Freeware Advanced Audio Coder FAAC 1.24 Usage: FAAC.EXE

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Freeware Advanced Audio Coder FAAC 1.24 Usage: FAAC.EXE didi dliki C ? 20026 FAA 1 // / // 511 tt aocongcommoespage p wwwu uw : = ££ . # h SO OS O O O IKRUM MEEW W ATAT F HLN D N NL DCNC i MM anen u ome H ld B noegeAse w K C FAA orm u F es w ) di N U tt nerconsrcon ; u ... " " ld onoAs w D hh C?? FAA tt ae W bik L ens fdhl W eeepepscreen u B AQ dlddi t t onreaerecommenaons u F S hdi t t errecommenaons U tt onAcs O C il iihlii C FAA ttt t mpemenaonsnoerappcaons ilii ommercacensng li D t oos CL T ili fih C2 D FAAFAAD t amncompngerrorsoreeror ... illiif orcommercAcensngo hh C?? FAA tt ae F W AA2NAG tt onaero FDcc. h li S S hiihbb ddid iif d ihdld t C T A" "FA ' t t t t eearc ooge sseare anceooere aonorreeare eencoersopeaseon u v v w g ,.. , hihihddhfh jil iiih 2 AAD T t t t tt p cseecoerenaeoeorceorgeproecsaso w xuw u . mF mSF d biild(h id ddddiifi C G2 "FAA" PFAAD FAAD tt t tt tt an nceseo ersonner aeecoernsrs uu u vu , L L) if idiff dii ( llllldll j CS G V PL t t t t gnsocorsesnerenrecores aseasareaepaerp uuu wy , . ) dh hdild l dih ibi G "L T PL" t tt tt nereesser eencoersreease peenenoer oosocane u b , , e mm W lii ih bifd ldffdi blihllhi likh G P t t t t t t t appcaons o o engorceop aor saersorcesee w u wu u u didi . A L oongcom u C. l d dhbldifhi hl hh C FAA t t t t tt peene sorcecoeaeoereeaseeare eereessancangesoe uv y vy mm N hihlii hkih j bdil ihfh C CS I FAA V ttt t t t t tt t a n anoerappcaonsegcecnge proec rec noeoe wy yy . ,.. i m ogn L dl f il ddh hihjdi t ttt t t geaeeoperaccessro ocaneas orerooa enno oseproecan yv yu w , m M m U sernAme : t oo . d f d h li i lh ihil A t t tttttt Assor w : parro e eseopensorcecensessesoasoaeopaaenonoeno v uuyuvy v P m dfhhdldbhliidii i fh C P4 AA V ttt t tt ttt anorasaareaneecensngansraors a paensoe y m Mm fh didfh iifh did G G A 4 PE PE t t tt t b ore semsaneoparoe censngorea oan v y u ememerme å L L MS M R diddiiil li f hhdlihlfh 3S P T t tt t t tttt q easanaresaro ee ora omsonanngepaenpoooe u u , . m mm Mm lhih l ldifdidi li if C FAA D A ttttt t t t asoesaeenne peen onoaseconoocongcoopano u w yu . m mm m d P? t osassor w i lii d d ifhi h ihf 2 FAAD/FAAD A t t t t t t t L p or norappcaongooo aeoer eoeseqesonsrer u yu vv wuwu í í . liki hd iddbh flk G G PEI 4I MPEI F t i t t ! t sr nsspro enor ee orernonas uy vy uy w egserno w , . R MF MF m m S orceorge u F fdhl f ihddiil fbddif C2 FAA14 tt t tt t eeepepscreeno aonacoensoraeernersanngo u vw u . B mm khllh ihlfd lhl hdiff ih(k ' " I " t tt t t tt noaaese neconsoeoon ongep eerenscesaa ww yu w ííí . ) bbii klkh ikidfllhlikh fh C AAW t t tt tt t areaonseanaeaooae anooensere pageoe v w , . m Freeware Advanced Audio Coder FAAC 1.24 Usage: FAAC.EXE [options] infiles ... Quality-related options: -q <quality> Set default variable bitrate (VBR) quantizer quality in % (default: 100, averages at approx. 120 kbps VBR for a normal stereo input file with 16 bit and 44.1 kHz sample rate; max. value 500, min. 10). -b <bitrate> Set average bitrate (ABR) to approximately <bitrate> kbps (default: VBR mode; max. value 152 kbps/stereo with a 16 kHz cutoff, can be raised with a higher -c setting). -c <freq> Set the lowpass cutoff in Hz (default: automatic, i.e. adapts maximum value to input sample rate according to the Nyquist theorem; changes with different -q settings, but can also be set manually; 0 means no cutoff, only for testing purposes). didi dliki C 2 ? 20026 FAA // / // 511 tt aocongcommoespage p wwwu uw : = ££ . # h Input/output options: - <stdin/out> If you simply use a hyphen/minus sign instead of an input file name, FAAC can encode directly from stdin, thus enabling piping within other applications like foobar2000. The same works for stdout as well, so FAAC can pipe its output to programs like mp4live (streaming live AAC content). -o X Set output file name to X (only for one input file; you can use *.aac, *.mp4, *.m4a or *.m4b as file extension, and the correct file format MPEG-2 AAC ADTS or MPEG-4 AAC in the MP4 container will be chosen automatically then). -P Raw PCM input mode (default: off, i.e. expecting a WAV header; necessary for input files or bitstreams without a header; using only -P assumes the default values for -R, -B and -C in the