John Zaller WHAT NATURE AND ORIGINS LEAVES OUT ABSTRACT: The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion synthesizes leading studies of public opinion from the late 1980s in a top-down model of opinion formation and change. The core feature of this synthesis, the Receive-Accept- Sample (RAS) model, remains sound, but the book overstates the importance of the form of public opinion that it explains*elite-induced survey statements of issue positions*and understates the force of opinions that elites cannot easily shape and that citizens may not be able to articulate in response to survey prompts. Moreover, there are major problems in the book’s Parable of Purple Land. What, then, becomes of the top-down view of elite-mass interaction outlined in Nature and Origins? To answer this question, I begin by characterizing the kinds of opinions Nature and Origins leaves out: Converse’s ‘‘group interest’’ voters, ‘‘nature of the times’’ voters, and issue publics. I then add a model of political parties as policy-motivated organizers of Converse’s voter types. The upshot is an account of elite/mass interactions that is still largely top-down and that has roles for both the elite-led attitudes that the RAS model explains and the less conventional and harder-to-shape attitudes that it overlooks. John Zaller,
[email protected], Department of Political Science, University of California at Los Angeles, 4289 Bunche Hall, Box 951472, Los Angeles, CA 90095. I am grateful to the contributors to this volume*Larry Bartels, Stanley Feldman, Paul Goren, Jennifer Hochschild, Downloaded by [University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)] at 08:44 09 July 2013 Leonie Huddy, Cindy Kam, and George Marcus*for essays that helped me and I am sure helped others to better understand my 1992 book.