THE NEWSLETIER OF THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Reality Check: At Baltimore Standards Formn, All QuietAlong"MathWars" Front

by Ken Ross speaking up. The tone was set by the The problem that no one cares what is excellent keynote address given by In This Issue going on in mathematics education is Education SecretaryRiley. In reference gone! Major newspapers from New to the so-called "math wars" in Califor• York to California have published col• nia and elsewhere, he said, "Let me say 2 New TIMSS Report umns about the problems in school right now that this is a very disturbing mathematics, and the California "math trend, and it is very wrong for anyone wars" have been a national concern. As addressing education to be attacking 3 Cryptanalyst usual, the newsworthy stories reporton another in ways that are neither con• Abraham Sinkov the extreme positions taken. Fre• structive nor productive. It is perfectly Dies quently the culprit is identified as the appropriate to disagree on teaching NCTM Standards. Meanwhile, the in• methodologies and curriculum con• visible majorityofconcerned mathema• tent. Butwhatwe need is a civil and con• 6 Educating Math ticians is not heard from. structive discourse." Teachers At the Baltimore meeting, it was heart• Though there were still some heated ening to see the invisible majority discussions at the meeting, in general 8 Letters to the Editor Appreciation See Standards on page 4 10 Single-Sex Education Survey A Mentor, a Teacher, a Mathematician 11 Liaisons Program James R. C. Leitzel, who died ofcancer on February 25 at the age of 61, was a Update multitalented mathematics professor at the University of New Hampshire and an MAA governor-at-Iarge who had earned a national reputation for his research and expertise in mathematics education. Leitzel was a member ofthe MAA for nearly 40 years and was per• haps best known for his work as codirector of the MAA's national Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching). JamesR.C. Leitzel The Mathematical Association of America Postage paid at Organized in 1993, Project NExT is a Washington, DC and 1529 Eighteenth St., NW additional mailing offices professional development program for Washington, DC 20036 new and recent Ph.D.s in the math• **********************5-DIGIT 45504 ematical sciences that tackles issues in Z32325000 OSN F598 1298 001 the teaching and learning of under• 7 graduate mathematics. Project NExT 7 F Fellows often spoke of Leitzel's "com• BE SQ'H 8352 Pi passion for young mathematicians and their efforts to become the best teach• 1""11.1111111'.11111111111111111111111111111' 1111111111111111 ers they could be." Fellow Lynne Baur See Leitzelon page 5 FOCUS May/June 1998 u.s. ShowinginTwelfth-Grade International FOCUS Math Study Called Unacceptable FOCUS is published by the Mathematical Professional Math Organizations Uniteto Make Mathematics Education Top Priority Association of America in January, February, March, April, MaylJune, U.S. 12th graders scored worse in math The tests were given to the fourth, August/September, October, November, than their counterparts in 20 other eighth, and 12th graders in spring, and December. countries, according to the Third In• 1995, and the results were released ternational Mathematics and Science piecemeal. The results for the fourth Editor: Harry Waldman, MAA; [email protected] Study (TIMSS) released in late Febru• graders were released last June, and ary, Participating countrieswere Austra• showed American students to be above Managing Editor: Carol Baxter, MAA lia, Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Re• the international average. The results Advertising Coordinator: Joseph public, Denmark, France, , for U.S. eighth graders, which had been Watson, MAA; [email protected] Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, released earlier, showed below average Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, scores. The 12th graders continued the President: Gerald L. Alexanderson, Santa Russia, Slovenia, SouthAfrica, Sweden, downward trend, ranking near the bot• Clara University Switzerland, and the United States. tom. First Vice-President: Anita Solow, DePauw University The U.S. 12th graders' performance "Aswe digest the findings from TIMSS, has caused widespread concern and we need to reconsider what is taught Second Vice-President: Ed Dubinsky, prompted calls from mathematics or• and how it is taught," Burrill noted. At Georgia State University ganizations and the U.S. Dept of Edu• the same time, Burrill added a note of Secretary: Martha Siegel, Towson cation for greater emphasis on math caution. "We must define our own cur• University education. "Clearly, other countries fo• riculum for our own country and not cus on algebra and geometry earlier in simply replicate what seems to work in Treasurer: Gerald J. Porter, University of Pennsylvania the curriculum, engage students in other countries." more substantive problem solving activi• The NCTM wasjoined by leaders ofthe Executive Director: Marcia P. Sward ties, and require all students to study Mathematical Association of America, more complex mathematics through• Associate Executive Director and Di• the American Mathematical Society, out their high school years," said NCTM rector of Publications and Electronic and the American Mathematical Asso• President Gail F. Burrill. Services: Donald J. Albers ciation ofTwo-YearColleges in advocat• Letters to the editor should be addressed Ofthree grades tested, U.S. 12th grad• ing a solid mathematics education for to Harry Waldman, MAA, 1529 ers fared most poorly, fourth graders every American child. The organiza• Eighteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC scored slightly above the international tions are committed to supporting 20036. average, and U.S. eighth graders scored teachers through high-quality teacher Subscription and membership questions below the international average. preparation, opportunities for profes• sional development, and dialogue be• should be directed to the MAA Customer Some dissenters, however, challenged Service Center, 800-331-1622; e-mail: tween K-12teachers, teachereducators, the findings as overly pessimistic, sug• [email protected]; (301) 617-7800 mathematicians, and administrators. (outside U.S. and Canada); fax: (301) 206• gesting the study did not take into con• 9789. FOCUS is a benefit of MAA sideration differences in student ages, According to NCTM President-elect membership. The subscription price to attainment levels in calculus, or other Glenda Lappan, it is important to note individual members is $6.00, which is factors. The critics pointed out that that over the past decade the perfor• included in the annual dues. some ofthe students from other coun• mance of American students has im• Copyright © 1998 by the Mathematical tries were four years older than their proved. Findings from the federally Association of America (Incorporated). U.S. counterparts; that U.S. students mandated 1996 National Assessment of Educational institutions may reproduce with only a grounding in precalculus Educational Progress (NAEP) test articles for their own use, but not for sale, were given a test that assumed a knowl• showed that achievement scores have provided that the following citation is edge ofcalculus; that ten ofthe nations risen since 1990 for grades four, eight, used: "Reprinted with permission of that took part in the test have a strict and 12. "But the world is not standing FOCUS, the newsletter of the national curriculum; and that the study still" said Lappan. "We need to offer all Mathematical Association of America was not truly international because stu• students a challenging curriculum fo• (Incorporated)." dents from Asian nations did not par• cused on thinking and reasoning math• Periodicals postage paid at Washington, ticipate. ematically." DC and additional mailing offices. "The fourth grade TIMSS results show Such a compcehensive.. high-quality Postmaster: Send address changes to the us that the problem is not arithmetic. mathematics education -for everfstu• MAA, P.O. Box 90973, Washington, DC As students move through middle dentin the couniryis called fOT in 20090-0973. school and into high school, student NCTM's Standards. ISSN: 0731-2040; Printed in the United achievement and the mathematics cur• States of America. riculum fall short," said Burrill. See TIMSS on page 5 2 May/June 1998 FOCUS Master Cryptanalyst Abraham Sinkov Dies at 90

