after statement Iran embassy MP callstoshut House yesterday.—AP WASHINGTON: USPresidentBarackObamameetsKingSalmanofSaudiArabiaintheOvalOfficeWhite end in“somekind ofpublicstatementthatputs aspositive an urgenthumanitariancrisis. Thesemeetingsnormally to restoreafunctioninggovernment inYemenandrelieve Obama saidthetwosides“share concerns”abouttheneed said, sayingthepairwoulddiscuss a“widerangeofissues”. in worldaffairs,particularly theMiddleEast,”Obama have muchtodiscuss.“Thisisobviously achallengingtime the nuclearagreementmaylegitimizetheirarch-foeIran. the Irandeal,butprivatelyexpressedgravemisgivingsthat with Iran.SaudiArabiapubliclyvoicedtepidsupportfor as welllingeringSaudidoubtsaboutthenucleardeal ments, therearedeepdisagreementsonSyriaandYemen the UnitedStates.”Butbehindwarmpublicstate- bol ofthedeepandstrongrelationshipthatwehavewith two people”.ForhispartSalmansaidvisitwasa“sym- ship, butthedeepandabidingfriendshipbetweenour ed to“onceagainreaffirmnotonlyourpersonalfriend- tions backonamorestablefooting. celled byRiyadh-hasbeenbilledasawayofputtingrela- gural visitasking-originallyscheduledforMayandcan- ing friendship”betweenthetwocountries.Salman’sinau- the doorsofWhiteHouse,ashehailed“longstand- Obama madetheraremoveofgreetingmonarchat words amidclashingviewsonMiddleEasterncrises. White Housesummityesterday,markedbywarmpublic Saudi Arabia’sKingSalmanforafirstandlong-delayed WASHINGTON:

Obama meetsKingSalman SUBSCRIPTION Obama acknowledgedonlythat thetwosideswould In theOvalOffice,Obamawaseffusive,sayinghewant- 3 150 Fils US PresidentBarackObamawelcomed AUDY ETME ,21 TUQD 1 46A No: 1436 AH SATURDAY, THULQADA 21, SEPTEMBER5,2015 killed inYemenclashes 50 UAE,Bahraintroops Black dayforcoalition ing conversation withSaudiArabia,”hesaid.— AFP extremist elementsoftheopposition, that’sbeenanongo- tion groupsgetsupport.“We are lookingtoisolatemore countries “haveacommonview” onwhichSyrianopposi- Ben RhodessaidtheWhiteHouse wantstomakesureboth Institute forNearEastPolicy. Arab rivalry”saidSimonHenderson oftheWashington ported AssadregimeasanextensionofthewiderPersian- “The kingdomseestheconflictagainstIranian-sup- backed ShiitemilitiashelpingpropupBasharAl-Assad. views SunnifightersasacounterbalancetotheIranian- line Islamists,hasconcernedtheWhiteHouse.Riyadh Jaysh al-Islam,anamalgamoffactionsthatincludehard- flict there.” sition processwithinSyriathatcan...endthehorrificcon- opportunity todiscusshowwecanarriveatapoliticaltran- “share concernsaboutthecrisisinSyriaandwillhave fighting hashadoncivilians.Obamaalsosaidthatthepair effort, buthasrepeatedlywarnedabouttheimpact came topower.TheUnitedStateshassupportedthat and defenseminister,DeputyCrownPrinceMuhammad, oust Iranian-backedrebelssoonafterSalmanandhisson of theirdifferences,andbothstatesneedeachother.” Studies. “Bothnationsareclosestrategicpartnersinspite Cordesman oftheCenterforStrategicandInternational a spinaspossibleonthemeeting,”saidAnthony town theyfled boys buriedin Drowned Syrian Ahead ofthemeetingseniorObama foreignpolicyaide But SaudiArabia’sbackingforoppositiongroupslike Saudi ArabiabeganabombingcampaigninYemento 7 • Amir sendscondolences by therebels,aYemenimilitarysourcesaid.—Age that theblastwastriggeredbyasurface-to-surfacemissilefired ballistic missileattheSafercamp.Aninitialinvestigationfound mercenaries intheSaudiaggression”whentheyfiredaTochka said theirforceshadkilled“dozensofofficersandsoldiersthe base inSafer,250kmfromSanaa,severalhourslater.TheHouthis Sabah sentsimilarcables. HH thePrimeMinisterSheikhJaberAl-MubarakAl-HamadAl- Crown PrinceSheikhNawafAl-AhmadAl-JaberAl-Sabahand bestow hisblessingsonthedeceased.HHDeputyAmirand Bahraini soldiers.TheAmirpraisedAllahtheAlmightyto Bahraini KingHamadbinIsaAl-Khalifaonthemartyrdomof UAE soldiers.SheikhSabahalsosentacableofcondolencesto Sheikh KhalifabinZayedAl-Nahyanonthemartyrdomof Sabah yesterdaysentacableofcondolencestoUAEPresident and anexplosionataweaponscachetargetedthemartyrs”. state forforeignaffairs,saidonTwitteryesterdaythat“arocket the six-month-oldairwar.ButAnwarGargash,UAEministerof close thecircumstancesofwhatwasitshighestcasualtytoll news agencyWAMreported.TheUAEarmedforcesdidnotdis- their injuries,raisingthetollfromaninitial22,Emiratistate blast thatkilledtheEmiratiforces. Yemen’s exiledpresidencysaidtheBahrainisdiedinsame wracked Yemen,butitdidnotgiveapreciselocation.However, they hadbeenpostedtohelpdefendtheborderwithwar- five ofitssoldierswerekilledinsouthernSaudiArabiawhere rocket attackthatcausedtheblast.CoalitionallyBahrainsaid the Emiratis,butHouthirebelssaidtheirfighterslauncheda depot atamilitarybaseintheeasternprovinceofMaribkilled Yemeni governmentsaidan“accidentalexplosion”atarms for aSaudi-ledcoalitionbattlingYemeniShiiterebels.The and Bahrainsaiditlostfivesoldiersyesterday,thedeadliestday ABU DHABI: record scores fans cringeover Asian football on thecontinent increasinglyrapidly.—Agencies with thenumber ofpeople,especiallySyrians,seeking refuge refugees hasbeengrowingasEurope facesamigrantcrisis, homeland. CriticismoftheGCC fornotdoingmoretohelp kicking outSyriansanddeporting themtotheirwar-torn noted thattheUNhasnotrecorded anycasesofaGCCnation the 1951UNconventiononrefugees. However,AbuAsaker Saudi Arabia,andtheUnitedArab Emirates-aresignatoriesto Cooperation Council(GCC)-Bahrain, Kuwait,Oman,Qatar, told thedpanewsagencybytelephonefromAbuDhabi. Asaker, aspokesmanfortheUNagencyrefugees(UNHCR), will, bydefault,getalong-termvisa,”MohammedAbu mostly onworkvisas.“Foreachonewhosevisaexpires,they terday. Thereareanestimated120,000SyriansinKuwait, remain whentheircurrentvisasexpire,aUNofficialsaidyes- Nations thatitwillallowallSyrianscurrentlyinthecountryto ISTANBUL: 48 deport Syrians A thickplumeofblacksmokewasstillseenbillowingfromthe HH theAmirofKuwaitSheikhSabahAl-AhmadAl-JaberAl- None ofthesixGulfmonarchiesthatmakeup Twenty threesoldierswoundedintheincidentdiedof Kuwait won’t The UAEsaid45ofitstroopswerekilledinYemen In amajormove,KuwaithasinformedtheUnited 16631 Max Min ncies 42º 30º LOCAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

KUWAIT: Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah meets former US ambassador to Kuwait Matthew KUWAIT: Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah meets Ministry of Interior’s Tueller. Undersecretary Lt Gen Sulaiman Al-Fahad. — KUNA Jarallah discusses GCC-US summit with MoI official

KUWAIT: Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah met of the Camp David Summit between Gulf Cooperation Council Matthew Tueller, who is currently US Ambassador to Yemen. Ministry of Interior’s Undersecretary Lieutenant General states and the United States. Assistant Deputy Minister for Tueller, who is currently on a private visit to Kuwait, discussed Sulaiman Al-Fahad to discuss assessment of the second GCC- Follow-up and Coordination Naser Al-Subaih attended the the region’s developments with Jarallah. Deputy Assistant US working group. The group stems from the senior officials meeting. Foreign Minister for the Americas Fadhel Al-Hassan attended committee in charge of following up on the implementation Separately, Jarallah met former US ambassador to Kuwait the meeting. — KUNA

Kuwaiti diplomat, Mexican official meet in Mexico City

MEXICO CITY: Kuwaiti Ambassador to Mexico Sameeh Johar Hayat held a meeting with head of the Government of the Federal District and Mayor of MANAMA: Kuwaiti Ambassador Sheikh Azzam Mubarak Al-Sabah meets Mexico City Miguel Angel Mancera, dis- Nabeel Al-Hamar, media advisor to Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al- cussing with him a number of issues Khalifa. — KUNA connected with bilateral relations, said Kuwait Embassy in Mexico. Ambassador Bahraini official lauds Hayat touched on the twin agreement between both Kuwait and Mexico cities, relations with Kuwait signed some three years ago, the embassy said on yesterday. MANAMA: Media advisor to Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa, Nabeel Al- The ambassador called for means to Hamar lauded yesterday the strong deep relations connecting Kuwait and Bahrain. revitalize the agreement to meet the During a reception of Kuwaiti Ambassador Sheikh Azzam Mubarak Al-Sabah, expectations of citizens in both coun- Hamar lauded the senior Kuwaiti diplomat for his efforts in bolstering ties, said a tries, said the statement, adding that MEXICO CITY: Kuwaiti Ambassador to Mexico Sameeh statement by the embassy. Sheikh Azzam thanked the Bahraini official for his sin- the meeting also touched on the Johar Hayat is pictured with head of the Government of cere sentiments, affirming that he will continue on his mission to boost Kuwaiti- expected visit by Mancera to Kuwait the Federal District and Mayor of Mexico City Miguel Bahraini relations. — KUNA later this year. — KUNA Angel Mancera. — KUNA

Interior Minister lauds embassy’s efforts in boosting ties with Italy

ROME: Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah lauded yester- day the strong relations with Italy, highlighting in this regard the role played by the Kuwaiti diplomatic mission in Rome in promot- ing ties. Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled’s statement came during his visit to the Kuwaiti embassy in Rome where he was received by Ambassador Sheikh Ali Khaled Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and the embassy’s staff. Ambassador Sheikh Ali thanked Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled for his keenness to visit the embassy, and lauded the Interior Minister’s visit to the Kuwaiti pavilion at the ROME: Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Sabah is pictured with Ambassador Expo Milan 2015. — KUNA Sheikh Ali Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Khalifa and the embassy’s staff.—KUNA LOCAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Lawmaker demands closing Iranian embassy after ‘offensive’ statement

By A Saleh

KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti lawmaker called yesterday for severing diplo- matic ties with Iran and closing the Islamic Republic’s embassy in the country in response to what has been described as an ‘inter- ference in Kuwait’s internal affairs’ with regards to a statement issued by the Iranian embassy over the ongoing investigation in an alleged Iranian-linked terrorist cell. The Iranian embassy had sent a statement to the media on Thursday criticizing the Kuwaiti government for its handling of information surrounding the uncovering of alleged Iran-linked terror cell and expressing dissatisfaction with what it described as “pushing Iran into a Kuwaiti domestic concern.” The embassy also accused local media of dealing with the issue without notifying official Iranian bodies through proper diplomatic channels. In response, the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry said that the Iranian action violated diplomatic norms. “A country’s wish to officially access information concerning certain issues should be done through proper channels,” it noted in reference to the Iranian embassy’s statement. MP Majid Mousa MP Hamad Al-Harshani MP Abdullah Al-Maayouf Insult instigate strife and compromise security and sovereignty of our tutions and freedom of expression is guaranteed for all and it is “The Iranian embassy’s statement was an interference in dear country.” not a police state as is the case with other countries,” Maayouf Kuwait’s affairs, an insult to the judiciary and an act in which it said. questions the integrity of the public prosecution’s investigations Same practices in the Abdaly cell whose members admitted to dealing with Iran Meanwhile, Chairman of the parliament’s foreign affairs com- Aggressive acts and the terrorist Hezbollah group,” MP Majid Mousa said yester- mittee MP Hamad Al-Harshani accused Iran of using practices in Kuwait’s public prosecution on Wednesday charged 24 men day. Kuwait similar to what it previously used in Bahrain. He said that for spying for Iran and Hezbollah and plotting “aggressive acts” The lawmaker accused the Iranian embassy of playing a ‘dirty Iran attempted to create chaos in Bahrain, accusing it of interfer- against Kuwait. It also accused a number of them of being mem- role’ that is far from political traditions and diplomatic representa- ing in Bahrain’s internal affairs. He added that Iran did the same bers with Hezbollah and others of receiving training on the use of tion and asked the foreign ministry to put an end to the ‘Iranian thing in Kuwait when it claimed no relations with the terrorist cell weapons and ammunition to carry out the attacks. embassy’s violations’ and warn those in it against interfering in discovered in Abdaly “despite the suspects’ confessions that there On August 13, the Interior Ministry arrested three citizens after Kuwaiti affairs. “We should not remain silent at all levels - official were contacts with two Iranian diplomats.” uncovering a huge arms cache at farmhouses in Abdaly near the and popular,” Mousa said, calling for closing the Iranian embassy border with Iraq. The cache included 19,000 kg of ammunition, in Kuwait and banning Iranians from entering the country “follow- Official letter 144 kg of explosives, 68 weapons, and 204 grenades were seized ing the series of crimes they committed against Kuwait.” “The MP Abdullah Al-Maayouf, commenting on the Iranian from three properties near the Iraqi border, the Interior Ministry nation’s MPs will not keep silent towards Iran’s repetitive behav- embassy’s statement, said that if the statement had said that no said. Additional arrests were made and houses searched in Adan ior,” he said, adding that there is parliamentary coordination to official letter was sent to the embassy by the general prosecution, and other areas. close down the Iranian embassy in Kuwait. then it was better for the Iranian embassy to follow diplomatic A trial of the suspected terror cell will start September 15. “The embassy of the bad neighbor Iran is still carrying out dis- channels and call the foreign ministry instead of issuing a state- Several lawmakers this week called for a downgrading of diplo- tortion of facts and practices all types of trickery and lies that are ment in response to what has been published in the local press, matic ties with Iran and the labeling of the Lebanese militia far away from treaties,” Mousa said, adding that Iran’s goal ‘as well which received its information from official documents by the Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in response to the discovery as that of traitors’ in Kuwait remains to “destroy the country and public prosecution. “We reiterate that Kuwait is a country of insti- of the cell. PM reviews housing welfare strategies

KUWAIT: Current and future housing welfare strategies were the focus of a meeting held on Thursday by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah with Minister of State for Housing Affairs Yasser Abul and experts. First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al- Hamad Al-Sabah and other ministers attended the meeting at Seif Palace. The meeting reviewed alternatives and proposals to over- come housing obstacles, as well as the role of concerned authorities to support programs of the Public Authority for Housing Welfare (PAHW). His Highness the Premier urged faster steps to meet housing KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah chairs a meeting with ministers and housing demand within proper time, bearing in mind people’s social and experts. — KUNA financial considerations. — KUNA

South Korea keen on partaking in Kuwait’s development plan: official SEOUL: South Korea is keen on partaking in that the visit by Korean President Park Geun-Hye Kuwait’s development plan, Kim Kyung-hwan, Vice back in March was a historical event for bilateral Minister for Land, Infrastructure, and relations. That visit helped to introduce South Transportation, said yesterday. This statement Korean companies to Kuwait’s development plan, came during the Korean official’s meeting with said the Ambassador who noted that his meeting Kuwaiti Ambassador to Seoul Jassem Mohammad with the Korean Vice Minister was in preparation Al-Budaiwi. The Korean official stressed the impor- for the upcoming visits by Kuwait’s Minister of tance of revitalizing mutual agreement between State for Housing Affairs Yasser Hassan Abul and Kuwait and Korea on the construction and building other Kuwaiti officials to Korea. South Korean levels, noting that cooperation within this field will Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation, reinforce ties Yoo Il-ho visited Kuwait last June, signing a memo Meanwhile, Ambassador Budaiwi lauded rela- on construction and building during the meetings SEOUL: Kuwaiti Ambassador to Seoul Jassem Mohammad Al-Budaiwi meets Kim Kyung- tions between Kuwait and South Korea, affirming with Kuwaiti officials. — KUNA hwan, Vice Minister for Land, Infrastructure and Transportation. — KUNA LOCAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

AMMAN: Officials from Jordan and Gulf Cooperation Council countries attend the inaugu- ration ceremony of the Gulf-Jordanian Economic Communication Forum. — KUNA Engineer Fares Al-Enezi (center) is pictured with participants at the forum. Supporting SMEs key to economic growth: Kuwait Gulf-Jordan forum urges boosting cooperation

AMMAN: Director of the small enterprises Amman statement department of Kuwait’s Manpower and The Gulf-Jordanian Economic Forum Government Restructuring Program culminated in the adoption of Amman Kuwait supports investment (MGRP) Engineer Fares Al-Enezi said it is a statement on the promotion of commer- strategic choice for governments to sup- cial and investment cooperation between and development in Africa port the small and medium enterprises the GCC member states and the Kingdom CAIRO: Kuwait’s permanent delegate to the Addressing the opening of the 96th ses- (SMEs) in order to prod economic growth. of Jordan. Arab League ambassador Aziz Al-Daihani sion, Araby noted that the economic and “SMEs play a crucial role in sustainable The gathering, jointly organized by the economic development through increas- informed the 96th session of the Arab League developmental domains constituted a major Federation of Gulf Cooperation Council Economic and Social Council (ESC) of Kuwait’s portion of the Kuwait summit, as specialized ing the GDP and creating jobs,” Enezi told Chambers (FGCCC) and Jordan Chamber of KUNA on the sidelines of the Gulf- support of investment and development in technical trade, investment, communications, Commerce (JCC) at Lu Royal Hotel, Africa. energy and transport were formed. He high- Jordanian Economic Forum which came to Amman, was opened by Jordanian Prime a close Thursday. Kuwait currently presides over the 3rd lighted the initiative of His Highness the Amir Minister Abdullah Ensour earlier Thursday. They account for nearly 90 percent of Afro-Arab summit. At the conclusion of the 96 Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah The joint statement calls for accelerat- the GDP of the United States - the world’s session on Thursday, Daihani told KUNA that then to offer soft loans worth $1 billion to largest economy, and 70 percent of ing the negotiations on the free trade it was agreed to follow up the implementa- African nations over five years, as a top Japan’s. Unlike, SMEs represent a meager agreement between the two sides based tion of resolutions adopted by the Afro-Arab achievement of the summit. percentage of Kuwait’s GDP which relies on the principle of equitable treatment summit. He said that the ESC 96th session Araby referred to the back-to-back devel- heavily on the public sector enterprises. and intensifying the visit exchanges reviewed the economic aspects of the Lima opments in the Arab region and their impact “Kuwait’s public sector is jam-packed between businesspeople, and representa- Declaration issued by the third Arab-Latin on development gains, require additional with more than 90 percent of the national tives of the chambers of commerce and America Summit held in 2012, and the resolu- efforts to counter the ensuing social repercus- manpower while the private sector industry from both sides. tions by the third Arab-Africa Economic sions. He noted that the Arab economic inte- employs six percent including two percent It recommends holding joint confer- Summit which Kuwait hosted in 2013. He gration is basic for facing the huge challenges at small enterprises,” Enezi pointed out. He ences and workshops to market the prom- voiced appreciation for the efforts of the ESC in the region, with terrorism on top, urging noted that Singapore managed to over- ising investment opportunities and facili- in following up all pertinent decisions and res- the implementation of the relevant Arab reso- come the challenges of insufficient natural tating red tape and tax regulations for olutions. lutions for a comprehensive combat of the resources and small area through reliance launching joint ventures by individual and phenomenon. Meanwhile, the Arab League on entrepreneurship and introducing corporate investors from the private sec- Summit outcome chief expressed deep regret over the suffer- entrepreneurship education to middle tors. Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al- ings of the Syrian people, either the displaced school. It also calls for launching a joint website Araby had stressed the necessity of following at home or the refugees who escaped fight- “This innovative educational system for the FGCCC and the JCC to help publi- up the implementation of the Third Arab- ing. He acknowledged inability to handle the helped bring up a generation of skilled cize investment incentives and regula- African Economic Summit Kuwait hosted in issue of the Syrian refugees, a problem 2013 held in Kuwait in November 2013. beyond the Arab League’s powers. — KUNA entrepreneurs who are capable of starting tions, and guide investors to the promising SMEs in the commercial and industrial opportunities in such areas as renewable fields, thus making the country one of the energy, power grid and railway hookups, world’s most successful economies,” he logistic services, education, information went on. and communication technology, based on On his participation in the Gulf- BOT system. Jordanian Economic Forum, Enezi said he The conferees highlighted the need to aimed to brief the gathering on the MGRP activate the roles of the FGCCC and the role in prodding the Kuwaiti youth into staring new businesses and fostering their JCC in promoting awareness about tax, entrepreneurial skills. “We also meant to customs and administrative regulations, showcase Kuwait’s experiment in offering and standardizing the rules of countries of incentives to young investors and facilitat- origin and commercial arbitration. ing the small enterprises. The MGRP offers They called on the banking sectors of monthly financial benefits for employees both sides to set up a mechanism for ranging between KD 450 and 800 accord- increasing financing for SMEs in collabora- ing to their educational qualifications and tion with the FGCCC and the JCC. The social status, as well as non-financial serv- forum gathered more than 100 economic CAIRO: Kuwait’s permanent delegate to the Arab League ambassador Aziz Al-Daihani ices such as training, consultancy and mar- decision-makers, leading investors and attends the session. keting,” he added. industrialists from both sides. — KUNA LOCAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Crimes UN commissioner praises Kuwait’s aid to refugees report GENEVA: High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio example for non-European countries to follow in dealing Guterres praised Kuwait for its role in giving humanitarian with the refugee crisis. Guterres was holding a joint confer- assistance to Syrian refugees. Gutterres said at a press con- ence with secretary general of the council of Europe Investigations in ference in Geneva yesterday that Kuwait spearheads inter- Thorbjorn Jagland who urged European governments to Jleeb man’s death national efforts aimed at addressing the plight of the Syrian deal immediately with the growing problem of the influx of refugees, emphasizing that Kuwait, in doing so, is a prime refugees. — KUNA KUWAIT: Farwaniya detectives are investigating the death of an unidentified person who was thrown from a height in Jleeb Al-Shuyiukh. A security source said a call was made about the incident, so criminal detectives went there and found the man with blood covering his face. It was determined that the deceased was in his forties.

Hit-and-run Farwaniya detectives are looking for an unidentified man who deliberately ran over an Iranian national and escaped, leaving the car that was involved in the incident parked in the street. No one was found inside the car, and the win- dows were found to be broken. Bloodstains were seen inside the car, along with some drugs. The Iranian man also had drugs on him. He was sent to Sabah Hospital and A police patrol half-sunk in a ditch following an accident that happened while chasing a suspect. placed under guard. Brothel raided Policemen hurt in Detectives raided a brothel in Salmiya where they arrested 17 men and women of various Asian nationalities. Some of the women were found to be married. Vice detectives had learned that large numbers of expat men frequent an apartment in car-chase accident Salmiya, and their investigation led to discovering that immoral activities were taking place there. By Hanan Al-Saadoun

KUWAIT: A police patrol vehicle was heavily damaged in an Forgery accident at the Sheikh Zayed reserve in Doha. The incident Hawally prosecutor sent a police lieutenant for question- took place when the patrol car was following a sports-utility- ing on charges that include forgery in an official docu- vehicle (SUV) in the area, but the driver refused to stop and ment. The police report said the lieutenant and a lance headed to a sandy area near a popular cafÈ in Sulaibkhat. The corporal stopped a car with a man and two women inside patrol car’s driver was surprised by a large water-filled ditch at the Fifth Ring Road for committing a traffic violation. and the car fell in it, but the SUV driver avoided it and escaped. After police asked them to get out of the car, they saw an Two policemen were injured in the incident. They were empty plastic cup inside which had a foul smell. They sent removed from their vehicle by people who were at the scene. the three persons to authorities on public drunkenness Paramedics took them to Sabah Hospital. charges. But according to a police source, the three per- sons, Kuwaiti, did not like the actions of the lieutenant, Firemen injured in fire and argued that his accusations were false. They counter- Jleeb and Ardhiya fire centers responded to a blaze in a pressed charges of forgery, and the case was sent for fur- Firdous house. Firemen evacuated the house and cut the pow- The scene inside a house in Ferdous after a fire was extin- ther questioning during which it was discovered that one er before successfully tackling the blaze. Two firemen were guished. of the police officers has committed many similar cases injured and taken to hospital. and some violations. Investigations are ongoing. police station for further action. Mall brawl Avenues mall security men broke up a fight between five Fatal falls Break-in and robbery Gulf nationals and a citizen. Three of the men involved in the An Indian man fell to his death while working at Shadadiya Criminal evidence men went to a lawyer’s office to gather evi- fight were drunk. A security source said the fight started when University. Separately, a Syrian man died when he fell from his dence after a thief broke inside and stole KD 15,000, according one man confronted another because he felt he was staring at residence in Jleeb Al-Shuyiukh. Both cases are being investi- to the lawyer. A case was filed for investigations. — Al-Anba him in a provocative way. The suspects were taken to Andalus gated by police.

Hussein Al-Ansari to be Kuwaitis earn MA from Dutch University BRUSSELS: Nineteen Kuwaiti students received demic and future careers. named new KU Rector their Master of Arts (MA) degree in administra- The Kuwaiti diplomat lauded relations with tion science from the Netherland’s Maastricht the Netherlands especially within the education- KUWAIT: Minister of Education and Higher University at a ceremony held late Thursday, said al domain, noting that the European country Education Minister Dr Bader Al-Essa said a Kuwaiti diplomat. The students who received had the most esteemed universities in the conti- the Civil Service Commission approved the their degrees made their country proud, Ali Al- nent. The Maastricht University was established appointment of Dr Hussein Al-Ansari as the Thaithi, advisor at the Kuwaiti embassy in the in 1976. As of 2013, there are around 16,000 stu- new Rector of Kuwait University (KU). Netherlands told Kuwait News Agency (KUNA). dents attending the university with foreign stu- Ansari was selected unanimously, Essa said, He hoped that they would continue to con- dents representing around 47 percent of the tribute the development of Kuwait in their aca- populace. — KUNA adding that the decision will be discussed during the cabinet’s weekly session next Monday before the appointment is made official. Ansari is a professor at the informa- tion and libraries department of KU’s College of Social Sciences. He was the assistant dean of the college. Ansari was selected from a shortlist of three candi- dates, which includes the current Acting Rector Dr Hayat Al-Hajji and the former dean of the College of Engineering and BRUSSELS: Advisor at the Kuwaiti embassy in the Netherlands Ali Al-Thaithi is pic- tured with some of the graduates. — KUNA Dr Hussein Al-Ansari Petroleum Dr Tahir Al-Sahaf. — Al-Jarida

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Guatemala ex-president goes In , bail demands keep Clerk jailed, gay Kentucky to court after night behind bars 9 the poor imprisoned for years11 couple gets marriage license 14

BHUBANESWAR: Indian artist Sudarsan Pattnaik works on a sand sculpture depicting drowned Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi at Puri beach, some 65 kilometers away from Bhubaneswar, yes- terday. (Inset) Father of Aylan Kurdi (C), a three-year-old boy whose drowning off Turkey, holds the body of his child during afuneral ceremony in Kobane, yesterday. — AFP Drowned migrant boys buried Hungary warns of ‘mass inflow’ of refugees

KOBANE: A Syrian father yesterday buried his wife and his two little because of them to help people,” he said in footage posted online by consequences of “a mass inflow of people”, which he said could pos- boys, drowned as they tried to flee to Europe, while Hungary’s leader a local radio station. Nevertheless, the head of the United Nations’ sibly number tens of millions. told Europeans they risk becoming a minority on their own conti- refugee agency, Antonio Guterres, called yesterday for Europe to Guterres said the EU needed to help more migrants enter legally nent. With desperation and anger deepening among people escap- mobilise its “full force” to help the migrants. and provide about 200,000 relocation places, according to a prelimi- ing conflict and poverty, around 300 migrants broke out of a nary estimate, as well as provide more support to countries under Hungarian reception camp while about 200 others scuffled with Air for only 90 minutes pressure such as Greece, Italy and Hungary. police on a Greek island. In Austria, police said the 71 dead migrants found alongside a “It now has no other choice but to mobilise full force around this Austrian police also said the driver of a truck found abandoned motorway near the Hungarian border were Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan crisis. The only way to solve this problem is for the Union and all last week with the bodies of 71 migrants in the back was among a nationals but not a single one of them has been identified. They member states to implement a common strategy, based on responsi- group of people arrested in Hungary. The Syrian family and the 71 included a baby girl and a young boy. bility, solidarity and trust,” Guterres said. migrants, who suffocated in the truck, were among many casualties The people had had enough air for no more than 90 minutes and More than 300,000 people have risked their lives this year trying as hundreds of thousands make their way by sea and land towards appeared to have slowly lost consciousness, suffocating before the to cross the Mediterranean, and more than 2,600 people have died wealthy northern European countries such as Germany, hoping to truck had crossed from Hungary. The driver was among five people doing so. Turkish authorities stopped 57 people trying to cross to the find safety and a new life. Many are refugees from the four-year-old arrested in Hungary, they added. Greek island of Kos on Thursday night, as migrants remained unde- civil war in Syria. In southern Hungary, around 2,300 migrants in the reception terred by Aylan’s drowning on the same route. In the Syrian town of Kobane, 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi was laid to camp were threatening to follow 300 who had already broken out Hungary’s parliament passed a series of laws yesterday to control rest alongside his mother and five-year-old brother at “Martyr’s unless their demands were not met within two hours, police said. the flow of migrants into the country, giving police more authority Cemetery” in the predominantly Kurdish community near the Many migrants are refusing to register in Hungary, fearing this will and setting out strict punishments including prison terms for illegal Turkish border. Images of the tiny body of Aylan washed up on a prevent them from getting to their preferred final destination, often border crossing. beach near the Turkish resort of Bodrum prompted a global outpour- Germany. Police gave chase to the 300 migrants and called a riot unit Orban defended his government’s hardline stand on the crisis. ing of sympathy this week. He drowned with his brother Galip, his to secure the camp near the town of Roszke. “The reality is that Europe is threatened by a mass inflow of people. mother and nine others while trying to cross in a small boat to the Elsewhere, hundreds of migrants started walking from Budapest’s Many tens of millions of people could come to Europe,” he said Greek island of Kos just a few kilometres away. eastern railway station, saying they were heading to Austria. On the before the laws were passed. While pressure is rising on European governments to tackle the Greek island of Lesbos about 200 unregistered migrants trying to “Now we talk about hundreds of thousands but next year we will crisis more effectively, the boys’ weeping father, Abdullah Kurdi, board a ship yesterday scuffled with police and coastguard officials. talk about millions and there is no end to this.” “All of a sudden we called on countries closer to home to act. “I want Arab governments - The UN refugee chief’s appeal contrasted with the tough line will see that we are in a minority in our own continent,” Orban told not European countries - to see (what happened to) my children, and from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who warned about the public radio. — Reuters INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Morocco votes in test for Islamist government

