GÀIDHLIG ANN AN ALBAINN: SÒISIO-CHÀNANACHAS AGUS POILEASAIDH CÀNAIN GAELIC IN SCOTLAND: SOCIOLINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGE POLICY SGRÌOBHAIDHEAN 1980-2012 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1980-2012 This bibliography is intended to provide a comprehensive list of publications dealing with sociolinguistics and language planning with regard to Gaelic from 1980 onwards. A few key publications from before 1980 are included. It does not include publications of a linguistic nature that do not raise questions of language policy. Section A consists a comprehensive list arranged alphabetically by author, and in Section B a number of publications are then grouped according to subject: Institutional and Official Status, Education and Learning, Broadcasting and Media, Arts and Culture, Sociolinguistics, and Nova Scotia. Any errors or omissions would be gratefully rectified. Please contact
[email protected] Section A Abalain, Hervé (1989). Destins des Langues Celtiques (pp. 79-108). Paris: Editions Ophrys. Baker, Susan (2005). ‘A social psychological approach to preserving heritage languages: the survival of Gaelic in Nova Scotia’. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Ottawa. Bannerman, Chrissie (1995). ‘Gaedhlig [sic] / Scottish Gaelic’, in Na Teangacha Neamhfhorleathana agus Oiliúint Mhúinteoirí: Ag díriú ar an ngné Eorpach / The Lesser Used Languages and Teacher Education: Towards the promotion of the European Dimension, ed. by Eilís Ní Dheá, Máire Ní Neachtain and Antóin Ó Dubhghaill, 37-52. Limerick: Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál / Mary Immaculate College. Bateman, Meg (2010). ‘“Gàidhlig Ùr”’, in Munro & Mac an Tàilleir 2010, 87-98. Bauer, Michael, Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh and Rob Wherrett (2009). Project Report: Survey of Gaelic Corpus Technology. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Berton, Jean (2007). ‘Scottish Gaelic: An Age-Old Language in Modern Europe’, in Scotland and Europe, Scotland and Europe, ed.