CFA Institute Research Challenge Hosted by Indian Association of Investment Professionals (IAIP) Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore SUN TV NETWORK (Industry: Media & Entertainment, Sector: Broadcasting ) Date: Nov 4, 2013 Current Price: INR 423.25 (as on 31.10.13) Recommendation: BUY Exchange: NSE Ticker: SUNTV Upside: 21% Target Price: INR 511 Key Stock Statistics Make hay while the ‘SUN’ shines Price INR 423.25 Buy Recommendation - We issue a buy recommendation for SUN TV Network Face Value INR 5 with a target price of 511 which is an upside of 21% over the CMP. SUN TV looks certain to consolidate its position as the largest TV broadcasting company in South Shares Outstanding 394.08 mn India. Radio business will grow but is still pretty small compared to TV advertising Free Float Market Cap 41,393.7 mn and subscription. The company is also looking to revitalize the film distribution business. 52 wk range (INR) 311 - 494.90 Strong Revenue Stream - SUN TV has robust a revenue stream backed by a Beta 0.96 strong business model. Its subscription revenues will receive a major boost due to Free Float 25% implementation of digitization norms. Its DTH subscriber base is forecasted to grow from ~9 million presently to over 14 million by 2017 with ARPU rising by Avg Daily Volumes 129,107 (LTM) nearly 60% over the same period. SUN TV has hiked rates sufficiently to compen- sate for TRAI’s 10+2 min/hr ad cap regulation. Ad revenues are driven primarily 2013 Dividend Yield 2.43% by FMCG ad spending. Source: NSE, Bloomberg Solid Financials - SUN TV has sound financials with the top-line expected to grow to INR 34,443 million and bottom-line to INR 12,758 million by FY17. Profit mar- Performance vis-à-vis market gins will remain stable at the current levels. The company’s free cash flow is ex- pected to grow from INR 4,961 million in FY13 to INR 8,736 million in FY17. Preferable over Peers – The company’s P/E valuation discount is at an all time high compared to its closest peer (~37%). We expect this to narrow as SUN TV has more headroom for subscription revenue growth in both domestic and over- seas markets. IPL Business Needs to be Watched Out For - IPL business would exert a drag on the margins in the short run. The company made a loss of INR 300 million in FY13 from this segment. While the management expects this to breakeven by FY15, the revenues from this business needs to be watched out given its highly unpredictable nature. Political and Legal Overhang Remains - Promoters of SUN TV are affiliated to Shareholding Pattern a strong regional party and effects of this risk were manifested in FY12 due to issues with Arasu cable. The promoters’ involvement in the 2G case led to fall of Mar ‘12 Mar ‘13 Oct ‘13 16% in the stock price on 13 Jun ‘13. This continues to be a risk going forward as well. Although the fundamentals of the business are very strong, risk averse inves- Promoters 77% 77% 75% tors may not want to hold this stock. FII 14.21% 14% 16% DII 2.82% 1.87% 2.28% Key Financials Others 5.97% 7.07% 6.72% FY 12A FY 13A FY 14E FY 15E FY 16E FY 17E Source: Bloomberg Net Sales (INR mn) 18,472 19,230 22,254 26,098 30,141 34,444 EBITDA (INR mn) 14,144 14,091 16,673 19,554 22,583 25,806 Valuation Summary PAT (INR mn) 6,807 7,066 8,189 9,660 11,166 12,758 Method Price (INR) Networth (INR mn) 26,139 28,854 33,858 39,406 45,513 52,210 DCF 511 Total Assets (INR mn) 29,045 32,396 37,387 42,936 49,043 55,739 DDM 474 ROE (%) 26.04 24.49 24.19 24.51 24.53 24.44 Residual Income 496 EPS (INR) 17.27 17.93 20.78 24.51 28.33 32.37 Comparables 524 DPS (INR) 9.44 9.50 11.18 13.19 15.25 17.42 Source: Team Estimates Source: Company Filings, Team Estimates 1 Business Description Established in 1993, SUN TV Network Limited has become one of the largest TV and Radio broadcasting companies in India, operating 33 television channels in Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada and 46 radio stations throughout the country. The Group is also into movie production and distribution and owns the Hyderabad IPL team ‘SunRisers Hydera- bad’, bought recently in October 2012. Figure on the left gives the structure of the com- pany. The Company has two subsidiaries, Kal Radio Ltd. (59.15% stake) and South Asia FM 59.15% 97.78% Ltd. (97.78% stake), through which it operates its radio channels. South Asia FM Ltd. further has a 48.9% beneficial interest in Red FM Radio Companies. The movie distribution and production is handled by the SUN Pictures division. 