RABAT: Moroccans began voting yesterday in local were at stake in Friday’s vote, which will offer a snap- seizing weapons from groups they say have pledged elections seen as a test for the ruling Islamists, who shot of the political climate. allegiance to the Islamic State jihadist group. swept to power nearly four years ago after Arab Spring Polls opened at 8:00 am (0700 GMT) across the king- With less than half of registered voters taking part protests that prompted reforms by the monarchy. dom and were due to close at 7:00 pm. in the election of November 2011, turnout at Friday’s About 15 million Moroccans were eligible to vote in Benkirane remains popular in the conservative polls was being closely watched for an indication of the the municipal and regional polls, considered a gauge country, despite limited success in tackling corruption, state of political transition. “In a Morocco that is learn- of the popularity of Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane and he is credited with lowering the budget deficit to ing to walk along the path of democracy, participation and his government, a year ahead of a general election. less than five percent of gross domestic product (GDP), in elections is not a luxury; rather it is the first step In 2011, Benkirane’s Islamist Justice and down from seven. along the road to building the future,” independent Development Party (PJD) became the North African But his main rival Mustapha Bakkoury, leader of the daily Akhbar Al-Yaoum said. country’s first Islamist party to win a national election, opposition Authenticity and Modernity Party, has criti- Turnout was slow in the morning in Rabat, accord- and the first to lead a government. cised Benkirane’s rule. “His priority over the last four ing to an AFP journalist, with most voters expected to That vote followed concessions from King years has been his own clan, rather than all the people cast their ballots after the weekly Friday prayers in Mohammed VI, the scion of a monarchy that has ruled of the country,” said Bakkoury, a close adviser to the mosques. The interior ministry said the election had the country for 350 years. A new constitution curbed king. begun smoothly. some, but not all, of his near-absolute powers as auto- The official MAP news agency, however, reported cratic regimes toppled in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. ‘Walking path of democracy’ that voting was disrupted briefly in one village north Previously the monarch could choose his prime While Morocco is considered one of the most stable of Marrakesh after eight people entered a polling sta- minister. Now he must appoint a candidate from the countries in the region, it faces a challenge dealing tion and smashed a ballot box. It said the authorities party that wins the most seats in parliament. with Islamic extremism. The authorities have frequent- were searching for the culprits, whose motive was Around 32,000 seats on local and regional bodies ly announced the arrest of “terrorist cells” and reported unclear. — AFP

Iraq’s cleric calls IS blows up famed tower for corrupt officials to be tombs at Syria’s Palmyra prosecuted Tower tombs were symbols of economic boom BAGHDAD: Iraq’s top Shi’ite Muslim cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, yesterday DAMASCUS: Islamic State group jihadists have called for the prosecution of the most senior blown up several of ancient Palmyra’s famed officials suspected of corruption and the tower tombs as they press their demolition of retrieval of stolen funds. the UNESCO-listed world heritage site, Syria’s Sistani, whose word few Iraqi politicians antiquities chief said yesterday. IS has carried would openly challenge, has put his authority out a sustained campaign of destruction against behind a recent reform drive by Prime heritage sites in areas under its control in Syria Minister Haider al-Abadi and urged him to and Iraq, and in mid-August beheaded the 82- take a stronger stance against the corruption year-old former antiquities chief in Palmyra. and mismanagement that have made Iraq News of the demolition of the tower tombs nearly impossible to govern. which date back to the first century AD comes Abadi’s initiative, proposed last month, after the jihadists’ destruction of the ancient eliminates entire layers of government, shrine of Baal Shamin and the 2,000-year-old scraps sectarian and party quotas for state Temple of Bel, regarded as Palmyra’s master- positions, reopens corruption investigations piece. Antiquities director Maamun Abdulkarim and gives the premier the power to fire told AFP that among at least seven tombs regional and provincial bosses. destroyed were the three best preserved and But critics have called the moves unconsti- most treasured funerary towers, including the tutional and said they will not improve the famed Tower of Elahbel. lives of ordinary Iraqis who have braved swel- “We received reports 10 days ago but we’ve tering summer heat in Baghdad and southern just confirmed the news,” he said. “We obtained provinces every Friday for more than a month satellite images from the US-based Syrian to protest against poor services and corrup- Heritage Initiative, taken on September 2.” The tion. whole of Palmyra, including the four cemeteries “One of the vital steps of reform is ... to outside the walls of the ancient city, has been pursue the major figures of corruption and listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO since hold them accountable, and to retrieve the 1980. In its listing, the UN agency singles out stolen funds from them,” Sistani said in a the tower tombs as the “oldest and most distinc- Friday sermon, delivered by his aide Ahmed tive” of Palmyra’s funerary monuments-”tall al-Safi. multi-storey sandstone buildings belonging to He also pointed a finger at Iraq’s Integrity PALMYRA: This undated image released by UNESCO shows the site of the ancient city of the richest families”. “On the fronts of those that Commission, a government body tasked with Palmyra in Syria. A satellite image on Monday, Aug 31, 2015 shows that the main building of survive, foremost among them the Tower of fighting corruption, and to the judiciary, say- the ancient Temple of Bel in the Syrian city of Palmyra has been destroyed, a United Nations Elahbel, there is an arch with sarcophagus ing: “Many wonder if they are up to the task agency said. — AP halfway up, which in ancient times supported a and if they will carry out this mission without remain intact, including its grand amphitheatre preserve some artefacts to sell on the black any more delays.” Increasingly, street protests reclining statue,” it says. “Corridors and rooms were subdivided by and the Temple of Nabu. market to fund their “caliphate.” According to that were precipitated last month by wide- The amphitheatre has instead been exploit- Cheikhmous Ali of the Association for spread power cuts have evolved to demand vertical bays of loculi (niches for the dead) ed by IS as a venue to parade its brutal version Protection of Syrian Archaeology, more than the trial of corrupt politicians and reform of closed by slabs of stone carved with the image of Islamic justice to Palmyra residents since its 900 monuments and archaeological sites have the judiciary, including the removal of of the deceased and painted in lively colours.” capture of the city in May. In one macabre dis- been damaged or destroyed during more than Medhat Mahmoud, head of the Supreme play, child recruits executed 25 Syrian soldiers four years of civil war. The destruction of the Judicial Council, which oversees the court International community ‘failed’ on the stage. Gruesome violence and the tower tombs “is an indication of the failure of system. Abdulkarim said the Tower of Jambalik, built destruction of priceless artefacts have become the international community and global institu- Sistani also urged politicians to fix Iraq’s in 83 AD was also destroyed, along with the hallmarks of IS as it has expanded its so-called tions to intervene and solve the situation in economy. The government’s fiscal deficit is Tower of Ketout, built in 44 AD and famed for caliphate straddling Iraq and Syria. The Sunni Syria,” he said. expected to reach double digits this year, bat- the vivid scenes etched into its walls. extremist group considers pre-Islamic monu- In addition to damaging sites in Syria, IS has tered by a slump in oil revenues and higher He said the tower tombs were symbols of the military spending, not least to try to drive economic boom of Palmyra in the first century ments, tombs and statues to be idolatrous and also carried out widespread destruction in Islamic State out of the swathes of northern AD, when it dominated the caravan trade worthy of destruction. But experts say that neighbouring Iraq, demolishing statues, shrines and western Iraq that it controls.—Reuters between east and west from its oasis in the while the jihadists prize the shock value of and manuscripts in second city Mosul, and raz- desert. Some of Palmyra’s monuments still demolishing ancient sites, they are also keen to ing the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud. — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Refugee girl who Merkel made cry has residency extended

BERLIN: The 14-year-old Palestinian then stroked her on her back when The mayor’s office in Rostock said by 4 points to 63 percent over how girl who burst into tears after Reem started crying. Reem and her father on Thursday she has handled the refugee crisis. German Chancellor Angela Merkel The video clip of the exchange received a limited residency permit Germany, with relatively liberal told her she might be deported has went viral and started the hashtag that is valid until March 2016. The asylum laws and generous benefits, had her residency permit extended #merkelstreichelt (merkelstrokes) office could not immediately clarify is the EU’s biggest recipient of peo- until March 2016, the mayor’s office with critics accusing her of looking what will happen after that date. ple fleeing war in the Middle East in the northern city of Rostock said clumsy and lacking empathy. It said the rest of the family would and economic migrants from south- yesterday. Reem, who is from Lebanon, has not be deported so that they could eastern Europe. Merkel was criticised in July after lived in Germany for four years and remain together. Merkel, who has A record 104,460 asylum seekers she told the girl, identified as Reem, had told Merkel in fluent German been criticised for being slow to con- entered the country in August, and it during a televised discussion forum that she wanted to study there, but demn violent protests against expects about 800,000 people to file that Germany could not admit every- that it was uncertain whether she refugees in an east German town last for asylum this year - four times last one who wanted to live there and would be allowed to stay. month, saw her approval ratings slip year’s level. — Reuters

Men claiming discovery of Nazi ‘gold train’ go public

WARSAW: Two treasure hunters claiming to have dis- covered a Nazi “gold train” went public yesterday for the first time but failed to reveal evidence for the alleged find they insist is “irrefutable”. The men, who identified themselves as Piotr Koper, a Pole, and German national Andreas Richter, told Poland’s TVP public broadcaster they would only com- municate via their lawyers from now on. Authorities in Poland’s southwestern province of Lower Silesia where the armoured train is allegedly buried cast doubt on its existence earlier this week insisting there was no credible evidence for it. The Polish military has since deployed technicians to check the area in question. “We have irrefutable evi- dence it exists,” Koper told TVP yesterday, adding that “we aren’t responsible for the media circus surrounding the train.” He insisted that evidence the pair had presented confidentially to local authorities on August 18 had lat- er been leaked to the media. The men, who under Polish law are entitled to a 10 percent finders fee, say they have enough funding to independently excavate the train and its presumed treasures. GUATEMALA: Former President of Guatemala Otto Perez Molina, center, speaks to reporters after a court hearing where They vowed to use part of the finder’s fee earned he faces corruption charges, in Guatemala City, Thursday. — AP from the discovery to set up a museum at the site. Lower Silesia Governor Tomasz Smolarz said Monday it was “impossible to claim that such a find Guatemala ex-president goes to actually exists at the location indicated based on the documents that have been submitted.” This came just days after senior culture ministry offi- court after night behind bars cial Piotr Zuchowski said he was “more than 99 percent sure” an armoured train had been found based on Ministers asked to submit their resignations ground-penetrating radar images. Zuchowski also claimed that someone who had GUATEMALA CITY: Otto Perez Molina was demanding change. “In what is left of this Uncovered by prosecutors and a UN com- been involved in hiding the train, presumed to be over headed back to court yesterday after spend- year, there must be a positive response.” The mission known as CICIG, which is investigat- 100 metres (330 feet) in length, had disclosed its loca- ing his first night as an ex-president in military unprecedented political drama was the cli- ing criminal networks in the country, the cus- tion before dying. custody. Perez Molina’s jailing followed a his- max of a week in which Perez Molina was toms corruption scandal involved a scheme Police have blocked off the presumed location of the toric day in which he resigned and stripped of his immunity from prosecution, known as “La Linea,” or “The Line.” It is Guatemala’s Congress swore in Vice President deserted by key members of his Cabinet and believed to have defrauded the state of mil- train along a stretch of active railway tracks in a bid to Alejandro Maldonado to serve the remainder saw his jailed former vice president ordered to lions of dollars. prevent accidents as a curious public swamps the area of his term. The judge hearing a corruption stand trial - all just days before Sunday’s elec- A growing protest movement brought near the city of Walbrzych. and fraud investigation against Perez Molina tion to choose his successor. together Guatemalans from all walks of life, Global media have become fascinated by the ordered the former president held in custody from business leaders to Roman Catholic prospect of a railway car full of jewels and gold stolen until the hearing reconvened yesterday morn- Innocence Church officials, to demand that Perez Molina by the Nazis. ing. Perez Molina left the court under heavy Perez Molina appeared in court Thursday step down as the fraud probe expanded to The World Jewish Congress has asked that any valu- police guard and was later seen entering a to face accusations that he was involved in a implicate more officials. Ex-Vice President ables found that once belonged to victims of the military barracks in the capital. scheme in which businesspeople paid bribes Roxana Baldetti’s former personal secretary Holocaust should be returned to their owners or heirs. Shortly after taking the oath of office to avoid import duties through Guatemala’s was named as the alleged ringleader and is a Rumours of two special Nazi trains disappearing in the Thursday, Maldonado demanded that minis- customs agency. He is the first Guatemalan fugitive. Baldetti, who resigned May 8 and is spring of 1945, towards the end of World War II, have ters and top officials submit their resignations president to resign. Judge Miguel Angel now jailed and facing charges, also maintains been circulating for years, capturing the imagination of so he could form a transition government and Galvez ordered Perez Molina’s detention cit- her innocence. Analysts said the events of the countless treasure hunters. promised an honest and inclusive administra- ing a need to “ensure the continuity of the last few days have dealt a key blow to corrup- tion. Reaching out to protesters who took to hearing” and guarantee the ex-president’s tion in the country and boosted the rule of The lore is fuelled by a massive network of secret the streets against the country’s entrenched safety. Perez Molina, 64, has steadfastly main- law. “The main factor is the existence of CICIG underground tunnels near Walbrzych-including around corruption, he vowed to leave “a legacy of tained his innocence and reiterated his will- working with the Guatemalan prosecutor to the massive Ksiaz Castle-that Nazi Germany built and honesty” and restore faith in Guatemala’s ingness to face the investigation head-on. “I make the (prosecutor’s office) a strong and where legend has it the Third Reich stashed looted democracy in his brief few months in office. have always said I will respect due process,” capable institution,” said Cynthia Arnson, valuables. —AFP “You can’t consider your work done,” he said. “I do not have the slightest intention director of the Latin American Program at the Maldonado said in remarks aimed at all those of leaving the country.” Wilson Center in Washington. — AP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Head of UN’s refugee agency to step down this year

GENEVA: The head of the UN’s refugee agency, Confirming the news of his departure, Melissa “This is a defining moment for the European Antonio Guterres, will step down at the end of this Fleming: “He served over 10 years. His mandate was Union, and it now has no other choice but to mobi- year and not seek a renewal of his mandate as the already extended by six months. It was originally lize full force around this crisis. The only way to solve High Commissioner for Refugees, his spokeswoman supposed to end in June.” this problem is for the Union and all member states said yesterday. Earlier on Friday, Guterres had said that European to implement a common strategy, based on respon- Guterres goes as Europe struggles with the Union states must make “fundamental changes” in sibility, solidarity and trust,” Guterres said. biggest refugee crisis in the region since the Second policy to take in more refugees. The EU’s response to Denmark, whose rules on accepting refugees are World War with thousands of migrants seeking the refugee crisis would be a “defining moment” for seen as stricter than in other European countries, refuge from violence and hardship in the Middle the bloc, he said, warning that a divided EU would has nominated former Prime Minister Helle East and Africa. benefit only smugglers and traffickers. Thorning-Schmidt to replace him. — Reuters

Spartan lifestyle for Nigerian president ABUJA: Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, who won office pledging to fight the country’s outrageous graft habit, claims to have no foreign accounts or oil concessions and only $151,000 in his local bank account. The 72-year-old military man enjoys “a spartan lifestyle”, owning five houses, a few farms and a variety of livestock, and “a number of cars”, his spokesman said in a statement listing his assets late Thursday. His deputy, Yemi Osinbajo, appears substantially more well-heeled, according to the statement. Buhari, who took office May 29, marks 100 days in office today, and Nigerian law stipulates that the president and his deputy declare their assets with the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) within 100 days of taking office. Though a former military head of state, an ex-mili- tary governor and ex-oil minister-with ample opportunity in corrupt Nigeria to amass a fortune-he had less than 30 million naira ($151,000, 136,000 euros) in his sole local bank account as of May 29, spokesman Garba Shehu said in the statement.

‘Contrary to expectations’ At the same time Buhari had shares in three firms, a paint manu- facturing company and two commercial banks, five houses in Abuja and the northern cities of Kano, Kaduna and Daura, his hometown, the statement said. He had farms, an orchard, a ranch, scores of cat- tle, 25 sheep and “a number of cars”, some of which were gifts, it added. Documents submitted by Buhari to the CCB “show that the retired general has indeed been living an austere and spartan LISBON: British Prime Minister David Cameron, left, meets with his Portuguese counterpart Pedro Passos Coelho at the lifestyle, contrary to what many might expect of a former head of Sao Bento palace in Lisbon, yesterday. — AP state of Nigeria and one who has held a number of top government positions,” Shehu said. But Osinbajo, who was a successful lawyer before going into poli- tics, had about 94 million naira ($473,000, 425,000 euros) in his local bank accounts, $900,000 and 19,000 pounds ($29,000) in other bank Cameron bows to pressure accounts and three cars, according to the statement. A former Lagos attorney general, the pentecostal pastor owned four houses, including a two-bedroom mortgage property in to take in more refugees Bedford, England. He also had shares in six private firms, including telecommunications giant MTN Nigeria, it said. The asset documents are being vetted by the CCB, the state agency mandated by the constitution to receive asset declarations Move to improve lives of 4,000 Syrians of top functionaries and verify them. LISBON: Prime Minister David Cameron agreed yesterday that organisations and announce further details next week. “As soon as the CCB is through with the process, the documents Britain would take in “thousands more” Syrian refugees, after will be released to the Nigerian public and people can see for them- an outpouring of emotion over the image of a Syrian toddler Others more welcoming selves,” Shehu said. Buhari has made transparency and the fight lying dead on a Turkish beach put him under pressure to act. Other European countries such as Germany and Sweden against corruption cardinal policies of his administration. — AFP Cameron gave no precise figures, but a spokeswoman for have taken in far more refugees than Britain in recent times, the UN refugee agency told reporters in Geneva that the and London declined to take part in a proposed EU scheme British move would improve the lives of 4,000 Syrians. that would allocate quotas to member states. As Europe seems at a loss to cope with thousands of Germany alone expects 800,000 people to file for asylum migrants and refugees from the Middle East and Africa seek- this year. About 25,000 people applied for asylum in Britain ing safety or better lives on the continent, many at home and in the 12 months to March, of whom two-fifths were granted abroad had accused Cameron’s government of being uncar- some form of protection. ing and inflexible. Cameron’s announcement concerned only Syrians, the Several of his own Conservative legislators and the human focus of popular anguish after the widespread publication of rights chief of the Council of Europe urged Britain to take in photographs of Aylan Kurdi, the Syrian toddler who drowned more refugees. with his brother and mother as the family tried to cross from “Given the scale of the crisis and the suffering of people, Turkey to Greece. today I can announce that we will do more in providing reset- “We will continue with our approach of taking them tlement for thousands more Syrian refugees,” Cameron told (Syrian refugees) directly from refugee camps. This provides reporters in Lisbon after meeting his Portuguese counterpart. them with a more direct and safe route to the United ABUJA: In this Friday, May 29, 2015 file photo, Nigerian About 5,000 Syrians who made their own way to Britain Kingdom rather than risking the hazardous journey which President Muhammadu Buhari salutes his supporters dur- since the start of the war in their country have been granted has tragically cost so many of their lives,” Cameron said. ing his inauguration in Abuja, Nigeria. An official in asylum, and another 216 were brought to Britain under a UN- Cameron had previously insisted that Britain was already Nigeria says the new president’s wealth declaration shows backed relocation scheme. doing its bit, not least by sending aid to Syrian refugee that he has been living “an austere and Spartan lifestyle” “We will accept thousands more under these existing camps in the Middle East and dispatching the Royal Navy to compared to his predecessors and other senior govern- schemes and we keep them under review,” Cameron said, the Mediterranean to help rescue migrants from unsafe ment officials. — AP adding that the government would speak with humanitarian boats. — Reuters INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Pakistan’s fading Parsi community looks abroad KARACHI: For more than 1,000 years, Parsis have thrived in South Asia but an ageing population and emigration to the West driven by instability in Pakistan means the tiny community of “fire worshippers” could soon be consigned to the country’s his- tory books. The ancestors of today’s Parsis in Pakistan-followers of Zoroastrianism, one of the world’s oldest religions-fled Persia over a millennium ago for the safety of the western Indian sub- continent. Legend has it Parsi leader Jadi Rana made a pledge to the then emperor of India that Zoroastrians, known in the region as Parsis, would not be a burden but would blend in like sugar into milk. But today they are a fading people across the subcontinent, with many affluent families from India and Pakistan leaving for the West. The community, which has long been active in busi- ness and charity, has been unnerved by the upsurge in Islamist extremist violence. One expert said the loss of the Parsis would be a “huge blow” to Pakistan’s diversity. Only around 1,500 are left in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, where they have “fire tem- ples”, community centres and final resting places-where the remains of their dead are left in the open to be consumed by vul- tures according to their tradition. Parsis are often called “fire worshippers” because their reli- gion considers fire-together with water-as agents of purity and LUCKNOW: Jai Ram Saber tends to plants at the house of politician , who paid Saber’s surety for fires are lit as part of religious ceremonies. release from a jail, in Lucknow, in the northern Indian state of . — AP They have long been discreet in observing their faith, but some, like 23-year-old art student Veera Rustomji, think they need to do more to preserve their heritage. “It’s been successful (in) that we have been an unattacked In India, bail demands keep and unharmed community because of our low profile,” she said at her studio at the Indus Valley College. “But at the same time it backfires because a lot of people the poor imprisoned for years focus on how the community is becoming small numerically.” Thousands of inmates languish in jail Business leaders Rustomji has traced her family’s past in Hong Kong, where LUCKNOW: Sixteen-year-old Suraj often not enough to support their family been no hearings in the case since the ini- Parsis founded a university, a ferry service and hospitals. It is this Chaudhry has been waiting for most of his of six, including Suraj’s grandparents. tial bail hearing, and it’s unclear when the link to business as well as charity that Byram Avari, the head of life: For lawyers, for justice, for his father’s court might take up the case again. the Avari chain, one of Pakistan’s leading luxury hotel groups, eventual release from the prison after 14 Costly justice Sometimes, a benefactor can help an said has allowed the community to build an enduring relation- years. His father should have been let out “Justice seems very costly for the poor inmate regain his freedom. Jai Ram Saber, ship with Karachi. in 2003, but the impoverished family in India,” said Lenin Raghuvanshi, who a tribal villager and pharmacist from the “Before partition the ladies maternity home called Lady could not pay the 24,000 rupee bail (then heads a group called the People’s neighboring state of Orissa, managed to Duferfin hospital was put up (by) the Parsis, the NED college, worth $522, now worth $360) set by the Vigilance Committee of Human Rights. get out after meeting and impressing a now medical college, the Spencer Eye hospital and I cannot tell court in the north Indian city of Lucknow. “Have you ever seen a rich businessman or local strongman politician with his volley- you how many numerous things have been set up by the Parsis Suraj says his father was framed for mur- powerful politician languishing in jail for ball skills while the two were together for people of Karachi,” he told AFP. der because he was from the outcast that long? No. They have money, power, behind bars. Parsis believe “in giving back what they had,” he added. But today young Parsis are leaving in droves. “dalit” community, also known as and can turn the case on its head and The past decade has seen Islamist violence soar, with reli- “untouchables,” within India’s ancient sys- roam free.” Free man gious minorities often in the extremists’ crosshairs. While Parsis tem of caste hierarchies. Most prisoners awaiting trial are poor Saber had spent years sleeping on the have not been specifically targeted, many feel vulnerable. “So my father was sent to jail, while a minorities with little understanding of floor of a single barracks shared with 40 rich man from our village who belongs to judicial procedure, Raghuvanshi said. other inmates while awaiting trial for a ‘We cannot see a future’ an upper caste and is behind that murder “The police are under pressure to solve 1989 murder. He vividly remembers the “There is a general instability in the country. Because of this is roaming free,” Suraj said, leaning against criminal cases, so they arrest the poor day in court when a judge granted him we cannot see a future for our community here right now,” says a wooden pillar within the High Court because they know they are not in a bail for 16,000 rupees. Kaivan Solan, a 27-year-old training to become a priest. compound, where he has become a regu- position to contest.” “I was very happy, I cried with joy...I Izdeyar Setna, 37, a freelance photographer with a slew of lar. Each day after working his job in a tea The jails and prisons of Uttar Pradesh, believed I would be a free man,” he international clients, added that Parsis were seeking new lives in shop, Suraj insists he will not leave “until I one of India’s poorest and most populous recalled, his voice quivering. Then, as countries with larger Parsi communities, such as Canada. get an answer” on when his father might states, are some of country’s most over- the money didn’t come, “I cursed my “I think most people are leaving because of a few reasons. be released. But as the sun goes down, he crowded, with an occupancy rate of 172 luck, wondering why my friends and rel- One is security. The way things are, people are scared not know- eventually leaves, vowing to return the percent compared with the nationwide atives had dumped me.” His luck ing if things are going to get better,” he said. next day. rate of 112 percent, according to jail changed when the politician, Raghuraj “So I think they are trying to get out. Most people are going to There are tens of thousands of prison- administration official R.K. Dwivedi. Pratap Singh, was locked up in 2010 on Canada, or the USA, wherever it is easy to get the visa.” ers like Suraj’s father in the state of Uttar The National Human Rights weapons charges that were later dis- In the city’s Parsi neighbourhood, the rotting stench of death Pradesh, where at least 70 percent of the Commission published a recent report missed. Upon his release, Singh paid emanates from the Tower of Silence, a large circular structure state’s 84,228 inmates have languished in detailing a brutal life for the poor behind Saber’s bail as well. Now Saber is mar- where the bones of the dead are kept in accordance with jail because they cannot afford to pay bail bars. “The poor under trials are subjected ried, raising a son and working full time Zoroastrian practice. For many these traditions must go on, and while their cases take years or even to all kinds of torture,” said Chaman Lal, a for Singh as his caretaker. the compound provides a sense of belonging. decades to wend through India’s notori- special rapporteur for the commission “Jai Ram was in jail for almost 20 years - It is home to dozens of Parsi families but many have now ously slow and backlogged judicial sys- who inspected two jails in Uttar Pradesh. 17 years more only because he was poor hired armed guards because of attempts to seize their land by a tem, according to the state’s Jail Ministry. Younger inmates say they’re being sexual- and did not have money to pay surety,” neighbouring Muslim community. “Losing a community like the Lawyers familiar with Suraj’s father’s case ly abused, he said. Many are also made “to said Singh, also widely known in Uttar Parsis is definitely a huge blow to a tolerant Pakistan, its cultural said his only hope was to find the money. act as servants for the rich prisoners and Pradesh as “Raja Bhaiya” or “King Brother.” diversity and economic well-being as Parsis have contributed “Unless he deposits surety in court, he will do all errands for them.” The state’s jail minister, Balram Yadav, immensely to the progress of this country,” said Rabia Mehmood, not be released,” elderly advocate Lal recently discovered 17 impover- said the government is aware of such cas- a researcher on religious minorities at the Jinnah Institute think Mohammed Anis Siddaqi said. ished prisoners in jail since 2001 for es, noting one woman who spent 19 years thank. Not all the threats faced by Parsis are external. They are But for Suraj, who is illiterate, the bail alleged involvement in a blood donation behind bars being released finally in 2013 already facing a low birth rate and their marriage laws are amount is out of reach. He makes just racket, though two doctors and five of when her son managed to pull together extremely strict, forcing women to leave the community if they 5,000 rupees (about $76) a month work- their staff accused of being the ringleaders her bail payment. But “we cannot help,” “marry out”-though men marrying non-Parsis is tolerated. — AFP ing in a roadside cafe, while his mother were freed within three months of their Yadav said. “There is a judicial process earns the same from her job as a maid. It is detention after paying bail. There have involved.” — AP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Malaysia anti-graft unit faces no interference in PM’s Najib probe

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia’s anti-corruption commission’s investigation into allegations that millions of dollars ended up in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s bank account has been free of government interference, its deputy commissioner said yesterday. A media report in July said investigators looking into alleged mismanagement at debt-laden state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) traced a pay- ment of almost $700 million to an account under Najib’s name. “The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is investigating this issue without fear or favour - we always investigate independently,” Deputy Chief Commissioner Mustafar Ali told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview. Mustafar said it would be wrong to jump to the conclusion that the prime minister, who has denied any wrongdoing, was guilty of corruption without a thorough investigation. “We have an investiga- tion going on. One is innocent until proven guilty, so let the due process of law take place,” he said on the sidelines of an international anti-corruption conference. He added that some of the evidence in the case was still being collected and that the commission still had witness- es to interview. The MACC said last month it would ask BANGKOK: A foreign suspect in the August 17 Erawan shrine bombing, identified by the ruling junta as Adem Najib to explain how millions of dollars were allegedly deposited into his private bank account. Karadag (C), is escorted by soldiers as he arrives to be questioned by police officers at Bangkok’s Metropolitan Najib has denied any wrongdoing and says he did not Police Station yesterday. — AFP take any money for personal gain but, nevertheless, faces the biggest crisis of his political career. A rally last weekend drew tens of thousands of people to the streets of the capi- Two arrested over Bangkok tal Kuala Lumpur to call for his resignation.

