Militia Officers' Reward of Merit Mr. Foster's Mission Successful John
/ VOL. XXI ALEXANDRIA, ONJARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1913 29 Teachers "Wanted TEACHER WANTED Militia Officers’ Mr. Foster’s ^Highland Blood Two Keels To Heavy Fines For A qualified teacher for S.S. No, 10, Kenyon. Duties to commence Sept. 1. Mail Contract Apply stating salary and quajifications Mission Successful In New Bishop Germany’s Bee Selling Unfit Fnnii to A. K. McDonald, Sec.-Treas.,Green- Reward of Merit SEALED TENDERS, addroiwod to field, Ont., box 17. 29-3 ^ (From the Montreal Gazette.) Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister of Rev. Father Joseph Guillaume London, August 6,—Germany In these days, when the high cost 'the Po«tana»ter G€0ieral, be reoeiv> 'J'rade and Commerce, who for the Forbes, parish priest of St. John Bap- bids aE>ove the present navy law, then of living is the householder^ chief ed at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, Ottawa, August 3.—As a result of | paat five months has been in the tiste Church of Montreal, has been our policy will t>e two keels to one,” worry, the purchaser of an article of 12th, S^tember 1913, for tha oon* the plan inaugurated last year by the I food, naturally wishes to “get his ihe TEACHER WANTED Antipodes, mid the Orient, on a mis- appointed Bishop of Joliette in succes- was the striking state ent of Lord veyanoe o! Éit Uajeaty*a Hails, on a Minister of Militia and Defence of I sion of industrial expansion, is ex- sion to the late Bishop Archambault. A*hby St. Ledgers, durii^ the House money’s worth,” and that every time.
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