a PofMMt of D. S. Woother Bamon, 6,048 Pm Ot cloady and o«Mer toolglit; Member of the Aoffit Taeodoy fair. Borera ot CIrealatiaao MANCHESTER ~ A OTY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL.LVn.,NO.109 (daaallled AdvertMag oa Pago 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Casualty in Columbus’ Bloodiest Gun Battle HARVEY FIRESTONE, LEAHY AVERS NAVY INDUSTRIAL CHIEF. '* ' "31 T O S S ' S ^ WILL DEFEND NATION lEAD AT AGE OF 69 WITHOUT ALLIANCES End Comes Unexpectedly A1-. BRITISH HOUSE thongh Robber Magnate CHEERS THREAT Further Army Purge Has No Understanding On Had Been In Poor Health; Assistance To Be Gven ' His Interesting Career. TO SINK SUBS Is Seen In the Reich Or Received, And No Miami Beach. Fla.. Feb. 7.— (AP) Eden Says Any Snbmerged Berlin, Feb. 7—(A P )—High "S.: Der Fuehrer left for his mountain Thonght Of It, Admiral S." (Guard Troopal sources express- —Harvey S. Firestone, head of the retreat by special train Saturday World-Wide rubber intereata bearing Torpedo Boat Will Be At- ed the belief today that the army night after hla Cabinet approved his Decla(jes; No Talk Of Aid. shakeup Friday which ousted a drastic governmental reorganisa- hla name, died early today at his number of conservative generals for tion. Joachim von Rlbbentrop, per- mansion on the ocean shore here. tacked; Britain To Retafi- ardent Nazis was not yet over. sonal envoy of Hitler who became The gray-haired industrialist, who Chancellor Adolf Hitler’s depar- foreign mlnlater, and Frans von Washington, Feb. 7.— (AP) was 69 years old, had suffered Inter- ture for Berchtesgaden, bis Bavar- Papen, recalled aa ambassador to Admiral William D. L u h y, mittently from poor health In recent ate For Any Air Bombings ian mountain retreat, outwardly Austria, were said to be with him. years but his death was unexpect- marked the end of the political Some quarters believed he would chief of naval operationr, toM ed. c’ orm that centralized full control defy France and Britain and launch the House Naval committee to> Shocked attendants at hla huge London. Feb. 7.— (A P )—Foreign of Germany’s armed forces and for- Germany on a series of conquests day that the Navy expects to estate closed the iron gates and the Secretary Anthony Eden told a eign office In hla hands. rivaling those of Italy in Africa and solve its defense problems family retired to strict privacy. A u However, a story was circulating Japan in Asia. Others saw the son. Russell A. Firestone, made cheering House of Commons today among the higher ranks of Hitler’s shakeup which gave him further 'without alliances” and has no known his father’s death in the fol- that British warships would attack blackshlrted lifeguards that "there power aa the first step toward aban- foreign commitments.” lowing statement on which no am- any submerged submarine in the are many more on Der Fuehrer’s donment of the Rome-Berlln Axis in Asserting he wished to clear / pllflcatlon was forUiMmlng: western Mediterranean and "retail- list whose days in the army are favor of reconciliation of France up any misunderstanding that . "Harvey S. Firestone passed ate" against any further Spanish counted." and Britain. away in his sleep early this morn- Insurgent airplane aaaaults on Brit- The lifeguard sources termed the Official quarters warned against may have arisen from his pre» ing at his home here. The funeral ish ships. discharge from duly of 13 high assuming that "anything sensation- vious assertions, the Navy's will be held in Akron later this Eden did not disclose the new Carl Boettcher, bank robber suspect, is shown after he was dragged, critically wounded, from a Columbus, O., officlala a. move to cleanse tbe mili- al’’ was being planned. highest ranking officer said: ' week.” "anti-piracy’’ measures in detail, but rooming house, after a bloody gunflght. One detective was killed and two others wounded in the battle, de- tary forces of reacUonariee. (In London, sources close to the Mr. Firestone bad taken an auto- said that (Jenerallssimo Francisco scribed by police as one of Columbus’ bloodiest One o f Boettcher’s compainons was killed in the battle. “The Navy has no^ though^ With Field Marshal General Her- British government expressed fears mobile ride yesterday afternoon Franco, the Insurgent leader, had that promotion of Von Rlbbentrop, of obtaining assistance from mann Wilhelm Goerlng at the beim, with Mrs. M. E. Ake, a niece, and been informed that Britain’s pa- any further changes were expected ambassador to London, as foreign any other nation. It has no apparently was in good health at tience "now has been exhausted" by minister might wreck any chances thought of giving assistance in sinkings of British ships. to be made quietly. It waa not be- that time. lieved, however, that they