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First Founding Mother Halloween Coverage Cecil Johns Bowling Laura Mae Joynt Osceola Tournament Pages 14-15 Page 17 Page 13 Presort Standard U.S. Postage Paid S. Florida, FL Permit No. 1624 “Voice of the Unconquered” 50¢ Volume XXIV • Number 15 November 7, 2003 2nd Annual Talent Show For Red Ribbon Week By Alexandra Frank the week of Oct. 26-31, such as an anti- HOLLYWOOD — Once again, drug poster contest, kids group, pizza the importance of Red Ribbon Week was party, and the much anticipated talent upon the Hollywood community. There show. were various events taking place during The events for Red Ribbon Week are sponsored by Family Services, Recreation Department, Seminole Police Department, and Max Osceola Jr., Hollywood Council Representative. Tony Roberts of Family Services served as Master of Ceremonies. There were three age categories: (2-10 yrs old), (11-17 yrs old), and (18 yrs old and up). Red Ribbon Week is in honor of a gentleman who worked for the DEA in Mexico. He was on the verge of breaking up a drug ring when on his way to have lunch with his wife he was kidnapped. There were five individ- uals who put him in a beige Volkswagen. About a month later, his body was found. He had been brutally tortured and murdered. It is out of respect that across this nation, homage was paid to this man. That is how Red Ribbon Week came to be. Even in light of this sad Michael Kelly story behind Red Ribbon Mallorie Thomas enjoys her view of game 4 of the World Series between the Florida Marlins and the New York Yankees.
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