Helminth Fauna of Valentin's Lizard Darevskia Valentini (Boettger, 1892) (Squamata: Lacertidae) Collected from Central and Eastern Anatolia, Turkey

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Helminth Fauna of Valentin's Lizard Darevskia Valentini (Boettger, 1892) (Squamata: Lacertidae) Collected from Central and Eastern Anatolia, Turkey See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323971297 Helminth fauna of Valentin's Lizard Darevskia valentini (Boettger, 1892) (Squamata: Lacertidae) collected from central and eastern Anatolia, Turkey Article · March 2018 DOI: 10.2478/helm-2018-0005 CITATIONS READS 0 42 4 authors, including: Hikmet Sami Yildirimhan Çetin Ilgaz Uludag University Dokuz Eylul University 50 PUBLICATIONS 529 CITATIONS 185 PUBLICATIONS 847 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Yusuf Kumlutaş Dokuz Eylul University 118 PUBLICATIONS 961 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Herpetofauna of the Caucasian Isthmus and Frontal Asia: taxonomy, biogeography, rare species and conservation. View project Potential distribution under different climatic scenarios of the Caucasian salamander (Mertensiella caucasica) View project All content following this page was uploaded by Hikmet Sami Yildirimhan on 27 March 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. ©2018 Institute of Parasitology, SAS, Košice DOI 10.2478/helm-2018-0005 HELMINTHOLOGIA, 55, 2018 • AOP Helminth fauna of Valentin’s Lizard Darevskia valentini (Boettger, 1892) (Squamata: Lacertidae) collected from central and eastern Anatolia, Turkey S. BİRLİK1*, H. S. YILDIRIMHAN1, Ç. ILGAZ2,3, Y. KUMLUTAŞ2,3 1Uludağ University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, Nilüfer, Bursa, Turkey, E-mail: *sezen@uludag.edu.tr, yhikmet@uludag.edu.tr; 2Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 35160, Buca-İzmir, Turkey, E-mail: cetin.ilgaz@deu.edu.tr, yusuf.kumlutas@deu.edu.tr; 3Dokuz Eylül University Fauna and Flora Research Centre, 35610, Buca-İzmir, Turkey Article info Summary Received December 21, 2017 In this study, we assessed the helminth fauna of seventy two Valentin’s Lizard, Darevskia valentini Accepted January 19, 2018 (32♂♂, 35♀♀, 5 subadult). Specimens collected from Kayseri, Ardahan and Van Provinces in Tur- key. As a result of the present study, it was detected that forty one hosts are infected with one or more species of helminth. Two species of Cestoda, Oochoristica tuberculata and Mesocestoides spp., and 5 species of Nematoda, Spauligodon aloisei, Skrjabinodon alcaraziensis, Skrjabinodon medinae, Skrjabinelazia hoffmanni and Strongyloides darevsky were found in the hosts. D. valentini represents a new host record for all helminths recorded. Skrjabinodon alcaraziensis is recorded for the fi rst time from Turkey. Van, Kayseri and Ardahan are new locality records for all helminths from D. valentini. Keywords: Darevskia valentini; Cestode; Nematode; Turkey Introduction 1,300 to 3,000m asl (Ananjeva et al., 2006; Tok et al., 2009; Baran et al., 2012). Darevskia valentini is present in west and central Anatolia, Turkey, Helminths are parasites that infect internal and external organs southwestern Armenia and southwestern Georgia. Within the Cau- of most invertebrate and vertebrate groups (Lima et al., 2017). casus it is found as isolated populations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Knowledge of the lizard-associated helminth fauna has increased southern Georgia and eastern Turkey. The most extensive areas through research concerning (i) records of new hosts (Bursey & of the distribution range in the Caucasus are the high mountain Goldberg 2004; Bursey et al., 2005; Ávila & Silva, 2010; McAllister areas of the Gegamsky range to the shores of Lake Sevan in the et al., 2011; Ávila et al., 2012), (ii) descriptions of new parasite spe- north, the high mountain area of the Aragaz Peak, and the high cies (Bursey et al., 2003; Pereira et al., 2012), and (iii) infl uence mountain plateau in the foothills of the Childyrsky and Javakhetsky of biotic and abiotic variables on helminth diversity and abundance ranges in the extreme north-west of Armenia and adjoining regions (Sharpilo et al., 2001; Brito et al., 2014a, b; Galdino et al., 2014). of southern Georgia. It is also found on the Ardenissky mountain In Turkey, 66 lizard species occur (Baran et al., 2012; Uetz, 2015); range, and further east it inhabits the high-mountains of the Kara- of these 66 species, only 30 have been studied from a helmintho- bakh Upland within the limits of Nagorny Karabakh. The species logical point of view. Among this wide diversifi cation of hosts, there is widely distributed in north-eastern, eastern and south-eastern is still less information on endoparasites of lizards in some parts Turkey. It is probably found in the high mountains adjacent Iran, of Turkey which makes understanding of the relationship between although this needs to be confi rmed. It might