIS WEEK City ...... dals broke Into Warren Harding Auto Party’s Round Of Tav- William Allen Gardiner Hall of WlUtngton, Elliott f r m Attorney General Charles J. .. 35 37 now. The slower they turn, the RELINE BRAKES-Comple t e J were requested by these agencies Continental ...... High school sometime before three waa torpedoed by a submarine off erns In Dover, N. J. Board of Selectman from previous Moshter, Patrick Haggerty and Ezeb H e la i^ lln was requested in be- THOUSANDS MAROONED .. 11 13 secretray to Colonel Frank Parker, better tractica they give. themselves and discussed at the Com Ehcchange .... o’clock this morning and set fire to the Spanish east coast Monday. meetings, the Board will consider Tapan, all o f WiUlmantIc, Charles batt o f J. Walter Darley, deputy .. 49% 91% Commander o f the 102nd Regiment, On the Followinc Cara: council meeting.. Marriage IJcenm SenL To John Flfst National...... 1730 1790 liooks and papers In seven student In Better .Mood some thirty separate items. It is Pete" Wlgren and Leon Bradley of — AND FOR WINTER ORIVINO secretary of state, who proposed in As In the past, today's session of N. Y. Stocks before and after Colonel Parker as- BY SPREADING aOODS T’E 8 10e-I5c-26c and Domestic. U 8 Rubber ...... 27% The following menus will b e prepared by Mrs. A. 8. Mtx- nspolb mao likes to Nathan W hlt^ Junior. St. Simons and adjoining Sea Mr. and Mrs. John B. Benaon of 1 lb. U 8‘Smelt...... 67 TODAY AND TUESDAY ter, aaeietod by Miss Alice E. 8 alUbury. sailt (ngfi/) “Cameb Hiss Charlotte Bralnard of Mt. U 8 Steel ...... 51% Island are fsvorits haunts of vses- THE NEW 30 Myrtle street held a family o4>- Holyoke college returned to her Western Union ...... 34 Uonists. A causeway connects them ervmnce over the week-end of their Boggestiou for Bonday Night Suppers;— L A R G E ST-S E LLIN G fit in with my leisure studies there yesterday after spend- West El and M f g ...... 91% with the mainland. St. Simona Is -Wedding anniversary, which hours, too," EUsberg Buttered N c i^ e Ring with Mushrooms C I G A R E T T E I N A M E R I C A Sirloin Steaks ing a few days with her family Woolworth ...... 42% wooded, laced by thickets and •C IR C L E fs pjace tomorrow. 'They were Salad Rolls Rellahae sayt."Ia oUmyyears of marshes, snd decked with gray Span- here. Elec Bond and Share (C urb). 7% ■ on February 8, 1913, by Caramel Parfalt Dutch CooSSS smoking Cameb, Tve Mr. and M ra John CbampUn have ish moss. Aliput 1,0(XI full Uhm In- , PJ.O. Cornell, then pastor of Coffee never known them to returned to their home after a CAPONE MAKES APPEAL habitants live on its 19,000 seres. BIO HI1;B! remsmuel Lutheran church here. llc 't” month's trip in tbe South. Lee, tsU sad powerfully built, was Mr. and Mrs. Benson have lived Chicken C3iantUly Pineapple Fingers NEW DOURLE-rEATURE CAMEL CARAVAN. Tw o great ih o w s - jangle my ocrvet.That Miss Margaret Jacoboon and Mlsa a native of Charlestown, w . Va. He Manchester tor 27 years, coming Green SaUd “JackOakb College" tod Benny Goodman’a "Swing School’’—In one meant a lot—because . Waohington, Feb. 7.— 4A P )—A l- entered the ministry in 1S93. ttisi Smoked Shoulders Dorothy White attended the WlUt- phonse Capone, Chicago gangster here trom Sweden. 'They have six Molded Jelly RoU fast, fun-filled hour. Every Tneaday at 9:30 pm E. S.T, 8:30 |>m C S.T, 1 smoke s loti" mantlc C. B. Union banquet in East- who is serving an ll-y ea r prison IchUdren. Alice, Hugo, Astrid, Grace, Coffee 7:30 pm M.S.T.,6;30 pm P.S.T., over WABC-Columbia Network. ford Saturdsy evening. term for Income tax evasioa. ap- iO M l [ Arthur iend Arllne. Another son « EVERYONE IS CORDIALLY INVITED Tbe Firemen will bold another pealed to the Supreme Court today Skating Conditions died in Infancy. Mr. Benaon lias "... 14elb. whist at the town haU.on 'niurtday, from a one-year sentence which its been a trustee o f the BhnanuM *■ *•» “Qbm« or BfOMreb o f Bormnda". Bom d Triinl.WT0.00 and tip. •'H U M tl February 10th. to take effect when tbe preaent term Due to tbe mildneas o f the weath- HOmeUMU 1 church for the past 18 years and has Thomas J. Mills, o f tbe State Un- expires. er, there will be no ekating tonight |aervad os financial secretary of the AGENTS FOE ALL ADVERTISED CRUISES. itfq u u tn church for 16 years. He has also Manchester Division ONE SMOKER BUTTER employment Compenaatlon Office, Capone U under sentence to serve at Center Springs Park, according - PLUS - been prominent in Swedish frater- Hartford, will be the speaker to- a year in the Cook county J6U whan to Park ^perintendent Horace Hartford Gas Co. •SOPHIE l,A N O ODES WEBTP nlUea, being a past president o f ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. night at tbe meeting of the Tolland hs completes bU term in Alcatraz Muiphey. It will take jseveral days Linne Lodge, Knlgbta of Pythias; TELLS ANOTHER _ 90S Mala Street County Democratic Aaaodatlon, m izUnd, and to pay a flne of $20,000. of low temperatures to afford skat- Comlsig WedneaSsFi Scandla Lodge, Order of Vasa; and S2i« •i’’ the town ball. Routing business will This sentence also is for income tax ers enjoyment of the sport again, Swedish Bonavolent Society Segar. Win Bsgsrs In Usmif Andy" be transaetsd at the meeUng, alao. evaajoo..^. n Mr. MnzplMF ■ktfl- Camels agree with me” r?Pvr MAN(.TIESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1938 PAC® F iV B lI MA’^’fTHESTER EVENING HERALQ» M^CHESTER. CONN- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1988 ^AGE FOUR the symptom might be due to high Matirioe C iploysd, tuneheon. It is to be oo WEAF- political sense aa Is to be found In ment It Is explained that "the very brancA A nao-mueua-formlng diet to do sc not have taken that money, gone to or low blood pressuTA counting on curiosity to SEVERAL TO AD DRESS NBC for an hour with a short wave breath of the IlmiUtions Impoeed following a fast would bring about A Thought thing bsaldM klUlag a ea t JUmrifFEter .Lowell— which la close by—bought ordinary board of aldermen, the transmloBloa besides. Dr, Ntebojas by this aecUon apparently explains tha changea necessary to effect a They hope it will bring them jobA DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Murray Butler, president of the a pistol in any hardware or sporting strategic value of the adoption of this fact that this part of the act cure if It la poaMblA CATS POOR RELATIONS Per I ray nnto ynn, that ants That’s what .they ton spectators MONDAY* P^KBRUARY 7 (C«i&tra1 and Eastern Standard Time) DAUGHTERS OF ISA B E L U Univei^ty, heads the list of five this measure by a Democratic re- has almoat never bMn Invoked.” who gathered to watch them fiy a CttntfttQ lU ra li goods store, and kept It by him. Be- LEFT OUT IN COLD. everyone whieb hatli shall be giv- Netei An precrama to t o sad bealo ehalne or arouM thereof nnleu tped- speakers. cause It Is a reasonable presumption gime would have been utterly obvi- (DIzztoera In HorataigV en! nnd from him Ihnt hnth not, six-foot kite with a 60-foot tall.' flad; eoMt to oosst (• to o) dooIrnatlonB tneludo all ovaUablo BUtlono. Some "Poeelbilltles’* Quaation: Jonathan Q. inqulrea: even thnt he Inth shnU he taken Traudt Said ”in a few da^s our state Officers, Those Of Near- that Massachusetts has about the ous. But being of the Ughteat poa- Sacramental Calif.— Lily, pet eat ProframB oubjoct to ohongo by ototlono without oroviouo notleo. P. M. When Egypt's young King. Fsr- nuiTp'gi'^.NS SiSS5.T. INC ’ The British act further reatricU "What makas ma dizzy when I first nway from him-—Lake fOiM. telephone numbera will ba on the MIDWEST — WBibd wiin wlbw kfh by Circles And Others To Be II BliMil s tm t slble calibre and obaeaaed by a of Miss Annie Hanache, has been NBC-WBAF (RED) NETWORK ouk, celebrates his eighteenth birth- aama laws governing tbs sals of use of union funds in support get up In the morning? Am not tall In digits large enough to be wkbb wtaq wkbh wceo w»bt kocj wnox MmoehMUr. OoB& of political parties. It reduced con- left f9,000 In her mistress’ will, but BASIC — Bioti woof vase wUo #Jor woo Present At Open Meeting. day next Friday, WJZ-NBC is to Mi l THOMAS rBHOnSOH pocket firearms ss Connecticut has fanatical fear of Negroes and by a troubled at any ether UmA” God ia a aure paymaatSr, Ha may deciphered while the kite eoara. wtaa wesh kyw wfbr wnr way wbon provide a 10-minute transmission of tributors to the British Labor It looks like the fadeout for all Curiosity should bring plenty of weao wtem wwj wool wdol: Midwoott ktfeb CLEARANCE 0«D>rBl M*D*<«r desperate determination that the Answer: The most oommon cause not pay at the end of every week, COAST>-knz koin kol Wpy krl ksfo kojr —and most of the other states. party perhaps half. Now the Brit- Lily’s poor relations. kod wnum who wow wdof wlro kotp; In addition to state officers and the celebration In Cairo at 9:45 a.m. ronndcd Oetoixr U Hit of thli type of dizalness la a alugglsh or month, or year; but remember telephone callA And someone whose INouAtalnt Iroo kdyl; toutbt wmbf; Cont. Eaot. ‘ Connecticut has a number of Negro ahall never become a real ish unions may act only as coUec. For years soms dozen alley oata curiosity we ratlsty may bava a Job officers from surrounding' (Tircles, TablUhcd B*«r» Uvar. fiometlmm when the patient hung around the Hanache home and He pays at ths and. — Anne of Poelfloi kn kirw komo khq kpo ken: #53^»Stopfnothtr,»* Sktteb — Listening tonight: citizen In the South, these political Uon agencies for political funds. Austral. to hand out.” OPTIONAL STATIONS (oporato IntojN bootc: Kathryn Crovon'o Talk—w at tbe open meeting of St. Mar- tMiday* Md Holld»r» Eot«r»d At th» statutes relating to the sale o f pock- eats unwisely the night before this were fed regularly. Ignored In the changoobly on oither R£D or BLUE fJja— 8:4a—Hilltop HouM..Sklt—to o Talk—WJZ-NBC 10:30, Radio fSAt I^OA At MAnoh*«t«r. Conn, aa nlt-wlts started the notorious Sena- Each worker who wishes to kick la garet’s Circle, Daughters of Isa- et firearms, all calculated to make ptacea a heavy burden upon the liver win, these cats now face starvation notworko): BASIC ~ Batt: wlw wfoa 8:00—*'Doar Toachtr'* Program bella, to be held In the K. of C. home Forum, Senator E. R. Burke on v*** i' FLOOR SAMPLE HEATERS •Aoond ClAAi Ua II MAttar. to the poliUcal kitty must algn a Calico first was manufactured In Wion work wool; MIdwott: wood wgl 8:18— SM^Now Horlgont, Explorara torial filibuster which baa now statement saying so. Such a provi- and dlszlnara results ths next morn- and Humans Officer H. J. Winters CURIOSITY SRRKRRS w|Af wbow wobc kooo keno. OTHER itBO—Praaa»Radlo Nows Parlod tomorrow night, other speakers “Why The National Labor Relations SUBSCRIPTION RATS8 It difficult for IrrespoDiiibls pereona Calicut, Madirae. from which city - -- '\fSi -A-J brought down the antl-lynchlng gea- sion in U. S. labor law would have ing. However, U you become dlxsy la considering rounding up and TIONAU BTATIC^S — Canadlohi} 5 :8 ^ «:»-O torga Hall and Orehaatra have been secured. State Deputy Boaid Should Be Investigated.” 0«a Taa» by Mail ...... M M to buy them and to maks each sale It derives Its name. cret ctef; Control i wcfl wt»J w ^ wday 6:4^Prtt. Rocaavalt A Soat^ .1 . « outlawed the fSOO.OOO contribution when attempting to arise from bed, chloroforming them. Milwaukee — James Traudt aad William J. Shea of the Knights of WEAF-NB(3—8 Bums and Allen: Par Moatb by Mall a matter of record. Undoubtedly if ture in one grand craah. kfyr koam: Sauthi wter wptf wla wiaz • jOO— 7:00— Paatic Maledlaa - aaat: $27.50 Florence Cabinet Heater Auxiliary heat is assured o SIbbIa Copy ...... 1 .»l by John L. Lewis’ organisation to wfla*waam wlod waoe wfbo wwiic w ^ ChiM ge*a N at So Lang A go — weat (Tolumbua will also speak as will 8:30 Margaret Speakz. song; 9 Fib- OallyArad Oba Taat ...... II.M the Tewksbury inmate had under- So what beoomaa of the Harlem wara warn wme wib wapi wmib wjdz r:18— Arthur Qodfray. John Salb Rev. James P. Timmins, chaplain ot with cooker t o p ...... the Democratic campaign fund In kroo wky wfaa wbap kpro w<^ ktha •• ^ 7:80— Jay Praeman A Orehaatra ber McGee; 9:30 Phil Spttalny's $22.50 bitter cold days by on ou vote and the Oilcago Black Belt gbx ktba kark kgne; Mountain: kglr 8 the Circle and Rev. William P. K X m K It o r THB ASSOCIA'JBD taken to buy a gun In Masnehu- 1936, since the worksra bad not •*58— 7:4^Boaka Carter's Comment Glrla: 10 Marek Weber concert; burning cabinet heater. Then, M ktar kob: Paelflet kfbk kwg kmj l:0(^Tieh Story Oramatlsation Reidy, pastor of St. James's church. PRK8S setta he would have had to Identify vote, the Negro vote of Philadelphia submitted individual authoriza- 11:30 Eddy Rogers orchestra. ThA AasoelatAd Ptaaa ia AXotuAlvAly tions. 7:8^ 6:80—Pick and Pat Fun—b^e The short business meeting will be WABC-CBS—7:15 Arthur God- $32.50 Florence Heater with too, they're a convenlenea on ABtttlAd to thA BAA of rApBbUOAtlOB himself not only by name but as an and of Indianapolis and of two or Bast. 6:00— 6H)0— Radio Theatra— c to cat The British set provided for pub- • 8iSO—Jack Armstrong. Sarlal— •200— 10:00— W ayne K in g W alts— to 0 presided over by Mrs. Philip H. frey: 8 TUh Story; 8:80 Pick and big 7-inch burner ...... chilly Spring and FoU morn- Af a U baI^ -dlopAlohAA erodltod to It three Ohio cities—the Negro vote • 280— 10:80— Brave New World. Dram a ,T $25.00 Ar Bot othorwlAA orAdltod Ib thiA institution Inmate and within twen- lic report of union funds, a provi- baado: Rax Maupin Orohaatra—wait CArney. the regent, and- following Pat; 9 Joan Crawford and Spencer throughout the entire North? 4t4A— Ssa^tittla Orphan Annta — 10:00— 11:00— Olan O ray A Oranaetra— the business meeting the open meet- ings and nlghta when quick BAPor ABd a IAO thA lOOAl BAWA POb- ty-four hours the fact of his pur- sion which the President seemed aaat; Rax Maupin Orahoatra—waot tMudo; Poatia Maledlaa— west rapeat Tracy in “Anna Christie”; 10 UabAd kAroiB. to fsvor, and It Is very poesibla too B: As the President may have In- n;,rattan and Sport Commant—wast wleu: MIdweat: went wis kwk ko!l wren singers. $15.75 llBltArA AAAOOlAtlOA KOuId have taken steps to see that crats’ supine surrender to It, have tended to suggest, there are some old Policy remains in effect This policy has brought 6:18— 7:18—Unala Ezra Radio Station wmt keo wowo wetn: South: wrtd wnbr 6:80— 7:80—Now York Parada—woof; krgv kfdm wrol krle wjbo wdeu waiga RADIO Tuesday La to bring; P abllihara RoprAAOBUUyAa: ThA the weapon was confiscated. That, put an end to the Democratic Negro ’’possibilities” in the BrlUtli act— UB an enviable reputation for fine quality at reason- John Herrick. Baritone and Tha wega kzys: Mountain: klo krod kghf; ______D a y W EAF-NBC— 2 p.m. Fun in mu- and some "ImpouiblUtles.” Rhythmairae Orehaetra — natwork Pacific: kgo kffld kex kxa keca kjr $29.75 Florence Cabinet Jo Uba MathAWA SpAOla) acAney—Naw vote. There won’t be any next fall. 7:00— 6;0(^Burno and Allan by Radio sic; 4:30 Rush Hughes comment; li Tark. Ckleaco. OAtroli aod Boatoa. at least. Is what ws might expect able prices. It calls for “ furniture of unquestionably (NOTE: See WEAF-NBC for optional Eastern Standard flme 7:80— 6:80—Alfrtd Wallanetoln Oreh. list of Btationa.) Heater ...... $24.50 under Connecticut law. There won’t be any In 1940. One good taste and sound honest construction at price* S:0(^ f:0(^Pibbar MoOaa'e Program Science in the news. W ABC-CBS— MHMBBR AUDIT BURRAU OF doesn't have to be a political wtse- 6:80— f:80—pPii Spitalny A tha Qlrla CenL laeL 2:30 School of the Air; 8:30 Hol- cntctruATioNB______But the old man didn’t go to Low- to meet every budget.” Note the typical examples 6rtX^10:0<^Marak Wabar Mualo—to o 4:81^ 8:80—The Singing Lady—eaat; New York. Feb. 7— (AP)—Lind- lace Shaw, soprano: 4:45, Rep. O. D. 6:88—10:80—Par Man Only—waaf wnae $92.90 Norge Space Heater, ell for his gun. He sent out of the Bcre to be able to see that that Johnnie Johnston. Berltone— west sey Zollers, now 94 years of age and Wearin of Iowa on ”Solla”: 6 Let's Tho Sarald PHotlap OoBipaoy I i ^ H e a l t h a n d D i e t here . . . see the evidence in every corner of our wtam wwJ wlw; Hero No. 1—weet 4:48— 8:48—Tom Mix, Sketch—baalc; big capacity...... MraniM M ftoRnelRj r#vt>on8ibtiltY state, to a mall order concern, for typical Southern performance boa 10:00—11:00—Praddia Martin Orehaetra The Chicago Cadets Quartet— west an aasoclate of Abraham Lincoln Pretend. WJZ-NBC-12:30 Farm $75.00 for tyiMcrsphlMtl •rrora Rpp*arlnc la store in Manchester! east; Amos ’n* Andy—went repeat 8:00— 6:0C^New8; U. 8. A rm y Send it. He didn't have to IdenUfy him- cost the Democratic party at leaat 10:30—11:30—Eddy Rogers Oreheetra before the war of the 60’a. is going and Home Hour; 2:15 Let's Talk It Sketched above Is the Florence MrprtlMiBPiit* to Mm MAsehMtPf A d v i c e 11:00—12:0I^Lanr Metntire Orehaetra 6:30— 6:3(^Boaton’a Waltz Serenade to broadcast as one of the feature.s Over: 3 U. 3. Marine band. Space Heater that sells regularly a coupla of million Negro votes in By UR. FRANK UoCUt 8:38— 6:38— The Revelers — wJa only;. $77.60 Norge Space self and the sale didn’t have to be 11:8(^12:S(^Earl Hines and Orchestra Tony Ruaaall In Songs — network being arranged for the networks on Some Tuesday short waves: JZJ for $59.50. February Sale Price the North. registered with any police authority (JlO* CBS-WABC NETWORK f:4 ^ 6:48— Lawelt Thomas — oast; Lincoln's birthday next Saturday. JZI Tokyo 4:45 p.m. Musical; GSC Heater $65.00 .. IfONDAT. FEBRUARY 7 Tom Mix— mIdw rpt: Concert— weat anywhere. All he had to do was to ARTHRITIS— A ORIPFLINU BASIC — East: wabo wado woko wcao 6:00— 7:00—Mualc la My Hobby Prog. Zollera will join in a memorial GSB GSL London 6:40 BBC Empire weal war wkbw wkre whk wjr wdre 6:18— 7:18—Three Cheers Trio, Vocal program to come to WABC-CBS orchestra; RAN Moscow 7 Program send the pries and gst tbs gun by DI8EASB BLUEBIRDS wcau wjas wpro wfbl wjev wgar; Mtd« 6:30— 7.*8(V—Lum A Abner— eaat: Carol from Lincoln. HI., where Lincoln In English; 2RO Rome 7:30 Tuesday $59.50 Norge Space TOTTERING NAZIISM United Ststss mall—and woe betide waet: wSbm wfbm kmbo kmoz whaa Weymann, Mezzo*Seprane— weat We believe the groundhog to be In the past, chronic arthritis baa kfab krnt 6:48— 7:48—Barry McKinley in Song once practiced law. Gov. Henry symphonies; OLR4A Prague 7:51 349-5® Heater ...... $47.50 'Hisrs can be no doubt Whatdvar wiiosoever Interferes with the Unit- EAST—wbna wpg whp whec wore efrb 7;— 6:00— Melody Puzzles. Orchestra Homer of Illinois and Judge L. B, Variety; WIXAL Boston 8 Harvard a snide, a much-ballyhooed faker of been mistakenly called a disease of ckao wibz wmaa wesg wnbf wiba wkbn 7 :8 (^ 6:30— Grand Hotel P lay— to cat Stringer, historian, also are to University series: YV5RC CAracas *»>B» Hitler’s "purfo" of tbs Army— ed States mall. the Joints, because the joints suffer whio wkM- 6:00— 6:00— Philadelphia Oren. — to e no prophetic gift.a and of such DIXIE — wgat wafa wbro wqam wdod 6:00— 10:00— W arden Lawee* Dram atic speak. 8:30 Boy Soout hour; DJD Berlin which' must either amount to a He could have done the same most from Its attacks, but It is now klra wree wlao wwt wtoo krld ktrh ktaa 8:80— 10:80— The N a t'l Radio Forum meager intelligence that anyhow, waco koma wdbo wbt wdaa wblg wdbj Otherwise, the Lincoln day sched- 9:11 Carnival mualc; JZJ Tokyo MSaplete reorgaalsatloo of Its lead- thing If Tewksbury were in Connso- realized that arthritis is a disease 10:00—11:00— Nawt: Bert Block Orch. even if he did'see his shadow be wwva wmbg waje wmbr wala ktul kgko 10:30— 11:80— The Flake Jubilee Singers ule, not yet complete, will include 12:45 New Japanese music. StShip sad a thorough conversion tlcut. of the whole body, the chief symp- wcoa wdno wnoz kwkh know wmmm 11:00— 12:00— Deacon Moore Oreheetre the address of Senator A. H. Van- wouldn't know whether It was hla toms of which are seen in the jolnta. wjno wche wpar wmaa wcoc wrva 11:8(^12:30— Bobby Grayson Oreheetra ft its sntlre officer class to a point In other words, the sztrsmsly denberg, Michigan Republican, at a SCREEN STAR’S CONDITION shadow oi' the shadow of an aire- It is accompanied by an intestinal Lincoln dinner in Boston in New «t view far at variance from Army fussy state lews attempting to safe- dals—or even a shadow at ail; he'd tract which Is not eliminating President Roosevelt, speak- York for WOR-MBS. Of other Hollywood, Feb. 7. — (A P ) — i tradition, or else in reduction of the guard the public against ths 'rale of probably try to eat It. poisons fast enough, by poor circu- er. speakers, five Republican leaders Simone Simon, III with pneumonia. ' Raich's great military arm to con- weapotu to the wrong kind of peo- lation through certain parts of the 7:(X)—Poetic Melodies— Jack Ful- to be selected are to take part in ia much Improved today, Odars of And of course the early robin, WTIC fusion and futility—was an art of ple are o f no effect whatever body which deprives the joints of ton. tenor; FranJcIyn Mac- a half-hour WABC-CBS broadcast. Lebanon hospital reported. supposed to have hurried back from the proper blood supply, and by rruvelers BrondcMtloi Service, Cormack. In addition, Columbia Unlvcraity Tbe French star’s condition be- dasperatlon. against any person who wants to the Sunny Southland In response to fauity method of handling sugara Hnrtford, (Joan. 7:15—Arthur Godfrey. alumni are to mark tbe day with came serious last week after she In- Nothing but the Nazi side of the dodge them by sending out of the 7:30—Hollace Shaw, soprano; con- TTie Finest Service Electricity Can Give a private Up from Dame Nature am’ starces wlUiin the body. The dis- 80,000 IV. 1040 K. U 3&3 M. their fourth annual broadcast o f the sisted on continuing work in a mo- Story la in the least likely to ama- state and buying his gun through a turbances In the joints are only the cert orchestra. "round the world Columbia day” tion picture. that spring is Just aijmit to open a Eosteni StaiMtanI nm e 7:45— Boake (Tarter. aate from Berlin; the censorship Is mall order concern which is pro- result of other conditions and the special engagement in Kchniary, la joints cease to auSer when the real 8:00—"Tish”—Mary Roberta Rine- too complete for that. But from tected from Interference by the fact hart. Just a straggler or a loafer who causes of the trouble are removed. Monday, February 7 Other European points there Is be- that It Is engaged In Interstate com' 8:30—Pick and Pat in Pipe Smok- skipped altogether the southerly Chronic arthritis in the form P. M. ing Time. ghming to trickle Information of merce. popularly called arthritis deformans trek last fall. 4:00—Lorenzo Jones. 9:00—Lux Radio Theater. STSnts that n’lll impress outsiders It Is entiraly competent for Oon- la a disease occurring from the age 4:18—The Story of Mary Marlin 10:00—Wayne King's Orchestra. But those bluebirds—they sort of of 40 onward. It ia theretore a dis- Srtth the narrowness of the margin greas to prohibit the shipping of <:30—Riiab Hughes, Commenta- 10:30— "Brave New World” —U. S. get us. One hates to court crush- ease of middle age rather than ot by which Hitler headed off an Army .weapons by Individuals or corpora- tor. Office of Education. ing disappointment by allowing one- younger life. Its chief changes are 11:00— Sports— News. •oup Intended to remove him and tions to individuals In another stats 4:45—The Road of Life. self to actually expect a phenome- seen In the joints themselves where .1:00— "Dick Tracy.” 11:15—Glen Gray’s Orchestra. f/ectric hla Nasi asaoclates from the Ger- except under the same conditions as there may be a pouring out of new 11:30— Sammy Kaye's Orchestra. nally early epring, only perhaps to 8:15—Terry and the Pirates. man picture. are imposed on dealers within the bone causing lips or ridges to be 5:30—Jock Armstrong. 12:00—Jack Crawford’s Orchestra. have a eecond six weeks winter of The gist of this uncensored news latter atate by the state'! lawa. It produced which deform the shape ot 8:48—’’Little Orphan Annie.” Tomorrow’s Program. blizzarde and zero rcadlnga come the joint. These extra ridges inter- A. M. Is that members of a secret army has never done so, though various 6:(X)— News. blasting and booming along. But fere with the movement of the Joint 6:18— "The Rex’elers.” 7:(X)— Eta Alpha Programma, aaaodatloo, composed of a large feeble attempts have been made to and cause stiffness, lost of motion, 7:30— Shoppers Special. bluebirds are bluebirds—and they 6:28—Musical Interlude. number of generals, staff officers obtain such legislation. and in some cases, pain. 7:45—News Service. don’t come out of the back pastures 6:30— WrightvlUe Clarion. 8:00—Treasure House. and soldiers, early In January made Perhaps unrestricted Interstate As the disease progresses, the 6:45—Jack the Inquisitor. at this time of the year because no- carlllagc slowly calcifies and then 8:15—Shoppers Special. rapreaentatlons to Hitler protesting traffic In the easiest and most at- 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy. 9:00— Music in the Air. body ever aaw one there in Decem- wears away, which removes the 7:15—rUncle Ezra’s Radio Station against many Nazi policies. They tracUvs tnsdlum of murder ia too 9)25—Star Gazing in Hollywood. ber or January, a.s you may occa- natural protection from tht end of ^ 3 p i e c e s $| E-Z-R-A. 9:30—To be announced. demanded the resignation of War unimportant a matter for oonsldsr- the bone. It is as though the shock Solid Maple in Collector's Color 7 :30— W n C String Ensemble— sionally see robins. 9:45—Dan Harding’s Wife. Minister von Blomberg—his mar- atlon srsB by a federal administra- absorbers between the two ends of Moshe Paranov, director. 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. ' We are trying to be realistic and riage had nothing to do with It— tion devoted to the principle of cen- bone meeting at the joint, are gone. 7:48— "Chandu, The Magician.” 10:15—Myrt and Marge. sensible about this thing- -to rerog With movement, the ends of bone I 8:00—George Bums and Gracie Al- and changes In foreign policy that tralised government: but perhaps, Watkins low price make.s it possible for you to furnish your bedroom 10:30—Emily Post— “How to 'Get nlze the law of averages and i jar against each other, thus produc- len; Ray Noble’a Orchestra. the Most Out of Life.” SPR IN G C O MES EARLIER would reduce co-operation with too. this Tewksbury affair may ing still further irritation. in solid maple in the new light brown “ Collector's color” for only $98. 8:30—Alfred Wallenstein’s Orches- facta of geography and isothermal 10:45— News Service. 1/ You’re Out of Debt! Japan and Italy and prepare for serve to call attention to the thor- These ridges show up under the The design, too, is distinctively different showing Louisiana Provincial DUO-REST tra. 11:00— Musical Workshop. lines and to acijuat our mind to the better relations adth France, Brit- oughness wltli which precautionary X-rsy and explain the deformity oi influence. ‘ Bed, Dresser and Desk-chest Included. Reg. $120.00. 9:00— Fibber McGee and Molly. 11:15—Carol Kennedy's Romance. utter Improbability of having real the joint so commonly seen. 9:30— Hour of Charm. 11:30— Big Sister. Hert’i a SeiuIMe Plan . . . APfKSONAl-lxedServiM.,, ain and R ussia At the eame time state lawa are defeated by the ae- Mattress and Box Spring Contolidolff All your bUU yptt Miod tko loon plon spring by the first of March. The symptoms of arthritis de- 10:00—Contented Program. 11:49—Aunt Jenny’s Real Life a group of heavy Industrialists at- tlvitlea of the mall order houses In 10:80—Guy Hedlund and Company. Stories. •nd your locol crodU Hi ot f i ts fsvr noodt. foymontt But we’ll be darned lj,we can get velop verj’ i;Jowly and the disease good. Got o toon of co|)i to tacked the Goering system of the matter of firearms selling. gradually become worse with tne 11:00—News. 12:00—Mary Margaret McBride. oro od|u»tod to fft f pockot- free from the thought of those blue- poy off your btggotl bill or o book. Vopr porflopol butlnoM autarchy and another of Junkers years. The affected jolnta may make Outfits 11:15—Freddie Martin’8 Orchestra. P. M. lot of lint# onof, ond rollovo 11:30— Eddy Rogers Orchestra. 12:15—Your News Parade— Edwin it koptpilvoto. Womokoovory birds. Perhaps, just possibly, may- a grating, creaking sound like a Twin Size $ 2 9 -7 5 your mind of monoy worriot. •ffort to Mrvo you quickly on severely criticized the four-year LOST, 2 MILLION VOTES 12:00—Weather. C. Hill. be—oh, well. gate bung on rusty hinges; and the H't More Convenient . . . your ot^ plan. limitation of the motion of the joint 12:02— LanI Mclntire's Orchestra. 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. Very few atngls Incidents that to hovo |u$t ONI pIcKO to poy With these forces taking ao dell- may be mild or amount to complete Box spring and mattress at 12:30—Louis Armstrong's Orches- 12:45—Our Oal Sunday. tra. 1:00— Betty and Bob. initood of Mony. Thon, by mok* Ask far FIK leeUet o( Bite a position of opposition to the have transpired during the Roose- stiffness. There Is likely to be con- Ing iinoilr rogulor ropoymontt ful thing! to know obout bor> “A t A P r i c e W i t h i n the price of a mattress alone! Tomorrow's Program 1:15— Hjrnma of Ail Churches. Hitler regime, Der Fuehrer's chief velt admlnlstraUoDe are likely to siderable pain when the joint is 1:30—Arnold Grim’s Daughter. you con got out of dobt qwkkor, rowing orflnondng • purchoffo. have more pronounced repercus- moved, or the pain may be notice- A. M. 1:45—Hollywood In Person. ^or# syttoNiotlcolly. Como In or phono NOW I reliance fell upon the Gestapo, or Washington Or, if you prefer, two mat- 6:(K)—Blue Grass Roy. sion In the elections of next fall able only during cold, rainy weather. 2:00— Nadine Stanley. Songa. aeeret political police, headed by When the fingers are Involved a 6:30—"Reveille.” mSQMl LOANS up to $t00 — AU PUNS Reach Of All and o f 1940 than the success of the tresses for $29.75. Twin siza 2:15—The O’Neill’s. Heinrich Himmler, who hates the Daybook characteristic swelling and thicken- 7:00—Morning Watch—Bea Haw- 2:30—American School of the Air. filibuster against the antl-lynchlng ing of the finger joints la seen. When thorne. Army and is bated by it. Himmler ——Bp Prtit Q m CrauFr only. 8:00—Tuesday Matinee. P E RS O N A L F I N A N C E C O. bill. the hip Is attacked, not only Is tbe 8:00—News. 3:30—Hollace Shaw, soprano; con- told Hitler that the Army organiza- Washington—When the President '8:15—OddiUes. For reasons not too difficult to pain severe, but the patient Is pre- cert orchestra. «&• Halo oCroot, Roow 1, gtato TfeoaCot eid«. Pocketbooks tion had perfected a plot to seize recommended at a press conference vented from walking. Whan the 8:30—Hi-Boya T^L 3430 the government, restore the mon- understand, neither the Republican that it would bs worthwhile for the 8:30—Radio Bazaar. apina is Involved, the pain may Halo of latoroat lit pov eoaf woatkly archy and place the second son of nor the Democratic party has ever nation to study the British labor act not seem to occur In ths spine 9:00—Milky Way. MANCHESTER KNIGHTS paid prinripat ant «Br««>dlaB fltio. pal lit por* gone at ail out of Its way to ac- ha emphasised that he was not spon- but may reflex to some other 9:18—Gretchen McMullen. ••^nt nmntkt? na na? fcmnlndor. the old Kaiser on the throna He soring adoption of a similar system 9:30—Food News. knowledge the Importance of the part, leading the patient to believe urged the arrest of a large number in the United Stetea. hr has lumbago, sciatica, or neuritis. 9:48—“Artlatry of Homemaking.” WINDSOR LOCKS GUESTS of the conservative generals. part home In the 1936 election by It is likely enough that neither The muscles leading away from 10:00—Mrs. Wiggs of tbe Cabbage labor ror employer, in their pres- The Army, naturally, learned of the Negro vote in half a dozen key the joint Bhare In its poor nutrition Down-and-Feather Seats Patch. . ent atate of mind, would sleep 10:15—John’s Other Wife. SAFE.. CLEAN.. CAREFREE .. states. Tbst vote, which at least and waste away. Aa the joint be- Members Of Campbell Council this and on January 31 acted to pre- quietly at night with such legisla- 10:80—Just Plain BUI. vent such a ooup. Several strategic up to 1933 had been pracUcally aolld tion on the books. comes harder and harder to move, Goins: To Locks Town For the muscles consequently are not 10:45—^The Woman In White. Republican, and which even in the In tbe 1937 trade disputes set. 11:00— David Harum. Session Tomorrow Night. PHONE 3825 buUdlngi In Berlin were occupied by exercised and this produces further first Roosevelt year was sUIl heav- which waa enacted tn the fury of London Lounge Sofas 11:18—Backstage Wife. the Army and Himmler was told public resentment at the general westing. The patient crouches In the PERMANENT . . REASONABLE 11(30—Home Makers* Exchange ily favorable to the Republican position which seems the most com- Following a plan to have the FOR RANGE OIL that It was ready to meet him with strike o f 1936, is a section outlaw- with Eleanor Howe. members of the different Councils fortable and tbe flexibility of the force. On the Mtb Chief of Staff Ucket, in 1936 plunged to the Dem- ing "sympathy strikes.” In Amer- Down-and-feather seat cushions add greatly to the comfoit of _rtla low 11:45—"The Mystery Chef.” of tbe Knights o f (Tolumbua tn ad ica sympathy strikes — or the entire body Is lost. Ool. General Werner von Frltach, ocraUc side like the waters of loungy davenport. You choose from a group of soft, silky mohair 12:00 Noon—’’Getting the Moat Out jacent sections better know each Gerich’s Service Station threat of them -have been one of Aa ths deformity of the jolnta In- of Life” — Rev. William L. other, tomorrow night will be designated by Himmler as bead of NIagarA labor’a most powerful tools. As a creases, the patient is crippled to covers including burgundy, blue, red, brown, Mst, green. Regularly COST . . EASY TO PAY FOR SUdger. known os Manchester night at tbe Scant acknowledgment of this recent sample it may be recalled the plot, was notified by Hitler that siich an extent that he can no long- this sofa costa $126.00. P. U. meeting of Windsor Locks Council his resignation niould be accepted. fact wae made by the Republicans that during John L. Lewis’ organ- er work. Because of the crippling 12:15—’’Young Wldder Jones.” in Windsor Locks. Tha plan Is one izing campaign tn "big steel” it power of the disease and because ot $19-75 PHAKWAi :iSI He refused to offer It. because, first, they hated to believe 12:30—Beauty Hints. that State Deputy William J. Shea, was repeatedly pointed out that a its extreme pain. It baa been called a member of Campbell Council, has It, and, second, they disliked the re- 12:45— "Singing Sam.” A t i)e of heater that can be conveniently installed nearest your larsrest outlet for At this point General Wilhelm supporting strike might be called •’The DevlTs Torment.” While 1:00—News; Weather. been working on. Membera of THE FUNERAL HOME OP 3 in the ’’captive” (steel company Keitel went to see Hitler. He wae sllzstlon that they had. for years, arthritis is not a killing disease, it 1:18— "Joyce Jordan, Olrl Interne.” Campbell Council will meet at their wild owned) coal mines in event a steel Nest of Tables^ an emissary of the Army and offers neglected to give anything like de- is foremost in the ranks o f the 1:30—Words and Huolc. clubhouse at 6:45 tomorrow night WILLIAM PU ' hot water because it requires no venting to chimney nor outside. wage settlement proved difficult. crippling disordeiA where automobiles will carry them .11 ' u I at r I*, ed a compromise whereby Von cent reoognlUon to a great group Such a threat would be barred un- Sheraton nest of genuine mahogany 3:00—French Pronunciation Lea- In tomorrow’a article, I wlU die- sons— Professor Croteau.. to Windsor Locks. The meeting of voters who bad contributed large- der the British act. till V 1 1 II r Frltach and a number of the older cues the Causes of ArtbritU. Watch tables . . . an aid to entertaining at 3:30—Honk Keene. will be conducted by the officers of Q u i / h royalist generals would retire, the ly to many of the party’s victories for the article in this newspaper. home. Use the three tables for 7:40—"Automobile Deaths Head the Windsor Locks Council and the |i I v'M I i |)t i li II The electric water heater has been designed to give Each customer making inquiry about the heater Army would receive complete auto- —aad ao had. fatuoualy, let a tre- Maas Plekrling Banned the List’’—Wimam C. WeUlng entertainment that will follow will a perfected hot water service to the home, at a cost AgsJn, the British art outlaws smokers or refreshment stands when be partly furnished by membera of is given a complete and careful estimate of the nomy under Keitel, there would be naendous voting power slip through QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 7:4®—Armchair Quartet. strikes Intended to- Influence the (ProstaUe Tnmble) you have guests. Notice how the 3:00' Pepper Young’s Family. Campbell Council. 