Abraham Sinkov, who was one ofthe nation's longtime mas• cryptologic community of the post• ter code-breakers, died last January of a heart ailment and war years. He was a top official at the Parkinson's disease in Mesa, . National SecurityAgency, retiring in 1963. For his services, he received Born in in 1907, Sinkov graduated from CCNY, the Orderofthe British Empire, the and then received a master's degree in mathematics from Legion ofMerit with Oak LeafClus• Columbia and a doctorate in mathematics from George ter, and was one of the first induct• Washington University. His life's work began in the early ees into the Army Intelligence Hall 1930s, when he was one ofthree people hired by the legend• ofFame. ary code-breaker William Friedman to work in the Army's Signal Intelligence Service. Sinkov taught computer program• ming at the University of Maryland Abraham Sinkov During the Second World War, Sinkov headed the Commu• and, after retiring from government nications Intelligence Organization, whose job it was to in• work, became a professor of mathematics at Arizona State tercept and decodeJapanese messages in the Southwest Pa• University. In 1966, Sinkov wrote Elementary : A cific theater, at the Australian headquarters of General MathematicalApproach. Itcovers the fundamental mathemat• MacArthur. "Sinkov worked wonders," wrote David Kahn in ics that is at the heart of sophisticated cryptanalytic tech• The Codebreakers. During the war, Sinkov rose to the rank of niques since the advent ofthe computer. colonel. This "sweet and unmilitary" man was unable to re• turn a salute without saying "good morning." His book has been reprinted five times in the New Math• ematical Library series of the MAA. Sinkov called himself"a mathematician." Hejoined the MAA in 1929, and remained an active member until 1993. Much On Sinkov's 90th birthday, President Clinton thanked him of his cryptanalysis involved complex mathematics, and he for his "outstanding contribution to the nation's security." became one of the leading mathematicians in the growing Sinkov is survived by his son, Michael. •

Tensor FoundationAwards 15 Grants

Fifteen high school, college, and university faculty members The projects chosen for the awards concentrate primarily received matching grants of up to $5,000 to carry out pro• on precollege students. Examples include a four-day com• grams for women and girls on their campuses during 1998 puter camp with follow-up at annual Sonia Kovalevsky Days; and 1999. Through this program the Tensor Foundation is a program on five Saturdays where students are immersed helping to increase the participation ofwomen in mathemat• in situations for analysis using mathematics and science; a ics and science. 12-day summer program with four follow-up days concen• trating on the use of graphing calculators; a Middle School The 1998 winners are: Dr. Pushpa Agashe and Dr. Barbara Mathematics Day for 200 girls both in the fall and spring, Hatfield, University ofRio Grande/Rio Grande Community which will become a feeder for the annual Sonia Kovalevsky College; Dr. Kathy M. Cousins-Cooper, North CarolinaA&T Days; creation ofa website with information pertinent to as• State University; Dr. Robert Dworkoski, Viewpoint School; sist girls in going into SEM careers to accompany a two-week Dr. Nadina M. Duran, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi; summerworkshop; a yearlong mentoring program for tenth• Dr. Kirsten Fleming, Central Michigan University; Dr. Tracy grade girls to include their mathematics teachers, parents, Goodson-Espy, University of North Alabama; Dr. Yvonne and professional women mentors; and a multifaceted peer Greenleafand Dr. A. Darien Lauten, Rivier College; Dr. Edna and professional mentoring program for middle school girls. Holbrook, Jackson State University; Dr. Sunil Karnawat, Turtle Mountain Community College; Dr. Harvey Keynes, Projects at the collegiate level include a "Mathematics After• University of Minnesota; Dr. Kara L. Nance, University of noon for Women," which will be a monthly program for Alaska Fairbanks; Dr. Judith Palagallo, The University of women mathematicians outside academics to talk about their Akron; Dr. Alice Pierce, DeKalb College; Dr. Laura B. Smith, career paths to both faculty and students; developing a North Carolina Central University; Dr. Patricia R. Wilkinson "Women and Mathematics" course to include the history of and Dr. Lawrence Sher, Borough ofManhattan Community women in mathematics, both ancientand contemporary; and College. a one-month mentored research fellowship for 10 women. Various types of institutions are represented among this The grants program is administered by the MAA on behalf fourth round of winners: six state universities; two histori• of the Foundation. The Foundation will make funds avail• cally Black universities; one private university; one Hispanic• able to the MAA annually through the year 2000. The re• serving Institution; one small college; three two-year colleges quest for proposals to be granted in 1999 will be published including a tribal college; and one high school. later this year in FOCUS. •

3 FOCUS May/June 1998 Standards from page 1 the cease-fire held. In particular, there was a very construc• on the creation and use of algorithms by elementary stu• tive and well-attended panel discussion on the NCTM Stan• dents and gave some interesting specific examples involving dards. This was co-sponsored by the AMS Committee on areas of simple geometric figures. Tom Moore began by Education and the MAAPresident's Task Force on the NCTM pointing out that statisticians are a little like doctors and car Standards, which are chaired by Roger Howe ofYale Univer• mechanics; they live on the problems of other people. He sity and me. In the fall of 1996, several mathematics organi• stressed that his ARG is very pro-Standards and especially zations were asked by NCTM to have a group assist with the applauded their over-arching theme ofproblem solving. The revision process ofthe NCTM Standards. The assisting groups approaches to learning encouraged by the Standards arejust have come to be known as ARGs, which stands for Associa• right for learning statistics and data analysis at an early age. tion Review Groups. The panelists represented six of the Moreover, the Standards consistently emphasize the statisti• ARGs. Theywere Roger Howe and me, Terry Herdman from cal paradigm ofcollecting, analyzing and interpreting data, the Society for Industrial andApplied Mathematics, Deborah which is at the heart ofall good statistical data analysis. Tom Hughes-Hallett from the Association for Women in Math• encouraged the use of technology when appropriate, but ematics,Jean Larson from the Association for Symbolic Logic, cautioned against introducing it too early. and Tom Moore from the American Statistical Association. The remainder of the session was devoted to questions and Roger Howe gave an overview ofsome ofthe issues involved comments from the audience. There were many hard-hit• in mathematics education reform. He observed that one of ting remarks, but most were in the spirit ofcooperation, and the driving forces has been the international comparisons, the atmosphere was amiable. Manuel Berriozabal explained in which the U.S. has consistently done poorly. He mentioned that when he first read the Standards he thought our stu• some ofthe key issues such as equityand the increasing need dents would be world class if the kids learned mathematics for mathematically talented people. New technology and the the way Standards wanted it taught. He has since been dis• changing needs of users of mathematics make curriculum mayed at how the Standards have been interpreted, espe• development more difficult than ever. More topics need to cially with the deemphasis on proofs. be added, but people are reluctant to let go ofitems now in William McCallum, following up on Terry Herdman's com• the curriculum. Roger also discussed the issues of teacher ment that his ARG agreed on the need for basics, said that preparation and certification and the issue ofassessment. "basics" is another word that means different things to dif• I began my remarks by giving credit to the NCTM for hav• ferent people. He's concerned that he has many students ing the courage to get out there and tackle these issues and with algebraic skills who have no graphing skills. Kenneth for addressing the needs ofall students. I also credited NCTM Millett cautioned that it isvery difficult to identity mathemati• with getting people inside and outside ofmathematics inter• cally talented students early on, and that the attempt to do ested in these issues. I mentioned our concerns that the so often results in identification that has a strong correla• NCTM Standards need to be less vague and much less sub• tion with family income or status rather than the ability and ject to misinterpretation, since a huge variety ofthings have capacity of the students. been done in the name of the Standards. There also has to Malcolm Sherman was critical of the idea that statistics and be recognition that mathematics is not always fun, that it's data analysis should be done at the elementary level. Re• not always easy, and that it's a myth that only some people gression, for example, should not be introduced before stu• can do mathematics. We dealtwith the questions from NCTM dents have done analytic geometry. Dan Fendel strongly dis• with an emphasis on a balanced approach. agreed and pointed out that students can get a feel for these The other panelists built on the remarks made by Roger concepts at an early age. Then later they'll have the intu• Howe and me. Terry Herdman stressed that most students ition and experience in order to be able to appreciate the do not see the beauty of mathematics, so that we must re• mathematical rigor. Tom Moore agreed. spond to the reasonable question, "What's it good for?" The Ed Dubinsky raised the issue that college students aren't SIAM people talked a lot about estimation and approxima• learning the mathematics required by the Standards, and tion, the ability to realize when answers are reasonable, and that this is our responsibility. He, Ed Barbeau and Marjorie about modeling. They felt that modeling should be taught Enneking pointed out that math majors who do well in stan• at an early age. Deborah Hughes-Hallett emphasized that dard mathematics courses often flounder in courses designed the Standards need to be shorter, crisper, and more specific. for pre-eollege teachers. I indicated that these issues will be She amplified my comment about balance and added that addressed by the CBMS Partnership in Education. balance means that none of us is going to get exactly our vision of the Standards. She mentioned that many of the Jean Larson stated thatwe need to go out and observe teach• ARGs would like to see greater attention devoted to logic ers in the K-12 setting and see the kinds of problems they and reasoning in mathematics. We need to recognize that are facing. Nancy Dennin introduced herselfas a high school many of the key words, like "proof' and "verification," have teacher and received a big round of applause. She agreed different meanings to different communities. Deborah also that we need to see for ourselves, and she pointed out that: warned us that, as difficult as writing and rewriting the Stan• "Nothing you can do will prepare a person for teaching in dards has been, implementation will be a greater challenge. the classroom. We have wonderful children, but it is a differ• ent world down in the public schools, and I welcome you to Jean Larson pointed out that the term "algorithms" also has join our world anytime." • different meanings to different communities. She focused 4 May/June 1998 FOCUS

