Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada)


Annette Martini (Same Address as Above)




Thursday, December 31, 2020

ATTENTION: Premier of Doug Ford Legislative Building, Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M7A 1A1

And to all MPPs Of The Province of Ontario, Canada

LEGAL NOTICE (Due To Covid, this Legal Notice is Being Sent Via email ONLY)

Dear Doug Ford and all MPPs in The Province of Ontario, Canada,

This Legal Notice is a Courtesy Legal Notice that I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini are proceeding with the World’s Largest Lawsuit against the Province of Ontario, its Ministers and Government Employees that were involved in an International Kidnapping with Canada and they were and still are involved with


Gross Human Rights Abuse, Human Rights Violations, Persecution and Torture against myself, Anthony Martini and against myself, Annette Martini for over 7 years.

This Legal Notice is NOT required to be given to the Province of Ontario or its Premiere or its MPPs Members of Provincial Parliament or its Politicians or its appointed Government Officials or its Government Employees.

The reason why this Legal Notice is not required to be given under the Laws of Ontario or under the Laws of Canada is because this Lawsuit the World’s Largest Lawsuit will be filed outside of the Province of Ontario and Outside of Canada in Courts that have jurisdiction to hear this Case. Furthermore, there will be NO Motion to Dismiss by Amateur Lawyers that will be permitted in the Courts outside of the Province of Ontario and outside of Canada. Furthermore, to protect the name of JUSTICE this Lawsuit cannot be filed in the Province of Ontario or in Canada due to massive corruption within the legal system and massive corruption within the Courts that are all controlled by Terrorist Organizations that are active members of the Secret Societies known as the Freemasons, Scottish Rites, Orange Order etc. These Terrorists have also infiltrated the Province of Ontario and Canada and all its Government Agencies with the knowledge and endorsement of the Politicians and MPPs in the Province of Ontario, Canada.

If the Ministers of Health Deborah Drake Matthews, Dr. Eric William Hoskins, Dr. and Christine Janice Elliott and if the Ministers of Transportation Steven Alfonso Del Duca, Kathryn McGarry, John Yakabuski, Jeff Yurek AND the Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing, AND the Ontario Ombudsmans, André Marin, Barbara Finlay, Paul Dubé AND IF the Ministers of Government and Consumer Services (Ontario) (SERVICE ONTARIO) Harinder Takhar, Tracy MacCharles, John Milloy, David Michael Orazietti, Marie-France Lalonde and all of the Province of Ontario Government Employees or staff of the above named MPPs Members of Provincial Parliament had done their jobs and duties and respected International Laws, United Nations Laws and the Canadian Charter of Rights THEN the Province of Ontario would Not receive this LEGAL NOTICE of the World’s Largest Lawsuit.

If the Ministers had done their Jobs then again this LEGAL NOTICE would have not been Given.


The Violations that were Violated by Ministers and their Staff, and Province of Ontario Government Employees and the Province of Ontario are as follows:

1.) Discrimination 2.) Basic Citizenship 3.) International Kidnapping 4.) Unlawful Confinement 5.) Human Rights Abuse 6.) Human Rights Violations 7.) Torture and Physical Torture 8.) Denying Freedom 9.) Persecution 10.) Persecution, Torture and ridiculing disabled individual 11.) Denying the Basic Necessities of Life 12.) Denying Emergency Housing and Public Housing 13.) Denying the Legal Rights to Create Businesses 14.) Denying Driver’s Licenses 15.) Denying OHIP – Free Medical 16.) Denying the Rights to Vote in Provincial and Municipal Elections 17.) Illegally Denying Disability Payments under ODSP 18.) Denying the Rights for Liberty and Freedom 19.) Denying Photo Identifications 20.) Human Rights Abuse and Human Rights Violations 21.) Discrimination Against a Married Couple 22.) Discrimination Against Religion 23.) Forced Against Our Will into the Province of Ontario 24.) Attempted Homicide 25.) Premeditated Murder

The Last straw that activated this LEGAL NOTICE to be Given to the Province of Ontario and to all its MPPs was because of Corrupt Government Employees that ridiculed myself Anthony Martini on the phone and ridiculed my wife Annette Martini from the Offices of the Ontario Ombudsman, Paul Dubé and from Kathryn Bush Fleming Program Manager Health Services Branch, (Kathryn Fleming), Ministry of Health, Ontario Health Insurance, Plan Division, Health Services Branch, 49 Place d’Armes, 5th Floor, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 5J3, WHO escalated the Human Rights Abuse and the illegal Criminal Attacks against myself, Anthony Martini and myself Annette Martini.


