
Norwegian IB Schools (NIBS) presents

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Generating ideas and sharing amongst colleagues Join us online! Wednesday 03 February, 2021 kl.17.00 - 20.00 Session 1

Suitable for: kl.17.00 - 17.50 Leadership Diplomma Programme Middle Years Programme Primary Years Programme

Narratives for Change: Exploring Ecological through New Cultural Stories

presenter: Kathy Burke How can we become ecologically literate? This talk was accepted for the IB European Education Festival in Warsaw last March but was canceled due to Covid. The digitally interactive presentation is based on masters' level research into ecological literacy. It offers suggestions for how we can include new ecological narratives in all our grade levels and subjects by developing new cultural stories of interdependence, interconnectedness and mutuality with the natural world, through systems thinking, biophilia, place based learning and our IB principles and practices. There will be time for in-person or online interaction and opportunity for feedback to the larger group. This is an inspirational and innovative talk with hands-on suggestions and many links to resources. Join this session

The Power of

presenter: Thomas Dodgson I will talk about how we have begun to implement a new approach to how we teach reading at AIS. The programme is from the UK and uses carefully selected, high quality texts. I will talk about some of the different ways that I have used it in my Grade 3 class and how we have started to roll it out into other Grades in the PYP. Join this session

Designing A Learning Environment To Support Play, Inquiry and Agency

presenter: Tracey Leys «There are three teachers of children: adults, other children, and their physical environment.» Loris Malaguzzi In this workshop we will consider the importance of the physical environment in teaching young children. How can we set up a physical environment which inspires curiosity, wonder, a sense of belonging, comfort and safety? How can we bring beauty into the classroom? How can we create a learning space which encourages play, choice, exploration? How does your learning space reflect your (and your student's) values and ideas? What would your ideal learning space look like? My experience lies mainly in early PYP (working with children from 6-9 years old). This workshop should provide inspiration for all PYP teachers, including those working with older children, who are interested in creating a more thoughtful, intentional learning space. Bring a friend as some tasks will require collaboration. Join this session

IDUs in Norwegian IB MYP Schools

presenter: Annie Termaat The nature of knowledge in curriculum (questions/ discussions/ patterns)• What is the role of IDUs in the MYP? Research data so far 3 - 4 MYP schools (share results, graphs etc)• What happens to IDU length over the course of the programme? • Subject group combinations in IDUs – actual and ideated data.• What benefits and challenges did participating schools experience?• The types of support that would benefit teachers in MYP schools – research data and literature data.This research is ongoing, part of a paper being prepared for a postgraduate course at Deakin University, Australia, a Graduate Diploma in Education Research . The original research paper is now due in May ‘21 Participating schools were approached between August and December ‘20. If further Norwegian MYP schools that now wish to participate and contribute, this is most welcome because additional data is likely to give these patterns and trends greater validity. I am proud to have been a teacher in a Norwegian IB MYP friskole for the past 4 years, finding it a uniquely collaborative professional environment for disciplinary teachers. I believe this model of junior secondary education has significance for the world. Data on how IDU practice can be delivered effectively will be of great benefit to all.

Meeting ID: 850 4869 1976 Passcode: Z3d2xx Join this session Session 2

Suitable for: kl.18.00 - 18.50 Leadership Diplomma Programme Middle Years Programme Primary Years Programme

The use of synthetic to support the teaching of early reading and in an IB school

presenter: Angela Hjelset-King

A look at how we use and have adapted the RWInc phonics program to teach reading and writing through a structured inquiry model. The presentation will explore the what, how, when, where and why behind our method and our belief that this is the most effective and inclusive way to teach children to read and write using synthetic phonics.

Meeting ID: 948 6383 2131 Passcode: 348229 Join this session

Investigating the new Personal Project updates

presenter: Katheryn Tester This presentation is to unpack the updates for the personal project and will be an idea sharing session for the potential impact, opportunities and challenges into implementing these for the fall of 2021. This season is geared towards schools who have PP already in place. Existing personal project coordinators, programme coordinators or existing supervisors can consider how the changes to the guide may impact the routines that are already established in your schools. Join this session

Nature Connection

presenters: Lesley Schäfer & Katharine Burke This past year teachers at Skagerak International School teamed up to start a ground to table garden for the school. Starting with a small unpromising rocky area on the school grounds, the school involved primary and middle school classes, the first year class in the High School’s Environmental Systems and Societies class, and a band of committed teachers. In a remarkable synthesis of efforts, skills and passion, this team had a first year harvest that led to a school wide ‘Soup and Focaccia’ made from garden produce and offered to every student in our school of over 400. In this presentation we will share our experiences and the remarkable ongoing nature connectedness it has fostered, and offer advice for starting your own garden project and nature connectedness.

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Inclusive learning environments

presenter: Ivon Verdu Through the workshop we will explore how to design inclusive learning environments by implementing simple strategies to ensure that all students can access learning. We will spend some time discussing common challenges practitioners face and how they may overcome these. We will also have the opportunity to look at the impact of designing our learning environments with our SEN students in mind.

Meeting ID: 913 0780 8058 Passcode: 607126 Join this session Session 3

Suitable for: kl.19.00 - 19.50 Leadership Diplomma Programme Middle Years Programme Primary Years Programme

The best of John Hattie, Dylan Wiliam & Stephen Heppell

presenter: Mark Cringle

The teaching profession has amassed a wealth of pedagogical approaches that claim to have a significant positive impact on children's learning. We now operate in an education mindfield, an endless abyss of choice with truthiness often the guiding compass. This session exploys a professional framework for choosing what works in the inquiry classroom based on the best recommendations from three legends from the world of education academia.

Meeting ID: 965 7721 9188 Passcode: 481855 Join this session

Embedding social competence into the PoI

presenter: James Hallett & Susanne Hebnes

Tromsø International School have worked on developing a mixed-age social competence program that is embedded in our Plan of Inquiry. Two of our units are now centred around social competence every year, and have been designed to allow full age-mixing within PYP. We will present how we have used the principles in the enhanced documents to create this program as well as ensuring a progression in curriculum targets. We will also discuss the logistics, challenges and successes of implementing such a program and the positive effect it has had on our school community.

Meeting ID: 427 719 2199 Passcode: A48ELN Join this session

Transitioning from the PYP - MYP

presenter: Andrew Johns

At AIS we are working on building a continuum within our school. It is therefore essential that schools are aware of the challenges students face when going from the PYP to the MYP. All schools need to understand and support students through this transition. The aim of the session is to share strategies that AIS have embedded into our practice that help students adapt to their new life in the MYP program and what we still need to do moving forward.

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Continuous Improvement in the Classroom

presenter: Scott Benzenberg The goal of the workshop is to explore ways that teachers and educational leaders can use strategies from LEAN and other improvement models to continuously check, reflect and improve educational practice. The workshop will highlight ways to structure routines to gather ongoing feedback from students and colleagues, align practices with strategic outcomes and work more efficiently towards these aims. Notes: I'm currently writing an MBA thesis on continuous improvement methods in educational leadership and would be very interested if there are fellow NIBS colleagues who might be willing to help me collect data for the research

Meeting ID: 695 2256 2562 Passcode: 365564 Join this session