Leit:l:el from page 1 Marilyn Mays, past president of AMAlYC, said that Leitzel said, "If there were such a thing as a tornado spreading en• provided invaluable assistance to AMAlYC in many waysbut thusiasm, encouragement, and smiles, that would be a good particularlyin 1993 in the developmentof Crossroads in Math• metaphor for my memories ofJim. I want to think he has ematics: Standards for Introductory College Mathematics Before not spun himself away, but rather out into the rest of us," Calculus. "We were truly honored whenJim agreed to be part where the "warmth and confidence gained from our con• of the effort. He rolled up his sleeves and worked with us." tact with him stir us into motion along the paths that mat• tered to him, and to us." Leitzel's otherprofessional activities, in addition to his teach• ing duties, included membership in the MSEB, work with Mary Lynn Reed, another Project NExT Fellow, was im• the NCTM, speaker at the ICME Congresses in Berkeley pressed with "just how devoted Jim was to all young math• (1980); BUdapest (1988); and Quebec (1992); and author• ematicians." He was "an outstanding mentor to me as a new ship of a score ofarticles and papers. "The community will faculty member." miss him deeply," said ProfessorAlan Schoenfeld. "He was a Leitzel earned a Bachelor's and Master's in mathematics from wonderful colleague and collaborator: committed, incisive Penn State in 1958 and 1960, and a Doctorate in mathemat• and productive, improving every project with which he was ics from Indiana University in 1965. He taught at Ohio State affiliated." University from 1965-1992 and at the University ofNebraska• In 1995, Leitzel asked that the MAAexpand its efforts in the Lincoln from 1993-96. arena closest to his heart: "To supportfaculty as they address His service on MAA committees spanned the length and ways to enhance student learning...address critical transi• breadth of the Association, beginning with his work on the tions in students' mathematical education and...encourage Committee on the Exchange of Information in Mathemat• mathematical science departments to take more seriously ics (1977-82). There followed assignments on the Editorial the challenges and obligations ofpreparing future teachers Advisory Committee, FOCUS (1982-90); Public Information ofmathematics." Panel (1984-90); COMET (1988-91); CUPM Subcommit• His funeral, held on Saturday, February 28, was attended by tee on Undergraduate Major Programs (1988-91); MAA 75th MAAExecutive DirectorMarcia Sward on behalfofthe Board Anniversary Meetings Committee (1988-90); ad hoc Com• of Governors and the MAA staff. Other MAA colleagues in mittee on Guidelines (1990-94); CTUM (1991-95); CUPM attendance included his Project NExT collaborator Chris (1991-94); and the Coordinating Council on Education Stevens, incoming MAA president Tom Banchoff, Donovan (1991-95). He was Codirector of Project NExT (1993-98); Van Osdol,Jim Tattersall, Lida Barrett, Alan Tucker, and Lee MAA Representative to the National Council ofSupervisors Zia. ofMathematics (1994); Visiting Mathematician, MAA (1990• 92); and MAA governor-at-Iarge (1997-98); He was chair of The funeral service was held at Phillips Church on the the Ohio Section (1984-85); a panelist or speaker at joint grounds ofPhillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH. The choir national meetings since 1977,and an invited speakerat many from the Leitzel's church sang, as did the minister of the Sections. Phillip's Church. Marcia Sward presented "A Remembrance," and spoke aboutJim's living legacies, particularly in teacher Ken Ross recalled Leitzel's value to the MAA. ':Jim was one education and through Project NExT. Chris Stevens read of the most unselfish people I've known in the math world. numerous moving tributes aboutJim from Project NExT par• While I was MAA president... many times I would need to ticipants andJim Lewis spoke about the Leitzel's days at the know some facts or need some wisdom and advice, and I University ofNebraska, from 1993-1996, and aboutJim as a invariably started by asking Jim because I knew he would teacher. Flowers were sent from the Board of Governors to give me reliable and sensible information. Myresponses were the church, and from the MAA staff to the Leitzel's home. frequently based onJim's input. Jim knew this and charac• teristically didn't complain that he didn't get 'credit' for my He is survived by his wifeJoan, his sonsJames andJohn, and words ofwisdom." a granddaughter, Hannah. • Manuscripts SOught on Teachingofthe TlMSS from page 2 Gifted and Talented "What is important is that we are working together toward a The School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA) common goal of excellence in mathematics," Burrill said. is seeking manuscripts devoted to issues relating to the teach• "The recent math wars have done nothing to improve math• ingofgifted, talented, and promisingstudents in mathemat• ematics education. Our teachers have been caught in the ics and/or science. Selected papers will appear in the Octo• crossfire and our children will be the casualties." ber 1999 issue of the organization's journal, School Science The major mathematics organizations support U.S. Secre• and Mathematics. Manuscripts are due October 1, 1998 and tary ofEducation Richard Riley's requestfor a "cease fire" in should be submitted to Robert W. Prielipp, Mathematics the growing math debate about whether adding and sub• Department, University ofWisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI tracting should be emphasized over solving more complex 54901-8631. For more information, contact Prielipp at problems. "The answer is both," he said, "but there must be (920) 424-1 057; e-mail: [email protected]; SSMAweb site: balance and there must be results." ••

