Weekly E-Letter March 25, 2016

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Weekly E-Letter March 25, 2016 Weekly E-Letter March 25, 2016 Centennial Honors College WIU Mock Trial Team Interest Meeting Monday, April 4 (by Kimberly Rice) The WIU Mock Trial team is seeking 15 talented, competitive, and driven team members for the 2016-2017 season. The Western Illinois University Mock Trial team competes within the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) national organization. Each year a fictitious case is released and students prepare both sides of the case including opening and closing arguments, direct and cross examinations, and witness testimo- ny. Mock trial is an excellent experience for students from all majors and is especially beneficial for those students planning on going to law school. The 2016-2017 season will be the fourth year for WIU Mock Trial. The team has won at least one award every season since its inception and is now seeking new team members. There will be an interest meet- ing on Monday, April 4th at 3:00 p.m. in Morgan 316 and interested stu- dents can email advisor and coach, Dr. Kimberly Rice at kj- [email protected] with any questions. Mock Trial Award Winner: Honors student Maddie Olejnik won an “Outstanding Witness Award” in 2015 as part of the WIU Mock Trial Team (photo courtesy of Kim Rice). Undergraduate Research Day is April 20, Abstracts for URD are Due April 5 Abstracts are now being accepted for the 2016 Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day, which will be held on Wednesday, April 20 in the University Union. The event will showcase undergraduate projects in the form of posters, podium presentations, and performances. Performances will take place between 9am and 11 am in the Brattain Lounge. Poster presentations will take place between 11am and 1:30pm in the Grand Ballroom. Podium presentations will take place between 1pm and 3pm in various rooms in the Union. Ab- stracts are due on April 5, and submission information can be found here: http://wiu.edu/ centennial_honors_college/research_day/researchday.php . Study Abroad Feature of the Week: Intern and Volunteer Abroad! (by Katherine Effertz) Are you interested in going abroad, but want to do more than just take classes? Did you know that WIU students may participate in internship or volunteer programs abroad? There is a huge variety of opportunities available to do this, and our advisors in the Office of Study Abroad and Outreach would be happy to help you find the experience that is best for you! Some common internship and volunteering programs abroad are offered through the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS), Bar- celona Study Abroad Experience (Barcelona SAE), International Studies Abroad’s (ISA) ELAP program, and GlobaLinks Learning Abroad. In addition to these, students are welcome to independently explore any other options they find, and then coordinate with the Office of Study Abroad and Outreach to participate in their program of choice. Completing an internship or volunteer experience abroad is an excellent way to en- hance your academic program with hands-on, international experience! If you are interested in learning more about interning or volunteering abroad, or about any of WIU’s other study abroad opportunities in more than 50 countries, please contact the Office of Study Abroad and Out- reach at (309) 298-2504, visit our website at www.wiu.edu/studyabroad, like our Facebook page: Western Illinois University Study Abroad, or follow us on Twitter: @wiustudyabroad. Nominations for Honors Faculty Awards of Excellence Due April 1! Did you have a great experience in an Honors class and want to take more classes from that faculty mem- ber? Is your honors thesis advisor a wonderful mentor who has made a difference in your academic career at WIU? If so, you should nominate them for the Centennial Honors College Faculty Award of Excellence in Teaching/Mentoring. Nomination forms are due April 1, and the forms can be found here: https:// docs.google.com/forms/d/1dVPWtqkGiIEIkAp1UPkvmIZKGjnmd71Z6LJIXVjnqAI/viewform . Student Honors Association Elections March 31 (by Michele Aurand) The Student Honors Association will hold elections for the 2016-2017 executive board at our March 31st meet- ing at 6pm in Malpass 180. Positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Service Chair, Pub- lic Relations Chair, and SGA Representative. If you have been wanting to get involved, this is your chance. Questions can be directed to SHA Advisor, Michele Aurand at [email protected] . Peer Career Advisor Applications Due April 8 The Career Development Center (CDC) is now accepting applications for 2016-2017 Peer Career Advisors. These are student volunteers who gain professional experience and training to help students with resume writ- ing and mock interviews. Interested students should contact Amy Yang at [email protected]. Applications are due April 8. Prairie Lands Environmental Summit Wednesday, March 30 The Illinois Institute of Rural Affairs, in cooperation with the WIU Sustainability Committee and LASGO, will hold the 2016 Prairie Lands Environmental Summit next Wednesday, March 30 from 10am until 2pm in the Sandburg Theatre of the University Union. Topics will include local foods, health, and native bees! Mystery Photo of the Week Only one E-Letter reader guessed the location of the tea set shown in last week’s mystery photo (below and left). Ashley Ryan cor- rectly responded that I found the tea set in Horrabin Hall. To be more specific, the tea set is on display across the hall from the Study Abroad Office (Horrabin Room 8). This week’s mystery photo>>>: Where on the Macomb campus did I see this series of W-marked benches? Movies Movies Movies The movies currently playing at the Rialto are: “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2,” “10 Cloverfield Lane,” “Divergent Series: Allegiant,” “Miracles from Heaven,” and “Zootopia.” For showtimes, go to http://www.earlann.net/rialtocinemas.html or call (309) 833-2900. Ya’s Sudoku: 2 3 1 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 Old Puzzle New Puzzle 3 2 4 1 1 4 3 2 1 2 .
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