SATURDAY. DECEMBER SI, 1949 iQ l ?OURTEE.'« Manrirratnr Eoraittg HUraQi Avoid Traffic Jams—^Shop in Manchester Stores Until Nine Tonight!t

Averaiie Daily CirculatioiA For the Munth of NovenlMr, 1040 The Weathar TALL CEDARS GRANTS ForMMt^of U. H. Wculber Butum 6 ,.S 6 4 F air mU eoMur taaigbti day lalf, eoattaund aald faUdfred NEW YEAR’S Member of tiM A aait by fitgHHbaaai aUgblly w arm er r speciaIl! Bureau of Ctrcnlattoua * v fe d a M a y . D Ilfe R and DANCE Mtmche»ter—~A City of Village Charm

MANCHESTER SPORTS CENTER VOL. LX., NO. 71 (ClaaaUiad Adverttoiaa an Pafa !•) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER *8, 1940 Wells Street (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTi Tuesday Evening, Dec. 31 GREEN British Raise T h c R oobcvcU Chrintman Card Subscription: SF6.00 per couple. |i;Plan to Produce : Dancinx! Entertainment! llinner by Osano! Total Number Greek Army Occupies Dress Optional. DOUBLE STAMPSs (Reservations must be made by December 2S throuirh 500 Planes Daily Walter Wilkinson. Ward Doufran or other committee Will Be Given With Cash Sales Of Prisoners members.) Chin lara; British Raid Given Roosevelt Announce 3 5 ,9 4 9 Ital* ian CaptivcB Moved to -y - '4 I'^oiihl Pool Entire Fa* Reari ‘Several Thou* DANCING TONIGHT ALL DAY TODAY Mities of Automobile Appeal Made and’ Await Transfer. Mannlirfm Area Again Makm your gift somathing idiiHtry; Baaed on at Italy Throw Cairo, Kgypt, Dec. 23—(/P) --The thmy’il vsm a lOTt (SATURDAY) and Survey by (TO Official; British raised their total of Ital­ Planes Blast Genna|/ In* Royal Christmas Card Crush Italian Attempt DANTE'S RESTAURANT I.eaa Than Half , in ian captiyu again today, announc­ dustrial Oiilery^ Also Thii Year Topical One To Halt Advance To­ 10 East CcBler Street *Wd I'clIoHa BatIdInK Out It Duce ing ttu((3h,949 pHaoners, includ­ Gift Slippers Use; Enough laihor. Attack Invasion Pqrts Lon liased on a survey by Walter tish bombers dropped Mtratejficflll.v important Alba­ old world setting. The litic is: ; Why Not Be Practically P. Reuther of CIO’s United Mussolini and threatened to rip The general headquarters com­ nian coastal town of Chimara, . * 1 .0 0 Pr. MANCHESTER. CONH . their African empire ’’to shreds munique said that, while British lousands of incendiaries and "There'll Aiway., Be an Eng­ Auto Workers Union to deter­ and tatters” if they continue the artillery still harassed the Italians some “very heavy” explosives' land." Premier Gen. John Metaxaa mine the possibilities of ap­ war. inside Bardia, "our preparations • ...... — announced tf>day, after crush­ This Christmas? As Giftsl outside are progresting.” on the southwest German in­ plying mass production meth- War between Britain and Italy President and Mr*. Roosevelt are greeting their friends tills dustrial center of .Mannheim ing an Italian attempt to halt came about "because of one man” .Motor L'nitiil Move. W'r*t , Christma., with this simple card mailed from the White House./ (Tiilflren's Felt B o o te e ...... 6 9 c Pr. ofla to the manufacture of Report* from the frontier said The the advance toward Valona, and the people of Italy and Italy's envelope bears the presidential seal in gold. / ia.i ih, .Air Mii.i.iry, Edcn’s Namiiis We Suggest: — TslOn fa.stcncr. collar, leather sole. and airplanes. Army never were .consulted, that while field and naval guns news service reported today,' than 80 miles farther up i-' fe The. survey, Murray's announce­ Churchill declared. battered. Bardia’a defenses from the coast. Victory in the f! 3 .jto.V*’ I'elt or Leather Mm-ea- Crepe IVOrwiy Style for the ment said, indicated that less than Should Take Care of Future land and sea, fast mechanized in the seventh raid on that younger .set. I,eather C Q # » week-long battle for this A Pinjf Poll): 1'uMt’ I »>|i * 7 .2 5 . fi *h) Style SI.IPI’EIIS. W E ISSUE A*?/." GREEN DISCOUNT STAMPS .10 per cent of the facilities of the "Surely the time has come when units wl\lch have spearheaded the Rhine river port this month., Seen Show in" Pair 3 0 c Sole. P air . . .: i . .. . automobile industry were now in Bfitlsh counter invasion struck off The news service said most o f' Italian supply between •niiek. use. I (Continued nn Page 'Mix) to the west once more. Air Raid Alarms Scydnd V’alona and Porto Edda, it ( l:iltlii'n’"i Sheepskin SI.IP- Adequate Siupply uf I.abor How far these advance ..unit, the damage done was near Men s I ell F.\ F.ltETTS. The • Policy Change was reported, came when the A Piiip Poll*: I’altlo I o|> .* I ..>0 t’lai.s. Warm. Sizes The Reuther survey .advanced] penetrated toward Italian Marshal the main railway station, a •01(1 Fu\()tiU', in Wine, 79c ! •I to 10 . , ...... 50c the theory that the basic motor Rodolfo Graziani's next line of de­ , vital junction for traffy: to Italians withdrew to avoid »j"Thi«U. Ilipwn, Oxf(irtl. P.ylr SIzex I 1 fn .S ...... ,i9c production and stamping machin­ fense was not disclosed, it was In London Area Again being cut off by Greek forces CEJIOUSE>^SON Nine Injured said, however, that no sign was ! France, but on the I.,udwi;;s- .Ylorc Aggressive British ery of the nation's automobile Ping Pong 'raltic Kraiiir ...... *.5..50 Kh plants could be adapted to maH* seen of an Italian "reacue” drive I hafen side of the Rhine there which threatened to encircle k II INC. production of airplanes, and also I to save the troops at Bardia. Nazis Make ! were “spreadinj: wasles of Diplomacy, Possibly the town. held that thcre'-was_ainKle^uate When Train I British observers assumed that S p o r a d i c iVa^i Raiders In taking Chimar* from picked ------^ i One*PIane Attacks Fol flames.” Better Relation* with A (’.oiitititijtlitiii .Slortii aiifl Screeii Door * i. 10 » 1 THE STORE OF QUALITY supply of labor to handle the mass I Bardia's defenders had been as- Italian troops holding strongly production of both automobiles and DCiPHZlcd ^ * nacrifice gar Russia Expected Now. fortified p^itions, the Greek* I rison to hold up the Brittah while lowing Smash at I^Ian- Ixindon, Dec. 28.—<7P>—R. claimed the capture of the lS3rd ------' . i \ \ complete airplanca, Murray said the r>00-a-day plane output could i GrazlanI strengthened new de- Chester During Night. Start Fires A. F. plaljTie.s again blasted the battalion of Fascist militia, made Chamberlin .\iiloinatir Door ALL FOOTWEAR FITTED “ X- RAY EQUIPMENT h be achieved in six months. ’ feme* to the west, at Tobruk, German indu.strial center of London. Der. 23.— Anthony up of 800 men and 30 officers. The plan contemplates spreading a n d : I^ema and Bengaai. j Eden took o'ver the foreign sccre- Great quantities of war mater­ ...... « 1 ..1 0 R Seven PastiengerH Bulletin! Mannheim and the nearb.v 'ealhersto|i| ^ . out the production of automobiles I. m... . , , f There wa* no Indication how In Factories I taryship today in s quick change ials were said also to have been over a 12 nionth.s period instead of wo Ltinillg t.a r soon the British might try ta col- I..ondon, Dec. 23.- ; suburb.of Ludwigshafen last taken. ' interpreted by some neutral Italians in Disorderly Flight — Take Advantage of Extra Savings In Last Minute Christmas concentrating their production Ikpse the Bardia defense. Observ- night and also attacked the 1 during peak months of the fall, ployees Hurt, None ,era believed they would try to take , , r,i , • .* 2t’ Gal. ^ . nod ba.,i.,; that available ami com- ' jured as: raid alarms sounded tonight 1 tary targets in London, Bristol, urday on Germany, Italy and four planes and lost only two them­ ...... rV' selves, although ontnumbered ______tt Philip Heitzman, Hollywood, Wiiisted Man in, London after daylight j Llvcrp) Wlr«| the Nazi r a id p rs i lone NazLjlive:bt)mber which was there ,^’cre fires and cxjjloslons , . The communique also reported CohI, Lumber. Masons’ Supplies’, Paint g 3 2 3 0 Hourn When / Discov* . . i declared fS have sUrted explo- (Continued on Page 8lx) 8.86 No. Main >St. Tel. 4118 Manche.sjler J Clean, Cointurtuhlv Cars! ’ themseues today co sporadic • Slons in a big aluminum plant, (f'ontiniied nn l*age Six) (Continued On Page Te*) Courteous Service At All Times! Plans Fire-81de Report ered Beaten^lo Death. one-plane attacks, ynly “a | Today’s communique .said B rlt- 1.00 fuandtcaUy'tn^'^- Wfxasningion, ashington, uee,Dec, '43.-40.— me T aj ^ few points on the ea^ coast” ' pl»nes dropped "a small num- While House announced today' W insted, V>/. 23. -(jP)- When wprp rairlo’d ih o I Ixr °f expIosives and Incendiar- Self Serve and were raided the govehnment 1^,.. the western that President Roosevelt would dis- v—'Aav^ " Egnazio 53orci failed to rieport for Germans Move eiTY TAXI russ the ‘‘present emergency" In. n • work toda^ his brother-in-law, said, and there was Mlttle 'border ' region of Germany last Italy Executes DEN S is .VILKPHY, Prop. Itre-side report to the nation nexi ; v.e them Christmas presents., 'i Official "secrecy was clamped ' ! combat planes carried out the Chriifmdi • * », M i I d Tein|Veratures{ vides the heal. It is .a down on the case immediately as (Cbntlnued on Page Four) I Mtochester raid. -(The British dor to (xiiaril Oil rlls. Of ‘Network’ Revealed Burn, Fatal To I'oung Mother " heaven of healthfulness, Christmas Specials State Police Commissioner Edward I acRnovvIedged that German bomb-. . .Anihonv Eden also. With ciean-liurninK w iliiniantic, Dec. 33.- 1:01 — A B.v The Associated Press J. Hickey left Hartford to take ,ers\ hammered Manchester ''^‘^.okuiahaza, Hunsary. on the Ru- Rome. Dec. 2 3 -(/H—The execu- ' If’s THE G la m o r Giftl GiVEAKOD young mother, who with her one- The Weather Bureau mit the personal charge of the investiga­ throOghout the night, setting fire Oil .snfciiiiarding the in- rnanlah Frontier. Dec. 23.— — peasenieni" and thus far in the tion of two men as spies and the ,vrar-(/ia son, wtw led to safely by' damper on prospects f o ^ white tion. . to scOTes of buildings and causing _ . „ war. to .what Prime Minister d«|^^s air! FANCY NORTH! IRN Japs WoiTy an unittiown number of rasual- 1 Thousands of German troops with imprisonment of 22 other persons, nrighlmrs early j Sunday when fire . Christmas for most of/the nation Sorci, about 62 years old.' lived full war gear crossed into Rumania I Churchill tornletl j.^"m ost impor- ’ Grants ^ swept her hedrMm, died today of i today. at 14 1-2 Chestnut street and was ties. I today * post p n tisn citiEPn can two of, them women, revealed th* severe hurn*./Mr*. Mhry l.iicas, | The weather map ihdicsted only employed at The Winsted Hard­ Informed quarters reported the About Brohk Border repgrts said they would fill out.aide this |o u n try ." sm,ishitig of an alleged "network Crepatwist H) 37, was the vlrtlm. Her taby. Ml- 1 light precipitation Christmas Day ware Manufacturing Company: Hia I German raider bsdlv damaged , „ . , Some souiWs recalled that of informers” which some observ­ FUEL & RANGE OIL KEMP’S charl Lucas, .If,, was expected to I and for most sections mild tem- brother-in-law who lives at 63 •c----- Fort Willlain ‘ reinforce the Nazi divisions al Eden, whom .Halifax replaced as ers thought today might have rm-ovrr from bums and shock, I peraturea would keep it in the Chestnut street, said Sorci spent 'l.* - • i The plan\was saidr to have, 1 »'«a‘iyP®‘rolHng the country and foreign sccr<(^lary Feb. 20, 193§, been related to the damaging Brit­ ‘ III (Viiy <^)u^ntity— Any rim e rg U .lY PKOPOKTIONfO Inc. Ilrpuly F'lre Chlef>Michael 4. Eng- j form of rain instead of snow, Sunday evening at the Gangi house Nervtliis e r F o r e ig ll ;v,ached its ^jectlve ,at the ! KU^dlng its rich 01 wells, A Rifiponian official, however, when the Ihttcr differed strongly ish raid on Taranto Naval base The Kodak Store! FANCY ROASTING lisli, who suffered W-^iroken hip and i Forecaster H. A. Downs, a t Cfiil- and left to go home about 10:30. America Iwh Nes» caDal in with the appeasement policy of his Nov. 11. \Y l i o l e s a l e a i y j R e t a i l rut on the skull In falling from a I cago, aald an exception might be Policy declared that the additional Nazi State Pollre Called chief. Prime Minister Ghantber- Aurelio CocQzza. described as an ladfiFr while . fighting the flames, { that in Nebraska and the Dakotas Gaiigi -this morning notified F e^ r (C^nttnned M Page Four) troops were only another part of I'sis Involvement. the corps being sent info instruct lain, had visited M oscow' in hls- imposter traveling salesman of BANTLY OIL COMPANY was re|Mirted In an unchanged eon-1 rain would change to snow( ‘ Foliceman Prahk Boulet who re- former tenure in the Foreign Of­ It) lition. "I don't want to discourage win- I ported to headquarters and Super- the Rumanian Army. Taranto, and Francesco Ghezzi, a Tokyo. Dec. 23-riAl—Nervous- tiarry .Artlller.v .\nd Tanks fice. •< I'.aval officer, were shot by a firing' Center Street - Phone .529.’5 Silk Hose’ CHICKENS Trapited in Elevator During Fire. (Conllnued on Page Four) (Continued On Page Four) nbs* over the United S tates' for­ GraziaiiiNHits Machine-Guns, field artillerv and The Russians regarded Halifax squad at (jewn yesterday,, only a ‘ Sl’rving the Public for 23 Yearsr 1‘hiladelphia, Dec. 3S,—C/P)—An eign policy, which might envolve tanks were transported across the 6nd the late Prime Minister Ne- few hours after they were ton- Better Heat LONG ISLAND border in’freight cars. iville Chamberlain as foes of a demned: ‘ . and - -before - any official _. . . an­ elevator Jammed during a Are In japan through the three-power I The trooj) movement follow ed BritLsh-Ru.s.sian rapprochement, for an apartment building early today, nouncement of'the trial was made. pact if it led lo a break wJ4h Ger­ T aiik^Uac'J the dispatch of two other German It is understood here that they See* Posalble Oomplicniloas - trapping a young wopian for io I divisions to Rumania two weeks j regard Edon as possessing a bet- mlnutea while 19 others fled to Christmas Holidays, Will Be many, was Indicated in the press In another week-end develop- Ib today. j ago. • ,, j ter understanding of Russia and ment, Virglnio Gayda, potent Less Money safety, . Two women were slightly. A «nc-yen drop to 108 In the Refuses lo ("oncetle De* 2 d burnCtn''’Firemen pushed the right I Military observers estimated ! more realiafic views as to the ad- Fascist editorial voice, suggested E!gic!siets>wet«t«K!e!e!s>e!c^.ie<3j price of shares In the Tokyo Stock ! th a t there are more tlian 100.000 j vantages of trade and other agree- From DUCKS button to release the elevator and Gala Days for Army^ Navy feat * of Italians in the possibility of "compUcatlona" Exchange, a normally steady baro­ rescue Mis* Mary Winston,. New German soldiers already ' In Ru- I ments between Rus,sia and Britain, w'ith the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Asia Even tha woman who meter, was ascribed by the finan­ North Africa Battle. mania—their ranks increased | Margesson Secretary of War should the United States permit York social worker, who was visit­ cial newspaper Chugal to two de­ steadily by a stream (of troop.s ; Eden's post as secretary of war CHRISTMAS CHEErI ’pretends not to care ing a friend. Washingtoii, Dee. 23—(A1 For*^1917 holiday season, he may pre­ belligerents' merchant ships non; KOPPERS lb* • • •. velopments. moving across Hungary from the ------refuged in her harbors to fall into Throuirhtiut The Year! men in the Army and Navy the sent some of the Army and Navy One of thine was a German For­ Ron>*i Dec. 23— — M arshal secretly crave* beautiful Rib Pork Roast officers with coveted premotions. Reich. I (Continued on Page Four) British hands. Markets at a Glance Christmas holidays will be gala eign Office spokesman’s state­ Rodolfo Graziani blames Italian A hosiery! I'sit i., that (as In 1917, for .Instance, Admiral He said a suggestion by BriUal) New York, Dec. 23,—(4*)— (Jays—not drab, like the Yuletities ment that Germany would con­ reverses in Egypt nnd Libya on the well as a big bargain at COKE Stocks—Easy; leaders resume Harold R. Stark, now chief of sider it an unfriendly act If the failure of tanks and armored cars Minister of Shipping Ronald Cross lower drift. in World war training centers. Naval operations, was elevated United States requisitioned foreign for sale of more American ships as 79c!). Filmy, dull-t-ex- Better results In yonr oWn fur­ to reach him from Italy, thus pre­ nace — or your money Inu-k. lb Bonds—Irregular: some utllittes Army furlough privileges have from lieutenant-commander to flag ships in her ports to sell to venting his forces from getting well as his eyeing of Axis vessels tured. all silk! In propor­ Thnt's the fnir nnd square pro­ Sausage Meat aleady. been liberalized to permit many commander the day before Christ­ Britain. The other was President the jump on the British. in American ports showed growing _ men to visit their homes while ac­ Roosevelffs addition of 15 items to hunger.and disheartenment In Bri- ' tioned lentlthr for tall, position on which we nsk you to Foreign Exchange — Narrow; mas. He refused, however, .to concede Annual Newsboys ’ Edition try Kopper* Coke. Once you Shanghai dollar drops. tive field training ie suspended, and' Not all of the troops In France the list under the export licensing defeat in North Africa. tain under the Axis counter block- short, average! try this eoncentrated hlgh-te»t Cotton—Mixed; selling offset by railroads have cut their rates got turkey on th at 1917 Christm as, system. The Fascist North African com- ade. fuel, we know you will use It All Saturday Specials Continued trade and mill support. drastically for the men In uni­ a dispatch revealing that a skip Items Put Under IJcenae mandei-, in a detailed report laid Of Herald Tomorrow "It could hot be Imagined tb*l Orasrita FulGfashianad pemianeqtly—Just as thousnrils Sugar—Higher; general buylag, forms, carrying large quantities of the (Both occurred Saturday. The before Premier Mussolini yester­ these more or less elandestili* S f of others are doing. Including Metala—Steady; steel operations Hpeelal #'esUvltles la Campa fowl had sailed from the United German apokeaman's roniment North American Interventioo* In fllk Hata followed upon British Shipping day, declared Italian troops under many of your neighbors. sharpl.v lower, For thoM who have to remain In Btates too late. Another carrying Gen. Annibale Bergonzoli at be­ the war would continue In the long Until 9 Po Mp Monday IVool Tops—Quiet; trade and the camps, special Christmas din­ cranberries was forced off her Minister Ronald Cross' suggestion Tomorrow’s edition of the Manchester Evening Herald run without complication* wttb that the United States turn over leaguered Barbla were determined ...... W — ll— ll- spot house buying. ners, religious services, and holi­ course by a aubrtiarine attack. to fight to the end. will be for the newsboys — those faithful carriers reference to the three-power p u t day festivities are "being arranged. to Britain German and Italian o t Berlin,” Gayda wrote In the $ 13.00 Knox Sends Nnvy Message ships refuged in United States Saya Army Outnumbered/ whojdeliver your home town paper through all sorts TT>e same holds true for the men In Secretary Knox in a 1940 C hrist­ He attributed the Italian ret)(eat newspaper La Voce ITItalia. Treasury Balance the fleet, few of whom will be able ports. To such items as aircraft, (Tbl* Mtetcment followed ■ d**- mas message to the Navy told its iron and steel products, aviation from Egypt to the "cruAing au- of weather. All proceeds from the sale of the issue DOUBLE Green Stamps .spend the holiday a t home. officers and men yesterday, you laratlon by a German Poreiga of­ Washington, Dec. 23.—(/F)--The. gaMoline and certain types of m a­ perlority" of British armored belongs to the newsboys. Their usual order of fice spolusman that Croa* wa* L. T. WOOD The Array also has arranged to are the greatest fleet in the world." forces and added that bta army GIVEN WITH CASH SALES ALL DAY TODAY AND MONDAY UNTIL 9:00 P. M. position of the Treasury Dec. 20: chine tools. President Roosevelt “inciting America to commit a Include relatives and friends of the The Navy, he aald, “pledges to added to license control a group of wa* outnumbered.. Heralds is given to the carriers free. TT G rant Co, Receipts, 935,791,770.50; expen- men In camp in as many activities warlike act" against tb* Axla bp the American people our vow to ditures, $38,760,197.28; net .bal­ items including cobalt, various ma­ Tanks and other jnechanlzed suggesting aaaigamant to IlilUllff as poaslble. ‘carry on* steadily the highest tra­ chines, gauges, pumps and tools. equipment were supposed to arrive 815 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CO. ance, $2,187,198,701.47; customs If President Roosevelt followa ditions" and to give the utmost to DON’T FORGET YOUR NEWSBOY TOMORROW! of beUigarente’ ship* la UMffi ' Phone 4496 receipts J^r. month, $20,5484174.91. the precedent observed during the the "Uaks that lie ahead." (Continued On Page Four) KNOWN FOR VALUES (Continued on Pnge Pour) - (CM Uansdaa F a to ) Advertise io The Henild*^1t Pays r riiAmjiiBaTER BVBwmo nEBAUu, mAnvnBSiEn. cuisn. aiwnuAJ, DECEMBER 23,1940 UANCHESnSR EVBNIMO aSRAUO, HANUHEBl'EU. IXJNM.. MONDAY, DBf&EMBER 28, 1940 2E TWO bert L. Coles, of Bridgeport, was' date. Mentioned . oa candidates designated oa leader. for speaker have been Rep. Hugh FUeEiiSries^ Police Court Domestic Questions Will Urges Placing Conscription Shea Virtually Both «Mttea tn tbo Houne, "in M. Alcorn. Jr. of Suffleld, 1939 [ir Corps Signing Ample Children's Christmas leh the Republicans retained majority leader; Rep. Harold K. .Only Candidate r traditional control, by virtue Mitchell, of West Hartford, and For (jontest, Gain Congress ' Attention 'v F On 'Annual Class' System of their hold on the rural areas, Rep. Stanley P. Mead, of New Number-of Volunteers P a rty Drunk Driver the November Demo- Canoaji. IsndsUde, have delayed Some of them may become can­ islattve ralemlar will relate to afi- Republican Senators* Deadline I b Tom orrow Washington, pec. 23.- i,P)-* WaahlngtOR, Doe. 33 — (47 ^hs did not' think the class system their orimnlsation meetings. didates for majority leader It Such domestic questions as Presi­ portlonment of aeata In the House Amid demands for lo^-rango should be instituted at oncq, but House Itemoerats have been balked of the speakership. Rep. W«Wnfton, Se Is Fined $100 o ( Repreaentativeo oa the basts of Elect to Organiae at Night for Decorations WF A TOY CEOTER dent Roosevelt’s monetary powers, planning of the defense program- added that "If the emergency keeps called to a 'qaucua Dec. 30, st William L. Hadden, of Orange the soil conservation program, and the i940 census. Present law pro­ tip, I belleva we should take boyS which the reflection of Rep. T. , r y » e and its finances, a major con- ^Meeting Tonight. (West Haven), also has been men­ O f Residences Here. continuation of the Bituminous vides, for reappor^lonmcnt unlets*- who reach 19 each year for one Emmet ClalrieX. of Klllingly u tioned for the leadership. But $35 Remitted in the Coal Commission will com|>etc other ac tion l.s taken within 60 greastonal argument appeared to­ year’s training." minority leader kps been general­ Tor training M ni.r., Tomorrow Afternoon New Haven, Conn., Dec. 38.—(47 Moat of the entries received thus McIntosh Case; Other with defense problems for atten­ days after the new Congie^ day to Im developing over propo­ "They would then be out of high ly forecast. The difficult Is that which we has dozens of gracious War Department j ^T»vo Yearn In College tion tn the new Congress meeting meets. school," he continued, "and most —Republican senatoro-elect meet Republicans, con ffn U d with s .^rted today that more | xo qualify aa flying cadeta, ap- far in the second annual Christmas One to Five O’Clock sals to place conscription on ths can do today; the impossible takes fM many young men aa ne^ed had Home Decorating Contest, sponsor­ Police Court Cases. Jan. 3. Expected to Neek ExIenakHi European "annual class" system. would not have to give up positions here tonight to organlie oa tha four-way fight for the speaker­ a little longer. The life of the Bituminous Coal vWiiaUfied to complete a claw of i,- college training or paaa ed this year by the Women’s Auxil- FREE TOYS! REFRESHMENTS! 