Corruption crisis attack unlikely the bomber Transparency International said on Wednesday that Malaysia is facing a “corruption crisis”. Authorities refuse to confirm men’s nationalities “We want to see more progress but that cannot happen while there are unanswered questions about the $700 mil- BANGKOK: Thai police yesterday said nei- nearly two weeks without progress on the first time Thai authorities have revealed lion that made its way into the prime minister’s personal ther of the two men detained over the unprecedented bombing, authorities on the nationality of a foreign suspect of the bank account,” Jose Ugaz, chair of the graft watchdog, said deadly Bangkok attack last month were Saturday arrested Karadag in a raid on a attack. The motive for the bombing at the conference. Mustafar denied that the allegations believed to be the main bombing suspect- flat on the eastern outskirts of Bangkok, remains shrouded in mystery but specula- against the prime minister constituted a major corruption seen on CCTV wearing a yellow t-shirt and their first blast-related arrest. Mieraili was tion has mounted that the shrine was tar- crisis. “Corruption happens in Malaysia, not serious of placing a rucksack under a bench at detained three days later while trying to geted by a network sympathetic to course, but it does happen,” he said. “But this is not a major Erawan shrine moments before the blast. cross into Cambodia, according to Thai refugees from China’s Uighur minority. crisis.” Critics of the MACC, which replaced the Anti- The two foreign suspects-identified as police. Both men have now been charged In July Thailand forcibly deported to Corruption Agency in 2009, say the commission is not Adem Karadag and Yusufu Mieraili but with possessing “illegal bomb weapons”, China 109 Uighurs, enraging supporters of independent from the government as it is administered by whose nationalities remain unconfirmed- Prawut said yesterday, after Karadag was the minority who allege they face torture the prime minister’s department and should be answer- are thought to be part of a group behind allegedly found in possession of bomb- and repression back home. The Hindu able to parliament instead. the August 17 blast at the religious shrine making paraphernalia and Mieraili’s DNA shrine is especially popular with ethnic Mustafar said the fact the commission is monitored by that killed 20 people. The arrests have was matched with that in another raided Chinese visitors to Bangkok, who believe five independent panels, including one made up of law- been seen as a potential breakthrough in flat where police found bomb-making prayers there bring good fortune, and they makers from across the political spectrum, ensured its the investigation but yesterday police said materials. Authorities have refused to comprised the majority of the blast’s fatali- independence. A 2013 U.N. review of Malaysia’s anti-cor- evidence has suggested neither are the confirm the two arrested men’s nationali- ties. Shortly after dawn yesterday Thai offi- ruption efforts commended the country for its practices in main suspect. “Evidence has showed that ties as they believe both used fake identity cials held a religious ceremony at the new- fighting graft. Corruption conviction rates rose to 78 per- Yusufu was probably not the yellow-shirt” documents and are still liaising with ly-restored golden statue of the four-faced cent in 2014 from 54 percent in 2009, according to the suspect, national police spokesman embassies. Hindu god Brahma after the blast had MACC. Malaysia has also improved its ranking in Prawut Thavornsiri told reporters at a Karadag was found with dozens of fake damaged one of the deity’s faces. Transparency International’s index of perceived levels of press conference in Bangkok. Turkish passports while Mieraili carried a In recent years scores of Uighurs, a public sector corruption in 175 countries, rising to 50th last He added that “nothing had con- Chinese passport. A further seven people Turkic-speaking group, are believed to year from 53rd in 2013. firmed” Karadag was the chief suspect, are wanted over the crime including a have fled Xinjiang in northwestern China, The government has said its aim is to be in the top 30 referring to DNA tests without elaborating Turkish national named as Emrah many travelling through Southeast Asia countries in the index by 2020. —Reuters on the exact checks conducted. After Davutoglu by police on Wednesday, the with the aim of reaching Turkey. — AFP

Fury in Taiwan after ex-VP attends China parade

TAIPEI: The attendance of a former Dozens of slogan-chanting protestors High Court on treason charges. Fury crushed by the Chinese communist Taiwan vice president at Beijing’s clashed with police as Lien arrived also came from within the KMT, with forces led by Mao Zedong.During a massive military parade sparked back at Taipei airport at midnight current chairman Eric Chu saying the meeting with Chinese president Xi waves of outrage on the island yester- after attending the event. “How dare party will look into the matter as a Jinping on Tuesday, Lien credited the day, with some politicians angrily call- Lien Chan come back to Taiwan after growing number of members Chinese communist forces with win- ing him a “traitor”. Lien Chan, who he did this shameless thing to Taiwan demanded Lien be disciplined. The ning the war against Japan in contrast was also previously premier and chair- people?” a protest leader told ruling KMT and China’s communist with the KMT’s argument that their man of the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) reporters as the crowd branded Lien a government have long disagreed over troops, then the rulers of China, party, was accompanied by his wife “traitor” and shouted that he should who should take the credit for victory fought all the major set-piece battles and 10 other politicians to Thursday’s “get back to China”. Annette Lu, against Japan in 1945. against Japan. In reaction, President event in Tiananmen Square marking another former vice president and The Kuomintang troops led by Ma said he felt “regret” and that Lien’s the 70th anniversary of Japan’s defeat member of the China-sceptic Chiang Kai-shek fled the mainland move “had deviated from the coun- in World War II, defying President Ma Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), four years after the end of WWII, and try’s position and missed the expecta- Ying-jeou’s advice to stay away. filed a law suit against Lien in the after a civil war that saw them tion of our country people.” — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Australia mulls Confirmed MH370 wing part stripping citizenship for past terror links won’t change search: Australia SYDNEY: Australia moved closer to stripping dual nationals of their citizenship for terrorism offences yesterday, with a parlia- mentary committee recommending it be approved even for Flaperon has not yielded any clues old convictions. Canberra has passed a series of national security laws to SYDNEY: Confirmation that a plane part combat concerns about Australians supporting jihadist groups that washed up on a remote island was such as the Islamic State group and in June put forward from missing jet MH370 was useful but changes to the Citizenship Act. would not alter the search for the plane, The amendments are meant to extend current powers Australian investigators said yesterday. Martin Dolan, chief commissioner of the removing citizenship from nationals who join armed forces at Australian Transport Safety Bureau, wel- war with Australia to those who fight for or are in the service of comed this week’s news from France that a designated terrorist organisation, or who are convicted of the flaperon found on the Indian Ocean terrorism or other offences. island of Reunion was part of the missing “This bill modernises our treason laws to deal with the new Boeing 777. “We have been working on the threat of home-grown terrorists,” ruling Liberal Party parlia- assumption that the flaperon was associat- mentarian Dan Tehan, who chaired the committee, told ed with MH370,” Dolan told AFP. reporters in Melbourne. “It’s useful to have formal confirmation “If you repudiate your allegiance to Australia and you are a of this, so it’s good for us. But it hasn’t actu- dual national, you will lose your citizenship.” Tehan said the ally made a significant difference to our committee had made 27 recommendations, including that the search.” Australia is leading the difficult stripping of citizenship for dual nationals convicted of terror- search in the southern Indian Ocean for the ism offences should be limited to those sentenced to at least Malaysia Airlines plane which mysteriously six years’ jail. diverted off course on March 8 last year and It also recommended the law be expanded to retrospec- disappeared with 239 people on board. SAINT-ANDRE: In this Wednesday, July 29, 2015 file photo, French police officers tively cover those previously handed jail terms of 10 or more Based on satellite analysis of the plane’s like- carry a piece of debris from a plane in Saint-Andre, Reunion Island. French investi- years. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Sydney radio ly trajectory, searchers are scouring the gators have formally identified a washed-up piece of airplane debris found in July station 2GB Friday it was the “strong intention” of his govern- seabed off Australia’s west coast, so far cov- on a remote island in the Indian Ocean as part of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a ment to “give this law retrospective effect”. ering some 60,000 square kilometres Boeing 777 that disappeared more than a year ago with 239 people aboard. — AP In contrast, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said “as a matter (24,000 square miles) without result. Dolan of principle, I wouldn’t support retrospectivity”, although she said Australia was considering bringing in based on the plane crashing in the search but had known from the start that, although added there could be situations relating to citizenship where new vessels and equipment to take advan- area. “It hasn’t changed our thinking about interesting for the broader investigation, it such moves might be considered. tage of the upcoming southern hemisphere the search area,” he said, adding that the was unlikely to assist in refining the search The removal of citizenship “by conduct”-meaning no con- summer when the weather in the harsh and flaperon also had not yielded any clues on area. viction is required-should be restricted to Australians engaging remote place will improve. what caused the plane to disappear en The Australian official said he was still in activities outside the country or who have fled overseas “We are currently reviewing the options route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. “All we confident the plane would be found in the before being charged and brought to trial, the bipartisan com- available to us to see whether we will know is that the flaperon at some point search area, which is scheduled to have mittee recommended. acquire other vessels and equipment for the became detached from the aircraft and been completely combed by the end of Other changes mooted were that the law should not apply summer period,” he said. “We haven’t made there are a range of possible scenarios from June 2016. to Australians under 14, while the crime of “destroying or dam- any decisions on that yet.” that,” he said. “We will watch developments “There’s still a lot of territory to cover and aging Commonwealth property” or other offences attracting Dolan said finding the flaperon, a two- obviously but at this stage we haven’t seen still a very high prospect that we will find less than 10 years’ prison or that have never been used should metre (almost seven foot) wing part on anything that actually assists in refining or the aircraft there,” he said. “If the aircraft is in be removed. —AFP Reunion, a French overseas territory, in late changing the search area.” Dolan said he the (search) area, which we think highly like- July was consistent with drift modelling had hoped the flaperon would reveal more ly, then we will find it.” — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Biden says he’s not sure if he will seek presidency

ATLANTA: Vice President Joe Biden says surrounding her use of a private email on it.” But he added, “If I can reach that con- Can my family undertake what is an ardu- he is unsure if he will seek the Democratic account and server while at the State clusion and we can do it in a fashion that ous commitment?’ That we would be presidential nomination, saying his decision Department have prompted the vice presi- would still make it viable, I would not hesi- proud to undertake in ordinary circum- will hinge on whether he and his family dent to explore a campaign to succeed his tate to do it.” stances and the honest to god answer is, I have the “emotional energy to run.” boss, President Barack Obama. Capping a day that saw Biden defend just don’t know.” Biden offered his most extensive public Biden, who unsuccessfully sought the Obama’s work to forge a nuclear agree- Democrats have said Biden is likely to remarks regarding his deliberations about White House in 1988 and 2008, said he did ment with Iran, the vice president made make a decision this month. The first entering a Democratic primary race that not know if he would mount a campaign - a clear family came first. “The most relevant Democratic presidential debate is on Oct. includes front-runner Hillary Rodham move that would come months after the factor in my decision is whether my family 13, giving him a strong incentive to make Clinton and other long-shot candidates, death of his 46-year-old son, Beau Biden. and I have the emotional energy to run,” up his mind before the first televised including Sen. Bernie Sanders. Biden’s entry “Unless I can go to my party and the Biden said, responding to a question posed encounter of the primary campaign. would shake up the campaign at a time American people and say that I am able to by his longtime friend, Stuart Eizenstat, a If Biden joined the field, he would be when some Democrats would like to see devote my whole heart and my whole soul former US ambassador to the European closely associated with Obama, who main- more options. to this endeavor, it would not be appropri- Union. tains strong support among rank-and-file Clinton has locked up much of the ate,” Biden said Thursday, responding to a “Everybody talks about a lot of other Democrats. But the vice president has also Democratic establishment and few expect- question following a foreign policy address factors, other people in the race, whether I signaled that he would seek to champion ed Biden to enter the race. But the former at an Atlanta synagogue. can raise the money, whether I can put progressive policies, meeting recently with secretary of state’s recent slide in He said based on his previous experi- together an organization. That’s not the fac- Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a favorite of liberals, Democratic primary polls and questions ences, there was “no way to put a timetable tor,” Biden said. “The factor is, ‘Can I do it? and a key labor leader. — AP

Puerto Rican voters prized Clerk jailed, gay Kentucky by Democrats, Republicans

MIAMI: Residents of Puerto Rico are US citizens but can’t vote for presi- couple gets marriage license dent. Yet Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton are campaigning there, following two other 2016 White House hopefuls. ‘I’m hoping that cooler heads will prevail’ Why the journey? Despite its crimped political clout, Puerto Rico is seen as one path to presidential victory. Five million Puerto Ricans live on the US mainland, including nearly 1 million in the key swing state of MOREHEAD: A gay couple emerged from Florida, and they care about what happens back on the island. a Kentucky county clerk’s office with a mar- Rubio is coming Friday for a fundraiser in San Juan and a rally in riage license in hand yesterday morning, Santurce. Clinton plans an event the same day in San Juan about revers- embracing and crying as the defiant clerk ing what her campaign calls the US territory’s economic decline and its who runs the office remained jailed for her health care crisis. She soundly defeated Barack Obama in Puerto Rico’s refusal to issue the licenses because she 2008 primary. The territory casts votes in the party primaries and sends opposed same-sex marriage. William Smith small numbers of delegates to the party conventions. Jr. and James Yates, a couple for nearly a Ahead of his visit, Rubio penned an op-ed in yesterday’s edition of El decade, were the first to receive a marriage Nuevo Dia, Puerto Rico’s largest newspaper, saying the Caribbean island license yesterday morning in Rowan government must find its own way to get its financial house in order. He County. Deputy clerk Brian Mason issued said he would not support allowing the US territory to use bankruptcy the license, congratulating the couple and laws to deal with its staggering $72 billion debt. “The reality is that Puerto shaking their hands as he smiled. After Rico’s leaders must lead and do the difficult but essential work of cutting they paid the license fee of $35.50, James spending, reining in out-of-control big government and eliminating job- Yates rushed across the steps of the court- killing policies, including scores of new tax increases,” he wrote. house to hug his mom as both cried. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush visited in April before announcing his “This means at least for this area that Republican presidential campaign and was warmly received as he civil rights are civil rights and they are not praised the contributions of immigrants to the country and endorsed subject to belief,” said Yates, who had been statehood, a long-running issue for generations of Puerto Ricans, many of denied a license five times previously. He whom feel like second-class citizens because of their limited voting rights. said he and Smith were optimistic they GRAYSON: This Carter County Detention Center photo obtained yesterday, The trip was one of the first occasions that voters outside Florida heard would get a license when they arrived, in shows Kim Davis. By refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, the bilingual Bush speak Spanish, which he’s often done since his cam- part because the deputy clerk, Mason, had Kim Davis — taken into federal custody on Thursday, has gone from being a paign launch in June. always been respectful when they came public servant to a heroine for millions of Americans opposed to the new law Martin O’Malley, a Democrat and former Maryland governor who vis- previously. of the land. — AP ited last month, pledged to fight for equal treatment, noting that Puerto A crowd of supporters cheered outside Rico gets lower Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement rates than the as the couple left, while a street preacher said, “Oh, God no. She’s not going to resign daughter and this is the hardest thing I’ve mainland, an issue also on Clinton’s agenda. The parade of presidential rained down words of condemnation. at all. It’s a matter of telling Bunning he ever had to do in my life.” “I don’t hate hopefuls to the territory speaks to the growing power of Puerto Rican Yates and Smith said they are trying to ain’t the boss.” Kim Davis and Joe Davis still anybody,” she added. “None of us do.” voters on the mainland, especially in Florida, the top destination for those choose between two wedding dates and support her employees, who he called Bunning indicated Kim Davis would fleeing the island’s 12 percent unemployment rate and nine-year eco- plan a small ceremony at the home of “good people” and “good workers.” He remain in jail at least a week, saying he nomic slump. The governor declared the massive public debt unpayable Yates’ parents. The licenses were issued said he ate with the other deputy clerks on would revisit his decision after the and that it needs restructuring. — AP only after five of Kim Davis’ deputy clerks Thursday at an Applebee’s restaurant and deputy clerks have had time to comply agreed to issue the licenses, the lone hold- told them “I loved them and I was proud of with his order. out from the office being her son, Nathan them.” Davis’ son supported his mother Davis said she hopes the Legislature will Davis. Her office was dark yesterday morn- and was warned by the judge Thursday change Kentucky laws to find some way for ing as the license was issued to Yates and not to interfere with his fellow employees. her to keep her job while following her Smith, with a sheriff’s deputy standing The judge said he did not want “any conscience. But Democratic Gov. Steve guard in front of it. shenanigans,” like the staff closing the Beshear again refused to call a special ses- “I just want the licenses given out. I office for computer upgrades as they did sion of the legislature on Thursday. State don’t want her in jail. No one wanted her briefly last week. lawmakers will not meet until January. in jail,” Yates said. During a hearing Davis, an Apostolic Christian, wept during Thursday, US District Judge David ‘I don’t hate anybody’ her testimony in federal court Thursday, Bunning had offered to release Davis if “That would show a level of disrespect telling the judge she was “always a good she promised not to interfere with her for the court’s order,” Bunning said. He person” but that she gave her heart to the employees issuing licenses, but she added: “I’m hoping that cooler heads will Lord in 2011 and “promised to love Him refused, citing her Christian beliefs. prevail.” Davis’ son sat stoically as the with all my heart, mind and soul because I Speaking to reporters yesterday morning, judge questioned the clerks Thursday, wanted to make heaven my home.” BAYAMON: In this April 28, 2015, file photo, Former Davis’ husband, Joe Davis, held a sign say- some of whom were reluctant. “I don’t “God’s moral law conflicts with my job Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, right, poses for a picture with sup- ing “Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah” really want to, but I will comply with the duties,” Davis told the judge before she porters after holding a town hall meeting with Puerto and said his wife was in good spirits after law,” deputy clerk Melissa Thompson was taken away by a US marshal. “You Rico’s Republican Party in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. her first night in jail. said, weeping while she stood before the can’t be separated from something that’s Residents of Puerto Rico may be US citizens but they can’t When asked if she would resign, he packed courtroom. “I’m a preacher’s in your heart and in your soul.” — AP vote for president. — AP US labor market still Promotional programs by China stock rescue jolts Businessshows some muscle 17USDA are controversial 18 companies, reform plans 20 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Timber business booming throughout north Florida 19

ANKARA: (From left) Turkish central bank governor Erdem Basci , International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde, Australia’s Finance minister Joe Hockey, Governor of the Banque de France Christian Noyer, Governor of the Bank of Mexico Agustin Carstens and Governor of Reserve Bank of India Raghuram Rajan take part in a meeting as part of the G20 finance ministers meeting yesterday. — AFP G20 promises transparency Chinese turmoil, Fed outlook weigh on meeting

ANKARA: World financial leaders will agree to cali- of the main sources of uncertainty in financial mar- come up with any concrete new measures to One specific idea being examined at the brate and communicate monetary policy carefully kets”. “In one of the wild formulations it said that address the spillover from instability in the world’s Ankara meetings is a proposal from a group of to avoid triggering capital flight, but will not call an this was the biggest threat to the world economy. second-largest economy, or to call directly on financial stability experts to adopt a two-stage expected US rate rise a risk to growth, a draft com- This was killed immediately and forever,” a Russian Beijing to address structural issues such as rising approach for introducing Total Loss Absorption munique showed yesterday. Many emerging mar- source said earlier. The text welcomed strengthen- bad debts. Capacity (TLAC) buffers for big banks, a G20 source ket economies are concerned that when the US ing activity in some economies but said that global said. The buffer is a new layer of debt big banks Federal Reserve raises borrowing costs, investors growth fell short of expectations, although it Easy Money like Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank AG must will withdraw from other markets and buy dollar expressed confidence a recovery would gain Luxembourg Finance Minister Pierre issue to write down in a crisis and bolster their cap- assets, weakening other currencies and creating speed. Gramegna, whose country holds the rotating pres- ital. The proposal would introduce a buffer of 16 turbulence as capital flees. It also indirectly addressed Chinese moves that idency of the European Union, shrugged off the percent of a bank’s risk-weighted assets from 2019 Officials from emerging markets wanted the weakened its yuan currency in August, in a sign prospect of US interest rate hikes. “We cannot live and 20 percent from 2022, the source said. communique from finance ministers and central these were not seen as a competitive devaluation all the time on easy money ... One has to be realis- The United States had pushed for 20 percent, bank governors of the Group of 20 biggest to prop up Chinese exports. “We reiterate our tic that at one point in time the curve of interest while some in Europe had been arguing for 16 per- economies, meeting in Turkey, to say that a US rate commitment to move toward more market deter- rates will have to change,” he told Reuters. “This cent on the grounds that their banks were still rise now would be a risk to growth. But the draft mined exchange rate systems and exchange rate G20 comes at a very good time because it gives recapitalising after the financial crisis. The draft avoids such wording. “We note that in line with the flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals, and the Fed an opportunity to gauge all the elements pencilled in that a deal should be ready for the improving economic outlook, monetary policy avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments,” it at stake.” endorsement of G20 leaders at their summit in tightening is more likely in some advanced said. “We will refrain from competitive devalua- Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said southern Turkey in November, but some countries economies,” the draft communique, seen by tions and resist all forms of protectionism.” any Fed rate rise would be a positive sign for the were concerned there would not be enough time Reuters, said. “We will carefully calibrate and clearly Slower growth in China and rising market global economy, despite the unease in some to reach a final agreement by then. There was no communicate our actions to minimize negative volatility have boosted the risks to the global emerging markets that such moves could cause clear pronouncement on China’s desire to have spillovers, mitigate uncertainty and promote trans- economy, the International Monetary Fund capital outflows and currency volatility. “If the US the yuan included in the International Monetary parency,” said the draft, which may yet change warned ahead of the G20 meeting, citing a mix of were to raise rates, that would speak to the under- Fund’s Special Drawing Rights basket of curren- before it is finally agreed on Saturday. potential dangers such as depreciating emerging lying firmness and growth in the US economy, and cies, but the draft said G20 finance chiefs expected An earlier version of the text said policy tight- market currencies and tumbling commodity that would actually be a plus for the global econo- progress in November, when the IMF has a board ening in developed economies “may remain one prices. But the G20 had been seen as unlikely to my,” he said. meeting on the issue. — Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Gold falls towards second weekly loss

LONDON: Gold prices fell towards a sec- $1,120.80 an ounce at 1346 GMT, while the outlook for monetary policy. US stock for public holidays. Gold prices in India ond weekly loss yesterday after US pay- US gold futures for December delivery futures fell and the dollar was little swung to a discount to the global bench- rolls data failed to allay uncertainty over were down $4.70 at $1,119.80. The metal changed against a currency basket after mark this week for the first time since the prospect of a near-term interest rate is on track to fall for a second week. the data. Gold has come under pressure mid July as a weak monsoon dampened hike from the Federal Reserve. Data from “Overall I think the payrolls were erring this year from expectations the Fed will demand in another of the world’s biggest the Labor Department yesterday showed on the better side, even though the hike rates for the first time in nearly a consumers. “Although August bullion that non-farm payrolls rose 173,000 last headline number was weaker, because of decade. The metal has benefited from imports were high, demand in India month, a slowdown from July’s upwardly the lower unemployment rate, the higher ultra-low interest rates, which cut the appears to have stalled,” HSBC said in a revised gain of 245,000. However, a drop hourly earnings, and the upward revi- opportunity cost of holding bullion while note. “China’s markets are closed for the in the unemployment rate to a near 7- sions,” ABN Amro analyst Georgette pressuring the dollar. rest of the week ... Without two key phys- 1/2-year low and an acceleration in Boele said. “The dollar is also doing rela- The Fed has already indicated that the ical markets it will be tough for gold to wages kept alive prospects of a Federal tively okay, which is not so good for pre- timing of a hike is largely data-depen- rally.” Other data showed sales of gold Reserve interest rate increase later this cious metals.” A top Federal Reserve poli- dent. The absence of Chinese buyers also coins and minted bars at the Perth Mint month. cymaker said the data on the US jobs weighed on gold, with markets in the dipped in August from a nine-month Spot gold was down 0.4 percent at market was “good” and did not change major bullion consumer closed this week high in the previous month. — Reuters Oil slips along with equities after US data

NEW YORK: Crude futures fell alongside stocks on Wall Street yesterday as the oil market awaited a weekly reading on the US oil rig count, after jobs data from the world’s No. 1 economy failed to provide much direc- tion. The August US jobs report showed fewer new jobs created last month than forecast in a Reuters poll. But it also showed the unemployment rate was at its lowest in more than seven years. The jobs report raised prospects for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates sooner rather than later, analysts said. While that would be positive for the dollar, any rise in the currency also tends to weigh on commodities, including oil. “There’s a selloff in both energy and equity futures,” noted David Thompson, executive vice-president at Powerhouse, an energy-specialized commodities bro- ker in Washington. The oil market shadowed Wall Street through most of this week, rising and falling in tandem with stock prices. The key S&P 500 indicator SEOUL: Currency traders watch monitors at the foreign exchange dealing room of the KEB Hana Bank headquar- for US stocks was down 1.3 percent by 10:20 am EDT ters yesterday. — AP (1420 GMT). The front-month contract in Brent crude, the global benchmark for oil, was down 45 cents, or nearly 1 percent, at $50.23 a barrel. US crude’s front- Stocks slide as jobs data month slid 40 cents, or also about 1 percent, to $46.35. Oil services firm Baker Hughes was issue its weekly reading on the US oil rig count. The rig count has risen for six consecutive weeks so far. A drop in the makes Fed move unclear reading indicates less drilling for oil in the future, and would alleviate the weak price outlook from an Dollar mixed as data spur uncertainty oversupplied crude market. — Reuters

NEW YORK: Global equity markets tumbled the near future,” Wilkinson said. price to yield 2.1438 percent, while the U.S. two- and the dollar traded mixed yesterday after a The equity sell-off suggests there is delever- year note fell 1/32 in price to yield 0.7246 per- US jobs report for August kindled uncertainty aging as investors are forced out of positions cent. over whether the Federal Reserve will raise they can no longer afford, while high volatility Strong average hourly earnings and a drop interest rates in two weeks. The headline num- still “hasn’t been swept under the carpet,” in the unemployment rate to 5.1 percent in the ber of a less-than-expected increase of 173,000 Wilkinson said. “When the volatility indexes are jobs report support the view that the Fed will in non-farm payrolls was offset by the generally running at those levels, be on the watch,” he hike rates at its policy-setting meeting on Sept strong Labor Department report. The unem- said. The CBOE Volatility Index, Wall Street’s so- 16-17. “They will probably raise rates just ployment rate dropped to a near 7-1/2-year low called fear gauge, was up 6.9 percent at 27.17, because they’ve been wanting to get off the and wages accelerated. Also, the jobs count or about double the rate it traded at all year zero bound, but I do think it’s one of the closer may have been flawed because of a statistical until mid-August. Major US and European stock calls,” said Marc Bushallow, director of fixed fluke that has often led to sharp upward revi- indices were poised to end the week lower. On income at Manning & Napier in Rochester, New sions to payroll figures for August after initial Friday, the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 York. The dollar index of major currencies trad- weak readings. index was down 2.17 percent at 1,397.80 points. ed rose 0.09 percent, while the dollar was down Whether the Fed boosts rates in September MSCI’s all-country world stock index was down as much as 1 percent against the yen, and was or holds off for later, investors are preparing for 1.34 percent. last trading at 119.26 yen, or a loss of 0.67 per- an eventual raise, said Andrew Wilkinson, chief On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial cent. Against the euro, the dollar was up 0.04 market strategist at Interactive Brokers LLC in average fell 202.03 points, or 1.23 percent, to percent at $1.1116. Crude futures fell as the oil Greenwich, Connecticut. A hike would be the 16,172.73. The S&P 500 slid 19.96 points, or 1.02 market awaited a weekly reading on the US oil US central bank’s first in almost a decade. percent, to 1,931.17 and the Nasdaq Composite rig count, after the U.S. jobs report failed to pro- “Regardless of the global dislocation for equi- lost 25.18 points, or 0.53 percent, to 4,708.32. vide much direction. Brent crude, the global ties, investors still seem to be preparing for a US medium- and long-dated Treasuries prices benchmark for oil, was down 59 cents at $50.09 SRINAGAR: Kashmiri men peel walnuts as they are pre- lift-off in the fed funds rate. There’s not a lot to rose, while short-dated prices were slightly low- a barrel. US crude’s front-month slid 57 cents to pared for the domestic market and to be exported over- stop the onset of tightening at some point in er, The benchmark 10-year Treasury rose 7/32 in $46.18. — Reuters seas yesterday. — AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Investor flight from US stocks fails to lift bond market

NEW YORK: The “flight to safety” into bonds many expected when US stocks slumped last week never took off, making big losers out of promi- nent fund managers and further confusing investors at a volatile time in the market. Stocks plunged in the second half of August, largely on fears of China’s worsening economy, but US Treasury yields did not see the kind of safety bid that many were expecting and has been typical in times of stock-market stress in the past. Strategists link the lack of a move to bonds to a number of events: Hawkish rhetoric from Fed officials even as the equity market stumbled; a bout of selling by hedge funds that had expected a rally in the bond mar- ket that they didn’t get; and bond sales by central banks in China and oth- er emerging market economies trying to protect their currencies from depreciating. Reduced appetite from overseas, along with the outlook for the Fed, will be crucial in coming weeks if equities fall again and bonds don’t respond. The Fed decision on September 17 could mark the first rate increase in almost a decade, and uncertainty surrounding that deci- sion is likely to keep many in the bond market on the sidelines. “The corre- lation between bonds and stocks is more situational now because it’s the central banks calling the shots,” said Robert Vanden Assem, head of developed markets investment grade fixed-income at PineBridge Investments in New York. During the recent US stock market sell-off in the third week of August, for instance, the S&P 500 dropped 9 percent, but US 10-year Treasury LONG BEACH, California: This April 3, 2015 file photo shows window washers as they clean the glass exterior of yields, which move inversely to prices, fell by only 12 basis points. That’s a building. — AFP not typical. According to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the relationship between stocks and bonds that has held since 2009 suggests 10-year yields should have declined by 22 basis points. Bond yields since then have drifted higher and buying interest has US labor market still been minimal. The lack of a rally in the US Treasury market made big los- ers out of notable hedge funds, including Bridgewater Associates’ All- Weather Fund, which fell 4.2 percent in August. These funds borrowed heavily to augment their returns, but as things became turbulent, that shows some muscle leverage generated losses that forced them to wind down that borrow- ing. Strategists say part of what kept Treasury yields from reflexively falling through a run to safe-haven debt were hawkish signals from the Unemployment falls to 5.1% Fed, particularly Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fischer. At last week’s central bank gathering in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, several Fed officials, including WASHINGTON: US job growth slowed in increase less compelling. “With this jobs report ket added to a string of upbeat data, including Fischer, seemed to boost the odds on a rate increase if not in September, August, but the unemployment rate dropped ... the Federal Reserve finds itself in a real uncer- figures on automobile sales and housing, that then certainly in December. The message the Fed delivered over the to a near 7-1/2-year low and wages accelerated, tainty jam,” said Mohamed El-Erian, chief eco- has suggested the economy was moving weekend came between a Friday and Monday that saw the US Standard keeping alive prospects of a Federal Reserve nomic adviser at Allianz in Newport Beach, ahead with strong momentum after growing & Poor’s 500 lose 7 percent of its value. interest rate hike later this month. Nonfarm California. at a robust 3.7 percent annual rate in the sec- Leading brokerages, including Citigroup and Bank of America, com- payrolls increased 173,000 last month after an ond quarter. The decline in the unemployment mented that though it’s a close call, the odds favor an increase in the next upwardly revised gain of 245,000 in July, the Missing Forecasts rate brought it into the range that most Fed few weeks. “Unless the US economy shows signs of slowing, the bond Labor Department said yesterday. August’s gain Economists in a Reuters survey had forecast officials think is consistent with a low but market is likely to keep yields relatively firm,” said Alan Gayle, director of was the smallest in five months as the factory nonfarm payrolls increasing by 220,000 last steady rate of inflation, and would likely bolster asset allocation at RidgeWorth Investments, even if the S&P 500 falls in the sector lost the most jobs since July 2013. month, but they had also warned that the mod- their expectation that a pick-up in wages will weeks ahead on concern about growth in China and other emerging mar- The jobs count, however, may have been el used to smooth the data for seasonal fluctua- help lift inflation toward their 2 percent target. ket economies, he said. Interest rate futures this week saw a more than 50 tarnished by a statistical fluke that has often led tions is often thrown off at the start of a new A broad measure of joblessness that includes percent chance of a rate hike in December and a 28 percent probability in to sharp upward revisions to payroll figures for school year. They said the data could be further people who want to work but have given up September, according to CME Group’s FedWatch program. If that hap- August after initial weak readings. Indicating muddied because of a typically low response searching and those working part-time pens, bonds won’t look as attractive. Higher interest rates diminish the val- the hiring slowdown was likely not reflective of rate from employers to the government’s pay- because they cannot find full-time employ- ue of an investor’s bond holdings, resulting in lower portfolio returns. the economy’s true health, the jobless rate fell roll surveys in August. ment fell to 10.3 percent, the lowest level since “Treasuries have been a good diversifier to portfolios, but their benefit as a two-tenths of a point to 5.1 percent, its lowest But the evidence of a tightening labor mar- June 2008. — Reuters diversifier has been reduced because yields are already extremely low and level since April 2008. the Fed is starting to normalize rates,” said Rick Rieder, chief investment In addition, payrolls data for June and July officer of fundamental fixed income at BlackRock in New York. were revised to show 44,000 more jobs created BASF, Gazprom swap assets than previously reported, and average hourly China, Currency Interventions earnings increased 8 cents, the biggest rise FRANKFURT: German chemicals giant BASF age and trading business, plus a stake in an Further supporting yields on US Treasuries was the sell-off in reserves since January. The length of the average work- said Friday it has agreed with Russian gas oil and gas exploration unit in the North Sea. by China and other emerging market economies to shore up their slump- week also expanded. “The payrolls data is cer- behemoth Gazprom to go ahead with an “The completion of the asset swap is expect- ing economies. US Treasuries represent the bulk of the Chinese and tainly good enough to allow for a Fed rate hike asset swap the two had abandoned due to ed by the end of 2015 and, as agreed upon emerging market reserves. Fears over weakened growth prospects and in September,” said Alan Ruskin, global head of tensions between Russia and the West. “Due in December 2013, will be financially plunging commodity prices in some emerging markets have taken a toll currency strategy at Deutsche Bank in New to the difficult political environment, BASF retroactive to April 1, 2013. The swap was on their currencies. As China sold currency reserves in recent months, real York. “The big question is still whether financial and Gazprom had decided not to complete already approved by the European yields have moved higher since the beginning of the year, while inflation market volatility will scupper the plans.” the asset swap planned for the end of the Commission at the beginning of December expectations have declined. China and emerging markets led the build- Investors seemed to agree. US stocks, which 2014,” the German group explained in a 2013,” BASF said. “With the swap, BASF will up in global foreign exchange reserves following the 1997 Asian crisis to a could be pressured by higher rates, opened statement. “We continued our joint ven- further expand its production of oil and gas peak of $12 trillion last year. This cash pile shielded them from the 2007- lower, while yields on US government debt tures in Europe and Russia. We did not and will exit the gas trading and storage 08 crisis, and it looks as if it is once again being deployed. It’s not clear rose. The value of the dollar also moved higher exclude completing the asset swap at a later business,” BASF said. whether China has sold US Treasuries over the last month, or if so, how against a broad basket of currencies. While the date and came to the joint decision to now The German government was quick, much. Bank of America Merrill Lynch speculated in a research note that if mixed report did little to alter views that the complete the transaction,” the statement however, to warn that the decision to pro- China sold between $7 billion to $10 billion a day of US Treasuries in the U.S. economy remains vibrant despite volatile said. “We are working together with ceed with the asset swap should not be three weeks since the Chinese yuan devaluation on Aug. 11, it might have global financial markets and slowing Chinese Gazprom as partners in the energy sector interpreted as a sign that tensions between dumped as much as $150 billion in US government bonds. growth, it could further complicate the Fed’s and will continue to extend our coopera- Russia and the West were easing. “These are These are large numbers given the fact that the total net issuance of decision at a policy meeting on Sept 16-17. tion. We are convinced that natural gas from entrepreneurial decisions over which the Treasuries this year will only be about $500 billion, said Bank of America In the wake of a recent global equities sell- Russia is necessary to ensure energy security government has no influence,” said Martin Merrill Lynch in its research note. As of June 2015, China held $1.27 trillion off, financial markets significantly scaled back in Europe.” Schaefer, a spokesman for the foreign minis- in US Treasury securities, according to capital flows data from the US bets on a September rate hike over the past Under the deal, BASF’s subsidiary ter Frank-Walter Steinmeier. “Whether this Treasury Department. The presence of central banks within our markets is month. But Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer Wintershall will obtain shares in a western will lead to a general thaw with Russia, I over-riding and it’s all-encompassing and has driven the activity since told CNBC last week it was too early to decide Siberian gas field. In exchange it will hand think we need to be sceptical” while the cri- 2008,” said PineBridge’s Vanden Assem. — AP whether the stock market rout had made an over its stake in their joint venture gas stor- sis in Ukraine persists, he said. — AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Cuba welcomes back doctors who deserted

HAVANA: Cuba has decided to allow doctors who public health, doctors who deserted while on foreign of health professionals currently serve in international deserted while on foreign missions to return home missions are being welcomed back. They “have the missions in 68 countries. But the missions have been without punishment or loss of position in the state opportunity, if they so desire, to rejoin our National plagued by complaints about low pay and defections. health care system, the government said yesterday. The Health System, and will be guaranteed work placement In recent weeks, about 100 medical deserters turned up action comes amid worries of a brain drain of Cuban in conditions similar to those they had before,” a min- in Colombia seeking to travel to the United States medical professionals as the Communist-ruled island istry statement said. Likewise, Cuban doctors who have under a program adopted in 2006 during the adminis- loosens long-time restrictions on emigration. Doctors in emigrated under a more open policy introduced in tration of George W Bush. Cuba insists it still has one of particular have faced stringent restrictions on travel 2013 can also return, although with no guarantee of the highest doctor-patient ratios in the world. The since the 1960s, and stiff sanctions awaited those who working for the state system. In the past, deserters and island receives about $10 billion a year for the medical deserted from government-sponsored missions in for- emigres alike were barred from visiting the country for services it provides other countries, mainly Brazil and eign countries. periods of five to 10 years, or even for life in some cases. Venezuela, making it the top source of hard currency Under the new policy announced by the ministry of An estimated 25,000 doctors and a similar number revenues. — AFP Dim prospects for EU boost chances of money printing

FRANKFURT: A day after Mario Draghi presented a sobering economic outlook for the euro zone, the nervousness coursing through his European Central Bank was underscored by a fellow policy maker. “There is serious uncertainty at the moment because you don’t know exactly whether this is a pothole on the road or a landslide,” said Ewald Nowotny, the head of Austria’s central bank and member of the ECB’s policy-setting Governing Council, of which Draghi is president. Nowotny was referring to the new threats to the world and euro zone economies from China’s slowdown and market tur- moil. As a result, there is increased pressure on the ECB to bol- ster its money-printing quantitative easing more than planned. Benchmarks used to measure the euro zone economy, whether on lending or economic output are modest, despite a 60 billion euro a month ECB scheme to buy chiefly government bonds. As oil prices tumble, price inflation, one of the key ways of taking the economy’s pulse, has fallen to 0.2 percent. Draghi has warned that it could yet dip into the red - a danger zone for the ECB whose goal it is to keep it nudging 2 percent. To make mat- ters worse, China is in trouble. Draghi said on Thursday that he was seeking to find out more about China’s problems at a meet- ing of the Group of 20 leading global economies, whose finance SAN FRANCISCO: In this Dec 3, 2013 file photo, Hampton Creek Foods CEO Josh Tetrick holds a species of yellow pea used to ministers and central bankers gather in the Turkish capital of make Just Mayo, a plant-based mayonnaise. The Agriculture Department says it is looking into documents that show that an Ankara yesterday and today. egg industry organization under government oversight tried to harm sales of an imitation mayonnaise. — AP “We have to see whether these effects are transitory or per- manent,” Draghi told reporters. “Then we will decide whether to do more.” ‘More’ would be to increase asset buying. The ECB has Promotional programs by already made some changes, adjusting the limits on the amount of a bond issue it can buy. That has been taken by some investors to mean enhanced QE is on the way - possibly, they hope, by raising the current 60 billion euro a month spend to, USDA are controversial say, 80 billion euros.

