THE ..... tlmt...... SOME

Vol. XVII, No. 96, Tuesday, July 18, 1978, Saratan 27, 1357, S.H I PRICE AF. 6

Doors of prisons Congratulatory DONATIONS FOR Bareq Shafiee moorc Vnviflf telegram sent FLOOD VICTIMS

18, (Bakht-ar- ). academicians being closed, schools KABUL, July PROVINCES, July 18, students and teachers of A congratulatory te- (Bakhtar). In contiuat-io- n Taluqan highschool and KABUL, July 18, (Bakht- legram has been sent by of donations to the the No. Two primary ar). Bareq Shafiee, Min- Taraki, Noor Mohammad recent flood vitims in school have donated a ister of Information and Revoluti- being opened : Panjsheri Chairman of the the country the patriotic total of afs. 3,077 to the Culture met the delegati- onary Council and Prime people of Andkhoy wol- ARCS branch office in on of USSR academicians Carlos Minister to Juan I ; Asee-mo- v (Ba-khtar- ). eswali of Fariab province Takhar province. yesterday headed by , KABUL, July 17, free education to the ch- try that the deprived pe- the King of Spain on the have donated afs. 32,550 According to another President of Tajikis- The new premi- ildren of tbje toiling pe- asants of our country br-a-k occasion of National Day Cres--, mi- to the Afghan Red report from Lashkargah, tan Science Academy of ses of Karte Parwan ople of our country, and the shackles of expl-oitatio- n of that country to Madrid, cfcnt Society branch off- the employees of Helm-ari- d Soviet who to school inaugu- use-rers- . Union came ddle was to realise this objective, of merciless Departm-- . the Information ice in province. Teachers Training his off- rated today in a special we are instructed to en- - that Kabul recently, at ent of the Foreign Minis- Institute have donated function by Dastagir Pa- sure all facilities. This action of the Rev- ice at 9 a.m. try reported. Similarly!, the officers afs. 1,535 to the ARCS njsheri, Minister of Edu- The Minister of Educa- olutionary Council of the During the meeting wh- and employees of the branch office in that pr- cation. tion said the Ministry of Democratic Republic of ile Prof. Doryankov mem- ' forces ovince. The function opened Educatidn in pursuance is a funda- Messages Ghazni security ber of Moscow University afs. .13614 A number of the local with the recitation of a of thje working program- mental m6ve, and comm- have donated was also present they held ARCS branch off- people from few verses from the Holy me of the People's De- ences serious class strug- exchanged to the the Kushke talks in a friendly atmos- ice in that province. The Kuhna alaqadari of Koran, and the Minister mocratic Party of Afg- gle in the country, and j- phere and discussed cul- Badghis woleswali of of Education in a speech hanistan and the Basic has givlen rise to heated tural and information ties (Ba-khtar-). nary 18, Qalae Nau have donated said there is no greater Lines of the Revolution- revolutionary) and . KABUL, July Katawazi back between the Democratic afs. 6,2690, some Qalae honour for our people in ary Duties of the govern- discussio- The Information Republic of Afghanistan of the Minist- Nau citizens afs.' 12.194 that the doors of prisons ment of the Democratic ns, and excitement. Department and Union of Soviet So- rep- - home from and the officials and wa- are being closed, and th- Republic of Afghanistan ry of Foreign Affairs cialist Republics " ge earners of the admin- ose 41 schools and centres has Embarked upon con- Before the statement orted that Abdul Salam Union istration, rural develop- of education and enlig- - struction of 560 new sch- of the Minister of Educ- Jalloud, member of the Soviet of ' People's, Ge- ment, communications, Cornerstone of opened. . ool buildings, with the ation Eng. Fazl Ahmad Secretariat ; htenment KABUL, July 18, (Ba- frien- Construct- Congress of Socialist municipality and vv'; .the s Reviewing the state of assistance of the President of neral khtar). Khyal Moham- - Departmjent People's Libyan Arab auditing departments of martyr Kadir's the pa- dly states and internat- ion of the : leducation during mad Katawazi, Deputy have st, said not coinc- ional organisations and Ministry 'of; Education while overflying he it is Minister of Radio Tel- donated afs. 2,930 to the Revolu- with the all round coo- and Mohammad Shour Afghanistan yesterday in idental that the evision,- who at the head ARCS branch office of tomb laid tionary Council of the peration of the noble pe- Mahri, principal of the a telegram to Noor Moha- had gome . bac- Chairman of a delegation Badghis provinc)e. HERAT, July 17, (Bakht- Democratic Republic of ople of our country., school spoke on the mmad Taraki, at the il to Soviet Union Haji Abdul Aziz, a lea- He added that the Re- kground of the school of the Revolutionary Coun-te- ar). On the directive of Afghanistan, and the of Chairman of Kuh- - Prime , Minister invitation resident Kushke Noor Mohammad Taraki, der of the People's Dem- volutionary Council of and its new premises. and on Repub- of Statfe Committee na Alaqadari has donated Afghan- Democratic Republic , The new building has the Democratic Secretary General of Cen- ocratic Party of the of Ab-ubak- Radio Television of th- afs. 3,000, Saleh Jan. r, istan, our informed and of Afghanistan issued 15 class rooms, laborat- lic of Afghanistan has ex- tral Committee of People's at country returned home Haji Abdul Wah-a- b, vetjeran comrade, ' Noor Decree Number 6 and ories, water reservoirs, pressed his best wishes for Democratic Party of Af- yesterday. Mohammad 1 Karim Mohammad Taraki, Ch- its appendix No. 1 to uph- sports grounds and othlar the health of our leader ghanistan, Chairman of the On arrival at Kabul In- and Haji Mohammad Ha-ni- f, old and ensure the rights structures. It is by welfare and prosperity Revolutionary Council and airman of the Revolut- built and ternational Airport, Ka- the residents of Pr- of the landless and small the Housing Department of people of Afghanistan. Prime Minister the glor- ionary Council and tawazi said, the deleg- - that Alaqadari have don the De- farmers to free them at the expense of over ious memory of martyrdom ime Minister of ation of the Democratic ated afs. 2,000 each to Republic of from heavy burden of loa- five million afghanis. The reply has been sent N of revolutionary son of the mocratic A' Republic of Afghanistan the ARCS branch office Afghanistan attach spe- ns and mortgage and school presently has ll'CO to the message of Abdul people Abdul Qadir, the during its stay in Soviet in province. to prov- this is the first time in students, enrplljed in Jalloud. that martyr, will remain eter- cial importance Salam Union held talks on (exp- ision ofl universal and the history of our, coun 7th to 9th grades. nal by building his tomb. ansion of cooperation in The officials and wage After Recitation of a few field of Radio-T- V jaarners of Herat munici- the verses from the Holy Ko- PTB Board two countr- donated th- between the pality have ran, the foundationstone outcome of whi- one day salary which ies, the eir of the tomb of Kadir, the ch was positive and fru- amounts to 5,000 for this of Directors , martvr. who was martvrpd --- " - .i --. . itful. 'purpose.' at the instigation of reacti- The Afghan delegation, (Continued on page 4) onary elements in a pop- holds meet L7nio.i while in Soviet ular demonstration during 18, (Bakh-tar- ). concluded agreements, KABUL, July Iraqi Nat'l the black Zahirshahi rei- pertaining to expansion The Board of Direc- gn, was laid on July 14, of bilateral cooperation tors of Pashtany Tejaraty observed by Eng. Mohammad Juma the field of Radio-- TV Day Bank (PTB), chaired by in Barekzoi, the President of ill I I n Misaq, Mi- as well as technical July '18, (Bakh- "I Abdul Karim KABUL, Helmand Construction Un- Ch- with concerned Re- nister of Finance and tar). Embassy of the it at Char Mahal village authorities of State Co- in Kabul v urn' i airman of the Board, met public of Iraq of Ubeh He-- . mmiw I ' Radio TV woleswali of p.m. to 10 p.m. mmittee on celebrated the National from 5 Age: rat province. X1 Sunday, July 16. and Novosty News Day of its country in a re--. 