would be of a BrlUsh-Oerman understanding. %fter dinner, however, he com- The government, he said, "could the solution of the problems of not continue to deal with these at- UTIUTIES COMPANIES FILE GUERRILLA WAR forthcoming before the Reichstag They ware inclined to regard Von any other nation. ; plained of indigestion and a doctor meeting Feb. 30. Rlbbentrop os antl-Britiab. was called. tacks solely by protests and claims "It has no foreign commit* for compensation." A t Berchtesgaden, Hitler planned (Experts conferred at the British Had Severe Cold He added that the United States, HOLDS UP JAP hU next move as dlplomaUc quar- fo ^ g n office to consider tha pos- ments. Dr. Andrew S. Robinson of Akron BRIEF IN HIGHEST COURT ters speculated on what It would be. sible effect on the world ettuatlon Germany and Portugal, in addition "There are no understand* •' came here last montj to treat Mr. to the ten powers subscribing to the He was expected to announce it at of HItler’a consolidation of Nazi ings regarding assistance to be FIreatone for a severe cold but the Nyon "anti-piracy" accord of last U.e Reichstag session. power.) patient had improved to such an ex- September, had been Informed of ATTAffi PLANS given, or received. tent that the pbyaiclan returned to measures taken to strengthen the Electric Bond & Share With "There has been no talk of Ohio a few days ago. Nyon patrol since last week’s sink- giving, or receiving, asriat* Mr. Firestone was borrt on a farm ings of the British freighters Endy- LATE NEWS near Columbiana, Ohio, in 1868. mlon and Alcira. 26 Snhsidiaries Begins Chinese Operate Gose To REICH CLERGYMAN GUARD AHACKED ance.” Even as a boy hla business ability Outlines Policy started Specalaiioa waa pronounced and his parenta en- Eden outlined the new anti-sub- Arguments To Test Le- Captured Gties; Chiang Leahy'a refusal last week to dt*; couraged hia desire for a commer- marine policy, to which France and FLASHES! BYFRANKPALKA close publicly tbe nature of discuo- cial career. After graduating from Italy have agreed, aa: “If from GOES ON TRIAL olona Captain Robert IngeraoU, head ^ High school and business ho BOW onward a submarine ia detact- gality Of Holdrag Co. AcL Has Year’s Monitions De- of the Navy war plana dlvlskMia M JOfameiged in the xone dtJOie PROBE SOBNB SHIFTS had recently with the Britiah Ad- In Columbus In the coal business of weetem MedKeiraneaa x x x it will Watefbnry. Feb. 7— (A P )—bives- mirSRy had brought speculatieti la be considered as contemplating an John W. Taft. Washington, Feb. 7.— (A P )—The gatlon of Watorbury's niunlclpiil spHe Bombing Of Roads. Public And Press Barred Warden At Wethersfield Re- COngreealonal circles aa to a poa- Succesalvely be was bookkeeper, attack on merchant shipping. finances centered In Hartford today, slble understanding with Britain. "His Majesty’s government will Electric Bond and Share Company salesman and sales manager. It where the staff of State’s Atty. Loaby’s categorical denial of say was while demonstrating a rubber^ not tolerate submarines being sub- and 26 subsidiaries told the Supreme From Hearag; Prayer For veals The Convicted Sby- merged in this zone. Orders ac- Hugh M. Alcorn launched the seo- Shanghai, Feb. 7.— (AP) —Swift, commitment to any fo r e i^ nation tired buggy in Detroit that young Cqurt today that a brief filed by the »t®P of their official probe, fierce surprise attacks by Chinese was given In tesUraony on legiWa Firestone foresaw the vast possibil- cordingly have been given to Hla government In defense of the 1936 Although members of the Invpstl- guerrilla.-) scattered throughout the Him Offered In Churches. er Fignred In Assaults. tion to authorise a 33(XI,000,000 ities In rubber tins. Act regulating public utility holding naval expansion program. (Continued on Page Eight) gating staff had been expected In Japanese-occupied territory sur- He entered the business for him- companies was evasive and mislead- tlaterbory today, none appeared, Leahy told the committee tha self In Chicago. With an Invest rounding Shanghai are delaying the ing. and It was reported In Hartford that Hartford, Feb. 7.-i-(AP)—Alex- ’imost urgont improvement’’ needed ment of leas them 315,000 he devel' Japanese offensive against (Sliha’a Berlin, Feb. 7— (AP) — The mfll- Preparatory to arguments late records Impounded Saturday by ander K. Hartilng, 80, guard at is the nation’s air defense was aa opcsi the business and In a few yean today, or tomorrow, on validity of ’’lifeline’’ zone north of here. They tant Rev. Martin NIemoeller, World increase In naval patrol pianos and sold out for 31.364.000. HURLEY CHARGES County Detective Edward J. Hickey Wethersfield state prison, who has the leRlsIation, the.
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