5 FOCUS May/June 1998 Enlisting Two-Year Colleges in Educating Mathematics Teachers by Lynn Arthur Steen

In the wake of the abysmal perfor• programs in the nation's 1,200 two-year lected teaching as a career. At the mance by twelfth grade U.S. students institutions. March conference, representatives on the Third International Mathemat• from both the Department of Educa• At this conference, eleven innovative ics and Science Study (TIMSS), many tion and the National Science Founda• two-year college teacher-preparation political leaders and policy experts have tion identified as an urgent national programs received awards in a cer• aimed their spotlights on a significant need increased collaboration on issues emony at the National Academy ofSci• and correctable deficiency: the large involving teacher preparation between ences. In congratulating the award win• number of mathematics teachers who faculty at two-year and four-year insti• ners, Academy President BruceAlberts have very poor preparation in math• tutions (in mathematics, science, and observed that one reason science ad• ematics. Thus in the space oflittle more education programs). vances more readily than education is than a year, the challenge enunciated that science continually learns from in MAA's 1991 report A Callfor Change Community colleges are a prime re• successes and failures whereas educa• has become a very visible national goal, cruiting ground for prospective teach• tion most often invents everything attracting the attention notonly ofU.S. ers. Many are located in rural commu• anew. These eleven programs, Alberts Education Secretary William Riley, but nities or in inner cities, directly serving observed, provide a foundation on also ofPresident Clinton. the needs ofthese communities. There which others should build. is enormous potential to interest stu• Most MAA members are well aware of dents from these communities in the Out-going NSF director (and now Presi• the responsibility of four-year colleges dential Science Advisor) Neal Lane teaching of mathematics and science to provide appropriate courses and pro• with the goal of returning teachers to lauded two-year colleges for providing grams of study for prospective school "the best ofall possible educational ob• these same communities. teachers. Few realize, however, that two jectives": preparation for today's tech• out ofevery five prospective teachers• Partnerships and alliances between two• nological workforce and habits ofmind and well over halfofHispanic and Afri• and four-year institutions for this pur• well-suited to teaching orothercareers. can-American teacher-candidates• pose would go a longway to strengthen He noted that NSF investment in two• study mathematics first at a two-year the mathematical preparation of chil• year college programs has climbed in college. Indeed, two-year colleges en• dren, especially in communities not just five years from virtually nothing to roll 46% of all undergraduate math• now benefiting from mathematically well over $50 million annually. ematics students. well-prepared teachers. Nonetheless, most teacher-preparation Recognizing the emerging but unher• While separate programs do some programs at four-year institutions op• alded importance of two-year colleges good, they fall far short of fulfilling erate withoutany explicit coordination in the pipeline ofteacher preparation, their potential or meeting the nation's with their neighboring two-year institu• the National Science Foundation (NSF) needs. What conference participants tions. Many future teachers take their and the American Mathematical Asso• called for are well-planned partnerships only introductorymathematics and sci• ciation ofTwo-Year Colleges (AMAlYC) among two- and four-year colleges to ence courses at a two-year college, convened a conference last March to create attractive, cohesive, high-quality sometimes even before they have se- begin a process of strengthening such programs.•

SUMMA: Year Eight mathematics community toward mi• initiate programs on their campuses for The Strengthening Underrepresented norities at all levels, the CMP deter• minority precollege students. Minority Mathematics Achievement mined the tasks ofhighest priority. Over (SUMMA) Program was established at Each year more than 40,000 students the seven and one-halfyears of the ex• the MAAheadquarters in August 1990. participate in these programs under the istence of OMP, the programs spoken Seven projects were designed to address guidance of more than 750 collegiate of collectively under SUMMA have in• recommendations identified by a Task faculty. The success of the students in formed the community and assisted Force over the previous two years. Un• these programs and the increased en• individuals and organizations to recog• der the oversight ofthe Committee on rollment ofminority students as math• nize needs more clearly and recom• Minority Participation (CMP), the staff ematics majors was part of the back• mend paths for action. The Board of of the new Office of Minority Partici• ground for the policy statementpassed Governors policy statement recognized pation (OMP) began the work of by the Board of Governors in August that this program would "require a sub• SUMMA. Armed with the support of 1997, that all mathematics departments stantiallong term effort." the Board of Governors who resolved should conduct programs for to use the human and financial re• Technical assistance has been given by precollege students and encourage and sources of the MAA to assist in chang• the SUMMA staff to more than 200 support the faculty for their involve- ing the attitudes and practices of the mathematicians to encourage them to See SUMMA on page 10 6 May/June 1998 FOCUS JPBM Task Force on the Educational TheMAA.'sNew Activities of Faculty Needs Your Help Section Governors TheJoint Policy Board for Mathemat• rent practices at different kinds of in• Begin Terms inJuly ics has created a Task Force whose mis• stitutions. It will discuss reliable meth• sion is to provide the post-secondary ods for enhancing, documenting, and BeginningJuly 1, the following people mathematical community with re• rewarding faculty's educational contri• become members of the MAA's Board sources for enhancing the educational butions (e.g., through student evalua• of Governors: activities of faculty. Its goal is to help tions, peer review, and documentation • David R. Hill: Eastern Pennsylvania institutions and departments reflect on of instructional efforts via course and and Delaware their educational missions, determine teaching portfolios). the range ofeducational activities that • Frederic]. Zerla: Florida The second book will provide descrip• should "count" in the promotion and tions of models that work. It will offer • Larry]. Morley: Illinois tenure process given their missions, and case studies of how institutions as dif• document educational activities in re• • James W. Cannon: Intermountain ferent as communitycolleges, small col• liable and meaningful ways. leges, and public and private universi• • Elgin H.Johnston: Iowa In sum, it wants to help faculty do the ties help faculty, graduate students, and • Jon W. Scott: Maryland-DC-Virginia job well and be rewarded for their ef• administrators develop institutional forts. To do this, the Task Force is look• cultures and procedures that enhance • John O. Kiltinen: Michigan ing for information and ideas, includ• and reward educational efforts. ing: • Gail S. Nelson: North Central There will be no prescriptions, only rich • Barbara]. Beechler: Southern CA • What issues should it address? Are examples to learn from. there things you want to know Contact the Task Force chair with in• • Montie G. Monzingo: Texas about or that you think the field formation and suggestions: should know about? Many thanks to the current Governors ofthese Sections and all those members Alan H. Schoenfeld • What resources, ideas, or programs who were willing to stand for election. Chair,JPBM Task Force on should be included? Educational Activities • What departments are good candi School ofEducation, EMST dates for site visits? University ofCalifornia, Berkeley 1998 Morgan Prize Berkeley, CA 94720-1670 The task force's aim is to produce two books. Onewill describe the state ofthe email: [email protected].• Nominees Sought art, providing a statistical survey ofcur- The Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize in mathematics is given each year in recognition ofoutstanding research by an undergraduate student. The appli• cation deadline this year isJune 30. Math Student Wins Top Prize in 1998 Students who were undergraduates in Westinghouse Science Talent Search December 1997 are eligible for the prize. One award is given each year, al• though the committee may also award Seventeen-year-old Christopher Colin Aurora, took the fifth-place prize, a one or more honorable mentions. The Mihelich, ajuniorat ParkTuderSchool, $15,000 scholarship. His projectwas in amount of the top award is $1,000. Indianapolis, was awarded the first• set-theoretical solutions of the Quan• place prize, a $40,000 scholarship, for tum Yang-Baxter Equation, which was A nomination for the award should in• his project that studied properties of originally posed in 1992. He summa• clude at least one research paper and polynomials having applications to ge• rized results of a computer search for at least one letter ofrecommendation. ometry and combinatorics. He devel• the smallest solutions for I X I s 6. The research paper that is submitted oped a family ofoperations that exam• need not be a published paper.• Finally, Jonathan Kelner, a 17-year old ine the structural peculiarities created from the Wheatley School, Old when assuming that a certain class of Applications should be sent to: Westbury, NY, took 8th place and a expressions, called quotient rings, is $10,000 scholarship for his math Morgan Prize Committee equivalent to zero. project involving the Dirac operator, a c/o Robert M. Fossum, Secretary Two other students placed among the complexoperatorused to betterunder• American Mathematical Society top ten for mathematics projects. stand quarks. • Department ofMathematics University ofIllinois Travis Schedler, 17, from the Illinois 1409 West Green Street Mathematics and Science Academy, in Urbana, IL 61801-2975 7 FOCUS May/June 1998 Letters to the Editor