'Y within reach o f a)l pocketbooks. As the result a unification of the national de- their fingers. government. Yet It will be re- total monthly operating cost, and the installation Question: O. W. inquires: "Have I S : l l ^ M a P e r k i n s . 1917 of many years of research, the heater conforms to fense and Army representation in On the other hand the Democrats called that In the United States It small table has a drawer with lion- I 3 : 3 0 — V i c a n d S o d s . EARTHQUAKES PREDICTED is made only upon his acceptance of the estimate. was a threat of a possible coal you ever prepared an article on $9-95 the best scientific principles, yet is exceedingly the Foreign Affairs Privy Council. were In a still more delicate posi- prostatic trouble ? Is there any heat head brass pulL 13:48— ’Tile Guiding Light.” For your protection and ao that strike which pried the first Guffey Washington, Feb. 7.— (A P )—The we may give you prompt service at There is.no gues.swork, no red tape, no bother. tion, since any attempt to consoli- treatment to bo used at home which 1938 simple and rugged in construction. It contains Out of such a situation can come coal control act through congress world may expect a number of " times, your prescriptlona are al- will give partial relief T" Any customer may get an estimate for his own anything. It Is Inconceivable that date their gains among the Negroes tw o years ago, leaving the Su- earthquakes in tha near future. lye compounded by a registered no rotating mechanism, and all parts that come in i - Answer: Yca 1 have prepared an Thin organization h«s with the Army holding such utterly by giving them important recogni- preme Court the job of throwing it Captain N. H. Heck of the Coast pharmacist. contact with the water are made of copper and particular use simply by calling his plumber or out. article, which will be sent to any BU D G E T TERMS geodetic survey sold today. served local families divergent views from the Nazi au- tion In the form of offices or politi- The British act outlaws picket- reader of this column who desires WDRC He explained, however, that He ia trained to cooperate with brass. The Manchester Electric Division. tocracy and quite obviously strong cal or social opportunity would be ing on the American style. The act this particular Information and who quakes cannot be predicted with any your physician. He uses only freeh, for 20 years, proof poa* Duncan Phyfe style end table You can pay for any selections Bartford, Com. um high-quality dnige. He double- enough to dictate terms to. the Hlt- sure to start a riot among the permits picketing, of coursA but requests the matarlal on PK08- degree of certainty, because they not to such numbers or tn such a TATIC DISORDERS. Write to me at the February Sale on the eonvei give no wsuxilng o f their approach. checka every prescription to assure Icr-Goering regime, anything what- Southern Congress membera and with oval shaped, mahogany Braden maadord riaa accuracy. itive that its facilitiea manner as to Intimidate eltbar tbe in care of this newspaper and en- veneered top. (Baae in gum- ent W-B Budget Plan. Make a small During the lost year 86 earth- ever has been permanently settled. the Southern Democratic voters. employer or a non-striking em- close a largs, setf-addrsraed. stamp- quakes severe enou|^ to be recorded He welcomes Visits from your and methods have re- Hitler’s position of commend Actually the only recognition ex- ployee. Ths msritime strike in this ed envelope. The article dlacuseet wood with brass tipped feet.) first deposit; pay the balance in easy Ditaiflsy, F eb n n iT 7. on instruments have occurred physician to see and to know just L fisenis to be, right now, the most tended to the Negroes by the Dem- country would never fit into that the use of heat aa a means of ob- The oval ahape finds more uses weekly or monthly installmenta ptua throughout the world, raid (^ptain how he works—to inspect his pre- ceived the approval of picture. taining temporary relief. 1:00— Slag and Swing. Heck. BCriptlon deportment. hazardous of any ruler la BuropA ocratic party was this effort to 1:15—Campfire Olrie Annual Poe- Since the British act applies $ 3 9 -5 0 than the average rectangular only a small carrying ehargs. Get “After such a period of quietness You con always depend upon your this progressive, ex- pass the antl-lynchlng bill. That with equal force to employers and (Olfactory Nerve Injury) try Contest. It is generally po^ble to expect a The Manchester Electric Division table. the fuU details at our store tomorrow. 1:30—Those Happy Otlmona Rexoll Drug Store for reliable pie- measure probably waa unimportant employecA It seems probable that Question: Mra. Me asks: "Will rraesval of activity", be added. acrlptlono. Bring in your next one. acting community. INTERSTATE GUNS tbe manhandling of automobile |:4 fuajiT purdiara of the pistol with which be party was Its real “friend.” measure apparently has proved store the sense of smell, but I have added comfort of a tufted back! Uphol- Burepu. OM Fritz, wlfo spent the lost 10 P'. observed many cases which were /V did the Rmotlng. a too draaUo even for the British, i:95-r-OoorVB HEll*g OrcbMirm. ^ of his 31 yoon In retlremont on If there had been, tn the Southern atared in your ehoioa o f plain mohair i:4 ^ B to. floeiit Floflnm — for la a minunary of^he act pra- cured when the causa waa due Hart'i^.raa^ hare, dlod yratardoy. look tae the R eall flton Sign. ^ jta to ^ pcvMunMd tba^TMOMlld p a ^ kgr tiw U. 8. lilber dspiurt- chiefly to eatsnh eC ths nasal nM oovarhoR. Ratalar|6i.00. of/MANCHESTER ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT PAYS! VACT , MANCHESTER BVEPflNO HERALD. IIANCHESTTEB, CX)NN.. MONDAY, rBBKUARY T, IMW MANUHEarTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN« MONDAY. FEBRUARY 7 .19SS >AGE SIX ' Sddtphack and dsnees by Ann and mattars of tateraet will be acted repair o tertainment In the gym. Ward fire hydranta. aervlcea and metera. Krause snfl his orchestra win play and automobile cquipmeaL while Halan Marlay. upon. Bucher, Jr„ 21, after his mother re- COLLEG ES RECRUIT mt WITH CUE STICK. Attsndsd Maettag Chartered Bus ported a young woman bad., tele- INSPECT WEST SIDE for the dancing which wUl dlrscUy CHIMNEYS CUBAN] IWATiONSTOOPEN K M. C, A. Notes UnUTIES TO SPEND the reat wUl ba used to replace a Overnight News follow the entertainment. frame building addltiim with a ROCKVILLE Olatrict President Mias Emma A bus la bstiig ehartsred by phoned that her son threatened to AND REPAIRBD Monday, Flrbroary 7. stone structure at one of the filter Of Connecticut Bata, Mrs. August Pltkat, president Tankerooss.1 Tribe, Improved Order take his life. I t Is hoped that many people wUl 6:15—Business Men’s Volley Ball plants mad to landscape tbs ground MUSICAL SlVDENTS of tbs Btanley Doboss Unit No. 14 of Red Men to go to New Britain REC; THIS EVENING take this opportunity to go through Wc Um tha Bnuh Mai lOMHUONINYEAR (B y flsm iatsd l*rsssi CONDITION CRITICAL The police found nothing amiss at ths buUdlng, and taspset it at this fc HACHB. MACK TUESDAY EVENINGS ClftM* * around two filter plants sad tbe of the American Legion Auxiliary of this svsnliig. A t that time a tss- tha offies, and then saw Mrs. Bucher TEU SiU UrooDlal dinner will bs given in Intannadlate Basketball earthen dam at Putnam Lake, oa this city and National Defense outside with hM- too. "What's this Urns. honor of Past Grand Sachem Fred Laagus. wall os tor installation of additional Waterbury—Members of the DEBT OF HONOR" PLAN obairman Mra. Bertha PhllUp at- about you tsUing your girl you were OAST OF OHAJUCTEBS I thinf ht onco, to I can Ukt the 6:45, Eaglet va. Rangera. coagulant equIpmsnL Lithuanian Rauan Catholic Alli- tended tha conference on National Ntlsoii. going to MU yourself ?“ they asked Dmm Majors And Tnba Lester Bartlett and Larry Baidak Program Of Sports, Dancing RATTLE-BRAINED RAFFLES fO LLV CBELBBV. berolM; trunli down.'* 7:46,-Tlgtra va. Acea. Hartford Electric Company Tla total esUmats of outlays for ance, at a state mssUng here, made Assailaiit Held For Hearing Defense held at the Hotel Bond in him. To Experiment With Plan h plans-for a Connecticut-wide mem- DISCUSSED TOiaGHT Hartford on Saturday. are In charge of the arrangements ■triBflti Ib LondMi wbea war •DO w>, Mra B ro»n eh id o"l 8:45, Plrataa vs. Cuba. 1888 does not include such part of "N ot I," said Edmund.) T v e been Oliver Dart, laying down hla pen- 7:80— Women membera' monthly the $2,000,000 cost of the Saugatuck bership drive during the coming two good Sale on Tuesday and a large number of the members RushvUle, Ind.— RushvUle’s daffy kffMkft OVta Players Sought To Add In Conrt Tonight— Two ars plsniuag to attend. winding up the watches and check- And Entertainment For JEBBY WHITFIELD, hero; IBe knife. "I And nothing incrimlnat- meetings To Complete 40,000 KHo- Valley Development of tbe Bridge- .montha , Hope Chapter O. E. S. will hold a house-breaker who starta fires, Do Yon Shiver All Connection With Current SmaU BuUdtag Sold _ ing them to see they're keeping the Tankm who oeeo her throuch. | 7:80__Young People’s Social Daac- port Hydraulic Company aa may bs Waterbury—State police arrested Campaign To B « Topic Of food sale at the office of tbe Con- tha Evantng? . . . iDE." • necticut tig h t and Power Company A small building owned by the right time. AU 1 remember saying turns on water faucets and plajts fiA w M j. BANKS, privhtoor cop- j "Wtiere la the glrl'a money 1 Ingclaas wUh Mrs. Wlrtalla. sxpendsd during ths current year six tavern and restaurant proprie- Prestige, Report Claims. Men Were Unfriendly. Congregational Church Dele* whsil I left her was, 'I'm going down Public Starts At 7. other pranks but never takes any- Drafts . . . ChlUfl Fnmitiire Sale. 8:00—Monday Evening Bowling watt Installation In 1938. tora In TarryvUla, Thomoston and ea Park street on Tuesday after- N.T,, N Jl. A H. railroad which waa Jerry aaked. 'And her mether i pie- although the company bos planned gatea At Union Church. to wind up avsrythtag'." thing from the housaa ha visits Is . . . Uneven Tern- League. to start ths project aa soon as pos- WaUrtown on charges of posssss- noon from 1:80 to 0 o'clock. Mrs. once used by section men has been ------1 ture?" Rachel Pease of Bltlngton Is In sold to James McCarthy. Mr. Mc- on the loose again. Teolerday: AppotnOng hinieelf | ..j-y, t^jjen the money.” eald BhNsrera vs. Mailmen. slbls. ing gaming devices following a paratnras? Why have the Bxpsndlturss amounting to ap- New York, Feb. 7.— (A P ) — sun on the critical list at the charge. .Carthy has moved ths building to Tonight at 7 o’clock the West Stds Gerald Voyles reported his bouse N l y 'a protector In London, Jerry i guver Dart, "a j a very email pay- In their advertisement In to- '’"^KMont' vs. Taloottville. sarlaa of ralda ' RockgUe, Feb. 7.— "The Debt of Johns-Manville Rock Wn Bon Ami va. Reids. Middletown—PoUco sought two Competition (or students among Manchester Memorial Hospital with Parent Teacher Meeting his property on Warren avenue. Bob Burns has started work in building wUI be open to tha public was ransacked and the telephone ber to marry lilm. He u aJ- toward what America owea night’s Herald, Watklna Brothara proxlmaUly 810,000,000 for addi- Inanlation wiU elii Tneaday, February 8. youths, who pointed revolvers at colleges and unlveraltiss no longer a probable fracture of the skull, Honor"%ampaign will be dlacuased The Longview P.TJt. will cele- Paramount’s "Tropic Holiday." Also for Inspection. The program for the ripped from the wall—while some- f«ady nneb la love. me. I've also reU-ined the miniature, tions to their plants and squipmant announce their store will be open Luncheon eerved from 13 to 1:30. Guy Mlsenti aa ha was closing his Is restricted to athlstss, says John Judsunis, 46, of 364 North In detail tonight at a meeting In brate Foundera' Day at the school- LOVKBS’ WINDUP In the picture are Blnnie Barnes. evening will start •^th the Men's one broke into Wilbur Mohln's them . . pennanentlY* since that wae paid for with Dart and for other purposes will be made Tuesday evenings until 9 o’clock for 13:15— Buainesa committee meeting. DRAMAHC REVIEW dniig store on Main atreet and Mata strest, may die as the result Union church of representatives of house Monday evening at 8 p. m. Lamour, Martha Raya and Ray Mll- Bowling league, and the Basketball home, went through sU the drawers 3829 for the fnU atory. k?- - CHAPTER V money. The frame la of some value." S2nd annual report of tbe Came 2:00—Ladles' card party. by Oonnecticut'a power and light, forced him to open the safe. Tbe o f being hit over the head with the A t this time, Mrs. Roy Jonas of Chicago— Ptrilcemen raced to the land. games. A t 8:15 there wUI be an en- and set fire to the second Door. “ Are you making a Joke, Jerry?" "Give me those things,” Jerry the balance of thelrHPebruary Fur- Foundation (or the advancemi tbe Congregational churcbea of T o! 2:30—Ladles' craft claaa. gaa, and electric and privately own. holdup men tooic $1M, MlsenU’s butt o f a billiard cue Saturday night land County. . ft la expected that Storrs, County President, will show Polly aaked In an uncertain voice. said, much too angry to think clear- niture Sale, including February 8, teaching, but extends even^ motion pictures dealing with tbs 3:45—Jolly Crew Olrla club. ed public water supply utilities dur- wallet containing several dollars, drum majors and tuba pla; by Walter Dougela, 47, of 185 Flor- about sixty leaders will meet for •'People don't talk of marrying when ly. "You’re too old for me toiligbt, 15 and 2Ind. When Interviewed this GIVEN BY LEAGUE memorial to the founder of the Con- 4:00—Hollister S t school basket- ing the present year, according to but missed the cash register. They Turning from athletic prosely- ence street Dougela la being held the dlscuseion which will taka place they've Juat met." but I ’ll pry you lose from ’em It 1 morning C. Elmore Watkins, treas- ball team practice with Ed- an sstimaU based on a survey tak- fled in an automobile after shoving necticut Association, Mrs. Bolton. A Jerry held her hands and looked tising. which the foundation crit- at poUce headquarters without ball in the sodal rooms ot tbe ohuroh. A M O N T G O M E R Y W A R D have to shake your rlggin’ down!" urer of the Arm said, "W e have ward O. L ^ c h . en among several of the larger com- Mlsenti through a trap door down for a hearing tonight before Judge paper dealing with tha blghUghta of down Into her face. "Iflok at me. icised In blunt terms In past years, dinner will be served at six thirty "Sailor ta lk !.... Hm-m-m. w ell found through a careful check-up In 6:00—Live Y'rs gymnasium period. panies serving various parts of the bis cellar. Mlsenti was unhurt and Harold W. Oarrity. o'clock preceding the dlooussion by the Longview P.TJt. will uso be Polly! Do I look like a man that’s Interpret Religions Book In a section of the report written by read. Important business matters Mr. Jeremiah Whltfleld, I’m an In- sales that there has been a decided 8:45—Oirl Reserves gymnasium SUte. grained the street Just as the hold- Dr. YValter A. Jessup, foundation Judsunis was knocked down In the Friend *5 Friend.club at the Joking? 1 flgure there are troubles flrm old man with no means of pro- falling off in furniture buslnaaa on pariod. The total outlay by tha utillUea up men were driving away. He will also be discussed and a large president, and Issued yesterday, tha Uthuanlan Club at 34 Golway church. attendance la desired. ahead ot us. Dangers, even. We can tecting my rights. You’ll And what Saturday nights. Unquestionably 7:80— Ladles’ gymnasium period. for 1938 will probably not run to the described them os being about 18 The Debt of Honor campaign la to Flay Form At Last Night’s asserts: street during an altarcation with Meetings face them better as man and wife." you’re looking for In the table this Is due to the fact that Saturday 8:00— South Methodist Church flgure of last year, but In IflST'a flg- and 20 years old. “Jobs and scholarships are dan- Dougela, who was apprehended la- be carried out in Congregational •Dhl So It's convenience you're drawer over there. See that you de- and Saturday nights art becoming Bowling league. ures there were Included large parU Greenwich—Jamas N. Sullivan, churches throughout ths country. The Cornelia (Tlrcie win bold. a gled before the eyee of Impecunious ter by poUcesat bts home and was meeting at tbe home of Mrs. J. C. thinking o f!" liver It to the girl." more and more part of the week- 8:80— Eaglea’ group gymnasium of the cost of constructing the Con- Epwortb Leagoe Session. 66, chief ot the central fire district high school pupils. Fraternities booked on a charge of assault Jud- Because of existing conditions thefs period with leader Ronald in Greenwich, died following a three Whittlesey of Park street on Tues- "It's love I'm thinking of. Polly. "She’ll get It." Jerry replied, "If end holiday. Host people make Sat- necticut Light A Power Oimpany’s and sororities vie In recruiting stu- sunis, bleeding from tha noae and Is a shortage In tbe fund from which But Pm not denying the convenience urday a party night, anu good roads Daigle. new completed 35,000-kllowatt in- montha Ulneas. He also was a day afternoon, February 8 at three I live to ^ to the Unicom and dents who can pay their bills and ears, wss taken to the hospital m- the pensions are paid of retired min- o’clock. The reader will he^ Mrs. W. of the arrangement. Well ? What Crown." and automobiles have helped to foa- stallation at Its MontvUle Station, former third aelectman. bring glory (in press notices) to a isters. It Is p la c e d to raise $1.- The Epworth League of the South New Haven—In an article In the msdaltely, where hia wounds wars A. Metcalf. have you to say?" Mrs. Broggs, who was closing the ter thU change. ' The result haa part of the coat of the Hartford chapter. / 700,000 amoqg the CongrqfationsJ church played to a large audience Yale Law Journal, Profeosqr George said to be very serious. The bil- A change has been made In the •”rbis Is the moat upsetting thing trund ltd, looked up obliquely at been that people who want to visit Electric Light Company'e 40,000- "In bidding for favors we are churches of the o o u n ^ . ft te MAY DEDUa GAS TAX H. Desslon of the university'a law hard cue tvitb which the alleged as- meeting night of the Rockville Visit- that ever happened to me." Polly Jerry and laid her Anger on her lips. our store during the evening have kllowatt addition to lU South Mea- In the chapel. In Its dramatic inter- streamlining the Job—our current thought that the Interest from the dow Station to-be finished this year, school says that there are limits to sault area mads Is being held for ing Nurse Aseoclatlon. i The meet- answered. 'There was a miller in But the damage was done. Old oome to the st'ore on Thursday only. pretation of the book "Mecca and models glitter with, gadgets that avldenea by police. It is fairly weB funds which are already lnvesteieck on a open evenings program, which will companies, totaling more than $7,- ha had previously, and hospital au- several deductions allowable by rea- special numbers were used for the the Importance o f wisely selecting load observed their 81st wedding marriage can be stopped. My chain. The money, she asked him to be reflected by the number who visit 500,000, of which the largest thorittss glva him a chance for re- anniversary quietly on Sunday. Mr. son of operation of a motor car. occasion: Prelude: "Tbe Song ol their students," ths report com- ^ mother was Mary Dart, a London keep for her. our store these three nights during amounts wlU be spent by the Hart- covery, although he is still on ths Ursln Is 86 years of age and Mrs. While the motorist U on the road, India" (Rimsky-Korsakow) Offer- ments "the competitive pressures i girl. She fell In love with my father He made no effort to take ber m the February Furniture Sale we will ford Electric Light Company and X)P IN THE M ID D ir danger list Ursln, is 76 and both are confined MANCHESTER travelling through other states, full tory: "Orlent-Us” (Cul) Introduc- among institutions may become when she met him nere In her hla arms, but hla eyes wera ao ar- consider seriously the closing ot our the Connecticut Light and Power to their home. During the day the deductions for gasoline taxes are tion to the play: "Pastorale" (Palm- very much greater than they are at cousin’s countlnghouie. It was nis dent that ibe knew she had not store at 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays." Company. membera o f the fam ily called and permitted in all states but Alabama, gren)— and Postiude; "Moslem IN DOMESTIC CLASH present." first voyage over as captain of hia dreamed hie love making of last An estimated $2,900,000 will be the couple received numerous cards now buys California, Georgia, Misalsslppl, Theme” (from Lily Strickland’s In- night. It waa rather sweet, ebe expanded by the Hartford Electric NEW BUNGALOW SOLD and flowera. own brig, the Proud Lyme. He Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennes- ternational Collection)/ courted her whirlwind fashion and realized, to und the Are etlll very Light Company. The laroest part The couple have six children, see, Utah, Wyoming and Ohio Where Patrolman Griffin Givea Up coal colored she accepted him, but the Darts much alive under the ashes of honor i JACK HOLT STAR of this will be $3,300,000 for eteam Miss Brookings Introduced the Joseph Ursln o f West WUIlngton, 3 cents of the 4 cent State gasoline Role Of Peacemaker As He NORTH COVENTRY ON WASHINGTON ST. were wild. My father’s sister,' ray and caution he had spread. | plant additions and Improvementa play by reading a poem: "The John Ursln, Jr., Mrs. Stephen ''I’ve been at the dock! since tax Is deductible. Including ths cost of completing the Kneeling Camel” folowlng this with Finds Self At *Swing’ Session Kurimal and Burt Ursia of T o lw d , Aunt Kate Cheleey. had come over IN G-MAN STORY Every penny paid to the State Ih Mrs. Benjamin A. Strack spent with him to ice London. So it was daylight," he said. 'T v e found a way big South Meadow InstaUation re- a brief review of tbe book. In its Mrs. Charles Meacham and Mrs. E l th-> form of registration fees for tbe week end with relatlvee In Long ■•l* Made For Arthur A. Knof- son Mann, that my mother went back to for us to get out of England. Can ferred to above. The rest will be relation to the play, entitled: "The Benjamin Macrl, 52, of 17 Purnell markers, and other special fees may Island. la By George L. Graziadio; Open Meeting Intereeting America with them and was married you be brave and leval-headed be- for distribution and transmission Heart to aay Yes’ ", This Is a re- place, "put one past" Policeman be deducted by Connecticut motor- Miss C!ora U. Kingsbury attended Ther»>were a number of visitors yond the average woman, P olly?" “Trapped By G-Men” To Be line Improvements and for miscel- versal of the familiar phrase: " i Flaymond Griffin Saturday night Saea Real ^tate Booming. in Connecticut, aimple fashion. ists. Federal gasoline taxes and the Connecticut State Home Eco- at tha open meeting of Victory As- ■1 doubt If I’m naturally that Feature At State Theater laneous Items. haven't the heart to say ‘No’ ", It and landed a punch, hard Into hla That way, they got around the other excise ta.\cs arc not deducti- nomic Association meeting at Jeffer. A new, unoccupied five-room cembly Catholic Ladles of Columbia way." answered Polly, "but 1 can Of practically equal size Is the Is the story ot a young lady, who wife, Mary's, face, during the course banne and outwitted the Darts." Tomorrow .\nd Wednesday. ble from Federal Income Tax re- son Junior High school In Meriden bungalow wltb two car heated gar- on Sunday afternoon, which was tbe try. What Is the plan. Jerry?" contemplated outlay of the Connec- is given s mite box (or contribu- of s domestic mixup at the Maori Jerry said impatiently, ’’Banns! turns says Mr. Wallace. Saturday morning. She addressed age at 128 Washington street has start of a membership campaign by ‘Chet Wheeler put me on to it. ticut Light and Power Company tions towards helping the Moslem home. According to the report, Bo the ctazy English have us in Interest on money borrowed for the meeting telling about tbe work been sold by its owner, Arthur A. tbe assembly. Attorney Robert J. A smuggling clique works out ot a "Traiipcd By G-Men”, a story of which estimates that It will spend people to understand the beneflta ot Maori a W PA worker, appeared at another tangle, have they?" payment ot an automobile Is one ot of the study group In Southern Con- Knoflo, to Frank Schaub, of 51 Pigeon of Rockville spoke on cove between Deal and Dover. I’ve heroics under machine gun Are and approximately $2,800,000 for ad- Christianity, She regrets that peo- the police station about 10 p. m. the deductions that may be made. ditions and Improvements to Its necticut had undertaken tbit win- Washington street. The transac- "Crime” and Mlaa Mae Conklin, got In touch with one of them. This drama among men who are not ple are always asking her for Saturday and asked for a policeman He walked back and forth actosa Any lusa sustained by the motor property. More than $2,000,000 of ter. Miss Kingsbury is chairman of tion was completed by George L. state president of the C L. of C. day week he’ll take us across the afraid to die. will be the feature at- money—she never haa any for her- to help him get Into his own house, the room while hla anger aeethed. vehicle owner on any car not cov- this amount will be.neceasary tor the study group she spoke about. Orasladlo, local real estate dealer. spoke on tbe state organisation. Channel to a hehlng port near traction at the Slate theater Mon- self. Left Slone, the spirit of tbe from which he claimed his wife bad Ha was not one to lake defeat ered by insurance is deductible. The tha usual run of gas and electric Donald De Coster who has been Mr. Schaub plans to fiunlah ths At the meeting there was a dis- Calais. Chet’s already gone to day and Wednesday. Jack Holt is Llstensr" portrayed by Marion locked him out. Policeman Griffin meekly. It waa a while before he motorist who gets into difficulties improvements, such as extension of working In town left Saturday (or , house Iminedlstely since he Is to wed cussion of 'Topics of tbe Day" led Dover, to wait. To hide out, rather." starred in the him wlUi Wynne Gib- Brookings, comes to esy that tne assigned to settle the difficulty, se- soon. Miss Helen Windsor, proprie- by Rev. Raymond G. LaFontalne of could say In .. natural voice. "Very son, portraying the screen's flrst G- by reason of violating motor vehicle transmission lines, sub-stations and cured admission to the Macrl home, Redding, Massachusetts. "But for roe,” Polly said, "you a particularly the distribution system Christian heart that says "Yes", to tor o f Dolly's Beauty Shop at 126 S t Thomas's Seminary. Rev. LS' well, Polly. Of course we can’t wait woman. Jack LaRue, C. Henry Gor- laws may not deduct Ancs or for- al cries of help, la too wonderful s followed by Macrl himself. Miss Grace Reed, Miss Alice ^a for banns to be published. I f 1 must be at Dover with him. The Unicom into rural areas. The balance will Franklin avenue, Hartford. They Fontaine spoke of the various fads obay more and more thrifty peo- don, William Bakewell, Arthur llohl feited collateral. possession to be denied. Mrs. Macrl, atandUg In front of Hecklel, Misa Laura Hill and Miss atrtde by English laws, 1 must. I’ll and Crown’s an awfully public place A leaflet listing all deductions be expended In Improvements to the will occupy the home after their re- which Included fortune tellers, T ple in ihii vicinity are ordering and Robert Emmett O’Connor In To prove this, the Listener litbro- the policeman, was engaged In con- Cora Kingsbury all spent the week turn from a wedding trip. palmists and crystal gazers. ha merely your cousin and stop for an American aatlor to be. When that may be made by motorists on gas plant at Waterbury, increase In coal by color. They're baying Tilne support. duces characters resembling, in versation wltb him when, Mr. Macrl, ends at their respective homes. The bungalow Is located east of There waa a banquet at tbe Rock- courting you till I can do it witn I came to you yesterday, Jerry, you Posing as the wife of Holt, who Federal Income Tax returns has the capacity of the Baldwin Street unhappy about the whole thing, and cooT. When they tee lu diiUnctive order, Arabian, Syrian, Atrusii. Mra. Annie C. Porter haa return- the Summit atreet intersection with ville House In the evening at which honor. Gk>od night, Polly. I ’ll aee you lost precioua time and took on a in turn masquerades as a fugitive been prepared by National Head .substation at Waterbury, a new of- highly Incensed as well, pushed WLVt color they know it's Amer- Turkish, Persian, Indian people wno ed home from a recent visit spent Washington atreet In a section that Mrs. Margaret N. Dutton, past tomorrow after I ’ve planned a way uselesa burden. Two useless bur- outlaw to gain the confldcnce ot quoi'tors of the American Automo- llca and service building at EVisex. punch up over the policeman’s ica's fineit Anthracite—Uut it will the reinforcing of the transmission enter to charatterlstic music, por- wltb her slate* In Vernon. has built up rapidly. In announc- state president spoke on "The Cjath- to get us to France." dens!’’ shs instated, over his pro- gangKters, Miaa Gibson's role brings bile Association and Is available to shoulder and connected with bis give them the best in besting com- traying Incidents of their life prior Leon Wheeler has gone to visit ing the sale Mr. Orasladlo said that oUe Woman of Tomorrow." "W ell, now!" Polly exclaimed, test. for ber dog could be heard to light the unsung heroism of the anyone requesting them from the system to tbe shore area, and the wife’s Jaw. She was spun half tvsy loit at lowest eost. mpletioD of the WllllmaoUc to relatives In Massachusetts (or an ha bsUeves Manchester will experi- The entertainment program in- aomewhat taken aback at having barking down in the stable yard. fearless and Intelligent women In Automobile Club ol Hartford, local to Christianity. The stories are so around by the blow. Sensing that Rockville transmission line. indeflnite stay. ence a U g real estate turnover this cluded vocal selections by James AirmAcnx is ths nsAi mo ms stopped hie cuurtshlp so effective- " I ’d better take Nuisance to the the federal service. A A A club. A postal addressed to graphic that tbs young lady, very be was "in the middle” In the affray. The Connecticut Power Com- aptly portrayed by Marjorie Wilson. Rev. Leon H. Austin spoke on apiing. He says that several sales Breen o f Manchester, formerly of PViL. It's not an "ell op-sU otT or iy. •^ bid you good night, Couein commons and let him run." The story telle of the concerted the Club at the Heublcin Hotel. Policeman Griffin gave up the role are In the offing and probably will this city, accordion selections by flashy fnoL It gives steady, evan, "I'll walk part way with you, drive by G-Men to wipe out the last pany's total expenditures. Including Anally decides ber impatience with of peacemaker and arrested Macn "The Measure of Service" Sunday Jerry Whltfleld!" Hartford will bring the motorist ba eompleted os soon as the weather Edward Sunega, vocal eelMtlona by beslthlnl hast that helps prevent Polly," Jerry said. 