The Eagle 1874 (Michaelmas)

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The Eagle 1874 (Michaelmas) NOVEMBER, 18i{. VOL. IX. Baclielors and U"dergmdllates (cO'>1';'l/ied): !I!UlTay, Slater, .T. D. M. n n. Upwarrl .• II.A. , ::'IIewtoll, H. J Smalc, \\T., B.A. E. Ne in on, K. B.A. A. Vale. 1I. 13. v s T. ll., Shuker, A., B Y E. atch Nickson, C. i\l ·Simpkinson, ,\V. er, B c\' IT. YUll�han, �'r" THE EAGLE. Nixon, H. E. Simpson, C. 11. Yau<>hnn \v Northcott, W. pson, B.A. Sim W. H., Vil'n�l, H:.v. Odc1ie, B.A. m th, F. G. V., S i B. A. \V"ce, H. O'Gm:ly, T. de C. Sollas, W. J., B.A. Waldo. OIc1ham. C. F. J. W. Southam. Rcv. J. H., B.A. Walker, A MAGAZINE SUPPORTED BY MEMBERS OF "Pa!!c-Rob�rts, Rev. B.A. Rev. .T. F., Spicer, W. 'Valler. B.A. n. Parrott, Hev. W. L., St. Clair, E. II. G., B.A. P., Warlei!!;h. He\,. Parsons, B., B. A • Sta th, ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. ffu1' J. \Yancn, \V. Parsons. C. A. Stpwart, M. \Yedmorc, Eo Peake, E. C. Stokes, H. Webby, C .• Iq. Penc1lebury. C. Stoney, W. C. B , B.A. Whittingtun.ltcv. R.E Penny, J . .T. .. Strahan, A. 'Vh�·tchc!lcl.lI, v. 11 Pcrkes, B.A. H.. Y., H.. M., StuHrt, E. A. 'Yilkcs. J .• 11 A. et r t)rintcb- fnr £\ttIrsr:xiIrrrs nul]!_ ]' c , L. G. I::tllart, M G. 'Yit kens, TI. J. Phill ps, B.A. B A. i 11., Suart, \V. K., Wil1c-ox. F., II.A. Phillips I!.A. E., , R. W., Sykes, A. B.A. \\,ilkil1�on. II.A. Pinder, H. II.A. A. F. L., F., T;tit, T. S. Wilkillsol1. H('v. J.1'., Pitman. B.A H.ev. E. A. B., Talbot, H. 1'. Willfiey, 11. G • \I.A. Platt, B.A. IJ. E. Tarleton, A. P., \\'iIIinms, W. G., II.A. Pl'ltt, J. U. Tal'l'unt, E. G. \\"illinm�on, C. C. Powell, 1'., BA. Tate, J. �l. Wills. \V., B.A. Price, B.A. B. \. E. 1\1., Tuylo1', J. H., Wilson. Rev. \V. J•. , n . .\. Price, F. Teall, J. J. 11., B.A. Willll. S. J. BA. B.A. H. lOugh, M. H, Tcasdnle, J , Winch. F. B.A. Quirk, J. N., Thomas, n. B. "'in,tanley. J. A. Hnmmcll, W. H. Thomfls, S H. "'intcr. \V. E Raymond. W. T. Thomas. T. \V. "'i,c. J, S. a nor, Thnrndike, J. ,\V. ood. B.A. dl:ollttlds: 11 y G. n. A. \\' 11. '1'., PAGB Read, H. N., D.A. 'l'lllard, J. ',"o"d. H. ll. The Atmcidan (u'itltan Illustration) 129 Heynolcls, B., B.;'. Tobin, Hev. F., n.A "-nrodbOWl8, A. C Heynolds, G. Toone, Hev. J., B.A. Wool er, Remembrance F. Rev. W. W.*B.,\. 134 Roe, C. B.A. Towsev, Rev. A., B.A. Wnolle)" A. D., H.A. F., Prof. C. C. Babington's History of the Infirmary and Roney Dougal, J. C. 'l'rendgolcl, T. G. Workman, A. I{oopcl', E. P. Tl'umper, J. F. \V. Wright, F. P. Chapel of the Hospital and College of St. John the Wylea. W. Roopcr. H. N. Tufncll, W. F. Evangelist 136 YlU'dley. J. S. ROIIll:hton, A. H., B.A. Turner, T. A. On an Inscription in a School Chapel 1 Scholfidd, J. n. 43 The Ried Pass 145 The Castle of Chillon 156 The Isle of Man 157 An Epitaph (after Tom Hood) li4 Railway Retrospects li6 is fixed 6d. i it My First·Born 183 The Subscription for the current year at +s. three numbers of Vol. IX. Our Chronicle 184 Nos. 48,49, 50, being the first their Subscriptions to 1\1r. E. Johl'son, ar� � equested to pay their addresses ,rith 1\Ir. J Tnmty Street. Subscribers shoultlleave to give notice of any N ,m-resident Subscribers are requested III their addresses. arc requested Members of College Societies, The Secretaries or other current before the end of the notices for the Chronicle (!titlnIrxib� send in their VaaatioD C : sent in during the the next number should be Contributions for , E, B. 1I08f l\1ETCALFE AND SON, GREEN STREET. Editors (Mr. Sandys W. S (Mr. Cowie), or to one of the the ecretary 1874. Brooke, Simpkinson). H. H. W. next Term. y at the beginning: of � There will be an eJection of an Editor �� � Lady - the Portrait of the engraving from ��� .. " , :- . e. .. �J A few copies of obt ain d hand and may be : �d'i� .