To the Editor: We are grateful to Saunders MacLane Representation in the Teaching and Learn• articles in a field is unlikely to yield a (FOCUS, February 1998, p. 6) for his ing of Mathematics, Hillsdale, NJ: sense ofits breadth, richness, depth, or opening a reasoned discussion ofissues Erlbaum, 1985, pp. 3-17) to those quality. related to research in mathematics edu• grounded in cognitive psychology (see, As mathematics educators who teach cation. The timing could not be better. for example, pp. 20-27 ofSchoenfeld, and have taught mathematics at all lev• At the Baltimore meetings there was un• A. H. (ed.) 1987, Cognitive Science and els, we wish to make several points. precedented interest in, and thought• Mathematics Education, Hillsdale, NJ: Theory and research from mathemat• ful discussion of, both basic and applied Erlbaum). ics education have had numerous posi• issues in mathematics education re• Despite the differences, one generally tive influences on our teaching. Math• search. We agree with the urging of accepted tenet of the constructivism is ematics education research can be use• Brown and DeVries (FOCUS, October that humans do not perceive reality di• ful to mathematicians.Just as one can• 1997, p. 19) that mathematicians rectly, but that we "interpret" our ex• not learn mathematics by deciding to should look to the science ofmathemat• periences and behave consistently on read some random assortment of pa• ics education. the basis ofthose interpretations (take pers, it is unlikely that people who do Established mathematicians will recall any optical illusion, or any student's not have formal preparation in the field earlier periods when, each in their tum, misconception, such as the belief that of mathematics education would find 2 2 applied mathematics, statistics, and (a-b)" = a +b , as examples ofthis phe• it fruitful to read only a few papers. In computerscience were nurtured within nomenon). fact, one argument for providing re• the field of mathematics until they de• views ofmathematics education papers Another point on which there is con• veloped to the point ofindependence. is to allow the mathematics community siderable agreement is that students Here we offer some thoughts, to see a range of type, quality, and fo• construct their own understandings of grounded in our experience, about cus of mathematics education papers, mathematics-not their own math• what happens when we try to educate as a screening process for actually read• ematics. The central theoretical!em• ourselves about theory and research in ing the papers. Reviews can help ori• pirical issue, then, is how we make sense an area that is new to us. Interestingly, ent people to the field, and publishing of the phenomena we experience, in• many of the issues raised today about well considered critical reviews ofpub• cluding those in mathematics. The cen• mathematics education are highly remi• lished papers is one wayto improve the tral pedagogical issue, in the words of niscent ofcomments made then about quality ofresearch. von Glasersfeld, is how teachers work those fields. to develop a "fit" between students' de• Research and theoretical presentations It is clear that the traditions, vocabu• veloping understandings and the un• in mathematics education range in lary, standards of evidence, modes of derstandings established in the field of depth and quality-as do papers in all critique, and nature of research differ mathematics. Many constructivists feel fields of mathematics. At its best, re• by area within the mathematical sci• thatone can never know preciselywhat search in mathematics education offers ences. Judgments about the quality of another person thinks or understands, better, deeper and increasingly more the work in a new area, or interpreta• but we can (and constructivists do) useful explanations of teaching and tions of complex theories in an unfa• maintain that whatever this under• learning, and the contexts in which they miliar domain, are difficult to make. standing may be, it must be consistent happen. We each find the intellectual They often lead to discussions like the with the mathematical phenomena that stimulation, as well as the benefit to our current one, in which practitioners of everyone encounters. teaching, of the evolving and growing a relatively new field (like us) respond field of mathematics education to be MacLane offered "reviews" of three to concerns of highly respected indi• enormously important. We hope that mathematics education articles. It viduals in more established fields (like discussions such as this willlead to more would be one thing to try to read and MacLane) with explanations, interpre• examples in our field of research at its perhaps devise personal abstracts or tations, and yes, even corrections. best, and we welcome MacLane's help reviews of articles in a field that is not in this quest. To characterize constructivism, which our own, but to write caricature reviews is a theory of knowledge, as a philoso• doesn't seem to be a productive ven• Polarization in the discourse between phy that urges students to construct ture. Nonetheless, it is indeed tempt• mathematicians and mathematics edu• their own mathematics is a serious mis• ing to imagine what a tongue-in-cheek cators is neither productive nor practi• interpretation. As with most theoreti• review ofa major research paperabout, cal. It takes energy away from the im• cal perspectives, various interpretations say, computer science, written by a per• portant business to which we all are exist; treatments range from the strictly son who thinks mainly about algebraic committed, that of improving math• philosophical (see, for example, Von topology, might look like. We defer ematics teaching and learningat all lev• Glasersfeld, "Learningas a Constructive from actually undertaking the exercise. els. Secretary Riley, in his remarks dur• Activity," in C.Janvier (ed.), Problems of In general, any random selection of ing the Baltimore meetings, encour-