Slowly Campaigns operate with little oversight A senior delegate at the G20 told Reuters that the group is likely to send a “reassuring” message on China and will not sin- WASHINGTON: The slogans are familiar: “The Incredible Edible Egg” and also known as “checkoffs” - from the Mushroom Council to the gle out Beijing for criticism over its recent market turmoil. But “Got Milk?” They’ve all been part of promotional campaigns overseen National Honey Board to the National Christmas Tree Promotion brushing off China’s difficulties will not be that easy. The by the Agriculture Department and paid for by the industries that vote Board. USDA is responsible for overseeing all of them, including ensur- gloomy economic-forecast downgrades at the ECB on Thursday to organize them. While the idea is simple - an industry-wide promo- ing fiscal responsibility, program efficiency and fair treatment for all were made before the Chinese market meltdown. “It is not a tional campaign at no cost to the government - they’ve often generat- sectors of the industries that decide to form boards. cyclical problem,” said Chang Chun Hua, an economist with ed controversy, been misunderstood and at times have operated with In 2012, USDA’s inspector general issued a report saying the Nomura in Hong Kong, pointing to a steep fall in property little oversight. Agricultural Marketing Service, the department agency that oversees investment due to a glut of newly built homes as the key reason The egg industry is the latest to draw scrutiny for its promotional the boards, needed to improve its oversight. Specifically, the audit said for the fall. “It will not rebound. It’s a trend. (Chinese) growth will board after it appears to have waged a campaign to hurt sales of an the agency should be able to better detect the misuse of board check- continue to slow.” eggless imitation mayonnaise. According to email documents provided off funds and gather more information from the boards to assess their Nonetheless, Draghi may gloss over China’s problems for to AP, the American Egg Board tried to prevent Whole Foods grocery activities. The report cited examples of employee bonuses and travel now, not least because of the limits he faces in responding. stores from selling Hampton Creek’s Just Mayo spread and engaged in expenses that did not fall under department guidelines. The agency Germany, the economic anchor of the euro zone, and its ultra other efforts to counter the brand. According to the documents, said it would make improvements. conservative Bundesbank will be hostile to any extension of American Egg Board CEO Joanne Ivy emailed a consultant in 2013 say- Some of the programs have been challenged in court. In 2008, a money printing beyond its planned end date of Sept 2016 - ing she would accept his offer “to make that phone call to keep Just judge barred the egg board from spending money to campaign on a another possibility raised by Draghi this week. Jens Weidmann, Mayo off Whole Foods shelves”. The effort was apparently unsuccessful proposition in California. And the USDA is currently defending itself the head of the Bundesbank, played down the latest market tur- as Whole Foods still sells the product. in a federal lawsuit that alleges the National Pork Board cut a deal to bulence in China yesterday. “I don’t see a lasting danger for the In a statement Thursday, USDA spokesman Sam Jones-Ellard said help fund a non-governmental pork association that lobbies law- global economy,” he said, cautioning, as often before, of the the department is looking into the documents and “does not condone makers. In addition, the groups’ association with the government has ‘limits of what a very expansive monetary policy can achieve’. any efforts to limit competing products in commerce.” But he didn’t say made them vulnerable to political attacks. In 2011, the White House This is a widely held view in Germany and one that will make if USDA would take any action, and it’s unclear if the egg board’s com- delayed a decision to approve a Christmas tree promotion program it hard for Draghi to keep the money printing presses humming munications would violate legal requirements for research and promo- after conservatives accused the Agriculture Department of spoiling longer than planned. “It would be wrong to react too quickly,” tion programs. According to the law, USDA is tasked with making sure Christmas with a new tree tax - even though the program would said Volker Wieland, one of the influential group that advises the that the quasi-government boards stay away from disparaging other have been paid for by industry and the National Christmas Tree German government on economic policy. “We can’t be paral- commodities and from campaigning for legislation or regulation. The Association said it wouldn’t have an impact on the price consumers ysed by these long-range (inflation) targets like a rabbit in the idea is that the campaigns stay promotional, not negative. pay for their trees. The program eventually went into effect after con- headlights.” — Reuters In addition to the egg board, there are about 20 other programs - gressional action in 2014. —AP BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Philly businesses wary, excited over papal visit

PHILADELPHIA: Business owners in Philadelphia could enjoy a finan- cial windfall from the crowds expected for the papal visit - if their employees can get to work through the security perimeters and road closures. To encourage shops to navigate the hurdles and stay open for the historic occasion, the city this week launched the hashtag #OpenInPHL. Officials also began distributing marketing kits with but- tons and signs saying “Welcome Pope Francis” and “I’ll Be There.” The #OpenInPHL campaign is designed to generate excitement and quell the backlash of negative publicity around logistics for the Sept 26-27 visit. Pope Francis, who will be in town to close the World Meeting of Families, is expected to draw more than 1 million pilgrims. Traffic restrictions imposed by the US Secret Service and limited pub- lic transit have left some stores and restaurants in the lurch. Planned road closures include about 25 miles of highway, a major bridge con- necting Philadelphia to New Jersey and dozens of blocks in the heart of downtown. What about weekend deliveries? Trash pickup? Employees who can’t get to their jobs? The city controller on Wednesday released results of an anonymous survey of businesses that found that 16 out LIVE OAK, Florida: In this July 28, 2015 photo, timber land owner Roger Ward (left) measures an area of of 65 respondents would close because of problems posed by the seedling slash pines with Brain Cobble of the Florida Forest Service. — AP security zones. The mayor’s office, however, dismissed the report as woefully flawed. A city business center specifically created to answer merchants’ questions has fielded about 300 calls so far and will be Timber business booming open 24/7 during the visit, said mayoral spokesman Mark McDonald. The Secret Service also has reached out to local shops, he added, not- ing new information on deliveries and garbage hauling will be throughout north Florida announced next week. The pope’s visit plus the World Meeting, a triennial Catholic confer- ence aimed at strengthening family bonds, is expected to generate Pine prices rising as demand grows more than $417 million in economic benefits for the region, according to early estimates by the city’s Convention and Visitors Bureau. Yet the LIVE OAK, Florida: The towering grove of cen- profit organization that tracks the timber Steady Price Increase challenges have put organizers in the unusual position of having to ral- tury-old longleaf pines surrounding Roger industry. Prices fell to $21 a ton in 2011 but are The building trend is one of many factors fuel- ly businesses and residents to support the appearance of the popular Ward’s family home is a rare site in this verdant now around $25 a ton and rising. ing a steady increase in price of pine, said Sara Francis, the first pope to visit Philadelphia in 36 years. “This is not a swath of north-central Florida - most pines Thomas Mende, president of US opera- Baldwin of Timber Mart-South. “Certainly with the moment to be missed,” said World Meeting executive director Donna here are cut and processed for profit as soon as tions for the Austrian-based timber company opening of a brand new mill in the middle of that Crilley Farrell. Nowhere was the angst more apparent than at Reading their 15-to-18-year growth cycle is complete. Klausner, is another person banking on the region, I would say Florida pine is experiencing a Terminal Market, a city landmark and tourist hot spot filled with dozens The demand for timber worldwide is booming southeast timber market. Mende’s company resurgence,” she said. Nowadays Ward and his fel- of stalls selling prepared food, groceries and souvenirs. It had consid- and this remote section of Florida, along with recently invested $130 million in a new low Suwanee County farmers are turning to Brian ered closing until officials were able to negotiate two overnight win- other timber-growing regions of the southeast- Suwanee County, Florida, timber mill, which Coble, the region’s longtime state forestry man- dows for deliveries. Still, market purveyor Sammy Riehl said he’s going ern US, are benefiting. Dozens of lumber mills ships pine boards to Asia, South America, ager, for his expertise on nurturing tree saplings to shutter his family’s deli, cheese and butcher shop. He anticipates low and pine straw, bark and wood pellet process- Europe and beyond. On the main road out- to maturity and making sure they make the best demand for his products, which are generally not ready-to-eat, plus a ing plants have sprung up in north Florida to side the mill, a billboard encourages locals to use of their land. On a recent morning, Cobble bad commute and long walk from the outer security perimeter, where take advantage of the unique soil composition, apply for jobs. Klausner currently employs and Ward waded through acres of waist-high he’d have to leave his car. “So that was kind of the point where we said, lengthy growing season and warm, moist cli- 300 people here and hopes to hire about 50 saplings, assessing their health. you know what, it’s not worth it to be here,” Riehl said. mate in which pine trees thrive. more. “What you have here is an ideal loca- The fresh smell of dog fennel sprouts, also At the Philly Team Store, a downtown sports shop that’s selling In a state where undeveloped real estate tion where the trees grow fast, there is politi- known as wild chamomile, permeated the pope memorabilia, manager Robert Calabrese normally commutes to quickly gives way to neighborhoods, strip cal stability, excellent infrastructure and a sol- muggy mid-morning air as gnats and mosqui- work on regional rail. But since trains are operating from only a hand- malls, hotels or amusement parks, this timber- id workforce,” Mende said from his office, toes buzzed over the young trees. Ward and ful of stations that weekend, he and two other staffers got a hotel rich part of Florida is unique. Ward jokes that which overlooks acres of processed wood Coble used a tape measure to help count the room. “That’s going to make life a lot easier for the logistics of running the acres of tall pines constituted his college awaiting shipment. 31 saplings within a 26.3 foot radius or a 20th the business and being 100 percent prepared,” Calabrese said. fund and his parents’ 401k. The family’s for- In the American northwest and in Canada, of an acre. Coble inspected saplings that David Simonetti, local director of operations for Wawa conven- tunes have long been linked to the rise and fall some federal restrictions on foresting, longer weren’t thriving to determine if they had bugs ience stores, said the initial disclosures of security and travel restric- of the timber market. “This is certainly one of growing cycles and problems with wood bor- or were being smothered by the surrounding tions made for “some nervous moments”. “But I think the city’s com- the better times around here for timber,” Ward ing beetles have created supply issues and vegetation. He advised Ward to mow in some mitted to doing the right thing,” Simonetti said. “The information’s said as he inspected a field of tree saplings on a driven up costs, Mende and other experts areas and use herbicide in others. But as has been coming out, and we’re very optimistic that we’re going to have recent afternoon. said. “Wood is being rediscovered as environ- often been the case in Florida, despite the people and product and be ready to serve the city of Philadelphia.” As Timber prices are rising as demand grows mentally friendly,” Mende said. He points to growing demand for timber and rising prices, for McGillin’s, the Federal Aviation Administration has banned for timber used in building, paper products major building projects, including a 10-storey some in the area think the tree farms will unmanned aircraft from city airspace during Francis’ visit. So the bar is and biofuels worldwide. Prices for Florida saw wood building recently built in Australia and a eventually give way to development. Timber making alternate plans to ensure the taps keep flowing. “No drones ... pine peaked around 2005 - before the housing taller wood building in Austria. The buildings expert Sara Baldwin said development, espe- so we’re looking into beer deliver(y) by pony express,” @McGillins bust and the recession - at $40 a ton, according use massive wood panels up to 64 feet long cially in Florida, frequently wins out over other tweeted later. “We’ll be #OpenInPHL!!” — AP to Timber Mart-South, a Georgia-based non- and 8 feet wide. land uses. — AP

Cyprus tourism hit by shorter stays, tighter wallets

NICOSIA: Cyprus is welcoming record last September, when the figure fell 778.7 million euros to 730.9 million a market behind Britain. The number of numbers of visitors, but shorter stays 22.6 percent year-on-year. year earlier. Russian arrivals, hit by a deep reces- and tighter wallets, particularly It was the third consecutive month The average daily amount spent by sion at home and the plunging value among traditionally big-spending that tourist spending was down, tourists in June was down 4.8 percent of the ruble, fell 22.1 percent in June, Russians, are biting into revenues, despite an increased number of visi- at Ä77.79 from June 2014, while the while spending dropped 13.5 percent. official data showed yesterday. The tors to the island this year. Arrivals average length of stay dropped to 9.9 Last year, Cyprus tourism generated Mediterranean island’s tourism dipped 1.5 percent in June, because days from 10.8. The Cyprus Tourism Ä2.02 billion, a 2.8 percent drop from income plunged 14.6 percent in June of the weaker Russian market, but Organisation said the drop in June 2013 when it was Ä2.08 billion. It was the to Ä259 million ($287 million), down were up 5.7 percent for the first six revenue was heavily influenced by a first dip in receipts since 2009. Income from Ä303.2 million a year earlier. months. Yet revenues slumped 6.1 decline in big-spending visitors from from tourism accounts for around 12 That was the biggest decrease since percent in the first six months, from Russia - the island’s second biggest percent of Cypriot GDP. — AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Indonesia scraps bullet train plan

JAKARTA: Indonesia’s 11th-hour decision yesterday the reason why Jakarta decided speed rail projects in Asia, including one cated a slower train for the 150 km jour- to scrap plans for the nation’s first high- at the last-minute that a bullet train was linking Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. “It ney and asked China, Japan and others to speed railway has sown confusion among no longer viable for Southeast Asia’s was the recommendation from inde- submit new proposals. “Consequently, top investors China and Japan, potential- largest economy. “It looks like a sudden pendent consultants that suggested to both proposals extended by our govern- ly undermining the strong foreign invest- move because the recommendation was the government that a medium-speed ment and the Chinese government are ment that has been a rare economic made after a review of both proposals,” rail was a better option because the cost not accepted,” Yasuaki Tanizaki, Japan’s bright spot. China and Japan had been Teten Masduki, presidential chief of staff, is cheaper and the time of the journey ambassador to Indonesia, told reporters battling over the multi-billion dollar con- told Reuters. “But the recommendation is isn’t much longer,” Masduki said. yesterday. “I have expressed my regrets.” tract, until it was abruptly pulled in what in the best interest of the country.” President Widodo announced late The train was initially intended to be appeared to be the latest in a series of Tokyo and Beijing had lobbied heavily Thursday that a bullet train between the the first instalment of a 763 km rail link regulatory flip-flops and erratic policy- for the $5 billion contract, each sweeten- capital Jakarta and the textile town of connecting Indonesia’s two biggest making moves under President Joko ing the terms of their bids up until Bandung was unnecessary, since it would cities, Jakarta and Surabaya. The presi- Widodo. Monday’s deadline. Analysts believed never reach its maximum speed of more dential palace said it still wanted to Indonesia’s chief economics minister that whoever had won would likely have than 300 km per hour in between station build a bullet train covering the entire was left to explain to the two Asian giants been the front-runner for future high- stops. The administration instead advo- Java island. —Reuters

Tokyo investors brace for China market reopening

TOKYO: Tokyo investors will be bracing for the re- opening of volatile Chinese markets next week, after the benchmark Nikkei 225 index slumped to a seven-month yesterday. Worries over China con- tinue to weigh on global markets as investors speculate on whether the volatility will push back the timing of the Federal Reserve’s next rate hike. World indices have seen wild swings on growing fears about China’s economy the world’s second biggest and a key driver of global expansion-as its leaders struggle to manage a slowdown in growth. Chinese bourses re-open Monday after a four- day weekend and investors will be keeping a close eye on trading in mainland markets. “The next few months are likely to remain rough for shares,” said BEIJING: In this Aug 31, 2015 file photo, investors monitor a display showing the Shanghai Composite Index at a broker- Shane Oliver, Sydney-based global strategist at age in the capital.— AP AMP Capital Investors. “Worries about China and the Fed are likely to linger for a while. It’s still too early to be confident we have seen the low.” China stock rescue jolts Yesterday, Tokyo shares dropped to their lowest since February, ahead of a key US jobs report that could determine the Fed’s timetable for hiking companies, reform plans rates. The Nikkei at the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell 2.15 percent, or 390.23 points, to close at 17,792.16. It slumped 7.02 percent over the week. The Topix No word on when IPOs might resume index of all first section shares gave up 2.06 per- cent, or 30.45 points, to finish at 1,444.53, marking BEIJING: Tonhe Electronics is a casualty of what it bought or how much it spent. In a lion). The industries affected play a leading role a 6.79 percent drop over the past five sessions. Beijing’s frantic effort to stop a stock market report last month, Goldman Sachs estimated in the ruling party’s plans to transform China bust. The maker of electrical equipment, part of that group, dubbed the “National Team” by from a low-wage factory into a creator of tech- Tokyo’s losses accelerated yesterday as many a technology industry the ruling Communist financial analysts, spent 860-900 billion yuan nology and consumer brands with higher-pay- investors held off placing bets ahead of the US Party wants to promote, hoped to raise 200 mil- ($135-$140 billion) in June and July. ing jobs and environmentally friendly growth. jobs data, which will be released later in the global lion yuan ($32 million) from an initial public That led to state -owned companies amass- Thinker Automation Ltd, a maker of control sys- day, and before a long-weekend in the United offering of stock to build a research and devel- ing a mountain of shares in other government tems for railways and other industries in the States. “We have very light volumes, a big US holi- opment center. Then share prices collapsed and enterprises, many bought from private central province of Henan, planned to raise 1.3 day on Monday and with payrolls tonight, Beijing canceled stock sales by Tonhe and more investors. That reversed an official campaign to billion yuan ($205 million) to expand opera- investors are not doing much besides taking some than two dozen other companies as part of its encourage the public to buy shares in hopes tions. Many are in areas away from the prosper- risk down,” David Welch, head of equity sales trad- desperate effort to stem the slide. Now the “diverse ownership” of state companies will ous east coast where communist leaders are ing at Reorient Group in Hong Kong, told company in the central city of Shijiazhuang is in prod them to become competitive and effi- eager to spur development. Bloomberg News. limbo. “We have no other fundraising plans,” cient. “The state, through its rescue, has further Toly Bread Ltd in Shenyang, the biggest said a Tonhe investor relations representative increased its ownership of the stock market,” city in the rust-belt northeast, wanted 620 mil- He said a rebound in the previous session in who would give only her surname, Zhuang. said economist Julian Evans-Pritchard of Capital lion yuan ($99 million) to expand production Tokyo was “artificial” while the Chinese market “What we can do now is just wait for the notice Economics. “They have gone directly against and sales of baked goods. Regulators have was closed Thursday and yesterday to mark the to get the IPO started again.” their longer-term reform goals.” begun allowing companies that already are 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. The Beijing’s scramble to put a floor under free- The collapse that saw China’s main stock traded to raise money through sales of addi- rising yen weighed on Japanese exporters - a falling share prices came at a cost China has yet index plunge 30 percent after hitting a peak tional shares but there has been no word on stronger currency hurts their profitability - with to tally. The boom and bust passed so fast it had June 12 prompted ruling party leaders under when IPOs might resume. Analysts saw no the dollar at 119.31 yen, slipping from 120.01 yen little impact on consumer spending. But on top President Xi Jinping to set aside repeated “wealth effect” or uptick in consumer spend- in New York. Toyota shares fell 2.51 percent to of the public money plowed into buying shares, pledges to give market forces a bigger role in ing when the market index more than dou- 7,004 yen, telecom giant SoftBank dropped 4.06 the intervention disrupted fundraising for small the economy. Regulators canceled IPOs bled in value between November and June. percent to 6,424 yen and market heavyweight companies and set back efforts to make the planned by 28 private companies in electronics, They said that should mean little change as stock market a tool for economic reform. State food processing and other industries. The 21 share prices sagged. After the first major mar- Fast Retailing, operator of the Uniqlo chain, sank agencies and companies charged with buying that had disclosed details were planning to ket fall, July’s growth in retail spending held 2.78 percent to 46,465 yen. — AFP shares to prop up prices has yet to announce raise a total of about 8.8 billion yuan ($1.4 bil- steady at June’s 10.5 percent rate. — AP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 SEE PAGE 24 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 enjoys date with Sheeran school friend he ‘Photograph’ hitmaker - who split from his previous humorous messages over . Ed - who attended Thomas girlfriend Athina Andrelos in February this year - was Mills High School in Framlingham, Suffolk with Cherry. Cherry Tspotted sat alongside Cherry at Citi Field in New York currently attends Duke University in New York and is an City, where the New York Mets beat the Philadelphia Phillies. accomplished hockey player. Speaking in 2013 about her deci- The sight of Ed - who signed autographs for young fans - sat in sion to move to America, Cherry said: “It has been incredible. It a matching baseball cap beside his childhood friend has fur- still feels surreal, the whole American college thing. I still have thered speculation they are an item, having now been spotted to pinch myself every time I go play.” together on two separate occasions in the space of a few days. On Sunday, the duo was seen leaving a New York hotel together, while they have also been sending each other

Stone doesn’t think she’s Woody Allen’s ‘muse’ he ‘Birdman’ star has been labeled as the 79-year-old legendary director’s inspiration but she insists it is Tonly because she is a woman. She said: “I don’t think he would agree with the muse idea. There were two films in a row where the characters, for whatever reason, he wanted me to play them. He’s working with different peo- ple now. [This just] gets attached to the women.” The 26- year-old beauty also hit back at claims she is regularly paired with older men in his films. She added: “[Starring alongside Joaquin Phoenix] was a pretty big draw ... he’s a truly brilliant actor.”Just to speak solely of ‘Irrational Man’, the relationship is genuinely a plot point. It’s pretty openly discussed in the film that this is a student who is falling in love with her professor, and she wants to bring this intelli- gence and almost toxic energy into her life.” And Emma has admitted her role in ‘Aloha’, playing a part-Chinese and part-Hawaiian pilot, taught her about how “prevalent whitewashing” is in Hollywood. She told The Guardian newspaper: “I’ve learned on a macro level about the insane history of whitewashing in Hollywood and how prevalent the problem truly is.”

McKellen Lovato isn’t afraid to stand up for herself

he ‘Cool for the Summer’ hitmaker, who sought treat- snubbed role in ment in rehab for an eating disorder, self-harming, alco- Thol and drug abuse in 2010 after she hit a back-up dancer while on a flight to South America, insists she would ‘Mission: Impossible II’ never attack anyone now, but would defend herself if she felt disrespected. Speaking to the new issue of Cosmopolitan he 76-year-old actor has admitted it was a huge risk magazine, she said: “I’m not proud of the mistakes that I’ve turning down a role in the franchise but says he made. At the same time, my past shows what I’m capable of. Twouldn’t have got his famous parts in ‘The Lord of the I’m a wiser person today. On a plane in Colombia, I probably Rings’ and ‘X-Men’ if he had accepted. He told PEOPLE maga- won’t hit you. But if you disrespect me, I can’t say that I won’t zine: “I got offered a part in ‘Mission: Impossible II’ with Tom come at you. I’ll just never throw the first punch any more.” Cruise, but they wouldn’t let me see the whole script because The 22-year-old beauty is also critical of her own gender and I might have spilled the beans. I only got my scenes. “Well, I believes girls can be very “catty” which is not a good thing. couldn’t judge from reading just those scenes what the script She said: “I wish I could word this in a way that doesn’t sound was like. So I said no. And my agent said, “You can’t say no to bitchy, but I don’t fool around. Girls can be catty with one working with Tom Cruise!” and I said, “I think I will. “The next another. Nobody really tries to pill stuff on me because they day, Bryan Singer asked me to play Magneto (in 2000’s ‘X- know I physically don’t put up with it.” The brunette beauty Men’) and then Peter Jackson asked me to play Gandalf (in admits she thought she was better than a lot of people after ‘The Lord of the Rings’), and I said yes to both.” Meanwhile, Ian first getting sober, but has recently reconnected with a lot of previously admitted he swiped a few of the “precious” props her old friends. She said: “I used to be judgmental and stuck from the set of the fantasy film series. He admitted: “And I up when I had a year-and-a-half sober. I recently rekindled think my favorite set that I didn’t act in was the golden Liar, friendships with people, because I thought that if you weren’t where the dragon was hiding. Hundreds of thousands of gold- sober then you didn’t have your shit together. I thought I was en coins, specially made. And if you don’t tell anyone, I can tell better than you. I’m not longer that judgmental person.” you that I have some of those coins. “[I also have] the front door key to Bag End, which i know Peter Jackson is looking for, but will never find.” SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Brooklyn Beckham keeping career options ‘open’ he 16-year-old son of David and his father into the world of professional Victoria Beckham recently sports. He told Miss Vogue magazine: “I Trevealed he’d passed all of his love football but I’m also very passion- GCSE exams and although he’s played ate about photography and film. “I’m youth soccer for English club Arsenal, keeping my options open right now but Brooklyn is unsure if he wants to follow I’m hoping to study art and philosophy in the US once I have finished my A-lev- els.” Brooklyn’s remarks come shortly after a report claimed he was eager to pursue a career in the movie business, having been inspired by his dad’s cameo role in Guy Ritchie’s new film ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E’. A source explained: “He has recently signed to a modeling agency. It appears he has a lot of potential for a career in the industry. “He is incredibly photogenic and has the handsome looks to be considered for some high-profile, big-money work. Now he has been encouraged to look into a Hollywood career which he is very excited about. He is yet to sign with an agent though.” Richards thinks Cyrus in talks to appear Jagger is a ‘snob’ at Glastonbury Festival he Rolling Stones guitarist has blasted “license” to live vicariously. He told the New he British festival’s organizers Michael and the band’s frontman for being “preoc- York Daily News: “I can drag that image Emily Eavis are reportedly keen on seeing cupied” with the boring things and get- around - the Keith with a bottle of bourbon in the ‘Wrecking Ball’ hitmaker take the T T ting “lost” in the nitty gritty details of life. He one hand and a joint in the other. It’s a ball Pyramid Stage alongside Flaming Lips lead singer said: “I’ll reinforce that. His daughter, Georgia and chain. “At the same time, I take it as a Wayne Coyne, who she’s been working on her May, was sitting around in my room and she privilege to be taken into people’s hearts and album with. A source told The Sun newspaper: said, ‘Oh, you know what dad’s like.’ “He’s minds. I feel like I’m doing all these things “Miley’s been on the Eavis radar for a while. She’s such a snob. He can come off that way even that they can’t do in a 9 to 5 job. “In a way outrageous and there was interest in previous to me and the rest of the band. He comes on they’re saying, ‘Go ahead, Keith.’ They’re giv- years, around the time of her Bangerz tour last the plane and doesn’t say, ‘Hey mate.’ “He’s ing me license ... and I’ve taken full use of it.” year and when her godmother Dolly Parton preoccupied with something really boring. Of pot, he added: “It’s just a lift. It gives you a played the Pyramid.” Meanwhile, the 22-year-old He’s a control freak. He likes to know every- slightly different perception of your sur- singer recently gushed about Wayne, admitting thing that’s going on. He lost himself a bit in roundings. “To me, pot is just fun. And I’m they are “in love” with each other but not in a the details.” However, the 71-year-old musi- glad to see the rest of the country is coming romantic way. She said: “He’s everything in the cian was equally as quick to praise his band- around to my way of seeing things.” world - you can’t even define us.”I am one hun- mate. He added: “He’s a hell of a frontman. I dred percent in love with Wayne and Wayne is in still love him dearly. Your friends don’t have love with me, but it’s nothing sexual in any way. to be perfect.” Keith also opened up about his That would be the grossest.” The star recently past foray with drugs and alcohol, admitting dropped her new LP, ‘Miley Cyrus & Her Dead he felt as though people were giving him Petz’, inspired by the loss of her pet dog Floyd. Of returning to the mainstream with that album, she added: “I don’t think I’ll grow that way. It seems like it would be backwards.” Simpson doesn’t want her daughter to grow up he fashion mogul, who has two children, with a 1910 five-carat ruby Tiffany & Co. Maxwell, three, and Ace, two, with hus- engagement ring from designer Neil Lane in Tband Eric Johnson, admits she has no November 2010 and she says it is still her desire to pass on any of her wardrobe to her favorite piece of jewelry. She told PEOPLE: “The eldest child. Asked what item of clothing she accessory I never take off, other than my wed- can’t wait for her daughter to fit into, she said: ding band, my Jacquie Aiche bracelets.” “I don’t want her to fit into anything. I don’t Jessica’s fashion line is currently celebrating its want her to grow up.” The blonde beauty, who 10th anniversary and she says the best thing claims “chasing my kids” is her favourite form about having her own range of clothing is of exercise, also hinted she doesn’t like getting “always finding new ways to make my cus- older either. She said: “The best thing about tomers feel beautiful and on-trend”. - being 35 is not being 36.” Meanwhile, the Bangshowbiz singer considers her engagement ring her “most treasured item.” Eric proposed to her SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Venice Film Review Depp amazes in gritty, high-caliber ‘Black Mass’