'But 1 must go of America’s big-time gangsters, work carried over from last year, frequent calls fot financial help, waa on a charge of assault. He will be morning at the Second Congrega- There’s the matter ot your this booklet that will save him will be close to $900,000. Tbe new tional church, using for the text is better. Miss Ora Morin and Mra. Zlts colds end cats dosm doctor bills. back to the docks and seal friend- barricaded in a barren outpost in money when making out his Fed Ill-timed. She capitulates, and In the arraigned tonight In Town (jourt. trunk,” Jerry eald from the door- work, authorized In tbe amount ol Romans 1:15 "So, aa much aa In me So always b a n anthracite. It's way. "It would be better for me to ship with that French-speaking the Northwest mountains. Loiwis D. oral income. Tax returna for 1937. Anal scene, those she has sent away Collins directed the Aim from a about $666,000, does not Include any is, I am ready.” ths fnel year fnrnaes was designed go and get It tonight than to wait ra.scal who'a to take us across." surround her, all of them singing screen play by Tom Kllpatnrk. items that might be considered "Coronation"— All hall the power "Come", by Joluison was render- for. And te be sore of getting good, till morning. Tell me Just how to get They left the tavern and walked '•major construction work," but la of Jesus’ Name. OLD AGE TAX TOTAL ed by Miss Marion Hill, Miss Clara clean, carelnlly prepared Pennsyl- to the Dart bouse In Hempill a piece together through the Lon- made up of numerous relatively don streets, each comforted by the SAILORS ARE RESCUED Members of tbe cast carried out Smith, Mr. Rollins and Mr. Cooper. vania anthrs^e—iniiN on 7>Ino atreet," small construction Jobs. In tbe work Thi flowera were furnisbed by Mra. M l y told nlm. "But 1 dread for neamesB of the other. Then, betore started In 1937 and to be completed their parts with dignity, quite con- PAST WEEK $3,544 seer, b comes In six demestle aiaea. he took a lane leading down to the scious of the purport of their lines, Bryon Hall. ’Ou be the South Windsor Town Hall and During the Sabbath school hour, careful not to excite Mr. Dart?” cracefiil strides of an American vil- Halifax. 8-maated schooner ’’Leona haa been subject to prior floods. ney, Doris Kelsh, Ernest Thompson, lage girl who can listen to a lark Harold M. Newberry was elected and Marion," which burned late last About $80,000 wUI be the 1937 Nelson Richmond, Hazel Drtgga, Total old age aaslstance tax col- the officers (or the coming year "r il not wave an American hag chairman of the charter member- lections during the past week were sing while driving home the c o w ... night off Nantucket lightship, to- outlay of ths Litcbflsid Elsctric Evelyn Beer, Murial McConkey, were re-elected: Assistant superin- or strike him,” Jerry answered with ship committee. Fhe other members $3,544 according to figures given ’’The sweet!" he eald tenderly. For day were reported In satisfactory Light and Power Company for Bert Holman, Thomas Cordner, tendent, Miss June Loomis; secre- a grin. " I promise. Go to bed now, of the committee are Joseph Kraw- out today by Tax Ckillector Samuel though he had come aahore at Lon- condition. routine replacements and minor ex- Ethel Brookings, Edward Macauley, tary and treasurer, Miss Gertrude mmttBitesrmnfc and to sleep " He kissed hei on the akl, Emil Goehrlng, George W. Nelson Jr. Last week’s intake raises don two months ago to see the town Captain CoUegan of the tanker, tensions, and for additions and Im Howard Holman, Walter Holman, Anderson and assistant secretary forehead, much as her brother Dick Stone, Jerry Troy, Norman Rey- steaming north along the coast to to $6,361 the sum of all old age ITnis I m Om "llie Shadow* Every .and had done so, right thorough- provroeents to expand and improve Florence Cordner and Margaret and treasurer, Lester Hill. might have done, and went out. nolds, Walden V. Colllna, Harry Boston, In bis flrst wireless message taxes colected to date. Up to this antPsrcAns Sondny A t i.’OO P. BL Statloii WTIO ly) he had seen nothing In feminine service. These expenditures will Korngiebcl. Rev. Leon H. Austin, Walter S. Frink, Frank E House, C. Thorn- since reporting the Leona and Ma- total about $50,000 In the Ridgefield morning, 3,120 people had paid the Havens, Mrs. Artitur J. Vinton and It was 10 o'clock when Jerry got forip—neither through flne coach Tha coatumea and the lighting ef- ton, William Barton, Karl F. Jones, rion had burned, said: DUtrlct and $30,000 In the Utch levy. Mra. John B. Kingsbury, attended : out of the jgtg before Oliver Dart a windows nor behind tap-room bara fects, aa wall as the stage setting, A. C. Johnson, Carl A.' Magnuson. "Schooner Leona and Marion of field District chiefly for labor and Last Saturday, when the tax of- the meeting of the "Debt of Honor ' house and knocked on the oaken nor on the boards of Drury Lane atead! Harry' W. Snow! were tbe work of Thomas Maxwell. Halifax dlimaated. Abandoned materials. fice remained open to 6 p.m., 237 (jorapaign" held in Rockville this door. Mra. Broggi admitted him. Theater—as appealing as honest P .t.r v A flne exhibit of Moslem posters Harry Farhbam, Pater E. Bossen, and flred. Six men and a cat r The Danbury and Bethei Gas and persona paid the tax. Although tbe evening. Mrs. Vinton and Mre. When he said. ‘TVe come to get Polly Cheleey from Connecticut. cued. Condition of all satisfac- was displayed In tbe Ladles' parlor. and Julius Miller. It waa decided Electric has sstlmates for the year office will be closed on Lincoln’s KlngsburjWre going In place of Mrs. Mias Polly Cbelsey's things,’’ she ( To Be ContinnMI) running to more, than $68,000 for These valuable poatera were obtain- that the original fee for becoming a tory." Birthday, February 13, It arlll bt P(.uUne Iratchinson and Mrs. Emil DELCO gave an exclamation ot concern. charter member, would be three dol- Hla message Indicated that urban and rural electric extensions, ed from Minneapolis, and because ot open until 5 p.m. on Saturdays, Feb- •Lud, sir! Do you know where Leona had been dismasted In heavy gas extensions, line and plant, gaa ths Islior Involved In arranging Koehler who wore unable to attend. BOY SCOUT WEEK lar!. Thirty membera Joined with- ruary 16 and 26, and on February Choir rehearsal will be held Wed- ' the la?" in ten minutes after the charter weather, abandoned aa unsafe l)y plant tmprovsments, pols replacs- them, and the unusual character pt 17, 24, 38, and March 1, until 6 p.m. the pictures of Moslem people, and nesday evening at the church. Every Oil Burner "Yes, I do. She's sale wltb me at New York, Feb. 7 ,-!-(A P )— Boy memberahip drive opened, raising her crew, and then flred as a men- ment and sundry other Items. After March 1, unpaid old age taxes their dally life, the exhibit wiu be member is urged to be present. a tavei-n. I'm a cousin ot her Scou's all over the nation will re- the fund to over 1100.00 No action ace to navigation. Three of the largest gas com- will be warranted for collection With the Hoaey*Savliig Meanwhile the Coast Guard cut- open Monday evening. Any ques- Friday evening the Ever Ready i father’s, from America, and 1 mean dedicate themselves this week— aa to bow the Are apparatua would panies plan to spend close to $300, with an additional one dollar pen- ter Algonquin, speeding through 000 on work during the current tions about them wlU bs answered class will meet li' Wethersfield with i to look after ber. I’ve gut a gig National Boy Scout Week— to the be paid for waa taken at that raeet- alty. fog-banked seas, neared the point year, headed by the New Haven Gas In so far os poaslbie. Tha majority Miss Flora Remln. Any one wishing ‘ waiting outside. Tall me when ber principles which ha e attracted 1,- loff, nor upon the housing of such 76 miles off Cape Cod where the Light Company with a $180410 bud- of theae poatera are hand painted, transportation phone Mrs. A. J. Vin- Thin-Mix Control trunk Is, and I’l fetch it down to 126.827 American youngsters to equipment, but It was explained by schooner burned. Her mission was get for additions and improvsmsnu by the artiste, H. Louise BMk, and ton. the etreet. ” their world-wide organization. First Selectman C. Vinton Benjamin to determine whether the Leona divided as follows: 8104,310 for dis- A. Hamilton. They are very graphic, Deaths Last Night Next Sabbath Rev. Henry Robin- j "Lud!" exclaimed Mrs. Broggi Or the eve of the 28tb birthday that tha town will build another still floated, and If her charred hulk tribution faculties, $50,000 at the with excellent shading and Ilfe-Uke son of ths First Congregational in ^ again. "Master’s got It! He founu of the Boy Scouts of America, Presi- building to house their equipment in constituted a threat to safe ship- plant, and ths bslancs for transpor- facial expreoalons. Anyone who )s By the Associatod Press. South Coventry will exchange pul- out toolgbt that she'd run oft. so he dent Roosevelt will addrpss the boys the near futura and with the pres- ping In those well traveled waters. tation equipment, office Improve' Intereated, wlU be welcome this Lowell, Maas.—George (Jharette, pits with Rev. Austin. bad It carried down to his study, to tonight on a 15-mmute program, be- ent set up of the PW A the town Boston port officials expected the raents and other mlscellaneoui evening from 7-6 p. m. 70, retired U. S. Navy Usutenant Several attended the meeting ot I go through.” ginning at 6:45 (E ST) on three could build a fO.UOO structure for tanker to dock about noon. Items. "WTicre IS his study?" asked Jer- $3,000. This appropriatloo, be said A. S. and one of tbe heroes of tbs sink- the Board of Relief Feb. 1st to re- mejor radio chains. Ths Hartford Gas Company con- ing of tbe U. S. 8. Merrimac ar port grievances. The board arlU meet | ry. visibly angry. A national radio hook-up (N B C ) would probably be asked for In the templates expenditures of $127,170 "A t the head ct the stairs on the annual town meeting In March. He the entrance to Santiago Harbor, again Feb. 15 for another hearing. wUI broadcast a birthday party on (or improvements and addiUoBS to Cuba, in 1888. The Tax Collector Mabel G. Hail, floor above, sir. But wait! 1 can see also said the building was large PUBlICmORDS its plant and property during 1688. Wednesday from 9:30 to l6 p. m., NORTH POLE SCIENTISTS Cleveland— Frank H. Ginn, 70. wU be at ber borne Saturday, Feb. i you're hot-tempered. You’ll throw enough to bouse Are apparatus be- Of this amount, 864,700 wUl be with contributions from scouts in BniMlag Permit corporation lawyer and bank and 12—to collect the Old Age Assist- i Mr. Dart idlo a rage, likely." San Fralclsco, Denver. Chicago, sides the other equipment. Max spent (or ths sxtsnslon of (sclUties com $1S TO $90 LiSS THAN ANY OTHIR MMOTi Addelaoo, Ralph M. Grant and Building Inspector Edward C. railroad director, once tax due Feb. 1. "Well, he’s already thrown me In- New York, Honolulu and Greenland. for new buslnsss and $32,470 (or im- ARE IN SERIOUS DANGER CorvalUs, Ore.—Dr. J. A. BexoU, Frank House were elected to- draw Elliott, Jr., has issued a permit for Any one aishing to h"lp bake ] CONTROL SHIFT OFFERiO AS OPTIONAL IQUIPMENT to one. What'a he searching Miss Demonetratlons of scouting In- provements to generM property. 70, founder and for 23 years dean up a constitution for ths depart- the making o f altaraUone in the something for the food sgle to be ' Cbelsey’s dotbes for? Firearms? tended to express the appreciation BKtimataa of ths Grasnwich Gas of tbe School bf Commerce of Ore- Hm arM EOiAM CAL-NOTHNe So simple ymtH hensMm npert la m ent C, Vinton Benjamin, George Rublnow block on Main atreet. Company run to $41,000 for ths belt In oonnectlou with tbe Bee- j Take me to him.’’ of scouts for adult support will store will be enlarged, necessitating Moscow, Feb. 7.— (A P )— Serious gon State College. When the woman ushered Jerry Stone, Emil Goehrlng, Perry Rob- yaar. This will bt expandad (or ex- thoven Glee club concert Feb. NSW TO UARN-NOTtmO TO nimitea O ta n beat floor so Anlsb ths program Saturday. the changing of the block front, and danger of being crushed in an Ice 8 p. m„ St the (Jhurcb Conunumt Whltfleld into Oliver Dart's study erts, Harold M. Newbury and Ken- the shifting o f Interior partitions. tension o f mains In tbe varioua ssc- Jam before rescue ships could reach SEABCH FOR BODY JAM Off 0£T OUT OF OffDOt. oen ildo la psHsot oomiewt. neth Juno, were elected to look Into tloBS o f the town where there Is a House, please get In touch It was evident that they could not VALE ALUMNI DAY The Wennergren Construction com- tham was reported by four Russian DonhioedrivingemiAdIMfll— III 1 1 h TTyhtadey!MWj nWOOM have arrived at a more unfortunate the purchase of apparatus. The pany has the contract for the work, demand for gas service, for meters, selantlsts precariously adrift on an ' West Point. N. Y „ Fab. 7.— (A P ) A. O. Anderson or Mrs,, The most economical moment. The old man waa ripping next open meeting will be held Feb- which will cost an estimated $3,000. gortniore and other things of ice floe in the Arctic Sea east of —Jeopardized by ice floss and swift- Standlah. New Haven. Feb, 7— (A P I —Yale similar character. a akirt hem with his penknife and University will hold Its 25tb alumni ruary 9 Id the town ball. Greenland. « running currents, a dlvsr prepared and dependable oU uiting out pieces of buckram which The three act drama. "Sunny- 'n iR E E H U R T IN CRASH While BO additions to Its plant Radio communlcationa from the to descend into the Hudson river off HUNTING FOB WHALE day Feb. 22 with Dr Charles Sey- ars exDMted this ytar, the New burner yoo can buy. Se evidently suspected of bemg mour greeting returning former ridge Home," which waa presented Polar party’! commander, Ivan West Point today to March for the by a oast of characters from New- Haven water Company figures that paper. Garments were strewn about claMmen for the Srst time since be Boston. Feb. 7.— (A P ) — Thrae Papontn, said rapldly-ahlfting tee body of the pilot of a plane that San Francisco, Feb. 7,— (A H )— its extensions and betterments will plunged Into the river Saturday on floor, table and chairs, gtvmg became president togtoo, sad sponsored by the persons were Injured and 80 others was piling up around the drifting Coast Guardsmui went bunting with Be gore u d aee m Rboat Young Mother's Qub of Wapptng, cost somewhat mors than 1350,000. night. that pitiful effect which personal Over 1,000 graduates from all ahaken up today when a Boston els- floe. The mass o f Ice in the Arctic a cannon today (or a whaiu which yoin new hebtiiix lyetcRL Friday evening was greatly enjoyed v a t ^ car and a seven-ton truck cBamuel Grace Harrington, tomatically would go up with great- Declare Bill Would Make Easier To Reach Ground wife of Samuel Oowdy, passed away New Haven Eagles Snrprise 35 ViHatet North er bulk. LeveL at her lost home in Bolton Satur- Nothing that Japan has been re- day, Feb. 5 after a long Illness. JOE McCLUSKEY AGAIN SECOND TO LASH Dartmouth, Cornell Tied Of Tenel; Report 3,000 ported to be contemplating. It was Home Rde Over Business Friends calling at the Memorial Mrs. Oowdy was bora June 20, 1871 By Climbing Into Third said in naval circles, could match hospital to transport convalescing at Crown Point, New York. She SCORE 12TH STRAIGHT what either the United States or patienta nome between 1 p m . and 7 lived for several years In Coventry. As Penn Noses Out Green Frisoners Takra |n Battle Great Britain alone might build in A Thing Of The PasL a. m. have been advised by Superin- Besides her husband she leaves Place In Eastern. tendent Harry C Smith to report at six childrefi, Mrs. Mildred Helgren HOOSe ACE PUTS the event of a decision to scrap the of Quincy, Moss., Mrs. Doris Sims, TO TIGHTEN GRASP ON treaty. the rear entrance of the hospital for F#l>. 7>^(A1P)'-»£MLrt‘XQrMii att*ek with 11 Washington, Fsb. 7.—(AP) — that purpose. Previously, it has Tyringbam, Maas., Miss Martle and By ASSOCIATED PRESS SPOUTS ROUNDUP' Local Sport ..... V ------potato and BHMtajre, France, at the Spanish Appropriations to commence new Earl H. of Bolton, Braest a. at Cov- ______ktt K PPn BRtETZ ______mouth's Indians, ambushed ones on tooK first placs In ths scor- American battleships are contained Senators who advocate Federal li- been the custom for patients to The Cleveland Barons, apparent- ON L A H SPURT TO ing records. He has 62 points with Her, Feb. 7.—(AP) — The censing of corporations said today leave the hospital by way of the entry and E. Storra of Lyons, Ore- ly unbeatable on their home rink, their march toward the eastern to- In the 1939 navy supply bill already gon, a sister. Miss Bthlan Harring- By S m FBDEB fJo e Gold will be the white-haired Carl Wilson, of Cornell, idle last STATE LEAGUE HONOl inaurgenta have capttuj^ passed by the House. President their hopes of administration sup- front entrance, a considerable dis- maintained their four-point lead In (Pinch-hlttlag for Ed«e Brietz) Chatter terconegtate league basketball UUe, week, second with 85. port had been strengthened despite tance from the elevator. The ton of Hartford and a brother, John the Interaational-American hockey boy .... faoe further harrying on the rood Villages and gained control Of Roosevelt In his proposed 3800,000,- Harrington of Crown Point, New WIN 2-MILE EVENT Temple’s imposing quintet to at entire Sierra Paiumera rang' ly ' naval program asked that work criticism from the National Man- change from the front to the rear league's western division last week, New Torit, Feb. 7—(AP) — The The way of a mold with a man to this weak to gaaaa with Yale and tost “swinging" and the boys are of Teruel in a new offenslv ufacturers Association. entrance shortens the distance that York and eight grandchildren. although the Plttahurgh Hornets Pros on the winter golf circuit supposed to be the most difficult Princeton. bo started this year on two others. Funeral services will be held to- wlae boys aay Detroit doeon’t have a can’t talk enough about Bobby Roe- scurrying for cover in ths eastern Opalach And Obadii cut off Cataionla from the rest Robert H. Jackson, SMlatant at- - the patient has to walk from the made a valiant effort to keep the •- thing to fathom, but the way of the Navy officials said work was too morrow at 3 p. m. at the Second look-in tor tbe Loulo-SchnMUng burg, on Il-yeor-old who’s shooting The Indiana hod won four straight Intercollegiate. conference. The governm ent Spain. torney general la charge of anti- elevator to the vehicle outside. Barons from getting farther ahead. fight . . . LOU ia handlers, like Chi- Coeuiaetieut InterecholosUe Athtotlo gomes, three of them on tbe rbeer- far advanced, however, to Increase trust matters, la expected to dis- Congregational church. Rev. Leon The Barons, who haven’t been in the low 80’s around San FraU' owls tTOk Penn State, 37 to 30, and Vtopatcbea from insurgent head- materially the bulk of the 35.000-ton In addition patienta will not be Nips Local Distance Star By cago, but wUl take New York . . . cisco . , . John Dreblnger, Jr., soi Conference runs a close second vatlon, and hel first place unbeat- West Virginia, 51 to 32, on Friday Pace Scoring Attack irters a t Salamanca said today cuss the proposal soon with its au- required to walk down tbe several H. Austin, pastor, will officiate. beaten in 15 home games this sea- when it comes to the annual baa- en when they faced Pennsylvooto'e V.'ashington and North Carolina. thors—Senators. Borah (R, Ida.) Burial will be In W atting cemetery. son, extended their current winning Frankie Frltch, expert on Guinea of the N. Y. Times baNball mao. and Saturday nights to push Into a it. retreating government forces .Great Britain, according to semi- Bfajor A. Edgar Arkett Mrs. Arkett steps St tbe front entrance as tbe Step In Millrose Race; Joe plgA it working out a flock of ox- goes against (3ene Venzke, Don ketboU tournoraenta___we doubt if quintet Saturday night to Pbllodel- tie with State for first place In the ' abandoned 3,000 dead on the and O’Mahoney (D., Wyo.) They elevator floor in the rear of the streak to seven straight victories as perlmento for bit Cardinals this there to a school official to the phla'a palestra. But the Quoken Amerks Play SnperUy of battle and 3.000 more gov official information, will announce already have conferred with Presi- hospital la level with the ground they knocked off the eastern group’s Lash and Norman Bright in the state at tbe present wrtUng who conference race. State, after losing In March a program of five battle- Adjutant and Mrs. George Ans- spring . . . he'll try Tarry Moore Penn A. C. mile at PhTlly Friday jumped the Big Green and won a to Temple, came bock to Washing- ___ ent soldiers bad been taken dent Roosevelt and other adminis- comb^ th* bandsmen and others Isadsrshlp of Lieutenant-Colonel floor of the basement and tbe ground FUNERALS j weakest teams, New Haven and Starts Last Lap With Lead on third and Don Outtrldge at abort, knows just bow ths tournaments notable 40 to 38 victory. ^{IHIbaer. sb'ps, six to nine cnilsers, 18 to 30 tration chieftains. outside. Spiingflsld. Pittsburgh whtpp* to three points to invite him for the national Haven early next month___twenty tbe leaders and tbe Panthers do The Pollkh-Americans tante' to dismember government anti-trust laws were violated. been transferred to tbe Newark Haven corps will furnish special Lutheran church, with which Mrs. )s1th a 2-1 triumph over the Provi- back on one of the fastMt two miles recreation center” . . . what; no nell’s Ions encounter to Saturday not appear strong enough to take building two to four capital ships, headquarters. music. The mayor of Hartford or filed by the government discussing Of his long track and field career doors . . . Ralph's coaching private aecretaries and plush teams took part lost year and night on iU home court. Harvard, ed in one of their most noU t^;’ His advance guard was last three to five aircraft carriers, seven Said the manufacturers' state- Johnson was long Identified. Rev. dence Reds last night. Both defeats Xavier now . . . even unbeaten Hlllhouse had to play over the leadership. -;'NBOrted within 7B miles at the sea. ment: The program by officers and Ad- his representative will be present the setup of tbe Bond and Share K. B. Ericicson, tbe pastor, used (or were by one- margins, 5-4 today but bod only a second place thrones for the master-minds ? third in the league, gets a chance to MIehoff and Don Shields, of Tem- and impressive achievement/] light cruisers, 43 destroyers, and visory board members is under the to extend greetings. to show for the brilliant perform In the prelims to qualify for the does tbe jap between It and the f " Advancing on a 25-mile front, eight submarines. “Into this bin is written the pow- system, the utilities asserted:** his text tbe last verse of the 17tb against Cleveland and 2-1 against) snee. Cauliflower Alley scouts report tourney proper. ple, top the scoring figures. Tbe of the State Polish LesBt^'(| . M|e Insurgents threatened the city er of life and death over all private "The factual brief is entirely Psalm, “When I Awake I shall Be Pittsburgh. Brooklyn bears Lerry MoePhoU two leaders agalnet the lost place Stole star added 21 points In two campaign at the East Side^ Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) said The former Fordhom ace bowed 49th etreet: Glen Lee la parking on will have Buddy Hassett either Yale team, Stoiurday night ..tnfMontalban and the government’s Hull’s note to Japan would not af- enterprise. It would end our sys- superfluous to the issues here. It can Satisfied With Thy Likeness.” He Sprln^eld lost its three games. to IndUna’s Don Lath In the lost 15 Mika Jocobe’ doorstep for a re- games last week and now has 69 yesterday afternoon by bUBW^J ;.SBWtn supply road from Barcelona tem of state Incorporation and Smith of Jackson, Mich., whom he the House bill was Introduced by have no possible pu-pose or function chose several other appropriate pas- 2-0 to Pittsburgh Wednesday, 5-2 to signed or sold by this time next The Conference, aa far as to The Indtons-Quoker battle Satur- points. 28 more than Shields who fect the current hearings by the married in 1895, was believed to Senator Sheppard, (D„ Tex.). It yards of the two mile race in the match with Fred ApoeMt at 16 week . . . Henry Armstrong draws known, doesn’t make any plans day night went Into two ing the Meriden jinx, to smlMteSl and other coastal points. House Naval committee on the ad- make home rule over business a except to endeavor, by ellintical sages of scripture and (or the open. Cleveland Saturday and 2-1 to Syra- MUIrose A. A. gomes at Madison rounds . . . Joe Louis to off the scored 27 points, the league’s best Fbrced to aive Ground. thing of the past." have been at the bedside. She did bore the endorsement of the Amer- references, Innuendo and misinter- Ing hymn, "Safe In the Arma of cuse Sunday. a neat $6,500 for tangling with ahead of time and just wtot the leriodt before Jerry Seeders of mark, tost week to two games, to ereens with a decisive 53 ta 8 iv | ministration’s naval expansion bill. not accompany her husband when he ican Legion, and was approved by Square Gordon. Only a step, about Detroit Ttgera . . . llkea the White Vartoa Milling In Chicago Fsb. 25 eet-up will be wrUl probably remain ■enn, tbe near-eigbted sophomore, ' ' :Xk)vsrament communiques admit- "The size of battleships is not a Provisions of Bill. pretation, with which it is replete, Jesus,” and closing hymn, “Jesus As a result of tbe week-end two ytrds, separated tbe pair with Sox now, because that’e where Gee put bis total at 46. Miks Bloom if triumph over the SHvm tod the Insurgent attacks "contin- The aasocistion said the bill arrived with bis daughter, Miss tbe Senate Military committee. It to create an atmosphere of preju- la Mine." games, Pbllsdelphla’a Ramblers .... Cleveland and Cubs rosters, a deep, dark eecrat untu the loot sank a side-court set shot to break Temple and Lothee of West Virginia matter for the committee," he said, Elizabeth Firestone, a senior at was referred to the Finance com- the Hoosler being clocked In 9:06, Walker went . . . Jackie Fields, Just out, are even neater jobs than minute or so...(on ths basts of St. Stana, three times conqtt^i : usd with even greater Intensity" would cover "not only companies dice against tne defendants.” Mrs. K. E. Erickson played organ again t-irned the tabjes on tbe one and four-tenths slower than tbe the old welter champ, has a tsn- the tie. Will Thomas, Dartmouth are Ued for third with 46 points SUn Opalach ‘Qian at the outset am. tha govern- explaining the tonnage of Indi- big and little and partnerahips, but Smith college, but joined him after mittee because of Its tax provisions. and went Into the the Red 8ox . . . old Travis (Stone- last year, however, Manchester's sharpshooter, was prominent to the each. ors of the local cagers. Itd m iJ vidual vessels would be left to the spending Christmas In Akron with The Sheppard bill would Impose a The utilities said that the "fun- selections and sang as solos, "Some time he chalked up In nosing out yeor contract os physteai instfuctor w'all) Jackson apparently has hung record probably won't mean a thing men troops had been forced to give any joint venture” with penalties damental issue" In the main case Blessed Day”, and “All tbe Way My eastern division lead by one pqlnt. McCIuskey at Boston ths wsek bs- and technical odi^ser on athletic Mancheeter’a 12th stnight ' ground. They were said to have Navy Department ranging from fine and imprisonment their nine grandchildren. They have tax of 95 per cent on all Income In The Ramblers, playing their only w bis glove for keeps . . . Jersey when it comes to the draw and the Hearings probably will continue five sons. excess of the three-year average was whether section Four' (A) can Savior Leads Me". She sang tbe foro. films for savsrtl HUlywood studies City roster doesn’t Ust him among iMoto mcst likely wtu have to take tory and tightened fts h o llti'^ .•^fvtnated "in good order” to new to "absolute exile from commerce.” be enforced. This section prohibits latter hymn in the Swedish lan- game of the week, turned back After troUlng first. Tommy Dsek- . . . Buddy Baer's orbufid town ' -Hattiona for 10 days. Rep. Magnuson ID- O’Mshoney replied that the bill Is prior to tbe outbreak of war. It also Syracuse 1-0 Saturday. Then tbe tbs active piayera . . . Olenna Col- their chonbee with the rest to the BOX SCORE the League leadership. Wash.) said be beard some anti-war ONLY SURVIVOR hcldlng companies from engaging guage, and was accompanied by ord, alto of Indiana, and thtn LMh betting Max whlpe Tommy Farr in lett Vara definitely will be bock in eliminations. Need Bigki WMa k e r a - e. In aerial combat, the government "the only formula by which busi- contains provision for a draft for Miss Eva Johnson. Thera was a pro- Rm Ui, who had forged ahead by for a mile and a half, Mcautkey a breeze . . . Jimmy Braddock’ll YMCA TEAM LOSES FUniRE CONCERNS Haacheater PAAO r'-ifiRd the Insurgents each lost one organizations wanted to Insert In ness may be released from lioth Detroit, Feb. 7—(API - Deatl’ military service. in Interstate commerce unless they tying Syracuse Wednesday, failed the women's nationals this year with tan more gomes to the bin a ban against the United of Harvey S. Firestone today leit register with tbe securities commls- fusion of beautiful floral tributes jumped to tbe front and pulled have "honorary bartendera” on band . Blondy (they can’t beat us) Another thing. It’s mighty hard to P B toe circuit, to# outooma bi__. '-Miuto. government Interference and mo- from relatives, a wide circle of against Itow Haven last night. away from the field. He tteodlly to open bis 49th street place in 1 Opotaoh, rf ...... 6 The Insurgent offensive—Fran- States taking part In foreign con- nopolistic Interference.” i.cnry Ford as the only survivoi o. .slon. New Haven, weakest scoring Ryan to passing the cigara . . . a say just what sort of a record Man- the pa ’s chances of capturtog :i quartette of famous men. ai; "Any fair valuation of the achieve- friends, and organizations. widened the margin until be waa a March . . . they'll be champs and girl . . . chester will have___up to loot year, TO HARTFORD FOE MEDWICK THE MOSTl 0 Vojeck, rf ...... o stats cbomplooshlp to tostoi ' eo*s most effective drive in months flicts. "Both those who have always.rt>- . The bearers were all nephews of team in the circuit, jammed In a $o6d 20 jrordt In front of tha world tt-ebamps . . . (Figbtert, not bar. 0 B. BythotaU, If ..8 a stop to persistent govetn- Senator Nye (R-N. D.) said be sisted evpry typo of governmem nature lovers, who enjoyed vaca- ments of the defendants in tbe pub- pair of second period goals by Allen What-ever-bappened-to d e p t . : CnoM A and B gamee were figured year of competltioa oa they ABOUT TOWN Mrs. Johnson, Herman Johnson, record holder at the start of the keeps) . . . If Tommy Farr takes Clarence Demar, Billy Petrolle, BUI 0 Kovta, If ...... s only seven more vlctortoa to '•MBt threats to sever the Calamo- would begin a new attempt this regulation and those who have al- tions together for years. lic service and in the develop- Walter Gustafson, George Olson, and Hemmerling lost night then final lap. unto himself an American manager, in toe ostte bracket and vlctoriM to 1 Obuebowskl, o ...6 :<.«ia>Teruel highway, the Insurgeuts' month to enact war referendum ways asserted the government The others were John Burroughs, ment of the electric and gas stood off the Reds’ third period ef- Tllden, the 8t. Louis Browns ? T ? ? either claaa isrero credited to toe osrtain of at teost a tte and Earl Anderson of this town; Her- Lash then turned on the pressure, tourney raUnga... .last year, how- 1 Oryk, o ...... 0 wins to clinch top honors as vital supply artery in the Aragon legislation. The House sidetracked should have discretionary power the naturalist, who died in 1921, and A special meeting of Margaret E. industries," the brief said, "with man Anderson of Hartford and (^ 1 forts with a fine defense. wUf S'^ar however, he cut Into McCluskey’s litcheD House Earns 28-25 Cardinal Slar Says T o n ’Te 3 Haraburda, rg ...3 Sooth of their Zaragoza stronghold. a constitutional amend;gent to re- over business." be said, "are begin- Thomas A. Edison, who died In Hood Circle of King’s Daughters due regard to their obligations got the Reds’ only goal early In tne ever, all of Manchester’s B games Hartford and Mcridon, tholr Hallengren of New York City. lead until be trailed by leoa that. were thrown o u t... .if toe same sys- 3 Saverick, rg ,*..8 rivals, have auttsrsd three Oonstant Menace. quire a vote of the people before ning to see the middle ground of 1931. Always they "roughed It" on will be held tomorrow evening at to both security holders and Burial was in the family plot In final session. five yards when they swung Into 3 Falkoakt, Ig ...'..,2 .' Fierce government assaults from Congress could authorize a foreign this mesiaure." those vacations, seeking out nature the home of Miss Mary Thomson the consumers served by their sub- Syracuse, after going through Um is used this year, Manchester's Win; Local Girls Downs Cat To Make Yonr file optaoe. the East cemetery. the short home stretch. The Hoosier, I 0 J. B)rchoIaki, Ig .0 Moridca whipped too PA*a Ira ■oMtloos in the Palomera moun- war. The sponsors said they were re- at Its beat of 203 Center street sidiary companies, must concede live games without a victory, final- who earlier la tbe evening had drop. TRACK SEASON’S YOUNG six games with ITode, Etast Hart- /. fabis only last week lad endanger- examining the bill in an effort to Firestone, Ford and Edison at- that, on balance, they-have served ly won on a fluke goal to remain ford and Rockville won't count ^ 40 and 88-81 to LsogiM gaatM ' Theresa M. Pnntaleo pCd out of the mile, lifted the pace a Rah-Rahs By 9 To 8. Whea T ei’rt Geod.’’ 34 6-13 tsoaon and gotood a 40-Sd defi /Ad this highway and been a con- "take the bugs out." tended Burroughs’ funeral together. The monthly meeting of the Girl and not betrayed the public Inter- two points behind Pittsburgh. With bit higher and In A final drive, forc- MMdtn S t StoM (85) stant menace to Insurgent opera- No Decision Meanwhile. Senator Wheeler (D., Ford’s comment then was: “I’m The funeral of Theresa M. Pan- tbe Stars bombarding tha net in tbe The mathematical geniuses of toe to too first sngagsmant Scout Council will be held at the est and the interest of Investors and ed to the front to win by a stride. B Manchester protwtod t__ tkms around Teruel, the south Ara- Reached by Japs Mont.) declared he approved It In sure that wherever Burroughs is home of Commissioner Mrs. J. S. consumers.” taleo. 14 months old daughter of Mr. second periods, Mike Miller, Spring- Deckard trailed far behind In front BUT CLAIMS 3 RECORDS Conference have decided to divide Sokol, r f ...... 8 gsn city captured by the govern- principle. Senator Norris (Ind., uow, It’s a place where there/are and Mrs. Louis Pantaleo of Hart- field defenseman, accidentally de- the receipts of tbe preliminary The T. M. C. A. team went down St. Petersburg, Fia., Feb. 7—1 T. Pastotkl, If however, and toe Board at mant in a brilliant surprise offen- Tokyo, Feb. 7—(AP)—Foreign birds and animals and other things Brown of Henry street tomorrow The court assembled at noon to ford, formerly of this town, was of Floyd Lxichoer of Norman, Okla., round among toe parUcIpante oo toe ...3 tlon uphold tha protoeL — Neb.), an administration supporter, afternoon at 2 o’clock. deliver opinions before hearing argu- flected the puck Into bis own cage Odd Georgs deOeorge of the New to Its second defeat of toe current (AP)—Joe Medwlck Is concerned B. Poatnskl, If ...0 '•Ive in December. All insurgent Minister Kokl HIrota said In Parlia- has taken a similar position. of nature which he loved so de- held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock and Jack Markle ,Kaa credited with ntog and ripped off a 50.4-second baels of mileage---- that's a perfect. makes it necoosary for tbs rirfiMfit ment today the government had ments on constitutionality of the York A. C. season Saturday night at toe hands about toe future and not toe pres- C. Grodlsokl, If .0 sllorts to retake Teruel failed. Some congresalohal leaders have votedly.” at the T. P. HoIIoran Funeral home the winning goal. Ben Johnson Sets World anchor quarter on toe New York ly fair method of figuring traveling WetneftU, e ...... 