8 May/June 1998 FOCUS aged the mathematical sciences com• will favor the rich over the poor, hardly munity to work together toward such what we want to do! International improvement. We feel that the various There is ample evidence of this evil in mathematics education programs at the Gathering of the past. At Cambridge, in England, Winter Meetings in Baltimore, with they long had the Tripos exams to mea• Mathematicians to their tones ofsharinginformation, con• sure mathematical ability, and if you sidering a variety ofideas, and showing wanted to be at the top of the list then Discuss Use of mutual respect for those with whom you went to a special coach and trained there was the strongest disagreement for a year or two. G. H. Hardy, the great ComputerAlgebra were a huge step in the direction of mathematician, protested and got them improving the learningand teaching of abolished. I saw a similar effort in 1942 in Teaching mathematics. We urge our colleagues when Brown University held a training to stay focused on thatend, to continue The 3rd International Derive/TI-92 course for mathematicians. It soon be• and expand the sorts ofdiscussions and Conference is dedicated to the tradi• came obvious to me that those students collaborations that mathematicians are tion ofmaster instructors ofmathemat• from the New York area, where stan• engaged in as evidenced in Baltimore, ics sharing their insights on the use of dard tests were widely used, were much and to structure the discussion, collabo• computer algebra in teaching at all lev• better than those from the Midwest at rations, and cross-disciplinary interac• els from middle school (12-14 year solving particular problems, but were tions likely to further continued im• olds) through college level. One ofthe much worse at general theory. provement. main features ofthis conference is that Everyone knows in their hearts that that it includes teachers from around the Ed Dubinsky, is exactly what national exams in edu• world. Georgia State University cation will produce: the ability to pass Alan H. Schoenfeld, Presentations are scheduled by teach• exams, along with a thriving business University ofCalifornia, Berkeley ers in , Austria, Belgium, for coaches. There is no way to stop it, Canada, England, Germany, Israel, the since no one can long produce ques• Netherlands, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, To the Editor: tions that relate strongly to the second the United Arab Emirates, the , aspect ofeducation, which coaches can• There are two aspects to education: The as well as the United States. not master and cannot teach. Thus, learning of facts, theories, and meth• before we plunge into what we want, Please consider attending this marvel• ods to use related to fields of knowl• but cannot have, let us stop and think ous conference in historical Gettysburg, edge; and the ability and habit ofusing of the consequences first. Measure• PennsylvaniaJuly 14 - 17, 1998. Letyour them creatively and usefully. ments at lower levels of education, colleagues know about this opportu• The first without the second is charac• where it is mainly learning, are good nity! The tentative program is listed at teristic of the idiot savants we often and useful, butat higher levels they are • duce from our educational system. Al• R. W. Hamming most everyone wants to measure the Naval Postgraduate School amountofeducation we produce in the Monterey, CA 93943 individual without ever asking if it is at all possible, and what would be the re• sults if we try. The difficulty is that you Call for Manuscripts for the February 2000 get what you1TU!asUTe. A standard example Issue is that measuring the success ofa busi• of Teaching Children Mathematics ness every quarter by the bottom line The February 2000 issue of Teaching thor manuscripts. Topics of particular produces short-term optimization. In Children Mathematics, which is ajournal interest include: education, the first part is easy to set ofthe National Council ofTeachers of Engaging All Children as Mathemati• up exams for, the second is not. We sim• Mathematics, will concentrate on chil• cians LearningEnvironments for Math• ply cannot do it at all well. As a result dren as mathematicians. It aims to high• ematical Work we will get concentration on the first light the engagementofchildren as dis• part-and still more idiot savants. coverers and inventors, as well as users, Childrens' Mathematical Discoveries We already have a flourishing business of mathematics to understand the Assessing the Thinking and Disposi• ofteachingstudents, usually for money, world. The editorial panel wishes to tions ofYoung Mathematicians how to pass such standardized exams highlight pre-K-6 examples of young The complete call for manuscripts and as the SAT. Coaches claim to be able to mathematicians at work, classrooms guidelines for submitting manuscripts raise scores by more than 100 points, that exhibit a community of inquiry, appeared in the April 1998 issue of and there is ample evidence that they tasks that require powerful thinkers, Teaching Children. For more informa• do-and the more you pay, the more and methods to assess childrens' think• tion, contact Daniel Breidenbach you can raise your scores. Thus wide• ing. Teachers and mathematicians are (703) 620-9840; e-mail: spread testing by standardized exams encouraged to collaborate and coau- [email protected]. • 9 FOCUS May/June 1998 An Archival Record ofmembers ofmi• elected by a section, Tino Mendez. The SUMMA from page 6 nority groups who have received PhDs SUMMA staff have had the resources ment in this work. Current and former in mathematics or mathematics educa• to recommend names ofindividuals to project directors are willing and able tion as American citizens is available on be speakers, serve on committees, and to assist those ofyou who are ready to the MAAweb page. A graduate student be nominated for prizes. This need was start projects passing on the skills they completed this project, which was made made clear when the numbers of mi• acquired in project management and possible with a grant from the Alfred P. nority speakers at theJoint Mathemat• fund raising. Generous support from Sloan Foundation. Each week new ics Meetings grew from 12 in 1990 to the Carnegie Corporation ofNew York names are added to the material avail• 55 in 1996 and 1997. Members of mi• from 1990 through 1997 paid the able. The OMP has much more data nority groups now serve on 34 of the SUMMA staffand provided $250,000 in available which is not posted including 134 MAACommittees. The MAAnomi• small grants to 62 mathematicians to the names of the (approximately) 375 nated two of the members of CMP plan projects resulting in 54 on-going individuals with minority degrees; data which oversees SUMMA for Presiden• summer programs. on the schools and colleges and years tial Awards in Mentoring. Both received For five years, with funding from NSF, ofdegrees; photographs; and other bio• these prestigious $10,000 awards ofthe SUMMA held annual meetings of the graphical material. The OMP often re• 20 given to date:Joaquin Bustoz in 1996 directors of the precollege projects in ceives requests from students writing and Robert Megginson in 1997. papers. The staff assists in having the which the members ofthis consortium William Hawkins, Associate Professor of student make direct contact with the could share their experiences and learn Mathematics at the University of the mathematician for an interview. from agencies and experts about what District of Columbia, and the Director are the best procedures to follow.These To understand more fully the reasons ofOMP since its inception, has assisted inspiring meetings culminated in 1997 why few minority Ph.Ds have been two projects that directly address the when 150 college and precollege granted since the first in 1925, also with need to assure that faculty at MSIs are SUMMA students came from all over funding from Sloan, OMP conducted involved in mathematics reform. the country to the Joint Mathematics a survey, also funded by Sloan, ofgradu• Since 1996 Hawkins has assisted meetings in San Diego to take part in a ate students in colleges and universities projects that taught more than 100 fac• carefully orchestrated mathematics in 1996. This survey makes it clear that ulty the use ofhandheld calculators in problem solving day. much work needs to be done to encour• mathematics and science teacher age minority students to major in math• The opinion ofmany was that it was the preparation classes. SUMMA initiated ematics and to persist in graduate greatest event of their lives. And so it a project ofa similar nature which will school. In the past three years few mi• was for the faculty and SUMMA staffas reach all Tribal Colleges. Robert nority students have completed doc• well. A full evaluation of the five years Megginson is director of this SUMMA toral studies. In about five years this of these activities has been completed project, funded by NSF,which will also number might increase to 20 each year. by Dr. Susan Gross and is available to include teaching modern pedagogical This survey is available in the OMP. those who are interested in document• techniques in mathematics and im• ing the success and significance of this Since 1990 the MAA membership has prove teacher preparation, particularly work which was directed by Dr. Florence elected its first two minority Vice-Presi• for American Indian teacher aides.• Fasanelli, DirectorofSUMMA Interven• dents, James Donaldson, and then tion Programs. Wade Ellis, as well as the first minority