3 DOOR PRIZES! The president’s authority to de­ . Senator Adams (D., COlo.) told In privets Industry." minority In the 1941 General As­ ship, have not oa yet set a cauciu — Fridtjof Nansen, Polar expRirer, ways to say . e\ ^ Commission, which recently estab- WO fledgling pllota who will atart fxaminationa. Approxl- lai-y of the Chamber of Commerce, A fine of $100 and costa on value the dollar and the life of the ||, reporters that the compulsory No Indloathm e f Vlawa sembly. Old Union School, North School Street Treasnry’s $2,000,000,000 stabillm- llshed schedules of minimum coal / p i I military service law should be Administration leaders have tralning Jan. 2. I mately 30 per cent ol a group of arc in the major class for the drunken driving charge was l% e p ^ c ip a l business of the More than 2,100 othera will pro-, ^ recently examined were ac decoration and illumination of en­ tlon fund will come to an end June ' prices, will come to an end April V,' 1 , / overhauled "so that each year the given no Indication of their views vide a backlog for another Kroup ^pcorda Indicated. tire homes and general surround­ To>’s, refreshments and door prizes have been possible aaseased against Lester H. McIn­ 30, 1941, unless Congress renews 26 under present law. Senator government would train boys of on a change in the present lottery caucus, called for 7 p. m. at the .to enter acattered prlmap' tram- Elementary training ia given in ings. Last year's winner Harold through the generous cooperation of Manchester mer­ tosh of 81 Middle turnpike, east, them. Guffey (D.. Pa.l, author of the 16 or 18 or 20 instead of taking method of calling men from 21 Hotel TTift by Republican State Merry Christmas Chairman J. - Kenneth Bradley, Ing achpola five weeka later. tivihun ilying achoola, wlioae Heffron of Center street hasn't en­ chants and townspeople. in town court this morning by Likewise, the present farm act driglnal act, la expected to seek tta men between the broad limits of through 35. But other hundreda of volunteera ^m^ber la expected aoon to be in- tered as yet but ia expected to do Judge Raymond R. Bowera. Be­ provides that no soil conservation extension. 21 and 35.” From The National Economy will be the selection of their floor British War Relief between 20 and 27 muat come for- preag^d to 27. Baaic training ia re­ cause o f the financial clrcum- benefits paid■ ■ after . Jan. I, f Another agency wljlch would go It is unfair to a man who has Xieiague, a private organisation, leader for the session opening T To Make It so, along with many others, before Henr}" J. McCann, Supervisor. Jon. 8. ward weekly, officlala aaid, to aa- ceived at three Army centers---- at the deadline tomorrow night. stancea of the .guilty man, $35 of 1942, except on farnting oi>eru- out of existence In ’the ab.sejice of established himself in a job, came a recommendation for an ad­ Adams said, to require military A Merrier World! gure adequate numbera of fllera Randolph Field. Tex.; Moffett Entries Received the fine was remitted. He was ar­ tlons ,prior to that time. If Con­ congressional action Is the Mari­ visory planning commission In the Virtually - the only candidate for the rapidly Increasing air Field. Calif., and Maxwell Field rested on Main street near the gress wants to contiiiy the pro- time I.Abor Board, created on June service when youqger men could defense set-up. 8iich a group. It mentioned for the post In advance Entries on file at the Chamber serve without losing private posi­ Burton’s giant stock of .ias>wiis)WMi)iiii*iiiiiisMjiajisiwMwii^ forces. A.a. • office at noon today included those Robert M. Reid home Saturday af­ gram It will have hf- act next 1 23. 1938, for three years. declared, could "minimize wasteful of the caucus was Senator William Miaa Marion Washburn; song, "O tions. In many European countries nationally advertised Mai. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, de­ The advanced finishing touches of Mrs. Harriet S. Smith, of 698 ternoon after a car he was driving year. / The program of the Public duplication of effort, extravagant J. Shea, Manchester lawyer who puty chief of eUff, has disclosed are given at Kelly Field. Tex., and Little Town of Bethlehem;" Pray­ hit another operated by Misa Rose­ FIret Automatiry Expiration Works Administration, already It baa been customary for all spending and possible dangerous was one of his party’s principsi Sweaters are yours for East Middle turnpike, Joseph J. A. Tolland er - Choir response; recessional. ^ ^ ^ y th a of a certain age to be call- uiat the poaaibility of lowering^ several recently added achoola, Behrend of 52 Cooper Hill street, mary Hannon of Rockville. Taken The first automatic expiration curtailed, will end on June 30 delay. Senate strategists two years ago the selecting. Slip ons and the graduated pilots are com­ “Hark the Herald Angels Sing;" ^ ^ ^ ^ In t o the army for a year. ■tandarda was under considera- Ernest C. Linders of 258 Parker Mrs. John H. Btael* to headquarters and examined by a jate coming bofori the new Con- der present law. The same "With so many blllinns of dollars when the Republicans held control and cardigans. Crew missioned as re.serve officers. Benedictton-Cholr response; Carols ------" wasH------...1 ,, . 1— .y— nxcs the present legal life S[ J^^^H M Ight Create 4’ompllratlons with the aid of two Socialist votes. ' tlon, including the us of enlisted street, R. E. Hagedorn of 110 Glen- 117B-a, BoekvUto police surgeon. McIntosh was resa will be the prcslilent’s power available,” the league said Ip a by Trumpeters; Vivtor Glngraze ^ ^ ^ S en a to r Vandenberg (R., Mich.) Shea was right-hand man tm Sen­ ^ necks and V-necksI mbn as well as youthful enmmis- wood street and Mr.-arid Mrs, found unfit to drive. He la a for­ reorganize the executive branch the Commodity Credit Coi statement, "there is danger that Tonight at 8 0 ‘Clock and Samuel Vinci., I declared that revision of the draft ator Anthony J. Rich; of^Bristol, Tyrolea'hs and Clas­ aioned officers as pilots. more so David D. Sloan of 25 Chestcir Drive mer supernumerary policeman in of\the governmoiTt. No reorgani­ tlon. m law to take men of hne ago each the criterion of success will be the Mias Alice E. Hall Is spending Change Meeting Nigh t the local department. In another Authority for the Federal Hous' 1939 majority leader who did not sics. Red. yellow, In Pine Acres, all in the . entire the Christmas recess at the home zation orders can be effective un­ year was “a scnatble Idea," but speed with which that money can enedXrta|°e of'applicants tvhen " ”^^„‘;’ ^"a"n'powrr'to*alnd Members of the Young Men and caae Involving an ex-supernumer­ der the law unless transmitted to Ing Admlniatration to insure loans be expended. Defense is, however, seek re-election, and an Influential white, blue, pink. home division. Paul A. E. Flux of of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Women’s ,Clnb have changed the suggested that,opening the con- member of the important Ju­ 33 Scarborough road and R. G ary policeman; Aloysius Murphy of Congress before Jan. 21, 1941. : for Vepair and modernization proj- acriptlon question anew might not a matter of dollars, but of ORANGE HALL Sss I c U . . . u Hall and sister Misa Bernice A. n\ght for their meeting this week. diciary Committee. > 'Every color in every Raymond of 179 Henry street are 127 North Main .street was found The hext fixed date on the leg- , ecta will expire July 1. cneate many complications. traineu,> tten l,u,nbom« only would Hall. The club U holding a Christmas 3 Turkeys-As .Special Prizes On Regular Games Tonight size. entered in the class for doorways Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath, guilty of parking too near a fire Sehator Ournc.v IR., R.D.), said ment.” The Democrats, .who will outvote 396. ____ — Party this evening in the Commun­ only. The other claiis In the con of Michigan, were guests of Mr. hydrant. In his rase judgment ■the Republlcana,^2 to 13, in the And the Two Following .Mondays. ity liall. The regular meeting \> test Is for shrubbery and grounds. and Mrs. L. E. Hall and • family was' suspended on payment of $2 j tainment n^t Memi^rial church,' 1941 Senate, already have com­ night. Tucaday, would fall on Admission 25 cents. Valuable Prizes Saturday. costs. South WllUhgton will be held Mon- czar’s court wera convicted today pleted the major part of their or­ $ 1 .9 8 N e w ! Christmas Eve this year so the W a p p in g ganization plans. Senator Joseph Valuable merchandise prizes will A large tree between the Ubrsiry Ftght on Main street | day night at 7:30 oldock Wednes-i on charges of smuggling~and spec­ changfe has been made to this eve­ Two men who epgaged In a fight' day evei/ing, Chriatmas night, Mrs. W. W. Ursat Woman Hurt B. Downes,, of Norwich, 1939 \ .Natural looking and highly be awarded to the first, second and and the bank,, lighted with many ulation after millions of nibles colored bulbs can be seen for over ning. The party will atart at eight on Main street In the biisiness ills- there wUl be an entertainment 7StM. Manchestet leader, was nominated for presi­ ornamental for dresses and third place winhers in each class. worth of gold, jewelry and art dent pro tempore, and .Senator A l­ In addition there will be several a mile. o’clock. Refreshments will be furn­ trlct last night were fined after by the $unday school iiml a tree I I I suit lapels. ished by the club but each member they had been found guilty of in­ at the Willington Hill church, (^rash'Hcre treasures were found In the home special prizes as h glass set valued Miss Janet Anderson ia .spend­ Announcement is .made of the of one. la asked to bring a ten-cenf gift to toxication and breach of the pence. Mr. .and Mrs. Theodore Mirtl at $9.30 has been donated by West­ ing the holidays from Mtr Holyoke marriage of Miss Marion Lyitian, They are M. Kekhll, daughter of exchange. Christopher Gray, 40, of 221' Pine and daughters. Miss Mildred ern Auto Supply and another prize College, at the home of her par­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. the czar’s court jeweler, sen $ 1.00 will be given by the committee ents and grandmother. Carol Sing a Sueceaa ■street, much cut and bashed In the M irtl, and Miss Carrie Mirtl will Lyman, of Chcsjerland, Ohio, and Not SerioiiHly Injured; S lip s . . . . The carol sing held Sunday eve­ ontoi taln a family party Christ- ■ , tended to six years; V. Klimova, from the Women’s Auxiliary that The 4-H Glrli club of Tolland brawl, was fined $5 and co.sts for ■ ■■ and Other Aecideiils Over former proprietor of a fashion is in charge of the \inder the leadership of Mrs. Eliza- ning at the Qunrryvllle Methodint intoxication and received a suspen­ mas, The dinner guests will In- ; .Mr.s.;V“ ‘ G. Walter — cSmith, - o i, of this elude Mr. and Mrs. CInrOnce ' house, five ye^rs, and A. Yessln, - by .Mary Barron : beth Peck had their Christma.s church was held inside instead of sion of judgment on the breach of town. The ceremony took place at The Week-Eml. daughter of a colonel, four years party at the social rooms of the outside of the church as had been the peace charge. His nasailant. ikisex, Mr. and .Mrs, .lohn Mirtl, , t he Chestei land Community 1 church Friday evening. planned because of the inclement Gl^nn ■Mirtl. Mr. and Mrs. An- ' .Make lovely qifts. Satin Ten Best Movies Walter Protrosky of Torrington, church, December 6. Three cars were damaged and I The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ayers weather. A large group attended Uiony Safranck, Mrs. Jennie » .. there’s no delay or silk. Tailored and was fined $5 and costs on each .Services at the Comnpinlty one person injured In traffic mls- 72 who died suddenly Wednesday and the singing was lead by Mrs, count. The disturbance attracted a. (jharvat and Miss Jennie H. the 'PERSONAL' w ay frilly. Tearose and white. morning was held from her late Church. church were held a.a usual Sunday hapa during the week-end. Miss Of 1940Pieked Anna Skinn'er. Following the sing number of people on Main street with Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., Sizes .32-44. home Friday afternoon at 2 Helen Daly, 22. of 33 Schtxil street, refreshment.s of doughnuts a/id last night as Gray was beaten to and the morning worship at 10:4.5. Rockville, had two front teeth loos­ ^HEN folkineed mon* and ability to make amall o’clock. There was a wealth of coffee were served b.v the members the ground. Police, quickly called, 9 ey this time of year* monthly payments. For-"-a New York, Dec. 23.—iA»v— The beautiful flowers silent withe.sses New Britain Finn Rev. Douglas V. Maclean, pastor, ened when she received a blow In of the Women’s Society of Christ­ took both men to headquarters took for his theme, "The Fulfil- w;they usually want it TTHaonof loan of $25 to $300, ten best American movlea of 1940. the face as the car of Edmund of love for the departed. Rev. W il­ ian .Service. This evening the where Police Surgeon A. Elmer the quickest, simplest way poa* come in today. according to the National Board of ls>ll I f « O zziifl^m cht of a New Age." At 7:30 p. m. Btula of Colchester, tn which she liam C. Darby a former pastor in church School of the Quarryvlllc Diakan administered aid. T I e S H I t . l I l 18 1,-W^elrl , pageant, entitled sible. And THAT'S the lift In Cash .Now .. . .$100. Review of Motion Pictures, are; Tolland, now of Hockanum, East was a passenger, ran out of con­ way. ch\irch will hold their Christmas » Had to Pay Costs ______; ".Seeking the Star." was pre.scnled trol on Keeney street early Sun­ itrpay Prr .Month ... .$6.72 ‘The Grapea of Wrath." "The Hartford officiated with Rev. Val­ Above payment, on 20 Pnrt.v with an entertainment and George Steger of 33 Lyndalc Britain, Dee. '23 iVP' Ar- ; by a east of ajioiit fifteen.. The day and left the highway. Miss Our new streamlined Applicht Great Dictator,” "Of Mice and entine P, .Alison regular pastor vtvoigc Veu.- Britain Dec '23 iVPi Ar- • ny a mimth basis Includes Men," "Our Town,” "Fantasia," Christmas Tree. Everyone is invit­ street, *?ohty to i n ^ ^ ^ Kimball, president of I-an- 1 ChoriChoriaters also sang. ■ Daly was treated at Memorial hos­ tion Form saves you time . . . assisting. Interment was in the ed to attend. I tion rcreivcd a .dispension of Jii l^g-- i asks only about your'identity charges of 3% on unpaid "The Long Voyage Home," "For­ f ^ i l y lot in the Tolland Sbuth Carol singers will leave the pital. HtMla said the accident was Bolton Briefs j ment ffiv payment of costa in view : Britain Gen- Comrommunity House at 7:15 this caused when hta front wheels run monthl.v balancen up to eign Correspondent," "The Biscuit C ^ etery. Far a ParaaMl U m ta t iHt $100, 2% monthly on bal­ Louis .Albasi, of Birch Mountain, of u:. his past rr^-<.rkrlgood record. HellA' Wfl/»w.-is i evening____j. to visit the homes of into trap rock at the road- Eater," "Gone With the Wind" arid Hanry Hayden a.ssislant to the eral hospital. ances above. "Rebecca.” left Friday evening to spend hl.s picked up from some bushes on Entering the employ of the shut-ins in the community, end­ aide. pastor at the Plymouth Congrega­ Christmas vacation with relatives CALL John Steinbeck, who formerly tional church, at Syracuse, N. Y., Oak s\{cct at 12:55 a. m. yester­ coropanv 42 years ago as an office ing their trip with a party at the Cara operated b.v John Smith in Cleveland, Ohio'. day. home of Miss Dorothy Slmlcr. o f 627 Center street and Edmond - i / x a ’"«» Personal Finance Go. I The difference between Spey- ' wrote for the W PA. was the author is expected to spend Christmas at boy in the Chicago office, he later .'>10.3 OPEN EVENINGS Royal and yoimger Scotch Whii- of the hooks from which the first the home of his parents. Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson Is con­ Emil Ba.ver of Thompson, found was employed as .a salesman and Phillip Pierce, a student at the 8S. Koa, of Webster, Mass., collid­ 7.53 .MAIN STREET S fined to her home at Bolton Center guilty of speeding, was fined $10 tJnivcrsity of Connecticut, is RtMims 2 and 3 Tel. 3130 ■ kie« is in the taste—not the price. arid third selections were adapted. Mrs. Merritt Usher is making,a came to this city 31 year.s ago as ed Saturday night at the Intersect MATTHEW W IO R J Hanky 8 All were choaen yesterday on the good recoverv from a serious | a cold. • and ' costs. ■ Katherine D. sales manager. lie was a brother spending the holidays at the home tlon of Middle Tiirnplko East and Fll lAWCE State Theater Building ■ Try Spey-Royal youraelf . . . the Jeweler and Watchmaker baais or artistic merit and im­ operation performed recently at ! ^ C o m m u n i t y O'Brien of 151 Cooper , Hill street. -of George T. Kiinb.all. who Ls Of his molher,. Mrs. Marfon F. h East Center street. Slight damage X License No. 391 B Gay and colorful. Hand am- only nationally advertiaed 10- 977 Main SL .Manchester C '■ portance. St Francis hospital. Hartford. i Christmas party committee are de- found guilty of paaaihg a stop sign i president of The American Hard- j Pierce, of Foster street, • was done. (Next to McLellsn's) X bDddarcd. Cheery and freak yetr-old Scotch in Amecka. She la plca.sed to receive callers 'ivering gifts to children who wer.> without halting was fined $1 and I ware Corp. , fhrtot-lu. III! ^ ^ K —an all-.year gift! from her friends and neighbors not present at the party on Friday costs. The case of Ida Rcichenbalch, 1 Mr. Kimball leaves his widow. $«. Mwcla i f now that she has returned to her evening. If .your child's gift has not 25, of Brjad Brook, arre.stclca of better haga that are every child present. As the chil­ Increased duties arising princir A Ping Pong TabU Top Menu . Children’s Records Grange meeting Tue.sda.v- night. .$7.25 I "Talltng the Pulilic About (ho Doctor" appear; weekly (n this paper i aelllng fur $5.98 and $10.98. ^ dren left the.^hall they were also pally from the Income' tax law, The children entertained with c ," Thick. S=, Iced Celerv and Olives . v Standard 10” size— same ■ given a box oj candy and an amendment, by \ghich_the total of Fresh Fruit Cock'tail ' Tomato Juice‘Cocktail rccitation.s, songp and tap dancing. s 8 5 c pr high quality tone and vol­ orange. ^ - ■ 180,000 filed returns may be dou­ Gifts were exchanged and .the Shrimp Cocktail It is the sincere hope of many of bled in 1941. are the reason for A Ping Pong Table Top Ig L iiO S Cream of Celery Soup Consomme ume as other Victor and Home Economics , committee the people present at the party raising the bureau staff from its Thick. 3 Pair in a Gift Bos . Native Roast Turkey. — Cranberry Sauce Bluebird records. served refreshments. / 2.10 ' , that it will become an annual af­ "present strength of 170 to 225. In the Good Will League, ganies Giblet Gravy or F'illet Mignon .Mushroom Sdiice Appointees consist of 30 field / Boiled Silver Onions Mashed Turiilps fair in Bolton. Individuals and at the Lucky 'Strike alleys _ Tues­ OPENS Ping Pong Table Frame .'$5.50 I 3 Records in Special organizations In tHe town have deputies and 25 office deputies, Birds Eye Peas Mashed Potatoes selected after having passed ex­ day night Wllllnglgn de'feated with all ths splaador and qlory ■been verj- generous in giving their Bugbee's ■ Chevrolet^ 3 to 0.. Candied Sweet Potatoes Southern Hot Rolls Envelope— $1.00 aminations "conducted by the i oi ths Xmas season ... Thsy'U Hot Mince Pie Apple Pie Squash Pie Mother Goose Nursery time and money for the party. Mrs. Ira Wilcox entertained the ' Candlelight ServU-e ' T rea^ry’s Intelligence 'Unit. They coma bom! avarywhara to calo- A Combination StoTin and Screen Door $7.10 Plum Pudding with Rum Sauce Rhymes will Ilf trained in their new work Valley Bridge club Tuesday bratsl You'll hove the surpi$sa A Christmas Candlelight service afternoon at, her home In Me,(;row. . . Hotel , Roll Ice Cream Little Ginger Bread Mon at an Internal Revenue school oi your lii# whan you so# Ih# Coffee, Tea or MUk lions C. Anderson Stories waa held in the Bolton Center Con­ Prizes were won hy Mrs. Geoi’ge gregational church on Sunday eve­ here Jan.' 20-24. ramodslsd Slat# complstoly Chamberlin Automatic Door Singing Gomes Income tax forms for 1940, to Cosgrove of Man.sfleUl Depot and ning." The floral decorations were .\ Lasting Gift for Your ADULTS— $1.50. CHILDREN UNDER 12—$1.00^ L.lttl.! Red Riding Hood be filed by March. 15, 1941, will Mrs. Oscar Hemmler of West W bonslormsd Into ONE OF THE nil- the work of Miss Helen Berry and W e a th e n to p ...... $1.50 'Etc. Etc. be released to the publfe Jan. 3. Willington ' ; ^ TWEATNE5 IN NEW ENCIAHO Daughter! Mias Elsie Collins. The following NEW DEAR’S EVE— THE GREATEST EVER Mrs. .Rachel Carpenter of South The Radio-Record Center progtarfi'was followed: Organ pre- Coventry attended the Christmas Storm Sash 3 ORCHESTRAS EXCELLENT DINNER iude, "Cantinque de Noel" by Mrs. Two Meu Iiijure

V ti )■ J •

JlANC^ESITER EVCNllfQ REBALD. MAMCMt!;»rCK, CUWN.' JllumJAI, UEt KMBER 23, 1940 PAGfc u;'. :::NlMi HtJl'..-1-l-' I I'ju. I 'JWN. ::UNI>AV; DStCiwiBER 23,1940 FOUB night after bs .waa aurprlaed in an ’’VM tha appolntmant but there , was • Swiss Protest ’ ^ attempt to steal an automobll* eastward through thh Ohio vallay (O)—Heavy bombs which bit two wnor quaatlooing onto such as Office Closed Hunt Slayer attack was to start in about 10 public air raid shelters, ona of Many London Bomb and dashed Into tha wooded area, to the Atlantic coast, and Naw Eden’s Naming ^ Tbd Laborite Dally HeraM's com­ Sullivan asserted. days. Nazi Raiders which boused almost 000 persons, British Flights Anti-Tank Has England should w a rn up, he aald, ment that ”on the acore of bis po- > Georgia Patrol CSpt. R. a. tual Party Ha had only the highest pralM Stom cantara continue to ap­ left an undiacloaed numMr of HUoal past we confaaato eoma re- ‘ For Two Days ^ Of Patrolman for hi* m€n and declared that u casuslUap today after s night­ Mayo reported Trooper John pear on tha map off tha Paciao Start Fires Seen Showing servo on wisdom of this ap­ ^ Shelters High Glass ...... Goodwin of th# VlUa Rica, Ga., the number of prisoners taken by 20 Promotions coast, ha added, the meteocologleal long German air attack on thla pointment." Bern, Swltssrland, Dse. 23.—OP) Of K Tonight the BriUth was high It was 1^ city to tha Industrial heart of —The Swiss minister to London patrol station was slightly wound­ reaction from them acroas tha The Times, ‘ howevei*, said, Draft Board Receives Fresh Georgia Trooj^rs ed in the arm when a shotgun fell causa the lUliana held out "to the country being generally to halp PoKcy Change ‘That’Lord Halifax wUI bo more was instructed toddy to make a In-Factories romba also wrecked a moving reed about In the mattress adver­ to the floor of an automobile and last epaam...... Seven New SergeanU maintain the mltdnesa. Theae die- than welcome in Washington Newsmen Who Tell of tisements, soft and Immaculate and Orders from Head- "qioat energetic proteet" against And Bloodhounds Arc "Our Italian and Libyan divl- picture theater and' set < #res to . discharged. lory to Be Scene of turbancaa given weetem Washing­ (OoBtHmed from Page One) tbera cah ba no doubt whatever,’* complete with eiderdowns. Royal Air Force flights over neu­ slona in this battle have held high (OMtlMMd Prom Page Oae)- scorea of buildings. Squalor of Tilbury , fjuarter^. tral Swltzerlknd after bombs drop­ Thrown Into Search. The fugltlvri killer, CapUin And 13 Corporals in ton and Oregon their worat wind­ —~t— : I The silken walls all about you Mayo said, was believed to be Gaiety at Christmas the traditions of gallantry and storm la 20 years qvar tha waek- The raid on the moat denstly ped last night near Zurich injured heroism of our army,” the marahal Local Guard Outfit. populated section of Ihigland goes to Capt. David Margesson, Arehes Never Sleep in and the freah conditioned air Gharles Butler, alia* Charles and. westara Scotland daapite unfavor­ O0icial German make you forget thla la communal The local Selective Sendee of­ 11 persona. .j,"' — Decatur, Tenn., Dec. 28— I/P)— Fete^ Expect a Crowd. reported. "Commanders and troopa able waatber and then to have put started In the early evening when 60, chief government whip In (Com­ Coates, an escape from the Bu­ I • 1 Anothar disturbance In the east­ Such Surroutidingii. sleeping. The dim lights and silks fice, In accord with order* from A Swiss comraunlqus said the With fresh Georgia troopera and chanan county, Missouri, Jail, who have written pages of. tha most The AnOTank Company haa re­ a large tectory power plant out ■treeta were crowded. mons. Comment Wanting ern Gulf of MexlcoP meantime, make you pay little attention to National Headquarters, Will be planes which dropped the bomba bloodhounds thrown Into the had been sentenced to life Impris­ / By Daaay Skea splendid heroism In desolate ceived twenty-one promotions. In of operation with a alngle , heavy Thick smoke atlll hung over Additional cabinet changes were BerUn, Dec. 23—(P>— Offlchu stretches of the western desert. caueed moderate to heavy ralna In (Editoi's Note; Bombs tain, the, lacework 'of steel scaffolding and caused alarms over several onment M a habitual criminal. local armory win be a cen- the non-com'mlaaloned offlcera per- Florida and the middls Gulf coast. bomb dropped In a low dive. ' the clW thia morning. expected by some observers, in­ German comment on Anthony closed all day tomorrow as well aa search, a posse of nearly 100. men "Italian troopa sacrificed^rlficea them'tnem- uio i Wnvs After Wave of Bombers but life In England goes on. designed to protect you from .Swiss cities for the second night A woman who was with the fu- j tar of acUvlty and gaiety tonight el. These appointments include OttMT Hits on Factory. cluding possibly the appointment Eden’s appointment aa BriUth , Here’s a Mt of the more rheer- Wednesday, Chtlalmas Day. The in succession were identified as beat through wooded mountain Special It Might I . . . Thsy'va selves without sparing,ng. I once aoMi Wave after wave of bombers ap' of Wortd W ar Premier David debris. gltlve when Black waa killed was | aaL It awlnga open lU doors for ‘ he categorically sron.