1. Stegosaurus 2.

Stegosaurus had a row of plates on its Triceratops had a -like beak and used back. These may have helped to warn off its three horns to help protect itself from predators and protect it along with the bigger . The neck frill could reach spikes on the end of its tail. It had a small nearly a metre across and may have been head and a brain about the size of a plum! used to help them attract a mate.

The next The next dinosaur had three horns had two small on its head... arms! 3. 4. Pterodactyl

Tyrannosaurus was a hunter with a good A pterodactyl was a flying with a sense of smell, big jaws and lots of teeth! wing span which could reach up to 11 It walked on two feet and had two tiny metres, helping it glide through the sky. arms which each had two extremely Many had claws and sharp teeth and they powerful clawed fingers. probably ate fish and small animals.

The next creature The longest is not actually known dinosaur a dinosaur! is next! 5. Diplodocus 6. Velociraptor

Diplodocus was a herbivore with a very The velociraptor was about the same size long neck to help it reach plants. From as a large turkey and is now thought to snout to tail tip it could grow up to 27m have had a feather-like covering, although long with its neck alone over 6m. Its long it did not fly. It was a ground-living tail had up to 80 ! carnivore with claws and sharp teeth!

The next dinosaur The next dinosaur was small and had had long spines on feathers... its back... 7. Spinosaurus 8. Giganotosaurus

Growing up to 18m long, making it the Found in South America, this is one of largest-known carnivorous dinosaur. Its the largest known meat-eating dinosaurs. teeth are adapted to eating fish and the Probably taller and longer but slimmer than brightly coloured ‘sail’ on its back may T Rex and with 3 fingers on its hands not 2, have helped it to attract a mate. it had a brain about the size of a banana!

The name of the next The next one had a dinosaur means ‘giant long tail to balance its southern lizard’... very long neck! 9. Apatosaurus 10. Parasaurolophus

This giant herbivore is similar to the This was a plant-eating duck-billed brontosaurus which led to scientists get- dinosaur which grew up to around 10m ting them mixed up for many years! One of long. Its nostrils ran all the way through the largest land animals ever, it swallowed the bony crest on its head which may have stones to grind up its tough plant food. enabled it to make deep booming calls.

The next dinosaur Do you know any has a large crest on more dinosaurs? its head… ROAR!