48.90% Undisputed Leader in South With SUN TV’s channels leading the Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam markets and marginally behind the leader in Kannada, it leads in the industry in South India. SUN TV is the largest regional TV network in the country. Its channels are spread across the genres GEC, news, music, action, life, movies, kids and comedy and are available in more than 27 countries FM Radio Network worldwide. In radio broadcasting, South Asia FM Ltd. has 23 FM Radio licenses, mainly in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh 13 the North, East and West, whereas the Southern region is covered by Kal Radio’s 18 li- censes. The stake in Red FM has also given the company, access to their very popular radio Karnataka and Kerala 9 stations in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. 50% of the total Radio revenues come from the West 8 Metro stations. North and East 16 Ownership Structure Total 46 The company is held by the influential Maran family of Tamil Nadu with the promoters hav- ing trimmed their stake to 75% in May 2013 to comply with the SEBI guidelines. With the large promoter stake, political factors play a major role in the environment affecting the company. Institutional investors hold another 18.28% with 16% being with the foreign inves- 3) tors and 2.28% with the domestic. Other investors, which include the retail investors, hold a -FY1 Y10 6.72% stake. R (F CAG .8% 9 Financial Snapshot The total revenues of the company were INR 19,230 million in FY13 up from INR 18,472 million in FY12. Revenues from both, TV broadcasting and distribution segment which com- prises around 93% of the total and Radio broadcasting, contributing around 6%, went up whereas Movie production/distribution segment’s share fell from around 3.2% in 2012 to 0.01% in 2013. But the company expects movie distribution business to pick up again 2014 onwards. Company’s major source of revenues is the sale of advertising. In FY 2013, advertising revenues contributed 60% to the total revenues. They have increased at a CAGR of 11% during FY 2010-13 as against the total revenue that grew at a CAGR of 9.8% during the same period. Approximately, 50% of the advertising income comes from the national FMCG sector and another major portion from the local brands. SUN TV Network has re- cently more than doubled its ad rates. Although ad revenues grew 15% YoY in 1Q FY14, the growth might be affected with the implementation of TRAI’s 10+2 minutes/hour ad cap regulation. Related Parties, Subsidiaries and Other Businesses Key management personnel of SUN TV have a significant influence on a number of compa- nies in the field of DTH services, textile and media services. The most important of these from SUN TV’s perspective is Sun Direct TV Private Limited, the DTH arm of the group. It contributes nearly 50% of SUN TV’s DTH revenue. The company has the following subsidiaries - South Asia FM Limited and Kal Radio Limited. The radio subsidiaries achieved breakeven in FY13 after registering a loss of ~INR 65 mil- lion in FY12. The radio business is expected to remain strong, although it still forms a very small portion of the company’s total business. The company bought the IPL franchise ‘SunRisers Hyderabad’ from BCCI in October 2012 for a consideration of INR 4250 million payable in five years at INR 850 million per year. It registered a loss of INR 300 million on this business in FY13. The management expects it to break even by FY15. Data Sources: Company Filings, Team Estimates 2 Industry Overview & Competitive Positioning Industry segments (in INR billion) The media and entertainment industry comprises of primarily television, print, films, radio, 370.1 digital marketing and music, with television being the main segment of this INR 821 billion 847.6 industry. SUN TV is a major player in the television segment with a strong presence in radio. 224.1 The company also operated in the films segment earlier, which the company has put on hold 340.2 currently but expects to restart soon. 112.4 The Indian television broadcasting industry was estimated to stand at INR 370 billion in 193.3 2012, with a CAGR of 18% between 2012 and 2017. It earns its revenue mainly from two 35.3 sources, subscription and advertisement. Subscription revenues are currently estimated to 73.4 contribute around 66% to total television revenues, which is expected to increase to 72% on 21.7 account of digitization and increased penetration.
* IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI % Judgment delivered on: 26.07.2015 + WP(C) No. 6891/2015 & CM No.12620/2015 DIGITAL RADIO (MUMBAI) BROADCASTING LTD & ANOTHER … Petitioners versus UNION OF INDIA … Respondent Advocates who appeared in this case: For the Petitioners : Mr Kapil Sibal, Sr Advocate with Mr Mahesh Agarwal, Ms Shally Bhasin, Mr Paras Anand, Mr Lakshneesh Kamath and Ms Ayushi Chadha For the Respondent : Mr Tushar Mehta, ASG with Mr Sanjeev Narula and Ms Neha Rashmi alongwith Mr Puneet Kansal, Joint Secretary and Mr Yogender Trihan, Deputy Director, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. AND + WP(C) No. 6892/2015 & CM No.12623/2015 DIGITAL RADIO (DELHI) BROADCASTING LTD & ANOTHER … Petitioners versus UNION OF INDIA … Respondent Advocates who appeared in this case: For the Petitioners : Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Sr Advocate with Mr Mahesh Agarwal, Ms Shally Bhasin, Mr Paras Anand, Mr Lakshneesh Kamath and Ms Ayushi Chadha WP(C) Nos.6891/15 & 6892/15 Page 1 of 29 For the Respondent : Mr Tushar Mehta, ASG with Mr Sanjeev Narula and Ms Neha Rashmi alongwith Mr Puneet Kansal, Joint Secretary and Mr Yogender Trihan, Deputy Director, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE BADAR DURREZ AHMED HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE SANJEEV SACHDEVA JUDGMENT BADAR DURREZ AHMED 1. These writ petitions raise identical issues and are, therefore, being considered together. The facts in both the petitions are virtually the same with some minor differences. We shall refer to the facts in WPC 6891/2015 [Digital Radio (Mumbai) Broadcasting Limited & Anr v. Union of India] in which the petitioner no.1 has been and is currently running the Red FM 93.5 channel for Mumbai [under Phases I and II].
CORPORATE INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kalanithi Maran Executive Chairman K. Vijaykumar Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer S. Selvam Director Kavery Kalanithi Executive Director J. Ravindran Independent Director M.K. Harinarayanan Independent Director Nicholas Martin Paul Independent Director R. Ravivenkatesh Independent Director COMPANY SECRETARY & R. Ravi COMPLIANCE OFFICER BANKERS Andhra Bank Axis Bank City Union Bank Corporation Bank HDFC Bank ICICI Bank Indian Bank Indian Overseas Bank Karur Vysya Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank Royal Bank of Scotland Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of India Yes Bank AUDITORS M/s S.R. Batliboi & Associates LLP Chartered Accountants, 6th & 7th Floor - 'A' Block (Module 601,701,702) Tidel Park, No. 4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113 REGISTERED OFFICE Murasoli Maran Towers, 73, MRC Nagar Main Road, MRC Nagar, Chennai - 600 028 REGISTRAR AND SHARE TRANSFER AGENT M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited, Plot Nos.17 to 24, Vittal Rao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500 081 01 Annual Report 2012-2013 Sun TV Network Limited AUDIT COMMITTEE J. Ravindran Chairman M.K. Harinarayanan Nicholas Martin Paul R. Ravivenkatesh REMUNERATION COMMITTEE J. Ravindran Chairman M.K. Harinarayanan Nicholas Martin Paul R. Ravivenkatesh INVESTOR / SHAREHOLDER'S GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE M.K. Harinarayanan Chairman J. Ravindran Nicholas Martin Paul R. Ravivenkatesh SHARE TRANSFER AND TRANSMISSION COMMITTEE Kalanithi Maran Chairman Kavery Kalanithi CORPORATE MANAGEMENT TEAM Kalanithi Maran Executive Chairman K.
A Study Onbrand Equity of Sun Tv Network with Special
PROJECT REPORT “A STUDY ONBRAND EQUITY OF SUN T.V NETWORK WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS CHANNELS, BANGALORE” SUBMITTED BY Mr.S.DILIP KUMAR 15P35G0103 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Ms.SREEJA.K NEW HORIZON COLLEGE MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CODE: KA 11 B 131 2016-2017 GUIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled“A STUDY ON BRAND EQUITY OF SUN NETWORK” submitted by DILIP KUMAR S bearing registration number 15P35G0103 to Bharathiar University for the partial fulfillment of master degree in business management is an outcome of genuine research work carried under my guidance and it has been submitted for the award of any degree, diploma or prize. DATE Ms. SREEJA K Bangalore ASSISTANT PROFESSOR PRINCIPAL’S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that DILIP KUMAR S bearing registration no 15P35G0103 is a bonafide student of this college. The project entitled “A STUDY ON BRAND EQUITY OF SUN NETWORK” is a work carried out by him in partial fulfillment of the requirements for master degree in Business management of Bharathiar University along the year 2016-17 DATE Dr. R BODHISATVAN Bangalore HOD CERTIFICATE This is to certify that DILIP KUMAR S bearing registration number 15P35G0103 is a bonafide student of this college. The project work entitled “A STUDY ON BRAND EQUITY OF SUN NETWORK” is a work carried out by him for partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master Degree in Business management of Bharathiar University during the year 2016-17. It is certified that all the corrections/suggestions have been incorporated in the project report and a copy is deposited in the department library.
ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER QSL: Al Wakra hit Al Gharafa for a six Sport | 29 Wednesday 10 December 2014 • 18 Safar 1436 • Volume 19 Number 6275 [email protected] | [email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Kuwait most Leaders’ differences should favoured destination for not affect people, says Emir GCC students DOHA: Kuwait is the favourite destination for GCC students seeking education in other Emir opens GCC Gulf countries, shows a report released by the GCC General Summit in Doha Secretariat. As per the 2013 data, Qatar ranks fourth in the list after DOHA: The Emir, H H Sheikh Kuwait, UAE and Saudi Arabia, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, respectively. However, Qatar has yesterday said minor differences the distinction of having the low- of opinion on issues among GCC est number of its citizens pur- leaders should not affect their suing education in other GCC people, the region’s economies, states compared to other member society and the media. states. “We learnt from recent experi- There are 2,986 students from ence that we should not be in a other GCC countries enrolled in hurry to change political differ- schools and universities in Qatar, ences which could happen among who are part of the total 42,462 leaders and interpret their political GCC students studying in other stands into differences that could member countries, local Arabic affect our society, economy and daily Al Rayah reported yester- media,” said the Emir. day, citing a report released by the Opening the 35th session of information section of the GCC the GCC Supreme Council at the The Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Kuwait’s Emir H H Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, Bahrain’s King H M Hamad bin Isa Al general secretariat.
Table of Contents Premia Research NSE Table of Contents Page No. Sectoral Outlook 2 Key Global markets trends 3-7 India’s growth on global trends 8-11 Favorable factors for sector 12-14 Digitization to drive mid-term growth 15-16 OTT platforms in India and its Impact 17-18 Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd 19-24 Sun TV Network Ltd 25-30 Shemaroo Entertainment Ltd 31-35 TV Today Network Ltd 36-40 Disclaimer 41 1 | P a g e Weaving a digital story Premia Research Zee Entertainment Enterprises– BUY The ‘Digital’ wave in India (as a medium of entertainment) on the back CMP Target Upside of higher internet penetration will drive the next leg of growth for the 539 691 28% Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry. The launch of Jio has made Sun TV Network – BUY mobile data accessible and affordable for masses (avg. mobile data CMP Target Upside price has dipped from ~`200/GB two years back to `3.2/GB currently). 782 984 26% Further, rising internet subscribers (from ~45cr in December, 2017 to Shemaroo Entertainment – BUY ~83cr in FY21E) coupled with declining internet costs is leading the CMP Target Upside consumption pattern towards digital. Moreover, with advent of Over 481 580 21% the Top (OTT) platforms, content has become an ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ TV Today Network – BUY service, benefiting broadcasters and content aggregators/producers. CMP Target Upside Robust internet consumption to propel digital growth 412 517 25% Prices as on 02/07/2018 Given the favorable infrastructure, the total Indian mobile data Financials (`cr) traffic/month is expected to increase to 14 Exabyte (EB) by CY23E ZEE Enter.