This upcoming World’s Largest Lawsuit could have all been avoided if the Emergency Letters that were addressed to Ministers of, Ministers of Health, Ministers of Government and Consumer Services (Ontario) (SERVICE ONTARIO), Ministers of Transportation, Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Ontario Ombudsmans were answered and dealt ONLY by the Ministers and Ombudsmans directly and not their useless, incompetent, inhumane and corrupt and human rights abusers staff and corrupt Province of Ontario Government Employees.

An Official Legal Criminal Complaint has been filed against Canada and the Province of Ontario OUTSIDE of Canada because Canada and the Province of Ontario were directly involved in International Kidnapping, Human Trafficking, Torture and Human Rights Abuse and other violations of International Laws, United Nations Laws and Canadian Charter of Rights and the Canadian Laws,

Extreme Short History of the Case:

I, Anthony Martini am a Canadian. I, Annette Martini am a Canadian. I, Anthony Martini was born in Italy but came to Canada when I was around 3 or 4 years old after I was sold to Canada. I, Annette Martini was born in Canada in the Province of Quebec.

I, Annette Martini am a Classical Singer with over twelve years of professional Classical singing. I taught piano to children, teens, and adults for over 17 years. I Annette Martini have a College Degree in Business Administration.

I, Anthony Martini went to 3 different Universities in Canada and graduated in Business Administration, Computer Science and Law and Majored in Political Science and received Honors Degrees. I, Anthony Martini served the Canadian Armed Forced for many years. In my early years I, Anthony Martini was a Political Reporter or Political Journalist in Canada. I was also a reporter in Venezuela for four years.

In 1984, I was a Reporter in Caracas, Venezuela residing there since 1980 and I was in the Mountains doing an Article and taking photos of the beautiful scenery for my article. I was in the wrong place and at the wrong time when I witnessed three kidnappers holding guns at a male’s head that was blindfolded. I kept on snapping photos because I really could not believe what I was seeing.


The three murderers that murdered an innocent man in cold blood were three members from the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police from the Canadian Embassy in Venezuela.

I, Anthony Martini took photos of the Murder and the execution of which I was the only surviving witness. I made many copies of negatives and photos and gave them to my friends and all my friends were executed in Venezuela by the RCMP.

On December 25, 1984, the three assassins from the RCMP that executed an innocent man in Venezuela followed me to Miami, Florida. I was attacked at the Men’s washroom at the Miami, International Airport by the same three RCMP Assassins that tried to assassinate me. I had my skull cracked in three places and my brain was visible. I lost my memory and had severe head concussion. I lost my memory for over 28 years.

This was the time that the RCMP who controls the Canadian Passport Office and the Social Insurance Number (SIN) Offices started to delete me from existence and erasing me from existence.

This was also the same time that my Canadian Medical was erased. The RCMP gave Drug Money to Corrupt Government Employees from the Federal and Provincial Governments that are active members of the Secret Societies known as Freemasons, Scottish Rites, Orange Order etc.

When I, Anthony Martini wrote Political Articles in Canada against Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien, Jean Chrétien ordered the RCMP to murder me. There were other Politicians and Prime Ministers that also ordered the RCMP to murder me to keep me quiet of the massive crime I knew about the RCMP and other Police Agencies across Canada.

In 1995, I was attacked by the RCMP in Canada in a preplanned assassination and I was made permanently disabled for the rest of my life. I was in the hospital on a life support machine. I was pronounced dead and the doctors in Canada signed a Death Certificate. I was even being wheeled down to the morgue to have my insides harvested while I was still alive. I remained at the hospital in Canada for over 6 months. All of those medical records have been erased and destroyed by Nurses taking illegal orders from the RCMP and they received Drug Money from the RCMP for compensation for their crimes.


When I, Anthony Martini met my wife, Annette Martini and soon afterwards married her, the RCMP and CANADA started to immediately persecute my wife. Since my wife Annette Martini stayed by my side 24/7 and was my caregiver because I have trouble in walking, she prevented the RCMP from murdering me and she became a target of the RCMP. My wife Annette Martini was completely erased as she never existed in Canada. All her Medical Records were erased and deleted and all tax records were all erased and other records destroyed by illegal orders of Canada and the RCMP.