8 replay toe eootast Tsotoiday's I ' Among the strategic points reached no decision as to how It said the President may suggest Until Edison’s death, he and Ford The MIzpab group of the Wes- 1935 Act regulating Public Utility on Center street. The bearers were Exchange relay team. The ex- expenses although It only returns of toe Mitchell Houoe quintet of ent to bl,a holdout differences with woo regularly oehodnlad M d n would reply to formal requests from Holding companies. Hartford by toe score at 38-35, at toe St. Louis Cardinals. Roman, r g ...... 4 toe start of tho saoood ronz I . which fell to the insurgents In their thorough Investigation Instead of and Firestone frequently were to- leyan Guild will meet tomorrow Anthony and Michael Pantaleo, Carl POTTER BOUND OVER. change quartet, starting from about forty cents per dollar spent Tomkievics, Ig ...1 .* new offensive was Pancrudo, 30 the United States and Great Brit- asking Immediate anti-monopoly gether. Firestone and Ford con- evening at 7:30 with Mrs. T. B. Cases on which decisions were Sabatinello of Hartford and Daniel Mark In 60-Yard Sprint, scratch in the handicap event, lost to most teams___but here's toe the locals floor before a capoiflty Tho National League's “most Wllllraantic. Feb. 7.—(AP)—Po- crowd. valuable" player lost seaeon stated 0 Maslowskl, Ig ...1 pisy. _ ^ onfiMfi miles north of Teruel. In taking ain concerning Japan’s naval build- legislation. Supporters of the Bor- tinued their friendship after Edison Kehler of 87 Cambridge street. possible Included (our Involving the Pantaleo of this town. Burial was lice Court Judge Frank M. Lincoln RED WINGS STAGE lU chance* for victory, however, ru b ....a minimum mileage of ten 1 T. GrodlscM, Ig .1 Pancrudo and surrounding terri- ing program. ah-O’Mahoney bill Efald they would died. right of the Federal government to in St. James's cemetery. found probable cause today to bind Towns And Tolmich when San Romani waa spiked while miles has been se t which means The Hartford invaders proved to hla case today as be prepared to tee Tbs Amsrks, reoUMit tbs i twy, Oeneral Fidel Davila—com- "Tha foreign office la consulting agree to a congressional study. Emil C. Johnson was tbe guest of tax tbe Income of state employes over Harold T. Potter, 53, of Wind- receiving toe baton for tor third that Commercial and Hlllhouse of be oil they ore reported to be and off for hie daily round of golf. aity at wtontog ysatardfigr* «k Msnding Oeneral Franco's forces In certainly lived up to their reputa- Afi 16 8-13 88 the authorities concerned about the honor at a surprise birthday din- engaged In liquidating state banka Tbe marriage and birth rates of ham Center to the Superior Court HOCKEY COMEBACKI tag. He finished his quarter but on New Haven will be paid to travel a “You've got to make your pile Score at half, PAAC 81, 8 t Stana brighten ttaalr utto prospeotR ^ tito south Aragan—gained control raply," said Hirota, "but there has ner party given last evening at the or Insurance companies. England are increasing, while the on charges of breaking and enter- Eefipse 60-Yard Hnrdles examlnatioD showed the wound couple of blocks, while the rest of tion. TbMr attack was built around )vhen you're going good,” sold toe 17. Referee Al BoggtoL Tims ■isxltog poos from tbs eutaet of communications throughout the been no decision and I am unable to REICH CLERGYMAN home of Mrs. Johnson’s parents. Six hours were assigned for de- death rate Is decreasing, accord- ing and carrying concealed weapons. probably will keep him out of ac- the entries take a financial licking. Bavltch. eaolly one of toe state's (tardinai outfielder who captured 10 minute perioda matatatasd such a apssdy olto 1 VAl^kfi^ta river valley. express an opinion on the matter." HARVEY S. HRESTONE, ^ bate on the bolding company law, ing to statistics. tion this week. best who passed and cut with much just about all the senior loop’s hon the tavodsis never tbrsotM d i_____ ITie Immediate objective of the Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Griffin of Hill- BaU waa set at $2,000. Score by periods; Hirota said the fact be had not GOES ON TRIAL iard street. The affair was arrang- beginning either late this afternoon Detroit Displays Old Form Id Mark; Twins Blast Relay. Woodruff admitted he waa not Manchester Trade has won 14 effectiveness and ability. ors in 1937. PAAC ...... 18 18 11 11—08 sr Monebastar bod pDod up g iM .kMurgent right flank appeared to yet received the expected inquiry or tomorrow. himself after finishing fourth in a out of 18 games to date but Its The Invaders opened with a flashy 'When I've passed my peak as s margin to toe opsntog period, Bani !be AlAunbra, about 15 miles north NOTED INDUSTRIAUST, ed in honor of Mr. Johnson’s 40tb St Stans------7 10 U 7—88 from France was a reason for de- birthday, and the guests combined Tbe government depended on field at seven in toe half-mile which (Jlara B rating is eveo better than offensive drive in toe opening ball player the club Isn't going to Opalocb and Al Obuoiowakl pfideff.'^i of Teruel on the Panenido-Teruel clining further to discuss the mat- (Uonttoued (ram Page One) Troonciog CaoadieDs By Charles Beetham, former Ohio State that---- both losses to Manchester period and maintained toe lead rerosmber what I did in 1937. it toe PA onslaught ae they rifted tfen' Jriahway. In making him a gift as a reminder Robert H. Jackson, assistant attor- By OIUk> ROBEBTSON Meridsa (Hrta (It). ter. Later it was dlsctosed that the DIES AT AGE OF 69 of the occaaloD. Games, music, and ney general, and Benjamin V. New York, Feb. 7.—(AP) — The ace, won to l:55.A The last Ume High don't count. Bridgeport Trade throughout the game although toe )vtU pay me what 1 figure I'm ivorto P mesh six times each, white BrOM Just west of Teruel the govem- "Long John" was defeated waa in Isn't in toe Cbnferenoe, and Torring- and that's all,” said Medwlck. B r French note, slmllsr to those de- against decrees and laws of Che a genera] good time followed tbe Cohen, one of President Roosevelt's LargR selection of beauti- "Y” hoopstera tied the count during 0 Biirda, rf ...... 1 0-1 ByeholaM. MIks Baverlok and ■ment reported a successful attack livered by the United States and state. 8 To 0 Score. 1938 indoor track and field season the 1936 A. A. U. outdoor ebam- ton High Is In Class C, giving toe the third quarter only to fade be- "That's why I want to get every rest also performed brillteatlr . in the Uuela De Teruel sector which (Oontlnned from Page One) meal. Helmar Gustafson served as advisers, to support the measure still to in Its Infancy but three In which he also bowed to Traders a record of 13 wins and one 0 Goj. U ...... 3 8-4 Britain Saturday, had been trans- Despite their anxiety, his staunch master of ceremonies. against a challenge by the EHectric ful Valentines to choose fore toe winners closing drive. cent I think is coming to me now.' 0 M. Grabowakl, If 0 keeping too loeol record free a t dfie. i gained a position known as Hll’ supporters In the Protestant church world records, cae of them of long thara. defeat... .Its tourney rating comes Bench and Tracy were the evtonera be sdded. "It's just a mstter of 0-0 feat IMO. The government said this mitted to the foreign office after of the tire business Firestone real- Bond and Share Company and sub- standing, already have been to 1.015. 0 Weanefeki, e .. ...0 1-1 Hirota spoke. were confident the determined war By THE ASSOCIATED PBBSS. Don Lash, Indiana's "iron man”, outatandlng players while Yost, 8u business with me." 0 Kawacki, o . . . Tha FA*8 noMtod tbsfar .position gave It control of the area ized the necessity of a constant sup- A son, Milton Ayer Brown, 2d, sidiaries. from. The Detroit Red Wings are back smashed. The Incomparable Glenn dropped out to the mile but came ...0 1-1 form to ths ooeond quarter oad hnmedlately west of Teruel. In- “I can say,’ Hirota told a ques- ply of raw materials. He acquired hero would fight his case through was bom Friday, February 4, In the Cohen, whose work is principally Mrs. mtalawskl and Fish featuring for Medivlck, one of S t Petenburg's 0 Kowalski, rg .. ...0 0-0 to a finish, never abandoning the to the . Cunningham again has aaaertad his back 76 minutes later with a lost Sherman, former Moriarty toe "Y” quintet. colony of baseball holdouts. Is ooD' ereosad thslr teed to 81-17 Snrgent counter-attacks there were tioner In Parliament, "that there (or his company cotton mills In Hartford hospital to Mr. and Mrs. behind the ace.ies, never had argued supremacy over the nation’s best lap kick to nose out Joe McOuskey Girlz pIn-toppling star. flnUhed 0 Orabowskl, rg .1.1 0-0 has been no chance In Japan’s fun- stand which brought about his ar- Select early •while the The great team which won the The Y. M. C. A. girls won their fident he will have a great season 8 Mojkowskl, ig ..8 time with a onappy, i said to have been repulsed. Massachusetts and established buy- rest last year. Milton A. Brown of Mystic. The a case before the Supreme Court. league title and the mlleM and Pittsburgh’s "Long In the two-mlle race In 9:06. 15th in the United Statea Girls' 0-3 passing attack and damental , policy repeatedly an- ing centers (or raw rubber In Malay baby Is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. initial game of the season in the but declared "If I go haywire, I 0 Miholcsyk, Ig ...0 0-0 The public and press have been He was selected for this assignment assortment is largre. two yean In a row finally began to John- Woodruff has lost bis first Four schoolboys from De La Salle Sweepstakes at Hartford Saturday couldn’t expect anything but a pay shoottog barrage. After ' totonMra^ nounced at the time of the London Next he acquired land In Liberia David McCollum of Florence street. because he helped draft the leglala- half-mile race to nearly tisro years. institute of New York brok^ all Mill- with a ten-game total of 1,110, ex- preliminary, defeating the Rob Rah naval parley.” barred from bis tria) but church fol- look Uke Itoelf lost week and now Girls from HarUord 9-8 in a low cut next year.” 8 Sion. Msridsn stagod a dasnoMM lEAHY AVERS NAVY where be established hla own rub- lowers were hopeful that Informa- tlOD. seem beaded again (or the ptoyoffa._____ As the nation's greatest athletesrose mile relay records, colleges ana actly 90 pins below the winning to- ~T 8-10 rally oml too rivA fought aaoSSi He referred to the 1936 naval ber plantations. Tbe Ceclllan club will hold its an- It wasn't merely that the Winxs »«P«rated today for the Penn A. C. clubs Included, when they won toe tal compiled by MIsa Ida Simmons oooring gonw fsaturcd by to# de- Joe deacrlbed himself os a “rs- OlTls ( 7 ) . tion on proceedings would leak out. There was a general expectation I fensive pisy of toe two teams. Vlt- luctont holdout” and said be be- B terms until ths fourth period, w im conference from which Japan with- Tbe last move was an Important nual bsmquet tomorrow evening at that a seven-judge court would won two games In a row, although and Seventh Regiment of New York Interscholastic race In 3:22.8 but toe of Norfolk, Va., rated the greatest B F the PA’a Bgata put on ^ atofiH WILL DEFEND NATION drew, refusing to enter Into any factor In the campaign he Inaugu- Silent On Trial games on Friday befor'j coming to- feminine bowler In the world. tner snd Oslo starred tor the “Y" lieved there would be little trouble 0 F. Mordavsky, It 1 0-0 Prayers were said In churches 6:30, at the South Methodist chuich. render the decision. Justice Cardoxo February 14 th they had done that only once before time stood aa a record only until the 0 A. Woshiswlca, rf 0 moke the victoty convlnetag bagdM limitation of the size of warships rated against Great Britain’s rubber this season, but they really play^ gether again at Boaton on Saturday, last two events oo the program. Mrs. Sherman, however, turned in while Jones and Ludorff turned to In reaching a salary agreement 0-0 toe shadow of a d o u b t^ ------unless It was accompanied by an monopoly. That country had passed throughout Germany. u*^ng God to Is ill and Justice Reed has been die-, the best performance for toe loeers. '‘satisfactory to me and the club.' 1 H a ra b u rd a , If ...1 0-0 WITHOUT ALUANCES give Nlemoeller strength for the Word has been received from quallfjing himself from participa- their old unbeatable brand of hock- they looked back on one of the most Manhattan college’s quartet reeled the highest single ever rolled In CHrto A r e BemSm agreement on limitation of total a law restricting ths annual output. Jamestown, R. I„ of tbe recent birth ey to walloping the Montreal Cana- tbrilUng meets in the history of off toe distance In 8:20.4 but New this particular tournament with 166 He said he caw Sam Breadon, 1 Lojeakl, c ...... 0 0-0 Aa president of the Rubber As- "grtvious hours” before him. The tion in cases with which he was con- Cardinal oivner. In New York last 0 Blllnsky, c ...... 0 0-0 Msridsn betUad vaUently thnMB> tonnage for each country based on of a son, Carl Herbert to Mr. and nected as solicitor general. Family • Teacher dtoha 8-0 toot night, after whipping tbe Millrose A. A. York university did even better in to her fourth game___Her string p. B. F, (tlODttnacd from Page One) Japan’s principal of s "common up- sociation of America from 1916 to churches were silent concerning the consisted of 96. 103, 104, 166, 118, week. 2 PletrowskI, rg . ...1 1-3 out but never oeme olooar th a m ^ trial Itself, which waa expected to Mrs. E. Herbert Anderson. This is the Thursday Ben Johnson, Columbia's Negro toe handicap, stepping toe four 3 Bsvlteh, If . . . . ,...*• 5 0-1 per limit”—or parity.) 1918 Firestone interested himself in 6-1. They lost their flrat game of captain, stamped himself as the quarters In 8:20.3 to win toe John 180, 93, 104, 104, 95—m o ....In c i- 0 Tracy, r f ...... 3 "We just said hello, that’s oil. Wa 0 Kromulakl, rg ...0 0-0 potote of MancheateFa edvantoge fidO^ organizing the association’s oc- last several weeks. their second child. Mrs. Anderson Sweetheart • Comic 1-1 didn’t talk salary." 8 Mordavsky. Ig ..0 0-1 Coach Johnny Folkoakl naff MR'^' rsaantaUve Mass. (R., Minn.), the Admiral MIstumasa Yonal, navy the WMk. 2-0, to the , neisrest "fastest human" with a new O. Anderson memorial trophy for dentally, Mrs. Sherman's high sin- 2 Oolec, rf ...... 1 0-1 Admlra) said a large part of the In- tivltes Ihto war work. Tbe clergyman’s actual trial formally was Miss Dorothy Warner HOSPITAL NOTES gle was not a )vorld's record as one Medwlck and Breadon o n expect- charges displayed on aU-«rouad an- " minister, briefly endorsed Hlrota’s climaxes a year of protest against of Doone street, this town. leaden of the American division. •mrld record for 60 yards and For- tbe fastest Ume to toe relays. 2 KoalowskL o .. 3 0-3 dustries’ essential for war purposes remarks. He waa president of a subsidiary Tha Canadlens, who hod besn rest (Spec) Towns of Georgia and paper reported... .Miss Simmons ed to start pay dtacusoions when tot 7 8 1-4 i-.— It*,! thagrn be '' Naziflcatlon of Germany and efforts • Illness • Regular 2 Moloney, o ...... 3 0-1 Score at half, St. Stana 12, P, A. were on, or near, the coasts. Earlier the foreign office spokes- company In Canada and director of Admitted late Saturday: Ronald tbraotonlng Toronto's bold on the Allan Tolmich of Wayne University holds that honor with a mark of 0 Hauser, ig .... Cords' boas orrivas hart to oomplete ouat ftoto HM Must Protect Sborea another In England. He also waa of Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s faction Tonight's meeting of tbe Sport- 193...... 0 0-0 A. C. 3. Referee Al Boggtnl. Time League leaderehtp. Rouen a id man denied Japan was building to bend church affairs to bis will. ing club of Manchester will be held Anderson, Gilead, Mrs. Franz Wltt- totetnatloiial dlvtolon lead, just rung up a new tntsrnatlonal mark 0 Blank, I g ...... 0 0-0 prsparaUons for tos opsntog of tos He said great damage might be "capital ships of 43.000 tons.’’ president of the Firestone Steel mann, Bolton, John M. Gudzunis, wersn't to last night's gome. They for the 60-yord hurdles. club's spring training comp. 8 minute perioda. Wsenafski featursd to tfirUlidR Products Co. Before his imprisonment, Nlemoel- in the Lodge of tbe Center Springs 8 Pinto, rg ...... ,.. ■. .0 1-1 Score by perioda: losing eouss. done If the Navy were not powerful "It has been widely reported 264 North Main street. were two goals down after three -Johnoofi obliterated such famous — — enough to stop an attack on the Intimato Friends Ifr had been arrested repeatedly and Park at 7:30. There will be no skat- The Dewey-Richman Co« HOCKEY -■ St. Stans ...... 9 8 7 o— In ths preUmtoory, the 8L MM abroad,” he said, "that Japan Is had been in court various times aa a Discharged late Saturday: Vito ' < Jewelers :— Stationers — Silversmiths and a quarter minutes and never homea as JaOse Owens, Euloce Pea FOREIGN ENTRY 5 E IS 13 IS 3-7 vital industrial areas, adding It building capital ships of 43,000 tons, For several years My. Firestone ing at the rink tonight and as a Marglotta, 21 Purnell Place, Mrs. managed to penetrato the defense, eock, Emmett Toppino, Chester Nlght'a Hockey Reonits. 28 P. A. A. C...... 1 2 4 0— Girls handed the PA laariee thair and hla Intimate friends, Henry Ford witness for prosecuted brethren. result the meeting will be held Manebester Y. M. a A. (38) seventh eetbock to twelve Im tgm srould be extremely "unwise” to un- but at the moment there Is no plan Roblna Larder, 55 Winter strMt, H. brilliantly backed up by NormM Bowman and Loren Murchtoon from By tha Aaocetated Press. 0 Smith, U ...... REYOLTA CAPTURES dertake any expedition that would and the late Thomas A. Edison, His parish house and private earlier than originally planned. Smith. Ron Hudson was the only the record books os ba s t e p ^ down A NEW SKI STANDARD ...... I 0-0 ■torts by a eeora at 19-7. OteJ fiU to construct such battleships.” apartment bad been searched time OUn Grant, 406 Keeney street, Mrs. Nsttoaol Loogne. 3 Ruboeho. If ... s a s a a *0 0-0 leave the nation’s shores unprotect- (Previous Japanees official state- spent of their vacations together in H. Russell Tryon, 80 Pitkin street, Detroiter to score twtee os 13 play toe straightaway to six seconds (tat. Now York Rongera 3, Toronto 1. Mojkowskl featured for Meridtm. ed. camping parties and trips. They and again. His wires were tapped A meeting of the Manchester I Sumlolawakl. rf ...... s 8-8 SACRAMENTO OPEN I SEEKS THIRD m i E )»hlle Ptotrowekl, F. MordoaMor e Q ments have denied plans to build and his mall opened. Nazi agents Mrs. Philip Pickman, JBolton. era picked up one or more goals orl He gave warning‘ of ‘ what t o Detroit 8, Montreal Canadlens 0. 1 r ia h , e ...... Meanwhile, Secretan,' Hull’s ex- were accompanied on some occa- Sports club la called for this eve- Admitted Simday: Carl S. Claa- asoista. come ...... by tying tha record of 8.8 to Boston 7, Chicago 3. Fritz Dchmel Of Mmiich Uni- e a e a e a 1 0-0 Haraburda went beet for tha toMSH ships of specific tonnages, but none sions by the late President Harding. trailed him and, when be preached, ning at 7:30 at Center Springs 1 Anderson, Ig ., e a a e a eO 1-8 . pressed wtlllngness to take part In has made the general denial that cey, 53 Chestnut street, Mrs. John The victory put tha Wtogs only toe trial boats oad then clipping latwaattaul-Anerlcaa Lragne. versity Wins Eastern Ama- AT SQUASH RACQUETS Tha complete results of _ :*;,l any general arms reduction aroused The Firestone home at Akron agents took down his statements. lodge. 1 HiUBsM, Ig . . . e e e a e *0 0-0 Bocramanto. CoUf., Feb. 7.— Japan was building or planning cap- Once a bomb was thrown at bis Fay, Rockville, Mrs. Enrico Oag- a point bohlnd Chicago's Biack- one-tonto second off that to tbe SyrocuM 3, Springfield 1. teur Downhiil Title. games yasterday ware os folloerat ■ widespread Interest In the capital was a show place where tbe manu- glanesl, 72 (jottage street, Mrs. Hsivia. who took threeiRktoga tost sem-flnols. New Haven 3. Prorideoce L 0 Tost, r g ...... » s s • s eft 8-8 (AP)— Johnny Ravolta, as rslto' Msa'e Dlvlsioa today, because It followed closely ital ships above the limits of the facturer indulged hla bobbies — parsonage. Sunset (Council, Degree of Poca- week but have plojrsd two leas ble a shot maker as toe gome has London treaty, 35,000 tons.) His Imprisonment come after he Elizabeth White, IS Ridgewood The perfonaonoa gave Johnson Araerieon AaocetsUon. Adams, Mass, Fob. 7.—(AP) Boston, Feb. 7 — (AP) — Mli Maacheater 58. Msridsn 88. hla demand that Japan disclose her blooded horsea and cattle and dairy *bontos, will bold its regular meeting street, Mrs. John Zimmerman and gomsi than DetrolL No other team ranking os tha outstanding per- Mtaneapolta 1. St. Louis 1. tie. Despite heroic afforto of Dorttooutb • _ • 7-18 _ 38 producsd to many a year, added the Bristol 84, ThompsonvUte S3. naval building program. (arming. disobeyed the church mlnistr^s de- tonight at 8 o’clock in Tinker boll. mode any appreciable prograoa last Score at half, lB-9 Hartford. Rof- Sacramento Open tournament to his Anne Page, of Philadelphia, nation- cree that names of man i ^ t t ^ ths Infant daughter, 64 Chestnut street, former of the meet. A committee (No gmniM tonight.) skiers, who won four out of toe Union a t y 68, Middletown 49. Amid unofficial reports that A ploDssr In Industrial welfare, Mrs. Edward Moran and infant aoa, week. of sports writers ptaeed toe Colum- first six places, tos eastern ama- aree, Brown-Ooivlts. Ust of golfing conquests today tn al squash racquets champion for tho Rockville 48, Torrington 88. Tokyo officials had decided against Mr. Firestone built a home commun- church must not be read from the Tbe Hustlera' group at the Wes- Tbe Hawks, after losing 6-1 to the addition to Increasing hla lead pulpit. He aloo hod solicited a col- 54 Chestnut street. Joseph M. Lar- bia see ahead of Cuantogbam and ■owmuts VICTORS teur downhill championship was past two years, today opened her Girls' Olvialsa complying, Hull said in a radio ad- BRITISH HOUSE ity for hla workers, gave them a leyan Guild will bold an all-day kin, 25 Summit street. and 4-3 to the New York Unlveraity's ■opbomora held today by a f o r e t^ r —Frita T. M. O. A Girls (9) top money winner of the winter Meriden 19, Manchester 7. dress last night: clubhouse, an athletic field and a lection to finance the anti-Nazi fight meeting Wednesday at the South H ontnal Maroons, were on tbe 0 Gallo, r f ...... tournament oeoaon. drive for a third straight title by of the Oonfeasolonal Syno<^ the ma- Admitted today: Nalshan Mala- Jimmy Herbert, who ramntoed un- The Howttaan gained another Dehmel, of toe Universlly of Mu- .1 1-3 8 drawing .Mrs. Fred Hawkins, of Bristol 16. ThompaonvlUe 10. "While compelled, in a world In 36-bole golf course, organized a MethoiUst church. Work will be on tlan, 165 Adams street, Mrs. Alex- short and of a 7-3 landslide against beaten this year with a sterUng vic- nich. 0 Brawn, rt ...... 0 0-0 0 He conquered rain, wind and Middletown 80, Union City 6, which Increased conatnictlon or bank and instituted a model stock jority group of Proteetont churches. salting peanuts. ths Boston Bruins tost night Tbe victory by downing toe Osborn other provoking playing conditions Boston, for hsr flrat opponent. CHEERS THREAT This, too, had been forbidden by 'ander Noble, 16 ESdridgs street. tory to toe MO-yorfl run. Form eagtn at Eaflsid Thursday It took a record braoking j>er- 2 M. VIttnar. I f ...... 3 0-8 4 Cecile Bowes, also of Pbilodsiphla. Rockville 47, Torrington IL armaments is a regrettable fact, to owning-savings plan for his em- Discharged today: Richard Christ, Rangers remained three potato be- Although Towns whipped Tol- 0 PohonkL If ...... 0 to post a 73-bole total of 290 yes- render adequate our military and ployes. government decree. Amou those attending ths No- night by a oeers of 63-48. Judd. formanoe of 2 minutes. 86 3-5 oeo- 0-0 0 who waa Mias Page’s victim In toe ensen. South Coventry. hind Boston by besting tbe Toronto micb to the (tools of tbe hunlles, onds (or Dehmel to win over the 1 PrenUce, c ...... 0 0-0 0 tarwy, two atrokae over par for toe The standing of tos State Itolitb naval establishment, we are ready The rubber manufacturer held an tional Defense Oonferenca and Census: Fifty-six patients. MMie Leafs, 3-1, tost 'right. toe lanky Georgian was forced to Kerr and Tleriiey featured for toe distance. Revolts fired a par 72 1936 and 1937 finals, was pitted optimistic outlook on life and hla wtaners and Center and Left For- thunderbolt rtm on the northeast 0 Thornsr, c ...... 0 0-0 0 against Anna Weeks, of New York League to date Is os follows: at any time to join n-tth other na- TO S IM SUBS luncheon at tbe Hotel Bond Satur- Six or seven friends of Walter MEN’S DRESS AND WORK Ihe Leafs hod boston Boston 8-1 Ohara the new record of 74 with toe 0 Sloan, rg ...... 0 for ^la opening round and capped tiaos In a common effort to bring last interview, on hla arrival here, day were the following members of Saturday and thus gotood a ward went brat for toe tarars. who slope of Mt. Greyloek. as toe nest 0-0 6 bis final eighteen with a similar for her first test, and If victorious MEN’S DIVISION BIU^ TO PREVENT Hendricks of Andover responded to nwen-ehtrted boy (ram Mlehlgan. six finishers also cams to ahead of 0 Jswell, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 was to play toe winner betw.-en W. L. about a general limitation and -e- (Oonttnoed frem Page One) reflected that trait. the American Legion Auxiliary a call from the Memorial hospltM point oi%a over the Canodieiu, who BCth'made the time to their trial held a 36-19 load at tha half but Bcora. In between be carded duction of armaments." He said business conditions were here: Mrs. Sophie Holmes, Mrs. played a 8-8 tie with the New York couldn't stave off the Howitzers' late toe old trail mark of 3:67 4-6 held 0 Prokop. I g ...... 1 0-1 3 TS’i . Frelda .Srharmoa. of New York, and Manchester . .... 13 0 for ^lood donors and after typing TROUSERS beats and Towns did it again to tos rally. by Rudolph Konieesny, who flnUhed — — ___ Eleonora Sears, of Beaton. Mlos Hartford ...... 11 8 The secretary of state spoke on Majesty’s warships that If a sub- “not aa good as they were a year WAR PROFITEERING Russell Pitkin, president of the aux- these, one of tbe group waa oelectod Americana finals. The old mark of 76 was ee- S Revolts, from Evanston, IU., has "the alarming disintegration of all marine Is found so submerged hence- ago” but attributed that condition ilhuy, Mrs. W, P. Cotter, Ameri- Booton did most of its scoring to A practice oMsiao of toe local sixteenth yesterday. 4 1-6 9 Sears won too champlonihto to Meriden ...... 9 8 as a donor for a need^ blood trans- tabUshed by Jebn Collier to 1934 Hartford Bob Boh accumulated $5,250 since the win' ThompsonviUe . . . 13 international relationships which forth It snail be attacked. ” "in large degree to government canism chairman and Mie John fusion last week. tbe third period after leading ' 3-0 and equalled by Bom Alien of Bris- team will be held tots afternoon at Ted Hunter, Dartmouth member Otrls (8) ter swing began last December, He 1928, the first year It was played. 8 the world has lecently withessed. Dealing with the sinking of the regulation of industry.” (OoBtlnoed from Page One) Greghon, national defense chairman. through the second. Mel Hill, just 1:30 o'clock. The Howitzers meet of the 1986 U. 8. Olympic team, fin- 0 L. Wylot, r f ...... 0 0-0 0 opened toe tour with a victory In Other leading matches pitted New Britain ...... 7 4 tow, Okta., who couldn't even get 0 Marvin, If ...... 0 Mrs. Ralph Powers, of New Lon- Bristol ...... 8 4 "Solemn contractual obligatlcms Alclra by alrplar.es, Eden said there "If we want to regain proeperlty Week of Feb. C 1|85 $2-00 up from Providence, was the only Into the finals Saturday. the Rockville Falcons noxt Tuesday ished second; EM Meservey, of 0-0 0 the $10,000 Miami-Blltmore tourna- have been lightly brushed aside In was every reason to believe the at- we must do a right-about-face, on would impoee. He would have com- Group 7 of Center church wom- two-goal scorer while another rook- night to a return gome at toe Ar- Dartmouth, third; Nils ENe, of Nor^ 3 Jonss. 0 ...... 3 0-0 4 ment. The Sacramento event net- don. fJonn., against Mrs. Paul San- Union City ...... 6 4 Tuesday 9 a. m.—Teeth clinic. Reffularly $2.95 The twin cornMnstion of Delmer born, of Pbiladolphlo. Rockville ...... 8 S an Increasing number of instances,’ tacking planes were Insurgent. regulation," he said. "In other plete control of security and com- en. M rs Elizabeth Meintoab, leader, 10 a. m—T. and A clinic. ie, Ivan Nicholson, mode one Chtea- and Elmer Brawn and Wayne and mory and Thuroday ntaht face toe nray, fourth; Dick Durrance, of 0 Ludorff, rg ...... 1 1-8 8 ted him $750. he said. Therefore, he said. General Franco w or^, pro::perlty still depends on modity exchangee and could requisi- will have a Cet ! Luck supper Regular $3.46, Reduced T o ...... $2.37 go tolly. ^ Hozardvllle Townan. Dartmouth, fifth; Dave Bradley, of 2 Flanigan, Ig ...... 0 1-1 1 Revolts finished a stroke ahead Nsw H svan...... 8 8 has been told that the British re- Wednesday 2 p. m.— Well-baby Blaine Rideout from West Texas Howltara Oo. Torrington 8 11 "The most fundamental tenets of two fiindamsntal—work and produc- tion necessary materials. Wednesday evening at 6:30 In the conference at tbe "Y”. Regular $3.96, Reduced T o ...... $2.97 Two injuries marked lest night's state toacberi eholkad up toe third Dartmouth, sixth and Hugh Kernoo, at Vic Ohezzl of Deal, N. J., who tntarnational law have been flouted serve the right hereafter "to take tion, and these in turn are depend- The House bill would authorize a Robbins room. gomea Toe Bloke of tbe Ctona- P- B. r . T. of BropUtoe, Moos., seventh. 4 8 3-4 hod a 73-hole score of 291. A 5 Y. .-H. & A. INTEBMEDI.ATE TerryvlUe ...... 8 18 such retaliatory action in the event Thursday 9 a. m. — Pre-natal Regular $4J>6, Reduced T o ...... $3,97 new mark to toe BUe oad raven- 8 LELiGUB Midd]eto)vn ' ...... With Incredible disdain. Reaort to ent on the release of capital. system of taxation which would ab- clinic. (Hens smoohed several. riba in col- eighth# medley relay. With Blaine 1 K e r r, r f ...... 6 0-3 10 Dartmouth's four-man ”A” tsom Score at half, 7-5 Hartford. Ref- on the par 4 lost bole cost Gliezzl 1 14 armed force Is again emerging both of recurrence of these attacks as “The first Incentivs toward its sorb sU surplus profits above a American Legion Auxiliary mem- Regular $5JH) and $5.95, Reduced liding )z1th Detroit's Btobis Good- 1 Simmons, I f ...... 8 0-0 6 won toe title with a oombtoed Uma oree. Brown-Koaok. a chance to tie. He pulled hla may be required by and appropriate Friday, 3 p. m.—^Well-baby con- Hideout getttog up to the final 8 'nerney. r l ...... 9 The schedule tor toe "Y” Ihterme- GIRLB* as a method of settling Internation- releaas would be the repeal of the "fair normal return to labor, ma bers will meet tonight at the State ference. T o ...... $4.97 fqSiow and Art Wtobe of tha Block otridea to nooe out IndhUM's Jimmy 4 1-3 at 11:18 '4-S. Scbuasvtrsto club, at second shot forty yards to the aide, omnoN al dtaputes and as an Instrument of to the particular case.” undistributed profits tax and the agement and Invested capital." A Armory at 7:30 sharp. Tbe early awka tors ooms shoulder ligaments 0 Judd, c ...... 6 1-3 18 Brookline, was second; DorUnouth pitehsd up and missed a 30-foot putt dlate BaoketboU League for this w, u predatory poUcy.” ' rep^ at tbe capital gainst tax.” Cotton Whipcord and Moleskin Trousers Smith on the aaelMr tag. the Ttona 3 Anderson, rg . . . . 1 o-o 3 LOBRAINB OULU WINNER svenlog U oa foUows: RockvUte ...... NO CAUSE FOB ALAR.M "fair return” would be defined by hour is set for the rooeon that tbe FDrD MAN^ BODY. in bumping Eddie Shore. taom was timed to 7:376. TBi old "B” team third, and ths Mount by Inches. Hs hod a 69 and 73 1-0 Hull on Saturday had requested Tbs gray-bairsd, blue-eyed Indus- Congreaa officers have been invited to attend 0 Berk. I g ...... g 0-0 6 Greyloek Ski club at Plttsfiald, for his loot two rounds. 6:45—Baglas vs. Rangers. Bristol foeeeaeee New York, Feb. 7.—(AP)—L. J. $1.17 mark of 7:39.6 was mfido by New 0 Sborto, Ig . . . . 7:45—Tlgow ra. Am . Msriite Japan to make known bv Feb. 20 trlaUat spent tbe days quietly at bis Tax ExeuipUona a National' Defence meeting in MONDAY LEAOCT York UnIvenUy to 1961 fourth. Nsw Havan. Conn.. Fab. 7—(AP) Ben Hogan of Fort Worth. Tex- Taber of Columbus, Ohio, master of extensive eetate. His principal Hull, Mast., Feb. 7.—(AP)— The Regulmrly $1.65 1 Bolmonson, rg —Three Connecticut girls finii 8:46—Pirates vs. Cuto. Hartford ... .718 any plana to buUd battleships shove the National Orange, declared in The OonnaUy bUl would reduce Hartford tonight body of Richardson O. B iw n, 45. Bane a Freat Baee as. took third money with a 292. tfea 35,000-ton limit set by the 1936 diverstoa in later years bad been :rsonal exemptions on individual The followtog pairings ore sebe- 1 Byebotaky, If .. OOIXEOB SWIM MEET to ths meoay and gave a good oc- Bari Fry, Alameda, Calif., Toney The standtog after lost Monday's ThompsonvlUs Women’s National Republican Club who had been missing from his Others. Regularly $2.69, Reduced To $1.87 Cunntogham, Mm the master games is as follows; Mlddtetiram . liondon naval treaty. There have putting a golf ball about a practice rIncicome taxes to 3800 for single per- Tbe banquet committee of the YD Newten home for three weeks, today duled for this evsntog to tbs TM.C toiler deepite Me M ym n, varied count at thomoolvos to m OUvo Psmia. Dayton, O.; Horton Smith been reports Japan was construct- address today, "there is no excuse green on tbe groiinda. Usually ons sona 4kid $1,600 for marrtod peractu. Club will meet tonight at tbe Alterations extra at these low priccA A. Monday evening bowling league: S-fi S3 Oambrtdge, Mass., Fob. 7—(AP) Johasea bowling swoopstakan bare. and John Bulla, both of Chicago, W tj Monchsstsr (or the undue pessimism of the was found in tbs cellar of a sum- eUghtly from Me nsuof style of run- Bogies ...... Nsw Bevan ing or was projecting 43,000 and or more at bto cliUdTen competed Ibe tax roU would Im 10 per cent, V. F. W. Home, Manchester Green. mer home his family had ownsd for Shearers va Mailmen; O ibom va ning to tying tke MUlrara mark of —The Eastern totereoilsgiote s)srtm. Mias Lofrolns GuIB at Washing tied for fourth with 293’a Byron 7 1 hour." with him. Another favorite recree- with a surtax beginning with 6 per Right forward Ttgera ...... • 2 New Britato , M,000-Um vsasela. Speaking at the Henrietta .Wells several years, prldr to 1985, with a Talcottville; Bo. Ami va. Raida 4:11 and whipping Mn ua»—t toom- mlng league Individual champioo- ton, D. C„ )m* tos svant yesterday Nelson of Reading. Pa., and Frank tlon waa watching bis children and eent on the flrat 31,000 of Income in Miss Gertrude England, who come Tbe foDowtag to the standtog 'Lsft Forward .. aiilps win be deddsd to toe Horvoid Toronto, Sacramento, finished with iishgen ...... 