he icy blue eyes of notorious Boston crime boss James hood friend, Bulger, to supply the Bureau with intel about his The script compresses the potentially unwieldy narrative into “Whitey” Bulger stare out from the screen in Scott Cooper’s rivals in exchange for de facto immunity for his own dirty deal- three major acts, the second set in 1981 (when Bulger makes an T“Black Mass” like the gaze of some confident jungle preda- ings. In Connolly’s logic, Bulger won’t be a “rat” per se, but rather ultimately ill-fated play to corner the Jai Alai gambling market in tor calmly lying in wait, holding his ground until the moment he will enter into an “alliance,” a quid pro quo of sorts that will also Florida), and the third in 1985, when the Bulger-Connolly alliance moves in for the kill. And that same coolly calculated composure help him to rid himself of the competition. (Bulger, for his part, has so successfully eliminated Whitey’s competitors that the extends to every aspect of how the actor playing Bulger embod- would later deny ever having served as an informant, claiming he agent can no longer shield the Winter Hill Gang from the wrath ies the role, or rather disappears into it. But if Johnny Depp’s paid the FBI for information and not the other way around.) of a dogged federal prosecutor (Corey Stoll). And at each step, mesmerizing performance-a bracing return to form for the star “Black Mass” hinges on this increasingly compromising pas de Cooper stages taut, riveting setpieces that feel destined for the after a series of critical and commercial misfires-is the chief sell- deux, and Edgerton (sporting a flawless Boston accent) is superb genre canon, including an unforgettable dinner scene (already ing point of “Black Mass,” there is much else to recommend this at showing how the ambitious but straight-laced Connolly is ever revealed at some length in the film’s first trailer) in which Bulger sober, sprawling, deeply engrossing evocation of Bulger’s South more seduced by the decadent gangster lifestyle, his profession- turns a seemingly innocuous discussion of a “secret” family Boston fiefdom and his complex relationship with the FBI agent al ethics muddied by the clan loyalty and street justice that, in recipe into a blistering attack on the loyalty of Connolly’s super- John Connolly, played with equally impressive skill by Joel some corners of Boston, are more sacred than the Constitution. visor, John Morris (David Harbour). The insidious cackle Bulger Edgerton. Something of an anti-”The Departed” (which was part- But working from a script credited to Mark Mallouk and Jez unleashes at the end of that rant is about the closest “Black ly inspired by the Bulger case), the movie has an intentionally Butterworth (other hands are also said to have been involved), Mass” ever comes to the grisly gallows humor that has become muted, ‘70s-style look and feel that may limit its appeal to the Cooper enlarges the frame to give us a full-bodied portrait of the lingua franca of the gangster movie in the post-”GoodFellas” date-night multiplex crowd, but quality-starved adult moviego- era, but mostly Depp and Cooper play things in a more under- ers should flock to one of the fall’s first serious, awards-caliber stated key. Depp hasn’t been this tamped down in a movie since attractions. he played second fiddle to Al Pacino in “Donnie Brasco”; even his Based on the exhaustively researched book of the same name Oscar-nominated JM Barrie in “Finding Neverland” seems a whirl by Boston Globe reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O’Neill (who of outsized tics and mannerisms by comparison. Even great make cameo appearances in the film), “Black Mass” passed actors (Nicholson and Pacino being among the perfect test cas- through the hands of several directors (including Jim Sheridan es) can fall back on indulgences and bad habits when they feel and Barry Levinson) on its way to the screen, and nearly fell apart they’re giving the audience what it wants to see. But Depp is fully entirely in 2013 when Depp briefly quit the picture over a report- restored here to the daring, inspired performer of his early Tim ed salary dispute. But the project found the right steward in Burton collaborations and “Dead Man,” knowing he is so deep Cooper, who showed a sure hand with actors on his prior “Crazy inside the role that, whatever he does, we will come to him. The Heart” and “Out of the Furnace,” and who here challenges Depp violence in “Black Mass,” when it comes, is swift and brutal, but to give the kind of less-is-more performance the actor has scarce- nothing here is more startling than a single, sudden dart of ly been asked to deliver in the post-”Pirates of the Caribbean” Bulger’s eyes across a room. Working with a top-flight craft team era. And Depp more than rises to the occasion, doing career- that includes production designer Stefania Cella (“The Great best work as a man who might easily have been played for Beauty”) and costume designer Kasia Walicka Maimone ghoulish caricature (a la Jack Nicholson in “The Departed”), but both men’s worlds-in some ways diametrically opposed, in oth- (“Foxcatcher”), Cooper bathes the film in a look that feels unfail- instead emerges as a complex, undeniably charismatic figure ers oddly similar. Each has his own crew-the fellow thugs Bulger ingly true to the period without ever verging on kitsch; it’s a who draws other criminals and lawmen alike into his cult of keeps close, and sometimes turns against in hair-trigger fashion movie that isn’t just taking place in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, sociopathic personality. (including the very good Jesse Plemons and Rory Cochrane as but seems to have been made then. That feeling is further Indeed, it takes a few moments to fully recognize Depp-trans- right-hand men Kevin Weeks and Steve Flemmi); the fellow enhanced by the hard-edged elegance of cinematographer formed by latex, contacts and dramatically receding whitish- agents (played by the likes of Kevin Bacon and Adam Scott) Masanobu Takayanagi’s 35mm widescreen lens (which strongly blond hair-in the film’s opening scenes, set in 1975, just as Bulger whom Connolly manipulates in an elaborate shell game recalls Gordon Willis’ work on “Klute” and the “Godfather” was beginning his ascent as the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, a designed to deflect attention from Bulger and himself. And movies). In a complete about-face from his adrenaline-pumping loose confederacy of Irish- and Italian-American hoods vying for though Connolly is the ostensible family man, with a concerned “Mad Max: Fury Road” soundtrack, Dutch composer/producer control of the South Boston streets against the mob-connected wife (Julianne Nicholson) who sees him changing in ways he Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL) supplies an elegiac orchestral Angiulo brothers. Bulger’s turf war coincides with the homecom- doesn’t realize, we also experience an oddly tender side of score that perfectly complements the film’s desperate, wintry ing of Connolly, who has established himself as a rising Bureau Bulger himself-a devoted son to his elderly mother, loving sibling mood. — Reuters star on assignment in San Francisco and New York, and who has to his state-senator brother, Billy (an excellent Benedict returned to Boston with the explicit task of taking down the Cumberbatch), and a protective father who indoctrinates his Angiulos and their associates. To do this, he conceives of the young son in the ways of the streets (“If nobody sees it, it didn’t plan that will ultimately lead to his undoing: recruiting his child- happen”). Evans feeling the pressure with directorial debut hat’s got Captain America quaking in his boots? Actor Chris Evans, known for playing the iconic Marvel superhero, is Wmaking his directorial debut with the indie film “Before We Go” and the stakes have never felt higher. “I feel extra pressure every day of my life! Yeah, sure it’s daunting. It’s on you and I’m a first-timer so you know it’s kind of trial by fire,” said Evans Wednesday. The actor also stars in the romantic drama out Friday. The story follows aspiring musician Nick (Evans) whose chance encounter with Brooke (Alice Eve) leads to an all-night adventure in New York City. Evans admitted that directing himself in a starring role was no easy task. He can’t wait to give it another go, but is actually wishing for less screen time. “Hopefully on the next one I can have a smaller role where I can actually spend more time in the director’s chair,” he said. “This is actually very honest and painful and truthful, but no one is going to let me direct a movie unless I put myself in it. It’s just the nature of how films are made right now.” While the newly minted director admitted that he’s concerned about reviews, he is also prepared for some criticism. “You always say you don’t pay attention to that stuff, but anyone who says that is lying,” said Evans. “You’ve got to remember that careers can be long. This photo provided by RADiUS shows, Chris Evans, as Nick Memories can be short. It doesn’t have to all be now and that’s OK,” Vaughan, in a scene from “Before We Go.” The film is Evans’ Chris Evans at the ‘Before We Go’ premier in Los Angeles. he said. — AP directorial debut. — AP photos SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Star Wars fans shop at a toy store at midnight in Hong Kong, yesterday, as part of the Fans dressed as Star Wars characters shop at a toy store at midnight. global event called “Force Friday” to release new Star Wars toys and other merchandise of the new movie “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.— AP photos Disney unveils Star Wars toys amid marketing blitz he release of the new Star Wars movie may still be months off, Fanning the flames Replicating movements but Disney is unleashing its full marketing “Force” behind the Walt Disney Co is fanning the flames of its Lucasfilm unit by mak- In the movie, the BB-8 is kind of like an updated version of R2-D2. Tlaunch of hundreds of toys and other items related to the film. ing special use of the network of YouTube talent that it acquired It’s a giant rolling sphere, with a traditional droid head that somehow The massive marketing blitz, which Disney has named “Force Friday,” when it bought Maker Studios for upwards of $500 million last year. manages to stay on top. The mini version created by Sphero moves spans all kinds of media and included an 18-hour global “unboxing” It arranged for 14 Maker stars around the globe to open new mer- much the same way. Developing and producing its BB-8 used up the streamed live on YouTube. Meanwhile, major toy retailers planned to chandise in live Web videos starting Wednesday afternoon. The majority of Sphero’s resources for this year. But the company, which be open and hold special events when the toys first became avail- event included a splashy special appearance Thursday morning on has received funding from Disney, expects that investment to pay off able just after midnight yesterday. Among the first cities was Hong “Good Morning America,” the variety news program of Disney- for years to come. Other toys coming out include Toronto-based Spin Kong with toy stores open at midnight. The marketing push behind owned ABC. Master Corp.’s “Legendary Yoda,” a 16-inch version of the Jedi Master “Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens,” is unique because it’s so While it isn’t paying the stars - other than travel and expenses - it’s that boasts lifelike movements and voice recognition. It’s yours for far ahead of the movie’s US release, 116 days to be exact. But analysts hardly a non-partisan group of reviewers. The finale in San Francisco $180. Fuhu, which makes the nabi tablet computer for kids, has creat- say it can work because Star Wars is such a popular franchise. Leaked was hosted by Chris Pirillo, a self-described super fan who named his ed $170 Star Wars-themed accessory bundles that include a new 7- images of action figures of characters that have not even hit the big daughter Jedi. Toy makers both big and small are gearing up for a inch table. They come with sound effects, themed wallpapers and screen - like Sarco Plank, some kind of alien desert nomad that has big rush yesterday, then another wave of sales as the holiday shop- stickers designed to let kids customize their tablets. While most of only been glimpsed in a Vanity Fair on-set shoot - are only likely to ping season gets going and the movie’s Dec. 18 release date draws the people buying will be the die-hard collectors who have to have fuel consumer demand, says Steve Pasierb, CEO of the Toy Industry closer. Hasbro Inc, which has been making Star Wars toys for more the hot items first, sales momentum will continue into the holiday Association. “It’s pretty rare, but in the age of social media, you can than 30 years, planned to unveil more than 100 different items yes- shopping season as nostalgic parents introduce a new generation of get those characters out and create buzz around these things in ways terday. kids to Star Wars, says Rob Maigret, Sphero’s chief creative officer. that you couldn’t in the past,” Pasierb says. “There’s something easy “There’s a new generation of boys and girls who are going to be “There’s just this evangelism that exists for the movie, because this to tap into, which is the Star Wars mystique which is some 30 years brought in who may not even be aware of Star Wars yet,” says Joe movie is part of our lives, because we all have some sort of connec- old.” Ninivaggi, Hasbro’s senior brand manager for Star Wars. The tion to it,” Maigret says. — AP Industry analysts at PiperJaffrey say they expect some $3 billion Pawtucket, Rhode Island-based toy maker’s offerings include worth of Star Wars merchandise will be sold this year and that sales Furbacca, a Chewbacca version of its Furby toy. It’s also selling sever- next year could be even larger. Even in a non-movie year, Star Wars al different versions of lightsabers that feature the glowing daggers merchandise has consistently sold well - $2 billion annually around noticeable in the movie’s previews. Sphero, a Boulder, Colorado- the world, according to Pasierb. So it’s not so far-fetched that Disney based robot maker and one of the first members of Disney’s will exceed that in the publicity-blitz filled weeks ahead of premiere Techstars program for startups, created a $150 mini version of the of the first Star Wars movie since Episode III in 2005. BB-8 droid featured in the new movie.

HobbyKidsTV unboxed ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ role play, as part of the epic global event marking the countdown to EvanTubeHD, a digital star from the Maker Studios network, ‘Force Friday’ when merchandise from the highly anticipated new movie goes on sale at Disney Store on Thursday, Sept. 3, displays the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon and the Star 2015, at the Michigan Ave store in Chicago. Wars BB-8 App Enabled Droid from Sphero, after he unboxed the toys on “Good Morning America” in New York. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

An Afghan woman waits for transportation in front street art on a barrier wall of the NDS An Afghan laborer pushes his handcart in front of street art. (National Directorate of Security) in Kabul. — AP photos

Independent Afghan artists paint on a barrier wall which blocks a main gate of the presidential palace in Kabul. Artist paints Kabul’s walls of war to help heal city city at war, the Afghan capital is among the ugliest in the Alongside is a slogan, stenciled in large black letters clearly seen Mokamel hopes to cultivate a return to the pre-conflict values he world. Wide avenues once lined with rose gardens are by motorists in the nearby traffic-choked roundabout: “The remembers before fleeing war as a teenager. That was his motiva- Atoday gridlocked streets sandwiched by concrete blast Heroes of My City: The Street Sweepers.” tion in returning to Kabul in 2010. In Australia, he was a graphic walls protecting those inside from the bombs and bullets that Ahmad Jan, a 26-year-old day laborer, paused on a recent sun- artist, studying for his Master of Fine Arts at Australian National form the backbeat of a 14-year insurgency. After recent deadly ny afternoon to look at the mural. “It’s interesting to Afghans. University. “I learned a lot outside and I wanted to bring it back,” attacks, the towering walls multiplied almost overnight, appear- Everybody crossing the street will take a look and read the mes- he said. ing in double rows outside government buildings, businesses, sage and then get a different perspective.” Volunteer Maryam The Art Lords’ work includes a series that Mokamel described embassies and the homes of powerful people. The impression is Kohi comes every day to help paint. “These cement walls are as “healing the wounds of Afghanistan,” featuring red hearts one of division. Inside the walls, the elite are protected; outside, blocking the commuting routes and make the city look like a along a stretch of white wall - one is a balloon held by a little girl it’s every man for himself. prison,” she said. “Afghanistan is going through a prolonged fight and one is being pulled in a traditional handcart. A red map of For Kabir Mokamel, an artist who returned to Kabul from the and the city is polluted with dirt and corruption. With these paint- Afghanistan is covered with a Band-Aid. The next series will cen- Australian capital Canberra four years ago, the blast walls present ings we want to take our anti-corruption message to the people.” ter on suicide bombings, which have claimed more than 50 lives the perfect canvas for transforming not only how the city looks, This week, Ghani singled out corruption as a “cancerous in the capital in recent weeks. Mokamel carries an official letter to but how its residents think about themselves, each other, their lesion” threatening the survival of the state. He said it was show to police who fear he might be a vandal. environment and their future. Afghanistan’s shame to be consistently named by graft watchdog The first installment of street art appeared in July, at the front Calling his group Art Lords - a swipe at the warlords who still Transparency International as one of the most corrupt nations on entrance of the National Directorate of Security. A pair of beauti- dominate Afghan politics and are publicly celebrated as warrior earth, and that the government had developed a “comprehensive ful, feminine eyes gazes out from the blast walls, a warning to cor- heroes - Mokamel uses street art to highlight social problems in plan” to deal with the problem through reforms and crackdowns. rupt officials. The eyes were a sensation among local residents, Afghanistan after almost four decades of war. “I want people to “People’s perception (of corruption) is always bribery, but it’s who immediately understood the meaning. Along with unem- define who really are the heroes of my city - the people who clean much bigger than that,” Mokamel said, listing social ills such as ployment, corruption is cited by Afghans as among the toughest the city, for instance,” the 46-year-old said. “Throughout the histo- poor work ethics, not standing in line, dangerous driving and problems facing their country. ry of Afghanistan, it’s all about the people who fought, who have street harassment of women. Kabul was originally built for While visual arts are making a tentative return to Afghanistan, swords, who have guns. We want to include something else, like 450,000 people. The population is now estimated at 4.5 million, little is accessible to ordinary Afghans, who are overwhelmingly the people who take part in the betterment of the city and of our though infrastructure such as transport, water and sewage has poor. Fans of the Art Lords’ street art come back day after day to lives. It moves people away from the mentality of war and con- not kept up. It used to be a congenial and convivial place to live, take part. “I tell them it’s really important because the minute you flict.” Mokamel said. put the stroke of a brush on a wall, that much of the wall has dis- appeared,” Mokamel said. — AP ‘The Heroes of My City’ ‘Values have disappeared’ Artists from his group recently painted street sweepers in “People were very trusting and very friendly,” he recalled. orange work jackets and traditional scarves on a concrete wall “These values have disappeared because of the ongoing conflict surrounding Afghanistan’s secret service headquarters in Kabul. and the breakdown of normal social behavior and interaction.” SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Movie posters are seen inside the Omar Al-Khayyam cinema, also known as “Paradise”, The Al-Shaab cinema, previously known as Cinema Royal, is seen turned into rubbles, the only cinema still showing movies in Tripoli.— AFP photos while the remaining of the screen can still be seen on the wall. Lights out for movie houses in Libya’s ‘Mermaid of Med’

he Libyan capital once boasted grand movie houses that door cinema) and all I had to do was lean on the window on the town Tripoli. Now it is empty, waiting to be converted into a park- packed in smartly dressed couples for a special night out, second floor to watch the films,” said Abdelmonem Sbeta, a geol- ing lot. Tbut how times have changed. Today, the sole major cinema ogist and active member of a post-Kadhafi civil society group. “For people in the area, the cinema was all we had for distrac- left in Tripoli is a men-only zone stripped of glamour, offering a “Cinema was the reward at the end of the week, but we all had tion,” recalled Mohamed Kamel, owner of a busy local coffee diet of violence-packed films and blunt warnings that women are to get dressed to the hilt. That was the rule for everyone, for shop. “When we were children, we would wait eagerly to go see not welcome. And the city’s old epithet, “Mermaid of the Muslim and Jewish Libyans, Italians, Europeans and Americans.” an Indian or karate movie. Bruce Lee was our hero,” he said, hark- Mediterranean”, jars sharply with what has become a mainly “My best memories of cinemas in Tripoli go back to 1974 when ing back to the days of Kadhafi’s Libya when such movies were all Islamist-run capital of a country plagued by conflict and political my parents took me to watch ‘The Tamarind Seed’ (a British-US that were on offer-driving many to DVDs and satellite channels. chaos. film with Julie Andrews and Omar Sharif). “I don’t believe I’ve ever Others, like 39-year-old graphic artist Wael Garamalli, have less The rot started even before the 2011 revolution that ousted seen such a beautiful theatre, not even in Europe,” said Karima fond memories. “I went to a cinema on December 24 Street in the longtime dictator Moamer Kadhafi, and has since seen movie Leguel, an Anglo-Libyan who was an impressionable nine-year- 80s to see a karate movie. I felt so uncomfortable, it was like being houses bolt their doors one after the other. Today’s lone silver old at the time, now a mother-of-two. “Everything was so elegant locked up with a bunch of yobs. Nothing like the audiences of my screen is the Omar al-Khayyam, where a sign tells women to stay and majestic: The velvet seats, the decorated curtains and the parents’ time.” But for Leguel, whatever the films on offer, “a city away: “Access is formally banned because there are people who precious wood-paneling.” without cinemas is inconceivable”. indulge in acts contrary to customs and religion.” In 1969, the bloodless coup which overthrew Libya’s monar- In a country whose troubles appear far from over, geologist Films full of blood and violence like “Scarface” and “Die Hard” chy and brought Colonel Kadhafi to power swept away the old Sbeta, meanwhile, remains optimistic. “No one can take away this pass muster with the militias that have controlled the city since order. Under his rule, the cinema was seen as both frivolous and city’s joie de vivre, its elegance and its desire to move forward,” August 2014, driving Libya’s elected parliament and internation- superfluous. Businesses were nationalized and foreign movies he said. “It’s part of the DNA in all of us in Tripoli.” — AFP ally recognized government to take refuge in the far east of the were equivalent to a “cultural invasion”. “Tripoli without cinemas country. It was not always so, Tripoli residents insist, recalling the was the beginning of the end for us because it was on a par with city’s former cultural diversity. In the pre-Kadhafi glory days for the decline of Libya,” said Leguel. cinema-goers, there were no less than 20 movie theatres-and some live on in the memory of locals. ‘Bruce Lee was our hero’ The Royal cinema, renamed Al-Shaab (The People) during ‘Elegant and majestic’ Kadhafi’s initial drive toward his brand of Arab nationalism in the “In the 1960s, we used to live near the Arena Giardino (out- North African state, used to stand near Martyrs’ Square in down-

A picture shows the abandoned Al-Zahraa cinema theatre in Tripoli. People walk past the abandoned Al-Zahraa cinema the- atre in Tripoli. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

In this image released by Netflix, Taylor Schilling (left) and Laura Prepon appear in a scene from “Orange is the New Black.” The In this May 20, 2015 file photo, Jenji Kohan arrives at Netflix’s program was nominated for an Emmy for outstanding drama series. “Orange Is The New Black” Q&A Screening at the Director Guild of America, in Los Angeles. — AP photos With Emmys change, ‘OITNB’ Hilton gets back lost bling creator not a fan of genres thanks to Polish fireman he creator of “Orange Is the New Black” says though the “OITNB” earned a Golden Globe nomination for best television Emmys switched the hit show from the comedy category to series, musical or comedy and won outstanding performance by S celebrity Paris Hilton is getting back a diamond- Tdrama, she’s not a fan of people boxing the series into a sin- an ensemble in a comedy series at the Screen Actors Guild topped gold ring lost in Poland thanks to an honest gle genre. “The whole label thing is frustrating - just people’s Awards. Ufireman, airport officials in the central city of Lodz needs to define us. OK, you know, whatever you want to call us, “We’re funny when we feel we need to be funny and we’re said Thursday. The 34-year-old heiress to the Hilton hotel fine,” Jenji Kohan said in an interview Wednesday. “Are we a com- dramatic when we feel we need to be dramatic ‘cause hopefully empire, known for her wildly extravagant lifestyle, was in edy? Are we a drama? ... Are we doing good work or not? Do you we’re reflecting life. And life is never just a drama, just a comedy,” the city last week for a fashion show when she lost a large like us or not? As you can hear, I have issues with the whole, you Kohan said. “And I don’t know why you have to say it’s one thing ring between the seats of a VIP airport shuttle. know, beauty contest thing. It’s fraught.” or the other.” At the Emmys “OITNB” is also nominated for out- Finder Mieczyslaw Cieslaczyk “took it to the airport lost- The show, in its third season on Netflix, is nominated for out- standing casting for a drama series, outstanding supporting and-found without knowing it belonged to the celebrity,” standing drama series at the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards, actress in a drama series for Emmy winner Uzo Aduba and out- Lodz airport spokeswoman Ewa Bienkowska told AFP. which airs on Fox at 8 pm EDT on Sept. 20, though last year it standing guest actor in a drama series for Pablo Schreiber. Unconfirmed local media reports allege it was no ordinary competed for outstanding comedy series. The Television Kohan, who also created the Showtime series “Weeds,” said bling, but an engagement ring worth $100,000 (90,000 Academy announced this year that shows with episodes of 30 she has a complex when it comes to awards shows. “It’s compli- Euros). Under Polish law Cieslaczyk, is entitled to a finder’s minutes or less are now designated a comedy, while those over a cated because ... I can’t base my self-worth or the show’s self- fee of ten percent of the ring’s value. He told Polish media half-hour are dramas. Netflix’s petition to keep the hour-long worth on how other people award us or nominate us or feel he could use the funds to do a bit of his own jet-setting on ‘OITNB’ in the comedy category was denied, according to a report about us because when we don’t win we can’t say, ‘Oh, then we a tropical vacation with his wife. by Variety. Also nominated in the drama category are AMC’s weren’t good,’ or when we do win, ‘We were better’ - because I’m “Better Call Saul,” PBS’ “Downton Abbey,” HBO’s “Game of just proud of the work we do,” she said. “It’s really nice to have Thrones,” Showtime’s “Homeland,” and AMC’s “Mad Men.” outside validation, but ultimately it’s sort of a dog and pony show, and it can be subjective. And if I can’t be all in when we ‘We’re reflecting life’ lose, I can’t be all in when we win either, so I have to be careful “(To say), ‘You’re in this box and you’re in that box’ - we’ve with that, just to protect myself.” — AP always been hard to define; we’re kind of a hybrid, and people feel this need to call us something, and I don’t feel the same need to say what we are. So, that’s on them,” Kohan said. This year, Elba responds to James Bond author’s ‘too street’ remark dris Elba, whose “Beasts of No Nation” had its world premiere street’ for Bond. Is it a question of being suave? Yeah.” in Venice this week, has responded to James Bond author Horowitz subsequently apologized for his remarks about Elba, IAnthony Horowitz’s comment that Elba was “too street” to who is best known for his roles in “The Wire” and “Luther.” “I’m play 007. Horowitz, who has added to the novel franchise created really sorry my comments about Idris Elba have caused offense. by Ian Fleming with a new 007 adventure called “Trigger Mortis,” That wasn’t my intention,” Horowitz said on Twitter. “I was asked told the Daily Mail recently: “For me, Idris Elba is a bit too rough to in my interview if Idris Elba would make a good James Bond. In play the part. It’s not a color issue. I think he is probably a bit ‘too the article I expressed the opinion that to my mind Adrian Lester would be a better choice but I’m a writer not a casting director so what do I know?” Horowitz concluded: “Clumsily, I chose the word ‘street’ as Elba’s gritty portrayal of DCI John Luther was in my mind but I admit it was a poor choice of word. I am mortified to have caused offense.” In what some have interpreted as a sarcastic riposte to Horowitz’s original comment, Elba posted a remark on his Instagram page, next to a screen grab of the Daily Mail article: “Always keep smiling!! It takes no energy and never hurts! Learned that from the Street!! #septemberstillloveyou.” — Reuters Paris Hilton meets the press during the Fast Fashion Show in Lodz, Poland. — AP Idris Elba SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Bieber bests One Direction’s Avicii tackles human Spotify record trafficking in directorial debut ustin Bieber is marking a comeback: The singer set a new record on Spotify, besting One Direction. JSpotify said Thursday that Bieber’s “What Do You Mean” was streamed more than 21 million streams in just five days. The song sets a new record in the US and globally, and surpassed the 20 million streams that One Direction’s “Drag Me Down” launched in its debut week. Bieber performed the song at Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards and cried after the performance. The 21- year-old said in an interview on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” on Wednesday that the perform- ance was “so overwhelming for me ... I just wasn’t expecting them to support me in the way they did.” Bieber will release his new album on Nov. 13. — AP

Swedish DJ, remixer, record producer and singer Tim Bergling, better known by his stage name ‘Avicii’ performs at the Sziget music festival on the Hajogyar Island of Budapest. — AFP

eading DJ Avicii has turned his attention to fighting child reminiscent of a Western movie. Avicii, whose real name is Tim trafficking as he made his debut as a director with a pair Bergling, co-directed with filmmaker Levan Tsikurishvili and Lof disturbing videos. The Swedish house DJ, one of the shot the videos in Hungary. biggest stars on the global club circuit, said he was hoping to Hungary has taken a hard line in Europe’s escalating use his music for a greater social cause. refugee crisis, with Prime Minister Viktor Orban saying “The promise of a better life often traps families and chil- Thursday that the mostly Muslim migrants threatened the dren into being used as tools for some of the most despicable continent’s Christian roots. The videos were shot earlier in the people on Earth,” he said in a statement Thursday, as he summer before the latest tensions. Sweden is a top destina- released the videos. “It’s an issue about which I hope to start a tion for migrants and accepts more refugees per capita than louder discussion, especially now with the huge number of any EU country. families on the move from war-torn countries looking for safe- Amid a busy schedule with his album and his directorial ty and shelter.” debut, Avicii’s publicists said he was postponing the rest of his “For a Better Day,” which will appear on Avicii’s upcoming performances for the year. Avicii, who plans to return to tour- album “Stories,” features a video full of unsettling imagery as ing next year, will not play several shows in Japan and the hooded traffickers go on a killing spree of adults in their way, United States as well as the Storm Festival of electronic music including a politician portrayed by actor Krister Henriksson. in Shanghai. Avicii, who turns 26 on Tuesday, similarly called The video shows two children rushing through fields to off shows including the Storm Festival in September last year In this Aug 30, 2015 file photo, Justin Bieber reacts after escape, only to be forced barely clothed into a traffickers’ car. due to health issues. — AFP performing at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los The second video, for the song “Pure Grinding,” is similarly Angeles.— AP violent, if less socially oriented, as it shows a gangster feud Black Sabbath announce ‘The End’ tour

lack Sabbath, who pioneered heavy metal Osbournes.” Guitarist Tony Iommi has stayed in more than four decades ago, on Thursday England and in recent years struggled with cancer, Bannounced a final tour and vowed it would a factor that has clouded previous chatter about a be the band’s last. The English rockers, known for new Black Sabbath tour. their thunderous guitars and dark subject matter, Black Sabbath went on an 84-date reunion tour said that “The End” tour would feature three of the from 2012 to 2014 that opened in Birmingham and band’s four longtime members including flamboy- closed in London’s Hyde Park. The extensive tour ant frontman Ozzy Osbourne. brought out original bassist and lyricist Geezer “It promises to surpass all previous tours with Butler, who will again play in “The End” shows. But their most mesmerizing production ever. When the longtime drummer Bill Ward was not listed to par- tour concludes, it will truly be the end,” said a ticipate in the final tour. Ward also did not play on voiceover on a video announcement on the band’s the 2012-2014 tour or on the band’s last album, the website. The band announced 24 dates for the 2013 release “13,” amid a feud with Osbourne. tour, which will start on January 20 in Omaha, Black Sabbath started out with a self-titled first Nebraska in the US Midwest, a hotbed for heavy album in 1970. The band took a root of the metal fans. American blues but brought in a heavier guitar The tour will cover the United States, including sound as well as often macabre themes. “Iron Man,” New York’s Madison Square Garden, as well as one of the band’s most identifiable songs, tells of a Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The final date- man who travels in time and wreaks revenge on the real “The End”-is scheduled for April 30 in the humanity after being turned into steel. Black southern New Zealand city of Dunedin. The tour Sabbath and Osbourne’s later solo work often does not feature any shows in Europe, including alarmed Christian groups who saw dangerous or the band’s native city of Birmingham, England. Satanic messages in the music. — AFP Osbourne has pursued a successful solo career Tony Iommi (left), Ozzy Osbourne (center) and Geezer Butler (right) of Black Sabbath and lives in Los Angeles, where his family was fea- pose in the press room after winning Best Metal Performance for ‘God is Dead?’ during tured a decade ago on the MTV reality series “The the 56th Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. — AFP TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 New wave of Windows 10 devices on display at IFA

BERLIN: Computer manufacturers are unveiling the first big batch of to Windows 10,” said Tony Alderson, a senior product manager at been unconvinced that upgrading their devices for Windows 8 - devices running Windows 10 at the IFA home electronics show open- Toshiba. The Japanese company also launched its new Satellite Click widely seen as more of a cosmetic enhancement than a real improve- ing in Berlin yesterday. The industry has seen sluggish sales in recent 10, whose screen can be detached and used as a tablet. It, too, is opti- ment - was worthwhile. One problem for computer manufacturers is years as consumers opt to spend their money on smartphones and mized for Windows 10 and will appear on shelves next month for that Windows 10 is remarkably tolerant of old hardware, and tablets instead, so many companies are pinning their hopes for a about 499 Euros. Experts say the bet on Windows 10 could pay off, as upgrades are free. Microsoft says Windows 10 has already been revival in the PC market on the latest version of Microsoft’s operating consumers finally loosen their purse strings. installed on 75 million devices since its debut at the end of July. system. Among them is Toshiba, which launched its new Satellite “Last few years, many people bought Android tablets instead of “Many people who have a computer that’s 1 to 3 years old will go for Radius 12 this week, priced at 1,449 Euros ($1,627) in Europe. The 12- buying a new computer, but that market is saturated now,” said the free upgrade,” said Aunkofer. “But there’s a big base of machines inch laptop comes with a 4K screen designed to make the most of Rudolf Aunkofer, global director IT at consumer research firm GfK. “At that’s 5 to 7 years old and those will be replaced.” The trend, he said, Windows 10’s graphics ability. It also features a special microphone the same time laptops are getting quite old, so Windows 10 is likely is toward so-called two-in-one devices which can serve as laptops or and a dedicated button for Cortana - Microsoft’s voice-controlled to kick off a wave of replacements.” Aunkofer said the drop in sales tablets, such as the Satellite Click 10, or tablets with a separate key- digital assistant - as well as infrared cameras to identify users by their seen in recent years may have been exacerbated by Microsoft’s board. Microsoft is urging software designers to embrace its faces. announcement about the new operating system, which prompted Universal Application Platform, so that desktop software and apps “We expect to see lots of new sales from October onward thanks some consumers to hold back. Before that, buyers may have simply designed for other operating systems will run on Windows 10. —AP

For these ‘cyborgs’, keys are a thing of the past

BERLIN: Punching in security codes to deactivate the alarm at his store became a thing of the past for Jowan Oesterlund when he implanted a chip into his hand about 18 months ago. “When I walk into my studio, I just wave my hand at the alarm and the alarm turns off,” the tattoo artist said. “Whenever someone shows up with security clearance, he will wave and the alarm is deactivated, the lights are turned on... it will start up the com- puter, the cash machine and so on,” he added. Oesterlund is one of the small but growing number of peo- ple around the world who has a grain-sized NFC (Near Field Communications) chip embedded in him. In fact, so convinced is he that “this is the future” that he has two of them, one in his hand and the other in his arm. “One year ago it was ‘that’s just stupid’, or ‘wow that’s just awesome’. But now multinational companies are looking into it,” he said, pointing to cybersecurity firm Kaspersky as an exam- BERLIN: Smartphones of the electronic company Samsung are displayed after a press conference at the company’s stand at the ple. The renowned cybersecurity company had brought in IFA 2015 tech fair. — AP Oesterlund to carry out a live demonstration of chip implanta- tion at the IFA consumer electronics fair in Berlin. The nervous volunteer is Rainer Bock, who works at Kaspersky. After Oesterlund used a needle to put a chip under Bock’s skin, the Tiny PCs and high-end handsets new member of the “cyborg” club said: “It didn’t hurt.”