0 last Eng. Juma Barekzoi la- ncy of Soviet Union. night. 0 ception last ying . Minister the foundationstone in The meeting after con- The Deputy TV expressed the presence of Security sidering and studying the of Radio The reception which was the warm officer, head of informati- lllu vl ... issues iii the agenda as thanks for arranged by Ahmad Abd- U accorded to the on and culture department, well as ways of realising welcome ul Kader Al Shawi Am- Afghan delegation in director of education and long-standin- g loans, ta- bassador of the Republic of the some other heads dep- Soviet Union. the of : king into view the popular Iraq to Kabul at Hotel - jl The delegation of the artments, officials and gr- -- objectives of the Democ- Inter Continental was n r ym Democratic Republic of eat number of local resid- ratic Republic of Afghan- attended by Planning Mi- also visited ents, conveyed the best wi- Afghanistan nister Sultan Ali Kishtm-an-d, istan which entails the shes of Noor the Radio TV establis- Mi- Mohammad of people . and Water ind Power protection Moscow, Tash- Taraki, Secretary General hments in Pohanwal Moham- ,1-I- security of state propert- nister I of the Central Committee i kent and Leningrad. so- or ies, took necessary decis- mad Mansur Hashimi, of Alei, People's Democratic Abdul Khaliq the me high ranking military ions. Afghan Party of Afghanistan and President of Film and civil officials and dip- 'iil and Mohammad Vusut delivered the cash assis- kt I The Minister of Finance lomatic corps residing in a Daro the technical Pres- tance to the survivors of and Board of Directors of Kabul. Dastagir Panjsheri, Min ister of Education inaugu rating the new middle ident of Radio TV, who Abdul Qadir, the martyr. '. the Bank expressed satis school building in Karte Parwan. were members of the faction over the expansion The dailies in the capital delegation also returned PARIS, July 18, (AF-P- ). of transactions of the Bank published the photos of His to Kabul. Morocco would ne- and gave necessary instr- Excellency Ahmad Hassan MORE DONATIONS RECEIVED The delegation was ver tolerate an antago- of Al Bakr President of the uctions to the Board welcomed home at Ka- nistic power along Executive for im- Republic of Iraq and edi- further bul airport by officials of its southern border, Ki- developing torials on the occasion of FOR 8TH GRADE LEFT 7OUTS proving and the Radio TV Ministry ng Hassan has said National Day of brother in a the transactions. and some members of ijelevision interview to KABUL, July 17, (Bakh-tar- ). ment afs. 2,563, the local partment and the head of country of Iraq and the Soviet Embassy in be broadcast here on Fr- Donations to yie ei- people of Qades . woleswali the Plant Protection Dep- The meeting was atten- the people of iday. . left-out-s Badghis- - prov- Kabul. ght grade who of Badghis , province afs. artment of ded by Abdul Qudus Ghor-band-i, were deprived of education 4,480, Emam Saheb Ma- ince a total of afs. 981, the Minister of Com- as a result of the anti-nation- laria Eradication Departm- teachers and students . of merce, Mohammad Hakim, abolished reform of ent of Kunduz afs. 3,260, Tejek . school of Farah pro- Governor of Da Afghanis- the Daoudi regime still the teachers and officials vince afs. 800, Abdul Aziz tan Bank, Amir Moham- continues. of Khairkhana Secondary a resident of Purchaman mad, President of Chamb- School afs. tea- of Farah afs. i A source of the Ministry 2,767, the 600 and the er of Commerce and Ind- ( of Education said that the chers and officials of Fa-z- el teachers and wage earners ustries and Abdul Hakim of Ah- following patriotic and ed- Kandahari School afs. Kandahar Khwaja Hamidi, President of' Pa- 2,300, of- mad School afs. 900. ucation loving people have the teachers and shtany Tejaraty Bank. , made donations: ' ficials of Bezdeh primary V girls school afs. 2,205, the The people, of Faras local people of the Khurd-ukala- n FINANCE MINISTRY alaqadari of Farah pr- village of Deh ovince afs. 82,056, the peo- Yak alaqadari of Ghazni ple of Jawand woleswali of ANNOUNCEMNT Badghis province jafs. 36,-69- 0, province afs. 2,130. the employees of the The teachers of the Abu The mission assessing nts within 30 days to cooperative no.None of the Naser Farabi Primaryx the property of , Yahya the Administrative Dep- Emam Saheb of Kunduz School of Farah province dynasty requests all th- artment of the Ministry afs. 15,490, the peo- afs. 1,510, the teachers and ose who have information of Finance, or the miss- ; ple of Purcharaan students of Shashyar schoo about the moveable and ion, so that it may be woleswali of Farah prov- of Farah province afs. immovable property of entered into the registry ince afs. 11,960, the offic- 1,200, the teachers of Yahya dynasty, includ- of public property. ing, land, orch- ials and wage earners of girls school of Fa- houses, . Those who fail to ma- the Mines Survey and Geo- rah province afs. 1,170, the ards, apartments, "sheps. ke their information and logy Department of the teachers and the wage ear- sarais, livestock, vehicles, documents in their poss-- . Mines and Industries afs. ners of Sulaimart Mako equipment,, cash, lease, ession public and this is pr- 9,493, the local people and school of Kandahar afs. mortgage and deposits ' oved at a later date, shall Ab-kem- and employees of the Azo vill- 1,400, the teachers of ri other transactions, or be dealt with in accordance age school of Ghorat pro- school, Miranzayee be in possession of such with the principles of (sultan Ali Kishtmand. Minictpr nf Planninff rnn aratiilnHna tho Amhacca. property, to provide infor- vince afs. 9,310, Zabul Ma- of Murghab and the emp- the great Saur dor of Republic of Iraq to Kabul on the occasion of National Day of that laria Eradication Depart loyees of the Security De mation or their docume I

FAC2 I THE KABUL TIMES JULY 18, 1978 THE r Coordination of Kushan studies JLJLLiiSS 0 The ' Kushanid period, By Hamidullah Sediqui service of temples, and la- which covers the early cen- Part I vished on temple building. turies of the Christian era,' The great and world Similarly different sp- opened a new vista in de state, which at the time co- famous inscription found ools of art flourished du- velopment and organisation uld' not count on the mili- in Surkh Kotal, in north- ring this period which left he keeps. A pan is known by the society of social structure, concen- tary and cultural support ern Afghanistan, is an irre- their imprint on the Gupta tration of state power, of the Hellenistic world, futable evidence to this art, and the paintings of and international relations still considered itself as effect. Banjakat, and Warakhsha in the history of Central the vanguard of Hellenism .Followers of indigenous re- in eastern Turkistan, and CULTURAL REVOLUTION Asia.' The Kushanids built in Central Asia. But the ligions, the Indian relig--' other area until much lat- a powerful state, with ex- state was nothing more ions, the Parthi and the er! The remnants of artistic teriorated in this land. tensive dependence on sla-- i than conglomeration . the day are In each society where re- of course, all cultural 'a of Greek faiths struck out a works of still immoral ' archeo-logist- s volutionary change oc- manifestations are eith- Irresponsible and ve labour, so much so that fighting men in disarray." religious modus vivindi being unearthed by curs, the first step to be er old or new. Therefo- words and phrases have the Kushani slate was vir- Whether .t was the Ku- of coexistence in the dom- in different parts n been used in the songs, tually in par with the erst- shanids or the who of Central Asia, and have taken is economic revo-tio- re, creativcness means Saks ain of Kushanids. The Ku- of course after that we get rid of what- taped by a few freewh while slave owning states were at the forefront of shanids, meanwhile, fur- definitely assumed the sta- political consolidation. ever is negative and old eeling studios. No one of the world such as China, these struggles, may not be thered, and promoted this