OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 Most People and We Begin to Attleboro, Into Which the Largest Organlzaitlon.” in Milwaukee WOIKMAIN, INC
>__ \ fHIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 19W f a c e t w e n t y -f o u b i^nfIrrat^r loi^nittg • Average4)ai]y Net IVeas R m . , For the Week 'bided i The Ladles of S t James will meet Monday a t 8:15 p.m. a t Novyniher 8,^008 Abolit Town S t James’ £^ooL After a busi NO TICE ,, WUUam J, Kunz, tK>n of Mr. ness, meeting there will be a and Mrs. WiiUam J. Kuna of 31. demonstration of Merle Nor EFFEOTWE DEC. 1 Mather St, a ROTC CSadet, has man cosmetics, and- a display recently been accepted as a bf jewelry. Those attehding are OUR SERVICE DEPAimiEIIT member of the Honor Tank reminded to bring a Christmas VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 37 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTip^) Platoon at Norwich University, gift for irii^toh children. Mrs. WILL CE CLOSED ON SATURDAYS. Northflield, V t Raymond Poutre is Chairman of arrangements. OPEN FRIDAY NI8HTS Sonarman Seaman Geoffrey Heavy U.S. Loss Morris,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hie Army-Navy Auxiliary THiTS / George Ml^is of 53 Hilltop pr.,' wiU have a Chrfttmas Party, SALES DEPT. OPEN AS tJSUAL has recently returned to 'May* Wednesday, Dec. 7 at d’;30 at GREENSBORO, N.C. port, Fla., on board the Destroy the clubhouse. Reservations may (APj— A. woman defendant er. Strlbling, after fouf months be made with. Mrs. John 'Vince, TED TRI in municipal-county tragic In the Meddterranean. 227 McKee St.; Mrs. Harry Ma-"^] court Friday told the Judge honey'of IIB Bluefield .Dr., or the arresting officer was y o u c a g e n "rude” to her.
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