From 2000-2002 we both lived underground in Canada communicating directly with the President of the United States America, The White House, The U.S. State Department, The United States Department of Justice, and we were both given permission to legally enter the United States of America as Political Refugees from Canada.

In July 2002, I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini left the Province of Quebec and legally drove to the United States of America. At that time, we did NOT require a Passport to enter the United States of America. We also had permission from the President of the United States of America.

We did NOT have any passports.

We lived very happily in the United States of America from 2002 to 2012. In 2012 I, Anthony Martini with my wife, Annette Martini testified against the RCMP in an American Court. Unfortunately, we did not receive protection from the United States of America for my testimony.

Around July 2012 or August 2012 Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper arranged an International Kidnapping with the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC, United States of America. A Political Assassination was also ordered by Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird.

According to our kidnappers, Canada paid over $10 Million to our kidnappers to kidnap myself Anthony Martini and my wife, Annette Martini from California, United States of America.


We were both tortured for almost one year. I, Anthony Martini received many beatings where I ended up loosing over 7 teeth and my bones were broken. I also had my fifth heart attack. I was placed in a torture chamber for 5 days and I was tortured. I received beatings for a period of almost 1 year. The torture and kidnapping and attempted murders were all ordered by Canada.

I, Anthony Martini was also placed in a Gas Chamber and my kidnappers gassed me. I had a Nose Bleed every day for over 2 years.

Canada also ordered our kidnappers to steal all of our American Identifications, all of our monies and all of our computers that had the evidence against the RCMP and Canada illegal activities, including evidence of murders.

We were kidnapped from California, United States of America on illegal orders of Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and on illegal orders of the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird that were directly involved with an International Kidnapping which is direct violations of the United Nations Laws and International Laws.

On or about September 3, 2013 I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini were taken by our kidnappers across many States which became Human Trafficking and eventually our kidnappers brought us to the Province of Ontario, Canada. We did NOT enter Canada on our own free will. We were forced back to Canada and the Province of Ontario in chains and at gunpoint by our kidnappers.

We were forced back to Canada at Gunpoint on September 18, 2013. We immediately went to Southridge Shelter located in St. Catharines, Ontario. We did supply that evidence to OHIP Review.

I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini immediately went to get Emergency X- Rays and tried to obtain Emergency Medical Treatment for our injures that was the result of Torture and we were both immediately denied any emergency medical treatment by the St. Catharines, General Hospital, in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

On September 20, 2013, I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini went to SERVICE ONTARIO located at 301 St Paul Street, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2R 7R4 to obtain Emergency OHIP - Ontario Health Insurance Plan and we were both illegally denied FREE MEDICAL. Even when we explained our immediate


Emergency and our Emergency Medical Condition we were illegally denied. At no time did any of the Government Employees from SERVICE ONTARIO take our Emergency to the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and NOR did the Supervisor ever make an Emergency Phone Call to deal with our Extreme Emergency.

I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini were illegally denied Drivers Licenses and Photo Identifications from SERVICE ONTARIO. This Criminal Act is direct violations of United Nations Laws, International Laws, Canadian Laws, and the Canadian Charter of Rights. Denying Basic Citizenship is illegal and a criminal act under United Nations Laws.

I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini wrote letters from 2013 to the current date to the following Ministers:

The Ministers of Health: Deborah Drake Matthews Dr. Eric William Hoskins Dr. Helena Jaczek Christine Janice Elliott

The Ministers of Transportation: Steven Alfonso Del Duca Kathryn McGarry John Yakabuski Jeff Yurek

The Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing: Ted McMeekin Chris Ballard Steve Clark The Ontario Ombudsmans: André Marin Barbara Finlay Paul Dubé


The Ministers of Government and Consumer Services (Ontario) (SERVICE ONTARIO):

Harinder Takhar Tracy MacCharles John Milloy David Michael Orazietti Marie-France Lalonde

Nothing was ever done from September 20, 2013 to the current date which is Persecution, Torture, Human Rights Abuse, Human Rights Violations and Criminal Acts.

I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini on instructions and the assistance of the Administration from the St. Catharines, General Hospital finally met with MPP Jennifer Stevens at her office located at 209 Carlton St Unit B, St. Catharines, ON L2R 1S1, on Tuesday, June 11, 2019.