^motion of-seven meihbers to Other hits were reported on foreign oecreUry was wanting j |l fnl side In Milo M. TImnpMon’s staff at the local office has been British; • areas near here today In the third tpore confirm to you proaehed the city from the south Uoyd Georgs to tha government. I The silence milkrs you forget In policy custody. No charge* ; bean "Specially" bought and Chrlstmaa party of the k . gergesnts and thirteen membera to the factory Itself where ooctlona today, but authorised sourcea story on the experiences of The minister to London was In­ that everybody there! has fuIfillM sergi and spread fanwiae over a wide Schooled at aristocratic Ebon war' Is on. — rushed ever since the organization day of a hunt for the killer of a were made against her. ‘‘Specially" priced lor a quick Iliiuda. The event wlU commence comporalB. ’The company will be Christmas Play of tbo buUdlnga were aald to bava aertedjt waa^”lnterestlng to nota those who live In London. The structed to demand full damages his duty aa far as possible IS. The first wave dropped and Oxford and tested In the colo­ If you afid your wife go to the here was set up and both the Georgia highway patrolman. Funeral of the 29-ycar-oId Ocor- ' lell-outi Big variety of stylet ataoven-thlrty and will continue as '’ razlanl commented especially under the command of Captain collapsed. ' how Churchill managed to rid next Installmeht In this Inter­ and reparations. Three bloodhounds were ex-* glil trooper was held In Macon, ! flares. Incendiary bomba followed nial admlnlatratlon, Halifax first married section, you slip Into your Chief ’Clerk, Mrs. Clara Turklng- aimtm M the G u ar^ wish to remain. on the support^ given the British RaymondE. Hagelom. Second In By Sunday School (A Britlab communique aald and high - explosive bombs pelted himself of^Hallfax. esting series will ap|iear In „. { double bed without knowing who hausted last night. Officer* said Ga,, ye.«iterday, after his body had | and colors . . . every pair one of tbo attacks yeatarday was came Into the world limelight as Rogaf^g Eden’s past, we cer­ The llermid tomorrow: "Kiisl- tpn, and the stenographer, Mrs. Stveral offlcera of the regiment ground foroiS by the fleet and Air contmand Is Lieutenant Charles down sifter that. the British viceroy In India from may be already asleep In the close­ Snow AMs Air Hcbedulee they once were so close to their lain in state at the Georgia capl- absolutely perfect and worth l« v a been Invited to the affair as Force and added that sandstorms Bycholskl. Second Lieutenants Ed­ directed against western Scot- tainly aren't In doubt," one ness ns lisunr) ly adjoining beds on either aide. ■Erik Modean, have’ worked many quarry searchers heard "the oound tol, wJtb a poathumoiis''promotlon I Some fires cast a deep red glow 1026-81, when he held down the extra hours to try to keep up with much more than this ottractyie 4n past years, and all'the members had handicapped his own Air ward Gatchell and George Elliott The Sunday achool of tha Naas- Und.) thorlsed commentator aald, You could reach out and touctfl of running feet.’’, to sergeanL Informed Qermsns said Man- visible for miles but the flames lid while India’s millions seethed By Milo M. Thompson the deluge of bueinesa. Salt Lake City, .Dec. 23.—(* )— pricel Come in o n d/ta a of S e "Manchester lllfles" are ex- Force. Nevertheless, he said, Ital­ complete the commissioned offi­ were under control this morning. through the civil disobedience "Churchill haa found li them if you chose, but tke-llghting Because it anowed, airline sched­ ' Georgia Public Safety CJommls- rene church la praparlng n Chrlat- cbeator, la northwestern England, man who corresponds b Much Work AheM there G ilt Specials/oddy.^ M ctad to turn out for the year a ian filers brought down 42 British cers. Rescue parUes still were trying campaign. ■V i New York, Dec. 23—(/P)— One Is too dim for recognitwn anil the ules approached normal today for sloner Lon Sullivan said be was Gghllcht. The get-to-gether has planes and possibly 20 more, Promotions Listed maa program for tomorrow «vt- was singled out as the target of policy of adventure.” enforced silence, pfijs-^nh need of Just, now there Is considerable certain the fugitive was wounded ning of songs and recitationa that large German bombing formations to free persons trapped In raid Stanley B(tldwln, tbe "abdica­ geU a little weary of the dreary the first time In-nearly a week. much more algnlficance this year I>romotlons to Sergeants In­ Bleep, rernovea any curiosity. work to bp done, but because of a t least once. Bloodstains led from promises to be more than uaually last night. shelters In varioiu parts of the tion premier,” then entrusted him stories of misery in the shelters of the extra work done it was Most passenger flights had skipped last the near Ringgold, Ga,, where Oorp. due to It being the Ume cludes; First Sergeant Newcohb; Interesting. T h e re will also be a Fliers were said to hava report­ city 17 hours after the raid aUrted. with the leadership of the Hoiiae More Intimate ^rihm barded London and It may be Warning for Knorers thought advisable to allow'* the the Salt Lnke City stop because boys will probably get together for Take It from me‘,f»lf you anore W. F . Black was fatally wounded Supply Sergeant, E . Boyle and short playlet, "On Jddea’s Plain,” ed terrific explosiona and larga Sixty persons were trapped at of Lords. workers time for the necessary of frosty ground fogs which made an affair of this kind prior to In­ British Raise Sergeafita E. Del Bene, J. Edwards, one of the two hotels hit but a to give the other side of the at All you will be well advised to F,'V ay by a motorist he had stop­ by Edward Quinn, Billy Davis and fires at industrial plants there. When British policy underwent Collaboration Seen Christmas activities. landings hazardous. The show dis­ R. Gwsrek. H. Papanl. L. Penfteld, number of them had been released its shift'to so-called appeasement ^ ^ H H u re. take the turning to the right. If ped to admonish for reckless driv­ duction. Wendell Austin. German aubmarinea sank two Rome, Dec. 23—OP)— It ^ ^ ^ h e newspapermen who wriite of The local board will have more pelled the fog. - ■■■' Sergeant Michael Savlno. the and J. Yanlshewsky. Former Ser­ by daylight. during the winter of 1937-38, It ynu go to the quiet sectors, your ing. Tbe motorist abandoned bis Total Number The Frogram merchantmen, one of 18,000 tona political effelea aald today the squalor of Tilbury arches do night will be a hideous thing in than enough registrants ready for car and fled tntii wcxxls. Bieas sergeant, is In full charge of geants, F. Del Bene, R. DePietro. and one of 9,000 tons, these sour­ Heavy bombs wrecked a moving was Halifax who laid the ground "Original C^mglrl” Killed KODAKS After the opening prayer by the looked for "still mors Inbmata., not sleep there, or In the other, spite of everything. the January 13 Induction. After Georgia arid Tennessee patrols the dinner and Sergeant Jerry and R. W llcett still hold that rank, ces said. picture theater, and crashed down work for a direct contact with pastor. Rev. James A. Young, and on' two publlfc theaters and two coUaboraUon" between the United —places where people huddle by The moment sleep comes and its the holiday the board members are cooperating with sheriffs' dep­ Dsmeusey Is taking care of the en- Of Prisoners bringing the total of sergeants to Christmas carols by the Junior The number of dead from the Hitler. autes and Orest Britain with thouiumda under begrimed blan­ will meet for further classification tortalnment. The non-commlsslon- public shelters, one of which hous­ In November, 1937. while Eden relaxation causes you, to emit the Guthrie, Okla., Dec. 23.—f/Pj— uties Is the manhunt. Eight Geor­ eleven. (iholr, children of the school wdll British air raid on Berlin Dec. 21 Lord Halifax as the new British kets, smelling still the aroma of firat sounds of a snbrer'a broad­ of questionnaires so that there will Miss Lucille Mulhall, the "original gia troopers came In fas replace­ sd officers have had to spend all.^ Formerly first class privates, but was reported to have risen to 36 ed nearly 500 persons. There vvere still was foreign secretary, Hali­ (Continued From Pago One) be heard in songs or recitationa, as an undisclosed number of casual­ ambassador to Washington. horses stabled there 50 years ago, cast you will find yourself sudden­ be a class ready for the induction cowgirl” of the stage, was killed ments. KEMP'S their spare time In preparing fof corporals now are; \V. Baldwin. N. follows; Scripture reading, Robert fax visited Germany for a talk The newspaper II Piccolo viewed and doing with few sanitary con­ ties in the shelters. with the Fuehrer. On Nov. 17 he ly awake, fell .soft hands on your pliriod following the present Janu­ in an automobile-truck collision Tries To Steal .\uto Inc. the event this year due to the Berrio. H. Del Bene, \V, Gutzmer, (Jhambere; Welcome, Margaret the appointment of Anthony Eden veniences. Reporters dash in and ary'Call. yesterday. She was 56 years old. The fugitive slipped awky last large amount of vork necessary in Army of the Nile turned the tables Complete Expulsion was closeted with Hitler at the temples and catch, out of the cor­ '903 M A IN STREET WELDON BUILDING on Grazlani'a invasion Army In E . Islieb, E. Kosinskl, ,R. Martin, McKinney; Christmas Smiles, Bud­ to replace Halifax as foreign sec­ out of such places. They them­ ner of ypur eye, a disappearing the the current recruit drive. P. Meek. R. Nutland. C. Paster- dy Ford; Recitation, Wilbur Elli­ Berchtesgaden retreat. selves live In no such shelters. I'he Kodak Store / Egypt. Of Unsuitable Persons 41.476 Tons of Ships Eight days later Neville Cham­ retary as a victory for the young shadow. / • Due to the stores being open, the nac,k, W. Tedford, R. Turcotte and son; Heaven’s Gifts, Faith McFall; Conservatives In BritUh pollUcs, Perhaps, the largest concentra­ Reuters. British news agency, Berlin, Dec. 23— (JT)—The civil berlin acknowledged the semi-of­ It is the shadow of a vigilant ■riCfWricMaKwwrifMWwiNcwaiuiutfiwwiliMKWwwwwn ______f / Advertise in The Herald—It Pays main entertainment of the evening f ; Ibuk. Christmas SecreU. Barry Wood; administration of Alsace, in Ger­ Lost During Week who "are anxious to take" the tion of thcs0 ft progress continues, the ’‘Manches­ it said. quarters Company. By Attack of Grip ers injured.' Building Demolished clerk who methodically checks yoil* millions who, like me. sleep riide- X « ter Rifiea’’ will be at full peace Fascist planes attacked a Brit-, The raiders also were active In and aends you to your allotted \ CJ»«* XX London. Dec. 23 —(ff)—One of ly in ordinary ba.scmcnts, and the \ * fCfi-corffl*\ f RESIGN time strength before long. The Ish advance base and renewed ------I over many other parts of England Shaving bed In care of a uniformed servi­ groat army of those who are glad ir X rX the most ancient anti arrbltec- ' I l” ! captains of the recruiting teams their attacks on British armored Goodwill Naiiieil . .. , „ _____ und London had two alarms. A tor. tnrtiave concrete subway platforms fwBtp. lOS sold- are well pleased with the work equipment in this area, a commu­ Albert Pearaon. organist and y^aval...... inn was...... smash...... turslly beautiful parts of the t*c»nd. r*H«d -csM. choir director of the Emanuel. » Yqa And there are four depart­ dr the (lohblestoaes under the arch­ ; which their teams accorapli.shcd, nique said. .. ed in a south coast town and one j Houses of Parliament has been re- ments reached down corridors es below them If only they are safe (K$14 7S m .s o and are hoping for a dtiplicatlon The British,'- meanwhile, bombed ^ To District Unit . . Lutheran' church and instructor irt of the town's oldest mansions and 1 duced to a heap of twisted girders music in'the,public schools, ,was M ug made by long thick silken hang­ from riic death and dismember­ this week. , some centers, in Libya, killing one ^ ------a big motion picture theater were and masonry by a German bomb ings softly lighted. ment which cpmes from above. ■ Strolling Around thd., Anniiry slrickcfl with’ an attack of 'grip which fell In the clol-ster court. I and injuring three, the communl-1 Hartford. Dec. 23—(A^—G eorge last n l^ t after conducting the an- set on fire. Turn to the right' sa you leave - Due to tomorrow night being qiie added. ’ : Goodwin, secretary of the accl- Rest During Daylight Hours The Public Bills Office on the ti nUal Candlelight Service at the east side, the Votes Office on the the check-ln clerk qhd you gk no iorih.t, ji quest those members who have Emanuel. (Nazi fliers described their on­ , not reported for fingerprinting to Italy Executes lives at 763 Burnside avenue. Eaat slaughts on Liverpool Saturday ’ the nearby stately cehter tower. pace filled with beds side by aide In last night. Tfie driver of ariother FO R THE ute gift? Give Flowers! Puzzled about what to Mr. Pearson has been troubled nea^y regimented rows. And such WITH A \ Xix- do to wlthout delay... .Corp. John Hartford,-* is a former member of by a cold for several weeks but night aq,*'worse than Coventry,” I This wgs the only part of the' Old Spice car saUl he heard a tire u jf the give a distant friend? Wiye Flowers! Our selec­ Rieder, the new Company Secre­ the Town Council, a director of The German high command aald ' building to receive a direct hit in beds! sailors' machine blow out just be­ Q U ilN ^ O F Twoas^piesj 'continued his extensive activities .’ They are the beds of luxury ^ou tary, *ls getting a kick out of driv­ The East Hartford Trust Company presenting special musical Italian filers had at^cked Har­ ; two. recent Nazi raids, but the fore the crash. tion is complete . . . Gut F’lowers, Plants, Corsages. ing one of the Army trucks around and chairman of the East Hartford events 'in the schools and at the wich harbor facilities that night members' cloakroom., secretaries,' YOUR HEART.. Solve ■ Flowers can be sent aJU'^vhere in Order, (C'ontinuod From Page One) Library Board. He was named to "with good effect.” ) Mt. Vernon 17 Jewel town....So many soldiers were Eipanuel church. Aa soon aa the offices and the Inner lobby w ere,] SllSlAM. 17 ImU ■•111. .M ‘ ^ roaihlng the , Saturday the commission for a two-year service was concluded last night, regarded as unsafe aa a result of yours early! /T Bight, we thought that the Guard.s States harbors and that the U S. term from Jan. 1, 1941. tlie Gift Problems Eaat Hartford voters several Mr. Pearson put himself under the i Public Raid Shelters were, mobilized .... Speaking of reaction was ’'being awaited by rare of a physician and was sent' 1 Windows were broken. In the C O M E ^ S rs Cbristraas, let’s not forget that Germany with estraordinary vn- mopths ago declared In favor of I House of Lords, in historic West- that town's joining the Metropoli­ tc bed. ., Hit by Heavy Bombs ^ The next year the Guards will spend terest.” Mcriibers of the choir presented Manchester. England, Dec. 23— i minster HsU, in an earlier attack. | “SOT JUST FLOWERS ' — BUT' FLOWERS BY the holiday together, so why,,not (United States Secretary at tan District wbhch now also In­ Mr. and Mrs. Peaqion with a cqjn- \ spend ^ your time with your State Cordell Hull declined com­ cludes Hartford, Windsor, Bloom­ pletc fireplace set of andirons and Beauty Way! famll^fiils year. ment on the BerWri assertion.) field, Wethersfield and Newington. screen. During \he evening, re­ Officials Remain Cautious freshments were served and a so­ CHOCOLATESI MILIKOWSKI-The Florist P - y- -- Officials remained cadUous re­ cial time was enjoyed. % SOmfoii 19 imit ..... $SI.M garding tly Cross sugglhUon, but No Snow Seen « w m r ^ m m r n m ^ Graziani Hits political, circles expressed com-,, . TF-I.FPHONE 6029 : plete solidarity witll Gerriiany In For ClirUtnias ^ The Sampler Tanks Lack the matter. Wiiislecl Man 695 Main Street Near the Manchester Qas Co. "If'the Unlt?d States accepts EARLY AMERICAN OLD SPICE (Oontinued from Page-One). WE’LL MATCH the proposal It would bo regarded Found Slain 11 hmwmmMmwMwiMiiwiimlWMwwmHimxfwwmwnimMiiWMmmwwMM (Oonttnued From Page One) as seriously Involving the mainte­ \ '.'b- $ 1 J 2 P » 3 nance of American neutrality." ter sports enthusiasts and young- e------.00 from Italy early In December and correspondents were told. ster.s,” Downs said, "but there ap­ (Continued From Page One) “ OUR PRICES the Fascist fighters were poised for Those who stood trial for spy­ to he little likelihood of new vF - e ' ^ 2 lbs. $3*00 an attack ordered by H Duce, ing were "members of a network snow. There Is .snow on the Intendent 'Muloahy called Lieut. ground, of course. In pqrtherly On all nationally advertised brands of BtMAR IZ Imb which was to have carried them, of Informers which' acted In our Fred Brkndt of the Canaan state -FHA jGains Parallel % Plant Expansion according to battle plans. past couiftry In the interest of a for­ .states and there is good lee exist­ police barracks who hurried to the;, M atnih'to the Nile and the Suez I eign power," the government said. ing there, too., scene with Sergt. Charles F. Hill WHITMEN'S ^ fLOIN “Y et even In Wisconsin and up­ Liquor with any store in the Early Canal. Only three of the 27 p e r s ^ tried and Trooper Edwln/’F. Pequlgnot. 1 7 JI W IL S The equipment, however, did not were acquitted. , per .Michigan It may be no colder Coroner Lester \V. Schaefer also FAn'«ILL CHOiCOLATES arrive, cirazianl said. , Another Naval offlcef, the em­ than freezing Wednesday.” was. called. He and tlj,e police re­ State .of Connecticut. v American ploye of a Naval construction firm ^ He said continuing mild weath- ferred, 'all questions to Commis­ (Since the African campaign be- DAeNNI. (7 (...I. . . $fZ.M \ and the latter's wl^e' were sen­ would accompanied by sioner Hickey. 11 -»M>. a, .blockade of I^lian com­ cloudiness Ij^ most north -central Old Spice llb.^»J 2 lbs. 3 lbs. munications lines across the MerlN tenced to prison fo r life. The Oliv­ Sbrcl had lived In Wlnated about ers convicted were given shorter stStes. may be rain Wed- 30 years. His wife In Italy and his terranean has been mal'ntalned, by n^ay..4n illtnols. Indiana, Mis- I the British.) terms. It was the first such case sister, Mrs. Gangi, are the only to come to ,■ public notice 'since spiirir^ansas and -Oklahoma and known survivors. FRED’S "The essential reason - for the, Covel Masterpiece Box NEW.nOME COXSTRIXTION Italy entered'the war about six p^^lbly In the Ohio valley. Guest Soap '^AUuftnigy tmety. With ^wopfmt H R m I first ligjitnlng siicces.s gained bv W arm er In New England mmtclumg ttmesiH. 17 fmmis. * uh/A the enein>’enerny must, therefore, be months ago. Read Herald Advs. tS f.T f AMEMlCA'f FI The Italian magazine Rassegna It will be warm er from Indiana. PACKAGE I |b.'5J 2 Ibs!^^ • ’ INDCSTRIAL EXPANSION THA-*MMr«4 morW.f.1 . . fwj.aleb Ftnuiepi that the Vichy government Is American Queen nassp.”.”. Graziani said. - 117 Spruce St. Telephone per box Ih ley maiiafActuriiig eenipr* plotting 'with Gen. Charles de LOOKET AND BRACEI.ET SET S ...... •bow 83% iMrr.M owr 1930. Easy Time for Enemy Gaulle, leader of, "free French’’ & .$12.75 and up . “ Against the key points occu­ l^vell Covel Talisman Chocolates forces, to reunite French African SOLID GOLD CROfiSES AND CHAINS pied by our troops on the- desert Yerritories for resistance to "any .. $5.50 and uu country, flat, easily looked over eventual foreign intervention.’’ Miniatures in a Metal Box. SIM and devoid Of any tactical possi­ Prince Matchabelli Purse Kits GOLlI FILLED CROSSES AND CHAINS. $1.25 and uu bilities. the enemy had an. easy I .O I U E R S * GOLD FILLED IXICKETS ...... time of pooling masses of armored With a Crown of Matchabelli . .$2.75 and up equipment, medium and heavy Japs Worry- Burnham & Brady tw lu , aided by fast-moving bat­ Cologne I a e • • • 4 ...... $1.25 FLEXIBLE LINK BRACELETS...... $.7.25 and up teries and effective assistance of About Break SPECIAL RICHELIEU PEARI.S ...... ’’ the air forces,” he reported. , *. .. $3.00 and up mm iv-MCAffi JVMMm mvMwtir "Short preparation generally (Continued from Page'OneV^ • > asi f Itmtrmmm im was entrusted to artillery and avi­ CHOICEST VARIETIES OF Prince Matchabelli Talc Mitt Chriatmas CHOCOLATES COMPACTS...... telmersgpgmsmM — . . - . FNAi ation. A murderous air bombarq- equipment and plans for produc­ In a Choice of Boxes.« 1 to 3 Pounds. ' - ment had hardly ceased when ar­ Corduroy Mftlvn Filled With CAMEO PENDANTS...... $3.75 and up ing aviation lubricating oil, cer­ Prince Matchabelli Talcum , mored forces rushed from all di­ tain chemically strontium metals POTTED PLANTS $1.00 WOMEN’S STONE SET RINGS ...... rections against our troops' and , 3 .0 0 .. $5.00 and up and ores and various abrasives.) Get Your CANDY At ’ $ 1 ^ to thus, despite the most strenuous The Japan Times and Advertis­ ' = Per Box MEN’S STONE SET RINGS ...... - .$8.25 and up resistance, the key points, fn a' er, English-language paper con­ /and CUT FLOWERS Beneath your Beaull- Williams' Shaving S e ts ...... ‘. . . 89c fat Xmas Tree the gift - few hours, were eub merged one by trolled by the Forelgrn Office, com­ ROSARY BEA D S...... $2.00 and up ene.” mented that “ejermany has open­ Burnham & Brady **Favorites'’ most useful and loved will be a Note The l5t®o Housing Cain In The Hartford OPEN TONIGHT - TOMORROW NIGHT Lovejoy Candy Shop SHEAFFER'S ufetime featheetouch Tbe Italians never gave up, ed a dlplomati35c Quinn'kFChocolatesy Choice "Dry etsdf* Dwh S.H tm oUc. is.* fciei, TIE S E T S ...... $1.00 and up Oraalani asserted It would "cer­ rect warning to keep out—or else." • The Perfect Dispenser for Sparkling Beverages! fl.OO emd m . Fw «, S9.TS ve. P i.t(li.$1J)0 tainly be premature to forecast Candy Apples...... 3 for 5c to 50c ea. of 4 assortments, lb. s ...... 60c ys. Mstriis M l, $1.9$ ve, KEYCHAINS...... v.,.../. . .$1.00 and up devleopmenta In the tltamle fight” Swimming' Coach -INe* For Further Information About F. H. A. Loans. to Libya. Candy Canes...... 3 for 5c to 50c ea. Not Surprised by*^ Attacka Bridgeport, Dec. 23—OP)—Wen­ He aald tho Italian forces were dell P. Allgor, 49, tire dealer here, ER OHOPSh( Our Own Made Fancy m i ^ e SHEAFFER3 and a ewlmming coach who taught hot Burpriaed by the British at­ 8 East Center Street ’ AMERICAN CHRISTMAS tacka which began Dec. 9. Italian thousands of U. S. sailors to swim ' BOXES ocouUag plaaea had reported during the World War, died early Odd Fellows Buildintr MIXTURE 6 7 3 MAIN STREET WATERMAN maaalng of British troopa and this morning -at S t Viacent’e - Filled with our own band- 673 MAIN STREET DONNELLY’S The Manchester Trust Company "LEADING FLORISTS” 50% Fill — The Best! dipped chocolates. PHONE 7057 PENS, PENCIL AND SE'TO oqulpment oast of Matrub mim the pita) f(^owing an emergency op*' PHONR 7057 JEWELERS AT THE CENTER Member Federal Depoflit Insunmee Corp. haalnnlng of October, ho continued, ermtlon to remove a piece of S ic k ­ pound 69c to $1.98 aad from priSonera captured the en bone he bad swallowed several Sight of Doe.^ it waa Hunad the days befors. .*.

