Navy Day Tomorrow -.--- Oct
*W0 A IVEEIK1,X PUBLIC'ATION I . N l iI mm, , i),jnaa. wa October26, 196: REMINISCES OF A CRISIS.,0-NE YEAR LATER NAVY DAY TOMORROW -.--- OCT. 27, 1963 by Pat Kendig Navy Day 1963--a time for reflection on past glories for pride in present The tirst anniversary of the Cuban greeted with mixed emot- accompi ishments, and for a searching, Crisis is being in- ions. As significant as the evacuation but definitely not apprehensive look was to those of us who experienced it, to the future. only one very small part of the Tomi1orrow is Navy Day, and whether ours was the U.S. Navy Crisis. "Newsweek" magazine, in an eight- you date the buyinning of page summary, allowed us one sentence: from 1775, when Congruss established the dependents of the United States Na- Continental Navy to aid the Revolutionary "The sorts val Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were War effort; 1789, when a Navy of evacuated." was begun under the War Departimnt, or As October 22nd approaches, there is 1798, when the Navy Department was of- little here at Gitmo to physically re- ficially established, is immaterial. mind us of the event. The concentrated The point is, the Navy is now 188 or defensive positions below Chapel Hill, 174 or 165 years old tomorrow, and even have become commonplace. We allow our- though, since the advent of Armed Forces selves only a brief moment of reflection Day in 1948 we celebrate the event with- when the "Upshur Club" badge turns up in the Navy unofficially, it does offer among the toys.
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