6 2 UnlOD CKy a a a a e R • H such ships were being built, Livermore School of Politics, Taber pistol nearby. fitato, Arehta Sfia Romaai. by ten Right Foretard wtih a six-game seors at 781. She Torrington Hun said, the United States would their frien4s play tennis on tbs excess of the exemption and reach- here last week for the burial of her Police Commissioner Henry Stev- >*'16 for tho 3nd round: pool for toe first Ume oa March 16 was trollsd by Sue Milter of BoHi- S94‘s. Tbronto was low scoring ^^8s •,•••**,,,,,,,3 5 asserted: "More people sing the yards. Tbs wortd record bolder Cantor ...... TsrryvlUe a a a a a a a ' be forced to compete. Great Biit- private courts. ing a maximum of 80 per cent on father, Horry Ekigland, left yester- ens said the man hod been shot In yjim W. stepped to toe treat near the holf- and 19, toe Harvard A. A. aiiaonfio- mors with 748 and Ida Blmmoas of smatsiir. 6 ces ••,••,*,,,,,,,2 6 blues in New York Q ty than any A spokesman at tbs estate sever- income in excess of $50,000. day for the return trip to her home Ami 16 Right Guard .. •d Among pre-tournsmcnt favorites Pltote# ...... 0 8 I ain and France eent atwillar notee. other place I go. Our nation is tbe bead. mark, set a •tSOfta Mcs to tbs Loft Guard . . . . Norfolk, Vo., with 7tt. Than DOWN THE HAXOi Semi-official navy data dieeloeed al hours after Mr. Firestone’s death A tax on undlatribuM profits of In S t Peteraburg, ^ lid o . Mrs. The bouse where the body was ■ nba^le resources; our deposits are let's last hours were avsUafale. Ueo at Nantooket Beodb Mon Roaonl torsatsusd. Erana E rtaaaw at I boiled eggs figvrad M a natr) 11 capital ahlpB tbe amount of profiu retained. weeks before returning to S t Medical Bxom ln^ John G, Bwea Mallttum g JuM to provs Ms vsraaumy. Cim- msra of Oohiinbla. Doranooth, was Mxth with 710 oad'MaiBte Me- Snood, White Sulphur Springs. W.' bike race for new record winning M n, FlnstaM , ths forasrpabaU a A MP MmUor la most raepaets to .Potetabnrg. ___ BRi^a...... A- 17 S-U 43 Vo, 399; Harry Cooper. Chicopee. pionahlp lor San tHigB,Dlico^ V hqgan on iwvsdilgtttBa Toi. DnaoU at ThomasUto, nsvwth with streak, flniahtog with point margin Paul'Chrtstsn atr Oteni aRM) - I ...... ns, Magg. Qyi. and Jimmy Thomosaa. over Jimmy Wolthour and AJ Crooe- ttkWMfi SB DHasrara, P r , Mid •telSMd tb# ■' Sj:' vm t I TRIM MY LAMP! READ IT OR NOT When days grow dark with grief or Whan crude rubber and sulphur woe and night seems Just were accidentally spilled on a stove, ahead. sad vulcanised, rubber was discov- When ahadows lurk within my ered. LOST AND FOUND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 HELP WANTED— LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES era and doing extra work. During house because the sun hss fled; Mal e S6 the paat week the puptla o f the To penetrate the gathered gloom Possibly for the Increase in the 1934 Tem plane Onupe, 1933 Olds 2 At a Court of Probate Holden at AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD 'iUMT—THURSDAY night In vldni- COLUMBIA school made and sent a sunshine NO APPROVAL GIVEN where fear and honor camp, male marriageable age la that a door, 1933 Nash sedan, 1932 Stude- Columbia within and for the District at Manchester, within and for the >■ t y ot TaiiBer street $10 MU. Flnd- WANTED — TWO AMBITIOUS of Andover, on the day of Feb. l8t„ District of Manchester, on the 8tb basket to their schoolmate, John I firmly grasp my shears of faith few young men still have hopes of * r plsMs return to 07 Tanner baker sedan. Low down payment. boys with bicycles, age 16 to 20, A. D.. 1988. day of February, A, D.» 1888. RlsiDg, who ts recovering from and trim my lamp. > earning their own living. Preient CLAYTON E. HUNT, Eaq.. ■treat. TMephone 4090. Reward. Small monthly payment. Trades. willing to learn grocery and meat Present W ILLIA M S. HYDE. Esq^ pneumonia in the Hartford hoapital. Messier Nash Inc., 7298. Judge. Judge. ANY MUSIC SCHOOL business. We will train you for pro- On motion of Helen C. Jewett of Estate of Eva Hughes Cone late of UNUSUAL MALADY Another activity in tha school ia tbe When clouds o f doubt obscure the A tramp applied to a man for a UOVT —FEVLALE beagle bound, motion. Apply Firestone Food Andover, Conn.. Executrix on the Manchester. In said District, deceas- selling of seeds and the feeding of forms of friends of long ago. few cents to buy a loaf of bread. teetate estate of Mary B. Jewett late eeUte. black spots, tan head. CaU PAINTINU—PAPEKINU 21 Markets, 379 Ekmt Center street. ed. the birds, with the aid o f feeding When fogs of mean suspicion rise, Man—Can't you go into an^ bual' US4. of Andover within eald district, de- The Executors having exhibited stations built by the pupUa and the winds of rancor blow; ness that ia more profitable than FARM H AND TO BUN rural route ceased. their administration account with AFFECTING GIRL PROPERTY OWNERS —Attenuon Sopt niing Says Any En- Before the stealthy miste of bate this? during winter and early spring. This Cow *t doth decree that six said estate to this Court for allow - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Andrews, $6.99 repapera room, ceUing paper- months be allowed amS limited for the ance. It Is . have left their evil stamp, Tramp—Td like to open a bank, Operate on my capital. If jrou want Henry Ishsm, Mr. and Mrs. Roland AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 ed or kalsomlned. Material, latxii creditors ot said estate to exhibit ORDERED:—That the 19th day of With baste I seize my shears of if I could only get the tools. this splendid chance to clear up to th^lr claims against the same to the February A. D.. 1938, at 9 o'clock Smith and Luther and Miss Rachel dorsement Claim Is False; complete, inside, outside painting faith and trim my^lam^. $45 week. I'U mall complete de- Executrix and'directs that public no- forenoon, at the Probate Office, In Buell attended the wedding of Mrs. ttSS CHEVROLET M ASTER eoacb. Large aavlnga Work guaranteed. tic. be given of this order by adver- said Manchester, be and tbe same la lUness Of Janice Clarke Is SOME PEOPLE LOOK FINE, tails free. Albert Mills, 4444 Mon- Andrews’ niece, Miss Hazel Gillette Mack, good tires, motor exceUent, Lens. Phone 3692. tising in a newspaper having a circu- assigned for a hearing on the allow- Colored Minister— Am derjs any- SOME ACrr FINE, SOME FEEL mouth, Cincinnati, O. lation In said district, and by post- anc** of said admlnletratlon account of Mansfield to George McCauUey of Canvass For Pupils. eery clean inside and out $290. No New Haven a t tha bride’s home in body in the congregation what FINE, BUT VERY FEW POSSESS ikrnn payment, 20 months to pay. ing a copy thereof on the public sign with said estate, and this Court di- Diagnosed As Rocky wishes prayer for their fallin’s? ASSISTANT MANAGER large post in said town of Andover nearest rects the Executors to give public no- Mansfield on Saturday afternoon. ALL THESE QUALIFICATTONK Oida Motors, 646S. Brother Jones— Yassuh! Ah’s REPAIRING 23 financial organization wishes to the place where the deceased last tice to all persons Intereated therein The first meeting of the Adult Since it was announced that the dwelt. to appear and be heard thereon by spen'trif an’ Ah throws mati money add young man to its local atait. Mountain Fever. Church school was held in the Roberta— W hy don't you sue him ROOSTNO A N D SIDING eaUmatea Certified from Record publishing a copy of this order in local Board of Education is consider- round reckless like. for breach of promise? Must present good physical ap- CLAYTON^ HUNT some newspaper having a circulation church on Sunday morning at ten freely given. Years of experience. o’clock. ing a course of instruction In instru- Colored Minister—Very well. We Marybelle— I would, only 1 don't Workmanship guaranteed. Also pearance, be over 23, have pleas- Judge. in said District, five days before ^ald H-7-7-31. day of hearing and retuim make to The malady that has been puz- A t the regular Sunday morning mental music in the pubile schools, will Join in prayer for Brudder have a decent photograph for the carpentry. A. A. Dion, 81 Wells ing personality and ability to con- this Court. church service the Rev. Ralph Row- representatives o f several music Jones— Jea’ after dc collection plate newspapers. Manchester street. I%one 4860. tact people. College training pre- WILLIAM 0. HYDE zling the papenta and attending HOME OWNERS’ 1X>AN CORPORA- land preached a sermon on the sub- has been passed. ferred. Reply giving full Informa- TION Judge. physician o f Janice CHarke, a fresh- schools, have been canvassing Man- Eveninsr Herald HARNESSES, eoUars, luggage and H-8-7-88. ject "Humanity’s Trail to God." HASiai MMMMMI tion, to Box f, Herald. vs. man at Windham High school, since chester for students and claiming LET THE OTHER FELLOW harness repairing, sport topa and MARTHA E. CHASE. ET AL Sunday evening Miss Gladys Rice CLASSIFIED the first of December has finally was the leader of tbe meeting o f the the approval of the Board. Super- TALK OCCASIONALLY. YOU curtains repaired. 90 cambnage Superior Court. Tolland County. been diagnosed as I ^ k y Mountain intendent of Schools Arthur H. Illlng CAN’T LEARN MU(JH LISTEN STO R IES IN ADVERTISEMENTS street. .Telepbone d740. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 January 35, 1938. Christian Endeavor Society, with fever by Dr. D. C. Y. Moore of eleven present. The topic was "How today asked The Herald to state ING TO YOURSELF. Ft'RTHER ORDER OF NOTICE FARMER, WIFE SHOT that the Board has no connection Oosnt els ererese words te a liaa LOCK AN D SAFE combUiatlons FANCY YOUNG FOWL 82c lb, Manchester. Dr. Moore told the can our Society be the best possible It appearing In the above entitled whatsoever with these schorls and STAMPS MlUela sambars and abbreviations changed, key lltung, duplicating fancy broilers 35c lb. dressed. Otto action praylng.*~for reasons therein Clarkes that he has known of only Society?” It was voted at the meet- Being absorbed in what you are eaeb eounl as a word and eomponnd two other cases of the disease in that such claims are entirely false. Guns, vacuum cleaners, clocks etc„ Herrmann. Dial 5085. We deliver. set forth, foreclosure of a mortgage BY DRUNKEN GUNMAN ing to accept the offer of Albert E. doing has its drawbacks; weeds as two words MIolniDBt aost Is on the real estate described In the Connecticut since be has been prac- G. Albert Pearson, supervisor of When men wore long beards— a FOUMDCP U N Iv m A L . •Vlas of Uras Itasa cleaaad, repaired. Bralthwaite, 62 complaint, which action has been re- Lyrastn to organize aa orchestra music in the public schools, recently Idas rates per dar tor traaalsat ticing. Since December, Janice has within tbe Society. wife allowed her husband to play Pearl street. turned to the Superior Court for T ol- asked the Board to consider the ad- L ah g u ao e * ada ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 land County: that the residence or Sunderland, Maas., Feb. 7.— (A P ) not been feeling well and was forced Tbe Home Economics Division of poker twice a month while she had U0m cesatiTs Maick ST. lasT REUPHOLBTERING and furniture address of the defendants Martha K. to miss much schooling without visability of forming a special clasa a party of lady frienda Tbe htiS' Cash Charss FOR SALIC—B ABY stroller. In- —State police spread a net across the Tolland County Farm Bureau of instruction In Instrumental mu- repairing. SpTlngs retied, cuablons Chase and Frank E. Harris is un- knowing the cause of the listless- band came home one night while all 4 OonascatiTs Dare T stst ( ets qulre 51 Washington street or known and that the plaintiff has not thickly wooded countryside today in wdll hold its February meeting In sic because of the Interest among I OeesseatlTs Oars ..I * stsl U eu reflUed. J. J. HUlman. Telephone ness and drowsy feeling which were there, his whiskers loaded with telephone 3798. been able to ascertain the same; and an effort to snare a stubby-bearded the chapel on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. pupils in such a course. The Board 1 O ar ...... I 11 stsl U ets 8446. that the last known place of abode gunman whose blazing piatol seems to be the most predominant The meeting as usual will be in tobacco Juice. AU orders for Irrasalar lassrtlons of the aald defendants was In Coven- characteristic of the disease. is now considering the matter but if W ife—Dear me, John, couldn't 0 * WUI be sbarssd at tbs oaa Itsss rata wounded an elderly fanner and his charge of Miss Helen Roberta, approved It will be an extra-cur- a A LETT US HELP YOU with your try, Connecticut Dr. Moore definitely stated that you turn your head to spit 7 ipislsl rates fat Isas tarai avary ORDERED:—That said cause be wife after they surprised him loot- Home Demonstration agent, with ricular activity outside of regular le S ■dr advsrtlslas sl*aa epos raqsast. range— burner troubles, cleaning, FUEL AND FEED 49-A the disease Is not contagious, and John—Nope, not In that game. ' A continued for a further period of one ing their home jresterday. "Guiding the Adolescent" tbe topic school hours and a fee will probably Ada srdsrsd Mfars tba third or Ofth adjusting, repairing. Tel. 6402. Ex- can only be contracted from the bite - FOR SALE— W ELL seasoned Hard n> month and that further notice of Stanley Suchocki, 64, struck four for discussion. Every one Is Invitsd be charged Interested students for ■ar arUl be sharwad salr fat tbs as> pert se^ce. Satisfaction guaran- the institution and pendency of this of a certain tick found on wood- SUNSHINE # leal aambar of Uass tbs ad appear* wood. Apply Edward J. Holl, tele- action be given by publication In the times In the cheat, was In serious to come to this meeting, men as the instruotlon and use of instru- ad, aharalBd at tbs rats saraM bat teed. P. H. Babb A Sons. phone 4642 or 8025. condition at a Greenfield hospital. chucks, squirrels or rabbits. In well as women. A laugh Is Just Ilka stinshins. It Manchester Herald once a week for catching the disease, Janice must ments which the school will have to •e aUawaoes ar rsfonda can be mads three successive weeks, beginning on His wife, Annie, 60, leas seriously purchase. freshens all the day. y ^ e ls timo ads stopped ansr tbs have come in contact with a dog or Hubert P. Collins, Town Clerk, or before the 16th day of Feb., 1938. hurt, was hit in the breast by one It Is understood that represeota- It Ups the peaks of life with light h COURSES AND CLASSES 27 and that return of such notice be cat that had caught one o f ^ese who has been ill for two months, 6mcE M Mo torblds'i diaplar lines aat /HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 bullet. has recovered sufficiently to allow tivea of the music schools in ques- and drives the clouds away. #Blds given to this Court animals, thla allowing the tick to Babel, men have sought tor a AIR CONUmONINO By the Court. The gunman, described by police him to come dotvn to the center, tion are soliciting pupils for their The soul grows glad that hears It Tbs Bsrald will not ba rssponsibis FOR SA LE —W A LN U T bed. Inner W ILLIS H. REED as "very drunk", staggered into the Jump from them to her and bite her. and feels its courage strong. form o ( universal language. I;^ far Bwrs than ana laaorrsat Insertion REFRIGERATION which he did on Saturday for tbe schools with the claim that the -A spring mattri.as, bed spring, dress- Clerk. Dr. Moore aald. A laugh is Just like sunshine for Scorea of schemea have bean af aar adrsrtlssmant srdsrsd tar Male, Instruction. Trained men couple's garage after tbe shooting first time since he was taken 111. Mr. Board of Education has sanctioned .iUX mors than oas time er, In good condition. Call 7650. If.2-7-38. and sped off In their automobile in The symptoms of the disease are cheering folks along. worked out, but moat of them urgently needed. For information Ojlllns’ many friends were glad to the use of its name. Mr. Illlng Tba InadTsrtsnt omission ot Inoor* which they had left the ignition key. recurrent, at times Janice feels nor- proved inadequate. root pnblloatlon ot sdsartlsina will bs write UtUlUes Inat., Box J, care AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD see him around again. wants It clearly understood that the 1 . From their hospital beds the mally well, again she will be strick- Board considers such action illegal, Mrs. Browrn always allowed her Attacking tne task from its deetldsd snir br sanoallstlon at tbs o f Herald. ' WANTED—TO BUY 58 at Manchester, within and for the en with a fever, and the more vio- Miss Margaret Blakely and Mrs. many angles. Dr L. L Zamenhof, dberwi mads tor tbs sarrles rsndsrsd. District of Manchester, on the 5th couple told police the gunman con- Lillian Sutton, boUi o f the medical maid to have her young man in tbe lent symptoms ot the disease are a Polish eye specialist, announced . All advsrtlssmsnta most oonform day of February, A. D.-. 1988. fronted Mrs. Suchocki as she entered staff of the ijturel Heights State kitchen in the evening. But know- ^ stria aop'r and trporraphr with Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq.. manifest. in 1887 a language form which he the door of her home. A fter strik- Tuberculosis Sanitarium of Shelton, ing the girl was entertaining a new Vdsalatlona saforasd br tbs pnbllsh- BUSINESS W ANTE D TO BUY two burner sec- Judge. . The duration of the disease can- called “ Esperanto." He claimed ing her on the head with the spent the week-end with Miss LUTHERAN MEN TO HEAR ■vain, she slipped down stairs mm and tbSr rsssrvs tbs rlcbt te OPPOK'I UNITIES 32 ond hand oU stove. Telephone 5737. Estate of Rossa A. Brookings late not be accurately determined, but It possessed the vital “unlversaT’ edit, rsTlss ar reject anr eopr eon* of Manchester, in said District, de- wgapon and shooting her, police Blakely’s mother, Mrs. Ethel Blake- and listened at the kitchen door: ebjsetlonabla said, he stumbled out the doorway it usually has a run of six months, characteristics. Its grammar can FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec- W ANTE D — A L L YOUR saleable ceased. ly, in Columbia. Next morning she said to her O LO m ra HOURS—Claaaldsd ads On motion of Anne Brookings of firing four shots at Suchocki. Dr. Moore said. ULRICH DESCRIRE TRIP be grasped In half an hour, every tion, brick mercantile buildmg Junk. ' Live poultry bought. ’ Wm. Miss Myrtle Collins has returned maid: dd bs pabllsbed same dar most bs ra> said Manchester administrator The farmer told authorities he had The selectmen of Oilumbla re- rule is without exception, the I* dSIvsd br U e’eloek noon; datnrdsrs Ostrinsky, 182 Blsaell street. Tel. OHDEHED;—That six months from to Columbia after spending a week Mrs. Brown— Mary, your new with 3000 ft. of ground floor space. seen the man twice before at his ceived word Saturday night that spelling Is phonetic and tha dic- Mdd. 6879. the 5th day of February, A. D.. 1928 in Wethersfield with her brother, young man seems very quiet. I Suitable for light manufacturing. home, once when he came seeking Adam Mlkalic of Columbia had been tionary small. Esperanto, never- he and the same are limited and al- Ernest Qilllns. Local Caterer To Tell Emanuel never hear any sound of talking TELEPHONE YOUR Apply Edward J. Holl. lowed for the creditors within which shelter, and again when he came in an auto accident on North Main theless, has flexibility, precision, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Treat have while he 1s in here. ’i- to bring in their claims against said seeking work. On the first occa- street In Wllllmantic, and being Church Group Of European literary beauty. And it is catch- WANT ADS ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 estate, and the said administrator Is returned to their home in Cktlumbla Mary—No, mum, he’s that shy, sion Suchocki called a constable without money, needed medical at- Sojourn Last Summer. ing ont directed to give public notice to the after spending ten days In Man- he’s done nothing but eat up to Ads are aaasptsd ovar tbs Ulsphans HELP WANTED— but the man left before the officer Upwards ot 5000 books. Includ- FOR R E N T—ROOM for gentleman. creditors to bring in their claims tention, Mlkalic had a bad cut on chester. now. ■I tbs CHA.MB rath Slssn aboss FEMALE 35 Reasonable rate. Inquire 46 Coooer within said time allowed by posting arrived. bis lower lip, the police-isald, and ing ihe Bible, are now In Esperan- • • a aanvaalsnes to adssrtlasra, but David Hunt, a Junior at the All men o f the Emanuel Lutheran street. Telephone 8332. a copy of this order on tiie public He described his assailant as be- needed treatment. The selectmen to; there arc approximately 100 SCORCHY SMITH tba CASH RATBS w ill bs aaospisd aa WANTED-GIRL OR WOMAN tor sign post nearest to the place where Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Is church are Invited to attend the Mrs. Jabber—I can’t for the life Soup*s On! ______By JOHN g TERRY F lIU . rA TH B N T It paid at tbs bnsi* ing about ?5 or 40 years of age. authorized the police to take him to of me figure out why the new magazines in Esperanto aptpearing ■saa oCtaa on or before tbs asssntb general housework, one child. Call the deceased last dw*elt wMthtn said at his home in Columbia to spend a monthly meeting of the Brotherhood IS A iT\ C K-U P " town and by publishing the same in wearing a gray sweater and a the Windham Community Memorial neighbor woman next door keeps regularly The League of Nations dar tollowins the drat Insertion of 7941 or 43 fanner street. BOARDERS WANTED 59-A some newspaper having a clrculntton knitted cap. few days vacation after the mid- tomorrow . night at 8 O'clock, at [UNB UPA(MlNnT(Ar A n d 0LACMK PIRCCT9 THE BL0W1N6-0F f ad otbsrwlss tbs CHARUB hospital, where he had the cut sew- poking that broom In her small has favorably passed on the lan- In said probate district, within ten year examinations. which, time Gustaf Ulrich, well A t pinne r , WAaf- PRONTO.^' THE M F S IN THg^ O f y i ^ j - j — ATH w ill ba aollsotsA No rsaponst* WANTED —YOUNG woman for FOR RENT—4.ARGB room In pri- daya from the date of this order, and ed up. The exact details of the ac- Paul Rowland returned to college son’s face every day. guage form Many European oem- > •miy tar airera In Ulspkonsd ads cident cniild not be learned, but it known local caterer and former merclal schools now le a ^ IL An- SCORCHY ANP general housework, 4 In family. No vate home, suitable for couple, or return make to this court of the no- OF >nCE AND MEDICINE. In Haverford, Pa., Sunday after- restaurateur, will speak on his trip Mr. Jabber—Neither can I —un- WUI as aasnmad and their aaenraor tice given. was stated by Columbia people nual Esperanto conferences are ea— ot bs snarantsed. heavy laundry, sleep In. $8 per 2 men. Home cooking. References noon, after spending tbe past week less Its to keep him used to being THE REYNOLD WILLIAM S. HYDE present after the accident had oc- to Europe last summer. Mr. Ulrich held with delegates from every V \ r e a d y , / TOUCH week. Write Box K. Herald. . required. Telepbone 8183. Washington —(AP) —Pedigreed In Columbia with his parents. kissed by bis bewhtskered old grand- STAFF ARE Judge. curred, that It appeared that Mika- will make special reference to his pari ol the world ---- t\ 0 O 6 6 -y INDEX OF H.3-7-3SV mice—$24,806 worth of them— are Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hunt, Jr., Impressions o f Germany. f.ither. 5UPPENLY WANTED—EXPERIENCED dress- 11c bit two other cars, damaging Zamenhof is shown here on a CLASSIFICATIONS stooges for Uncle Sam's health o f Oomwell, spent Sunday with Mr. The program is In charge of Wil- SURPRISED maker, to go' oui. by the day. Write APAKTMEN !>*—Fl-A I'S— AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD service in its investigation of can- them slightly, then ran Into a pole Hunt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- Teacher—Give the principal parts 1927 Russian stamp marking the PY BIACKIE'S Box H, Herald. on the right hand side of the street. liam Orr and his committee and a 40th anniversary of Esperanto TENEMEN'I'S 6.3 at Manchester, within and for the cer. But not all mice can be med- ton E. Hunt, and attended church in large turnout 1s hoped for. A short of the verb "swim.” •Oi/NMEN - ' iMtS edM ••■•••■• District of Manchester, on the 6th ical martyrs. The "Ever Readies," a safety club iCopyrJs>;<| day of February. A. D.. 1939. Columbia. v business meeting will be held and Junior—Swim, swam. swum. BARN EXTRA MONEY selling FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tene- "W e buy ottr cancer mice from formed by the children of the Old Teacher—Good, now give the Deaths ..u.M . beautiful hosBry to friends, ac- Preient W'lLLlAM S. HYDE. Esq., Mrs. Ruth AndrewSTwho has been refreshments will be served after Oard ot Thanss ..t.M .ss ment, all Improvements, sunporen, Judge. Bar Harbor. Me., breeding center, Hop River school have sent for spe- principal parts of the verb "dim." quaintances ■ your spare time. caring for Mrs. Etta Rathbun of the program, which will al-so include ®e uemarlam garage. 470 Hartford Road. Inquire Estate of Stephen P. Cheney of where their parentage la known," cial safety buttons, from the Na- Hebron for tbe past few days, has Junior—Aw, quit your kidding! $Ast aad Booiid Jayrlte, 15 East 40th St., N. Y. 464 Hartforo Road. .Manchester, In said District incapable. tional Safety Council. The County comet solos by William Perrett of Aaaeaaeemsnts says Dr. L. R. Thompson of the returned to Columbia. The Conservator having exhibited 4-H director has complimented the the Salvation Arm y band. JRttsenals . . . . his account with said estate to this public health service. "Then we Somebody has defined a columnist FOR R E N T —TH REE room flat, Court for allow’ance. It Is can use them understandlngly and school on its fine work In the past as one who gets richly paid for AatasMbHso heated. Ail Improvements, garage. A atamebiles tor Bale t ORDERED:— That the 14th day of for particular work," two months, having outside speak- writing stuff that a cub reporter AatSBObllse tor Bxebenaa ..... I On Depot Square. Inquire Nortn February. A. D.. 1939. at 9 o’clock would get fired for writing. Aata Aeessaorlsa—Tiros d End 'ic k a g e Store, fel. 8910. forenoon, at the Probate Office, in Aata Hapainas—^Palattns a..w i. T said Manchester, be and the same is Aata Baboals 1*A EMERGENCY assigned for a hearing on the allow - A a taa dblp br Trask ...... i WANTED ro HEN! 68 ance of said account with said es- Hold Everything! FRECKLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Aataa—For Hire ...... t tate. and this Court dIrecta the Con- Oaiacaa—aarrloa—•tomsa la servator to give publi notice to all WASHINGTON TUBBS By Crane OUT OUR W AY W AN TE D TO R E NT small subur- persons Interested therein to appear FLAPPER F A N N Y By Syl MStararalaa—Blorelss ...... u via mroLjAiNure, BOVS! Waatad Aataa—Motororelas .... Id OILS ban place, five or six rooms. Write and be heard thereon by publishing a V M sw.«. S. ■AT osr - we COULD UA/c an-TEw -rwe mea d 1 O V E R HE GOES! ATIWN«/!;fkd mm BeMnaas aad Prstsasisnal dai ilssa Box O, Herald. copy of this order in some newspaper TO THE paalsaas ■arsioss Ottered ...... 11 having a circulation In said District, OFF’A RIVET.' TM BEQIWWIWO TD SHARKS! m aasbold Serrless Ottered . . . . l l - A POLICE live days before said day. of hearing BELIEVE MR.BEWTLJEr WAS RIGHT HEMCri, Dwtldtnw Onatrastins It and return make to thla Court. T le ftata—Worse rise ...... It WILLIAM 8. HYDE WHEN ME SAID WE'D HAVE D n a ra l Olreators ...... le LEGAL NOTICES Judge. 4343 H-S-7-S8. THE LAerr laugh / ■ssUa«—Plnmbtns—Rooflns It AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Janaraaae i t at Manchfitar, within and for tha M lUlaerr—OreesmakiDs ...... a. It FIRE district ot llancheater. on the 6th AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Moelaa—Track Ins—Starasa . . . K day of February. A. D.. I9t(. at Manchester, within and for the ^bUe Passensar Berrlea ...... K -A South Present W ILLIA M 8. HYDE. Eeo. District of Manchester, on the 6th 'BtlBB^PapeHnd< ...... tl Judge. day of February. A. D„ 1938. daaaloaaJ derrloes ...... di Estate of Mary J. Maloney late of Present W ILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq., “rlas St 4321 Manchester In said dletrlct, deceased. Judge. \ alias—Drains—Cleantnt ... ti Upon application of Helen A. Estate of Pauline T. Merx late of St Goods and derelee ...... It North Maloney prayins that an loelrument Manchester, In said District, deceas- sted— Bosinese Berrlee . . . . . St purporting to be the last w ill and ed. Eases tleaal testRinent of said deesased bs ad- On motion o f Mary Mers of said •asiaas aad Clsaasa ...... « 5432 mlttsd to probats and that Istlsrs of Manchester executrix M wta lastrootloBs ...... tl administration with the will annex- ORDERED:—That six months from SftBOlBS •••••ssssBa«soad«a*«asaS8*A ed bs granted with the w ill dnnsx< the 6th day of February A. D.. 1938 Ifnslaal—Oramstio ...... la application on flis. it !■ be and the same are limited and al- waatad—Inttroellona ...... dd AMBULANCE OROEKKD:—That the forsffolnff lowed for the creditors within which Piasaelsl (Dougan) application bs heard and dlsrminsd to bring In their clglms sgalAst said Wonds—dtocka—Mortsekae . . . t l at the Probate Office In Manchester In estate, and the said ezscutrlx ts di- Bnslaasa Opponnnltlas ...... dd said Dlatrlet. on the 14th day of Keb. rected to give public potice to the Msnar to Loan ...... I] ruary. A. D.. 1938, at 8 o'clock In the creditors to bring In their claims 5630 within said time allowed by posting Bstp and Sltaatlaas forenoon, and that notice be given to all persona Intereated in said es- copy of thla order on tbe public IK IN K E R E A H B l» « ') MWTW -ncKU Bsip Wsatsd—Psmsls ...... dd (Holloran) sign i>o8t nearest to the place where Up Wantsd-lisle ...... It tate of the pendency of said applica- Burww/ ▼ sear ch ME! I WELL,THERE!’8 9 0 M K - tion and the time and place of hear- the deceased last dwelt within said ■alssmsB Wealed ...... tt-A town and by publishing tbe same in DO TDU r ANSWER IH IM e FUNM/ ABOUT ■alp Wanted—Mels or F ei^ a.. It ing thereon, by publtahlng a copy of xwsn HRP\ ^ 3060 t^ls order In some newspaper having some newspaper having a circulation SUPPOSE \ WMPUC DUEsnows ALL THIS? T GOT Aren IS Wsotod ...... H -A in said probate district, within ten ■tnatlons Wanted—Female .... It a circulation In aald dIatrJet, at leaat THAT OIL I LIHEUWWAT IS RD/ALTY CHECkS AMD ■ttaatlone Wanted—Mala ...... t f (Q uish) five daya before the day of said hear- days.from the date of this order, and ing. to appear if they aee cauae at return make to this court of the no- WELL ^ THE THEORY OP I MslOW I CASHED Bmplormeat Aseneles ...... 40 tice given. aald time and place and be heard SUDDEWLY S RELArtvrr// THEM? SO THERE Idee Staeh— Pete—Paaltrr— Tehlelee 4340 relative thereto, and make return to WILLIAM S. HYDE STOPPED ^ poES—Birds—Peu ...... 41 this court, and by mailing in a regia- Judge. MUST HAVE BEEM M ve •tack— Vshlelee ...... 41 tered letter on or before February 7. H-2-7^88. PROOUCIWG^ Fonltrr aad doppllas ...... 41 HOSPITAL 18I8, a copy of thta order andL. said Waatad— Pels— Ponltrr-.dteak 44 will addressed to Mias Helen A. Maloney. 87 Main street, 31anehcater. Philadelphia—Hobert Qrant, m , Artlalas For Sals Conn.: Richard J. Maloney. 17 Wab- Wats sad Aoeeaserlaa ...... < 5131 ater street, Hartford. Conn.; and Dr. and Clarenee C. PaU* Jr., retain na- Balldlas Materials ...... < Maurice Maloney, 18 Vine atrect. New tional racquets doubles champion- Diamonds—Wstshes—Jswsirr •« i Britain, Conn. 2-7 L€wiS, Maetrlesl Appllsneaa—Bsdla .. < ship, defeating J. Richard Leonard WATER DEPT. WILLIAM 0. HTDB *Tbe tailor says tif rce I rasl aad Feed ...... «t- Judge. and Malcolm Kirkbrlde, 2-16, 15-10, “Pint it was ®krdsn—Farm— Dairy Frodasts I tsar inie’t f umppr ds now lipstick!—Woman, ^don•t you H-I-7-M. 15-6» 15-17» 15-2. ever think of anything but your beauty?” Maabteerr aad Taels...... — ...... — . . • I 3077 Kasleal lottrsmsau ...... I o n e s aad ttera EanlpaMat . . . . I (A fter 5 P. M.) f t eelsle at Ua Bteras...... i MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Mysterious Doing Apparel—F an . . . m . I By THOMPSON AND COLL .Waatad—Ta Bar ...... I 7868 ™------* aacanvmul e.im VBS-'KES„ \ ALLEY OOP Baataoianta MANCHESTER Hite THEMiUJONAfitES Juyr lbw/eme. ' Baaau Winooi Board ...... | /MVRA w »rB «rHon wflWas tod •■■...... dd*. WATER CO. W A ROOM__ ALONE.-wrm MY THEM FHERHAPS ' iaWMPATHI2B,OOOLA,IT5 , C »«sU 7 Bo*iBoard—Rosetta ...... | J^ATTE^- little JEWELED, tastsaranu ...... | CAW EXPLAIN WW/ ' KIMOA TOUGH, BUT VOU'RE Baoma—Board ...... t m T^ECEIVED MtOHIV «veu-RID OF THET Batete Fm AMt , .ASkGK HAD aer/E.TDCVW. te s M e a ta , Flato, Taasmaata . . t g Misaa Loestlaaa far BoM . . . I KENEXPlOft' Itoasae For Raat . . . . ______« GAS CO. THE fsbnrban For Read I i batmer Homes Fei RoM . . . . t HOUSE... ■taaded ta Beat t 5075 fiSEVES^lHS Baal Batata Fee tala SUTLER. ’■•Bttaieiil Balldlas ter Sal MAS JUST ■uaBiess Fropartr ter Bala . . . . . ELECTRIC CO, HANDED II-' Farms aad lASd per Bals . . . . Hasses ter aala ...... HIM A I a Is far Sola 5181 MLBKiiMdiNa'TX on Fropartr ter Bala . . . . . WHEN THE/ la tar iala ...... am .. HSAEA Estota for Bzebsnse . . . EVENING HERALD scasAM tad—^Baal Batata . . . . a a . , . PROM Aaitlsa —V o m m l Badtoaa :sl Kstlcas #d««dd«d«AA*Css«B 5121 [6ETW ELVB fRaiiriifBtpr EvniitiQ SFfalb