input file). -R Raw PCM input sample rate in Hz (default: 44100 Hz, max. 96 kHz). -B Raw PCM input sample size (default: 16, also possible 8, 24, 32 bit fixed or float input). -C Raw PCM input channels (default: 2, max. 33 + 1 LFE). -X Swap raw PCM input byte order (default: bigendian) -I <C[,LFE]> Input multichannel configuration (default: 3,4 which means Center is third and LFE is fourth like in 5.1 WAV, so you only have to specify a different position of these two mono channels in your multichannel input file or bitstream if they haven't been reordered already, e.g. in the decoder). MP4 specific options (muxing and tagging): -w Wrap AAC data in MP4 container (default: *.m4a file extension, *.mp4 or *.m4b also possible; enables direct MP4 file writing without a separate file muxer; necessary for gapless MP4 files and for multiplexing FAAC output with MPEG-4 Systems content in MP4Box from the GPAC project). --artist "X" Set artist to X, always use quotation marks around tags with spaces. --writer "X" Set writer to X. --title "X" Set title to X. --genre "X" Set genre to X. --album "X" Set album to X. --track "X" Set track to X (number/total). --disc "X" Set disc to X (number/total). --year "X" Set year to X. --comment "X" Set comment to X. --cover-art "X" Read cover art from file X (including path), supported image formats are GIF, JPG and PNG. --compilation Set compilation flag. Expert options: --mpeg-vers X AAC MPEG version, X can be 2 or 4 (default: MPEG-2 for *.aac files, using the -w switch or the *.mp4/*.m4a/*.m4b file extension automatically defaults to MPEG-4). --obj-type X AAC object type, X can be LC (Low Complexity, default), Main or LTP (Long Term Prediction). -r Raw AAC output mode (only for testing purposes, creates AAC bitstream without ADTS or other headers similar to the one in a MP4 container, so AAC file properties will not be detected correctly in FAAD2 then). --no-tns Disable Temporal Noise Shaping. --shortctl X Enforce block type (default: both; 1 = short only; 2 = long only). --no-midside Don't use M/S matrixing. Documentation: --license Show the FAAC license. --help Show abbreviated help. didi dliki C 3 ? 20026 FAA // / // 511 tt aocongcommoespage p wwwu uw : = ££ . # h --help Show abbreviated help. --long-help Show complete help. dlddi t t onreaerecommenaons u S h hldl hdfli bidd 00 T AND VBR 1 tttt tt e csoosoonareeasengq raeepensonq c yuuyvyu í í í í , i ihhfffi ifkhdid 6000 / 1 ' tt tttt t t oranoeperenoercoreqencesaa onoaoreongan wxwuu yuwwyu m i lii ttt genqaseng vuy . hibhiildfhiihbhihli bi ih T ABR t ttt t tttt seaorsasoseoresengcressnanaerageraeo vuu wwuvwu í bi idjhbi ififff fhbid I t tttt t tt areserorasseocoesngaspecccoreqencoreacsengan vuuyu uuy í . m ihi liillilhdidllbiihdhl tttt tt tt t arngeqanerqanernaneesreoeraraesreaceeereess vyuzuyyu v v . N lhhiiil ddf hlkb VBR ABR tttt t t appereoosossengsonrecoeneor s esarearsao y y v uuu ,, . mm m il hdiblbii i hdli li ttt ttt t specaprposesereaprecaeraesoreporanansonqa ege uw uuy v ,.. mm ihil( i bii fili ifd h "D' A ABR ' ttt t t t t t on neceponosrese sreangoroanngeaceses oon ae x uu xz yu v . m ihhdlifilbl llikhihdhli h !" t t t t t ttt o seanngopcaproesapesearpscororoersoonsr ensa y u ) mm m lldlibi hihdfl ddlilbibih 00 1 t tt tt tttttt saropooonraeensngeeaqancansonaeeer uuywwuu u w í f l b 28 1 oreape x í . m hflliblhldi iiffldi(hlh T t tt ttttt eoongaesogesoeorenaonorseqancsengseaercanges wuv uu íí m illih billbidiidll bd h bi C2 FAA14T VBR ttt ttt tt aoacaqno cansesena aseon e raes uyww u vuy v í , , .. m ) l bi lidk f di ifilih 6 441H 1 t t t t tt saperae sapesean reeroanaeragesonngsereonpe z z vu uw , . m m lilihfil ihi illli kb f i C 3 MAA P4 tt t t t t pengeseeso anscase resnaps creerence e ux wv wu . .. M~ _ lbibfhid l bihh hd C ADT FAA' tt tt ttt oerraeecaseoesrppe nessosesscogeer eaers wu uyuuw í , S ih( fil ih i l hihldlhihd * 4 t t t tt oropee enson cac careaaessoerea ww wx wyu v í í . m ) ddi ihli ldli tt tt tt ecommenesengoesampngesampeaessn : u: :u: r wr r r () kb * 15022000 172 qc psAAc ~. () kb * 12519000 146 qc psAAc ~. k kb () kb * * 2 112 10016000120 aa psAAc q ps z . c3H~. ''c ~ () kb k kb * * 751000 9 2 88 qc psAAc psAAc z 3 ~3. 3H~. () kb k kb * * 5010000 68 220558 qc psAAc psAAc z ~.
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