� which is in the remain still on . n Hall, seen In the ( The engraving may be Secretary, price IS. each. Room. LIST OF SUBSORIBERS. De"olea the Membe/'s oJ the Oommittee. Late Me/libel's oJ the C*) (t) Oom '. • .I t• •• THE REV. THE MASTER, D.D. Bachelors alld UlIdel'fJl'aduates: TilE REVEREND JOHN SPlOER 'VOOD, D.D., Preside nt • Coleby, Rev. F., B.A. Haviland, R. Fel/OID8 of t"e Collpgo and Alaslers of Arts: C.W. C. A. Colenso, FE., B.A. H e�ther. W. M. J. fAbbott, Rev.E. A., M.A. Griffith, Rev. 'V., M.A. Pal'kinson, Re n. B., D.A. Colenso, R. Hebb, R. G., B.A. Adams, Prof. 'V. G., M.A., Gurney, B.A. v. L. T. '1'., F.R.A.B., F.R.S '1'.,11.11.. Cooper, C. E. I-Iend erson, J. F.R.S. Gwatkin. Rev. T., M.A. Pate, H W. h[ � G. W., D.A. C oper, C. J., D.A. ITcl'wood. J. Adamson, Rev. C.E., M.A. Hallam, G. H., M.A� ' ' o tPearson, R�v J . C. Cooper, G., B.A. Hibbert, J. Anstice, Rev. J. B., M.A. Hartley, J., LL.D. A. N. Peckover, Rev: Cope, A. N. Hibbert, P. J., B.A. Attenborough,RevWF,M.A . tHaskins, C.E, M.A. E' PenrUebury, R., A; Cope, F. H., D.A. Hicks, \V. M., B.A. Barlo , Rev. �I.A. Haslam, J. B., M.A 1 w W.lI., Pe nn nt P., M' ' Rev. F., B .A. Cordeaux, 'V., D A. l iggs, Rev. A. C., B.A. b gto C. C., A., a , p. �. I 13a in n, Professor Haslam, vV. MA. Per ' H. r kes, Rev. R ' J W. Crick, A. Hil clyn d , G. G. M.A., F.It.S. Havil n , T a d J., M.A. Pierpoint, Rev R ' , . W. Crouch, Rev. 'V., B.A. Hitchman, A. W. llakewell, J. 'V., M.A. lIawes, Rev. R, 11.D. Pieters, Rev. i ,,� ge, Hev. T., D.A. Cummings, Rev. C.E., D.A. Hoare, C., B.A. Barnacle, Rev. H., �1.A. He ges, Rev. N., d G. M.A. Powel!, F. S., �I.A:' T., D.A. Cunynghu me, H. n. S., H.A. Hope, Rev. C. A., B.A. Bateman, Rev. J. F., �[.A. IIeitland, 'V. E., �I.A. PowelJ, Hev. T., M A A. R., 11.11.. Curry,E. L. Hopkin, J. Baynes. T. M.A. IIeppenstall, H., Rev.F., MA. Pry�e, Hev. W. E.,� . W.W. Dale. J. W., D.A. Horner, F. J. lleebee, H. L . M.�. Hereford, Right Rev. the . JII. Pulhblan k, Hev. J., AI.­ Hev. J., B.A. Duvies,E. T. Horny, F. W. Bennett, Prof. Sir ·W. S., Lord Bishop o D.D. f, Quayle, M. n., M A • V. 'V. F., D.A. Da\'ies, Rev. J. P. , BA. Houghton, F. T. S. �IUS.D. ewi on M.A. H s , J. E., Hadcliffe , n., )1.11. • C. M., B.A. Deakin, J.E. BoweIl, H. J., D.A. llesant, 'V. M.A., F.R.S. H H., ey, Rev. R. , M.A. 'Ueece, Hev. A D M � De vVend, 'V. F., D. .\. Hunt, A. L. II , A. Blunn, J. H., Lt.M. ibbert, 11., �J,A. Reece, H.ev. J:E.:'Al.�: J. M. D one, HOo H. Hutchins, E. B. 130mpas, �I.A H. M., . tHiel'll, 'V. P. , M.A. Reed, Rev. 'V., M.A. ,F. C., R.A. Du Bos(', J.F. Hutchinson, T. 'V. Bonney, Rev. T. D.D., Hill, H.ev. �I.A. G., K Reyner, Rev. G. F., D.D. P., B.A. Duncan, \V. H. lIutt.on, H. R. F.O.S., F.S.A. Hilleary, F. E., M.A. H.A. tfiichal'dson, Hev. G., IL ... 1I. Dunn, J. C. , Inman, J. S., n.A. Bonney, Rev. A., M.A. l-Ioarc, 111.11.. M.A. B H., Hobson, Hev.F., Il. R., n.A. East, G. F. Innes, J. Vv. Brodie, . A. Bonsey, Hev W., M.A. l-I ockin, C. , M.A. .• M.A. H oby, 1-1. J T. J. F. Edmonds. 'V. , B.A. Ireland, A. Iloul'lle, C. 'V., M.A. tHolmes, Rev. A., M.A. .• RoulIthwaitc, Hcv J.F.,x.... It B.A. English, W. W. .T ackson, C. tBowling, Hev.E.'V., M.A. Holmes C. F., M.A. .• M.A. , Houth, Hev. 'V I. E. J. ElIen, F. S., n.A. Jaffray, VV. Brook·Smith, J., �I.A. op per, Yen. Arch . , M.A. o 1Il.�. n d R we, Rev. T. B., rst, IT. G. Evans, Rev. A., B.A. James, Rev. C. H., D.A. Buckler, Rev. J. B. 'V., �i.A. 1/ .... F., M.A. Home, ltowse11, Hev. 11., . Illltn!!nuJ'st, \V. B. Farler, Hev. J. P., B.A. Jaques. J. \V. Bulmer, Rev. G. F., �I.A.. Howl ett, Hev.
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