However, MPP Jennifer Stevens was fully aware of our Emergency when she was running of St. Catharines, Ontario Riding and after she became an MPP for St, Catharines, Ontario, Canada. I, Anthony Martini had to force the meeting with MPP Jennifer Stevens.

MPP Jennifer Stevens and her staff did NOT communicate with any Ministers to assist us with the Extreme Emergency. I have no idea how MPP Jennifer Stevens can even look at herself in the mirror when she did NOT care about myself, Anthony Martini and my wife, Annette Martini and all the Human Rights Abuse and Human Rights Violations that the Province of Ontario was doing to both of us.

Jennifer Stevens never even lifted the phone to call any of the Ministers to assist us with an Extreme Emergency with Housing or Health or Transportation.

MPP Jennifer Stevens’ staff were unqualified to handle any Emergencies or even assist us in our Extreme Emergencies.

NONE of the above Ministers mentioned in this Legal Notice ever did their JOBS. All Politicians from all Political Parties failed us with Emergency Medical Coverage


OHIP, Drivers Licenses, ODSP, Ontario Disability Support Program or even Photo Identifications or Emergency Housing.

We both continued dealing with useless Government Employees employed at all the above Departments or Government Agencies that are all employed by the Province of Ontario Government Agencies from 2013 to the current date of this Legal Notice.

We were illegally denied OHIP - Ontario Health Insurance Plan, which is FREE Medical over 18 times, over 7 years. We were both illegally denied Drivers Licenses, Photo Identifications and ODSP Ontario Disability Support Program over 18 times and over 7 years later.

I, Anthony Martini have communicated directly with the Office of the Ombudsman from 2013 to the current date and instead of the Ombudsman dealing with an Official Complaint, we end up dealing with useless, corrupt, rude and hostile Government Employees.

There have never been any investigations from any of the following Ombudsmans André Marin, Barbara Finlay and Paul Dubé.

There never was any inquiry from our MPP Jennifer Stephens to any Ministers or any Government of Ontario Agencies.

There never were any disciplinary actions taken against Corrupt Government Employees that are members of a terrorist organizations known as the Secret Societies known as FREEMASONS, SCOTISH RITES and others that totally infiltrated the Provincial Government of Ontario and Federal Governments.

There never was any corrupt Government Employees that were directly involved in the International Kidnapping and Human Rights Abuse and Human Rights Violations that ever had their jobs suspended.

I, Anthony Martini have been a Private Investigator for many years and as one of the best Private Investigator in the world I have finally concluded after a very lengthy Criminal Investigation that the Province of Ontario was directly involved with the International Kidnapping with Canada. The Province of Ontario was also involved in persecuting myself, Anthony Martini and my wife, Annette Martini.


I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini have given over 7 years for the Province of Ontario to STOP the Illegal and Criminal and Human Rights Violations against us. WE DID NOT WALK INTO CANADA or THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, but WE WERE KIDNAPPED AND DRAGGED INTO CANADA and the PROVINCE OF ONTARIO in CHAINS and at GUNPOINT.

The International Laws and the United Nations Laws DEMANDS a Country or STATE or its Territories or its Provinces to NOT Violate United Nations Laws and International Laws.

I, ANTHONY MARTINI and I, ANNETTE MARTINI are being forced to get Justice outside of the Province of Ontario and outside of Canada. However, we are going to give the Province of Ontario ONLY ONE LAST CHANCE to undue the Gross Human Rights Abuse and END this Insane Human Rights Abuse and Human Rights Violations.

I, ANTHONY MARTINI and I, ANNETTE MARTINI are on the doorsteps of the United Nations and International Criminal Courts. ONCE we open the GATES OF HELL against the Province of Ontario the GATES OF HELL WILL NOT BE CLOSED.

I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini do not care if we proceed with the World’s Largest Lawsuit against the Province of Ontario outside of Ontario and outside of Canada.

Canada was already given a LEGAL NOTICE. There are no negotiations with Canada.

I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini will give the Province of Ontario ONLY one last chance and we both give the Province of Ontario until Sunday, January 31, 2021 to give us our demands below:

1.) We demand a written Apology from the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford signed by Premiere of Ontario Doug Ford and all MPPs.

