A Abdulrauf, S.I., 139 Acetazolamide, CA Inhibitor, 68 Actin-Associated
Index A methodology, 122 Abdulrauf, S.I., 139 taurine concentration in glioma biopsies, Acetazolamide, CA inhibitor, 68 124–126 Actin-associated proteins, 84 ligands and effector caspases suppress, 25 Adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC), 41 pathways of, 121 Ageing, and cancer, 5 proteins, inhibitors of, 30–31 Agonistic Fas receptors, 25 regulatory function of PTEN, 28 AGT, see O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase repression of Bcl-2 and survivin, 26, 32 (MGMT) role in gliomas, 30, 33 Alkylating agents, 89 TNF-induced, 25 Allograft implantation models, 188 ubiquitination role in, 31 Alpha-carbonic anhydrase family, 65 Aquaporin-1 (AQP1), 240 Altinoz, M.A., 60 Argon lasers, 174 5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA), 239 Aronica, E., 271 Anaplastic astrocytomas, 36–37, 135, 213 Assimakopoulou, M., 61 CBV measurements, 216 Asthagiri, A.R., 247 MGMT IHC of, 92 Astrocytic tumors, see Astrocytoma(s) p16/INKa4 protein, relation with p53, 27–28 Astrocytoma(s), 57–58, 70, 135, 213–214, 259 Angiogenesis, 135–136 anaplastic astrocytoma, 36 Angiogenesis-related proteins, 137–138 antagonist RU486 role in, 60 Antiapoptotic proteins, see Astrocytoma(s) antiapoptotic proteins role in Antisera, 108 Bcl-2 proteins family, 29–30 ANXA1 (annexin 1), 49 death ligands, 23–26 Aphasia, 224 IAPs, activation in gliomas, 30–32 Apolipoprotein Apia-I, 191 p53, and cell cycle progression E2F role, 26–27 Apoptosis, 136, 146, 153 PTEN relationship with p53, 28–29 activation, and signaling pathways, 23–24 receptors and messengers role, 23–26 Bcl-2 controls, 29–30 survivin and cell cycle progression, 32–33 biological significance, 23 TNF-induced NF-κB activation in, 25 caspases role in, 30 biopsy, analysis of, 122–126 defined, 23, 121–122 carbonic anhydrase IX FasL and TRAIL mediated, 25 diagnostic tool in grading astrocytomas, studies, in gliomas, study using MRS 69–70 apoptotic cell density, 123 evaluation in tumors, 68 ca 2.8 ppm Lip/MM peak from PUFAs, prognostic significance of, 68–69 125–126 role, 68–70 M.A.
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