Summary Memorandum Regarding Robert Cutler
OFFICE OF THE Dill ECTOR Il!.ell.ernl i!lui·.euu of Jlnu.estigution :§ il.epartm.ent nf Ym1ti.c.e musqingtnn 25, :m. or. Honorable Shcr ~2n Adams The Assistant to the President The White House Wa shington, D. C. My de 2. r Mr . Adens : In accord2nce with your request, th,2re is s.tto.ched r; sun.nary ~11e;:norandu1'1. of thE, inquiries made on Robert Cutler. With 2ssur2.nces of my hig11est rega1~cts 1 Sincerely yours, A tt2.chnent DECLASSIFIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE INTERAGENCY SECURITY CLASSIFICATION APPEALS PANEL, E.O. 13526, SECTION S.3(b)(3) ISCAP APPEAL NO. 2014-034, document no. 1 DECLASSIFICATION DATE: May 24, 2016 - . § ih~partm.ett~ of Yustire . ~~her"l l!lureau of :l!nuestigation 111asqington 2.5, il. Qr. IN REPLY,• PLEASE REFER TO January 22, 1953 FILE No. ---- ROBERT CUTLER I o BIOGRAPHICAL DATA. Ao Birth Data. Robert Cutler was born on June 12, 1895, at Brookline, Massachusetts, the son of George Chalmers Cutler and Mary Wilson Cutler, both hauing been born at Bangor, Maine. Bo Educationo He was a student at Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachu setts, from September, 1912, to June, 1916, at which time he receiued a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude. During the academic years of . 1913-1914 and 1914-1915 he held the John Haruard Scholarship and in 1915-1916 the Harvard College Scholarship. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and was also very active in extra-curricular activities, which included membership in uarious clubs and societies and the office of Class Poet.
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