. » '5J'

MANCHb:srKR EVENING HERALD, MANUHES'lEK, GUNN MAISCTJESTEII EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, D EC E ^ER 28.1940 aMUNUAY, UECEMBER 23. 1940 ('■ PAG E 81 SEsrt ■ ■ ■ : ■ --- bulbs. On Saturdayurdoy night seven at Main and Pearl streets where bulbs were removeU.moveU. Last night ually heavy(y m(movemant of hdeiJ Nine Injured k Royal Matron Receipts of P 0 Trees, Wreaths ha sella (Jhrlstmas trees .that he ■laughter•lai -thla Appeal Made From U. S. Hearts to British Heads St. Lawr^ce Project be again telephoned the police to brings in from Vermont, left Cut iri Hog fall and early, wf "M y Country, inform them that early in the Recreation ter. TOe, They forMsst a new cjffdd fiorvis Gets lights burning around his staild the domestic hog buaineaa. , Italy Throw When Train Here $101,000 . Bulbs Stolen evening 12 more bulbs had been when he cloaed business at 'Tis of Thee..." removed. They are much larger Raising ^een ly almllar to the one which ^atar___ To Cau$e Controversy o’clock this morning. • - Center Items in 1933-34 but not aa extenalva. Bridge Job than those used on trees set up in­ On Saturday afternoon he set- Out II Duce doors. The period of inbreaaad pr is Derailed Break Reroril for Year; Police Receive Com- aalde 20 trees that had been Today; * , ■ Saturday night a call was re­ tinn —now nearing a cIc m —ab Opponents Plan Vigor- tagged sold and waa to deliver 6-9. Junior boys game room Marketings Currently ed around the end of the 19 i1 Firm Low Bidder (ContlanM fram Page Om ) Holiday BuBineHs. Alsu ceived from Mrs. J. H. Best, who (Contlniied Prom Page One) ' plaints of Christmas them yesterday. When he went to open E.8. and W.^. Cycle when prices advanced ous Fight^Dcfspite Ty­ lives at 63 Church street reporting get them eight of them were gone,- Riding Crest of Three- On East Hartford Con- the Italian monarchy and the peo­ The Greatest Ever.' Depredations in Town. 6- 6:4.5, Junior Is^a plunge E.8. below $4 per hundredweight the loss of several bulbs from the Including the extra large one that Year Cycle. above $12. Aa^ suppdea increa ple who guard the aacred center Mr«. iWrlght H. Prickett, Jr., ing of^lajn to Defense tree In front of Ijer house and 7- 8, Men's p)bnge.E.S. eaawLd tHiclj'^The Bid. ^ Long Beach, Calif., brulaes. Some time on Saturday the had been set out for the Hotel however, the price sagged, ffwmlv___ of Christendom should have a word The police received complaints again last night she reported that Sheridan. The police were notified. 8- lp, Men'a'igyrii,-class E.S. to aay upon thoae awe-inspiring illha Violet Zimmerman. Holly­ Manchester poatoffice topped the Program by Roosevelt Chicago, Dec. 2.1 —vr)—/'4he its 1937 p<;ak and. with com priea*\: Saturday and last night about the trees had been again visited 7- lOj/Men'a bowling league W.S. unfavorable for feeding, farmenf^ Hartford, I>rc. 23—(^-Appar- iasues,” Churchill said. "Surely the wood, Calif., brulsea. $100,000 mark for any one calen­ and this time 15 more bulbs taken. trend of hog marketings, currently Walter Lester Albert, arm Jmd began to cut production, slaahiidg-. ant low bids totaling* more than Italian Army which haa fought to dar year, breaking by an expected ahington, Dec. 28—OP)—The bulbs from qut of door (Christmas ADVERTISEMENT-^ 8- 7, Small gym reservedriding for the crest of a three-year rib fractures, and CThef Jack Aider- 57.000 or $8,000 the record estab­ Wrestfia are Stolen h^fidball E.S; '•■/ the total 1940 crop about 10 per bravely on many- occasions past, A ( M^year-old propoaal to make It trees being- stolen, wreaths re­ cycle, waa aeen by livestock ex­ glM.DOO for two proJecU in con-1 but no evidently has no heart for man. arm bruises. lished for the year in 1930. Isist ( A moved from do(>r8 and Christmas On Oak qkeet Saturday evening Save Btepa, to the cellar. (Con­ 7-8, Small gym reserved for perts today as foreshadowing, a’ re­ cent compared with last year. . nacUon with the approachea to the the job, should take some carp of Miss Zimmerman. Albert and year's total receipts were $95,914.- t “ ^ j/poaaible for Great Lakes shipping trees carried away. two wreatfis placed on the front trol your furnace drafts s ilt ^ boxing E.S. duction early In 1941^. , [. new bridge over the Connecticut doors during the afternoon were the life and future of Italy.” Alderman are on tlje Qolumblne, .69. The total biisincsB done as of to ateam through the St. Lawrence Dr. M. E, Morinrty has a tree matlcally with a -Blue Coal tfeat Baaing their calcmll^ions nn hog If I didn’t think there will be a -river at Hartford were received by stolen early In the evening. Churchill said he apoke to the another eastbound U. P.'train. today, os reported by poetmaster river to the sea appears headed to­ outside his home on Park street Regulator, $18.9.5. It ofwnti and Both Recreation buljdlngs will receipts at Chicago ab^d'other prin­ time when this country will have ; the State Highway Department at The Rldgewaya were In a Chap­ Thomas J. Quish this afternoon, closet- drafts automatic^ly. The Italian people from London in ward another controversial recep­ IS J^ x e p a A N D 1H4T iSl4€ that he has decorated with many E, A. Bernard, who has a stand close at 6 pm, on CIirlstma.4 Eve cipal corn belt ma^ets, the live­ no unemployment. I'd quit mV Jnb; ’ a public letting today. was $101,382. Postmaster Qulsh W. O. Olenney Co., 386 North "what diplomatlata call words of pell, Neb , hospital, Mrs. Croft and and will remain cloaed on Christ­ stock men said they believed the — Isadnr Liib>n, dirrelnr nf statM- For about 7,400-feet of grading anticipates the total receipts for tion In CongreO. WXC We’lC ^ieACHED^ANO Main St. Tel. 4148U great truth and respect. Mrs. Prickett were fn a hospital mas Day. peak had been rea'ched in an unus­ tics. Department of laUmr.' and drainage on a section of the "W e are at war—that la a very here, and Hettzman and Mlaa the year will approximate $103,- Little moved by President Roose­ ?■ Hartford by-pass In Wethersfield strange and terrible thought,” he Barnes were continuing to Chica­ 000. velt’# fresh prqsenta.tfln of the GOT TD B£ CtEVEft the Dcllso Construction Company, i said. go aboard another train, the Heaviest In History combined power ajid' navigation Springfield. Masw.y was apparent' "Whoever imagined until the Columbine. An average of 234 sacks of par' project a* a national defense low bidder at $99,852. | last few melancholy years that the /Broken Kail Cause ccl jxMit were received in the necessity, congressional opponents 5HU.NNEAVEC IT5 BSTTEC British and Italian nations would offices since December 16 make it plain-that a vigorous fight In East Hertford, for 84 -foot The announcement ’ Hated the late^ -rm$ tuft%iuAN Nevec.. tteel frame bridge over Main bo trying to destroy one another? cause as n broken rail beneath the 3llss Lela Wetmter total to date of 1872 for la likely If the St. Lawrence treaty Street on the Hartford by-pass, the We have always been friends... last of three power units. This unit, day period. It 14 the heavies L Canada should be resubmitted SHOPPING DAY Alexander Jarvis. Company. Man- Our fathers and our grandfathers a baggage car, three coaches, two Mias Lela Webster was elected day mall receipts In the of^ L t^ ^ ^ B jh e Senate without major TIU CHRISTMAS longed to see Italy freed from the diners, a lounge car aml^six Pull­ royal matron of Chapman Court, lory. I ^ ^ V i i g c s . 1 Ohestcr, bid low with $66,412. ______“ ______Low bids on other projects were: Austrian yoke and to see all minor mans left the track. One of the Order of Amargnth, succeeding Postal cancellallons/for I ^ ^ ^ h e treaty, 'signed In 1928 after barriers In lUly swept away so Mrs. Astrld Dougan, at the annual same period topped 3^000 yester­ yearj of agitation for construction New Canaan, about 7.427 feet con­ Pullmans turned on Its side, but Where The Matter Of . First National Self-Service Store* l.oraled At: crete pavement on South avenue. ■ that the Italian people and their the railroad said none of Its occu­ meeting Friday evening, held In day and with today^normal busi­ of a seaway from the Great t.Akea to .the Atlantic, failed of Senate British Reinforce ' 22 EAST CENTER STREET Cerrentalnl Construction Company, fair land rfilght take their honored pants was injured. Two more Pull­ connection with the Christmas ness the total is e je c te d to reach AfTording Plays No Part I place as one of the leading pow­ party. Her associate officers will 375.000 for the llolldays, another ratification In 1934 when it re- 189 NORTH MAIN STREET — GROCERIES. FRCITS AND New Canaan. $83,180; Saybrook, j mans remained on the track. VEGETABLES ONLY. ers upon the continent and as a President W. M. Jeffers of the be the following: royal patron, record for the jdrfice. It is expect­ .celvcd only 46 .’avnrable votes to Far F^asl Forces Unllge most any othrr line ■ sdMUt 2,850 feet bituminous maca­ Meet a real 100 per cent Amer­ brilliant and gifted n ember of the 42 negative, falling short of 'the dam on a section of Route 80, D. | Union Pacific and Otto Jabel- Herbert Leggett; associate ma­ ed that siinlbfr records will also of endett*:or, the manner in ican soldier. He’s Standing family of Europe and of Christen­ required two-third majority. which' the fuiaeral a««lgnrient Arrogini, Middletown, $37,218. ! Bear, het editary chieftain of the mann, vice-president in charge of tron. Mrs. Alice VolquariLson; as-, be e.*dahllah<^l in the registry, dom." ■sociatc patron, Irving Wickha'fii; money order and c.o.d. divisions of Will Pres* For Vpproval In handled t* not differen­ Sioux Indians, whose father r^earch, left Omaha, Neb., to con- Singapore, Dec. 23—(/F).;"-— Air Comrades In Ijist War. secretary, Mrs. Je^isie VVlnltAbot- the off! tiated by the amount one I* participated in the Custer mas­ diitt a personal investigation. President Roosevelt ha# an­ Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke- ' tom; trea-surer, Mrs. Laqra Mall^onUnued to be received nounced he would press for approv­ able to afford. Plan to Prothiee sacre. S'anding Bear is a cor­ Telling the Italians that In the The baggage car dragged about Popham, British commander-ln- poral in the 163rd U. S. Infan­ last war "against the barbarous 500\jfeet before coming to a atop, Loomis; conductress. M'rs. Rose today In’ considerable volume but al in the new Congress of the Included In the creed of Vandrebrook; associate conduc­ the^eak of the holiday business $543,000,000 project as a means of chlcf In the Far East, announced 500 Planes Daily i try, which is composed almost huns," the British were the Ital- slanting away from the tracks. toilay that "substantial reinforce­ prartlce nf the John B. B^Jee exclusively of men of Indian i Ians' comrades, Churchill said: Sitting amid some of the 1500 steel helmets being sent from New The company said the roadbed tress, Mrs. Eva Wood-, trustee. vyaa reitlhed on Friday for outgo- providing cheap power to speed Funeral Home Ue* the oite York to protect British civilians from shrapnel and shell frag­ Mrs. Astrld ^u gan . These o f­ ngjand Saturday for incoming up defense production and to ob­ ments pf all arms have recently blood. "Now we are condemned to work was not badly damaged, because arrived In Malaya." point that I* regarded with ’ Given Roosevelt* each other's ruin. ments, Pat Mullen chalks messages o f encouragement to future the equipment wgs light. It .esti­ ficers’ will be seated at a semi, mall.s. tain a haven for ship construction first Importance: To treat i*' ' " wearers. Tin toppers were bought with funds of American Com­ The Far command Includes Your"aviiy|pra have tried to t mated that wrecking crews would public installation, Fmlay e that would be secure from possible ‘ ®-5? each a’**lgnment with one ha upon London mittee for Defense of British Homes. nlngf, January 3. attack. He already has ailoeated Malaya. Burma and Hong Kong. % aircraft fire along the Nazi-held east their Bo have the line open by mld-aftcr- Informed quarters said the rein­ atandard of re*|>e<.t and pro- (Continued from Page line) armies are tearing and will teat Miss Webster, Mr. anil/Mrs. Piililic* Records $1,000,000 from his special de­ fe**lonal prac­ coast of France, crossed the, Alps noon. Meanwhile, trains Were fense funds for engineering sur­ forcements included additional your'African empire to shreds and! routed by\wny of La Salle, Colo., Clarence Wood, Mr. ntyi Mr.s. tice lrre*|ieJiderbrook, Mr./And Mrs. veys. ■ , units of Australian and New Zea­ plicated basic production machin­ tures .30 degrees below zero, but tatters. . . . we arc only now at the and Chey^ne. Wlyo.; because the tlve of mone­ ery and tool.s are lying idle many modern progresa and of ancient i Bread Cast Upon Water H. R. 'iryon, Mrs. Anna Robb at­ Perm it. This action brought criticism land Air Forces. could see the dark lines of the heiilrlning of this somber talc. Who other line ilal Notes has conveyed to the State of Con­ cise parts of the Allison aviation war between Italy and British em­ The mishap occiirred at 10:45 p. 8 necticut a ■ strip of land 8.54 feet that lacked congrenalonal approv­ found their faucets spouting said bombs* fell in Susak injuring the United Statea of America. That and offered his services: ' charged water. Sid Benedict, wa- FIRST NATIONAL $T0RES engine in the Cadillac plant m De- persons and causing considerable pire.” the prime minister read a m., (m. s. t.) at >Velr. six miles long alohg the present highway; al,’ JOHN B BURKE , troit, much of it with re-tooled he la a great man I do not deny, Rowing to the spot where the west of here. , tei engineer, traced the cause to u ij/ ie 4 FOR A FEW CENTS EXTRA YOU MAY.BUY A FRESH damage. The government declared message he Sent to Mussolini May body was last * seen, Thomas The strip will be utilized in the Char.v of [>efen*e Lalirl Cadrilac itiachinery.” but that after 18 years of unbridled dmitted Kate Saturday: Mrs. ! a nearby service station. The at­ NATIVE NEW ENGLAND DRESSED BLUE TAG TURKEY itW oulil demand eompensatlon power he has led your country to 16 and what he called Miis.solini’s placed a loaf of bread smeared wlilening of the road incidental to Agreeing. Clark .aald he waa tendant said he accidentally had MERRY CHRISTMAS By more precise tooling, Reu- "dusty answer. 'Christina Tallin, 19’ Tanm'r .street: reeon.itriictlon of the Hockaniini chary of the defense label Mr. ther declared, the dlmension.s re­ frdm Britain. I . the horrid verge of ruin can be de­ 1 with lard on the water. It ■ attached and sir compressor hose In the dayb^ak attacks yester­ nied by none. ' • "Anyone can see who It wi(s that'l floated , away about 80 feet Homes in Mrs. Jane Dewey, 54 Robert Road; river bridge nt that point. Roosevelt had been placed on the i to a city water pipe instead of to FOR ROASTING - 4 5 LB AVERAGE quired by airplane motor parts wanted peace and who it was that 1 Thomas Slivlriskl, North Coventry. projxisnl. could be produced in-other , auto­ day, coastal command planes .Against All Authority and then began to ciprlc. the station’s air hose. V [A:il C[Nf[R 51 MANCHtSUH CONN Itl. eSbc STORES OPEN vVi-re reported to have bombed im­ mearit to have war,” eaid ] "That’s the place," »aid Thorii- Discharged late Saturday; Mrs. "Everything that la submitted mobile plants. "It ia all one man who, agairust Belli" Deporyted Albert Ogren and infant daughter, to Congress Is going to be offered lb portant German docka at Wll- the crown and royal family of Churchill. as. The Chevrolet drop forge plant 190 Eldridge street; Mrs. Thomas In the name, of national defense,” helnishafcn and the Nazi bases at Italy, against the Pope and all the "One man and one man only was Police dragged the spot and _ _ _ y 5 ‘t !Mor«* * Monday and, CHICKENS in Detroit, he added, could produce Coraner,' and infant daughter, ol he asserted. "I wouldn’t be sur­ all the drop forgings needed for a Lortenl and Brest which are be­ authority of the Vatican and pf reaolvcfl to plunge Italy after-all _ Immeiliately fourjiftthe body. HRroM, Heffron’s home attrActed 279 Oak street; Miss Elizabeth prised if the Florida canal and FANCY YOUNG TENDER daily output of .'iOn planes and still lieved used by submarines and Roman Catholic church, against these years of training and effort many last night who drove through i Sparton Kadio- Tuesday Evenings light Naval units preying upon Into the whirlpool of war. And .,— *------1—;------i------Gaskell, 218 Charter Oak street. Passamaqumldv power projects supply 'suffieient frfi'gings for 1,- the wishes of the Italian people Center street to see the Christmas I Phonographs 000,000 Chevrolet cars in the nettt shipping in the Atlantic. who had no luat for this war, haa what is the position of Italy today ? decorations. The balloon first used Admitted Sunday: Miss Barbara were dusted off next." lb year. / , Late the night before, other arrayed trusteea and Inheritors of "Where ia it that II Duce has to have Santa arrive, bursted and Carter, 40 Parker street; John go- 5 .\rrivpil Today ('lark predicted that there Woulll coastal cu^iMuaJd planes dumped led his trusting people after 18 bieskl, 205, Union streeL be substantial;,oppoaltlon to any. D U m iN G S In addition, Renthor saiil,’ large ancient Rome upon the side of the^ nearly knocked Lester Behrend Fresh Fruits toggle which could be u.sod explosives'on the railroad line ferocipua pagan barbarians." years of dlctoHal power? What Obitiiarv from the ridge post when the Discharged Surulay; Mar­ In Tim e for propdkat pnivtding for expendi­ G i f t s FANCY FAHED for the stamping of wing and which theV'.ormans were .said to i)t "There lies the tragedy of ita l* hard choice la open now ? change was being made. For a cou­ jorie Tayior, 16 Griswo'.ii street; ture o^Unlted States funds for fuselage section.a for airplanes using to carry suppUeh from Oslo Ian history and there stands the "It is to atand up to the battery ple of days S.anta- wa-s suspended Edward Fogarty, 118 North Elm Xmas Delivery consjFUctloh work to be done In and Vegetables were now standing idle .'iO per cent to the .Voiv.ogian port of Bergen criminal who has wrought a deed of the whole British empire on the from a pariiqtuite, but last night street; Israel Smith; New /York Caitima by Canadiiin 'workers. lb Under the treaty, many of the of the time, in the rievc^and I'isli- Tile Air .Ministry reported that of folly and of .shame.” sen, in the air and In Africa and In F u n e ra ls another balloon Y ’a-’’ secured'. City: Mrs. Francis Topping and GEESE power development projects, as er Body plant. otlier raids were ilirected at oil The prime minister said the de­ the vigorous counter-attack of the The home of itobert Scamtm I.h infant daughter, it Anderson well aa locks, wxiuld be within Ca­ Reutiier contended thal itt ,w;ould stores ami industries in western fense. put forward for Mussolini’s Gieek'nation: or. on. the other Miss .Amelia S. C'omsi. also well decorated this year and street. WHOLE OR EITHER END ■ ONE PRIC be essential’ in the production of German,\'. and rio.'Ks ’. o r a n g e s Amelia S . Coseo of O.swc- many drove to Porter street to see .No Objection on Power COO planes a da.v to pbW all of the and Flualiing. in Jhe Netherlands. about sanctions . and Abyssinia" Pass with hi.s hordes, of ravenous gOt N. Y„ died Saturday at the this. On Parker street, jiist north Watson, 16 Lllley street. JUICY FLORIDAS unused automobile plant facditics Antwerp and O.stend, Belgium, and through which . "old friendshipa soldiery and his gangs of Gestapo Discharged today: Teresa Merz, 'Uhilke some others, dark said lb home of her niece. Sirs. James of Middle turnpike, west, the he had no objection to the pro- Info one huge plane mamifaotnr- Calais. France. were forgotten.” “ I declare—and policeman to occupy, hold down Lapp of South Road, Bolton, will; home of Ernest C. Linders at 258 14 William street; Miss pose Gra- MEDIUM PORK LOI Ing unit. Such' an arrangement, he The British AdnTiralty announc­ rriy words will go far - that noth­ and prijtect the Italian people for vlno, 13 street:'‘ Alexander posed power developments. He doz whom she had been visiting. She Park street is also decorated both . ■ said he would.Insist, however, that SIZE ' declared, would idividc among hun­ ed nigl^t the apparent loss of ing that happened Iq that Abys­ whQirf-he'and his Nazi folldtvers leaves a brother. William A, Cos- as to outside appearance and the Hnpunak, 138 Oak street. FRESH LEAN - 4-6 LB AVERAGE t dreds of tool and die plants the ,,.1ne treaty put no limitation, as It the filO-ton overdue submarine sinian ^quarrel can account for or cherish most bitter and outspoken eo, Sr., of’ 21 Phelps Road, and 'awn. A tree at the home of C. R. Census: 62 patients. complicated pro^ems of tooling Swordfl.ah, justify the deadly strife which has contempt that is on record bc^iveen now does, on the amount of water LARGE lb operations and thus avoid swarop- several’ nephews and nieces. Burr on Main street is well lighted . that^'fould be diverted from Lake doz ■ Mcanwlule. one observer £x- now brokeij out between us,” he races. . A funeral service was held yes­ and makes a bretty appearance. - SIZE lijg one or two plants with, all the prc.*ised the opinion that the in­ added. j ' ' "There l.s where one man and one M icl^an Into the Chicago river. \ 3 5 c SHOULDERS problems Involved in the produc­ terday at two o'clock at the / This'diversion now makes some I * 0 ia creasing force of Britain's blow.? Content With Veutralit.v i man only has led you; athletic funda , j spending several hundred million ' (or - the Mediterranean fleet is able to! dollars— and It may run up Unto ! PUR€ 2 p^kjs 13c- (Continued From Paije One). ■ ,1 Ice creanv'"^ and cookies were; PEARS ! loin in riinvov work and submarine,! GREAt: 5 on”',the Buckland road in ser-ved i^lng afternoon by the billions—largely for the bene-! MILLBROOK CLUB ■ hiinlp, we’d feel pretty good.” fit of alien shipping,” he declared. CALIFOBNIA EMlrfRO* Ji'igez ^ t h there-Jiml at Ludwig.shafen ping. *Rev. Douglas V...Mac- the fa cu lty'm q r^ r*. ■ C iin n A C <^»I-I.$R00K JCLUB BRITAIN Under terms of the treaty, the Ibi All Flavors - Contents btls on the opposTt^^ b.-ink of the Rhine. of the Wapmng Community -TT GRAPES 9V>V j B f e - ch officiated. ‘T^B earera were United States w'ould assume $273.- The communique .said targets COOKING elsewhere in the Rhineland ’ and ton ^ucklahd, ’ T^nald John- ^fllMore Dinners • 453.000 and Canada $270,976,000 -Sugared • Plain sob Shin* of the proposed cost of the wnater- lbs airfields in German-occupied ter­ About Town Jtidson Flle,s. Anton Slmltp. Cinnamon Sugared doz A , i^77 SMRa~21.00l,925 Tens ^ 2,045,000 Ton* » way and power development. APPLES DOUGHNUTS ritory also were bombed. * Nceded for Poor G ive A K ^ a k aSenator Murray (D., ’ Mpnt.) Welthem Prsml •t. n a tiv e McIntosh ■ (Reports from Switzerland that Interment was In $ 1 9 9 5 unidentified planes passed over ■the The Whiton Memorial library on ' said he felt the- deVelopment'-'helil, for lbs ^ I,];', a,sb much promise of benefit for’ APPLES Alps last night for the second con-'! .Main .street will be closed Miss Jessie Reynolds, In charge 1 ■ • byilt lor oc* SWEET CIDER Apples 'iuo* ' 2 1 C ■ccutive night indicated the Brit tomorrow night. Christmas eve NORWAY of Christmas . dinners for ■ the La.1ie$t models in a 'wide price range nis country that It would obtain 5 d ia m o n d BAND •cwrocv 'OiiIUNTINa CO^ INC. crucial one, a particularly un­ waiylerlngs at night I encounter tlon. The doctort are puzzled, Bill) Haywood, Internationally around It, he added, and Huaaey Henry M. Warren, 80, founder of Oodoy, Chilean heavyweight boxer. Mysterious Disappear­ Two Dead* Dozen In­ ed into a crowded rural dance hall Wind velocities , ranged down ' ' < I a BlMall M trtti the whole project quite extensive­ known labor leader charged with from Milo J. Warner, American headed north. Wa ManokMtar. Cann. fortunate influence on British in­ my friend the jiolice doctor. Such ^ thia column the "," who Ottawa, Kas.— W . H. Martin, 76, near Kelao Saturday night. A sol­ from the 85-mlIe top at Westport, ly blueprinted—points Out in tmme conspiracy to murder Oov. Frank I I?eglon commander; 6:16, drama- ance o f Plane and Pilot The delivery route lies over jured* . Ship Disabled Call For i THOMAS rEltOUBON ternational policy and a principal encounters are fortunate, for then lamented the fact that not a single spent 34 years dissuading persona a photographer who made a for­ dier, at Fort Lewis broke his leg Wash., and set new records in Ta­ Oantral ManaSar Instances the particular plants and Stcunenberg. I UzaUon of "Night Before Christ- some 250 miles of wasteland, moat Deliver Year FoondaS Oatabar 1. U lt promoter of a number of terriflcal- I go with him on strange calls that serious drama was to be observed Atlanta— Paul T. Donehoo, 56. from committing suicide:. tune on trick prints depicting WTIC Secret o f Desert. And Planes Wrecked. attempting to keep a huge theater coma, Seattle and Olympia. rr the exact machinery that would maa."