Some Fruit and Descriptions, with Apple Photos Apples, Pears, Plums
1 Some Fruit and Descriptions, with Apple Photos Apples, Pears, Plums, Prunes, Zwetschen (Zwetschgen), d’Agen, Damson A Note About the Tables: A = Roadside seedling; collected and named by Katrina Richards. B = NZ, 2005. Open pollinated apple seedling raised by Katrina Richards. C = NZ, 20th Century. A seedling found by chance on Richards’ Orchard. D = For various reasons, the variety needed a name, so we gave it one. We have made all efforts to ensure our scion wood & information is correct. Unless otherwise attributed, photos are by Katrina Richards, who holds copyright for these images. APPLES Adam’s UK, 1826. Orange-red blush and stripes, some Pearmain russet, long shape, medium sized fruit. Nutty, aromatic, firm, juicy. Mid-season. Akane Japan, Bright red skin, snow white flesh, 1937. flattish. Sweet, juicy, crisp/firm. Eat, cook, juice, cider. Pick mid-February until May. Disease resistant. Alexander Ukraine, Green with red stripes, large fruit. 1700s. Cook, can also eat. Mid-season. From SCES collection. Image: wikicommons Altländer Germany, Red with broken stripes. Fruity, tart. Pfannkuchen- 1840. Cooks to tasty soft puree. Use in apfel apple pancakes. Mid-season. Aria B Block red with red stripes. Sweet, juicy, crisp, hint of honey. Black Spot resistant? Ready in February. 2 Awatere A Stripes, large fruit, heavy crops. Excellent cooker. Suffers from bitter pit (calcium disorder) on Moutere Clay. Ballarat Australia, Round, large, pale green, pink blush. 1870s. Tart, juicy. Cooks to puree. Late season. Excellent keeper. May keep 6 months without refrigeration. Beauty of Bath UK, 1864. Red stripes and attractive spots, flat.
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