‘Curiosity a factor’ showcased at Berlin tech show With a memory of just 880 bytes, the chips are far from the science fiction equivalent of data powerhouses carrying billions Five highlights for tech enthusiasts of encrypted secret documents. Rather, they tend to have spe- cific functions, such as unlocking a door or hooking up to an app on a smartphone. BERLIN: Gadget makers have been showcasing their latest hard drive and even a power bank to wirelessly charge certain Despite the limited uses, human chip implant manufacturer gear at Europe’s flagship technology show, the IFA in Berlin, smartphones. Acer manager Sherlock Cheng says the idea is to Dangerous Things told AFP that there are now around 10,000 this week. With the exception of Apple, all major manufactur- provide a “mini-PC on demand.” “cyborgs”-or humans with digital chips in them-across the ers have been announcing new devices in time for the holiday globe. The phenomenon is not new, with a club in Barcelona shopping season. Here are five highlights and one teaser for Sony’s flagship offering such implants to its members as early as 2004, allowing tech enthusiasts. Japanese electronics giant Sony has updated its much- them to gain entrance and pay for their drinks with it. But its lauded Xperia Z line with three new models: standard, com- popularity has now accelerated with the ubiquity of smart- PC on a stick pact and premium. The latter features what Sony says is the phones, which can communicate with the chips. Those who Tiny PCs powered by Google’s Android have been around world’s first 4K display. All Z5 models have an impressive 23 have done the procedure admit that for now, novelty is its key for a while, but Windows is increasingly entering that market. megapixel camera with a 0.03 second autofocus so users will draw. Evgeny Chereshnev, who also works for Kaspersky, got The ASUS VivoStick PC is among the most impressive of its kind hardly ever miss a shot. The camera also has better low-light his chip about seven months ago. “It felt weird for a couple of to feature Windows 10 in a stick the size of a dongle. Plug it settings and algorithms which allow users to zoom in without weeks... Then I started to understand that I’ve forgotten what it into any modern TV and you can use it as a computer. Aside losing too much picture quality. Like the iPhone and is to carry a badge to work, I’ve forgotten what it means to open from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4, 2GB of RAM and 32 GB of storage, it Samsung’s latest Galaxy S handsets, the Z5 will feature a fin- a door with a key,” he said, describing how with a simple wave sports the latest Intel Cherry Trail chip, two USB ports and an gerprint sensor. of his hand, he now enters a secure office building without audio jack. The VivoStick will be available for $129 when it hit punching in codes or tapping a security card at the entrance. stores. Instant photos But such implants are not without risks, warns Kaspersky’s Polaroid is going back to basic with its latest instant camera. European research director Marco Preuss, saying that a smart- Weights for it By stripping away the LCD screen found in the previous models phone placed close to the chip for instance, could easily pick up Huawei launched its Mate S, billed as the Chinese smart- and halving the price to $99, Polaroid hopes to boost sales of data. Oesterlund said he had also weighed up the risk of some- phone maker’s first top-range handset with prices starting at its new Snap camera in time for the holiday season. Each click one trying to steal his chip through extreme violent means, but $650 - though initially not available in the United States. Along will instantly print a photo, with 50 sheets of special paper concluded that criminals were unlikely to go that far. with some impressive specs comes an unusual feature: Huawei costing under $30. “Chopping off a hand is a really amateur way to steal some- says the phone can be used as a scale to weigh objects. This is thing,” he said. Those who have joined the “cyborg” club made possible by the phone’s Force Touch capability, some- Turntable taser believe that getting in early allows them to secure a place at the thing Apple is expected to put in its next iPhone. When Panasonic ditched the Technics brand in 2010, disk forefront of a potentially life-changing development. “Curiosity jockeys were aghast. Technics turntables, particularly the MK2 is a factor,” said Hannes Sjoeblad, who also has a chip implant- Modular computing launched in 1979, had long been a favorite among professional ed. But he added that a key aim is “to explore this technology Acer is taking the traditional PC apart so users can put it DJs for their reliability and speed control. A petition prompted before the government starts doing this”. “We want to con- back together again. The Taiwanese manufacturer launched Panasonic to announce last year that it would revive the brand. tribute to the discovery of this platform. That is very exciting in Revo Build, a module computer starting at under $200 and At the IFA fair Panasonic teased the motor for a new Technics itself.” — AFP shipping this quarter. Users can add to the black base unit by turntable in Berlin, but the needle is still being developed and attaching a dedicated graphics card, a sound block, a portable the final product won’t be ready till next year. — AP TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 NYC cabs get smart in battle with Uber

NEW YORK: As New York taxi drivers face surging competition from smartphone cab services, the traditional taxi force in the city that never sleeps is preparing to push back against the likes of Uber. Spearheading that effort are a spacious mini-van-being phased in as the city’s taxi firms renew their fleets-and a long- awaited phone app. A far cry from the checkered cab immortalized as part of New York’s hectic image, the Nissan NV200 boasts cushy seats, adjustable air-conditioning in the back, phone and laptop plugs and a panoramic glass roof. Mr Chan, a 58-year-old city driver who declined to give his first name, described the minivan as more comfortable than the well-known Crown Victoria, although he has had little customer feedback so far. New York authorities picked the Nissan to replace the city’s ageing taxi fleet, as part of a deliberate strategy to fight back against online ride-booking services. The extra space the cars provide is hoped to give taxis an advantage over Uber’s less stan- CALIFORNIA: In this Thursday, Aug 20, 2015 photo, Chris Martin from Honda North America demonstrates Apple dardized vehicles. City firms will have a choice between the CarPlay. — AP NV200 and a hybrid vehicle, and the Nissan as they renew their fleets over the next few years. About 800 of the minivans already ply the streets of New York, according to Nissan, which touts Apple, Google bring smartphone them as a safer alternative to traditional cabs. With a replacement rate of about 2,600 vehicles a year, according to Nissan, the bulk of New York’s entire fleet of some 13,000 taxis is set to adopt the functionality to car dashboards yellow minivan taxis over the next five years. Turning cars into rolling robotic assistants An app to match A big part of Uber’s lure is that it allows people to summon rides and pay using smartphone applications, with no need for LOS ANGELES: Playing deejay with voice commands will get easier which Honda is offering CarPlay and Android Auto support. At cash on hand or tips. So the second other prong of the yellow for more Americans this fall as some best-selling cars get updated $25,480, the EX is $1,315 pricier than the Sport trim, and includes taxis’ push-back against Uber is an app of their own. Called with software that integrates smartphones into the dashboard. things like a moon roof, keyless remote and a better touch-screen “Arro”, the New York taxi app launched Wednesday also allows With the 2016 model year, Apple’s CarPlay and Google’s Android display. Volkswagen’s entry level 2016 Jetta 1.4T at $17,680 offers users to call a cab using their smartphones’ geo-location with the Auto will turn cars as affordable as a base model Chevy Spark into CarPlay and Android Auto as part of a $995 technology upgrade push of a button. Like Uber’s app it provides information on rolling robotic assistants that give directions to nearby restaurants that includes a larger touch screen and rearview camera. where nearby taxis are, and how long it will take them to arrive. or play the latest hits with commands as simple as “Play Ellie Some automakers believe that such features could motivate The app has been launched in some 7,000 taxis already and its Goulding.” buyers to move up the trim level, rather than to more expensive backers are pushing for it to spread quickly. Arro currently The Associated Press recently tried out both systems on a 2016 models. “It’s going to provide a good benefit to the Accord shop- doesn’t take a cut of a ride in an effort to win market share, Honda Accord. As with phones, voice-activated car technologies per,” says Jay Guzowski, manager of product planning for mid-size according to company spokesman Michael Woloz, who said the don’t always work as intended, bringing up inaccurate directions or cars at American Honda Motor Co. General Motors stands alone in business model behind the app would continue to evolve. failing to open an app, for example. But overall the two systems are offering CarPlay and Android Auto as standard equipment on cars Keeping prices down is a key part of the battle with start-up convenient and incredibly intuitive. as inexpensive as the Spark - the 2015 version retails for upward of companies-as highlighted by a Business Insider published in April Both CarPlay and Android Auto should give drivers more time $12,170 - and as high-volume as its Chevrolet Cruze and Malibu which found that for average New York cab rides Uber costs more to keep their eyes on the road compared with the automakers’ own sedans and Silverado trucks. Chevrolet marketing director Steve than the yellow taxi. —AFP voice systems, which can require multiple steps and looking at on- Majoros calls the decision “revolutionary,” and one the automaker screen menus. Still, as with any system that requires driver input, hopes will improve its market share. there are concerns about distraction. “Anything that takes your attention away from the task of driving is not something you want ‘Hit the mainstream’ to engage in,” said Kathy Lane, a spokeswoman for the National “CarPlay and Android Auto are about to really hit the main- Google launches Safety Council, a nonprofit organization created by Congress to stream,” says Kelly Blue Book senior analyst Karl Brauer. “We’re talk- promote safety. Neither system has been tested yet by the ing about some 40 to 50 models that’ll have it in probably the next music streaming Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, says spokesman Russ Rader. 12 months or less, which is maybe about 20 percent of the entire The institute studies both human and mechanical factors in trying car market.” IHS analyst Colin Bird predicts that automakers in the service in Japan to reduce the number of vehicle crashes. US and Canada will sell a modest 497,000 cars with CarPlay, Consumers increasingly want to use their smartphone while Android Auto or both this year. The number should jump to 5 mil- TOKYO: Google has launched a music streaming service in driving - without running afoul of the law. For the last few years, lion in 2018 and nearly 10 million in 2020. Japan, becoming the latest tech giant to push into the world’s drivers of most new cars have been able to speak to their phones As smart and helpful as the CarPlay and Android Auto are, they number two music market, despite mixed results among earlier and have audio stream through a car’s speakers using the nearly aren’t perfect. On a quick demo of a fully-loaded, coffee-colored arrivals. The US company said that its Japanese edition of Google ubiquitous Bluetooth wireless standard. However, doing so can 2016 Accord Touring, the Android Auto voice assistant helped me Play Music features more than 35 million tunes available at a cost require fiddling with the phone, like holding down the home but- play songs from artists like Adele, Sting and Ellie Goulding but of 980 yen ($8) a month. ton first. would not recognize “U2” as anything other than “YouTube.” It also The launch, announced Thursday, came after similar services failed to open the iHeart Radio app despite being told to (a later debuted in Japan this year by Apple, popular messaging app Voice commands check showed the app hadn’t been set up to recognize its location, Line, and a joint venture by IT firm CyberAgent and Japanese Both CarPlay and Android Auto allow voice commands to be which may have thrown a wrench into things). music giant Avex Group. Japan is the world’s second largest turned on with a touch of a steering wheel button. Phones need to CarPlay users won’t be able to use the superior Google Maps music market, estimated to be worth $2.6 billion in 2014, after the be plugged into the USB port, where the phone is kept charging through the interface, even if the app is on their phone. In the $4.8 billion US market, according to the Recording Industry and powering the in-car entertainment. You can access maps, demo, Apple’s notoriously quirky maps app directed me to drive to Association of Japan. But packaged media such as CDs account voicemail, phone contacts and music apps using a touch screen Honda’s American headquarters in Torrance through the research for about 80 percent of Japanese music sales, contrasting sharply embedded in the dashboard - no need to grab your phone. There and development back way, bypassing the front driveway and visi- with the US market markets where digital downloads are soaring. are two limitations with the Apple system, whether or not you’re tor parking lot even though it was a more direct route. There’s still Many Japanese production companies have focused on using it on CarPlay. One is that Apple reserves voice commands for work to be done on making the integration better. established retail channels for CDs, while issues over licensing its proprietary apps - phone, maps, texts and Apple Music. One problem is that when phones must be plugged in - rather have also hampered growth in the streaming business. Sony and The other is that you must be a subscriber to Apple’s $10 a than left in a pocket or purse - usage of Internet-connected apps Japanese games giant DeNA has terminated their music stream- month Apple Music service if you want ask the digital voice assis- goes way down, says Pandora’s vice president of automotive busi- ing services in recent years. Some industry experts have also put tant Siri such complicated tasks as “play the top song from 2011.” ness development, Geoff Snyder. “When it’s required for use of the the blame on free online services such as YouTube for discourag- (It’s Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used to Know,” if you were wonder- system, utilization falls off pretty dramatically.” So for now, certain ing consumers from paying for digital music. ing.) However, you can use your voice to play songs you have automaker-made infotainment systems with apps will be more Global streaming titan Spotify has yet to make its foray into downloaded and own on your iPhone. The less restrictive Android convenient for people who just want to get in their cars and go. the Japanese market, partly due to protracted talks with record Auto will allow you to use apps like Spotify as long as you specifi- Apple software engineering executive Craig Federighi said in labels. E-books are also making slow progress among Japan’s cally tell it to “play Aerosmith on Spotify,” or set Spotify as the June that the iOS 9 mobile operating system update coming this book-loving population, while online video streaming firm default music app. A Spotify subscription also costs $10 a month. fall will make CarPlay work without taking out your iPhone. But Netflix, which boasts 65 million users in about 50 countries, came The systems themselves can cost users a lot more. The 2016 according to Apple, that may require another hardware update to Japan only this month. — AFP Honda Accord EX with manual transmission is the lowest trim on from automakers: support for Wi-Fi. — AP WHAT’S ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

St Thomas Orthodox Christian Youth Movement Ahmadi celebrated 10th Onam Celebration ‘Thiruvonapulari 2015’

t Thomas Orthodox Christian Youth Movement - a spiritual Church-Trustee) were made their valuable presence to mark the Theetimalasaram, Tug of War (Vadamvali malasaram first winner is organization under St Thomas Indian Orthodox Church event more meaningful. The special Onam edition of St Thomas Prayer group and Second winner is St George prayer SAhmadi Kuwait conducted the 10th Onam Celebration - Yuvadarshanam (Souvenir) was released. Vinod Varghese and group), Violin performance, Solo song, Fusion band etc won the ”Thiruvonapulari 2015” in a unique style on 28th August 2015, Sherin Jacob handed it to the Vicar who released it and handed it hearts of audience. Around One thousand people enjoyed with which witnessed a colorful event in Kuwait Al-Sahil Sports club, over to the Chief Guest. The function also honored senior OCYM delicious onasadhya. Renowned Kuwait Play Singer Mubarak Al Abu Halifa. The event was inaugurated by Renjith Pillai (UAE members (Reji Kunjukunju, Santhosh Prakkanam, and James Rashed, Malayalam Singers Shaiju Pallipuram, Anwar Sarang, Exchange Head business development) and the Presidential George). Reji Kunjukunju was the winner of the Onam Title Ambika Rajesh, Rebeka made memories with musical shows. speech was delivered by our church vicar Rev Fr Kurian John. Contest 2015 -’Thiruvonapulari 2015.’ OCYM Joint Secretary Litton M Johnson gave the vote of thanks to Thiruvonapulari General convenior Biju S Joy welcomed emi- The event was beautified by Kerala’s traditional art and game all participants, sponsors and entire St Thomas Indian orthodox nent personalities. Rev Fr Ck Thomas (St Behanans Orthodox form such as Athapookalam malasaram (St George Prayer group Ahmadi church members. Apart from Onam celebration, St Church, Kodumon), Rev Fr Shaji p Joshua (St Basil Indian Orthodox have won first prize and St Pauls Prayer group have won second Thomas Orthodox church, Ahmadi is organizing charity program Church, Kuwait) and Roy Varghese (St Thomas Indian Orthodox prize, Judged by Anil Atuva), Goshyathra, Chenda mellam, Pulikali, to help the poor and down trodden people.

The Algerian tent: A symbol of pride, tradition

he tent is slowly regaining its status News Agency (KUNA) at a traditional crafts festi- amongst Algerian city-dwellers as an icon val. Tof tradition and pride. However it is now The tent is one of many bright colors and pat- assuming the new role as a spot for social ban- terns, and at present times inhabits the backyards quets and weddings. Three of the most promi- of the homes of people in the area with the sole nently used in Algeria are the Aures and Ouled purpose of entertaining guests with tea, coffee Nail tents - which both belong to nomadic peo- and Algerian desserts sometimes accompanied ples of mountainous regions - in addition to the by live traditional music. Many Algerians are desert tent, inhabited by the Touareg and attempting to revive the traditional status of Ghardaia Bedouins. tents with one woman telling KUNA she still They differ in shape, color and size, however keeps the tools once used by her mother hang they share the common characteristic of being on the walls of her home. made from camel hide or sheep wool. The manu- As for the tent commonly used by the Ouled facturing of the Aures-style tent has been an Nail tribes - who mainly inhabit the northern Bou inherited tradition for decades, and has been Saada and Djelfa regions - it mainly comes in red, passed down generation-to-generation amongst with locals nicknaming it ‘The Red House.’ “Tents women of the tribes - common to the northeast- have been used for centuries by these peoples,” ern Aures Mountains, Saida bin Abdulrahman says Professor of history at the University of says. However with the coming of modernity, the Mostaganem, Azoz Kasimi. “They are a symbol of tradition, which has been an integral part of her tradition and a source of pride for the Algerian tribe’s livelihoods, is slowly dying, she told Kuwait family, he added. — KUNA WHAT’S ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) concluded the 38th summer course for high school and college students, which was organized in cooperation with Kuwait University’s College of Engineering and Petroleum. KFH concludes training program for LOYAC students

KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House (KFH) has con- local and global economy. cluded a summer internship program for LOYAC The interns commended KFH’s initiative that students. The program was organized as part of contributed in educating them and raised the bar bank’s social responsibility and endeavors to hone of their understanding of the banking industry, the skills of the Kuwaiti youth by granting them yet improved their personal and practical skills the opportunity to utilize their spare time and through engagement with customers and the gain valuable professional experience. public. The one-month internship program encom- It’s worth noting that LOYAC is a nonprofit passed workshops, numerous engaging activities, organization working towards the overall devel- field visits to all KFH departments in addition to a opment of the youth. It designs and develops plethora of information and experiences gained many programs to facilitate the professional on the basics of banking businesses, financing development and personal growth of the youth, rules, investments standards, and components of ages 6 to 30. HEALTH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Crunch UN climate talks enter fraught final day

BONN: Frustrated negotiators hoped for a fuels. “We have seen an increasing num- negotiator for the Alliance of Small Island Developing countries, in particular, last-minute breakthrough yesterday as ber of areas of convergence during the States. “We hope it reflects the areas of were disappointed that the working docu- they wrap up a fraught round of UN talks week, but it is evident that a radical step- common understanding found this week ment produced in Geneva in February-a in Germany to forge a climate rescue pact change in now necessary,” European so we can hit the ground running in Bonn laundry list of often contradictory options to be adopted by the world’s nations in negotiator Elina Bardram told AFP. “We and build momentum for a successful out- for solving the pressing problem of global December. Diplomats have lamented the see very senior, experienced negotiators come in Paris.” warming-was still essentially the same. “snail’s pace” of this week’s haggle in very frustrated because they are itching to The co-chairmen of the forum said “The time for talking about concepts Bonn, accusing one another of rehashing get to the line-by-line negotiations, which they were “prepared” to take on this task. and general chit chat is over,” said on well-rehearsed positions and holding up we very much need to take place before It would be “based on positions expressed Thursday Gurdial Singh Nijar, a Malaysian the real work of line-by-line text bartering. we get to Paris.” here” in Bonn, said Ahmed Djoghlaf, negotiator and spokesman for the Like Friday was the sixth-to-last negotiating It seemed inevitable that delegates will adding “this document will be ready in Minded Developing Nations bloc, which day, with five more to follow in October, ask the joint chairmen of the UN forum to October.” His colleague Daniel Reifsnyder includes China, India, and many African, before the highly-anticipated November continue text-crafting after the meeting added: “What I hope we will be able to do South American, Middle Eastern and Asian 30-December 11 UN conference opens in closes yesterday. The goal is to present next time is something that will truly be a countries. “Only through direct, inclusive Paris in the presence of heads of state. negotiators with a more workable draft better base for parties.. to negotiate.” and interactive negotiations will parties be Negotiators are aiming to produce an version when they next meet in Bonn in Delegates say the Bonn preparatory able to narrow down differences, find con- agreement to slow the march of danger- October. “For the sake of expediency, the round, which opened Monday, made vergence and ultimately achieve consen- ous global warming by slashing climate- co-chairs will need to prepare a basis for piecemeal progress on some of the sus.” Djoghlaf agreed: “yes, we are not altering greenhouse gas emissions from negotiations well ahead of the next ses- detailed discussions, but the overall objec- there,” but added: “We are in the politics of mankind’s unbridled burning of fossil sion in October,” said Amjad Abdulla, a tive of a universal deal remained far off. small steps... in the right direction.” — AFP

900,000 vets have pending health care requests

WASHINGTON: Nearly 900,000 military veterans have officially pending applications for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the department’s inspector general said Wednesday, but “serious” problems with enrollment data make it impossible to determine how many veterans were actively seek- ing VA health care. About one-third of the 867,000 veterans with pending applications are likely deceased, the report says, adding that “data limitations” prevent investigators from determining how many now-deceased veterans applied for health care bene- fits or when. The applications go back nearly two decades, and officials said some applicants may have died years ago. More than half the applications listed as pending as of last year do not have application dates, and investigators “could not reliably determine how many records were associated with actu- al applications for enrollment” in VA health care, the report said. The report also says VA workers incorrectly marked thou- sands of unprocessed health-care applications as completed and may have deleted 10,000 or more electronic “transactions” over the past five years. Linda Halliday, the VA’s acting inspector gen- eral, said the agency’s Health Eligibility Center “has not effective- ly managed its business processes to ensure the consistent cre- MONTERREY: Mexican Mayela Benavides (R) mother of Graciela Elizalde (L) and Valentina Elizalde (C) play in ation and maintenance of essential data” and recommended a a park in the Guadalupe municipality near Monterrey. Graciela, an eight-year-old girl suffering from a multi-year plan to improve accuracy and usefulness of agency severe form of epilepsy, may become the first person to legally use medical marijuana in Mexico. — AFP records. Halliday’s report came in response to a whistleblower who said more than 200,000 veterans with pending applications for VA Epileptic girl challenges health care were likely deceased. The inspector general’s report substantiated that claim and others, but said there was no way to tell for sure when or why the person died. Similarly, deficiencies in the VA’s information security - including a lack of audit trails and Mexico’s marijuana ban system backups - limited investigators’ ability to review some issues fully and rule out data manipulation, Halliday said.

Epileptic fits ‘have greatly grown in intensity’ Confusing process The VA has said it has no way to purge the list of dead appli- MEXICO CITY: Just eight years old, Graciela through a straw. Now she doesn’t say a word, But he was not allowed to buy it because cants, and said many of those listed in the report are likely to have could become Mexico’s first authorized con- she takes a baby bottle and she crawls,” her he was not a resident of Colorado, which is used another type of insurance before they died. VA spokes- sumer of medical marijuana to alleviate the mother, Mayela Benavides, told AFP. among several US states that have legalized woman Walinda West said Wednesday the agency has publicly hundreds of epileptic seizures that strike her “She’s like a baby, but one who weighs 18 recreational or medical marijuana. President acknowledged that its enrollment process is confusing and that small frame every day. A judge last month kilos (40 pounds) and is 1.15 meters (3.8 feet) Enrique Pena Nieto, whose government is the enrollment system, data integrity and quality “are in need of gave her desperate parents permission to get tall,” said Benavides, a 34-year-old engineer fighting drug cartels in a conflict that has left significant improvement.” Sens. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and a cannabis oil despite the government’s whose life revolves around caring for her tens of thousands dead in less than a decade, Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., chairman and senior Democrat of opposition in a country engulfed in a bloody daughter. opposes any legalization. the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, said in a joint statement drug war. Her parents have tried a slew of Yet, legalization is making some headway that the inspector general’s report pointed to “both a significant treatments, including brain surgery, to ease Government opposition elsewhere in Latin America. Uruguay has cre- failure” by leaders at the Health Eligibility Center and “deficient their daughter’s pain, but nothing has worked Despite surgery and alternative treat- ated a regulated market for pot while Chile’s oversight by the VA central office” in Washington. and her condition has worsened. They now ments, including equine therapy, her epileptic lower-chamber of congress backed legisla- The lawmakers urged VA to implement the report’s recom- hope that cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabis com- fits “have greatly grown in intensity, force and tion in July to legalize the cultivation of mari- mendations quickly to improve record keeping at the VA and pound, can finally help her-if they can get it. frequency, with 400 episodes (per day), with- juana for recreational and medical use. “ensure that this level of blatant mismanagement does not hap- Grace, who lives in the northern industrial out counting those she endures while sleep- Despite Mexico’s prohibition, Grace’s pen again.” As of June 30, VA has contacted 302,045 veterans by hub of Monterrey, has a severe form of epilep- ing,” her mother said. Grace’s parents were parents requested a permit from the health mail, asking them to submit required documents to establish eli- sy known as the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. losing hope until they learned about a child in ministry, which said no. The family’s attor- gibility, West said. To date, VA has received 36,749 responses and The brown-eyed girl moves around in a pink the US state of Colorado whose epilepsy ney took their case to court and, in a historic enrolled 34,517 veterans, she said. “As we continue our work to wheelchair, with her parents tending to her improved thanks to cannabidiol. Her father, ruling, a federal judge ruled in their favor on contact veterans, our focus remains on improving the enrollment every need. “When she was a year and half, Raul Elizalde, drove 2,000 kilometers to August 17, allowing them to import system to better serve veterans,” West said. — AP Grace would say ‘mommy’ and she drank Colorado to get the medication. cannabidiol. — AFP HEALTH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Pacific bluefin tuna group More heartbreak for Ebola puts off new moves to save fish TOKYO: An international body that monitors fisheries in most of survivor after baby dies the Pacific Ocean ended a meeting in Japan on Thursday without agreement on fresh measures to protect the dwindling bluefin tuna. The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission was FREETOWN: It was the new beginning unable to get a consensus on either short-term or long-term that Sierra Leone’s first Ebola survivor, measures to help restore the bluefin population, whose numbers Victoria Yillia, had yearned for after losing are estimated to have fallen 96 percent from unfished levels. Last 21 of her relatives to the disease: A new- year, the 10-nation commission recommended that the catch of born who would allow her and her hus- juvenile tuna be cut to half of its average level in 2002-2004. But band to start a new family. But only weeks conservation groups say more must be done to counter the after the baby they named Barnabas was sharp decline of the species. born, he died of an infection that over- The lack of a required three-quarters quorum prevented any whelmed his tiny body. In the Ebola-rav- agreement, since representatives from China, the Cook Islands, aged community of Kenema, the baby Vanuatu and the Philippines did not attend. So any decisions on who already had become a symbol of new long-term measures were pushed back to 2016, the Japanese rebirth and renewal was buried on Fisheries Agency said. Further inaction would likely prompt efforts Thursday, a day after he died. by conservationists to get Pacific bluefin tuna banned from inter- “Tears will never stop coming out of my national trading, said a statement by The Pew Charitable Trusts, eyes until the day I die, because that baby which is working to save the species. “Unfortunately, the only out- was everything in my life and a symbol for come of this week’s meeting is a guarantee that the Pacific bluefin all my lost family members,” 21-year-old tuna population will decline even further because of the contin- Yillia said in a telephone interview hours ued inaction of ten governments responsible for the manage- after her son’s funeral. The baby’s name ment of this species,” Amanda Nickson, director of global tuna was freighted with meaning: Barnabas, conservation for the group. “The international community may from the Bible, often translates as the “son be forced to look at a global trade ban to help save this species,” of encouragement.” He was born on Aug. she said in a statement. The fisheries group also did not agree to 9, and was discharged from Kenema’s hos- a request by researchers to study the results of stricter fisheries pital without any apparent health prob- management during their four-day meeting in the northern city lems despite his mother’s near brush with FREETOWN: In this Sunday, Aug. 16, 2015 file photo, Ebola survivor death in the hospital’s Ebola ward one of Sapporo. Victoria Yillia stands with her newborn son Barnabas outsider her Japanese eat 80 percent of the world’s bluefin tuna, or “hon year earlier. However, he recently developed a home in Kenema, on the outskirts of Freetown, Sierra Leone. It was the maguro,” a sushi mainstay, and demand elsewhere in the world new beginning that Sierra Leone’s first Ebola survivor, Victoria Yillia, has kept growing. At a ritual new year auction, the top price for the fever. Victoria and her husband Anthony fish jumped to about $7,000 a kilogram in 2013 but was a more rushed him back to the hospital on had yearned for after losing 21 of her relatives to the disease: A new- reasonable $208 per kilogram this year. Most of the fish caught are Monday. He died on Wednesday. Elizabeth born who would allow her and her husband to start a new family. — AP juveniles that have not had a chance to reproduce. The species B.M. Kamara, the head nurse matron at the could recover relatively quickly, however, since they are highly Kenema hospital, said the cause of the dren in Sierra Leone are dying before their month, from one problem to the other.” productive, spawning millions of eggs a year. The environmental baby’s death was an infection and was not first birthday, and that needs a stronger Her husband says they will be looking group Greenpeace praised Japanese representatives for propos- believed to be related to Ebola. Babies in response,” said Geoff Wiffin, head of to their faith for strength in the days to ing emergency measures to help the bluefin tuna, but said given Sierra Leone already faced some of the UNICEF Sierra Leone. The Yillias have been come. “We feel so disappointed with what the severity of its decline Japan should restrict sales of the fish. grimmest odds in the world even before re-submerged in a pain so searing they has happened to us as couple, but we just A stock assessment by the International Scientific Committee the Ebola epidemic. Infant mortality is so can hardly speak. “After all that has hap- have to put our faith in God and in what for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the Northern Pacific Ocean high that tradition calls for children to be pened to me in the past one year, some our Bible tells us,” he said. “Victoria and I found the levels of bluefin in 2012 at near their lowest ever of named only after they survive for a week. hope was restored back to me after I gave had really put all our attention and care in just 4 percent of original stocks. — AP “A single case of Ebola catches the birth, and now that hope is gone,” Victoria this, our first baby boy, as our hope and headlines, but nationwide one in 11 chil- said. “I am dying slowly month after savior to our family.” — AP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Kuwait KNCC PROGRAMME FROM THURSDAY TO WEDNESDAY (03/09/2015 TO 09/09/2015)