----- W JZ-NBC: 11:18 a. r of It uninhabited, and three moun­ tent from blowing away. Oortmr*e ! ly costly errors into which the load Intoriittle known byway, and i««'l?s~?or'’ blind coroner noted for hla re­ Boston— Lieut. Comdr. Reginald enormous rabbits and farm prod- tain ranges, with peeks as high as Plibllabad Bvarjr Baanins Baeapt be available and Indicatea how ! ucts and founder of The National ■artfertf W all StTMt Carolaara....M B8: The San Franciaqo lumber alleyways of New York, where life aeason. Fortunately. Miss markable memory and numeroue D. Thomas, 49, U. 8. Naval Re- 1949 ke. Laa Vegas, Nay., Dec. 23.— (C) 8,600 feet. It is some distance Seattle, Dec. 23— OPj— W esUm A D VERTI8EMENT— WELUON DRUG I vBandajra and Helldara Bntarad at I Chamberlain government 'was led. 11:16 a. m.. Hart Houaa Carillon schooner Dav#hport, a 200-foot. tha Poat Otriea at Uanehtatar. parta produced here and other activities. He was a concert serve, who received a medal from Blgn^Company. north of the few towns which dot Washington and Oregon started Preaertpttoa I Perhaps he has been unduly ia not always the saine as th a t' Kthel Barrymore and a worthy from c:anada; 3:30 p. m., Ken­ —The myaterioua diaappaerence of 525-ton veaael was towed Into port Oenn.. aa Saeand Claaa Mall Mattar, the. desert. Virtually the only Give a ton of Blue Coal at 961 Main S tfM l parts produced there could be as­ known to the dwellers”of the main i aupportlng cast of playrs have : v Monday, December 38 tucky School of the A ir Cbrist- Pilot Bud Huaaey and a North- cleaning the debris of the Pacific after losing her deck load of lum­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES i blamed for the consequences of the a of ua with "The Com maa; 3:38, Bella of Bethlahem; ruidents beneath its path are $13.50, a ton of Coke at $13.00 or sembled at a designated third thoroughfares. made liar ol P. M. Amsrlea Aviation, Inc., combat northwest’s, worst general wlnd- ber and taking eight feet of water One Tsar by Mall ...... ______'' feeble_____ policy___ of Britain toward Is Green.” an exhilarating event 4:16, Caro] C ^dlellgh t Service scattered prospectors. a tank of fuel oil at 6V^c. a gal. The lastjof theae he aug- 4:00— Backstage Wife. atprm in 20 yeara todays with es­ in- her hold. 'The tanker Loa An­ -M ill Par Month by JJ ^ constant pressure toward ! P«int. Sometimes It may be an auto­ and one that does much to leaaon from New York; 6, Carols from training plane bound for the C^ana- No iSiiooess On Only Clue for a warm CHiristmas. The W. SlnaU Copy 4:16—Stella Dallas. geles answered her distress sig­ gested might be an entirely un­ mobile ac'cident, again it may be a the sting of disappointment over ; Chicago. dian Royal A ir Force apparently The route skirts the south end timates of total damage still only G. Glenney Co., 336 North Main OPiTvered On* ^***’ ...... I parhmountcy during a ‘period of shooting. Once it waa a gangster \ 4:30— Lorenxo Jones. guesswork. nals 15 miles off Heceta- Head, used automobile plant of five aa- the season’s many, failures. The war— CBS 8, 9 a. m., 6:46 of the fu neral range, near Death St. Tel. 4148. Read Herald AdraJ a 4:48— Young WIdder Brown. Is a aecrat of tha vast California MEMBER OF j years and for the later appease- who turned out to be book­ One had'hoped that with Mist Valley^ and passes directly over The known toll included two THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sembly llries, the Hupmoblle fac­ worm. He had been ahoL As the 8:00— Girl Alone. p. m.; N B C 6 a. m., 1:48 p. m.; desert. ^ ! ment efforts that had their climax Barrymore showing the way, oth- \ the Kingston range on the Nevada- deaths, a dozen persons injured, a Tha Aaaoelatad Praat la aaelualva- police doctor bent over him to as­ 5:15— lyine Journey. MBS 10, 11, 11:30 a. m., 1, 3 p. m. ly antitlad to tha uaa or rapubllea- tory at Detroit. era would take the cue. but unfor- ' Tha craft, dua hcra Thursday Callfomla Mate line. From the ship disabled, several - buildings i at Munich: but It would be a de- certain hit wounds, he murmured, 6:30—Jack Armstrong, Short wavaa— DJB DJD Berlin, smashed, three airplanes' wrecked, tlon of all nawa diapatehea cradlfed Murray's plan, it.'ls only fair to tunately Broadway baa not seen 6:15, Christmas program; JZK To­ morning on a routine delivery hop, latter area, near Clma, came the to It.or not otharwiaa crailltad In cided overstatement to say that "They're all wrong about life just 5:48— Life Can Be Beautiful. and literally thousands of windows doca not contemplate the fit to mend its ways further. Sub­ kyo 8:05. chorals; GSCvGSD Lon­ waa unreported since a few min­ only clue— One which Balfour re­ Extended Payment thla paper and alao tha local nawi Halifax Is s popular in this beginning at 40, Doc, it's over by 6:00—News and Weather. broken, power and telephone poles sequent openings have been dreary don 9:30, "Here Lies the Nazi;" ported had been Investigated with- puhltaned haraln. — tiaiiiax IN I j bulldinjf uf bombers in the auto- 85. After you reach 2.5, nothing affairs with the said about j 6:18— Alfredo Antonln’a orchca- utes after the takeoff from Palm­ toppled and trees uprooted. A. R. Wilkie . . . of our moderate funeral All riahia of rapubllcalton ,• of country. ' TGWA Giiatamala 11, Hawaiian otit success. apaelal diapatehea harein are also mobile shop.s, only flghtera. He really matters at all.” _ them the better. With two notable \ tra. dale, Calif. Tbe flight should have The hurricane struck .Saturday costa is available at the Qnisli the same it is to be taken musle. A. prospector reported he aaw a 16 W alk er S t Tel. 8:I65 ' raservad. submits that the bombers should exceptions, 1940 has -been a lean 6:30— A ik Ma Another. required leas than two hours. night from the central Oregon Funeral Horae. Our monthlr well into consideration that there low ^ylng plane and a few mo­ coast to the Straits of Juan de Full ssrvlea allant of. N. Last liight we hurried to the one for the drama. Maybe after 6:45— Lowell Thomat. ilussay’a plane was one of 16 payment plan is much apprM - be built, as now, in plants especial­ New Year's the old street will , menta later heard an explosion. Fuca,. roared inland at velocities Servlca Inc is no factor in Lord Halifax's vicinity of the second arch of the 7:00— Feed Waring** orchtstra. being ferried to Montreal. North Hussey’s Ship was not radio- ly adapted to their construction.' great. Brooklyn Bridge. On Rose take a new lease on life. 7:16— Newsroom of the Air. up to 85 miles an hour, ripped at ated by local families. ) Publlahara Rapraaantallvea. Tha character that could work injury I American’s chief pitot, Paul Bal­ equipped. It is tha flrst reported Pasteurized Milk Serving Faithfully He meets the argument about the street, it was. We found an old 7; 30—Inside of Sports. cities and eventually blew itself Jullua Mathews Spaclal Apency-- to cither his own country or this four, ordered an air search aban­ mlaalng %f scores which have been Since 1917 Nfw Tork, Chleaso, Datrolt and woman who had fainted—or at "Some of you guys ought to tip ' 7:48— Wrightvllle Sketches; WDRC Into Impotency against the barri­ great differences in "tolerances" the BPCA off about th? facta of ‘ doned last night and the other 15 ferried in recent ' months from cade of the Cascade range. Bolton. one through his service as ambas­ least she had collapsed on the torn 8:00—The Telephone Hour. Hartford ships made ready to reauma their between automobile engines and sidewalk. A t the hospital they .said life as regards us fiddle players," ; southern California factories to Brothers Electrocutsd and Cream BtTREAD OF sador to Washington. As a mat­ 8:30— Alfred Wallenstein Sym­ ISSO ke. tZ5 journey today. All had been in the MEMBER AUDIT airplane motor., by declaring that j ahe had. . .It was one of those long suggests Vladimir Belinsky, the Canada for training purposes or The dead were Raymond E. Den ClRCUIaATIONS ter of fact his job here should he, phony orchestra. hunt constantly since Thursday, delivery to the Royal A ir Force in From Selected Farms the basic Inachinery of the motorl U tin names J"'"Z* violinist and concert master., "Take . 9 :0 0 -Dr. I. Q. Hartog, 20, of Sumas, Wash., and S g lM C t Printing Company* Monday, Dee. 38 covering more than 20,000 square Great Britain. Tna Herald an easy one, almost automatic. iber It. but from what the doctor this fiddle here. Every tlpic I ; 9:30— Show Boat. his 17-year-o!d brother, whose Inc.. aKeumea no rUanetai ratponai* vehirlp factory can be very easily , ^ vlctiiji of hallucina- draw my bow across the strings P. M. J15 MAIN ST MANCHESTER DAY- NIGHT 4 3 4 0 btllty f'.»r typographical errort ap­ This nation and its government 10:00— Contented Hour. 4:00—Portia Faces Life. pearing in adverllarmrnta In tha adjii.atcd to the perform,inre of the tions and fainting spells. It had I three dead sheep and one equally J are commitlcd to all-out support to do with thinning over in their 10:30—Guy Hedliind and Com- 4:15—We, The Abbott#. Manchester Rvenin* finer airplane work. There 1. a something dead horse turn pany. of Britain in her conflict with the blood. graves.” Twas the day before Christmas 4:30—Hilltop House. Monday* December 23 tremendous wa.atage of time, he Seiinsky explained that fiddle i 11:00— Newa. 4:45—Kate Hopkins. Axis. There is no missionary , I . In one of the wards we saw a 11:16—The Party Line. as.serts, in the duplication of ale i pretty girl, abqut 22. She seemed strings were made from the in- \ 5:00— Ad Liner—Dance Program work to be performed. All Hall- 11:30— When Day Is Done. ,5:15—The O’NelU’a. Blundering Nazi Threats ready existing machinery in auto- , perfectly normal, except that she testines of sheep, not cats: that' iTak will have to do is to sit tight 150 hairs from a horse's tail were ' Desk Set, $4.00. Five piece* in- Maple Coffee Table, $7.95. Oval 12:00— W ar News. 5:30— Ad Liner—continued. mobile plants for installation in carved paper braceleta. She had 12:06— The Party tine. 5:40—Thorena Harmonic.-. Lessons. One of the rriost curious devel. >nd avoid saying or doing any­ . , , scores of hand-made bracelets on required for one fiddle bow: that i rludinsr pen stand and fountain pen. top Duncan Phyfe style. ne.w airplane factories when the yy.„, (,„ea the stringed instruments of most i 12:55— News. 5:45—Scattergood Baines. opments of the war is the psycho-,, thing to spill the beans. 6:00— Easo Reporter. automobile machinery is being them. When the doctors syrriphonic orchestras necessitated j I Genuine leather; green embossed Steigel Glass Pitcher, $2.50. Re­ 1:00— Silent. loglcsl blundering of the Nazis Also, it is to be remembered 6:05—Muiical Interlude. used to only' half of its capacity. ' found her in her apartment, she the mass demise of more than a j with gold. production of this old green colonial with relation to the United State.s that as ambas.sador ’ to Washing­ hundred sheep: that for every tom- . Tomorrow'! Program 6:15 — Newa Broadcast — Bob Waste Baskets, $2.25. Round tole glass. Trout. In connection with the suggestion ton Lord Halifax will not only be •What we can t quite understand ; a n T a u S on ! tom a pig had to die. and for every ' .. M. about all this is how Mr. Murray, . arejse'r, The neighbors said she ! drum' an innocentlittle baby calf i with House & Garden Magazine’s • Hurricane Lamps, $11.75. Electri­ 8:00— Knighta of the Road 6:20—Edwin C. Hill. of British Shipping Minister R. .H. removed from a position of much flower and fruit prints. 8:25—News. 6:30—Paul Sullivan Revlew-t the who Is 8 coal miner, found such sat all day, murmuring funny ' had to be snuffed out. It s enough ' fied brass lamps with etched chimneys News. Cross that enemy ships in United greater responsibility and of tar oliitloii to the airplane Uvords and cutting out paper brace- dameiUal goodness of human na-^ 8:30—Gene and Glenn. States -ports might be turned over ! gr,.Hli-r opportunity for making an easy Ash Trays, 30c. Stangl ptittery and cut glass prisms. 7:00—Morning Watch, 6:4.5—The World Today. problem in the automobile shops , ______' i trays in blue or yellow. 8:00— Newa. 1:00—Amoa ’N ’ Andy. tarihe British. No official notice ^Ist.-ikes that of foreign secre- Maple Tavern Table, $22.50. Re- '7:15—Lanny Ross. when Mr. Knudsen. who ,1s just | - Cigarette Box, $1.00. Tol* with 1:15—Newa from Here and Universal NVashers and Ironers Had been taken of this suggestion- tary in Churchill's cabinet- -but he proiluction of a New England piece Abroad. 7:30—Blondic. i about the are man of the aiftomo- I that goes will modern photogra- or goes back into the kid- ,| print on the hinged cover. 8:00-. Those We I.K)ve. 'Ijy any American authority. It was ^ actually be under the orders ney, andqgs aoon aa either takes ! with nicely turned legs; square 8:30—Radio Bazaar. • bile lndustr>'. didn’t know it could ! phy. but enough of a wardrobe to Nest of Tables, $12.30. Three 8:.30—Pipe Smoking Time-Fields only spoken of in the in the „ f Anthony Kden, in vision place the patient will experience | stretchers. 8:55— WTI'C’a Program Parade. and Hall. be done. ! make her presentable com- straight, tapering leg tables in genu­ 9:00—New England Town Hall At The Lowest Price High Quality Will Allow most detached way. There were and courage Americans place a i fortable from the sands of Floridr a very sudden and marked relief. ' ] I 8:55—Elmer Davie—News. i ' Recent inv-cstigation polnta out , ine mahogany. Table Lamps, $7.50. Reproductions Party. too many obvious'obstacles in the great deal more faith than they | ’ to the ski-runs of Lake Placid. 9:00— Radio Theater. Flat Irons that while, kidney stones may be Serving Tray, $2.00. Ivory deco­ of French porcelain oil lamps on gold 9:15— Food Newa. _ way of such a proceeding, lacking ever did, in Halifax's. | 10:00—Guy Lombardo’s Orchestra. Still a lAverpool due to several causes, poverty of | plated bases; silk shades. 9:30— Mary Lee'Taylor. 10:30— Back Where I Com# From. Several Makea Seized .A* Spy rated tole with quaint Colonial scenes. 9:45— Alice Adams. - an open state of war. to give the Halif.^x put of the British gov- This necessafy heap of luggage the diet may be the most import- | Barrel Chair, $35.00. Smooth back 10:45—Fu Manchu. To Choose From A.s the Germans tell it. the de- | ant cause- and a recent report ; | Card Table Set, $25.00. Table with ):00— This Small Tow-n. proposal any aerious standing" It j ernriient and Falen in his place in is one thing that often has 11:(X)—Easo Reporter. struction wrought bv two nights ; show.s that k(dney stones are wood and leatherette panelled top; model in ,chintz^ having burgundy, ):15—Knights-of the Road. was, in fact, nothing more than a . jt ahpuld be sources of much sat- drawn , suspirion of highway cops 11:10— News of the World. intensive bombing of Liverpool j more likely to occur depending I four smart folding side chairs. Ma­ blue and brown flowers on natural ):30-^Ellcn Randolph. 11:25— Musical Interlude. Porcelain. ca.sual expression of longing by a j^jjjction here. Americans should and village marshals. It had noth­ upon the kind and quality of the ):45—The Guiding Ught. $2.95 to $8.95 ought tn make it iinnecc.s.sary i ing to do, however, with her piost hogany flnish. background. x^Grand Rapids made. 11:30— Eddy Duchin’s Orchestra. single Briton. | be pleased with the Improvement cereal grain which ia eaten. A ■ 1:00—The Man I Married. 12:00—News. for their,.warbirds to fly tao Reporter. ment the X’niversity of Vienna i child of good, either using hot applica­ ■k' New V^rk. Dec. 23.—(F5—Llght- the United States had lieen ' they would destroy' each other, pschology and education. A pho­ 10:5— Main Street—Hartford. Not oiil.y that, but it was not tions or the hot sitz bat’h, or .some Ing of Ulceration’s Chrlstmaa tree 1:15—Woman In White. and . "frightened" out of. its intention I and the percentage of hits on ac­ tographer friend in Vienna gave other kind of heat treatment. An $69^5 $79*50 $69*05 and $89.05 until the war waa over that the tual Indiiatrial or milit.ary objec­ hey a camera and started her off in the elllpM just aouth of the 1:JO—The Right To Happiness. by a few sharp words barked by attack of this kind may last for l'4-’i— Life can Be Beautiful. Cash. Cash. i world had any,, realization what­ tives is not large. on a tangent. .She taught for a a few hours or a day*, or even two White House In Washington for Coffee Makers ■Hitler’s spokesmen. while after that at Croton-on-the- J:0O— Young Dr. .Malone. ' 4, Combination ever of the ini-omipetence of ihe There la probably ".still a Liver­ days, or longer. After the pain Busy shoppers were the 18th year, with 'President and Slightly Higher On Terms. Slightly Higher On Terms. , , Which was a first class example lliiclson, but teaching finally got 2:15—Joyce Jordan—Girl Interne. Polish high conin'iand: how, in leaves the patient iwill often fall , Mrs. Roosevelt Joining in the,cere- 2 ;3tt—Fletcher Wiley. Uniiiersal — Silex Sandwich Grill and , of reckoning without the other pool"—and it will probably be do­ smotherSl in photography and into deep slumber | as he is nat­ ~ monies, will introduce the nct- apite of tlje.'' fact that Germany 2:45— My Son and 1. : fellow. While very few Aincrl-- ing buslneas, though not without she took a job for a year, on the urally worn out. ; He should be , works’ Cbriatmas Eve celebration 3:00— Mary Margaret McBride. Waffle Maker ' had made her every military dis­ inconvenience and Interruption to Philadelphia Bulletin. She might kept warm ^ and encouraged to Ladderback Side Chairs, $9.50. Desk Lamp, $5.95. Opal thousand ■late Tuesday. 3:15— Golden Treasury o f Song. ’ cans woul[l have Javored even se- have been there yet if they had Three chains, WJZ-.NBC, CBS position on the Polish frontiers be sure - for a long time to come. rest in hed and when awake Four'fancy slats, turned i ^ t s ; fiber- ejfe colonial hobnail glass on brass 3:30—Esso Reporter. — $4.95 up ^ rious consideration of the Cro-ss asaigped her to more murdera. end MBS, will carry the half-hour after weeks of the meticu­ should be given plenty of dlatllled rush seat. Mahogany finished birch. base; fringe^trimmed white shade. 3r35-Studlo Matinee.^ f suggestion befo're this Nazi press Even If the Germans do continue fires, court trials and tenement water to drink with, the object of program starUng at 5 p. m. The - A New Way To Do An Old Task ‘ $6.95 lip lous preparation,. Polish general I outburst, it is not in the least-rer- to repeat atones of Us destruction. tales, -and fewpr society and faah- washing out the kldneya. Using Maple Bridge Lamp", |9.95. Ad­ Fir&lide Bench, $14.95. Hand hewn president, is expecied to extend I mpbillzaUon had- not been even nr- ion\ affairs. But if they had, the an abundance a>f water apparently greetings to the nation for the j tain that if such a proposal were Tjiere is still a London and there justable swinging arm with copper oil ping seat .with pegged legs. . dered until a few days before the department of agriculture would helpa to prevent the formation of eight time since be assumed office. ' formally made would not is (ven still s Coventry. . font and colonial shade; adjustable There will be carols by the George- Overnight News , invasion, though it woiild have have been out of one of ita ace. other stones by keeping the kid­ Chaise Longue, $25. 'Tufted seat J receive the support of a very .con-' cahfiera - snappers and Kentucky ney elimination so diluted that any shelf, F \town ' Uhlveralty Glee club and UNIVERSAL CLEAN AIR CLEANER taken two nlonths for'its comple­ and back; ruffled valane*; colorful ether features. Of Connecticut V sidernble part of the American would never have had a chance crystals do not combine to form Console Table, $17,50. Sheraton tion. Not bei’ aiiae of lack of fight­ to talk about the time they almost Stones. tapered leg model; ha^^-circle top with floral design glosheen on a deep wine By Aaeoctate# Preae people, or even that it might not Anne , Morrow t,lndbergh’s W ill do all the dea.hing'taskr in the home in ing spirit, not -altogether because caught a modern Mata Hart. Sometimes it will be found that inlay line; genuine mahogany. background. ! receive the cheers of an ' aetiisl Washington a kfdney stone develops' Ih a per­ Christmas Eve broadbaat: via lets time and with less effort than ever before. of the inferiority! lif It.s air force W EAF-NBC at 6:45'1),, m., will Hartford — Highway Chmmia- • ■ majority. - son having k tendency toward Hassocks, $2.7.5. New kidney Bridge Lamp, $6.9.5. Brass base; and its mechanized equipAent, not originate from the. Radio City aioner William J. Cox appealed to t The reason why so many Amerl- gout: or rheumatlam. In such shape in combination tan and ashes silk shade; student reflector type with elderly peraona to be careful in ; bel aiiae it was outnumbered two Daybook studloa. She la scheduled to talk j cans do not eveh yet ri^gard this HEALTH AND DIET cases there IS a disturbance of of roses leatherette. 3 degrees of light. / , . for 15 minutes on “ Relief in walking on streets and highways to one by the Nazi hordes; was the S y J 0«h SUnmtN ' ■ ■ uric acid in the blood and it might war seriotislys so far as it 'relates to ADVICE Butterfly Table, $17.5^0. Genuine ^ <.Wood Bucket, $3.95. Old colonial Europe." It -will be only the sec­ because "the pedestrian death rate army .so speedil.v and di^s. VVaahinglon The name is be a good plan to treat the pa ond broadcast via NBC for her, for peraona 55 to 65 is 20 times I. them, is that they cannot imagine tient for the uhderlying rheuma­ mahogany, end table height. “■kanakin” sap bucket o f pine. ^Ex­ as great as that for persons in • tivu.slv oyefiiin,overiiin. but because it the other occasion being Feb. 21, J Nazi German.v being quite so ^Marion Post. Not being a one-mAn FiirnUhed bv tbe McCoy tic tendency by having him diet Boudoir Chairs, $6.95. Chintz cov­ cellent for firewood. th'eir.twentiea.*’ > wa.s sent to fight without adequate Health Scra-lM * : 1932, when she appealed for flood Electric.’Shavers * ■ e'razy as to attempt to aUack the cenjl\L*» bureau, 1 couldn’t be post- very carefully. ered with panelled back and ruffled relief In China. Hartford—The'National Guard Those readers who would ,llke Boudoir Chair," Il7i50. Tufted back announced promotion. of Capt. < United States—and that nothing j preparation and without Infinite I tive, but I think ahe In the only valance.' . . ■ , „ 0 Sunbeam .Addre-«s conimunii’xUona to rhe to have further information on barrel model in browi^ftgured chintz; Francis L. .DePasquale, Ckimpany ! that has ever been said or ijone ! plan.' full-time wonian photographer now Herald. AttMtInn of Mei'ay Bookcase, $10.95. Solid maple 3 The short wave reception fore­ kidney agones are invited to wrrite cast'for the new week indicates A, 118th Medical Regiment, to '• S c h i c k I’erh.ap.i Sniigley-Kydz wasn’t lij the employ of Uncle Sam. Health Service tti the McCoy Health Service In shelf m i^ el; 36 Inches wide. tufted seat. major, and hia assignment to the j Ijas been sufficient tij . ccmvince I ’ that conditions probably will vary i them that silch a thing is anything ' wholly to blame for this, but ne 1 (Dorot'hea I^nge, who used to be, care of this newspaper and re­ from faif to good___ Headed by Medical Corps, 208th Coast Artll- • Remin^on KIdnev Troublei. lery* quest Dr. Frank! McCoy’a article Jack Benny and a host of other but fantastic moonshine. When ;'"'®-’ the military chieftain of Po-,I now is on a part-tirhe schedule ■’ Hartford— Mrs. 'Margaret Ben­ i entlUed "Kidney Stones," ' When ] entertainers who perform from Corn Poppers ' ' they dbj^come Mnvinced that the ; la-hd and a terrible job was dope : bureau of agricultural Among;" ijje various (liaordrrs of j write please enclose 5 cents nett- Crain Cheney, wife o f Col. I. economics.) Hollywood, a New Year's Nighlf Louis IL Cheney, former mayor-of $7.50 to $17.50 Nazis Xlje just |hat crazy the- lid i hy the High command, ! Marlon is one of the three pho- the' kidneys possil/Iy the most | iti -stamps and a self-addresaed en- T o Hncl"smart gifts g alore! broadcast to run an hour will be will bloni, off and those hitherto in- -M-so, he fled while the fighting Hartford, died following a long Ill­ $1.50 and $4.95 j tographers on the staff of the painful one is kidney stones, Gen- velope. presented over the W JZ-NBC chain ness. Her marriage to Colonel Earth Security Admiiiistri^tion. on behalf of the "Bundles for Bri­ credulous skeptics will be the most j still«n. For that no valid ex- I erally speaking the chief ili^ H on s and .