Tlie Mutual Koyal Insurance Co
ax x (I 1 ltblihl Jul? a, 1859. VOL,. XVIII. ISO. 3 MS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FRIDAY, AUGUST I. 189.5. PltlCK 5 CENTS. vomeral ClPurntsrrncnit,. (Dcnmil lHwrtisniinite. Opffial rCcttffj. Cot;rr j. Pacific Comniercial Advertiser ..... e"urf rtt,'J;. A N IS rCSLISHKI OCEANIC J. M. DAVIDSON, HAWAII Hardware, Builders and General, livery Morning Except SandAye, nlwnyM STEAMSHIP CO Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. c up to tho tlino In quality, styles and pricon Abstract iiii'i Till BT THi a it: Ik COMPANY, sz Plantation Supplies, HAWAIIAN GAZETTE OlF.ce 3 Merchant 8tret, o h full asortmont to suit tho various lemml . At No. 8 SfrlM LEWEKS & COOKE, o Steel Plows, " v T W -'-- . a Dtckion) T y4 vv MONOLni.lJ. II. I Australian Mail Service. jHucoe.nor. lo Lwor ft mailo expressly for Lslanil work with part- - BUIWCUHTION 11ATK8I LU txlr:t Importer nul ller In LinubT Cultivator's Cane Knives. Received by late Steamers. Diar Tactic Cojcxkrcial Adtbti8b Ar.l all KtoJi of Knllulrd MtrlU. K. M. lltfh rrrwidor.t COTTON CHAPE! Brown Vlf-J,'i- il fit (6 PAGK3? No.-- J rfil tor. T STltKKT, Ilenolnlu. Agricultural Implements, Of New Patterns; also, W. 11. Caatio For San Francisco: o o F. Brown, 00 Shovel cto J. Ter year, with "Golde. premlam-- 6 II. "co Hoe, Forks, Mattocks, ptc, GENT'S READY-MAD- E W. K. f I r i rv i oa L' .1.!., V. STONE. Frer rine-v- cit-auis- o bU iqb .ew ana i Per month ciefi ! 1 Crape Shirts and Snits Per year, poet paid Foreign........
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