In case you are not travelling, your proper cancellation of bookings will help other passengers use seats

Arrival Flights on Saturday 5/9/2015 IRA 669 Mashhad 17:10 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 Airlines Flt Route Time SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 PIA 205 Lahore 00:15 JZR 357 Mashhad 17:30 KAC 101 London/New York 10:00 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 RJA 649 Amman 10:15 SYR 343 Damascus 00:25 KAC 742 Dammam 17:45 KAC 511 Mashhad 10:20 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 IRM 1181 Mashhad 10:25 MSR 1614 Cairo 00:35 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 QTR 1071 Doha 10:40 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 SVA 500 Jeddah 18:00 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 THY 772 Istanbul 00:40 IRM 1180 Mashhad 18:10 SYR 342 Damascus 10:55 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 18:20 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 CLX 856 Luxembourg 18:50 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 JZR 356 Mashhad 11:40 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 MEA 408 Beirut 01:50 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 KAC 104 London 19:00 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 OMA 643 Muscat 02:05 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 AGY 685 Sohag 12:40 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:10 IAW 158 Al Najaf 13:00 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 QTR 1076 Doha 02:55 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 IRM 1189 Mashhad 13:10 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 FDB 076 Dubai 13:10 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 AGY 684 Sohag 19:50 OMA 642 Muscat 13:15 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 NIA 152 Cairo 13:35 PGT 860 Istanbul 03:45 KNE 480 Taif 20:10 SAW 702 Damascus 13:35 THY 1464 Istanbul 03:55 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 IRC 6512 ABD 13:50 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 ABY 121 Sharjah 20:20 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:20 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 THY 5582 Bursa 05:05 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:40 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:40 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 KAC 174 Munich 20:55 KAC 741 Dammam 14:40 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:00 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 IRC 527 Mashhad 15:00 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 BAW 157 London 06:35 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 KLM 415 Amsterdam 21:25 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 KNE 481 Taif 15:10 JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:45 KNE 470 Jeddah 22:05 IZG 4168 Mashhad 15:30 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 KAC 204 Lahore 07:50 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 AIC 987 Chennai/Hyderabad 22:25 KNE 463 Madinah 16:00 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:00 KAC 154 Istanbul 08:10 MSC 407 Sohag 22:45 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 IZG 4162 Mashhad 16:10 KAC 344 Chennai 08:15 JZR 157 Dubai 22:55 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:45 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:00 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:50 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 LZB 7787 Varna 23:45 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:55 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:15 FDB 071 Dubai 23:55 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 RJA 648 Amman 09:30 Departure Flights on Saturday 5/9/2015 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 Airlines Flt Route Time QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 SYR 341 Damascus 10:00 RBG 556 Alexandria 00:05 KNE 475 Jeddah 17:50 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 BBC 044 Dhaka 00:10 IRA 666 Esfahan 18:10 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 JZR 562 Sohag 00:20 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 AGY 680 Alexandria 11:40 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 KAC 563 Amman 18:30 IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:45 KLM 413 Amsterdam 00:55 KAC 287 Dhaka 18:35 OMA 641 Muscat 11:50 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 JZR 156 Dubai 18:35 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 MSR 1615 Cairo 01:20 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 IAW 157 Al Najaf 12:00 SYR 344 KAC/Damascus 01:25 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 FDB 075 Dubai 12:25 PIA 206 Lahore 01:30 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 NIA 151 Cairo 12:35 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 IRM 1187 Tehran 19:10 SAW 701 Damascus 12:35 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 SVA 505 Jeddah 19:30 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 IRC 6511 ABD 12:50 MEA 409 Beirut 02:50 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 JZR 779 Jeddah 13:50 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 CLX 856 Hong Kong 20:20 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 13:55 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 IRC 526 Mashhad 14:00 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 KAC 351 Kochi 20:45 KNE 460 Riyadh 14:10 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 KAC 333 Trivandrum 20:45 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 AGY 681 Alexandria 20:50 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 KAC 1543 Cairo 20:55 IZG 4167 Mashhad 14:30 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 KAC 540 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:50 THY 765 Istanbul 04:55 ABY 122 Sharjah 21:00 IZG 4161 Mashhad 14:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 KNE 461 Riyadh 21:10 ABY 127 Sharjah 14:55 QTR 1077 Doha 05:05 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 JZR 257 Beirut 14:55 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 THY 1465 Istanbul 05:55 MSR 607 Luxor 21:40 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 KNE 462 Madinah 15:05 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 KAC 1802 Cairo 15:35 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:50 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 JZR 256 Beirut 07:30 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:25 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:00 KAC 173 Munich 07:45 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 KNE 472 Jeddah 16:00 BAW 156 London 08:30 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 JZR 778 Jeddah 08:30 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 KAC 512 Mashhad 16:10 KAC 539 Sharm el-Sheikh 08:50 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:50 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 THY 5579 TZX 23:00 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 KAC 1801 Cairo 09:00 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 118 New York 16:30 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 KAC 153 Istanbul 23:00 KNE 474 Jeddah 16:55 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KNE 471 Jeddah 23:05 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:25

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page ( SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

tures under reflected or transmitted light. Word Search Puzzles 74. (astronomy) A measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion. CROSSWORD 1013 75. Indian nun and missionary (born in Albania) dedicated to helping the poor in India (1910-1997). 78. (British) An open river valley (in a hilly area). 79. A federation of North American industrial unions that merged with the American Federation of Labor in 1955. 80. Of or relating to the state of marriage. 81. (in Gnosticism) A divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe. 82. Adult female chicken. 83. A state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico. 84. (Babylonian) God of wisdom and agriculture and patron of scribes and schools.

DOWN 1. A small cake leavened with yeast. 2. Relatively small fast-moving sloth. 3. The capital and largest city of Bangladesh. 4. Jordan's port. 5. A silvery soft waxy metallic element of the alkali metal group. 6. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism. 7. United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters. 8. Type genus of the Rhamnaceae. 9. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. 10. A form of address for a man. 11. A complete metric system of units of measurement for scientists. 12. (computer science) A system of world-wide electronic communication in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that is ACROSS generated at the recipient's terminal when he logs in. 1. A partially opened flower. 13. Someone who procures customers for whores (in England they call a 4. A game whose object is to form words from a group of randomly cho- pimp a ponce). sen letters. 14. Primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms 12. A federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reduc- lacking true stems and roots and leaves. ing pollution and protecting the environment. 19. Having three dimensions. 15. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 21. An industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of 16. A desert in southwestern Africa - largely Botswana. the River Avon. Yesterday’s Solution 17. The molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams. 23. An associate degree in nursing. 18. An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many 25. A dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp. Europeans arrived. 20. (botany) Of or relating to the axil. 26. An alchemist of German legend who sold his soul to Mephistopheles 22. Hardy evergreen dioecious shrubs and small trees from Japan. in exchange for knowledge. 24. A unit of luminous flux equal to the amount of light given out through 28. An informal term for a father. a solid angle of 1 steradian by a point source of 1 candela intensity radiat- 31. (archaic) Very cold. ing uniformly in all directions. 33. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group. 27. The trait of lacking restraint or control. 35. A ruler of the Inca Empire (or a member of his family). 29. The agent to whom property involved in a bailment is delivered. 36. A public promotion of some product or service. 30. A substance produced by the hypothalamus that is capable of acceler- 39. Native to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil ating the secretion of a given hormone by the anterior pituitary gland. from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery. 32. Not having a tail. 40. A rye bread made with molasses or brown sugar. 34. Any plant of the genus Erica. 41. Hungarian choreographer who developed Labanotation (1879-1958). 37. A metallic element having four allotropic forms. 44. Heal or recover. 38. A compartment in a stable where a single animal is confined and fed. 45. Valuable fiber plant of East Indies now widespread in cultivation. 42. An argument opposed to a proposal. 46. United States writer (born in Poland) who wrote in Yiddish (1880- 43. East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-tex- 1957). tured blooms and yielding a yellow dye. 48. (architecture) Forming or resembling an arch. 47. Type genus of the family Arcidae. 52. (Hinduism) Term of respect for a Brahmin sage. 49. The elementary stages of any subject (usually plural). 53. The sciences concerned with gathering and manipulating and storing 50. One of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or and retrieving and classifying recorded information. grasping. 55. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. 51. Any of several varieties of red-skinned apple. 58. A stiff chitinous seta or bristle especially of an annelid worm. 54. A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light. 60. A native of ancient Troy. 56. A health resort near a spring or at the seaside. 62. A song that was formerly popular. 57. A high-crowned black cap (usually made of felt or sheepskin) worn by 63. A metal spike with a hole for a rope. men in Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus. 65. State in northeastern India. 59. Of or relating to or characteristic of Hades or Tartarus. 68. Tropical woody herb with showy yellow flowers and flat pods. 61. A populous province in northeastern China. 70. The basic unit of money in Western Samoa. 64. The federal agency that insures residential mortgages. 71. The United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy. 66. An intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute 72. A coarse obnoxious person. amounts in uranium ores. 73. A list of dishes available at a restaurant. 67. Surveying instrument consisting of the upper movable part of a 76. A period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed theodolite including the telescope and its attachments. point or event. 69. (mineralogy) A six-rayed star-shaped figure seen in some crystal struc- 77. Support resembling the rib of an animal.

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Yesterday’s Solution SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

WASHINGTON: Nationals’ Trea Turner connects for a single against Atlanta MINNEAPOLIS: Chicago White Sox’s Avisail Garcia, right, beats the tag by Minnesota Twins second Braves relief pitcher Peter Moylan during the seventh inning of a baseball baseman Brian Dozier to steal second base in the eighth inning of a baseball game. — AP game. — AP Braves suffer ninth MLB results/standings Chicago White Sox 6, Minnesota 4; Washington 15, Atlanta 1; Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 3; Kansas City 15, Detroit 7; straight defeat Colorado 11, San Francisco 3; San Diego 10, LA Dodgers 7.

WASHINGTON: Bryce Harper walked all four times he came to six runs before getting the hook four batters into the second American League the plate and scored each time as Washington sent Atlanta to its inning. Reliever Kyle Ryan (1-3) was tagged with the loss as Eastern Division ninth straight loss, 15-1 Thursday night. Ryan Zimmerman kept Detroit pitchers allowed 61 runs during a 1-5 trip through W L PCT GB up his torrid stretch with three hits and four RBIs and Jordan Toronto and Kansas City. Toronto 76 57 .571 - Zimmermann (12-8) pitched six solid innings. Nick Castellanos drove in three runs for the Tigers. After drop- NY Yankees 74 58 .561 1.5 The Nationals moved within six games of the first-place Mets ping the series opener, the Royals managed 34 hits and 27 runs in Tampa Bay 66 67 .496 10 in the NL East. The Braves have lost 16 of 17. Harper joined Larry taking the next two games. That allowed the AL Central leaders to Baltimore 64 69 .481 12 Doby (1951), Joe Morgan (1973) and Rickey Henderson (1989) as extend their unbeaten streak to eight straight series. the only players to score four runs without an official at-bat since Boston 61 72 .459 15 1914, according to STATS. Rookie Matt Wisler (5-6) is 0-5 with a ROCKIES 11, GIANTS 3 Central Division 9.49 ERA in his last seven starts. Carlos Gonzalez homered twice for the second straight night Kansas City 82 51 .617 - and Chris Rusin pitched a complete game for Colorado. Gonzalez Minnesota 69 64 .519 13 BREWERS 5, PIRATES 3 hit two two-run homers to take the NL lead with a career-high 35. Cleveland 64 68 .485 17.5 Taylor Jungmann pitched six strong innings as Milwaukee He finished with four hits and drove in four runs to lead Chicago White Sox 62 70 .470 19.5 completed a sweep and beat Pittsburgh for the sixth straight time Colorado’s season-high 19-hit effort. Detroit 61 72 .459 21 overall. Nolan Arenado of the Rockies homered for the fourth consec- Western Division The three losses at Miller Park dropped the Pirates 61/2 games utive game. Gonzalez’s big night helped extend San Francisco’s behind the NL Central-leading Cardinals. Pittsburgh opens a losing streak to six games. Gonzalez, who hit a grand slam and a Houston 73 61 .545 - three-game series at St. Louis on Friday night. two-run homer in his last two at bats against Arizona on Texas 70 62 .530 2 Jungmann (9-5) gave up one run and three hits. Francisco Wednesday, went deep off Ryan Vogelsong in Colorado’s four-run LA Angels 67 66 .504 5.5 Rodriguez closed for his 33rd save in 34 chances. Francisco Liriano first. He greeted reliever George Kontos with a shot down the Seattle 63 71 .470 10 (9-7) took the loss. right-field line in the fourth to give Colorado a 9-2 lead. He has 11 Oakland 58 76 .433 15 RBIs in his last two games. National League WHITE SOX 6, TWINS 4 Gonzalez has 16 career multi-homer games in his career, Eastern Division JB Shuck’s two-run, pinch-hit triple in the seventh inning lifted including six this season which have all come since July 24. He NY Mets 74 59 .556 - the Chicago White Sox over Minnesota. Eddie Rosario hit a grand doubled in the second and singled in the ninth ahead of slam for the Twins, who fell 11/2 games behind idle Texas for the Arenado’s 34th homer. Washington 68 65 .511 6 second AL wild-card spot. Minnesota now starts a nine-game trip Vogelsong (9-11) allowed eight runs - seven earned - on 11 Miami 55 79 .410 19.5 to division leaders Houston and Kansas City and wraps up at the hits in three-plus innings. Rusin (5-7) allowed three runs and six Atlanta 54 80 .403 20.5 White Sox. hits and struck out five. Philadelphia 53 81 .396 21.5 Shuck’s liner off reliever Casey Fien (4-6) made it 5-4 and Central Division helped Chicago win for just the second time in 10 games at PADRES 10, DODGERS 7 St. Louis 86 47 .647 - Target Field this season. Jeff Samardzija (9-11) ended his six-game Jedd Gyorko hit a two-run homer and Yangervis Solarte had Pittsburgh 79 53 .598 6.5 losing streak. David Robertson got his 28th save in 34 chances. four hits to lead San Diego. Chicago Cubs 75 57 .568 10.5 With San Diego trailing 7-6 entering the eighth inning, Jim ROYALS 15, TIGERS 7 Johnson (2-6) walked leadoff hitter Justin Upton before Gyorko Milwaukee 58 75 .436 28 Lorenzo Cain hit a three-run homer, Paulo Orlando added a followed with 11th homer. Kevin Quackenbush (3-2) pitched two Cincinnati 55 77 .417 30.5 two-run shot and Kendrys Morales drove in four runs as Kansas scoreless innings to earn the victory. Joaquin Benoit retired the Western Division City wrapped up another series win. side in the ninth for his second save. San Diego scored two runs in LA Dodgers 75 58 .564 - Ben Zobrist drove in two runs for the Royals, whose 15 runs each of the first two innings against Dodgers starter Mat Latos, San Francisco 69 65 .515 6.5 and 20 hits were their most since piling up 21 hits in a 16-8 victory who allowed four runs in four innings and has not won a game Arizona 65 69 .485 10.5 at Colorado on July 3, 2011. since being acquired by Los Angeles on July 30. Odrisamer San Diego 65 69 .485 10.5 Chris Young (10-6) earned the win with two scoreless innings Despaigne and Marc Rzepczynski allowed five runs in the sixth as in relief of Edinson Volquez, who yielded six runs, eight hits and a the Dodgers built a 7-4 lead. Solarte hit a solo home run to pull Colorado 55 78 .414 20 walk in three innings. Tigers starter Matt Boyd was hammered for San Diego within 7-6. Solarte had two doubles and a single. — AP SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Safety talks ramp up after Wilson’s death

PENNSYLVANIA: IndyCar and Formula One are The fragile-looking but monstrously powerful Aside from the safety aspect, there is another investigating the use of enclosed cockpits to Top Fuel racers develop around 10,000 hp as they benefit according to Schumacher. “The turbulence improve driver safety following the recent death of rocket down a 1,000-foot strip in under four sec- is taken away and the sound is so much better. I can Briton Justin Wilson, and could take a leaf out of the onds, reaching top speeds in excess of 320mph. hear the engine so much better because I’m in a National Hot Rod Association’s book. They require parachutes to help them stop. capsule,” he said. According to Don Schumacher Former F1 driver Wilson suffered severe head At those speeds a strike from anything-like the Racing, the cockpit protects the driver with “a injuries from flying debris during a wreck in the bouncing spring that struck Brazil’s Felipe Massa’s hydraulic, fighter jet-type canopy that includes sides closing laps of an IndyCar race in Pennsylvania last head at the Hungarian Grand Prix in 2009 — could and a rear made of a combination of Kevlar and car- month and died in hospital the following day. be fatal to one of the NHRA drivers. bon fiber” that slips over of an existing chassis. While none of the prototypes in IndyCar or The canopy used by the drag racers closes over “The canopy can be quickly released inside by Formula One has yet shown the benefits to clearly the existing car, and eight-time NHRA champion the driver or at the rear by crew or safety workers. outweigh the disadvantages, the National Hot Rod Schumacher would now never contemplate com- The canopy also carries a fire suppression system Association’s premier division, Top Fuel, has been peting without one. and fresh-air breathing system.” racing successfully with canopies since 2012. “I’ve hit three birds in my life in a top fuel,” There has not been a fatality in over 80 events in Don Schumacher Racing, which fields cars for Schumacher told Reuters. “You hit one with (just) the NHRA’s Top Fuel since canopies were adopted series champions Tony Schumacher and Antron your helmet it will kill you. I don’t care what helmet in August 2012 and Brown is a firm believer after Brown, developed some of the original cockpit you have on. It will blind you at 300mph ... and surviving a fiery wreck in May last year without suf- designs which are still in use today. you’re going to put it (the car) upside down.” fering an injury. —Reuters

ITALY: Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain leads his teammate Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg of Germany during the second free practice at the Monza racetrack. — AP Hamilton clocks fastest to dominate F1

MONZA: Lewis Hamilton continued his current domination of for any team to thrive in Formula One, so to be able to enter a third Williams after spending nine seasons at Ferrari, is currently fifth in the Formula One by topping the times ahead of Mercedes team-mate season with one of the strongest driver line-ups on the grid puts drivers’ championship ahead of tomorrow’s Italian Grand Prix at Nico Rosberg in yesterday’s second free practice ahead of this week- Williams in a fantastic position to continue its momentum towards Monza. end’s Italian Grand Prix. The newly-blond defending two-time world the front of the grid in 2016. “I am very happy to be a part of the Williams family. I am in my champion, in his 50th Grand Prix for Mercedes, clocked a best lap in “I am really pleased to be staying with the team for a fourth F1 second year here and am so pleased to be staying as we are working one minute and 24.279 seconds on a warm, if overcast, afternoon at race season,” said Bottas who joined the Williams race set-up in 2012 very well together as a team,” the Brazilian said. the high-speed Autodromo Nazional where Mercedes’ new engines before making his Grand Prix bow a year later. “They respect me a lot and the results are there, and it has been reigned supreme. “We have been getting stronger as a team and I look forward to so nice to be part of the big turnaround the team has seen since the Hamilton’s best time was 0.021 seconds faster than that of his what next year will bring, as I believe we can achieve even stronger end of 2013. I can’t wait to carry on and continue pushing even more German partner, who became a father for the first time last weekend results than what we have seen so far.” Massa, who moved to for the team and for myself.”— AFP and who lies 28 points adrift in the drivers’ title race. Four-time champion Sebastian Vettel was third for Ferrari, unable to close a gap of 0.759 seconds on the two ‘silver arrows’ much to the Ecclestone takes pressure out of tyre row disappointment of the tifosi gathered within the old royal park where the circuit, dubbed by some as ‘the temple of speed’, plays MONZA: Not for the first time, Bernie Ecclestone exerted his author- Ecclestone’s support for Pirelli not only ended the immediate host to their home event. Behind Vettel, two more Mercedes-pow- ity over Formula One and the sport’s leading drivers with a few argument about their tyres following the high-speed blowouts suf- ered cars filled the fourth and fifth places with Mexican Sergio Perez forthright words when he intervened to defuse a simmering row fered by Vettel, during the Belgian race, and fellow-German Nico narrowly outpacing his Force India team-mate Nico Hulkenberg over the quality of Pirelli’s tyres. He also gave a clear signal of possi- Rosberg of Mercedes, during Friday practice, but also put the safety ahead of Kimi Raikkonen, who was sixth in the second Ferrari. ble intent and assured the Italian company not only has security emphasis back on their teams. Frenchman Romain Grosjean was seventh ahead of his Lotus and backing during a difficult period, but, another long-term deal Ferrari had chosen to run the Belgian race using a risky one-stop team-mate Pastor Maldonado and the two Williams of Valtteri Bottas with the sport in prospect. strategy for Vettel. Ecclestone’s comments come at a time when and Brazilian Felipe Massa. The session was without serious incidents, After hearing of continuing complaints from four-time champi- there is much speculation about who will win the next three-year but Dutch teenager Max Verstappen survived one frightening inci- on German Sebastian Vettel of Ferrari, whose expletive-riddled tyre contract for Formula One, from 2017, with Michelin reportedly dent when he had a ‘moment’ and recovered control of his car at anger had been aired widely after last month’s Belgian Grand Prix, also in the running. high speed. Briton Jenson Button’s car had a water leak as he strug- the sport’s commercial boss issued a rare official public statement. Michelin has made it clear that it would prefer to supply tyres gled to 19th place for McLaren Honda ahead of the equally desultory This said: “Pirelli has been a first class partner of Formula 1 dur- that would last a full race distance and not degrade rapidly, thus Russian Daniil Kvyat whose Red Bull, fitted with an ‘old’ Renault ing the five seasons in which it has been the official supplier of tyres requiring pit stops. Ecclestone’s statement added: “Pirelli has engine, left him relatively powerless and in 20th. Two-time world to the FIA Formula 1 world championship. offered to provide to each car a single set of tyres to last for an champion Fernando Alonso was, by contrast, in good form as he “We continue to have full confidence in the safety, quality and entire event. While we know they would be very capable of it, a race climbed to 16th in the second McLaren while Australian Daniel suitability of its tyres. Within the constraints of safety considerations, with no pit stops would be less exciting. “Thank you, Pirelli, for help- Ricciardo was 13th in the other Red Bull car. For both teams, and their which are always paramount, Formula 1 encourages Pirelli to pro- ing us to deliver excitement to Formula 1 fans.” drivers, however, it was a day without much joy. vide tyre compounds with performance because tyre degradation In the wake of the blowouts at Spa-Francorchamps, and wide- Meanwhile, Felipe Massa and Valtteri Bottas will stay on with contributes to the challenge and entertainment of a Formula 1 race. spread amazement at their proposal to increase advised minimum Williams for a third season, ending speculation that Jenson Button “When doing so, Pirelli provides strong guidance to competitors tyre pressures by five psi this weekend, Pirelli also reacted again. could return to the team which gave him his start in Formula One in about any performance limitations of the tyres supplied. Defending world champion Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes had 2000. Button had been linked with a move back to Williams for 2016, “Competitors should heed Pirelli’s expert advice when setting their warned that an increase of five could “be a disaster” and, within but team principal Frank Williams, said he was delighted to retain race strategy and tactics, and if they do not, it is at their own risk. hours, Pirelli were re-evaluating their advice. Instead of five psi, they Massa and Bottas for another campaign. “We are entirely satisfied Pirelli was not at fault for any tyre-related were considering only two, according to paddock sources. A final “I’m delighted to confirm that Felipe and Valtteri will be racing for incidents during the Belgian Grand Prix.” statement from Pirelli was expected late yesterday. — AFP Williams once again next year,” he said on Thursday. “Stability is key SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Fraser-Pryce secures Diamond League 100m

ZURICH: Twice Olympic champion Shelly- for me.” Former Olympic champion Ann Fraser-Pryce streaked to victory in the American LaShawn Merritt won the men’s Diamond League women’s 100 metres final 400 metres in a race which finished with the on Thursday with a time of 10.93 seconds Beijing medallists again taking the top against a head wind on a cold, blustery three places but this time in a different evening. The 28-year-old Jamaican, who order. dyed her hair green for her successful world The 2011 world champion Kirani James title defence in Beijing last month before of Grenada, who finished third in Beijing, reverting to black during a two-hour visit to was second and South Africa’s surprise a Zurich hairdresser on Wednesday, picked world champion Wayde van Niekerk was up $40,000 for winning the Diamond third. League Trophy in her event. James’s second place was enough to Sixteen finals were staged on Thursday give him the Diamond League Trophy for at a meeting which featured 20 individual his event. “I am very tired now but I’m noth- gold medallists from Beijing. The remaining ing but thankful to these guys,” James said. 16 events will be decided in Brussels on “Merritt was great tonight.” Sept. 11. “There is no more to ask, I won the Beijing bronze medallist Eunice Sum of world championships and the Diamond Kenya surged to the front in the final 50 race,” said Fraser-Pryce. “I was eager to metres to win the women’s 800 metres in come back on the track after Beijing and I 1:59.14 from Britain’s Lynsey Sharp and pick just enjoy this meeting.” Fraser-Pryce com- up the trophy for her event. pleted the night by anchoring the Jamaican Sum, who lost her world title to Maryna team to a meeting record of 41.60 seconds Arzamasova of Belarus when she finished in the women’s 4x100 metres relay. third in China, said: “This race really meant a Britain’s Greg Rutherford, who added lot to me after Beijing. I didn’t feel well the world men’s long jump title to his there but I still made the final.” Olympic, European and Commonwealth Another Kenyan, Asbel Kiprop, winner gold medals in Beijing, showed his compet- of the last three world 1,500 metres titles, itive grit after a long season to win on a got the victory he needed to confirm his countback from American Marquis Dendy $40,000 prize. Qatar’s world indoor high and clinch the Diamond League trophy. jump champion Mutaz Barshim, who fin- Both men leaped 8.32 metres. “It was very ished out of the medals in Beijing, won the important to come out here to win again,” men’s event in Zurich ahead of his close Rutherford said. “I am absolutely over the rival Bodhan Bondarenko of Ukraine, the moon, I won the world championships and world bronze medallist, with a height of ZURICH: Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce from Jamaica reacts after winning the women’s 100m race during the I won the Diamond race. It is the last crown 2.32 metres. —Reuters IAAF Diamond League athletics meeting. —AP How green should a course Sizzling Day eyes be in times of drought?