\nswere. Cheney In 1033 at her home In CLEMS SNMNPOOS lEMOTIS violent advocates-of a ,/"® has ever been offered. I For more than two years she has I T tain" campaign. In addition to the Baltimore waa her second. She of kidney atones liecm to be dis­ Question: Mrs. S. R. writes haunted farms in every- a*ate east Windsor Ch*ir, $14.9a. Sm&rt Lounge Laipp in-Tole, $14.75. Low, - Canadian network, the program leaves four children by her flret IISTS SPUYS lEOIOIIZES Bridge Lamps ler-;policy. " | On the whole there doesn't seem turbances of mgtabolism marked "jay little girl* , had whooping of Ol’ .Man River. bambw turned model in black with indirect model in blai;k with decora­ also will be relayed to England. marriage to the late Robert Crain And the Nazi threats are pre-1 to be any particular rea-son for by faulty body chemistry, infec­ cough several months ago, and I Table Lamps 'a tail wispy young woman, gold striping-8. Square back design. tions in gold, highlighted with red/ of Baltimore, long a leader in Complete clsely the sort of thing needed to i more, than a perfunctory’ interest with blue eye.a and a cascade of tion and stasia. By stasis la meant am wondering, if anything can be Dialing tonight; m , ' Maryland politics. Liberal Trade-In $ 7 .50 U p done to present her from getting The war— W E A F -N B C 7:15; open the eyes o f these hanl-to- in thi.s ''slrona man's" fate. curly dark-brown hair which.she that the flo'W of liquid away from Coffee Table, $22.50. Large kidne.v Magazine Rack, $1.95. Colonial With Attachments 1 iisiially binds in a red bandana, it again this w-inter." CBS 8:55, 10:45; W JZ-N B C 0;30; Allowance for Your Old Oeaner convince folks. If they are con- the kidneys Is interferred .with or shape Sheraton design in genuine “ Canterberry” model, reproduced $5 9 -9 5 i ahe has been mistaken for a xyp- Answer: I do not believe it pos­ MBS 10; N BC 13. $4.95 Unued or repeated we may expert drainage la improper.. In Nprth sible for a person to.havevwhoop- mahogany with satinwood banded top. from an old music rack. Unusual WEAF-NBC—7:80, Bums >nd Clirishiias Pageant Slightly Higher On Teirns. •Murray’s Plane Plan I ay: arrested for a spy: ordered off America kidney stones do no often to hear riaing from this 'entire ! farms where the tenants thought ing cough more than once. The-I Brass ferrules on feet. value! Allen; 8, James Melton concert; develop until after the age of 40 , 8:30, Richard Crooka, tenor; 9, Dr. country a great roar of demands Now that^William S. Knudsen is ahe was an. itinerant peddler: whooping cough does not seem to Wall Shelf. $2.98. Ofce-shelf mod­ At Zion Lutheran ami, tl’ey more commonly Pin-up Lamp, $4.50. Smart red I. Q.; 10, Contented Concert, Santa t'o be the practieal czar of. the de- I played the role of mother con- be infectious after about, two el in solid maple. that we seize every potential ene- , found in men tha'n in women. ,, i w-eek.s from the time of the ap­ tole design; gold decoration, s inatis. * my ship not only in the United ; production program and feasiu' to scorea of farm folk in The main symptom of kidney'j Mirror, $6.95. Solid maple ship ,s Percolators the isolation belt: and numerous pearance o f' the first whoop, al­ W ABC-CBS— Blondle; 8. Those . The Suiyiay School of the Zion State# but In the Weatern Henii-|Americans had con- stones is a peculiar kind of pain though the coughing may persist wheel model; large size. Desk Chairs, $9.9.5. Empire de­ W e Love; 8:80, Fields and Hall; 9, Lutheran church will present a limes been called a brazen young known as renal colic. This is a sphere and hand the whole lot of right kind hii.ssy for -traveling about the for several weeks in severe cases. Curio Shelf, $3,95. Wall rack spe­ sign with genuine (brown) leather Mickey Rooney in "Young Tom pageant enUtled ’Thla Holy $4.95 up very severe pain In the back The disease is generally conveyed Edison:” 10, (Juy Lombardo. Night" on Tuesday evening at 7:00 Waffle Irons them over to the British, merely att-up had been arranged to country-side without a chaperone 1 which radiates toward the front, by direct contact from one child cially made w|th narrow shelves for seat and back; mahogany finished WJZ-NBC—8. I Love x Mya- o clock cniristihaa Eve imdar the by way of showing the Nazi# > Rhsi’sntee the making of all pos- or it may reflex down the inner In birch. . l i tery: 8:30. True or False; S', Wide Territory to another and usually occurs ‘- curios and figurines. ***•■ Pauline Stech- side of the leg. The pain itself You're In the Army Now; 9:35, holz. The children will U U the mee- UmiSets Toasters Wbere they get off. | speed in the armament plans, Yet in apite, of all these mi# the form of epidemics. $4.95 to $12.95 is sharp, severe and usually be­ Basin Street Swing; 10:30, Radio •ege of the Savior’s birth in recl- Apparently not even 1917-18 along comes Philip Murray, head hapa and happenstancea ahe Non Automatic gins suddenly and la of a colicky Forum. Senalpi’ R. F. Wagner on of the CIO, and telle President invariably has come bark w-ith ... r carola. Character parts 915.50 and 922.95 was enough to show the German# nature. This colic itself is the ; Dog Shoots Dog- "Sncial .Gains and Defense." will be played by tha-foUowlng: As Low As the picture# — of tenant farmers, bow completely unable they are to Roosevelt that the whole concept result of the stone trying to make , Open Tonight M BS— 7:30, Lone Ranger; 8:45, M ary,-Elaine Demko; Joseph, Okies, and Industrial workers. tlon of airplane production ’so far iU way out of the kidney by wav j Cannelton, Ind.— (F)— If • m**' 1 Song Spinners: 11, Chicagoland Melvin ^hm idt: Three Shepherd, underatand the psychology of With sometimes ne mere definite of the slender tube which form e; $2.25 followed li aheoliitely, entirely bites a dog, that’s news. If a dog Open tomorrow until 8;30 P. M. f'-'ncert. f Richard Klein, Rus- America. assignment's than: "(Theck up on the exit for this organ. shoots a dog, that’s like what hap­ aell Wilson; Three Kings, Kenneth wrong.. ■ conditions among the Mississippi Dqring an attack the elimina­ pened on Chariea Goerlng’s hunt­ Y/hat to expect Tuesday: Wilson, John Schlldge, Richard delta people," or ’’let’s see how The automobile Industry, Mr, tion of liquid from, the kidneys ing trip. He told the story this I AUilitlunal day before CTbristmaa Peck; Narrator, Arllne Daouat. ImproTsd Situation far we are getting with the fruit The Manchester Electric Division Automatic Toasteni Murray astonishingly declares, haa may be very frequent and the way: Goering, with two dogs fol- j "turcs-WEAF-NBC: 6, Christ­ In addition to the Chriatmaa pickers In Florida," Marion Post carols the choir will sing “Thara The prospect of having 'Viscount fluid may contain red blood cells. lowing, started and Toaster Seta The stones may be quite large, or shotgun at his aide. Both dogs I'a.; 6:15, Admiral Stark'a Greet­ Shepherds" by Charles Vta- THK CONNBCnCUT FOWIR COMPANY Halifax In Washington as the producUon, if properly employed, month junkets. ^ very email. The very smxU dashed up from behind and slid cant Tha pastor win daUver a WATKINS ings; Gospel Singer. ...W A B C - short addraaa and at tha eonelu- representative of the British gov­ of 600 of the most modem fighting For weeks on c'm she haa lived stonee are commonly referred to down the gun muzsle. A paw of the • R O T H E II t I N C CBS: 9:15 a. m., carola from 'Utl-' TTtMsiaStnsi . . $9.95 to S2S.95 out of her convertible coupe, second tripped the trigger. The 5. •^n’lce g ifu Will be ^ ernment is not likely to arouse planes each working day, or 180,- as sanif or gravel. The pain will ca, N , y.; 6:30 ,p. m., Idesaage which not only contains her three continue until the stone either gun went off and killed the first distributed to the children. any special nnUiusUsm among the 000 a year -and this rate of pro- cameras d|id all tbe paraphernalia makes its way through the tube dog. aANCHBBTER EVENING HBIRALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28,19^ PAGE

Christmas sendee was held with Raynolds, Uia pastor, spoke on special musip by the vested chole. "The Greatest Story,” namely the Candlelight Services A t St. Maiw’s story ot the Nativity, Recover Auto A Christmas carol festival aerv- In the afternoon at four o’clock The Y^rn and Gift Shop (ce was held at St, Mary’s Itolsco- a candle II$1K. vesper service was Stolen Here pay church yesterday afternoon 111 charge of the combined choirs Merry Xm as MamcheMeri 474 Main StfiJt “ At The Center” when a pageant entitled- “ 6aep- and Instrumanfallsts. A program herde All'L was given by the of Christmaa anthenul, solos and Junior Voting 'People’s Society. chorus numbers was Interspersed Bui Ga$f! Car’ Taken; On This, Our lllh Yuletidc SenMin of Service, We Offer You Quality Merchandlsa^ Christihas Program Is WE WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND Harold Hublard were christened at Roger Louche, talented young lo­ Christmas Ceremonies with appropriate scripture read­ Courteous Service, and i> Possfble Prices To Make Your Christmas Feast SATURDAY OF THiS'MfEEK this service. cal singer, was the featured solo­ ings, ^rs. L. R. Bowlby, guest From Highland Park I Feature Today; Gift* Held in Local Hbuses At ('enter Oiurch ist and Jamea F. Stevenson fur­ soloist. Sang Impressively Head's Happy One! ' / nished violin ai:companlmento. Garage Still Missing. Go to Needy Qiildren. Open Until 9 O’Clock Tuesday EvenlnR for Those Wish­ Of Worship Fill Many At Center Co n g r e g.a 11 o n a I "Slumber Song of the Madonna,” church, a pageant was presented A special Christmas service was and*a number of the moet popular ing i M t Minute Gifts, Yarn, Instructions and New held at the North Methodist Christmas carols were sung - In Police throughout the state ' to- j Shop With Confidence And Save At The New .. . Christmaa carols old and new Of the Churches. by the yoimg people under the di­ rection of Miss Helen Bates, en­ church yesterday morning when unison. day were searching for the maroon | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ubert, of were the feature of the annual Year’s Cards. Rev. William T. Wallace preached Chiirch of the Nazarene Buick sedan of Lawrence W. Case, Traditional Candlelight ServicM titled "G lfU We Bring.” a mes-' Olive, Cali, former Village street Christmas party o f the Klwsnls sage of welcome was 'given the on the subject, "The W ay to SUPER SELF SERVICE Christmas." Music appropriate to Services of praise and song to stolen from his garage at High­ residents, remembered The Herald CTub at the Y/M.C.A. today as at the Emanuel Lutheran and large audience by Ross Shirer. In- the season was furniphed by tha the Christ child were held through­ land Park sometime Saturday force once again at Christmas with pupils of the public schools pre­ South Methodist churches drew j eluded In the cast were Clyde Beck out yesterday at the Church of the , Henry J. O’Brien, euxUUry a card of greeting, picturing fields ’ W"ith, Brenda Anderson, William choir. night. According tor the report; sented a program under the direc­ capacity attendance last nlgfit os A Christmas service was held Nazarene under the direction of of Hartford, celebrated a of colorful flowers, palms and y tai i i i im M ifnMitninwuiiissnMiwwiwnw-wIM »SM IHW *ee**W ***8l*«l*«****«M i'MInty, Robert Llebe, James Mur- the car was locked In the garage, tion of Russell Potterton. churches throughout Manchester at the Salvation Army last night the pastor. Rev. Jamea A. Young. Everybody’s Market cal requiem masa for Rev. thrilling scenery along the route ' phy, Marianne Ferguson, Harry which was found locked, but An octet from the high school, with the Rongster Brigade pre­yi Special Christmas music was sung FREE DELIVERY! r T . Magnell In St. James’s of the ml.ssions in Southern Call- consisting of Dorothy atone^ Mqr- observed the coming birthday of , Straw, Verne Halluday, Robert by the church choir at the morning empty, yesterday morning. CALL INI DIAL 57211 ih thla morning at 10:30 al- I Turkington, Allan Turkington, El­ senting a cantata entitled OThe 'The theft of the Case automo­ garet Robinson, Arlih^ Benson. Christ on Christmas Day. Manger Prince.” Major andd/Mra. service with the sermon by the 46 years to the day of his mer'Weden, Nancy Flke, James pastor. bile was one of a pair of car thefts Beverly Belknap, Herbert Tenney. IChristmas A t Emanuel, the children’s, Elliott, George Johnson, Walter Harold Healy, divisional icom- atlon to the priesthood. He Miss Ruth Podrove. daughter of ''At 6;30 p. m. the Young Peo- taking place during the week end.. Walter Joyner, James Murphy an' Chapel and Emanuel choirs, com Von Hone, Thomas Ferguson, Roy man'ders for Connecticut and We heiieve We Have the'Finest Array of Quality Turkeys We’ve Ever Seen! the first member of St- Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Podrove of John Mrosek. accompanied by Lil­ jile's society presented the Christ­ Second (!ar Theft M'* parish to be ordained and posed of nearly 100 robed singers, Turkington, James Knight, Eugen­ Western Massachusctts15— Hartford, Dec. 23—'A»)—Mr. and of clothing, toys and money were direction of Rev. Thomas Order of Red Men, will be held to­ stead. cious Ice Cream Cakes — made as only MAR\ can make uell and John McClelland of the in the rear of the choir loft, Christ­ Gaston A. Alclatore, 68, last sur­ Mrs. Henry D. Hinckley of 15 Chickens ii> 2 9 ‘ aehy. sang. night at eight o’clock in the Sports The attendance prize, donated by senior choir lighted candles placed received for Negro children in A t­ mas anthems were sung by the viving son of Antoine Alcitore, DUCKS ib 2 1 « lanta, Georgia. An offering waa McKinley street, whose philosophy Delivers Eulogy ^ , Center. There will be election of Dr. D.C.'Y. Moore, was won by Dr. them! In the center aisle and at the win­ two choir."!, which Mrs. David founder of world famous Antoine's for. a happy married life la to The eulo*y was delivered by officers. * Amos Friend, R. K. Anderson, re­ dows and the alngera and congre taken for cliildren who are war Bennett at the piano and Saqguel restaurant here, died yestefiday. A Over 100 youngsters were the guests yesterday afternoon'of Campbell Council. Hnlghto of C ^ vletlms in Kurojic and Asia. "take things as they came,” today V. James P. 'nmmins, pastor of lumbTs hi St. J a S auditorium. Carols were sung, presents were distributed and the children ral­ covered from his recent Illness, at­ gation Joined in "O Little Town of Ramefte, organist and choir direc­ nephew, Roy Alclatore, now con­ are ol^serving their 61st wedding Bridget's church and associate In the morning, the annual tor at the organ. Rev. Ferris «E. ducts the restaurant. Marlene, small daughter of Mr. lied around the tree for a happy afternoon. tended his first meeting in some Bethlehem” as a processional. anniversary. iitor on the Catholic Transcript, and Mrs. George C. Ringstone of time and was warmly greeted. A The children’s choir sang a group p o U k r o a s t Sausage Meat rlth which Father Magnell was 37 Edward Afreet, whose .seventh turkey dlnrier was served by the of two numbers, Bach's "Beside inected as editorial writer and Mary's Soda Shop birthday occurred on December 20, ments, but has been unable to women of the Y. It was announc­ Opposite Army and Navy Cluti Thy Cradle” and “ Come with vs editor for a number of years. ed that $200 had been realized for t,tUndlng the mass also were celebrated the event by a party for succeed. Torches," a French carol, with * lb. seven little girls and seven little Breaks R e^rd "The enemy has ^^bandoned T . Stocks the Kiddies Camp from the lecture FREE DELIVERY " PHONE ^841 Dorwooil Miller as sninist tn the I 7« 19 ay of the members of ht. tfoseph's parish of Bristol, where boys. The decorations were appro­ these positions and is retreating. given here recently by Dr. Allan first selection. Pastor Gustafson priate to the Christmas sea.son. "Chimara Is under absolute Stockdale. Zgm Hwaewiw****** *■*•*■***■ *® *^ *******'********’ then led in Scripture reading and Fancy ^ th e r Magnell built a church. In Tree Sales Adams Exp ...... Fancy New Crop Fancy, l,nrgo. Firm The following priests were aLso Games were ejijoyed and Mrs. control of our artillery. Air R edu c...... Neiv Slfito Coming In prayer, after which the Chapel attendance: Ringstone served sandwiches, cake, ‘Tn the Tepelenl-Glisura region Ala.ska Jifn ...... Next Monday’s meeting will be choir sang "When the Crimson Sun RADISHES Sweet Potatoes A. B. Dignan. Farmington; John ire cream and other goqd things: enemy units consisting of choice Allied Chem ; ...... the last of the current year and the MCAMiWWWWtKMMKAHIUMMMNdKMtWAtWMM* has Set.” an English carol "O Cranberries , O’Neill. Meriden: Thos P. Mill- Marlene was remembered by a One Dealer Alone Sells troops offered strong resistance Am Can .. .r...... last under the present officers, 8anctls.slma,” a Sicilian carol; and but have been unable to check our % hy, Hartford: John P. Kennedy, number of pretty birthday gifts. Am Rad St S ...... headed by'President Charles Burr, "Deck the Hall,” a Welsh carol. ^ b c K s ^ O c lbs. 25c Faterbury; Thonjas F.''.tiawlor, 1,300; Almost All , advance. The" enemy suffered Am Smelt ...... and a perfect attendance of mem- Pastor Gustafson's sermon cen­ 5 19c lb. few Haven; John P. Laflin, Bt's- j heavy lo.sses and abandoned much Am Tel'and Tel . . . . .bers is hoped for. J. G. Echmallan tered on the subject "Candlepow- Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Iji- Slocks Exhansleil. I.argr, Firm, Irchcrg J. J. Broderick, Hartford; W. dics of C°l,umbua, has set the date ■ material.” ' Am Tob B ...... ’.. is slated to .sticceed Mr. Burr as er” and he urged Jiis listeners to Fancy, Ijirgc, D'AnJon Sccdicoa—Indian River I . Of the Greek drives toward El- d lF T S Clearv, Hartford. D. J. Foley, of Saturday evening, January 11, Am Wat VVks...... president with the start of the new hold high the candles of their faith All records of Christmas tree basani. and the Albanian capital. LETTUCE omwel'l; P. V. Fitzmaunce, for Us annual, .semi-formal, mid­ Anaconda ...... vear. ) that all the world -may be drawn PEARS GRAPEFRUIT tford; W. Arthur Ro\ithier, winter dance at the Hilltop House, sales in Manchester have already Tirana, from the northern wing Armour III ...... to the babe of Bethlehem and knf>\v of the battlefront the spokesman ford; , Thomas F. Stack. East Hartford. Miss Mary Mori- been broken and there is not much Atchison ...... Him as the Saviour. OBifleld; Joseph M. Griffin, arty, of Summer street has been de'clared;' Aviation Corp ...... Group of Thre<> Numbers 2 heads 19c 5 for 19e likelihood that any additional "More northward, where Alpine 7 for 25c amfleld; Fred W .-aark. Man- appointed general chairman. Baldwin CT ...... The Emanuel choir presented a trees will be brought into town for units ara fighting, our troops ad­ Local Stocks lebeater; Arthur P. Hanley. Hart- Balt and O h io ...... •roup of three numbers, the first Fancy Mclntoah this season. E. A. Bernard, local vanced and occupied heights and . "Sing We All Noel" by York, be­ Bulk Itord; Joseph F, McCtien. Elm- Joseph McCullom of 68 Stark­ landscape and gardening contrac­ Bendix ...... Iwood; Austin F. Munich. Bloom- villages." Beth Steel ...... Furnished by Putnam and Co. ing directed by Miss" Grace Ben- weather street last night went tor, disposed of the largest num­ Exact Positions Not Told 8 Central Row, Hartford son. 'The , others were McCollin's APPLES 5 lbs. 25c I PATES iM d ; Thos. L Greylish. Kenslng- over to 248 Woodbridge street to ber.' He leased the lot at the cor­ Borden ...... 2 lbs. 29c Iton; John F., West Hart- The exact positions of Greek "Come Hitker Ye Faithful" and see his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Lut- ner of Pearl and Main streets and advance units in this section were Can Pac ...... Marryott’s "Carol of the Birds." llord; James E. Dargiin, West Ha- Case (J. I.') ...... I ton, who was Injured in an auto­ brought there 600 trees that he not disclosed. Aetna Casualty .... 122 All the choirs combined in the SPECIAL! LARGE CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NAVEL Geo^ge M. Grady. Hartford; mobile accident^ last Wednesday, had selected and a.ssisted in cut­ Cerro De Pas ...... iThomas'J. Drennan, East Hart- A communique i.ssued today by •Yetna Fire ...... 51 final group to offer ".See Amid the anjl on his way home Mr. McCul­ ting in East Wallingford. Vt. the Greek high , command said Qhos and Oh^o .... Winter's Snow ’ by Goss and Ifcrd; Paul F. Keating, New Brl- lom himself was a car, but Chrysler ...... Aetna Life ...... 26 I Last Minute Suggestions | These proved to'be too few and on tw o . lieutenant colonels were Automobile ...... 38'-i "Jesu Bambino” by Yon. Other Italn; Anthony G. Carroll, S. J., fortunately not hurt severely. He last Thursday afteriioon"lJe went among new prisoners taken by the Coca Cola ...... Conn. General ...... 22'^ soloists during the evening were I Boston; Francis A. Fries, Blootn- remarked that it was the 44th an­ to Vermont again and returned on I ORANGES Z9" I field' B. M, Donnelly, Hartford; Greeks, reported to have cap­ Col Gas and Elec . Hartford Fire ...... 83>i Perfumes Candies Roy Jofinson, Barbara Peterson, niversary of his marriage and it Friday with 400 more trees. Even tured approximately 2^000 Italians Coml Inv Tr ...... R Doris Stone, Eleanor Berggren, SWEET AS SLGAR! ______NATURAL COLOR!j J. C. Martin, Hartford; John was a nice way to celebrate. Mrs Hartford Stm. Boll. .5,5 Beautiful DesignDealgn Paikages Louis .Sherryy I this was not enough and on Satur­ in the last seven days despite ex­ Com! Solv ...... National Fire ...... 59 John McClelland. Ralph Azinger T. Culleton. Waterbury; John J. McCullom was the former Miss From: ■ of Park ■ day afternoon he again went to treme cold and heavy snow which Cons Ellison ...... Phoenix ...... 85 The Toast and Choice < and Roger Loueks. Miss Eva-M. Burke. New Haven; Joseph F. Annte Van Wyck of^ Castleton Vermont, purchasefi 300 more and I-entherir Avenue In one, two and five- R Talcum Soap CSeary, Hartford; Michael Gilbert, hampered operations. Cons Oil ...... Travelers ...... 390 John^n was the accompaaisL SPECIAL! NATURAL TREE-RIPE—LARGE—INDIAN RIVER N. Y. was back in Manchester early C'ont Can ...... t)Id,«outh pound boxes at $1.00, $1.50 Following the vesper liturgical ser­ M- 8.. Hartford: Gerald Bowen, M. Weather over the week-end was I'ubllr rtim ics Old'^SpIce last evening. Improved. Com Prod . . i ...... Conn. Lt. and Pow., 52 ond $3.00 a pound. Drilciono vice and the benediction and three-* I B., Hartford. Friends of Lawrence Redman A t the comer of Birch and Main Early American fold "Amen," the clioir.s and audi­ Bodv In Stafe. An Associated Press correspond­ Pel Lack apd West Conn. Pow...... -. 45''j beyond dcocrlptlon. ^ formerly of Henry street, have •street another lot of trees was Harriett lliihhard .Ayer ence sang "Silent ' Night! Holy !c The body ‘of Father Magnell. ent with the Greek Arm.v on the Douglas Aircraft . . Hartford Elec. Lt. . 62 been advised that tlwFone-time sold. L. T. Wood brought in a Du Pont ...... lludnut Cnmpany The Whitman Line || Night!" as a rcce.sslonal. The of­ TANGERINES ^ 19. who died Iel New Haven on.Thur.s- southern front reported tlurt the ! Hartford G as ...... 33 commander of,the VFW post here large number which he sold to Eastman Kodak . . . <'oty’« The Sampler — America’s ■ fering that wail taken went to the SWEET! JUICY! LARGE! _ / ^ ^ I day, was brought tq St, James s Greeks, strongly supporting their S. New Eng. Tel. Co. 161 Evening In Paria has taken up permanent residence dealers in different parts of the Elec Auto Lite . . . . largest selling candy In one. 3 purchase of robes'for the Chnnei jCburch at 3 o'clock Sunday aftcr- infan.try advances with field artil­ Unit, llliimlnat. .Shs, 119 ' choir. at 48 Aberdeen avenue. Arlington town. A t Bissell and Main streets Gen Elec ...... Yardley’a two and five-pound boxes at •- ason and lay in state. A ^ n rd lery, seemed to be "shooting the Western Mas.s...... 28'4 Lurien l.e Long Heights, Mas;^achusetts. another place where trees could works" in an effort to clinch a Gen Foods ...... 31..50 a pound. At South .Metlioilist Men’s BLEACHED of honor selected from Campbell be purchased was located. The lot Industrial ilnb Nall Line Council. K. of C.. stood guard dur­ decisive victory in the drives to­ Gen Motors Acme Wire ...... 17'i One of the largest gijtliorings in at the corner of Main and Hazel tecent years filled the South Fitted Cases ing the afternfton and night and The condition of Michael Cerre- ward Valona. Gillette ...... Am. H.ardw.are...... 23'.j Fairhill j street was well stocked with trees church for Its annual Candlelight I,eather — Zipper. ■gain this morning until the start gione of 8 Marsh .street, Hart­ No air raid.>i were reported on . Hocker Prod . . Arrow H ami H, com 37 Bon Rons and Chocolates— 5 ■(A ford, critically injured last week a week ago and at the corner of Kodaks and Service, opened impressively by the bunches I the funeral. Greece yesterday, but there wore | Hudson Motors Billings and Spencer 4 'i the All Cream Packages at 5 25 Main and Ford street were trees. processional from the tower room Celery Hearts 2 by a shotgun in his left l « d by Rev. Thomas F. Denne- There were several places at the accounts of intensive air activity ; 'bt H a r v ...... Bristol Brass ...... 