Gazzetta Tal-Gvern Ta' Malta

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Gazzetta Tal-Gvern Ta' Malta Nru./No. 20,452 Prezz/Price €4.14 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta The Malta Government Gazette Il-Ġimgħa, 31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 Pubblikata b’Awtorità Friday, 31st July, 2020 Published by Authority SOMMARJU — SUMMARY Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern ............................................................................................. 6525 - 6544 Government Notices ......................................................................................................... 6525 - 6544 Avviżi tal-Pulizija ............................................................................................................ 6544 - 6548 Police Notices .................................................................................................................. 6544 - 6548 Avviżi lill-Baħħara ........................................................................................................... 6548 - 6549 Notices to Mariners .......................................................................................................... 6548 - 6549 Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg ................................................................................................ 6550 - 6574 Employment Opportunities .............................................................................................. 6550 - 6574 Avviżi tal-Gvern ............................................................................................................... 6574 - 6590 Notices .............................................................................................................................. 6574 - 6590 Offerti ............................................................................................................................... 6590 - 6602 Tenders ............................................................................................................................. 6590 - 6602 Avviżi tal-Qorti ................................................................................................................ 6602 - 6612 Court Notices ................................................................................................................... 6602 - 6612 Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 6525 NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERN GOVERNMENT NOTICES Nru. 870 No. 870 PUBBLIKAZZJONI TA’ ATT PUBLICATION OF ACT FIS-SUPPLIMENT IN SUPPLEMENT HUWA avżat għall-informazzjoni ġenerali li l-Att li ġej IT is notified for general information that the following huwa ppubblikat fis-Suppliment li jinsab ma’ din il-Gazzetta: Act is published in the Supplement to this Gazette: Att Nru XXXVIII tal-2020 imsejjaħ l-Att tal-2020 li Act No. XXXVIII of 2020 entitled the Maltese jemenda l-Att dwar iċ-Ċittadinanza Maltija (Emenda Nru 2). Citizenship (Amendment No. 2) Act, 2020. Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 31st July, 2020 Nru. 871 No. 871 BORD TAL-EŻAMINATURI AUCTIONEERS BOARD GĦALL-IRKANTATURI OF EXAMINERS NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi, bis- IT is notified for general information that, in exercise saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija lilu b’Regolament numru 2 tal- of the powers conferred by Regulation 2 of Subsidiary Leġiżlazzjoni Sussidjarja 342.01, Regolamenti dwar Bejgħ Legislation 342.01, Public Auction Regulations, the Minister bi Rkant, il-Ministru għall-Ekonomija, l-Investiment u for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses has n-Negozji Żgħar reġa’ approva l-ħatriet kif ġejjin fuq il-Bord approved the re-appointments on the Auctioneers Board of tal-Eżaminaturi għall-Irkantaturi: Examiners: Chairman Chairman Is-Sur Renato Vella Mr Renato Vella Membri Members Dott. Noel Camilleri Dr Noel Camilleri Dott. Marion Camilleri Dr Marion Camilleri Dawn il-ħatriet jibqgħu fis-seħħ sas-16 ta’ Marzu, These appointments remain valid up to 16th March, 2021. 2021. Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 31st July, 2020 Nru. 872 No. 872 MINISTRU GĦALL-ĠUSTIZZJA, MINISTRY FOR JUSTICE, EQUALITY UGWALJANZA U GOVERNANZA AND GOVERNANCE Ħatra tal-Kumissarju għall-Informazzjoni u Appointment of the Information and Data Protection l-Protezzjoni tad-Data Commissioner NGĦARRFU illi l-Ministru għall-Ġustizzja, Ugwaljanza IT is notified that the Minister for Justice, Equality and u Governanza ġedded il-ħatra tas-Sur Saviour Cachia bħala Governance has extended the appointment of Mr Saviour Kummissarju għall-Informazzjoni u l-Protezzjoni tad-Data bi Cachia as the Information and Data Protection Commissioner tliet (3) xhur. Din il-ħatra issa hija valida sal-14 ta’ Ottubru, for a further three (3) months. This appointment is now valid 2020. till 14th October, 2020. Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 31st July, 2020 6526 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,452 Nru. 873 No. 873 MINISTRU GĦALL-ĠUSTIZZJA, MINISTRY FOR JUSTICE, EQUALITY UGWALJANZA U GOVERNANZA AND GOVERNANCE Ħatra tal-Kumitat fuq ir-Riforma tal-Prostituzzjoni Appointment of the Prostitution Reform Committee NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd li l-Ministru IT is hereby notified for general information that the għall-Ġustizzja, Ugwaljanza u Governanza ħatar il-Kumitat Minister for Justice, Equality and Governance has appointed fuq ir-Riforma tal-Prostituzzjoni għal perjodu ta’ sena (1) the Prostitution Reform Committee for a period of one (1) b’seħħ mis-27 ta’April, 2020, kif ġej: year with effect from 27th April, 2020, as follows: Chairperson Chairperson Is-Sa Ruth Baldacchino Ms Ruth Baldacchino Membri Members Is-Sur Oliver Scicluna Mr Oliver Scicluna Is-Sa Remenda Grech Ms Remenda Grech Is-Sa Claudette Abela Baldacchino Ms Claudette Abela Baldacchino Dott. Matthew Bartolo Dr Matthew Bartolo Segretarju Secretary Dott. Matthew Bondin Dr Matthew Bondin Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 31st July, 2020 Nru. 874 No. 874 ĦATRA TAL-BORD TAL-GVERNATURI APPOINTMENT OF THE AMBJENT MALTA TA’ AMBJENT MALTA BOARD OF GOVERNORS IKUN magħruf għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi IT is notified for general information that the Minister for l-Ministru għall-Ambjent, it-Tibdil fil-Klima u l-Ippjanar the Environment, Climate Change and Planning has approved approva l-ħatra tal-persuni li ġejjin sabiex iservu fuq il-Bord the appointment of the following persons to serve on the tal-Gvernaturi ta’ Ambjent Malta. Ambjent Malta Board of Governors. Dawn il-ħatriet jidħlu fis-seħħ mill-15 ta’ Lulju, 2020, għal These appointments are effective from the 15th July, 2020, perjodu ta’ tliet (3) snin. for a period of three (3) years. Chairperson Eżekuttiv Executive Chairperson Is-Sur Conrad Borg Manchè Mr Conrad Borg Manchè Membri Members Dott. Claire Bonello Dr Claire Bonello Is-Sur Claude Ebejer Mr Claude Ebejer Is-Sur Christian Sammut Mr Christian Sammut Dott. Joseph Sammut Dr Joseph Sammut Is-Sur Steve Compagno Mr Steve Compagno Is-Sur Noel Farrugia Mr Noel Farrugia Is-Sa Christine Cassar Ms Christine Cassar Is-Sur Nigel Attard Mr Nigel Attard Is-Sa Elyse Tonna (Membru Sostitut) Ms Elyse Tonna (Membru Sostitut) Segretarju Secretary Is-Sur Clive Azzopardi Mr Clive Azzopardi Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 31st July, 2020 Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 6527 Nru. 875 No. 875 ATT DWAR IS-SIKUREZZA NUKLEARI U NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION L-PROTEZZJONI MIR-RADJAZZJONI (KAP. 585) PROTECTION ACT (CAP. 585) Ħatra tal-Kummissjoni għall-Protezzjoni Appointment of Commission for the Protection mir-Radjazzjoni Jonizzanti u Mhux Jonizzanti from Ionising and Non-Ionising Radiation NGĦARRFU b’din illi, skont is-setgħat mogħtija lilha IT is hereby notified that, in terms of the powers conferred b’Artikolu 10 tal-Att dwar is-Sikurezza Nukleari u l-Protezzjoni by article 10 of the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection mir-Radjazzjoni (Kap. 585), il-Ministru għat-Turiżmu u Act (Cap. 585), the Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protezzjoni tal-Konsumatur ħatret il-Kummissjoni għall- Protection has appointed the Commission for the Protection Protezzjoni mir-Radjazzjoni Jonizzanti u Mhux Jonizzanti, għal from Ionising and Non-Ionising Radiation for a period of three perjodu ta’ tliet snin b’seħħ mis-16 ta’ Ġunju, 2020, kif ġej: years with effect from 16th June, 2020 as follows: Chairperson Mhux Eżekuttiv Non-Executive Chairperson Dott. Lourdes Farrugia Dr Lourdes Farrugia Deputat Chairperson Deputy Chairperson Il-Prof. Lilian Azzopardi Prof. Lilian Azzopardi Membri Members Is-Sur Silvio Farrugia Mr Silvio Farrugia Is-Sa Nadine Mercieca Ms Nadine Mercieca Is-Sur Clive Tonna Mr Clive Tonna Ing. Albert Tabone Ing. Albert Tabone Capt. Fritz Farrugia Capt. Fritz Farrugia Ing. Antoine Sciberras Ing. Antoine Sciberras Is-Sur Eamon Bugeja Mr Eamon Bugeja Il-Prof. Josef Borg Prof. Josef Borg Is-Sur Adrian Galea Mr Adrian Galea Segretarju Eżekuttiv Executive Secretary Is-Sur Paul Brejza Mr Paul Brejza Il-31 ta’ Lulju, 2020 31st July, 2020 Nru. 876 No. 876 MINISTERU GĦAT-TURIŻMU U PROTEZZJONI MINISTRY FOR TOURISM AND CONSUMER TAL-KONSUMATUR PROTECTION Bord tat-Tmexxija tal-Fond għall-Insolvenza Insolvency Fund Managing Board NGĦARRFU b’din, illi skont l-Avviż Legali Nru. 315 IT is hereby notified, that in terms of Legal Notice No. 315 tal- 2016 tal-Att dwar Servizzi tal-Ivvjaġġar u tat-Turiżmu of 2016 of the Malta Travel and Tourism Act (CAP. 409), the għal Malta (Kap. 409), il-Ministru għat-Turiżmu u Protezzjoni Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection has appointed tal-Konsumatur ħatret lil dawn li ġejjin bħala membri fuq the following as members on the Insolvency Fund Managing il-Bord tat-Tmexxija tal-Fond għall-Insolvenza, b’seħħ għal Board, for three years, with effect from 26th March, 2020. tliet snin mis-26 ta’ Marzu, 2020. Chairperson Chairperson Is-Sur William Wait Mr William Wait Membri Members Dott. Gavin Gulia Dr Gavin Gulia Dott. Rebekah Tanti
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