LOS ANGELES: For the non-golfer, the Erusha says she has been especially fourth PGA Tour image is an unsettling one-lush golf excited by the USGA’s development of courses sprawling across the desert an electronic resource management NORTON: Red-hot Jason Day of reporters on Thursday as he prepared Barclays, but was reluctant to describe areas around Palm Springs in arid tool which will aid golf course superin- Australia heads into this week’s for Friday’s opening round when he will himself as the world number one. California while the state is suffering a tendents in identifying areas where irri- Deutsche Bank Championship seeking a play in high-profile company with world “I honestly believe that I am playing drought for a fourth consecutive year. gation, mowing and fertilizer can be fourth PGA Tour victory in five starts to number two Jordan Spieth and fourth- some good golf right now but with Rory Similar scenes can be found in greatly reduced. “This tool is not com- strengthen his grip at the top of the ranked Bubba Watson. coming back and Jordan, I can’t say that states such as Nevada, Texas and pletely available to the public as of FedExCup standings. “It’s a beautiful place, the people are I am (the game’s best player),” said third- Arizona where golf courses appear to yet,” said Erusha. “This summer, we The 27-year-old won the opener in fantastic and the crowds are great. The ranked Day. “It just wouldn’t feel right. be getting more than their fair share of have been field testing it with 39 differ- the lucrative four-event playoff series by golf course, for some reason, fits my eye. “You can’t look at the world rankings water in an era of climate change when ent golf courses across the U.S to build a commanding six shots at The Barclays So when you put that all together, you and go, ‘Yeah I’m the best player in the usage is increasingly restricted in the up the content in the data base. “The last week and now turns his attention to start to feel a lot more comfortable world but I am ranked third in the world private and public sectors. For the idea behind the tool is to be able to the TPC Boston in Norton where he fin- here.” right now.’ It’s a two-year rollover for a United States Golf Association (USGA), look at how golfers are utilising the ished second in 2010 and tied for third Day has been unquestionably the reason (in the rankings system). however, a much bigger picture must course and then balance that with how in 2011. best player in the game over the past six “The play that I’ve been doing over be viewed when it comes to assessing the golf course is being maintained.” “I love coming back up here,” PGA weeks, piling up wins at the Canadian the last six or seven weeks has been the management of resources on golf An integral component of the tool Championship winner Day told Open, PGA Championship and The great but the (rankings) average is there courses, which can play a significant is a GPS tracker which is fitted to for a reason. I’ve just got to keep playing environmental role in urban areas. golfers to monitor their movements well and hope that I can get my name “Golf adds such a benefit to communi- out on the course. “You then take there, at the top of the world rankings.” ties,” Kimberly Erusha, managing direc- those tracks and lay them down over a Northern Irish world number one tor of the greens section for the USGA, Google Earth image of the golf course McIlroy returns to action at the TPC told Reuters. “You think about the and see where exactly the players are Boston after skipping The Barclays last green space golf courses offer, the going,” said Erusha. “We can then iden- week, where Spieth surprisingly missed benefits of the habitat they offer. tify areas that are not being used as the cut to end his short reign at the top “Golf courses provide oxygen, they much, and those areas can be put of the rankings and slide down to sec- are a great cooling sink for the commu- under less irrigation, less mowing, less ond. nity and it’s a great recreation that you fertiliser and they don’t have to be The top 70 players on the FedExCup can play from young to old. “We also maintained. Ultimately that’s going to points list after the Deutsche Bank have to look at what’s going on behind help with the bottom line.” advance to the Sept. 17-20 BMW the scenes, at very efficient irrigation Golf course superintendents also Championship in Lake Forest, Illinois systems and at golf course superin- benefit from an array of other tools, where the leading 30 will qualify for the tendents who are trained to be able to including soil sensors and hand-held Tour Championship finale in Atlanta the apply water as efficiently as possible.” moisture meters, while grasses have following week. USGA green section agronomists been developed by the USGA that Among those in danger of being have made more than 80,000 consult- require less water and less fertiliser. eliminated after this week’s event are ing visits to golf courses in the United California’s ongoing drought and esca- 2011 PGA Championship winner States since the 1950s and the govern- lating talk in the U.S. about climate Keegan Bradley (71st) and England’s for- ing body has given more than $40 mil- change globally have unquestionably mer world number one Luke Donald lion to fund research into turf care and heightened public awareness about (87th). — Reuters development. water usage. — Reuters Jason Day in action in this file photo. SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Eagles likely to get wings clipped at World Cup

LONDON: Although overshadowed by another game played with an oval ball, the United States Eagles head into the Rugby World Cup knowing their sport has made great strides in popularity in the last few years. More than 61,000 people packed Soldier Field, home of the NFL’s Chicago Bears, to watch the Eagles take on New Zealand last November. Never mind that they got thumped. They beat a tough Uruguay side in an epic two-match Americas playoff to qualify for the tournament. But pitted against Scotland, Samoa, South Africa and Japan in Pool B, the Eagles are likely to find their wings clipped. With the Springboks among the tourna- ment favourites and Scotland resurgent, the U.S. will be targeting Japan to avoid bring- ing up the rear in the pool. Two of their three victories in seven previous World Cups have come against the Japanese. They beat Japan 23-18 in Sacramento, California, in July, ending a run of five defeats against their opponents. The Eagles have some handy players and an upset against Samoa or even Scotland cannot be discounted. Saracen’s Chris Wyles, the United States’ most capped fullback, will bring his experience of top class European CHICAGO: The Australian National Rugby team, nicknamed the Wallabies, practice at the University of Notre Dame. The US Rugby Eagles rugby to the festival. and Australia Wallabies play at Soldier Field in Chicago today, in a final test before both teams depart for the Rugby World Cup in Wyles captained the side in the recent England. — AP Pacific Nations Cup after flanker Todd Clever, who has Super Rugby experience The man to watch is Samu Manoa, play- is now signed to Toulon in France after four the United States will be the defending with South Africa’s Lions, was suspended for ing at number eight or lock. A terrific tackler years with Northampton. And whatever hap- champions having won the gold medal the squad conduct violations and looks set to and fast and strong with the ball, he is con- pens at the World Cup, when rugby returns last time the sport was played at the Games, miss out on the World Cup. sidered among Europe’s finest forwards and to the Olympics at Rio de Janeiro in 2016, in Paris in 1924. — Reuters Future hosts Japan eye Samoa confident long-awaited W Cup win for World Cup TOKYO: In Japan, things tend to discipline, but a stronger line-up move at a frustratingly slow pace should have too much power and when it comes to rugby. Whether it pace for the Eagles if the penalty SAMOA: Almost a quarter of a Unable to match the salaries on Head coach Stephen Betham be stadium construction for the Asian count is kept in check. century ago, in the pool rounds of offer from clubs in Europe, New named veteran wing Alesana nation’s debut effort as World Cup Ill-discipline during the PNC was a the 1991 rugby World Cup, Zealand and Australia, many of Tuilagi, who featured at the last hosts in four years time or the work grave concern but Jones also had to Western Samoa pulled off one of their best players have been lured two World Cup and now plays for on the field to bridge the gap on the cope with grumblings of discontent rugby’s biggest upsets when they away from their homeland, then Newcastle, as his vice-captain, illus- world’s elite teams. off the field with the Australian dis- beat the once-mighty Wales at switched nationalities. trating his heavy reliance on expe- Eddie Jones has certainly been an missing claims by Otago Highlanders Cardiff Arms Park. It was a result That familiarity has contributed rience. Samoa have genuine hopes improvement on predecessor John scrumhalf Fumiaki Tanaka there was that shook rugby’s established to the element of surprise being of making knockout stages after Kirwan as head coach, with the disharmony in the squad. world order to the core, offering a long gone, with Samoa having being drawn in Pool B with South Australian overseeing better Pacific Following their expected group first-hand look at the awesome, built an impressive CV of wins over Africa, Scotland, Japan and the Nations Cup results and test wins stage exit, Japan will look towards largely untapped potential of the other top-tier nations, including United States, with their final game over tier one nations Italy and a heav- their staging of the 2019 tournament, Pacific Islanders as well as the Australia and Ireland. against Scotland in Newcastle likely ily weakened Wales squad. where late re-drafting of Olympic decline of Wales, one of the sport’s In July, they pushed the reign- to be key. They finished runner-up He has also helped pave the way Stadium plans have led to construc- traditional powers. ing World Cup holders New in this year’s Pacific Nations Cup, for playing opportunities for his tion delays and un-welcoming The Welsh became the butt of Zealand, losing 25-16, but prompt- despite missing several key players squad in the southern hemisphere headaches for organisers who need a English humor, with one line doing ing All Blacks captain Richie who are now available for the Super Rugby competition and new venue for the final. the rounds suggesting they were McCaw to predict great things World Cup squad and, as ever, will steered away from the previous Jones, though, will be not be lucky they didn’t play the whole of from Samoa at the World Cup. improve through the tournament emphasis on naturalising foreign tal- around, having decided to leave Samoa, which they, and everyone “With form like that you will get as they enjoy a rare lengthy period ent for the national team. Tokyo after the World Cup despite else, now do. better and I know you will be a of good preparation and train- But the acid test of his encourag- previously agreeing to become direc- But history has shown that force to be reckoned with in ing.”We know that the hopes and ing tenure will be, as it has been for tor of rugby of Japan’s new Super Samoa’s win in 1991 was not what’s ahead. You have a pretty dreams of all our Samoan people every Japanese boss over the last 20 Rugby franchise. about weak opponents, it was special team and I’m sure you will are in this team, and that is a heavy years, to see whether he can add to The team is still without a name, about their own arrival on the do well,” McCaw said. burden, but one made so much their sole World Cup win in 1991 coach and the a squad despite the world stage. The Samoans were Samoa will head into the eighth easier to bear knowing that the against Zimbabwe. season being only six months away, not even afforded an invitation to World Cup full of optimism and people of Samoa and Samoans all With opening Group B matches in custom with the Japanese rugby the inaugural World Cup on their familiar with the challenges they around the world are firmly behind against the powerful packs of South way. doorstep in New Zealand in 1987 face with a dozen of their squad this team,” team manager Africa, Scotland and Samoa, the Oct. When it does get into gear, the but have been a big part of every members already play profession- Namulauulu Sami Leota said. 11 clash against the United States in stiff competition of the South African tournament since, reaching the ally in England. “Every time we travel offshore, we the sport’s English heartland of sides that the Japanese have been quarter-finals in 1991 and 1995, London Irish flanker Ofisa are touched by the love and the Gloucester looks set to be the million pooled with stand the Brave the last World Cup played by ama- Treviranus was named captain of support this team attracts, so I dollar match. Blossoms in better stead for the teurs. the 31-man squad, which compris- want to reassure everyone that our A second string Japan lost 23-18 World Cup on home soil. But for now, The era of professionalism has es 18 forwards and 13 backs, mak- hopes and our dreams are the to the U.S. in their final Pacific Nations the gap on the elite remains too size- not been kind to the national ing it back in time after hurting his same. We dare to dream the Cup (PNC) fixture in July after poor able. — Reuters teams from the Pacific Islands. neck playing against the All Blacks. unthinkable.” — Reuters SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

NEW YORK: Andy Murray of the United Kingdom lunges to return a shot to Adrian Mannarino of France during the second round of the US Open tennis tournament. —AP Federer cruises, Murray struggles Hewitt says farewell to US Open

NEW YORK: Five-time champion Roger Federer 28, who had needed four sets to beat Nick Kyrgios fell 6-3, 6-2, 3-6, 5-7, 7-5 after three hours and 27 Denis Istomin retired from their matches as they strolled into the US Open third round on Thursday in the opening round, fired 21 aces while minutes after his 57th career five-set match. wilted in the 33-degree Celsius (91.4 F) heat. Twelve as fellow old-timer Lleyton Hewitt bid farewell in Mannarino was undone by 61 unforced errors. Hewitt will retire after January’s Australian Open. men-a record at the majors-as well as two women trademark fighting style. Former world number one Hewitt, the champion in “I would have liked to have been able to enjoy it a have now quit matches in the first four days. The On a dramatic day which saw a record created 2001, made a dramatic farewell battling from two bit more,” said Hewitt who was described as a “leg- 22-year-old Sock was leading Belgium’s Ruben for the longest women’s match, and a new Grand sets down and having two match points before los- end” by Tomic. Bemelmans 6-4, 6-4, 3-6, 1-2 when he started Slam high for retirements from the men’s tourna- ing to fellow Australian Bernard Tomic on a rocking “But obviously when it’s so tight, especially in cramping and was forced to retire. ment, Andy Murray escaped his earliest exit in 10 Grandstand court. the fifth set, you’re just trying to find a way to obvi- Sock, the 28th seed, collapsed on the court, years when he came back from two sets down to In his final match in New York, the 34-year-old ously get across the line.” America’s Jack Sock and where he was treated with ice packs by US Open make the last 32. medical staff before being helped off to the shade There was also a late security scare when a of the Grandstand. Bemelmans next plays fifth- drone crashed into the corner of Louis Armstrong seeded French Open champion Stan Wawrinka Stadium. Then, after midnight, 2009 and 2014 run- Crashed drone sparks who beat South Korean teenager Chung Hyeon 7-6 ner-up Caroline Wozniacki, the fourth seed, was (7/2), 7-6 (7/4), 7-6 (8/6). knocked out by Czech world number 149 Petra Istomin called it quits on Court Seven against Cetkovska who saved four match points to win 6-4, US Open security scare Austrian 20th seed Dominic Thiem, who was 6-4, 6- 5-7, 7-6 (7/1). 4, 1-0 up at the time, with his win coming on his Cetkovska, who recently missed seven months NEW YORK: A drone crashed at the US Open ongoing investigation.” There was a similar 22nd birthday. of action with a hip injury, committed 60 unforced Thursday, causing a match to be interrupted incident at Wimbledon in July as some of the The carnage led again to suggestions that the errors but unleashed 60 winners. after it flew over the Flushing Meadows com- world’s top players warmed up for the Grand men, who play the best of five sets, should be World number two Federer, the 17-time Grand plex. The drone crashed in the corner of the Slam in south-west London. accorded the same heat protection as women play- Slam champion, needed just 80 minutes to rout Louis Armstrong Stadium in the latter stages Police were alerted to a man flying a ers. Belgium’s Steve Darcis 6-1, 6-2, 6-1. of a women’s singles clash between Italy’s drone over the All England Club from a near- The WTA allows a 10-minute break between the The 34-year-old Swiss star, who was champion Flavia Pennetta and Monica Niculescu of by golf course in contravention of British law, second and third sets of women’s matches when from 2004-2008 and runner-up in 2009, goes on to Romania. which states that it is an offence to fly a the mercury bursts through 30.1 degrees. face German 29th seed Philipp Kohlschreiber. “I feared the drone was a bomb,” Pennetta drone within 50 metres of a structure. Drones “When it’s extremely hot and humid, it helps to Federer has lost just nine games in the first two told “With all have become a security concern at major have that break,” said Murray. “You get the chance rounds, his fewest in 16 appearances. “Very often I the news out there, I thought it was over. My sporting events since October, when a Euro to sort of go off and change, get under a cold started this tournament quite strong. It’s always team was so scared.” US Open organisers said 2016 qualifier between Serbia and Albania shower if you want to.” Britain’s world number 97 gone quite well for me,” said Federer. the incident was under investigation. ended with the match abandoned after a Johanna Konta made history when she defeated “I’ve always enjoyed conditions here, the balls, “At approximately 8:27pm on Thursday, a drone carrying a political banner was flown Wimbledon runner-up Garbine Muguruza in the the speed of the court, the atmosphere in the are- drone flying from the east flew into the into the stadium. Players clashed when the longest women’s match in US Open history. na. It’s always worked very well for me.” southwest corner of Louis Armstrong drone and flag were pulled to the ground Konta won 7-6 (7/4), 6-7 (4/7), 6-2 in 3 hours 23 Darcis later tweeted that playing Federer was Stadium during the Flavia Pennetta vs. and the Albania players refused to play on minutes, beating by seven minutes the previous like facing “a Martian.” Third seed and 2012 champi- Monica Niculescu match,” said a tournament after being attacked by Serbian fans. longest match played in 2011 when Samantha on Murray came back from two sets down to spokesman. “No spectators were in the Also last year, a suspected drone pilot was Stosur defeated Nadia Petrova. defeat tiring Frenchman Adrian Mannarino 5-7, 4-6, immediate area of the crash and there were arrested after a device was flown over The defeats for Muguruza and Wozniacki left 6-1, 6-3, 6-1 on Arthur Ashe Stadium. no injuries. “The New York Police Department Eastlands during Manchester City’s Premier just three of the top 10 left in the tournament-top Murray goes on to face Brazilian 30th seed (NYPD) responded and is conducting an League match against Tottenham. — AFP seed Serena Williams, second seed Simona Halep Thomaz Bellucci for a place in the last 16. Murray, and fifth-seeded Petra Kvitova. — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015

Record beckons for Rooney in San Marino

LONDON: Wayne Rooney will have an oppor- player and top man.” Both Kane and Rooney percent record. Kieran Gibbs and Luke Shaw play in his preferred central role. tunity to break Bobby Charlton’s 45-year-old are yet to score in the Premier League this sea- are vying to replace the injured Leighton Having lost 8-0 on England’s last visit, in England goal-scoring record when he lines up son, but although the Manchester United Baines at left-back, while a new midfield con- March 2013, San Marino’s main objective will against San Marino in today’s Euro 2016 quali- man is without a league goal since April, he figuration will need to be found in the be keeping the score respectable. But England fier in Serravalle. claimed a classy hat-trick at Club Brugge in absence of Jack Wilshere and Jordan fans of a certain age will remember all too well The England captain, 29, equalled Gary the Champions League play-off round last Henderson. the uncomfortable 20 minutes that elapsed Lineker’s tally of 48 goals with a late winner in month. One player hoping for a chance to shine is after Davide Gualteri opened the scoring after a 3-2 success away to Slovenia in June, which With an aggregate score of 31-1 in their Jonjo Shelvey, who has been brought back only 8.3 seconds in a World Cup qualifier left him one goal below Charlton’s mark of 49. five previous meetings with San Marino, cur- into the fold after some strong early-season between the teams in Bologna in November A brace at the tiny Stadio Olimpico will rently ranked 193rd in the world, victory for displays for Swansea City. It is three years 1993 — a tournament record that still stands. give him the record outright, while an England is all but inevitable, and it will be since he won his only cap to date, which also After equalising through Paul Ince in the England victory-which is widely expected-will enough to take them to France. came against San Marino, and the former 21st minute, England eventually won 7-1, but see Roy Hodgson’s side qualify from Group E England could conceivably finish level on Liverpool midfielder is eager to seize the it was not enough to secure them a place at with three games to spare. “Hopefully he can points with Slovenia and Switzerland even if opportunity. “It seems every time I get called the World Cup and remains an unpleasant break the record on this trip,” said Tottenham they win, but their results against those two up we are playing San Marino,” he joked this memory. San Marino will also draw hope from Hotspur’s Harry Kane, who is a candidate to teams would give them the edge in a three- week. “But I just want to get a start, hopefully I the fact they held Estonia to a 0-0 draw in their partner Rooney in attack. way head-to-head mini-league. While the can, and then it is down to me to cement a last home game in November, which was the “He is an incredible talent, a world-class match promises little in the way of sporting place in this squad.” In attack, with Daniel first time they had avoided defeat in 60 home player, and trains very hard to be where he is. intrigue, it will give Hodgson an opportunity Sturridge and Danny Welbeck-England’s top European Championship qualifiers. England “It is great to be able to train with him, talk to to look at some of the players on the fringes of scorer in qualifying-sidelined, Arsenal’s Theo then host Switzerland on Tuesday, while San him and learn from him. He is an all-round top his team as his side look to preserve their 100 Walcott may be offered an opportunity to Marino visit Lithuania. —AFP

Iceland on brink of Euro 2016 EURO 2016 QUALIFYING TABLES Euro 2016 qualifiers under (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): Dutch in danger of missing finals Group A Iceland 7 6 0 1 15 3 18 PARIS: Iceland took a big step Czech Republic 7 5 1 1 14 9 16 Netherlands 7 3 1 3 13 7 10 towards sealing their ticket to Euro Turkey 7 2 3 2 8 9 9 2016 with a 1-0 win in the Latvia 7 0 4 3 3 14 4 Netherlands on Thursday which put Kazakhstan 7 0 1 6 5 16 1 the Dutch in danger of missing the Group B finals in France. Wales 7 5 2 0 9 2 17 A Gylfi Sigurdsson penalty on 51 Belgium 7 4 2 1 16 3 14 minutes ensured that Iceland stay Israel 7 4 0 3 14 9 12 Cyprus 7 3 0 4 12 12 9 top of Group A with 18 points - eight Bosnia-Herzegovina 7 2 2 3 9 10 8 ahead of World Cup bronze medal- Andorra 7 0 0 7 3 27 0 lists the Netherlands - who are third with three games left. The stuttering Group C Slovakia 6 6 0 0 13 3 18 Dutch campaign had already cost Spain 6 5 0 1 15 3 15 Guus Hiddink his job and new coach Ukraine 6 4 0 2 9 2 12 Danny Blind had a baptism of fire in Belarus 6 1 1 4 4 11 4 Macedonia 6 1 0 5 6 14 3 Amsterdam. With their backs to the Luxembourg 6 0 1 5 3 17 1 wall the Dutch desperately needed a win but were lucky not to be trailing Group D after seven minutes with Jon Dadi Poland 6 4 2 0 20 3 14 Germany 6 4 1 1 16 4 13 Bodvarson missing on front of goal. Scotland 6 3 2 1 12 6 11 The Dutch lost captain Arjen Ireland 6 2 3 1 12 5 9 Robben to an apparent groin injury Georgia 6 1 0 5 4 13 3 after half and hour and he was Gibraltar 6 0 0 6 1 34 0 replaced by Luciano Narsingh. Group E And things began to unravel for England 6 6 0 0 18 3 18 the hosts when defender Bruno Switzerland 6 4 0 2 13 4 12 Slovenia 6 3 0 3 12 7 9 Martins Indi was send off on 33 min- Estonia 6 2 1 3 3 5 7 utes for appearing to grab striker Lithuania 6 2 0 4 4 12 6 Kolbeinn Sigthorsson by the neck. San Marino 6 0 1 5 0 19 1 The nightmare continued after Group F the break with Swansea midfielder Romania 6 4 2 0 7 1 14 Sigurdsson converting a penalty Northern Ireland 6 4 1 1 8 4 13 awarded after Gregory van der Wiel Hungary 6 3 2 1 5 3 11 brought down Birkir Bjarnason. Faroe Islands 6 2 0 4 4 8 6 Finland 6 1 1 4 5 8 4 Blind, the former iconic captain of Greece 6 0 2 4 2 7 2 Dutch giants Ajax, had said he want- ed to “breathe new life” into the Group G Austria 6 5 1 0 11 2 16 national side, but time is now ticking Sweden 6 3 3 0 10 4 12 on the 1988 European champions’ NETHERLANDS: Iceland’s midfielder Johann Gudmundsson Russia 6 2 2 2 9 4 8 campaign. (left) vies Netherlands Memphis Depay (right) during the UEFA Montenegro 6 1 2 3 4 8 5 The Netherlands are third in Liechtenstein 6 1 2 3 2 12 5 Group A six points behind the Czech Euro 2016 qualifying round football match. —AFP Moldova 6 0 2 4 3 9 2 Republic who beat Kazakhstan 2-1 Group H thanks to a late Milan Skoda brace on 2016 and a first major tournament home against Bosnia-Herzegovina. Italy 7 4 3 0 10 5 15 74 and 86 minutes. The Netherlands appearance for 58 years as the Real Israel-third with 12 points after beat- Croatia 7 4 3 0 16 3 15 Madrid’s star’s late goal clinched a 1- ing tiny Andorra 4-0 — will be look- Norway 7 4 1 2 8 8 13 face a must-win journey on Sunday Bulgaria 7 2 2 3 7 8 8 to Turkey, who were held 1-1 by 0 win over Cyprus. Bale’s bullet head- ing for a first ever Euro qualification Azerbaijan 7 1 2 4 4 11 5 modest Latvia, and are fourth with er settled a nervous encounter with against Wales. In Group H, Italy took Malta 7 0 1 6 1 11 1 just eight minutes remaining in advantage of Croatia’s goalless draw nine points. The Czech Republic trav- Group I el to Latvia while Iceland will bid to Nicosia and a victory against Israel on in Azerbaijan, to take top spot by Portugal 5 4 0 1 7 4 12 seal their first Euro qualification at Sunday will guarantee their place in beating Malta 1-0 thanks to Denmark 5 3 1 1 8 4 10 home against Kazakhstan. next year’s finals. Wales, who last Southampton striker Graziano Pelle’s Albania 4 3 1 0 7 2 10 qualified for a major tournament at 69th minute goal. The Azzurri host Armenia 5 0 1 4 5 9 1 Serbia 5 0 1 4 3 11 -2 Bale keeps Wales top the 1958 World Cup, are top of their Bulgaria tomorrow in a match that - Serbia have had three points deducted In Group B, Gareth Bale put Wales Group B with 17 points-three points could secure their ticket to next sum- Note: Top two in each group as well as best third-placed team qualify for finals automatical- within touching distance of Euro ahead of Belgium who won 3-1 at mer’s finals in France. — AFP ly. Eight other third-placed teams enter play-offs. SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Spain call on misfiring Costa for key Slovakia clash

MADRID: European champions Spain can take a big showing at the World Cup last year. step towards securing the right to defend their title in Yet, it is at the other end of the field Del Bosque’s France next year when Slovakia travel to Oviedo today side have tended to struggle in recent times scoring defending a 100 percent record in qualifying Group C. just four times in their last five outings. Vicente del Bosque’s men trail the Slovakians by three In the search for goals, Del Bosque has turned to points in the battle to top the group thanks to their 2-1 Diego Costa with the Chelsea striker returning to the defeat in Bratislava in October last year. squad for the first time in nearly a year despite his less However, victory in Asturias and another three than stellar start to the season at club level. points when Spain visit Macedonia in midweek will Costa has failed to shine in a Spain shirt since turn- remove any nagging doubts that the holders could ing his back on Brazil, the land of his birth, to represent spectactularly miss out on the opportunity to win the the defending champions at the World Cup. tournament for a record third consecutive time. Indeed his only goal in seven appearances came Spain’s preparations have been overshadowed by against minnows Luxembourg on his last outing an David de Gea’s failed move from Manchester United international level. “I feel I owe a debt to the coach and to Real Madrid as both clubs pinned the blame on the teammates that have given a lot for me,” said each other for not formalising the deal before the Costa. “The only thing that bothers me is that I haven’t transfer window closed at midnight on Monday night. returned the warmth shown to me by the Spanish De Gea has been included in Del Bosque’s squad national team. It was the right decision, of course it despite not playing a minute of competitive action was, and now that I feel good, there are no injuries and this season as United boss Louis van Gaal claimed the it is a new situation.” Costa is expected to start up front 24-year-old’s concentration had been affected by his as Juventus striker Alvaro Morata misses out through proposed move. However, that lack of match practice injury, whilst Paco Alcacer has yet to find the net for meant the former Atletico Madrid stopper was unlikely Valencia this season. Liverpool defender Martin Skrtel to have started in any case with captain Iker Casillas won’t be able to resume his intense battle with Costa expected to maintain his place despite ending his 25- from when the sides last met as he misses out through year association with Real Madrid to join Porto. suspension. The visitors will also be without the Casillas was badly at fault for Slovakia’s two goals banned Juraj Kucka, whilst Jan Durica and Vladimir in their only competitive defeat since their miserly Weiss miss out through injury. — AFP Iker Casillas in action in this file photo. ‘Overweight’ Balotelli Chung accuses AFC of not ready: Mihajlovic ‘violating’ election rules MILAN: AC Milan fans hoping to see Mario augurs well for the rest of the season,” said SEOUL: Balotelli hit top form for the first city derby of Galliani. “When I see goals like that I get excit- South Korean FIFA presiden- their choice; the elections will be held expressed an interest for other candi- the season were kept in check yesterday by ed.” Milan, who like Inter failed to qualify for tial candidate Chung Mong-joon has by secret ballot and so no member dates, have expressed no interest at Rossoneri coach Sinisa Mihajlovic. Europe this season, have one defeat and one accused the Asian Football will be required to disclose who they all, or are waiting before making up Balotelli, who has returned to the San Siro win from their opening two games of the sea- Confederation (AFC) of sending unso- have voted for,” the statement said. their minds,” said the statement. A on a season-long loan deal, hit the opener, son. However Inter arguably made better licited letters to its members urging “Any association who wishes to sup- spokesman for the FIFA electoral com- provided an assist and won a penalty on acquisitions in the summer transfer market, them to support his rival Michel Platini port a specific candidacy or to mittee declined to comment. Chung, Thursday as Milan beat fourth division side notably signing Stevan Jovetic on a loan deal at next year’s election. In a statement announce their own candidate-is free who has been a vocal critic of both Modena 3-2 in a friendly during the break for (Manchester City), midfielders Geoffrey released on Thursday and read out at to do so, whether by letter, via media Blatter and Platini, said a similar letter international fixtures. Balotelli’s goal from dis- Kondogbia (Monaco) and Felipe Melo a news conference in Seoul, Chung conferences and statements, or was circulated among African mem- tance showed the striker, whose departure (Galatasaray), forward Adem Ljajic (Roma) said the letters asked members to sign through any other way that they so bers but the Confederation of African from Liverpool was widely applauded by and Brazilian defender Alex Telles a form pledging their support for choose.” Adressing Chung’s com- Football (CAF) intervened and Reds aficionados, has not lost his nose for (Galatasaray). Platini, the head of European soccer’s plaints about the letters, the AFC said “deemed its behavior highly improper goal. But he has a long way to go until lasting Jovetic has hit three goals in two games to governing body UEFA. it had been contacted by “many” and took measures to rectify the situa- a full 90 minutes, said Mihajlovic, whose push Inter up to third place behind surprise Chung said the letters were in member associations seeking advice tion”. revamped side are away to Inter Milan next leaders Chievo and Torino, and there is an air breach of FIFA’s election guidelines on how they could convey their back- Although there has never been an week. “He’s not played for a while and he still of renewed optimism in the blue and black and threatened to “undermine the ing of a specific candidate. Asian or African FIFA president, the has to improve,” Mihajlovic said La Gazzetta half of the city. In their own friendly on fairness” of the poll, which will be held “A growing majority of AFC mem- two regions account for almost half dello Sport. Thursday Inter suffered a 2-1 loss to lower on Feb. 26, 2016 to decide the succes- ber associations have also expressed the 209 members that will decide the “He’s training well and his physical tests league side Lecco, but coach Roberto Mancini sor to outgoing incumbent Sepp their support for Mr Platini’s candida- next boss of soccer’s embattled world are satisfactory, but he’s three kilogrammes used the game to test some of his younger Blatter. “Sheikh Salman, President of cy, based on his credentials to lead governing body, with Asia holding 46 overweight: he’s on a diet and when he’s players. “It was important to give some of the the Asian Football Confederation world football, whilst others have votes and Africa 54. — Reuters ready he will play.” Milan CEO Adriano lads some playing time and have a look at (AFC), has publicly supported Michel Galliani, meanwhile, rang a more positive some of the youngsters,” he told Inter Platini, President of the UEFA,” the tone when asked about Balotelli’s fitness and Channel. “I thought Felipe Melo and Alex statement said. Samoa scrape through admitted the striker’s goal had got him “excit- Telles played quite well. “We experimented “We have learned that the AFC has ed”. “His fitness is improving, physically he’s in with a few things and didn’t want to make the sent unsolicited letters to almost every in Oceania qualifiers a good place and he can do what he wants senior players stay out there for more than 60 AFC member association. Most of the when he has the ball. Let’s hope his goal minutes.” — AFP AFC member countries including SAMOA: Samoa advanced to the ment. Six of those eight teams will China, Japan, Mongolia, India, and second round of Oceania World Cup continue to the third round of World Singapore received this letter. South qualifying by the barest of margins Cup qualifiers while four will advance Korea and Jordan, however, did not.” after a 3-0 win over Tonga on Friday. to the Oceania Nations Cup semi- Chung, the 63-year-old billionaire The Cook Islands, who only need- finals, which will decide the region’s scion of South Korea’s Hyundai indus- ed a draw to win the four-nation representative at the 2017 trial conglomerate, formally qualifying group, were beaten 2-0 by Confederations Cup. announced last month that he was a 10-man American Samoa. John Hall, playing just his third running for the FIFA presidency. The combined results left Samoa, international, scored twice for Samoa Jordan’s Prince Ali bin Hussein is also American Samoa and Cook Islands all against hosts Tonga to give his team among the potential candidates. level on six points after three match- the crucial superior goal difference Platini has long been the bookmakers’ es, with Samoa winning the group after Andrew Mobberley opened the favourite to succeed Blatter and on goal difference. They finished at scoring after just nine minutes. Cook Sheikh Salman has publicly declared plus three, with American Samoa Islands held America Samoa score- his support for the Frenchman. and Cook Island at plus two. less for almost an hour before giving The AFC later released a statement, As group winners, Samoa pro- up two quick goals and they were saying it was up to each member to gressed to the 2016 Oceania Nations unable to get one back even when decide for themselves who they Cup, joining New Zealand, Fiji, American Samoa were down a man would vote for. “As in any election, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tahiti, for the last 10 minutes when Ryan electorate will be asked for their sup- New Caledonia and Papua New Samuelu was sent off following a AC Milan’s forward from Italy Mario Balotelli. port by the candidates and will then Guinea in the eight-nation tourna- second booking. — Reuters be free to vote for the candidate of Iceland on brink of Euro 2016 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 SATURDAY, SportsSports 46

MYANMAR: Kuwait and Myanmar players vie for the ball in the World Cup qualifiers in Asia. Kuwait thrashed Myanmar 9-0. — KUNA 15-goal Qatar lead routs in Asia Kuwait ease to 9-0 win over Myanmar

SINGAPORE: Qatar smashed 15 unanswered goals past Bhutan and Hong Kong are part of a group of weaker nations that have taken barely had a touch of the ball, while home goalkeeper Adam Federici the United Arab Emirates knocked in 10 against Malaysia in a lopsided advantage of revamped Asian qualifying that has thrown them in was virtually redundant. Japan enjoyed similar dominance but profli- round of World Cup qualifiers across Asia on Thursday. with the continent’s best following a plea for more matches. gacy in front of goal meant they could only record a modest three- Kuwait eased to a 9-0 win over Myanmar, South Korea netted They, along with Guam, Palestine and Singapore had taken sur- goal victory over Cambodia to earn a first Group E triumph after being eight against lowly Laos and Asian champions Australia battered prise group leads after two rounds across the eight pools but held by Singapore in their opener. Shinji Kagawa recovered after a ter- Bangladesh 5-0 as the continent’s elite made light work of the region’s Thursday’s results showed most are unlikely to still be top of the pile rible miss from two metres out with the goal gaping to round off the plucky outsiders. Japan again looked disjointed in attack but still had when the second round concludes in March. scoring in the 60th minute of a game played almost entirely in far too much quality for an outclassed Cambodia in a 3-0 victory in New Tottenham Hotspur signing Son Heung-min struck a hat-trick Cambodia’s half. Saitama, while former Asian champions Iraq kicked off their Group F as perennial qualifiers South Korea claimed the biggest win in the east Udinese fullback Ali Adnan added to his burgeoning reputation campaign by downing Taiwan 5-1 in Tehran. of the sprawling continent against Laos. with a brilliant cut back and blasted finish as Iraq, buoyed by goal- Only Hong Kong bucked the trend, holding China to a surprise Australia, who beat the Koreans to win the Asian Cup in January, keeper Noor Sabri coming out of retirement, proved too strong for goalless draw in a politically charged encounter in Shenzhen, played also had a straightforward night as they eased to victory over Taiwan. Guam’s fairytale start to the competition came to a shudder- out in front of a heavy police presence, to stay top and unbeaten after Bangladesh in Perth despite missing a number of regular starters. ing halt when they were thrashed 6-0 by Iran in Tehran in the later three games in Group C. The Socceroos were 4-0 up within 29 minutes against a side who matches played in West Asia. — Reuters