5393_W01.R3.1_Maidenhead 01/02/05 18:38 Page 1 W1.R3.1 Maidenhead Bridge The Maidenhead Bridge over the River As an example, electrification for the Thames at Maidenhead is a Grade II* listed Heathrow Express involved the provision structure. Overhead electrification on top of of overhead electrification over Wharncliffe the structure will be installed. The design is Viaduct in Ealing. being undertaken with advice from heritage specialists to help ensure that the impact on the structure is acceptable. Once installed, the gantries would be visible on the bridge from viewpoints along the river and nearby. Wharncliffe Viaduct at present Example of similar overhead electrification installations. Maidenhead Bridge at present Crossing the Capital Helpdesk 0845 602 3813 Email:
[email protected] Connecting the UK 24 hours a day, 7 days a week www.crossrail.co.uk 5393_W02.R3.1_Maidenhead 01/02/05 18:39 Page 1 W2.R3.1 Maidenhead Maidenhead Stabling & Turnback A stabling facility will be provided for 6 The likely environmental effects of the Crossrail trains in the former goods yard west proposals will be: of Maidenhead station, immediately beyond ■ Operational noise from the use of the sidings the junction of the Bourne End Branch. ■ Lighting of the stabling area. (This will be Six tracks will be laid out as single sidings. designed to control light pollution into the Between alternate tracks, a platform will be sky or toward adjacent buildings in provided to allow access to the trains for accordance with best practice) drivers and other staff. The eastbound Relief line track will be realigned northwards (and re-routed through platform 5 at Maidenhead station).