tus of being part of na- Ku- Because economy is reg- but adopt the ones that would have censor- India and Burma. The definitively established for peaceful religious coexis- tional treasuries of anc- songs shanid was built arded as the index of all are considered positive ed those tapes and state on lack of reliable sources, tence with encouragement ient art. new. we since the studio in wh- the ruins and social wa- and the resulting differen- of the clergy, developments. . Once eco- and However, construction be- stelands of Central nomic development is will not entirely aband- ich they were taped Asia. ce in scholarly opinion on of temples, and minting of. On the economic front, secured, thereafter oth- - on the old culture but longed to the relatives At the time Central As- the topic. the names of gods on co- keen attention was paid to, revolu- we will regard it for im- of Daoud and Zaher. ia was :the scene of great ins. and huge resources expen- . er changes and peo- happenings, such as evol-veme- nt Denigration subdu- tions would occur with- proving and enriching of But now, under our and The Kushanid kings de- ded on improvement of the of different ing power incr- out difficulty. ' our new cultural life. ple's regime, the work social of the of the veloped the Buddhic fai- irrigation systems to "When we say new and re- of the artists, musicians, groups into slaves, huge Greeks through the Kush- th, the religion with the ease agricultural output, migrations of tribes Central , Evi- mic change in our own volutionary culture, we literary figures etc., and anids and Asian greatest following during and farm productivity. peoples, bloody country, as our great lea- mean that it should ari- are valued and respected confron- tribes was not the cause the era, and the religion dences of these constructi- tations among the degeneration der Noor Mohammad se from the real life by the .Democratic Re heads for cultural in which preached accommo- ons and systems have been of slave owning - Taraki has repeatedly of the people. It should public of Afghanistan. and slave Bactria in itself. In effect dation, appeasement and unearthed by Soviet scho- trading, tribes, Hellen- mentioned in his J spee- be far from common- In a progressive system, and most manifestations of capitulation, and opposed lars in Soviet Central Asian ' important of all strug- re- ches, should be a demo- place. It should embrace unlike decayed despo the istic culture received every kind of uprising and republics. gle of various aga- cratic land reform and the needs and wants of tic regimes, artists .are tribes newed attention, and close wrathful struggle of the - along with land reform our people. regarded as the most no- inst the last of the Hellen- i attention was paid to deve- enslaved masses, and re- Trade developed beyond istic scr- development of indust- Art, music, dance, song, ble people. They will rulers, to whom history lopment of language, commended a life of tran the frontiers of the Kush- ry, employment of the poetry, play, drama and have the chance to enter refers to as Greeco Bact-ria- n ipt, calligraphy, welt ans- - : quility divorced from any anid domain, and goods jobless and exploitation the like should be the and join the places wh- rulers. . chau, and religions, fine kind of class struggle ag- were exchanged among Ce- of the mines and other sources of pleasure and ere workers, peasants, arts, architecture and ' the ainst despotism and tyran- ntral Asia, China, India natural resources of the relaxation for the peo- - politicians,' scientists and It was under such circ- art of government and sta- ny. ' and ' Rome, and the Ku- country are also impo- pie and not the means scholars are gathering. umstances that the Kush- tesmanship, trade etc. At They made religion a sp- shanid cities became huge pa- It means that their soc-- anids, Yakoi Shwang, the same time local cul- earhead of ideology, market places and centres rtant , of reliance, consent, .or. their wake of economic tience, satisfaction, de-- . cial status and their hu- came to prominence from tures and arts attained and a potent and resource- - of transit of goods and In the ' man dignity is, !, always amongst the Yuji tribes. new heights; and jnnovati-- . ful mainstay flowing revolution, or if possi- - pendency and isolation. , of power. They materials from This in effect is the mean-- observed and respected. They forged a good mea- ons and initiative became convened the third great one direction to another. ble along with it, cultu- ' ral revolution and oth ' iug of creativeness and No more will they be called sure of unity among th- an intrinsic part of life assembly of Buddhic mon- Exchange of goods, and er changes would also this is the meaning of musician in the sense of emselves, and after defea- Local artists showed a ks, and evolved the concept transactions in currency take place. breaking up of cultural contempt and no more ting a number of other tri- considerable measure of of Mahay ana, the path to became a part of the dai- phenomena. will the actors 'be called bes such as Saks, and creatievness, thus contri- delivery and salvation. ly life in ihe most remote The cultural revolution in ' It has been on the basis imitators in the sense they turned them buting greatly to develop- They also sent out prea- parts of the Kushanid ru- into allies in the struggle ment of culture. Scholars, chers th-- . area. During the last our society, as Dastagir ; of these facts that ,the of humiliation. and missionaries led Panjsheri the Minister Democratic Republic of These are the ways and against the Greeco Bact-ria- n artisans, and people ' from roughout central Asia, and decade r evidence of trade -- y of Education put it, is Afghanistan, besides oth- measures by which cons- rulers and waged a other walks of life gradu tried to establish the . auth-all- and coins have been unear-ithe- revo- decisive war against them replaced ority religion as- - . creative and construc- er, measures, has mo- tructive cultural the Hellenic of on all by archeologists as Hel-i- tive. As he said "we do nopolised recording of lution is sought and in north of Hindukush. o language with local lang- pects of the . people's art far north as Kieve and as ' ' sound and music under the light of a blossoming Klaks, the Greeco Bac-tria-n uages and dialects, espec- and culture, so much so far east as Bihar and Orissa not destroy all of the " old phenomena but we government authority. and revolutionary art king fled from the ially Takhari language. that finally art and artistic in India, and archeological break them up". We have seen clearly dur- and culture so that our north of Hindukush to the But they continued to ma- creativeness came to be excavations now in progr- ess nlannpH It is obvious that all cul- ing the past despotic re- future generations will southern flanks of . the ke use of the Hellenic al- solely in the service of re- nr are rertain Da-ou- d mountain phabets, inscrip- tural phenomena have gimes of deceitful benefit of it and spend chain. in their , ligion, and , artistic work to add to this evidence. va- The Greeco Bactrian tions. was exclusively put in the v positive motives and and tyrant Zaher, their free time and aspects and, that art and culture de cations enjoyably. The Marshal wished to grab Naranjaris orchard AFGHAN PRESS After Nader was finish- fcould not attend the not better than the one at en she mentioned Afs. 50, ed with massacring his ceremonies. Shakar Dara. She had so- 000, he offered Afs. 100, opponents and looting th- - ld the latter to Shah Ma- 000. As the Marshal hea- JAUZJANAN: Republic of Afghanistan is ial on Decree Number Six eir - possessions, his vari- Shah Wali insisted on hmoud for Afs. 50,000. rd this bidding, he began Jauzjanan is a new na- a revolutionary and popu- under which the landless ous brothers began to her presence and told the Hearing that petty pri- to chew on his moustach- me given to Dewa publish- lar action in reviving the peasants and peasants wi- grab what was left over. Hindu to pretend that ces, Rado Jan was