47 Accessories $1.00 a pound. 5 to the church auditorium with fcg of St. Thomas's Seminary. thigh, remained dangerous today, over the battlefront j *bt Nwk •• ••■■• Colt's Pat. Firearms 78 PASCAL although the boy ha.s shown some north end. From the Brownie for the each member of the choir bearing Bwdmfield. and a number of local This morning most of the s,tock ■the Greeks and British Royal ^b t Tel and Tel Eagle Lock ...... 7 a lighted candle which waa placed and out of town clergymen chant­ improvement. . No operation has Air Force units operating with ! Jpbbs Manvllle F-afnir Bearings ... 137 kiddlea at 9«c to the Cine KEMP’S CHOCOLATES « been performed on the injured was sold and the way things look­ •Movie Camera. Priced low oiKthe altar table and reniained ed the Office of The Dead at the ed to the dealers thLs niorning. them reported shooting down at Kennecott Hart and Cooley ... 138 AND SALTED NUTS R leg and several blood transfusions j Lehigh Val Rd %. .. for the plea.aure they will there during the entire sen-ice. As bunches bier last night. Incliided in the there would be but few ttecs left least 18 planes and damaging two Hendey Mach., Com H U 60c to $1.00 a pound R a prelbde the choir sung "Silent Celery Hearts 2 25 have been given. give throughout the year. BTOup were Rev. William J. Dunn, after, tonight, l^ they last that others badly. I Ligg and Myers B . I-And'rs Frary A Clk 24 U Night" With "Adeste Fidelis" as i Lockheed Aircraft . U » Quote You! for the Candy. g ptator of SL James's church, Rev. long. New Brit. Mch.. com 40U the proce.sslonal hymn. Vtacent J. Hines and Rev. Edmund The H. Wales Lines Company, I Isiew's ...... North and Judd . . . 33U All New Stock. .Mixed Nuts from 59c to 1 Shaving Set Under the dilcction of C. C.' Razor Shaving Brush FANCY— FIRM Barrett, fcurates there; Rev. Fran- general contractors for the hospi­ 'Greek Attacks Repelled i Lorillard ...... Peck Stdw ami VVil. 7 $1.25 a pound. | Brainard. organist and choirina.s- j Mont Ward ...... Brush Dryer da P. Breen of St. Bridget s tal addition, are today la>’ing the Ru.sscll Mfg. Co. ... 15 PARKER PENS ter, the choir of thirty voices sang ghurch; Rev. Thomas F. Stack of main steam line between the new Cllillisra Occupied By Counter-Attacks Nash Kelv ...... Our Own - Gobelin - or j Scovill Mfg. 27 PEN .and PENCIL SETS as Its first group, Maimder's "Only Bloomfield,, Rev. John P: .Glynn healinp plant in the north end Rome, Dec. 23.-----s 25c EATON’S CORRECT i 2-lb. box for $1.00 ■ "Bom Today," Bitgood's- "Rose Bv Greek Army Nat Dairv ...... erick Clark of St. Bridget’s. la progressing satisfactorily on by Italian counter-attacks, the do., 'pfd...... 29 STATIONERY Special! I Mystlca” and Dickinson’s "Noel.” Attending the funeral this morn­ the brick work around the two Italian high comihand asserted to­ Nat Distill ...... Torrlngton ...... 29 In Very Neat Packages After Scripture reading and praycy ing in addition to the fajivily. new boilers in the- heating plant. (Continued From Page One) day. N Y Central ...... Veeder - Root ...... 60 Mary Oliver Candies, 60c ! by Rev. E. E. Story, the choir EXTRA FANCY MIXTURE Friend's and the prie.sts already Nor Am C o ...... Agfa Cadet "W e.have inflicted considerable New York Banks a pound— 2 lbs. for $1.00. | sang the canticle "Gloria in Ex- ,\ OSenUoned, were several nuns, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoltenberg R. A. F, attacks yesterday on oil losses on the enemy and have cap­ Packard ...... Bank of New York. 343 cslsis" from the ' Saln''t Cecelia Van time B a ^ Set wells at Kucova, in central Alban­ ELECTRIC HEAT Box Camera coming—---- „ from St. James's parish in and son Melvin of Henry street left tured automatic arms." the daily P.aram Plct ...... Bankers Trust ... . 59 Maas by Charles Gounod. Cologne 4—Bath Powder ia, and said "all bombs fell in the Candy Novelties Front | i f e S i z e Manchester and from b*ber P'bces , Sumner, M?ine. to-, spend war bulletin said. Penn ...... Central Hanover . . . 101 U PADS ' Rev. Story's sermon for the eve­ Honeysuckle-Apple Blossom target area" despite ,Itall,an aerial Phelps Dodge ...... 10c upward.s. j MIXED NUTS where they w-ere located ™uer-| with. Mrs. Stoltenberg's ■ Formations of Italian flgh,ter Chase ...... —33 4 Heat Controls and ground defense fire. ■ ning was given on the subject "His ent’ times when Father Magnell , parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Step- planes were said to have cla-shcd Phil Pet ...... Chemical ...... 49 Makes Warm Friends! Star still Shines,’’ follofwe'i by an­ w aa active as a prie6t i hens \ The Greeks earlier had reported with-a formation of British Blen­ Pub Serv" N J ...... a t y ...... 26 Hard Candies — ! skirting the town and said their ; Priced $2.98 other, group of, carols. "Jesu Bam­ LARGEST ‘RED DIAMOND” Father Timmins Speaks heim bombers, shooting down Radio ...... ...... ■ 12U Tvpes ih 49c or 2i»c jarli. ] bino” by Yon, "The Three Kings” The Eulogy delivered by Father troops were fighting forward to^ Reading ...... Mr.s. C. W. Dolson entertadned three. Com Exchange .... 48 by Cornelius and theVstirring Timmins was taken in part from ward the port of Valona, on the Rem Rand ...... ^------I V with' a birthday party at her home First Natlonri .... 1630 "And the Glory of t-he I»r d ” from the record of the churches in Man­ Adriatic, less than 30 miles up the Republic Steel ... I Frojoy Ice Cream last evening for Mrii. Elmer F. Guaranty Trust . . . 287 Cigars and Tobaccos | Handel’s "Messiah’* After Rev. ib. chester. He read the record of St, coast. '» Rey Tob B ...... Irving Trust ...... 10 Luce* - WALNUTS I Story’s closing prayer, the choir Bridget’s church which showed Rice of Ru.sscll street, whose birth­ A Greek spokesman said then Donahue Freed Safeway Stores .. Cakes and Pies Agency for the world famous j Kodak day occurred today, and Mr. Manhattan ...... 14U sang "Calm Is the Listening E a f that Oliver Thomas Magnell was that Chimara wa^ "under absolute Sears Roebuck ...- I Round Out the Dinner! Corona! - j Colognes Manufact, Trust . .. 38 and "Choral-Amen" to bring the Darkroom Outfits bom on October 20. 1870 and three Poison’s whose birthday falls on control of our artillery,” and the Shell 'Union ...... I CakMir___ . .quart for $1.35 Corona Cigars, 10c to 50c Opening Night Indiscreet None-Such Th'ir.aday. Both arc -scribes for the In Auto Death N Y T ru s t...... 107 17th annual service to aft end. iri- days later, or on October 23 was Greek forces were reported SocOny Vac . . T... I Mince Plea ,. .quart size $1.35 each cigar. Holiday pack- Mon Image — -With Atomizer Stuffed Olives Am,erican Legion and the, auxiliary, Public National . . . .30 cldentlal solos In the various num­ large jar 2$c baptized in St. Bridget’s churcli. "iihooting the works” to keep the South Pac ...... I Vuletide Logo, quart for $1.00 agetl. MINCE M EAT The next record was his ordination and the birthday rake which was Italians in retreat. Title Guarantee ... 2 All the Popular Brands In bers wefe taken by the rogviar 5-Ounce .lars ( a feature of the refre.shmetits was South Rwy ...... U S T r u s t...... 1480 j ------— on December 'il. 1894 with the no­ Twenty miles to the northeast, William H. Donahue, of Adams Std Brands ...... Packages of 5’s, I O's or 2.5’s— soloists of the .church, Mfi'-F.iinlcs prettfly - decorated and inscribed I ^ Hohenthal. soprano; Mrs.- Grace tation that he wSsThe first mem­ on a second road to Valona, the street, driver o^’ an automobile Std Gas and' El ... \ Liquors All Gift Wrapped. 11c pkg. Maraschino Cherries 3 jars 25c "Happy Birthday to the Scribes.” Greeks claimed "brilliant suc­ that figu r^ In an- accident on There is so far. no political di­ PIPES — the New Colored M. Mclberger, contralto; Sydney ber of St. James’s pariah to be or- Std OlliCal ...... ll-arge 13-Ounce Bottle ^ idained. The last record is being cesses" in a "very large scale” Niivember^, wais today exonerat­ recting group anywhere which i Scotch or Domeatic Brando. Stems — .50c, ^25c to $.5.00 ^Strickland, tenor; Robert j. -Gor­ Std O il'N ^ J ...... T i Domcotlc WIneo or Imports. (written toddy, Father Timmins battle for control of the moun-> ed'In the deith Pf Joan CriHy. H. has been selected (chiefly on a basis’ each. " don. baritone. Lentheric Randall Pillsbury’ and Robert j Tex Corp ...... Table WIneo for the Feast Colognes Ocean Spray* I Slocomb, local boy.s who are stu- tainous Tepelenl-Kllsura region. of East Hartford. of intelligence, Pound and Half-pound Jars Rev. Story's Bespoiuw Palmolive Ginger Ale \ 6 bottles 25c^ Timken Roll Bear —Prof. F. C. Bartlett, Oombridge „ Day! Tweed *; MIrabla C(o1ogne Set traced P'alher MagneU> ac­ |-dents at Wilbraham, are ' The Greek. spokesman declared Donsjiue waa held by the East ...... k ’ ’ ofijlTobacco In the Popular The response to the Christmas ShanghI A ’Blent6t Trans America psyidiologtet. { Shaving Set Tsreed Miracle tivities from his ordination; his j home* tor the holidays. Both are ■the Italians were smashed back Hartford police a^ter the accident a All HoUday Packaged! Brands, .services and program at the South Pink Party CRANBERRY there with heavy losses after a de­ Union Carbide Shave Cream Lottoa Tale ShanghI Walnut Meats i lb. 25c first work as a curate in WilU- i active in varsitv football. and his case was 'Continued under i g i n g e r ALE AND church was far better than that 3i maiitic where he ahowed so much termined stand of nearly a week. Union Pac Tooth Paste ■ a bond when called the following Unit Aircraft ...... '...... CARBONATED of other years. The pastor express­ ' SAUCE . interest in the Catholic Transcript Forty children of members at­ Regiment Cut To Pleees morning. Coroner < Frank E. Men’s Gifts ed himself .as.'elated with the serv­ In i,eatherette Case Fancy Peas V ' thst was transferred to East Hart-, Other reports last night said Unit Corp ...... WATERS 12 cans 25c tended the imrty given by the Healey states that the little girl Unit Gas Imp ...... Yardley - Williams’ - Men- ices, the large congregations at all ford to .be nearer the office of the Daughters of Isabella, Friday from one choice B'asctat .regiment had was struck by the automobile See Benson’s the services and the deep interest 11c con , paper. His work on the Transcript, been cut to pieces by the latest- U 5i Rubber...... nen’s - Lentheric - Sports­ Fancy Corn 4 to 6 at the K. of C.'home. Games while crossing the street near her U S Steel ...... CHRISTMAS CARDS which was evidenced in the atti­ 2 cans 25c rather Timmins said, was out­ were playe'f, there was impromptu fierce Greek assault near Tepeleni home, 69 Bumsld'e avenue, and For Last Minute man - Wrisley - Shaving Ac­ tude of the worshippers. i standing. Whep he. was named Vick Chem ...... AND BOOKLETS No. 3 ', Cans singing and dancing by some of and that two whole battalions d l^ of a fractured skull while, on Radio Gifts cessories, S9c to $5.00. •In the morning sermon Dr. Yankee pastor of the church in Wethers­ the little ones, and toward the were surrounded. Western Union ...... TAGS — SEALS Hobnail' Fine Asparagus the way to a hospital. The coroner West El and M fg ...... 1 Story pointed out the fact that In 2 cans 29c field he was also named Catholic close of the afternbon they were "Our Army is advancing stead­ states that the girl "appeared in WRAPPING ' Clover Set PUMPKIN OR Chaplain of the state prison. His Wf>olworth ...... ELECTRIC RAZORS *B world filled with bitterness and Atomizers seated around attractive tables ily and securely," the spokesman the path of the car.” EMERSON Bath Powder Coingna Yardley Compacts work in Bristol, where he rc- Elec Bond and Share (Curb) SAFETY RAZORS sadness ail- men can find at least, By Devllbis Green Gage Plums and served with sandwichc.s, cocoa, said. "In the coastal sectors the IS THE BEST 5-TUBE one period In the year In which all Double — Powder - Rouge SQUAW 2 cans 19c modled the convent and schcjol and enemy offered stiff resistance . . . Greyhound — Blueway— All Types! built a new church waa described. cookies and ice cream. Santa Claus RADIO FOR ONLY ran. Join _ln k service of rejoicing was present to remeniber them and tried to maintain himself in Read Herald Advs. Arrow or New England "and happiness because "Sod Is Fine Apricots He was also Catholic chaplain of strongly fortified positions pro­ $9.95 BILLFOLDS 2 cans 19c 3 cans 25c the First and Second Connecticut with gifts, and when he told them ' Bus Terminal Service with' us.” I that his mother sent them the pop­ tected by barbed wire entangle- other Emeroona la ail col- | FLASHLIGHTS Regiments at the Mexican Border SEE o r a ___ $14.95 to $39.95 Tickets To Any Point. The mood of Christmas Isito be In 1917, As a newspaper man he corn they found in the stockings, desired by all peoples. The^plrit NO. 2'/, CAN which they received in addition to Phlloo — world’s Mggeat might have gone far In the work BENSON’S -oelllng radloo $13.95- which eliminates from the'Christ­ Tohaeeo Pouches ' but his desire was to work as a boxes of candy,'a titter went up Entry Blank $14.95-$30-$3$-$37.Se. mas. festival la the spirit which Tohaeeo Elizabeth Arden : priest and it waa this .unselfish from the young folks. -A gaily for Mill eventually eliminate the spirit Leather Zipper decked and illuminated tree added Plillco Floor Modela ...... Raleigh Dlll’a Blue> Grass FRUIT COCKTAIL ; Ririhg of his all that broke his CHILDREN’S ...... $59.95-$$9.95 np of war. Jesus did not come to Prince Albert Half A Half concluded the speaker, the proper atmosphere. bring an armistice but peace to Flower Mist Home Lighting Contest ROLL-TOP DESK $35.00 Recording Kit Free The Center Pharmacy NO. 2'/i CAN . ' The burial waa in St. James’s AND CHAIR SETS With Phllco R^lo-Pho- the nations at ] war. Christmas ' eemetery beside the bodies of his The Pioneer Parachute com­ trees, holly wreaths and colored pany, which has rapidly expand­ ■ograph . . . . . f . $139.95 Odd Fellows Block Telephone 4253 father and mother. Rev. John .Sponsored by Manchester Chamber of Commerce New Shipment lights is not proof that God la with ed its manufacturing facilities due WIreleea Record PUyern .'Brhderick of Waterbury lead In . .. $14.95-$19.95-$39S5 us. The world must see God In us BARTLETT PEARS to the war activity, today re­ 4 • . • For Xmas Delivery. OTHERR ...... $1.60-$l.n0 tbs eoaunlttal service.. In which he Ivory Zenith $-Tnbe Table ■ to be convinced that "God is with was assist^ by several priests. ceived a new government order, Name . . . .7 ...... Priced!>16,95 - $7.95 • bringing to 6,200 the total o f S e ts ...... $16.95 JS.” NO. 2 '/ , CAN—HOME STYLE Tbs bsarers were: John A. Farrell The Christmas music was well parachutes under contract. More $8,95 - $11.95 - $12.95 Other Zeniths ...... Maurice R. Cronan, of Hart­ Address ...... a...,.''...... * ... $34.95-$S9.95-$69.95 than .$500,000 is contained in the Also a Few Children’s The Miirphy Drug Co. /i •elected and excellently rendered ford, John Hayes and James Hef' 1 Zenith Combinntloa manufacturing order. . by the choir. Two anthems were ELBERTA PEACHEES fstnian, of Bristol, John Sanson Check Class Entered: . Maple and Upholstered Rndlo-Phonogmph. Waa 4 Depot Square ,iung at this service; "When Christ imd Robert E. Csmey of Manchea- $114.95. Xmaa Spe­ A majority of Cheney Brothers Rockers. Was Bom of Mary” by Stokowski, Mr. Doorways. . . . Shrubberj’ Grounda -Entire Home. . . . cial ...... $$9.95 and “ O Sing to <3od” by Gounod. NO. 2Vj can—sliced OR CRUSHED employees will be able to spend •if* ■ WELDON DRUG CO. A. Gottfried Swanson, formerly Christmas eve at home. Only The Infant children of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burr. Mr. and Mrs. PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS S t lAursI street, wlU spend the necessary work' will be done dur­ Fill Out and Leave At or Mail To Chamber o f Commerce Benson^ Advertise tn The Herald—It Pays David J.'O’Nell and Mr. and Mra. 901 MAIN ST^BT WE DELIVER D IAL 5321 PINEAPPLE ..asKt two weska with his daugh- ing the"evenlplg, shifts In the mills Office, l^otel Sheridan, No Later Than December 24. 1 -ter. Mrs. GsrdB Gardner in Rich being arasnged so that most wofk- aa j'l.fiiu'i 1 « IJ a.'. i :i ' Va. |en con hairs time off, ~ y MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY,-DECEMBER 28. 1940 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES'FER. CONN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1940 VWET VB SERIAL STORY . Five Arrest Xmas H it al some other part of the pi^pgram to catch up.' " Urges Defense “Iron out this sort of thing— 111 Gaining Ruicl lUTsday Is Last Day place Ue machines Intelligently CHRISTMAS RUSH where they can go to work at coerioaHT. I.SO: Jobs Pro^am BY TOM HORNER Ncs •siiyica, INC, once—and we.can speed up every­ -ii ' t • New York, Dec, 93-(J>)-Rou- For Registering Aliens thing right away,” Burt asserted. Jatte wheels clicked merrily away, -H e outlined three factors de­ THE MAHCHESTER m and the rattle of dice provided an Burt Wants Immediate CiMipfsr O “I wonder If a e o a'lU pull that obligato for the pratttd of a score manding “immediate considera­ Ths doctor burrlMl up ih. mow- ‘Lnwdy, Doctor Hugh! It'a five tion: of fashionably-garbed society folk 'Proper Analysis of c»w sd walk. Acrooa Qu attvst a dollara.” again. 8he’a been doing In a four-atory house early Sun­ iville Postmaster Urges Forgetting ” 1 —Give Mr. Knudsen authori­ ■ad of 10 shoutsd, “HI ya. Doc!” that for 30 yaara now, and it’s Requirements.* ty, and, with his knowledge of day morning. tcminds Them o f aad foUowad bla gtaaUng with a just as funny as it was the first Neighbors had telephoned the Private Business production • • • he will get re­ PUBLIC MARKET anowball. Tht doctor waved back, time. Someday I’m going to 'sur- sults. police "something not right waa idline; Over 900 West Hartford, Dec. 28.—(#)— laughing as bs duckad. I pHnerine her and only give her a dol- going on In there.” "2—’The government must pre­ M wwa At tha door ha paused to wlpo lar.” Clayton R. Burt, chairman of The pare a program of Its require­ So SO bhiecoata under Inspec­ istered So Far. anow from a gold and black sign “ You’d break her heart. Hugh, tor George W. Heltzmarm smashed Boston, Dec. 23—(/P)—Ralph E. National Defense Committee of ments and state the order of Im­ —“Dr. H. T. ^nnelly.” Ha liktd She really la surprised . every Flanders, president of the New portance for deliveries. In the door, arrested five men, let lAockvlllP, Dec. 23— (Special)— The Machine Tool Builders’ Asso­ Uiat aign, but Martha and the glrla year. You keep telling her that thar;m|nked ladled and white-tied England Council, to•- cording to report. And It's ail due to the fact thaTjSe ■!;. Brown, William . KnUdsen, , production position and aims in the second Chickens for Roasting, extra fanev, 5 to -7 lbs., O ItUied. were placed west of the Hudson 8 rtor reminded ber ae.,he bustled you—” queries waa reposted here today one of tlie acreen’s most popular comedians, plays a dual role In his head of the National Defense winter of war. Parliament is In Turkeys Ib...... OOC to be, In Paris taking part In Remember Children because of lower bids; Flanders Christmas recess. of bli cogt. Ponderous, smil­ Cleo’a voice boomed from the latest hilarious hit. Columbia's ".So You Won't Talk?" The film, , Following a custom established declared: Commission. Young Geese, 10 to 12 pounds each, ^ OK m ing, black Cleo crowded her 300 kitchen. "If you ' folks are going French-German discuaslona on ”In these cases wage differen­ .Machines Stand In Warehouses pounds into'the hall doorway. to meet that train, you’d lietter collaboration. It waa said he with lovely Frances Robinson featured, presents the star as a tim- aneveral years ago, the members o f We are trying to buy days With YOUNG Ib...... V..... mt JC Ithe Men’s Union of the Union tials offer no alibi to the New / He cited Instances where ma­ Fancy Ducklings, ► O “How soon my bablss coming hurry. Quarter of 6 right now.” might see German Foreign Mlnui- oroua book erltlc and a terror-inspiring gaiig killer. The com­ England manufacturers, as sSght chines had been rushed to comple­ dollars. homo. Doctor HughT’’.„ ter Joachim Von Flibbentrop. I Congregational church will again —C'leveland ’IVust Co. Business HENS l b , ...... j ...... panion feature stars popular young Tim Holt in "Wagon Train.” IjtfStribute gifts to the children at be the case with southern compe­ tion and then been permitted to "Only an hour more, CIso. Is Dr. and Mrs. Oonnally hurried tition.” stand in warehouses “waiting for Bulletin on the defense drive. Milk-fed Young Fowl, 5 to 6 pounds each, •vemhing ready?” I the Tolland Cmmty Home in Ver- or through the crowded station. A FANCY fresh ROASTING - 5 TO 4 LBS I non Center. These w'ill include, lb...... A O C "Kvarythlng fine. Doctor Hugh. glance at the arrival board told ^feooks, toys and other articles. All TO Fresh Cut Up Fowl for a nice chicken soUp, 7 0 ^ Don’t you worry non# about din­ them that the train was on time. IcArtlcles to be given to the children ner. Just wait tu t Mr. Jerry sees Five more ititnutea. Eahould be left at the union church 2 for $1.50. E a ch ...... # 7 C that roost—’’ Martha Obnnelly clutched tha C H IC K E N S > ■lOtfice before noon on Tuesday. strictly Fresh? Chickens for Frving or Roasting, medium size, each: "And pie. crieo?” doctor’s arm. ” It satnis like FANCY YOUNG NATIVE - 6 TO 9 LB5 ' '_____ |;J*re8ident Luther A. White is in The colored oook chuckled hap­ they’ve been away for years. I i charge of the arrangemehts. .Our Usual pily. “Yea, sir . . . apple pie and know I’ll cry, Hugh, and I don’t * .Man Injured " 98c and $1.09 ice cream for Mister Jerry, cocoa- want to.” HALE*S Alexander Jaconski., 79. of 35 Quality! nut cream for Miss ShaUa, and ■’They'll be here In just a min­ D U C K S . 1 7 fTalcott avenue Was slightly in- Try Our Own Make Sausage Meat, from Native . O chocolate for Mtsa Kathleen—“ ute, darlin’. There’s a train com­ FANa FRESH - 10 .TO 14 PO \ "’ Inred late Saturday while crossing HOLIDAY Pork and Pure Spices, 19c Ih. 2 pounds...... <3 wC “ N o custard?” ing In now. Let's get up close to union street, near West Main She shook her head. "No cus­ the atarway, ao ws won’t mlas [' atTMt. He was struck by an auto­ tard. You been having custard pie them.” mobile driven by Sylvester Oiacon- FRESH DRESSED PORK *. four nighta a week ever since Sep­ Hand in hand, they waited. G E E S E 2 3 * Inl, 2 i , of Tolland. The driver took tember. Tonight I’m cooking for They saw ' a ' crowd of redcaps Self Serve and STRICTLY FRESH WHOLE OR EITHER HALf I, Um Injured man to the office of Firf^ Prize Pork to Roast, Bladeless Rib Cut, 20c my babios!” hurrying down to the train ohrd, E. H. Metcalf, who treated him FOODv . Snatches of an old Negro apir- heard shouts, laughter as the for bruises and then took the man Itual came to him as she waddled Pound Fresh Spare Ribs...... throng of college students came to his home. Sergeant Arthur Frey ...... 18c back Into the kitchen. Then toward them. PORK LOINS • 1 5* is conducting the investigation. Ih Martha waa beside him. *«4'”^Siigg«stions for Stuffing! Dnth of Former Resident Fresh Bacon (Uiismoked), "You're early, darlin’.’’ She ” I think I see Jerry—far back, Small, Native, Fresh Shoulders. behind the woman—No. that’a not Health Market Word was received in Rockville lb...... reach up to kios hla cool cheek. I ’Bunday of the death of Russell Genuine Spring Lamb Legs. “ Didn’t expect you to be home him.” The doors sung wide; the TURKEY BREAD 2 ?v? Hayes, 19, of Pelham, N.,H. a for­ Small Smoked Hams. until the jast minute. . . . Hugh, mer resident here which occurred PrimeRih Roast Beef, .x-ou’re cold. Come over here to crowd closed In around them. On MEAT or LIM.K SPECIALS every side fathers and mothera SAUSAGE in Massachusetts. The young man I b ...... this fire and get warm. What are was killed when the auto in which Freshly (,round Chuck Beef, Boneless Rolled Oven Roast, you trying to'do, catch pneumonia greeted homecoming sons and Christmas Specials lie was riding crashed into a pole. before the children come?” daughters. "Merry Christmas!” FRESHLY OPEt'EO PINT Party at St. Joseph’s lb...... I b ...... “Now, itartha. I’m all right”— "HI. Mom! HI, Dad!” ’’Great to i ROYSTERS The sinnual Christmas play will Boneless Pot Roast Beef, he" spread his hands before the have you home, .son.” be presented by the pupils of SL Lower Round Ground, Then they were standing alone SUNN I FIELD - WHOI£ lb...... f. blazing loga -'T v e been making OR either -Hi'.E I Joseph’s school this evening in the Ib, caUs ril afternoon; wanted to get again. A few older travelers, Dauble Green Stamps Given Until 9 'O'Clock EIGHT O'CLOCK COOKED JIAMS * Khocl auditorium starting at 7:30 finished so I could stay at home salesmen, teachers, tourists, slip­ o ’clock. toaight. . . . This fire does feel ped by. Martha gripped the doc­ Tanight! FRESH SHOULDERS lean PC’tA The following will make up the good tor's hsod, "Hugh?” she whisper- program; Christmas Eve; Trials of HOLIDAY BAKERY GOODS BAKED IN OUR OWN BUILDING . . . "How about a glass of wine be- ! ad. ' (No Double Stamps On Tuesday!) 