response in this issue response is the official magazine of United Methodist Women. Its think goals are to educate for mission, to 3 | From the Editor interpret the Purpose of United Tara Barnes Methodist Women and to strength 4 | Message From the President: enthe organization. The Importance of United Methodist Women March 2017, Volume 49, No. 3 Shannon Priddy EDITOR: 5 | Responsively Yours: Tara Barnes Pray, Serve, Advocate, Give feature MANAGING EDITOR: Harriett Jane Olson 30 | Transforming Through Julia Chance 6 | How To Use This Issue Eduction Denise Nurse SPANISH EDITOR: Julia Chance Nilda Ferrari 6 | the r list KOREAN EDITOR: listen Yun Nam (Kate) Kang learn 36 | Leading Into the Next 150 Years SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Michelle Bearden Paul Jeffrey 8 | Bright Hope for Tomorrow 42 | MAGAZINE DESIGNER: Barbara E. Campbell Tanya Krawciw 43 | Un Llamado a Ser Comunidad KOREAN PAGE DESIGNER: live Kevin S. Kang 13 | 140 Years of Mission in Georgia response (ISSN0034-5725) Sandra Stewart Kruger act Published monthly (bimonthly July-August) 44 | Day of Giving by United Methodist Women, 475 Riverside 16 | Continuing the Legacy Drive #1501, New York, NY 10115. ❏ Pe Beryl Goldberg r i o dicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and pypray other mailing offices. The response magazine 18 | Moral Mondays subscription price in the United States and pos- Richard Lord 46 | To Find Eternity sessions (payable in advance): $24 a year. Sin gle copy: $2.75, call 1-800-305-9857. Special Emma Dickinson two-year rate: $45. All other countries: $30. give Audio subscriptions are $24 a year. POST- MASTER: Send address changes to response 22 | Building Peace Between Japan at
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