Church Planting Factory Brunson and Pages 6–7 Brunson, His Wife, Veronica, They Also Hosted Dozens for Montana — in 2014, His Family and Their Children
Toll free 800-803-5201 Vol. 185, No. 36 September 10, 2020 Informing. Inspiring. Connecting. INSIDE #50for50 What’s happening Alabama Baptist family shows love of Jesus in Big Sky Country in Nigeria, why we By Grace Thornton lation of Livingston claims did. That first year, we did all Over the past six years, should care and The Alabama Baptist Christianity, which was a bit manner of community proj- the area has been a sort of how we can help hen Darryl of a “shock to the system” for ects.” church planting factory Brunson and Pages 6–7 Brunson, his wife, Veronica, They also hosted dozens for Montana — in 2014, his family and their children. of missions teams — many Chris Baker, who at that moved to Liv- from their home state of time served as director of W ‘Started from scratch’ ingston, Montana, to plant a Alabama — who could show missions for Clarke Baptist church in 2016, they didn’t “We didn’t know anybody the area a kind of love they’d Association, moved with know exactly how that pro- in town, so we started from never seen before. Before the his wife Kim and family to cess would look. scratch,” he said. “We just Brunsons moved to Montana, plant Summit Life Church But they did know one started serving in the commu- he served as pastor of Tib- in Whitefish, Montana. thing — the community was nity and meeting people, go- bie Baptist Church. He also going to need to see what the ing to coffee shops and hang- grew up at Grove Hill Baptist Broken heart love of Jesus looks like.
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