Ever Ready Circle of KlngTs Robert, soa of Mr. and Mra. Ru- The Stanley group of the Wae- The regular communteatiesi of Mrs. C. B. Loomis of North Elm dolph Fregln of WeUs strset. w u leyaa Guild win meet tomorrow eve- Manchester lodge of Maaona wlU ba street is chairman of the card party Daughters will hold Its February meeting In the directors’ room of surprised Saturday night by a party nUig at 7:40 with Mra H. F. Kim- held bi the Temple temerrow night ABOUTTOWN to be given at the T. M. C. .A ^ of bia achoolmatea from Mancheater ball of 118 Prospect etreet Mrs. at 7:80. The regular bualneaa of morrow afternoon by Womens Di- the Whiton Memorial library tomor- row evening at 7:43. Each mem- High and tba Stata Trade scbooL Robert Olaon win aaiiat the b o e tm the lodge Is scheduled for thla aaa- i vision of the y. All players wlU The occasion was a combined Val- aloa . n * committee on the Preaident'i be welcome. ber haa the privilege of InvlUng a M rtbdcy baU wOl bold iU flnsl guest Rev. William T. Wallace entine and birthday party sa Hobart Mr. and M n. Adolphus Holton win be 18 on February 27. The meetitic thla evening at 8 o’clock In Girl Scouts who have enrolled for of the North -Methodlat church will and ami David of Norwood, Maaa., Regina D’lialla society win hold Um T. M. C. A. All membera are ex- lead the devotions. The “dime" young foUu played a number of were week-end gueata of Mr. and its regular meeting this evening at the First Aid course to be given by jolly games and remembered blm Mrs. Walter Lalley of 11 (Mdand pected to make reporta. Mrs. Thomas Smythe, are ismlnded aprons should be returned to the 7:80 at the Sub Alpine elub on Ways and Means committee at this with ^ t s . A buffet lunch waa street. aidrtdge street that the Srst session of the class • UeaMndal Temple, PytWaa Sle- meeting. The hostesses will be served, the dishes, favors and deco- will be held tomorrow afternoon raUona being In keeping with the W a . will meet tomorrow evening in from 4 to 8 o’clock in the Robbins' Mrs. MUIard Park. Mrs. George Odd Fallows ban. A Valentine so- Borst Mrs. Carl Benson, Mrs. Ken- approaching St. Valentine's day. room of Center Church house, also cial win foUow the ^jnalness session. to bring note books and pencils. neth Geyer, Mrs. Arthur Seymour llisrti member is requested to pro- and Mias Flora Stanley. The Manchester Racing Pigeon elds k- valentine and luncheon (or Mrs. Nina Fales Peck who was to Club will bold an important meet- one. Tbe social committee of A chimney Ore that started In the ing at 8 o’clock tonight at the home have been the guest entertainer at wtdeh Mrs. Mercyl Peckham is the meeting of Center Church Wom- house at 437 Birch Mountain road of Peter Vendrillo. 73 Alton street. Selected Specials fSMiltwn win be In charge. at 1:48 Saturday afternoon called AU members are requested to be en’s Guild. Wednesday afternoon is tmable to keep the date on account No. 3 company of the South Man- present. The club will go in a body chester Are district to that place. to Torrlngton Saturday to attend of illness. The committee has se- cured Miss Eunice Maaon, a teacher The roof had been set on Are, but the Torrlngton Pigeon Show. Mem- chemicals from the company ex- bers of the club have entered Wrda m the Sedgwick, Jr.. High school of For Tuesday Shoppers West Hartford who will speak on the tinguished the Are before any real In the show.