furio- es and told the bidder to small holdings ha- ed in Jauzjan . province. historical name of the th land In other words, Afghani- he did not know about us. SHe wanted to leave stop this nonsense. Ano- The first issue of the pa- province. The ancient land ve been freed from the stan was a jungle where the Marshal's coming at that place but was scar- ther clever Hindu inter- per has come out in eight is the cradle of renowned burden of mortgage loans all expensive things were all so that his presence ed of the Marshal's wra- jected that Rado Jan pages. The paper carries scholars and literary fig- and usury. The Decree to be looted by them on may not cause her any th. Meanwhile, she plan- was not aware of the fa- " the photos of Noor Moha- ures such as Abu Nasr Number Six once more various pretexts. Hashim embarrassment. When ned to make fun of the ct that her father had al- mmad Taraki, the General Farabi, Abu Muslim this fact that our re- advised Shah Wali and Shah Wali arrived there, ned to make fun of the ready sold this orchard. Secretary of the Cen- Qazi - Menhajus-era- j volutionary state under Shah Mahmoud to grab he was coolly received by old man. So she said she The Marshal said wh- the People's Democratic tral Committee of the Peo- Jauzjani etc. what , they could from Rado Jan. After partak- was not feeling well and en was that? . ple's Democratic Party of Party of Afghanistan puts Naranjan's property. He ing food and fruits, the was going to India for Afghanistan, Chairman of BADAKHSHAN: into action speedily . what added this rich Hindu scrawny Marshal told her medical treatment. When The Hindu said this the Revolutionary Co- 'Education for AH' is the it promises. We remember possessed a large fortune she was really a generous would he pay the money? was a matter of common uncil and Prime Mi- title of the editorial of that our great and thoug- consisting of much cash, lady because she had gi- Overjoyed, the Marsh- knowledge. All was sile- nister, Bareq Shafiee, the paper in a recent issue. htful leader Noor Moham- an orchard at Shakar Da-r- a, ven away her property to al said she should prep- nt. Realising that a fat Minister of Informa- Under this revolutionary mad Taraki, the revoluti- lots of land in Bin! Hi- - the state. She retorted th- are the deed and get the morsel had evaded his tion and Culture, the re- slogan, the Ministry of Ed- onary and devoted son of ssar and Bagrami. they at she wished she had money on the spot. Aft- mouth the Marshal left volutionary poet on whose ucation of the Democratic the people of Afghanistan, all heeded money. So th-- 1' done so. Her orchard at er the deed was prepared, that place without saying approval the Jauzjanan Republic of Afghanistan is in his statements has al- ey should grab what th-- : Shakar Dara was grabbed she asked him when was good bye to anybody. . made its debut, as well determined to further de- ways said that the exploi- ey could from his proper-- by Shah Mahmoud and he going to pay. He repl- After that incident, Ra- as Sayed Abdul Hakim velop the education to en- tation of man by man has ty. - - her lands at Zanabad by ied the money would do Jan left Kabul for Sharaee Jauzjani, the Mi- gulf greater parts of the ended in our country and Hashim. Shah Wall reali- be paid in' Kabul. good and died at the nister of Justice and At- country. So far effective we have the duty to pro- As a result of this adv- zing that Rado Jan was When, the Marshal was end of the Month of Mi-za'- n, vide sh- (Tra- torney General and dis- and useful steps have food, clothing "and ice, Shah Mahmoud seiz- upset, kfpt silent for- - a inside the toilet, a clever 1352 of Hegira. elter for our toiling peo- Rado nslated from the (Zhowa-ndoo- n tinguished writer and poet been taken in fulfilling the ed Narajan Das' orchard few moments. Then' he Hindu . asked Jan in Dari and Uzbeki lang- objectives of the Basic la- ple. Now, we see that pra- at Shakar Data, Hashim resumed the conversati- about the price and wh Weekly) uages of Jauzjan province. nes of Revolutionary Du- ctical and revolutionary grabbed his lands at Ba- on, by saying what did In one of its articles the ties in the field of educa- steps are being taken for grami, changing the na- she do with her lands at Jauzjanan writes: With tion. However, to achieve realisation of lofty aspi- me of the 'estate from Qalacha and her orchard Helping third world fight the establishment of the the goal, all-o- efforts and rations of the Revolution. "Zanabad" to "Nauabad". at Bala Bagh? Did she Democratic Republican re- cooperation of the people Some people told this supervise the farming or gime in the country the is required sq that the go- We all know that more tyrant since he had usu- had leased the estates to hunger, want ? Scheel country has undergone gr- vernment could render than half of our population rped the estate he sho- tenants? eat changes which are better services in develop- is landless farmers or pe- uldn't change its - name. BONN, .July 18, (Reut-er- ). that the western 'democra- unprecedented in the .his- ment of education. asants with meagre land He retorted that they did Rado Jan sensing that West German Presi- cies do not shirk this cha- holdings. These peasants Scheel paid llenge", he commented. tory of our country. With not know anything. , Be- this old fox had set his dent Walter the establishment of new The favourable response were suffering since long cause he was neither a eyes upon her remaining yesterday that changes nee- regime not only our co- of the public in helping the years from economic pres- man nor a 'woman, he property said she neith- ded in the world's econo- . The West German Pre- untry will flourish, the past left outs is an indication sure under different na- did not attach any imp- er supervised not had mic system could turn out sident went on; "I know glories of our. people will of people's interest in mes and pretexts. ortance to either. The la- leased) those estates. to be the biggest test for that you are ready to take also be revived. helping the government to Now our toiling and no- nds' forming his own est- The Marsha asked who parliamentary democracy. difficult decisions. It will With the commencement carry out its educational ble, and patriotic people ate at Qala Murad Beg was taking care of them? be your hard task to con- of publications in Uzbeki plans. The cash and kind have entered a new stage, should have been called Rado Jan inquired what Speaking at a luncheon vince your respective peo- and Turkmani languages assistance of the public where there is no room for the lands belonging to a was the Marshal driving for the seven leaders tak- ples of their necessity". by man one of long cherished as- enabled the Ministry of exploitation of man eunuch . at? , ing part in the economic Scheel, speaking on the piration of people in Jauz- Education lo establish a and our toiling people are The Marshal said he summit in Bonn, he said last day of the two day jan has been realised. number of schools and up- no longer subjected to pre- The tragic story of Na-ra- wanted to buy her orch- governments had to find summit, said; "Structural Renaming the paper to grade some other schools ssure of usurers and feu-dal- s. an Das family, does ard at Bala Bagh for his new methods to overcome changes, fur many years Jauzjanan, at the proposal in different parts of the There is no longer not end here. According son, Wali Jan, because he stagnation and recession held up by government su- of the editor of the paper country. the rotten and old medie- to Surrended Kumar and was very fond of it. And resulting from upheavals bsidies, are in many cases suppress old-timer- co- and approval of the Mini- ANIS: val relations to some Moslem he would purchase it at on energy and commodity long overdue. Painful stry of Information and The daily Anis of July our toilers and peasants. Rado Jan, Naranjan Das whatever price she, dee- markets. nversions, like those our Culture of Ihe Democratic 16 has devoted' its editor (Continued on page 4) ' daughter, was complaini- med .fit. textile industry has had ng of the conditions un- The industrialised world to go through, appear in- der which she lived and Rado Jan replied the also had to make sacrifices evitable". therefore Af ghanist-- - to help developing count- EDITOR IN CHIEF ADS RATES 'left orchard was very expen- an readjustments Sacrifices for the deve- Oassified: 6 Lines per column 9 point for India. sive and he would not ries, drastic were needed so trade loping countries were un- KAZEM AHANG letters Afs. 20. pay the real, price. that Wali protectionism did not ma- popular, but richer states Classified: 6 Lines per column 9 point Marshal Shah had The Marshal said, "na- ordered his spies to , intain unprofitable jobs had to help the third world 2C647 letter Afs. 40. me the price then." Tel hjbr expense of profitable fight hunger and want. Display: Column cm. Afs. 30. let him know about Rado Jan replied it at the return. He wanted to gr- Afs. 1 ones, President Scheel If we want to enable the Editorial Tel 20848 was worth million. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ab her orchard at Bala The old fox said she said. third world to function as Advertising: 2685153 J Yearly Afs. 1600 Bagh, Surkhroad. So he should be fair. - i. part of the system of world ' Circulation 2685153 ext. 59 Half Yearly Afs. 900 asked a Hindu to invite Rado Jan retorted by The necessary readjust- trade we must be prepared Address enquiries to the Kabul Times, FOREIGN Rado Jan to the Waisak saying "shall I donate it ments will perhaps prove to accept the consequences Ansari Watt, Kabul, the Democratic Yearly Dollar 100 ceremonies at Sultanpur. to you?" to be the biggest test . of on our markets, the West Republic of Afghanistan. Half Yearly Dollar 50 The Hindu replied she The Marshal said the parliamentary democracy. German head of state went was not feeling well and orchard at Bala Bagh was Your work here is proof on. PAGE I THE KABUL TIMES JULY 18, 1978 99 P. G. FEMMiE, 95 P. C. MALE HEAT-ABSORBIN- G CONCRETE CUTS ENERGY CONSUMPTION

' POPULATION ILLT RATE STOCKIOL- M- A new rature variations while eract draughts from win- method for heating buil- the actual flow of air is dows, etc. dings which reduces ene- handled by a convention- Another advatag of At the teachers and su- BY OUR OWN REPORTER and so far unfortunately for th- al Bahco ventilating un- the new, system is that pervisors seminar of the it was able only to liter- rgy requirements at purpose by 40 per cent it. The heat exchang -- structural investment Co- National Agency for Ca- to and woleswali the pre- ate only 5265 illiterate co- minar the participants, through) thVa expedient er needs to be resortpd to sts are lower than for co- mpaign Against lllitera-cy- , by well and profi- sence of party friends in mpatriots. versed of utilizing the heat ab- only very rarely, and low nventional buildings, it is the new responsibili- cient teachers. Similarly even far flung area is The president of the sorbing properties of co- power electric radiato- stated. ties that is changing and compiled necessary to render suc- department maintained small bulletins ncrete has been jointly rs are installed to count Swedish Sources enlightening of the mass- carr- cessfully the program. The that unfortunately in the for the occasion and developed by the Swedi- es informing them about ied articles on experien- teaching material will be past the nepotism, misu-- . sh firms of AB Strangbe-ton- g the wishes and aspiration ce of professional printed at the governm- se of power, unnecessary and and Bahco Ventil- ijiiiilllllfinHffHHHlfjlll!!! of the Saur revolution, the foreign experts cooperat- ent printing press, Edu-caio- n sojourns to foreign coun- ation. national and democratic ing with NACAI and al- Ministry Press: and tries, non challant atti- revolution were taught. so . on mathematics were the NACAI's press, though tude of the officials of WHan used in combin-'atio- n 260 teachers and supervis- distributed to the teach- small but sufficient to me- the department towards TASTE OF I with Sweden's str- SUMMER ors had taken part in the ers and supervisors. The et some of the needs of their responsibilities and ingent new building st- GET A seminar, said Shah Mahmo-u- d seminar also discussed pr- the department. The plan duties were some of the REAL TASTE OF :::: andards, the new techni- Haseen, president of oblem hampering the de- wiil be translated into ac- matters which had kept que the principles of SUMMER WITH OUR POOLSIDE the National Agency for velopment of the depar- tion within ' the current the department immobile ' which have been long kn- J Campaign Against Illi- tment, detailed discussio- year. and slow in its product- own, but now for the teracy (NACAI), in an in- ns were held on mat- - ion, and had created the first time put to a pract- terview with, and necessary decisio- To help most of our el- spirit of indifference am-- ; EVELRY the daily ter ical test in an office SATURDAY FROM 7 P.M. Kabul Times. ns were taken on the eff- ders to make use of the ong the teachers and su- building in suburban St- orts to be made for find- literacy courses and to pervisors. They did not -- ockholm is claimed to ' The president of NAC- ing suitable solutions. pave way' for their high- have any specific aim in ill?-ta- r achieve an 80 per cent cut AI speakiing , further sa- - The president of NACAI er studies of social affairs the campaign against in energy 'consumption id we max- had no autho- l that the NACAI as an added that presently the minimum and acy and Safarcfay is , " defe- in connection with beat- pro- . and also had ris important literacy propa- have two important imum are limits rity ' ing. gation organ can play an blems facing us and we will We incre ctive teaching .'programs important role in en'lighv are looking for the solu- ased. In the past the age and materials. The heat absorbing EUROPEAN tening the masses and it tions to them seriously. limit kept was most often As the statistics show w 1 capacity of concrete is was on this basis that it The two problems facing fluctuated and stood so- we have in our country so great that the ovfern-ig- ht was deemed necessary th- NACAI are the lack of metime at 30 and someti- approximately 95 percent NIGHT heat loss sustained at the teachers and sup- a coordinated work plan me at '40. We hope to in- male illiterates and 99 pe- ' by a concrete slab inside ervisors of the - literacy for allover Afghanistan crease the maximum age rcent female illiterates. a concrete office block courses of Kabul provin- and compiling of new to 60. In the past each co- The department this year PRICE AFS:300,Pff) amounts to a mere C ce to take the course simil- meaningful teaching ma- urse used to last for was only J able to regis- 12' PERSON. even tVjp temperat- ar seminars are part of terial: The program of two years and the course ter 19, 672 illiterates of when ure outside is at freezing RESERVATIONS PLEAS' ' the future program of the NACAI will include a me- lasted for two hours which 1616 are women in department. aningful teaching plan to each day except Thursd- Kabul '336 persons will .point, 4o;.v!:;';';';,v:Ki .WT. ... be compiled with the co--' ay. The program will be be registered in 500 cou- Shah Mahmoud Hase- operation of local and fo- revised. rses, in Kohdaman 1701 The new Strangbetong I0TU INTEH'CXWTINEWIAI en speaking further said reign experts and Speaking about the ac- persons in 60 courses. The Bahco system dubbed ytr i that in order to elevate implemented by the youth tivities of the department department has been ab- TermoDeck is based on 7 lVr' the level of political soc- under the .direct guidan- in the past he le to iegister only 9635 tle use of hollow core in ial consciousness of the te ce of party cadres of the said , that , dep- persons in 439 courses concrete slabs. In the achers and supervisors a People's Democratic Par- artment which was esta- Kandahar, :(Pakhtia, Bag-hlan- ,- completed building these special booklet under the ty of Afghanistan and the blished in 1348 unden the Balkh, Herat, Nan-parh- hollow slabs