Single-Sex Education Doesn'tServeStudents Better, Says New Report A new report by the American Associa• however, does not produce a corre• "siphon offstudents" from coed classes tion of University Women Education sponding rise in achievement. and "skew the sex ratio" in classes left Foundation, released in mid-March, behind. The 100-page inquiry into the complex concludes that single-sex classes and educational issues raised by all-girls and The report, which consists of four re• schools don't necessarily offerstudents all-boys classes and schools also found: search papers and a literature review, a better education than coed ones. The has stirred controversy because a 1992 report drew particular attention to the -Where single-sex programs are suc• report from the same organization was mathematics and science community, cessful, success may stem more from the impetus for many ofthe currentex• because much ofthe nationwide experi• such factors as small class size and more periments with single-sex education. mentation with single-sex groupings personal attention to students than The earlier report, however, stopped over the past few years has taken place from the class's composition. short of endorsing this approach. in math and science classes. -Manyofthe conditions linked to high The researchers were Patricia B. Separated BySex: A Critical Lookat Single• student achievement can be imple• Campbell, Valerie E. Lee, Pamela Sex Education for Girls notes that girls, mented in coed classrooms. Haag, Diane S. Pollard, Cornelius in particular, often seem to prefer such -Single-sex classes are disruptive to the Riordan, and Ellen Wahl. • classes, crediting them with a more sup• portive atmosphere. This preference, coed school environment because they 10 May/June 1998 FOCUS The MAA's Liaisons Program: An Update Let's sayan exciting opportunity exists partmental Liaisons Program in action. that highlight specific resources and for undergraduate mathematics teach• There are around 1500 participating announcements. Local review and ers to participate in a summer institute college and university mathematics de• judgement are provided on an indi• in Park City. The details are conveyed partments in the US and Canada. In vidual basis in each participating de• to the MAA headquarters office in each one, a faculty member has agreed partment. The Liaisons Network and Washington, and a day later, faculty in to serve as a liaison between the MAA MAA Online give MAA members un• 1500 post secondary mathematics de• and the department. These liaisons precedented access to information that partments across the country find out participate in a national electronic net• enriches and expands their profes• about the program in an email message work, disseminating information ofpro• sionallives. from a colleague. fessional interest to mathematics teach• The Liaisons Program is still develop• ers and students, and helping the MAA At the MAA's web site, a new page pro• ing. Future plans include greater in• to be more responsive to the needs and vides a calendar of workshops, volvement with MAA Sections, and a interests of its members and the pro• minicourses, and short courses for col• web site dedicated to information for fession. lege mathematics faculty. The calen• and about Liaisons. Last January saw dar lists dates, location, title, contact The Liaisons Program is only in its third the first gathering of Liaisons at a na• information and a short description of year of operation, but it has already tional meeting, an event that was so each workshop with links to more de• been recognized as an important re• successful that it is sure to become an tails. Within two days, the availability source for the MAA and the mathema• annual affair. And gatherings of Liai• and location ofthis information source ticians and educators that the MAA sons at Section meetings are becoming is brought to the attention ofthousands serves. The examples above illustrate common. of mathematics faculty nationwide. the ability ofthe program to distribute Do you knowwho the Liaison is in your information nationally. This capability Thanks to generous grants from the department? He or she can be a valu• can playavital role within the full range Exxon Education Foundation and the able source ofinformation for you and of electronic services offered by the Tensor Foundation, the MAA is able to your students. And if your department MAA. supportregional and campus programs has been missing outon the benefits of run by mathematics faculty for students MAA Online makes available an ever• participation, it is not too late to join at a variety oflevels. increasing volume of information for in! mathematics enthusiasts ofall descrip• Guidelines for obtaining this support Discuss the program with your col• tions. In fact, there is so much infor• are formulated by MAA staffmembers, leagues and chair, and choose someone mation available that it is hardly feasible andwithin hours are putinto the hands to serve as Liaison foryour department. to keep up with it all, or to survey it on ofinterested teachers in virtually every You can email Jane Heckler a regular basis. The Liaisons network region and city of the country. ([email protected]) at MAAheadquar• makes this sea of information more ters for information on how to get These are examples of the MAA/De- navigable, providing timely beacons started.•

MATHFEST GOES INTERNATIONAL! New for 1998 Register for Mathfest 98 Online! MATHFEST 98 DEADLINES Early Bird Registration May 29 Receive instant confirmation when you register online. On-Campus Hotel Registration June 1 Here's how to do it: Dormitory Housing Reservations. June 1 1. Go to MAA Online at Delta Chelsea Inn Reservations June 11 2. Click on Register for Mathfest 98 Regular Registration June29

3. Complete the form and payment information Short Course Registration June29 It'sthatsimple! Minicourse Registration June29 No phone call needed or form to mail. You will receive an email immediately to confirm your registration.

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13 FOCUS May/June 1998 July 19-25 Professional Development Calendar Pre-Stat * Appalachian State Univ., Boone, NC MAY June 24-26 (704) 262-2362; [email protected] A Mathematical Sampler: 1699-1900+ July 26-August 1 May 18-19 Ashland University, Ashland, OH Pre-Stat * Reconnecting Two-Year College (419)-289-5262; [email protected] Montana State University, Bozeman, MT Faculty to the Mathematical (704) 262-2362; [email protected] Sciences Enterprise * JULY July 27-August 8 DIMACS, Rutgers University, The Art and Science of Model Building * Piscataway, NJ July University of Montana, Missoula, MT (732) 445-4631; Partnerships: Interdisciplinary [email protected] (406) 243-5311; [email protected] Workshops and Materials *+ May 28-June 2 Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH OCTOBER Teaching (707) 423-6023; Undergraduate Geometry * [email protected] October 8-10 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY July 6-17 Calculus for the 21st Century * (607) 255-3523; [email protected] Reconnecting Teaching Faculty to the Inn at Grand Glaze, Osage Beach, MO May 26-30 Mathematical Sciences Enterprise * (660) 543-8792; New Mexico Initiative for Math Reform DIMACS, Rutgers University, [email protected] Piscataway, NJ Workshops* * Supported by the National Science Foundation (732) 445-4631; Dona Ana Branch Community College, + Sponsored by the MAA or an MAA section Las Cruces, NM [email protected] [email protected] July 7-11 For additional information on these and Chance Workshop * other professional development activities JUNE Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH for mathematics faculty, please visit the (603) 646-3507; [email protected] Professional Development area of MAA June 3-9 July 12-August 1 Online at Statistical Thinking with Active Teaching Representation Theory of Lie Groups Strategies*+ (800) 726-4427; [email protected] Emory & Henry College, Emory, VA (202)-387-5200; [email protected] July 15-18 National Meetings MAA Minicourses, Mathfest 98 June 8-12 Toronto, Canada Mathematical Preparation of july 15-18, 1998Mathfest98,Toronto, Canada; Board of Governors Meetingjuly 14, 1998 Elementary Teachers * Developing Materials for Liberal Arts nd Sam Houston State University, Mathematics That Use Elementary january lSo-16, 1999 82 Annual Meeting, San Huntsville, TX Graph Theory and Emphasize Applica• Antonio, TX; Board of Governorsjanuary 12, (409) 294-1577; [email protected] tions to Everyday Experience 1999 january19-22, 200083rd Annual Meeting,Wash• June 14-18 A Hands-OnApproach to Geometry ington, DC;Boardof Governorsjanuary18,2000 Teaching Dynamical Systems Across the Cooperative Learning in Undergraduate 1h Curriculum- Mathematics Education january 10-13, 200184 Annual Meeting, New Orleans,LA; Boardof Governorsjanuary9,2001 Messiah College, Grantham. PA Fuzzy Neighborhoods and the Fuzzy (717) 766-7283; jmccausl Unit Interval June 16-20 Section Meetings July 16-17 Elementary Statistics Laboratory Statistical Thinking with Indiaoa November 7,1998, St. Mary's Col• Workshop * Active Teaching Strategies* lege, Notre Dame, IN University of South Carolina, California Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA Micbigan May 1-2, 1998, Western Michi• Columbia, SC (202) 387-5200; [email protected] gan University, Kalamazoo, MI (803) 777-5072; [email protected] 1~20, July 20-31 PaciticNorthwestJune 1998, Wash• June 2 l-July 3 ington State University, Pullman, WA Institute in the History of Cooperative Learning in Undergraduate Seaway November6-7, 1998, Nazareth Col• Mathematics and its Use in Teaching *+ Mathematics Education *+ lege, Rochester, NY Catholic University, Washington, DC Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA Southern California October 17, 1998, (202) 387-5200; [email protected] (404) 651-0658; [email protected] Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA

14 May/June 1998 FOCUS

Nature of Position: Provides support services to EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES deaf students taking mathematics courses in the College of Science (COS). These services include: Screening of applicants will continue until the instruction; tutoring both group and individual; DELAWARE positions are filled. Please visit http:// classroom teaching; formal and informal advis• for a more de• ing; content evaluation of classroom notes and li• UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE scriptive listing. To request an application, please aison with faculty in the COS math department Department of Mathematical Sciences contact: and other groups. The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware is recruiting for an indi• Oakton Community College Required Qualifications: BS in mathematics or its vidual for a professional position as a Preparatory 1600 East Golf Road equivalent and MS in mathematics or statistics. Math Educator. Candidates must have a Master's Des Plaines, 1L 600 16-1268 Two or more years experience in college teaching degree in mathematics, mathematics education or Attn: Craig Ahrndt, Human Resources or equivalent. (847) 635-1676 fax: (847) 635-1764 a related major with at least two years of math• Preferred Qualifications: Doctoral Degree in one ematics teaching experience, preferably at the col• e-mail: [email protected] of the above fields. Background in theoretical legiate level. Knowledge of the integration of new Oakton Community College encourages applica• mathematics; teaching experience in mathemat• instructional techniques and calculator technology tions from candidates with diverse back• ics. Sign language skills; experience in providing is required. grounds and identities. EOE. support services. Ability to contribute in mean• The appointee will teach and tutor students and ingful ways to college's commitment to cultural participate in curriculum and instructional mate• diversification, pluralism, and individual differ• rial development. Courses to be taught include NEW JERSEY ences. People who are deaf or hard of hearing, intermediate algebra, trigonometry, basic statis• with a disability, and/or members of a minority tics, pre-calculus and calculus. There will also be FELICIAN COLLEGE group are encouraged to apply. some administrative duties. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Deadline: May I, 1998 or until position is filled. Send letter of application and resume to: Rose• The position is a full-time, 12-month appointment The Department of Mathematics and Computing Dr. mary Saur, Chairperson NTIDIRIT Departmentof beginning July I, 1998 or at an agreed date before Science invites applications for a full-time faculty Science and Engineering Support 52 Lomb Me• September I, 1998. Contracts are for one year with position in Mathematics, starting Fall 1998. The morial Drive Rochester, New York 14623-5604. renewal by mutual agreement. Teaching load is ideal candidate will have a strong commitment to approximately 16 contact hours with 6 office and teaching undergraduate mathematics courses for 3 tutoriaVtesting hours. Salary is dependent upon majors and non-majors, to scholarship activities, previous experience and educational background and curriculum development. Felician College is VIRGINIA but normally is in the range of$31,QOO..--$38,000. a private, Catholic liberal arts college serving the EMORY & HENRY COLLEGE Please send resume, three letters ofreference and educational needs of 1200 students within the Emory & Henry College invites applications for a transcripts to, PME Search Committee, Depart• greater New YorklNew Jersey metropolitan area. one-year appointment in mathematics beginning ment of Mathematical Sciences, University of Ph.D. in Mathematics or related field required and Fall 1998. Ph.D. preferred. Strong commitment Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. To be given full college teaching experience preferred. to teaching; the use of computer technology in consideration applications must be received by Send curriculum vita, cover letter, and names of teaching is required. Emory & Henry College, a May 15, 1998. three references to Dr. Beate A. Schlwek, Vice co-ed liberal arts college in southwest Virginia The University of Delaware is an equal opportu• President and Dean for Academic Affair, Felician related to the United Methodist Church, enrolls nity employer which encourages applications from College, 262 S. Main Street, Lodi, NJ 07644. 840 students. Apply with vita, transcripts, three qualified minority group members and women. letters of reference, and a statement of teaching philosophy to Dr. James M. Dawsey, Dean ofFac• ulty, Emory & Henry College, P.O. Box 947, NEW YORK Emory, VA 24327-0947.

ILLINOIS ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OAKTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Rochester Institute ofTechnology (RIT) National Faculty Positien- Fall 1998 Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) Depart• Oakton Community College is seeking faculty ment of Science and Engineering Support Math• ADVERTISING INFORMATION: The 1998 members who are committed to the community ematics Faculty Position Applications are now rates for FOCUS Employment college philosophy and to teaching and learning being accepted for a full-time, 10 month, tenure Advertisments are$99percolumn inch. for a diverse student population. They should also track faculty position in the Department of Sci• be knowledgeable in the uses of current technol• Thedeadlines forsubmission ofadsare: ence and Engineering Support at NTID, a Col• May/June, 3/25; Aug/Sept, 7/l0; Oct,8/ ogy in their field and should be willing develop lege ofRIT. new approaches to teaching. 13;Nov, 9/24;Dec, 10/26. Visit "MAA RIT is a privately endowed educational univer• Online" for additional ads submitted Mathematics: includes one tenure track and two sity composed of7 colleges with over 12,000 full subsequent to those published in this one-year appointments. These faculty members and part-time students. NTID is a federally funded issue at Contact Joseph will teach mathematics courses from Developmen• institution created by an Act of Congress in 1966. tal Mathematics through Calculus and Differen• Watson, MAA, 1529 18th St., NW, NTID is the largest post secondary program in the Washington, DC 20036; (202) 387• tial Equations. Ideally at least one of the faculty world offering mainstream higher education op• 5200; fax: (202) 265-2384; e-mail: members will also be qualified to teach Computer portunities to the deaf and hard-of-hearing students Science classes (e.g. Introductory through Data and it has more than 1,100 students enrolled in [email protected]. Structures). undergraduate and graduate programs. 15 The new TI-89 provides symbolic, numeric, and graphing solutions for advanced mathematics and engineering coursework. Portably and affordably.

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