CORPORATE INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Kalanithi Maran Executive Chairman Mr. K. Vijaykumar Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer Mr. S. Selvam Director Mrs. Kavery Kalanithi Executive Director Mr. J. Ravindran Independent Director Mr. M.K. Harinarayanan Independent Director Mr. Nicholas Martin Paul Independent Director Mr. R. Ravivenkatesh Independent Director COMPANY SECRETARY & Mr. R. Ravi COMPLIANCE OFFICER BANKERS City Union Bank Limited, Mandaveli, Chennai - 28 Royal Bank of Scotland, N.V., Chennai - 31 Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited, Annasalai, Teynampet, Chennai - 18 Standard Chartered Bank, Haddows Road, Chennai - 6 The Karur Vysya Bank Limited, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai - 18 ICICI Bank Limited, Cenotaph Road, Teynampet, Chennai - 18 HDFC Bank Limited, ITC Centre, Chennai - 2 Axis Bank Limited, Mylapore, Chennai - 4 Corporation Bank, Mylapore, Chennai - 4 Indian Bank, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 24 AUDITORS M/s S.R. Batliboi & Associates Chartered Accountants, 6th & 7th Floor - 'A' Block (Module 601,701,702) Tidel Park, No. 4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani, Chennai - 113 REGISTERED OFFICE Murasoli Maran Towers, 73, MRC Nagar Main Road, MRC Nagar, Chennai - 28 REGISTRAR AND SHARE TRANSFER AGENT M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited, Plot Nos.17 to 24, Vittal Rao Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500 081 01 Annual Report 2011-2012 Sun TV Network Limited AUDIT COMMITTEE Mr. J. Ravindran Chairman Mr. M.K. Harinarayanan Mr. Nicholas Martin Paul Mr. R. Ravivenkatesh REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Mr. J. Ravindran Chairman Mr. M.K. Harinarayanan Mr. Nicholas Martin Paul Mr. R. Ravivenkatesh INVESTOR / SHAREHOLDER'S GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Mr. M.K. Harinarayanan Chairman Mr. J. Ravindran Mr. Nicholas Martin Paul Mr. R. Ravivenkatesh SHARE TRANSFER AND TRANSMISSION COMMITTEE Mr.
A Paradigm Shift – Impact of Advertisement a Case Study of Sunnxt App
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 22, Issue 8, Ver. 16 (August. 2017) PP 01-04 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. Television Viewing- A paradigm Shift – Impact of Advertisement a Case study of SunNXT app *Dr.Padmaja Arvind, The S.I.A. College of Higher Education, Dombivli (EAST), Mumbai Corresponding Author: Dr.Padmaja Arvind, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Date of Submission: 11-08-2017 Date of acceptance: 30-08-2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- I. INTRODUCTION The Indian population is highly diversified into metropolitan, sub-urban and rural regions. The urban population of India is highly active on the internet whereas the rural people are gradually emerging on the modern media platform. Initially, radio was the primary source of entertainment in India.The emergence of television boosted the entertainment industry and people got highly engaged on it. Television as a medium has played a significate role in the entertainment sector. The growth of private channels has brought greater impact among the viewers. Variety of programmes are organised and it has reached millions of audience. The rapid growth of technology facilitates the viewers the all new digital to see programmes though they are not able to view during the actual telecast. Kalanithi Maran-owned Sun TV has recently launched a new digital content platform called Sun NXT. The app is compatible with every screen format, ranging from smartphones to living room TV. Keeping the global future of digital content in mind, it is available on both Android and iOS.. It creates platform through “Sun NXT” enabling audience to watch their popular TV programmes in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada anytime and anywhere on their favourite devices.
KAL RADIO LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2019 KAL Radio Limited CORPORATE INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr.K. Shanmugam Managing Director Mr.K.Vijaykumar Director Mr.J.Ravindran Independent Director Mrs.Nisha Narayanan Director Mr.B.Surendar Director Mr.Nicholas Martin Paul Independent Director COMPANY SECRETARY Mrs.Uma Madhu STATUTORY AUDITOR Ms.N.Priya (Membership No.223834), Chartered Accountant New # 41, Ramanujam Street, T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017. PRINCIPAL BANKER City Union Bank Limited REGISTERED OFFICE Murasoli Maran Towers, 73, MRC Nagar Main Road, MRC Nagar, Chennai – 600 028. KAL RADIO LIMITED Contents of Annual Report for 2018-19 Particulars Page Nos. Directors’ Report 1 - 23 Auditors’ Report 24 – 35 Balance Sheet 36 Statement of Profit and Loss 37 Statement of Changes in Equity & Cash 38 - 39 Flow Statement Notes 40 - 64 DIRECTORS’ REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Your Directors have pleasure in presenting their report for the year ended March 31, 2019 together with the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss account Statement for the year ended on that date. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (Rupees in Lakhs) March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 Particulars Revenues 11926.72 10256.60 Other Income 793.13 620.66 Total Income 12719.85 10877.26 Expenditure 7767.97 5897.27 (Excluding interest, depreciation & amortization) Earning before interest, tax, depreciation & 4951.88 4979.99 amortization (EBITDA) Interest 0.25 2.97 Depreciation and amortization 1613.60 1030.72 Earning before taxation (EBT) 3338.03 3946.30 Current Tax 1034.98 1432.41 MAT Credit - - Deferred Tax (37.25) 273.64 Profit for the Year 2340.30 2240.25 OPERATIONS The broadcasting revenue of the company for the year 2018-19 has increased by 16.28% to Rs.11926.72 Lakhs from Rs.10256.60 Lakhs of the previous year.