produce an im caption, 'a brief analysis struggle should begin thro- name of 'Fucntional Lit- and Jauzjan. labyrinthine system thro- of the duties of the Dem- ughout the country. eracy Directorate' with Since the triumphant ugh which the air flows. ocratic Republic of Afg- He said that with the the help of state, and Saur revolution we have The channels inside the liltililiiliiilllimljiili hanistan' was published existing provincial com- UNICEF and UNESCO been ' able to distribute slabs sbrve to raise their and distributed at the se- - mittees in every province aid was upgraded in 1352 6000"soldiers in different surface area by 200 per lite- ' units to make; them cent. i (189) . rate and ; will, by - taught 11 voluntarily by : the: mili- TVip hpotrv crimtitrn rf WUJITS ox c tary officers.' In the civil buildings erected in acco- g5 section 10 to 12 new cou- accoraence with the Te-- gfl ' rses- been opened to rmo Deck technique ime-g- $ : es Boeing 720 will leave have 08 Barikoot American and fe- Needed "Ageala". for Fra- educate the male ana wiav, uuuilg mc au m i Istanbul, film Kabul Labor Corpp, Department of Ministry of Pub- - A Aryana: European film Aniesterdam and male illiterates. mmer months, indoor te- 0 nkfurt, lic WOrKS - Haseen mnpratnrpq pan bp. hflH 65! neeOS Asyan' Pers- 9 local Shah Mahmoud T5 : , 'Khanjari in Paris tmorrow at SSI l n, l. nc a c m YA intr- down. The cooling effec- H111' Ql ian. , Will to added that we have OT i. Tr l i T . T-- m i i time and return mm t i j J cha- ts are in many cases q.jgzsysiem jvapui or nauman ron or luiKn-gj- Kabul from the mention- oduced a qualitative ' uivalent to thosfe of ' Zainab Nendari: Ind- ed places on . Thursday at nge in the1 organisation , conditioning Local and foreign firms who can supply the v. f Ki ; 8.30 department, that svstems, and M KABUL NENDARI: ian film 'Peyar Kahani' local time. of the ' a lwer price, should send their applications in Hindi. we have appointed a these effects seem to besame A play 'Imshab Shah .is more Ziuntil September 23 to the Secretariate Section of W. Behzad: Pashto film Bakhtan 'Afgfiam AirH board of editors with five pronunced in Meemerad' (...and the King ' giLabor Corps Dept. and be present by September g2 do- in the climates. dies tonight,) at Kabul Nen-da- ri "Zema Baria". ines according to its persons versed . and : s. Kabul Nendari: Urdu mestic schedule will leave national languages at 5 p.m. tickets af A special computed pr- - 15 Microrayon. Securities are required. film "Aina". Kabul for Bamyan tomo- they work, on Pashto, 10, 20 and 30. (Wrammp rnntrnla lomnj - V 'i (188) -- rrow at 6 local time and Dari, Nooristani, and Ba- will come back on the luchi. Henceforth the teac- I KABUL hing-material TODArS radio' ZOO sarnie day at 8 local time. will be compiled in all these fi- Zoo op- Radio Afghanistan Kabul Kabul remains ve languages. 7 a.m. to 6 has following foreign ser- en daily from PHARMACIES The president of the p.m. including holdiays. vices: ' National Agency for Ca- OFFER RECEVED ' Tickets for adults afs. 10 Urdu language from 5. Following pharmacies mpaign Against' Illiteracy and children from 6 12 306.30 p.m. local time on will remain open from said that presently there years afs. 5 and under six 'Afghan Fertilizer Company has received an for 11 Soviet Union je 62m and 4775 KHZ daily 8 a.rn. today until 8 a.m. are 510 teachers and 60 offer free. eps each for US$ 5698 and one Volga car for US$ 4452 from Commercial English from 6.30-7- .00 tomorrow morning; supervisors employed by Consulate of USSR Embassy Kabul. local time on 26m and the department. In futu- in not only the number Individuals, local foneien firms who want to suoplv the same 'at lower pr-- 4775 KHZ daily Rona, Malik Asghai re flicfc 9-- should send their offers until September 16 the last date of bidding to Arabic from 9.30 p.-- Square, Waheedi, Share ' of the teachers will be a, the Administration Section of Afghan Fertilizer Co. at Khuaja Mullah and local time on 25m and Nau, Wasil, Rahman Ma-in- expanded but courses and be present for bidding. (191). 3 1 11820 KHZ daily. Zia, Khushal Khan seminars will be held ;' Dari and Pashto for Af- Following are the imp- Maina, Sehat, Tura Baz with the cooperation of ghans residing outside the ortant telephone numbe- Square, Asri Sakha, Mo- foreign "experts in order' country from 1011 a.m. rs: : hammad Jan Khan Watt, to raise the standard of local time on 25m and Central Fire Brigade; Khair Khana, Khair Khana their knowledge. The co- 11820 KHZ daily. 20122 Maina, Salang,, Salang urse will also be impro- German from 1111.30 Afghantour: 24731 Watt, Ikram, Baghban ved - so that the partici- Needed a.m. local time on 25m Hotel Inter Continent- Kocha, Kumar, Karte pants when they gradua- and 11820 KHZ daily. al: 31851-5- Parwan, Balkhi Ibne te obtain required know- ' ' Government Monopoly Kabul is in nebd of white crystal granulared sug English for Europe fr- Hotel Kabul; 24741 Sina Darmalzai, Tel 41252 ledge. ar upto 20000 m. tonnes of 99.70 or 99.80 degree polarisation packed into om 110-- 12 local Bakhtar Afghan Airli- and Pashtunistan Tel: BUTTERWORTH, Ma- two covers. Both covers of thick strong new jute. Each bag of 50 or time- 25m and 11820 nes Sales office: 24451 20528. on 18, (Reutier) C 26341 laysia, July 60;kgs. net and F Karachi under liner term or charier party under liner KHZ daily Kabul Airport: shot dead Kabul Security Office: . Marksmen term.. All Discharging expenses in the port as unloading from the vessel to 1,300 crows shed account 20300 more than the wagons or and if demurrage occurs will be to the of the extermination selJer. come Passport and visa office: during an Tare do not to the price. Payment by letter or credit in US ' campaign aimed at red- Museum will rem- 21579 Kabul ucing the litter dropped Ten percent of the total price will be paid by the seller to the bank as opeH for f ans daily International tele Kabul Public Library ain on this north Malaysian performance bond 'or undertaking their obligation. from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. dept. 20365 remains open for readers port town by the birds. Offer should reach Kabul upto September 10th. 1978 and must have the on Fridays and public International Post Imp from 8 a.m. until 7 pm. and The Municipal Counc- validity up to September 16th. 1978. Insurance charges up to Karachi shou holidays from 9 a.m. to ort Dept.: 2186 except Fridays and ' hol- -- 55 Ex- il called in amateur ld be shown separately. Insurance either by the seller or the buyer will 12 International Post idays. noon marksmen, for coopleration be to buyer's option. 1 For foreigners port Dept.: 23877 Tickets: crow shoot," which was Offer should be sent by cable. Sample of sugar as as sample both locals afs. Pashtany Tejaraty Ba- Libr- well of afs. 20 and for Sunday ' to rid should by nk: 26551 ary remains open from 7 launched jute covers be send airmail. Sugar should not be shipped by 10. On Fridays and other of the Litterb-u- g Bank: 6.30 exce- the town vessel oldrf than 15 years. admission will be Da Afghanistan a.m. until p.m. - holidays birds. ' person 24075. pt public' holidays.' Name and the signature of authorized for signing contract sho free. But council President uld be introduced. All bags must have the mark: via Karachi in transit to ..admitted Delivery National Archives Lib- Noh Abdullah Afghanistan. third quarter of 1978 in twoshipments. thousand ot- 3- rary situated in Salang that several (192) -1 crows had r escaped StRVICI Watt remains open' from her and said more crow ..hoo Park: American film, 72 p.m. daily except Fr- - - ting would be organised. "Ageala"., Ariana Afghan Airlin- idays and public holidays. NOTICE NIMROZ TRANSLATION OFFER RECEIVED t Siamack Sia Poosh an Iraian national wants to install in his car with plate 4185 instje--l & Afohan' Tarkanv Enterprises has received an offer, for 120 rolls cloth co-- ( number TYPING 'ver sand paper each atthe size of 50 metres length and 610 mm wide ir- - ad of engine No.. 18094110 017826 a new engi--. 