youth Hostel movement Miss damage was done. Giyen With Cash Sales In Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Maaon has conducted groups of boys and girls on tours of Europe Mrs. Warren I. Keith of 81 Cam- AU Day Tuesday. the past two seasons and expects to bridge street -has spent the past DIAL We Uall For this coming summer. She will ap- week at her former home In West- and IMtvar Both These Stores All Day pear in the xstume she wears on AeI(L Mass., because of the illness 5321 Voor doctor’s these trips and will exhibit a num- and death of her father, J. D. PreacxlpUon SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK ONLYl ber of Interesting curios. Cadle. Reg. 40c, 800-Yd.'Skeins Bucilla Blue Label Generators The Zlpser Frauleln club will have A meeting of the officers and TUESDAY a Valentine party tomorrow night 11 the nmnieter pointei executive committee of the young Weldon at 81 Oak street Supper wlU be Republican Club of Manchester will CROCHET COTTON gwings back and foi th rapid- served at 7 p. m. and all membera be. held this evening at 7:30 In tl;e Drax are requested to be present 80S Mate St. ly or remains at lero while office of Judge of Probate William yon are driving the genera- S. Hyde In the muntclpid building. Ecru only. tor ahould be checked at 3 tor $ 1 .00 Th


1881 Plymouth Trunk Sedan, ______mamc mbst br Comm*______Crullers, plain nr sugared...... 21c doz. Cinnamon Buns...... 19c doz. Printed, 50% Linen SSK.’ $645 German Rye Bread, plain or seeds...... 10c loaf 1888 Plymouth Coupe, radio, heat- Self Serve and Health Market l er, defroster; A n a (• TUESD.AY MEAT SPECIALS DISH TOWELS mileage 88,000. 1 0 Short Cut Rib l.amb C hops...... 25c lb. TUESDAY SPECIALS