2U’r25‘ PORK CHOPS IE5T CENTEI CUTS A Ik>y, Action Song; What a Mis­ fore we-go to the train 7, I'll get it. A lone redcap came through fortune, Comedy; Heart of Gold, POPULAR Clao haa her hands full with dln- the doorway. Dr. Connelly railed SMOKED SHOULDERS w o. ^ CSiristmas Dolls; Nativity, an FROM THE FINEST INGREDIENTS! aar.” him. "Is everyone off that 9:07?” Operetta; Gems of Polish Sungs. He returned quickly witty two He tried to make his voice calm, MAXWKLL PRICES SUBJECT TO FRANKFORTS RE*3JLAI at SKINUSt Selectmen to Meet glasses. ‘T o a very Merry CThrtst- steady.. HOUSK lb. The selectmen Of the Town of FOOD MARKET Fruit Bread. D^liciinis! Chock Full of Fruit. Round Fruit Cakes— Light or Dark, Cellophane wrapped. COFFEE msA Mrs. Connelly!” "Yes, sir,” came the answer. MARKET CHANGES Vernon will hold their meeting RUBINOW BUILDING MIHCED HAM or B0L06HA ^ 8 evening instead of Tuesday, iHliU 85.5 MAIN STREET each ...... "They was alt In a hurry. Ain’t Squash, Pumpkin, Mince Pies. 25c-35c-50c and 75c ed. Martha smiled up at him. mo­ nobody down there now " The bwause of Christmas eve. “ WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” tioned him to the divan beside her. There will be a special distribu- porter hurried on. 10-I„b. ('loth Bag each ...... ■ Our Usual Variety of Rolls, Raisin. Scotch, Whole Wheat, "Won't It be wonderful, having Dr. Connelly’s arms were around' Sugar 50c All Kinds of Mon of commodities to those re­ Extra Large Si/e I’ ies— On Orders Onl.v, ail three of them home—with us— ceiving Town Aid on Tuesday Pumpernickle, >V'hite, Vienna and Rye Bread. hia wife. She sobbed, pressing her U. S. GRADED PRIME OR CHOICE each ...... ••• for two whole weeks’ They've face down Into his coat. Fancy Quality morning at ten o'clock at the usual been gone so long." She found bU CIGARS fUatribution center . "Hugh! Hugh! They weren't on hand, aqueesed It tight. the train. Something'.^ happened Supper and Party j Damon Temple, Pythian Sisters "It will be great. You’ve-missed to them!” Fruit Cakes49c 1 ' 4-Lb. them, and ao have I. more than i - forget—over? Berlin, Conn., set out from Lsn- CRISCO~SPRY Will be held in the vestry of the 23c-29c-35c 4 lbs...... "You were ee funny, Hugh" caster. Pa., for New York on the FANCY QUALITY 'church this evening starting at ■he smiled at the memory.! "Dm - Lincoln highway Saturday. ORANGES slinks' 2oo!49‘ » seven o’clock. Lean— .Smoked I,ean— — SAUSAGE M O oratlng that gigantic tree for Carr>ing their supplies In a two­ llallan-American Club HAMS, lb...... A m ,C Shoulders, lb. 1 ^ 2 C MEAT, lb...... I O C such a tiny baby. And wanting to wheeled cart bearing the aign The members of the ' Itallan- Grocery Department’s Suggestions For A Happy And A Successful buy him a hobby horse.” “ Can you have a merry Christmaa TANGERINES°^i°2ooz American Ladles Social Club' will The doctor laughed. - "He was while millions of innocent victims M IXED NUTS hold a Christmas party this eve­ Center Cut l O CREAM ' Combination M |F[ pretty amsil for It, But he rode It face famine in Kurope.” the group ning at the club house on Snipsic until ha was 6. and both the twins anld they hoped their walk would Pork Chops, lb. I ^ C CHEESE, lb. .. LOAF, lb...... XOC Christmas Feast . . . Also Wishing You A ll A Merry Christmas! Street, (jift.s will be exchanged lind 25c used It. Good old Dapple Gray, I Inspire .sympathy and aid for JACK FKOS1 MIXED NUTS >19' refreshments will be served. Whatever becamo of that hob'iiy I .starving persona In conquered Elu- CONFECTIONERY Program Tuesday CUBE Mild American .Machine Sliced ^ ' Asparagus, natural green, horse?” I ropean nations. SUGAR EVAP. MIL C I v X Q 100%% HONOR BRAND The Sunday School qt the First NEW CROP J^UTS Nobility English Style “It’s etui In the attic." ! Dr. Smith, who w-as scheduled to WALNUTS Tlbi|7C I A. Lutheran, church will present a STEAKS.'lb. ... O rC CHEESE, lb. , . Hoiled Ham, lb. sS fiS C , "We’ll get it down, put it under 22c Cookies, Sun- 7 0 m FROSTED FOODS, j rejoin the "ptlgrima” today after Armour's LEMONS Doz. 15c . CANS * I •"ill Shorteninf. ?rogram on Tuesday evening at English Walnuts, 25c shine, j-lb. pkg. s S e P V can .. • •...Z , .2 5 c the tree tomorrow night. Jerry dropping out Sunday to preach at Ocean Spray i :30 o’clock at the church. Henry LINK COTTAGE JELLIED St ra worries, 7 0 wxmld get a kick out of that. Bet hla church, aaid the group would Enes will be at the organ. The pn>- large budded, lb. Ritz CracHers, Corn, Golden Bantam, he’s forgotten all ahq^ut It.” Soae on these Christmas Values! SAUSAGE, lb. CHEESE, Ib. ... Whole, p k g .----- A s S collect pledgee for aid and signa­ Pure Lard Lbs. gram will Include recitations, T8c 7c TON(;UF/. lb. . X Y C Our Own Mixed Nuts, pkg...... •* 19c ftoyal Scarlel, Cream Style Martha nodded, her nfind on an­ tures. to peUtions asking the Brit­ 2 15c songs and a pageant. ’’Good Will fancy quality, ^ Raspberries, - 0 2 — No. 2 can, other CSirtottnaa. "Wellfaklp that ish and German' governments to FaiN6' Quail ty Cranberry BUHER SUMtiYEIELOSUMNYEIELO t.L»’ •?!#■40' tit'/’tlt'.'rffSO'DK f•SO'DK U 39' Toward Men”. ’The following will next year—1918. Yob were to Butter Baked Turkey! Brush Turkey With Butter! Then Roast take part; Ronnie Barbero, Fay RIH PORK 7 M c SWISS (';OOKEDt>ORKv| A lb. ___ I-lh. pkg. 2 for 25 c allow' relief ships to pass the ....15e Sliced Peaches, France. Hugh, and Jerry and 1 blockade. Bpldwin Apples 16-qP. bikt. 7$c In Open Pan. Basting With Melted Butter - - It’s Dee-Llclous! Ann Farr, .Bertha M-ay Farr. Rog­ CHOPS, lb. .... I O C CHEESE, lb, .. 31c LOIN, lb...... Brazil Nuts, large, | 7 ^ Peas, small, tender. Royal w-are alone." * er Staiger, Carol Weber, Allen R. & R. plum pkg...... Scarlet. No. 2 can, if* "I’d just as soon forget that one, rresh— Inlcy Sauce HFINTO ' , A2 if? ,8taiger, Gery Staiger, Diann polished, lb...... I # . fc PURE LARD Pudding. 1-lb. can Peas, Green, 2 for ...... too. Never spent aiich a miserable Dowding, Eddie Noak, Barbara OCEAN SPRAY BEIX’S Pecans, Stuart’s — Extra day.” . . . 3ay. if you think I was Italy to Obtain Tangerines. Young, Eugene Staiger, Lorainc R. & R. Fig Pud- ^ 7 ^ pkg. ------I’ eas, Telephony fancy. • . "3 ’-4 doz. 11c NUTLEY OLEO MAICAIINI 3 25* CHERRIES large, soft shell,., O .\sparagus Tips, crazy abouL the hobby horse, how Luetjen, Russell Nienian, Linda CRANHERRY SAUCE SEASONING ding, 1-lb. can . . i b # C Royal Scarlet. ^ 7 - .about tha year you dressed four lulcy—Swaeb—Florida f Sumner, Donald .yuinn, Marlene lb...... I . • A J V Swedish Metals cans CRANBERRY SAUCE ^OaAN ^’RAY' 11* Heinz Plum, Fig, and Date pkg...... 31c No. 2 cans, 2 for A# C.. dqlls for jthe twins? 'TO DEUCHMIS Fleischer, Wilbert IThlman, Robert I 5-Ounce Filberts, large I/T h a t waa fun. Aad they liked Oranges Frey, Elwin ’'Fleischer, ; .lack i Pudding, Fruit Cocktail, Royal Scar- doz. 11c f’DPDJti'S P.-C 11* Jar— 10 size, lb, them—” NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT French, Kenneth Nieman, Jack 2 2 1 c * 25c c a n ...... s® J v BEER AND ALE Rome, Pec."'28—on— Italy haa SUebitz, Lawrence Genovesi, Ed- 7 « let, fancy diced, 21c "But they liked Jerry's air rtfla Crosse & Blackwell Plum * Ruppert’s Ballantine largest'cans ..;.. ______better." arranged to obtain metals and cat­ BELL’S POULTRYLTRY SEJlSpNINGSEAS a 7* Win Stitz, David Lehman, Louis tle from Sweden, and Slovakia In Barbara, Robert Noak, Robert roi.ONI.AI.'8WEET HnXED ORANGE OR LEMON SWANSDOWN Figs, fancy, 8-oz. pkg. and Fig Pudding Pears,: Bartlett, Royal "And that bad year, when you A I n ice ANN.PAGC PINT A A* ' Pl.'^I.AAe 35c Blue Ribbon, Narragan- neaded a now suit, but Jerry got ■newly-signed barter | agreements. HEALTH MARKET U L IV C 9 STUIFID JAt 0 9 PLAIN JAI A O Gerich, Robert Schultz, Herman PEELS with Brandy, can, sett, Wehle, P.O.N., Hamp­ Scarlet,' largest O C FRUIT Schultz, Walter Stutz, Gilbert PICKLES Cluster Raisins, fancy, an electric train instead. That waa It'Vaa announced today. 8-Oonoe Package CAKE FLOUR 10e*"''12c den, and Buckingham. • can ...... A w C foolish. Hugh. But I loved you for Sweden is to stipply\lron. other FANCY NORTHERN Schmeiske, Edward Duell. Dates, Fancy Pitted, Roy­ ■’Seedless, SUHNYFIELD CAKE FLOUR 2 29* Mrs. K. O. Klette will direct the 1-Quart - Cr.»nberry Sauce, metsla and some machinery in ex­ pageant assisted by Gertrude Pro- 1 a-oz, pkg, , , •,, "Jetty had hla heart set oa that change for flowers, vegetables, CAKE J a r - for al Scarlet, 8-oz. 7 7 ^ 18c CHEESE AND BUTTER Royal Scarlet, ’ ^ A&P SQUASH 3^^st25* UOHT OR DARK kop and Doris!Gcbler. The soloists package, 2 pkgs. A # V train. I got along all right with dried fruit and gloves. From Slo­ will be Florence Preuss and Myrtle' 2 0 c 2 can^ my old MIL" the doctor defended. vakia, Italy Is to rscelve ca'tUe and * L b ...... 29e Brendel. The cast includes the fol­ Dates, Unpitted, 7 0 # » PICKLES AND OLIVES Old Snappy "And will you ever forget how de­ barley—used as a coffee subatitute YUKON eiNOER ALE 4^L^i29* — mmitmT— Sweet Gerkins, Cheese, Ib. . . . flated wa felt when I tried to play TURKEYS C l n ilD 24H LI COC l-B C O e 2 L b a .------lowing; Donald Lehrmitt, Vernon STUFFED - In exchange for fresh foods, wine 24-oz. pkg...... Poultry Seasoning, r L U U n famiiy iag 0 0 fastpy iag 0 9 Klette, Raymond Fleischer, Wil- CURRANTS JUICE After Dinner Mintg, Rich­ Royal Scarlet, Sage Cheese, Santa Claus and Jerry piped up and machinery. FANCY ROASTING * Lba...... i$1.39 V SUN PUKE! NO. 2 CAN with: ’That's not Santa Claus burt Luetjen, Herman Weber, Wil­ OLIVES ardson’s, stuffed 1 12-oz, j a r ----- fancy, Ib...... pkg...... V C iam Nieman, Dorothy Rauschen- Stale Bread for T That’a njy Dad. He smalla like A&P FRUIT COCKTAIL o. cam 10* back, Irene Fleischer, Eleanor 1 -Ounce and plain, pkg. . . . I w V Silver Lane Pickles, Sweet Mild Cheese, ether.* Starke, Mildred Stutz, Dorothy for Hard and Filled, Assorted Mixed, ^ C — fancy, lb. .. Stuffing, 2 loaves. I w G "We’ve had a wrorld of happt- ^ ealher Fai or§ SALAD DRESSINB ANN PAG! OT JAk 25* ‘ Luetjen, Shirley Blair, Nonia Neu- Jar— 1 0 c 1 0 * pkg- Eggs, local, strictly fresh,- naos, Martha, in good times, and POOND CAKE Flavors Candy, ^ quart ja r...... Swiss Cheese, bad. Now tomorrow-,Say,' did pert, Alice Wormstedt, Janet Klot- large medium, !• Of CAMC 21* er, Mildred Duell, Jeane Barbero, 1-Ib. b o x ...... l l r C Dili Pickles, ^ Best Domestic, Ib.' 35c that trea come yet?” Flying Santa CHICKENS RAISINS 15* 2’*«i 11* dozen Norma French. Seedless Grapefruit FRESH CHESTNUTS Caramels, Tootsie, ^ f t — quart j a r ...... I O C Muenster Cheese, T

S * A Y ▲ V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1940 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28,1940 F O U B T E e if PAGE Firemen Enjoy" Comedy Hit RealProblem Fire Destroys New Uplift in Corsets Pinehufst G rocery Xmas Banquet Poultry Plant PA-S Drub SL tUs to Boost Leenl in State League^ 49-3 In c. For One Backstage Man Seen in Trade Circles Phone Service Until 8:30 Tonight! DosenB o f Turkeys «bd .North End Department Beaton. Doc. 1>.- •"Ufe wlth'^theoty wa» advancad that nobody Wnmon I lkolv IW dti^nd buying Dial 4151 > In the audience wa# going to know women Ukely lo »P«»*** , bathing aulU and pUysulta. That i Fnrtt Baskets Fat her,” -the comedy hit which be­ Chickens Lost; Dam* - - I . . 5 ------. . . „ Feller Chosen As the-“Player of the Year” Boston College Bowl Team With. Special Guests, "Whether father wa# reading Thif More o f H u s b a n d s ’ I what I usuany model. gins Its 13Ui week In Boston today New York Times The Btddeford age Set at S4D,000. Saverick, Kose Lead FI.I.EN IMJRB Holds Annual Event. the Hub's modem record la 18 .lournal, or whether It wa# #n 1880 Sweet Cider. SWKr.'S PK KI.EII FBCITS ‘War Industry Pay on ! "Oh, no Indeedy. that's not what weeks may be a lot of fun to copy or a 1940 edition. East Hartford, Dec. 23—(/I5— c J .1 1ST !l mean. I mean modeling them Is ’39 Outfit—Plus Plenty Salted M i*H Nuts. Kndnta Figs ...... audience#, but here's one back­ "Maybe so,” Grogan interjected, The annual, dinner of the Man- Fire of undetermined origin laat Foundations Now. I ^,,0^ a girt olwaya ought te Rapid Robert White (irapes .. .2 lbs. 29c tJnipefruU ...... stage «nan to whom It'# ju»t a five- "but a far-«lghted person In the All fiose Bowl Needs Now Amerks Amaze Way to 4th StraigI P oach es...... '*e .Jar lac cheater Are department waa held wear a corset. It makes her Tangerines ...... dor. 15c hour nightmare. front row certainly could read the Alght deatrqycd the plant of Tha aypthlUw—you know, symmetry, V r-'-fi.r. V -.Ji,'* . , i. A p ricots...... 1 5 c at headquartera, Mgln and Hilliard New York, Dec. 23— —A naw Juice Oranges He'# Frank Grogan, the proper- ' title of the paper—and the gen­ Connectlcut-Farmera' Cooperative grace. And they hold up your Captured All ijC H ‘ ’ Oranges In OrenaUlne. atreeta laat night. Turkey and all ty man, and he say# he ha# 251 ' eral makeup certainly la different Auction Asaoclation, laegeat egg uplift tn corsets from the rearma­ Is Couple of Grid Teams Hockey World 2 doz 25c and 22c doz. Satsunia P lu m s...... jar 45o atocklngK.” Score Five Hoop* Item# to check before every per­ today from what It wait' 60 years and poultry dealera in Connecttctit, ment program waa forecast In I — ^ I Bux S core || rrom Tea liarilen . . . the Most the aide dlahea wgre aerved by the Here the Interview la Interrupt­ Seedless Grapefruit formance. These, he add# wryly, , together with dbzena of turkeya trade circles today. Afi Champs Rei Uellclops Community Lunch at 6 o’clock. In :sgo. ed with a snort by a lady mans Mound Honors Pasadenarcaltf., Dec. 38.—(/PI— > mediate service, rest assured. They .5 fo r 25fe have only one meaning for him— i Now, in the case of the Lewi# A and chickena ahd 324,000- e g n . Women In industrial centara, It ger pointing out a group which Lowly New York Six -Manchester P.A.’s . Sweet Pickled Watermelon addition to membera of both com- they represent 251 ojipertunltles The lo#a waa estimated at 140,000. Just as a Monday morning, or could be sent around to various P Name B F T Undefeated; Ahead Nevin's Grapefruit , Conger billhead, 1 agree there wuraald.-were likely to spend more haa not yet seen 921V. football luncheons badly In need of Ties and Beats Maple ^9c and 55c Jar patvles. chiefs of the South Man­ for something to go wrong. ! Isn’t much chance anyone could Spark# from the egg and poul­ •cf their husbands' "war industrlea” From her welter o f remark# alack day, observation, it would 3 J. Bycholski, rf .... 2 2-2 6 4 for 29c 2 for 27c chester, Rockville. South Windsor They range from an-j 880 copy try auction building on Fofbea Clevelanil Star Wins color, or Rose Bowl festivals 0 Opalach, rf ...... 0 2-2 2 To 2 0 at Half; Glriul 5tIM K MK.\T tell the difference even with opera pay on their foundations and the arises the assertion that every­ appear that the main thing miss­ searching for some kind of "prop," I.oafs in Two Games. McIntosh Apples, departments, officca of the F.lghth of-The New York Tlmea down to a glasses -but that Isn’t the point. street set fire to the sanitary pa­ Sports Writers’ Recog* ; - i - i 0 Saverick, I f ...... 5 3-4 13 Ten Garden ...... 41c per mill to the east but this was corset manufacturers iKrere antici­ body Is too busy for Idle chltter- ing about the Rose Bowl picture such as the movie studios use, as Beaten, 21*3; Face St.| Baldwin .Apples. School and Utllitlea District and genuine Lewis A Conger store bill­ pating a bigger and better demand 2 Haraburda, If 1 2-3 4 t rosHC * llliu kwell, |ar TOc and foremen from the South Manches­ Should Have Things Right. quickly put out. chatter. at the moment is a couple of foot­ living proof that a game la going head of the same period, and a for smaller afid Improved figures. Foreeeea Happy New Year. nition for Stellar By The Associated Press 2 Kose, c ...... r. .. 5 2-3 12 Stans Wednesday. 55c. ter ftec departments were present. "You should have things as I,ass Covered by Intarance. ball teams— Nebraska and Stan­ to be held tn the Rose Bowl Jan. 1. 0 Kurlowitz, c ...... 0 0-0 0 cigar whose end has been out off) There Is practically a nlght-be- But the president of the com­ There's nothing to write about Im ported Sliced S w iss Krlend’s ...... can 29c Rev. Frederick tTark, of St. right as you possibly can when plillip J. Wadham#, auction Work o f Past Season. ford by name. Then each afternoon at 3:30, the 2 Obuchowski, g ...... 1 2-2 4 CYits Cigar End Ouefiilly fore-Chrlstmaa atmosphere In pany ha# time to talk. H# In the Natoinal Hockey League Manchester's Pollsh-AmerieMS)] Brldgefa church waa also among Take the cigar, for Instance. you. lake that sort o f pains, you manager, said the Io«a was covered Here it is Christmas week, with two boya could go on display at 4 B. Bycholski, Ig .... 4 0-0 8 C heese. llelnr, and None-Such. optnea that the coraet Induatiy Cdam the guests. . Grogan carefully cuts off the end can be sure you'll have a top- by insurance. Fifth avenue ateliers as next sum­ New Year’s Day a bare 10 days the ticket office outside the sta­ today except the New York moved into comtnandlng leadMsI Baby (Joudii or PI.PM PirnUIMi (Kig) - mer's creations strike the public can well look forward to a happy New York, Dec. 33—(Al —Rapid American.!. The First Speaker beforehand so that It can be lit notch t)roduction, but the minute Louis Nixon, a fireman, slipped pbert Feller, who awept all the away, the big bowl over In the dium, Just to lend assurance that 13 ToUls ...... 18 13-16 49 ship of the SUte Polish Leagusl C heese. B. H B. or Crosse * Blackwell's. eye. new year. 'arroyo seco, or'deep gulch, has The "Amazing Amerks'.’- have Mark Holmes was the toastmas­ with a single draw from a single you start thinking that 'It doesn't while handling a hose nozzle and Itching honor# in the American all those 90,000 seats weren't sold Hartford St. Cyrils yesterday afternoon with on Im* This Is the time of year when the • "Thla year,” he »ay«, "we long since been sold out, the stage left the fans gasping more than Sage Cheese. ter and after the dinner he first match. The play has been .so direct­ matter and the audience will nev­ was hospitalized temporarily. 'agile last season, has been for run or last year's game be­ P .Name b p T The fire waa discovered by corset crop Is forecast. coming out with a line of lu*l Is all set—but there aren't any once by their feats of winning presslve 49 to 39 triumph over the called upon Rev. Clark, who waa ed that "father, played by Louis er know the difference,' then you elected by the New York baseball tween U. a. C. and Tennessee. 4 Ho'ward, r f ...... 4 1-1 9 Hartford St. Cyrils in the GrotflB I Calhem, must light his stogie dur­ begin to he satisfied with sloppy George Shreck, Manchester motor­ So here la the softly garments, priced up to .325, football teams In town. On second thought, perhaps games they were expected to lose, ■rfce Eagles bscidleid: MaznIckI, nolovsk, O’Rourke and Toezylow- ; 0 WoznlSk, I f ...... 3 1-1 7 unable to remain for the entire on account of the war, you aae, writers for thefr annual award to street gym In Hartford. It wai ' program. Father Clark expressed ing one short speech. work. ' ist. who sounded an alarm. lighted salon again, the mir­ It might be noted, too, that they’d best be stationed up in the but its doubtful whether they've ski. 1 3 Diachenko, If ...... 4 2-4 10 fourth straight victory for Uu IH m u The flames leaped high In the rors, glass tables, the polIy, with more money -In circulation the "player of the ytar." patrons of the Rose Bowl are .get­ ever outdone their latcgt stunt, I 1 Bores, • c ...... 3 his plra.,urc at being present and If he doesn’t light It then, he "Tlic next thing you're saying He'll get a fancy plaque at the business district somewhere In­ 1-5 7 fending champion# and the sec* i |. ' fO H T H i i sky attracting hundreds to the jolly bu.vers and the five— count and women able to buy better gar­ ting a tittle impatient about the which lifted them from the league , 2 Magora, r g ...... 0 fO ITTH f ^ I told of his early experience in a probably won't- get another chance •Oh. well, anything will do,' and Chapter's big banquet February stead of at the ticket office, be­ AP Featorw Bervlea 4-5 4 ond defeat pinned on the Salats ■scene. 'em—five live models wearing ments. At the higher prices, we matter, and yearning for the sight cause no one ever visits that par­ cellar into a fifth-place tie with ski, whose seythe-Uke blocking at i 3 Rawski, Ig ...... 1 0-2 volunteer fire department, whlrh for a long lime, -and the unlit cigar the minute you do that, the audl- 3 at the name time that another 2 inis •eason. The local array i smiles gold slippers and the latest can make them lighter an«t with oY a real, live grid hero. ticular spot any more except the their generally haughty towns- "... A stout defense, one o f the quarterback Is matched by hts F o a jt he aald. waa aeverat yeara back will bother not bply him but the enee does notire Ihe dtfferenoe flreballer, old Bob Quinn, president found ^e goin gtough and lost I models of what milady’s form will more control than ever before." ' Now If a a r k Shaughnessy, or mailman. ^ men, the Rangers, .jnsldi a week. “ «tU ck which sharpness in - diagnosing enemy 13 Totals 15 9-18 39 when lie had a heatl of bright red audlent-e as vx-cll. jiml starts picking the production o f the Boston Beea, get# an award the preliminary by 21-3.- ' I V*r rMfSf m u Y t If. on the qlher\hand, father to pieces." be next year. And also, for the first time In BUI Jones from their training Since that day two weeks ago. in their last ;m ) OMAOM them. She chants; "Number 92IV, fieaaon than any other pitcher in headgear, and jersey and can walk place where graduate manager Al­ league. Georgs Kerr, end Gene Goodreault back In three starts in bowini; to Wm •my Iho liose of another company on mood goes limp ns a resulf.\ i Ci-'inpanies of "Life With Father' Hartford STRAWBEUKIES "And Hint’s why such a trivial i F,I Centro. Calif., Dec. 25 - worn two Inches above the natural Firemen Rescue the major leagues—27 victories like an athlete. It -might relieve fred Masters can answer the tele­ Afte^beatlng out the Red There isn't a lot to add In pic­ and four guya who almost match Girl* Bristol, 31-23, leaving only one. Q wucH otATt juta m the other aide of Ihe bam. Tills are playing—to check up on his turing this year's club, Tennessee’s P Name B detail liecomcs important t\ the ! The heroine of "My Sister Eileen," waistline. $20. Note the Inset back against 11 defeats for the CTIcve- the situation. phone and say there aren't any Wlng5/ 3-2 In and then them and you have a bearcat of a F T team besides the America unbeat* i BUJEHEUHIES U tL op oW oM i'a U caioa M fav happened two or three times and casts' pilrformances and prevent 0 Kiezuk, If ...... land Indiana. These boys could be put Into im- more tickets. them l - l 7' the Americana foe In the Sugar Bowl on Janu­ football team. That's Boston Col­ ----- 7 1-1 15 en in the circuit. New BriUin, lost' M c«D wvwe 9 As m he was getting pretty angry when peace of the comedy." explained a novel soon to become a Broadway preventing wrinkle#.” Ten at Bridgeport the drcailed "long-run sag'-’ from He opened the aea/mn with the ary 1. except— lege 1940. 4 Mandzik, rt .... ___ 1 0-0 2 year’s runnera-up. opened iU cam­ ho« M a aaaosr s*^ AoaH. tMiaioA MiN m >S*.*9Hno Om ^ Informed by the chief to keep his Grogan. pla.v. Is (lead-xlctlm of an mito- tupfied on Tororito’a league lead- S S ^ BkANS .. (to 08.) making any inroails. The buyers glower and several This t'eam has everything the 2 Waskie, c ...... ___ 0 0-0 0 luk« •• m *!•« bM. SlewH •** Mfsa wlatsr*. *«lnUf head down as the firemen on the Veteran Frop .Man mobile which climaxed a hunting make notes. 'ITicy are making only no-hlt, no-run game In the over the past week-end. They It's an outfit with spirit equal paign with a narrow 84-30 vlctoiy h o g (•aat^nrir Cook cl*sr. WVm « soI 98 pM-ksksd tnM. In New York, the show, which American League. He had the low­ 1939 outfit had, plus one full to Its physical power. 0 Kyc, c ...... ___ 2 0-1 4 over TerryMIle. In ther gmme£ RASPBERRIES . . no Of-) My «H4* mar.aDv* »#r.aDM *sef *lsw S M * other aitle mistook ^Is red head In his mid-forties, Grogan, a expedition to Mexico. giieaaes, worth thouaanila of dol­ Bridgeport, Dec. 23.—(Ah—Fire­ alned a 2-2 draw on the Leafs' 0 Toftl, lb ...... m>B «*hr >aS tHaoft hn.sed on the late Clarence, est earned run average 2.62, the year’s experience as an unbeaten, One Big Example ___ 0 0-0 0 Thompsonville bested Middletown b«