'om Carborundum Comp any of Germany CIF Kabul at the total DM 309- - ne No. 1294010-007948- . Jgclzar market, opposite WE EXPERT TRA- - Tfi! no. Individuals and offices who have any dealing 'KABUL MUNICIPALITY DO TniiwiHiiala lnral and foreiim firms who- wantto SUDDlv tne same at, INSLATION AND TYFINGF. lUMu, vv.. O t with the car should come within three days trom ot Aign- - . (185) finiiF nrino sbniild rnme bv to the bUPPiv bectlon Tr-'affi- c. fappearnce of this advertisement to the Kabul 33 Ln Tarkanv Enterprises at Janealak. Specifications can be be seen and secJ . " T 2- r"" v (190) iritioa nr rpnmrea. . UOIIi,n. o -1 I GOVERNMENT PRINTING PEESS PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES JULY 18, 1978 Aseemov AID FOR FLOOD VICTIMS (Continued speaks to ku from page 1) A number of patriotic Ltd. from Sarai Hazar-gu- l According to . another merchants of Kabul prov- afs. 5,000, Mingraj students, stall report from Gerdez, the ince went to the Chamb- from Sarari Hazargul afs. officers of the division er of Commerce and 5,000, Juma Nazar from - 'No. KABUL. July 18, (Bakht- 25 and the officials and volunt- Kuchi Market afs. 5,000, ar). Aseemov, the head of Khost Loi Woleswali arily donated for the rec- Mahaish Kumar, a mer- of Soviet academicians de of Paktia province' lave ent flood victims as foll- chant of Sarari Hazargul legation and President of donated a total of afs. ows: afs. 5,000 and Zinat Ltd. Tajikistan Academy of Sc 78,059 for. the flood victi- . Haji Abdul Haq afs. from Sarai Hazargul afs. in presence ms of the recent ' floods ' ience spoke the 10,000, Hahibullah Gulz-a- r 5,000. to the ARCS off- of professors, and students branch Afs. 5,000, Grjewar Co. Similarly, the Carpet ice in province. of Kabul University at that afs. 5,000. Heri Afghan Export Guild has donated the of Univer- The officials and empl- auditorium afs. 5,000, Ghulam Hussa-i- n afs. 30,000 for this purpo- oyees of Paktia court ha- sity on science and educa Hussainzada afs. 4,000, se. ve donated their one day tion development of Taj Haji Mohammad Qasim salary and officials of the ikistan Republic. afs. 2,000, Haji Mohamm- ; - administration departme- Donations Similarly, Prof. Dorya- Is--haq afs. 1,500, Mo- nt of that province have ad nkov, member of the Mo hammad Mehdi, afs. 1,5-0- 0, scow University' spoke on donated their five day sa- received lary for this purpose. ' Haji Ahmad Shah goodwill relations between afs. 1,000, Amirdad and the Democratic Repu- afs. 1,000, The director and emp- Hussain Ali from abroad blic of Afghanistan and Haji Mohammad Ali afs. loyees of Balkh Informa- KABUL .Tulv Ifi TRfl. Union of Soviet Socialist 500 and.'Ali Jan afs. 500. Republics. tion and Culture Depar- khtar). To assist the re- tment have donated a Similarly, a number of Pohandoi Dr. Abdurra- - patriotic merchan- cent flood victims in the total of afs. 1,360 to' thje other country shid Jalili. Rector of Ka ts of Kabul province also the Red Cross Ambassador of Republic of Korea to Kabul pre senting the cheque of dol- ARCS branch office in bul University while intro went to the Chamber of Societies of Finland, lars 4,000 to Shah Moha mmad Dost Deputy Minis ter for Political Affairs Balkh province. ducing the Soviet academ Commerce and Denmark, Switzerland, for the victims of recent floods in the country. Industries icians delegation recalled and voluntarily donated Holland, Norway snd gives Sweden havje sent don- with appreciation of the IRC afs. 500,000 to the reqent KABUL, July 18, (Bakh-tar- ). Kabul at 2 p.m. yesterday .of 4,000 dollars on behalf ations cash friendly relations between AR- in and kind Afgh- flood victims to the Shah Mohammad at the premises of that of his country to the the two countries. to the Afghan Red Cresc- Society 25,000 dollars CS as follows: ' Dost, Deputy Minister for ministry. an Red Crescent According to another Ire- - ent Society. Political Affairs of , Forei- for helping of victims of port, the Soviet academic Haji Mir Mohammad A source of the Infov gn Ministry met Meung During the meeting Am- recent floods in the coun- to ARCS ian delegation later visited Nairn Yaqubi afs. 100,: mation and Public Rel- Jun Choi Ambassador of bassador of the Republic of try which was accepted with the Library and some oth- KABUL, July 18, (Bakh-tar- ). 000, Aqmurad Ltd. afs. ations Department of the Republic of Korea to Korea presented a cheque thanks. the ARCS rpnnrtfd er academic centres of Ka- K. Adler, represen- 50,000, Balkhi Ltd. Rah-im- i that bul the Rsd Cross of Finland University. tative of International Red market afs. --40,000, Cross League held talks Watan Plastic Shoe fac- has donated 20 tents, the Red Cross of Denmark Appointments yesterday with heads of tory afs. 40,000, Abdul Ja-l- il CAIRO STANCE ON WEST departments of Afghan Red and Abdul Khalil 10,000 Swiss Franc, Holl- ). and Red Cross 10,000 Dut- KABUL, July 18, (Bakh-tar- Crescent Society over re- afs. 40,000, Ais-ha- n ch - Norway On the proposal of cent floods in Afghanistan Ltd. afs. 30,000, Sho-- Guilders, ' ' BANK, GAZA UNCHANGED Ministry of Mines and and while expressing deep', bnend afs. 25,000, Haji nea cross zu.uuu swiss Industries approval of the sorrow on this natural-- Shah Mohammad and Francs and the Swiss ; CAIRO, July 18, (Reuter) in West should remain the called for participation of cabinet and endorsement of said the League Haji Shah Baba merch- Rjed Cross 25,000 Swiss ag- whi-- . Egyptian Govern- Bank following a peace Palestinians in determining Hab-ibulla- francs to the ARCS .The Chairman of the Revolutio- will refrain from no neces- ants of Sarai Sayed h ment yesterday denied th- reement. im- . their future, must be nary Council the following sary help in this regard. afs. 20,000, Semi ch have been accepted at President Anwar Sadat But the Egyptian gover- plemented. with thanks. appointments have been ' During the meeting K. Singh a merchant of Sar- had accepted that an Isra- nment statement said Pre- made at that Ministry: Adler presented, on beh- ai Shazdah afs. 20,000,, eli military presence sho- sident Sadat had made KUWAIT, July 18, (A-FP- ). Dip. Eng. Abdul Rasul alf of the League,' a 25,000 Shadab Ltd. afs. 2O.0O I m. Afs for uld be maintained in Jor- it clear there would be no German Democr- as President of Jangalak dollars check for flood Barakat Ltd. afs. 15,000, dan's West Bank and Gaza concessions on land and Republic Ambassa- ! atic Factories in rank one. to Nezamuddin Ajudyanat Trading from Strip. sovereignty. dor to Kuwait Gunther victims Teachers' Fund Gul Nawaz as President Zalmai, the Secretary of Sarai Shazdah afs. 15,000, It said "Israel has to Dobereng disclosed; here of Afghanistan ' KABUL, July 18, (Bakh-tar- ). National ARCS which was accepted Haji Mohammad Hakim . The statement was issu- speci- ' declare clearly and yestjerday that represent- Oil Company in rank one. Karimzada afs. 10,000. On the basis of Ba- ed in reply Israeli rep- ev- with thanks.. lo fically her readiness to of Ethiopian; Vice-Pr- e- ative the Kanshi Ram as . fr- sic Lines of Revolutionary Pu- Ramchand trading orts that' new Egyptian aluate West Bank and Eritre-a-n The Information and the Government and sident of ; Administration om Gulzar Market afs. Duties of the Democratic proposals, presented by Gaza blic Relations Department Strip and terminate separatist groups had Department of Jangalak 10,000, Khwaja Qamarud-di- n Republic ,of Afghanistan, Israeli oc- of ARCS said K. Adler ar- Defence Minister the military rule in the recently met on three Factories in rank two. a merchant of Sarai the Welfare Fund of Bank Ezer Weizman on July 16 rived in Kabul at 8.30 a.m. two regions as specified in casions in Berlin to try Shazdah afs. 10,000, Ma-nzo- Millie Afghan has donated to the we- be- yesterday to inspect flood Israeli cabinet, the Egyptian project to reach a settlement of Timur Shah Surkhabi as Ltd. from Latif Ma- one million afghanis to the re much more conciliatory fore Arabs sit to discuss Eritrean conflict. ' affected areas in Afghan- the Technical Vice President . rket afs. 10,000, Rczi Teachers' Fund, which