have been introduced these parasites and their hosts diffi cult. to Ohio in the United States. In Turkey it has been recorded from The current study characterizes the helminth richness of parasitic * – corresponding author 1 species and the parameters of parasitic infection (prevalence, All helminths were identifi ed under a light microscope according to mean intensity of infection and range) in specimens of lizard col- the fi gures and descriptions given by Anderson (2000), Anderson lected from Kayseri, Ardahan and Van Proviences in Turkey and et al. (2009), Yorke and Maplestone (1926), Schad et al. (1960), the aim of the present work is to enrich the existing knowledge Yamaguti (1961), Schmidt (1986), Petter and Quantin (1976), about helminth parasites associated with Lacertidae, Turkey by Hughes (1940), Skryabin (1991) and Wittenberg (1934). analyzing specimens of this family found in Turkey. Finally, representative helminth specimens were deposited in the helminth collection of Uludağ University Museum of Zoology, Bur- Materials and Method sa, Turkey. Lizard specimens were deposited in the Dokuz Eylül University Fauna and Flora Research Centre, İzmir, Turkey. Mean snout-vent length of lizard specimens is = 62.31 ± 10.41 mm, with a range from 37.28 to 77.1 mm. All lizards were not in full Results sexual maturity (35 ♀♀, 32 ♂♂ and 5 subadults). We conducted the study in July and August in 2015 and 2016 at several localities Seventy two lizards were captured and studied: Darevskia valenti- of Kayseri, Ardahan and Van provinces, Turkey (Fig. 1). The hosts ni. A total of seven species of helminths were recovered compris- were dissected under a stereomicroscope and their body cavity, ing two species of cestodes and fi ve species of nematodes. The lung, stomach, small intestine and large intestine was analyzed cestodes recovered include; Oochoristica tuberculata and Meso- in search of helminths. They were placed in separate petri dishes cestoides sp. The nematodes recovered were Skrjabinelazia hoff- with 9 % saline solution and carefully dissected further under a manni, Skrjabinodon medinae, Skrjabinodon aloisei, Spauligodon stereomicroscope. The body cavity was also inspected for para- aloisei and Strongyloides darevsky with prevalence of 58.33 %. sites. Helminths were removed from the gastrointestinal tract, The helminths recovered from lizards examined from Kayseri, counted, rinsed in saline and fi xed with different hot solutions, Van, Ardahan provinces and their prevalences, mean abundance depending on the type of parasite: nematodes were fi xed in 70 % and intensity are given in Table. 1. ethanol and cestodes were fi xed in 70 % ethanol or acetic acid. Fifty-seven percent of hosts were parasitized by at least 1 species All fi xed worms were stored in 70 % ethanol until identifi ed. For of helminth. In total 202 individuals of seven parasites species taxonomic identifi cation, nematodes were cleared with glycerine: were collected from 42 of the 72 Valentin’s Lizards examined. Of ethanol (2:1); cestodes were stained with acetocarmin. all the lizards analyzed, thirty were not parasitized. Of the infected Prevalence, mean intensity and abundance of infection of each lizards, 33 harbored one species of helminth, 4 harbored two spe- helminth species were calculated as suggested by Bush et al. cies, 2 harbored three species and 2 harbored four species. (1997). Fig. 1. The localities of host populations of Darevskia valentini (1. Erciyes Mountain, Kayseri; 2. Between Van-Bahçesaray 79. km; 3. Between Göle-Susuz 17. km Ardahan 4. Çıldır Lake, Ardahan 5. Çıldır-Taşbaşı Village, Ardahan; 6. Between Susuz-Göle 35. km Ardahan). 2 Table 1. Prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance. Helmint Species Site of infection Prevalence (%) Mean intensity Mean abundance Cestoda Mesocestoides sp. Intestine 5.55 too numerous to count too numerous to count Oochoristica tuberculata Intestine 2.77 9 0.25 Nematoda Skrjabinodon medinae Small intestine 15.27 3.9 0.59 Skrjabinodon alcaraziensis Small intestine 1.38 1 0.013 Spauligodon aloisei Small intestine 30.55 5.27 1.61 Strongyloides darevsky Small intestine 2.77 1 0.027 Skrjabinelazia hoffmanni Small intestine 9.72 3.14 0.3 Discussion new host record for tetrahyridia of Mesocestoides spp. Skrjabinodon alcaraziensis is recorded for the fi rst time from Arda- Helminth species recorded in this study primarily infect lizards han, Turkey. This species was identifi ed fi rst time from Algyroides through host diet, which coherent with previous studies. marchi (Sauria: Lacertidae), Spain (Lafuente & Roca, 1995). We In the present study, we recorded the fi rst occurrence of all spe- found one male specimen of this species (prevalence 1.38 %). cies parasitizing D. valentini. All species recorded here except one Hornero and Roca (1992) stated that this species exhibits an un- were reported in other studies
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