2.) We demand that the Province of Ontario issue myself, Anthony Martini and myself, Annette Martini immediate OHIP, Drivers Licenses and Photo Identification and waive all fees.


3.) We demand that the Province of Ontario issues us immediate ODSP and back date the ODSP Payments from September 20, 2013 to the current date. The Province of Ontario illegally denied us the legal rights to see doctors and get medical attention for our injuries and disabilities that was caused by severe torture that Canada and the Province of Ontario were directly involved when we were kidnapped through an International Kidnapping.

4.) We demand immediate assistance with Emergency Housing or Subsidy with Housing.

5.) We demand immediate compensation from the Province of Ontario that was involved in Persecuting us for over 7 years and creating extensive pain and suffering by illegally denying us Emergency Medical Attention and Emergency OHIP and for the Province of Ontario being directly involved in an International Kidnapping of myself, Anthony Martini and myself, Annette Martini.

6.) We demand that the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Christine Elliott be immediately removed from the Minister of Health and removed from Queens Park (Legislative Assembly of Ontario). We demand the immediate resignation of Christine Elliott.

7.) We demand that all Corrupt Government Employees from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term that ever touched our files and that were in direct violations of Human Rights Abuse and Persecution have their jobs immediately terminated and forever denied to be employed by any Province of Ontario Government Agencies.

8.) We demand the immediate firing of the corrupt Government Employee Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) employed at Ministry of Health, Ontario Health Insurance, Plan Division, Health Services Branch, 49 Place d’Armes, 5th Floor, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 5J3 and all Government Employees from that Department that illegally denied us OHIP for over 18 times and over 7 years, All of these corrupt Government Employees were directly involved in Human Rights Abuse and Human Rights Violations and Persecution of myself, Anthony Martini and myself, Annette Martini. These


Corrupt Government Employees will be held severely accountable for their illegal and criminal acts.

9.) We demand the immediate firing of a Government Employee that is the staff of Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care - Christine Elliott by the name of LUKE that called me (Anthony Martini) on Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 4:22 PM – 5:04 PM that was beyond rude, ignorant, hostile and that ridiculed myself, Anthony Martini and my wife, Annette Martini and who escalated the persecution against us.

10.) We demand the immediate firing of the Insane Government Employee by the name of JOHNATHAN that is employed at the OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN OF ONTARIO. We demand that JOHNATHAN be banned forever from working for any Government Agencies in the Province of Ontario for his direct involvement in Persecuting us and going beyond the law and for being beyond Rude, Ignorant and Extremely Hostile. We also demand that every Government Employee from the OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN OF ONTARIO that ever touched our files from 2013 to the current date be immediately fired and banned from ever working for any Government Agencies for the rest of their lives for participating in persecuting myself, Anthony Martini and persecuting myself, Annette Martini.

11.) We demand the Immediate Resignation of The Ombudsman Paul Dubé because the Ombudsman refused to deal with our Official Complaint, and The Ombudsman Paul Dubé passed Our Urgent Complaints on to his useless staff that continued persecuting us and obstructed justice.

12.) We demand the immediate firing of all Government Employees from Service Ontario located at 301 St Paul Street, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2R 7R4 that were employed from September 20, 2013 to February 2019 that were all involved with Gross Human Rights Abuse and violations of the United Nations Laws and International Laws by illegally denying myself, Anthony Martini and myself, Annette Martini BASIC CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS including OHIP – FREE MEDICAL, DRIVERS LICENSES and PHOTO IDENTIFICATIONS.


If all of our demands above are met by Sunday, January 31, 2021 by 6:00 PM (ET) then I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini will NOT proceed with any further Lawsuits against the Province of Ontario.

IF None of the above demands are met then I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini will proceed with the World’s Largest Lawsuit against the Province of Ontario in Courts outside of the Province of Ontario and in Courts outside of Canada. At that time, we will proceed in demanding that the United Nations place severe Sanctions against the Province of Ontario and all Ministers past and present and we will proceed with all Criminal Proceedings against all Corrupt Government Employees that were involved with International Kidnapping, Persecution, Torture and that are still involved with Gross Human Rights Abuse and Gross Human Rights Violations.

We do NOT want to hear from any Barristers or Attorneys or Lawyers from the Province of Ontario. We ONLY want to receive a Direct reply and a Direct Letter from Premier of Ontario Doug Ford and ONLY signed by Premier of Ontario Doug Ford on a Government Letterhead.