CINEMATIC CHARISMA AS A POLITICAL GATEWAY IN SOUTH INDIA: THE CASE OF TAMIL NADU Dhamu Pongiyannan, MA Submitted to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences In fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at The University of Adelaide 2012 Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... i List of Figures .................................................................................................................. iv Abstract............. ............................................................................................................... vi Declaration. ..................................................................................................................... vii Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ viii Dedication....... ............................................................................................................... viii Situating Tamil Nadu in the Subcontinent ........................................................................ x Preface................ ............................................................................................................. xi Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 Ordinary Tamils, extraordinary celebrity devotion .................................................
{) SuN TV NETWORK LIMITED Murasoli MaranTowers , 73, MRCNagar Main Road, MRC Nagar , Chennai-600 028 , India. SUN Tel : +91-44-44676767 , Fax: +91-44-40676161 , E-mail:[email protected] GROUP CIN.: L22110TN1985PLC012491 25th August, 2020 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Floor No . 25, P J Towers, Exchange Plaza Bandra - Reclamation Dalal Street, BandraKurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 001 Mumbai - 400 051 Scrip Code: 532733, Scrip Id: SUNTV Symbol: SUNTV, Series: EQ Sir, Sub: Annual Report for the Financial Year 2019-20 Ref: Regulation 34 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Pursuant to Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, we are submitting herewith the Annual Report of the Company along with the Notice of ACM for the financial year 2019-20, which will be circulated to the Members through electronic mode. The 35th AGM will be held on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 10.00 a.m. 1ST through Video Conference / Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM) in accordanc e with the relevant circulars issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Securities and Exchange Board of India. This is for your information and records. Thanking you, For Sun TV Network Limited R. Ravi Company Secretary & Compliance Officer 35th Annual Report 2020 CORPORATE INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kalanithi Maran Executive Chairman R. Mahesh Kumar Managing Director Kavery Kalanithi Executive Director K. Vijaykumar Executive Director Kaviya Kalanithi Maran Executive Director S. Selvam Non-Executive Director M.K. Harinarayanan Independent Director J. Ravindran Independent Director Nicholas Martin Paul Independent Director R.
Bar & Bench ( 1 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS Reserved on: 17.07.2018 Pronounced on: 25.07.2018 Coram The Honourable Dr.Justice G.JAYACHANDRAN Criminal Revision Petition Nos.671, 682 to 684 of 2018 State through The Deputy Superintendent of Police, CBI, STF, NEW Delhi. ... Petitioner in all the cases /versus/ 1. K.B. Brahmadathan, The then Chief General Manager BSNL, Chennai. ... Petitioner/Accused No.1 Crl.M.P.No.4482/2017 2. M.P.Velusamy, the Then Chief General Manager, BSNL, Chennai. ... Petitioner/Accused No.2 Crl.M.P.No.4485/2017 3. Dayanidhi Maran The then MOCIT. ... Petitioner/Accused No.3 No Discharge Petition filed 4. Vedagiri Gowthaman, The then Additional PS to MOCIT, ... Respondent/Accused No.4 Crl.M.P.No.4483/2017 5. K.S.Ravi, The then Electrician, SUN TV. ... Respondent/Accused No.5 Crl.M.P.No.4484/2017 Bar & Bench ( 2 6. S.Kannan, The then CTO, SUN TV, ... Respondent/Accused No.6 No Discharge Petition filed 7. Kalanidhi Maran, CMD, SUN TV. ... Respondent/Accused No.7 No Discharge Petition filed PRAYER : Criminal Revision Petitions are filed under Section 397 and 401 of Criminal Procedure Code, to set aside and quash the order dated 14.03.2018 passed by Learned XIV Additional Special Judge for CBI Case, Chennai in C.C.No.12 of 2017 arising out of RC DST 2013 A 0019/CBI/STF/DLI in CBI Vs. Dayanidhi Maran and others whereby the learned Trial Court discharged all the respondents.