1888 Plymouth Sedan, ladlo and Kidney Lamb Chops...... 35c lb. Pinehurst Rib heater; mileage 87,000; com- Lamb Patties, wrapped in bacon...... 5 for 19c Double jt-pf Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales LAMB CHOPS, pletely over- 5 fof $1,00 21 C each All Center Pork C hops...... 25c lb. All Day Tuesday. lb...... hanleA^^^^^^^ $395 33c Tender Calve.s’ L iver...... 39c lb. The Imperfections are very slight—small mtsweaves or im-

1888 Chevrolet Coach; Sugar Cured Sliced B acon...... 33c lb. perfect printing. Stock up now at thla low price. A amart pat- LAMB FLANKS, mileage 81,000. $345 tern in blue, green, gold, and red. TRY OUR SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF Occident Flour $1 09 lb...... 5c 1988 Nash Sedan;

mileage 88.008. $145 Lean Rib Corned B e e f...... 12c lb. CALIFORNIA CARROTS Chuck Pieces of Corned Beef, all lea n ...... 23c lb. Children’s and Misses’ Correct mileage on nil these Grandmother's cars! Former owner’s name 2b'‘"'|’"1 5 c given. Fresh Cut Up Fowl for a nice chicken stew...... 79c ea.

Written Guarantee for 60 Days! ANKLETS Marmalade T.? 15c We have the new 2-ponnd AT OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Trades taken. Small down pay- Gordon brand with Lastex In cuffs. Gay stripes or solid color cans of . . . ment. Small monthly paymenla. Rinso...... 2 sm. pkgs. 19c; 2 Ig. pkgs. 39c Hs)*’* Large. Strictly Fresh with fancy top. MAXWELL HOUSE Ivory S oap...... 3 Ig. bars 28c; 3 med. bars 17c

COFFEE, Cut-Rite Waxed Paper...... 125-ft. roll 19c EGGS Doz. GORMAN MOTOR Pork & Beans in tomato sauce. 1 Ib. cans...... 3 for 17c can ...... 57c Tan Otei Beech-Nut SALES, INC. Eggs, Native, Strictly Fresh, extra large...... doz. 38c 1C p r . 3 69c BALDWIN 18 Main Street Grape-Nut Flakes...... 2 pkgs. 17c ‘TIETTER BUT BUICK” APPLES. 4 lbs. . . . TOMATO JUICE 3 c>. 23c 25c DIAL 5137 — WE DELIVER

Men’s Fine Lawn Chase & Sanborn

COFFEE Lb. 2 2 c

HANDKERCHIEFS No. 1 T*n 0*a Sunbeam ‘YOU’RE A SWEETHEART’ All white and colored woven borders.

------THERE EVER WAS ONE 10c Let Us Modernize Your APRICOTS

'The thing that will put you In 6 29c the sweetheart class—It's regu- Present Anthracite lar treatments at this modem Sunbeam Prunes 4 li». 21c

Beauty Salon. For St. Valen-

tine’s Day parties and other Equipment BASEMENT

functions ahead, we suggest a Anti-Freeze " tS”' 2 «>. 33c Mott of oar cuttomer* are *urpri«ed to team SPEQALS Harriett Permanent — machine or machlnelesB. 'They're "sw-eet- how little it coat* to have modem heatiog TEXACO or TTDOL

hearts!" convenience. Whisk Brooms, good Right now we are active cheeking cue* quality broom Q C ^ Cans Qts. Harriett Schaller Horan, Prop. tomera* heating equipment to aee that it MOTOR OIL 2 33c operatea moat eAcicntly. Let ua tell you of com. 2 for ^ 3 C '

thia check-up aervica. Large Ne, 8)4 Cub Burt Otaey’a OoMea Our advice U free. We will examine your

Harriett’s Beauty Salon present equipment for the beneftt of your Odd Tea Saucers in plain Can 9 C 129 Center Street Telephone 6824 budget. We can help you get better beat PUMPKIN Phone 5125 than you ever enjoyed before at leaa coat. and decorated. d> No. 1 Phonm ua tor ih o boet Anthrmoito Each “ C

15 Lb. Peck POTATOES 18c Salt and Pepper Shakers G. E. W ILLIS & SON, INC. 500-Sheet Package in large size. Ultra Fhaey Quality Wagner Tuesday and Wednesday Specials Coal, Lumber, Masons* Supplies, Paint Marine color. 1 _

! Main Street HanebesteT 16 Qt. Basket KLEENEX Each lU C APPLES 45c At

Glaas Orange Reamers in T H E SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT 28c Florida Oranges 3 Doz. 35c

EVERYBODY'S MARKET Ultra Marine J Q ^ 2 for 55c color. Each

HEALTH MARKET Iceberg Lettuce ea. 7c B ib or Bheuldar Fresh, (!mnchy Glass Cake Plates in rose

Fancy Celery Retread Your Smooth Tires color. 18Vi” r t Q ea. 7c LAMB CHOPS 29 c

Cashew Nuts. size ...... AI7C Our Retreads Are Fresh, Full, Green Peas 4 ql-s. 25c Salted to the Queen’s taste. LOIN LAMBCHOPStb^ 35c Giving U m price la . . . Robber Link Door Mata,

Fine No. 2 Potatoes bu. 45c 16” x2 4 ” .

15,000 to 25,000

Greening Apples 29c lb. LAMB STEW l>. lOc-ISc 8 lbs, 25c Miles.

Spaghetti (F. A.) 3cans25c Leave your car wHh na a day PORK CHOPS l > 21c -27c

and we will retread goar own

Friend's Beans (Largest) 2 cans 29c casings. Th.jw.nu.4coi.> CAMPBELL’S l > MANCHiSTiR Comm* FRESH SPARE RIBS 17c Vulcanizing and Regrooving. TOMATO SOUP 4cans25c

SAUERKRAUT l> ^ Peaches - Pears - Pineapple Plenty of Used Tires, $2.00 and up ,

’’Blow m downT AO Guaranteed! SPECIAL Largest 2 i's 19c saya the sailor. BEEF LIVER

TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES ^k>7:low me falT liliie rsp riiig We win ghv yea an sllowaaoe ea ths pries a< New Tires. Oxydol - Rinso - Chipso Lgst. 19c saya the empty waO space in YOUR house. AS HIGH AS 33 1-3% OFF LIST. SEE US FIRST! PIGS'LIVER MATTRESS And Johas-Manvillc Rock C R ISC O or SPRY 3 lb. can 49c Out of Gas? Flat Tire? Battery Trouble? Wool iasolatiag crews wiO CALL 4129 . gladly do so . . . guickly. CALVES' LIVEI None-Such Mince Meat pkg.lOc * 12.95 capably and eeauonkally.

Campbell's Service Station Just can 3829 and n y : *Tdl Santa Clara Prunes 2 lb. box 14c me what It iHn oast to is- 275 Main Street (A t Middle T u n «ik a) KEMP'S Bulste MY houss.’* ADVERTISE IN THE m