has than Governm- istan and at Kabul Inter- the Cairo security arrangements". of Jangalak Factories in Ltd. from Negejen market been accepted with thanks ent's official national Airport he was line. 5 killed as rank two and Mohammad afs. 10,000, Serender Ku- by, the Ministry of Educa- The rennrfs said Procirt. welcomed by representati- The statement also said Vice-Preside- , Fazel Dilzada as nt ' mar afs. 10,000, Bahar tion. , ent Sadat in his- - Salzburg ves of ARCS. , ... that the of Bagrami Textile talks t!w m tanker explodes with Weizman had issued by 7la'Carter Factory in rank two. agreed that Israeli forces and Sadat in January which MEXICO, July 18, (AFP) people died follo- .Five KABUL, July 18, (Bakht-ar- ). a wing the explosion of On the proposal of Soviet cosmonauts a " liquid gas tanker and Prime Ministry's Adminis- up involv- - motorway pile tration Department, ap- continue space research six cars, three coaches, proval of the cabinet and and two lorries 85 kms endorsement of Noor Mo- MOSCOW, July 18, (Tass) tallations on board the or- north of Mexico City last hammad Taraki, Chairm- A month has passed bital complex. "Splav" (al- night, authorities said to- an of the Revolutionary day. -- since Vladimir Kovalyon-o- k loy) is in the air lock, "Kr- Council and Prime Minis- and Alexander Ivanch-enko- v istall" is in the transfer tu- Initial reports had put ter Dr. Hekmatullah has started work on bo- nnel of the station. the death toll at 30. been appointed as Techn- ard the Soviet space com- The cosmonauts were Medical authorities said ical of Ru- plex. The first technology busy yesterday doing re- one of the five died in hos- ral Development Depart- ical experiment was yes- pair work, recharging pho- pital today after being in- ment, in rank two. terday concluded in the tographic equipment for jured. In addition, 40 peo- "Kristall" equipment, wh- forthcoming experiments. ple were gravely injured Similarly on the proposal ich was delivered to "Sal-y- ut A new technological expe- and 59 others were in hos- of Ministry of Education 6 station in the tra- riment in the "alloy" plant pital, about a third with se- approval of the cabinet ' nsport spaceship "Prog- was planned for the latter rious burns. and endorsement of Cha- ress 2". . half of the day yesterday. said flames irman of the Revolution- from According to medical the tanker, which ary Council and Prime Mi- The aim ot the experi control data and reports was carrying 10,000 lit- nister following teachers ment is to obtain a semic- of the crew, Vladimir ters of liquid gas, covered have been promoted from onductor material. On Ju- and Alexander an area of 500 metres. rank three to rank two: They ly 16, the cosmonauts ass- Ivanchenkov good added that passen- are in Abdul Ghafar, Sayed Ar-- MKUH embled and prepared gers threw themselves out the health and feel well. The if Pakteen, Ahmad Zia, equipment for operation. of car windows. Representative of the International Red Cross League presenting a che-th- e flight commander's Hem-ayatulla- pulse Enayatullah, Sayed h All work for ensuring op- que of dollar 25,000 for victims of recent floods to the Secretary of rate is 65, tbe flight en- and Miss Roqia. timum conditions was done gineer's 60 a minute, ar- Home briefs ARCS. automatically. It was for terial pressure is respec- the first time in the condi- tively . 120 by 65 and 130 KABUL, July 18, (Bakht-ar- ). tions of weightlessness th- by 60 millimetres of the The mother of Gen. INTERNATIONAL NEWS ROUND UP at a monocrystal was form- mercury column. Abdul Qadir, the Defence ed through the movement ALGIERS, July 18, (A-F- me sensitivity of the wo- contest this year for a Saudi Press Agency rep- Minister of Afghanistan, of a capsule in an electrical The programme of res- . The Organisation rld's foreign exchange U.N. Security Council se- orted from Sanaa. heating donated ten thousand ' chamber. earch work n the near-ea- of African Unity (OAU) markets! to any news ab- at. rth her life saving, to Under the constitution, Now there are two func- orbit s being summit opening today out dollar, no statement suc- the Ministry of Education the new president would tioning technological exam- , IS, (Re- ins cessfully carried out. r . .. - in Khartoum will was issued at the end of . LONDON, July also bje ior construction oi primary the commander ine the problem of the the closed door meeting uter). A youth sparked of the armed forces, school girls Barnab-!a- d the .IMMMMHMIMMlMMMMMMMtHllMIMMM for in Al- Western Sahara, the which kept OPEC econo- off a security alert ear- . village of Ghoryan official agency said. gerian News Agency mic and financial exper- ly yesterday when he of Herat ' province. APS rjeported yesterday ts at a tightly guarded climbed into the grounds The Ministry of President Gh.ishmi jCome Educati- from the Sudanese cap- London Hotel since last of Buckingham Palace, one on has expressed gratitude dfled when a parcel bomb, come all ital. Friday. home of Quefen Elizabeth, for. the donation. which North Yemen said It said OAU foreign mi- for a two pound (three was sent by South Yem- nisters preparing the DACCA, July 17, M-P- ). dollars 50 cents) bet. en with an emissary, ex- KABUL, July 18, (Bakh-tar- ). Turn to Kabul Times summit 'agenda had Bangladesh Presi- Pohandoi ploded on June 24. South Attaullah taken a last minute de- dent Ziaur Rahman will Police spotted the 18-- year Yemen has denied the Raouf, Vice-Preside- WITH A NEW of cision to include the dis- pay a three day official old as he scaled charge. LOOK Kabul University's stud pute over the former Sp- visit to Indonesia, begi-nin- g the palace's perimetjer ents affairs, Pohanyar Mo anish Sahara. July 26, wall and used tracker do- The daily Kabul hammad for talks Times , carries Yaseen Mohsini The territory is now with President Suharto gs to sniff him out. Afghan Press latest news and interesting articles Dean of Faculty of. Agric divided between Moroc- on regional,, bilateral und His two friends, with , sbout the events of half past cent-u- y ulture and Dr. Abdul Aziz co and Mauritania. international issues of co- whom he had taken the (Continued front page 2) in Afghanistan. Hameed, Vice-Preside- of mmon concern related so- wager, were also arrest- Teachers Training Institu LONDON, July 18, ed outside the grounds, Now, we unitedly work, Subscribe your copy at the Kabul urces said yesterday. , tes returned to Kabul yes- Times Subscription Gov- (Rfeuter). A preparat- This will be 43 year but all three were later under the' banner of Peo- Department, terday ernment Printing Press building. after participating ory meeting called to old) Zia's first trip aboad released without charge. ple's Democratic Party of at the scientific conference work out the Organisat- since he won overwhell-mingl- y Afghanistan and directive . Available at news stands in Share on educational curriculum ion of Petroleum Expor- the last month's of righteous son of people Nau, Kaite Parwan, Khairkhan Mina, held in Beirut ting Countries1 (OPEC) presidential election. RIYADH, July 18, (Re- Noor Mohammad Taraki, Malik Asphar crossing, PaTu Cinema, The conference which future attitude to the Observers here believ- uter). Lieutenant Col- .for the realisation of obj- started on July Sa-He- Barikut; Microrayan, Mirwais Maidon three at falling U.S. dollar ended ed that President Zia's onel Ali Abdullah h ectives of revolution which Shah Saheed. the Beirut American Uni- here yesterday without visit to Jakarta has am- was elected North guarantees the freedom, versity lasted eleven days any indication what thJe ong 'other things, aimed Yemeni President yes- welfare and equality of and Kabul University Campus. and was attended by the oil producers' next cour- at exchanging views with terday xto succeed assass- our toiling people and de--1 representatives of Middle Home delivery service available. se of action would bo. Indonesian leaders on inated President Ahmed velopment nnd progress of eastern countries. Because of the extre- - Bangladesh's desire to Hussain Al Ghashmi, the our country.