There will NOT be any extensions. My (Anthony Martini) Health has deteriorated, and I cannot hardly walk. Instead of dealing with a compassionate Government Employee that does not exist, I ended up dealing with a lunatic of a Government Employee by the name of Johnathan from the Ombudsman Office that ridiculed me and asked me “ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?” “DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TUMORS?” “ARE YOU STILL DYING? And the hostile Government Employee continued. This is the last straw. All of this was on a recorded call.

None of the Government Employees that I, Anthony Martini spoke with from 2013 to the current date are even qualified to be employed at the Province of Ontario. I end up dealing with people that cannot speak the English Language that have very heavy accents. All these Government Employees only got a job with the Province of Ontario because the majority of them are members of a terrorist organization known as the Freemasons, Scottish Rites etc.


When I, Anthony Martini contacted the (OHRC) Ontario Human Rights Commission and tried to file a Complaint I was told by a male homosexual that I CANNOT BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST because I am NOT GAY and that I am not BLACK, and this insane Government Employee then slammed the phone in my face.

If the Province of any Government Employee escalate their illegal attacks on myself, Anthony Martini and myself, Annette Martini then the World’s Largest Lawsuit against the Province of Ontario will increase by 1,000 folds and then we will be forced to take other Legal Actions at the United Nations and International Criminal Courts.

If the Province does not meet our demands and issue us a Written Apology and all we demand, then we will escalate the World’s Largest Legal War.

The World is watching what the Province of Ontario will do or will not do. The Legal Criminal Complaint about International Kidnapping, Torture, Persecution and Human Rights Abuse and Human Rights Violations against all involved has been already filed outside of Ontario and outside of Canada. This was not the Lawsuit that was filed outside of Ontario and outside of Canada.

It’s a shame that the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Christine Elliott gave OHIP to Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun from Saudi Arabia within 24 hours and illegally denied myself, Anthony Martini and myself, Annette Martini any Emergency OHIP.

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Christine Elliott gave the royal carpet to a foreigner Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun and kissed her feet and met with her in person BUT Christine Elliott did NOT give a CRAP for my health or my wife, Annette Martini’ health. Christine Elliott violated all International Laws and United Nations Laws and violated all Human Rights Laws against myself, Anthony Martini and against my wife, Annette Martini.

Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Christine Elliott even gave thousands of illegals from India and the Middle East OHIP and she and her staff persecuted us.


I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini have been tortured by Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Christine Elliott and her staff. We have been persecuted from the Ministry of Health of Ontario, OHIP, Service Ontario, Government and Consumer Services (Ontario), Ontario Ombudsmans Office and Staff, Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Ministers of Transportation and all their staff for OVER 7 Years. We are now ending the Persecution and Torture caused by Corrupt Government Employees from the Province of Ontario and the Ministers of Ontario and the Province of Ontario.

TRUST me, (Anthony Martini) when I say that once the GATES OF HELL are open at the United Nations, we will NOT be able to close them. I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini are willing and ready to proceed with the World’s Largest Lawsuit against the Province of Ontario unless our above demands are met. This is part of a negotiation under United Nations Laws that allow us to give the Province One LAST CHANCE to undue all the wrongs.

If we proceed with the United Nations, against the Province of Ontario then we will be all over the World News. If we do NOT receive an immediate reply from ONLY the Premiere of Ontario Doug Ford by the due date of Sunday, January 31, 2021 by 6:00 PM then we will be holding a World Press Conference.

This LEGAL NOTICE has been posted on my Political Website at and it has been given to the World Media and the United Nations.

I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini were illegally denied to be tested for COVID-19 and we have been illegally denied to receive any vaccination for COVID-19. This Gross Human Rights Abuse, Persecution and Attempted Murder will NOW End.

The Province of Ontario even illegally denied me, (Anthony Martini) a mobile scooter and a wheelchair and the rights to see a heart specialist. How totally insane and beyond totally inhumane!

I hope that you, Premiere Doug Ford will take this LEGAL NOTICE very seriously and take immediate actions to end this persecution, torture and human rights abuse.


You can reach us by mail at the above address, the above phone number or via email to

We will accept a Letter on a Government Letter Head signed by you, Premier of Ontario Doug Ford by PDF File.



ANTHONY MARTINI (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada)


ANNETTE MARTINI cc – To all MPPs In the Province of Ontario cc – United Nations